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Chapter 3

The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the
Age of the Computer
Alistair Black

   The ‘information function’ as a core function of management has a history that
   breaches the confines of the computer age, stretching back into the late-nineteenth
   century when corporations and other large organisations first began to ‘learn’
   effectively. Fashioned by, and contributing to, a manual and mechanised revo-
   lution in office technology and information management in the decades either side
   of 1900, a variety of specialised information occupations emerged to fulfil the
   information requirements of organisations. Such occupations included research
   work, the management of mechanisation and filing and registry work. In Britain,
   another information occupation appearing at the time was the ‘information
   officer’, whose identity was formed in the in-house libraries and information
   bureaux that began to appear in relatively large numbers during and after the
   First World War and whose function was highly distinct from that of the CIO of
   the late-twentieth century and beyond.


In 1952 a leading British engineering professor advised that the first step any leader
of a large concern should take was that of ‘charging a senior executive with the
responsibility for reviewing and reporting upon and maintaining the essential
key information services required by the organisation at all levels’ (Matthew, 1952,
p. 202). This statement acknowledged the information function as a core function of
management, but what was being suggested was not new. In fact, an awareness that
organisations required their information to be managed, and that an individual or set
of individuals should be charged with the responsibility for improving ‘information
flow’ to create and transfer knowledge and assist organisational learning, had been
prevalent for a number of decades.

Information Management: Setting the Scene
Copyright r 2007 by Elsevier Ltd.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-08-046326-1
30   Alistair Black

    From the late-nineteenth century onwards, beginning in the United States,
corporations began to invest heavily in both mechanical information technology
and sophisticated marketing and management techniques. As firms — and other
organisations indeed, such as state bureaucracies — grew in size, the importance of
the document and the ‘office’, and the rational management of both, also grew. In
short, organisations became ‘records-conscious’ (Hudders, 1916; Robins & Webster,
1989, p. 43; Warren, 1920). This hastened an information management revolution on
a scale of effect similar to that later ushered in by the computer-mediated information
technology revolution. The first information management revolution was very
much an office technology revolution which, like many changes in the running of
organisations, was underwritten by a new science of management promulgated in
management literature and manuals (Galloway, 1918; Kaiser, 1908, 1911; Leffingwell,
1917; Taylor, 1911). The decades either side of 1900 saw the introduction of a number
of devices that soon became ‘everyday’ aspects of life in office administration,
including the telephone, the typewriter, the vertical-filing cabinet, the card index, the
addressing machine, the comptometer, the punch-card machine and the dictaphone
(Beniger, 1986; Campbell-Kelly, 1992, 1998; Orbell, 1991; Yates, 1991).
    These technological developments were overseen by a new breed of professional,
salaried and hierarchically arranged managers who exercised, as Chandler (1977) put
it, a ‘visible hand’ of rational control — in contrast to the classical image of enterprise
as a spontaneous and adventurous ‘go-getting’ individualism that complemented the
‘invisible’ forces of the self-correcting free market. Historians like Chandler (1977,
1990) and Yates (1989, 1991) have shown that the most successful early corporations
were those that continually learnt, first, about customers and suppliers, to ensure the
coordination of inputs and outputs (throughput); second, about products and proc-
esses, to gain technological leadership and economies of scale; and third about the
management of labour. Each required the gathering of ‘intelligence’, accompanied by
its efficient storage and organisation for retrieval and future use. In essence, from the
late-nineteenth century onwards corporations developed ‘organisational capabilities’
deeply dependant on information (Chandler, 1992).
    Nowadays, we refer to the existence of such capabilities as ‘organisational learn-
ing’. The term might be new, but the knowledge-management mechanisms that it
entails — training programmes and manuals; written protocols; in-house magazines,
bulletins and newsletters; reports and analyses; presentations; graphic representa-
tions; messages, letters and memoranda; minuted management meetings; databases
(manual and automated); and what is fancifully referred to by Kulkarin and
Freeze (2006, p. 606) as ‘knowledge documents’ of all kinds — have a long history
(Black, Muddiman, & Plant, 2007, pp. 105–147). Each of these mechanisms, or
techniques — and the machines, or technologies, that complemented them — gave
rise to new groups of professionals with specialist information skills and discrete
informational responsibilities.
    This chapter focuses on the pre-computer history, in the context of Britain, of one
such category of professional, the information officer. The identity of this early breed
of information officer differed considerably from that of the late-twentieth century
(and beyond) information officer whose role was very much defined by the
The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer      31

management of digital infrastructure in the organisation. Having provided a brief
history of the most important information functions resulting from the first infor-
mation management revolution and of the early in-house library and information
services that gave birth to, and nurtured, the information officer, an attempt is made
to establish and explain the identity of the information officer by reference, first, to
the various specialist functions that the job entailed and second, to the (at times)
bitter war that was waged against traditional librarianship in an effort to carve out a
‘particular’ professional consciousness.

Information Functions and Occupations in the Early-Twentieth Century
The first information management revolution served as both a catalyst and a
helpmate to the growth in organisations of various information functions and
occupations, such as those in advertising, public relations, accountancy and financial
planning, archiving and in-house journalism. For the purpose of this book, I restrict
myself to a small selection of these functions and occupations: research work, the
management of mechanisation and filing and registry work.

Research Work

Around the dawn of the twentieth century much greater emphasis began to be placed
by enterprises on research and development. The ad hoc nature of technological
innovation gave way to organised scientific research as the basis of production, a
trend accelerated by the First World War that revealed the lamentable state of many
aspects of British technology (Edgerton & Horrocks, 1994).
   High-level applied research was supplemented by general business research on
the external commercial environment. Such ‘desk research’ involved the development
of expertise in statistical, forecasting and marketing work, as well as knowledge
of the broader social and political environments in which commerce operated
(e.g. Dobbs, 1933; Lyall, 1925; Nightingale & Bennie, 1927; Tattersall, 1927;
Wallace, 1927).
   Research in the form of the systematic surveillance of activity within the ‘plant’
was part and parcel of the rise of scientific management (which was reliant on
information) and resulted in the evolution of early information management systems,
as in the British coal industry (Boyns & Wale, 1996). On a visit to the United States
in 1934, Miss Myra Curtis, Superintendent of Women Staff at the Post Office Savings
Bank, found that in advanced American offices the systems/methods branch was
invariably run ‘by someone who had actually read the textbooks’ and who was
‘invested with a considerable degree of authority over the executive heads of the
operating branches as to the use of mechanical devices and other time-saving
methods’ (American Office Management, 1934). Although scientific management did
not penetrate British management theory and practice to the extent that it did in the
32      Alistair Black

United States, significant aspects of it were to be found in British organisations in the
first half of the twentieth century (Whitson, 1996).
   The escalation of in-house research resulted in an increase in documentation and a
commensurate need to control it. It also led to the establishment of in-house research
laboratories and departments and associated technical libraries (more about these
later). All of these functions required a new range of occupations that in today’s
parlance would be described as information or knowledge work, the management of
mechanisation and filing and registry work.

