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Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009

Review Article

                                             Digestive and Nutritional
                                          Considerations in Celiac Disease:
                                           Could Supplementation Help?
                                                                                                     Tom Malterre, MS, CN

                                                                     signaling molecules. This article reviews these concerns
                                                                     in conjunction with considering supplementation as an
Abstract                                                             adjunct to a gluten-free diet.
Due to the increased immune activation in the intestinal tract of
people with celiac disease, the digestive and absorptive processes   Pancreatic Insufficiency
of those affected may be compromised. Individuals with celiac                  Postprandial hormone secretion signals the
                                                                     exocrine pancreas to secrete enzymes that assist in the
disease are more susceptible to pancreatic insufficiencies,
                                                                     digestion of partially digested foodstuffs (chyme) in the
dysbiosis, lactase insufficiencies, and folic acid, vitamin B12,
                                                                     upper intestines. The primary hormonal signal for pan-
iron, and vitamin D deficiencies, as well as accelerated bone
                                                                     creatic enzyme secretion is cholecystokinin (CCK). The
loss due to an increase in inflammatory signaling molecules.         enteric neurons and I-cells responsible for the secretion
Beyond strict maintenance of a gluten-free diet, research has        of CCK are found in the crypts and villi of both the
shown benefit with additional nutritional supplementation            duodenum and jejunum. Peptides, amino acids, and fats
to assist in regulation of several of these complications.           in the chyme stimulate the secretion of CCK that binds
(Altern Med Rev 2009;14(3):247-257)                                  to CCK-A receptors found on vagal afferent neurons.
                                                                     Once these receptors are bound, a neuronal reflex is
Introduction                                                         stimulated that inhibits gastric and duodenal motility,
          Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune condi-                as well as initiates suppression of appetite and a de-
tion characterized by damage to intestinal cells lead-               crease in acid secretion.
ing to ultimate deterioration. Emphasis is often put on                        Simultaneously, the exocrine pancreas is stim-
the degradation of the finger-like projections (villous              ulated to secrete digestive enzymes, and the gallbladder
atrophy) in the duodenal and jejunal regions, as these               is signaled to secrete bile (Figure 2). Therefore, any con-
are the most frequently observed dysfunctional tissues               dition that causes mucosal tissue damage to the duo-
in this disorder (Figure 1). A derangement in the up-                denum or jejunum, or an alteration in the function of
per intestinal morphology and alterations in the local               the necessary cells in these locations, can contribute
chemical environment surrounding the immunological                   to a reduction in pancreatic enzyme secretion. This
responses to gliadin (a protein fragment found in wheat,             has been documented in gluten, dairy, and bacterial
barley, and rye) may lead to increased susceptibility to a           enteropathies.2-4
variety of adverse consequences.1 Well-known are the
deficiencies of folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, and vitamin           Tom Malterre MS, CN – BS and MS in nutrition, certified as a nutritionist by
D associated with subsequent elevated homocysteine                   the Washington State Department of Health; co-owner of Whole Life Nutrition;
levels, iron deficiencies, and bone and immune disor-                co-author of the gluten-free Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and www.
                                                           ; lectures as part of the education staff at
ders. Lesser known are possible pancreatic insufficien-              Thorne Research.
cies, dairy intolerances, dysbiosis, dyspepsia, and ac-
celerated bone loss due to an increase in inflammatory

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Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009

Review Article

  Figure 1. Small Intestinal Mucosal Biopsies

      A                                B                                      C                                    D

     (A and B) Small-intestinal mucosal biopsy viewed through a dissecting microscope. The normal biopsy (A) shows numerous
     surface villi; whereas, a biopsy from an individual with CD and total villous atrophy shows, in place of the villi, numerous
     surface openings to underlying crypts and surface ridges (B). (C) Stained section of a normal small-intestinal mucosal
     biopsy. (D) Stained section of a small-intestinal mucosal biopsy from an individual with CD and total villous atrophy.

    From: Kagnoff MF. Celiac disease: pathogenesis of a model immunogenetic disease. J Clin Invest 2007;117:41-49. Used
    with permission.

          In 2001, researchers examined fecal elastase-1                     Significant decreases in basal CCK in the plasma (B 0.6
(E1) values in celiac patients. E1 is a marker of exocrine                   [95% CI, 0.3-1.3] pmol/L; p<0.003) and postprandial
pancreatic function often used in cystic fibrosis patients,                  CCK area under the curve (AUC 34 [19-61] pmol/L
a population known to have compromised pancreatic                            x 120 min, p<0.0001) were observed in the patients
function, to determine the severity of their dysfunc-                        with villous atrophy compared to the GF-diet treated
tion. Of the 16 celiac patients studied, nine (56%) had                      patients with normal villi, as well as the healthy controls
abnormal values (cut-off level of 200 mcg/g) indicating                      (B 1.0 [0.7-1.4] pmol/L; AUC 186 [131-264] pmol/L x
insufficient exocrine pancreatic function. All nine sub-                     120 min). There was also a significant decrease in CCK
jects had normal E1 levels after one year on a gluten-                       in the CD patients with intraepithelial lymphocyte in-
free (GF) diet.3                                                             filtration but little atrophy (B 0.4 [0.2-0.7] pmol/L;
          A group of researchers in Greece demonstrat-                       AUC 56 [31-101] pmol/L x 120 min; p<0.0001). This
ed a significant inverse correlation between the severity                    evidence implies that more than villous atrophy might
of villous atrophy and decrease in both CCK and fecal                        be causing a disruption of the CCK signaling network
elastase in patients with either CD or cow’s milk protein                    in celiac patients.6
enteropathy. They also found that CCK and pancreatic                                   In addition, this article found that fasting
enzyme secretion return to normal when the intestinal                        gallbladder volumes were higher in group B and C
morphology normalized.5                                                      compared to controls, while postprandial gallbladder
          A 2002 article in Regulatory Peptides examined                     emptying was less in both of these groups, indicating
whether CCK secretion was impaired by villous atro-                          compromised gallbladder function in both the subjects
phy itself or by other factors. The researchers examined                     with significant villous atrophy and in subjects with re-
plasma CCK in 20 celiac patients divided into three                          sidual intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltration but little
groups and compared to nine controls. They looked at                         villous atrophy.6
six celiac patients with normal mucosa after a GF diet,                                Leeds et al examined the effect of pancreatic
six CD patients with increased epithelial lymphocytes                        enzyme supplementation on CD patients who had
and little atrophy, and eight CD patients with signifi-                      persistent symptoms (diarrhea), even though they
cant villous atrophy, and compared them with controls.                       were following a gluten-free diet.7 The study tested

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Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009

