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Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an
employee has towards their organization and its values. An engaged
employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve
performance within the job for the benefit o f t he o r g a ni za ti o n.
It i s a p o s i t i ve a t t i t ud e
he l d b y t he e mp l o yee s to w a rd s t he organi zation and i ts values.
The paper focuses on how employee engagement i s an antecedent
of job i nvolvement and what should company do to make the
employees engaged. The paper also looks at the Gallup 12 point
questionnaire, twelve-question survey that identifies strong feelings of employee
engagement and the steps which show to drive an engaged employee.
The ability of the organization to attain its goals largely depends upon the
effectiveness of its Employee Engagement Programme. Therefore it deserves
great planning and care to formulate and implement Employee Engagement
strategies. The main objectives of the project is to study the existing process
of Employee Engagement in an well reputed company, to explore the current trends
in the industry in Employee Engagement practices.
A questionnaire was undertaken as a tool for the extraction of the effectiveness of
the Employee Engagement. The 200 candidates from FCI OEN Connectors LTD had
answered the questionnaires. The answered questionnaires were, then analyzed. To
define in a capsule, it was more of an observation to find the effectiveness of
Employee Engagement.
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1.1 Introduction
There is no single method to engaging employees in their work and in the
organization. Instead, there are a number of critical components that contribute to
engagement. These critical components include: workplace relationships, the
workload, the amount of control within the workplace, the reward/ recognition
structure, support, perceived fairness in the workplace, and ability to have
meaningful and valued work. One approach to creating engagement is that there is a
level of reciprocal interdependence necessary for the individual to engage and for
the organization to success.
Engagement, represented here as a two-way relationship between employee and
employer where engaged employees are expected to also have an under0standing
of the unit and work to be done, has to do with how individuals employ themselves in
the performance in their job and involves the active use of emotions and behaviors in
addition to what they know about their jobs. Engagement is realized through a series
of interactions between the employee and the manager or supervisor (representing
the organization). The goal would be to create interaction that would evolve into
trusting, loyal, and mutual commitments leading to full engagement in the workplace.
It was best state by Saks (2006), “when employee believes that their organization is
concerned about them and cares about their well-bring, they are likely to respond by
attempting to fulfil their obligation to their organization by becoming more engaged.”
Management behaviour plays a key role in developing engagement through the
relationship they build with employees, and behaving in a way that they are
supported and play a critical role in the success of the unit. The application of these
principles to developing a process for employees to be involved in decisions related
to the workplace, and to the unit, provide a significant opportunity to that end. It is
imported to note that employee engagement is a long-term and ongoing process that
requires continued interaction over time in order to generate obligation and a state of
reciprocal interdependence.
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1.2 Statement of the Problem
Connectors, Mulamthuruthy, Cochin”.
1.3 Objectives of the Research
1. To fi nd out the employee engagement strategies in FCI OEN
2. To benchmark the employee engagement practices adopted in FCI
OEN Connectors.
3. To study the correlati on between the employee engagement
practi ces carri ed out i n the company.
People often lie in exit interviews about why they are leaving. Managers
should, of course, know in advance who is leaving and why. A
comprehensive list like this is of little value unless used as a guide to
gather i nformation as to how to engage the employees so that to retain the
talents in the organization.
1. Only the Employee Engagement i s consi dered.
2. The study is conducted at FCI OEN Connectors Mulamthuruthy,
Ernakulam, with a simple sample size of 200 employees of FCI OEN
3. In o r d e r t o a na l yze t he s t ud y t he q ue s t i o nna i r e ha s
b e e n a d m i ni s t e r e d t o t he Employees.
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After t he da ta ha ve been col lected i t has to be a nal yzed; t he data
obtai ned f rom t he q uesti o nnai re i s arra nged i n a se ri al
order. A master copy wi th tabulation methods has been prepared.
Tabulation is a part of technical procedure where in classified data are p ut
i n t he for m of tab lets . The tab lets t hus ob tai ned were a na l yzed wi t
h s tati sti cal techniques so that interpretation would be precise. Organization of the
study deals with the arrangement of the entire report. The entire work is put
according to chapter wise to facilitate easy identification of the topic.
The chapter I. gives the introduction of Employee Engagement. This chapter gives
overall view of the project. The chapter II deals with Industry profile, company profile
and procedures followed in organization. The chapter III deals with introduction of
Employee Engagement and Employee Engagement Practices done in FCI OEN. The
chapter IV deals with Research methodology used, statement of the problem,
objectives, sample collection and statistical tools used .The Chapter V data analysis
and interpretation, which explains how data is analyzed and interpreted by using
tables, graphs. The chapter VI deals with conclusions. The end of the report consists
of Bibliography, which is followed by Annexure.
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Employee engagement can be defined as an employee putting forth extra
discretionary effort, as well as the likelihood of the employee being loyal and
remaining with the organization over the long haul. Research shows that engaged
employees: perform better, put in extra efforts to help get the job done, show a
strong level of commitment to the organization, and are more motivated and
optimistic about their work goals. Employers with engaged employees tend to
experience low employee turnover and more impressive business outcomes.
 Employee engagement is more than just the current HR 'buzzword'; it is
essential. In order for organizations to meet and surpass organizational
objectives, employees must be engaged. Research has proven that wholly
engaged employees exhibit,
1. Higher self-motivation.
2. Confidence to express new ideas.
3. Higher productivity.
4. Higher levels of customer approval and service quality.
5. Reliability.
6. Organizational loyalty; less employee turnover.
7. Lower absenteeism.
Focus on employee engagement:
Current studies show that organizations are focusing on the meaning of employee
engagement and how to make employees more engaged. Employees feel engaged
when they find personal meaning and motivation in their work, receive positive
interpersonal support, and operate in an efficient work environment. What brought
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engagement to the forefront and why is everyone interested in it? Most likely, the
tight economy has refocused attention on maximizing employee output and making
the most of organizational resources. When organizations focus attention on their
people, they are making an investment in their most important resource. You can cut
all the costs you want, but if you neglect your people, cutting costs won’t make much
of a difference. Engagement is all about getting employees to “give it their all.” Some
of the most successful organizations are known for their unique work environments
in which employees are motivated to do their very best. These great places to work
have been recognized in such lists as Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For.
The concept of engagement is a natural evolution of past research on high-
involvement, empowerment, job motivation, organizational commitment, and trust. All
of these research streams focus on the perceptions and attitudes of employees
about the work environment. In some ways, there are variations on the same
fundamental issue. What predicts employees “giving their all?” Obviously, all
organizations want their employees to be engaged in their work.
Several standardized tools exist for assessing employee engagement and providing
feedback for making changes. These tools tend to have several common goals and
Create a simple and focused index of workplace engagement-
Many organizations are using very short, simple, and easy to use measures that
focus on the fundamentals of a great workplace. Instead of conducting broad
culture/climate surveys with 100 or more questions, organizations are opting for a
focused approach that measures fundamental qualities of the workplace that likely
will be important 10 years from now (e.g., feedback, trust, cooperation).
Allow for benchmarking-
Most organizations want to know how they compare to other organizations. Using a
standard measure of engagement allows organizations to see how they compare to
other companies along a simple set of fundamental work qualities.
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Direct action-
Engagement measures tend to be very actionable. This means that the organization
can alter practices or policies to affect employees’ responses to every item in the
Show relationship to company performance-
Without a link to company performance or other critical outcomes, measures of
engagement have little value. The whole idea behind engagement is that it leads to
enhanced performance. The link to performance outcomes is a necessary underlying
assumption of all engagement measures.
Engagement Predicts Organizational Success
Many studies have shown that investments in people (i.e., HR-related practices)
have a reliable impact on the performance of organizations. The Bureau of Labor
conducted a comprehensive review of more than 100 studies and found that people
practices have significant relationships to improvements in productivity, satisfaction,
and financial performance. Research has shown that when engagement scores are
high, employees are more satisfied, less likely to leave the organization, and more
Each organization is different and there are many factors that affect bottom-line
outcomes; however, engagement scores can serve as meaningful predictors of long-
term success. Some organizations use engagement scores as lead measures in
their HR scorecards. When an organization can show the relationship between
engagement scores and bottom-line outcomes, everyone pays attention to the
engagement index. Establishing this critical link between people and performance
helps HR professionals prove that people-related interventions are a worthwhile
Elements of Engagement
Some researchers conclude that personal impact, focused work, and interpersonal
harmony comprise engagement. Each of these three components has sub-
components that further define the meaning of engagement.
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Personal Impact-Employees feel more engaged when they are able to make a
unique contribution, experience empowerment, and have opportunities for personal
growth. Past research (e.g., Conger and Kanugo, 1988; Thomas and Velthouse,
1990) concurs that issues such as the ability to impact the work environment and
making meaningful choices in the workplace are critical components of employee
empowerment. Development Dimensions International’s (DDI) research on retaining
talent (Bernthal and Wellins, 2000) found that the perception of meaningful work is
one of the most influential factors determining employees’ willingness to stay with the
Focused Work-Employees feel more engaged when they have clear direction,
performance accountability, and an efficient work environment. Aside from the
personal drive and motivation to make a contribution, employees need to understand
where to focus their efforts. Without a clear strategy and direction from senior
leadership, employees will waste their time on the activities that do not make a
difference for the organization’s success. Additionally, even when direction is in
place, employees must receive feedback to ensure that they are on track and being
held accountable for their progress. In particular, employees need to feel that low
performance is not acceptable and that there are consequences for poor
performance. Finally, employees want to work in an environment that is efficient in
terms of its time, resources, and budget. Employees lose faith in the organization
when they see excessive waste. For example, employees become frustrated when
they are asked to operate without the necessary resources or waste time in
unnecessary meetings.
Interpersonal Harmony-Employees feel more engaged when they work in a safe and
cooperative environment. By safety, we mean that employee trust one another and
quickly resolve conflicts when they arise. Employees want to be able to rely on each
other and focus their attention on the tasks that really matter. Conflict wastes time
and energy and needs to be dealt with quickly. Some researchers also find that trust
and interpersonal harmony is a fundamental underlying principle in the best
organizations. Employees also need to cooperate to get the job done. Partnerships
across departments and within the work group ensure that employees stay informed
and get the support they need to do their jobs.
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Making Use of Engagement
Measurement of employee engagement can have many applications in the
organization. Earlier, it is mentioned that engagement could serve as a general index
of HR effectiveness in an HR scorecard. Also, engagement measures serve as an
easy way to benchmark the work climate against other organizations.
Other uses include:
Needs Analysis-The fundamental issues measured in engagement provide a quick
index of what leaders and HR need to do to make things better? In addition, items in
engagement surveys tend to be very actionable. This means that leaders or others in
the organization can take action that will affect the score on a single item.
Evaluation-Many learning and performance interventions are designed to impact
some aspect of engagement. When an engagement measure is used as a pre-
implementation baseline, the impact of the intervention can be gauged by measuring
post-implementation changes in engagement.
Climate Survey-Some organizations like to use engagement measures as simple
indexes of the workplace culture. While more extensive surveys are valuable,
sometimes it’s easier to focus attention on a few simple and proven factors.
Leader or Department Feedback-Depending on the demographic information
collected when the engagement measure is implemented, one can create breakout
reports by department or leader. This means departments and leaders can gain a
better understanding of how engagement in their groups differs from the rest of the
organization. This information can be used to create development plans or plans for
larger-scale interventions.
An organization’s productivity is measured not in terms of employee
satisfaction but in terms of employee engagement. Employees are said to be
engaged when they show a positive attitude towards the organization and
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express a commi tment to remai n wi th the organi zation. It i s the level
of commitment and involvement an employee has towards the organization
and its values. An engaged employee is aware of the business context and
works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the
E ng age m e nt a t wo rk w as co nc ep t ua li ze d b y Ka hn ( 1 99 0 )a s t he
ha r ne s si ng o f o r ga ni za ti o na l me m be r s’ s e l ves t o t hei r w o rk
r o l es . In engagement people employ and express themselves physically,
cognitively and emotionally during role performances.
T h e s e c o nd r e l a t e d c o n s t r u c t t o e ng a g e m e n t
i n o r g a ni z a t i o na l behavi or i s the noti on of flow advanced
by C si kszentmi halyi (1975).He defines ‘Flow’ as the holistic sensation
that people feel when they act with
t o t a l i nvo l ve m e nt . F lo w i s t he s t at e i n w hi c h t he re i s li t t le di s t i
nc t i o n between the self and environment. When individuals are in flow
state little conscious control is necessary for their actions. Employee
engagement is thus the level of commitment and i nvolvement an employee
has towards their organization and its value.
The organization must work to develop and
n u t u r e e n g a g e m e n t w hi c h r e q ui r e s a t w o w a y r e l a t i o ns h i p
b e t w e e nemployer and employee. Thus employee engagement is a
barometer that determines the association of a person with the organization.
Engagement is most closely associated with the existing construction of ‘Job
Involvement’, Brown(1996).
Job Involvement is defined as the
degreet o w hi c h t he j o b si t ua ti o n i s c e nt ra l t o t he p er so n a nd hi s
/ he r i d e nti t y. Kanungo(1982)mai ntai ned that job i nvolvement i s thou
ght to depend onneed saliency and the potential of a job to satisfy
these needs. Thus job involvement results from a cognitive judgment
about the need satisfying abilities of the job. Jobs in this view are tied to one’s self
image. Furthermore engagement entails the active use of emotions. Finally
engagement may be thought of as an antecedent to job involvement in that
individuals who experience deep engagement in their roles should come to
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identify with their jobs. When Khan talked about employee engagement
hegave i mportance to all three aspects, physical, cogni ti ve and emoti
onal.Whereas in job satisfaction importance has been more given to
cognitive side. According to the study of Watson Wyatt, the profit chain
r e l a ti o ns hi p be t w ee n p ro fi t abi li t y, c us t o me r l o ya l t y a nd e mp l o y
e e satisfaction, loyalty and productivity.
The links in the chain (which should be regarded as propositions) areas
follows; profit and growth are stimulated primarily by customer loyalty.