The Management of Mechanisation

The massive expansion of office technology in the early-twentieth century meant that
the management of ‘information machinery’ became a distinct and visible component
of overall management strategy. The work of managing the entire stock of manual
information technology may in places have been fulfilled by the methods/systems
department in an organisation (alluded to above). Thus, Miss Curtis found on her
visit to the United States that the ‘Methods staff are in constant consultation with
the salesman of the office machines companies, who perhaps do as much genuine
constructive thinking as anyone about office problems’ (American Office Manage-
ment, 1934, p. 122). However, there is evidence that many large organisations chose
to establish a central mechanisation department, directed by someone of fairly high
managerial status.
   This was certainly the case at the Bank of England. During the Second World
War three essentials for the development of mechanisation were identified. The first
was the appointment of a chief officer for mechanisation, who would supervise
and coordinate mechanisation throughout the Bank. The second essential was the
establishment of a Central Machine Office, under the leadership of the chief officer.
The Office would be comprised of two elements: a Machine Section and a Training
Typing and Duplication Section. The Machine Section would offer a central service
to offices and departments by providing a repository for all permanent records
relating to mechanisation (e.g. regarding rentals, maintenance work etc.), by serving
as a medium of communication with all external companies, and by acting as a
liaison between the various parts of the Bank. This section’s overall aim was to
reduce duplication of effort and processes. The second element of the Machine
Office, the Training Typing and Duplication Section, would oversee training
throughout the Bank not only for work on typewriters but also keyboarding work on
accounting, adding and punched-card machines (although it should be noted that
training was also given externally, at Hollerith (for punched-card) and Burroughs
(for accounting) Machine Schools.1 The third essential for the development of
mechanisation was the continued existence of ‘experts’ in charge of mechanical aids
in offices and departments — for despite the appointment of a chief officer and the
establishment of a Central Machine Office, it was deemed necessary to retain

    Training on a Hollerith punched-card machine took approximately 2–4 weeks.
The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer             33

technological expertise ‘at the coal face’, as it were, and not simply concentrate it in a
central resource.2

Filing and Registry Work

Intensified database assembly, encompassing new filing and indexing methods
for documents, placed a premium on the operation of an organisation’s registry.
The central registry became a widely adopted method of document control
in the early large-scale organisation. It was the registry’s job to coordinate
and control documents in the organisation (Jenkinson, 1937). The primary role of
the registry was to register and distribute incoming letters and dispatch the out-
   By the 1920s the growing tendency was, where possible, to bring all files
and indexes into one department, sometimes termed the ‘registry’, sometimes
described as the ‘filing department/room’. In 1920 it was advised by one expert on
office methods that this department be placed in the charge of ‘a file clerk who is
trained for such work and who is also a competent executive’; information from a
central document repository would be sent to various employees, as needed, ‘by
means of a messenger service, house phones, or by lending materials to departments
in much the same fashion that patrons borrow books from the public library’
(Warren, 1920, p. 22). The flow of huge amounts of information into MI5, as
described by Brunt in this volume, resulted in the development of systematic storage
and auxiliary indexes, to provide access to materials in a way that offered an
alternative to the principal physical filing order. Supervising the work of the MI5
Registry and its hundreds of clerks (mostly women) was a task of considerable
responsibility, one fulfilled in the Second World War by the chief clerk, Miss
Paton-Smith, an ex-store detective dubbed the ‘Registry Queen’ (Black & Brunt,
2000, p. 192; West, 2005, p. 441).

The In-House Library and Information Bureau

The nursery for the growth of the information officer in Britain was the in-house
company library — synonyms for which were constructed from various combina-
tions of the prefixes ‘information’ and ‘intelligence’ with the suffixes ‘bureau’,
‘department’ and ‘office’ (Black, 2004). Nineteenth-century organisations were
relatively slow to develop in-house library and information services. It was not until
after 1914, and especially during the inter-war period, that company libraries began
to appear in anything approaching significant numbers. It is difficult to gauge the

 Memorandum to Holland-Martin (2 May, 1940), and ‘[Memorandum on] Mechanization’ (8 May, 1940),
both in Bank of England Archives, ADM15/11.
34   Alistair Black

precise level of early company library activity, but by 1927, of the 343 members of the
Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (ASLIB) — established in
1924 and now named the Association for Information Management — some 95
(around 25%) were industrial and commercial concerns. This total increased to 965
(around 35%) in 1963 (Burkett, 1965, p. 219). In the late 1950s, an ASLIB survey of
information and library units found there to be 486 company libraries, although it
must be stressed that the list was confined to those units led by someone described
as a ‘librarian’ or ‘information officer’ (ASLIB, 1960, pp. 3–4). In 1953 Jason
Farradane, who went on to found the Institute of Information Scientists, confidently
observed that ‘The majority of industrial concerns y remain ignorant of the full
possibilities of an information service, or perhaps even of the need for information’
(Farradane, 1953a, p. 327); and the following year estimated that just 2% of
industrial firms maintained an information service (Farradane, 1954, p. 299). This
said, by the early 1950s it was reckoned that between 1200 and 1500 British firms had
established libraries or information departments, facilitating the observation that
‘industrial libraries now exist in sufficient numbers to be accepted as integral parts of
a large [my emphasis] concern’ (Piggot, 1958, p. 75).
   The several reasons for the post-1914 escalation in in-house company library
provision can be summarised as follows:

1. War, Economic Depression and Organised Science. The growth of company
   libraries paralleled the rise of organised science, which was galvanised by the
   First World War. The war threw into sharp relief the relative scientific and
   technological inadequacies of British industry. A national crisis materialised at the
   start of the First World War when it was found that Britain was almost entirely
   dependant on imports from Germany of such goods as dynamos for motor vehicle
   engines and dyestuffs for fabrics, including military uniforms. The poor progress
   of British forces in the war led to accusations that over many decades science
   and technology had been neglected. The requirements of technological, total war,
   allied to the prospect of intense post-war international competition, enhanced the
   systematic and scientific approach to the development of technology. Thereafter,
   research in science and technology, and the library and information services
   required to support it, moved up the industrial agenda.
2. American Influences. The company library had originated in the late-nineteenth
   century in the United States, when corporations in both industry and commerce
   began to establish them in response to burgeoning markets and the increasing
   complexity of production and service provision. This initial experiment provided
   good evidence as to the efficacy of the in-house company library, and this
   experience, along with knowledge of best practice, were readily exported to
3. The Inadequacy of Public Provision. It might be argued that had public provision of
   technical and commercial information been more generous, then private enter-
   prises may not have been forced to commence and develop their own information
   services. Distinct technical and commercial departments in public libraries did not
The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer        35

