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chapter 1 :Transport
Learning objective:
1. Understanding the importance of having transport
   system in some multicellular organisms
2. Synthesise the concept of the circulatory system
3. Understanding the mechanism of blood clotting
4. Synthesise the concept of the lymphatic system
5. Understanding the role of the circulatory system in the
   body’d defence mechanism
6. Appreciate a healthy cardiovasular system
7. Understanding the transport of substances in plants
8. Synthesise the concept of the transport of substances
   in plants
1.1 The importance of having a transport system
         in some multicellular organisms
Learning outcomes:
1. Identify the problems that could be faced by
   multicellular organisms in obtaining their
   cellular requirements and getting rid of waste
2. Suggest how these problems are overcome in
   multicellular organisms
• To describe how the substance in our body
  move from one part to the other part
• Transport process varies in different types of
Difference transport in unicellular and
       multicellular organisms
• 1. Unicellular organism
They have large total surface area to volume
  (TSA/V) ration that enable substance to diffuse
  easily into the cell
• To obtain oxygen and nutrients directly from
  external environment
• Carbon dioxide and other waste product also
  eliminated by diffusion through plasma
• So, They do not need any internal transport
Multicellular organisms
• The TSA/V ration decreases
• Cells often located away from external surface of
  the body
• Diffusion rate also decrease which is a limiting
  factor to cellular activities in large animals
• These organism have specialized structure to
  increase surface area ( alveolus)
• They also need circulatory system to
  – Distribute nutrients and oxygen
  – Remove waste product
• Examine cuboid A and B. Calculate the TSA/V
  of both cuboids. Assume that the cuboids are
  two organisms.
• Which organisms obtain their cellular
  requirement (O2 and nutrients) and removing
  their waste product( co2 and urea) easily?
• Why?
1. Why does unicellular organisms can
  undergoes diffusion process to transport their
  nutrients and waste products while
  multicellular organisms cannot?
Elaborate your answer by giving suitable

                                ( 8 marks)
1.2 The circulatory system
Learning Outcomes:
1. State what a circulatory system is
2. State the three components of the circulatory system in
    humans and animals
3. State the medium of transport in humans and animals
4. State the composition of human blood
5. Explain the function of blood and haemolymph in transport
6. Describe the structure of human blood vessel
7. Explain how blood is propelled through human circulatory
8. Explain briefly how blood pressure regulated
9. Compare and contrast the circulatory system in the
    following: human, fish and amphibians
10. Conceptualise the circulatory systems in humans
Functions of the circulatory system
The circulatory system has three functions:

  1.   Transporting substances around the body. These
       include oxygen, glucose, carbon dioxide, nutrients,
       water and waste products.

                    2.   Controlling body temperature.

  3.   Protecting the body. Blood contains cells
       and anti-bodies that fight infection and
       clotting agents to stop bleeding.
3 components of circulatory system
1. Medium of transport/ Blood
2. Blood vessel
3. Heart
1. Medium of transport/ Blood
Blood which consist of blood plasma, blood cells
  ( RBC, WBC) and plateles
Use haemolymph (fluid in hoemocoel)
Hoemocoel: rongga

Functions: transport material around the body
Blood is the body’s means of transporting
substances around. It transports:
 oxygen from the lungs to the heart and then to the
 body’s tissues
 carbon dioxide from the tissues to the heart and
 then to the lungs to be expired
 materials like hormones from one organ to another
 nutrients (especially glucose) and minerals from the
 intestines to the tissues
 waste products to the kidneys.
Composition of Human Blood
• Blood: connective tissue that are composed of
1. Cellular components (45%)
• Platelets
• Erythrocytes (RBC)
• Leucocytes( WBC)