                                                                                                                     Celiac Disease

          Figure 2. CCK: The Primary Hormone Signal for Pancreatic Enzyme Secretion

                                            esophagus                                             stomach

                                 liver                                                            gallbladder
                                                                                                    CCK signals gallbladder
                       duodenum                                                                     to secrete bile, and the
             Peptides, amino acids,                                                                 pancreas to secrete
                  and fats stimulate                                                                pancreatic enzymes (also
           I-cells in duodenum and                                                                  alters HCL, gastric and
                    upper jejunum to                                                                duodenal motility, and
                        secrete CCK                                                                 suppresses appetite)

                transverse colon                                                                  small intestine
                ascending colon                                                                   descending colon


the hypothesis that pancreatic insufficiencies may be                      mon in adult celiac disease and occur predominantly
a contributing factor to this persistent diarrhea and                      in those patients with chronic diarrhea when compared
that pancreatic enzyme supplementation may assist                          with controls. This is suggestive of exocrine pancreatic
in the reduction of its frequency. The study compared                      insufficiency. For those celiac patients with diarrhea and
four groups: (1) (n=57) newly diagnosed individuals                        a low fecal elastase, pancreatic enzyme supplementation
(no GF diet); (2) (n=86) CD patients on a GF diet                          may provide symptomatic benefit.”7
absent of GI symptoms; (3) (n=66) CD patients on a                                   Bacterial overgrowth is a barrier to effective
GF diet with chronic diarrhea; and (4) (n=50) subjects                     pancreatic enzyme therapy. Some researchers report
with chronic diarrhea without diagnosed CD. Low fe-                        that up to 40 percent of patients with chronic pancre-
cal elastase was found in 11 percent of the newly diag-                    atitis or pancreatic exocrine insufficiency have bacterial
nosed CD patients, six percent of CD patients with no                      overgrowth.8
GI symptoms, 30 percent of CD patients with diarrhea
even after a GF diet, and four percent of the group with                   Dysbiosis
chronic diarrhea and no CD. The difference between                                   Collado et al noticed the species of organisms
low elastase levels in the CD patients with diarrhea                       that survive and thrive in the intestines of untreated pe-
after a GF diet compared to the other subgroups was                        diatric celiac patients, treated (GF diet) pediatric celiac
significant (p≤0.0001), as was the difference compared                     patients, and pediatric healthy controls are significantly
to controls (p≤0.003). The use of pancreatic enzyme                        different. From biopsies and fecal samples, they found
supplementation significantly reduced diarrhea fre-                        elevated levels of Bacteroides and Clostridium leptum
quency. The authors stated, “In 18 of 20 stool frequency                   more abundantly in celiac patients whether they were
reduced following pancreatic enzyme supplementation                        treated with a gluten-free diet or not. Fecal and biop-
from four per day to one (p≤0.001).” The researchers                       sy levels of E. coli and Staphylococci were elevated in
concluded that, “…low fecal elastase levels are com-                       untreated celiac patients compared to controls; treat-

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Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009

Review Article

ment with a GF diet normalized these levels. In the fe-                               Lactose intolerance may be responsible for
cal samples of all CD patients (treated and untreated)                      continued symptoms in refractory celiac disease pa-
and the biopsies of untreated celiacs, Bifidobacterium                      tients,14 and lactose malabsorption may improve on a
levels were lower compared to controls.9-11 Summariz-                       gluten-free diet.17
ing these points, Nada et al concluded, “The ratio of                                 One of the most common excipients used in
Lactobacillus – Bifidobacterium to Bacteroides – E. coli                    pharmaceuticals is lactose. Examining this issue in a pa-
was significantly reduced in coeliac patients with either                   per entitled, “Quantifying the ‘hidden’ lactose in drugs
active or inactive disease compared with controls.” They                    used for the treatment of gastrointestinal conditions,”
continued, “Overall, the higher incidence of gram-neg-                      Eadala et al conclude, “Lactose is present in a range of
ative and potentially pro-inflammatory bacteria in the                      medications and may contribute towards symptoms.
duodenal microbiota of coeliac children was linked to                       This may not be recognized by the prescribing doc-
the symptomatic presentation of the disease and could                       tor….”18
favour the pathological process of the disorder.”12                                   As well as pharmaceuticals, nutritional supple-
          As a gluten-free diet does not appear to nor-                     ments often contain this potentially irritating excipient.
malize microflora levels, evidence is beginning to point                    One vitamin D study disclosed that the supplement
to supplementation with probiotics and prebiotics as                        used contained 98.75-percent lactose.19
potential tools for beneficially modifying the intestinal                             Beyond lactose intolerance, some researchers
microflora populations of celiac patients to reduce in-                     speculate there may be an additional immunological
flammatory responses and increase positive clinical out-                    response to various proteins found in cow’s milk. As
comes.9-13                                                                  Goldfarb comments in the Journal of Proteome Research,
          When 15 celiac patients who had persistent GI                     “Milk is species-specific. Between 2 and 3% of children
symptoms in spite of being on a GF diet for 6-8 months                      under two years have cow’s milk allergy, an IgE moder-
were evaluated, it was found that two-thirds had small                      ated disease. It is speculated that most adults have some
intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO). The authors state,                      IgG antibodies to cow milk proteins….”20
“This study showed that SIBO affects most celiacs with                                Based on earlier studies using a rectal challenge
persistence of GI symptoms after gluten withdrawal.”                        of antigens in celiac patients and measurement of in-
Other causes of persistent GI symptoms included para-                       flammatory markers,21-23 Kristjánsson et al tried to elicit
sitic infections (n=2), accidental gluten consumption as                    an immunological response to cow’s milk (CM) protein
a hidden ingredient in an antibiotic (n=1), and lactose                     in 20 CD patients similar to a gluten response.24 CD
intolerance (n=2).14                                                        subjects had been on a GF diet for two years, tested neg-
                                                                            ative to serologic markers at the beginning of the study,
Dairy and Lactose Intolerance                                               and were compared with 15 age-matched controls.
          With the majority of global populations (ap-                      The authors stated, “A mucosal inflammatory response
proximately 70%) having a lactase insufficiency, lactose                    similar to that elicited by gluten was produced by CM
intolerance is a relatively common issue. Lactase is natu-                  protein in about 50 percent of the patients with coeliac
rally secreted from cells located in the brush border of                    disease. Casein, in particular, seems to be involved in
the upper intestinal tract where physiological damage is                    this reaction.” None of the controls responded to the
likely to take place in gluten enteropathies (Figure 1).                    challenge. Both IgG and IgA antibodies were measured
The lactase enzyme also relies on a pancreatic enzyme,                      on the antigenic peptides challenged, with the results
trypsin, to modify this protein into the active enzyme                      indicating an innate immune response caused some of
form.15                                                                     the increased inflammation. However, a recent article in
          As previously stated, celiac patients are suscep-                 Nutrition noted the increase in milk intolerance in the
tible to pancreatic insufficiencies and upper intestinal                    celiac population could involve IgA reactions to both
damage. Therefore, a person with celiac disease may                         alpha- and beta-caseins.25
have an increased chance of being lactose intolerant, as
a study from Serbia confirms.16

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                                                                                                                       Celiac Disease