     emerge until the First World War and its immediate aftermath: in cities like
     Glasgow (1916), Leeds (1918) and Manchester (1919). However, neither these
     libraries, nor those that grew extensively in size and reputation between the wars
     (e.g. Sheffield), offered an alternative to independent provision in large and even
     some medium-size firms.
4.   New Industries. There was a high correlation between company library activity
     and the development of new sectors in the economy — i.e. industries of potentially
     high-productivity and high-yield where science, technology and research were at a
     premium. Such industries included: chemicals; synthetic dyestuffs; artificial silk
     (rayon); precision instruments; oil; aluminium; rubber; plastics; aircraft; motor
     vehicles; canned foodstuffs; electrical engineering, generation and supply; electri-
     cal and radio equipment and a wide variety of household, confectionery and
     consumer goods.
5.   Increased Merger Activity. Company library activity was boosted by changes that
     occurred in the scale and ownership of enterprises. In response to intensifying
     competition, businesses between the wars developed a philosophy of rationalisa-
     tion, which in practice meant increased concentration of ownership — the essen-
     tial ingredient of what the British business historian Leslie Hannah (1976) called
     the ‘rise of the corporate economy’. Larger firms meant information services like
     libraries could not only be afforded but became necessary in assisting the good
     flow of information through complex organisations.
6.   Technical Education. A relatively inconspicuous, yet important, function of the
     company library was the provision of technical education, the need for which was
     emphasised by the war. As repositories of technical knowledge, company libraries
     offered the potential to support the technical education of employees at a variety
     of levels, whether in support of the discharge of their duties or as tools for those
     seeking promotion.
7.   Scientific Management. Company libraries helped to underwrite the development
     of the scientific management regimes which Taylorist teachings and Fordist
     organisation had popularised. In mass-production enterprises (whether industrial
     or commercial), with a detailed division of labour and intense specialisation, good
     supervision and personnel management were critical. In-house library holdings
     reflected the new science of management, and included literature on production
     and personnel management, administration and supervision, as well as on what
     Ernest Savage termed ‘collateral subjects’, like industrial organisation, advertising,
     wage systems, the labour question and industrial psychology. If made widely
     accessible in the organisation, company libraries could be employed as an antidote
     to the monotony created by the mass-production and minute division of labour
     that characterised Fordism. It was argued that library use could help restore
     ‘mental equilibrium’ by combating acute specialisation.
8.   Information Management. Information management, which mushroomed in
     the early-twentieth century, was a prime responsibility of many early company
     libraries. At the Manchester electrical engineering firm Metropolitan-Vickers, the
     Intelligence Section, established during the First World War, served as an
36     Alistair Black

     important junction in the exchange of information between the various companies
     in the global corporation of which the company was a part; a role reflected by the
     fact that the department started life as the ‘Intelligence and Interchange [my
     emphasis] Section’.3 The librarian was a conduit of information in the organi-
     sation, a crucial node in its system of knowledge, a person who over time gained
     knowledge of the organisation by fielding enquires from across it and who, by
     passing that knowledge on, helped build what in modern parlance is termed the
     ‘learning organisation’. There is evidence that libraries acted as repositories of last
     resort for organisational protocols. In planning the new library for the Post Office
     in the mid-1930s, it was recommended that ‘the Library should contain complete
     sets of Post Office rules and instructions, and that these should be kept up-to-date
     by the Library staff’ (although the repository of official and historical documents
     remained the Records Room).4 As ‘switching centres’, company libraries oversaw
     the distribution of knowledge in the form of surveys of the literature, tailored
     bibliographies, technical periodicals and bulletins of abstracts. Once circulated,
     libraries retained materials for later consultation, appropriately indexed and
     sometimes ‘guillotined’ into pamphlets (discrete journal articles) or subject files.
     At a less technical level, some libraries maintained a service by which company
     employees were notified of forthcoming lectures, conferences and symposia
     covering subjects in which they were interested (GEC Research Laboratories,
     1957, p. 13). Company libraries were primarily concerned with managing exter-
     nally generated — essentially published — information, but some were also
     charged with a responsibility for storing and organising internally generated
     information, as well as external unpublished material such as correspondence. In
     the 1940s it was reported that in the library of Mond Nickel Company Limited:
     ‘Much unpublished information is available, and this is certainly being added to,
     for the department is shown all the correspondence and papers of the firm which
     can possibly contain anything useful’ (Roberts, 1949, p. 33). In 1953 Brian Vickery
     (p. 5) observed that two types of literature — correspondence and reports — were
     creeping into special libraries, adding that ‘Particularly in the field of technology,
     it is found that every communication received or issued by members of a group
     may be of value to the group as a whole, and so letters, telegrams and even
     telephone calls are being brought under the bibliographic control of the library’.
     When a central library was being planned in Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in
     1928, it was advised that ‘to enable the librarian to be in a position to supply
     complete information on a given subject, all departmental technical reports,
     memoranda etc., at present filed in the Central Filing Department, should in
     future be deposited in the Central Library, or as an alternative, that this particular

 ‘Research Department report’ (1929) p. 32. Metropolitan-Vickers Archives, Manchester Museum of
Science and Technology, 0531/19–24.
 ‘[Post Office] Headquarters Library, Report of the Committee’ (August 1935), Royal Mail Archives,
POST 72.
The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer       37

      section of Mr. Barbour’s department (i.e. central filing) should be housed adjacent
      to the Central Library’.5 At Nobel Explosives in the early 1920s the librarian
      undertook a daily perusal of letters received the previous day in the Commercial
      Department. Letters containing useful technical information were selected and
      indexed, and the letters returned (Barbour, 1921, p. 169).

The Emergence of the Information Officer

It is evident, therefore, that from the outset information management, including
records management, was an important function of many early-twentieth century
in-house libraries. As this information management function became more prevalent,
organisations began to increase their investment, both financially and semantically,
in the ‘information bureau’ and the ‘information officer’ (although it is important
to stress that the in-house library and librarian, named as such, by no means
disappeared). In Europe, of course, the terms ‘documentation’ and ‘documentalist’
emerged to describe the new functions (they were also used sporadically in Britain)
(Pearce, 1918). One such documentalist was Donker Duyvis, who was employed in
the Dutch Patent Office and was also active locally and nationally in a number of
organisations concerned with managerial efficiency and standardisation such as
NIDER (Netherlands Institute for Documentation and Filing) which for a time
offered a specialised information service to industry in the Netherlands (Netherlands
Institute for Documentation and Filing, 1964).
   In Britain the term ‘information officer’ (an earlier designation was ‘intelligence
officer’) was more common. This professional group emerged largely from the
in-house library and information bureaux that, as described above, began to appear
in large corporations during and after the First World War. These early information
professionals — a relatively high proportion of who were women (Black et al., 2007,
pp. 219–234) — defined themselves less as organisers and disseminators of books
than as managers, abstractors and communicators or publicists, of information that
was packaged in a variety of formats and often hewn from whole documents. They
also stressed the importance of subject knowledge; a pro-active approach to users; a
new approach to classification and indexing; and new information technologies, such
as the vertical file, punch-card machines and microfilm. The identity and purpose of
the embryonic, company-based information professional in Britain was reflected in
the work of ASLIB, and eventually, and more definitively, in the formation of the
Institute of Information Scientists in 1958.
   The information bureau and its information officer were natural outgrowths of the
company library. In reality the term in-house library stood for a range of functions
much wider in scope than the provision of a collection of books and periodicals.
Company libraries were also ‘information services’. Moreover, in places they were
highly influential in shaping the kind of corporate information infrastructure

    ‘Report of the [ICI] Library Committee’ (1928), ICI Archives, ICI/93/29Y (Box 198).
38   Alistair Black

arrangements we nowadays refer to as ‘information management’. The informational
dimension of the company library was stated just after the First World War by the
technical librarian of the confectionary firm Rowntree and Co., Vincent Garrett, who
explained that ‘for business purposes we tend to disassociate information from
literature; we do not want books, we want information’.6 He later reinforced this
position when he reported that ‘ninety-five percent of the inquiries handled in my
library are not for specific books, but for information y this type of library is not
a Book Department but an Information or Intelligence Department’ (Garrett, 1925,
p. 39). This message was echoed three decades later by one of Garrett’s successors as
librarian: ‘As a matter of fact I sometimes wonder whether the name ‘‘Library’’ as far
as we are concerned is not a misnomer, for I should like to say that we are 40%
Library and 60% Information Service.’7
    The complexities of embryonic library and information provision in enterprises,
and hence the problems of nomenclature which this gives rise to, is illustrated by
the structure of the information service established by Metropolitan-Vickers, as part
of its research department, in 1916. The blueprint for an Information and
Intelligence Section identified four functions: Economic Survey (the production of
market reports for other departments in the company and for some outside bodies);
Westinghouse Liaison (the exchange of technical information with the firm’s
American parent company, Westinghouse); Pure Scientific Liaison (the exchange of
information with individual experts and scientific bodies); Intelligence and Library
Service (including a reference library, an abstracting service, a periodical circulation
service and a service for translating foreign-language technical literature).8 In reality
all four functions of the section were inter-woven. The fact that the ‘intelligence’ and
‘library’ services were grouped together made sense, in a certain way. After all, when
considering their value to production and organisational efficiency, to draw a line
between internally and externally produced information, and between information
(or intelligence) and books, is effectively a sterile exercise. However, as the century
progressed, many began to believe that such distinctions were important and that
a specific set of professional skills, different in their totality from traditional
librarianship, should be brought to bear on organisations’ (internal) information
management requirements and on the acquiring and dissemination of recorded
knowledge not simply in the form of books. Those who professed this strategy styled
themselves ‘information officer’, and the units they worked in ‘information bureau/

