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Personality and Consumer
Module 3
Some Facts
 Mercedes Benz regained its market leadership in
luxury cars in India in July, powered mainly by the
demand for its ‘Dream car’ models- the two
door SLK and CLS and AMG range of models.
 Audi sold 705 units last month against
Mercedes tally of 810 units sold in July. BMW
India did not disclose its domestic sales.
 Hero MotorCorp, which exited all cricket
sponsorships including the Indian Premier
League earlier this year, is now betting on music
to connect with the youth. The top two-wheeler
maker will be presenting sponsor for
Sunburn, Asia’s biggest music festival, this
 Apart from Hero, other sponsors include
Budweiser and Kingfisher- all known as liquor
brands- besides energy drink Red Bull and
PepsiCo’s lime drink 7 Up.
 South Korean handset maker Samsung
Electronics dethroned its Finnish counterpart
Nokia as India’s largest mobile phone maker in
the last fiscal year by cornering 31.5% market
share compared with 27.2% for the latter, Voice &
Data survey revealed.
 When music channel network 9XMedia chose to
replace video jockeys with animated characters
such as Bheegi Billi, Betel Nuts and Bade Chote in
some shows, the idea was just to entertain viewers.
Today, these cartoon VJs account for more than one-
fifth of the network’s revenues, with many marketers
including Hindustan Unilever, Nestle, Coca-Cola and
Dabur using them to promote their products.
 Harley Davidson : “ We’re all created equal. But
after that, it’s up to you”
 Audi : “Never Follow”
What Is Personality
 The inner psychological characteristics that both
determine and reflect how a person responds to
his or her environment.
 The emphasis in this definition is on inner
characteristics- those specific qualities, attributes,
traits, factors, and mannerisms that distinguish
one individual from other individuals.
The Nature of Personailty
 Personality reflects individual differences
 Personality can change
Theories of Personality
 Freudian theory
 Unconscious needs or drives, are at the heart of human
motivation and personality
 Neo-Freudian personality theory
 Social relationships are fundamental to the formation
and development of personality
 Trait theory
 The orientation of trait theory is primarily quantitative or
empirical; it focuses on the measurement of personality
in terms of specific psychological characteristics, called
traits. A trait is defined as “ any distinguishing, relatively
enduring way in which one individual differs from
another.” Trait theorists are concerned with the
construction of personality tests (or inventories) that
enable them to pinpoint individual differences in terms of
specific traits.
Freudian Theory
 Id
 Warehouse of primitive and impulsive drives- basic
physiological needs such as thirst, hunger, and sex- for
which the individual seeks immediate satisfaction
without concern for the specific means of satisfaction.
 Superego
 Individual’s internal expression of society’s moral and
ethical codes of conduct. The superego’s role is to see
that the individual satisfies needs in a socially
acceptable fashion.
 Ego
 Individual’s conscious control. It functions as an internal
monitor that attempts to balance the impulsive demands
of the id and the sociocultural constraints of the
Freudian Theory and
“Product Personality”
 Researchers who apply Freud’s psychoanalytic theory to
the study of consumer personality believe that human
drives are largely unconscious and that consumers
are primarily unaware of their true reasons for buying
what they buy.
 Consumer researchers using Freud’s personality
theory see consumer purchases and /or
consumption situations as a reflection and extension
of the consumer’s own personality.
 In other words, they consider the consumer’s
appearance and possessions- grooming, clothing,
jewelry, and so forth- as reflections of the individual’s
Snack Foods and Personality Traits
Potato Chips:
Ambitious, successful, high achiever, impatient
Easygoing, empathetic, understanding, calm, even tempered
Takes charge, modest, self-confident but not a show-off
Neo-Freudian Personality Theory
 Neo-Freudians believed that social relationships are
fundamental to the formation and development of
 We seek goals to overcome feelings of inferiority
 We continually attempt to establish relationships with
others to reduce tensions
 Karen Horney was interested in child-parent
relationships and the individual’s desires to conquer
feelings of anxiety. Proposed three personality
 Compliant move toward others, they desire to be
loved, wanted, and appreciated
 Aggressive refers to individuals being an extrovert
and getting noticed in all what he does
 Detached move away from others. They desire
independence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and
individualism or freedom from obligations)
Trait Theory
 Personality theory with a focus on psychological
 Trait - any distinguishing, relatively enduring way
in which one individual differs from another
 Personality is linked to how consumers make
their choices or to consumption of a broad
product category - not a specific brand. For
example, there is more likely to be a relationship
between a personality trait and whether or not an
individual owns an SUV than between a
personality trait and the brand of SUV purchased.
