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Center for Literacy
1.1 Overview
Literacy is important in our everyday lives. According to the Center for Literacy in the United States
of America, "Literacy is a complex set of abilities needed to understand and use symbols and
systems of a culture – alphabets, numbers, and visual icons – for personal and community
development". "The nature of these abilities, and the demand for them, vary from one context to
another. These skills are clearly being found necessary in our everyday lives" (Center For Literacy,
2012). Several years ago, being literate meant being able to read and write a little. Now, being
literate means being able to read and write at a level to be successful in today's world and also being
proficient at math, knowing how to use technology, and knowing how to solve problems and make
decisions. The power of literacy lies not only in the ability to read and write but rather the
individual's capacity to put those skills in shaping the course of his or her life. Literacy is required
for daily activities such as reading the post, filling in a job application, and helping children with
their homework.
In many countries, illiteracy is a national problem. According to the National Adult Literacy Survey
(Literacy Mid–South) approximately 44 million people in the United States cannot read well enough
to fill out an application, read a food label, or read a simple story to a child (Literacy Mid–South).
According to the Ghana Statistical Service, the literacy rate in Ghana currently
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The Importance Of Literacy In Canada
Literacy affects both the economic and social well–being of individuals. The lack of literacy skills is
linked to an individual's ability to obtain and retain employment which in turn hurts Canada's
opportunity for innovation and productivity. Inadequate literacy skills in the workplace may
endanger public health and safety. People with low literacy have been found to be in poorer health
and more socially isolated (OECD, 2013). Four out of ten adult Canadians, age 16 to 65 or about
nine million struggle with low literacy at the middle school level or lower (Laubach, 2016). Even
more alarming is the prediction that the number of low–literacy adults will increase to 25% by 2031
(CBC, 2010). Therefore, in order to stem these literacy–related issues, it is crucial that quality
programs for literacy providers be available so that they, in turn, can provide relevant literacy
training and support lifelong learning for low literacy learners.
Program Overview
The Open and Distance Education Agency (ODEA) in partnership with the Nova Scotia Literacy
Association (NSLA) developed and launched a training program in response to the need for quality
literacy training providers in Nova Scotia.
There are two types of literacy providers. Voluntary providers in conjunction with social agencies
provide free literacy tutoring to both immigrants and low literacy individuals. As they have no
formal training, they rely on the National Literacy Foundation of Canada manual. Paid providers,
who work in schools, workplaces, and training institutions, have a mandate to enhance the literacy
levels of those who have not achieved a functional literacy level. The majority of these literacy
providers are English teachers and/or English majors who also lack formal education in literacy
The NSLA realized the need for literacy training for its providers by developing its own literacy
curriculum. As the literacy providers are located throughout this province, the Distance Education
Program for Literacy Providers (DEPLP) appeared to be the best choice of delivery method to meet
the need for literacy training.
The DEPLP, taught by literacy expert professors at Shannon University, is composed of four courses
of which literacy
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Literacy And Ethnographic Research
Since the 1980s, Scholars have continued to argue that there is more to 'LITERACY' than just the
ability to read and write they pushed that there is also a cultural and social approach to literacy. The
most prevalent understanding of literacy to all is that, it is a set of tangible skills of reading and
writing that are independent of the context in which they are acquired and the background of the
person who acquires them. This essay explains in detail the critique of the Traditional view of
literacy by Scholars, the merits and downfalls of redefining the traditional view of literacy and why
LITERACY is indeed more than just the ability to read and write. Scholars argued that the ways in
which literacy is practiced vary by social and cultural context (Barton, 1994). Ethnographic research
into literacy practices in particular settings was particularly instrumental in the development of this
approach, typically known as 'New Literacy Studies' (NLS) (Gee, 1999; Heath, 1993; Street, 1998).
Rather than see literacy as a technical skill independent of context, the NLS approach argues it is a
social practice, embedded in social settings and, further, that even a presumably 'objective' skill such
as numeracy can be socially situated.
According to James ... Show more content on ...
He views literacy as social practices, and approaches literacy from cross cultural perspectives in
which there are multiple literacies that are practiced in real contexts. He stresses the social nature, as
opposed to the autonomous, skills oriented perspective of literacy. Street argues that literacy or
schooling has cognitive effects apart from the context in which it exists and the uses to which it is
put in a given culture. Street also saw literacy as a broader cultural conception of particular ways of
thinking about doing reading and writing in cultural
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Information Literacy And Digital Literacy
Information and digital literacy play vital roles in our society and are necessary tools for citizens to
have in this growing information age. Information literacy is "the ability to recognize the extent and
nature of an information need, then to locate, evaluate, and effectively use the needed information."
("Information Literacy Definition", n.d.) Digital literacy is "the ability to find, evaluate, utilize,
share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet." ("What is Digital
Literacy?", n.d.)The purpose of this essay is to show the contrasting and similar experiences people
have had acquiring both digital and information literacy. To do this, I interviewed two citizens from
different generations, one a millennial ... Show more content on ...
As a result, classes have been designed for adults and elders who are having difficulty adjusting to a
digital world (Gloria Jacobs, 2014). In my interview with family friend and 62–year–old, Steve
Garza, acquiring digital literacy was difficult to do at first but grew progressively easier over the
years. Garza was introduced to his first computer in the early 80's at the age of 32 to which he said
the experience was "difficult to get used to since it was a very new thing". With no formal computer
classes or training, he became digitally literate through "trial and error" and the pressure to "evolve"
with his generation as computers became more prevalent. Though throughout the years, he claims
that digital literacy became a "necessity" when the World Wide Web was introduced. With more
information being available online, Garza says his generation was practically "forced" to become
digitally literate in order to keep up with the rest of the world. On the contrary, millennial and 18–
year–old friend, Clemens Koolen, grew up surrounded by technology, which made it fairly easy for
him to become digitally literate. At the age of 5, Koolen was introduced to his first computer, which
he remembers it to be a "not so difficult thing, with the exception of learning how to use the
keyboard." As the digital age evolved, Koolen kept up to date with technologies' various
complexities and improvements. With the rise of the Internet, he also learned how to navigate
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Balanced Literacy Approach
A curriculum can be defined as a written plan that describes the goals for children's learning and
development, and the learning experiences, materials and teaching strategies that are used to help
children achieve those goals (Head Start, 1998; National Association for the Education of Young
Children [NAEYC], 2005c, as cited in Bredekamp, 2011, p. 299). This course focused on the
balanced literacy approach. A balanced approach to literacy is combining an array of topics in
literacy which caters to the students' individual needs and interest. This approach focuses on
theories, strategies and topics that must be employed to be an effective teacher of reading and
writing. In the early childhood sector the constructivist approach is one of the theories that
undergirds the curriculum. However, its notion of applying group work is not ... Show more content
on ...
In the student centered classroom students are active constructors of their own learning, teachers
guide students through instruction and engage in grand conversations. Group work, discussions and
scaffolding were aspects applied throughout the duration of the course. Group work was one of the
strategies used to assess students. The purpose of group work is for students to build social skills.
The weakness I observed with group work is that some members don't take group work seriously
and the bulk of the work is placed on one individual. For participating in the course one was
required to discuss different topics weekly with peers. This procedure enlightened me to new
strategies that I wasn't privy to due to the level I teach. However, I felt at times that the discussions
was not edifying but complimenting peers. Furthermore, the coordinator scaffold our learning
during the discussions by reviewing our posts and providing feedback where
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Literacy Struggles
A Life of Struggles and Achievements in Literacy
Everybody has many experiences when growing up. We absorb an amazing amount of information
and learn many skills in that time. During this time, our skills develop, and we may succeed in some
areas or be unsuccessful in others. This idea could be applied to myself, which includes the ability to
properly speak, a struggle with writing, and a surprising success in reading.
Until the age of five, I had the inability to speak properly. When attempting to communicate with
someone, I would know the message I was trying to convey, but the other person would have no
idea of what I was saying. In preschool, this problem continued, so the school gave me a speech
specialist. With the help of this specialist, I was able to learn how to make my thoughts clear (as
much as a child could). ... Show more content on ...
At the age of five, I learned of my struggle concerning the topic of writing. In kindergarten, this
wasn't too much of a problem (because of the lack of writing–based assignments). Once I got into
first grade, where the level of difficulty increased, I learned that I was not a good writer. When I say
I wasn't a good writer, I do not only mean my writing quality, I also mean the physical act of
writing. To get over this, I was required to practice writing at home, along with being given
extra/specialized homework. With all of this help, I learned to be better at handling my writing
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Digital Literacy Paper
The twenty–first century is immersed in technology from social interactions, home, education,
business, and transportation. Technology was once a luxury but now transforming to a requirement.
With such a demand for new technologies, for some a required resource, it is only fair and necessary
to provide training and education of new technologies and how to operate the technology. The
American Library Association (ALA) has determined that library information centers should
incorporate technology and digital literacy. Digital literacy encompasses a wide range of education
and services for the public, academic, and school library professions to promote information that is
essential for today's digital society. There are many challenges in ... Show more content on ...
In 2015 research was conducted over the rising concerns of public library budget cuts, declining
patron statistics, desired programs, and services. The key question was if the library was still a
needed public service due to technology takeover of electronic resources. The Pew study supports
that the public library is still a much–needed service, however, the users desire more technology and
digital literacy (Horrigan, 2015).
The 2015 Pew Research Center report, Libraries at the crossroads, discovered that the public does
not want to lose the community library as that would be a major impact on the community. In fact,
public opinion is strongly in support of library programs that advance education and improve digital
literacy. The sample size consisted of 2,004 American's age 16 and older. The method used was a
telephone survey conducted on both a landline and cellular service. Results indicated that;
78% of American's would like the public library to have programs that teach children and seniors
how to use digital tools such as computers, smartphones, and
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My Literacy
Innumerable amounts of people consider a literacy to just be reading a book, magazine, or
newspaper and writing an essay. Indeed those are common literacy's but there is more to reading and
writing than just a book and an essay. My literate practice happens to be dance. It is important to me
that everyone recognizes how reading and writing plays a tremendous role in the world of dance. It
is also important that others realize anyone can dance, but not everyone can be considered a 'dancer'.
It is necessary for a dancer to have passion, persistence, skill, devotion, strength and power. I
possess all these qualities, which is why I believe I am an expert in my literacy. Dance seems just to
be a hobby for many and a form of entertainment, but ... Show more content on ...
I've been able to travel to places I've never been before, to bond with ladies who share the same
passion as me, and of course to grow as a dancer. One of my most memorable dance experience's
was competing in my first national dance competition my sophomore year in high school. I was able
to compete with thousands of teams from across the United States and even a few teams from other
countries. I love the competition atmosphere and the moments I have to bond with my teammates.
There's nothing that can compare to dancing in front of thousands of people underneath those stage
lights. The adrenaline rush I get is indescribable and to know that I'm sharing the dance floor with
thirty–four other ladies that have the same goals as me is unbelievable. One of the best moments at
the competition was walking away as third runner up overall when we competed against over 200
teams. Another memorable dance experience was when I went to dance camp at Oklahoma State
university my senior year. I remember the very first day of camp they ran out of food and we had to
order pizza to our dorms. The worst part about this was that we had to be performance ready within
an hour and try to eat at the same time. It was extremely frustrating and stressful but at the end we
performed and received our bid for nationals in Orlando, Florida. I honestly believe that the most
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Literacy Is The Definition Of Literacy
To myself, the definition of literacy is having the ability and means to read and/or write. Although
this seems as though it is a stereotypical and common definition, I have found during the course of
my life that this definition holds to be true to my personal being. When I was younger, I used to
think literacy was simply the literacy book that we read out of during English class. The more that I
grew, the more I realized that literacy was having the ability to read the book– not the book itself.