1. Plasma (55%)
• Water(90%)
• Soluble solutes
Cellular components ( 45%)
1.   Platelets
•    Fragments of cells from bone marrow
•    No nucleus
•    Important for blood clotting process
Platelets are also carried in the blood.
  Formed in red bone marrow.
  Produce thrombokinase –
  a chemical needed for blood clotting.
  Platelets help to repair tissues
  and close wounds both
  internally and externally.
  When needed, they grow into
  irregular shapes and stick together to
  form a plug over the wound.
• They aggregate and release factors which
  promote the blood coagulation.
2.Red blood cells
Blood is made up of a number of different elements.
The most common cell in blood is the red blood cell.
Also called erythrocytes.
Made in the bone marrow.
Contain a red-coloured compound
called haemoglobin which bonds
with oxygen to form
Transport oxygen to the tissues.
• In the other vertebrates (e.g. fishes,
  amphibians, reptilians and birds), they have a
3.White blood cells
Blood also contains white blood cells.
                              Also called leucocytes.
                              They are bigger than red
                              blood cells and have large
                              Act as the body’s defence
   Some white blood cells surround and consume
   harmful microbes.
   Some produce chemicals called antibodies that
   fight infection.
• Each type of leukocyte is present in the blood
  in different proportions:
• neutrophil 50 - 70 %
  eosinophil 2 - 4 %
  basophil 0,5 - 1 %
  lymphocyte 20 - 40 %
  monocyte 3 - 8 %
• In fact, these granules have a different affinity
  towards neutral, acid or basic stains and give
  the cytoplasm different colors.
• So, granulocytes distinguish themselves in
  neutrophil, eosinophil (or acidophil) and
Leukocytes ( WBC)
1. Granulocytes
2. A granulocytes
1. Granulocytes
• Granular cytoplasm
• filled with microscopic granules that are little
  sacs containing enzymes, compounds that
  digest microorganisms.
• Lobed nuclei( kelepek)
• Form in bone marrow
Consist of:
1. Basophils
2. Neutrophils
3. Eosinophils
• As a Phagocytes
• Which digest
  bacteria and dead
• By phagocytosis
• Control allergic
• Kill parasitic worms
  by release enzyme.
• Secretes heparin
  to prevent blood
• Involve in
  inflammatory and
  allergic reactions
• In the different types of granulocytes, the
  granules are different and help us to
  distinguish them.
• In fact, these granules have a different affinity
  towards neutral, acid or basic stains and give
  the cytoplasm different colors.
• So, granulocytes distinguish themselves in
  neutrophil, eosinophil (or acidophil) and
2. Agranulocytes
• Clear cytoplasm
• Nuclei are not lobed( terkelepek)
• Consist of
1. Lymphocytes
2. monocytes
• Lymphocytes are cells which, besides being present
  in the blood,
• Its populate the lymphoid tissues and organs too, as
  well as the lymph circulating in the lymphatic
• An antibody is a molecule able to bind itself to
  molecules of a complementary shape
  called antigens, and recognize them.
• As for all proteins, even the antibodies are coded by
• On the basis of a recombination mechanism of
  some of these genes, every lymphocyte produces
  antibodies of a specific shape.
• Produce
• Neutralize toxins
• Produce immune
  responses against
  foreign substance
• Largest leucocytes
• Phagocytes
• Engulf digested
  bacteria and
  dead cells
• Origin: from
  bone marrow
Difference between RBC
       AND WBC
characteristics   RBC                             WBC

1. SHAPE          a) Erythrocytes are             •Leucocytes have nuclei
                     biconcave disc serves to:    •Not have haemoglobin
                  • Increase surface area to      •Larger than erythrocytes
                     volume ratio                 •Do not have fixed shaped
                  • Increase diffusion rate of
                     gaseous exchange
                  b) No nucleus to gives space
                     for great quantities of
2.FUNCTION        •Has haem group                 •Responsible for the defense
                  •Contains iron atom             of organism against disease
                  •For the site of oxygen         •If pathogen invade the body,
                  binding                         number of leucocytes will
                  •When the partial pressure of   increase
                  o2 is high,
                  •Haemoglobin will combine
                  with o2 to form
3. DIAMETER 8 micrometer              15 micro meter
            Thickness: 2 micrometer

4.Number of 5 million/mm3             6000-10000/mm3
blood                                 (Ration: 1WBC:700RBC)
LIFESPAN    120 days                  A few days by phagocytosis
            Destroyed by phagocytes   process
            (WBC) in the liver and
MANUFACT    Bone marrow               Bone marrow(granulocytes)
URED IN     Rate: 2 million/ second   •But may migrate to thymus
                                      gland or lymph node
                                      •For their growth and
                                      development stage
                                      •Lymphatic system (
The blood cells and platelets are suspended in a
substance called plasma. Plasma is made up of:
  90% water
  inorganic salts(Na+, Mg2+, Cl-)
  urea and other waste products
  plasma proteins.(ex: albumin, fibrinogen,prothrombin)
  Dissolved gases( oxygen and carbon dioxide)
  Hormones ( insulin)
• The plasma is a slightly alkaline fluid, with a
  typical yellowish color
• The mineral substances are dissolved in ionic
  form, that is dissociated into positive and
  negative ions.
• Ex: Ca2+