Loyalty is a direct result of customer’s satisfaction. Satisfaction is
largelyi nfl uenced by the servi ces provided to customers. Sati sfied, lo
yal and productive employee creates value. Employee satisfaction in turn
resultsp r i m a ri l y f r o m hi g h q ua li t y s up po r t se r vi c es a nd po li ci e s
t ha t e na b le employees to deliver results to customers. HR practioners believe
that the engagement challenge has a lot to do wi th how employee feels
about the work experi ence and how he/she i s concerns will let the staff
know how their input is valued. Feeling valued will boost morale, motivate and
encourage future input. Taking action starts with listening to employees’ feedback
and a definitive action plan will need to be put in place finally.
Whe n Ka hn tal ked abo ut e mpl o yee e nga geme nt he has gi ve n
i mpor ta nt to a l l t hree aspects physically, cognitively and emotionally. Where
as in job satisfaction importance has been given more to cognitive side.HR
practitioners believe that the engagement challenge has a lot to do with how
Emplo yee fee ls abo ut t he a bo ut work e xpe ri e nce a nd how he or
she i s trea ted i n t he organi zation. It has a lot to do with emotions
which are fundamentally related to dri ve bottom line success in a company.
There will always be people who never give their best efforts no matter how hard HR
and line managers try to engage them. “But for the most part employees want to
commit to companies because doing so satisfies a powerful and a basic need in
connect with and contribute to something significant”.
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Define “Engagement” and why the “Old Definition” Need to be changed
The original definition of employee engagement focused on the tools used to make
employee feel engaged and encourage employee engagement.
One tool used to determine a company’s level of employee engagement is surveys.
Surveys are a great way to measure employee engagement level. They provide an
idea of how satisfied employees are, and how to increase their job satisfaction.
However, surveys have their flaws. Take for example a case where a survey is used
to evaluate factors in employee engagement. An employee who might be very
comfortable in the current job and not want to be promote might give a low rating for
satisfaction within opportunity for advancement since the employee has no interest in
advancing. The overall impact on the employee’s engagement may not be affected
yet the survey might misattribute a result that a low satisfaction score in this case
leads to less employee engagement. Because of these ambiguities surveys can
often be misleading.
Some example include interviews, confrontation meeting and reward system. These
are all great tools, but they too can have their flaws. For this reason a definition for
employee engagement should encompass more than just the tool it takes to make
employee feel engaged. Definition should also include condition which lead to
employee engagement as well as what it takes to create an environment where
employee feel engaged.
The “New Definition” for Engagement
Redefining engagement as a heightened emotional connection that an employee
feels for his or her organization, that influences him or her to exert greater
discretionary effort to his or her work” provides the framework In which engagement
activity operates.
Over the past decade, the way in people are managed and developed of work has
comet be recognized as one of the primary factors in achieving improvement in
organizational performance. This reflected by popular idioms such as “people are our
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most important assets”. Back in the good old days of cooperate world, things were
pretty simple. Companies put people on career tracks straight out of college; they
gave employees a job for life and waved them good bye with a gold watch at
retirement. The promise of the stable life as a company employee kept both morale
and productivity high. Then things changed. Competition increased, margins shrank
and shareholder got more demanding. Suddenly, company staff were finding the
very job security they’d counted on was disappearing, and at speed. This upheaval
meant companies had to find new ways to motivate their employees in order to make
them more productive since, without stability, employees were looking for something
else from their employers. And thus, Engagement was born. In itself, engagement
isn’t really a new idea; owners and managers have been talking about engagement,
in one form or another, for centuries… they just used different words to express it. In
former times, engagement focused more on productivity and achieving results
through threat of punishment or by means of reward. But common sense- and good
communication- eventually won out and, today organization everywhere are
spending serious money on all forms of employee engagement. Boiled down, it
simply means ‘developing a happy and loyal workforce’. Enlightened managers now
realized that any company as a whole will benefit when its employees know what’s
going on and they feel defining what makes a workforce happy, and in understanding
how this good will translates into company success. From the extant literature
review, it is acknowledged that successful organizations share a fundamental
philosophy of valuing and investing in their employees. In fact many research studies
have described human resources management as a means of achieving competitive
advantage. Consistent with this it is an equally important issue for the organization to
retain their critical (core) employees.
Most organization today continues to struggle with retention because they are relying
on salary increase and bonuses t prevent turnover. Essentially more organization is
now realizing that relation is a strategic issue and continues to be competitive
advantage. The term “engagement” stems from the work of Kahn (1990) who
distinguished between being engaged and disengaged at work. Putting the
humanistic factors together, bear, spectre, Lawrence, Quinn-Mills and Walton (1984)
created the ‘Harvard Business School’ model of HRM which focused on people in an
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organization to be the key resources. In light of such critical emphasis being placed
on human capital, Paula Ketter has aptly noted.
“Engagement is all about creating a culture where people do not feel misused,
overused, underused or abused”. At a very basic level, employee engagement draws
from the tenets of the ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ as conceptualized by Maslow, the highest
stage of which is self-actualization; the pinnacle of an individual’s fulfilment of talent
and potential. The theory of ‘higher order needs’ was largely overlooked in the
heydays of scientific ‘assembly line’ manufacturing.
The ten C’s of employee engagement
How can leaders engage employees’ heads, hearts, and hands? The literature offers
several avenues for action; we summarize these as the Ten C’s of employee
1. Connect: Leaders must show that they value employees. In First, Break All the
Rules, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman argue that managers trump
companies. Employee-focused initiatives such as profit sharing and implementing
work–life balance initiatives are important. However, if employees’ relationship with
their managers is fractured, then no amount of perks will persuade employees to
perform at top levels. Employee engagement is a direct how employees feel about
their relationship with the boss. Employees look at whether organizations and their
leader walk the talk when they proclaim that, “Our employees are our most valuable
One anecdote illustrates the Connect dimension well. In November 2003, the CEO of
WestJet Airlines, Clive Beddoe, was invited to give a presentation to the Canadian
Club of London. Beddoe showed up late, a few minutes before he was to deliver his
speech. He had met with WestJet employees at the London Airport and had taken a
few minutes to explain the corporate strategy and some new initiatives to them. He
also answered employees’ questions. To paraphrase Beddoe, “We had a great
discussion that took a bit longer than I had anticipated.” Beddoe’s actions showed
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that he cares about the employees. The employees, sensing that he is sincere, care
about Beddoe and the organization; they “reward” his behavior with engagement.
2. Career: Leaders should provide challenging and meaningful work with
opportunities for career advancement. Most people want to do new things in their
job. For example, do organizations provide job rotation for their top talent? Are
people assigned stretch goals? Do leaders hold people accountable for progress?
Are jobs enriched in duties and responsibilities? Good leaders challenge employees;
but at the same time, they must instill the confidence that the challenges can be met.
Not giving people the knowledge and tools to be successful is unethical and de-
motivating; it is also likely to lead to stress, frustration, and, ultimately, lack of
engagement. In her book Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks
Begin and End, Rosabeth Moss Kantar explains that confidence is based on three
cornerstones: accountability, collaboration, and initiative.
3. Clarity: Leaders must communicate a clear vision. People want to understand the
vision that senior leadership has for the organization, and the goals that leaders or
departmental heads have for the division, unit, or team. Success in life and
organizations is, to a great extent, determined by how clear individuals are about
their goals and what they really want to achieve. In sum, employees need to
understand what the organization’s goals are, why they are important, and how the
goals can best be attained. Clarity about what the organization stands for, what it
wants to achieve, and how people can contribute to the organization’s success is not
always evident. Consider, for example, what Jack Stack, CEO of SRC Holdings
Corp., wrote about the importance of teaching the basics of business:
The most crippling problem in American business is sheer ignorance about how
business works. What we see is a whole mess of people going to a baseball game
and nobody is telling them what the rules are. That baseball game is business.
People try to steal from first base to second base, but they don’t even know how that
fits into the big picture. What we try to do is break down business in such a way that
employees realize that in order to win the World Series, you’ve got to steal x number
of bases, hit y number of RBIs and have the pitchers pitch z number of innings. And
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if you put all these variables together, you can really attain your hopes and dreams
… don’t use information to intimidate, control or manipulate people. Use it to teach
people how to work together to achieve common goals and thereby gain control over
their lives.
4. Convey: Leaders clarify their expectations about employees and provide
feedback on their functioning in the organization. Good leaders establish processes
and procedures that help people master important tasks and facilitate goal
achievement. There is a great anecdote about the legendary UCLA basketball
coach, John Wooden. He showed how important feedback – positive and
constructive – is in the pursuit of greatness. Among the secrets of his phenomenal
success was that he kept detailed diaries on each of his players. He kept track of
small improvements he felt the players could make and did make. At the end of each
practice, he would share his thoughts with the players. The lesson here is that good
leader’s works daily to improve the skills of their people and create small wins that
help the team, unit, or organization perform at its best.
5. Congratulate: Business leaders can learn a great deal from Wooden’s approach.
Surveys show that, over and over, employees feel that they receive immediate
feedback when their performance is poor, or below expectations. These same
employees also report that praise and recognition for strong performance is much
less common. Exceptional leaders give recognition, and they do so a lot; they coach
and convey.
6. Contribute: People want to know that their input matters and that they are
contributing to the organization’s success in a meaningful way. This might be easy to
articulate in settings such as hospitals and educational institutions. But what about,
say the retail industry? Sears Roebuck & Co. started a turnaround in 1992. Part of
the turnaround plan was the development of a set of measures – known as Total
Performance Indicators – which gauged how well Sears was doing with its
employees, customers, and investors. The implementation of the measurement
system led to three startling conclusions. First, an employee understands of the
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connection between her work – as operationalized by specific job-relevant behaviors
– and the strategic objectives of the company had a positive impact on job
performance. Second, an employee’s attitude towards the job and the company had
the greatest impact on loyalty and customer service than all the other employee
factors combined. Third, improvements in employee attitude led to improvements in
job-relevant behavior; this, in turn, increased customer satisfaction and an
improvement in revenue growth. In sum, good leaders help people see and feel how
they are contributing to the organization’s success and future.
7. Control: Employees value control over the flow and pace of their jobs and leaders
can create opportunities for employees to exercise this control. Do leaders consult
with their employees with regard to their needs? For example, is it possible to
accommodate the needs of a mother or an employee infected with HIV so that they
can attend to childcare concerns or a medical appointment? Are leaders flexible and
attuned to the needs of the employees as well as the organization? Do leaders
involve employees in decision-making, particularly when employees will be directly
affected by the decision? Do employees have a say in setting goals or milestones
that are deemed important? Are employees able to voice their ideas, and does
leadership show that contributions are valued? H. Norman Schwarzkopf retired U.S.
Army General, once remarked:
I have seen competent leaders who stood in front of a platoon and all they saw was
a platoon. But great leaders stand in front of a platoon and see it as 44 individuals,
each of whom has aspirations, each of whom wants to live, each of whom wants to
do well.
A feeling of “being in on things,” and of being given opportunities to participate in
decision making often reduces stress; it also creates trust and a culture where
people want to take ownership of problems and their solutions. There are numerous
examples of organizations whose implementation of an open-book management
style and creating room for employees to contribute to making decisions had a
positive effect on engagement and organizational performance. The success of
Microsoft, for example, stems in part from Bill Gates’ belief that smart people
anywhere in the company should have the power to drive an initiative. Initiatives
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such as Six Sigma are dependent, in part, on the active participation of employees
on the shop floor.
8. Collaborate: Studies show that, when employees work in teams and have the
trust and cooperation of their team members, they outperform individuals and teams
which lack good relationships. Great leaders are team builders; they create an
environment that fosters trust and collaboration. Surveys indicate that being cared
about by colleagues is a strong predictor of employee engagement. Thus, a
continuous challenge for leaders is to rally individuals to collaborate on
organizational, departmental, and group goals, while excluding individuals pursuing
their self-interest.
9. Credibility: Leaders should strive to maintain a company’s reputation and
demonstrate high ethical standards. People want to be proud of their jobs, their
performance, and their organization. WestJet Airlines is among the most admired
organizations in Canada. The company has achieved numerous awards. For
example, in 2005, it earned the number one spot for best corporate culture in
Canada. On September 26, 2005, WestJet launched the “Because We’re Owners!”
campaign. Why do WestJet employees care so much about their organization? Why
do over 85 percent of them own shares in the company? Employees believe so
strongly in what WestJet is trying to do and are so excited about its strong
performance record that they commit their own money into shares.
10. Confidence: Good leaders help create confidence in a company by being
exemplars of high ethical and performance standards. To illustrate, consider what
happened to Harry Stone cipher, the former CEO of Boeing. He made the restoration
of corporate ethics in the organization a top priority but was soon after embarrassed
by the disclosure of an extramarital affair with a female employee. His poor judgment
impaired his ability to lead and he lost a key ingredient for success – credibility. Thus
the board asked him to resign. Employees working at Qwest and Continental Airlines
were so embarrassed about working for their organizations that they would not wear
their company’s uniform on their way to and from work. At WorldCom, most
21 | P a g e
employees were shocked, horrified, and embarrassed when the accounting scandal
broke at the company. New leadership was faced with the major challenges of
regaining public trust and fostering employee engagement.
Practitioners and academics have argued that competitive advantage can be gained
by creating an engaged workforce. The data and argument that that we present
above are a compelling case why leaders need to make employee engagement one
of their priorities. Leaders should actively try to identify the level of engagement in
their organization, find the reasons behind the lack of full engagement, strive to
eliminate those reasons, and implement behavioural strategies that will facilitate full
engagement. These efforts should be ongoing. Employee engagement is hard to
achieve and if not sustained by leaders it can wither with relative ease.
Three basic aspects of employee engagement according to the global studies are:-
 The employees and their own unique psychological makeup and experience
 The employers and thei r ability to create the conditions that
promote employee engagement
 Interaction between employees at all levels. Thus it is largely
the organi zation’s responsibility to create an environment
and culture conducive to this partnership, and a win-win equation.
