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How to Assess, Select,
Retain, and Coach
Star Performers
  Presented by:

  Dr. Maynard Brusman
  Consulting Psychologist & Executive Coach
  San Francisco, California
  © Copyright 2006 Working Resources
Our Goals for Today
o Implement 3 new strategic talent
  management ideas
o Assess, select, retain, and evaluate
o Hire star performers that fit the
  company culture
o Role-play performance-based
  interviewing skills
What You Will Learn Today

o Avoid common hiring mistakes
o Interviewing, selection &
  assessment competencies
o Increase the performance and
  retention of your people
Win the War For Talent
o The most important resource over the
  next 20 years will be talent
o Companies must attract energetic,
  motivated, technologically literate,
  globally astute, & learning agile
o T alent has become more important
  than capital, strategy, or R&D
The War for Talent

o   High cost of turnover
o   Shrinking labor pool
o   Competitive pressure
o   The business advantage of hiring
    great people whose values and
    competencies match the company’s
Strategic Talent Management
o Selection, development, promotion,
  and retention of people executed in
  line with your organization’s current
  and future business goals
Linking Human Resource
Systems Through Competencies
o   Selection
o   Performance Management
o   Training/Development
o   Succession Planning
o   Coaching
o   Organizational Alignment
What Are Competencies
o Behaviors that distinguish effective
  performers from ineffective ones
  n motives, traits, skills, abilities
o Competency model: a set of desired
  behaviors for a particular job
o Two distinct groups
  n   job-specific competencies
  n   “people skills” competencies

o A cluster of related knowledge, skills,
  and attitudes that affects a major
  part of one’s job
o Correlates with performance on the
o Can be measured against standard
o Can be improved via training and
Well-Defined Competencies

o Customer Service – cultivates strategic
  customer relationships ensuring that the
  customer perspective is the driving force
  behind all value-added business activities.
  Maintains customer trust – listens and
  responds with empathy to customer issues or
o Definition is thorough and specific and
  describes key actions (behaviors) a person
  would exhibit when effectively displaying this
o What skills, knowledge, and characteristics
  are required to do the job?
o What behaviors have the most direct
  impact on performance and success on the
o In selection systems, a competency model
  ensures that all interviewers are looking for
  the same set of abilities and characteristics
o For succession planning, competency
  models ensure that decision-makers focus
  on characteristics relevant to success
o The best way to word competencies is
  with behavioral language that
  describes the things you can see or
  hear being done
o Behavioral language is very concrete
o A behavior is an action that you can
  observe, describe, and verify
The 12 Most Common
o   Communication
o   Achievement
o   Customer focus
o   T eamwork
o   Leadership
o   Planning and organizing
The 12 Most Common
o   Commercial/business awareness
o   Flexibility/adaptability
o   Developing others
o   Problem solving
o   Analytical thinking
o   Building relationships
“You can’t spend too much
time or effort on ‘hiring
smart.’ The alternative is to
manage tough, which is much
more time consuming.”
Gary Rogers, Chairman & CEO,
Dryer’s Grand Ice Cream
“Men judge more from
appearances than reality. All
men have eyes, but few have the
gift of penetration. Everyone
sees your exterior, but few can
discern what you have in your
Machiavelli, The Prince, 1532
Hire for Attitude, Train For Skill

o What you know changes, who you
  are doesn’t
o The best way to evaluate people is
  to watch them work
o Identify competencies of your top
  performers and hire people just like
o Assess for motivation and energy
Interviewer’s Self-Assessment

o A three minute exercise to evaluate
  your individual skill at interviewing
  for desired competencies
o Be honest in your answers: how you
  really are today, not how you want
  to be
Scoring the Self-Assessment

o If your score is between
  n 65 and 75: you probably conduct
    successful interviews
  n 55 and 64: some strengths,
    opportunities to improve
  n below 55: Red Alert, opportunity for
    significant improvement
  n for all: focus on areas where score is 3
    or less
4 Questions

