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Catheterization Research Paper
Catheters are tubes that are used to drain fluids from the body. They are often employed in removing
the fluid from the urinary bladder and therefore, are an important element in urology care. It is
important to understand their importance and correct use, if you are looking to take care of a patient.
It used in a variety of environments.
Here, we first look at how catheters are used and then discuss the problems that may appear when
they are not used in the proper manner.
Catheters in Urology Care
Catheters are basically connected either to a bodily vessel or a cavity. They can be used to either
drain body fluids or push medicine into the body. Catheterization can be done, using a number of
needles and tubes. Some of them are soft while some ... Show more content on ...
They are easily employed by a patient or a trained caregiver at home and therefore, ensure that they
can be used in different circumstances. They are perfect for people who have lost their urinary
control due to a variety of reasons.
The advantage of this method is that you can avoid constant catheterization which is associated with
several problems, such as male infertility and tract infections. The method also ensures that patients
can keep their bladder pressure low throughout the day. These catheters do not cause prolonged
issues and can easily be avoided once the person is able to use ordinary methods.
Foley Catheter A Foley catheter is designed to be connected to the bladder through the urethra. It is
the most commonly used catheter in urology care. It has two channels with one open and the other
one with a balloon. The open channel is used to drain urine out while the closed channel is used to
inflate the balloon. The inflation keeps a Foley catheter in place. These catheters are created these
days from silicone rubber.
They should only be used when indicated by a medical practitioner. As they are inserted through the
urethra, they carry a greater risk of infections and other side effects.
Problems with
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Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
The purpose of this paper is to identify an issue identified by the National Council of State Boards
of Nursing NCLEX examination blueprint. The identified issue that I will be addressing for this
paper is catheter associated urinary tract infections and is under the category of safety and infection
control; according to (INSERT NCSBN CITATION) this issue falls under the overview of safe and
effective care for patients. The importance of addressing this issue is one that can potentially aid in
the patient having a higher satisfaction rate for the facility and the facility not potentially having to
pay for services not covered by insurance after the infection develops. ... Show more content on ...
Taking a look at the patients that have increased rates tend to be of female gender due to the
shortened urethra which allows the bacteremia to travel at a shorter distance than that of males,
some of the other risk factors for higher catheter associated urinary tract infections include patients
that are of older age, prolonged catheterization and impaired immunity (Conway, Larson 2012).
With respect to cultural values that may affect this situation they are none that I could find
correlating with catheter associated hospital infections. Proposed Solution
Through extensive research into catheter associated urinary tract infections there are many different
approaches to reducing the modifiable risk factors and the incidence of catheter associated urinary
tract infections in the hospital setting that can be used in any unit to reduce the liability of catheter
associated urinary tract infections. According to (Gesmundo, 2016)) the prolonging of the catheter
removal is one of the major reasons for catheter associated urinary tract infections. When adopting
the principles of how to lower the rate the success begins at the time of admission and
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Indwelling Urinary
Joint Commission released national patient safety goals for hospitals in January of 2016. These
patient safety goals were "established to help accredited organizations address specific areas of
concern in regards to patient safety" (Facts about the National Patient Safety Goals, 2015). National
patient safety goal 07.06.01 focuses on the prevention of catheter associated urinary tract infections
(CAUTI) in hospitalized patients. Evidence based practice should be implemented to stop these
common infections occurring in patients nationwide. Indwelling urinary catheters are only
recommended in certain patients, for example to prevent further breakdown of sacral wounds or
pressure ulcers in incontinent patients, for comfort in end of life care ... Show more content on ...
In 2013, a magnet recognized hospital, Baptist Health Lexington, reduced CAUTI rates in ICU
patients by 60% (Roser, Piercy & Altpeter, 2014). The study included six interventions that were
followed by the staff in the effort to reduce CAUTI. The six interventions included: "communication
of CAUTI data to interdisciplinary teams, a nurse–driven, physician approved protocol, problem
analysis using Lean principles, daily unit–based surveillance rounds, silver alloy urinary catheters,
and an antimicrobial bundle comprised of two cleansing products for patients with an indwelling
urinary catheter" (Roser, Piercy & Altpeter, 2014). The nurse–physician protocol allowed for nurses
to assess whether the catheter was still necessary and if found not to be, the nurse could discontinue
it. This resulted in a 58% decrease in the number of catheters used (Roser, Piercy & Altpeter, 2014).
An education session was implemented by nurses using principles from the Lean system that
checked the capability of nurses to understand just how dangerous CAUTI can be. It was found that
no single intervention alone could reduce the occurrence of CAUTI development. Nurses must
integrate several interventions to have an effective result at lowering the rates. However, this
particular study found that after the use of the antimicrobial bundle, rates of CAUTI did decline.
Roser et al. (2014) emphasized that education and awareness of
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Catheter associated urinary tract infection (Author's name)
(Institutional Affiliation)
Catheterization is a frequently part of care for various surgical procedures. The study confirmed that
patients lacked knowledge in catheterization and most of the patients were limited in decision
making on when the catheter was to be removed. The clinical problem and research problem that led
to the study being carried in the clinic was that the use of urinary catheter on patients, whom had not
vacated the hospital lead to progressive bacterial settlement of the bladder at speed of approximately
5% per day. The increasing threat of the CAUTI infection, in the National Health Service steered to
the ... Show more content on ...
Most of the references were recent, three to four years in difference from the year of the study and
also other references were older than five years, which helped in quantitative study for example
Lincoln (1985) contribution. In this study the author outlined some of the limitations of the study,
which included, a small section of patients from one surgical specialty was a limiting factor in the
study. Secondly the study did not combine methods such as questionnaire to increase the sample
magnitude. According to the findings of the study the information gathered was adequate to logical
argument about the fact that delayed removal of catheter was leading to patients' contraction of
infections through the examination of the symptoms shown by some of the patients. Most of the
uncertainties were associated with lack of information, as one of the female participant conveyed
dissatisfaction with information provided to her before surgery, which instigated to the need for the
search of information online, this information helped her after the surgery. The perspective, from
which the study was developed, revolved around the length of time catheter should take after
surgery before it is removed from the patient. The lengthier catheter stayed on the patient, the more
chances the patient was likely to be infected.
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The Importance Of A Nurse Driven Protocol On Nurses '...
Identify the need or problem you intend to solve through your capstone project
Nurses lacked knowledge in the use and was unaware of the importance of the underlying evidence–
base recommended criteria's indicated on the nurse driven protocol to remove inappropriate UC's. A
nurse driven indwelling catheter removal protocol is an evidence base tool recommended by
infection control organization and experts for the early removal of unnecessary or inappropriately
placed urinary catheters (UC). Evidence shows that urinary catheters are the source of catheter
associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). CAUTI, is the leading cause of hospital acquired
infections in the United States. The purpose of this evidence–based quality project is to evaluate the
effectiveness of an educational intervention on the importance and use of the nurse driven protocol
on nurses ' knowledge and CAUTI rates.
Identity your PICO
For nurses, (P) on 2 South caring for patients with urinary catheters, will education, on the
importance and proper use of a nurse –driven indwelling catheter removal protocol (I), change
knowledge on the use of the nurse driven protocol, as compared to knowledge before receiving an
education, (C), as evidenced by (O), change in knowledge in the use of the nurse –driven indwelling
catheter removal protocol, and CAUTI rates as evidenced by, pre and posttest scores and CAUTI
audits after three months? The project will utilize a
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Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections: Case Study
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Kailey O'Connell
Denver College of Nursing
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Healthcare Catheter associated urinary tract
infections (CAUTI) continue to be one of the largest medical problems occurring during care in a
hospital today. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 75% of UTIs acquired while
being in the hospital is associated with the use of urinary catheters (Centers for Disease Control,
2017). With the statistics showing a large increase in CAUTI globally, changes are being done to
reduce the amount of catheters placed and the protocol for when one needs to be placed.