Gastric Complications                                                                  A Swedish group followed celiac patients for
          Studies demonstrate 30-40 percent of celiac                        10 years who were on a gluten-free diet and noted they
patients suffer from dyspepsia.26 Due to the common-                         continued to have vitamin deficiencies regardless of
ality of occurrence, some researchers recommend that                         their gluten-free status. They concluded, “Half of the
clinicians test for celiac disease in dyspeptic patients.27                  adult coeliac patients carefully treated with a gluten-free
Reflux is a common symptom of celiac disease as cases                        diet for several years showed signs of a poor vitamin sta-
of silent celiac disease have been diagnosed after endos-                    tus. This may have clinical implications considering the
copies for this disorder.28                                                  linkage between vitamin deficiency, elevated total plas-
          One study found 29 of 105 CD patients (28%)                        ma homocysteine levels and cardiovascular disease. The
presented with nonerosive reflux disease.29 Since proton                     results may suggest that, when following up adults with
pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the most common pharma-                           coeliac disease, the vitamin status should be reviewed.”34
ceutical agents recommended for reflux, PPIs may be
commonly recommended drugs in celiac patients pre-                           Folic Acid
senting with these symptoms.29 A short course of acid                                  Folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 are the
blocking medication has been shown to increase stom-                         most common deficiencies associated with elevated ho-
ach pH from the normal 1.6-2.0 pH (similar to the pH                         mocysteine (Hcy) levels. It has been hypothesized that
of battery acid) to a pH of 5.0 (similar to the pH of                        compromised absorptive capacities in CD patients make
table vinegar).30                                                            them more susceptible to Hcy abnormalities. Conse-
          This might be unfortunate for celiac patients                      quently, when intestinal morphology returns to normal
for two reasons. First, adequate pH is needed to break                       after a gluten-free diet, Hcy levels often decrease to nor-
down protein fragments in foods (including gliadin                           mal.35 Wilcox and Mattia showed in several case studies
and cow’s milk protein) to avoid further excitation of                       that Hcy levels are elevated in celiac patients and that
the immune system. One study found allergenic anti-                          folic acid supplementation and a gluten-free diet could
gens were reduced up to 10,000-fold by adequate gas-                         normalize these values.36
tric acid.30 Subjects on acid-blocking medications were                                However, Hadithi et al observed that, in com-
also 10.5 times more susceptible to IgE-mediated food                        parison to non-supplemented CD patients and controls,
reactions, with an elevation in IgE antibodies remaining                     patients supplementing vitamins B6 and B12 and folic
five months after a three-month course of acid blocker                       acid had Hcy levels consistently lower regardless of the
therapy.31                                                                   presence of villous atrophy. The markers they studied
          Second, adequate pH is necessary to facilitate                     showed no association with genetics; both CD groups
nutrient digestion, to limit the entry of non-beneficial                     and controls had an approximate 50-percent prevalence
organisms, to activate digestive enzymes, and to acti-                       of the common 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reduc-
vate proton pump-dependent transporters for nutrient                         tase thermolabile variant T-allele.37
absorption. Due to the risk of increased fractures, vita-                              Food fortified with folate cannot sufficiently
min B12 deficiency, Clostridium difficile-associated diar-                   be relied upon for the celiac population as folate levels
rhea, and other complications of proton pump inhibitor                       have been found to be lower in gluten-free products,
therapies, clinicians are calling for prudent utilization of                 with only three cold cereals out of 58 products (includ-
these medications.32                                                         ing gluten-free pastas, breads, and cold cereals) fortified
                                                                             with folic acid.38
Nutrient Deficiencies                                                                  A recent article in Cell reports the discovery of
          Corazza et al found that 67 percent of patients                    an acid-dependent, proton-coupled folate transporter
with overt celiac disease and 31 percent of those with a                     in the apical brush border of the upper intestinal tract.
silent or subclinical case had malnutrition at the time of                   Upon challenges, it became clear this is the primary
diagnosis.33                                                                 transporter for folate in the body. The authors note that
                                                                             as pH in the duodenum increases, the absorption of fo-
                                                                             lic acid decreases significantly, indicating the importance

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Review Article

  Figure 3. Digestion and Absorption of Vitamin B12


                               liver                                                                     B12 separates from food
                        gallbladder                                                                      and combines with R-protein
                                                                                                         IF secreted in stomach
     B12 separates from R-protein
          (w/pancreatic proteases)                                                                      small intestine
            and combines with IF
                                                                                                          B12 + IF absorbed
                 transverse colon
                                                                                                        descending colon
                 ascending colon


of acidic chyme from the stomach. The researchers also                      proteins (food-cobalamin malabsorption syndrome).42
found the methylated form of folic acid, 5-methyltetra-                              The digestive and absorptive process by which
hydrofolate (5-MTHF), was better absorbed across a                          vitamin B12 enters the body is complex. Adequate gastric
broader pH range, indicating 5-MTHF may be a bet-                           acid is needed for vitamin B12 to separate from protein
ter choice for supplementation in gastric acid-compro-                      sources and attach to salivary R-protein (haptocorrin)
mised individuals.39                                                        in the stomach. Gastric parietal cells secrete intrinsic
         The recent findings of a role for 5-MTHF as an                     factor (IF) that binds to B12 in the upper intestines after
antioxidant may call for preference of this supplement                      pancreatic proteases cleave the bond between R-protein
in inflammatory disorders also associated with folate                       and B12, and the intestinal environment is closer to a pH
deficiencies.40,41 Some medications used in inflamma-                       of 7. The terminal ileum is where the bulk of vitamin
tory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, such as sul-                 B12 is absorbed – bound to intrinsic factor via a recep-
fasalazine, are known to be folate depleting, potentially                   tor requiring the pairing of IF and B12 (notwithstanding
increasing the need for folic acid in those administered                    the approximate 1% of B12 that is absorbed via passive
these medications.                                                          diffusion) (Figure 3). Because the terminal ileum and
                                                                            not the duodenum or proximal jejunum are the sights
Vitamin B12                                                                 of primary absorption, it was originally assumed that
         Vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively common in                     vitamin B12 deficiency could not be directly associated
the U.S. adult population, with prevalence increasing                       with celiac disease, although studies continue to dem-
with age. The most common causes of this deficiency                         onstrate a direct correlation between CD and vitamin
are destruction of the intrinsic-factor secreting gastric                   B12 deficiency.43-45
parietal cells (associated with pernicious anemia) and
an inability to release cobalamin from food or binding

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Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009