o What was your worst hire? Why?
o What was your best hire? Why?
o What are your favorite interview
o Do you have written job descriptions
  based on past performance
What Are People Saying About
Your Company?
Employment Branding
o Creates an image that attracts people
  to work for your company
o Builds the public’s image of the
  company’s culture, work practices,
  management style, and growth
Branding Messages
o   Company culture
o   Management style
o   Quality and spirit of employees
o   Higher purpose of organization
o   Benefits and work/life balance
o   Learning and growth opportunities
o   Great place to work?
Branding Sample
o   Founded in 1946, RINA accountancy corporation (RINA) is one of the leading
    independent accounting firms in Northern California and among the largest in the
    Greater Bay Area. RINA is made up of approximately 70 Certified Public
    Accountants, paraprofessionals and administrative assistants. We attribute the
    growth of our practice to the talent and expertise of these people. Not simply
    their technical competence, but their genuine concern for our clients' success.
    We provide a collaborative environment that fosters innovative solutions. Guided
    by our resources and experience, our clients and our team members identify
    their goals and achieve their maximum potential.
    We will be the most respected regional accounting and consulting firm in
    Northern California.
    Integrity Entrepreneurial Spirit T eamwork Family
     Open and Honest Communication Quality T rust Innovation
    At RINA, exceptional service is just the beginning. We are always searching for
    new ways to add value, while maintaining the highest professional standards of
    quality. Recognizing that business owners need more than just accounting
    services, our stockholders have become trusted advisors to their clients. We are
    there in good times and bad, both professionally and personally.
Attracting Candidates
o Write Outrageous Ads that are Fun,
  Challenging, and Exciting
o Describe what Candidates will be
  Doing and Becoming
o Implement Just-in-Time Hiring
o Stay Connected with Former
o Create Employee Referral Program
Attracting Top Talent

o   Job security
o   Financial security
o   Education
o   Staying healthy
o   Work-life balance
o   Quality of work relationships
Attracting Top Talent
o   Stock options
o   On-site child care
o   Career development
o   Partnership with organization
o   Trust
On-Line Recruiting
o   monster .com
Avoid Top 10 Hiring

o   Playing the personality game
o   Unrealistic job specifications
o   A tiny candidate pool
o   Evaluating in absolute terms
o   T aking applicants at face value
Avoid Top 10 Hiring

o The “Just Like Me” bias
o Delegation problems
o Unstructured interviews
o Relying on hard data: Ignoring
  emotional intelligence
o Political pressures
The Job Analysis

o What a person in that position has
  to accomplish
o What a person should bring to the
o T asks that achieve the performance
o Specific, Measurable, Action
  oriented, Result, Time-based
Job Description

o   Job Title
o   Relevance of the Position
o   Major Responsibilities
o   Critical Criteria
o   Preferred Criteria
o   Supervisor
Keys to a Successful

o A mix of job-specific and personal-
  interpersonal performance-based
  questions targeting desired
o “The single best predictor of future
  behavior is a candidate’s past
o Listen 80% of the time
o Emotional control
Pre-Interview Checklist-

o Review the 9 steps
o Decide how many to include in your
  company’s process
  n the more you include, the less the risk of a
    poor hiring decision down the road
o Make this process the only acceptable way
  to prepare for an interview
  n complete a pre-interview checklist in advance
Pre-Interview Checklist:
o 1 Job Analysis- critical success factors
o 2 Job description targeting performance
     objectives and competencies
o 3 Read candidate materials
o 4 Length of interview
o 5 Job-specific competencies questions
o 6 Personal-interpersonal competency questions
o 7 Problem behaviors
o 8 Work sample
o 9 Pre-employment tests
Interview Checklist