According to the Gallup the Consulting organization there are there are different
types of people:-
22 | P a g e
“Engaged” employees are builders. They want to know the desired Expectations
for their role so they can meet and exceed them. They're naturally
curious about their company and their place in it. They perform at consistently high
levels. They want to use thei r talents and strengths at work every day.
They work with passion and they drive innovation and move their organization
Not Engaged
Not-engaged employees tend to concentrate on tasks rather than the goals and
outcomes they are expected to accomplish. They want to be told what to
do just so t h e y c a n d o i t a n d s a y t he y h a ve f i ni s he d . T h e y
f o c u s o n a c c o m p l i s hi n g t a s k s v s . achievi ng an outcome.
Employees who are not-engaged tend to feel their contributions are bei ng
overlooked, and their potential is not bei ng tapped. They often feel this
way beca use t he y do n' t ha ve pr od uc ti ve re lati o ns hi ps wi t h t hei r
managers or wi th thei r coworkers
Actively Disengaged
T h e " actively disengaged” employees are the "cave dwellers."
They're "Consistently against Virtually Everything." They're not just
unhappy at work; t he y’ r e b us y a c t i ng o ut t he i r unha p p i ne s s .
T h e y s o w s e e d s o f ne g a t i vi t y a t e ve r yo ppor t uni t y. E ve r y da y
, a cti ve l y di se nga ged wo rke rs under mi ne w hat t hei r e ngagedcowo
rkers accomplish. As workers increasi ngly rely on each other to generate
products and services, the problems and tensions that are fostered by
actively disengaged workers can cause great damage to an organization's
Engagement is important for managers to cultivate given that disengagement
or a li e nati o n i s ce nt ra l to t he p rob lem o f wor kers’ lack o f
23 | P a g e
commi tme nt a nd m oti va ti o n(Aktouf). Meani ngless work is often
associated with apathy and detachment from
oneswo rks ( Tho mas a nd Ve lt ho use) . In s uc h co ndi ti o ns , i ndi vi d ua
ls are t ho ug ht to beestranged from their selves (Seeman, 1972) .Other
Research using a different resource of engagement (i nvolvement and
enthusiasm) has linked it to such variables as employee turnover, customer
satisfaction – loyalty, safety and to a lesser degree, productivity and profitability
criteria (Harter, Schmidt & Hayes, 2002).An organi zation’s capaci ty to manage
employee engagement is closely related to its abi lity to achieve high
performance levels and superior busi ness results. Some of the advantages
of Engaged employees are:
 Engaged employees will stay with the company, be an advocate of
the company and its products and services, and contribute to bottom line
business success.
 They will normally perform better and are more motivated.
 There is a significant link between employee engagement and profitability.
 They form an emotional connection with the company. This impacts their
attitude towards the company’s clients, and thereby improves
customer satisfaction and service levels.
 It builds passion, commitment and alignment wi th the
organization’s strategies and goals.
 Increases employees’ trust in the organization.
 Creates a sense of loyalty in a competitive environment.
 Provides a high-energy working environment.
24 | P a g e
 Boosts business growth.
 Makes the employees effective brand ambassadors for the company.
A highly engaged employee will consistently deliver beyond expectations. In the
workplace research on employee engagement (Harter, Schmidt & Hayes,
2002) have repeatedly asked employees ‘whether they have the opportunity to do
what they do best everyday’ . While one i n fi ve employees strongly
agree with this statement. Those work units scoring higher on this perception
have substantially higher performance. Thus employee engagement is cri tical
to any organization that seeks to retain valued employees. The Watson
Wyatt consulti ng companies has been proved that there is an
intri nsic link between employee engagement, customer loyalty,
and profitabi lity. As organi zations globali ze and become more dependent
on technology i n a virtual working envi ronment, there is a greater need to
connect and engage wi th employees to provide them with an organizational
10 Steps That Ensure Employee Engagement Success
Improving Employee Engagement is not the product of one initiative. Organizations
need a framework to achieve significant improvement in engagement. Sequencing
and content of the initiative are critical, as is communication.
There have been many traditional approaches to improving Employee Engagement,
including Leadership Training, Company-wide ‘Programs,’ Learning & Development
and other such initiatives.
Given the experiences of the traditional approaches outlined above, most
organizations struggle to shift Employee Engagement more than a couple of
percentage points. In discussing this with CEOs, as well as Human Resources and
25 | P a g e
Organizational Development Executives, it became clear that new approaches were
required to create a significant shift in Employee Engagement.
With old or new approaches, the factors that need to be addressed remain the same:
 Job Importance: An employee needs to know how their job is important to the
 Clarity of what is expected of them: Employees need to know what their
manager expects of them.
 Career Advancement: Employees want to know that there is a fair and
equitable system for career advancement and that, if they perform, they will
be considered for advancement.
 Improvement and Reward: Employees want to make improvements to the
organization and, if they do, would like to be compensated where possible (a
reward and a sincere thank-you).
 Regular Feedback: Employees want to know when they, the department and
the organization are doing well (or not so well).
 Good Relationship: Employees want to communicate with their manager,
even if the news is not good.
 Clear values: Employees want to know the values and behaviors that will be
looked upon favorably; they don’t want to be left in a vacuum to guess.
 Good Communications: Employees want to know what is happening so
they’re not the last to find out important information.
 In order to address the above needs, the solution needs to incorporate all of
the above factors – and then some. The following is a 10-point outline of a
comprehensive solution that addresses each of the major influencers outlined
1. Define and Map the Strategy
Organization leaders need to be clear on what they are trying to achieve before they
communicate this to the organization. If the Level 1 Strategy (Organization Level) is
not well defined, then leaders need to conduct a Strategy Workshop where
26 | P a g e
Executive Management defines and refines a clear strategy. The Strategy needs to
be converted into a Strategy Map. This Map is a pictorial representation of the
Strategy showing dependencies and relationships of the major parts of the Strategy.
Most people understand a picture far better and have much more information than
from a complicated, written strategic plan.
2. Define Values, Behaviors and Measurement Criteria
The Executive and Management teams need to determine the values and behaviors
they believe are important to the organization. These need to be clearly defined and
unanimously supported, as well as clearly articulated so that they can be readily
understood. Executive Management needs to define what part values and behaviors
will play in employee evaluations or reviews. If employees aren’t going to be
evaluated on these values and behaviors, then management is wasting its time
defining them. The Executive Management team needs to decide on the weighting
for these values and behaviors in employee reviews.
3. Conduct Strategy Mapping in Every Major Business Unit
Each Department must complete a Strategy Map with each employee being
allocated a part of the Strategy. This might sound difficult, but in practice it’s not.
Once you complete Strategy Mapping in each department or work unit, employees
know their part of the plan. You have now achieved the first influencing factor of
Employee Engagement – Job Importance. Each employee now knows what is
important and his or her part of the plan.
4. Create a Performance Management/Talent Management System
27 | P a g e
Set up an automated Performance Management and Development system. Ensure
the system has the capability for regular feedback, at least monthly. This is the
platform that will deliver the clarity of role and communications aspect of Employee
Engagement. The Talent Management component should enable an objective way
of short-listing potential candidates for promotion. This is also the platform that will
deliver the Career and Succession Planning component of Employee Engagement.
5. Link Incentive Compensation to the Outcomes of Performance Management
To achieve the Reward component of Influencing Improvement and Reward, link
compensation to Performance. Whether it’s a salary increment, bonus, or some
other compensation consequence, there needs to be some linkage to compensation
to achieve and satisfy this component.
6. Set Objectives Based on the Department Strategy Map
Each Manager should sit down with their team and discuss each employee’s role in
achieving the Strategy Map. Objectives are set with each employee and each
employee understands his/her part of the Strategy, how their work is important and
how other employees and managers rely and depend upon their work.
7. Make Every Manager Accountable
If your Performance Management system is capable of delivering a quick touch-base
progress review each month, this becomes easy. Managers sit down with employees
for 10-15 minutes each month and do a quick update. The Performance
28 | P a g e
Management system should restate a summary of the employee’s objectives and
values and behaviors. After the meeting, managers should record progress in the
system. Note that Communication will require more than just one-on-one meetings
with the manager or CEO. Internal communications will need to be planned at
regular scheduled intervals as well.
8. Conduct Career/Succession Planning
Design a communications program that will advise all employees that Succession
Planning will now be based on merit, not just who someone knows or who plays golf
with whom. This Talent Management System should be able to produce a short list
of employees based on objective criteria, for example:
 Career Aspirations Match Qualifications
 Historical Performance Rating
 Potential Rating
 Competencies Match/Rating
 Mobility
 Age-Based Retirement
9. Foster Positive, Supportive Relationships
This is a factor that is not as easily achieved by any single initiative except that
improvements will have been made through: :
Clarifying purpose – managers will interact with staff in the Strategy Mapping phase.
Setting Objectives – Managers will spend time with their staff while setting
objectives. They can no longer avoid staff contact.
29 | P a g e
One-on-One Meetings – Managers should be required to conduct 10-15 minute
touch-base meetings to share progress on projects. This ongoing communication
helps to improve relationships between employees and managers.
10. Communicate Constantly and Consistently
At every step along the way, employees must be clear on how they are connected to
the organization strategy. They specifically need to know their part of the plan and
they need to see that their part of the plan is important to the organization.
30 | P a g e
31 | P a g e
Company Profile
FCI OEN Connectors Ltd. Is the country’s prime supplier of Professional Grade
Connectors. The Company is a joint venture with FCI France (earlier called
Framatome Connectors France). It was incorporated on the 2nd day of June 1981.
The company has a paid up capital of Rs.63.06 million and the tournover5 as on 31st
December 2011 is Rs.3596.52 million.
Giant Strides
Way back in 1984, when the Company commenced its commercial operations the,
product range was limited. However, enriched by the technical backing of the joint
venture partner, M/s FCI France and its subsidiaries, also catalyzed by the
Company’s ever continuing guest for excellence and completeness, the accretion of
the company every passing day has been prodigious. The result – FCI OEN
Connectors Ltd. Is today magniloquent of a wide gamut of connectors like Rack &
Panel Connectors, Terminal Connectors, Heavy Duty Connectors and IC Sockets.
FCI France is the technology supplier of the Company since inception. In 1989, they
acquired 26% of the Company’s equity share capital. In August 1993, the equity
stake increased to 40%. Immediately thereafter, the stake further increased to 51%
by an exclusive issue of 7,59,863 equity shares to them at a premium of Rs.75/- per
share. In 1999 , by the conversation of Zero interest Fully convertible Debentures
issued to FCI France, their equity increased from 51% to 61.5%. Consequent to the
amalgamation of Framatome Connectors Berg with FCI OEN, 1,89,000 equity
shares were issued to FCI France. Again on 5th March 2004, by way of preferential
issue, FCI France acquired 8,40,000 shares and the total holding thereby increased
to 67.83%. Now more than 97% of the shares of the Company are held by the FCI
France S A, FCI SA & FCI Asia Pte. Ltd.
FCI France, headquartered at Guyancourt, France, had a turnover of 935 million
Euros in 2009. Operating in more than 30 countries, it employs around 12,000
32 | P a g e
people all over the world, who are committed to providing customers with reliable,
high-quality products for a wide range of consumer and industrial applications. It is
the first and only European connector manufacturer in the industry’s top ten. FCI
designs and manufactures a multitude of products ranging from the most basic to the
most complex, like the smart or high-density connectors found inside a cell phone or
laptop computer. Connectors are used in cars, buses, and televisions – and they
play a vital role in supplying electricity, sending satellite communications and
operating hospital equipment.
Manufacturing Facilities:
FCI OEN has 4 manufacturing units, in which 3 of them are at Mulamthuruthi, Cochin
and 1 in Bangalore.
1. Electronics Division (ELX)
Immaculately clean and impeccably tidy, the factory today boasts of the most
sophisticated and contemporary equipments and fully air-conditioned assembly area
of 28,148 sq.ft. The manufacturing process strictly adheres to the standards and
specifications set by the collaborator so as to ensure that the end products match the
quality and reliability levels set by the collaborator. No wonder, the products are well
accepted by the market.
2. Global Tooling Centre (GTC)
Global Tooling Centre, started in 2001, manufactures tools/moulds required for the
production of interconnection devices. It also undertakes tool design activities.
Manufacture of tools/ moulds is a highly precisioned and technology oriented
business for which the company has been using high quality imported equipment. It
has a world class tool room with a controlled atmosphere and high-tech machine
tools and auxiliary equipment to meet the global quality standards in tooling. It also
has its own Training Center apart from the main production area and the total built
up area comes to 27, 370 sq ft. The said centre employs around 250 people.
3. Motorized Vehicles Division (MVL)
33 | P a g e
FCI MVL offers a complete range of reliable, high-tech and innovative interconnect
solutions for automotive applications. FCI MVL division operates 11 manufacturing
sites and 5 R&D centers globally, capable of delivering state of the art components
for engine, cockpit, harness sectioning, safety, Electronic Control Units and
multimedia applications for motorized vehicles, both on road and off road. The
Motorized Vehicles Division in Cochin, started in 2005, manufactures interconnect
solutions for a global clientele, servicing most of the major OEMs. A wide range of
products other than for multimedia application are manufactured locally. The division
employs around 450 people. The plant has a built up area of 32,260 sq ft.
At Bangalore
The Bangalore manufacturing facility offers Copper and Fiber Optic Cable Assembly,
backplanes and Value Added business. Value Added products offer not only
connectors, but also complete interconnect sub-assemblies (particularly cable
assemblies and back planes). Fibre Optic and Value Added business will find
increased markets in the future and therefore the Company has identified these as
thrust areas for future growth. The unit employs around 65 people.
Quality Approvals
Quality is a way of life and an article of faith at the manufacturing site. The emphasis
on quality, a corporate obsession, is evident in all facets of activities in the Company.
No wonder the products of the Company have been well accepted by the market and
its name is synonymous with quality and reliability.
FCI OEN Connectors Ltd is the first connector manufacturer in India to receive ISO
9002 Certification. The Company has also received QPL approval from the Defense
Electronics Supply Centre, USA, for manufacturing Circular Connectors; making it
the first Company in Asia to receive such an approval. This will enable the Company
to market the products in the US & European aerospace and defense markets.
