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Test Bank
The Crisis of Domestic Violence
1. Explain the problem and prevalence of domestic violence in America
2. Summarize the historical police response to domestic violence
3. List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
4. Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms
5. Define the best practices for the police response to domestic violence cases
Chapter One Multiple Choice
Select only one answer for each multiple choice question.
1. Historically, the police response to domestic abuse was which of the following?
a. To arrest all parties involved
b. To separate the parties without arrest
c. To simply not respond and leave it a family issue
d. To refer the abused spouse to counseling services
Answer: b
Objective: Summarize the historical police response to domestic violence
Page number: 124
Level: Intermediate
2. In a domestic violence situation, the “cycle of violence” begins when?
a. Immediately after a violent episode
b. After the parties are separated
c. If and when an arrest is made
d. Just before a violent episode
Answer: a
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 125
Level: Intermediate
3. During which phase of the cycle of violence will the abuser attempt to give the appearance
that things are better?
a. Honeymoon
b. Acute explosion
c. Tension building
d. Post-arrest
Answer: a
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 125
Level: Intermediate
4. Each of the following is an abuser typology proposed by Saunders (1992) EXCEPT?
a. Type 1 – Family only
b. Type II – Generally violent
c. Type III – Emotionally volatile
d. Type IV – Aggressively Violent
Answer: d
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 127
Level: Intermediate
5. Which personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity?
a. Paranoid
b. Narcissistic
c. Histrionic
d. Borderline
Answer: b
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 127
Level: Intermediate
6. The phenomenon often seen in abused women that prevents them from leaving their abuser is
called what?
a. Acute trauma syndrome
b. Rape trauma syndrome
d. Battered spouse syndrome
Answer: d
Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms
Page number: 129
Level: Intermediate
7. The theory that suggests abused women stay in their relationships for a variety of reasons,
including finances, children, and cultural norms, is referred to as what?
a. Freudian Psychodynamic theory
b. Multifactor ecological theory
c. Entrapment theory
d. Traumatic bonding theory
Answer: b
Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms
Page number: 130
Level: Intermediate
8. It has been estimated that how many children in America live in families where domestic
violence has occurred at least once in the prior year?
a. Over 25 million
b. 5.5 million
c. Over 15 million
d. About 1
Answer: c
Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms
Page number: 131
Level: Intermediate
9. What can be said of domestic violence among gays and lesbians?
a. It is nearly non-existent
b. It is lower among lesbian women than heterosexual women
c. The percentage of gay couple reporting domestic violence is about the same as
heterosexual couples
d. It is steadily on the rise
Answer: d
Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms
Page number: 131
Level: Intermediate
10. During the tension building phase of an abusive relationship, the abused partner will do all of
the following EXCEPT?
a. Hide from the abuser
b. Attempt to calm the abuser
c. Try to reason with the abuser
d. Stay away from family and friends
Answer: a
Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms
Page number: 125
Level: Intermediate
11. The theory that suggests that a woman who was abused by her own parents is at risk of
staying with an abusive souse is which of the following?
b. Traumatic bonding theory
c. Ecological theory
d. Psychological entrapment theory
Answer: b
Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms
Page number: 130
Level: Intermediate
12. The Minneapolis Project in the 1980s studied what?
a. Why men abuse
b. PTSD in victims of domestic abuse
c. The efficacy of arrest in cases of domestic violence
d. Spousal abuse syndrome
Answer: c
Objective: Define the best practices for the police response to domestic violence cases
Page number: 133
Level: Intermediate
13. The Duluth model is guided by each of the following strategic principles EXCEPT?
a. Mandatory arrest of both parties involved in a domestic case
b. All agencies involved must be coordinated
c. The response must be victim-safety centered
d. mandatory arrest of the primary aggressor
Answer: a
Objective: Define the best practices for the police response to domestic violence cases
Page number: 137
Level: Intermediate
14. The abuser who typically has not been abused themselves, and who limits their aggression to
conflicts within the home, fits which abuser typology?
a. Psychopathic
b. Emotionally volatile
c. Family-only
d. Generally violent
Answer: c
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 127
Level: Intermediate
15. Which personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of social inhibition?
a. Avoidant personality disorder
b. Histrionic personality disorder
c. Narcissistic personality disorder
d. Borderline personality disorder
Answer: a
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 127
Level: Intermediate
16. Which abuser type lives in fear of losing their spouse?
a. Generally violent
b. Emotionally volatile
c. Family-only
d. Psychopathic
Answer: b
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 127
Level: Intermediate
17. The theory that proposes that abused women remain in an abusive relationship because they
have too much invested to leave, is which?