o Use job-specific performance-based
  questions, prepared in advance
o Ask “people skills” competency
o T ake notes
o Note personal and career
  development areas
o Compile a final rating
Employee Selection: Testing
and Assessment Overview
o Cognitive Ability
o Personality and T emperament
o Sales Ability
Evaluating the Candidate:
the hiring decision
o All interviewers share their analysis
  with the hiring manager
  n Work-related competencies and
    performance profiles
  n other job related data
  n “people skills” impressions
Post Interview Strategies

o Call references
o Background checks

 Coaching Conversations and
Learning Objectives
o Explain how a performance review
  discussion can be used to increase
  individual productivity, motivation, and
o Align the performance evaluation process
  with the firm’s mission, vision, and values
o Understand the key competencies
o Identify the core message employee should
  remember after the conversation
o Practice coaching employees on future
  desired performance focusing on strengths

 Performance evaluation is the process
 of evaluating a staff member’s
 performance, considering future
 goals, and addressing any training or
 development needs.

o   Feedback
o   Promotion
o   Performance improvement
o   Coaching & mentoring
o   Development/training
o   Career advancement

1.   Performance   Planning
2.   Performance   Execution
3.   Performance   Assessment
4.   Performance   Review

o Essential goals and objectives upon
  which performance will be evaluated
o Success-Factor definitions and
o Describe performance in behavioral

o Competencies are behaviors that
  distinguish effective performers from
  ineffective ones
o A competency model depicts a set of
  desired behaviors for a particular job
  position or level
o Job competencies are the specific skills,
  knowledge, and abilities required to
  accomplish any given task at work
o Competencies are key to culture change
1.   Cultural competencies
2.   Job-specific competencies
3.   Key job responsibilities
4.   Goals and major projects
5.   Summary of achievements to further
     mission, vision, and values
o Focus on behaviors and results
o Best-practice organizations evaluate
  employees based on core
o   Emphasize results
o   Measurable
o   Challenging
o   Linked to mission
o   Mutually agreed upon

o Provide recognition of good performance
  any time it’s encountered
o Enable employees to find meaning in
  their work
o Create a compelling vision
o Provide interesting work
o Develop a collaborative and team-based
o Learned and part of firm’s culture
o Everyone’s responsibility
o Balance positive and negative
o Focus on specific examples of
o Timely
o Contracting
o Be appropriately sociable
o Ask for employee’s self-appraisal first
o Present your evaluation
o Confirm employee’s understanding
o Discuss agreements and
o Discuss goals and action plans
o Remove obstacles
o   Employee does most of the talking
o   Intense effort to listen
o   Problem solve
o   Comments based on specific behavior
o   Appreciative inquiry questions
o “Now Discover Your Strengths”
o What is the single most important
o Providing and clarifying direction
o Encouraging the development of
  performance goals
o Giving feedback and listening
o Motivating
o Removing barriers and providing
o   Welcome feedback
o   Proactive in seeking feedback
o   Be open to change
o   Listen to feedback from everyone
o   Multi-rater 360-degree feedback
Emotional Intelligence          is the
ability to…

o recognize our own feelings and those
  of others, motivate ourselves, and
  manage emotions well in ourselves
  and in our interpersonal relationships
o Up to 90% of the difference between
  outstanding and average leaders is linked
  to emotional intelligence. EQ is twice as
  important as IQ and technical expertise
  combined, and is four times as important in
  overall success
o Research by the Center for Creative
  Leadership found the primary cause of
  derailment in executives involves deficits
  in emotional competence
  1. Change 2. T eamwork 3. Interpersonal
o More than 50% of employees lack the
  motivation to keep learning and improving
o Four in 10 people cannot work
o 70% of all change initiatives fail because of
  people issues – inability to lead, lack of
  teamwork, unwillingness to take initiative,
  and inability to deal with change
                            Hay Group
EQ vs. IQ