FCI OEN is certified to ISO/TS16949:2002 Quality Management System and
ISO14001:2004 Environmental Management System. ISO/TS16949:2002 is an ISO
34 | P a g e
Technical Specification which aligns existing US, German, French and Italian
automotive quality system standards within the global automotive industry. It
specifies the quality system requirements for the design/ development, production,
installation and servicing of automotive products. Product Certification includes
International approvals like UL, CSA, & National approvals like LCSO, CACT, DQQA
Market and Marketing Network
With a central marketing office at Cochin, the Company has regional offices in all
major cities with field personnel carrying forward the work put in by our
Design/Production/ Quality team. The penetrating style of customer service of the
field personnel ensures that FCI OEN Connectors meet not only the required
specifications, but also the adaptability with reference to each specific application,
failing which suitable options are immediately offered.
The Company also represents FCI in India since 1985 for marketing their
multitudinous varieties of connectors and akin products.
The Company is embellished by the many laurels it has won to its credit. This
includes the National Productivity Award, ELCINA Award for Export & Quality, Kerala
State Productivity Award, C-DoT Vendors Association Productivity Award, DOE
Award for Excellence in Electronics etc.
Company won the National Award for Excellence in indigenization of defense
products instituted by the Ministry of Defense, Government of India. The Award was
in recognition for the indigenization done for Bharat Electronics in backplane
assemblies including contacts for a military communication project.
Vision of the Company
“To be a world class manufacturer and globally competitive supplier of inter
connected products, tooling, and business processes.”
Mission of the Company
35 | P a g e
To be an organization in India that can actively shown FCI’s worldwide competitive
advantage through cost leadership and operational excellence and to provide
sustainable development for all the stakeholders.
Company Objectives
 To obtain an average growth rate of sales by 20% per annum over the five
 To work on smart card connectors to get better growth.
 To provide full signal integrity support as part of its latest high speed
36 | P a g e
37 | P a g e
The advanced learner’s dictionary of current English lays down meaning of research
as “a careful investigation or enquiry specialty through search for new facts in any
branch of knowledge”.
Redman and Mory define research as a “systematic effort to gain new knowledge.
Some people consider research as a movement from unknown to know. It is actually
a voyage of discovery. Research is an academic activity and as such the term
should be used in technical sense”.
In this study the researcher has made use of both primary and secondary data.
Questionnaire method was used for collecting the primary data. Respondents were
selected by using convenience sampling method as the researcher is able to
approach the respondents as per his convenience. Secondary data has been
collected from books, internet, journals, libraries. The sample size for the study is
The collected data were tabulated and summarized with the help of different
statistical tools like tables, graphs etc. Pie chart and bar diagrams were used for
pictorial representation of the tabulated data and meaningful conclusion disclosed
there from later on.
The research plan calls for gathering of secondary and primary data on the basis of
which analysis was undertaken. Exploratory research design was adopted ie; to
gather preliminary data on shed light on the real nature of the problem and suggest
possible new ideas.
The universe of the study is the executive and non-executive employees in FCI OEN
Connectors Ltd. The total number of employees in this organization is around 800.
This organization is situated at Mulamthuruthy.
38 | P a g e
The researcher used simple random sampling from the departments of the
organization and selected it randomly.
The data was collected using questionnaires from respondents. Both primary and
secondary data were used for the study:-
Primary data was collected by questionnaires. A questionnaire containing 13
Secondary data was collected from various books and journals from; company’s
previous annual report, company brouchers, write-ups etc.
It is the simplest way of analyzing the interrelated characteristics of the data. The
data are converted into percentage.
39 | P a g e
40 | P a g e
Table 1
Age level of Respondents
Age Level No. of Samples Percentage
20-30 75 38%
30-40 63 31%
40-50 49 24%
50 Above 13 7%
Total 200 100
Figure 1
The above graph and chart cleared that 38% of respondents are below 30 years and
only 7% of respondents are above 50 years.
20-30 30-40 40-50 50 Above
Age Class
Age level of Respondents
41 | P a g e
Table 2
Distribution of workers according to their gender
Respondents Total Percentage
male 134 67
female 66 33
Figure 2
The above table reveals that 67% of the respondents are male workers and 33% are
female workers.
Distribution of workers according to their gender
42 | P a g e
Table 3
Distribution of workers according to their departments
Department NO. Respondents Percentage
Assembly 56 28
Automation 6 3
Customer Service 2 1
Engineering 8 4
Export/Import 4 2
Finance 8 4
HR 2 1
Maintenance 6 3
Materials 3 2
Moulding 16 8
Plating 21 10
Planning 6 3
Purchase 5 3
QA 6 3
Stamping 14 7
Tool Design 4 2
Tool Room 28 14
Warehouse 5 2
43 | P a g e
The above table shows that, out the 200 samples 28% from Assembly department,
10% from Plating department, 14% from Tool Room, 8% from Moulding department
and 40 from other 14 departments. This is to be explained with the help of a diagram
given below.
Figure 3
6 5 6
Distribution of workers according to their departments
44 | P a g e
Employees response to different statements.
Q1. I know what is expected of me at work.
Table 4
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 92 46
Agree 107 54
Neutral 1 1
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Figure 4
53% of the sample agreed to the fact that they are aware about the work which they
have to perform while 46% are strongly agree on this fact.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
45 | P a g e
Q2. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right
Table 5
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 47 24
Agree 123 62
Neutral 24 12
Strongly Disagree 3 1.5
Figure 5
Majority (61%) of the employees get the materials and equipment they need to do
their work right to do best of work every day while 2% of them disagreed on this and
23% of them strongly agreed.
2% 2%
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
46 | P a g e
Q3. At work, I have the opportunity to do that which I do best every day.
Table 6
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 63 32
Agree 115 58
Neutral 17 8
Disagree 3 1
Strongly Disagree
2 1
Figure 6
Majority (57%) of the employees get the opportunity to do best of work every day
while 2% of them disagreed on this and 31% of them strongly agreed.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
47 | P a g e
Q4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
Table 7
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 22 11
Agree 79 40
Neutral 41 20
Disagree 41 20
Strongly Disagree 17 9
Figure 7
39% of the employees have received recognition or praise in the last seven days for
doing good work while 11% of the employees are highly satisfied with recognition in
their organization and 11% of them have not received any praise in the last seven
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
48 | P a g e
Q5. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person.
Table 8
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 56 28
Agree 115 58
Neutral 18 9
Disagree 11 5
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Figure 8
From the above table and graph shows that 58% agreed with this statement and
28% strongly agree with this statement. Majority of the employees feels that others
are care them as a person.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
49 | P a g e
Q6. There is someone at work who encourages my development.
Table 9
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 27 14
Agree 125 62
Neutral 28 14
Disagree 17 9
Strongly Disagree 3 1
Figure 9
Generally people feel sense of belongingness when someone is there at their
workplace to support them and 62% of the employees agreed on this fact while 14%
have strongly agreed 9% disagreed and the other 1% strongly disagreed.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
50 | P a g e
Q7. At work, my opinion seems to count.
Table 10
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 45 23
Agree 120 60
Neutral 26 13
Disagree 6 3
Strongly Disagree 3 1
Figure 10
Employee’s participation in decision making is again a criterion of measuring
employee engagement. 60% of the employees have agreed that their decision
seems to count, 22% strongly agreed to this and only 2% have strongly disagreed.
3% 2%
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
51 | P a g e
Q8. The mission and purpose of my organization makes me feel my job is important.
Table 11
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 71 36
Agree 117 58
Neutral 10 5
Disagree 2 1
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Figure 11
36% of the respondents strongly agrees that, they feel the mission and purpose of
the organization make them their job is more important. 58% agrees to this
statement and 1% disagrees to this statement.
1% 0%
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
52 | P a g e
Q9. My fellow employees are committed to doing quality work.
Table 12
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 68 34
Agree 110 55
Neutral 16 8
Disagree 5 2
Strongly Disagree
Figure 12
55% of the sample agreed that their fellow employees are committed to do quality
work while 2% have disagreed on this fact. 34% of them have chosen strongly on
this and the other 1% has strongly disagreed.
2% 1%
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
53 | P a g e
Q10. I have a best friend at work.
Table 13
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 83 42
Agree 87 43
Neutral 22 11
Disagree 5 3
Strongly Disagree 3 1
Figure 13
From the above details it is clear that 85% of the employees feel that there is enough
friendship and cooperation in the work place. 42% strongly agree this statement,
43% agree with this statement and only 1% strongly disagrees with this statement.
3% 2%
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
54 | P a g e
Q11. In the past six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress.
Table 14
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 28 14
Agree 114 57
Neutral 27 13
Disagree 24 12
Strongly Disagree 7 4
Figure 14
Majority of the employees have received feedback about their growth and progress
from others. 57% of the employees are agreed this statement and 16% of them have
not received any feedback in the past seven months.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
55 | P a g e
Q12. This last year, I have had opportunities to learn and grow at work.
Table 15
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 41 20
Agree 124 62
Disagree 11 6
Strongly Disagree
Figure 15
Learning and development is one of the most important aspects to find out the
employee engagement in the organization. 62% have agreed that they get the
opportunity to learn and grow in the organization while 20% of them have strongly
agreed on it, and 6% were disagreed.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
56 | P a g e
Q13. How satisfied are you with where you work?
Table 16
Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage
Extremely Satisfied 39 20
Satisfied 137 68
Neutral 23 11
Dissatisfied 1 1
Extremely Dissatisfied 0 0
Figure 16
From the above table we can understand that 68% of the employees are satisfied
with their work, 20% of the employees are extremely satisfied and only 1% is
1% 0%
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
57 | P a g e
58 | P a g e
As per the above observations and analysis it seems that most of the Employees of
FCI OEN Connectors are Engaged and like their work and Organization except few
Employees who are Not Engaged and few who are Nearly engaged and can
be changed to an Engaged Employee by their supervisors by proper planning.
Employee Engagement i s the buzz word term for employee
communi cati on.
It i s a positive attitude held by the employees towards the organization
and its values. It is rapidly gaining popularity, use and importance in the
workplace and impacts organizations in many ways. Employee engagement
emphasi zes the importance of employee communication on the success of
a business.
An organi zation should thus recogni ze employees, more than any other
variable, as powerful contributors to a company's competitive position.
employee engagement should be a conti nuous process of
Learni ng , i mpro veme nt , measurement and action. We would hence conclude
that raising and maintaining employee engagement lies in the hands of an
organi zation and requires a perfect blend of time, effort, commitment and
investment to craft a successful endeavor.
59 | P a g e
 Age Limitation- I had access to the young employees that’s why the
study is mainly on the youngsters.
 Family issues- The reason being I did not want to go into personal
details and stick only to job and organizational related issues.
 The study deals only with the questionnaire method. So with that 100%
accuracy is not possible.
 The respondent may give difference of opinion to maintain his status.
60 | P a g e
1. N o w a d a ys e m p l o ye e s a re i nvo l ve d i n d e c i s i o n m a k i ng i n
t he o r g a ni za t i o n a nd majority of the employees agreed on this fact.
2. C o m pa ny a l l o w s t he i r e m p l o ye e s t o pa r t i ci pa t e i n p e r f o r
m a nc e appraisals and to set their own Key Performance Areas.
3. Compensation & Benefit programs are observed as the most
effective rewards scheme.
4. Majority of the sample are loyal towards their organization.
5. Stress management, Retirement plans and Work life balance
surprisingly seem to be of least effective engagement strategies according
to the employees.
6. M a j o r i t y o f t h e r e s p o n d e n t s a g r e e d t h a t t h e e n g a g e
m e n t s t r a t e g i e s o f t h e organization help in retaining the
employees in the organization.
7. The data analysis shows that greater dissatisfaction prevailed regarding the
existing financial rewards or benefit plans in terms of employee engagement
as expressed by the employees of the organization.
8. Significant differences were observed in terms of recognition among different
grades of employees.
9. Differences prevailed in the existing reward systems as perceived by the
employees of different departments.
61 | P a g e
10. Findings also revealed the emphasis given by the employees to fairness and
equity in the job.
11. Department-wise analysis of data shows that medical department
has rated almost all the attributes to low extent which is an area of great
12. The mean scores obtained by the different grades of workers and workers of
different department relatively indicate that employees are quite optimistic
regarding the future of the company.
13. Majority of the employees opines that their superior give the importance to
their suggestions regarding work.
62 | P a g e
1. As contrary to what managers believe that decision making is the most effective
tool, the employees still prefer rewards and recognition. The Managers should focus
on the rewards and recognition schemes in their organization.
2. Practically people don’t give much importance to stress management
programs, work life balance and retirement plans so there is scope of improvement
in this area.
3. As we have got a very good response from employees so the companies
should have the engagement strategies to retain the employees.
To increase employee engagement, the organizations should:
a) Provi de vari ety: Tedi ous, repeti ti ve tasks can cause bur n o ut
and boredom over ti me. If t he job requi res repeti ti ve tasks,
look for wa ys to i nt roduce variety by rotating duties, areas of
responsibility, delivery of service etc.
b) C o nd uc t p e r i o di c m ee t i ng s w i t h e m p l o ye e s t o co m m uni c a
t e g o o d ne w s , challenges and easy-to-understand company financial
information. Managers and supervisors should be comfortable
communicating with their staff, and able to give and receive constructive
c) Indulge in employee deployment if he feels he is not on the right job.
Provide an open environment.
d) Communicate openly and clearly about what's expected of
employees at every level - your vision, priorities, success measures, etc.
63 | P a g e
e) Get to know employees' i nterests, goals, stressors, etc. Show
an i nterest i n their well-being and do what it takes enable them to
feel more fulfilled and better balanced in work and life.
f) C e l eb r a t e i nd i vi d ua l , t e a m a nd o r ga ni za t i o na l s uc c e s se s
. C a t c h e m p l o ye e s doing something right, and say "Thank you."