a. Generational theory
b. Multifactor ecological theory
c. Traumatic bonding theory
d. Psychological entrapment theory
Answer: d
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 130
Level: Intermediate
18. The behavioral dynamic that is seen in almost all cases of spousal abuse is what?
a. Cycle of violence
c. Cycle of arrest
d. Threatened suicide
Answer: a
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 124
Level: Intermediate
19. According to White & Gondolph’s theory (2000), which of the following personality
characteristics correlates with the Narcissistic personality?
a. Fear
b. Dependence
c. Assertiveness
d. Paranoia
Answer: c
Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
Page number: 128
Level: Intermediate
20. Each of the following is a symptom of battered spouse syndrome EXCEPT?
a. Feeling helpless to stop abuse
b. Aggressiveness
c. Hyperarousal
d. Social isolation
Answer: b
Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms
Page number: 129
Level: Intermediate
Chapter One True-False
(Select whether the statement is true or false)
1. Anger suicide occurs as a result of the deterioration of one’s self-identity.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Objective: Define a typology scheme for suicide, and summarize the dangers associated with
each to those who respond to this type of crisis
Page number: 101
Level: Intermediate
2. About 4% of all Americans will commit suicide, making it the fifth leading cause of death.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Objective: Summarize the social impact of suicide in America
Page number: 95
Level: Intermediate
3. Sigmund Freud is considered the father of modern psychology.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide
Page number: 98
Level: Intermediate
4. Once a person threatening suicide has been de-escalated emotionally, the next step is to offer
them an out.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-escalating
Page number: 110
Level: Intermediate
5. Involuntary commitments in most states are typically for a period of 7 days.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-escalating
Page number: 111
Level: Intermediate
6. Most teen suicides are not preventable.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 113
Level: Intermediate
7. Teen suicides almost always follow a particularly stressful event in their lives.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 114
Level: Intermediate
8. The closer a teenager gets to their ideal self, the stronger their self-identity.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 114
Level: Intermediate
9. The suicide rate in America is highest among men over age 85.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 116
Level: Intermediate
10. Anomic suicide is related most to social integration.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide
Page number: 96
Level: Intermediate
11. Chronic economic anomie is most often found in wealthy individuals who are unable to find
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide
Page number: 97
Level: Intermediate
12. According to Freud, suicide occurs when equilibrium is lost, and the individual perceives it
as hopeless that it will ever be regained.
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide
Page number: 100
Level: Intermediate
13. Despair suicide includes those who choose to end their lives simply because they are tired of
a. True
b. False
Answer: True
Objective: Define a typology scheme for suicide, and summarize the dangers associated with
each to those who respond to this type of crisis
Page number: 102
Level: Intermediate
14. When confronting a person threatening suicide, an officer should assure them repeatedly that
everything will be okay.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-escalating
Page number: 109
Level: Intermediate
15. An inmate in a county jail is typically not a suicide risk during the pretrial period.
a. True
b. False
Answer: False
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 117
Level: Intermediate
Chapter One fill-in-the-blank
(Fill in the blank with the correct answer)
1. Bonner (1992) identified two suicide profiles among jail inmates, the “pretrial inmate”
and the _________.
Answer: Sentenced inmate
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 117
Level: Intermediate
2. Freud referred to the biological life instinct as _______.
Answer: Eros
Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide
Page number: 98
Level: Intermediate
3. ________ suicide includes those who end their lives simply because they are tired of
Answer: Despair
Objective: Define a typology scheme for suicide, and summarize the dangers associated
with each to those who respond to this type of crisis
Page number: 102
Level: Intermediate
4. Once a person threatening suicide has been de-escalated emotionally, the next step for the
officer is to _________.
Answer: Offer an out
Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-
escalating suicide
Page number: 110
Level: Intermediate
5. In most states, once a person threatening suicide has been de-escalated and placed in
custody by the responding officer, the next step is to do a ___________.
Answer: Involuntary commitment
Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-
escalating suicide
Page number: 111
Level: Intermediate
6. The process teenagers go through to figure out who they are and why type of person they
want to be is referred to as ________ ________.