 Selected single-trait personality tests (which
measure just one trait, such as self-confidence)
are often developed specifically for use in
consumer behaviour studies. These tailor-made
personality tests measure such traits as
consumer innovativeness (how receptive a
person is to new experiences), consumer
materialism ( the degree of the consumer’s
attachment to “worldly possessions”), and
consumer ethnocentrism (the consumer’s
likelihood to accept or reject foreign-made
Consumer innovativeness and
related personality traits
 Consumer
 Dogmatism
 Social character
 Need for uniqueness
 Optimum stimulation
 Variety-novelty seeking
 The degree to which
consumers are
receptive to new
products, new services,
or new practices
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
A “General” Consumer
Innovativeness Scale
 I would rather stick to a brand I usually buy than
try something I am not very sure of
 When I go to a restaurant, I feel it is safer to order
dishes I am familiar with.
 If I like a brand, I rarely switch from it just to try
something different
 I enjoy taking chances in buying unfamiliar
brands just to get some variety in my purchase.
 When I see a new brand on the shelf, I’m not
afraid of giving it a try.
 Innovativeness
 Dogmatism
 Social character
 Need for uniqueness
 Optimum stimulation
 Variety-novelty seeking
 A personality trait that
reflects the degree of
rigidity (versus openness)
a person displays toward
the unfamiliar and toward
information that is contrary
to his or her own
established beliefs
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
 Innovativeness
 Dogmatism
 Social character
 Need for uniqueness
 Optimum stimulation level
 Variety-novelty seeking
 Ranges on a continuum
from inner-directedness to
 Inner-directedness
 rely on own inner values when
evaluating products
 Innovators
 Other-directedness
 look to others for guidance as
to what is appropriate or
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
 Innovativeness
 Dogmatism
 Social character
 Need for uniqueness
 Optimum stimulation
 Variety-novelty seeking
 Consumers who avoid
appearing to conform to
expectations or
standards of others
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
Sample Items from a Consumers’ Need
for Uniqueness Scale
1. I collect unusual products as a way of telling people
I’m different
2. When products or brands I like become extremely
popular, I lose interest in them
3. As far as I’m concerned, when it comes to the products
I buy and the situations in which I use them, custom
and rules are made to be broken
4. I have sometimes purchased unusual products or
brands as a way to create a more distinctive personal
5. I avoid products or brands that have already been
accepted and purchased by the average consumer
 Innovativeness
 Dogmatism
 Social character
 Need for uniqueness
 Optimum stimulation level
 Variety-novelty seeking
 A personality trait that
measures the level or
amount of novelty or
complexity that individuals
seek in their personal
 High OSL consumers are
linked with greater
willingness to take risks, to
try new products, to be
innovative, to seek
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
 Innovativeness
 Dogmatism
 Social character
 Need for uniqueness
 Optimum stimulation
 Variety-novelty seeking
 Measures a consumer’s
degree of variety seeking
 Examples include:
 Exploratory Purchase
 Use Innovativeness
 Vicarious Exploration
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
Exploratory Purchase behaviour: Switching
brands to experience new, different, and possibly
better alternatives.
Vicarious Exploration: Securing information about
a new or different alternative and then
contemplating or even daydreaming about the
Use Innovativeness: Using an already adopted
product in a new or novel way.
Cognitive Personality Factors
 Need for cognition (NC)
 A person’s craving for or enjoyment of thinking
 Individual with high NC more likely to be responsive
to the part of an ad that is rich in product-related
information or description, consumers who are
relatively low in NC are more likely to be attracted to
the background or peripheral aspects of an ad, such
as an attractive model or well-known celebrity.
 Visualizers versus verbalizers
 A person’s preference for information presented
visually or verbally. Visualizers are consumers who
prefer visual information.
 Verbalizers prefer written or verbal information over
graphics and images.
Norwegian Cruise
From Consumer Materialism to
Compulsive Consumption
 Consumer materialism
 Materialism, as a personality-like trait, distinguishes
between individuals who regard possessions as
essential to their identities and their lives and those
for whom possessions are secondary.