Plasma can be separated from the
other components of blood using
a centrifuge.
Functions of blood in Transport
1.   Transport in oxygen
2.   Transport of carbon dioxide
3.   Transport of water to tissues
4.   Transport of excretory waste products
5.   Transport of hormones
6.   Transport of heat
7.   Transport of absorbed food materials
1. Transport of oxygen
• Transport o2 from lung/alveolus  cells/ all
  part of body
• Oxygen combine with haemoglobin in
  erythrocytes to form = oxyhaemoglobin
• Oxyhaemoglobin dissociates into haemoglobin
  and 02
• O2 then supplied for cellular respiration (ATP)
 Hb + O2 ---> HbO
2. Transport of carbon dioxide
• Cellular respiration release co2
Glucose + o2 - energy +co2+ water
• Carbon dioxide transported from cells to lungs/
  alveolus in the form of:
   a)Hydrogen carbonate ions
   b) Carbaminohemoglobin
   c)Dissolves directly in the blood plasma

  When the blood reaches the lungs, the co2 release
   and diffuse out of the blood into the alveoli
• Hydrogen carbonate ions are produced when
  carbon dioxide produced by tissue respiration
  is absorbed by blood plasma.
• In your lungs, hydrogen carbonate ions turn
  back to carbon dioxide which is excreted when
  you exhale.
• Carbaminohaemoglobin is a combination of
  carbon dioxide and hemoglobin,
• CO2HHb, being one of the forms in which
  carbon dioxide exists in the blood.
3. Transport of water to tissues
• Water is transported by blood to provide a
  medium for biochemical reactions
4.Transport of excretory waste
1. Deamination
• Process removing the amino group from the
  excess amino acid.
• The amino group is converted to ammonia
  and then to urea by the liver
• From liver, urea transported by blood to
   kidneys to be excreted
5.Transport of hormones

• Blood transport hormones produced by
  endocrine gland to the target organs
• Ex: insulin and glucagon carried by blood from
  pancreas to the liver
6. Transport of heat
• Blood helps regulate body temperature by
  distributing heat
7. Transport of absorbed food
• Soluble digested food, vitamins and mineral
  absorbed into capillaries of the villi in small
• Ex: simple sugar: glucose
• Amino acids
• Water soluble vitamins
• Mineral salts
• They are transported by the hepatic portal
  vein from small intestine to liver and then to
  the heart
• Other food materials are absorbed into
  lacteals in the villi
• Ex: fatty acids, glycerol , vitamin ADEK (Fat
  soluble susbtances)
• They are then transported by the lymph into
  the blood circulatory system via the left
  subclavian vein
Hepatic portal vein
Lacteal and villi
Subclavian vein
Function of Haemolymph in transport
• the circulating fluid in open tissue spaces of
• A circulating blood-like nutritive fluid which
  fills the entire body cavity called haemocoel
• A circulating system in invertebrates = open
  circulatory system because the haemolymph:
1. Is not confined to vessels only
2. Bathes the tissues and internal organs
• Nutrients such as digested food and hormones
  diffuse from haemolymph into cells.
• Waste products diffuse out from cells into the
• Haemolymph does not transport respiratory
• Gaseous exchange via the tracheal system
2. Blood vessels
• Consist of arteries
• Capillaries
• Veins
 functions: carries blood around the body
Structure of human
   blood vessels
Blood vessels
There are three types of blood vessels,

            blood from                           blood to the
             the heart                              heart

  artery                                                        vein
carries blood                                              carries blood
 away from                                                   back into
  the heart                                                  the heart
                          carries blood to and
                         from the body’s cells
arteries                 capillaries           Veins
•Carry oxygenated       •Sites for the         •Transport
blood away from the     exchange of            deoxygenated blood
heart to all parts of   respiratory gases,     from all parts of the
the body                nutrients and wastes   body to the heart
•Except pulmonary                              except pulmonary
artery                                         vein
•Blood pressure:     •Lower than arteries •Lower than arteries
•High blood pressure but higher than veins
in arteries
•Thick muscular wall    •One cell thickness  •Thinner wall
•Lumen size small       •Lumen is very small •Lumen size is large

•No valve except        •No valve              •Valve present to
aorta                                          prevent backflow of
arteries             capillaries        Veins

To transport blood   Allow rapid gaseous Allow blood from
quickly at high      exchange between tissues to return to
pressure from the    blood and the body the heart
heart to tissues     cells by diffusion
Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart.