Guidelines for Catheter Placement In 2009, with the national increase ... Show more content on ...
A study done in Thailand showed that the longer a catheter is in place was the main factor that
increased the incidence of CAUTI (Danchaivijitr, Dhiraputra, Cherdrungsi, Jintanothaitavorn,
Srihapol, 2005). The first week of placement showed a 37.6% incidence of infection followed by
27.7% the second week (Danchaivijitr et al., 2005). These statistics reinforce the importance of only
placing a catheter when medically necessary. Catheters should only be placed for the length of time
absolutely necessary and not a second longer if
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Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
The purpose of this paper is to implement a policy that will aid in reducing foley catheter induced
infection by providing a guideline for the health care providers on how to care for patients with
foley catheters. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) are the most commonly
reported hospital acquired condition, and the rates continues to rise. According to American Nurses
Association, greater than 560,000 patients developed CAUTI each year. Registered nurses can play
a vital role in reducing CAUTI rates (ANA, 2015). Hospital acquired conditions are major threat to
patient safety with estimated cost of 33 million annually (ANA, 2015).
A policy is defined as documentation defining the minimal requirements for clinical ... Show more
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A universal precaution and a sterile field must be maintained during the procedure. All foley must
have a stat lock retention device placed to patient's inner thigh area to keep the foley stable. The
foley drainage bag and chamber must be placed below the knee at all times to avoid back flow of
urine into the bladder. The order set directs the nurses on how to document for care every eight
hours. The documentation includes checking the potency, including any twisting or kinking of the
catheter, emptying the foley every two hours, and performing foley care every 8 hours. As part of
the policy, every nurse is required to attend bi–annual skills fair
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Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) is defined as the occurrence of a urinary tract
infection (UTI) in patients with a urinary catheter in the past 48 hours. Published guidelines by the
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) further defines CAUTI by the presence of
significant bacteriuria of ≥ 103 CFU/ml found in the urinalysis and signs and symptoms of a UTI
without the presence of another cause for these findings. Signs and symptoms of CAUTI could
include: altered mental status, fever, chills, flank pain, costovertebral angle tenderness, and
hematuria. If the catheter has been removed in the past 48 hours the symptoms could also include
urgency and frequency (Fakih et al., 2016).
A2. Significance of the problem
The most common health care associated infection (HAI) is CAUTI. Forty percent of all hospital–
acquired infections are UTIs and 80% of these are directly linked to having an indwelling urinary
catheter in place (Underwood, 2015). Urinary catheters are required in up to 25% of hospitalized
patients and bacteriuria results in about 25% of patients with a catheter for greater than 5 days and
this number increases by 1 to 5% for each day the catheter is in place after that. The harmful
consequences of CAUTI include increased length of stay, higher health care cost, and increased
mortality. CAUTI is known to cost health care in the U.S. $400–$500 million annually (Leuck et al.,
A3. Current Practice
The growing concerns over
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Foley Catheter • Explain The Procedure
How to insert a Foley catheter You must explain the process to the patient before you began. Most
patients are not used to inserting any object into their urethra. It is often described as painful or
uncomfortable. So out of respect for the patient, explain the steps of the procedure to him/her before
beginning. Ask the patient to lay on their back. The patient's legs should be spread and their feet
should be together. The patient laying on their back relaxes the bladder and urethra, making easier to
insert the catheter. You can even assist the patient getting into the supine position. Wash your hands
and put on sterile gloves. Wearing gloves are very important in the health care field, there are used
to protect you and the patient from bacteria. The sterile gloves help ensure that bacteria do not get
into the urethra and the patient bodily fluids do not come into contact with your hands. ... Show
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Foley catheters comes in a sealed sterile kit. Before opening the kit, make sure you have the right
size kit for your patient. They come in 12,14,16 French. (1French=1/3 mm). The smaller ones are
usually better for the patient's comfort but the larger ones will help against leakage. Sterilize and
prepare the patient's genital area. You have wipe the patient's genital area with disinfectant soaked
cotton swabs, to remove any debris. Repeat step if needed. For female patients, be sure to clean the
labia and urethral meatus (the outside of the opening of the urethra located above the vagina). For
the men clean the urethral opening on the penis. When you finish wiping down the patient, lay down
surgical drapes around the genitals, leaving yourself enough work
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Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
Evidence–Based Nursing Practice
Karen Medley
Walden University
NURS 4000 Section 05, Research and Scholarship for Evidence–Based Practice)
July 22, 2012
For patients that have indwelling catheters, with the evidence–based practice and standards of care,
UTI's does still continue to be an ongoing problem today. In one of the large hospitals in my area
had recently developed a poster and video approach with special focus on alternatives to urinary
catheterization, removing catheters early, and the reinforcement of sterile technique prior insertion
and foley catheter care were used to educate nursing staff and improve outcomes. The purpose of
this paper is to educate nursing on ... Show more content on ...
The lower income communities are probably more affected. The cost of a single episode to treat
UTI's ranges from $980–$2900, depending on the presence of the bacteremia (Saint, 2000).
Differences in care based on evidence Sterile technique is required for insertion of an indwelling
urinary catheter in the hospital setting, but clean technique can be used for intermittent
catheterization in non–acute settings. By itself, sterile technique on insertion doesn't prevent UTI's.
Prevention of UTI's depends on knowledge of causes, proper care techniques, and early catheter
removal. Nurses are taught early on in school that sterile technique helps to reduce infections. It was
drilled in our heads the entire time and now to have the evidence tell us that early catheter removal,
along with proper technique good hand hygiene is the key to reduce UTI's.
UTI's is an all too common problem that causes unnecessary distress to patients and delays their
recovery during their hospital stay. All healthcare professionals should adhere to these good practice
points that could reduce the risk of UTI's and assure staff that they are demonstrating best practice in
their care.
Burke J.P. (2003). Infection control– a problem for patient safety. New England Journal Medicine,
Hobbs F.B. (2001).The elderly population. US Census Bureau, Population
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Foley Catheter Detection
Foley catheter insertion is a sterile procedure used for multiple reasons in the hospital. The CDC has
a list of appropriate indications for placement of an indwelling catheter. The catheter which is a thin
sterile tube placed into the urinary bladder through the urethra. It is important to remain sterile
throughout the insertion process to help prevent a catheter associated urinary tract infection
(CAUTI), which are the most common type of healthcare–associated infection (HAI). Due to Foley
insertion being an invasive technique it can only be performed by a trained and licensed personnel.
There must be a doctor's order indicating the need of a catheter insertion. Foleys are available in
different sizes so it is important to pick the smallest ... Show more content on ...
When inserting a catheter in a male or a female the cleaning process and the depth of insertion is
different. The patient should lie in the supine position. Before getting started wash your hands and
put on clean gloves. Open outer CSR wrap and remove the pad and lie it underneath the patient.
Next use the provided castile soap wash to clean the patient's per–urethral area. Remove gloves,
apply hand sanitizer, and place sterile gloves on both hands. Be sure to place fenestrated drape on
patient. Use the syringe with the green plunger to squirt lubrication in the tray. Remove the top tray
and place it next to the bottom box being sure to leave it on the CSR wrap. Screw the water–filled
syringe into the inflation port. Remove the catheter from the wrap and place it into the lubricant.