  H.V. Garrett, ‘Library bulletins and card index’ (16 May, 1919), Rowntree-Mackintosh Archives, Borth-
wick Institute, University of York, R/D/TL/9.
  ‘Talk given at York Public Library on 20 September, 1951 to the Reference and Special Libraries Section
(Yorkshire Group) of the Library Association’, Rowntree-Mackintosh Archives, Borthwick Institute,
University of York, R/DH/TL/9.
‘Report of the Research Department’ (8 October, 1924), Metropolitan-Vickers Archives, Manchester
Museum of Science and Technology, 0531/1.
The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer        39

Identity Formation Through Struggle: The Information Officer’s Battle
with Traditional Librarianship

Despite the synergies that existed between the library and librarian on the one hand
and the information bureau and information officer on the other, after 1945 battle
lines were drawn between these two professional areas — paralleling, incidentally, a
similar tension between librarians and documentalists that existed in the United
States at the time (Taube, 1953; Bowles, 1999). ‘The conflict between librarians and
documentalists has become bitter’, wrote Piggot in 1958 (p. 80) in reviewing the
industrial library field. ‘There appears’, he observed, ‘to be an attitude of indifference
and lack of cooperation with the actions taking place in documentation circles’
(p. 78), as well as a ‘lack of ability of the more conservative librarians to appreciate
the requirements of the new situation’ (p. 75). In the late 1940s and in the 1950s
the ancestor of the documentalist, and the progenitor of the information scientist,
came to be termed the ‘information officer’. These years witnessed a running debate
as to the definition and legitimacy of the ‘information officer’, and the nature and
exclusivity of his or her professional practices.
   The most outspoken advocate of the new domain of ‘information work’ was
Jason Farradane, scientific information officer at the research laboratories of the
sugar giant Tate and Lyle, cofounder of the Institute of Information Scientists in
1958 and the architect of Britain’s first course in information work in 1961 (at the
Northampton College of Advanced Technology, later City University, London).
Farradane sought a strict separation between the librarian and the information
officer. He was convinced ‘that the interests of librarians and information officers
diverge, and will continue to diverge more as the information officer profession
develops y the information officer lays little or no claim to the techniques of
librarianship’ (Farradane, 1953b, p. 411). He was supported in his fight to secure a
discrete status for information work by a healthy number of professionals working in
the information services and libraries of private enterprises and research establish-
ments. ‘When will a minority of librarians eventually realise’, asked one of these
supporters rhetorically, ‘that something new and different has come up with the
information officer’ (Sontag, 1959, p. 568). Librarians, for their part, resisted the
‘information officer’ discourse by dismissing it as a fad, arguing, amongst other
things that the term should be reserved to describe an organisation’s press, or public
relations, officer, its propagandist (during the Second World War, of course,
‘information officers’ had formed part of the government’s propaganda machine)
(Grant, 1999).
   The causes of the conflict that existed in the 1940s and 1950s between the two
warring factions can be clarified by distinguishing in detail the components of
information work (the work of the information officer and later the information
scientist) from those of librarianship. It was said that the information officer/

1. Dealt with information extracted from whole documents, the organisation of the
   latter being essentially the responsibility of the librarian.
40   Alistair Black

2. Sought to anticipate demand, unlike the librarian who was more ‘reactive’, and
   therefore relatively passive, in this regard.
3. Vigorously exploited new technological opportunities and was comfortable with a
   multiplicity of formats; the librarian, by contrast, certainly stereotypically, was a
   technological laggard, concerned essentially with books.
4. Was mostly anchored in ‘practical’, ‘relevant’ and ‘productive’ environments, such as
   the industrial or commercial enterprise, unlike librarians who mostly displayed a
   predilection for the ‘cultural’.
5. Ideally displayed knowledge of the subject areas — whether chemistry or banking,
   engineering or insurance — with which her/his information service was concerned;
   whereas the librarian dealt with general collections and therefore endeavoured to
   develop a broad and rounded familiarity recorded knowledge as opposed to a
   subject specialism.
6. Claimed a higher professional status. Information workers, many of whom began
   their careers as scientists, believed they could justifiably command the esteem
   commanded by the science profession.
7. Emphasised customisation in classification and indexing, and was less concerned
   with traditional bibliography.
8. Demonstrated greater depth of analysis of materials, and could be found involved
   in translation (or the provision of a translating service), editing, technical writing,
   abstracting, bulletin preparation, indexing and statistical work.

   These distinctions were reflected in the continuing separation of the two profes-
sional associations representing the opposing camps: the Institute of Information
Scientists (established, as noted above, in 1958) and the Library Association (which
had been established as far back as 1877). In 2002, however, in response to a blurring
of the boundaries of their separate domains, wrought not least by a shared reliance
on digital ICTs, the two camps were re-united under a single professional body, the
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP).


As accessible technologies of information management have developed and as
flexible post-Fordist modes of production and service provision have emerged,
specialisation in information occupations of all kinds has decreased and skills have
converged to produce multi-tasking, ‘portfolio’ professionals. However, this analysis
should not hide the fact that Fordism in the workplace, as in society generally, has
by no means disappeared. Similarly, during the Fordist era not all information
occupations were characterised by a strict division of labour and a culture of mono-
skilling. It is true that in the early-twentieth century, in the wake of the rise of the
corporation and mechanical information and office revolution, a number of
discrete information occupations, many of professional, salaried status, emerged in
organisations; but equally there is also evidence of hybrid professionalisation, not
least in the form of the information officer of the pre-computer era who was able to
The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer             41

turn his/her hand to a number of information task demanded by the modern
organisation (the desire to be distinct from the librarian is not to be taken as
an indication of acute specialisation). The identity of the early information officer in
Britain differed markedly from its distant digital descendant, reminding us that
information and its organisation can exist outside the technological world of the