  the elastic fibres allow the
    artery to stretch under

thick muscle and
elastic fibres
                                  the thick muscle can
                                  contract to push the
                                      blood along.
Veins carry deoxygenated blood towards from the
 veins have valves
 which act to stop the
 blood from going in
 the wrong direction.

 thin muscle and
 elastic fibres          body muscles surround the veins
                         so that when they contract to
                         move the body, they also
                         squeeze the veins and push the
                         blood along the vessel.
         Capillaries link Arterioles with
  they exchange materials
  between the blood and
  other body cells.

the wall of a
capillary                   The exchange of materials
is only one cell thick      between the blood and the
                            body can only occur
                            through capillaries.
Blood vessels
                     thick outer wall
       thick inner layer of muscle
       and elastic fibres
                narrow central tube
                 thin outer wall
                  thin inner layer of muscle and
                  elastic fibres
                wide central tube                  CAPILLARY

               wall only one cell thick
Blood vessels: valves
When blood is flowing against gravity, or when a vein is
squeezed by muscle action, there is a risk that blood will
flow in the wrong direction. Veins have valves to prevent
   vein valve                               prevented
       blood to
                                                   vein valve
          the                                        closed

              The valves allow     …but close if blood
            blood to flow in the   starts to flow in the
             correct direction…      wrong direction.
3. Heart
• A heart is an organ that generates pressure to
  pump the blood through out the body
How blood is propelled through
the human circulatory system?
Location of the Heart
• The heart is located between the lungs behind
   the sternum and above the diaphragm.
• It is surrounded by the pericardium.
It is a fluid filled sac that surrounds the heart
• Its size is about that of a fist, and its weight is
   about 250-300 g.
Location of the heart in the thorax
Anatomy of the heart
• Heart made up of myogenic cardiac
  muscles which contract and relax
  automatically throughout life
• It is not controlled by nervous system
• The human heart has four chambers:
1. Left and right Atrium (atria= plural)
• Upper chambers which receive blood
     returning to the heart
• Thin -walled
2. Left and right ventricles
• Lower chambers which pump blood out of
     the heart
• Thick walled
• Separates the right chambers from the left
The valves: ensure that blood flows only in one
1. Tricuspid valve
2. Bicuspid valve
3. Semi lunar valve
The Heart Valves
• The tricuspid valve- the valve between the
  right atrium and right ventricle

• The bicuspid valve- the valve between left
  atrium and left ventricle

• Semi lunar valve- the valves at the base of
  aorta and pulmonary artery
• The right pump forces deoxygenated blood to
  the lungs
• The left pump forces oxygenated blood to
  other parts of the body
Pumping of the heart/ the heartbeat
How does the heart beat?
• Electrical signal begins in the sinoatrial (SA)
  node: "natural pacemaker."
   – causes the atria to contract.
   – Blood is then forced into the ventricles
• The signal then passes through the
  atrioventricular (AV) node.
   – sends the signal to the ventricles via the
     “bundle of His”
   – causes the ventricles to contract.
   – And pump the blood out of the heart
• Right ventricle pumps the blood into
  pulmonary artery – which forces the blood to
  the lung
• Left ventricle pumps the blood into aorta –
  which forces the blood to all part of the body
The Conduction System
• Left ventricle is thicker and more muscular
  than the wall of the right ventricles
• Because it needs to generate greater pressure
  to pump blood to all parts of the body
• While the right ventricle pumps the blood to
  the lungs only
What is the cardiac cycle?
• Cardiac cycle is the series of events that occur
  during one complete heartbeat
• Including contraction (systole) and relaxation (
  diastole) of both atria and ventricles
• The sino atrial node(SAN) can initiate the
  heartbeat on its own
Sympathetic nerve carrying impulse to the heart
  can increase the heart rate
Parasympathetic nerve can slow it down
The heart rate increase when:
• Increase in the secretion of hormone
• An increase in partial pressure of carbon
  dioxide in the blood
• Body temperature is elevated
How does blood in the veins flow back
           to the heart?
1.Muscle relaxed , valves closed
2.Muscles contract, upper valves open and
  blood is forced upwards , lower valve remain
3. Muscles relaxed, upper valves closed, lower
  valve opens as a result of muscle contraction
  elsewhere and blood flows forwards
Regulatory mechanism of blood
• Blood pressure is the force of the blood exerted
  of the arterial blood vessels
• Arterial blood pressure is highest during
  ventricular systole , and lowest during diastole
• Baroreceptors monitor the pressure of blood
  flowing to the body and to the brain
• Baroreceptor located in the walls of the aorta
  and carotid arteries branch out from the aorta.
Chap 1  transport form 5