o EQ is the ability to bring people together
  and motivate them
o EQ is the trust to build productive
o EQ is the resilience to perform under
o EQ is the courage to make decisions
o EQ is the strength to persevere through
EQ vs. IQ
o EQ is the vision to create the future
o EQ is a skill. Skills can be learned
o Employees in an emotionally
  intelligent company empowered to
  contribute fully
o Emotionally intelligent organization
  creates innovative products &
  services, and exceptional customer
Five Competencies of Emotional
Intelligence at Work
o Self-Awareness-Ability to recognize
  and understand your moods, emotions, and
  drives, as well as their effect on others
o Self-Regulation-Ability to control
  impulses and moods
o Motivation-Passion to pursue goals with
o Empathy-Awareness of others’ feelings
o Social Skill-Proficiency in managing
The Peter Principle and EQ
o People are frequently promoted to
  their level of incompetence
o Individuals are often promoted
  because of their technical expertise,
  when the needed skills are managing
o The technical expert can become a
  poor boss
o   Fear
o   Avoid Conflict and Challenge
o   Negative Internal Dialogue
o   Unrealistic Expectations
o   Blaming Others
o   Focus on behavior
o   Build self-esteem
o   Solve problems collaboratively
o   Listen actively
o   Probe for understanding
o   Positively reinforce desired behaviors
o “Performance appraisals are the
  bloodletting of today’s management”
                    Steven Covey

 Develop win-win agreements based
 on trust, listening and communication
New Hire Orientation
Strategies for Success in the
First 100 Days
o Look for opportunities
o Leverage your strengths
o Contribute value
o Clarify your role and set goals
o Learn self-management skills
o Develop network of resources
o Be a team player
o Clearly communicate your professional
o Determine what success looks like
Retaining Talented Employees
o Retention Factors
Retention Factors
o 1. I know what is expected of me at
o 2. I have the materials and equipment I
     need to do my work right
o 3. At work, I have the opportunity to do
     what I do best everyday
o 4. In the last seven days, I have received
     recognition or praise for good work
Retention Factors
o 5. My supervisor or the person I
     report to seems to care about me
     as a person
o 6. There is someone at work who
    encourages my development
o 7. In the last six months, someone at
    work has talked with me about my
Retention Factors
o 8. At work, my opinions seem to
o 9. The mission/purpose of my
    company makes me feel my job is
o 10. My fellow employees are
      committed to doing quality work
Retention Factors
o 11. I have a best friend at work
o 12. The last year , I have had
      opportunities to learn and grow
Retaining and Coaching
Top Talent

o   Share a common vision
o   Provide meaningful work
o   Provide proper resources
o   Get people involved in decision-making
o   Provide support with managing change
o   Coaching for career development
Employee Retention and
Development Statistics

o Replacement costs for employees
  can be as much as 150% of the
  departing person’s salary
o Identify 3 strengths
o Identify 3 growth areas
o Develop a plan to improve specific
o Move action forward with a coach

  “Our deepest fear is not that we are
  inadequate. Our deepest fear is that
  we are powerful beyond measure. It
  is our light, not our darkness, that
  frightens us. ”
                   Nelson Mandela
Handout Resources

o Workshop Agenda
o Interviewer’s Self-Assessment
o The Importance of The Selection
o Four T opics to Cover in a
  Performance-Based Job Interview
Handout Resources

o   Interview Styles
o   Steps in the Interview Process
o   “IT’S A FIT” Article
o   T op T en Tips
o   Questions Most Asked By
Handout Resources

o Personal/Interpersonal Competency
o Legal Guidelines for Personality T ests
o IT’S A FIT! Interviewing Guide
o Final Rating Sheet
o Hiring References
Handout Resources
o Selection and Development
  Assessment Resources
o Sample Selection Report
Dr. Maynard Brusman
Consulting Psychologist & Executive Coach

Working Resources
P .O. Box 471525 San Francisco, California 94147
T el: 415-546-1252
Web Site:
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It's a Fit!...How to Assess, Select, Retain, and Evaluate Top Talent