                                                                                                                       Celiac Disease

          Allen et al theorize that deranged pancreatic                      107 mIU/mL (normal: 4-19), and absent iron stores on
enzyme function might be responsible for the lower                           a bone marrow exam. An endoscopy was performed af-
levels of vitamin B12 commonly seen in conditions that                       ter positive serology yielded multiple gluten-sensitivity
have pancreatic insufficiency as a co-morbidity or po-                       markers, including elevated IgG antibody of 39 (nega-
tential side-effect.46 As described previously, evidence                     tive <11), elevated IgA gliadin antibody of >100 (nega-
shows celiac disease to be such a condition. Allen et al                     tive <11), endomysial IgA antibody titer of 1:160, and
suggest the cause of dysfunctional vitamin B12 metabo-                       anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA antibody of 83 M/mL
lism may be decreased pancreatic protease production,                        (positive >8). Biopsies of the duodenum showed villous
which is needed to separate R-protein from vitamin B12                       blunting, increased intraepithelial lymphocytes, crypt
in the upper intestines. If R-protein is not able to sepa-                   hyperplasia, and increased chronic inflammation con-
rate, then IF cannot bind and B12 absorption in the ter-                     sistent with celiac disease.51
minal ileum is consequently inhibited.46                                               Iron deficiency anemia is the most common
          Since autoimmunity is common in celiac dis-                        extra-intestinal symptom of CD, with a significant frac-
ease, some researchers have implicated auto-antibodies                       tion of patients testing positive. The converse also ap-
including those to the gastric parietal cells and/or in-                     pears to be true; i.e., a significant fraction of individuals
trinsic factor as the primary cause of B12 deficiencies,                     with iron deficiency also have celiac disease.
but the results supporting this theory have been less                                  An investigative group in Spain performed
than convincing.45                                                           jejunal biopsies of 66 patients with iron deficiency to
          Regardless of the cause, 11-41 percent of ce-                      identify potential malabsorptive disorders associated
liac patients have vitamin B12 deficiencies,43-45 and some                   with the deficiency. CD was the most commonly identi-
studies have shown B12 supplementation and a gluten-                         fied cause for malabsorption in this patient population,
free diet to be effective at treating a subset of neurologi-                 comprising 32 percent (21 patients) of the diagnoses.52
cal complications associated with CD.43,47                                             Annibale et al examined 190 consecutive adult
          Although intramuscular shots of vitamin B12                        patients presenting with iron deficiency anemia and
are often used in deficient populations, studies have                        screened them for celiac disease via duodenal biopsies at
demonstrated oral dosing to be as effective as injections                    6, 12, and 24 months.53 Of the 190 patients, 26 (14%)
in regulating vitamin B12-associated neurological and                        tested positive for celiac disease (24 women, 2 men). All
hematological functions.48,49                                                patients had been referred because of anemia symptoms,
          The use of PPIs may be contraindicated in pa-                      including tiredness, asthenia, and pallor; only nine pa-
tients with vitamin B12 deficiencies as PPIs are associ-                     tients of the 26 (35%) had the “classic” CD presentation
ated with significantly lower serum B12 levels compared                      of loose stools. CD patients were advised to consume a
with controls (p=0.00005). Vitamin B12 supplementa-                          gluten-free diet and were tested for iron deficiency at 6,
tion concurrent with PPIs is only able to slow but not                       12, and 24 months. After six months on a gluten-free
cease the decline in vitamin B12 status.50                                   diet, using hemoglobin levels and red blood cell distri-
                                                                             bution width as a reference for anemia, 78 percent of
Iron                                                                         the CD patients recovered from iron deficiency anemia;
          A 2007 article in American Journal of Medicine                     94 percent recovered after 12 months.53
discussed a 30-year-old female diagnosed with iron de-                                 When serum ferritin levels are used as a refer-
ficiency anemia during her first pregnancy at age 17.                        ence for recovery from iron deficiency, the authors sug-
After numerous trials of oral iron supplementation                           gest at least one year on a gluten-free diet is needed for
failed to correct her anemia, she was referred to a hema-                    normalization without iron supplementation. After 12
tologist for further evaluation. Her symptoms included                       months on a GF diet, 50 percent of the patients still
mild fatigue, a craving for ice, restless legs syndrome,                     had low serum ferritin levels, and 45 percent were still
lightheadedness, occasional left-hand numbness and                           low at 24 months. This may be an indication that fur-
tingling, and one pre-syncopal (dizziness) episode. The                      ther supplementation is needed. However, the authors
laboratory values showed a low serum ferritin of 3 ng/                       recommend avoiding supplementation until completing
mL (normal: 10-300), elevated serum erythropoietin of

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Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009

Review Article

six months on a gluten-free diet with the recommenda-                       and PTH levels are direct indicators of vitamin D sta-
tion that iron supplements may not be utilized until the                    tus. When there is sufficient 25-hydroxyvitamin D,
intestinal morphology has normalized. This study did                        30-40 percent of intestinal calcium can be absorbed;
not include histological exams prior to six months to                       whereas, in 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency, only 10-
indicate whether or not the morphology was improving                        15 percent of calcium is absorbed.57
steadily during this time. A previous study of nutrient                               Atrophy in the upper intestines, common
deficiencies in celiac patients indicated supplementation                   in CD, can compromise vitamin D activity and func-
may help even in the presence of villous atrophy.37,53                      tion. Colston et al noted that vitamin D receptors are
         Harper et al suggest the increase in inflamma-                     expressed in the mucosa of the duodenum and may be
tion associated with celiac disease is involved in the pa-                  damaged by villous atrophy.59 According to Staun et
thology of iron deficiency anemia in these patients as                      al, damaged areas of the intestine may also be lacking
well.54                                                                     vitamin D-regulated proteins calbindin and calcium-
                                                                            binding protein that increase uptake of calcium from
Vitamin D                                                                   the intestines.60
          Bone disorders are common in celiac disease,                                It has been observed that calcium absorption
with some studies indicating reduced bone mineral                           can be 45-percent less in untreated CD patients com-
density in up to 70 percent of celiac patients.55,56 An in-                 pared to controls.61 Valdimarsson et al noted bone min-
crease in malabsorption of bone-building nutrients and                      eral density (BMD) normalizes after a gluten-free diet
an upregulation of inflammatory signals are thought to                      only in patients without secondary hyperparathyroid-
be responsible for the high incidence of bone disorders                     ism.62 The same research group earlier demonstrated
in CD.56                                                                    that BMD in celiac patients on a GF diet for one year
          Vitamin D, primarily absorbed in the duode-                       only increased in patients also receiving calcium and
num, is a secosteroid molecule that utilizes the same di-                   25-hydroxyvitamin D supplements.63
gestive and absorptive mechanisms as other fat-soluble                                To accommodate new findings that demon-
substances (i.e., bile, pancreatic lipase, and micelle for-                 strate elevated vitamin D levels may be protective in a
mation).57 If the CCK mechanism responsible for sig-                        host of diseases, researchers are now calling for an in-
naling bile and pancreatic lipase is not functioning cor-                   crease in recommended serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
rectly, and the absorptive surface area for vitamin D is                    levels – to 40-70 ng/mL.64 When this number is com-
compromised, it could be hypothesized that deficiency                       pared to currently observed global values, the vast ma-
is more likely.                                                             jority of the world’s population is at risk for vitamin D
          When 54 children (average age seven) with celi-                   deficiencies.65
ac disease were compared with 60 age-matched controls,                                The recommended daily allowances estab-
deficiencies in essential bone-building nutrients, includ-                  lished in 1997 for vitamin D are 200 IU (ages birth to
ing calcium (<9.2 mg/dL, 41% versus 0%), magnesium                          50 years), 400 IU (ages 51-70), and 600 IU (ages 71+).
(<1.8 mg/dL, 12% versus 0%), and 25-hydroxyvitamin                          The daily upper tolerable limit is set at 1,000 IU (ages
D (<20 ng/mL, 36% versus 5%) were more common.                              birth to 12 months) and 2,000 IU for all other age
Furthermore, parathyroid (PTH) levels (117.44±70.80                         groups.66 These levels have been deemed far too low by
versus 53.5131±27) were more elevated; 29 (54%) of                          many researchers who recognize that daily adult needs
the CD children had hyperparathyroidism compared                            for vitamin D may be closer to 3,800 IU in a sufficient
with only six (10%) controls.58 Parathyroid hormone                         state (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D >22 ng/mL) and
activation occurs when serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D                            5,000 IU in an insufficient state.67
levels are 30 ng/mL or lower. At this approximate level,                              Vitamin D is of particular importance in the
osteoclasts are activated to remove calcium and other                       maintenance of bone in celiac patients. Not only is it
minerals from the bone.57                                                   essential to decrease bone resorption via PTH and in-
          The activity of vitamin D to change gene ex-                      crease serum calcium levels, but vitamin D is an impor-
pression in the enterocytes and allow for absorption of                     tant immune modulator with a capability of lowering
intestinal calcium is so important that serum calcium                       inflammatory damage in the intestinal tract.68-72

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Celiac Disease Tom Mallterre