Answer: Identity formation
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 114
Level: Intermediate
7. The suicide rate in America is highest among _________.
Answer: men over age 85
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 116
Level: Intermediate
8. In America there are an estimated ______ suicides each day.
Answer: 80
Objective: Summarize the social impact of suicide in America
Page number: 95
Level: Intermediate
9. According to Emile Durkheim, an imbalance of means and needs is referred to as
Answer: Anomie
Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide
Page number: 96
Level: Intermediate
10. __________ suicide typically results from too little social integration, according to
Answer: Social integration
Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide
Page number: 96
Level: Intermediate
Chapter One Essay
1. Discuss the various types of suicide as proposed by Durkheim.
Answer: [Egoistic, altruistic, anomic, fatalistic]
Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide
Page number: 96
Level: Intermediate
2. Discuss the differences between adult and teen suicide.
Answer: [less varied reasons, attachment or identity issues, mental illness]
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 113
Level: Intermediate
3. Discuss Bonner’s (1992) two inmate suicide profiles.
Answer: [pretrial inmate, sentenced inmate]
Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide
Page number: 116
Level: Intermediate
Chapter One Critical Thinking
1. What are some of the ways a responding officer can build rapport with a person
threatening suicide?
Answer: [Using first names, non-threatening demeanor, common interests, sincerity]
Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-escalating
Page number: 108
Level: Difficult
2. Discuss Freud’s theory as it applies to suicide.
Answer: [eros, thanatos, equilibrium, ego]
Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide
Page number: 98
Level: Difficult
3. Discuss each of the suicide typologies that form the author’s typology scheme, including
the dangers each poses for responding police officers.
Answer: N/A
Objective: Define a typology scheme for suicide, and summarize the dangers associated with
each to those who respond to this type of crisis
Page number: 101
Level: Difficult
Answer Key
Chapter 1
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. d
5. b
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. d
10. a
11. b
12. c
13. a
14. c
15. a
16. b
17. d
18. a
19. c
20. b
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. F
11. F
12. T
13. T
14. F
15. F
1. Sentenced inmate
2. Eros
3. Despair
4. Offer an out
5. Involuntary commitment
6. Identity formation
7. Men over age 85
8. 80
9. Anomie
10. Social integration

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  • 1. 1 Test Bank CRISIS INTERVENTION: THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESPONSE TO CHAOS, MAYHEM, AND DISORDER CHAPTER SEVEN The Crisis of Domestic Violence 1. Explain the problem and prevalence of domestic violence in America 2. Summarize the historical police response to domestic violence 3. List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers 4. Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms 5. Define the best practices for the police response to domestic violence cases ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter One Multiple Choice Select only one answer for each multiple choice question. 1. Historically, the police response to domestic abuse was which of the following? a. To arrest all parties involved b. To separate the parties without arrest c. To simply not respond and leave it a family issue d. To refer the abused spouse to counseling services Answer: b Objective: Summarize the historical police response to domestic violence Page number: 124 Level: Intermediate 2. In a domestic violence situation, the “cycle of violence” begins when? a. Immediately after a violent episode b. After the parties are separated c. If and when an arrest is made d. Just before a violent episode Answer: a Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers Page number: 125 Level: Intermediate 3. During which phase of the cycle of violence will the abuser attempt to give the appearance that things are better? a. Honeymoon b. Acute explosion c. Tension building d. Post-arrest
  • 2. 2 Answer: a Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers Page number: 125 Level: Intermediate 4. Each of the following is an abuser typology proposed by Saunders (1992) EXCEPT? a. Type 1 – Family only b. Type II – Generally violent c. Type III – Emotionally volatile d. Type IV – Aggressively Violent Answer: d Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers Page number: 127 Level: Intermediate 5. Which personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity? a. Paranoid b. Narcissistic c. Histrionic d. Borderline Answer: b Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers Page number: 127 Level: Intermediate 6. The phenomenon often seen in abused women that prevents them from leaving their abuser is called what? a. Acute trauma syndrome b. Rape trauma syndrome c. PTSD d. Battered spouse syndrome Answer: d Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms Page number: 129 Level: Intermediate 7. The theory that suggests abused women stay in their relationships for a variety of reasons, including finances, children, and cultural norms, is referred to as what? a. Freudian Psychodynamic theory b. Multifactor ecological theory c. Entrapment theory d. Traumatic bonding theory Answer: b Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms Page number: 130 Level: Intermediate