  • 1. IT’S A FIT!… How to Assess, Select, Retain, and Coach Star Performers Presented by: Dr. Maynard Brusman Consulting Psychologist & Executive Coach CCI 12-4-06 San Francisco, California © Copyright 2006 Working Resources
  • 2. Our Goals for Today o Implement 3 new strategic talent management ideas o Assess, select, retain, and evaluate talent o Hire star performers that fit the company culture o Role-play performance-based interviewing skills
  • 3. What You Will Learn Today o Avoid common hiring mistakes o Interviewing, selection & assessment competencies o Increase the performance and retention of your people
  • 4. Win the War For Talent o The most important resource over the next 20 years will be talent o Companies must attract energetic, motivated, technologically literate, globally astute, & learning agile people o T alent has become more important than capital, strategy, or R&D
  • 5. The War for Talent o High cost of turnover o Shrinking labor pool o Competitive pressure o The business advantage of hiring great people whose values and competencies match the company’s culture
  • 6. Strategic Talent Management o Selection, development, promotion, and retention of people executed in line with your organization’s current and future business goals
  • 7. Linking Human Resource Systems Through Competencies o Selection o Performance Management o Training/Development o Succession Planning o Coaching o Organizational Alignment
  • 8. What Are Competencies o Behaviors that distinguish effective performers from ineffective ones n motives, traits, skills, abilities o Competency model: a set of desired behaviors for a particular job o Two distinct groups n job-specific competencies n “people skills” competencies
  • 9. COMPETENCY DEFINITION o A cluster of related knowledge, skills, and attitudes that affects a major part of one’s job o Correlates with performance on the job o Can be measured against standard o Can be improved via training and development
  • 10. Well-Defined Competencies o Customer Service – cultivates strategic customer relationships ensuring that the customer perspective is the driving force behind all value-added business activities. Maintains customer trust – listens and responds with empathy to customer issues or ideas o Definition is thorough and specific and describes key actions (behaviors) a person would exhibit when effectively displaying this competency
  • 11. FOCUS ON BEHAVIOR o What skills, knowledge, and characteristics are required to do the job? o What behaviors have the most direct impact on performance and success on the job? o In selection systems, a competency model ensures that all interviewers are looking for the same set of abilities and characteristics o For succession planning, competency models ensure that decision-makers focus on characteristics relevant to success
  • 12. BEHAVIORAL LANGUAGE o The best way to word competencies is with behavioral language that describes the things you can see or hear being done o Behavioral language is very concrete o A behavior is an action that you can observe, describe, and verify
  • 13. The 12 Most Common Competencies o Communication o Achievement o Customer focus o T eamwork o Leadership o Planning and organizing
  • 14. The 12 Most Common Competencies o Commercial/business awareness o Flexibility/adaptability o Developing others o Problem solving o Analytical thinking o Building relationships
  • 15. “You can’t spend too much time or effort on ‘hiring smart.’ The alternative is to manage tough, which is much more time consuming.” Gary Rogers, Chairman & CEO, Dryer’s Grand Ice Cream
  • 16. “Men judge more from appearances than reality. All men have eyes, but few have the gift of penetration. Everyone sees your exterior, but few can discern what you have in your heart”. Machiavelli, The Prince, 1532
  • 17. Hire for Attitude, Train For Skill o What you know changes, who you are doesn’t o The best way to evaluate people is to watch them work o Identify competencies of your top performers and hire people just like them o Assess for motivation and energy
  • 18. Interviewer’s Self-Assessment o A three minute exercise to evaluate your individual skill at interviewing for desired competencies o Be honest in your answers: how you really are today, not how you want to be
  • 19. Scoring the Self-Assessment o If your score is between n 65 and 75: you probably conduct successful interviews n 55 and 64: some strengths, opportunities to improve n below 55: Red Alert, opportunity for significant improvement n for all: focus on areas where score is 3 or less