  • 1. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009 Review Article Digestive and Nutritional Considerations in Celiac Disease: Could Supplementation Help? Tom Malterre, MS, CN signaling molecules. This article reviews these concerns in conjunction with considering supplementation as an Abstract adjunct to a gluten-free diet. Due to the increased immune activation in the intestinal tract of people with celiac disease, the digestive and absorptive processes Pancreatic Insufficiency of those affected may be compromised. Individuals with celiac Postprandial hormone secretion signals the exocrine pancreas to secrete enzymes that assist in the disease are more susceptible to pancreatic insufficiencies, digestion of partially digested foodstuffs (chyme) in the dysbiosis, lactase insufficiencies, and folic acid, vitamin B12, upper intestines. The primary hormonal signal for pan- iron, and vitamin D deficiencies, as well as accelerated bone creatic enzyme secretion is cholecystokinin (CCK). The loss due to an increase in inflammatory signaling molecules. enteric neurons and I-cells responsible for the secretion Beyond strict maintenance of a gluten-free diet, research has of CCK are found in the crypts and villi of both the shown benefit with additional nutritional supplementation duodenum and jejunum. Peptides, amino acids, and fats to assist in regulation of several of these complications. in the chyme stimulate the secretion of CCK that binds (Altern Med Rev 2009;14(3):247-257) to CCK-A receptors found on vagal afferent neurons. Once these receptors are bound, a neuronal reflex is Introduction stimulated that inhibits gastric and duodenal motility, Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune condi- as well as initiates suppression of appetite and a de- tion characterized by damage to intestinal cells lead- crease in acid secretion. ing to ultimate deterioration. Emphasis is often put on Simultaneously, the exocrine pancreas is stim- the degradation of the finger-like projections (villous ulated to secrete digestive enzymes, and the gallbladder atrophy) in the duodenal and jejunal regions, as these is signaled to secrete bile (Figure 2). Therefore, any con- are the most frequently observed dysfunctional tissues dition that causes mucosal tissue damage to the duo- in this disorder (Figure 1). A derangement in the up- denum or jejunum, or an alteration in the function of per intestinal morphology and alterations in the local the necessary cells in these locations, can contribute chemical environment surrounding the immunological to a reduction in pancreatic enzyme secretion. This responses to gliadin (a protein fragment found in wheat, has been documented in gluten, dairy, and bacterial barley, and rye) may lead to increased susceptibility to a enteropathies.2-4 variety of adverse consequences.1 Well-known are the deficiencies of folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, and vitamin Tom Malterre MS, CN – BS and MS in nutrition, certified as a nutritionist by D associated with subsequent elevated homocysteine the Washington State Department of Health; co-owner of Whole Life Nutrition; levels, iron deficiencies, and bone and immune disor- co-author of the gluten-free Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and www.; lectures as part of the education staff at ders. Lesser known are possible pancreatic insufficien- Thorne Research. Email: cies, dairy intolerances, dysbiosis, dyspepsia, and ac- celerated bone loss due to an increase in inflammatory Page 247
  • 2. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009 Review Article Figure 1. Small Intestinal Mucosal Biopsies A B C D (A and B) Small-intestinal mucosal biopsy viewed through a dissecting microscope. The normal biopsy (A) shows numerous surface villi; whereas, a biopsy from an individual with CD and total villous atrophy shows, in place of the villi, numerous surface openings to underlying crypts and surface ridges (B). (C) Stained section of a normal small-intestinal mucosal biopsy. (D) Stained section of a small-intestinal mucosal biopsy from an individual with CD and total villous atrophy. From: Kagnoff MF. Celiac disease: pathogenesis of a model immunogenetic disease. J Clin Invest 2007;117:41-49. Used with permission. In 2001, researchers examined fecal elastase-1 Significant decreases in basal CCK in the plasma (B 0.6 (E1) values in celiac patients. E1 is a marker of exocrine [95% CI, 0.3-1.3] pmol/L; p<0.003) and postprandial pancreatic function often used in cystic fibrosis patients, CCK area under the curve (AUC 34 [19-61] pmol/L a population known to have compromised pancreatic x 120 min, p<0.0001) were observed in the patients function, to determine the severity of their dysfunc- with villous atrophy compared to the GF-diet treated tion. Of the 16 celiac patients studied, nine (56%) had patients with normal villi, as well as the healthy controls abnormal values (cut-off level of 200 mcg/g) indicating (B 1.0 [0.7-1.4] pmol/L; AUC 186 [131-264] pmol/L x insufficient exocrine pancreatic function. All nine sub- 120 min). There was also a significant decrease in CCK jects had normal E1 levels after one year on a gluten- in the CD patients with intraepithelial lymphocyte in- free (GF) diet.3 filtration but little atrophy (B 0.4 [0.2-0.7] pmol/L; A group of researchers in Greece demonstrat- AUC 56 [31-101] pmol/L x 120 min; p<0.0001). This ed a significant inverse correlation between the severity evidence implies that more than villous atrophy might of villous atrophy and decrease in both CCK and fecal be causing a disruption of the CCK signaling network elastase in patients with either CD or cow’s milk protein in celiac patients.6 enteropathy. They also found that CCK and pancreatic In addition, this article found that fasting enzyme secretion return to normal when the intestinal gallbladder volumes were higher in group B and C morphology normalized.5 compared to controls, while postprandial gallbladder A 2002 article in Regulatory Peptides examined emptying was less in both of these groups, indicating whether CCK secretion was impaired by villous atro- compromised gallbladder function in both the subjects phy itself or by other factors. The researchers examined with significant villous atrophy and in subjects with re- plasma CCK in 20 celiac patients divided into three sidual intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltration but little groups and compared to nine controls. They looked at villous atrophy.6 six celiac patients with normal mucosa after a GF diet, Leeds et al examined the effect of pancreatic six CD patients with increased epithelial lymphocytes enzyme supplementation on CD patients who had and little atrophy, and eight CD patients with signifi- persistent symptoms (diarrhea), even though they cant villous atrophy, and compared them with controls. were following a gluten-free diet.7 The study tested Page 248 Copyright © 2009 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission.
  • 3. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009 Celiac Disease Figure 2. CCK: The Primary Hormone Signal for Pancreatic Enzyme Secretion esophagus stomach liver gallbladder pancreas CCK signals gallbladder duodenum to secrete bile, and the Peptides, amino acids, pancreas to secrete and fats stimulate pancreatic enzymes (also I-cells in duodenum and alters HCL, gastric and upper jejunum to duodenal motility, and secrete CCK suppresses appetite) transverse colon small intestine ascending colon descending colon sigmoid cecum appendix the hypothesis that pancreatic insufficiencies may be mon in adult celiac disease and occur predominantly a contributing factor to this persistent diarrhea and in those patients with chronic diarrhea when compared that pancreatic enzyme supplementation may assist with controls. This is suggestive of exocrine pancreatic in the reduction of its frequency. The study compared insufficiency. For those celiac patients with diarrhea and four groups: (1) (n=57) newly diagnosed individuals a low fecal elastase, pancreatic enzyme supplementation (no GF diet); (2) (n=86) CD patients on a GF diet may provide symptomatic benefit.”7 absent of GI symptoms; (3) (n=66) CD patients on a Bacterial overgrowth is a barrier to effective GF diet with chronic diarrhea; and (4) (n=50) subjects pancreatic enzyme therapy. Some researchers report with chronic diarrhea without diagnosed CD. Low fe- that up to 40 percent of patients with chronic pancre- cal elastase was found in 11 percent of the newly diag- atitis or pancreatic exocrine insufficiency have bacterial nosed CD patients, six percent of