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Chap 1 transport form 5

  • 1. chapter 1 :Transport Learning objective: 1. Understanding the importance of having transport system in some multicellular organisms 2. Synthesise the concept of the circulatory system 3. Understanding the mechanism of blood clotting 4. Synthesise the concept of the lymphatic system 5. Understanding the role of the circulatory system in the body’d defence mechanism 6. Appreciate a healthy cardiovasular system 7. Understanding the transport of substances in plants 8. Synthesise the concept of the transport of substances in plants
  • 2. 1.1 The importance of having a transport system in some multicellular organisms Learning outcomes: 1. Identify the problems that could be faced by multicellular organisms in obtaining their cellular requirements and getting rid of waste product 2. Suggest how these problems are overcome in multicellular organisms
  • 3. Transport • To describe how the substance in our body move from one part to the other part • Transport process varies in different types of organism
  • 4. Difference transport in unicellular and multicellular organisms • 1. Unicellular organism Ex? They have large total surface area to volume (TSA/V) ration that enable substance to diffuse easily into the cell • To obtain oxygen and nutrients directly from external environment • Carbon dioxide and other waste product also eliminated by diffusion through plasma membrane • So, They do not need any internal transport system
  • 5.
  • 6. Multicellular organisms Ex? • The TSA/V ration decreases • Cells often located away from external surface of the body • Diffusion rate also decrease which is a limiting factor to cellular activities in large animals • These organism have specialized structure to increase surface area ( alveolus) • They also need circulatory system to – Distribute nutrients and oxygen – Remove waste product
  • 7. exercise • Examine cuboid A and B. Calculate the TSA/V of both cuboids. Assume that the cuboids are two organisms. • Which organisms obtain their cellular requirement (O2 and nutrients) and removing their waste product( co2 and urea) easily? • Why?
  • 8. Assignments 1. Why does unicellular organisms can undergoes diffusion process to transport their nutrients and waste products while multicellular organisms cannot? Elaborate your answer by giving suitable explanation. ( 8 marks)
  • 9. 1.2 The circulatory system Learning Outcomes: 1. State what a circulatory system is 2. State the three components of the circulatory system in humans and animals 3. State the medium of transport in humans and animals 4. State the composition of human blood 5. Explain the function of blood and haemolymph in transport 6. Describe the structure of human blood vessel 7. Explain how blood is propelled through human circulatory system 8. Explain briefly how blood pressure regulated 9. Compare and contrast the circulatory system in the following: human, fish and amphibians 10. Conceptualise the circulatory systems in humans
  • 10. Functions of the circulatory system The circulatory system has three functions: 1. Transporting substances around the body. These include oxygen, glucose, carbon dioxide, nutrients, water and waste products. 2. Controlling body temperature. 3. Protecting the body. Blood contains cells and anti-bodies that fight infection and clotting agents to stop bleeding.
  • 11. 3 components of circulatory system 1. Medium of transport/ Blood 2. Blood vessel 3. Heart
  • 12.
  • 13. 1. Medium of transport/ Blood Animals: Blood which consist of blood plasma, blood cells ( RBC, WBC) and plateles Invertebrates: Ex: Use haemolymph (fluid in hoemocoel) Hoemocoel: rongga Functions: transport material around the body
  • 14. Blood Blood is the body’s means of transporting substances around. It transports: oxygen from the lungs to the heart and then to the body’s tissues carbon dioxide from the tissues to the heart and then to the lungs to be expired materials like hormones from one organ to another nutrients (especially glucose) and minerals from the intestines to the tissues waste products to the kidneys.
  • 15. Composition of Human Blood • Blood: connective tissue that are composed of 1. Cellular components (45%) • Platelets • Erythrocytes (RBC) • Leucocytes( WBC) 1. Plasma (55%) • Water(90%) • Soluble solutes
  • 16. Cellular components ( 45%) 1. Platelets • Fragments of cells from bone marrow • No nucleus • Important for blood clotting process
  • 17. 1.Platelets Platelets are also carried in the blood. Formed in red bone marrow. Produce thrombokinase – a chemical needed for blood clotting. Platelets help to repair tissues and close wounds both internally and externally. When needed, they grow into irregular shapes and stick together to form a plug over the wound.