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Chapter3 black

  • 1. Chapter 3 The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer Alistair Black ABSTRACT The ‘information function’ as a core function of management has a history that breaches the confines of the computer age, stretching back into the late-nineteenth century when corporations and other large organisations first began to ‘learn’ effectively. Fashioned by, and contributing to, a manual and mechanised revo- lution in office technology and information management in the decades either side of 1900, a variety of specialised information occupations emerged to fulfil the information requirements of organisations. Such occupations included research work, the management of mechanisation and filing and registry work. In Britain, another information occupation appearing at the time was the ‘information officer’, whose identity was formed in the in-house libraries and information bureaux that began to appear in relatively large numbers during and after the First World War and whose function was highly distinct from that of the CIO of the late-twentieth century and beyond. Introduction In 1952 a leading British engineering professor advised that the first step any leader of a large concern should take was that of ‘charging a senior executive with the responsibility for reviewing and reporting upon and maintaining the essential key information services required by the organisation at all levels’ (Matthew, 1952, p. 202). This statement acknowledged the information function as a core function of management, but what was being suggested was not new. In fact, an awareness that organisations required their information to be managed, and that an individual or set of individuals should be charged with the responsibility for improving ‘information flow’ to create and transfer knowledge and assist organisational learning, had been prevalent for a number of decades. Information Management: Setting the Scene Copyright r 2007 by Elsevier Ltd. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. ISBN: 978-0-08-046326-1
  • 2. 30 Alistair Black From the late-nineteenth century onwards, beginning in the United States, corporations began to invest heavily in both mechanical information technology and sophisticated marketing and management techniques. As firms — and other organisations indeed, such as state bureaucracies — grew in size, the importance of the document and the ‘office’, and the rational management of both, also grew. In short, organisations became ‘records-conscious’ (Hudders, 1916; Robins & Webster, 1989, p. 43; Warren, 1920). This hastened an information management revolution on a scale of effect similar to that later ushered in by the computer-mediated information technology revolution. The first information management revolution was very much an office technology revolution which, like many changes in the running of organisations, was underwritten by a new science of management promulgated in management literature and manuals (Galloway, 1918; Kaiser, 1908, 1911; Leffingwell, 1917; Taylor, 1911). The decades either side of 1900 saw the introduction of a number of devices that soon became ‘everyday’ aspects of life in office administration, including the telephone, the typewriter, the vertical-filing cabinet, the card index, the addressing machine, the comptometer, the punch-card machine and the dictaphone (Beniger, 1986; Campbell-Kelly, 1992, 1998; Orbell, 1991; Yates, 1991). These technological developments were overseen by a new breed of professional, salaried and hierarchically arranged managers who exercised, as Chandler (1977) put it, a ‘visible hand’ of rational control — in contrast to the classical image of enterprise as a spontaneous and adventurous ‘go-getting’ individualism that complemented the ‘invisible’ forces of the self-correcting free market. Historians like Chandler (1977, 1990) and Yates (1989, 1991) have shown that the most successful early corporations were those that continually learnt, first, about customers and suppliers, to ensure the coordination of inputs and outputs (throughput); second, about products and proc- esses, to gain technological leadership and economies of scale; and third about the management of labour. Each required the gathering of ‘intelligence’, accompanied by its efficient storage and organisation for retrieval and future use. In essence, from the late-nineteenth century onwards corporations developed ‘organisational capabilities’ deeply dependant on information (Chandler, 1992). Nowadays, we refer to the existence of such capabilities as ‘organisational learn- ing’. The term might be new, but the knowledge-management mechanisms that it entails — training programmes and manuals; written protocols; in-house magazines, bulletins and newsletters; reports and analyses; presentations; graphic representa- tions; messages, letters and memoranda; minuted management meetings; databases (manual and automated); and what is fancifully referred to by Kulkarin and Freeze (2006, p. 606) as ‘knowledge documents’ of all kinds — have a long history (Black, Muddiman, & Plant, 2007, pp. 105–147). Each of these mechanisms, or techniques — and the machines, or technologies, that complemented them — gave rise to new groups of professionals with specialist information skills and discrete informational responsibilities. This chapter focuses on the pre-computer history, in the context of Britain, of one such category of professional, the information officer. The identity of this early breed of information officer differed considerably from that of the late-twentieth century (and beyond) information officer whose role was very much defined by the
  • 3. The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer 31 management of digital infrastructure in the organisation. Having provided a brief history of the most important information functions resulting from the first infor- mation management revolution and of the early in-house library and information services that gave birth to, and nurtured, the information officer, an attempt is made to establish and explain the identity of the information officer by reference, first, to the various specialist functions that the job entailed and second, to the (at times) bitter war that was waged against traditional librarianship in an effort to carve out a ‘particular’ professional consciousness. Information Functions and Occupations in the Early-Twentieth Century Organisation The first information management revolution served as both a catalyst and a helpmate to the growth in organisations of various information functions and occupations, such as those in advertising, public relations, accountancy and financial planning, archiving and in-house journalism. For the purpose of this book, I restrict myself to a small selection of these functions and occupations: research work, the management of mechanisation and filing and registry work. Research Work Around the dawn of the twentieth century much greater emphasis began to be placed by enterprises on research and development. The ad hoc nature of technological innovation gave way to organised scientific research as the basis of production, a trend accelerated by the First World War that revealed the lamentable state of many aspects of British technology (Edgerton & Horrocks, 1994). High-level applied research was supplemented by general business research on the external commercial environment. Such ‘desk research’ involved the development of expertise in statistical, forecasting and marketing work, as well as knowledge of the broader social and political environments in which commerce operated (e.g. Dobbs, 1933; Lyall, 1925; Nightingale & Bennie, 1927; Tattersall, 1927; Wallace, 1927). Research in the form of the systematic surveillance of activity within the ‘plant’ was part and parcel of the rise of scientific management (which was reliant on information) and resulted in the evolution of early information management systems, as in the British coal industry (Boyns & Wale, 1996). On a visit to the United States in 1934, Miss Myra Curtis, Superintendent of Women Staff at the Post Office Savings Bank, found that in advanced American offices the systems/methods branch was invariably run ‘by someone who had actually read the textbooks’ and who was ‘invested with a considerable degree of authority over the executive heads of the operating branches as to the use of mechanical devices and other time-saving methods’ (American Office Management, 1934). Although scientific management did not penetrate British management theory and practice to the extent that it did in the
  • 4. 32 Alistair Black United States, significant aspects of it were to be found in British organisations in the first half of the twentieth century (Whitson, 1996). The escalation of in-house research resulted in an increase in documentation and a commensurate need to control it. It also led to the establishment of in-house research laboratories and departments and associated technical libraries (more about these later). All of these functions required a new range of occupations that in today’s parlance would be described as information or knowledge work, the management of mechanisation and filing and registry work. The Management of Mechanisation The massive expansion of office technology in the early-twentieth century meant that the management of ‘information machinery’ became a distinct and visible component of overall management strategy. The work of managing the entire stock of manual information technology may in places have been fulfilled by the methods/systems department in an organisation (alluded to above). Thus, Miss Curtis found on her visit to the United States that the ‘Methods staff are in constant consultation with the salesman of the office machines companies, who perhaps do as much genuine constructive thinking as anyone about office problems’ (American Office Manage- ment, 1934, p. 122). However, there is evidence that many large organisations chose to establish a central mechanisation department, directed by someone of fairly high managerial status. This was certainly the case at the Bank of England. During the