CD patients with no overgrowth.8 GI symptoms, 30 percent of CD patients with diarrhea even after a GF diet, and four percent of the group with Dysbiosis chronic diarrhea and no CD. The difference between Collado et al noticed the species of organisms low elastase levels in the CD patients with diarrhea that survive and thrive in the intestines of untreated pe- after a GF diet compared to the other subgroups was diatric celiac patients, treated (GF diet) pediatric celiac significant (p≤0.0001), as was the difference compared patients, and pediatric healthy controls are significantly to controls (p≤0.003). The use of pancreatic enzyme different. From biopsies and fecal samples, they found supplementation significantly reduced diarrhea fre- elevated levels of Bacteroides and Clostridium leptum quency. The authors stated, “In 18 of 20 stool frequency more abundantly in celiac patients whether they were reduced following pancreatic enzyme supplementation treated with a gluten-free diet or not. Fecal and biop- from four per day to one (p≤0.001).” The researchers sy levels of E. coli and Staphylococci were elevated in concluded that, “…low fecal elastase levels are com- untreated celiac patients compared to controls; treat- Page 249 Copyright © 2009 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission.
  • 4. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009 Review Article ment with a GF diet normalized these levels. In the fe- Lactose intolerance may be responsible for cal samples of all CD patients (treated and untreated) continued symptoms in refractory celiac disease pa- and the biopsies of untreated celiacs, Bifidobacterium tients,14 and lactose malabsorption may improve on a levels were lower compared to controls.9-11 Summariz- gluten-free diet.17 ing these points, Nada et al concluded, “The ratio of One of the most common excipients used in Lactobacillus – Bifidobacterium to Bacteroides – E. coli pharmaceuticals is lactose. Examining this issue in a pa- was significantly reduced in coeliac patients with either per entitled, “Quantifying the ‘hidden’ lactose in drugs active or inactive disease compared with controls.” They used for the treatment of gastrointestinal conditions,” continued, “Overall, the higher incidence of gram-neg- Eadala et al conclude, “Lactose is present in a range of ative and potentially pro-inflammatory bacteria in the medications and may contribute towards symptoms. duodenal microbiota of coeliac children was linked to This may not be recognized by the prescribing doc- the symptomatic presentation of the disease and could tor….”18 favour the pathological process of the disorder.”12 As well as pharmaceuticals, nutritional supple- As a gluten-free diet does not appear to nor- ments often contain this potentially irritating excipient. malize microflora levels, evidence is beginning to point One vitamin D study disclosed that the supplement to supplementation with probiotics and prebiotics as used contained 98.75-percent lactose.19 potential tools for beneficially modifying the intestinal Beyond lactose intolerance, some researchers microflora populations of celiac patients to reduce in- speculate there may be an additional immunological flammatory responses and increase positive clinical out- response to various proteins found in cow’s milk. As comes.9-13 Goldfarb comments in the Journal of Proteome Research, When 15 celiac patients who had persistent GI “Milk is species-specific. Between 2 and 3% of children symptoms in spite of being on a GF diet for 6-8 months under two years have cow’s milk allergy, an IgE moder- were evaluated, it was found that two-thirds had small ated disease. It is speculated that most adults have some intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO). The authors state, IgG antibodies to cow milk proteins….”20 “This study showed that SIBO affects most celiacs with Based on earlier studies using a rectal challenge persistence of GI symptoms after gluten withdrawal.” of antigens in celiac patients and measurement of in- Other causes of persistent GI symptoms included para- flammatory markers,21-23 Kristjánsson et al tried to elicit sitic infections (n=2), accidental gluten consumption as an immunological response to cow’s milk (CM) protein a hidden ingredient in an antibiotic (n=1), and lactose in 20 CD patients similar to a gluten response.24 CD intolerance (n=2).14 subjects had been on a GF diet for two years, tested neg- ative to serologic markers at the beginning of the study, Dairy and Lactose Intolerance and were compared with 15 age-matched controls. With the majority of global populations (ap- The authors stated, “A mucosal inflammatory response proximately 70%) having a lactase insufficiency, lactose similar to that elicited by gluten was produced by CM intolerance is a relatively common issue. Lactase is natu- protein in about 50 percent of the patients with coeliac rally secreted from cells located in the brush border of disease. Casein, in particular, seems to be involved in the upper intestinal tract where physiological damage is this reaction.” None of the controls responded to the likely to take place in gluten enteropathies (Figure 1). challenge. Both IgG and IgA antibodies were measured The lactase enzyme also relies on a pancreatic enzyme, on the antigenic peptides challenged, with the results trypsin, to modify this protein into the active enzyme indicating an innate immune response caused some of form.15 the increased inflammation. However, a recent article in As previously stated, celiac patients are suscep- Nutrition noted the increase in milk intolerance in the tible to pancreatic insufficiencies and upper intestinal celiac population could involve IgA reactions to both damage. Therefore, a person with celiac disease may alpha- and beta-caseins.25 have an increased chance of being lactose intolerant, as a study from Serbia confirms.16 Page 250 Copyright © 2009 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission.
  • 5. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009 Celiac Disease Gastric Complications A Swedish group followed celiac patients for Studies demonstrate 30-40 percent of celiac 10 years who were on a gluten-free diet and noted they patients suffer from dyspepsia.26 Due to the common- continued to have vitamin deficiencies regardless of ality of occurrence, some researchers recommend that their gluten-free status. They concluded, “Half of the clinicians test for celiac disease in dyspeptic patients.27 adult coeliac patients carefully treated with a gluten-free Reflux is a common symptom of celiac disease as cases diet for several years showed signs of a poor vitamin sta- of silent celiac disease have been diagnosed after endos- tus. This may have clinical implications considering the copies for this disorder.28 linkage between vitamin deficiency, elevated total plas- One study found 29 of 105 CD patients (28%) ma homocysteine levels and cardiovascular disease. The presented with nonerosive reflux disease.29 Since proton results may suggest that, when following up adults with pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the most common pharma- coeliac disease, the vitamin status should be reviewed.”34 ceutical agents recommended for reflux, PPIs may be commonly recommended drugs in celiac patients pre- Folic Acid senting with these symptoms.29 A short course of acid Folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 are the blocking medication has been shown to increase stom- most common deficiencies associated with elevated ho- ach pH from the normal 1.6-2.0 pH (similar to the pH mocysteine (Hcy) levels. It has been hypothesized that of battery acid) to a pH of 5.0 (similar to the pH of compromised absorptive capacities in CD patients make table vinegar).30 them more susceptible to Hcy abnormalities. Conse- This might be unfortunate for celiac patients quently, when intestinal morphology returns to normal for two reasons. First, adequate pH is needed to break after a gluten-free diet, Hcy levels often decrease to nor- down protein fragments in foods (including gliadin mal.35 Wilcox and Mattia showed in several case studies and cow’s milk protein) to avoid further excitation of that Hcy levels are elevated in celiac patients and that the immune system. One study found allergenic anti- folic acid supplementation and a gluten-free diet could gens were reduced up to 10,000-fold by adequate gas- normalize these values.36 tric acid.30 Subjects on acid-blocking medications were However, Hadithi et al observed that, in com- also 10.5 times more susceptible to IgE-mediated food parison to non-supplemented