  • 3. 3 8. It has been estimated that how many children in America live in families where domestic violence has occurred at least once in the prior year? a. Over 25 million b. 5.5 million c. Over 15 million d. About 1 Answer: c Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms Page number: 131 Level: Intermediate 9. What can be said of domestic violence among gays and lesbians? a. It is nearly non-existent b. It is lower among lesbian women than heterosexual women c. The percentage of gay couple reporting domestic violence is about the same as heterosexual couples d. It is steadily on the rise Answer: d Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms Page number: 131 Level: Intermediate 10. During the tension building phase of an abusive relationship, the abused partner will do all of the following EXCEPT? a. Hide from the abuser b. Attempt to calm the abuser c. Try to reason with the abuser d. Stay away from family and friends Answer: a Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms Page number: 125 Level: Intermediate 11. The theory that suggests that a woman who was abused by her own parents is at risk of staying with an abusive souse is which of the following? a. PTSD b. Traumatic bonding theory c. Ecological theory d. Psychological entrapment theory Answer: b Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms Page number: 130 Level: Intermediate 12. The Minneapolis Project in the 1980s studied what? a. Why men abuse
  • 4. 4 b. PTSD in victims of domestic abuse c. The efficacy of arrest in cases of domestic violence d. Spousal abuse syndrome Answer: c Objective: Define the best practices for the police response to domestic violence cases Page number: 133 Level: Intermediate 13. The Duluth model is guided by each of the following strategic principles EXCEPT? a. Mandatory arrest of both parties involved in a domestic case b. All agencies involved must be coordinated c. The response must be victim-safety centered d. mandatory arrest of the primary aggressor Answer: a Objective: Define the best practices for the police response to domestic violence cases Page number: 137 Level: Intermediate 14. The abuser who typically has not been abused themselves, and who limits their aggression to conflicts within the home, fits which abuser typology? a. Psychopathic b. Emotionally volatile c. Family-only d. Generally violent Answer: c Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers Page number: 127 Level: Intermediate 15. Which personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of social inhibition? a. Avoidant personality disorder b. Histrionic personality disorder c. Narcissistic personality disorder d. Borderline personality disorder Answer: a Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers Page number: 127 Level: Intermediate 16. Which abuser type lives in fear of losing their spouse? a. Generally violent b. Emotionally volatile c. Family-only d. Psychopathic Answer: b Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers
  • 5. 5 Page number: 127 Level: Intermediate 17. The theory that proposes that abused women remain in an abusive relationship because they have too much invested to leave, is which? a. Generational theory b. Multifactor ecological theory c. Traumatic bonding theory d. Psychological entrapment theory Answer: d Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers Page number: 130 Level: Intermediate 18. The behavioral dynamic that is seen in almost all cases of spousal abuse is what? a. Cycle of violence b. PTSD c. Cycle of arrest d. Threatened suicide Answer: a Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers Page number: 124 Level: Intermediate 19. According to White & Gondolph’s theory (2000), which of the following personality characteristics correlates with the Narcissistic personality? a. Fear b. Dependence c. Assertiveness d. Paranoia Answer: c Objective: List the typologies and behavioral characteristics of domestic abusers Page number: 128 Level: Intermediate 20. Each of the following is a symptom of battered spouse syndrome EXCEPT? a. Feeling helpless to stop abuse b. Aggressiveness c. Hyperarousal d. Social isolation Answer: b Objective: Explain battered spouse syndrome and list its symptoms Page number: 129 Level: Intermediate
  • 6. 6 Chapter One True-False (Select whether the statement is true or false) 1. Anger suicide occurs as a result of the deterioration of one’s self-identity. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Define a typology scheme for suicide, and summarize the dangers associated with each to those who respond to this type of crisis Page number: 101 Level: Intermediate 2. About 4% of all Americans will commit suicide, making it the fifth leading cause of death. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Summarize the social impact of suicide in America Page number: 95 Level: Intermediate 3. Sigmund Freud is considered the father of modern psychology. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide Page number: 98 Level: Intermediate 4. Once a person threatening suicide has been de-escalated emotionally, the next step is to offer them an out. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-escalating suicide Page number: 110 Level: Intermediate 5. Involuntary commitments in most states are typically for a period of 7 days. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-escalating suicide Page number: 111 Level: Intermediate