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  • 1. 1 | P a g e ABSTRACT Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit o f t he o r g a ni za ti o n. It i s a p o s i t i ve a t t i t ud e he l d b y t he e mp l o yee s to w a rd s t he organi zation and i ts values. The paper focuses on how employee engagement i s an antecedent of job i nvolvement and what should company do to make the employees engaged. The paper also looks at the Gallup 12 point questionnaire, twelve-question survey that identifies strong feelings of employee engagement and the steps which show to drive an engaged employee. The ability of the organization to attain its goals largely depends upon the effectiveness of its Employee Engagement Programme. Therefore it deserves great planning and care to formulate and implement Employee Engagement strategies. The main objectives of the project is to study the existing process of Employee Engagement in an well reputed company, to explore the current trends in the industry in Employee Engagement practices. A questionnaire was undertaken as a tool for the extraction of the effectiveness of the Employee Engagement. The 200 candidates from FCI OEN Connectors LTD had answered the questionnaires. The answered questionnaires were, then analyzed. To define in a capsule, it was more of an observation to find the effectiveness of Employee Engagement.
  • 3. 3 | P a g e CHAPTER 1 1.1 Introduction There is no single method to engaging employees in their work and in the organization. Instead, there are a number of critical components that contribute to engagement. These critical components include: workplace relationships, the workload, the amount of control within the workplace, the reward/ recognition structure, support, perceived fairness in the workplace, and ability to have meaningful and valued work. One approach to creating engagement is that there is a level of reciprocal interdependence necessary for the individual to engage and for the organization to success. Engagement, represented here as a two-way relationship between employee and employer where engaged employees are expected to also have an under0standing of the unit and work to be done, has to do with how individuals employ themselves in the performance in their job and involves the active use of emotions and behaviors in addition to what they know about their jobs. Engagement is realized through a series of interactions between the employee and the manager or supervisor (representing the organization). The goal would be to create interaction that would evolve into trusting, loyal, and mutual commitments leading to full engagement in the workplace. It was best state by Saks (2006), “when employee believes that their organization is concerned about them and cares about their well-bring, they are likely to respond by attempting to fulfil their obligation to their organization by becoming more engaged.” Management behaviour plays a key role in developing engagement through the relationship they build with employees, and behaving in a way that they are supported and play a critical role in the success of the unit. The application of these principles to developing a process for employees to be involved in decisions related to the workplace, and to the unit, provide a significant opportunity to that end. It is imported to note that employee engagement is a long-term and ongoing process that requires continued interaction over time in order to generate obligation and a state of reciprocal interdependence.
  • 4. 4 | P a g e 1.2 Statement of the Problem The study is titled as “A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT In FCI OEN Connectors, Mulamthuruthy, Cochin”. 1.3 Objectives of the Research 1. To fi nd out the employee engagement strategies in FCI OEN Connectors. 2. To benchmark the employee engagement practices adopted in FCI OEN Connectors. 3. To study the correlati on between the employee engagement practi ces carri ed out i n the company. 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY People often lie in exit interviews about why they are leaving. Managers should, of course, know in advance who is leaving and why. A comprehensive list like this is of little value unless used as a guide to gather i nformation as to how to engage the employees so that to retain the talents in the organization. 1.5 SCOPEOF THESTUDY 1. Only the Employee Engagement i s consi dered. 2. The study is conducted at FCI OEN Connectors Mulamthuruthy, Ernakulam, with a simple sample size of 200 employees of FCI OEN Connectors 3. In o r d e r t o a na l yze t he s t ud y t he q ue s t i o nna i r e ha s b e e n a d m i ni s t e r e d t o t he Employees.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e 1.6 DATA ANALYSIS: After t he da ta ha ve been col lected i t has to be a nal yzed; t he data obtai ned f rom t he q uesti o nnai re i s arra nged i n a se ri al order. A master copy wi th tabulation methods has been prepared. Tabulation is a part of technical procedure where in classified data are p ut i n t he for m of tab lets . The tab lets t hus ob tai ned were a na l yzed wi t h s tati sti cal techniques so that interpretation would be precise. Organization of the study deals with the arrangement of the entire report. The entire work is put according to chapter wise to facilitate easy identification of the topic. The chapter I. gives the introduction of Employee Engagement. This chapter gives overall view of the project. The chapter II deals with Industry profile, company profile and procedures followed in organization. The chapter III deals with introduction of Employee Engagement and Employee Engagement Practices done in FCI OEN. The chapter IV deals with Research methodology used, statement of the problem, objectives, sample collection and statistical tools used .The Chapter V data analysis and interpretation, which explains how data is analyzed and interpreted by using tables, graphs. The chapter VI deals with conclusions. The end of the report consists of Bibliography, which is followed by Annexure.
  • 7. 7 | P a g e LITERATURE REVIEW EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Employee engagement can be defined as an employee putting forth extra discretionary effort, as well as the likelihood of the employee being loyal and remaining with the organization over the long haul. Research shows that engaged employees: perform better, put in extra efforts to help get the job done, show a strong level of commitment to the organization, and are more motivated and optimistic about their work goals. Employers with engaged employees tend to experience low employee turnover and more impressive business outcomes.  Employee engagement is more than just the current HR 'buzzword'; it is essential. In order for organizations to meet and surpass organizational objectives, employees must be engaged. Research has proven that wholly engaged employees exhibit, 1. Higher self-motivation. 2. Confidence to express new ideas. 3. Higher productivity. 4. Higher levels of customer approval and service quality. 5. Reliability. 6. Organizational loyalty; less employee turnover. 7. Lower absenteeism. Focus on employee engagement: Current studies show that organizations are focusing on the meaning of employee engagement and how to make employees more engaged. Employees feel engaged when they find personal meaning and motivation in their work, receive positive interpersonal support, and operate in an efficient work environment. What brought
  • 8. 8 | P a g e engagement to the forefront and why is everyone interested in it? Most likely, the tight economy has refocused attention on maximizing employee output and making the most of organizational resources. When organizations focus attention on their people, they are making an investment in their most important resource. You can cut all the costs you want, but if you neglect your people, cutting costs won’t make much of a difference. Engagement is all about getting employees to “give it their all.” Some of the most successful organizations are known for their unique work environments in which employees are motivated to do their very best. These great places to work have been recognized in such lists as Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For. The concept of engagement is a natural evolution of past research on high- involvement, empowerment, job motivation, organizational commitment, and trust. All of these research streams focus on the perceptions and attitudes of employees about the work environment. In some ways, there are variations on the same fundamental issue. What predicts employees “giving their all?” Obviously, all organizations want their employees to be engaged in their work. Several standardized tools exist for assessing employee engagement and providing feedback for making changes. These tools tend to have several common goals and characteristics: Create a simple and focused index of workplace engagement- Many organizations are using very short, simple, and easy to use measures that focus on the fundamentals of a great workplace. Instead of conducting broad culture/climate surveys with 100 or more questions, organizations are opting for a focused approach that measures fundamental qualities of the workplace that likely will be important 10 years from now (e.g., feedback, trust, cooperation). Allow for benchmarking- Most organizations want to know how they compare to other organizations. Using a standard measure of engagement allows organizations to see how they compare to other companies along a simple set of fundamental work qualities.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e Direct action- Engagement measures tend to be very actionable. This means that the organization can alter practices or policies to affect employees’ responses to every item in the measure. Show relationship to company performance- Without a link to company performance or other critical outcomes, measures of engagement have little value. The whole idea behind engagement is that it leads to enhanced performance. The link to performance outcomes is a necessary underlying assumption of all engagement measures. Engagement Predicts Organizational Success Many studies have shown that investments in people (i.e., HR-related practices) have a reliable impact on the performance of organizations. The Bureau of Labor conducted a comprehensive review of more than 100 studies and found that people practices have significant relationships to improvements in productivity, satisfaction, and financial performance. Research has shown that when engagement scores are high, employees are more satisfied, less likely to leave the organization, and more productive. Each organization is different and there are many factors that affect bottom-line outcomes; however, engagement scores can serve as meaningful predictors of long- term success. Some organizations use engagement scores as lead measures in their HR scorecards. When an organization can show the relationship between engagement scores and bottom-line outcomes, everyone pays attention to the engagement index. Establishing this critical link between people and performance helps HR professionals prove that people-related interventions are a worthwhile investment. Elements of Engagement Some researchers conclude that personal impact, focused work, and interpersonal harmony comprise engagement. Each of these three components has sub- components that further define the meaning of engagement.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e Personal Impact-Employees feel more engaged when they are able to make a unique contribution, experience empowerment, and have opportunities for personal growth. Past research (e.g., Conger and Kanugo, 1988; Thomas and Velthouse, 1990) concurs that issues such as the ability to impact the work environment and making meaningful choices in the workplace are critical components of employee empowerment. Development Dimensions International’s (DDI) research on retaining talent (Bernthal and Wellins, 2000) found that the perception of meaningful work is one of the most influential factors determining employees’ willingness to stay with the organization. Focused Work-Employees feel more engaged when they have clear direction, performance accountability, and an efficient work environment. Aside from the personal drive and motivation to make a contribution, employees need to understand where to focus their efforts. Without a clear strategy and direction from senior leadership, employees will waste their time on the activities that do not make a difference for the organization’s success. Additionally, even when direction is in place, employees must receive feedback to ensure that they are on track and being held accountable for their progress. In particular, employees need to feel that low performance is not acceptable and that there are consequences for poor performance. Finally, employees want to work in an environment that is efficient in terms of its time, resources, and budget. Employees lose faith in the organization when they see excessive waste. For example, employees become frustrated when they are asked to operate without the necessary resources or waste time in unnecessary meetings. Interpersonal Harmony-Employees feel more engaged when they work in a safe and cooperative environment. By safety, we mean that employee trust one another and quickly resolve conflicts when they arise. Employees want to be able to rely on each other and focus their attention on the tasks that really matter. Conflict wastes time and energy and needs to be dealt with quickly. Some researchers also find that trust and interpersonal harmony is a fundamental underlying principle in the best organizations. Employees also need to cooperate to get the job done. Partnerships across departments and within the work group ensure that employees stay informed and get the support they need to do their jobs.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e Making Use of Engagement Measurement of employee engagement can have many applications in the organization. Earlier, it is mentioned that engagement could serve as a general index of HR effectiveness in an HR scorecard. Also, engagement measures serve as an easy way to benchmark the work climate against other organizations. Other uses include: Needs Analysis-The fundamental issues measured in engagement provide a quick index of what leaders and HR need to do to make things better? In addition, items in engagement surveys tend to be very actionable. This means that leaders or others in the organization can take action that will affect the score on a single item. Evaluation-Many learning and performance interventions are designed to impact some aspect of engagement. When an engagement measure is used as a pre- implementation baseline, the impact of the intervention can be gauged by measuring post-implementation changes in engagement. Climate Survey-Some organizations like to use engagement measures as simple indexes of the workplace culture. While more extensive surveys are valuable, sometimes it’s easier to focus attention on a few simple and proven factors. Leader or Department Feedback-Depending on the demographic information collected when the engagement measure is implemented, one can create breakout reports by department or leader. This means departments and leaders can gain a better understanding of how engagement in their groups differs from the rest of the organization. This information can be used to create development plans or plans for larger-scale interventions. An organization’s productivity is measured not in terms of employee satisfaction but in terms of employee engagement. Employees are said to be engaged when they show a positive attitude towards the organization and
  • 12. 12 | P a g e express a commi tment to remai n wi th the organi zation. It i s the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards the organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of the business context and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. E ng age m e nt a t wo rk w as co nc ep t ua li ze d b y Ka hn ( 1 99 0 )a s t he ha r ne s si ng o f o r ga ni za ti o na l me m be r s’ s e l ves t o t hei r w o rk r o l es . In engagement people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively and emotionally during role performances. T h e s e c o nd r e l a t e d c o n s t r u c t t o e ng a g e m e n t i n o r g a ni z a t i o na l behavi or i s the noti on of flow advanced by C si kszentmi halyi (1975).He defines ‘Flow’ as the holistic sensation that people feel when they act with t o t a l i nvo l ve m e nt . F lo w i s t he s t at e i n w hi c h t he re i s li t t le di s t i nc t i o n between the self and environment. When individuals are in flow state little conscious control is necessary for their actions. Employee engagement is thus the level of commitment and i nvolvement an employee has towards their organization and its value. The organization must work to develop and n u t u r e e n g a g e m e n t w hi c h r e q ui r e s a t w o w a y r e l a t i o ns h i p b e t w e e nemployer and employee. Thus employee engagement is a barometer that determines the association of a person with the organization. Engagement is most closely associated with the existing construction of ‘Job Involvement’, Brown(1996). Job Involvement is defined as the degreet o w hi c h t he j o b si t ua ti o n i s c e nt ra l t o t he p er so n a nd hi s / he r i d e nti t y. Kanungo(1982)mai ntai ned that job i nvolvement i s thou ght to depend onneed saliency and the potential of a job to satisfy these needs. Thus job involvement results from a cognitive judgment about the need satisfying abilities of the job. Jobs in this view are tied to one’s self image. Furthermore engagement entails the active use of emotions. Finally engagement may be thought of as an antecedent to job involvement in that individuals who experience deep engagement in their roles should come to
  • 13. 13 | P a g e identify with their jobs. When Khan talked about employee engagement hegave i mportance to all three aspects, physical, cogni ti ve and emoti onal.Whereas in job satisfaction importance has been more given to cognitive side. According to the study of Watson Wyatt, the profit chain establishes r e l a ti o ns hi p be t w ee n p ro fi t abi li t y, c us t o me r l o ya l t y a nd e mp l o y e e satisfaction, loyalty and productivity. The links in the chain (which should be regarded as propositions) areas follows; profit and growth are stimulated primarily by customer loyalty. Loyalty is a direct result of customer’s satisfaction. Satisfaction is largelyi nfl uenced by the servi ces provided to customers. Sati sfied, lo yal and productive employee creates value. Employee satisfaction in turn resultsp r i m a ri l y f r o m hi g h q ua li t y s up po r t se r vi c es a nd po li ci e s t ha t e na b le employees to deliver results to customers. HR practioners believe that the engagement challenge has a lot to do wi th how employee feels about the work experi ence and how he/she i s concerns will let the staff know how their input is valued. Feeling valued will boost morale, motivate and encourage future input. Taking action starts with listening to employees’ feedback and a definitive action plan will need to be put in place finally. Whe n Ka hn tal ked abo ut e mpl o yee e nga geme nt he has gi ve n i mpor ta nt to a l l t hree aspects physically, cognitively and emotionally. Where as in job satisfaction importance has been given more to cognitive side.HR practitioners believe that the engagement challenge has a lot to do with how Emplo yee fee ls abo ut t he a bo ut work e xpe ri e nce a nd how he or she i s trea ted i n t he organi zation. It has a lot to do with emotions which are fundamentally related to dri ve bottom line success in a company. There will always be people who never give their best efforts no matter how hard HR and line managers try to engage them. “But for the most part employees want to commit to companies because doing so satisfies a powerful and a basic need in connect with and contribute to something significant”.