 Fixated consumption behavior
 Somewhere between materialism and compulsion,
with respect to buying or possessing objects, is the
notion of being fixated with regard to consuming or
 Fixated consumers do not keep their objects or
purchases of interest a secret; rather, they
frequently display them, and their involvement is
openly shared with others who have a similar
Sample Items from a Materialism
 Success
 I admire people who own expensive homes, cars,
and clothes
 I like to own things that impress people
 Centrality
 I like a lot of luxury in my life
 Happiness
 My life would be better if I owned certain things I
don’t have
 It sometimes bothers me quite a bit that I can’t
afford to buy all the things I’d like
 Compulsive consumption behavior
 “Addicted” or “out-of-control” consumers
 Consumers who are compulsive have an addiction;
in some respects they are out of control, and their
actions may have damaging consequences to them
and to those around them. Examples of compulsive
consumption problems are uncontrollable shopping,
gambling, drug addiction, alcoholism, and various
food and eating disorders.
 To control or possibly eliminate such compulsive
problems generally requires some type of therapy
or clinical treatment.
Copyright 2007 by Prentice
Sample Items from Scales to measure
Compulsive Buying
1. When I have money, I cannot help but spend
part or the whole of it.
2. I am often impulsive in my buying behavior.
3. As soon as I enter a shopping center, I have an
irresistible urge to go into a shop to buy
4. I have often bought a product that I did not
need, while knowing I had very little money
Consumer Ethnocentrism
 Ethnocentric consumers feel it is wrong to purchase
foreign-made products because of the resulting
economic impact on the domestic economy, whereas
nonethnocentric consumers tend to evaluate foreign-
made products-ostensibly more objectively- for their
extrinsic characteristics (e.g., “how good are they?”).
A portion of the consumers would score low on an
ethnocentric scale are actually likely to be quite
receptive to products made in foreign countries.
 Marketers successfully target ethnocentric consumers in
any national market by stressing a nationalistic theme in
their promotional appeals (e.g., “Made in America “ or
“Made in France”) because this segment is predisposed to
buy products made in their native land.
 Honda, the Japanese automaker, in an indirect
appeal to ethnocentric Americans, had advertised
that its Accord wagon is “Exported from
America” to other markets
The Consumer Ethnocentrism Scale
 American people should always buy American-
made products instead of imports
 Only those products that are unavailable in the
United States should be imported
 Buy American – made products. Keep America
 American products, first, last, and foremost
 Purchasing foreign-made products is un-
 It is not right to purchase foreign products,
because it puts Americans out of jobs
 A real American should always buy American-
Brand Personality
 Personality-like traits associated with brands
 Examples
 Perdue (chickens) and freshness
 Nike and athlete
 BMW is performance driven
 Levi’s jeans are dependable and rugged
 Brand personification: It tries to recast
consumers’ perception of the attributes of a
product or service into a human-like character.
 Example: Mr. Coffee, a popular brand of automatic-
drip coffee makers, unexpectedly found in its focus
group research that consumers were referring to Mr.
Coffee as if the product were a person (e.g., “he
makes good coffee” and “ he’s got a lot of different
models and prices”). After careful consideration, the
marketers decided to explore the possibility of
creating a brand personification. Initial consumer
research indicated that Mr. Coffee was seen as
being “dependable,” “Friendly”, “efficient”,
“intelligent”, and “smart”.
Copyright 2007 by Prentice
A Brand Personality Framework
Product Personality Issues
 Gender
 Often used for brand personalities
 Chinese consumers perceived coffee and
toothpaste to be masculine products, whereas
bath soap and shampoo were seen as feminine
 Geography
 Example includes Philadelphia cream cheese
and Arizona iced tea
 By employing geography in the product’s name,
the product’s manufacturer creates a
geographic personality for the product
often use a
location to
help with
 Color
 Color combinations in packaging and products
denotes personality. For instance, Coca-Cola is
associated with red, which connotes excitement.
Yellow is associated with novelty, and black
frequently connotes sophistication. Blue is
associated with respect, authority and Green is
associated with secure, natural, relaxed
 The IBM Thinkpad has consistently used an all-back
case with a red button to house its very successful
line of laptops. Nike has used black, white, and a
touch of red for selected models of its sports shoes.