  • 20. 4 Questions o What was your worst hire? Why? o What was your best hire? Why? o What are your favorite interview questions? o Do you have written job descriptions based on past performance capability?
  • 21. What Are People Saying About Your Company? Employment Branding o Creates an image that attracts people to work for your company o Builds the public’s image of the company’s culture, work practices, management style, and growth opportunities
  • 22. Branding Messages o Company culture o Management style o Quality and spirit of employees o Higher purpose of organization o Benefits and work/life balance o Learning and growth opportunities o Great place to work?
  • 23. Branding Sample o Founded in 1946, RINA accountancy corporation (RINA) is one of the leading independent accounting firms in Northern California and among the largest in the Greater Bay Area. RINA is made up of approximately 70 Certified Public Accountants, paraprofessionals and administrative assistants. We attribute the growth of our practice to the talent and expertise of these people. Not simply their technical competence, but their genuine concern for our clients' success. o RINA’s MISSION We provide a collaborative environment that fosters innovative solutions. Guided by our resources and experience, our clients and our team members identify their goals and achieve their maximum potential. o RINA’s VISION We will be the most respected regional accounting and consulting firm in Northern California. o RINA’s CORE VALUES Integrity Entrepreneurial Spirit T eamwork Family Open and Honest Communication Quality T rust Innovation o RINA's PHILOSOPHY At RINA, exceptional service is just the beginning. We are always searching for new ways to add value, while maintaining the highest professional standards of quality. Recognizing that business owners need more than just accounting services, our stockholders have become trusted advisors to their clients. We are there in good times and bad, both professionally and personally.
  • 24. Attracting Candidates o Write Outrageous Ads that are Fun, Challenging, and Exciting o Describe what Candidates will be Doing and Becoming o Implement Just-in-Time Hiring o Stay Connected with Former Employees o Create Employee Referral Program
  • 25. Attracting Top Talent o Job security o Financial security o Education o Staying healthy o Work-life balance o Quality of work relationships
  • 26. Attracting Top Talent o Stock options o On-site child care o Career development o Partnership with organization o Trust
  • 27. On-Line Recruiting o o o monster .com o o o o o o
  • 28. Avoid Top 10 Hiring Mistakes o Playing the personality game o Unrealistic job specifications o A tiny candidate pool o Evaluating in absolute terms o T aking applicants at face value
  • 29. Avoid Top 10 Hiring Mistakes o The “Just Like Me” bias o Delegation problems o Unstructured interviews o Relying on hard data: Ignoring emotional intelligence o Political pressures
  • 30. The Job Analysis o What a person in that position has to accomplish o What a person should bring to the party o T asks that achieve the performance objectives o Specific, Measurable, Action oriented, Result, Time-based
  • 31. Accomplishment-Based Job Description o Job Title o Relevance of the Position o Major Responsibilities o Critical Criteria o Preferred Criteria o Supervisor
  • 32. Keys to a Successful Interview o A mix of job-specific and personal- interpersonal performance-based questions targeting desired competencies o “The single best predictor of future behavior is a candidate’s past behavior” o Listen 80% of the time o Emotional control
  • 33. Pre-Interview Checklist- preview o Review the 9 steps o Decide how many to include in your company’s process n the more you include, the less the risk of a poor hiring decision down the road o Make this process the only acceptable way to prepare for an interview n complete a pre-interview checklist in advance
  • 34. Pre-Interview Checklist: detail o 1 Job Analysis- critical success factors o 2 Job description targeting performance objectives and competencies o 3 Read candidate materials o 4 Length of interview o 5 Job-specific competencies questions o 6 Personal-interpersonal competency questions o 7 Problem behaviors o 8 Work sample o 9 Pre-employment tests
  • 35. Interview Checklist o Use job-specific performance-based questions, prepared in advance o Ask “people skills” competency questions o T ake notes o Note personal and career development areas o Compile a final rating
  • 36. Employee Selection: Testing and Assessment Overview o Cognitive Ability o Personality and T emperament o Sales Ability