  • 14. 14 | P a g e Define “Engagement” and why the “Old Definition” Need to be changed The original definition of employee engagement focused on the tools used to make employee feel engaged and encourage employee engagement. One tool used to determine a company’s level of employee engagement is surveys. Surveys are a great way to measure employee engagement level. They provide an idea of how satisfied employees are, and how to increase their job satisfaction. However, surveys have their flaws. Take for example a case where a survey is used to evaluate factors in employee engagement. An employee who might be very comfortable in the current job and not want to be promote might give a low rating for satisfaction within opportunity for advancement since the employee has no interest in advancing. The overall impact on the employee’s engagement may not be affected yet the survey might misattribute a result that a low satisfaction score in this case leads to less employee engagement. Because of these ambiguities surveys can often be misleading. Some example include interviews, confrontation meeting and reward system. These are all great tools, but they too can have their flaws. For this reason a definition for employee engagement should encompass more than just the tool it takes to make employee feel engaged. Definition should also include condition which lead to employee engagement as well as what it takes to create an environment where employee feel engaged. The “New Definition” for Engagement Redefining engagement as a heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her organization, that influences him or her to exert greater discretionary effort to his or her work” provides the framework In which engagement activity operates. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Over the past decade, the way in people are managed and developed of work has comet be recognized as one of the primary factors in achieving improvement in organizational performance. This reflected by popular idioms such as “people are our
  • 15. 15 | P a g e most important assets”. Back in the good old days of cooperate world, things were pretty simple. Companies put people on career tracks straight out of college; they gave employees a job for life and waved them good bye with a gold watch at retirement. The promise of the stable life as a company employee kept both morale and productivity high. Then things changed. Competition increased, margins shrank and shareholder got more demanding. Suddenly, company staff were finding the very job security they’d counted on was disappearing, and at speed. This upheaval meant companies had to find new ways to motivate their employees in order to make them more productive since, without stability, employees were looking for something else from their employers. And thus, Engagement was born. In itself, engagement isn’t really a new idea; owners and managers have been talking about engagement, in one form or another, for centuries… they just used different words to express it. In former times, engagement focused more on productivity and achieving results through threat of punishment or by means of reward. But common sense- and good communication- eventually won out and, today organization everywhere are spending serious money on all forms of employee engagement. Boiled down, it simply means ‘developing a happy and loyal workforce’. Enlightened managers now realized that any company as a whole will benefit when its employees know what’s going on and they feel defining what makes a workforce happy, and in understanding how this good will translates into company success. From the extant literature review, it is acknowledged that successful organizations share a fundamental philosophy of valuing and investing in their employees. In fact many research studies have described human resources management as a means of achieving competitive advantage. Consistent with this it is an equally important issue for the organization to retain their critical (core) employees. Most organization today continues to struggle with retention because they are relying on salary increase and bonuses t prevent turnover. Essentially more organization is now realizing that relation is a strategic issue and continues to be competitive advantage. The term “engagement” stems from the work of Kahn (1990) who distinguished between being engaged and disengaged at work. Putting the humanistic factors together, bear, spectre, Lawrence, Quinn-Mills and Walton (1984) created the ‘Harvard Business School’ model of HRM which focused on people in an
  • 16. 16 | P a g e organization to be the key resources. In light of such critical emphasis being placed on human capital, Paula Ketter has aptly noted. “Engagement is all about creating a culture where people do not feel misused, overused, underused or abused”. At a very basic level, employee engagement draws from the tenets of the ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ as conceptualized by Maslow, the highest stage of which is self-actualization; the pinnacle of an individual’s fulfilment of talent and potential. The theory of ‘higher order needs’ was largely overlooked in the heydays of scientific ‘assembly line’ manufacturing. The ten C’s of employee engagement How can leaders engage employees’ heads, hearts, and hands? The literature offers several avenues for action; we summarize these as the Ten C’s of employee engagement. 1. Connect: Leaders must show that they value employees. In First, Break All the Rules, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman argue that managers trump companies. Employee-focused initiatives such as profit sharing and implementing work–life balance initiatives are important. However, if employees’ relationship with their managers is fractured, then no amount of perks will persuade employees to perform at top levels. Employee engagement is a direct how employees feel about their relationship with the boss. Employees look at whether organizations and their leader walk the talk when they proclaim that, “Our employees are our most valuable asset.” One anecdote illustrates the Connect dimension well. In November 2003, the CEO of WestJet Airlines, Clive Beddoe, was invited to give a presentation to the Canadian Club of London. Beddoe showed up late, a few minutes before he was to deliver his speech. He had met with WestJet employees at the London Airport and had taken a few minutes to explain the corporate strategy and some new initiatives to them. He also answered employees’ questions. To paraphrase Beddoe, “We had a great discussion that took a bit longer than I had anticipated.” Beddoe’s actions showed
  • 17. 17 | P a g e that he cares about the employees. The employees, sensing that he is sincere, care about Beddoe and the organization; they “reward” his behavior with engagement. 2. Career: Leaders should provide challenging and meaningful work with opportunities for career advancement. Most people want to do new things in their job. For example, do organizations provide job rotation for their top talent? Are people assigned stretch goals? Do leaders hold people accountable for progress? Are jobs enriched in duties and responsibilities? Good leaders challenge employees; but at the same time, they must instill the confidence that the challenges can be met. Not giving people the knowledge and tools to be successful is unethical and de- motivating; it is also likely to lead to stress, frustration, and, ultimately, lack of engagement. In her book Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End, Rosabeth Moss Kantar explains that confidence is based on three cornerstones: accountability, collaboration, and initiative. 3. Clarity: Leaders must communicate a clear vision. People want to understand the vision that senior leadership has for the organization, and the goals that leaders or departmental heads have for the division, unit, or team. Success in life and organizations is, to a great extent, determined by how clear individuals are about their goals and what they really want to achieve. In sum, employees need to understand what the organization’s goals are, why they are important, and how the goals can best be attained. Clarity about what the organization stands for, what it wants to achieve, and how people can contribute to the organization’s success is not always evident. Consider, for example, what Jack Stack, CEO of SRC Holdings Corp., wrote about the importance of teaching the basics of business: The most crippling problem in American business is sheer ignorance about how business works. What we see is a whole mess of people going to a baseball game and nobody is telling them what the rules are. That baseball game is business. People try to steal from first base to second base, but they don’t even know how that fits into the big picture. What we try to do is break down business in such a way that employees realize that in order to win the World Series, you’ve got to steal x number of bases, hit y number of RBIs and have the pitchers pitch z number of innings. And
  • 18. 18 | P a g e if you put all these variables together, you can really attain your hopes and dreams … don’t use information to intimidate, control or manipulate people. Use it to teach people how to work together to achieve common goals and thereby gain control over their lives. 4. Convey: Leaders clarify their expectations about employees and provide feedback on their functioning in the organization. Good leaders establish processes and procedures that help people master important tasks and facilitate goal achievement. There is a great anecdote about the legendary UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden. He showed how important feedback – positive and constructive – is in the pursuit of greatness. Among the secrets of his phenomenal success was that he kept detailed diaries on each of his players. He kept track of small improvements he felt the players could make and did make. At the end of each practice, he would share his thoughts with the players. The lesson here is that good leader’s works daily to improve the skills of their people and create small wins that help the team, unit, or organization perform at its best. 5. Congratulate: Business leaders can learn a great deal from Wooden’s approach. Surveys show that, over and over, employees feel that they receive immediate feedback when their performance is poor, or below expectations. These same employees also report that praise and recognition for strong performance is much less common. Exceptional leaders give recognition, and they do so a lot; they coach and convey. 6. Contribute: People want to know that their input matters and that they are contributing to the organization’s success in a meaningful way. This might be easy to articulate in settings such as hospitals and educational institutions. But what about, say the retail industry? Sears Roebuck & Co. started a turnaround in 1992. Part of the turnaround plan was the development of a set of measures – known as Total Performance Indicators – which gauged how well Sears was doing with its employees, customers, and investors. The implementation of the measurement system led to three startling conclusions. First, an employee understands of the
  • 19. 19 | P a g e connection between her work – as operationalized by specific job-relevant behaviors – and the strategic objectives of the company had a positive impact on job performance. Second, an employee’s attitude towards the job and the company had the greatest impact on loyalty and customer service than all the other employee factors combined. Third, improvements in employee attitude led to improvements in job-relevant behavior; this, in turn, increased customer satisfaction and an improvement in revenue growth. In sum, good leaders help people see and feel how they are contributing to the organization’s success and future. 7. Control: Employees value control over the flow and pace of their jobs and leaders can create opportunities for employees to exercise this control. Do leaders consult with their employees with regard to their needs? For example, is it possible to accommodate the needs of a mother or an employee infected with HIV so that they can attend to childcare concerns or a medical appointment? Are leaders flexible and attuned to the needs of the employees as well as the organization? Do leaders involve employees in decision-making, particularly when employees will be directly affected by the decision? Do employees have a say in setting goals or milestones that are deemed important? Are employees able to voice their ideas, and does leadership show that contributions are valued? H. Norman Schwarzkopf retired U.S. Army General, once remarked: I have seen competent leaders who stood in front of a platoon and all they saw was a platoon. But great leaders stand in front of a platoon and see it as 44 individuals, each of whom has aspirations, each of whom wants to live, each of whom wants to do well. A feeling of “being in on things,” and of being given opportunities to participate in decision making often reduces stress; it also creates trust and a culture where people want to take ownership of problems and their solutions. There are numerous examples of organizations whose implementation of an open-book management style and creating room for employees to contribute to making decisions had a positive effect on engagement and organizational performance. The success of Microsoft, for example, stems in part from Bill Gates’ belief that smart people anywhere in the company should have the power to drive an initiative. Initiatives
  • 20. 20 | P a g e such as Six Sigma are dependent, in part, on the active participation of employees on the shop floor. 8. Collaborate: Studies show that, when employees work in teams and have the trust and cooperation of their team members, they outperform individuals and teams which lack good relationships. Great leaders are team builders; they create an environment that fosters trust and collaboration. Surveys indicate that being cared about by colleagues is a strong predictor of employee engagement. Thus, a continuous challenge for leaders is to rally individuals to collaborate on organizational, departmental, and group goals, while excluding individuals pursuing their self-interest. 9. Credibility: Leaders should strive to maintain a company’s reputation and demonstrate high ethical standards. People want to be proud of their jobs, their performance, and their organization. WestJet Airlines is among the most admired organizations in Canada. The company has achieved numerous awards. For example, in 2005, it earned the number one spot for best corporate culture in Canada. On September 26, 2005, WestJet launched the “Because We’re Owners!” campaign. Why do WestJet employees care so much about their organization? Why do over 85 percent of them own shares in the company? Employees believe so strongly in what WestJet is trying to do and are so excited about its strong performance record that they commit their own money into shares. 10. Confidence: Good leaders help create confidence in a company by being exemplars of high ethical and performance standards. To illustrate, consider what happened to Harry Stone cipher, the former CEO of Boeing. He made the restoration of corporate ethics in the organization a top priority but was soon after embarrassed by the disclosure of an extramarital affair with a female employee. His poor judgment impaired his ability to lead and he lost a key ingredient for success – credibility. Thus the board asked him to resign. Employees working at Qwest and Continental Airlines were so embarrassed about working for their organizations that they would not wear their company’s uniform on their way to and from work. At WorldCom, most
  • 21. 21 | P a g e employees were shocked, horrified, and embarrassed when the accounting scandal broke at the company. New leadership was faced with the major challenges of regaining public trust and fostering employee engagement. Practitioners and academics have argued that competitive advantage can be gained by creating an engaged workforce. The data and argument that that we present above are a compelling case why leaders need to make employee engagement one of their priorities. Leaders should actively try to identify the level of engagement in their organization, find the reasons behind the lack of full engagement, strive to eliminate those reasons, and implement behavioural strategies that will facilitate full engagement. These efforts should be ongoing. Employee engagement is hard to achieve and if not sustained by leaders it can wither with relative ease. AspectsofEmployeeEngagement Three basic aspects of employee engagement according to the global studies are:-  The employees and their own unique psychological makeup and experience  The employers and thei r ability to create the conditions that promote employee engagement  Interaction between employees at all levels. Thus it is largely the organi zation’s responsibility to create an environment and culture conducive to this partnership, and a win-win equation. CategoriesofEmployeeEngagement According to the Gallup the Consulting organization there are there are different types of people:- Engaged
  • 22. 22 | P a g e “Engaged” employees are builders. They want to know the desired Expectations for their role so they can meet and exceed them. They're naturally curious about their company and their place in it. They perform at consistently high levels. They want to use thei r talents and strengths at work every day. They work with passion and they drive innovation and move their organization forward Not Engaged Not-engaged employees tend to concentrate on tasks rather than the goals and outcomes they are expected to accomplish. They want to be told what to do just so t h e y c a n d o i t a n d s a y t he y h a ve f i ni s he d . T h e y f o c u s o n a c c o m p l i s hi n g t a s k s v s . achievi ng an outcome. Employees who are not-engaged tend to feel their contributions are bei ng overlooked, and their potential is not bei ng tapped. They often feel this way beca use t he y do n' t ha ve pr od uc ti ve re lati o ns hi ps wi t h t hei r managers or wi th thei r coworkers . Actively Disengaged T h e " actively disengaged” employees are the "cave dwellers." They're "Consistently against Virtually Everything." They're not just unhappy at work; t he y’ r e b us y a c t i ng o ut t he i r unha p p i ne s s . T h e y s o w s e e d s o f ne g a t i vi t y a t e ve r yo ppor t uni t y. E ve r y da y , a cti ve l y di se nga ged wo rke rs under mi ne w hat t hei r e ngagedcowo rkers accomplish. As workers increasi ngly rely on each other to generate products and services, the problems and tensions that are fostered by actively disengaged workers can cause great damage to an organization's functioning. ImportanceofEngagement Engagement is important for managers to cultivate given that disengagement or a li e nati o n i s ce nt ra l to t he p rob lem o f wor kers’ lack o f
  • 23. 23 | P a g e commi tme nt a nd m oti va ti o n(Aktouf). Meani ngless work is often associated with apathy and detachment from oneswo rks ( Tho mas a nd Ve lt ho use) . In s uc h co ndi ti o ns , i ndi vi d ua ls are t ho ug ht to beestranged from their selves (Seeman, 1972) .Other Research using a different resource of engagement (i nvolvement and enthusiasm) has linked it to such variables as employee turnover, customer satisfaction – loyalty, safety and to a lesser degree, productivity and profitability criteria (Harter, Schmidt & Hayes, 2002).An organi zation’s capaci ty to manage employee engagement is closely related to its abi lity to achieve high performance levels and superior busi ness results. Some of the advantages of Engaged employees are:  Engaged employees will stay with the company, be an advocate of the company and its products and services, and contribute to bottom line business success.  They will normally perform better and are more motivated.  There is a significant link between employee engagement and profitability.  They form an emotional connection with the company. This impacts their attitude towards the company’s clients, and thereby improves customer satisfaction and service levels.  It builds passion, commitment and alignment wi th the organization’s strategies and goals.  Increases employees’ trust in the organization.  Creates a sense of loyalty in a competitive environment.  Provides a high-energy working environment.
  • 24. 24 | P a g e  Boosts business growth.  Makes the employees effective brand ambassadors for the company. A highly engaged employee will consistently deliver beyond expectations. In the workplace research on employee engagement (Harter, Schmidt & Hayes, 2002) have repeatedly asked employees ‘whether they have the opportunity to do what they do best everyday’ . While one i n fi ve employees strongly agree with this statement. Those work units scoring higher on this perception have substantially higher performance. Thus employee engagement is cri tical to any organization that seeks to retain valued employees. The Watson Wyatt consulti ng companies has been proved that there is an intri nsic link between employee engagement, customer loyalty, and profitabi lity. As organi zations globali ze and become more dependent on technology i n a virtual working envi ronment, there is a greater need to connect and engage wi th employees to provide them with an organizational ‘identity.’ 10 Steps That Ensure Employee Engagement Success Improving Employee Engagement is not the product of one initiative. Organizations need a framework to achieve significant improvement in engagement. Sequencing and content of the initiative are critical, as is communication. There have been many traditional approaches to improving Employee Engagement, including Leadership Training, Company-wide ‘Programs,’ Learning & Development and other such initiatives. Given the experiences of the traditional approaches outlined above, most organizations struggle to shift Employee Engagement more than a couple of percentage points. In discussing this with CEOs, as well as Human Resources and
  • 25. 25 | P a g e Organizational Development Executives, it became clear that new approaches were required to create a significant shift in Employee Engagement. With old or new approaches, the factors that need to be addressed remain the same:  Job Importance: An employee needs to know how their job is important to the organization.  Clarity of what is expected of them: Employees need to know what their manager expects of them.  Career Advancement: Employees want to know that there is a fair and equitable system for career advancement and that, if they perform, they will be considered for advancement.  Improvement and Reward: Employees want to make improvements to the organization and, if they do, would like to be compensated where possible (a reward and a sincere thank-you).  Regular Feedback: Employees want to know when they, the department and the organization are doing well (or not so well).  Good Relationship: Employees want to communicate with their manager, even if the news is not good.  Clear values: Employees want to know the values and behaviors that will be looked upon favorably; they don’t want to be left in a vacuum to guess.  Good Communications: Employees want to know what is happening so they’re not the last to find out important information.  In order to address the above needs, the solution needs to incorporate all of the above factors – and then some. The following is a 10-point outline of a comprehensive solution that addresses each of the major influencers outlined above. 1. Define and Map the Strategy Organization leaders need to be clear on what they are trying to achieve before they communicate this to the organization. If the Level 1 Strategy (Organization Level) is not well defined, then leaders need to conduct a Strategy Workshop where
  • 26. 26 | P a g e Executive Management defines and refines a clear strategy. The Strategy needs to be converted into a Strategy Map. This Map is a pictorial representation of the Strategy showing dependencies and relationships of the major parts of the Strategy. Most people understand a picture far better and have much more information than from a complicated, written strategic plan. 2. Define Values, Behaviors and Measurement Criteria The Executive and Management teams need to determine the values and behaviors they believe are important to the organization. These need to be clearly defined and unanimously supported, as well as clearly articulated so that they can be readily understood. Executive Management needs to define what part values and behaviors will play in employee evaluations or reviews. If employees aren’t going to be evaluated on these values and behaviors, then management is wasting its time defining them. The Executive Management team needs to decide on the weighting for these values and behaviors in employee reviews. 3. Conduct Strategy Mapping in Every Major Business Unit Each Department must complete a Strategy Map with each employee being allocated a part of the Strategy. This might sound difficult, but in practice it’s not. Once you complete Strategy Mapping in each department or work unit, employees know their part of the plan. You have now achieved the first influencing factor of Employee Engagement – Job Importance. Each employee now knows what is important and his or her part of the plan. 4. Create a Performance Management/Talent Management System
  • 27. 27 | P a g e Set up an automated Performance Management and Development system. Ensure the system has the capability for regular feedback, at least monthly. This is the platform that will deliver the clarity of role and communications aspect of Employee Engagement. The Talent Management component should enable an objective way of short-listing potential candidates for promotion. This is also the platform that will deliver the Career and Succession Planning component of Employee Engagement. 5. Link Incentive Compensation to the Outcomes of Performance Management To achieve the Reward component of Influencing Improvement and Reward, link compensation to Performance. Whether it’s a salary increment, bonus, or some other compensation consequence, there needs to be some linkage to compensation to achieve and satisfy this component. 6. Set Objectives Based on the Department Strategy Map Each Manager should sit down with their team and discuss each employee’s role in achieving the Strategy Map. Objectives are set with each employee and each employee understands his/her part of the Strategy, how their work is important and how other employees and managers rely and depend upon their work. 7. Make Every Manager Accountable If your Performance Management system is capable of delivering a quick touch-base progress review each month, this becomes easy. Managers sit down with employees for 10-15 minutes each month and do a quick update. The Performance
  • 28. 28 | P a g e Management system should restate a summary of the employee’s objectives and values and behaviors. After the meeting, managers should record progress in the system. Note that Communication will require more than just one-on-one meetings with the manager or CEO. Internal communications will need to be planned at regular scheduled intervals as well. 8. Conduct Career/Succession Planning Design a communications program that will advise all employees that Succession Planning will now be based on merit, not just who someone knows or who plays golf with whom. This Talent Management System should be able to produce a short list of employees based on objective criteria, for example:  Career Aspirations Match Qualifications  Historical Performance Rating  Potential Rating  Competencies Match/Rating  Mobility  Age-Based Retirement 9. Foster Positive, Supportive Relationships This is a factor that is not as easily achieved by any single initiative except that improvements will have been made through: : Clarifying purpose – managers will interact with staff in the Strategy Mapping phase. Setting Objectives – Managers will spend time with their staff while setting objectives. They can no longer avoid staff contact.
  • 29. 29 | P a g e One-on-One Meetings – Managers should be required to conduct 10-15 minute touch-base meetings to share progress on projects. This ongoing communication helps to improve relationships between employees and managers. 10. Communicate Constantly and Consistently At every step along the way, employees must be clear on how they are connected to the organization strategy. They specifically need to know their part of the plan and they need to see that their part of the plan is important to the organization.
  • 31. 31 | P a g e Company Profile FCI OEN CONNECTORS LIMITED FCI OEN Connectors Ltd. Is the country’s prime supplier of Professional Grade Connectors. The Company is a joint venture with FCI France (earlier called Framatome Connectors France). It was incorporated on the 2nd day of June 1981. The company has a paid up capital of Rs.63.06 million and the tournover5 as on 31st December 2011 is Rs.3596.52 million. Giant Strides Way back in 1984, when the Company commenced its commercial operations the, product range was limited. However, enriched by the technical backing of the joint venture partner, M/s FCI France and its subsidiaries, also catalyzed by the Company’s ever continuing guest for excellence and completeness, the accretion of the company every passing day has been prodigious. The result – FCI OEN Connectors Ltd. Is today magniloquent of a wide gamut of connectors like Rack & Panel Connectors, Terminal Connectors, Heavy Duty Connectors and IC Sockets. Collaborators FCI France is the technology supplier of the Company since inception. In 1989, they acquired 26% of the Company’s equity share capital. In August 1993, the equity stake increased to 40%. Immediately thereafter, the stake further increased to 51% by an exclusive issue of 7,59,863 equity shares to them at a premium of Rs.75/- per share. In 1999 , by the conversation of Zero interest Fully convertible Debentures issued to FCI France, their equity increased from 51% to 61.5%. Consequent to the amalgamation of Framatome Connectors Berg with FCI OEN, 1,89,000 equity shares were issued to FCI France. Again on 5th March 2004, by way of preferential issue, FCI France acquired 8,40,000 shares and the total holding thereby increased to 67.83%. Now more than 97% of the shares of the Company are held by the FCI France S A, FCI SA & FCI Asia Pte. Ltd. FCI France, headquartered at Guyancourt, France, had a turnover of 935 million Euros in 2009. Operating in more than 30 countries, it employs around 12,000
  • 32. 32 | P a g e people all over the world, who are committed to providing customers with reliable, high-quality products for a wide range of consumer and industrial applications. It is the first and only European connector manufacturer in the industry’s top ten. FCI designs and manufactures a multitude of products ranging from the most basic to the most complex, like the smart or high-density connectors found inside a cell phone or laptop computer. Connectors are used in cars, buses, and televisions – and they play a vital role in supplying electricity, sending satellite communications and operating hospital equipment. Manufacturing Facilities: FCI OEN has 4 manufacturing units, in which 3 of them are at Mulamthuruthi, Cochin and 1 in Bangalore. 1. Electronics Division (ELX) Immaculately clean and impeccably tidy, the factory today boasts of the most sophisticated and contemporary equipments and fully air-conditioned assembly area of 28,148 sq.ft. The manufacturing process strictly adheres to the standards and specifications set by the collaborator so as to ensure that the end products match the quality and reliability levels set by the collaborator. No wonder, the products are well accepted by the market. 2. Global Tooling Centre (GTC) Global Tooling Centre, started in 2001, manufactures tools/moulds required for the production of interconnection devices. It also undertakes tool design activities. Manufacture of tools/ moulds is a highly precisioned and technology oriented business for which the company has been using high quality imported equipment. It has a world class tool room with a controlled atmosphere and high-tech machine tools and auxiliary equipment to meet the global quality standards in tooling. It also has its own Training Center apart from the main production area and the total built up area comes to 27, 370 sq ft. The said centre employs around 250 people. 3. Motorized Vehicles Division (MVL)
  • 33. 33 | P a g e FCI MVL offers a complete range of reliable, high-tech and innovative interconnect solutions for automotive applications. FCI MVL division operates 11 manufacturing sites and 5 R&D centers globally, capable of delivering state of the art components for engine, cockpit, harness sectioning, safety, Electronic Control Units and multimedia applications for motorized vehicles, both on road and off road. The Motorized Vehicles Division in Cochin, started in 2005, manufactures interconnect solutions for a global clientele, servicing most of the major OEMs. A wide range of products other than for multimedia application are manufactured locally. The division employs around 450 people. The plant has a built up area of 32,260 sq ft. At Bangalore The Bangalore manufacturing facility offers Copper and Fiber Optic Cable Assembly, backplanes and Value Added business. Value Added products offer not only connectors, but also complete interconnect sub-assemblies (particularly cable assemblies and back planes). Fibre Optic and Value Added business will find increased markets in the future and therefore the Company has identified these as thrust areas for future growth. The unit employs around 65 people. Quality Approvals Quality is a way of life and an article of faith at the manufacturing site. The emphasis on quality, a corporate obsession, is evident in all facets of activities in the Company. No wonder the products of the Company have been well accepted by the market and its name is synonymous with quality and reliability. FCI OEN Connectors Ltd is the first connector manufacturer in India to receive ISO 9002 Certification. The Company has also received QPL approval from the Defense Electronics Supply Centre, USA, for manufacturing Circular Connectors; making it the first Company in Asia to receive such an approval. This will enable the Company to market the products in the US & European aerospace and defense markets. FCI OEN is certified to ISO/TS16949:2002 Quality Management System and ISO14001:2004 Environmental Management System. ISO/TS16949:2002 is an ISO
  • 34. 34 | P a g e Technical Specification which aligns existing US, German, French and Italian automotive quality system standards within the global automotive industry. It specifies the quality system requirements for the design/ development, production, installation and servicing of automotive products. Product Certification includes International approvals like UL, CSA, & National approvals like LCSO, CACT, DQQA & DGAQA . Market and Marketing Network With a central marketing office at Cochin, the Company has regional offices in all major cities with field personnel carrying forward the work put in by our Design/Production/ Quality team. The penetrating style of customer service of the field personnel ensures that FCI OEN Connectors meet not only the required specifications, but also the adaptability with reference to each specific application, failing which suitable options are immediately offered. The Company also represents FCI in India since 1985 for marketing their multitudinous varieties of connectors and akin products. Accolades The Company is embellished by the many laurels it has won to its credit. This includes the National Productivity Award, ELCINA Award for Export & Quality, Kerala State Productivity Award, C-DoT Vendors Association Productivity Award, DOE Award for Excellence in Electronics etc. Company won the National Award for Excellence in indigenization of defense products instituted by the Ministry of Defense, Government of India. The Award was in recognition for the indigenization done for Bharat Electronics in backplane assemblies including contacts for a military communication project. Vision of the Company “To be a world class manufacturer and globally competitive supplier of inter connected products, tooling, and business processes.” Mission of the Company
  • 35. 35 | P a g e To be an organization in India that can actively shown FCI’s worldwide competitive advantage through cost leadership and operational excellence and to provide sustainable development for all the stakeholders. Company Objectives  To obtain an average growth rate of sales by 20% per annum over the five years.  To work on smart card connectors to get better growth.  To provide full signal integrity support as part of its latest high speed connectors.