CD patients and controls, reactions, with an elevation in IgE antibodies remaining patients supplementing vitamins B6 and B12 and folic five months after a three-month course of acid blocker acid had Hcy levels consistently lower regardless of the therapy.31 presence of villous atrophy. The markers they studied Second, adequate pH is necessary to facilitate showed no association with genetics; both CD groups nutrient digestion, to limit the entry of non-beneficial and controls had an approximate 50-percent prevalence organisms, to activate digestive enzymes, and to acti- of the common 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reduc- vate proton pump-dependent transporters for nutrient tase thermolabile variant T-allele.37 absorption. Due to the risk of increased fractures, vita- Food fortified with folate cannot sufficiently min B12 deficiency, Clostridium difficile-associated diar- be relied upon for the celiac population as folate levels rhea, and other complications of proton pump inhibitor have been found to be lower in gluten-free products, therapies, clinicians are calling for prudent utilization of with only three cold cereals out of 58 products (includ- these medications.32 ing gluten-free pastas, breads, and cold cereals) fortified with folic acid.38 Nutrient Deficiencies A recent article in Cell reports the discovery of Corazza et al found that 67 percent of patients an acid-dependent, proton-coupled folate transporter with overt celiac disease and 31 percent of those with a in the apical brush border of the upper intestinal tract. silent or subclinical case had malnutrition at the time of Upon challenges, it became clear this is the primary diagnosis.33 transporter for folate in the body. The authors note that as pH in the duodenum increases, the absorption of fo- lic acid decreases significantly, indicating the importance Page 251 Copyright © 2009 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission.
  • 6. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009 Review Article Figure 3. Digestion and Absorption of Vitamin B12 esophagus stomach liver B12 separates from food gallbladder and combines with R-protein IF secreted in stomach duodenum pancreas B12 separates from R-protein (w/pancreatic proteases) small intestine and combines with IF B12 + IF absorbed transverse colon descending colon ascending colon sigmoid cecum appendix of acidic chyme from the stomach. The researchers also proteins (food-cobalamin malabsorption syndrome).42 found the methylated form of folic acid, 5-methyltetra- The digestive and absorptive process by which hydrofolate (5-MTHF), was better absorbed across a vitamin B12 enters the body is complex. Adequate gastric broader pH range, indicating 5-MTHF may be a bet- acid is needed for vitamin B12 to separate from protein ter choice for supplementation in gastric acid-compro- sources and attach to salivary R-protein (haptocorrin) mised individuals.39 in the stomach. Gastric parietal cells secrete intrinsic The recent findings of a role for 5-MTHF as an factor (IF) that binds to B12 in the upper intestines after antioxidant may call for preference of this supplement pancreatic proteases cleave the bond between R-protein in inflammatory disorders also associated with folate and B12, and the intestinal environment is closer to a pH deficiencies.40,41 Some medications used in inflamma- of 7. The terminal ileum is where the bulk of vitamin tory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, such as sul- B12 is absorbed – bound to intrinsic factor via a recep- fasalazine, are known to be folate depleting, potentially tor requiring the pairing of IF and B12 (notwithstanding increasing the need for folic acid in those administered the approximate 1% of B12 that is absorbed via passive these medications. diffusion) (Figure 3). Because the terminal ileum and not the duodenum or proximal jejunum are the sights Vitamin B12 of primary absorption, it was originally assumed that Vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively common in vitamin B12 deficiency could not be directly associated the U.S. adult population, with prevalence increasing with celiac disease, although studies continue to dem- with age. The most common causes of this deficiency onstrate a direct correlation between CD and vitamin are destruction of the intrinsic-factor secreting gastric B12 deficiency.43-45 parietal cells (associated with pernicious anemia) and an inability to release cobalamin from food or binding Page 252 Copyright © 2009 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission.
  • 7. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009 Celiac Disease Allen et al theorize that deranged pancreatic 107 mIU/mL (normal: 4-19), and absent iron stores on enzyme function might be responsible for the lower a bone marrow exam. An endoscopy was performed af- levels of vitamin B12 commonly seen in conditions that ter positive serology yielded multiple gluten-sensitivity have pancreatic insufficiency as a co-morbidity or po- markers, including elevated IgG antibody of 39 (nega- tential side-effect.46 As described previously, evidence tive <11), elevated IgA gliadin antibody of >100 (nega- shows celiac disease to be such a condition. Allen et al tive <11), endomysial IgA antibody titer of 1:160, and suggest the cause of dysfunctional vitamin B12 metabo- anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA antibody of 83 M/mL lism may be decreased pancreatic protease production, (positive >8). Biopsies of the duodenum showed villous which is needed to separate R-protein from vitamin B12 blunting, increased intraepithelial lymphocytes, crypt in the upper intestines. If R-protein is not able to sepa- hyperplasia, and increased chronic inflammation con- rate, then IF cannot bind and B12 absorption in the ter- sistent with celiac disease.51 minal ileum is consequently inhibited.46 Iron deficiency anemia is the most common Since autoimmunity is common in celiac dis- extra-intestinal symptom of CD, with a significant frac- ease, some researchers have implicated auto-antibodies tion of patients testing positive. The converse also ap- including those to the gastric parietal cells and/or in- pears to be true; i.e., a significant fraction of individuals trinsic factor as the primary cause of B12 deficiencies, with iron deficiency also have celiac disease. but the results supporting this theory have been less An investigative group in Spain performed than convincing.45 jejunal biopsies of 66 patients with iron deficiency to Regardless of the cause, 11-41 percent of ce- identify potential malabsorptive disorders associated liac patients have vitamin B12 deficiencies,43-45 and some with the deficiency. CD was the most commonly identi- studies have shown B12 supplementation and a gluten- fied cause for malabsorption in this patient population, free diet to be effective at treating a subset of neurologi- comprising 32 percent (21 patients) of the diagnoses.52 cal complications associated with CD.43,47 Annibale et al examined 190 consecutive adult Although intramuscular shots of vitamin B12 patients presenting with iron deficiency anemia and are often used in deficient populations, studies have screened them for celiac disease via duodenal biopsies at demonstrated oral dosing to be as effective as injections 6, 12, and 24 months.53 Of the 190 patients, 26 (14%) in regulating vitamin B12-associated neurological and tested positive for celiac disease (24 women, 2 men). All hematological functions.48,49 patients had been referred because of anemia symptoms, The use of PPIs may be contraindicated in pa- including tiredness, asthenia, and pallor; only nine pa- tients with vitamin B12 deficiencies as PPIs are associ- tients of the 26 (35%) had the “classic” CD presentation ated with significantly lower serum B12 levels compared of loose stools. CD patients were advised to consume a with controls (p=0.00005). Vitamin B12 supplementa- gluten-free diet and were tested for iron deficiency at 6, tion concurrent with PPIs is only able to slow but not 12, and 24 months. After six months on a gluten-free cease the decline in vitamin B12 status.50 diet, using hemoglobin levels and red blood cell distri- bution width as a reference for anemia, 78 percent of Iron the CD patients recovered from iron deficiency anemia; A 2007 article in American Journal of Medicine 94 percent recovered after 12 months.53 discussed a 30-year-old female diagnosed with iron de- When serum ferritin levels are used as a refer- ficiency anemia during her first pregnancy at age 17. ence for recovery from iron deficiency, the authors sug- After numerous trials of oral iron supplementation gest at least one year on a gluten-free diet is needed for failed to correct her anemia, she was referred to a hema- normalization without iron supplementation. After 12 tologist for further evaluation. Her symptoms included months on a GF diet, 50 percent of the patients still mild fatigue, a craving for ice, restless legs syndrome, had low serum ferritin levels, and 45 percent were still lightheadedness, occasional left-hand numbness and low at 24 months. This may be an indication that fur- tingling, and one pre-syncopal (dizziness) episode. The ther supplementation is needed. However, the authors laboratory values showed a low serum ferritin of 3 ng/ recommend avoiding supplementation until completing mL (normal: 10-300), elevated serum erythropoietin of Page 253 Copyright © 2009 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission.