  • 37. Evaluating the Candidate: the hiring decision o All interviewers share their analysis with the hiring manager n Work-related competencies and performance profiles n other job related data n “people skills” impressions
  • 38. Post Interview Strategies o Call references o Background checks
  • 40. Learning Objectives o Explain how a performance review discussion can be used to increase individual productivity, motivation, and learning o Align the performance evaluation process with the firm’s mission, vision, and values o Understand the key competencies o Identify the core message employee should remember after the conversation o Practice coaching employees on future desired performance focusing on strengths
  • 41. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION DEFINITION Performance evaluation is the process of evaluating a staff member’s performance, considering future goals, and addressing any training or development needs.
  • 42. PURPOSE OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION o Feedback o Promotion o Performance improvement o Coaching & mentoring o Development/training o Career advancement
  • 43. A GREAT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM 1. Performance Planning 2. Performance Execution 3. Performance Assessment 4. Performance Review
  • 44. JOB ANALYSIS o Essential goals and objectives upon which performance will be evaluated o Success-Factor definitions and descriptions o Describe performance in behavioral terms
  • 45. CORE COMPETENCIES o Competencies are behaviors that distinguish effective performers from ineffective ones o A competency model depicts a set of desired behaviors for a particular job position or level o Job competencies are the specific skills, knowledge, and abilities required to accomplish any given task at work o Competencies are key to culture change
  • 46. EVALUATION FORMS 1. Cultural competencies 2. Job-specific competencies 3. Key job responsibilities 4. Goals and major projects 5. Summary of achievements to further mission, vision, and values
  • 47. EVALUATION FORMS o Focus on behaviors and results o Best-practice organizations evaluate employees based on core competencies
  • 48. GOALS o Emphasize results o Measurable o Challenging o Linked to mission o Mutually agreed upon
  • 49. HOW DO YOU MOTIVATE PEOPLE? o Provide recognition of good performance any time it’s encountered o Enable employees to find meaning in their work o Create a compelling vision o Provide interesting work o Develop a collaborative and team-based culture
  • 50. GIVING FEEDBACK o Learned and part of firm’s culture o Everyone’s responsibility o Balance positive and negative feedback o Focus on specific examples of behavior o Timely o Contracting
  • 51. CONVERSATION STRATEGIES o Be appropriately sociable o Ask for employee’s self-appraisal first o Present your evaluation o Confirm employee’s understanding o Discuss agreements and disagreements o Discuss goals and action plans o Remove obstacles
  • 52. EFFECTIVE CONVERSATIONS o Employee does most of the talking o Intense effort to listen o Problem solve o Comments based on specific behavior o Appreciative inquiry questions
  • 53. FOCUS ON STRENGTHS o “Now Discover Your Strengths”
  • 54. CORE MESSAGE o What is the single most important message?
  • 55. COACHING o Providing and clarifying direction o Encouraging the development of performance goals o Giving feedback and listening o Motivating o Removing barriers and providing resources
  • 56. RECEIVING FEEDBACK o Welcome feedback o Proactive in seeking feedback o Be open to change o Listen to feedback from everyone o Multi-rater 360-degree feedback
  • 57. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to… o recognize our own feelings and those of others, motivate ourselves, and manage emotions well in ourselves and in our interpersonal relationships
  • 58. RESEARCH o Up to 90% of the difference between outstanding and average leaders is linked to emotional intelligence. EQ is twice as important as IQ and technical expertise combined, and is four times as important in overall success o Research by the Center for Creative Leadership found the primary cause of derailment in executives involves deficits in emotional competence 1. Change 2. T eamwork 3. Interpersonal Relations
  • 59. WHY DEVELOP EMOTIONAL INTELIGENCE? o More than 50% of employees lack the motivation to keep learning and improving o Four in 10 people cannot work cooperatively o 70% of all change initiatives fail because of people issues – inability to lead, lack of teamwork, unwillingness to take initiative, and inability to deal with change Hay Group