  • 7. 7 6. Most teen suicides are not preventable. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 113 Level: Intermediate 7. Teen suicides almost always follow a particularly stressful event in their lives. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 114 Level: Intermediate 8. The closer a teenager gets to their ideal self, the stronger their self-identity. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 114 Level: Intermediate 9. The suicide rate in America is highest among men over age 85. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 116 Level: Intermediate 10. Anomic suicide is related most to social integration. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide Page number: 96 Level: Intermediate 11. Chronic economic anomie is most often found in wealthy individuals who are unable to find happiness. a. True b. False Answer: False
  • 8. 8 Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide Page number: 97 Level: Intermediate 12. According to Freud, suicide occurs when equilibrium is lost, and the individual perceives it as hopeless that it will ever be regained. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide Page number: 100 Level: Intermediate 13. Despair suicide includes those who choose to end their lives simply because they are tired of living. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Define a typology scheme for suicide, and summarize the dangers associated with each to those who respond to this type of crisis Page number: 102 Level: Intermediate 14. When confronting a person threatening suicide, an officer should assure them repeatedly that everything will be okay. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-escalating suicide Page number: 109 Level: Intermediate 15. An inmate in a county jail is typically not a suicide risk during the pretrial period. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 117 Level: Intermediate Chapter One fill-in-the-blank (Fill in the blank with the correct answer)
  • 9. 9 1. Bonner (1992) identified two suicide profiles among jail inmates, the “pretrial inmate” and the _________. Answer: Sentenced inmate Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 117 Level: Intermediate 2. Freud referred to the biological life instinct as _______. Answer: Eros Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide Page number: 98 Level: Intermediate 3. ________ suicide includes those who end their lives simply because they are tired of living. Answer: Despair Objective: Define a typology scheme for suicide, and summarize the dangers associated with each to those who respond to this type of crisis Page number: 102 Level: Intermediate 4. Once a person threatening suicide has been de-escalated emotionally, the next step for the officer is to _________. Answer: Offer an out Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de- escalating suicide Page number: 110 Level: Intermediate 5. In most states, once a person threatening suicide has been de-escalated and placed in custody by the responding officer, the next step is to do a ___________. Answer: Involuntary commitment Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de- escalating suicide Page number: 111 Level: Intermediate 6. The process teenagers go through to figure out who they are and why type of person they want to be is referred to as ________ ________. Answer: Identity formation
  • 10. 10 Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 114 Level: Intermediate 7. The suicide rate in America is highest among _________. Answer: men over age 85 Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 116 Level: Intermediate 8. In America there are an estimated ______ suicides each day. Answer: 80 Objective: Summarize the social impact of suicide in America Page number: 95 Level: Intermediate 9. According to Emile Durkheim, an imbalance of means and needs is referred to as _________. Answer: Anomie Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide Page number: 96 Level: Intermediate 10. __________ suicide typically results from too little social integration, according to Durkheim. Answer: Social integration Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide Page number: 96 Level: Intermediate Chapter One Essay 1. Discuss the various types of suicide as proposed by Durkheim. Answer: [Egoistic, altruistic, anomic, fatalistic] Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide Page number: 96 Level: Intermediate 2. Discuss the differences between adult and teen suicide. Answer: [less varied reasons, attachment or identity issues, mental illness]
  • 11. 11 Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 113 Level: Intermediate 3. Discuss Bonner’s (1992) two inmate suicide profiles. Answer: [pretrial inmate, sentenced inmate] Objective: Summarize the special classes of suicide Page number: 116 Level: Intermediate Chapter One Critical Thinking 1. What are some of the ways a responding officer can build rapport with a person threatening suicide? Answer: [Using first names, non-threatening demeanor, common interests, sincerity] Objective: List and summarize the techniques and protocols for responding to and de-escalating suicide Page number: 108 Level: Difficult 2. Discuss Freud’s theory as it applies to suicide. Answer: [eros, thanatos, equilibrium, ego] Objective: List and explain the predominant theories of suicide Page number: 98 Level: Difficult 3. Discuss each of the suicide typologies that form the author’s typology scheme, including the dangers each poses for responding police officers. Answer: N/A Objective: Define a typology scheme for suicide, and summarize the dangers associated with each to those who respond to this type of crisis Page number: 101 Level: Difficult Answer Key Chapter 1 MC: 1. b 2. a
  • 12. 12 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. d 7. b 8. c 9. d 10. a 11. b 12. c 13. a 14. c 15. a 16. b 17. d 18. a 19. c 20. b T/F: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F FITB 1. Sentenced inmate 2. Eros 3. Despair 4. Offer an out 5. Involuntary commitment 6. Identity formation 7. Men over age 85 8. 80 9. Anomie