This colour combination seems to imply advanced-
performance sports shoes. Many fast food restaurants
use combination of bright colours like red, yellow and
blue for their roadside signs and interior designs. It
denotes fast service and inexpensive food.
Financial Services Firms Often Feature
Blue and Green on Their Sites
Self and Self-Image
 Consumers have a variety of enduring images of
 These self-images, or perceptions of self, are
very closely associated with personality in that
individuals tend to buy products and services and
patronize retailers whose images or personalities
relate in some meaningful way to their own self-
 One or multiple
 Makeup of the self-
 Extended self
 Altering the self-
 A single consumer will act
differently in different
situations or with different
Issues Related to
Self and Self-Image
 One or multiple
 Makeup of the self -
 Extended self
 Altering the self-
 Contains traits, skills, habits,
possessions, relationships and
way of behavior
 Developed through
background, experience ,and
interaction with others
 Consumers select products
congruent with this image
Issues Related to
Self and Self-Image
Different Self-Images
Actual Self-
Ideal Self-Image
Ideal Social
Social Self-Image
 One or multiple
 Makeup of the self-
 Extended self
 Altering the self-
 The interrelationship between
consumers’ self-images and
their possessions is an exciting
topic. Specifically, consumer’s
posessions can be seen to
confirm or extend their self-
images. For instance,
acquiring a desired or
sought-after pair of “vintage”
Levi jeans might serve to
expand a teenager’s image
of self. The teenager might
Issues Related to
Self and Self-Image
Sample Items from an Extended
 My -------- holds a special place in my life
 My -------- is central to my identity
 I feel emotionally attached to my …………
 My ----------helps me narrow the gap between
what I am and try to be
 If my -------- was stolen from me, I would feel as if
part of me is missing
 I would be a different person without my ----------
 One or multiple
 Makeup of the self-
 Extended self
 Altering the self
 Sometimes consumers wish
to change themselves to
become a different or
improved self. Clothing,
grooming aids or cosmetics,
and all kinds of accessories (
such as sunglasses, jewelry,
tattoos, or even colored
contact lenses) offer
consumers the opportunity to
modify their appearances (to
Issues Related to
Self and Self-Image

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Cb personality and life style 1

  • 2. Some Facts  Mercedes Benz regained its market leadership in luxury cars in India in July, powered mainly by the demand for its ‘Dream car’ models- the two door SLK and CLS and AMG range of models.  Audi sold 705 units last month against Mercedes tally of 810 units sold in July. BMW India did not disclose its domestic sales.
  • 3.  Hero MotorCorp, which exited all cricket sponsorships including the Indian Premier League earlier this year, is now betting on music to connect with the youth. The top two-wheeler maker will be presenting sponsor for Sunburn, Asia’s biggest music festival, this year  Apart from Hero, other sponsors include Budweiser and Kingfisher- all known as liquor brands- besides energy drink Red Bull and PepsiCo’s lime drink 7 Up.
  • 4.  South Korean handset maker Samsung Electronics dethroned its Finnish counterpart Nokia as India’s largest mobile phone maker in the last fiscal year by cornering 31.5% market share compared with 27.2% for the latter, Voice & Data survey revealed.  When music channel network 9XMedia chose to replace video jockeys with animated characters such as Bheegi Billi, Betel Nuts and Bade Chote in some shows, the idea was just to entertain viewers. Today, these cartoon VJs account for more than one- fifth of the network’s revenues, with many marketers including Hindustan Unilever, Nestle, Coca-Cola and Dabur using them to promote their products.
  • 5. Examples  Harley Davidson : “ We’re all created equal. But after that, it’s up to you”  Audi : “Never Follow”
  • 6. What Is Personality  The inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.  The emphasis in this definition is on inner characteristics- those specific qualities, attributes, traits, factors, and mannerisms that distinguish one individual from other individuals.
  • 7. The Nature of Personailty  Personality reflects individual differences  Personality can change
  • 8. Theories of Personality  Freudian theory  Unconscious needs or drives, are at the heart of human motivation and personality  Neo-Freudian personality theory  Social relationships are fundamental to the formation and development of personality  Trait theory  The orientation of trait theory is primarily quantitative or empirical; it focuses on the measurement of personality in terms of specific psychological characteristics, called traits. A trait is defined as “ any distinguishing, relatively enduring way in which one individual differs from another.” Trait theorists are concerned with the construction of personality tests (or inventories) that enable them to pinpoint individual differences in terms of specific traits.