  • 60. EQ vs. IQ o EQ is the ability to bring people together and motivate them o EQ is the trust to build productive relationships o EQ is the resilience to perform under pressure o EQ is the courage to make decisions o EQ is the strength to persevere through adversity
  • 61. EQ vs. IQ o EQ is the vision to create the future o EQ is a skill. Skills can be learned o Employees in an emotionally intelligent company empowered to contribute fully o Emotionally intelligent organization creates innovative products & services, and exceptional customer loyalty
  • 62. Five Competencies of Emotional Intelligence at Work o Self-Awareness-Ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives, as well as their effect on others o Self-Regulation-Ability to control impulses and moods o Motivation-Passion to pursue goals with energy o Empathy-Awareness of others’ feelings o Social Skill-Proficiency in managing relationships
  • 63. The Peter Principle and EQ o People are frequently promoted to their level of incompetence o Individuals are often promoted because of their technical expertise, when the needed skills are managing people o The technical expert can become a poor boss
  • 64. EQ OBSTACLES o Fear o Avoid Conflict and Challenge o Negative Internal Dialogue o Unrealistic Expectations o Blaming Others
  • 65. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS o Focus on behavior o Build self-esteem o Solve problems collaboratively o Listen actively o Probe for understanding o Positively reinforce desired behaviors
  • 66. ABOLISHING PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS o “Performance appraisals are the bloodletting of today’s management” Steven Covey Develop win-win agreements based on trust, listening and communication
  • 67. New Hire Orientation Strategies for Success in the First 100 Days o Look for opportunities o Leverage your strengths o Contribute value o Clarify your role and set goals o Learn self-management skills o Develop network of resources o Be a team player o Clearly communicate your professional image o Determine what success looks like
  • 68. LOVE ‘EM OR LOSE ‘EM: Retaining Talented Employees o Retention Factors o ging.asp
  • 69. Retention Factors o 1. I know what is expected of me at work o 2. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right o 3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best everyday o 4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for good work
  • 70. Retention Factors o 5. My supervisor or the person I report to seems to care about me as a person o 6. There is someone at work who encourages my development o 7. In the last six months, someone at work has talked with me about my progress
  • 71. Retention Factors o 8. At work, my opinions seem to count o 9. The mission/purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important o 10. My fellow employees are committed to doing quality work
  • 72. Retention Factors o 11. I have a best friend at work o 12. The last year , I have had opportunities to learn and grow
  • 73. Retaining and Coaching Top Talent o Share a common vision o Provide meaningful work o Provide proper resources o Get people involved in decision-making o Provide support with managing change o Coaching for career development
  • 74. Employee Retention and Development Statistics o Replacement costs for employees can be as much as 150% of the departing person’s salary
  • 75. ACTION PLAN o Identify 3 strengths o Identify 3 growth areas o Develop a plan to improve specific skill. o Move action forward with a coach
  • 76. UNLEASHING OUR POTENTIAL “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. ” Nelson Mandela
  • 77. Handout Resources o Workshop Agenda o Interviewer’s Self-Assessment o The Importance of The Selection Interview o Four T opics to Cover in a Performance-Based Job Interview
  • 78. Handout Resources o Interview Styles o Steps in the Interview Process o “IT’S A FIT” Article o T op T en Tips o Questions Most Asked By Interviewers
  • 79. Handout Resources o Personal/Interpersonal Competency Questions o Legal Guidelines for Personality T ests o IT’S A FIT! Interviewing Guide o Final Rating Sheet o Hiring References
  • 80. Handout Resources o Selection and Development Assessment Resources o Sample Selection Report
  • 81. Dr. Maynard Brusman Consulting Psychologist & Executive Coach Working Resources P .O. Box 471525 San Francisco, California 94147 T el: 415-546-1252 E-mail: Web Site: Subscribe to Working Resources Newsletter: Visit Maynard's Blog: