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Catw Essay Samples
Writing an essay on the topic of "Catw Essay Samples" can be quite challenging for several
reasons. Firstly, the topic itself is somewhat specialized and may require a deep understanding of
the specific requirements and expectations associated with Catw essays. Researching and
gathering relevant information may prove to be time-consuming, as finding high-quality samples
to analyze and incorporate into the essay can be a daunting task.
Moreover, the challenge lies in striking a balance between providing informative content and
maintaining a coherent structure. Crafting a well-organized essay requires careful planning and
thoughtful consideration of the key points that need to be addressed. Ensuring that the essay has
a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, while effectively conveying the intended message,
demands both skill and precision.
Additionally, the process of writing on this particular topic may necessitate a comprehensive
understanding of the specific nuances associated with Catw essays, including the ability to
critically evaluate and analyze sample essays. It involves not just summarizing the samples but
also presenting a thoughtful synthesis of ideas and incorporating a personal perspective, which
can be demanding for many writers.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Catw Essay Samples" requires a combination of research
skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. It can be a challenging endeavor, especially
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Catw Essay Samples Catw Essay Samples
Second Great Awakening Technology
Theme #19: For want of a nail... ~how technology has affected history
As the cost of transportation decreased, the opportunity for industrialization grew.
The North began industrialization first by processing raw materials, but soon the
north industrial factory adopted the disassembly line. This disassembly line would
transform how factory work evolved forever, because with this more efficient way of
working, competition from cheaper less skilled workers... created job insecurity and
few opportunities for advancement. (Norton, et. al., Mindtap, 10 3a) American
factories soon developed the American System of manufacturing which used
machinery to produce interchangeable parts. (Norton, et. al., Mindtap, 10 3a) This
system promoted the ... Show more content on ...
This is a pivot point in history because the following year tens of thousands of men
migrated to California in the hopes of quick fortune. Tens of thousands of forty
niners took part in the California gold rush by mining and panning for gold.
Although some forty niners did make quick fortunes, many did not find much
gold. For those who did not find enough gold to pay for their expenses, many forty
niners took wage paying jobs with large mining companies that used dangerous
machinery to cut deep into the earth s surface. (Norton, et. al., Mindtap, 11 5f)
Although the mines were extremely dangerous, the men all cared for one another
and would help collect money for men who were hurt in explosions, and in less than
half an hour there was collected five thousand dollars for the blind man. (J. E.
Pleasants, Life in the Mines in 1849 in Connecting California, 204) The California
Gold Rush was such a pivot in history because it began a huge influx of people into
the west prompting large scale agriculture, city developments and consequently
decreased the remaining Native American population significantly from 200,000 to
30,000 by
Essay On Informational Interview
Informational Interview Report
The person who I conducted my informational interview was Chang Wang, Esq. I
was acquainted with Mr. Chang Wang through a class he taught at the University
of Minnesota. Professor Wang is a man of many professions; he is a lawyer, a
professor, an actor and a writer. I could tell that he is extremely accomplished in
his many careers through the list of schools he has taught at, awards he has
received, the many licenses he s obtained, and the number of publications he has
authored. Because of his busy schedule, I contacted him a month before the
interview to solidify a schedule with him. I requested half an hour of his time, but
he was very generous and gave me over an hour of his company. I wanted to
interview Mr. Wang for my assignment because I always wanted to pick his brain and
learn more about what he did at Thomson Reuters. Aside from completing this
assignment and getting to know more about his work, I also had a different agenda of
ultimately requesting a letter of recommendation in the ... Show more content on ...
Because of the lack of rights in China, he is zealous about the American legal system
and is a strong proponent of democracy in China. Whether in his lifetime or after,
he truly hopes for a better China with a rule of law . I think Mr. Wang intentionally
decided not to share the technicalities of work because he wanted to share the
bigger picture of his work. His approach of sharing the significance of his work
reminded me of the parable of the three stonecutters; how the first two stonecutters
only saw the individualistic means of their work and how the third stone cutter
embraced the broader vision of his work. I don t know if my future career will be
the best of all the jobs, but I will have to find the significance of what I do and
contribute to society someway, somehow with that
The Forest Of Hands And Teeth Book Report
The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Carrie Ryan raised in Greenville, South Carolina went to Williams College and
Duke University School of Law. She practiced law until she became a full time
writer. This book is a fiction novel that has Unconsecrated which are people that
became infected. Mary s father is already been taken and her mother waits at the
fence for his return every day. The fence is what keeps the Unconsecrated out, but
it feels more like keeping the living in. Mary s brother Jed works the fence as a
guardian; the guardians fix the fence and make sure there is no chance for them to
get in. Their mother breaches the fence then becomes infected. The only reason her
mother would breach the fence is if she saw her husband.
The book is about surviving in the middle of a forest; Mary has to deal with the
stress of her mother becoming Unconsecrated and becoming part of the sisterhood ...
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The sisters were a symbol they were a small group of people that told the whole
village what is right and wrong, they know all the secrets of the past. Looking
around, I realize that I have come up in a small clearing far away from the village
that is protected by a ring of fence twice as tall as I am . The sisters have a secret
clearing they took her to, to scare her from going to the forest to find her mother.
Overall, The Forest of Hands and Teeth was exciting and had some romance between
all the characters. I personally like the book it is very interesting I would recommend
this book for anyone that likes a thriller book with some romance. My favorite part of
the book was when Mary got to go to the ocean it was her dream ever since she was
little, her mom would tell her stories. My least favorite part of the book was when
she killed Travis it was very sad because she loved him but he was
The Catholic Faith
The Catholic faith is based on this central figure, Jesus, who teaches them how to
live in a manner according to the ultimate creator: God. There are ways to view
Jesus in the modern day through different means of interaction. People culminate to
church on Sundays to ensure that they are live according to God through their daily
activities. Christians view Mary and the Saints as great examples of how to live
according to Jesus. These are interaction are essential to the Catholic faith, but the
most important reappearance of Jesus is through the Sacraments. Essentially, the
Sacraments are a way of getting inside of the Bible by committing to the same actions
that Jesus performed in the Bible. By conducting the sacraments, a person is
considered to be transformed by doing the same things Jesus did. The reappearance of
Jesus is best viewed through the Sacraments, more specifically in An Introduction to
Catholicism through the explanation of the concept of sacramentality, which
encompasses baptism, confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist. In order to grasp an
understanding of the Sacraments, a person must first understand the concept of
sacramentality. According to Lawrence Cunningham, the word sacrament mean[s] a
visible sign of divine power manifested in humanity (Cunningham, pg.101). This
concept of divine power portrayed in humanity can be understood as a public sign
that God exists. Essentially, the performance of a sacrament is God making his
presence known to the
The Need to Control Water Pollution
When you turn on the tap and drink a glass of water, Does it taste funny? Is it
clear? The water you are drinking may be toxic without any such indicators. Water
is all around us; it is essential for life. Over two thirds of earth s surface is covered by
water, but everyone only wants and need clean water. Each year, water pollution
increases and continues to be responsible for harming our environment. According to
Duhigg (2009) of the New York Times, more than 100 wells were polluted by
agricultural runoff within a few month time period, affecting livestock such as pigs
and cows . Water pollution is a silent and deadly pollution bacterium can be tasteless,
colorless, and scentless. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
(2009) says that the United States has the safest water supplies in the world, but states
that when water sources became contaminated, they can easily cause widespread
sickness and disease from waterborne germs including Cryptosporidium, E. coli,
Hepatitis A., and other pathogens. Despite progress reducing water pollution from the
largest sources, our country still faces serious pollution challenges. Violations are still
too widespread, and enforcement too uneven. We need to do better controlling
Water pollution can occur through natural process, but many times water pollution is
mostly a result of human activities. Water is used every day in our homes and
industries; the average of water use in the United States is
Organization and Political Power Essay
Discussion Questions Week 4
1. Why do organizational structures differ? What is the difference between a
mechanistic structure and an organic structure? Which structure would be most
appropriate for an innovative organization like Apple or 3M? What about an
organization that focuses on cost minimization like Wal Mart? Organizational
structures differ because of the different strategies, organizational size, technology,
and environment. Consider the mechanistic model and the organic model. The
mechanistic model is characterized by extensive departmentalization, high
formalization, a limited information network, and centralization. The organic model
is flat, uses cross hierarchical and cross functional teams, has low ... Show more
content on ...
The person and the power are inseparable. The top executive in an organization is
always the one who holds the most political power. This is because on his shoulders
rest the future of the company, given his ability to let the people under him move
the way he likes either by persuasion or force. These people may have the tendency
to not act without the presence of the person who has the most power. Power is
demonstrated by the one who holds it either through acts, gestures, words of even
through written rules and guidelines. Without somebody powerful, there will be
confusion and chaos. Political power should not be abused. Power is always coupled
with responsibility and accountability. If abused, the tendency for the company or
organization is to collapse. This is because the subjects are human beings that are
capable of acting in response to negative control. In a corporate setting, it is very
important that the top executive who holds the most power be cautious enough not
to go beyond what is expected. Even power is in his hand, there must be careful
planning and deliberations before a decision is made. Power should be delegated like
responsibilities. There must be proper delineation of authority in order to share
responsibility. Although the top executive has the greatest power in an organization,
it should not be forgotten, that exercise of control must be controlled. All types of
political behavior should be geared towards the fulfillment of objectives
King s Speech Flaws
The King s Speech is a film that portrays the King to have a flaw. The film focuses
on the fact that no one is perfect, even the likes of Royalty. The main character is
Albert also known as Bertie , the Duke of York, who has had a speech disorder
since he was very young. His wife, Elizabeth, constantly tries to find a cure for her
husband. She then found a man named Lionel, a child speech therapist. On their
first meeting together, Lionel does all he can to prove that Bertie s speech disorder
is not permanent. Throughout the movie we realise that Bertie has not had an easy
life. As a child, his nanny rarely fed him, resulting in stomach issues, and we
constantly find that h is always mocked for his speech. His brother David, would be
next... Show more content on ...
How do the sets contribute to the mood the filmmakers are trying to establish? The
sets are very dark in order to gain a very serious mood amongst the characters and
to create a very dull atmosphere for the audience. The lack of light helps you to
gain a connection with the King as he is going through a very difficult time of his
life. This difficult time could be described as a very dark part of his life 4. How do
the costumes contribute to the image the filmmakers are trying to convey? The
costumes were selected accordingly to the time the movie was set in. It has a
significant role as people had clothing which served the purpose as a divider of the
different classes to symbolize wealth. 5.The extreme close up shot is used for
dramatic effect, to make the viewer think about the detail of the image. In this
example, from close up of Bertie, what are you as the director trying to achieve?
The entire shot is to portray Bertie as being very vulnerable as he is shown squashed
into the corner of each shot. 6.How did the editing of the film advance the story that
the filmmakers were trying to
Letter From Birmingham Jail And The Speech At The
March On...
In order to achieve true freedom one must find a peaceful solution in order to fight
for their the text letter from Birmingham jail by Martin Luther King Jr. and
The speech at the march on Washington by Josephine Baker, both fought for equality
and freedom for all.
To begin with one must find a peaceful solution in order to fight for their rights in a
peaceful way. In the article letter from Birmingham jail by Martin Luther King states
in lines 28 I am in Birmingham jail because injustice is here...racial injustice engulfs
this community there have been more unsolved bombing negro homes and churches
in Birmingham than in any other city in the nation. This reveal s that colored skin
people in the community were not being
Story The main protagonist, Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of
Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose great hall, Heorot, is plagued by the
monster Grendel. Beowulf kills Grendel with his bare hands and Grendel s mother
with a sword, which giants once used, that Beowulf found in Grendel s mother s
lair. Later in his life, Beowulf is himself king of the Geats, and finds his realm
terrorised by a dragon whose treasure had been stolen from his hoard in a burial
mound. He attacks the dragon with the help of his thegns or servants, but they do
not succeed. Beowulf decides to follow the dragon into its lair, at Earnanæs, but
only his young Swedish relative Wiglaf dares join him. Beowulf finally slays the
dragon, but is mortally... Show more content on ...
Beowulf descends to do battle with the dragon but finds himself outmatched. His
men, upon seeing this display and fearing for their lives, creep back into the
woods. One of his men, however, Wiglaf, who finds great distress in seeing
Beowulf s plight, comes to Beowulf s aid. The two slay the dragon, but Beowulf is
mortally wounded. Beowulf is buried in Geatland on a cliff overlooking the sea,
where sailors are able to see his tumulus. The dragon s treasure is buried with him,
in accordance with Beowulf s wishes, rather than distributed to his people, and
there is a curse associated with the hoard to ensure that Beowulf s wish is kept. It
is widely accepted that there are three funerals in Beowulf. The funerals are also
paired with the three battles described above.[8] The three funerals share
similarities regarding the offerings for the dead and the change in theme through
the description of each funeral. Gale Owen Crocker (Professor of Anglo Saxon,
University of Manchester) in The Four Funerals in Beowulf (2000) argues that a
passage in the poem, commonly known as The Lay of the Last Survivor (lines
2247 66), is an additional funeral.[8] The funerals are themselves involved in the
ritual of hoarding: the deposition of sacrificial objects with both religious and socio
economic functions.[9] First Funeral: Scyld Scefing (lines 1 52) The first funeral in
the poem is of Scyld Scefing (translated in some versions as
Essay about How Napoleon Maintains Control in France...
How Napoleon Maintains Control in France 1799 1814
After the long period of instability in France, Napoleon seemed to acknowledge the
importance of maintaining his power, influence and control over France and the
French people. Napoleon was very able in this regard as it is important to make the
people to support you and to limit opposition, something that Napoleon and Hitler
shared in common. Napoleon maintained his power in many different ways,
rewarding people that supported him, repressing people who didn t, censoring
material that would harm his regime and producing other material to boost its
popularity. He also controlled things which were important for everyday people like
religion, ... Show more content on ...
The next way that Napoleon maintained his control was through Repression, to limit
any opposition to his regime. Napoleon created Code Napoleon to bring uniformity
of the law to all of France. This Code was illiberal, restrictive, authoritarian and
brought order. Napoleon then banned trade unions and introduced The Livret . He
also introduced harsher Criminal and Penal codes with new courts, tribunals for
political offenders, arbitrary imprisonment without trial and house arrest. All these
changes gave Napoleon perfect power to remove any opposition, as he had
influence of appointment of judges and the Supreme Court. Napoleon also used the
police, which monitored public opinion, used a network of spies and informants.
Napoleon also had his own secret police so that he had supreme power to remove
anyone at all that stood against him. Napoleon also appointed Prefects for each
department which was important as it made a connection between local and central
government and Napoleon made the prefects responsible for propaganda, education
and conscription within each region, so Napoleon could make sure that he kept his
support through out France. This repression was important as Napoleon could
prevent any opposition from developing which may threaten his regime, as many
normal people wont do anything if there is no organised opposition to turn
All Quiet On The Western Front Comradeship Analysis
We all share the same fear and the same life;we are nearer than lovers, in a simpler,
a harder way;I could bury my face in them, in these voices, these words that have
saved me and will stand by me . Comradeship is vital in war, because it keeps
soldiers human. The theme of comradeship in All Quiet on the Western Front is
embraced when the soldiers rescue each other during battle, sticktogether and not
become separated, and keep each other s spirits up in the darkest of days.
Soldiers rescuing each other during battle shows comradeship. While fighting on
the front line, Paul becomes separated from his comrades and cannot search for
them for fear of being shot down. It is Kat and Albert who have come out with a
stretcher to look for me, (Remarque 227). Paul s friends coming to search for him
shows comradeship because they are being brave and risking their lives to find their
friend. Going out to look for Paul shows that they care about and value him. During
a bombardment, new recruits are traumatized, scared, and helpless because they do
not know what to do, so veterans quickly teach them. We teach them to fling
themselves into holes as quick as lightning... (Remarque 134). The soldiers try to
help each other during battle, which displays comradeship because veterans want to
help them live. They aren t doing this to have bodies to fight, but to save human
souls. Comradeship is embraced by soldiers rescuing and teaching each other during
Comradeship is also shown when
Thanksgiving Conflict Essay
With six people living in a small house conflicts do arise. Things like who is using
all the hot water, eating the last of the leftovers, and fighting for a spot to sit in front
of the television. The one conflict that seems to stand out the most was an argument
over sugared cereal. Earlier that day Grandma was up from Oregon and she left the
house a box of Frosted Flakes. The box of cereal that my grandma gave us wasn t
even full, but I called at least one bowl. My older sister Danielle was bent on getting
some cereal, and sure enough, she ate the rest of the box. She was on her third
bowl and my siblings came up and called her out for it and it morphed into an
aggressive and tense argument. While they were arguing I looked into the bowl and
there were a bunch of tiny black ants floating in her cereal bowl. They were
helplessly drowning in a bowl of sugarand milk. Danielle freaked out, and that was
that.... Show more content on ...
I explained it to Danielle s boyfriend, and sure enough, she protested and said that
wasn t how it happened. She said that she never got any cereal. She exclaimed,
Whenever there was a box of cereal at our home it got devoured before I ever got a
bowl. She said that I never asked for a bowl. So justified in her mind, she munched
down three bowls of cereal, unknowingly with ants. Maybe my story is closer to the
truth, maybe hers is, maybe both of the stories are just garbage skewed by time and
apathy. Either way this was not a meaningful life experience, but I could not think of
a truly life changing experience that would make sense in a college
Analysis of Symbiosis Between Medicago Truncatula and...
1.This work aims to analyze the existence of both partner choice and plant sanctions
in Medicago truncatula Sinorhizobium meliloti symbiosis by performing split root
experiments with natural strains (Gubry Rangin et al. 2010). NoГ« Hammerstein
(1994) described symbiosis as biological market since the plants are able to exchange
the nutrients with different species which will create the conflict. The strains with
different fixation level in natural rhizobiapopulations were described by Miller Sirois
(1982) and Rangin et al. (2008). Bull Rice (1991) and Simms Taylor (2002)
suggested that rhizobia symbiosisis likely explained by the partner choice model as
the bacteria are not transmitted vertically between plant generations. In... Show more
content on ...
The bacterial fitness was then measured using different parameters including the
number of nodules, biomass per nodule, and the number of rhizobia per nodule.
Figure NumberWhat method(s) gave these data?What do these data show?
1(a)split root experimentMeasurements of aerial biomass obtained in the split root
The N2 fixing strain appears efficient in nitrogen fixation than non fixing strain
1(b)split root experimentMeasurements of nodule number obtained in the split root
The nodule number was significantly higher in roots inoculated with the non fixing
strain than the N2 fixing strain. This supports the pre infection partner selection.
There are restrictions of nodule formation in the non limiting side of the plant when
one side of the plant is nitrogen deficient in order to maintain the optimal nitrogen
1(c)split root experimentMeasurements of nodule biomass per nodule obtained in the
split root experiment:
The biomass per nodule significantly higher for the N2 fixing strain compared with
the non fixing strain
The mean biomass per nodule was higher in the N2 fixing strain which indicates that
M. truncatula plants might be able to limit the nodule development of inefficient
strain in order to avoid wasting resources.
In the mixed treatment, a significantly higher biomass per nodule was measured for
the N2 fixing strain than the
Sugar Bowl Swot Analysis Essay
Since the transition from Westlake to Sugar Bowl, the business has experienced a
structural rejuvenation and incredible financial growth. A quick SWOT analysis
reveals the key strengths and opportunities that make Sugar Bowl a viable business
in the long term. The company s key strengths are Shelby Givens as its strategic
leader and Charlie Campbell as its private event sales person. Both individuals are
crucial intangible resources that help Sugar Bowl achieve a sustainable competitive
Givens s obtained valuable knowledge about marketing from the general manager that
runs a successful bowling venue in Washington, D.C. In addition, she managed to
find methods to increase revenue by keeping costs down. For example, she was
able to increase average customer spending to $50 by narrowing down the menu, re
negotiating the company s catering contract, and increasing the prices of the best
selling plates (2012, p. 8). In like manner, Charlie Campbell was able to quickly
line up a potential of $35,000 in revenue in his first months working with the
company. Campbell provides valuable sales experience and personal network with
numerous companies. In the other hand, Sugar Bowl is able to exploit opportunities
like the closure of a 24 lane bowling facility, influx of their target ... Show more
content on ...
New bowling venues can also exploit the lack of competition in Raleigh and cause an
erosion in Sugar Bowl s profits. A developed perceptual acuity will help identify
indirect competitors that can detract customers from the company. The construction
of the wine and cheese bar and the art studio are examples of unorthodox competitors.
Lastly, new trends could rise up and disrupt the demand for urban lounges like Sugar
Bowl. Environmental monitoring will help identify trends that can negatively impact
the competitive landscape for
Persuasive Animal Shelter Essay
Every year in the United States lots of lost, abandoned, or not wanted dogs and cats
come to the animal shelters. Out of these animals some are lucky to be adopted into
a responsible loving home, but there are still lots of animals not in home causing even
healthy animals being euthanized due to the capacity of the shelter. There are clear
solutions for overpopulated shelters that society need to keep in mind. In this report
will cover spray and neuter, euthanasia, adoption, and animal shelters.
Spray and Neuter
Every year many animals are killed in the United States animal shelters, because the
animals can t find a home. Many can say reproduction has a big deal to with the
overpopulation in animal shelter, and they are right. Male animals contribute in
animal overpopulation due to them not being sterilized. One unsterilized male can
make a lot of babies with a lot of female animals. Irresponsible owner let their pets
breed, when the owner can t take care of the litter usually those animals are dropped
of animal shelters and some of those animals don t ... Show more content on ...
The animal that are not put in shelters are put out in the street to survive by
themselves and exposed themselves to disease. Because of low funding shelters it
causes overpopulation in shelters because there s no funding for more space,
supplies, and staff. Lots of shelters take volunteers but some don t even have the
experiences to deal with the situation that they will be faced. Many animal shelters
do not have veterinarians/hospitals to help animals, most veterinarian only open half
the day then full time duty. Low funding is one of the causes why animal shelters are
overpopulated, because if there was a solution were the government were to spend
more money on animal shelters it helps animals get into homes faster, and not worry
about being in the streets. Many shelters accept donation for food, pet supplies, and
time to help around the shelters, that one solution that helps the
The Concept Of Sexuality In Maya Angelou s Phenomenal
Phenomenal Woman is a poem written by an American poet, activist and a storyteller,
Maya Angelou. Phenomenal Woman boasts the powerful and captivating beauty and
sexuality of the speaker that attracts men to her. This sexuality includes her
independence as well as confidence through all types of cultural norms. Including
moral, familial, religious and economic. The concept of sexuality tends to be
influenced by these aspects.
Interestingly, Maya Angelous biography contradicts with her poem. As during her
youth, she had been sexually assaulted by her mother s lover. Ironically in her poem,
it talks about a powerful woman who is filled with confidence and ambitions in life.
Which also does give an impression of a tremendously strong woman. ... Show more
content on ...
These visual imageries give an impression of the speaker s appearance. The
imagery portrays confident and proud women when she describes the women. She
also exploits visual imagery so that people can picture her image as somebody who
can embrace herself well in spite of her race and color.
The poem further appears to have some sort of musical lyrics, which is linked to
Angelou s background as a dancer. This musical tone is evident the refrain and
rhyme of the poem. The musical lyric is further seen in the use of words with the
same number of syllables at the start of every line of a stanza for instance The sun
of my smile/The flash of my teeth and others all have five syllables. The poet also
assumes an ironic tone as illustrated by her judgment of the world s perception of a
perfect woman and her own understanding of an ideal woman.
The poem s overall structure is also similar to natural curves of a woman, which
further stresses its theme. The use of alliteration devices is also evident in the line,
Pretty women wonder , which explains the contrast between world s view of a pretty
woman and her own view (Angelou 1). Furthermore, the last line in all stanzas is
used to express the fact that the speaker is truly a phenomenal woman. There s no
doubt about that
The Goffman s Theory Of Dramaturgy
Pretend you are playing the role of a character named Jordan, while discussing
Erving Goffman s theory of dramaturgy. Jordan finally made it. Jordan finally
graduated university and has been lucky enough to receive an offer for an interview
at the institution that he had been working towards his entire university career, an
interviewat the top law firm in all of Toronto. Now it is time to prepare. It is time
for Jordan to show the firm that he is meant to be there. To show the firm that this
position was meant for him, he must be the best version of himself. Jordan is
competing against hundreds of other university graduates, but he must show them
that he is the one. Jordan s first impression matters, he must show them the qualities
that they want to see to ensure that he receives the position at the law firm. While
attending this interview in the role of Jordan, you want to put forward the best
version of yourself, it is expected by all to do so. If you want the job you are going
to show the interviewers exactly what they want to see to ensure that you get the
position. While doing this you are engaging in what Goffman calls impression
management. Impression management refers to the verbal and nonverbal practices
we employ in an attempt to present an acceptable image of our self to others
(Goffman, 2012, pg. 469). You portray a certain, expected image to the audience and
hope that they see that image the way that you intended. In association with the term
Personal Philosophy of Nursing
What got you here won t get you there Name Institution Date Abstract It is every
person s wish to progress or, move from one point to another in life. Everybody
loves being successful. However, there are a number of factors, which should be put
into consideration in order to be successful. These are fundamental things that got
you where you are, but will not get you to your destiny. On this note, this paper will
discuss at length, the important factors that should be taken into account, so as to be
successful. The paper will start by introducing the relevance of success, and later
delve on what factors will get you there, and sum up by giving an overall view on
the topic at... Show more content on ...
If you would like to live a happy and more so, successful life, it is vital that you
learn to express gratitude wherever you go. In order to reach where you would like
to be in life, everyone should concentrate on their goals and objectives. Through
expressing gratitude, people can learn to show good deeds, and hence be able to
receive the same goodness, in return. (Radwan, Msc.) Gratitude refers to the act of
being thankful, noticing simple pleasures, counting every little blessing, and
acknowledging every good done unto you. In other terms, it can be described as
living life as if everything happening in it is a miracle, and being able to
continuously acknowledge every much you receive. On the other hand, when
people decide to concentrate a lot of energy on bad things in life, it will make them
remain in the state of conflict. But by developing gratitude, it will allow someone to
focus on positivity and the good things in life. It must be understood that this will
allow an individual to always remain optimistic, and with enthusiasm much success
can be achieved. In addition, the willingness to learn through failure can help to
reach the desired destiny. Nearly everybody fears failing, because it has been
associated with all sorts of negativity. Although an optimistic look on the other side
of tripping or falling down in life can make someone to be successful in
Pros And Cons Of Obama Methane Emission Rule
The repeal of Obama s methane emission rule that limits global warming methane
leaks from operations of oil and gas was rejected by the United States Senate on
The Senate had voted 51 49 and was rejected the repeal of the methane emission rule.
The rule was issued by the Bureau of Land Management shortly before Trump s
predecessor, Barack Obama left office. The rule limits emission of methane gas into
the atmosphere as a result of natural gas and oil drilling operations on public land.
Under the Congressional Review Act, any new rules can be removed by federal
lawmakers on the condition that it must be done within the first 60 days of the
regulation. The deadline for the rule is this Friday.
Methane is an accelerant for climate
Evolution Of Athenian Democracy Essay
Evolution of Democracy and the Athenian Constitution
Democracy is defined in modern times as government by the people. To put that in
perspective and better understand all that democracy entails we must consider its
origins. It is surprising indeed that even today tyrannies and dictatorships exist in the
world when more than two and a half thousand years ago the ancient Athenians had
developed a functional and direct form of democracy. What contributed to this
remarkable achievement and how it changed the socio political scene in Athens is
what will be considered in this paper.
The paper will have three sections, each detailing the various stages of political
development from the kings of ... Show more content on ...
Honor was a competitive concept in Greek society. This held true not only for
individuals but also for the highly competitive city states or poleis. Hence they
were constantly at war with each other whether to add to their holdings or on
issues of politics with the losing side ending up enslaved (for example the
Messenians who were defeated and enslaved by the Spartans). This constant
internal military pressure was the very catalyst that caused gradual changes over
hundreds of years. Since kings were hereditary therefore it was always not possible
to find a capable general as well as administrator in one person. The inevitable result
was that the ancient warrior class the aristocrats who formed the bulk of the army as
the cavalry by virtue of owning horses took the power of the general for themselves.
This was the beginning of the second stage in the development of the constitution.
Thus the office of Polemarch (leader in war) was instituted due to incompetence in
war of some kings (Aristotle and Xenophon, p: 148).
Consequently the office of Archon was established to manage the administration of
the state and now the king, who was called King Archon, was left with only the
vestigial religious functions. According to Aristotle, for the early offices the tenure
was initially for life and then for ten years. Though his descriptions
Marketing Strategy Of Lululemon Athletica Inc.
Executive Summary
The brand discussed in this report is Lululemon Athletica Inc. The brand is an
athletic apparel retailer, whose main objective is building a community with a
healthy lifestyle. Lululemon s target market is middle/upper class 30 year old
woman. The brand is positioned as a premium high fashion brand for the athletic
community. Some of Lululemon s main competitors include Nike, Under Armour and
Some of the key findings were:
Limited global brand awareness due to a lack of exposure to a large market because
of the use of grassroot marketing tactics
Unclear brand image: made many changes that have strayed from their main brand
image and focus.
Misuse of some secondary associations and inability to promote ... Show more
content on ...
Lululemon prides itself on the innovation of the functionality and style of its product
line, such as using moisture wicking fabric that essentially transfers the moisture
from the skin to the fabric, in order to allow it to evaporate quicker. Lululemon s
target market was initially women but expanded to target men and female youth.
Lululemon s success is due to its innovation in technology and fashion, as well as
their use of community based marketing, and excellent customer focus. The company
has positioned itself as a health conscience and fun brand that now operates 280
stores in North America, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, and Singapore
(Lululemon 10K).
The athletic apparel industry has shown a large increase in popularity. Global
sales of sport clothing have increased from 146.1 billion US dollars in 2007 to 162
billion US dollars in 2012(Global Participative Sport as Consumption). Particularly
in the United States, sales of sport apparel have increased by 7% from 2013 to
2014 (Wingus). There has been a large trend in healthy living, as activewear
accounted for $33.7 billion in sales and made up 16 percent of the apparel market
(Wingus). The industry is booming, as sportswear, specifically yoga pants, has
transformed into people s daily apparel. (Refer to Appendix Table 1) Huffington post
noted, people are wearing trendy workout clothes all day, every
Persuasive Essay On Antidepressant In Children
Depression is defined as a mental illness in which a person is experiencing deep
sadness and loneliness. It is known as one of the most common mental illnesses and
it affects all kinds of people, regardless of sex, age and religion. Many people are not
aware that depression is not only diagnosed in adults, but in children and adolescents
as well. Therefore, there is a debate about whether children suffering from depression
should be allowed to take antidepressants. Antidepressantdrugs should be prescribed
for children suffering from depression under the conditions of doctors limiting the
medication, including therapy and having the parents informed/educated.
Depression, diagnosed in children and adults is something to be taken serious. ...
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Antidepressant drugs, which can be lifesaving, are being underused in young people.
Their use fell significantly after the Food and Drug Administration issued its black
box warning in October of 2004, stating that all antidepressants were associated with
a risk of increased suicidal feeling, thinking and behavior in adolescents; later on that
warning was extended to young adults (Friedman 1). The Food and Drug
Administration FDA ordered drug companies to place a black box warning on
antidepressant drugs, this would then allow parents to see the side effects the drug
might come with. As antidepressants can have its benefits, it is not the only way to
treat a mental illness like depression. The majority of parents believe antidepressant
is the only treatment and that psychotherapy is a waste of time and money. About 80
percent of people with depression respond positively to professional medical
treatment usually talk therapy, medication or a combination of both and almost all
patients gain some relief from their symptoms. Unfortunately, less than half of those
with depression seek treatment(Clayton
How Enron Was A Company
Enron was a company that was known by many people and corporation not only in
the United States but also around the world. It grew to be one of the largest
companies, so as imaged a lot of people were affected by the fall of the company.
Over 210000 employees lost there jobs without even knowing what was coming to
them and what was going on behind the doors by the people who were running the
company. Apart from losing their job, their form of income for their families, they
also lost any money that they had invested in shares of the company and their pension
funds, because the company encouraged their employees to invest their money in its
own shares and also closer to the end they wanted their employees to invest even
more money.
Good business decisions are based in financial statements that are prepared by the
accounting firms or accountants within a company. When doing account for any
company they all follow a standard called GAAP (Generally accepted accounting
principles), GAAP provides guidelines and rules which companies use when
preparing their financials statements so that all company are on the same page as one
another. When Arthur Anderson accounting were preparing the financial statements
for Enron they were lying about the financial situation that the company was in, in
order to make the company look financial better than they really were. Nobody can
really put reasoning behind why they done this but everyone can make assumptions
on what was occurring and who
Political and Economic Issues Along the U.S. and Mexico...
Introduction and Statement of Purpose According to Jason Riley (2009) there are an
estimated ten to twelve million illegal immigrants living within the United States (p.
54). According to Cieslik, Felsen, and Kalaitzidis (2009), over half of these illegal
immigrants are from Mexico (p. 185). These population estimates have led the United
Statesto take action along our border. We have built a fence, deployed various
surveillance systems, and currently employ thousands of U.S. Border Protection
officers. These actions have made the issue of illegal immigrationa highly debated
topic within the United States and Mexico. This debate will be explained from a
political, economic, and an integrated perspective.
The Political ... Show more content on ...
117). According to an experienced border patrol agent named T.J. Bonner,
Intrusions by the Mexican military to protect drug loads happen all the time (as
cited in Buchanan, 2006, p.117). It is easy to see how U.S. Border Patrol agents
and Mr. Buchanan can support the United States efforts in securing the U.S.
Mexico border. Not all of Mr. Buchanan s views are based on histories of violence
from Mexican illegal aliens. As recent as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,
U.S. citizens have realized we are vulnerable to attacks within the United States.
This realization is a valid concern because terrorists could also gain access through
this border. The U.S. Border Patrol has a term called other than Mexican (OTM).
Buchanan (2006) stated, A growing number of OTMs caught at the border now
come from the Middle East (p. 15). It is important to remember that these Middle
Easterners are caught at other points of entry, and not just the U.S. Mexico border.
This does show a significant paranoia that many Americans have. This paranoia can
lead to Americans supporting increased border protection. Governor s Richardson,
Napolitano, and Mr. Buchanan all share a similar point of view regarding more
security on our border. Not all Americans share this opinion. Jason Reilly is an editor
at the Washington Post. He supports immigration when it is done legally. Reilly
(2009) stated, We re better off reducing
Philosophy Is Completely Different From Psychology
Philosophy is one of the most interesting subject. Many people assume and confuse it
with psychology. Philosophy is completely different from psychology. Psychology is
how a person feels about a topic, while philosophy is how you ought to feel about the
topic. The purpose of philosophy is to understand an argument, not emotional, but
logically. Only by truly understanding an argument, one can improve his/her thinking.
Within philosophy, there are many ethical theories. Such theories include: the
Divine Command Theory, Hedonism, Desire Theory, Ethical Relativism, and much
more. In this term paper, I will discuss which theory I believe is the strongest and
which theory I believe is the weakest. Regardless, there is no perfect theory. Each
theory is without flaws. I believe act utilitarianism is the strongest ethical theory
presented in class. Act utilitarianism is when, according to Russ Shafer Landau, acts
are right just because they maximize the overall amount of well being in the world .
On the other hand, actions are wrong if they do not maximize the overall amount of
well being in the world. Because the main concept of utilitarianism is to improve the
overall well being, that concept determines which actions are considered right or
wrong. Act utilitarianism is a part of a family of theories that are similar to
consequentialism and utilitarianism (neither act nor rule utilitarianism). This family
of theories are all similar in a way that the main idea is to improve and
Assignment on Cima
Since time immemorial is considered as a performance measurement tool for the
importance and effectiveness of the management organization to control and to
ensure appropriate performance goals and organizational goals.
Various studies have been done in connection with the measurement of performance it
is primarily intended to improve the effectiveness of the performance of the
evolutionary process. Keep in mind, evaluation or performance measurement is a
component that has been accepted as a principle to ensure that the benefits for these
In addition, the performance is a process that produces a specific period and produced
something to measure the ability, experience and motivation. Ability, experience...
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For example, measures can be taken as the ratio. It may determine that an
organization s financial position is at a favorable or otherwise.
In addition, they can see the level of financial accounting from time to time. Here, all
investors and the public will see the financial performance of an organization to
determine whether they want to continue to invest or otherwise. In this way,
performance measurement can be measured to know that investors will continue their
investment in the organization. Here, it is evident that the financial accounting,
performance measurement has advantages as discussed.
Strength must compare with weakness. Thus, the disadvantages that can be seen
when it involves the time in other words, up and down the organization can be found
as fast as possible. Therefore, when investors find the financial level in the
organization is in shaky condition, then the investor will withdraw all investments
have been made. This allows an organization can fall quickly. Thus, the model
performance measures are not successful and not suitable for use by this organization.
Apart from the level of financial accounting, the ratio is one measure of
performance can be made by the organization. Ratio is intended to make a
comparison between two or more of a decision. The ratio of interest is to have a
profound meaning which, when it is compared with other ratios. Examples of such
ratios can reinforce an opinion on the
Causes Of Bipolar Disorders
In this world, there are many kinds of illness and diseases that affect our body in
different ways. Some illness or diseases can kill us while other ones can be treated.
For example, Bipolar Disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in
moods such as energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day to day tasks.
Bipolar is also known as manic depression . Bipolar disorder has affected about 5.7
million people in the United States in any giving year, month, week, day and even
time. Bipolar disorder can be affected in both men and women. Affecting any kind
of human being will have the cycle of Bipolar Disorder that can last days, weeks and
even months. There are few risk factors that reliably predict a significantly... Show
more content on ...
For example, at the age of 27, Bennett spoke to her doctor about some depressive
mood issues she was experiencing, for which the doctor prescribed
antidepressants. At that point in time, she was feeling isolated, as she was living
in British Columbia while her family was living in Ontario California. To make
herself feel better, she was self medicating by smoking marijuana, staying up late
and generally not taking good care of herself. Bennett s behavior was becoming
increasingly erratic, and her roommates were really concerned. They called her
family to let them know what was going on. So her sister and mother came to visit
her in British Columbia they were hoping to bring her back to Toronto to see if
they could get her some help. Because of Bennett s manic episode, she had
convinced herself that the people coming to visit her were not her family, but
clones of them. She was so convinced, she asked a friend to come with her to the
restaurant where they were meeting and bring a video camera to tape it. She thought
that she could use the tape as evidence that someone had cloned her sister and
mother and could take that to the authorities. This concludes that by not having her
family she felt the need to do drug and might though that her family did not even
care for her because she was some where else in a
The Legacy Of Nelson Mandela
Imagine being systematically oppressed from the moment you exited the womb.
All your civil rights, based on the amount of melanin in your skin. Drinking from
the wrong water fountain, could even get you thrown into jail. Coincidently; this
was the life, of black South Africans from the moment of Dutch colonization in
1652, to the first true democratic election in 1994. Apartheid, meaning
separateness in Afrikaans; was legal segregation enforced by The National Party
(NP) from 1948 to 1994. It legally imposed preexisting policies of racial
discrimination on the Majority of the South African population. The entire basis of
the racist policies, was the darker your complexion the less legal rights you had.
Presumably this injustice, could have continued much longer if it weren t for all
involved in the fight against the NP, however the man who arguably contributed the
most, was Nelson Mandela. He ended an apartheid, with both his philanthropy and
political prowess. He united a nation that used to be segregated; which seemed a
daunting task at the time, but through the sweat and bloodshed he achieved the
impossible. This alone exhibited his heroic characteristics, but to be more precise:
both his actions and inactions lead to his success. Furthermore, Mandela was both a
strong leader and forgiving at the same time. Being in the forefront of the
abolishment movement, was an extremely risky move during the apartheid. He
risked his life for what he believed in, and this personal
Hamlet Literary Analysis
It s not surprising that Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest play writiers. All
his tragedies cause us humans to feel for the horrible plots against the main character
that Shakespeare put together in continuous extenuating circumstances of sadness.
All of these plays are called tragedies, and Hamletwas just the first written by
Shakespeare (SparkNotes). Hamlet is the story of a Danish prince whose uncle
murders the Hamlet s father. That same uncle marries his mother, and claims the
throne. In retribution the prince pretends to be foolish and whitless to throw his
uncle off guard, then manages to kill his uncle in revenge. In this essay I will talk
about inspiration from shakespeare, from this play what has it inspired other people
to create, and about various famous quotes from the play. Hamlet didn t just come
from nowhere, let s first talk about how the tragedycame to be one of the greatest in
the Western world (SparkNotes). As a matter of fact Shakespeare was inspired
sometime between 1599 and 1601; right at the turn of the century where many
impactful tensions going on (Write a Writing). Many people think that Hamlet used
this as a metaphor to highlight the tensions that existed and arose during the English
Reformation that delved into whether Catholics were legitimate or the Protestants
(Write a Writing). According to Sparknotes Shakespeare borrowed for his plays
ideas and stories from earlier literary works (Sparknotes). There may have been
A Course On The Deuteronomic History
If I were to teach a course on the Deuteronomic History, I would choose Joshua and
Judges on the grounds that it holds more stories that have relevance to the context of
my United Methodist congregation. The approximate demographics of my
congregation are as follows: over ninety percent are Caucasian; over fifty percent are
45 years of age or older; women are the dominate group within most of the small
group activities; and the mining, healthcare, and retail industries are the largest
employers respectively. Layoffs affect most families in this congregation due to
regular fluctuations in the mining industry, some due to direct employment and
others due to delicate economic ties to the mining industry. Just like most of the
country, the families of my congregation are less nuclear than in generations past as
blended and other non traditional families are increasing in number. It is from this
context that I have considered which Deuteronomic History stories to cover in a
weekly course of several weeks.
Before introducing these war texts, I would first present some background frame of
reference. I would first explain some scholarly thought about the time (622 BCE) in
which Joshua was written and how Josiah s reign might have influenced the lens
from which the authors created and edited the final form known today. Given that
most of my congregation believes heavily in the inerrancy and infallibility of the bible
in combination with a small amount of human error, this information
Why Do Celebrities Deserve Privacy
The downside of fame is the interference of the media in one s life. Stories
concerning celebrities are likely to attract customers, just for entertainment purposes.
Celebrities life is publicized, criticized and mocked at. Reporting celebrities
downfall seems to be particularly appealing to the public, and it seems that hardly a
day passes without the news reporting a celebritys downfall. Some peopleare obsessed
with famous people, their life styles, and have desire for more information. Media s
negative role destroys the famous people s lives. Famous people deserve privacy and
respect. This essay will discuss the unfair treatment received by famous people from
the media.
First of all, everyone deserves to have a personal life separate from their professional
life, even those who work for the entertainment industry. In this digital era, it is not
difficult to find information about famous people, no matter how private. Those in
the spotlight suffer the humiliation and disgrace of having statements about them
true or untrue broadcast for millions to find. Whether it likes it or not the public
knows more about celebrities than many political issues. Secondly, sports athlete
like Herchelle Gibbs career was destroyed by the media, constantly invading his
personal life in result he lost his professional career as a national cricketer
(, 2010) and marriage downfall (Barker, P. 2009). Young boys looked up
to Herchelle Gibbs and idolised him, now they look down on
Essay on The Iniquities of the Father
The Iniquities of the Father:
A Look at the Faulknerian Family.
Faulkner has been hailed as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century,
especially for his depictions of life in the Deep South. Many of his stories take place
in fictional Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi. In the Sound and the Furyand As I
Lay Dying, he focuses on two very different families in this county, and explores how
the iniquity of the fathers is revisited upon the children (Holy Bible: KJV Deut. 5.9).
In both novels, through the use of stream of consciousness and various other
modernist writing techniques, Faulkner looks at two deeply troubled families with
weak parents and confused children and explores how these children cope or fail to ...
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His grand father, J.W.T. Falkner, inherited a railroad company, but instead of
passing it on to his son whose first and lasting love was the railroad, he sold it for
$75,000 (Minter 6 7). Young Faulkner and his family moved to Oxford, Mississippi,
where his father, Murry, a cold man whose capacity for affection was limited, grew
more and more bitter, drank whisky, and remained distant and cautious (Minter 9).
The relationship between Faulkner s father and his mother, who had probably
married Murry Falkner thinking that he would eventually run the railroad company,
became more and more strained. As the tension between them increased, Faulkner s
father came more and more to regard him as his mother s son (Minter 9).
As a child, Faulkner preferred to be the silent observer who moved back and forth
between participation and withdrawal (Minter 12). He dropped out of eleventh
grade twice, before getting a short job at his grandfather s bank, where he learned
the medicinal value of his [Grandfather s] liquor (Meriwether 7). He eventually
moved to New Haven, developed a British identity, changed his last name from
Falkner to Faulkner, and joined up to become an R.F.C. pilot during World War I.
He was still in training when the war ended. He described this part of his life during
an interview with Marshall J. Smith in 1931, War came. Liked
In Spite Of Everything I Really Good At Heart
Anne Frank was a remarkable young women she was only 13 years old the time
she went into hiding. She needed to disappear into hiding because she was jew in
the time of the holocaust. Her family went into hiding the day her sister Margot
received a letter in the mail wanting her to report to a concentration camp. When
you arrive at one of those camps there are two lines. One is if you are sick or
elderly you were to be killed and the other line is they will force you to work and if
you do not there can be harsh consequences. Anne family was not going to let their
child be forced to work. As Hitler began to prosper, the worse these treatments
were pushed. So Anne s father, Mr. Frank, had connections in Amsterdam so he
and his family moved there and they hid in the attic otherwise known as the Secret
Annex. You could say, why would she need to advance into hiding when she could
tell people she wasn t a Jew? The biggest reason is if you were in public and you
were a jew you needed to have the Star of David sewn somewhere visible on your
garments so that everyone would know you are a Jew. In her diary, Anne wrote In
spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart . I believe
Anne was optimistic when writing this. She also was probably thinking about the
people... Show more content on ...
She was waggish and atypical, yet she was droll, unique and an inspiration to
people that are discriminated upon and other people who realize how difficult her
life was during this time. Everyone should commemorate Anne. So in conclusion,
when Anne wrote the words In spite of everything, I still believe that people are
really good at heart in her diary, she was trying to turn a horrible situation a superior
one, she was thinking about the people fighting the war to help the Jewish people,
and she was thinking about the people directly helping her and her family. That is
what I believe was going through Anne s head as she wrote this
Lays Chips Ads
The whole reason advertisements get placed in magazines, or shown on television,
is to bring in more revenue from customers buying the company s new product. If
Lays were to make the same chip over and over, their customers would decrease. To
make their new product attract more customers, Lays tells their Kettle Cooked
chips has 40% less fat than other potato chips. While Lays develops a new product,
the company is also investing in a new advertisement trying to make their product
popular. The main goal for any company is to make sure they sell as much of their
product as the can, but also use a unique way to catch customers attention. Lays
strives to get customers to look at the block of cheese and the fresh jalapenos. The
block of cheese is bright yellow, standing out from its surroundings, especially if the
background of the... Show more content on ...
Lays also said in the ad that the Kettle Cooked chips are made with 100% flavor.
The company wants customers to know that their chips are going to be the best
chips out on the shelves. Lays tries to target the chip lovers that also try to have a
better eating diet. The company came out with with a new product that has 40%
less fat but still has its 100% flavor. Also, this ad tries to draw attention to older
men with the alcoholic beverage, meaning the ad was made to attract older men or
just guys in general. One main benefit Lays out in their ad was the real cheese and
the jalapenos. It showed that their Kettle Cooked chips are made with real cheese
and jalapenos. Customers are more willing to buy a product with less artificial
flavoring because then he or she will know what is the healthiest chip for them. To
persuade customers to buy their Kettle Cooked chips, Lays used glittering generalities
in their ad. The company tells the customer their new chip will Ignite your taste
The Importance Of Food Culture
Most people want to find out who they really are. We can first start by looking at
their food culture. Food culture is a very important element that makes us who we
are. From a young child to an adult most people have developed their food culture
by trial and error or simply by their preference. Food culture is different for every
ethnicity from the holidays to the meals themselves. Araceli is someone important to
me and hands down her foodculture is very different from my own. Nicaraguan food
is very different from my culture which is Mexican food getting to know about her
food culture helped me get to know Araceli that much more. My food culture is
based off my Mexican roots, which most people might think it is just beans and
rice. Although that is partially true, most known dishes revolve around parties and
holiday dinners. During these events we usually have tamales which is a popular
dish and is served with sides of rice and beans of course. Food around this time is
special because food gathers everyone together. Tamales take hours to prepare and
usually my family gets a day to prepare for our feast. Tamales are very popular, and
most people make them the same way. I recently found out that Mexicans are not the
only ones who make their style of tamales. For Aracelis culture, although the dishes
are familiar the preparation itself is completely different. Tamales are still eaten for
holidays and special events, but they are called Nacatamal. Nacatamals have the
Advantages Of Anticipatory Merchant In E-Commerce
Anticipatory shipping: The game changer in e commerce By Govindarajan
Raghavan and Harish B. (TAPMI, Manipal) Imagine you are relaxing at your home
and suddenly get a message from your favorite e tailer indicating a 20% discount
on your favorite novel s new sequel. What is more astonishing is that it will be
delivered at your doorstep in few hours if you reply Yes to the message. Straight
out of some Sci Fi movie..? Well, Amazon thinks not. Like the Genie in Aladdin, it
is prepared to grant all the wishes of its customers. What s even more magical and a
little bizarre (to be frank) is that these wishes will be granted even before they are
made. Amidst all chaos and bloodshed in the e retail space to woo new customers
and retain existing... Show more content on ...
Predicting human behavior was never going to be easy even with the marvels of
technology. Though the highly complex algorithm may look like a magic wand in
the hand of witch for the e commerce giants, it may turn into a Devil s snare if the
accuracy of the prediction goes wrong i.e. below the threshold at a region
(geographic area) level. One of the major challenges of speculative shipping would
be the costs of returning or re routing the package in the instance of an item not
being ordered or rejected at the door by the consumer. In such a scenario the item
would be either delivered to a potentially interested consumer for a discounted price
or free promotional gifts to the consumer to build goodwill and save on return cost.
Though this idea could be viewed as a radical approach by the e retailers to
increase consumer loyalty, this approach would have a direct impact on the
company s topline as it would eat into company s margin. This would compound the
already burning problem of increase in customer returns and repackaging. This
method would force the customers to try different ways to find factors triggering
free delivery and would make it very hard for e commerce players to predict demand
due to false behavior and browsing pattern exhibited by the consumers. The other
potential disadvantage would be alienating the consumers like door to door salesmen
by asking the customer, We
Mental Health And Poverty
What is the relevance of mental health for economic development in low and middle
income situations? Why do you think we should think about mental health when we
talk about poverty? Is there any connection between mental health and poverty? There
is a consistent pattern that, despite varieties in the way in which povertyis defined,
there is a consistent truth that people who live in lower economic situations and in
poverty have increased riskfor mental healthproblems. This doesn t mean that all
poor people have mental health problems neither does it mean that the rich don t
have problems, but what it does mean is that the risk for developing a mental health
problem is much greater in people who are poorer. The social and economic risk
factors combined with genetic risk factors to lead to the creation of a mental illness
in a particular individual.