Second World War three essentials for the development of mechanisation were identified. The first was the appointment of a chief officer for mechanisation, who would supervise and coordinate mechanisation throughout the Bank. The second essential was the establishment of a Central Machine Office, under the leadership of the chief officer. The Office would be comprised of two elements: a Machine Section and a Training Typing and Duplication Section. The Machine Section would offer a central service to offices and departments by providing a repository for all permanent records relating to mechanisation (e.g. regarding rentals, maintenance work etc.), by serving as a medium of communication with all external companies, and by acting as a liaison between the various parts of the Bank. This section’s overall aim was to reduce duplication of effort and processes. The second element of the Machine Office, the Training Typing and Duplication Section, would oversee training throughout the Bank not only for work on typewriters but also keyboarding work on accounting, adding and punched-card machines (although it should be noted that training was also given externally, at Hollerith (for punched-card) and Burroughs (for accounting) Machine Schools.1 The third essential for the development of mechanisation was the continued existence of ‘experts’ in charge of mechanical aids in offices and departments — for despite the appointment of a chief officer and the establishment of a Central Machine Office, it was deemed necessary to retain 1 Training on a Hollerith punched-card machine took approximately 2–4 weeks.
  • 5. The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer 33 technological expertise ‘at the coal face’, as it were, and not simply concentrate it in a central resource.2 Filing and Registry Work Intensified database assembly, encompassing new filing and indexing methods for documents, placed a premium on the operation of an organisation’s registry. The central registry became a widely adopted method of document control in the early large-scale organisation. It was the registry’s job to coordinate and control documents in the organisation (Jenkinson, 1937). The primary role of the registry was to register and distribute incoming letters and dispatch the out- going. By the 1920s the growing tendency was, where possible, to bring all files and indexes into one department, sometimes termed the ‘registry’, sometimes described as the ‘filing department/room’. In 1920 it was advised by one expert on office methods that this department be placed in the charge of ‘a file clerk who is trained for such work and who is also a competent executive’; information from a central document repository would be sent to various employees, as needed, ‘by means of a messenger service, house phones, or by lending materials to departments in much the same fashion that patrons borrow books from the public library’ (Warren, 1920, p. 22). The flow of huge amounts of information into MI5, as described by Brunt in this volume, resulted in the development of systematic storage and auxiliary indexes, to provide access to materials in a way that offered an alternative to the principal physical filing order. Supervising the work of the MI5 Registry and its hundreds of clerks (mostly women) was a task of considerable responsibility, one fulfilled in the Second World War by the chief clerk, Miss Paton-Smith, an ex-store detective dubbed the ‘Registry Queen’ (Black & Brunt, 2000, p. 192; West, 2005, p. 441). The In-House Library and Information Bureau The nursery for the growth of the information officer in Britain was the in-house company library — synonyms for which were constructed from various combina- tions of the prefixes ‘information’ and ‘intelligence’ with the suffixes ‘bureau’, ‘department’ and ‘office’ (Black, 2004). Nineteenth-century organisations were relatively slow to develop in-house library and information services. It was not until after 1914, and especially during the inter-war period, that company libraries began to appear in anything approaching significant numbers. It is difficult to gauge the 2 Memorandum to Holland-Martin (2 May, 1940), and ‘[Memorandum on] Mechanization’ (8 May, 1940), both in Bank of England Archives, ADM15/11.
  • 6. 34 Alistair Black precise level of early company library activity, but by 1927, of the 343 members of the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (ASLIB) — established in 1924 and now named the Association for Information Management — some 95 (around 25%) were industrial and commercial concerns. This total increased to 965 (around 35%) in 1963 (Burkett, 1965, p. 219). In the late 1950s, an ASLIB survey of information and library units found there to be 486 company libraries, although it must be stressed that the list was confined to those units led by someone described as a ‘librarian’ or ‘information officer’ (ASLIB, 1960, pp. 3–4). In 1953 Jason Farradane, who went on to found the Institute of Information Scientists, confidently observed that ‘The majority of industrial concerns y remain ignorant of the full possibilities of an information service, or perhaps even of the need for information’ (Farradane, 1953a, p. 327); and the following year estimated that just 2% of industrial firms maintained an information service (Farradane, 1954, p. 299). This said, by the early 1950s it was reckoned that between 1200 and 1500 British firms had established libraries or information departments, facilitating the observation that ‘industrial libraries now exist in sufficient numbers to be accepted as integral parts of a large [my emphasis] concern’ (Piggot, 1958, p. 75). The several reasons for the post-1914 escalation in in-house company library provision can be summarised as follows: 1. War, Economic Depression and Organised Science. The growth of company libraries paralleled the rise of organised science, which was galvanised by the First World War. The war threw into sharp relief the relative scientific and technological inadequacies of British industry. A national crisis materialised at the start of the First World War when it was found that Britain was almost entirely dependant on imports from Germany of such goods as dynamos for motor vehicle engines and dyestuffs for fabrics, including military uniforms. The poor progress of British forces in the war led to accusations that over many decades science and technology had been neglected. The requirements of technological, total war, allied to the prospect of intense post-war international competition, enhanced the systematic and scientific approach to the development of technology. Thereafter, research in science and technology, and the library and information services required to support it, moved up the industrial agenda. 2. American Influences. The company library had originated in the late-nineteenth century in the United States, when corporations in both industry and commerce began to establish them in response to burgeoning markets and the increasing complexity of production and service provision. This initial experiment provided good evidence as to the efficacy of the in-house company library, and this experience, along with knowledge of best practice, were readily exported to Europe. 3. The Inadequacy of Public Provision. It might be argued that had public provision of technical and commercial information been more generous, then private enter- prises may not have been forced to commence and develop their own information services. Distinct technical and commercial departments in public libraries did not
  • 7. The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer 35 emerge until the First World War and its immediate aftermath: in cities like Glasgow (1916), Leeds (1918) and Manchester (1919). However, neither these libraries, nor those that grew extensively in size and reputation between the wars (e.g. Sheffield), offered an alternative to independent provision in large and even some medium-size firms. 4. New Industries. There was a high correlation between company library activity and the development of new sectors in the economy — i.e. industries of potentially high-productivity and high-yield where science, technology and research were at a premium. Such industries included: chemicals; synthetic dyestuffs; artificial silk (rayon); precision instruments; oil; aluminium; rubber; plastics; aircraft; motor vehicles; canned foodstuffs; electrical engineering, generation and supply; electri- cal and radio equipment and a wide variety of household, confectionery and consumer goods. 5. Increased Merger Activity. Company library activity was boosted by changes that occurred in the scale and ownership of enterprises. In response to intensifying competition, businesses between the wars developed a philosophy of rationalisa- tion, which in practice meant increased concentration of ownership — the essen- tial ingredient of what the British business historian Leslie Hannah (1976) called the ‘rise of the corporate economy’. Larger firms meant information services like libraries could not only be afforded but became necessary in assisting the good flow of information through complex organisations. 6. Technical Education. A relatively inconspicuous, yet important, function of the company library was the provision of technical education, the need for which was emphasised by the war. As repositories of technical knowledge, company libraries offered the potential to support the technical education of employees at a variety of levels, whether in support of the discharge of their duties or as tools for those seeking promotion. 7. Scientific Management. Company libraries helped to underwrite the development of the scientific management regimes which Taylorist teachings and Fordist organisation had popularised. In mass-production enterprises (whether industrial or commercial), with a detailed division of labour and intense specialisation, good supervision and personnel management were critical. In-house library holdings reflected the new science of management, and included literature on production and personnel management, administration and supervision, as well as on what Ernest Savage termed ‘collateral subjects’, like industrial organisation, advertising, wage systems, the labour question and industrial psychology. If made widely accessible in the organisation, company libraries could be employed as an antidote to the monotony created by the mass-production and minute division of labour that characterised Fordism. It was argued that library use could help restore ‘mental equilibrium’ by combating acute specialisation. 8. Information Management. Information management, which mushroomed in the early-twentieth century, was a prime responsibility of many early company libraries. At the Manchester electrical engineering firm Metropolitan-Vickers, the Intelligence Section, established during the First World War, served as an