  • 8. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009 Review Article six months on a gluten-free diet with the recommenda- and PTH levels are direct indicators of vitamin D sta- tion that iron supplements may not be utilized until the tus. When there is sufficient 25-hydroxyvitamin D, intestinal morphology has normalized. This study did 30-40 percent of intestinal calcium can be absorbed; not include histological exams prior to six months to whereas, in 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency, only 10- indicate whether or not the morphology was improving 15 percent of calcium is absorbed.57 steadily during this time. A previous study of nutrient Atrophy in the upper intestines, common deficiencies in celiac patients indicated supplementation in CD, can compromise vitamin D activity and func- may help even in the presence of villous atrophy.37,53 tion. Colston et al noted that vitamin D receptors are Harper et al suggest the increase in inflamma- expressed in the mucosa of the duodenum and may be tion associated with celiac disease is involved in the pa- damaged by villous atrophy.59 According to Staun et thology of iron deficiency anemia in these patients as al, damaged areas of the intestine may also be lacking well.54 vitamin D-regulated proteins calbindin and calcium- binding protein that increase uptake of calcium from Vitamin D the intestines.60 Bone disorders are common in celiac disease, It has been observed that calcium absorption with some studies indicating reduced bone mineral can be 45-percent less in untreated CD patients com- density in up to 70 percent of celiac patients.55,56 An in- pared to controls.61 Valdimarsson et al noted bone min- crease in malabsorption of bone-building nutrients and eral density (BMD) normalizes after a gluten-free diet an upregulation of inflammatory signals are thought to only in patients without secondary hyperparathyroid- be responsible for the high incidence of bone disorders ism.62 The same research group earlier demonstrated in CD.56 that BMD in celiac patients on a GF diet for one year Vitamin D, primarily absorbed in the duode- only increased in patients also receiving calcium and num, is a secosteroid molecule that utilizes the same di- 25-hydroxyvitamin D supplements.63 gestive and absorptive mechanisms as other fat-soluble To accommodate new findings that demon- substances (i.e., bile, pancreatic lipase, and micelle for- strate elevated vitamin D levels may be protective in a mation).57 If the CCK mechanism responsible for sig- host of diseases, researchers are now calling for an in- naling bile and pancreatic lipase is not functioning cor- crease in recommended serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D rectly, and the absorptive surface area for vitamin D is levels – to 40-70 ng/mL.64 When this number is com- compromised, it could be hypothesized that deficiency pared to currently observed global values, the vast ma- is more likely. jority of the world’s population is at risk for vitamin D When 54 children (average age seven) with celi- deficiencies.65 ac disease were compared with 60 age-matched controls, The recommended daily allowances estab- deficiencies in essential bone-building nutrients, includ- lished in 1997 for vitamin D are 200 IU (ages birth to ing calcium (<9.2 mg/dL, 41% versus 0%), magnesium 50 years), 400 IU (ages 51-70), and 600 IU (ages 71+). (<1.8 mg/dL, 12% versus 0%), and 25-hydroxyvitamin The daily upper tolerable limit is set at 1,000 IU (ages D (<20 ng/mL, 36% versus 5%) were more common. birth to 12 months) and 2,000 IU for all other age Furthermore, parathyroid (PTH) levels (117.44±70.80 groups.66 These levels have been deemed far too low by versus 53.5131±27) were more elevated; 29 (54%) of many researchers who recognize that daily adult needs the CD children had hyperparathyroidism compared for vitamin D may be closer to 3,800 IU in a sufficient with only six (10%) controls.58 Parathyroid hormone state (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D >22 ng/mL) and activation occurs when serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D 5,000 IU in an insufficient state.67 levels are 30 ng/mL or lower. At this approximate level, Vitamin D is of particular importance in the osteoclasts are activated to remove calcium and other maintenance of bone in celiac patients. Not only is it minerals from the bone.57 essential to decrease bone resorption via PTH and in- The activity of vitamin D to change gene ex- crease serum calcium levels, but vitamin D is an impor- pression in the enterocytes and allow for absorption of tant immune modulator with a capability of lowering intestinal calcium is so important that serum calcium inflammatory damage in the intestinal tract.68-72 Page 254 Copyright © 2009 Thorne Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission.
  • 9. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009 Celiac Disease Anti-inflammatory Botanical Extracts: 5. Nousia-Arvanitakis S, Fotoulaki M, Tendsidou K, et al. Subclinical exocrine pancreatic dysfunction resulting Curcumin from decreased cholecystokinin secretion in the presence Monocytes are immune cells activated by in- of intestinal villous atrophy. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr flammatory cytokines. These same sentinels of the im- 2006;43:307-312. 6. Deprez P, Sempoux C, Van Beers BE, et al. Persistent mune system are precursor cells for the formation of decreased plasma cholecystokinin levels in celiac osteoclasts that facilitate the breakdown of bone. CD patients under gluten-free diet: respective roles of is characterized by upregulation of inflammatory cyto- histological changes and nutrient hydrolysis. Regul Pept kines interleukin (IL) -1, tumor necrosis factor-alpha 2002;110:55-63. (TNF-a), IL-6, and the receptor for nuclear factor kap- 7. Leeds JS, Hopper AD, Hurlstone DP, et al. Is exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in adult coeliac disease a cause paB ligand, all of which are associated with an increase of persisting symptoms? Aliment Pharmacol Ther of bone loss via formation and activation of osteo- 2007;25:265-271. clasts.73-75 Some have suggested that TNF-a inhibitors 8. Domínguez-Muñoz JE. Pancreatic enzyme therapy for may be beneficial in minimizing bone loss in CD and pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2007;9:116–122. irritable bowel syndrome.76 9. Collado MC, Donat E, Ribes-Koninckx C, et al. Specific Natural components, such as curcumin de- duodenal and faecal bacterial groups associated with rived from turmeric, have promising regulatory effects paediatric coeliac disease. J Clin Pathol 2009;62:264- on each of these inflammatory mediators.77 Due to the 269. 10. Sánchez E, Nadal I, Donat E, et al. Reduced diversity modulatory effect it has on the inflammatory cascade in and increased virulence-gene carriage in intestinal the intestinal tract, curcumin is being considered for the enterobacteria of coeliac children. BMC Gastroenterol treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.78-81 Future re- 2008;8:50. search is needed to see if the anti-inflammatory effect of 11. Sanz Y, Sánchez E, Marzotto M, et al. Differences in faecal bacterial communities in coeliac and healthy curcumin may benefit CD patients as well. children as detected by PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol Conclusion 2007;51:562-568. 12. Nadal I, Donat E, Ribes-Koninckx C, et al. Imbalance in Biochemical components from food must be the composition of the duodenal microbiota of children digested and absorbed properly before they can be uti- with coeliac disease. J Med Microbiol 2007;56:1669- lized by the body. 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