The first part of the equation is to determine which comes first, does poverty lead
to depression or does depression lead to poverty? There are two ways to link
mental illness and poverty. The first being that people who live within poverty have
increased risk for mental illness because they live with a constant stress of
insecurity related to food, security, income, less social support networks, more
exposure to violence and crime, and also have increased prevalence of other health
conditions. All of this leads to an increased prevalence in mental illness. On the other
hand there are people who live with a mental illness, who
Hearing Aid Process
The hearing aid fitting process of PEI begins by running a full audiometric test
battery on the patient. They begin with tympanometry, and then follow up with pure
tones, speech and bone testing. If need be, they continue with any special testing that
may be deemed necessary following the results of the audiometric testing. If a patient
seems like a good hearing aidcandidate you can perform QuickSin, which is used to
determine how the patient would understand speech in noisy situations. LDLs may
also be done to obtain the patient s loudness discomfort level, which ensures that
their hearing add is not fit to be louder than what is comfortable for the patient. After
the test results are obtained and explained to the patient, their expectations of a
hearing aid are determined. This can be achieved via the APHAB, COSI and ECHO,
which are commonly used at PEI. These tests are also used to determine what type of
listening environments the patients are in, their motivation for wearing hearing aids
and the areas in which they are having problems hearing. After this is done the
audiologist determines what type of hearing aid would be best the patient, using the
previously listed questionnaires and test results as well as the patient s dexterity,
vision and cosmetic needs. After the hearing aid is... Show more content on ...
It is proven that using QuickSin for speech in noise testing will help determine if the
patient would benefit from directional mics vs. omnidirectional mics and other
features in their hearing aid to better their speech discrimination in noise. Other
procedures done in PEI, such as Verafit and LDLs, are also confirmed by evidence
based practice. What this means is that these tests were researched and proven to be
best practice when fitting hearing aids. These test are recognized to be essential to the
hearing aid fitting and the success of the
Free Speech On Identity Politics
On August 26, 2016, Colin Kaepernick sat on a sideline bench during the anthem,
thus throwing American into an abyss of identity politics and divisive rhetoric. In
the previous weeks, after comments made by President Trump regarding the
anthem protests, 12% of NFL players have kneeled in unity with Kaepernick. In
response, the Left chose to grab onto kneeling as a symbol of protest against
Trump, and here we see the evolution from protesting police brutality to outright
denial of President Trump. This evolution is not good for the Left or the Right. At
this point, you are either kneeling with Kaepernick or supporting President Trump.
However, America should be standing for free speech and the First Amendment.
Identity politics has led to a breakdown in American democracy, demonizes its
opponents, and stifles important discussion on hot button issues, including the
issue of Kaepernick. Identity politics is the acts of classifying groups of people
based on race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status to form exclusive political
groups, alienating itself from a broader political stance. Before 2008, identity
politics wasn t relevant, but the election of 2012 and 2016 saw identity politics rise
to a level never seen before. In 2016, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
attempted to use identity politics to their advantage, and President Trump continues
to do so today, as well as the Left. When Colin Kaepernick kneeled, and then the NFL
following suit, it divided Americans
Property Rights Libertarianism
There is much controversy surrounding the proposal of an unconditional basic
income. This system would provide cash income to everyone, instead of offering
compensation in the form of food or health care to a margin of the population. In
Matt Zwolinski s article Property Rights, Coercion, and the Welfare State: The
Libertarian Case for a Basic Income for All , he defends the unconditional basic
income. He defends the unconditional basic income from a libertarian point of view.
One of the most prominent components of libertarianism is an opposition to the
initiation of force. Libertarians, such as Matt Zwolinski, also stress the importance of
property rights one of the most fundamental types is the one we have as individuals.
In other words, our sense of ... Show more content on ...
According to Locke, we acquire property rights by mixing our labour with resources.
However, claiming a property right is claiming the right to use force to prohibit others
from using a resource that was formerly open to all. It seems that this would be
supporting a concept that restricts our liberties something that libertarians are
normally committed to protecting. It is important to note that mixing labour with
rescues is not the sole condition for establishing a property right the Lockean proviso
must be satisfied.
The Lockean proviso states that for one to take a resource out of the common stock
of nature and claim it as their own individual property, they must ensure that they are
still leaving enough (if not more than enough) of the resource for others. The purpose
of the proviso is to ensure that all individuals have access to our planet s natural
resources in order to support their lives. It is important to note that the proviso is
individualistic, as opposed to aggregative. Most utilitarian principles justify
institutions in terms of the overall scheme
Introduction To Chemistry, A Natural Science, And Social...
The subjects for this study will be undergraduate students enrolled in either
Introduction to Chemistry, a natural science, or General Psychology, a social
science, at the University of Arkansas in Spring 2018. Students will enroll in
courses based on their own academic preferences. These courses are both scheduled
for 50 minute discussion sections that meet two days a week (TTh) from either 9:30
10:20 or 10:30 11: 20. All identifying features of the student (e.g. names or student
ID number) will be replaced with random 7 digit ID numbers that the researchers will
assign to each student on the first day of the course. The condition each identification
number is in will not be revealed until the experiment has concluded and the data is...
Show more content on ...
Researchers will also be analyzing if the type of course, natural science or social
science, will alter the note taking technique that has the highest scores. Type of
course will also be a between subjects variable. Materials required will include in
class assignments related to the lecture materials. Each in class assignment will
consist of ten questions that are easy to answer if the student was attending to
what the professor was saying. All students will require a laptop or paper notebook
to take notes on. The classrooms necessary will be smaller rooms with a maximum
of 40 seats per room. This small size is necessary so the research assistants can
ensure each student is using the correct method. Additionally, one experimental
condition will require the use of the app StayFocusd from Transfusion Media
(2010) which allows its users to temporarily block access to user specified apps for
a designated amount of time. This experiment will require the use of four research
assistants. Two of these assistants will be placed in the classroom to ensure students
are using the appropriate method. The remaining two research assistants will be in
the lab processing and configuring the data for the results of the experiment. Different
researchers will be used to compute the data than those who are in the classrooms to
eliminate any chance of experimenter bias. Lastly, the professors will be designing
and distributing the in class assignments. Procedure Students
Michelle Obama Speech Rhetorical Devices
In Remarks to the NAACP National Convention , Michelle Obama spoke about
how obesity in children has become a huge medical issue. She thoroughly explains
her Let s Move campaign, while using pathos and logos as rhetorical devices. The
audience that attended were mostly parents that grew up in the same generation as
Mrs. Obama. She related to them as she jokes about their past. She expressed her
message while including the audience by saying we or our . In addition, her being
family minded helped reach her ideas out to other parents as they are dealing with
the same issues. Mrs. Obama understood what type of audience made an appearance
and made them feel valuable. Instead of generalizing the audience as one, she spoke
to them as you .... Show more content on ...
Obama uses is pathos. Throughout her speech, she is influencing the audience s
emotions with pathos. Right in the beginning she thanked the audience for all their
hard work and for coming out to the convention, making the audience feel narcissist.
Michelle Obama told the audience, First of all, thank you for being here today and
thank you for the outstanding work that you ve done in making this is a great
American institution (418). The audience now feels as if they are making a
difference and everything that they are doing is improving the nation. Once they
feel that way, the people will feel more motivated to go out and accomplish more.
Mrs. Obama also used the same strategy towards the end of her speech when she
got the audience involved with the movement. Mrs. Obama announced, I m going
to need you, NAACP. This is not an endeavor that I can do by myself. We cannot
change the health of our community alone. I m going to need each and every
single one of you to work together for this campaign for our children s future (432).
Mrs. Obama is encouraging the crowd to make a difference and support her
campaign. Not only did she make the audience feel narcissist, she also made them feel
Dark Alliance By Gary Webb
Dark Alliance GARY Webb book review
In the book Dark Alliance by Gary Webb, is about the conspiracy of how the CIA
had monitored the selling of crack cocaine in America to help fund the Nicaraguan
contras secretly. And also during this process the Nicaraguan drugs were being sold
to inner cities to create a drug known as crack that harmed the black population
First of all Gary Webbhad made a newspaper over this topic Gary was once a news
paper reporter and when he released the paper version of dark alliance it shocked
America many believing it was real many believing there was not enough evidence
however it has stood till today as being an accurate interpretation of corruption that
indeed happened in present day America.
The book tells us the story of how this all went down, basically there was a Latin
American army that was obtaining profits from the illegal drugs that were being
sold to the inner city gang groups known as the Crips and bloods. and while all this
was happening the CIA was well aware and in fact they were supposedly running the
whole operation. Know that the drugs ... Show more content on ...
Because the big media cooperation s were not paying any mind to the events being
taken. Whenever it had finally began to capture American peoples attention the CIA
saw this was a problem and created a counter move to make Webb s findings
irrelevant to try and make America not believe in his story. After this incident Webb
was demoted for telling the truth so quit soon after.
Thane eventually many of the suspensions came to light when the inspector general
of the CIA had confessed that the CIA was involved in the drug trafficking between
the contras and the united states and also stated that the operation was under wraps
for 13 years there was no documentation of the events. However the American
government just pretended as if nothing was ever going
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Essay
Born on May 7, 1840, in the Vyatka province, Russia, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was
the second eldest in his parents six surviving offspring. He had an older stepsister
Zinayda, an older brother Nikolay, a younger sister Aleksandra, his two twin brother
Anatoly and Modest, and the youngest Ippolit. Though he wasn t particularly close
to his other siblings, Tchaikovsky was close to Aleksandra (who he affectionately
referred to as Sasha) and his younger twin brothers. In 1844, the family hired a
governess, Fanny Durbach, who quickly became a mother figure of sorts to
Tchaikovsky, as many counts recall the composer s mothering being cold and
emotionless towards him. Tchaikovsky was a quick child, taking pianolessons at five
years old and being fluent in French and German by six... Show more content on ...
Tchaikovsky was successfully enrolled in the School of Jurisprudence and
participated in his school s choir under choirmaster Gavryl Lomakin, and was
quoted saying My voice was a splendid soprano, and for several years in succession
I took the first line in the trio, which on these occasions was sung by the three boys
at the altar at the beginning and end of [the Liturgy] . After the death of his mother
in 1854, Tchaikovsky and his family moved in with his paternal uncle s family on
Vasilyevsky Island for around three years. During his nine years in the School of
Jurisprudence, Tchaikovsky began writing his first serious compositions, including a
waltz he wrote in memory of his mother. While in the school, it is possible that
Tchaikovsky s inner homosexual feelings had been awakened, as the school held a
reputation for producing many gay alumni. Tchaikovsky also met two lifelong friends
at the School of Jurisprudence, Aleksey Apukhtin and Sergey
Essay on Humorous Wedding Speech by Brother of the
Humorous Wedding Speech by Brother of the Groom
Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentleman It s my job to reply to the toast to the
bridesmaids and in doing so, say a couple of nice things about George. You know,
tell you about some of his good points. The problem is he doesn t have any good
points. Well, except for being naturally gifted at sports. We do, after all, come from
the same gene pull.
So, on behalf of the bridesmaid, Claire, I would like to start by thanking George for
his kind words. I am sure you will all agree that she looks wonderful today, as
always. And so does the bride, Peggy stunning, as always. And, for a change,
George has scrubbed up quite nicely too. He looks very refreshed, don t you think? I
feel I can ... Show more content on ...
The truth is, George has and always will be the prototypical big brother. All through
my life, he has blazed trails for me. In school, I would always be greeted by new
teachers with the comment, I remember your brother he was my student and a
great guy , or, I hope you are as well mannered as your brother , or, Will you be
taking over the role as the school idiot now your brother has left? . But in all
seriousness, following in someone s footsteps is never easy, but the paths that my
brother paved for me made it particularly difficult.
A story I want to share with you about my dear brother took place about eight years
ago. After a night on the tiles, George returned home and went straight to bed.
After a short while, he started feeling a little bit nauseous and, in a moment of
drunken clarity, opted to vomit out of his bedroom window. This isn t as foolish as
it sounds, because the garage roof protruded under George s room. So, rather than
stain his carpet and surely be caught in the morning, he hoped the roof and gutter
would bear the brunt of the evidence of a very drunk young man until the following
day, when it could easily be washed away. A great strategy you may think, but it
had a one fatal flaw. The force with which George heaved far overshot both the
garage roof and the gutter, but was just enough to land squarely on the windscreen
of dad s car. And there it remained until a very angry dad dragged
Persuasive Essay On Ap English
Are you ready for Advanced Placement? Have you demonstrated you re ready to
expand your learning and have you maintained a 3.5 GPA, then we encourage you to
take AP classes, AP U.S. History or AP English Language Composition, next year.
In AP, you ll get the opportunity to take a college level course and potentially earn
college credit. AP not only helps you be better prepared for college, it also
introduces you to concepts and skills that will stick with you the rest of your life.
AP may challenge you, but we believe you re more than capable of rising to that
challenge. And We ll be here every step of the way to support you. The highlight of
AP class is that unlike tradition classes they are scored on a 5.0 grading scale and
not the standard
Chemical Equilibrium Lab Report
Chemical Equilibrium Lab Report
Aim: The aim of the lab Chemical Equilibrium is to observe the effects of changes in
concentrations of products and reactants on the position of the equilibrium of given
chemical reactions.
Background Information: We are going to use our knowledge of the Le Chatelier s
principle in order to observe this experiment. The principle states that the equilibrium
will shift in the direction that will minimize the effects of the change.
This lab consists of two parts.
[Part 1]
The solutions that we used were: * 5 ml of 0.1 mol dm 3 of FeCl3 * 5 ml of 0.1 mol
dm 3 of KSCN
1. We mixed these two solutions in a 100ml beaker. 2. We added distilled water into
the solution ... Show more content on ...
6. We added 1.0 mol dm 3 of NaOH into tube #7 until a change in coloris observed.
7. We added 1.0 mol dm 3 of NaOH into tube #8 and than added 1.0 mold dm 3 of
mold dm 3 HCl until a change in color is observed.
Qualitative Data
Tube Number| #5| #6| #7| #8| Initial Color| Yellow| Yellow| Orange| Orange|
Substance(s) added| 1.0moldm 3 HCl| 1.0moldm 3 HCl and 1.0moldm 3 NaOH|
1.0moldm 3 NaOH| 1.0moldm 3 NaOH and 1.0moldm 3 HCl| First Color Change|
Orange| Orange| Yellow| Yellow| Second Color Change| Orange| Yellow| Yellow|
To conclude, the data we have collected from both experiments suggests that Le
Chatelier s principles are applicable and correct. When different substances were
added to different solutions, the equilibrium shifted appropriately in order to gain
a balance. The shifting of equilibrium resulted in different color changes in
different mixtures. In part 2 of the experiment we the aforementioned changes
were more easily spotted. We saw the relationship between forward and reverse
reactions. When NaOH was added to tube #8 we saw that the color changed from
orange into yellow, in order to gain balance but when we added HCl back, the color
again changed to orange. Which clearly proved Le Chatelier s
Like Water For Chocolate Essay
Like Water For Chocolate Essay
By: Mili Nieves
A soul in distress is always looking for a mean to escape through a difficult
situation. In the story Like Water For Chocolate, Tita De La Garza who suffered like
no other, isn t the exception. This young woman since birth was instilled with a very
deep love for cooking. When the people who she loved most betrayed her, cooking
eased her pain. All of the intense emotions that she felt while preparing food, were
unknowingly added to the recipes. The author, Laura Esquivel through the use of
symbolism, she demonstrates that the role of food in the story isn t there just to
sustain life, it also transmits strong emotions such as desire, sorrow and healing felt
by the ... Show more content on ...
So after everyone left, Pedro and Tita walked back to the dark room peacefully and
finally made love. Thus, as a result the heat between the characters was due to Titas
desires being poured into her cooking. PARAGRAPH 3 Second body paragraph
Additionally, the sorrow that Tita felt was also unintentionally transferred to
others. . Specifically the wedding cake in which she managed to communicate her
longing and sadness to Rosaura and Pedro s wedding guests. As she prepared the
Chabela Cake, her tears fell into the batter and icing. The moment they took their
first bite of the cake, everyone was flooded with a great wave of longing...Mama
Elena, who hadn t shed a single tear over her husband s death, was sobbing silently.
But the weeping was just the first symptom of a strange intoxication an acute attack
of pain and frustration that seized the guests and scattered them across the patio
and the grounds and in the bathrooms, all of them wailing over lost love (Esquivel
39). The tears affected everyone at the wedding banquet with longing for lost loves,
so much so that they become physically sick. They were literally love sick and Tita
was responsible even though she had no idea what she had just done. In the same
manner, even though Tita didn t actually make the hot chocolate from story s title
Like water for chocolate , it still symbolizes her biggest emotion. It is learned that
once she hears Rosaura tell Alex about
The Inheritance Of Loss Essay
TITLE : The Inheritance Of Loss
AUTHOR : Kiran Desai
PUBLISHER : Penguin Books India
Kiran Desai is an Indian author. She was born in India in 1971. At the age of
fourteen she moved to England. Her novel The Inheritance Of Loss won the Man
booker Prize for the year 2006 and the National Book Critics Circle fiction award.
Desai is the youngest female to win the Booker prize. She is a part of Indan
Diaspora. As a south Asian diapora writer she gives voice to people who are
oppressed due to race, gender and class and have not been able express themselves
in the past. Taking history as the basis for her arguments she expresses her concern
for the oppressed through the characters of her novel.
The story of the novel The Inheritance of Loss revolves around the inhabitants of a
small town Kalimpong situated in the north eastern Himalayas, an old retired judge,
his granddaughter Sai ,the cook and their relatives and friends. The novel shows the
consequences of uprising Nepalese and its effects on the lives of these inhabitants.
Along with this story there is a parallel ... Show more content on ...
Desai very carefully handles the themes of racial discrimination, migration ,political
turmoil and class discrimination. The novel provides us with some of the historical
facts and the beautiful imagery which makes us familiar with the geographical
details of Nepal. We can easily draw similarities between the novel and a movie. Just
like a movie the novel deals with many characters and there is a change in scenes
within a chapter. It keeps moving back and forth in time which makes it more
interesting. The narrative techniques used by the author enhances the whole reading
experience. The novel traces the development of the characters and ends the story in

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  • 1. Catw Essay Samples Writing an essay on the topic of "Catw Essay Samples" can be quite challenging for several reasons. Firstly, the topic itself is somewhat specialized and may require a deep understanding of the specific requirements and expectations associated with Catw essays. Researching and gathering relevant information may prove to be time-consuming, as finding high-quality samples to analyze and incorporate into the essay can be a daunting task. Moreover, the challenge lies in striking a balance between providing informative content and maintaining a coherent structure. Crafting a well-organized essay requires careful planning and thoughtful consideration of the key points that need to be addressed. Ensuring that the essay has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, while effectively conveying the intended message, demands both skill and precision. Additionally, the process of writing on this particular topic may necessitate a comprehensive understanding of the specific nuances associated with Catw essays, including the ability to critically evaluate and analyze sample essays. It involves not just summarizing the samples but also presenting a thoughtful synthesis of ideas and incorporating a personal perspective, which can be demanding for many writers. In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Catw Essay Samples" requires a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. It can be a challenging endeavor, especially for those unfamiliar with the intricacies of the topic. However, with dedication and a structured approach, it is possible to produce a well-crafted essay. For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one may explore options such as, where a variety of essays and writing services are available to facilitate the essay-writing process. Catw Essay Samples Catw Essay Samples
  • 2. Second Great Awakening Technology Theme #19: For want of a nail... ~how technology has affected history As the cost of transportation decreased, the opportunity for industrialization grew. The North began industrialization first by processing raw materials, but soon the north industrial factory adopted the disassembly line. This disassembly line would transform how factory work evolved forever, because with this more efficient way of working, competition from cheaper less skilled workers... created job insecurity and few opportunities for advancement. (Norton, et. al., Mindtap, 10 3a) American factories soon developed the American System of manufacturing which used machinery to produce interchangeable parts. (Norton, et. al., Mindtap, 10 3a) This system promoted the ... Show more content on ... This is a pivot point in history because the following year tens of thousands of men migrated to California in the hopes of quick fortune. Tens of thousands of forty niners took part in the California gold rush by mining and panning for gold. Although some forty niners did make quick fortunes, many did not find much gold. For those who did not find enough gold to pay for their expenses, many forty niners took wage paying jobs with large mining companies that used dangerous machinery to cut deep into the earth s surface. (Norton, et. al., Mindtap, 11 5f) Although the mines were extremely dangerous, the men all cared for one another and would help collect money for men who were hurt in explosions, and in less than half an hour there was collected five thousand dollars for the blind man. (J. E. Pleasants, Life in the Mines in 1849 in Connecting California, 204) The California Gold Rush was such a pivot in history because it began a huge influx of people into the west prompting large scale agriculture, city developments and consequently decreased the remaining Native American population significantly from 200,000 to 30,000 by
  • 3. Essay On Informational Interview Informational Interview Report The person who I conducted my informational interview was Chang Wang, Esq. I was acquainted with Mr. Chang Wang through a class he taught at the University of Minnesota. Professor Wang is a man of many professions; he is a lawyer, a professor, an actor and a writer. I could tell that he is extremely accomplished in his many careers through the list of schools he has taught at, awards he has received, the many licenses he s obtained, and the number of publications he has authored. Because of his busy schedule, I contacted him a month before the interview to solidify a schedule with him. I requested half an hour of his time, but he was very generous and gave me over an hour of his company. I wanted to interview Mr. Wang for my assignment because I always wanted to pick his brain and learn more about what he did at Thomson Reuters. Aside from completing this assignment and getting to know more about his work, I also had a different agenda of ultimately requesting a letter of recommendation in the ... Show more content on ... Because of the lack of rights in China, he is zealous about the American legal system and is a strong proponent of democracy in China. Whether in his lifetime or after, he truly hopes for a better China with a rule of law . I think Mr. Wang intentionally decided not to share the technicalities of work because he wanted to share the bigger picture of his work. His approach of sharing the significance of his work reminded me of the parable of the three stonecutters; how the first two stonecutters only saw the individualistic means of their work and how the third stone cutter embraced the broader vision of his work. I don t know if my future career will be the best of all the jobs, but I will have to find the significance of what I do and contribute to society someway, somehow with that
  • 4. The Forest Of Hands And Teeth Book Report The Forest of Hands and Teeth Carrie Ryan raised in Greenville, South Carolina went to Williams College and Duke University School of Law. She practiced law until she became a full time writer. This book is a fiction novel that has Unconsecrated which are people that became infected. Mary s father is already been taken and her mother waits at the fence for his return every day. The fence is what keeps the Unconsecrated out, but it feels more like keeping the living in. Mary s brother Jed works the fence as a guardian; the guardians fix the fence and make sure there is no chance for them to get in. Their mother breaches the fence then becomes infected. The only reason her mother would breach the fence is if she saw her husband. The book is about surviving in the middle of a forest; Mary has to deal with the stress of her mother becoming Unconsecrated and becoming part of the sisterhood ... Show more content on ... The sisters were a symbol they were a small group of people that told the whole village what is right and wrong, they know all the secrets of the past. Looking around, I realize that I have come up in a small clearing far away from the village that is protected by a ring of fence twice as tall as I am . The sisters have a secret clearing they took her to, to scare her from going to the forest to find her mother. Overall, The Forest of Hands and Teeth was exciting and had some romance between all the characters. I personally like the book it is very interesting I would recommend this book for anyone that likes a thriller book with some romance. My favorite part of the book was when Mary got to go to the ocean it was her dream ever since she was little, her mom would tell her stories. My least favorite part of the book was when she killed Travis it was very sad because she loved him but he was
  • 5. The Catholic Faith The Catholic faith is based on this central figure, Jesus, who teaches them how to live in a manner according to the ultimate creator: God. There are ways to view Jesus in the modern day through different means of interaction. People culminate to church on Sundays to ensure that they are live according to God through their daily activities. Christians view Mary and the Saints as great examples of how to live according to Jesus. These are interaction are essential to the Catholic faith, but the most important reappearance of Jesus is through the Sacraments. Essentially, the Sacraments are a way of getting inside of the Bible by committing to the same actions that Jesus performed in the Bible. By conducting the sacraments, a person is considered to be transformed by doing the same things Jesus did. The reappearance of Jesus is best viewed through the Sacraments, more specifically in An Introduction to Catholicism through the explanation of the concept of sacramentality, which encompasses baptism, confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist. In order to grasp an understanding of the Sacraments, a person must first understand the concept of sacramentality. According to Lawrence Cunningham, the word sacrament mean[s] a visible sign of divine power manifested in humanity (Cunningham, pg.101). This concept of divine power portrayed in humanity can be understood as a public sign that God exists. Essentially, the performance of a sacrament is God making his presence known to the
  • 6. The Need to Control Water Pollution When you turn on the tap and drink a glass of water, Does it taste funny? Is it clear? The water you are drinking may be toxic without any such indicators. Water is all around us; it is essential for life. Over two thirds of earth s surface is covered by water, but everyone only wants and need clean water. Each year, water pollution increases and continues to be responsible for harming our environment. According to Duhigg (2009) of the New York Times, more than 100 wells were polluted by agricultural runoff within a few month time period, affecting livestock such as pigs and cows . Water pollution is a silent and deadly pollution bacterium can be tasteless, colorless, and scentless. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2009) says that the United States has the safest water supplies in the world, but states that when water sources became contaminated, they can easily cause widespread sickness and disease from waterborne germs including Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Hepatitis A., and other pathogens. Despite progress reducing water pollution from the largest sources, our country still faces serious pollution challenges. Violations are still too widespread, and enforcement too uneven. We need to do better controlling pollution. Water pollution can occur through natural process, but many times water pollution is mostly a result of human activities. Water is used every day in our homes and industries; the average of water use in the United States is
  • 7. Organization and Political Power Essay Discussion Questions Week 4 1. Why do organizational structures differ? What is the difference between a mechanistic structure and an organic structure? Which structure would be most appropriate for an innovative organization like Apple or 3M? What about an organization that focuses on cost minimization like Wal Mart? Organizational structures differ because of the different strategies, organizational size, technology, and environment. Consider the mechanistic model and the organic model. The mechanistic model is characterized by extensive departmentalization, high formalization, a limited information network, and centralization. The organic model is flat, uses cross hierarchical and cross functional teams, has low ... Show more content on ... The person and the power are inseparable. The top executive in an organization is always the one who holds the most political power. This is because on his shoulders rest the future of the company, given his ability to let the people under him move the way he likes either by persuasion or force. These people may have the tendency to not act without the presence of the person who has the most power. Power is demonstrated by the one who holds it either through acts, gestures, words of even through written rules and guidelines. Without somebody powerful, there will be confusion and chaos. Political power should not be abused. Power is always coupled with responsibility and accountability. If abused, the tendency for the company or organization is to collapse. This is because the subjects are human beings that are capable of acting in response to negative control. In a corporate setting, it is very important that the top executive who holds the most power be cautious enough not to go beyond what is expected. Even power is in his hand, there must be careful planning and deliberations before a decision is made. Power should be delegated like responsibilities. There must be proper delineation of authority in order to share responsibility. Although the top executive has the greatest power in an organization, it should not be forgotten, that exercise of control must be controlled. All types of political behavior should be geared towards the fulfillment of objectives
  • 8. King s Speech Flaws The King s Speech is a film that portrays the King to have a flaw. The film focuses on the fact that no one is perfect, even the likes of Royalty. The main character is Albert also known as Bertie , the Duke of York, who has had a speech disorder since he was very young. His wife, Elizabeth, constantly tries to find a cure for her husband. She then found a man named Lionel, a child speech therapist. On their first meeting together, Lionel does all he can to prove that Bertie s speech disorder is not permanent. Throughout the movie we realise that Bertie has not had an easy life. As a child, his nanny rarely fed him, resulting in stomach issues, and we constantly find that h is always mocked for his speech. His brother David, would be next... Show more content on ... How do the sets contribute to the mood the filmmakers are trying to establish? The sets are very dark in order to gain a very serious mood amongst the characters and to create a very dull atmosphere for the audience. The lack of light helps you to gain a connection with the King as he is going through a very difficult time of his life. This difficult time could be described as a very dark part of his life 4. How do the costumes contribute to the image the filmmakers are trying to convey? The costumes were selected accordingly to the time the movie was set in. It has a significant role as people had clothing which served the purpose as a divider of the different classes to symbolize wealth. 5.The extreme close up shot is used for dramatic effect, to make the viewer think about the detail of the image. In this example, from close up of Bertie, what are you as the director trying to achieve? The entire shot is to portray Bertie as being very vulnerable as he is shown squashed into the corner of each shot. 6.How did the editing of the film advance the story that the filmmakers were trying to
  • 9. Letter From Birmingham Jail And The Speech At The March On... In order to achieve true freedom one must find a peaceful solution in order to fight for their the text letter from Birmingham jail by Martin Luther King Jr. and The speech at the march on Washington by Josephine Baker, both fought for equality and freedom for all. To begin with one must find a peaceful solution in order to fight for their rights in a peaceful way. In the article letter from Birmingham jail by Martin Luther King states in lines 28 I am in Birmingham jail because injustice is here...racial injustice engulfs this community there have been more unsolved bombing negro homes and churches in Birmingham than in any other city in the nation. This reveal s that colored skin people in the community were not being
  • 10. Beowulf Story The main protagonist, Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose great hall, Heorot, is plagued by the monster Grendel. Beowulf kills Grendel with his bare hands and Grendel s mother with a sword, which giants once used, that Beowulf found in Grendel s mother s lair. Later in his life, Beowulf is himself king of the Geats, and finds his realm terrorised by a dragon whose treasure had been stolen from his hoard in a burial mound. He attacks the dragon with the help of his thegns or servants, but they do not succeed. Beowulf decides to follow the dragon into its lair, at EarnanГ¦s, but only his young Swedish relative Wiglaf dares join him. Beowulf finally slays the dragon, but is mortally... Show more content on ... Beowulf descends to do battle with the dragon but finds himself outmatched. His men, upon seeing this display and fearing for their lives, creep back into the woods. One of his men, however, Wiglaf, who finds great distress in seeing Beowulf s plight, comes to Beowulf s aid. The two slay the dragon, but Beowulf is mortally wounded. Beowulf is buried in Geatland on a cliff overlooking the sea, where sailors are able to see his tumulus. The dragon s treasure is buried with him, in accordance with Beowulf s wishes, rather than distributed to his people, and there is a curse associated with the hoard to ensure that Beowulf s wish is kept. It is widely accepted that there are three funerals in Beowulf. The funerals are also paired with the three battles described above.[8] The three funerals share similarities regarding the offerings for the dead and the change in theme through the description of each funeral. Gale Owen Crocker (Professor of Anglo Saxon, University of Manchester) in The Four Funerals in Beowulf (2000) argues that a passage in the poem, commonly known as The Lay of the Last Survivor (lines 2247 66), is an additional funeral.[8] The funerals are themselves involved in the ritual of hoarding: the deposition of sacrificial objects with both religious and socio economic functions.[9] First Funeral: Scyld Scefing (lines 1 52) The first funeral in the poem is of Scyld Scefing (translated in some versions as
  • 11. Essay about How Napoleon Maintains Control in France... How Napoleon Maintains Control in France 1799 1814 After the long period of instability in France, Napoleon seemed to acknowledge the importance of maintaining his power, influence and control over France and the French people. Napoleon was very able in this regard as it is important to make the people to support you and to limit opposition, something that Napoleon and Hitler shared in common. Napoleon maintained his power in many different ways, rewarding people that supported him, repressing people who didn t, censoring material that would harm his regime and producing other material to boost its popularity. He also controlled things which were important for everyday people like religion, ... Show more content on ... The next way that Napoleon maintained his control was through Repression, to limit any opposition to his regime. Napoleon created Code Napoleon to bring uniformity of the law to all of France. This Code was illiberal, restrictive, authoritarian and brought order. Napoleon then banned trade unions and introduced The Livret . He also introduced harsher Criminal and Penal codes with new courts, tribunals for political offenders, arbitrary imprisonment without trial and house arrest. All these changes gave Napoleon perfect power to remove any opposition, as he had influence of appointment of judges and the Supreme Court. Napoleon also used the police, which monitored public opinion, used a network of spies and informants. Napoleon also had his own secret police so that he had supreme power to remove anyone at all that stood against him. Napoleon also appointed Prefects for each department which was important as it made a connection between local and central government and Napoleon made the prefects responsible for propaganda, education and conscription within each region, so Napoleon could make sure that he kept his support through out France. This repression was important as Napoleon could prevent any opposition from developing which may threaten his regime, as many normal people wont do anything if there is no organised opposition to turn
  • 12. All Quiet On The Western Front Comradeship Analysis We all share the same fear and the same life;we are nearer than lovers, in a simpler, a harder way;I could bury my face in them, in these voices, these words that have saved me and will stand by me . Comradeship is vital in war, because it keeps soldiers human. The theme of comradeship in All Quiet on the Western Front is embraced when the soldiers rescue each other during battle, sticktogether and not become separated, and keep each other s spirits up in the darkest of days. Soldiers rescuing each other during battle shows comradeship. While fighting on the front line, Paul becomes separated from his comrades and cannot search for them for fear of being shot down. It is Kat and Albert who have come out with a stretcher to look for me, (Remarque 227). Paul s friends coming to search for him shows comradeship because they are being brave and risking their lives to find their friend. Going out to look for Paul shows that they care about and value him. During a bombardment, new recruits are traumatized, scared, and helpless because they do not know what to do, so veterans quickly teach them. We teach them to fling themselves into holes as quick as lightning... (Remarque 134). The soldiers try to help each other during battle, which displays comradeship because veterans want to help them live. They aren t doing this to have bodies to fight, but to save human souls. Comradeship is embraced by soldiers rescuing and teaching each other during war. Comradeship is also shown when
  • 13. Thanksgiving Conflict Essay With six people living in a small house conflicts do arise. Things like who is using all the hot water, eating the last of the leftovers, and fighting for a spot to sit in front of the television. The one conflict that seems to stand out the most was an argument over sugared cereal. Earlier that day Grandma was up from Oregon and she left the house a box of Frosted Flakes. The box of cereal that my grandma gave us wasn t even full, but I called at least one bowl. My older sister Danielle was bent on getting some cereal, and sure enough, she ate the rest of the box. She was on her third bowl and my siblings came up and called her out for it and it morphed into an aggressive and tense argument. While they were arguing I looked into the bowl and there were a bunch of tiny black ants floating in her cereal bowl. They were helplessly drowning in a bowl of sugarand milk. Danielle freaked out, and that was that.... Show more content on ... I explained it to Danielle s boyfriend, and sure enough, she protested and said that wasn t how it happened. She said that she never got any cereal. She exclaimed, Whenever there was a box of cereal at our home it got devoured before I ever got a bowl. She said that I never asked for a bowl. So justified in her mind, she munched down three bowls of cereal, unknowingly with ants. Maybe my story is closer to the truth, maybe hers is, maybe both of the stories are just garbage skewed by time and apathy. Either way this was not a meaningful life experience, but I could not think of a truly life changing experience that would make sense in a college
  • 14. Analysis of Symbiosis Between Medicago Truncatula and... 1.This work aims to analyze the existence of both partner choice and plant sanctions in Medicago truncatula Sinorhizobium meliloti symbiosis by performing split root experiments with natural strains (Gubry Rangin et al. 2010). NoГ« Hammerstein (1994) described symbiosis as biological market since the plants are able to exchange the nutrients with different species which will create the conflict. The strains with different fixation level in natural rhizobiapopulations were described by Miller Sirois (1982) and Rangin et al. (2008). Bull Rice (1991) and Simms Taylor (2002) suggested that rhizobia symbiosisis likely explained by the partner choice model as the bacteria are not transmitted vertically between plant generations. In... Show more content on ... The bacterial fitness was then measured using different parameters including the number of nodules, biomass per nodule, and the number of rhizobia per nodule. Figure NumberWhat method(s) gave these data?What do these data show? 1(a)split root experimentMeasurements of aerial biomass obtained in the split root experiment: The N2 fixing strain appears efficient in nitrogen fixation than non fixing strain 1(b)split root experimentMeasurements of nodule number obtained in the split root experiment: The nodule number was significantly higher in roots inoculated with the non fixing strain than the N2 fixing strain. This supports the pre infection partner selection. There are restrictions of nodule formation in the non limiting side of the plant when one side of the plant is nitrogen deficient in order to maintain the optimal nitrogen content. 1(c)split root experimentMeasurements of nodule biomass per nodule obtained in the split root experiment: The biomass per nodule significantly higher for the N2 fixing strain compared with the non fixing strain The mean biomass per nodule was higher in the N2 fixing strain which indicates that M. truncatula plants might be able to limit the nodule development of inefficient strain in order to avoid wasting resources. In the mixed treatment, a significantly higher biomass per nodule was measured for the N2 fixing strain than the
  • 15. Sugar Bowl Swot Analysis Essay Since the transition from Westlake to Sugar Bowl, the business has experienced a structural rejuvenation and incredible financial growth. A quick SWOT analysis reveals the key strengths and opportunities that make Sugar Bowl a viable business in the long term. The company s key strengths are Shelby Givens as its strategic leader and Charlie Campbell as its private event sales person. Both individuals are crucial intangible resources that help Sugar Bowl achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Givens s obtained valuable knowledge about marketing from the general manager that runs a successful bowling venue in Washington, D.C. In addition, she managed to find methods to increase revenue by keeping costs down. For example, she was able to increase average customer spending to $50 by narrowing down the menu, re negotiating the company s catering contract, and increasing the prices of the best selling plates (2012, p. 8). In like manner, Charlie Campbell was able to quickly line up a potential of $35,000 in revenue in his first months working with the company. Campbell provides valuable sales experience and personal network with numerous companies. In the other hand, Sugar Bowl is able to exploit opportunities like the closure of a 24 lane bowling facility, influx of their target ... Show more content on ... New bowling venues can also exploit the lack of competition in Raleigh and cause an erosion in Sugar Bowl s profits. A developed perceptual acuity will help identify indirect competitors that can detract customers from the company. The construction of the wine and cheese bar and the art studio are examples of unorthodox competitors. Lastly, new trends could rise up and disrupt the demand for urban lounges like Sugar Bowl. Environmental monitoring will help identify trends that can negatively impact the competitive landscape for
  • 16. Persuasive Animal Shelter Essay Every year in the United States lots of lost, abandoned, or not wanted dogs and cats come to the animal shelters. Out of these animals some are lucky to be adopted into a responsible loving home, but there are still lots of animals not in home causing even healthy animals being euthanized due to the capacity of the shelter. There are clear solutions for overpopulated shelters that society need to keep in mind. In this report will cover spray and neuter, euthanasia, adoption, and animal shelters. Spray and Neuter Every year many animals are killed in the United States animal shelters, because the animals can t find a home. Many can say reproduction has a big deal to with the overpopulation in animal shelter, and they are right. Male animals contribute in animal overpopulation due to them not being sterilized. One unsterilized male can make a lot of babies with a lot of female animals. Irresponsible owner let their pets breed, when the owner can t take care of the litter usually those animals are dropped of animal shelters and some of those animals don t ... Show more content on ... The animal that are not put in shelters are put out in the street to survive by themselves and exposed themselves to disease. Because of low funding shelters it causes overpopulation in shelters because there s no funding for more space, supplies, and staff. Lots of shelters take volunteers but some don t even have the experiences to deal with the situation that they will be faced. Many animal shelters do not have veterinarians/hospitals to help animals, most veterinarian only open half the day then full time duty. Low funding is one of the causes why animal shelters are overpopulated, because if there was a solution were the government were to spend more money on animal shelters it helps animals get into homes faster, and not worry about being in the streets. Many shelters accept donation for food, pet supplies, and time to help around the shelters, that one solution that helps the
  • 17. The Concept Of Sexuality In Maya Angelou s Phenomenal Woman Phenomenal Woman is a poem written by an American poet, activist and a storyteller, Maya Angelou. Phenomenal Woman boasts the powerful and captivating beauty and sexuality of the speaker that attracts men to her. This sexuality includes her independence as well as confidence through all types of cultural norms. Including moral, familial, religious and economic. The concept of sexuality tends to be influenced by these aspects. Interestingly, Maya Angelous biography contradicts with her poem. As during her youth, she had been sexually assaulted by her mother s lover. Ironically in her poem, it talks about a powerful woman who is filled with confidence and ambitions in life. Which also does give an impression of a tremendously strong woman. ... Show more content on ... These visual imageries give an impression of the speaker s appearance. The imagery portrays confident and proud women when she describes the women. She also exploits visual imagery so that people can picture her image as somebody who can embrace herself well in spite of her race and color. The poem further appears to have some sort of musical lyrics, which is linked to Angelou s background as a dancer. This musical tone is evident the refrain and rhyme of the poem. The musical lyric is further seen in the use of words with the same number of syllables at the start of every line of a stanza for instance The sun of my smile/The flash of my teeth and others all have five syllables. The poet also assumes an ironic tone as illustrated by her judgment of the world s perception of a perfect woman and her own understanding of an ideal woman. The poem s overall structure is also similar to natural curves of a woman, which further stresses its theme. The use of alliteration devices is also evident in the line, Pretty women wonder , which explains the contrast between world s view of a pretty woman and her own view (Angelou 1). Furthermore, the last line in all stanzas is used to express the fact that the speaker is truly a phenomenal woman. There s no doubt about that
  • 18. The Goffman s Theory Of Dramaturgy Pretend you are playing the role of a character named Jordan, while discussing Erving Goffman s theory of dramaturgy. Jordan finally made it. Jordan finally graduated university and has been lucky enough to receive an offer for an interview at the institution that he had been working towards his entire university career, an interviewat the top law firm in all of Toronto. Now it is time to prepare. It is time for Jordan to show the firm that he is meant to be there. To show the firm that this position was meant for him, he must be the best version of himself. Jordan is competing against hundreds of other university graduates, but he must show them that he is the one. Jordan s first impression matters, he must show them the qualities that they want to see to ensure that he receives the position at the law firm. While attending this interview in the role of Jordan, you want to put forward the best version of yourself, it is expected by all to do so. If you want the job you are going to show the interviewers exactly what they want to see to ensure that you get the position. While doing this you are engaging in what Goffman calls impression management. Impression management refers to the verbal and nonverbal practices we employ in an attempt to present an acceptable image of our self to others (Goffman, 2012, pg. 469). You portray a certain, expected image to the audience and hope that they see that image the way that you intended. In association with the term impression
  • 19. Personal Philosophy of Nursing What got you here won t get you there Name Institution Date Abstract It is every person s wish to progress or, move from one point to another in life. Everybody loves being successful. However, there are a number of factors, which should be put into consideration in order to be successful. These are fundamental things that got you where you are, but will not get you to your destiny. On this note, this paper will discuss at length, the important factors that should be taken into account, so as to be successful. The paper will start by introducing the relevance of success, and later delve on what factors will get you there, and sum up by giving an overall view on the topic at... Show more content on ... If you would like to live a happy and more so, successful life, it is vital that you learn to express gratitude wherever you go. In order to reach where you would like to be in life, everyone should concentrate on their goals and objectives. Through expressing gratitude, people can learn to show good deeds, and hence be able to receive the same goodness, in return. (Radwan, Msc.) Gratitude refers to the act of being thankful, noticing simple pleasures, counting every little blessing, and acknowledging every good done unto you. In other terms, it can be described as living life as if everything happening in it is a miracle, and being able to continuously acknowledge every much you receive. On the other hand, when people decide to concentrate a lot of energy on bad things in life, it will make them remain in the state of conflict. But by developing gratitude, it will allow someone to focus on positivity and the good things in life. It must be understood that this will allow an individual to always remain optimistic, and with enthusiasm much success can be achieved. In addition, the willingness to learn through failure can help to reach the desired destiny. Nearly everybody fears failing, because it has been associated with all sorts of negativity. Although an optimistic look on the other side of tripping or falling down in life can make someone to be successful in
  • 20. Pros And Cons Of Obama Methane Emission Rule The repeal of Obama s methane emission rule that limits global warming methane leaks from operations of oil and gas was rejected by the United States Senate on Wednesday. The Senate had voted 51 49 and was rejected the repeal of the methane emission rule. The rule was issued by the Bureau of Land Management shortly before Trump s predecessor, Barack Obama left office. The rule limits emission of methane gas into the atmosphere as a result of natural gas and oil drilling operations on public land. Under the Congressional Review Act, any new rules can be removed by federal lawmakers on the condition that it must be done within the first 60 days of the regulation. The deadline for the rule is this Friday. Methane is an accelerant for climate
  • 21. Evolution Of Athenian Democracy Essay Evolution of Democracy and the Athenian Constitution Democracy is defined in modern times as government by the people. To put that in perspective and better understand all that democracy entails we must consider its origins. It is surprising indeed that even today tyrannies and dictatorships exist in the world when more than two and a half thousand years ago the ancient Athenians had developed a functional and direct form of democracy. What contributed to this remarkable achievement and how it changed the socio political scene in Athens is what will be considered in this paper. The paper will have three sections, each detailing the various stages of political development from the kings of ... Show more content on ... Honor was a competitive concept in Greek society. This held true not only for individuals but also for the highly competitive city states or poleis. Hence they were constantly at war with each other whether to add to their holdings or on issues of politics with the losing side ending up enslaved (for example the Messenians who were defeated and enslaved by the Spartans). This constant internal military pressure was the very catalyst that caused gradual changes over hundreds of years. Since kings were hereditary therefore it was always not possible to find a capable general as well as administrator in one person. The inevitable result was that the ancient warrior class the aristocrats who formed the bulk of the army as the cavalry by virtue of owning horses took the power of the general for themselves. This was the beginning of the second stage in the development of the constitution. Thus the office of Polemarch (leader in war) was instituted due to incompetence in war of some kings (Aristotle and Xenophon, p: 148). Consequently the office of Archon was established to manage the administration of the state and now the king, who was called King Archon, was left with only the vestigial religious functions. According to Aristotle, for the early offices the tenure was initially for life and then for ten years. Though his descriptions
  • 22. Marketing Strategy Of Lululemon Athletica Inc. Executive Summary The brand discussed in this report is Lululemon Athletica Inc. The brand is an athletic apparel retailer, whose main objective is building a community with a healthy lifestyle. Lululemon s target market is middle/upper class 30 year old woman. The brand is positioned as a premium high fashion brand for the athletic community. Some of Lululemon s main competitors include Nike, Under Armour and Gap. Some of the key findings were: Limited global brand awareness due to a lack of exposure to a large market because of the use of grassroot marketing tactics Unclear brand image: made many changes that have strayed from their main brand image and focus. Misuse of some secondary associations and inability to promote ... Show more content on ... Lululemon prides itself on the innovation of the functionality and style of its product line, such as using moisture wicking fabric that essentially transfers the moisture from the skin to the fabric, in order to allow it to evaporate quicker. Lululemon s target market was initially women but expanded to target men and female youth. Lululemon s success is due to its innovation in technology and fashion, as well as their use of community based marketing, and excellent customer focus. The company has positioned itself as a health conscience and fun brand that now operates 280 stores in North America, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, and Singapore (Lululemon 10K). Competitors/Industry The athletic apparel industry has shown a large increase in popularity. Global sales of sport clothing have increased from 146.1 billion US dollars in 2007 to 162 billion US dollars in 2012(Global Participative Sport as Consumption). Particularly in the United States, sales of sport apparel have increased by 7% from 2013 to 2014 (Wingus). There has been a large trend in healthy living, as activewear accounted for $33.7 billion in sales and made up 16 percent of the apparel market (Wingus). The industry is booming, as sportswear, specifically yoga pants, has transformed into people s daily apparel. (Refer to Appendix Table 1) Huffington post noted, people are wearing trendy workout clothes all day, every
  • 23. Persuasive Essay On Antidepressant In Children Depression is defined as a mental illness in which a person is experiencing deep sadness and loneliness. It is known as one of the most common mental illnesses and it affects all kinds of people, regardless of sex, age and religion. Many people are not aware that depression is not only diagnosed in adults, but in children and adolescents as well. Therefore, there is a debate about whether children suffering from depression should be allowed to take antidepressants. Antidepressantdrugs should be prescribed for children suffering from depression under the conditions of doctors limiting the medication, including therapy and having the parents informed/educated. Depression, diagnosed in children and adults is something to be taken serious. ... Show more content on ... Antidepressant drugs, which can be lifesaving, are being underused in young people. Their use fell significantly after the Food and Drug Administration issued its black box warning in October of 2004, stating that all antidepressants were associated with a risk of increased suicidal feeling, thinking and behavior in adolescents; later on that warning was extended to young adults (Friedman 1). The Food and Drug Administration FDA ordered drug companies to place a black box warning on antidepressant drugs, this would then allow parents to see the side effects the drug might come with. As antidepressants can have its benefits, it is not the only way to treat a mental illness like depression. The majority of parents believe antidepressant is the only treatment and that psychotherapy is a waste of time and money. About 80 percent of people with depression respond positively to professional medical treatment usually talk therapy, medication or a combination of both and almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms. Unfortunately, less than half of those with depression seek treatment(Clayton
  • 24. How Enron Was A Company Enron was a company that was known by many people and corporation not only in the United States but also around the world. It grew to be one of the largest companies, so as imaged a lot of people were affected by the fall of the company. Over 210000 employees lost there jobs without even knowing what was coming to them and what was going on behind the doors by the people who were running the company. Apart from losing their job, their form of income for their families, they also lost any money that they had invested in shares of the company and their pension funds, because the company encouraged their employees to invest their money in its own shares and also closer to the end they wanted their employees to invest even more money. Good business decisions are based in financial statements that are prepared by the accounting firms or accountants within a company. When doing account for any company they all follow a standard called GAAP (Generally accepted accounting principles), GAAP provides guidelines and rules which companies use when preparing their financials statements so that all company are on the same page as one another. When Arthur Anderson accounting were preparing the financial statements for Enron they were lying about the financial situation that the company was in, in order to make the company look financial better than they really were. Nobody can really put reasoning behind why they done this but everyone can make assumptions on what was occurring and who
  • 25. Political and Economic Issues Along the U.S. and Mexico... Introduction and Statement of Purpose According to Jason Riley (2009) there are an estimated ten to twelve million illegal immigrants living within the United States (p. 54). According to Cieslik, Felsen, and Kalaitzidis (2009), over half of these illegal immigrants are from Mexico (p. 185). These population estimates have led the United Statesto take action along our border. We have built a fence, deployed various surveillance systems, and currently employ thousands of U.S. Border Protection officers. These actions have made the issue of illegal immigrationa highly debated topic within the United States and Mexico. This debate will be explained from a political, economic, and an integrated perspective. The Political ... Show more content on ... 117). According to an experienced border patrol agent named T.J. Bonner, Intrusions by the Mexican military to protect drug loads happen all the time (as cited in Buchanan, 2006, p.117). It is easy to see how U.S. Border Patrol agents and Mr. Buchanan can support the United States efforts in securing the U.S. Mexico border. Not all of Mr. Buchanan s views are based on histories of violence from Mexican illegal aliens. As recent as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, U.S. citizens have realized we are vulnerable to attacks within the United States. This realization is a valid concern because terrorists could also gain access through this border. The U.S. Border Patrol has a term called other than Mexican (OTM). Buchanan (2006) stated, A growing number of OTMs caught at the border now come from the Middle East (p. 15). It is important to remember that these Middle Easterners are caught at other points of entry, and not just the U.S. Mexico border. This does show a significant paranoia that many Americans have. This paranoia can lead to Americans supporting increased border protection. Governor s Richardson, Napolitano, and Mr. Buchanan all share a similar point of view regarding more security on our border. Not all Americans share this opinion. Jason Reilly is an editor at the Washington Post. He supports immigration when it is done legally. Reilly (2009) stated, We re better off reducing
  • 26. Philosophy Is Completely Different From Psychology Philosophy is one of the most interesting subject. Many people assume and confuse it with psychology. Philosophy is completely different from psychology. Psychology is how a person feels about a topic, while philosophy is how you ought to feel about the topic. The purpose of philosophy is to understand an argument, not emotional, but logically. Only by truly understanding an argument, one can improve his/her thinking. Within philosophy, there are many ethical theories. Such theories include: the Divine Command Theory, Hedonism, Desire Theory, Ethical Relativism, and much more. In this term paper, I will discuss which theory I believe is the strongest and which theory I believe is the weakest. Regardless, there is no perfect theory. Each theory is without flaws. I believe act utilitarianism is the strongest ethical theory presented in class. Act utilitarianism is when, according to Russ Shafer Landau, acts are right just because they maximize the overall amount of well being in the world . On the other hand, actions are wrong if they do not maximize the overall amount of well being in the world. Because the main concept of utilitarianism is to improve the overall well being, that concept determines which actions are considered right or wrong. Act utilitarianism is a part of a family of theories that are similar to consequentialism and utilitarianism (neither act nor rule utilitarianism). This family of theories are all similar in a way that the main idea is to improve and
  • 27. Assignment on Cima Introduction Since time immemorial is considered as a performance measurement tool for the importance and effectiveness of the management organization to control and to ensure appropriate performance goals and organizational goals. Various studies have been done in connection with the measurement of performance it is primarily intended to improve the effectiveness of the performance of the evolutionary process. Keep in mind, evaluation or performance measurement is a component that has been accepted as a principle to ensure that the benefits for these organizations. In addition, the performance is a process that produces a specific period and produced something to measure the ability, experience and motivation. Ability, experience... Show more content on ... For example, measures can be taken as the ratio. It may determine that an organization s financial position is at a favorable or otherwise. In addition, they can see the level of financial accounting from time to time. Here, all investors and the public will see the financial performance of an organization to determine whether they want to continue to invest or otherwise. In this way, performance measurement can be measured to know that investors will continue their investment in the organization. Here, it is evident that the financial accounting, performance measurement has advantages as discussed. Strength must compare with weakness. Thus, the disadvantages that can be seen when it involves the time in other words, up and down the organization can be found as fast as possible. Therefore, when investors find the financial level in the organization is in shaky condition, then the investor will withdraw all investments have been made. This allows an organization can fall quickly. Thus, the model performance measures are not successful and not suitable for use by this organization. Apart from the level of financial accounting, the ratio is one measure of performance can be made by the organization. Ratio is intended to make a comparison between two or more of a decision. The ratio of interest is to have a profound meaning which, when it is compared with other ratios. Examples of such ratios can reinforce an opinion on the
  • 28. Causes Of Bipolar Disorders In this world, there are many kinds of illness and diseases that affect our body in different ways. Some illness or diseases can kill us while other ones can be treated. For example, Bipolar Disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in moods such as energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day to day tasks. Bipolar is also known as manic depression . Bipolar disorder has affected about 5.7 million people in the United States in any giving year, month, week, day and even time. Bipolar disorder can be affected in both men and women. Affecting any kind of human being will have the cycle of Bipolar Disorder that can last days, weeks and even months. There are few risk factors that reliably predict a significantly... Show more content on ... For example, at the age of 27, Bennett spoke to her doctor about some depressive mood issues she was experiencing, for which the doctor prescribed antidepressants. At that point in time, she was feeling isolated, as she was living in British Columbia while her family was living in Ontario California. To make herself feel better, she was self medicating by smoking marijuana, staying up late and generally not taking good care of herself. Bennett s behavior was becoming increasingly erratic, and her roommates were really concerned. They called her family to let them know what was going on. So her sister and mother came to visit her in British Columbia they were hoping to bring her back to Toronto to see if they could get her some help. Because of Bennett s manic episode, she had convinced herself that the people coming to visit her were not her family, but clones of them. She was so convinced, she asked a friend to come with her to the restaurant where they were meeting and bring a video camera to tape it. She thought that she could use the tape as evidence that someone had cloned her sister and mother and could take that to the authorities. This concludes that by not having her family she felt the need to do drug and might though that her family did not even care for her because she was some where else in a
  • 29. The Legacy Of Nelson Mandela Imagine being systematically oppressed from the moment you exited the womb. All your civil rights, based on the amount of melanin in your skin. Drinking from the wrong water fountain, could even get you thrown into jail. Coincidently; this was the life, of black South Africans from the moment of Dutch colonization in 1652, to the first true democratic election in 1994. Apartheid, meaning separateness in Afrikaans; was legal segregation enforced by The National Party (NP) from 1948 to 1994. It legally imposed preexisting policies of racial discrimination on the Majority of the South African population. The entire basis of the racist policies, was the darker your complexion the less legal rights you had. Presumably this injustice, could have continued much longer if it weren t for all involved in the fight against the NP, however the man who arguably contributed the most, was Nelson Mandela. He ended an apartheid, with both his philanthropy and political prowess. He united a nation that used to be segregated; which seemed a daunting task at the time, but through the sweat and bloodshed he achieved the impossible. This alone exhibited his heroic characteristics, but to be more precise: both his actions and inactions lead to his success. Furthermore, Mandela was both a strong leader and forgiving at the same time. Being in the forefront of the abolishment movement, was an extremely risky move during the apartheid. He risked his life for what he believed in, and this personal
  • 30. Hamlet Literary Analysis It s not surprising that Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest play writiers. All his tragedies cause us humans to feel for the horrible plots against the main character that Shakespeare put together in continuous extenuating circumstances of sadness. All of these plays are called tragedies, and Hamletwas just the first written by Shakespeare (SparkNotes). Hamlet is the story of a Danish prince whose uncle murders the Hamlet s father. That same uncle marries his mother, and claims the throne. In retribution the prince pretends to be foolish and whitless to throw his uncle off guard, then manages to kill his uncle in revenge. In this essay I will talk about inspiration from shakespeare, from this play what has it inspired other people to create, and about various famous quotes from the play. Hamlet didn t just come from nowhere, let s first talk about how the tragedycame to be one of the greatest in the Western world (SparkNotes). As a matter of fact Shakespeare was inspired sometime between 1599 and 1601; right at the turn of the century where many impactful tensions going on (Write a Writing). Many people think that Hamlet used this as a metaphor to highlight the tensions that existed and arose during the English Reformation that delved into whether Catholics were legitimate or the Protestants (Write a Writing). According to Sparknotes Shakespeare borrowed for his plays ideas and stories from earlier literary works (Sparknotes). There may have been
  • 31. A Course On The Deuteronomic History If I were to teach a course on the Deuteronomic History, I would choose Joshua and Judges on the grounds that it holds more stories that have relevance to the context of my United Methodist congregation. The approximate demographics of my congregation are as follows: over ninety percent are Caucasian; over fifty percent are 45 years of age or older; women are the dominate group within most of the small group activities; and the mining, healthcare, and retail industries are the largest employers respectively. Layoffs affect most families in this congregation due to regular fluctuations in the mining industry, some due to direct employment and others due to delicate economic ties to the mining industry. Just like most of the country, the families of my congregation are less nuclear than in generations past as blended and other non traditional families are increasing in number. It is from this context that I have considered which Deuteronomic History stories to cover in a weekly course of several weeks. Before introducing these war texts, I would first present some background frame of reference. I would first explain some scholarly thought about the time (622 BCE) in which Joshua was written and how Josiah s reign might have influenced the lens from which the authors created and edited the final form known today. Given that most of my congregation believes heavily in the inerrancy and infallibility of the bible in combination with a small amount of human error, this information
  • 32. Why Do Celebrities Deserve Privacy The downside of fame is the interference of the media in one s life. Stories concerning celebrities are likely to attract customers, just for entertainment purposes. Celebrities life is publicized, criticized and mocked at. Reporting celebrities downfall seems to be particularly appealing to the public, and it seems that hardly a day passes without the news reporting a celebritys downfall. Some peopleare obsessed with famous people, their life styles, and have desire for more information. Media s negative role destroys the famous people s lives. Famous people deserve privacy and respect. This essay will discuss the unfair treatment received by famous people from the media. First of all, everyone deserves to have a personal life separate from their professional life, even those who work for the entertainment industry. In this digital era, it is not difficult to find information about famous people, no matter how private. Those in the spotlight suffer the humiliation and disgrace of having statements about them true or untrue broadcast for millions to find. Whether it likes it or not the public knows more about celebrities than many political issues. Secondly, sports athlete like Herchelle Gibbs career was destroyed by the media, constantly invading his personal life in result he lost his professional career as a national cricketer (, 2010) and marriage downfall (Barker, P. 2009). Young boys looked up to Herchelle Gibbs and idolised him, now they look down on
  • 33. Essay on The Iniquities of the Father The Iniquities of the Father: A Look at the Faulknerian Family. Faulkner has been hailed as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, especially for his depictions of life in the Deep South. Many of his stories take place in fictional Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi. In the Sound and the Furyand As I Lay Dying, he focuses on two very different families in this county, and explores how the iniquity of the fathers is revisited upon the children (Holy Bible: KJV Deut. 5.9). In both novels, through the use of stream of consciousness and various other modernist writing techniques, Faulkner looks at two deeply troubled families with weak parents and confused children and explores how these children cope or fail to ... Show more content on ... His grand father, J.W.T. Falkner, inherited a railroad company, but instead of passing it on to his son whose first and lasting love was the railroad, he sold it for $75,000 (Minter 6 7). Young Faulkner and his family moved to Oxford, Mississippi, where his father, Murry, a cold man whose capacity for affection was limited, grew more and more bitter, drank whisky, and remained distant and cautious (Minter 9). The relationship between Faulkner s father and his mother, who had probably married Murry Falkner thinking that he would eventually run the railroad company, became more and more strained. As the tension between them increased, Faulkner s father came more and more to regard him as his mother s son (Minter 9). As a child, Faulkner preferred to be the silent observer who moved back and forth between participation and withdrawal (Minter 12). He dropped out of eleventh grade twice, before getting a short job at his grandfather s bank, where he learned the medicinal value of his [Grandfather s] liquor (Meriwether 7). He eventually moved to New Haven, developed a British identity, changed his last name from Falkner to Faulkner, and joined up to become an R.F.C. pilot during World War I. He was still in training when the war ended. He described this part of his life during an interview with Marshall J. Smith in 1931, War came. Liked
  • 34. In Spite Of Everything I Really Good At Heart Anne Frank was a remarkable young women she was only 13 years old the time she went into hiding. She needed to disappear into hiding because she was jew in the time of the holocaust. Her family went into hiding the day her sister Margot received a letter in the mail wanting her to report to a concentration camp. When you arrive at one of those camps there are two lines. One is if you are sick or elderly you were to be killed and the other line is they will force you to work and if you do not there can be harsh consequences. Anne family was not going to let their child be forced to work. As Hitler began to prosper, the worse these treatments were pushed. So Anne s father, Mr. Frank, had connections in Amsterdam so he and his family moved there and they hid in the attic otherwise known as the Secret Annex. You could say, why would she need to advance into hiding when she could tell people she wasn t a Jew? The biggest reason is if you were in public and you were a jew you needed to have the Star of David sewn somewhere visible on your garments so that everyone would know you are a Jew. In her diary, Anne wrote In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart . I believe Anne was optimistic when writing this. She also was probably thinking about the people... Show more content on ... She was waggish and atypical, yet she was droll, unique and an inspiration to people that are discriminated upon and other people who realize how difficult her life was during this time. Everyone should commemorate Anne. So in conclusion, when Anne wrote the words In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart in her diary, she was trying to turn a horrible situation a superior one, she was thinking about the people fighting the war to help the Jewish people, and she was thinking about the people directly helping her and her family. That is what I believe was going through Anne s head as she wrote this
  • 35. Lays Chips Ads The whole reason advertisements get placed in magazines, or shown on television, is to bring in more revenue from customers buying the company s new product. If Lays were to make the same chip over and over, their customers would decrease. To make their new product attract more customers, Lays tells their Kettle Cooked chips has 40% less fat than other potato chips. While Lays develops a new product, the company is also investing in a new advertisement trying to make their product popular. The main goal for any company is to make sure they sell as much of their product as the can, but also use a unique way to catch customers attention. Lays strives to get customers to look at the block of cheese and the fresh jalapenos. The block of cheese is bright yellow, standing out from its surroundings, especially if the background of the... Show more content on ... Lays also said in the ad that the Kettle Cooked chips are made with 100% flavor. The company wants customers to know that their chips are going to be the best chips out on the shelves. Lays tries to target the chip lovers that also try to have a better eating diet. The company came out with with a new product that has 40% less fat but still has its 100% flavor. Also, this ad tries to draw attention to older men with the alcoholic beverage, meaning the ad was made to attract older men or just guys in general. One main benefit Lays out in their ad was the real cheese and the jalapenos. It showed that their Kettle Cooked chips are made with real cheese and jalapenos. Customers are more willing to buy a product with less artificial flavoring because then he or she will know what is the healthiest chip for them. To persuade customers to buy their Kettle Cooked chips, Lays used glittering generalities in their ad. The company tells the customer their new chip will Ignite your taste
  • 36. The Importance Of Food Culture Most people want to find out who they really are. We can first start by looking at their food culture. Food culture is a very important element that makes us who we are. From a young child to an adult most people have developed their food culture by trial and error or simply by their preference. Food culture is different for every ethnicity from the holidays to the meals themselves. Araceli is someone important to me and hands down her foodculture is very different from my own. Nicaraguan food is very different from my culture which is Mexican food getting to know about her food culture helped me get to know Araceli that much more. My food culture is based off my Mexican roots, which most people might think it is just beans and rice. Although that is partially true, most known dishes revolve around parties and holiday dinners. During these events we usually have tamales which is a popular dish and is served with sides of rice and beans of course. Food around this time is special because food gathers everyone together. Tamales take hours to prepare and usually my family gets a day to prepare for our feast. Tamales are very popular, and most people make them the same way. I recently found out that Mexicans are not the only ones who make their style of tamales. For Aracelis culture, although the dishes are familiar the preparation itself is completely different. Tamales are still eaten for holidays and special events, but they are called Nacatamal. Nacatamals have the
  • 37. Advantages Of Anticipatory Merchant In E-Commerce Anticipatory shipping: The game changer in e commerce By Govindarajan Raghavan and Harish B. (TAPMI, Manipal) Imagine you are relaxing at your home and suddenly get a message from your favorite e tailer indicating a 20% discount on your favorite novel s new sequel. What is more astonishing is that it will be delivered at your doorstep in few hours if you reply Yes to the message. Straight out of some Sci Fi movie..? Well, Amazon thinks not. Like the Genie in Aladdin, it is prepared to grant all the wishes of its customers. What s even more magical and a little bizarre (to be frank) is that these wishes will be granted even before they are made. Amidst all chaos and bloodshed in the e retail space to woo new customers and retain existing... Show more content on ... Predicting human behavior was never going to be easy even with the marvels of technology. Though the highly complex algorithm may look like a magic wand in the hand of witch for the e commerce giants, it may turn into a Devil s snare if the accuracy of the prediction goes wrong i.e. below the threshold at a region (geographic area) level. One of the major challenges of speculative shipping would be the costs of returning or re routing the package in the instance of an item not being ordered or rejected at the door by the consumer. In such a scenario the item would be either delivered to a potentially interested consumer for a discounted price or free promotional gifts to the consumer to build goodwill and save on return cost. Though this idea could be viewed as a radical approach by the e retailers to increase consumer loyalty, this approach would have a direct impact on the company s topline as it would eat into company s margin. This would compound the already burning problem of increase in customer returns and repackaging. This method would force the customers to try different ways to find factors triggering free delivery and would make it very hard for e commerce players to predict demand due to false behavior and browsing pattern exhibited by the consumers. The other potential disadvantage would be alienating the consumers like door to door salesmen by asking the customer, We
  • 38. Mental Health And Poverty What is the relevance of mental health for economic development in low and middle income situations? Why do you think we should think about mental health when we talk about poverty? Is there any connection between mental health and poverty? There is a consistent pattern that, despite varieties in the way in which povertyis defined, there is a consistent truth that people who live in lower economic situations and in poverty have increased riskfor mental healthproblems. This doesn t mean that all poor people have mental health problems neither does it mean that the rich don t have problems, but what it does mean is that the risk for developing a mental health problem is much greater in people who are poorer. The social and economic risk factors combined with genetic risk factors to lead to the creation of a mental illness in a particular individual. The first part of the equation is to determine which comes first, does poverty lead to depression or does depression lead to poverty? There are two ways to link mental illness and poverty. The first being that people who live within poverty have increased risk for mental illness because they live with a constant stress of insecurity related to food, security, income, less social support networks, more exposure to violence and crime, and also have increased prevalence of other health conditions. All of this leads to an increased prevalence in mental illness. On the other hand there are people who live with a mental illness, who
  • 39. Hearing Aid Process The hearing aid fitting process of PEI begins by running a full audiometric test battery on the patient. They begin with tympanometry, and then follow up with pure tones, speech and bone testing. If need be, they continue with any special testing that may be deemed necessary following the results of the audiometric testing. If a patient seems like a good hearing aidcandidate you can perform QuickSin, which is used to determine how the patient would understand speech in noisy situations. LDLs may also be done to obtain the patient s loudness discomfort level, which ensures that their hearing add is not fit to be louder than what is comfortable for the patient. After the test results are obtained and explained to the patient, their expectations of a hearing aid are determined. This can be achieved via the APHAB, COSI and ECHO, which are commonly used at PEI. These tests are also used to determine what type of listening environments the patients are in, their motivation for wearing hearing aids and the areas in which they are having problems hearing. After this is done the audiologist determines what type of hearing aid would be best the patient, using the previously listed questionnaires and test results as well as the patient s dexterity, vision and cosmetic needs. After the hearing aid is... Show more content on ... It is proven that using QuickSin for speech in noise testing will help determine if the patient would benefit from directional mics vs. omnidirectional mics and other features in their hearing aid to better their speech discrimination in noise. Other procedures done in PEI, such as Verafit and LDLs, are also confirmed by evidence based practice. What this means is that these tests were researched and proven to be best practice when fitting hearing aids. These test are recognized to be essential to the hearing aid fitting and the success of the
  • 40. Free Speech On Identity Politics On August 26, 2016, Colin Kaepernick sat on a sideline bench during the anthem, thus throwing American into an abyss of identity politics and divisive rhetoric. In the previous weeks, after comments made by President Trump regarding the anthem protests, 12% of NFL players have kneeled in unity with Kaepernick. In response, the Left chose to grab onto kneeling as a symbol of protest against Trump, and here we see the evolution from protesting police brutality to outright denial of President Trump. This evolution is not good for the Left or the Right. At this point, you are either kneeling with Kaepernick or supporting President Trump. However, America should be standing for free speech and the First Amendment. Identity politics has led to a breakdown in American democracy, demonizes its opponents, and stifles important discussion on hot button issues, including the issue of Kaepernick. Identity politics is the acts of classifying groups of people based on race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status to form exclusive political groups, alienating itself from a broader political stance. Before 2008, identity politics wasn t relevant, but the election of 2012 and 2016 saw identity politics rise to a level never seen before. In 2016, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump attempted to use identity politics to their advantage, and President Trump continues to do so today, as well as the Left. When Colin Kaepernick kneeled, and then the NFL following suit, it divided Americans
  • 41. Property Rights Libertarianism There is much controversy surrounding the proposal of an unconditional basic income. This system would provide cash income to everyone, instead of offering compensation in the form of food or health care to a margin of the population. In Matt Zwolinski s article Property Rights, Coercion, and the Welfare State: The Libertarian Case for a Basic Income for All , he defends the unconditional basic income. He defends the unconditional basic income from a libertarian point of view. One of the most prominent components of libertarianism is an opposition to the initiation of force. Libertarians, such as Matt Zwolinski, also stress the importance of property rights one of the most fundamental types is the one we have as individuals. In other words, our sense of ... Show more content on ... According to Locke, we acquire property rights by mixing our labour with resources. However, claiming a property right is claiming the right to use force to prohibit others from using a resource that was formerly open to all. It seems that this would be supporting a concept that restricts our liberties something that libertarians are normally committed to protecting. It is important to note that mixing labour with rescues is not the sole condition for establishing a property right the Lockean proviso must be satisfied. The Lockean proviso states that for one to take a resource out of the common stock of nature and claim it as their own individual property, they must ensure that they are still leaving enough (if not more than enough) of the resource for others. The purpose of the proviso is to ensure that all individuals have access to our planet s natural resources in order to support their lives. It is important to note that the proviso is individualistic, as opposed to aggregative. Most utilitarian principles justify institutions in terms of the overall scheme
  • 42. Introduction To Chemistry, A Natural Science, And Social... The subjects for this study will be undergraduate students enrolled in either Introduction to Chemistry, a natural science, or General Psychology, a social science, at the University of Arkansas in Spring 2018. Students will enroll in courses based on their own academic preferences. These courses are both scheduled for 50 minute discussion sections that meet two days a week (TTh) from either 9:30 10:20 or 10:30 11: 20. All identifying features of the student (e.g. names or student ID number) will be replaced with random 7 digit ID numbers that the researchers will assign to each student on the first day of the course. The condition each identification number is in will not be revealed until the experiment has concluded and the data is... Show more content on ... Researchers will also be analyzing if the type of course, natural science or social science, will alter the note taking technique that has the highest scores. Type of course will also be a between subjects variable. Materials required will include in class assignments related to the lecture materials. Each in class assignment will consist of ten questions that are easy to answer if the student was attending to what the professor was saying. All students will require a laptop or paper notebook to take notes on. The classrooms necessary will be smaller rooms with a maximum of 40 seats per room. This small size is necessary so the research assistants can ensure each student is using the correct method. Additionally, one experimental condition will require the use of the app StayFocusd from Transfusion Media (2010) which allows its users to temporarily block access to user specified apps for a designated amount of time. This experiment will require the use of four research assistants. Two of these assistants will be placed in the classroom to ensure students are using the appropriate method. The remaining two research assistants will be in the lab processing and configuring the data for the results of the experiment. Different researchers will be used to compute the data than those who are in the classrooms to eliminate any chance of experimenter bias. Lastly, the professors will be designing and distributing the in class assignments. Procedure Students
  • 43. Michelle Obama Speech Rhetorical Devices In Remarks to the NAACP National Convention , Michelle Obama spoke about how obesity in children has become a huge medical issue. She thoroughly explains her Let s Move campaign, while using pathos and logos as rhetorical devices. The audience that attended were mostly parents that grew up in the same generation as Mrs. Obama. She related to them as she jokes about their past. She expressed her message while including the audience by saying we or our . In addition, her being family minded helped reach her ideas out to other parents as they are dealing with the same issues. Mrs. Obama understood what type of audience made an appearance and made them feel valuable. Instead of generalizing the audience as one, she spoke to them as you .... Show more content on ... Obama uses is pathos. Throughout her speech, she is influencing the audience s emotions with pathos. Right in the beginning she thanked the audience for all their hard work and for coming out to the convention, making the audience feel narcissist. Michelle Obama told the audience, First of all, thank you for being here today and thank you for the outstanding work that you ve done in making this is a great American institution (418). The audience now feels as if they are making a difference and everything that they are doing is improving the nation. Once they feel that way, the people will feel more motivated to go out and accomplish more. Mrs. Obama also used the same strategy towards the end of her speech when she got the audience involved with the movement. Mrs. Obama announced, I m going to need you, NAACP. This is not an endeavor that I can do by myself. We cannot change the health of our community alone. I m going to need each and every single one of you to work together for this campaign for our children s future (432). Mrs. Obama is encouraging the crowd to make a difference and support her campaign. Not only did she make the audience feel narcissist, she also made them feel
  • 44. Dark Alliance By Gary Webb Dark Alliance GARY Webb book review In the book Dark Alliance by Gary Webb, is about the conspiracy of how the CIA had monitored the selling of crack cocaine in America to help fund the Nicaraguan contras secretly. And also during this process the Nicaraguan drugs were being sold to inner cities to create a drug known as crack that harmed the black population drastically. First of all Gary Webbhad made a newspaper over this topic Gary was once a news paper reporter and when he released the paper version of dark alliance it shocked America many believing it was real many believing there was not enough evidence however it has stood till today as being an accurate interpretation of corruption that indeed happened in present day America. The book tells us the story of how this all went down, basically there was a Latin American army that was obtaining profits from the illegal drugs that were being sold to the inner city gang groups known as the Crips and bloods. and while all this was happening the CIA was well aware and in fact they were supposedly running the whole operation. Know that the drugs ... Show more content on ... Because the big media cooperation s were not paying any mind to the events being taken. Whenever it had finally began to capture American peoples attention the CIA saw this was a problem and created a counter move to make Webb s findings irrelevant to try and make America not believe in his story. After this incident Webb was demoted for telling the truth so quit soon after. Thane eventually many of the suspensions came to light when the inspector general of the CIA had confessed that the CIA was involved in the drug trafficking between the contras and the united states and also stated that the operation was under wraps for 13 years there was no documentation of the events. However the American government just pretended as if nothing was ever going
  • 45. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Essay Born on May 7, 1840, in the Vyatka province, Russia, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was the second eldest in his parents six surviving offspring. He had an older stepsister Zinayda, an older brother Nikolay, a younger sister Aleksandra, his two twin brother Anatoly and Modest, and the youngest Ippolit. Though he wasn t particularly close to his other siblings, Tchaikovsky was close to Aleksandra (who he affectionately referred to as Sasha) and his younger twin brothers. In 1844, the family hired a governess, Fanny Durbach, who quickly became a mother figure of sorts to Tchaikovsky, as many counts recall the composer s mothering being cold and emotionless towards him. Tchaikovsky was a quick child, taking pianolessons at five years old and being fluent in French and German by six... Show more content on ... Tchaikovsky was successfully enrolled in the School of Jurisprudence and participated in his school s choir under choirmaster Gavryl Lomakin, and was quoted saying My voice was a splendid soprano, and for several years in succession I took the first line in the trio, which on these occasions was sung by the three boys at the altar at the beginning and end of [the Liturgy] . After the death of his mother in 1854, Tchaikovsky and his family moved in with his paternal uncle s family on Vasilyevsky Island for around three years. During his nine years in the School of Jurisprudence, Tchaikovsky began writing his first serious compositions, including a waltz he wrote in memory of his mother. While in the school, it is possible that Tchaikovsky s inner homosexual feelings had been awakened, as the school held a reputation for producing many gay alumni. Tchaikovsky also met two lifelong friends at the School of Jurisprudence, Aleksey Apukhtin and Sergey
  • 46. Essay on Humorous Wedding Speech by Brother of the Groom Humorous Wedding Speech by Brother of the Groom Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentleman It s my job to reply to the toast to the bridesmaids and in doing so, say a couple of nice things about George. You know, tell you about some of his good points. The problem is he doesn t have any good points. Well, except for being naturally gifted at sports. We do, after all, come from the same gene pull. So, on behalf of the bridesmaid, Claire, I would like to start by thanking George for his kind words. I am sure you will all agree that she looks wonderful today, as always. And so does the bride, Peggy stunning, as always. And, for a change, George has scrubbed up quite nicely too. He looks very refreshed, don t you think? I feel I can ... Show more content on ... The truth is, George has and always will be the prototypical big brother. All through my life, he has blazed trails for me. In school, I would always be greeted by new teachers with the comment, I remember your brother he was my student and a great guy , or, I hope you are as well mannered as your brother , or, Will you be taking over the role as the school idiot now your brother has left? . But in all seriousness, following in someone s footsteps is never easy, but the paths that my brother paved for me made it particularly difficult. A story I want to share with you about my dear brother took place about eight years ago. After a night on the tiles, George returned home and went straight to bed. After a short while, he started feeling a little bit nauseous and, in a moment of drunken clarity, opted to vomit out of his bedroom window. This isn t as foolish as it sounds, because the garage roof protruded under George s room. So, rather than stain his carpet and surely be caught in the morning, he hoped the roof and gutter would bear the brunt of the evidence of a very drunk young man until the following day, when it could easily be washed away. A great strategy you may think, but it had a one fatal flaw. The force with which George heaved far overshot both the garage roof and the gutter, but was just enough to land squarely on the windscreen of dad s car. And there it remained until a very angry dad dragged
  • 47. Persuasive Essay On Ap English Are you ready for Advanced Placement? Have you demonstrated you re ready to expand your learning and have you maintained a 3.5 GPA, then we encourage you to take AP classes, AP U.S. History or AP English Language Composition, next year. In AP, you ll get the opportunity to take a college level course and potentially earn college credit. AP not only helps you be better prepared for college, it also introduces you to concepts and skills that will stick with you the rest of your life. AP may challenge you, but we believe you re more than capable of rising to that challenge. And We ll be here every step of the way to support you. The highlight of AP class is that unlike tradition classes they are scored on a 5.0 grading scale and not the standard
  • 48. Chemical Equilibrium Lab Report Chemical Equilibrium Lab Report Aim: The aim of the lab Chemical Equilibrium is to observe the effects of changes in concentrations of products and reactants on the position of the equilibrium of given chemical reactions. Background Information: We are going to use our knowledge of the Le Chatelier s principle in order to observe this experiment. The principle states that the equilibrium will shift in the direction that will minimize the effects of the change. This lab consists of two parts. [Part 1] Procedure: The solutions that we used were: * 5 ml of 0.1 mol dm 3 of FeCl3 * 5 ml of 0.1 mol dm 3 of KSCN 1. We mixed these two solutions in a 100ml beaker. 2. We added distilled water into the solution ... Show more content on ... 6. We added 1.0 mol dm 3 of NaOH into tube #7 until a change in coloris observed. 7. We added 1.0 mol dm 3 of NaOH into tube #8 and than added 1.0 mold dm 3 of mold dm 3 HCl until a change in color is observed. Qualitative Data Tube Number| #5| #6| #7| #8| Initial Color| Yellow| Yellow| Orange| Orange| Substance(s) added| 1.0moldm 3 HCl| 1.0moldm 3 HCl and 1.0moldm 3 NaOH| 1.0moldm 3 NaOH| 1.0moldm 3 NaOH and 1.0moldm 3 HCl| First Color Change| Orange| Orange| Yellow| Yellow| Second Color Change| Orange| Yellow| Yellow| Orange| Conclusion: To conclude, the data we have collected from both experiments suggests that Le Chatelier s principles are applicable and correct. When different substances were added to different solutions, the equilibrium shifted appropriately in order to gain a balance. The shifting of equilibrium resulted in different color changes in different mixtures. In part 2 of the experiment we the aforementioned changes were more easily spotted. We saw the relationship between forward and reverse reactions. When NaOH was added to tube #8 we saw that the color changed from orange into yellow, in order to gain balance but when we added HCl back, the color again changed to orange. Which clearly proved Le Chatelier s
  • 49. Like Water For Chocolate Essay Like Water For Chocolate Essay By: Mili Nieves PARAGRAPH 1 Intro A soul in distress is always looking for a mean to escape through a difficult situation. In the story Like Water For Chocolate, Tita De La Garza who suffered like no other, isn t the exception. This young woman since birth was instilled with a very deep love for cooking. When the people who she loved most betrayed her, cooking eased her pain. All of the intense emotions that she felt while preparing food, were unknowingly added to the recipes. The author, Laura Esquivel through the use of symbolism, she demonstrates that the role of food in the story isn t there just to sustain life, it also transmits strong emotions such as desire, sorrow and healing felt by the ... Show more content on ... So after everyone left, Pedro and Tita walked back to the dark room peacefully and finally made love. Thus, as a result the heat between the characters was due to Titas desires being poured into her cooking. PARAGRAPH 3 Second body paragraph Additionally, the sorrow that Tita felt was also unintentionally transferred to others. . Specifically the wedding cake in which she managed to communicate her longing and sadness to Rosaura and Pedro s wedding guests. As she prepared the Chabela Cake, her tears fell into the batter and icing. The moment they took their first bite of the cake, everyone was flooded with a great wave of longing...Mama Elena, who hadn t shed a single tear over her husband s death, was sobbing silently. But the weeping was just the first symptom of a strange intoxication an acute attack of pain and frustration that seized the guests and scattered them across the patio and the grounds and in the bathrooms, all of them wailing over lost love (Esquivel 39). The tears affected everyone at the wedding banquet with longing for lost loves, so much so that they become physically sick. They were literally love sick and Tita was responsible even though she had no idea what she had just done. In the same manner, even though Tita didn t actually make the hot chocolate from story s title Like water for chocolate , it still symbolizes her biggest emotion. It is learned that once she hears Rosaura tell Alex about
  • 50. The Inheritance Of Loss Essay TITLE : The Inheritance Of Loss AUTHOR : Kiran Desai PUBLISHER : Penguin Books India YEAR OF PUBLICATION : 2006 Kiran Desai is an Indian author. She was born in India in 1971. At the age of fourteen she moved to England. Her novel The Inheritance Of Loss won the Man booker Prize for the year 2006 and the National Book Critics Circle fiction award. Desai is the youngest female to win the Booker prize. She is a part of Indan Diaspora. As a south Asian diapora writer she gives voice to people who are oppressed due to race, gender and class and have not been able express themselves in the past. Taking history as the basis for her arguments she expresses her concern for the oppressed through the characters of her novel. The story of the novel The Inheritance of Loss revolves around the inhabitants of a small town Kalimpong situated in the north eastern Himalayas, an old retired judge, his granddaughter Sai ,the cook and their relatives and friends. The novel shows the consequences of uprising Nepalese and its effects on the lives of these inhabitants. Along with this story there is a parallel ... Show more content on ... Desai very carefully handles the themes of racial discrimination, migration ,political turmoil and class discrimination. The novel provides us with some of the historical facts and the beautiful imagery which makes us familiar with the geographical details of Nepal. We can easily draw similarities between the novel and a movie. Just like a movie the novel deals with many characters and there is a change in scenes within a chapter. It keeps moving back and forth in time which makes it more interesting. The narrative techniques used by the author enhances the whole reading experience. The novel traces the development of the characters and ends the story in positive