  • 8. 36 Alistair Black important junction in the exchange of information between the various companies in the global corporation of which the company was a part; a role reflected by the fact that the department started life as the ‘Intelligence and Interchange [my emphasis] Section’.3 The librarian was a conduit of information in the organi- sation, a crucial node in its system of knowledge, a person who over time gained knowledge of the organisation by fielding enquires from across it and who, by passing that knowledge on, helped build what in modern parlance is termed the ‘learning organisation’. There is evidence that libraries acted as repositories of last resort for organisational protocols. In planning the new library for the Post Office in the mid-1930s, it was recommended that ‘the Library should contain complete sets of Post Office rules and instructions, and that these should be kept up-to-date by the Library staff’ (although the repository of official and historical documents remained the Records Room).4 As ‘switching centres’, company libraries oversaw the distribution of knowledge in the form of surveys of the literature, tailored bibliographies, technical periodicals and bulletins of abstracts. Once circulated, libraries retained materials for later consultation, appropriately indexed and sometimes ‘guillotined’ into pamphlets (discrete journal articles) or subject files. At a less technical level, some libraries maintained a service by which company employees were notified of forthcoming lectures, conferences and symposia covering subjects in which they were interested (GEC Research Laboratories, 1957, p. 13). Company libraries were primarily concerned with managing exter- nally generated — essentially published — information, but some were also charged with a responsibility for storing and organising internally generated information, as well as external unpublished material such as correspondence. In the 1940s it was reported that in the library of Mond Nickel Company Limited: ‘Much unpublished information is available, and this is certainly being added to, for the department is shown all the correspondence and papers of the firm which can possibly contain anything useful’ (Roberts, 1949, p. 33). In 1953 Brian Vickery (p. 5) observed that two types of literature — correspondence and reports — were creeping into special libraries, adding that ‘Particularly in the field of technology, it is found that every communication received or issued by members of a group may be of value to the group as a whole, and so letters, telegrams and even telephone calls are being brought under the bibliographic control of the library’. When a central library was being planned in Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in 1928, it was advised that ‘to enable the librarian to be in a position to supply complete information on a given subject, all departmental technical reports, memoranda etc., at present filed in the Central Filing Department, should in future be deposited in the Central Library, or as an alternative, that this particular 3 ‘Research Department report’ (1929) p. 32. Metropolitan-Vickers Archives, Manchester Museum of Science and Technology, 0531/19–24. 4 ‘[Post Office] Headquarters Library, Report of the Committee’ (August 1935), Royal Mail Archives, POST 72.
  • 9. The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer 37 section of Mr. Barbour’s department (i.e. central filing) should be housed adjacent to the Central Library’.5 At Nobel Explosives in the early 1920s the librarian undertook a daily perusal of letters received the previous day in the Commercial Department. Letters containing useful technical information were selected and indexed, and the letters returned (Barbour, 1921, p. 169). The Emergence of the Information Officer It is evident, therefore, that from the outset information management, including records management, was an important function of many early-twentieth century in-house libraries. As this information management function became more prevalent, organisations began to increase their investment, both financially and semantically, in the ‘information bureau’ and the ‘information officer’ (although it is important to stress that the in-house library and librarian, named as such, by no means disappeared). In Europe, of course, the terms ‘documentation’ and ‘documentalist’ emerged to describe the new functions (they were also used sporadically in Britain) (Pearce, 1918). One such documentalist was Donker Duyvis, who was employed in the Dutch Patent Office and was also active locally and nationally in a number of organisations concerned with managerial efficiency and standardisation such as NIDER (Netherlands Institute for Documentation and Filing) which for a time offered a specialised information service to industry in the Netherlands (Netherlands Institute for Documentation and Filing, 1964). In Britain the term ‘information officer’ (an earlier designation was ‘intelligence officer’) was more common. This professional group emerged largely from the in-house library and information bureaux that, as described above, began to appear in large corporations during and after the First World War. These early information professionals — a relatively high proportion of who were women (Black et al., 2007, pp. 219–234) — defined themselves less as organisers and disseminators of books than as managers, abstractors and communicators or publicists, of information that was packaged in a variety of formats and often hewn from whole documents. They also stressed the importance of subject knowledge; a pro-active approach to users; a new approach to classification and indexing; and new information technologies, such as the vertical file, punch-card machines and microfilm. The identity and purpose of the embryonic, company-based information professional in Britain was reflected in the work of ASLIB, and eventually, and more definitively, in the formation of the Institute of Information Scientists in 1958. The information bureau and its information officer were natural outgrowths of the company library. In reality the term in-house library stood for a range of functions much wider in scope than the provision of a collection of books and periodicals. Company libraries were also ‘information services’. Moreover, in places they were highly influential in shaping the kind of corporate information infrastructure 5 ‘Report of the [ICI] Library Committee’ (1928), ICI Archives, ICI/93/29Y (Box 198).
  • 10. 38 Alistair Black arrangements we nowadays refer to as ‘information management’. The informational dimension of the company library was stated just after the First World War by the technical librarian of the confectionary firm Rowntree and Co., Vincent Garrett, who explained that ‘for business purposes we tend to disassociate information from literature; we do not want books, we want information’.6 He later reinforced this position when he reported that ‘ninety-five percent of the inquiries handled in my library are not for specific books, but for information y this type of library is not a Book Department but an Information or Intelligence Department’ (Garrett, 1925, p. 39). This message was echoed three decades later by one of Garrett’s successors as librarian: ‘As a matter of fact I sometimes wonder whether the name ‘‘Library’’ as far as we are concerned is not a misnomer, for I should like to say that we are 40% Library and 60% Information Service.’7 The complexities of embryonic library and information provision in enterprises, and hence the problems of nomenclature which this gives rise to, is illustrated by the structure of the information service established by Metropolitan-Vickers, as part of its research department, in 1916. The blueprint for an Information and Intelligence Section identified four functions: Economic Survey (the production of market reports for other departments in the company and for some outside bodies); Westinghouse Liaison (the exchange of technical information with the firm’s American parent company, Westinghouse); Pure Scientific Liaison (the exchange of information with individual experts and scientific bodies); Intelligence and Library Service (including a reference library, an abstracting service, a periodical circulation service and a service for translating foreign-language technical literature).8 In reality all four functions of the section were inter-woven. The fact that the ‘intelligence’ and ‘library’ services were grouped together made sense, in a certain way. After all, when considering their value to production and organisational efficiency, to draw a line between internally and externally produced information, and between information (or intelligence) and books, is effectively a sterile exercise. However, as the century progressed, many began to believe that such distinctions were important and that a specific set of professional skills, different in their totality from traditional librarianship, should be brought to bear on organisations’ (internal) information management requirements and on the acquiring and dissemination of recorded knowledge not simply in the form of books. Those who professed this strategy styled themselves ‘information officer’, and the units they worked in ‘information bureau/ service/office/department’. 6 H.V. Garrett, ‘Library bulletins and card index’ (16 May, 1919), Rowntree-Mackintosh Archives, Borth- wick Institute, University of York, R/D/TL/9. 7 ‘Talk given at York Public Library on 20 September, 1951 to the Reference and Special Libraries Section (Yorkshire Group) of the Library Association’, Rowntree-Mackintosh Archives, Borthwick Institute, University of York, R/DH/TL/9. 8 ‘Report of the Research Department’ (8 October, 1924), Metropolitan-Vickers Archives, Manchester Museum of Science and Technology, 0531/1.