  • 9. Freudian Theory  Id  Warehouse of primitive and impulsive drives- basic physiological needs such as thirst, hunger, and sex- for which the individual seeks immediate satisfaction without concern for the specific means of satisfaction.  Superego  Individual’s internal expression of society’s moral and ethical codes of conduct. The superego’s role is to see that the individual satisfies needs in a socially acceptable fashion.  Ego  Individual’s conscious control. It functions as an internal monitor that attempts to balance the impulsive demands of the id and the sociocultural constraints of the superego.
  • 10. Freudian Theory and “Product Personality”  Researchers who apply Freud’s psychoanalytic theory to the study of consumer personality believe that human drives are largely unconscious and that consumers are primarily unaware of their true reasons for buying what they buy.  Consumer researchers using Freud’s personality theory see consumer purchases and /or consumption situations as a reflection and extension of the consumer’s own personality.  In other words, they consider the consumer’s appearance and possessions- grooming, clothing, jewelry, and so forth- as reflections of the individual’s personality.
  • 11. Snack Foods and Personality Traits Potato Chips: Ambitious, successful, high achiever, impatient Nuts: Easygoing, empathetic, understanding, calm, even tempered Popcorn: Takes charge, modest, self-confident but not a show-off
  • 12. Neo-Freudian Personality Theory  Neo-Freudians believed that social relationships are fundamental to the formation and development of Personality.  We seek goals to overcome feelings of inferiority  We continually attempt to establish relationships with others to reduce tensions  Karen Horney was interested in child-parent relationships and the individual’s desires to conquer feelings of anxiety. Proposed three personality groups  Compliant move toward others, they desire to be loved, wanted, and appreciated  Aggressive refers to individuals being an extrovert and getting noticed in all what he does  Detached move away from others. They desire independence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and individualism or freedom from obligations)
  • 13. Trait Theory  Personality theory with a focus on psychological characteristics  Trait - any distinguishing, relatively enduring way in which one individual differs from another  Personality is linked to how consumers make their choices or to consumption of a broad product category - not a specific brand. For example, there is more likely to be a relationship between a personality trait and whether or not an individual owns an SUV than between a personality trait and the brand of SUV purchased.
  • 14.  Selected single-trait personality tests (which measure just one trait, such as self-confidence) are often developed specifically for use in consumer behaviour studies. These tailor-made personality tests measure such traits as consumer innovativeness (how receptive a person is to new experiences), consumer materialism ( the degree of the consumer’s attachment to “worldly possessions”), and consumer ethnocentrism (the consumer’s likelihood to accept or reject foreign-made products)
  • 15. Consumer innovativeness and related personality traits  Consumer Innovativeness  Dogmatism  Social character  Need for uniqueness  Optimum stimulation level  Variety-novelty seeking  The degree to which consumers are receptive to new products, new services, or new practices Consumer Innovators And Noninnovators
  • 16. A “General” Consumer Innovativeness Scale  I would rather stick to a brand I usually buy than try something I am not very sure of  When I go to a restaurant, I feel it is safer to order dishes I am familiar with.  If I like a brand, I rarely switch from it just to try something different  I enjoy taking chances in buying unfamiliar brands just to get some variety in my purchase.  When I see a new brand on the shelf, I’m not afraid of giving it a try.