  • 37. 37 | P a g e 4.1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The advanced learner’s dictionary of current English lays down meaning of research as “a careful investigation or enquiry specialty through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”. Redman and Mory define research as a “systematic effort to gain new knowledge. Some people consider research as a movement from unknown to know. It is actually a voyage of discovery. Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in technical sense”. In this study the researcher has made use of both primary and secondary data. Questionnaire method was used for collecting the primary data. Respondents were selected by using convenience sampling method as the researcher is able to approach the respondents as per his convenience. Secondary data has been collected from books, internet, journals, libraries. The sample size for the study is 200. The collected data were tabulated and summarized with the help of different statistical tools like tables, graphs etc. Pie chart and bar diagrams were used for pictorial representation of the tabulated data and meaningful conclusion disclosed there from later on. 4.2RESEARCH DESIGN The research plan calls for gathering of secondary and primary data on the basis of which analysis was undertaken. Exploratory research design was adopted ie; to gather preliminary data on shed light on the real nature of the problem and suggest possible new ideas. 4.3 UNIVERSE OF THE STUDY The universe of the study is the executive and non-executive employees in FCI OEN Connectors Ltd. The total number of employees in this organization is around 800. This organization is situated at Mulamthuruthy.
  • 38. 38 | P a g e 4.4 SAMPLING METHOD The researcher used simple random sampling from the departments of the organization and selected it randomly. 4.5 TOOLS OF THE DATA COLLECTIONS The data was collected using questionnaires from respondents. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study:- PRIMARY DATA Primary data was collected by questionnaires. A questionnaire containing 13 questions SECONDARY DATA Secondary data was collected from various books and journals from; company’s previous annual report, company brouchers, write-ups etc. 4.6 SAMPLING PERCENTAGE It is the simplest way of analyzing the interrelated characteristics of the data. The data are converted into percentage.
  • 40. 40 | P a g e Table 1 Age level of Respondents Age Level No. of Samples Percentage 20-30 75 38% 30-40 63 31% 40-50 49 24% 50 Above 13 7% Total 200 100 Analysis: Figure 1 The above graph and chart cleared that 38% of respondents are below 30 years and only 7% of respondents are above 50 years. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20-30 30-40 40-50 50 Above No.ofRespondents Age Class Age level of Respondents Total
  • 41. 41 | P a g e Table 2 Distribution of workers according to their gender Respondents Total Percentage male 134 67 female 66 33 Analysis: Figure 2 The above table reveals that 67% of the respondents are male workers and 33% are female workers. 67% 33% Distribution of workers according to their gender male female
  • 42. 42 | P a g e Table 3 Distribution of workers according to their departments Department NO. Respondents Percentage Assembly 56 28 Automation 6 3 Customer Service 2 1 Engineering 8 4 Export/Import 4 2 Finance 8 4 HR 2 1 Maintenance 6 3 Materials 3 2 Moulding 16 8 Plating 21 10 Planning 6 3 Purchase 5 3 QA 6 3 Stamping 14 7 Tool Design 4 2 Tool Room 28 14 Warehouse 5 2
  • 43. 43 | P a g e Analysis: The above table shows that, out the 200 samples 28% from Assembly department, 10% from Plating department, 14% from Tool Room, 8% from Moulding department and 40 from other 14 departments. This is to be explained with the help of a diagram given below. Figure 3 56 6 2 8 4 8 2 6 3 16 21 6 5 6 14 4 28 5 Distribution of workers according to their departments NO.Respondents
  • 44. 44 | P a g e Employees response to different statements. Q1. I know what is expected of me at work. Table 4 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 92 46 Agree 107 54 Neutral 1 1 Disagree 0 0 Strongly Disagree 0 0 Analysis: Figure 4 53% of the sample agreed to the fact that they are aware about the work which they have to perform while 46% are strongly agree on this fact. 46% 53% 1% 0% 0% Q1 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 45. 45 | P a g e Q2. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right Table 5 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 47 24 Agree 123 62 Neutral 24 12 Disagree 3 1.5 Strongly Disagree 3 1.5 Analysis: Figure 5 Majority (61%) of the employees get the materials and equipment they need to do their work right to do best of work every day while 2% of them disagreed on this and 23% of them strongly agreed. 23% 61% 12% 2% 2% Q2 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 46. 46 | P a g e Q3. At work, I have the opportunity to do that which I do best every day. Table 6 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 63 32 Agree 115 58 Neutral 17 8 Disagree 3 1 Strongly Disagree 2 1 Analysis: Figure 6 Majority (57%) of the employees get the opportunity to do best of work every day while 2% of them disagreed on this and 31% of them strongly agreed. 31% 57% 9% 2% 1% Q3 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 47. 47 | P a g e Q4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. Table 7 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 22 11 Agree 79 40 Neutral 41 20 Disagree 41 20 Strongly Disagree 17 9 Analysis: Figure 7 39% of the employees have received recognition or praise in the last seven days for doing good work while 11% of the employees are highly satisfied with recognition in their organization and 11% of them have not received any praise in the last seven days. 11% 39% 20% 21% 9% Q4 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 48. 48 | P a g e Q5. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. Table 8 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 56 28 Agree 115 58 Neutral 18 9 Disagree 11 5 Strongly Disagree 0 0 Analysis: Figure 8 From the above table and graph shows that 58% agreed with this statement and 28% strongly agree with this statement. Majority of the employees feels that others are care them as a person. 28% 57% 9% 6% 0% Q5 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 49. 49 | P a g e Q6. There is someone at work who encourages my development. Table 9 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 27 14 Agree 125 62 Neutral 28 14 Disagree 17 9 Strongly Disagree 3 1 Analysis: Figure 9 Generally people feel sense of belongingness when someone is there at their workplace to support them and 62% of the employees agreed on this fact while 14% have strongly agreed 9% disagreed and the other 1% strongly disagreed. 14% 62% 14% 9% 1% Q6 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 50. 50 | P a g e Q7. At work, my opinion seems to count. Table 10 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 45 23 Agree 120 60 Neutral 26 13 Disagree 6 3 Strongly Disagree 3 1 Analysis: Figure 10 Employee’s participation in decision making is again a criterion of measuring employee engagement. 60% of the employees have agreed that their decision seems to count, 22% strongly agreed to this and only 2% have strongly disagreed. 22% 60% 13% 3% 2% Q7 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 51. 51 | P a g e Q8. The mission and purpose of my organization makes me feel my job is important. Table 11 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 71 36 Agree 117 58 Neutral 10 5 Disagree 2 1 Strongly Disagree 0 0 Analysis: Figure 11 36% of the respondents strongly agrees that, they feel the mission and purpose of the organization make them their job is more important. 58% agrees to this statement and 1% disagrees to this statement. 35% 59% 5% 1% 0% Q8 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 52. 52 | P a g e Q9. My fellow employees are committed to doing quality work. Table 12 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 68 34 Agree 110 55 Neutral 16 8 Disagree 5 2 Strongly Disagree 1 1 Analysis: Figure 12 55% of the sample agreed that their fellow employees are committed to do quality work while 2% have disagreed on this fact. 34% of them have chosen strongly on this and the other 1% has strongly disagreed. 34% 55% 8% 2% 1% Q9 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 53. 53 | P a g e Q10. I have a best friend at work. Table 13 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 83 42 Agree 87 43 Neutral 22 11 Disagree 5 3 Strongly Disagree 3 1 Analysis: Figure 13 From the above details it is clear that 85% of the employees feel that there is enough friendship and cooperation in the work place. 42% strongly agree this statement, 43% agree with this statement and only 1% strongly disagrees with this statement. 41% 43% 11% 3% 2% Q10 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 54. 54 | P a g e Q11. In the past six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. Table 14 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 28 14 Agree 114 57 Neutral 27 13 Disagree 24 12 Strongly Disagree 7 4 Analysis: Figure 14 Majority of the employees have received feedback about their growth and progress from others. 57% of the employees are agreed this statement and 16% of them have not received any feedback in the past seven months. 14% 57% 13% 12% 4% Q11 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 55. 55 | P a g e Q12. This last year, I have had opportunities to learn and grow at work. Table 15 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Strongly Agree 41 20 Agree 124 62 Neutral 24 12 Disagree 11 6 Strongly Disagree 0 0 Analysis: Figure 15 Learning and development is one of the most important aspects to find out the employee engagement in the organization. 62% have agreed that they get the opportunity to learn and grow in the organization while 20% of them have strongly agreed on it, and 6% were disagreed. 20% 62% 12% 6% 0% Q12 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 56. 56 | P a g e Q13. How satisfied are you with where you work? Table 16 Response NO: Of Respondents Percentage Extremely Satisfied 39 20 Satisfied 137 68 Neutral 23 11 Dissatisfied 1 1 Extremely Dissatisfied 0 0 Analysis: Figure 16 From the above table we can understand that 68% of the employees are satisfied with their work, 20% of the employees are extremely satisfied and only 1% is dissatisfied. 19% 68% 12% 1% 0% Q13 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Diagree
  • 57. 57 | P a g e CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION
  • 58. 58 | P a g e 6.1 SUMMARY As per the above observations and analysis it seems that most of the Employees of FCI OEN Connectors are Engaged and like their work and Organization except few Employees who are Not Engaged and few who are Nearly engaged and can be changed to an Engaged Employee by their supervisors by proper planning. Employee Engagement i s the buzz word term for employee communi cati on. It i s a positive attitude held by the employees towards the organization and its values. It is rapidly gaining popularity, use and importance in the workplace and impacts organizations in many ways. Employee engagement emphasi zes the importance of employee communication on the success of a business. An organi zation should thus recogni ze employees, more than any other variable, as powerful contributors to a company's competitive position. Therefore employee engagement should be a conti nuous process of Learni ng , i mpro veme nt , measurement and action. We would hence conclude that raising and maintaining employee engagement lies in the hands of an organi zation and requires a perfect blend of time, effort, commitment and investment to craft a successful endeavor.
  • 59. 59 | P a g e 6.2 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY  Age Limitation- I had access to the young employees that’s why the study is mainly on the youngsters.  Family issues- The reason being I did not want to go into personal details and stick only to job and organizational related issues.  The study deals only with the questionnaire method. So with that 100% accuracy is not possible.  The respondent may give difference of opinion to maintain his status.
  • 60. 60 | P a g e 6.3 FINDINGS 1. N o w a d a ys e m p l o ye e s a re i nvo l ve d i n d e c i s i o n m a k i ng i n t he o r g a ni za t i o n a nd majority of the employees agreed on this fact. 2. C o m pa ny a l l o w s t he i r e m p l o ye e s t o pa r t i ci pa t e i n p e r f o r m a nc e appraisals and to set their own Key Performance Areas. 3. Compensation & Benefit programs are observed as the most effective rewards scheme. 4. Majority of the sample are loyal towards their organization. 5. Stress management, Retirement plans and Work life balance surprisingly seem to be of least effective engagement strategies according to the employees. 6. M a j o r i t y o f t h e r e s p o n d e n t s a g r e e d t h a t t h e e n g a g e m e n t s t r a t e g i e s o f t h e organization help in retaining the employees in the organization. 7. The data analysis shows that greater dissatisfaction prevailed regarding the existing financial rewards or benefit plans in terms of employee engagement as expressed by the employees of the organization. 8. Significant differences were observed in terms of recognition among different grades of employees. 9. Differences prevailed in the existing reward systems as perceived by the employees of different departments.
  • 61. 61 | P a g e 10. Findings also revealed the emphasis given by the employees to fairness and equity in the job. 11. Department-wise analysis of data shows that medical department has rated almost all the attributes to low extent which is an area of great concern. 12. The mean scores obtained by the different grades of workers and workers of different department relatively indicate that employees are quite optimistic regarding the future of the company. 13. Majority of the employees opines that their superior give the importance to their suggestions regarding work.
  • 62. 62 | P a g e 6.4 SUGGESSIONS 1. As contrary to what managers believe that decision making is the most effective tool, the employees still prefer rewards and recognition. The Managers should focus on the rewards and recognition schemes in their organization. 2. Practically people don’t give much importance to stress management programs, work life balance and retirement plans so there is scope of improvement in this area. 3. As we have got a very good response from employees so the companies should have the engagement strategies to retain the employees. To increase employee engagement, the organizations should: a) Provi de vari ety: Tedi ous, repeti ti ve tasks can cause bur n o ut and boredom over ti me. If t he job requi res repeti ti ve tasks, look for wa ys to i nt roduce variety by rotating duties, areas of responsibility, delivery of service etc. b) C o nd uc t p e r i o di c m ee t i ng s w i t h e m p l o ye e s t o co m m uni c a t e g o o d ne w s , challenges and easy-to-understand company financial information. Managers and supervisors should be comfortable communicating with their staff, and able to give and receive constructive feedback. c) Indulge in employee deployment if he feels he is not on the right job. Provide an open environment. d) Communicate openly and clearly about what's expected of employees at every level - your vision, priorities, success measures, etc.
  • 63. 63 | P a g e e) Get to know employees' i nterests, goals, stressors, etc. Show an i nterest i n their well-being and do what it takes enable them to feel more fulfilled and better balanced in work and life. f) C e l eb r a t e i nd i vi d ua l , t e a m a nd o r ga ni za t i o na l s uc c e s se s . C a t c h e m p l o ye e s doing something right, and say "Thank you."