  • 11. The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer 39 Identity Formation Through Struggle: The Information Officer’s Battle with Traditional Librarianship Despite the synergies that existed between the library and librarian on the one hand and the information bureau and information officer on the other, after 1945 battle lines were drawn between these two professional areas — paralleling, incidentally, a similar tension between librarians and documentalists that existed in the United States at the time (Taube, 1953; Bowles, 1999). ‘The conflict between librarians and documentalists has become bitter’, wrote Piggot in 1958 (p. 80) in reviewing the industrial library field. ‘There appears’, he observed, ‘to be an attitude of indifference and lack of cooperation with the actions taking place in documentation circles’ (p. 78), as well as a ‘lack of ability of the more conservative librarians to appreciate the requirements of the new situation’ (p. 75). In the late 1940s and in the 1950s the ancestor of the documentalist, and the progenitor of the information scientist, came to be termed the ‘information officer’. These years witnessed a running debate as to the definition and legitimacy of the ‘information officer’, and the nature and exclusivity of his or her professional practices. The most outspoken advocate of the new domain of ‘information work’ was Jason Farradane, scientific information officer at the research laboratories of the sugar giant Tate and Lyle, cofounder of the Institute of Information Scientists in 1958 and the architect of Britain’s first course in information work in 1961 (at the Northampton College of Advanced Technology, later City University, London). Farradane sought a strict separation between the librarian and the information officer. He was convinced ‘that the interests of librarians and information officers diverge, and will continue to diverge more as the information officer profession develops y the information officer lays little or no claim to the techniques of librarianship’ (Farradane, 1953b, p. 411). He was supported in his fight to secure a discrete status for information work by a healthy number of professionals working in the information services and libraries of private enterprises and research establish- ments. ‘When will a minority of librarians eventually realise’, asked one of these supporters rhetorically, ‘that something new and different has come up with the information officer’ (Sontag, 1959, p. 568). Librarians, for their part, resisted the ‘information officer’ discourse by dismissing it as a fad, arguing, amongst other things that the term should be reserved to describe an organisation’s press, or public relations, officer, its propagandist (during the Second World War, of course, ‘information officers’ had formed part of the government’s propaganda machine) (Grant, 1999). The causes of the conflict that existed in the 1940s and 1950s between the two warring factions can be clarified by distinguishing in detail the components of information work (the work of the information officer and later the information scientist) from those of librarianship. It was said that the information officer/ scientist: 1. Dealt with information extracted from whole documents, the organisation of the latter being essentially the responsibility of the librarian.
  • 12. 40 Alistair Black 2. Sought to anticipate demand, unlike the librarian who was more ‘reactive’, and therefore relatively passive, in this regard. 3. Vigorously exploited new technological opportunities and was comfortable with a multiplicity of formats; the librarian, by contrast, certainly stereotypically, was a technological laggard, concerned essentially with books. 4. Was mostly anchored in ‘practical’, ‘relevant’ and ‘productive’ environments, such as the industrial or commercial enterprise, unlike librarians who mostly displayed a predilection for the ‘cultural’. 5. Ideally displayed knowledge of the subject areas — whether chemistry or banking, engineering or insurance — with which her/his information service was concerned; whereas the librarian dealt with general collections and therefore endeavoured to develop a broad and rounded familiarity recorded knowledge as opposed to a subject specialism. 6. Claimed a higher professional status. Information workers, many of whom began their careers as scientists, believed they could justifiably command the esteem commanded by the science profession. 7. Emphasised customisation in classification and indexing, and was less concerned with traditional bibliography. 8. Demonstrated greater depth of analysis of materials, and could be found involved in translation (or the provision of a translating service), editing, technical writing, abstracting, bulletin preparation, indexing and statistical work. These distinctions were reflected in the continuing separation of the two profes- sional associations representing the opposing camps: the Institute of Information Scientists (established, as noted above, in 1958) and the Library Association (which had been established as far back as 1877). In 2002, however, in response to a blurring of the boundaries of their separate domains, wrought not least by a shared reliance on digital ICTs, the two camps were re-united under a single professional body, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). Conclusion As accessible technologies of information management have developed and as flexible post-Fordist modes of production and service provision have emerged, specialisation in information occupations of all kinds has decreased and skills have converged to produce multi-tasking, ‘portfolio’ professionals. However, this analysis should not hide the fact that Fordism in the workplace, as in society generally, has by no means disappeared. Similarly, during the Fordist era not all information occupations were characterised by a strict division of labour and a culture of mono- skilling. It is true that in the early-twentieth century, in the wake of the rise of the corporation and mechanical information and office revolution, a number of discrete information occupations, many of professional, salaried status, emerged in organisations; but equally there is also evidence of hybrid professionalisation, not least in the form of the information officer of the pre-computer era who was able to
  • 13. The ‘Information Officer’ in Britain Before the Age of the Computer 41 turn his/her hand to a number of information task demanded by the modern organisation (the desire to be distinct from the librarian is not to be taken as an indication of acute specialisation). The identity of the early information officer in Britain differed markedly from its distant digital descendant, reminding us that information and its organisation can exist outside the technological world of the computer. References American office management. (1934, January 26). The Municipal Journal and Public Works Engineer, pp. 122–129. ASLIB (Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux) (1960). Survey of Information/Library Units in Industrial and Commercial Organizations. London: ASLIB. Barbour, W. (1921). The library at the Ardeer Factory of Nobel Explosives. Library Association Record, 23, 166–179. Beniger, R. (1986). The control revolution: Technological and economic origins of the information society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Black, A. (2004). Technical libraries in British industrial and commercial enterprises before 1950. In: W. B. Rayward & M. E. Bowden (Eds.), The history and heritage of scientific and technological information systems: Proceedings of the second conference (pp. 281–290). Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc. Black, A., & Brunt, R. (2000). MI5, 1909–1945: An information management perspective. Journal of Information Science, 26(3), 185–197. Black, A., Muddiman, D., & Plant, H. (2007). The early information society: Information management in Britain before the computer. Aldershot: Ashgate. Bowles, M. D. (1999). The information wars: Two cultures and the conflict in information retrieval. In: M. E. Bowden, T. B. Hahn & R. V. Williams (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1998 conference on the history and heritage of science information systems (pp. 156–166). Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc. Boyns, T., & Wale, J. (1996). The development of management information systems in the British coal industry, c.1880–1947. Business History, 38(2), 55–80. Burkett, J. (1965). Industrial libraries. In: J. Burkett (Ed.), Special library and information services in the United Kingdom (pp. 216–265). London: Library Association. Campbell-Kelly, M. (1992). Large-scale data processing in the Prudential, 1850–1930. Accounting Business and Financial History, 2(2), 117–139. Campbell-Kelly, M. (1998). Information in the business enterprise. In: E. Higgs (Ed.), History and electronic artefacts. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Chandler, A. D. (1990). Scale and scope: The dynamics of industrial capitalism. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press. Chandler, A. D. (1992). Organizational capabilities and the economic history of the industrial enterprise. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6(3), 79–100. Chandler, A. D. (1977). The visible hand: The managerial revolution in American business. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Dobbs, S. P. (1933). Market research. In: Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux, Report of the Proceedings of the Tenth Conference (pp. 111–119). London: ASLIB. Edgerton, D. E. H., & Horrocks, S. M. (1994). British industrial research and development before 1945. The Economic History Review, 47, 427–446.
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