  • 18. • They aggregate and release factors which promote the blood coagulation. •
  • 19. 2.Red blood cells Blood is made up of a number of different elements. The most common cell in blood is the red blood cell. Also called erythrocytes. Disc-shaped. Made in the bone marrow. Contain a red-coloured compound called haemoglobin which bonds with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin. Transport oxygen to the tissues.
  • 20. • In the other vertebrates (e.g. fishes, amphibians, reptilians and birds), they have a nucleus.
  • 21. 3.White blood cells Blood also contains white blood cells. Also called leucocytes. They are bigger than red blood cells and have large nuclei. Act as the body’s defence system. Some white blood cells surround and consume harmful microbes. Some produce chemicals called antibodies that fight infection. colorless
  • 22. • Each type of leukocyte is present in the blood in different proportions: • neutrophil 50 - 70 % eosinophil 2 - 4 % basophil 0,5 - 1 % lymphocyte 20 - 40 % monocyte 3 - 8 %
  • 23. • In fact, these granules have a different affinity towards neutral, acid or basic stains and give the cytoplasm different colors. • So, granulocytes distinguish themselves in neutrophil, eosinophil (or acidophil) and basophil.
  • 24. Leukocytes ( WBC) 1. Granulocytes 2. A granulocytes
  • 25. 1. Granulocytes • Granular cytoplasm • filled with microscopic granules that are little sacs containing enzymes, compounds that digest microorganisms. • Lobed nuclei( kelepek) • Form in bone marrow Consist of: 1. Basophils 2. Neutrophils 3. Eosinophils
  • 26. Neutrophils • As a Phagocytes • Which digest bacteria and dead cells • By phagocytosis process
  • 28. Eosinophils • Control allergic responses • Kill parasitic worms by release enzyme.
  • 30. Basophils • Secretes heparin to prevent blood clotting • Involve in combating inflammatory and allergic reactions
  • 32. • In the different types of granulocytes, the granules are different and help us to distinguish them. • In fact, these granules have a different affinity towards neutral, acid or basic stains and give the cytoplasm different colors. • So, granulocytes distinguish themselves in neutrophil, eosinophil (or acidophil) and basophil
  • 33. 2. Agranulocytes • Clear cytoplasm • Nuclei are not lobed( terkelepek) • Consist of 1. Lymphocytes 2. monocytes
  • 34. • Lymphocytes are cells which, besides being present in the blood, • Its populate the lymphoid tissues and organs too, as well as the lymph circulating in the lymphatic vessel. • An antibody is a molecule able to bind itself to molecules of a complementary shape called antigens, and recognize them. • As for all proteins, even the antibodies are coded by genes. • On the basis of a recombination mechanism of some of these genes, every lymphocyte produces antibodies of a specific shape.
  • 35. Lymphocytes • Produce antibodies • Neutralize toxins • Produce immune responses against foreign substance • Largest leucocytes
  • 36. Monocytes • Phagocytes • Engulf digested bacteria and dead cells • Origin: from bone marrow
  • 37.
  • 39. characteristics RBC WBC 1. SHAPE a) Erythrocytes are •Leucocytes have nuclei biconcave disc serves to: •Not have haemoglobin • Increase surface area to •Larger than erythrocytes volume ratio •Do not have fixed shaped • Increase diffusion rate of gaseous exchange b) No nucleus to gives space for great quantities of haemoglobin 2.FUNCTION •Has haem group •Responsible for the defense •Contains iron atom of organism against disease •For the site of oxygen •If pathogen invade the body, binding number of leucocytes will •When the partial pressure of increase o2 is high, •Haemoglobin will combine with o2 to form •OXYHAEMOGLOBIN
  • 40. 3. DIAMETER 8 micrometer 15 micro meter Thickness: 2 micrometer 4.Number of 5 million/mm3 6000-10000/mm3 blood (Ration: 1WBC:700RBC) cell/mm3 LIFESPAN 120 days A few days by phagocytosis Destroyed by phagocytes process (WBC) in the liver and spleen(limpa) MANUFACT Bone marrow Bone marrow(granulocytes) URED IN Rate: 2 million/ second •But may migrate to thymus gland or lymph node •For their growth and development stage •Lymphatic system ( agranucolytes)
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 44. Plasma The blood cells and platelets are suspended in a substance called plasma. Plasma is made up of: 90% water inorganic salts(Na+, Mg2+, Cl-) glucose antibodies urea and other waste products plasma proteins.(ex: albumin, fibrinogen,prothrombin) Dissolved gases( oxygen and carbon dioxide) Hormones ( insulin)
  • 45. • The plasma is a slightly alkaline fluid, with a typical yellowish color • The mineral substances are dissolved in ionic form, that is dissociated into positive and negative ions. • Ex: Ca2+
  • 46. plasma Plasma can be separated from the other components of blood using a centrifuge.