  • 17.  Innovativeness  Dogmatism  Social character  Need for uniqueness  Optimum stimulation level  Variety-novelty seeking  A personality trait that reflects the degree of rigidity (versus openness) a person displays toward the unfamiliar and toward information that is contrary to his or her own established beliefs Consumer Innovators And Noninnovators
  • 18.  Innovativeness  Dogmatism  Social character  Need for uniqueness  Optimum stimulation level  Variety-novelty seeking  Ranges on a continuum from inner-directedness to other-directedness  Inner-directedness  rely on own inner values when evaluating products  Innovators  Other-directedness  look to others for guidance as to what is appropriate or inappropriate Consumer Innovators And Noninnovators
  • 19.  Innovativeness  Dogmatism  Social character  Need for uniqueness  Optimum stimulation level  Variety-novelty seeking  Consumers who avoid appearing to conform to expectations or standards of others Consumer Innovators And Noninnovators
  • 20. Sample Items from a Consumers’ Need for Uniqueness Scale 1. I collect unusual products as a way of telling people I’m different 2. When products or brands I like become extremely popular, I lose interest in them 3. As far as I’m concerned, when it comes to the products I buy and the situations in which I use them, custom and rules are made to be broken 4. I have sometimes purchased unusual products or brands as a way to create a more distinctive personal image 5. I avoid products or brands that have already been accepted and purchased by the average consumer
  • 21.  Innovativeness  Dogmatism  Social character  Need for uniqueness  Optimum stimulation level  Variety-novelty seeking  A personality trait that measures the level or amount of novelty or complexity that individuals seek in their personal experiences  High OSL consumers are linked with greater willingness to take risks, to try new products, to be innovative, to seek Consumer Innovators And Noninnovators
  • 22.  Innovativeness  Dogmatism  Social character  Need for uniqueness  Optimum stimulation level  Variety-novelty seeking  Measures a consumer’s degree of variety seeking  Examples include:  Exploratory Purchase Behavior  Use Innovativeness  Vicarious Exploration Consumer Innovators And Noninnovators
  • 23. Exploratory Purchase behaviour: Switching brands to experience new, different, and possibly better alternatives. Vicarious Exploration: Securing information about a new or different alternative and then contemplating or even daydreaming about the option. Use Innovativeness: Using an already adopted product in a new or novel way.
  • 24. Cognitive Personality Factors  Need for cognition (NC)  A person’s craving for or enjoyment of thinking  Individual with high NC more likely to be responsive to the part of an ad that is rich in product-related information or description, consumers who are relatively low in NC are more likely to be attracted to the background or peripheral aspects of an ad, such as an attractive model or well-known celebrity.  Visualizers versus verbalizers  A person’s preference for information presented visually or verbally. Visualizers are consumers who prefer visual information.  Verbalizers prefer written or verbal information over graphics and images.
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  • 30. From Consumer Materialism to Compulsive Consumption  Consumer materialism  Materialism, as a personality-like trait, distinguishes between individuals who regard possessions as essential to their identities and their lives and those for whom possessions are secondary.  Fixated consumption behavior  Somewhere between materialism and compulsion, with respect to buying or possessing objects, is the notion of being fixated with regard to consuming or possessing.  Fixated consumers do not keep their objects or purchases of interest a secret; rather, they frequently display them, and their involvement is openly shared with others who have a similar interest.
  • 31. Sample Items from a Materialism Scale  Success  I admire people who own expensive homes, cars, and clothes  I like to own things that impress people  Centrality  I like a lot of luxury in my life  Happiness  My life would be better if I owned certain things I don’t have  It sometimes bothers me quite a bit that I can’t afford to buy all the things I’d like
  • 32.  Compulsive consumption behavior  “Addicted” or “out-of-control” consumers  Consumers who are compulsive have an addiction; in some respects they are out of control, and their actions may have damaging consequences to them and to those around them. Examples of compulsive consumption problems are uncontrollable shopping, gambling, drug addiction, alcoholism, and various food and eating disorders.  To control or possibly eliminate such compulsive problems generally requires some type of therapy or clinical treatment.
  • 33. Copyright 2007 by Prentice Hall Sample Items from Scales to measure Compulsive Buying 1. When I have money, I cannot help but spend part or the whole of it. 2. I am often impulsive in my buying behavior. 3. As soon as I enter a shopping center, I have an irresistible urge to go into a shop to buy something. 4. I have often bought a product that I did not need, while knowing I had very little money left.
  • 34. Consumer Ethnocentrism  Ethnocentric consumers feel it is wrong to purchase foreign-made products because of the resulting economic impact on the domestic economy, whereas nonethnocentric consumers tend to evaluate foreign- made products-ostensibly more objectively- for their extrinsic characteristics (e.g., “how good are they?”). A portion of the consumers would score low on an ethnocentric scale are actually likely to be quite receptive to products made in foreign countries.  Marketers successfully target ethnocentric consumers in any national market by stressing a nationalistic theme in their promotional appeals (e.g., “Made in America “ or “Made in France”) because this segment is predisposed to buy products made in their native land.
  • 35.  Honda, the Japanese automaker, in an indirect appeal to ethnocentric Americans, had advertised that its Accord wagon is “Exported from America” to other markets
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  • 37. The Consumer Ethnocentrism Scale -CETSCALE  American people should always buy American- made products instead of imports  Only those products that are unavailable in the United States should be imported  Buy American – made products. Keep America working  American products, first, last, and foremost  Purchasing foreign-made products is un- American  It is not right to purchase foreign products, because it puts Americans out of jobs  A real American should always buy American-
  • 38. Brand Personality  Personality-like traits associated with brands  Examples  Perdue (chickens) and freshness  Nike and athlete  BMW is performance driven  Levi’s jeans are dependable and rugged
  • 39.  Brand personification: It tries to recast consumers’ perception of the attributes of a product or service into a human-like character.  Example: Mr. Coffee, a popular brand of automatic- drip coffee makers, unexpectedly found in its focus group research that consumers were referring to Mr. Coffee as if the product were a person (e.g., “he makes good coffee” and “ he’s got a lot of different models and prices”). After careful consideration, the marketers decided to explore the possibility of creating a brand personification. Initial consumer research indicated that Mr. Coffee was seen as being “dependable,” “Friendly”, “efficient”, “intelligent”, and “smart”.
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  • 41. Copyright 2007 by Prentice Hall A Brand Personality Framework
  • 42. Product Personality Issues  Gender  Often used for brand personalities  Chinese consumers perceived coffee and toothpaste to be masculine products, whereas bath soap and shampoo were seen as feminine products.  Geography  Example includes Philadelphia cream cheese and Arizona iced tea  By employing geography in the product’s name, the product’s manufacturer creates a geographic personality for the product
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  • 45. Marketers often use a fictitious location to help with personality.
  • 46.  Color  Color combinations in packaging and products denotes personality. For instance, Coca-Cola is associated with red, which connotes excitement. Yellow is associated with novelty, and black frequently connotes sophistication. Blue is associated with respect, authority and Green is associated with secure, natural, relaxed  The IBM Thinkpad has consistently used an all-back case with a red button to house its very successful line of laptops. Nike has used black, white, and a touch of red for selected models of its sports shoes. This colour combination seems to imply advanced- performance sports shoes. Many fast food restaurants use combination of bright colours like red, yellow and blue for their roadside signs and interior designs. It denotes fast service and inexpensive food.
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  • 52. Financial Services Firms Often Feature Blue and Green on Their Sites
  • 53. Self and Self-Image  Consumers have a variety of enduring images of themselves  These self-images, or perceptions of self, are very closely associated with personality in that individuals tend to buy products and services and patronize retailers whose images or personalities relate in some meaningful way to their own self- images.
  • 54.  One or multiple selves  Makeup of the self- image  Extended self  Altering the self- image  A single consumer will act differently in different situations or with different people Issues Related to Self and Self-Image
  • 55.  One or multiple selves  Makeup of the self - image  Extended self  Altering the self- image  Contains traits, skills, habits, possessions, relationships and way of behavior  Developed through background, experience ,and interaction with others  Consumers select products congruent with this image Issues Related to Self and Self-Image
  • 56. Different Self-Images Actual Self- Image Ideal Self-Image Ideal Social Self-Image Social Self-Image
  • 57.  One or multiple selves  Makeup of the self- image  Extended self  Altering the self- image  The interrelationship between consumers’ self-images and their possessions is an exciting topic. Specifically, consumer’s posessions can be seen to confirm or extend their self- images. For instance, acquiring a desired or sought-after pair of “vintage” Levi jeans might serve to expand a teenager’s image of self. The teenager might Issues Related to Self and Self-Image
  • 58. Sample Items from an Extended Self-Survey  My -------- holds a special place in my life  My -------- is central to my identity  I feel emotionally attached to my …………  My ----------helps me narrow the gap between what I am and try to be  If my -------- was stolen from me, I would feel as if part of me is missing  I would be a different person without my ----------
  • 59.  One or multiple selves  Makeup of the self- image  Extended self  Altering the self  Sometimes consumers wish to change themselves to become a different or improved self. Clothing, grooming aids or cosmetics, and all kinds of accessories ( such as sunglasses, jewelry, tattoos, or even colored contact lenses) offer consumers the opportunity to modify their appearances (to Issues Related to Self and Self-Image