While in junior high, my English course was referred to as a literacy course. During this course, we
learned on what basis literacy forms. The teacher explained that literacy is not the words on the
page; literacy is having the means of reading the words, and having the ability to comprehend what
exactly it is that we were reading. Though this seems similar to cultural literacy, it is actually quite
different. Cultural literacy is having the ability to comprehend and participate fluently in a particular
culture, whereas literacy is just having the ability and means to read and/or write in general. I do not
personally feel as though there was one single event that gave me a well–rounded definition of
literacy or cultural literacy. Rather, it has been throughout the course of my education that brought
me to my definition of what literacy is and how one acquires the abilities involved in it. Some say
that there is a point in their lives in which they become "conscious" of literacy,
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Literacy, Liliteacies And Multiliteracies
Literacy, literacies and multiliteracies bears various meanings to different people. Some believe that
literacy is developed by cultures, while others believe that literacy and cultures developed an
individual. There are single and multiple definitions of literacy, literacies and multi–literacies. Based
on research, literacy is very important and continues to be developed through our rapidly changing
world. Throughout this essay, we will focus on views of literacy, literacies, and multiliteracies and
how their different meanings affect our approach to teaching literacy.
Our view of literacy upon commencing this course, was that it is the ability to read and write. Our
understanding of it however was partially true because, reading and writing are essential of any
person's literacy, but reading and ... Show more content on ...
However, what makes the multiliteracies theory different from the others is that in this theory, it
considers and respects the cultural, the social and the historical differences. This learning technique
is basically so that the students would profit from the methods that they learn so they could
effectively function in the community, society and the real world. Multiliteracies have four
dimensions; the situated, the foundational, the critical dimension and the creative dimension.
Mulitiliteracies do not restrict to only the use of technology but also uses non–linguistic
representations and ways of communication for example; physical models, mental images, pictures
and photographs etc. These differences are becoming even more significant to our communicative
environment. Factors that comprise of the differences, include culture, gender, life experience,
subject matter, social or subject domain. To meet the learning needs different modes were derived;
oral, visual, audio, gestural, tactile and kinesthetic patterns of
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Correlation Between Parental Literacy And Literacy
Intergenerational literacy refers to the cycle of low literacy that exists in families. This paper will
examine intergenerational illiteracy and programs that increase family literacy while decreasing high
school dropout. To answer the question; Does intergenerational illiteracy affect educational
achievement and what can be done to decrease intergenerational illiteracy and increase literacy
education levels? This paper will analyze research that shows the connection between parental
literacy and the lower educational attainment of children and will present solutions for increasing
literacy in the family thus helping parents and potentially preventing high school dropout.
$10,510, that's how much less a high school dropout earns annually than an individual with a high
school diploma according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. A dropout is less likely to be
employed, more likely to be incarcerated and more likely to live in poverty. According to the U.S.
Census Bureau, due to incarceration, less paid in taxes and other factors a high school dropout costs
taxpayers $292,000 over their lifetime. The financial costs alone should be enough to find ways to
increase graduation rates. Research has shown early predictors of dropout are parental education
level and early low literacy in the child. Families from one generation to another have a difficult
time escaping poverty and families from one generation to another have difficulty improving
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Literacy Nights Reflection
This was my first time taking part in the actual literacy night festivities and I am so thankful that I
had the opportunity to attend this time around. I can honestly say as a parent of three children, I
have never had the time to attend their literacy nights, and I regret that. Participating in the literacy
night made me aware of the importance of holding literacy nights such as the one I was apart of. It
provides students and parents/family members the opportunity to spend quality time together while
practicing academic skills/concepts in a authentic and engaging way. The center that my group
created was called Recycled Music and it allowed students to create a musical instrument by reusing
recyclable materials. We put a lot of thought into
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Literacy Autobiography
My earliest memory of literacy is being in kindergarten. Sitting in front of my teacher listening to
her read to the class. From that point on I have been reading anything I can get my hands on, sports–
related materials or just world news. I think literacy plays an important part of everyday living. My
sister is 10 years older than myself (I am 39) and she is a teacher, so she played a huge role in
teaching me the importance of being literate. I can still remember my elementary days when she was
in highschool and would practice her teaching skills with me. Once I grew older I understood how
important reading and writing was in order to be able to function in and out of school. The very first
time I came home to visit during my freshman year
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How Does Literacy Affect Child Literacy
Literacy and its Effects on Child Development
As of 2003, studies showed that 1 in 7 adults in America were proven to be illiterate, meaning they
were unable to read and write. More recent studies state that this statistic has shown little to no
change in the last 10 years. The rate of literacy in adults is alarming in interest of the fact that
children tend to be products of their parents or guardians. These are whom, in the beginning of a
child's life, they get most of their information from. Kids rely on adults for introduction to their
home language among other things needed to begin school. The adult literacy rate is capable of
directly affecting the child literacy rate. Literacy has been proven to have a significant effect on
early child development. Minority children are at a disadvantage due to the fact that parents do not
fully ... Show more content on ...
The relevance of this is that exposing youth to books and reading to them changes the development
of their brains, making learning easier in the future and in turn, leading to smarter children.
Therefore, parents need to be educated on the benefits of reading to their kids and begin
implementing it into their daily routines.
Literacy, by dictionary definition, means "the ability to read and write". This was once interpreted
this as someone having to physically open a book to read or write using a pen and paper, but over
time the definition has evolved, taking on new meanings. Literacy is now viewed as "the ability to
locate, evaluate, use, and communicate using a wide range of resources including text, visual, audio,
and video sources" (Lamb 1). Using the evolved meaning of literacy, reading can refer to being able
to examine body language to understand how someone feels, physically
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Reading And Literacy
I've never put much thought into what defines reading or literacy. I know that they are life skills that
are necessary for a person to have a functional place in the world. Growing up it was expected that
you learned how to read, write, interpret, clarify, summarize, and question based on what is
presented to you. It used to be based on textbooks, novels, and newsprint. As of now, I've lost count
of the different ways that we can communicate.
Reading is a process that involves word recognition, comprehension, and fluency. All three areas
must function together in order for the reader to make sense of what he is reading. This is a skill that
we continue to learn and work on for life. Learning how to read does not stop with the end of
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Why Literacy Is Important
I will tell you about the importance of Literary. Literacy is important because it helps us spell words,
read and do more in life. I was born in generation iGen. Generation iGen is the generation of people
born with technology. With generation iGen our skills are most likely higher in technology skills
then in literacy skills.
The importance in Literacy is that it helps us do jobs in life. I can tell you that a lot of jobs in life
have some type of literacy in them. The type of literacy that the jobs have is reading, spelling,
grammar, and writing. I have a feeling that the jobs wouldn't let you work for them if you don't have
the literacy skills needed or you wouldn't get the money that you are supposed to. I would not have
someone work for me if they don't have the literacy skills needed to do the job. I have a question to
ask you Bosses or you ... Show more content on ...
Then the Cowboys would make their ideas into poems. The poems were about the objects on the trip
like sunsets and sunrises, cattle plus horses, grass also hills with trees, pests with some animals like
dogs, and a lot of more objects like that about the trip. The Cowboys didn't have a lot of time. The
Cowboys were busy people so you think that the literacy skills weren't fine. I have a feeling that
because they wrote books and poetry that would get them to have well literacy skills and amazing
literacy skills at that rate right, but some people think different. It is their opinions so that's fine.
I am a girl who has thoughts of why importance of literacy is strong because of power in literacy.
The power of literacy is important because literacy skills are also life skills. When I say life skills I
say that because literacy is in jobs so life skills. All jobs have literacy that's why literacy is so
important to me. I am a girl with a lot of thought about the importance of
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Literacy And Reading
Literacy is not only the ability to read and write, but a form of expression that can be used when the
spoken word is not enough. Throughout my life, I have always had a passion for literacy, and
reading and writing has always been a large part of who I am as a person. When I was younger, you
wouldn't be able to go a day without seeing a book in my hand of some sort. Literacy has always
been a sort of escape for me. Any time that I was having issues I knew I could always turn to a book
to take me somewhere else, or turn to writing and create new worlds of my own.
Reading has always been a favorite of mine because of all of the creativity and detail that goes into
creating a piece of literature. It has always baffled me how writers can ... Show more content on ...
I simply cannot stop writing until I at least finish the paragraph, if not the entire piece. For example,
in eigth grade, I had to write a ten page "Hero's Journey" Narrative for English, and I wrote the
entire thing in one sitting. Not necessarily because of procrastination, but because if I had stopped in
the middle, I probably would have had to start over.
While growing up, I was definitely influenced by the people around me when it comes to literacy.
Since my mom is an educator, I have been taught from a young age the importance of of having
strong literary skills, and have always been encouraged to read and write to my fullest potential. My
family never failed to ensure that I always had a new book to read, or something to write about.
School has had a large affect on not only the way I incorporate literacy into my everyday life, but
how often I find myself wanting to participate in these activities. In middle school, and a bit into
freshman year, I wrote and read for myself. I did this to make myself feel better if I was having a
bad day, or to entertainment. Now, I find that not only do I have a very limited amount of time do
these things for myself due to academics, but when I do have time, I don't want to as much. As I
take more challenging courses in school, I have found my want to read and write for pleasure
dwindle significantly, as it has almost become a mundane task to complete for a grade. Writing
argumentative essays over and over again,
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The Importance Of Literacy
Literacy or the ability to read and write is not only very important but it is a necessity in dealing the
everyday life. It is like breathing, you need it so you don't even think about what it's like not being
able to read or write. Everything we do in based on reading in this world, yet there are 32 million
adults in the U.S. that can't read. The power of literacy lies not just in the ability to read and write,
but rather in a person's capacity to apply these skills to effectively connect, interpret and discern the
complexities of the world in which they live.
Literacy is about more than just words and meaning, it affects peoples' lives directly, impacting their
chances of employment and a descent level of income. The effects of globalization and free trade,
better communication and information technologies, and the rise of societies that use knowledge and
information have resulted in a growing demand for highly skilled workers. Not only has literacy
become very important in the U.S some have started programs to get kids more involved in reading.
Michelle Obama has been very involved in helping get the message out about how important
reading and education in general is for future generations.
However, one career that is very dependent on the ability to read and write is the acting profession.
An actor and actress are very dependent on knowing how to read so they can learn their lines and
reading clue cards with their lines on it. Literacy isn't only very
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Proposal On Adult Literacy
Final Proposal
Little is known for acquiring literacy. As Quigley (1997) claimed, we actually barely know about
those who were studied in the literacy studies. According to a study conducted by the U.S.
Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy, 32 million adults in the U.S. can't
read. That's about 14 percent of the population. It is a call for researchers to draw attention on
developing adult literacy program. Admittedly, many articles discuss about adult literacy levels and
their participation in a general view (Kutner, Greenberg, & Baer, 2005; U.S. Department of
Education Co–operation and Development), but this article intends to focus on a case study of low
literacy adult learners in ESL (English as a second language) reading context. The main point of this
research was to observe how the reading acquisition happened in LLA (Low Literacy Adult). Are
there any useful learning strategies for LLA reading? In broad prospect, the research eagers to
enlighten those who teach and instruct ESL adult learners.
1. Discussion about Literacy
Literacy is a fundamental social skill in our life. Many past studies of adult literacy have tried to
count the "low literacy" in the U.S, evaluating literacy as a simple checklist that individuals either
do or do not have, however, the definition of the literacy are still argued in the teaching field that
many researchers think it's too simple to narrow down the literacy into rigid categories.
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Literacy Collaborative Framework
Literacy Collaborative is high quality program oriented around rigorous instruction and purposeful
teacher–student interactions. It is a framework based on authentic, global, and holistic language
acquisition, which include both reading and writing workshops. Within this framework teachers
differentiate instruction through flexible grouping such as whole–class, small group and/or
individualized instruction. Additionally, teachers create opportunities for students to engage in
targeted activites throught the utilization of interactive and shared reading experiences as well as
tailored vocabulary and phonologica awareness lessons designed to met individual needs. The
Literacy Collaborative framework strives to ehance student learning through engagement, purpose,
systematic routines, data based instruction, and targeted interventions. Students are encourage to
beome an active participant in their learning experience through student choice, open–ended
question, and targeted ... Show more content on ...
Shared book reading focuses on developing comprehension, alphabetics, and general reading
achievement to enhance student literacy achievement. The teacher selects a text and reads it aloud to
a student and/or group of students. The shared book reading program allows the teacher to model
reading strategies, increase alphabetic skills, and activate and increase comprehension skills through
targeted questions, prompts, and strategies. During the reading the teacher prompts students with
strategic prompts and/or questions to engage the students in the text. Moreover, the teacher directs
the students to key elements within the pictures, words, and/or text features. The teacher tailors the
shared reading experience to meet the needs of the participants (International Reading Association
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Committee, 2012). Hence, educators are able to alter
prompts, questions, and strategies to enhance the learning needs of
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The Power Of Literacy
"It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to give them something worth reading.
Something that will stretch their imaginations–something that will help them make sense of their
own lives and encourage them to reach out toward people whose lives are quite different from their
own." – Katherine Patterson. Literacy is a right. It is implicit in the right to education. It is
recognized as a right, explicitly for both children and adults, in certain international conventions.
Literacy is the ability to read and write, and also refers to having enough reading and writing ability
to function in society. People who cannot read and write are called illiterate. People are called
functionally illiterate if they cannot read or write well enough to do activities that are common in
social settings they encounter. Such activities may include employment, schoolwork, voting, or
worship. The power of literacy is something that can change the world. How far has literacy come
since the beginning and what is its history; what are the causes of a lower literacy rate; what effects
can lower literacy rates have; what about higher rates; what are some ways to improve the literacy
rates and; what are some of the benefits to a higher literacy rate?
Literacy has a long and detailed history. "The earliest examples of pictorial written communication
date back to 3500 B.C. (Piechota). In the centuries after the invention of written communication,
only a small part of human society
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Language and Literacy
Language and Literacy what are they? How do they relate? How do we learn them? These are just a
few questions one might ask them self when they contemplate the effect language and literacy have
on learning.
"Forms of language and literacy develop supportively and interactively. Children build on oral
language knowledge and practices as they learn to read and write' they develop key understandings
about reading through writing, and they extend their writing range through reading" (Braunger &
Lewis, 2005). This illustrates how at even the most basic level, language and literacy are
interconnected from the very beginning. Therefore, in order to dissect each to see how children learn
each, one needs to have a full understanding of both ... Show more content on ...
Additional differences are that each mode requires specific knowledge that cannot be transferred to
the other and also that "written language is doubly symbolic; readers and writers must become at
least somewhat conscious of their knowledge of oral language, which isn't necessary in speaking"
(Braunger & Lewis, 2005).
Another major difference between written and oral language is its accessibility. Oral language is
very readily available through conversations, recordings, music, etc. whereas written language is
much harder to come by since it has to be created and then made accessible for others (Braunger &
Lewis, 2005). Aside from their similarities and differences listed above written and oral language
make up the building blocks of literacy. "Literacy allows us to make connections between our own
and others' experiences; to inquire systematically into important matters; and to access, analyze and
evaluate information and arguments. In short, literacy is key to success in school and beyond for
effective participation in the workforce, the community, and the body politic" (Braunger & Lewis,
Literacy occurs in stages with the primary development taking place during childhood and
adolescents. During adolescents is when our literacy knowledgebase grows and deepens the most.
Some of the key features in
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A Balanced Literacy Plan For The Literacy Program
Words Their Way is a developmental spelling, phonics, and vocabulary program. It was developed
by Invernizzi, Johnston, Bear, and Templeton. Words Their Way is intended to be part of a balanced
literacy plan that includes fluency, comprehension and writing. Word study is implemented as an
integral component of the literacy program, but it is also linked in actual reading and writing of
texts." Through my participation in such classes and by experiences that I have encountered with
literacy and assessments, I feel that I have mastered standards 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. I can
successfully use data from assessment tools to guide the instruction needed within my classroom or
on an individual basis. As a classroom teacher, I work closely with the Title I teacher and the
Literacy Coach to administer Words Their Way Primary Spelling Inventory assessment, data was
gathered and evaluated, and based on the data; we created specific literacy centers that addressed
those deficit areas. The Words Their Way assessment tools have been particularly helpful to me
because it enabled me to assess my students quickly and design quality student centers specific to
their developmental needs in the area of word study and spelling. The data gathered from "Words
Their Way" was used to individualize instruction based on individual student needs and specific
deficit areas. The reason for using this assessment was threefold: first, it helped students to develop
a general knowledge of the English
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Health Literacy
Health literacy has been identified as a fundamental area when it comes to the prevention of diseases
and the promotion of health. The concept of health literacy is anchored on the strategies used to
ensure that the population is able to not only access health services and programs but also apply the
recommendations provided with the view to gaining an awareness or empowerment that will help
people to make informed decisions (CDC, n.d.). Although much of the health literacy programs
encompass the development of basic language as well as literacy skills, the concept of health
literacy goes beyond the confines of reading and comprehending health information and messages to
include "the educational, social, and cultural factors that influence ... Show more content on ...
Individuals with limited health literacy have difficulty taking medications, experience higher rates of
hospitalization than the general public, demonstrate less knowledge and awareness of health
information, are more liable to document their health as poor, and usually record a deteriorating
health status, low quality of life, and early deaths. Similarly, communities that report low health
literacy rates are often characterized by misunderstandings about issues of public health warnings,
missed opportunities for healthcare services, inadequate preparation for emergencies, and missed
warnings associated with the health and safety of the environment (CDC,
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Literacy Vs. Low Literacy Essay
Literacy Connections (LC) was founded in 1975 as Literacy Volunteers of America–Dutchess
County, Inc. The agency changed its name to Literacy Connections in 2005. Literacy Connections is
a private, not–for–profit, 501(C) (3) organization committed to helping adults and families become
functionally literate. The organization works with the lowest literacy level adults in Dutchess,
Columbia, and Greene Counties.
Our core program is to help adults to learn to read and write, and function independently by
recruiting and training volunteers to provide one–to–one and small group tutoring that is student–
centered. Student centered means not following a pre–determined curriculum, and giving a voice to
the student with regard to their learning goals. Teaching adults is not the same as teaching children.
Materials must be sensitive and respectful of adult learners, and because adults face so many
challenges in their daily lives, the learning must be relevant and meaningful. Recognizing that
illiteracy/low literacy is a family issue, our Adult & Family Literacy Program also offers reading
enrichment to children who are struggling with reading in the 2nd–4th grades – the crucial time
when children are transitioning from learning to read to reading to learn.
MISSION STATEMENT Literacy Connections is dedicated to developing and offering programs
and services to support a literate society. We recruit and train volunteers to provide no–cost student–
centered tutoring
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Literacy In Basketball
Literacy has different meanings other than reading and writing, which also includes the
understanding of knowledge. I learned what literacy was when I first understood the sport of
Basketball. However, before basketball was my favorite sport, it was soccer. But that ended earlier
on when I became injured during a soccer game. After that, I was not really hoping for another sport
to come my way. It all began when my big brother started playing basketball, he was quite good
during his prime. When I was in jr. High and High School I never expected to be as talented as him.
He taught me the proper skills to succeed in basketball when I was younger. When I was a teen it
was my teammates and coaches who made me a better player. During my development I was able to
encounter success with a good amount of practice and an equal amount of worst moments. At one
point of my High School years, I was going to back down because I was not as talented as the
others. Therefore, basketball has defined literacy by practice, lack of confidence, and learning style.
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I used to practice every day when practice began, and I also put in effort outside campus on my own
time when I could. Dribbling was the first technique that I wanted to better improve. I was a point
guard, meaning that I was the backcourt player who directed my teams offense. I also practiced my
shooting skills. I acquired knowledge this way, because I knew that dedication would get me to
where I am now. Defense was a challenge for me, because I was much more smaller than my
competition. I practiced for the games physically and mentally in order to
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Health Literacy
The concept of health literacy has been a widely researched topic within the field of health for quite
some time. The importance of health literacy is multi faceted, and an important aspect for not only
an individual's health, but for community health, and for the understanding of health professionals
as well.
Health Literacy is a widely researched concept with many varied definitions. Although there is no
one–accepted definition, as is with most health–related concepts, health literacy relates to the skills
needed to obtain, process and understand health–related information and to them make an informed
decision ( Health literacy has a strong relationship to health status and outcomes, which,
like health literacy, has been widely ... Show more content on ...
Those with lower levels of education or poorer economic status are at a higher risk of inadequate
health literacy, and thusly are at risk to experience poor health status and health outcomes. However,
those with complex care needs or illnesses may also lack the health literacy skills required to
adequately live with their conditions, regardless of the level of education attained or economic
status. The complexity of the health care system, and health care practices can alienate and
negatively affect the health of anybody. That is why the roll of health care professionals is vital in
the improvement of health and health literacy.
The use of medical jargon when discussing a health care plan with a patient is useless unless the
patient has the same medical knowledge and understanding as the professional. That is why
communication is such an important aspect of providing health care. For example: a nurse should
communicate in lay–terms to their patient to (a) avoid the patient misunderstanding care
instructions, (b) to hopefully avoid repeat admissions for the same cause, and (c) improve the health
literacy and understanding for the
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Emotional Literacy
6. Areas of expertise have their own specific language. What are some of the terms that are
associated with each of the areas you chose?
Terms associated with emotional literacy are 'awareness' (of one's and others' feelings),
'understanding', 'tact' (being sensitive to others), 'control' (of one's emotions and current expressions
when trying to avoid offending or creating conflict with others), 'empathy' and 'sympathy.'
Terms associated with singing literacy would be 'chest voice,' 'head voice,' 'mixed voice,' 'falsetto,'
'voice box,' 'hard palate,' 'soft palate,' and 'vocal folds.' Terms associated with acting are 'portrayal,'
'tone,' 'embodying,' 'theatre voice' (loud, exaggerated), 'imagination," 'body language,' 'facial
expressions' 'empathy' (towards the ... Show more content on ...
I believe that even strangers whom you communicate with for a short period of time can sense your
emotional literacy if they form an impression on how interesting, pleasant, or easy you are to talk to.
Someone with a poor sense of emotional literacy will give off the wrong first impression. These are
the times when some strangers don't share my emotional literacy– if they are rude or socially
The group of people whom I share my acting and singing literacies are my performing arts teachers,
and the talented individuals whom I worked with, and lastly, my choir and theatre groups. They are
emotional, artistic, sensitive, understanding, but also competitive, and tough.
The groups of people I share my visual art literacy are my art teachers. I share my technology
literacy with my family and friends who have technology literacy, and most importantly my
computer teachers who taught me the various computer skills I learned growing up. I also share my
digital art literacy with various Instagram
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Basic Literacy Narrative
Markus Lee
Professor Simonsen
English 111 23PR
Literacy Narrative
Basic literacy is the ability to read and write, my literacy skills began to develop while I was a small
child. It all started with the bedtime stories my mother would read to be. It wasn't until I got to
school that it developed even more as teachers began to teach me how to read and write. I feel that
in order to be successful you need to learn how to read and right, that's why I took pride in learning
it. I'm glad that I learned that at a very early age. I notice that to get a good grade on my writings I
had to write how my teachers wanted me to write things. In the long run it did pay off because I got
good grades on my papers. Obviously you can see that I had to ... Show more content on ...
It would be a story that was passed down from the family, one she made up, or a book that she got
off of the bookshelf. Dr. Seuss, Clifford The Big Red Dog any children's book we had. Looking
back on it there was all ways a moral to a story that she read to me. There was never a time that you
couldn't take a good value away from one of the stories. As I moved up in grade level the books
started to become deeper and deeper. Throughout school there was always something to read. There
was "Dr. Seuss" in elementary school, "The Diary of Anne Frank" in middle school, and "Romeo
and Juliet" in high school, Literacy was all ways present in my school life. Throughout all the book
reports, and the note taking and analyzing of Shakespeare literature there is without a doubt that my
literacy knowledge has grown thanks to learning I have done in school. I feel that we learn to read
and write because we have that desire inside to want to succeed and we know that it all starts here
with learning to read and write. With all of that being said I say the way in which my literacy skills
have developed to this point all started with bedtime stories. I think that this was the first start in
most kids life and this is where we learn the basics. A book full of words in which we thought were
just pictures and symbols with no meaning to them at all. Soon we learned that words did have
meanings and that
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Range Of Literacy
Sir Jack Goody and Ian Watt present in The Consequences of Literacy (1963, p. 306) Multiple
consequences of the move to literacy. One that I found particularly interesting was early in the
paper. Range of vocabulary changes as the written word overtakes a society. The authors use
examples from two well–known ethnographies to make their points. Bronislaw Malinowski, the
father of the modern ethnography, is well known for his influential work with the Trobriands, his
description of the lack of language to vocabulary for unimportant things outside of the direct space
that effects the people shows the importance of the land the people use to survive. Conversely
Malinowski's student, Hortense Powdermaker in her work with the Lesu in modern day Papua
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Emergent Literacy
Emergent literacy is used to describe how a young child interacts with books and when reading and
writing, even though they could not read or write in the usual sense of way. Emergent literacy is a
process that takes place over the timeframe from birth until a child can read and write in what we
think to be a standard sense. The key to term literacy is the consistency of all parts of language:
speaking, listening, reading, writing, and viewing. Some people believe that, up until a child starts
school he/she will first learn to read and then learn to write. The process to learning to read and
write has to start early in a child's life. Right away they have contact with different types of
communication from the start. ... Show more content on ...
It does not interfere with a child's ability to spell correctly in later years. When children first learn to
speak, the attempts they make to reproduce the sounds that they hear are welcomed. This is exactly
what beginning writers are doing with invented
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Reflection On Literacy
As a child, I never had books read to me. It was not really part of the middle–class lifestyle in
Punjab, where I was born and lived for 5 years. In Punjab, I completed two years of early education
known as LKG (lower kindergarten) and UKG (upper kindergarten). The school I went to, although
a high SES school, did not have a library where we would go to read picture books. Moreover, the
books we did have for 'English' were a compilation of poems and stories, with very few pictures.
Poems or story was read by the teacher, and then told the 'moral' of the story. Nothing more. Neither
was there any extrapolation nor exploration of character or plots.
Nieto (1992) asserts that the language students bring along impacts their learning, and teachers often
want to take away the student's language and culture. I was often told to speak English at home, and
at home I was told to speak Punjabi. Teachers who want to create equity in class may in fact, by
ignoring differences, by accepting the dominant culture as a norm (Nieto, 1992). Many teachers
expect that students know how to 'talk books', because it is 'nature', however it heavily underpinned
by nature (Heath, 1982). Understanding the culture and the type of home literacies students practice
in is imperative in providing the appropriate support for the student. When I first came to Australia,
my teachers thought I had superficial English skills because I was unable to understand literacy the
way it was practiced
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The Language And Balanced Literacy
Academic Basics of Basals, Whole Language and Balanced Literacy
When addressing the subject of reading and the most effective method to teach reading is?
Additionally, when we teach our children how to read, do they truly understand what they are
reading and can they communicate to us what they have read? As educator we have to be
instrumental in creating students to become independent effective readers who comprehend well. In
order to do this, students have to be provided with basic reading and comprehension skills that
continue into adulthood. Whether teaching with a basal reader or using whole language which one is
the best one has been a debated topic for decades. According to J. Reyhner,"Proponents of phonics
point to a purported decline in reading test scores in the 1990s that they saw as a result of whole
language instruction and "scientific" studies that indicated phonics instruction produced better
reading scores than other methods." (Reyhner, 2008) Additionally, whole language advocates point
to other reasons to explain those instances of declining reading scores such as students living in
poverty and to ethnographic studies of students in classrooms to support their position." (Reyhner,
2008) Still the query is, which methodology is the most effective for teaching children not only how
to read but also comprehend? As teachers should be effective and efficient in our skills and abilities
to develop students into literate adults and provide an instructional
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Literacy Reflection
Literacy is a term that when thought about by the masses, it tends to be solely focusing on reading
and writing. Trust me, when we first started this project in the beginning of the semester, I was one
of the ignorant that didn't quite understand that there is a lot more to literacy than just those two
components. During the three–part project, I have read and annotated three articles, two that were
given to me and one article that relays back to my content area, which is physical education. Each
article vastly different with each having different writing styles and content, but all relating back to
the main idea of literacy and teaching practices. The articles were uniquely impactful in my
understanding of literacy and made me think about ... Show more content on ...
Even though the parole officer only wanted three pieces of information (attendance, test score, anger
statement) out the entire eight months spent in this program, the author was still focused on not only
making the student more literate, but making him a better man overall to make that transition back
to high school to finish out his student career. The reading process was clear and concise for this
article. Being writing by a teacher for teachers in language that is easy to understand but also easy to
take away something from it. In our group, we discussed how some of us in the group witnessed
first–hand students and faculty staff treating students like cogs in the wheel, not really getting to
know them but just making sure they do enough to get the student to the next level. For the text
features of this article, I enjoyed how there was no outside information that wasn't needed in the text
as well as the chosen words were common words or phrases that we are used to. The next article
was on the other side of this spectrum in terms of readability. The second article was vastly different
from the first. In this article, Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies (Paris and Alim) Understanding
Identity Chapter by Gutierrez and Johnson, it describes the importance of having a just and
culturally developed pedagogy that promotes student learning. It is difficult for me to give a proper
synopsis of the article
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Solid Term Literacy
An underlying question most people analyzing writing come to face is the solid term literacy.
Literacy holds a true and defined meaning behind most of daily life. It also relates to the
characteristics within those actions. Although most would classify literacy as the ability to read and
write, this is not the sole principle behind the term. We see literacy is so many aspects of daily life,
and it is up to the individual who interprets such literacy to truly break down its context and see
where it is applicable. Literacy is everywhere you just have to know where to find it.
What is literacy? Literacy is defined as the ability to read and write. Now, as most would take the
term with a grain of salt and think its importance is slim to none, ... Show more content on ...
Literacy can also be interpreted as how individuals in an organization communicate. When looking
at literacy and its relationship to events including the matter, we can infer that those events are event
specific. We can see a literacy event by the individuals participating in the event. The individuals in
an event can say a lot about the literacy of an event because each individual's literacy speaks to their
status within the event, making the individuals participating in the endeavor much clearer. Another
way that we can look at literacy within events is the type of communication. Does the organization
use audio aid or visual aid when portraying their thoughts? If an organization uses audio aid, it may
be speaking to a less literate audience where reading can be eliminated. Visual aid such as reading a
slide may speak to a more educated and literal audience relying on their literacy to interpret the
information given to them. One thing that all of these events and organizations can tell us is that the
use of some form of literacy is being taken advantage
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Language and Literacy Development
Language and Literacy Development Essay
Alma J. Bosket
Early Literacy Development (O101) –ECH–425
Dr. Leah Barley
July 21, 2013
Language and Literacy Essay The achievement of oral language is a normal development for the
performance of most children. The child's (ren) understanding to communicate will began to
increase with age, however, it will not establish the growth increase process right away but it will
contribute to the perfection progress as the children starts to read and transform into a more
experienced reader. Learning and communicating more adequately ... Show more content on ...
When children experience early speech difficulties they tend to be at risk later on. By being
susceptible to language skills early on allows the child (ren) to be more proficiency and react in a
way that contributes to them being able to express themselves in a way that causes them to use a
variety of different phonemes and at the same time mix and maneuver other language and literacy
skills. Numerous studies have found that there is a strong link between language problems, reading
and overall academic achievement (Konza, 2006, Snow Burns and Griffin, 1998, Justice and Ezell,
2000). Constructive early language and literacy development can be an ally to opening a child's
(ren) imagination; this will enhance and empower their potential to become successful readers. As
the children grow (birth to 3 yrs. old) their brain goes through an extradinary developmental process
and they begin to think, learn, communicate and rationalize things. When this early developmental
stage is not being nourished the child will feel the affects of it in the long run. Children that come
from low–income families that are enrolled in schools are affected the most. Educators and parents
can assist these children by giving them the support (early–on) that they need to sustain a healthy
learning environment. As educators it is our duty to create an environment that will help in this
process. In conclusion, generally in language and literacy development skills for the
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Understanding Literacy, And Health Literacy
Understanding Literacy, and Health Literacy
An understanding of literacy, and health literacy is crucial to understand their impact on client health
outcomes. Further, a nurse's ability to better educate clients lies in his or her understanding of these
terms. Literacy is a multilayered, dynamic and complex topic; however, in short literacy is a set of
skills including reading, writing & oral skills, numeracy skills, and skills that enable us to acquire
knowledge and information (Keefe & Copeland, 2011). Literacy can be understood through various
theoretical lenses. Keefe & Copeland also highlight five principles we must keep in mind when
thinking about literacy (2011). Firstly, all people are capable of acquiring literacy, however methods
of acquiring literacy vary greatly. Literacy is also a human right, given its ability to shape human
experience Literacy also serves as a crucial empowerment tool. Social interaction also contributes to
literacy; it is developed through human ability to build relationships. Lastly, literacy is not the
responsibility of an individual alone. Community, and human interaction nurture literacy as well.
All clients possess a degree of health literacy, and like literacy, it is a human right. It is a client 's
ability to understand written, spoken or numerical information, and make health care related
decisions based on the information (Eadie, 2014). A client's health literacy also has a social
component, often being influenced by their
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Traditional Literacy In Baseball
Traditional Literacy is perhaps the most essential tool we will ever pick up, though learning it is a
slow rigorous process that truly never ends. Usually early in childhood a child is taught a basic
understanding of literacy which lays the groundwork for the continued refinement of these skills is
key to improving our ability to communicate to others. The only way I can compare this process to
something similar would be to parallel learning the steps of traditional literacy with those of picking
up baseball, a sport I have spent almost my whole life participating in. I have found that the
progressions for understanding the game of baseball are similar to those of learning how to gain
literacy in a language. Each of these paths of development include some of the same strategies such
as repetition to memorize an action, a coach/ teacher to teach and mentor, differing ... Show more
content on ...
For this reason they do not start first time players off on a major league size field with pitchers,
instead they play t–ball with a stationary ball so they can easily hit it, and a smaller field and extra
players for defensive purposes. To some this may not even seem like the same game or even a game
at all, but in reality what looks like a bunch of children with no attention span chasing a ball around
is really a sound way of teaching the fundamentals of the game. Swinging the bat repeatedly and
even just getting used to wearing a glove lays the groundwork for improvement of these skills by
being exposed to more difficult areas of the sport. None of this growth occurs however without a
coach to teach you along the way and to hand down advice for you to build off of. And of course as
you progress through the levels of baseball coaching improves as well as the talent of those around
you who also help into developing into the best player you can
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Sense Of Literacy
Literacy, as I see it, has a very broad definition that solely depends on the interpreter. I believe
literacy is the ability to read and evaluate the content in their own way of thinking, along with the
ability to write and display understanding on a story, topic, or your own thoughts. Reading by itself
is useless without being able to think past words on a page and develope one's own conclusion to
form the connections to what the author is trying to say. Writing, and how it is displayed, is a useful
tool for the audience in which it is being written for. Effective, descriptive writing makes a more
enjoyable read and ultimately a better piece of literature.
I believe that my sense of literacy is medium based, and is very susceptible for improvement.
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Center For Literacy

  • 1. Center for Literacy 1.1 Overview Literacy is important in our everyday lives. According to the Center for Literacy in the United States of America, "Literacy is a complex set of abilities needed to understand and use symbols and systems of a culture – alphabets, numbers, and visual icons – for personal and community development". "The nature of these abilities, and the demand for them, vary from one context to another. These skills are clearly being found necessary in our everyday lives" (Center For Literacy, 2012). Several years ago, being literate meant being able to read and write a little. Now, being literate means being able to read and write at a level to be successful in today's world and also being proficient at math, knowing how to use technology, and knowing how to solve problems and make decisions. The power of literacy lies not only in the ability to read and write but rather the individual's capacity to put those skills in shaping the course of his or her life. Literacy is required for daily activities such as reading the post, filling in a job application, and helping children with their homework. In many countries, illiteracy is a national problem. According to the National Adult Literacy Survey (Literacy Mid–South) approximately 44 million people in the United States cannot read well enough to fill out an application, read a food label, or read a simple story to a child (Literacy Mid–South). According to the Ghana Statistical Service, the literacy rate in Ghana currently ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Importance Of Literacy In Canada Literacy affects both the economic and social well–being of individuals. The lack of literacy skills is linked to an individual's ability to obtain and retain employment which in turn hurts Canada's opportunity for innovation and productivity. Inadequate literacy skills in the workplace may endanger public health and safety. People with low literacy have been found to be in poorer health and more socially isolated (OECD, 2013). Four out of ten adult Canadians, age 16 to 65 or about nine million struggle with low literacy at the middle school level or lower (Laubach, 2016). Even more alarming is the prediction that the number of low–literacy adults will increase to 25% by 2031 (CBC, 2010). Therefore, in order to stem these literacy–related issues, it is crucial that quality programs for literacy providers be available so that they, in turn, can provide relevant literacy training and support lifelong learning for low literacy learners. Program Overview The Open and Distance Education Agency (ODEA) in partnership with the Nova Scotia Literacy Association (NSLA) developed and launched a training program in response to the need for quality literacy training providers in Nova Scotia. There are two types of literacy providers. Voluntary providers in conjunction with social agencies provide free literacy tutoring to both immigrants and low literacy individuals. As they have no formal training, they rely on the National Literacy Foundation of Canada manual. Paid providers, who work in schools, workplaces, and training institutions, have a mandate to enhance the literacy levels of those who have not achieved a functional literacy level. The majority of these literacy providers are English teachers and/or English majors who also lack formal education in literacy provision. The NSLA realized the need for literacy training for its providers by developing its own literacy curriculum. As the literacy providers are located throughout this province, the Distance Education Program for Literacy Providers (DEPLP) appeared to be the best choice of delivery method to meet the need for literacy training. The DEPLP, taught by literacy expert professors at Shannon University, is composed of four courses of which literacy ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Literacy And Ethnographic Research Since the 1980s, Scholars have continued to argue that there is more to 'LITERACY' than just the ability to read and write they pushed that there is also a cultural and social approach to literacy. The most prevalent understanding of literacy to all is that, it is a set of tangible skills of reading and writing that are independent of the context in which they are acquired and the background of the person who acquires them. This essay explains in detail the critique of the Traditional view of literacy by Scholars, the merits and downfalls of redefining the traditional view of literacy and why LITERACY is indeed more than just the ability to read and write. Scholars argued that the ways in which literacy is practiced vary by social and cultural context (Barton, 1994). Ethnographic research into literacy practices in particular settings was particularly instrumental in the development of this approach, typically known as 'New Literacy Studies' (NLS) (Gee, 1999; Heath, 1993; Street, 1998). Rather than see literacy as a technical skill independent of context, the NLS approach argues it is a social practice, embedded in social settings and, further, that even a presumably 'objective' skill such as numeracy can be socially situated. According to James ... Show more content on ... He views literacy as social practices, and approaches literacy from cross cultural perspectives in which there are multiple literacies that are practiced in real contexts. He stresses the social nature, as opposed to the autonomous, skills oriented perspective of literacy. Street argues that literacy or schooling has cognitive effects apart from the context in which it exists and the uses to which it is put in a given culture. Street also saw literacy as a broader cultural conception of particular ways of thinking about doing reading and writing in cultural ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Information Literacy And Digital Literacy Information and digital literacy play vital roles in our society and are necessary tools for citizens to have in this growing information age. Information literacy is "the ability to recognize the extent and nature of an information need, then to locate, evaluate, and effectively use the needed information." ("Information Literacy Definition", n.d.) Digital literacy is "the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet." ("What is Digital Literacy?", n.d.)The purpose of this essay is to show the contrasting and similar experiences people have had acquiring both digital and information literacy. To do this, I interviewed two citizens from different generations, one a millennial ... Show more content on ... As a result, classes have been designed for adults and elders who are having difficulty adjusting to a digital world (Gloria Jacobs, 2014). In my interview with family friend and 62–year–old, Steve Garza, acquiring digital literacy was difficult to do at first but grew progressively easier over the years. Garza was introduced to his first computer in the early 80's at the age of 32 to which he said the experience was "difficult to get used to since it was a very new thing". With no formal computer classes or training, he became digitally literate through "trial and error" and the pressure to "evolve" with his generation as computers became more prevalent. Though throughout the years, he claims that digital literacy became a "necessity" when the World Wide Web was introduced. With more information being available online, Garza says his generation was practically "forced" to become digitally literate in order to keep up with the rest of the world. On the contrary, millennial and 18– year–old friend, Clemens Koolen, grew up surrounded by technology, which made it fairly easy for him to become digitally literate. At the age of 5, Koolen was introduced to his first computer, which he remembers it to be a "not so difficult thing, with the exception of learning how to use the keyboard." As the digital age evolved, Koolen kept up to date with technologies' various complexities and improvements. With the rise of the Internet, he also learned how to navigate ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Balanced Literacy Approach A curriculum can be defined as a written plan that describes the goals for children's learning and development, and the learning experiences, materials and teaching strategies that are used to help children achieve those goals (Head Start, 1998; National Association for the Education of Young Children [NAEYC], 2005c, as cited in Bredekamp, 2011, p. 299). This course focused on the balanced literacy approach. A balanced approach to literacy is combining an array of topics in literacy which caters to the students' individual needs and interest. This approach focuses on theories, strategies and topics that must be employed to be an effective teacher of reading and writing. In the early childhood sector the constructivist approach is one of the theories that undergirds the curriculum. However, its notion of applying group work is not ... Show more content on ... In the student centered classroom students are active constructors of their own learning, teachers guide students through instruction and engage in grand conversations. Group work, discussions and scaffolding were aspects applied throughout the duration of the course. Group work was one of the strategies used to assess students. The purpose of group work is for students to build social skills. The weakness I observed with group work is that some members don't take group work seriously and the bulk of the work is placed on one individual. For participating in the course one was required to discuss different topics weekly with peers. This procedure enlightened me to new strategies that I wasn't privy to due to the level I teach. However, I felt at times that the discussions was not edifying but complimenting peers. Furthermore, the coordinator scaffold our learning during the discussions by reviewing our posts and providing feedback where ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Literacy Struggles A Life of Struggles and Achievements in Literacy Everybody has many experiences when growing up. We absorb an amazing amount of information and learn many skills in that time. During this time, our skills develop, and we may succeed in some areas or be unsuccessful in others. This idea could be applied to myself, which includes the ability to properly speak, a struggle with writing, and a surprising success in reading. Until the age of five, I had the inability to speak properly. When attempting to communicate with someone, I would know the message I was trying to convey, but the other person would have no idea of what I was saying. In preschool, this problem continued, so the school gave me a speech specialist. With the help of this specialist, I was able to learn how to make my thoughts clear (as much as a child could). ... Show more content on ... At the age of five, I learned of my struggle concerning the topic of writing. In kindergarten, this wasn't too much of a problem (because of the lack of writing–based assignments). Once I got into first grade, where the level of difficulty increased, I learned that I was not a good writer. When I say I wasn't a good writer, I do not only mean my writing quality, I also mean the physical act of writing. To get over this, I was required to practice writing at home, along with being given extra/specialized homework. With all of this help, I learned to be better at handling my writing ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Digital Literacy Paper The twenty–first century is immersed in technology from social interactions, home, education, business, and transportation. Technology was once a luxury but now transforming to a requirement. With such a demand for new technologies, for some a required resource, it is only fair and necessary to provide training and education of new technologies and how to operate the technology. The American Library Association (ALA) has determined that library information centers should incorporate technology and digital literacy. Digital literacy encompasses a wide range of education and services for the public, academic, and school library professions to promote information that is essential for today's digital society. There are many challenges in ... Show more content on ... In 2015 research was conducted over the rising concerns of public library budget cuts, declining patron statistics, desired programs, and services. The key question was if the library was still a needed public service due to technology takeover of electronic resources. The Pew study supports that the public library is still a much–needed service, however, the users desire more technology and digital literacy (Horrigan, 2015). Research The 2015 Pew Research Center report, Libraries at the crossroads, discovered that the public does not want to lose the community library as that would be a major impact on the community. In fact, public opinion is strongly in support of library programs that advance education and improve digital literacy. The sample size consisted of 2,004 American's age 16 and older. The method used was a telephone survey conducted on both a landline and cellular service. Results indicated that; 78% of American's would like the public library to have programs that teach children and seniors how to use digital tools such as computers, smartphones, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. My Literacy Innumerable amounts of people consider a literacy to just be reading a book, magazine, or newspaper and writing an essay. Indeed those are common literacy's but there is more to reading and writing than just a book and an essay. My literate practice happens to be dance. It is important to me that everyone recognizes how reading and writing plays a tremendous role in the world of dance. It is also important that others realize anyone can dance, but not everyone can be considered a 'dancer'. It is necessary for a dancer to have passion, persistence, skill, devotion, strength and power. I possess all these qualities, which is why I believe I am an expert in my literacy. Dance seems just to be a hobby for many and a form of entertainment, but ... Show more content on ... I've been able to travel to places I've never been before, to bond with ladies who share the same passion as me, and of course to grow as a dancer. One of my most memorable dance experience's was competing in my first national dance competition my sophomore year in high school. I was able to compete with thousands of teams from across the United States and even a few teams from other countries. I love the competition atmosphere and the moments I have to bond with my teammates. There's nothing that can compare to dancing in front of thousands of people underneath those stage lights. The adrenaline rush I get is indescribable and to know that I'm sharing the dance floor with thirty–four other ladies that have the same goals as me is unbelievable. One of the best moments at the competition was walking away as third runner up overall when we competed against over 200 teams. Another memorable dance experience was when I went to dance camp at Oklahoma State university my senior year. I remember the very first day of camp they ran out of food and we had to order pizza to our dorms. The worst part about this was that we had to be performance ready within an hour and try to eat at the same time. It was extremely frustrating and stressful but at the end we performed and received our bid for nationals in Orlando, Florida. I honestly believe that the most excellent ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Literacy Is The Definition Of Literacy To myself, the definition of literacy is having the ability and means to read and/or write. Although this seems as though it is a stereotypical and common definition, I have found during the course of my life that this definition holds to be true to my personal being. When I was younger, I used to think literacy was simply the literacy book that we read out of during English class. The more that I grew, the more I realized that literacy was having the ability to read the book– not the book itself. While in junior high, my English course was referred to as a literacy course. During this course, we learned on what basis literacy forms. The teacher explained that literacy is not the words on the page; literacy is having the means of reading the words, and having the ability to comprehend what exactly it is that we were reading. Though this seems similar to cultural literacy, it is actually quite different. Cultural literacy is having the ability to comprehend and participate fluently in a particular culture, whereas literacy is just having the ability and means to read and/or write in general. I do not personally feel as though there was one single event that gave me a well–rounded definition of literacy or cultural literacy. Rather, it has been throughout the course of my education that brought me to my definition of what literacy is and how one acquires the abilities involved in it. Some say that there is a point in their lives in which they become "conscious" of literacy, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Literacy, Liliteacies And Multiliteracies Literacy, literacies and multiliteracies bears various meanings to different people. Some believe that literacy is developed by cultures, while others believe that literacy and cultures developed an individual. There are single and multiple definitions of literacy, literacies and multi–literacies. Based on research, literacy is very important and continues to be developed through our rapidly changing world. Throughout this essay, we will focus on views of literacy, literacies, and multiliteracies and how their different meanings affect our approach to teaching literacy. Our view of literacy upon commencing this course, was that it is the ability to read and write. Our understanding of it however was partially true because, reading and writing are essential of any person's literacy, but reading and ... Show more content on ... However, what makes the multiliteracies theory different from the others is that in this theory, it considers and respects the cultural, the social and the historical differences. This learning technique is basically so that the students would profit from the methods that they learn so they could effectively function in the community, society and the real world. Multiliteracies have four dimensions; the situated, the foundational, the critical dimension and the creative dimension. Mulitiliteracies do not restrict to only the use of technology but also uses non–linguistic representations and ways of communication for example; physical models, mental images, pictures and photographs etc. These differences are becoming even more significant to our communicative environment. Factors that comprise of the differences, include culture, gender, life experience, subject matter, social or subject domain. To meet the learning needs different modes were derived; oral, visual, audio, gestural, tactile and kinesthetic patterns of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Correlation Between Parental Literacy And Literacy Abstract Intergenerational literacy refers to the cycle of low literacy that exists in families. This paper will examine intergenerational illiteracy and programs that increase family literacy while decreasing high school dropout. To answer the question; Does intergenerational illiteracy affect educational achievement and what can be done to decrease intergenerational illiteracy and increase literacy education levels? This paper will analyze research that shows the connection between parental literacy and the lower educational attainment of children and will present solutions for increasing literacy in the family thus helping parents and potentially preventing high school dropout. Introduction $10,510, that's how much less a high school dropout earns annually than an individual with a high school diploma according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. A dropout is less likely to be employed, more likely to be incarcerated and more likely to live in poverty. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, due to incarceration, less paid in taxes and other factors a high school dropout costs taxpayers $292,000 over their lifetime. The financial costs alone should be enough to find ways to increase graduation rates. Research has shown early predictors of dropout are parental education level and early low literacy in the child. Families from one generation to another have a difficult time escaping poverty and families from one generation to another have difficulty improving literacy ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Literacy Nights Reflection This was my first time taking part in the actual literacy night festivities and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to attend this time around. I can honestly say as a parent of three children, I have never had the time to attend their literacy nights, and I regret that. Participating in the literacy night made me aware of the importance of holding literacy nights such as the one I was apart of. It provides students and parents/family members the opportunity to spend quality time together while practicing academic skills/concepts in a authentic and engaging way. The center that my group created was called Recycled Music and it allowed students to create a musical instrument by reusing recyclable materials. We put a lot of thought into ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Literacy Autobiography My earliest memory of literacy is being in kindergarten. Sitting in front of my teacher listening to her read to the class. From that point on I have been reading anything I can get my hands on, sports– related materials or just world news. I think literacy plays an important part of everyday living. My sister is 10 years older than myself (I am 39) and she is a teacher, so she played a huge role in teaching me the importance of being literate. I can still remember my elementary days when she was in highschool and would practice her teaching skills with me. Once I grew older I understood how important reading and writing was in order to be able to function in and out of school. The very first time I came home to visit during my freshman year ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. How Does Literacy Affect Child Literacy Literacy and its Effects on Child Development As of 2003, studies showed that 1 in 7 adults in America were proven to be illiterate, meaning they were unable to read and write. More recent studies state that this statistic has shown little to no change in the last 10 years. The rate of literacy in adults is alarming in interest of the fact that children tend to be products of their parents or guardians. These are whom, in the beginning of a child's life, they get most of their information from. Kids rely on adults for introduction to their home language among other things needed to begin school. The adult literacy rate is capable of directly affecting the child literacy rate. Literacy has been proven to have a significant effect on early child development. Minority children are at a disadvantage due to the fact that parents do not fully ... Show more content on ... The relevance of this is that exposing youth to books and reading to them changes the development of their brains, making learning easier in the future and in turn, leading to smarter children. Therefore, parents need to be educated on the benefits of reading to their kids and begin implementing it into their daily routines. Literacy, by dictionary definition, means "the ability to read and write". This was once interpreted this as someone having to physically open a book to read or write using a pen and paper, but over time the definition has evolved, taking on new meanings. Literacy is now viewed as "the ability to locate, evaluate, use, and communicate using a wide range of resources including text, visual, audio, and video sources" (Lamb 1). Using the evolved meaning of literacy, reading can refer to being able to examine body language to understand how someone feels, physically ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Reading And Literacy I've never put much thought into what defines reading or literacy. I know that they are life skills that are necessary for a person to have a functional place in the world. Growing up it was expected that you learned how to read, write, interpret, clarify, summarize, and question based on what is presented to you. It used to be based on textbooks, novels, and newsprint. As of now, I've lost count of the different ways that we can communicate. Reading is a process that involves word recognition, comprehension, and fluency. All three areas must function together in order for the reader to make sense of what he is reading. This is a skill that we continue to learn and work on for life. Learning how to read does not stop with the end of ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Why Literacy Is Important I will tell you about the importance of Literary. Literacy is important because it helps us spell words, read and do more in life. I was born in generation iGen. Generation iGen is the generation of people born with technology. With generation iGen our skills are most likely higher in technology skills then in literacy skills. The importance in Literacy is that it helps us do jobs in life. I can tell you that a lot of jobs in life have some type of literacy in them. The type of literacy that the jobs have is reading, spelling, grammar, and writing. I have a feeling that the jobs wouldn't let you work for them if you don't have the literacy skills needed or you wouldn't get the money that you are supposed to. I would not have someone work for me if they don't have the literacy skills needed to do the job. I have a question to ask you Bosses or you ... Show more content on ... Then the Cowboys would make their ideas into poems. The poems were about the objects on the trip like sunsets and sunrises, cattle plus horses, grass also hills with trees, pests with some animals like dogs, and a lot of more objects like that about the trip. The Cowboys didn't have a lot of time. The Cowboys were busy people so you think that the literacy skills weren't fine. I have a feeling that because they wrote books and poetry that would get them to have well literacy skills and amazing literacy skills at that rate right, but some people think different. It is their opinions so that's fine. I am a girl who has thoughts of why importance of literacy is strong because of power in literacy. The power of literacy is important because literacy skills are also life skills. When I say life skills I say that because literacy is in jobs so life skills. All jobs have literacy that's why literacy is so important to me. I am a girl with a lot of thought about the importance of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Literacy And Reading Literacy is not only the ability to read and write, but a form of expression that can be used when the spoken word is not enough. Throughout my life, I have always had a passion for literacy, and reading and writing has always been a large part of who I am as a person. When I was younger, you wouldn't be able to go a day without seeing a book in my hand of some sort. Literacy has always been a sort of escape for me. Any time that I was having issues I knew I could always turn to a book to take me somewhere else, or turn to writing and create new worlds of my own. Reading has always been a favorite of mine because of all of the creativity and detail that goes into creating a piece of literature. It has always baffled me how writers can ... Show more content on ... I simply cannot stop writing until I at least finish the paragraph, if not the entire piece. For example, in eigth grade, I had to write a ten page "Hero's Journey" Narrative for English, and I wrote the entire thing in one sitting. Not necessarily because of procrastination, but because if I had stopped in the middle, I probably would have had to start over. While growing up, I was definitely influenced by the people around me when it comes to literacy. Since my mom is an educator, I have been taught from a young age the importance of of having strong literary skills, and have always been encouraged to read and write to my fullest potential. My family never failed to ensure that I always had a new book to read, or something to write about. School has had a large affect on not only the way I incorporate literacy into my everyday life, but how often I find myself wanting to participate in these activities. In middle school, and a bit into freshman year, I wrote and read for myself. I did this to make myself feel better if I was having a bad day, or to entertainment. Now, I find that not only do I have a very limited amount of time do these things for myself due to academics, but when I do have time, I don't want to as much. As I take more challenging courses in school, I have found my want to read and write for pleasure dwindle significantly, as it has almost become a mundane task to complete for a grade. Writing argumentative essays over and over again, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Importance Of Literacy Literacy or the ability to read and write is not only very important but it is a necessity in dealing the everyday life. It is like breathing, you need it so you don't even think about what it's like not being able to read or write. Everything we do in based on reading in this world, yet there are 32 million adults in the U.S. that can't read. The power of literacy lies not just in the ability to read and write, but rather in a person's capacity to apply these skills to effectively connect, interpret and discern the complexities of the world in which they live. Literacy is about more than just words and meaning, it affects peoples' lives directly, impacting their chances of employment and a descent level of income. The effects of globalization and free trade, better communication and information technologies, and the rise of societies that use knowledge and information have resulted in a growing demand for highly skilled workers. Not only has literacy become very important in the U.S some have started programs to get kids more involved in reading. Michelle Obama has been very involved in helping get the message out about how important reading and education in general is for future generations. However, one career that is very dependent on the ability to read and write is the acting profession. An actor and actress are very dependent on knowing how to read so they can learn their lines and reading clue cards with their lines on it. Literacy isn't only very ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Proposal On Adult Literacy Final Proposal Introduction: Little is known for acquiring literacy. As Quigley (1997) claimed, we actually barely know about those who were studied in the literacy studies. According to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy, 32 million adults in the U.S. can't read. That's about 14 percent of the population. It is a call for researchers to draw attention on developing adult literacy program. Admittedly, many articles discuss about adult literacy levels and their participation in a general view (Kutner, Greenberg, & Baer, 2005; U.S. Department of Education Co–operation and Development), but this article intends to focus on a case study of low literacy adult learners in ESL (English as a second language) reading context. The main point of this research was to observe how the reading acquisition happened in LLA (Low Literacy Adult). Are there any useful learning strategies for LLA reading? In broad prospect, the research eagers to enlighten those who teach and instruct ESL adult learners. Literature: 1. Discussion about Literacy Literacy is a fundamental social skill in our life. Many past studies of adult literacy have tried to count the "low literacy" in the U.S, evaluating literacy as a simple checklist that individuals either do or do not have, however, the definition of the literacy are still argued in the teaching field that many researchers think it's too simple to narrow down the literacy into rigid categories. ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Literacy Collaborative Framework Literacy Collaborative is high quality program oriented around rigorous instruction and purposeful teacher–student interactions. It is a framework based on authentic, global, and holistic language acquisition, which include both reading and writing workshops. Within this framework teachers differentiate instruction through flexible grouping such as whole–class, small group and/or individualized instruction. Additionally, teachers create opportunities for students to engage in targeted activites throught the utilization of interactive and shared reading experiences as well as tailored vocabulary and phonologica awareness lessons designed to met individual needs. The Literacy Collaborative framework strives to ehance student learning through engagement, purpose, systematic routines, data based instruction, and targeted interventions. Students are encourage to beome an active participant in their learning experience through student choice, open–ended question, and targeted ... Show more content on ... Shared book reading focuses on developing comprehension, alphabetics, and general reading achievement to enhance student literacy achievement. The teacher selects a text and reads it aloud to a student and/or group of students. The shared book reading program allows the teacher to model reading strategies, increase alphabetic skills, and activate and increase comprehension skills through targeted questions, prompts, and strategies. During the reading the teacher prompts students with strategic prompts and/or questions to engage the students in the text. Moreover, the teacher directs the students to key elements within the pictures, words, and/or text features. The teacher tailors the shared reading experience to meet the needs of the participants (International Reading Association Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Committee, 2012). Hence, educators are able to alter prompts, questions, and strategies to enhance the learning needs of ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Power Of Literacy "It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to give them something worth reading. Something that will stretch their imaginations–something that will help them make sense of their own lives and encourage them to reach out toward people whose lives are quite different from their own." – Katherine Patterson. Literacy is a right. It is implicit in the right to education. It is recognized as a right, explicitly for both children and adults, in certain international conventions. Literacy is the ability to read and write, and also refers to having enough reading and writing ability to function in society. People who cannot read and write are called illiterate. People are called functionally illiterate if they cannot read or write well enough to do activities that are common in social settings they encounter. Such activities may include employment, schoolwork, voting, or worship. The power of literacy is something that can change the world. How far has literacy come since the beginning and what is its history; what are the causes of a lower literacy rate; what effects can lower literacy rates have; what about higher rates; what are some ways to improve the literacy rates and; what are some of the benefits to a higher literacy rate? Literacy has a long and detailed history. "The earliest examples of pictorial written communication date back to 3500 B.C. (Piechota). In the centuries after the invention of written communication, only a small part of human society ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Language and Literacy Language and Literacy what are they? How do they relate? How do we learn them? These are just a few questions one might ask them self when they contemplate the effect language and literacy have on learning. "Forms of language and literacy develop supportively and interactively. Children build on oral language knowledge and practices as they learn to read and write' they develop key understandings about reading through writing, and they extend their writing range through reading" (Braunger & Lewis, 2005). This illustrates how at even the most basic level, language and literacy are interconnected from the very beginning. Therefore, in order to dissect each to see how children learn each, one needs to have a full understanding of both ... Show more content on ... Additional differences are that each mode requires specific knowledge that cannot be transferred to the other and also that "written language is doubly symbolic; readers and writers must become at least somewhat conscious of their knowledge of oral language, which isn't necessary in speaking" (Braunger & Lewis, 2005). Another major difference between written and oral language is its accessibility. Oral language is very readily available through conversations, recordings, music, etc. whereas written language is much harder to come by since it has to be created and then made accessible for others (Braunger & Lewis, 2005). Aside from their similarities and differences listed above written and oral language make up the building blocks of literacy. "Literacy allows us to make connections between our own and others' experiences; to inquire systematically into important matters; and to access, analyze and evaluate information and arguments. In short, literacy is key to success in school and beyond for effective participation in the workforce, the community, and the body politic" (Braunger & Lewis, 2005). Literacy occurs in stages with the primary development taking place during childhood and adolescents. During adolescents is when our literacy knowledgebase grows and deepens the most. Some of the key features in ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. A Balanced Literacy Plan For The Literacy Program Words Their Way is a developmental spelling, phonics, and vocabulary program. It was developed by Invernizzi, Johnston, Bear, and Templeton. Words Their Way is intended to be part of a balanced literacy plan that includes fluency, comprehension and writing. Word study is implemented as an integral component of the literacy program, but it is also linked in actual reading and writing of texts." Through my participation in such classes and by experiences that I have encountered with literacy and assessments, I feel that I have mastered standards 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. I can successfully use data from assessment tools to guide the instruction needed within my classroom or on an individual basis. As a classroom teacher, I work closely with the Title I teacher and the Literacy Coach to administer Words Their Way Primary Spelling Inventory assessment, data was gathered and evaluated, and based on the data; we created specific literacy centers that addressed those deficit areas. The Words Their Way assessment tools have been particularly helpful to me because it enabled me to assess my students quickly and design quality student centers specific to their developmental needs in the area of word study and spelling. The data gathered from "Words Their Way" was used to individualize instruction based on individual student needs and specific deficit areas. The reason for using this assessment was threefold: first, it helped students to develop a general knowledge of the English ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Health Literacy Health literacy has been identified as a fundamental area when it comes to the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health. The concept of health literacy is anchored on the strategies used to ensure that the population is able to not only access health services and programs but also apply the recommendations provided with the view to gaining an awareness or empowerment that will help people to make informed decisions (CDC, n.d.). Although much of the health literacy programs encompass the development of basic language as well as literacy skills, the concept of health literacy goes beyond the confines of reading and comprehending health information and messages to include "the educational, social, and cultural factors that influence ... Show more content on ... Individuals with limited health literacy have difficulty taking medications, experience higher rates of hospitalization than the general public, demonstrate less knowledge and awareness of health information, are more liable to document their health as poor, and usually record a deteriorating health status, low quality of life, and early deaths. Similarly, communities that report low health literacy rates are often characterized by misunderstandings about issues of public health warnings, missed opportunities for healthcare services, inadequate preparation for emergencies, and missed warnings associated with the health and safety of the environment (CDC, ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Literacy Vs. Low Literacy Essay Literacy Connections (LC) was founded in 1975 as Literacy Volunteers of America–Dutchess County, Inc. The agency changed its name to Literacy Connections in 2005. Literacy Connections is a private, not–for–profit, 501(C) (3) organization committed to helping adults and families become functionally literate. The organization works with the lowest literacy level adults in Dutchess, Columbia, and Greene Counties. Our core program is to help adults to learn to read and write, and function independently by recruiting and training volunteers to provide one–to–one and small group tutoring that is student– centered. Student centered means not following a pre–determined curriculum, and giving a voice to the student with regard to their learning goals. Teaching adults is not the same as teaching children. Materials must be sensitive and respectful of adult learners, and because adults face so many challenges in their daily lives, the learning must be relevant and meaningful. Recognizing that illiteracy/low literacy is a family issue, our Adult & Family Literacy Program also offers reading enrichment to children who are struggling with reading in the 2nd–4th grades – the crucial time when children are transitioning from learning to read to reading to learn. MISSION STATEMENT Literacy Connections is dedicated to developing and offering programs and services to support a literate society. We recruit and train volunteers to provide no–cost student– centered tutoring ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Literacy In Basketball Literacy has different meanings other than reading and writing, which also includes the understanding of knowledge. I learned what literacy was when I first understood the sport of Basketball. However, before basketball was my favorite sport, it was soccer. But that ended earlier on when I became injured during a soccer game. After that, I was not really hoping for another sport to come my way. It all began when my big brother started playing basketball, he was quite good during his prime. When I was in jr. High and High School I never expected to be as talented as him. He taught me the proper skills to succeed in basketball when I was younger. When I was a teen it was my teammates and coaches who made me a better player. During my development I was able to encounter success with a good amount of practice and an equal amount of worst moments. At one point of my High School years, I was going to back down because I was not as talented as the others. Therefore, basketball has defined literacy by practice, lack of confidence, and learning style. ... Show more content on ... I used to practice every day when practice began, and I also put in effort outside campus on my own time when I could. Dribbling was the first technique that I wanted to better improve. I was a point guard, meaning that I was the backcourt player who directed my teams offense. I also practiced my shooting skills. I acquired knowledge this way, because I knew that dedication would get me to where I am now. Defense was a challenge for me, because I was much more smaller than my competition. I practiced for the games physically and mentally in order to ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Health Literacy The concept of health literacy has been a widely researched topic within the field of health for quite some time. The importance of health literacy is multi faceted, and an important aspect for not only an individual's health, but for community health, and for the understanding of health professionals as well. Health Literacy is a widely researched concept with many varied definitions. Although there is no one–accepted definition, as is with most health–related concepts, health literacy relates to the skills needed to obtain, process and understand health–related information and to them make an informed decision ( Health literacy has a strong relationship to health status and outcomes, which, like health literacy, has been widely ... Show more content on ... Those with lower levels of education or poorer economic status are at a higher risk of inadequate health literacy, and thusly are at risk to experience poor health status and health outcomes. However, those with complex care needs or illnesses may also lack the health literacy skills required to adequately live with their conditions, regardless of the level of education attained or economic status. The complexity of the health care system, and health care practices can alienate and negatively affect the health of anybody. That is why the roll of health care professionals is vital in the improvement of health and health literacy. The use of medical jargon when discussing a health care plan with a patient is useless unless the patient has the same medical knowledge and understanding as the professional. That is why communication is such an important aspect of providing health care. For example: a nurse should communicate in lay–terms to their patient to (a) avoid the patient misunderstanding care instructions, (b) to hopefully avoid repeat admissions for the same cause, and (c) improve the health literacy and understanding for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Emotional Literacy 6. Areas of expertise have their own specific language. What are some of the terms that are associated with each of the areas you chose? Terms associated with emotional literacy are 'awareness' (of one's and others' feelings), 'understanding', 'tact' (being sensitive to others), 'control' (of one's emotions and current expressions when trying to avoid offending or creating conflict with others), 'empathy' and 'sympathy.' Terms associated with singing literacy would be 'chest voice,' 'head voice,' 'mixed voice,' 'falsetto,' 'voice box,' 'hard palate,' 'soft palate,' and 'vocal folds.' Terms associated with acting are 'portrayal,' 'tone,' 'embodying,' 'theatre voice' (loud, exaggerated), 'imagination," 'body language,' 'facial expressions' 'empathy' (towards the ... Show more content on ... I believe that even strangers whom you communicate with for a short period of time can sense your emotional literacy if they form an impression on how interesting, pleasant, or easy you are to talk to. Someone with a poor sense of emotional literacy will give off the wrong first impression. These are the times when some strangers don't share my emotional literacy– if they are rude or socially awkward. The group of people whom I share my acting and singing literacies are my performing arts teachers, and the talented individuals whom I worked with, and lastly, my choir and theatre groups. They are emotional, artistic, sensitive, understanding, but also competitive, and tough. The groups of people I share my visual art literacy are my art teachers. I share my technology literacy with my family and friends who have technology literacy, and most importantly my computer teachers who taught me the various computer skills I learned growing up. I also share my digital art literacy with various Instagram ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Basic Literacy Narrative Markus Lee Professor Simonsen English 111 23PR 2/19/15 Literacy Narrative Basic literacy is the ability to read and write, my literacy skills began to develop while I was a small child. It all started with the bedtime stories my mother would read to be. It wasn't until I got to school that it developed even more as teachers began to teach me how to read and write. I feel that in order to be successful you need to learn how to read and right, that's why I took pride in learning it. I'm glad that I learned that at a very early age. I notice that to get a good grade on my writings I had to write how my teachers wanted me to write things. In the long run it did pay off because I got good grades on my papers. Obviously you can see that I had to ... Show more content on ... It would be a story that was passed down from the family, one she made up, or a book that she got off of the bookshelf. Dr. Seuss, Clifford The Big Red Dog any children's book we had. Looking back on it there was all ways a moral to a story that she read to me. There was never a time that you couldn't take a good value away from one of the stories. As I moved up in grade level the books started to become deeper and deeper. Throughout school there was always something to read. There was "Dr. Seuss" in elementary school, "The Diary of Anne Frank" in middle school, and "Romeo and Juliet" in high school, Literacy was all ways present in my school life. Throughout all the book reports, and the note taking and analyzing of Shakespeare literature there is without a doubt that my literacy knowledge has grown thanks to learning I have done in school. I feel that we learn to read and write because we have that desire inside to want to succeed and we know that it all starts here with learning to read and write. With all of that being said I say the way in which my literacy skills have developed to this point all started with bedtime stories. I think that this was the first start in most kids life and this is where we learn the basics. A book full of words in which we thought were just pictures and symbols with no meaning to them at all. Soon we learned that words did have meanings and that ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Range Of Literacy Sir Jack Goody and Ian Watt present in The Consequences of Literacy (1963, p. 306) Multiple consequences of the move to literacy. One that I found particularly interesting was early in the paper. Range of vocabulary changes as the written word overtakes a society. The authors use examples from two well–known ethnographies to make their points. Bronislaw Malinowski, the father of the modern ethnography, is well known for his influential work with the Trobriands, his description of the lack of language to vocabulary for unimportant things outside of the direct space that effects the people shows the importance of the land the people use to survive. Conversely Malinowski's student, Hortense Powdermaker in her work with the Lesu in modern day Papua ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Emergent Literacy EMERGENT LITERACY Emergent literacy is used to describe how a young child interacts with books and when reading and writing, even though they could not read or write in the usual sense of way. Emergent literacy is a process that takes place over the timeframe from birth until a child can read and write in what we think to be a standard sense. The key to term literacy is the consistency of all parts of language: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and viewing. Some people believe that, up until a child starts school he/she will first learn to read and then learn to write. The process to learning to read and write has to start early in a child's life. Right away they have contact with different types of communication from the start. ... Show more content on ... It does not interfere with a child's ability to spell correctly in later years. When children first learn to speak, the attempts they make to reproduce the sounds that they hear are welcomed. This is exactly what beginning writers are doing with invented ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Reflection On Literacy Analysis Literacy As a child, I never had books read to me. It was not really part of the middle–class lifestyle in Punjab, where I was born and lived for 5 years. In Punjab, I completed two years of early education known as LKG (lower kindergarten) and UKG (upper kindergarten). The school I went to, although a high SES school, did not have a library where we would go to read picture books. Moreover, the books we did have for 'English' were a compilation of poems and stories, with very few pictures. Poems or story was read by the teacher, and then told the 'moral' of the story. Nothing more. Neither was there any extrapolation nor exploration of character or plots. Nieto (1992) asserts that the language students bring along impacts their learning, and teachers often want to take away the student's language and culture. I was often told to speak English at home, and at home I was told to speak Punjabi. Teachers who want to create equity in class may in fact, by ignoring differences, by accepting the dominant culture as a norm (Nieto, 1992). Many teachers expect that students know how to 'talk books', because it is 'nature', however it heavily underpinned by nature (Heath, 1982). Understanding the culture and the type of home literacies students practice in is imperative in providing the appropriate support for the student. When I first came to Australia, my teachers thought I had superficial English skills because I was unable to understand literacy the way it was practiced ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The Language And Balanced Literacy Academic Basics of Basals, Whole Language and Balanced Literacy When addressing the subject of reading and the most effective method to teach reading is? Additionally, when we teach our children how to read, do they truly understand what they are reading and can they communicate to us what they have read? As educator we have to be instrumental in creating students to become independent effective readers who comprehend well. In order to do this, students have to be provided with basic reading and comprehension skills that continue into adulthood. Whether teaching with a basal reader or using whole language which one is the best one has been a debated topic for decades. According to J. Reyhner,"Proponents of phonics point to a purported decline in reading test scores in the 1990s that they saw as a result of whole language instruction and "scientific" studies that indicated phonics instruction produced better reading scores than other methods." (Reyhner, 2008) Additionally, whole language advocates point to other reasons to explain those instances of declining reading scores such as students living in poverty and to ethnographic studies of students in classrooms to support their position." (Reyhner, 2008) Still the query is, which methodology is the most effective for teaching children not only how to read but also comprehend? As teachers should be effective and efficient in our skills and abilities to develop students into literate adults and provide an instructional ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Literacy Reflection Literacy is a term that when thought about by the masses, it tends to be solely focusing on reading and writing. Trust me, when we first started this project in the beginning of the semester, I was one of the ignorant that didn't quite understand that there is a lot more to literacy than just those two components. During the three–part project, I have read and annotated three articles, two that were given to me and one article that relays back to my content area, which is physical education. Each article vastly different with each having different writing styles and content, but all relating back to the main idea of literacy and teaching practices. The articles were uniquely impactful in my understanding of literacy and made me think about ... Show more content on ... Even though the parole officer only wanted three pieces of information (attendance, test score, anger statement) out the entire eight months spent in this program, the author was still focused on not only making the student more literate, but making him a better man overall to make that transition back to high school to finish out his student career. The reading process was clear and concise for this article. Being writing by a teacher for teachers in language that is easy to understand but also easy to take away something from it. In our group, we discussed how some of us in the group witnessed first–hand students and faculty staff treating students like cogs in the wheel, not really getting to know them but just making sure they do enough to get the student to the next level. For the text features of this article, I enjoyed how there was no outside information that wasn't needed in the text as well as the chosen words were common words or phrases that we are used to. The next article was on the other side of this spectrum in terms of readability. The second article was vastly different from the first. In this article, Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies (Paris and Alim) Understanding Identity Chapter by Gutierrez and Johnson, it describes the importance of having a just and culturally developed pedagogy that promotes student learning. It is difficult for me to give a proper synopsis of the article ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Solid Term Literacy An underlying question most people analyzing writing come to face is the solid term literacy. Literacy holds a true and defined meaning behind most of daily life. It also relates to the characteristics within those actions. Although most would classify literacy as the ability to read and write, this is not the sole principle behind the term. We see literacy is so many aspects of daily life, and it is up to the individual who interprets such literacy to truly break down its context and see where it is applicable. Literacy is everywhere you just have to know where to find it. What is literacy? Literacy is defined as the ability to read and write. Now, as most would take the term with a grain of salt and think its importance is slim to none, ... Show more content on ... Literacy can also be interpreted as how individuals in an organization communicate. When looking at literacy and its relationship to events including the matter, we can infer that those events are event specific. We can see a literacy event by the individuals participating in the event. The individuals in an event can say a lot about the literacy of an event because each individual's literacy speaks to their status within the event, making the individuals participating in the endeavor much clearer. Another way that we can look at literacy within events is the type of communication. Does the organization use audio aid or visual aid when portraying their thoughts? If an organization uses audio aid, it may be speaking to a less literate audience where reading can be eliminated. Visual aid such as reading a slide may speak to a more educated and literal audience relying on their literacy to interpret the information given to them. One thing that all of these events and organizations can tell us is that the use of some form of literacy is being taken advantage ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Language and Literacy Development RUNNGHEAD: LANGUAGE AND LITERACY DEVELOPMENT ESSAY Language and Literacy Development Essay Alma J. Bosket Early Literacy Development (O101) –ECH–425 Dr. Leah Barley July 21, 2013 Language and Literacy Essay The achievement of oral language is a normal development for the performance of most children. The child's (ren) understanding to communicate will began to increase with age, however, it will not establish the growth increase process right away but it will contribute to the perfection progress as the children starts to read and transform into a more experienced reader. Learning and communicating more adequately ... Show more content on ... When children experience early speech difficulties they tend to be at risk later on. By being susceptible to language skills early on allows the child (ren) to be more proficiency and react in a way that contributes to them being able to express themselves in a way that causes them to use a variety of different phonemes and at the same time mix and maneuver other language and literacy skills. Numerous studies have found that there is a strong link between language problems, reading and overall academic achievement (Konza, 2006, Snow Burns and Griffin, 1998, Justice and Ezell, 2000). Constructive early language and literacy development can be an ally to opening a child's (ren) imagination; this will enhance and empower their potential to become successful readers. As the children grow (birth to 3 yrs. old) their brain goes through an extradinary developmental process and they begin to think, learn, communicate and rationalize things. When this early developmental stage is not being nourished the child will feel the affects of it in the long run. Children that come from low–income families that are enrolled in schools are affected the most. Educators and parents can assist these children by giving them the support (early–on) that they need to sustain a healthy learning environment. As educators it is our duty to create an environment that will help in this process. In conclusion, generally in language and literacy development skills for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Understanding Literacy, And Health Literacy Understanding Literacy, and Health Literacy An understanding of literacy, and health literacy is crucial to understand their impact on client health outcomes. Further, a nurse's ability to better educate clients lies in his or her understanding of these terms. Literacy is a multilayered, dynamic and complex topic; however, in short literacy is a set of skills including reading, writing & oral skills, numeracy skills, and skills that enable us to acquire knowledge and information (Keefe & Copeland, 2011). Literacy can be understood through various theoretical lenses. Keefe & Copeland also highlight five principles we must keep in mind when thinking about literacy (2011). Firstly, all people are capable of acquiring literacy, however methods of acquiring literacy vary greatly. Literacy is also a human right, given its ability to shape human experience Literacy also serves as a crucial empowerment tool. Social interaction also contributes to literacy; it is developed through human ability to build relationships. Lastly, literacy is not the responsibility of an individual alone. Community, and human interaction nurture literacy as well. All clients possess a degree of health literacy, and like literacy, it is a human right. It is a client 's ability to understand written, spoken or numerical information, and make health care related decisions based on the information (Eadie, 2014). A client's health literacy also has a social component, often being influenced by their ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Traditional Literacy In Baseball Traditional Literacy is perhaps the most essential tool we will ever pick up, though learning it is a slow rigorous process that truly never ends. Usually early in childhood a child is taught a basic understanding of literacy which lays the groundwork for the continued refinement of these skills is key to improving our ability to communicate to others. The only way I can compare this process to something similar would be to parallel learning the steps of traditional literacy with those of picking up baseball, a sport I have spent almost my whole life participating in. I have found that the progressions for understanding the game of baseball are similar to those of learning how to gain literacy in a language. Each of these paths of development include some of the same strategies such as repetition to memorize an action, a coach/ teacher to teach and mentor, differing ... Show more content on ... For this reason they do not start first time players off on a major league size field with pitchers, instead they play t–ball with a stationary ball so they can easily hit it, and a smaller field and extra players for defensive purposes. To some this may not even seem like the same game or even a game at all, but in reality what looks like a bunch of children with no attention span chasing a ball around is really a sound way of teaching the fundamentals of the game. Swinging the bat repeatedly and even just getting used to wearing a glove lays the groundwork for improvement of these skills by being exposed to more difficult areas of the sport. None of this growth occurs however without a coach to teach you along the way and to hand down advice for you to build off of. And of course as you progress through the levels of baseball coaching improves as well as the talent of those around you who also help into developing into the best player you can ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Sense Of Literacy Literacy, as I see it, has a very broad definition that solely depends on the interpreter. I believe literacy is the ability to read and evaluate the content in their own way of thinking, along with the ability to write and display understanding on a story, topic, or your own thoughts. Reading by itself is useless without being able to think past words on a page and develope one's own conclusion to form the connections to what the author is trying to say. Writing, and how it is displayed, is a useful tool for the audience in which it is being written for. Effective, descriptive writing makes a more enjoyable read and ultimately a better piece of literature. I believe that my sense of literacy is medium based, and is very susceptible for improvement. ... Get more on ...