  • 47. Functions of blood in Transport 1. Transport in oxygen 2. Transport of carbon dioxide 3. Transport of water to tissues 4. Transport of excretory waste products 5. Transport of hormones 6. Transport of heat 7. Transport of absorbed food materials
  • 48. 1. Transport of oxygen • Transport o2 from lung/alveolus  cells/ all part of body • Oxygen combine with haemoglobin in erythrocytes to form = oxyhaemoglobin • Oxyhaemoglobin dissociates into haemoglobin and 02 • O2 then supplied for cellular respiration (ATP) Hb + O2 ---> HbO <-------
  • 49.
  • 50. 2. Transport of carbon dioxide • Cellular respiration release co2 Glucose + o2 - energy +co2+ water • Carbon dioxide transported from cells to lungs/ alveolus in the form of: a)Hydrogen carbonate ions b) Carbaminohemoglobin c)Dissolves directly in the blood plasma When the blood reaches the lungs, the co2 release and diffuse out of the blood into the alveoli
  • 51.
  • 52. • Hydrogen carbonate ions are produced when carbon dioxide produced by tissue respiration is absorbed by blood plasma. • In your lungs, hydrogen carbonate ions turn back to carbon dioxide which is excreted when you exhale.
  • 53. • Carbaminohaemoglobin is a combination of carbon dioxide and hemoglobin, • CO2HHb, being one of the forms in which carbon dioxide exists in the blood.
  • 54. 3. Transport of water to tissues • Water is transported by blood to provide a medium for biochemical reactions
  • 55. 4.Transport of excretory waste products 1. Deamination • Process removing the amino group from the excess amino acid. • The amino group is converted to ammonia and then to urea by the liver • From liver, urea transported by blood to kidneys to be excreted
  • 56. 5.Transport of hormones • Blood transport hormones produced by endocrine gland to the target organs • Ex: insulin and glucagon carried by blood from pancreas to the liver
  • 57. 6. Transport of heat • Blood helps regulate body temperature by distributing heat
  • 58. 7. Transport of absorbed food materials • Soluble digested food, vitamins and mineral absorbed into capillaries of the villi in small intestine • Ex: simple sugar: glucose • Amino acids • Water soluble vitamins • Mineral salts
  • 59. • They are transported by the hepatic portal vein from small intestine to liver and then to the heart • Other food materials are absorbed into lacteals in the villi • Ex: fatty acids, glycerol , vitamin ADEK (Fat soluble susbtances) • They are then transported by the lymph into the blood circulatory system via the left subclavian vein
  • 61.
  • 63. lymph
  • 65. Function of Haemolymph in transport Haemolymph: • the circulating fluid in open tissue spaces of invertebrates • A circulating blood-like nutritive fluid which fills the entire body cavity called haemocoel • A circulating system in invertebrates = open circulatory system because the haemolymph: 1. Is not confined to vessels only 2. Bathes the tissues and internal organs directly
  • 66. • Nutrients such as digested food and hormones diffuse from haemolymph into cells. • Waste products diffuse out from cells into the haemolymph • Haemolymph does not transport respiratory gases. • Gaseous exchange via the tracheal system
  • 67.
  • 68. 2. Blood vessels • Consist of arteries • Capillaries • Veins functions: carries blood around the body
  • 69. Structure of human blood vessels
  • 70. Blood vessels There are three types of blood vessels, blood from blood to the the heart heart artery vein carries blood carries blood away from back into the heart the heart carries blood to and from the body’s cells
  • 71. arteries capillaries Veins •Carry oxygenated •Sites for the •Transport blood away from the exchange of deoxygenated blood heart to all parts of respiratory gases, from all parts of the the body nutrients and wastes body to the heart •Except pulmonary except pulmonary artery vein •Blood pressure: •Lower than arteries •Lower than arteries •High blood pressure but higher than veins in arteries •Thick muscular wall •One cell thickness •Thinner wall •Lumen size small •Lumen is very small •Lumen size is large •No valve except •No valve •Valve present to aorta prevent backflow of blood
  • 72. arteries capillaries Veins To transport blood Allow rapid gaseous Allow blood from quickly at high exchange between tissues to return to pressure from the blood and the body the heart heart to tissues cells by diffusion
  • 73.
  • 74. The ARTERY Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. the elastic fibres allow the artery to stretch under pressure thick muscle and elastic fibres the thick muscle can contract to push the blood along.
  • 75. The VEIN Veins carry deoxygenated blood towards from the heart. veins have valves which act to stop the blood from going in the wrong direction. thin muscle and elastic fibres body muscles surround the veins so that when they contract to move the body, they also squeeze the veins and push the blood along the vessel.
  • 76. The CAPILLARY Capillaries link Arterioles with Venus they exchange materials between the blood and other body cells. the wall of a capillary The exchange of materials is only one cell thick between the blood and the body can only occur through capillaries.
  • 77.
  • 78. Blood vessels thick outer wall thick inner layer of muscle and elastic fibres narrow central tube (lumen) ARTERY thin outer wall thin inner layer of muscle and elastic fibres wide central tube CAPILLARY VEIN (lumen) wall only one cell thick
  • 79. Blood vessels: valves When blood is flowing against gravity, or when a vein is squeezed by muscle action, there is a risk that blood will flow in the wrong direction. Veins have valves to prevent backflow. backflow vein valve prevented open blood to vein valve the closed heart The valves allow …but close if blood blood to flow in the starts to flow in the correct direction… wrong direction.
  • 80. 3. Heart • A heart is an organ that generates pressure to pump the blood through out the body
  • 81.
  • 82. How blood is propelled through the human circulatory system?
  • 83. Location of the Heart • The heart is located between the lungs behind the sternum and above the diaphragm. • It is surrounded by the pericardium. It is a fluid filled sac that surrounds the heart • Its size is about that of a fist, and its weight is about 250-300 g.
  • 84. Location of the heart in the thorax
  • 85. Anatomy of the heart • Heart made up of myogenic cardiac muscles which contract and relax automatically throughout life • It is not controlled by nervous system
  • 86. • The human heart has four chambers: 1. Left and right Atrium (atria= plural) • Upper chambers which receive blood returning to the heart • Thin -walled 2. Left and right ventricles • Lower chambers which pump blood out of the heart • Thick walled
  • 87. Septum: • Separates the right chambers from the left chambers The valves: ensure that blood flows only in one direction. 1. Tricuspid valve 2. Bicuspid valve 3. Semi lunar valve
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90. The Heart Valves • The tricuspid valve- the valve between the right atrium and right ventricle • The bicuspid valve- the valve between left atrium and left ventricle • Semi lunar valve- the valves at the base of aorta and pulmonary artery
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. • The right pump forces deoxygenated blood to the lungs • The left pump forces oxygenated blood to other parts of the body
  • 94. Pumping of the heart/ the heartbeat •
  • 95. How does the heart beat?
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 98. SAN and AVN • Electrical signal begins in the sinoatrial (SA) node: "natural pacemaker." – causes the atria to contract. – Blood is then forced into the ventricles • The signal then passes through the atrioventricular (AV) node. – sends the signal to the ventricles via the “bundle of His” – causes the ventricles to contract. – And pump the blood out of the heart
  • 99. • Right ventricle pumps the blood into pulmonary artery – which forces the blood to the lung • Left ventricle pumps the blood into aorta – which forces the blood to all part of the body
  • 101. • Left ventricle is thicker and more muscular than the wall of the right ventricles • Because it needs to generate greater pressure to pump blood to all parts of the body • While the right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs only
  • 102. What is the cardiac cycle? • Cardiac cycle is the series of events that occur during one complete heartbeat • Including contraction (systole) and relaxation ( diastole) of both atria and ventricles
  • 103. • The sino atrial node(SAN) can initiate the heartbeat on its own Sympathetic nerve carrying impulse to the heart can increase the heart rate Parasympathetic nerve can slow it down The heart rate increase when: • Increase in the secretion of hormone (adrenaline) • An increase in partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood • Body temperature is elevated
  • 104. How does blood in the veins flow back to the heart?
  • 105. 1.Muscle relaxed , valves closed 2.Muscles contract, upper valves open and blood is forced upwards , lower valve remain close 3. Muscles relaxed, upper valves closed, lower valve opens as a result of muscle contraction elsewhere and blood flows forwards
  • 106. Regulatory mechanism of blood pressure • Blood pressure is the force of the blood exerted of the arterial blood vessels • Arterial blood pressure is highest during ventricular systole , and lowest during diastole • Baroreceptors monitor the pressure of blood flowing to the body and to the brain • Baroreceptor located in the walls of the aorta and carotid arteries branch out from the aorta.