Clean the patient with the pre–saturated antiseptic swab sticks. Using a female for our example take
the first swab and move in a downward motion and clean the right labia minora and discard. Then
take the second swab and repeat on the left labia minora. For the third swab stick clean the middle
area between the labia minora. Proceed with the insertion of the catheter by inserting until urine
flow is noticed. Once there is urine flow insert two more inches and inflate balloon with all 10mL of
sterile water. Once inflated, pull the catheter until the
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Personal Statement Of Utmb Nursing
Personal statement My name is Robin Parisher and I am applying to be a part of the UTMB Nursing
Program with Spring 2017 admission. It is within this personal statement, I wish to successfully
explore my drive for this career choice, past experiences, and future endeavors with you. Nursing, in
my opinion, takes full commitment from someone. One must be knowledgeable, dedicated, and
willing to help others at all cost. My mother is the greatest nurse I have ever encountered and has
been my inspiration since I can remember. She has been a nurse for over 20 years and I have been
captivated ever since. I was born to do this, to advocate and help others that are in need. Being able
to apply the knowledge and skills learned in a real hands–on situation has given me the utmost
motivation to fulfill my dreams of one day becoming a nurse. I was able to successfully complete
my rounds of clinical hours as part of my nursing program at various locations and departments. I
was assigned to MD Anderson, Harris County Psychiatric Center, and Silverado Memory Care
Community, where I was able to work with many different types of patients and become acclimated
to the environment. The duties in which I was able to preform varied location to location but
included, head to toe assessments, insertion/removal of Foley catheters, medication administration,
tube feedings, trachea suctioning, and numerous care plans just to name a few. I was able to interact
with patients one on one as a student which has instilled confidence and reassurance in my future. ...
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I wish passionately that the turn of events that occurred this year were different but that is not
possible and I feel the need to explain myself and the reasoning behind my unsatisfactory
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Research Critique Essay
Moses Williams
NURS 450
Professor Peggy Melloh
Catheter–associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is a fairly common complication in hospitalized
patients. Nosocomial infection prevention and patient safety promotion has been issued and many
researches have been conducted to improve patient's quality of life. In this article, Saint et al. (2005)
hypothesize that using a paper–based urinary catheter reminder can reduce the incidence of urinary
catheterization, and consequently this will enhance the patients' safety.
Critique Part 1 Research Questions or Hypotheses The background and significance of this study are
properly presented in the introduction. The research question is presented at the end of the ... Show
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Review of the Literature This article does not provide the search strategy including a number of
databases and other resources which identify key published and unpublished research. In this article,
both the primary sources and the theoretical literatures are collected and appraised in order to
generate the research question and to conduct knowledge–based research. In the section of the
literature review, nineteen professional articles are appraised in order to provide the significance and
background of the study. Saint develops the research question based on these analyses. "Catheter–
associated urinary tract infections in surgical patients: A controlled study on the excess morbidity
and costs" is one of the primary sources written by Givens and Wenzel who conduct and analyze this
study. In addition, "Clinical and economic consequences of nosocomial catheter–related bacteriuria"
is a review of a literature article which is the secondary source. Although many studies state that
patient safety is a top priority and CAUTI can be controlled by the caution of health care providers,
the infection rate is relatively high among other nosocomial infections. One of the reasons Saint and
colleagues uncovered is unawareness and negligence by health care
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Essay On Foley Catheter Care
Foley Catheter Care, Adult
A Foley catheter is a soft, flexible tube that is placed into the bladder to drain urine. For as long as
your catheter is in place, you will need to:
Care for the skin around your catheter.
Empty, change, and clean drainage bags.
Check on your catheter throughout the day to make sure it is working properly and the tubing is not
twisted or curled.
Taking good care of your catheter will keep it working properly and prevent infections and other
problems from developing.
It is important to take good care of your skin when you have a catheter in place. To do this:
Clean the skin around the catheter at least once every day.
Shower every day. Do not ... Show more content on ...
A clean towel.
Adhesive tape or a leg strap.
Wash your hands with soap and water.
Wet a washcloth in warm water and mild soap.
Wipe the skin around where the catheter was put in with the washcloth. Wipe away from the catheter
in small circles. Do not wipe toward the catheter because this can push bacteria into the urethra and
cause infection.
Pat the area dry with a clean towel. Make sure to remove all traces of soap.
Attach the catheter to your leg with adhesive tape or a leg strap, making sure there is no tension on
the catheter. If you are using adhesive tape, first remove any sticky residue left behind by the
previous tape you used.
Place the drainage bag below the level of your bladder, but keep it off the floor.
You should have received a large overnight drainage bag and a smaller leg bag that fits underneath
clothing. You may wear the overnight bag at any time, but you should never wear the smaller leg
bag at night. Empty your drainage bag when it is ⅓–½ full or at least 2–3 times a day. Change your
drainage bag once a month or sooner if it starts to smell bad or look dirty.
How To Empty a Drainage Bag
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Preceptor Experience Essay
The second half of my preceptorship went well and I learned a lot. I felt comfortable giving
medications, performing assessments, and caring for the patients. I was able to complete all of my
objectives. We were in the ER for one day, and the rest of the time my preceptor was the Charge
Nurse on the med–surg floor. I gave medications every day that I was precepting. When giving
medications I am very cautious. I verify the patient, and we scan the patient and medications. But
sometimes medications are split in half and I needed to make sure to set them aside during scanning.
One day I scanned an aspirin and the computer said it was for the wrong patient. I verified the
medication on the MAR, and it was the correct medication. My preceptor said that happens
sometimes, and we manually entered the medication. I feel comfortable giving medications, but will
continue to be cautious. I performed assessments every day of preceptorship. Lung sounds can be
difficult for me to identify, so I liked being able to listen and ask my preceptor if she heard the same
thing. I heard a whooshing sound over the heart of one of my patients and spent extra time listening
to it. I guess he noticed that I was confused because he told me that he has a Pig Valve. Some of the
other sounds I could verify were crackles and wheezes. ... Show more content on ...
This was awkward for me since I have never been around it. I did not help with post–mortem care
because they were not our patients and we were busy doing other things. My preceptor had to call
Lifeshare for organ and tissue donation, even though the patient was not an organ donor. This is
standard for all patients that pass away. The spouse of the patients insisted that the patient wasn't an
organ donor, but Lifeshare insists on talking to a family member. After telling Lifeshare that the
patient's religion was a Seventh Day Adventist, they didn't need to talk to the family because that
religion does not donate
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Long Hand Charting for Iv Insertion and Removal, Trach...
Pt requires 20 gauge IV for _______. 20 gauge catheter inserted to the right anterior forearm, first
attempt. Flushed with 10 cc normal saline. Stat lock in place, covered with transparent dressing. Pt
tolerated well with no complaints of pain or irritation upon flushing, no visible swelling or bruising.
Sharps placed in approved container, patient's bed lowered as far as possible and assisted to
comfortable position. Reassessed in 5 minutes for bleeding , none noted.
Pt requires IV discontinuation d/t: pain / infiltration / expiration of indwelling time frame.
Discontinue 22 gauge IV catheter from L hand. Cannula intact. Pressure held for 3 minutes, assess
for continue blood loss, none noted. 2 x 2 gauze dressing with paper tape ... Show more content on ...
Bed rail returned to upright position and bed lowered to lowest possible position.
Order written by _____ for a 16 F indwelling catheter for _(preop)__. Pt instructed on the need and
gave consent denies iodine allergies. Pt is positioned in the dorsal recumbent position, perineal area
cleaned with warm damp cloth and dried. Labia spread and meatus cleansed with betadine.
Lubricated catheter inserted immediate return of 500 ml of cloudy
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Reflection About My Clinical Experience
Also, the objective is to find patient's document finding and correlate it with chronic disease process
of elderly adults. With this reflection, I will discuss what I've learned, and my strengths and
weakness in my clinical experience.
Day 1
On Thursday the 9th, I worked with a patient who is a 74 years old male, with general weakness.
His admitting diagnosis was caused by the metastasis of prostate cancer to the bone. Talking to the
patient was an amazing experience for me because we liked the same thing such as the NBA. He
told me that he was a lawyer and that all of his children are grown up and successful. He does a
wife, who I did not see during my rotation. But, it was easy to talk to communicate with him. I have
always had social anxiety growing up. Talking to people had always been my weakness because I
was always worried about how people would perceive me when I talked. However, now that I have
grown up, I learned to look past my social anxiety. I learned that from shutting my brain off that
caused me overthink, facilitated me to ... Show more content on ...
I was slightly familiar with the foley catheter, however, I need some slight guidance. I knew that I
needed to drain the foley bag because it was slightly full, but I did not know where to unclamp to
drain it. The nurse's aid taught me how to unclamp the bag so I can drain the urine. I also learned
that when moving the patient who has a foley bag, it was important to make sure that the patient is
not going to get a UTI. UTI can be caused by holding the foley bag at a higher positon causing the
urine to backtrack. It is important to keep that in mind as a healthcare worker. I have not been skill
checked on foley catheters, however, I need to practice working around foley catheters to protect the
patient. I could always go on youtube and search videos on foley catheters or I can use the perry and
potter book to learn
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The Change Theory Of Nursing Model
Framework The Change Theory of Nursing Model will be used to facilitate change in the unit
because it will drive the patient in a desired direction (Nursing Theory, 2016). The model, developed
by Kurt Lewin, uses three stages of change. Before change can be implemented the agent goes
through unfreezing, experiencing the change, and refreezing (Nursing Theory, 2016). Unfreezing
This phase involves focusing on the staff's mindfulness for the necessity of change based on the
evidence collected by an infection control committee. This phase is necessary to overcome the
tensions of individual resistance and group compliance (Nursing Theory, 2016). Using three
methods is how this phase is achieved. First, redirecting the behavior away from the existing
situation. Second, reducing the restricting forces that have a negative affect on the movement.
Lastly, using a combination of the two methods mentioned above. Experiencing the Change This
stage is where the staff will be required to view the education power point on the new CAUTI
prevention tool. The staff will then take a post education competency test to demonstrate proficiency
of the risks and complications of CAUTIs as well as the prevention tool. Nurses are encouraged to
assess the need to continue the Foley each shift and offer patients an urinal, commode, or bedpan
when needed. When indications are no longer met, the RN is to call the doctor for Foley removal.
Refreezing This is where establishing the change
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National Patient Safety Goals ( Npsgs )
National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) were established in 2002 by the Joint Commission to help
accredited organizations address specific areas of concern in regard to patient safety ("Catheter–
Associated," 2015). NPSG.07.06.01 Implement evidence–based practices to prevent indwelling
catheter–associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) is a 2015 NPSG ("The Joint Commission,"
2015). Our facility has 1.32 CAUTIs per 1000 device days (Carson, 2015). Decreasing our CAUTIs
can be achieved with a strict goal, addressing the financial implications, interdisciplinary
collaboration, nursing leadership, a measurement tool, and discussing the future healthcare delivery
Urinary tract infections are the most common type of healthcare ... Show more content on ...
Your morbidity and mortality rate increase 2.8–fold when acquiring a CAUTI, and can add up to
$1000 direct cost to your bill in the acute care setting. Medicare beneficiaries with CAUTI have a
higher median Medicare reimbursement of $1500 in the acute care setting, and up to $8500 in the
ICU setting, not to mention increasing your length of stay in the ICU an extra 8 days ("Catheter
Associated Urinary Tract," 2011).
Healthcare–associated infections account for nearly $45 billion yearly in the United States, because
CAUTI is one of the most common, CMS stopped reimbursing hospitals for additional costs
associated with CAUTIs in 2008 (Kennedy, Greene, & Saint, 2013). Costs incurred with CAUTIs
when symptomatic urinary tract infections are involved can average up to $911 per patient, and up
to $3824 per patient when bloodstream infections are involved (Kennedy et al., 2013). This includes
costs associated with oral medications, intravenous medications, and laboratory testing.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Fakih and Jones (2013) really bring home the fact that once you communicate to your colleagues
that infection reduction is an organizational priority, the first step to reduce CAUTIs is to implement
a Comprehensive Unit–based Safety Program (CUSP) developed by Johns Hopkins Medicine
Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality. This starts with senior leadership commitment,
then involves physicians, nurse leaders,
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The Importance Of Prevention And Improvement Interventions
There are numerous current prevention and improvement initiatives taking place in the health care
system to reduce the occurrence of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). Some of
the most prominent interventions are to decrease the number of catheters being inserted and
removing the catheters as quickly as possible. Stamford Hospital located in Connecticut, USA,
implemented a CAUTI reduction project after noticing that education–based approaches and
handwashing efforts had not decreased the incidence of CAUTIs. They implemented a nurse's
checklist for the justified use of catheters and timely removal of urinary catheters. They also added a
specific catheter charting module in the electronic health record, and held biweekly ... Show more
content on ...
In the past, Foley catheters remained in place, and the need to continue them was not addressed on a
daily basis. But, with education and research this has changed. Education sessions offered in
hospital settings and huddles, for example, are perfect opportunities for the nurses to identify
patients with a Foley catheter on the unit and review strategies for decreasing infections (Clayton,
2017). Knowing when catheters are being useful and when they are becoming an issue and causing a
problem is the key to identifying CAUTI's. Preventing CAUTI's begins with avoiding unnecessary
use of urinary catheters, developing policies for insertion and maintenance of catheters, selecting the
appropriate catheter, and instituting surveillance of CAUTIs and catheter use. Protocols to eliminate
CAUTI's will decrease their incidence and ensure better quality care (Clayton, 2017). This research
found that out of 517 hospitals, 56% of them did not have a system to keep track of catheterized
patients (Clayton, 2017). It was also found that 74% of the hospitals did not keep proper records of
how long an indwelling catheter has been in a patient (Clayton, 2017). These flawed systems can be
costly to patient safety and quality of care.
Improper education for health care workers is dangerous for patient care. The next study focused on
working with educators to make sure nurses were properly educated on the proper care of urinary
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Urinary Tract Infection Paper
The scope, history, and duration of catheter associated urinary tract infections is reviewed. The
scope of catheter associated urinary tract infections is when an individual acquires an infection that
has been caused by the insertion of a catheter. The individual may have had the catheter in place for
a short period of time and acquired it upon insertion related to the lack of sterile technique.
However, the individual also may have had the catheter in place over a long period of time and
acquired an infection. Roger, Feneley, Hopley, and Wells (2015) explain that the body's natural flora
is disrupted from ascending in the urinary tract and colonizing a bacterial infection during normal
bladder emptying. However, if a catheter is in place this allows for easy ascending bacteria to
colonize and form an infection, and ... Show more content on ...
The use of catheters to empty bladders dates to over 3500 years ago, and Foley indwelling catheters
have been used over the past 80 years (Roger, Feneley, Hopley, and Wells, 2015). The catheter was
first initiated for the use of male, intermittent self–catheterization purposes, it was rigid, and implied
for urinary retention (Roger, Feneley, Hopley, and Wells, 2015). Roger, Feneley, Hopley, and Wells
(2015) continue to explain that urinary incontinence was not a pertinent medical need to address,
and it wasn't until a urologist invented the Foley catheter that it was used for these purposes.
However, this intervention is great at assisting to prevent skin breakdown in the elder population
related to the effects of urine in constant contact with the skin, but indwelling catheters do not come
without several other medical problems that can result, as mentioned above (Roger, Feneley,
Hopely, and Wells, 2015). In addition to these problems, Foley indwelling catheters have been
associated with balloon fragments if the balloon bursts and urethral trauma (Roger, Feneley, Hopley,
and Wells,
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Nursing Fluid Balance Report
The learning objective to be addressed in this essay is to be more adept at filling out a fluid balance
chart and understand its importance. I intend to use the Driscoll (2007) reflective cycle as I find the
root process of interrogating and assessing events the most helpful at being reflective. The fluid and
electrolyte balance monitoring and management are essential and highly significant to nursing care
as highlighted by Jevon and Ewens (2007). Patients suffering from a negative fluid balance is
understood as suffering in dehydration according to the definition of dehydration by Jevon (2010)
Some symptoms of dehydration, as described by Goertz (2006) include thirst, headaches, dry skin,
weight loss, fatigue and pyrexia. From this point onward ... Show more content on
Luckily enough, my mentor remembered and wrote down the urine output for that hour. I was
criticised by my mentor for forgetting to do so and she reminded me of the importance of keeping
rigorously accurate fluid balance chart as post–operative patients are at a higher risk of
hypovolaemia and oliguriaThey are at risk of hypovolaemia due to fluid loss during the procedure
Hypovolaemia, the decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the body, can lead to tachycardia.
A tachycardic heart rate is not efficient in oxygen delivery to the organs. The increase of work
demand and decrease of oxygen delivered on the heart can cause rate related ischaemia (Hutchins,
2013). A study conducted by Vaughn et. al (2014) showed that oliguria, which left untreated can lead
to tubular necrosis and acute kidney injury (AKI)..She reminded me of its importance in delivering
excellent care and ensuring the patient's good health. The chastisement that I received from my
mentor made me feel somewhat disappointed as I felt that such a simple mistake could have been
easily avoided. Her reminder of the importance of giving the highest quality of care also made me
realise the importance of little thing in the care of the patient. Little things, when put together, make
something big and significant. Although I was disappointed with myself for making such a trivial
mistake, I soon realised that my mentor gave me an important job which I should have been more
careful with. I understood that I am accountable for my actions and partly accountable for whatever
outcome may befall to the patient. Moments afterwards, I accepted my mistake and was soon eager
to prove myself and be worthy of such a
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The Quality Improvement Nursing Process
The Quality Improvement nursing process that I have chosen to research is patient safety. I have
chosen to focus specifically on the topic of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI's)
during hospitalization and their preventions. It is estimated that 15–25% of hospitalized patients
receive a urinary catheter throughout their stay, whether or not they need it. A large 80% of all
patients diagnosed with a urinary tract infection (UTI) can be attributed to a catheter (Bernard,
Hunter, and Moore, 2012). The bacteria may gain entry into the bladder during insertion of the
catheter, during manipulation of the catheter or drainage system, around the catheter, and after
removal. The difference between men and women regarding UTI's related back to the human
anatomy. A man's urethra is 8 inches in length, while a woman's urethra is 1.5 inches in length.
Bacteria can quickly and easily make its way into a woman's bladder. This is why there is a large
percent of women UTI's when used in comparison to men (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2012). Catheter–
related urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs because urethral catheters inoculate organisms into the
bladder and promote colonization by providing a surface for bacterial growth. Brusch says, "Once a
indwelling catheter is placed, the daily incidence of bacteriuria can be between 3–10%." Another
large problem that results CAUTI's is that at times, catheters are left in a patient longer than
necessary. Prolonged use of
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Urinary Catheter Education: A Case Study
Catheter Education:
A urinary catheter is a thin tube that is placed in the bladder to allow urine to drain. Urine flows
through the tube into a collection bag. A urinary catheter is often used for several purposes:
including the inability to void on one's own, unconscious patient, unable to ambulate, malformation
exists that prevents the flow of urine, or to keep an accurate record of the amount of urine being
voided. Foleys are also inserted during the surgical process, as seen in most critical care patients for
accurate measuring of urine output. During the intensive care admission, patients who have a
urinary catheter are more prone to acquiring a urinary tract infection than patients without a catheter
inserted (NICHE, 2012).
CAUTIs Education ... Show more content on ...
Remember catheters should be used only when required and should be removed as soon as possible.
According to the Nurses Improving Care of Health System Elders (NICHE) (2012), CAUTIs
prevention strategies emphasizes the crucial role of first–class nursing care in patient safety efforts.
NICHE (2012) stated that their focus is on the nurse–driven program that is planned to aid hospitals
and healthcare organizations to improve the care of the older patients. NICHE's vision focus on
sensitive, and excellent care that should be provided to all patients who are 65 and over. The task as
identified by NICHE (2012) is to deliver principles and tools that will motivate a change in the
culture of healthcare facilities. Such care is centered on the older adult. NICHE (2012) also provides
hospitals and other healthcare organizations with an evidenced–based clinical protocol that allows
for the Joint Commission alliances to be achieved and enhance the care of the patients and their
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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common nosocomial infection; accounting for up to
40% of infections reported by acute care hospitals. Up to 80% of UTIs are associated with the
presence of an indwelling urinary catheter. Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs)
represent the largest proportion of healthcare associated infections (HAI). Catheter–associated
urinary tract infection (CAUTI) increases hospital cost and is associated with increased morbidity
and mortality .CAUTIs are considered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to
represent a reasonably preventable complication of hospitalization. As such, no additional payment
is provided to hospitals for CAUTI treatment–related costs.CAUTIs can lead to ... Show more
content on ...
Not maintaining a sterile technique during insertion and closed drainage system after insertion.
4. The drainage bag of the bacteriuric patient is a reservoir for organisms that may contaminate the
environment and be transmitted to other patients. 5.Outbreaks of infection with resistant gram–
negative organisms attributable to bacteriuria in catheterized patients have also been reported.
1. Limiting catheter use and, when a catheter is indicated, minimizing the duration the catheter
remains in situ are primary strategies for CAUTI prevention.
2. Ensure that only trained, dedicated personnel insert urinary catheters.
3. Implement a system for documenting the following information in the patient record: indications
for catheter insertion, date and time of catheter insertion, individual who inserted catheter, and date
and time of catheter removal
a. Include documentation in nursing flow sheet, nursing notes, or physician orders. Documentation
should be accessible in the patient record and recorded in a standard format for data collection and
quality improvement purposes.
4. Ensure that there are sufficient trained personnel and technology resources to support surveillance
of catheter use and outcomes.
5. Educate healthcare personnel involved in the insertion, care and maintenance of urinary catheters
about CAUTI prevention, including alternatives to indwelling catheters and procedures for catheter
insertion, management, and removal.
6. Maintain
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Orem 's Self Care Deficit Theory
Orem's Self–Care Theory Orem's Self–Care Deficit Theory (SCDNT) is complex and contains
various parts that help to explain how self–care can influence the overall health status of an
individual. The basics of SCDNT can be broken down into four interconnected parts: theory of self–
care, theory of dependent care, theory of self–care deficit, and theory of nursing systems (Berbiglia
& Banfield, 2014). Each theory can be integrated into how the nurse will interact and plan care for
patients. The nurse meets the patient's self–care needs by teaching, demonstrating, and supporting
the patient in performing basic self–care practices. Self–care can be defined as the practice of
activities that maturing and mature persons initiate and perform, ... Show more content on ...
All of the nursing actions are developed around self–care and produce a therapeutic effect on that
patient. These relationships between the nurse and the patient guide care and help to develop an
understanding of what actions must be taken for each patient. Along with the four theories, Orem
also developed goals to be met with self–care using eight requisites. When nurses are assessing
patient's these eight areas should be included in the assessment: maintance of sufficient intake of air,
food, and water, provision of care associated with elimination processes and excrements,
maintenance of balance between activity and rest, and solitude and social interaction, prevention of
hazards to human life, human functioning, and human well–being, and promotion of human
functioning and development within social groups in accordance with human potential, known
human limitations, and human desire to be normal (Berbiglia & Banfield, 2014). Patient Assessment
The patient to be assessed is a 63–year–old male admitted to the hospital for a planned admission
for a transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with
obstruction. The patient's past medical history includes: infantile cerebral palsy affecting the right
side, sliding hernia that was repaired, tonsillectomy, and skin cancer at age 2.
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Prevention Of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections...
Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
In the Healthcare Setting
Dayna Menard
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections In the Healthcare Setting
A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a serious problem in the clinical setting. "UTIs are mostly
associated with catheterization" (Hooton, 2010, p. 629). The infection can be described as bacteria
invading the urinary tract. More so, the bacteria accounts for nosocomial bacteremia since the
patient obtains the infection in the hospital (Hooton et al., 2010). A Catheter Associated Urinary
Tract Infection (CAUTI) is common because nurses do not find this problem at the top of their to–
do list during their shift. It can be easy for the nurse to become accustomed to a slight deviation
from the correct method. Any break in the chain of infection has opened the opportunity for
microorganisms to reproduce in a susceptible host. Research has proven that when hospitals, long–
term care facilities, and other healthcare settings intervene with making positives changes, less of
the patients developed a UTI with catheterization. Infection control with catheterized patients can be
implemented and resolved with collaboration and education among healthcare staff.
There has been a reoccurring incidence of staff members using urinary indwelling catheters for
unnecessary reasons and convenience. More so, the nurses did not think of the issue as the most
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Foley Catheter-Personal Narrative
My clinical week was very interesting because I removed a Foley catheter. I was helping the nurse
give medications, and he asked me if I would like to remove the catheter with him. I felt an
adrenaline rush. I was excited but also worried I was not going to do it right. Nevertheless, I still
took the opportunity. The patient was complaining that she would love the catheter removed as soon
as possible because she had a bowel movement the night before, and the CNAs did not do a good
job at cleaning her. The nurse and I reassured her that we would remove the catheter and help her
clean up. At that point, I started regaining confidence, probably due the patient's lack of comfort. In
my mind, I was thinking "oh I will exactly as they taught us in
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Urinary Retention: A Case Study
L: During my clinical experience, I was able to observe an intermittent catheterisation.
E: Initially, the nurse explained to us why the procedure was being completed. The patient was
experiencing urinary retention which is a result of the bladder's inability to empty fully (Wood,
2014, p. 1118). Additionally, there was a doctor's order for a specimen collection. First, the nurse
began the process by prepping for the procedure, this entails explaining the procedure to the patient,
cleaning the perineal area and setting up all the materials required. Following, the nurse lubricated
the tip of the catheter to decrease the friction while inserting the catheter through the urethral
meatus. Then the nurse retracted the labia to expose the urethral ... Show more content on ...
p. 5). Assessing urine input and output can be an indication that the bladder is retaining urine
(Wood, 2014, p. 1123). We were able to drain approximately 400 mL from the bladder using an
intermittent catheter; however, the nurse stated there was approximately 300 mL still left in the
bladder. The use of an intermittent catheter has fewer risks associated with infection in comparison
to an indwelling catheter (RNAO, June 2004, p. 2). This is a result of an indwelling catheter
accumulating bacteria because it is used for long–term drainage (RNAO, June 2004, p. 2).
Therefore, the patient is more likely to be exposed to these harmful bacteria (RNAO, June 2004, p.
2). In this particular situation, I agree that the intermittent catheter was the best option for the patient
because of the reduced risk of infection. A nosocomial urinary tract infection will often result in an
extended stay of five to six day (RNAO, June 2004, p. 6). Moreover, the bladder was pocketing
resulting in urinary retention. It was crucial to remove this urine from the bladder so it does not
cause damage or patient discomfort (Wood, 2014, p. 1118). The intermittent catheter was able to
drain the urine into the bladder that was being
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Time Management And Prioritization Is Important Aspects Of...
Time Management and Prioritization Time management and prioritization are important aspects of
nursing care. The Pareto Principle states that 20% of focused effort results in 80% of outcome
results and is an important principle for all nurses to practice in order to provide high quality care
(Maloney, 2011). The majority of a nurses' time is spent on documentation, followed by care
coordination, patient care activities, unit related activities, med administration, non–clinical
activities, and personal time (Maloney, 2011, p. 425). Judie and I prioritize our nursing care based
on each patient 's diagnosis and need. Patients with severe diagnoses are seen first and patients who
are the least severe are seen last. If a patient is in pain or needs immediate attention we see those
patients first. Nurses prioritize their care activities into seven levels; imminent concern, high
uncertainty, pain management, relationship management, documenting and patient support, cleaning
and/or prepping supplies, personal breaks and social interactions (Patterson, Ebright, & Saleem,
2011, p. 389). Flexibility to deviate from this framework at any time is important in providing high
quality, personalized care. I reprioritize patient care based on a number of factors. Throughout our
shift I care for the highest priority patients first then I see patients who do not require much attention
so I can designate the majority of my time to patients who do. High priority patients are categorized
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Indwelling Catheter
This study focuses on whether the use of reminders assists in decreasing the use of urinary
cathethers and the occuruence of catheter associated urinary infections. UTI risk increases by 5
percent with the use of indwelling catheters. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
has recommended that patients receive catheters if indicated but over 41% of physicians have
ignored this and nursing staff have ignored evaluating when the catheter should be removed. Besides
noncompliance with the CDC, this study shows for patients who have catheters, the reminder system
will help to decrease the length of indwelling cathethers are potential UTI infection associated with
it. In previous studies, their has been different views as to whether ... Show more content on ...
A stoma is an artificially creted hole in the abdomen that allows for the passage of stool and urine to
exit the body. Self–care is vital when one has a stoma. Perisotomal self–care is very important and
has been one of the main issues ostomates have experienced. The main characterisits seen with
peristomal site complications are discoloration, erosian, and tissue overgrowth. Previous studies, to
determine skin problems, with the use of SPSC have not been done. The hypothesis of this
randomized controlled study is that those who use SPSC will have a lower percentage of periostmal
skin problems (discolartion, erosion, and tissue overgrowth) than the CT group. To test out this
study, 81 elgible patients were chosen. Some of the Elibiity requirements included those who were
undergoing a colostomy or ilostomy, were 20–18 years of age, and understood why the study was
being done. These particpants were chosen from a single tertiary hospital. The 81 participants were
split into two groups, the SPSC (45 patients) and CT group (36 patients). Wound Ostomy Care
Nurses educated the each group on how they would care for their ostomies. Those with Standarised
Peristomal Skin Care (SPSC) use direct pouching on skin with powder if needed. Those with the
crusting technique use an artificial skin memberane over
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Nurse Reimbursement
All staff involved in catheter insertion and care must be educated on proper care. Nurses must be
educated on the importance of decreasing catheter use and their right to question Foley catheter
insertion and maintenance. Choosing a "champion" among staff, or a certain peer to help influence
behavior will also help overcome resistance to change among nurses who are unwilling to change
for the sake of convenience or habit. Creating a peer–to–peer educational plan is also shown to
encourage and empower nurses to decrease catheter use (Meddings et al., 2014). Finally, behavior
must be analyzed to see if new protocols and policies are being followed. If they are not, a
discussion should occur to see if any new resistors to change have been ... Show more content on ...
The team will oversee the evidence–based practice aspects of CAUTI prevention and will be set up
using aspects of the guidelines established by Andreessen et al. (2012). Several different types of
nurses will be recruited to assist including infection control (for evidence–based practice guidance),
nurse educators (to help set up the education program), and staff nurses (to advise from staff's point
of view) (Andreessen et al., 2012). Leadership including, nurse managers, clinical nurse leaders, and
the medical director, will assist with implementation. The team consisting of resource type
individuals such as urologists, will guide evidence–based practices and information technology will
assist to set up flow chart and tracking processes (Andreessen et al., 2012). The next step will focus
on educating the unit's staff. Employees that place an indwelling catheter will be required to go
through a refresher course on proper insertion technique, indications for catheterization, and catheter
care. Additionally, there will be a class on the new flow sheet created to track indwelling catheters
(Andreessen et al., 2012). Posters with information pertaining to catheter care, CAUTI prevention,
the new charting system, and alternative bladder management systems will be placed in highly
visible areas such as break
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Urinary Tractinfection
An APIC Guide 2008
Guide to the Elimination of Catheter–Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs)
Developing and Applying Facility–Based Prevention Interventions in Acute and Long–Term Care
About APIC APIC's mission is to improve health and patient safety by reducing risks of infection
and other adverse outcomes. The Association's more than 12,000 members have primary
responsibility for infection prevention, control and hospital epidemiology in healthcare settings
around the globe. APIC's members are nurses, epidemiologists, physicians, microbiologists, clinical
pathologists, laboratory technologists and public health professionals. APIC advances its mission
through education, research, consultation, collaboration, ... Show more content on ...
Of these patients, approximately 3% will develop bacteremia. The 1997 APIC/SHEA position paper
on urinary tract infections in long–term care (LTC) identifies CAUTI as the most common infection
in LTC residents, with a bacteriuria prevalence without indwelling catheters of 25% to 50% for
women, and 15% to 40% for men. Therefore, usage of indwelling urinary catheters in residents of
LTC facilities can be expected to
Guide to the Elimination of Catheter–Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs)
result in higher CAUTI rates with an associated risk of CAUTI–related bacteremia, unless
appropriate prevention efforts are implemented. The 2008 SHEA/APIC Guideline "Infection
Prevention and Control in the Long–term Care Facility"3 notes that "guidelines for prevention of
catheter–associated UTIs in hospitalized patients are generally applicable to catheterized residents in
LTCFs." Strategies contained in this resource will be helpful in any healthcare setting, when the
facility's infection risk assessment identifies CAUTI as an infection prevention priority.
Legislative Mandates and CAUTI Risk Assessment
The impact of external factors is germane to facility
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Nursing Teaching Plan
Infection Prevention with Foley Catheter Care at Home: A Nursing Teaching Plan
Assessment of the Learner
Mr. D is a 77 year old, single, Caucasian male. He is retired from the Navy and completed an
Associate's degree in Criminal Justice and Business Administration at Durham Technological
Community College after his service. Mr. D smoked one pack of cigarettes per day for 20 years and
has a history of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and skin cancer. Mr. D was hospitalized after a
transurethral resection of a bladder tumor (TURBT). The surgery also included bilateral retrograde
pylegrams. The pathology report stated that the bladder tumor was positive for cancer.
Mr. D normally lives by himself, but explained that a friend would be staying ... Show more content
on ...
D was finished with breakfast and morning care. When I entered the room, I explained that I was
there to provide information on taking care of the Foley catheter at home and ways to reduce
infection. I asked if this would be a good time to have a discussion and Mr. D replied yes. The door
to the room was closed, Mr. D reported no pain, and there were no other healthcare team members
in the room to distract from the teaching. I started the lecture portion of the teaching plan by
explaining that Mr. D would be discharged from the hospital with the Foley catheter still in place. I
reiterated that Foley catheters require special attention and care because they increase the chance of
infection. I began by addressing the first objective and described the various ways to properly care
for a Foley catheter. Next, I explained scenarios that would prompt a call to the doctor. Finally, I
addressed the second objective by describing the signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection. I
concluded the teaching session by asking Mr. D if he had any questions for me, which he did
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Summary: Hospital Acquired Infections
Research Problem Hospital acquired infections (HAIs) are infections a person get while in the
hospital, however the infection must occur forty–eight hours after admission because of the
incubation period of infections (Shang, Stone, & Larson, 2015). HAIs provide an unnecessary risk
to patient safety (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). Every day at least one
out of twenty–five patients in hospitals across the United States (U.S.) acquires an HAI (CDC,
2016). HAIs leads to many problems in hospitals across the U.S. One problem is HAIs can lead to
patients' deaths. In 2011 722,000 people developed at least one HAI, over half happened outside of
the intensive care unit, and around 75,000 of the 722,000 died while in the hospital ... Show more
content on ...
The study will take place at one hospital, South Georgia Medical Center, over three–months. The
independent variable will be the nurse to patient ratio on the medical surgical floors and the
dependent variable will be the percent of HAIs acquired on each floor, specifically foley catheter
associated urinary tract infections, central line associated blood stream infections, hospital acquired
pneumonia, and surgical wound infections. There will be four medical surgical floors in the study
and adult patients admitted or transferred to medical surgical floors will be randomly assigned to
one of the floors. On the first medical surgical floor the day shift (0700 to 1900) nurse to patient
ratio will be 1:4 and the night shift (1900–0700) ratio will be 1:5, on the second floor the day shift
ratio will be 1:5 and the night shift ratio will be 1:6, and on the third floor the day shift ratio will be
1:6 and the night shift ratio will be 1:7. The fourth floor will be the control group and nurse to
patient ratio will depend on how many nurses are scheduled to work on each shift, as previously
done at this hospital. Data will be collected on the percent of patients on each floor who gets one of
the four HAIs forty–eight hours after getting admitted or transferred to the medical surgical floor to
determine if nurse staffing has an impact on the percent of patients who gets an
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Leadership Learning Experience : The Hospital 's Current...
Leadership Learning Experience PYT1
A1. Problem
The practice issue identified in collaboration with the MICU nurse manager for this task is non–
adherence to the current catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) prevention protocol.
A1a. Explanation of Problem
The hospital's current practice for CAUTI prevention includes the use of the HOUDINI protocol.
This protocol features the acronym for the strict indications required for the insertion and the
continued use of the urinary catheter (hematuria, obstruction, urologic surgery, decubitus ulcer,
intake and output, no code/comfort care, and immobilization). The physician places the original
order for the catheter with HOUDINI protocol and chooses the indication that applies. The order
empowers the nurse to assess the patient daily for the continued indications and to remove any
urinary catheter that no longer meets the indications. Hospital wide the protocol has been successful
at decreasing CAUTI rates, however the target for CAUTI rates is 0 and our current rate is 1.37 per
1000 catheter days. Intensive care units have higher urinary catheter usage than in medical surgical
or telemetry units (Halm, O'Conner, 2014). In MICU the most common indication for a urinary
catheter is the need for accurate intake and output on patients with hemodynamic instability. Staff
nurses are required to assess the patient daily and readdress the continued indications. In the past
month no urinary catheters were removed
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The High Incidence Of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract...
The high incidence of catheter–associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) during the patient's
admission can result in further complication and could potentially increase their hospital days. This
could delay the patient's recovery time, causing emotional and financial distress and possible death
if CAUTI goes unnoticed. There are research studies focusing on the prevalence of CAUTI and all
previous studies show that it is in the best interest of the patient to discontinue the Foley catheters as
soon as possible to decrease the rate of infections. In some health care organizations, different
approaches have been indicated to tackle this problem. CAUTI rounding teams have shown positive
results leading to a number of health care facilities to implement the rounding team into their
practice for the benefit of the patient population.
Keywords: catheter–associated urinary tract infections, CAUTI, urinary tract infection, UTI, Foley
catheter infection, infection control
Indirect Clinical Project
Catheter–associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) have been studied in clinical situations where
it is in the best interest of the patient to discontinue as soon as possible to decrease the infection
rates. Prompt Foley catheter removal as soon as indicated improves patient outcomes (Magers,
2013). When a Foley catheter remains indwelling, there is chance for bacteria to migrate up the
urethra causing urinary tract infections (UTIs) (Glowicz, 2015). If gone
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An Evidence Based Quality Improvement Project Using A...
I am writing to obtain permission to conduct an evidence–based quality improvement project using a
pretest/posttest design in your facility with the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of an
educational intervention regarding the importance and use of the nurse driven protocol on nurses '
knowledge and CAUTI rates.
This study will be done to fullfill requirements for completion of the Doctor of Nursing Practice
degree at Regis University, Denver, CO. The following information is an overview of the project:
Can Empowered Nurses Decrease CAUTI rates?
This project will employ a Population–Intervention–Comparative–Outcome (PICO) fromat for
development of the research question to be investigated:
Population: Nurses on the ... Show more content on ...
O A nurse–driven protocol is the recommended tool to be used by the nurse to remove catheters
without orders following set CDC guidelines and prevent CAUTI
O Nurses are best positioned to make the decision to remove catheters as they are in direct and
constant contact with the patient.
O According to Hospital Compare Cape Fear Valley Hospital is labeled as as "Worse than national
bench mark" for CAUTI rates (Medicare.Gov, 2015)
O Potential for reduction in reimbursement by 1– % if it falls with other hospitals that rank among
the lowest– performing 25 percent with regards to Hospital Acquired conditions (HAC): CAUTI
being of them.
O The hospital already has protocols in place, but the need for education regarding these protocl is
great.The need on these protocols are great Type of Study: Pretest, education, posttest quality
Participant Requirement: Full and part time nurses
Risks, Cost, and Benefits:
There no risk to the patients. Nurses may have to work longer hours to care for patients with
CAUTIs. The hospital will have to pay for the cost of re–education of staff and shoulder the
intangible cost that may
... Get more on ...
Foley Catheter Lab
A Foley catheter is a thin, sterile tube inserted into the bladder to drain urine ( ). There are many
types of catheters such as a straight, indwelling, and condom catheters. A straight catheter is one that
does not stay inside the person. It is removed immediately after urine is drained. An indwelling
catheter is one that stays inside of the bladder for a period of time. And last, a condom catheter is
one that has an attachment that fits onto the penis. This catheter is changed daily or as needed. For
the purpose of this document, the care that is going to be performed will need to be performed on a
patient/resident with an indwelling catheter.
A patient/resident with an indwelling catheter also has a catheter drainage bag, as well, that all ...
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Bath thermometer
6. 2–4 wash clothes or wipes
7. 1 towel
8. Gloves
Instructions on how to provide catheter care to a patient/resident:
1. Wash your hands.
2. Remove or fold back top bedding. Keep resident/patient covered with bath blanket.
3. Test water temperature with thermometer or your wrist to ensure that it is safe. Water temperature
should be 105 degrees to 109 degrees F. Have your patient/resident check the water temperature as
4. Put on gloves.
5. Ask the resident/patient to flex his/her knees and raise the buttocks off of the bed by pushing
against the mattress with their feet. Place a clean protective pad under the buttocks.
6. Expose only the area necessary to clean the catheter.
7. Place a towel or pad under catheter tubing before washing.
8. Apply soap to a wet wash cloth.
9. Hold the catheter near the meatus (any passage leading inside of the body). Avoid tugging it. Then
start to clean at least four inches of catheter nearest the meatus. Move only in one direction, away
from the meatus (Fig.1). Use a clean area of the cloth for each stroke.
10. Rinse at least four inches of catheter nearest the meatus. Move only in one direction, away from
the meatus. Use a clean area of the cloth for each
... Get more on ...

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Catheterization Research Paper

  • 1. Catheterization Research Paper Catheters are tubes that are used to drain fluids from the body. They are often employed in removing the fluid from the urinary bladder and therefore, are an important element in urology care. It is important to understand their importance and correct use, if you are looking to take care of a patient. It used in a variety of environments. Here, we first look at how catheters are used and then discuss the problems that may appear when they are not used in the proper manner. Catheters in Urology Care Catheters are basically connected either to a bodily vessel or a cavity. They can be used to either drain body fluids or push medicine into the body. Catheterization can be done, using a number of needles and tubes. Some of them are soft while some ... Show more content on ... They are easily employed by a patient or a trained caregiver at home and therefore, ensure that they can be used in different circumstances. They are perfect for people who have lost their urinary control due to a variety of reasons. The advantage of this method is that you can avoid constant catheterization which is associated with several problems, such as male infertility and tract infections. The method also ensures that patients can keep their bladder pressure low throughout the day. These catheters do not cause prolonged issues and can easily be avoided once the person is able to use ordinary methods. Foley Catheter A Foley catheter is designed to be connected to the bladder through the urethra. It is the most commonly used catheter in urology care. It has two channels with one open and the other one with a balloon. The open channel is used to drain urine out while the closed channel is used to inflate the balloon. The inflation keeps a Foley catheter in place. These catheters are created these days from silicone rubber. They should only be used when indicated by a medical practitioner. As they are inserted through the urethra, they carry a greater risk of infections and other side effects. Problems with ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections The purpose of this paper is to identify an issue identified by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing NCLEX examination blueprint. The identified issue that I will be addressing for this paper is catheter associated urinary tract infections and is under the category of safety and infection control; according to (INSERT NCSBN CITATION) this issue falls under the overview of safe and effective care for patients. The importance of addressing this issue is one that can potentially aid in the patient having a higher satisfaction rate for the facility and the facility not potentially having to pay for services not covered by insurance after the infection develops. ... Show more content on ... Taking a look at the patients that have increased rates tend to be of female gender due to the shortened urethra which allows the bacteremia to travel at a shorter distance than that of males, some of the other risk factors for higher catheter associated urinary tract infections include patients that are of older age, prolonged catheterization and impaired immunity (Conway, Larson 2012). With respect to cultural values that may affect this situation they are none that I could find correlating with catheter associated hospital infections. Proposed Solution Through extensive research into catheter associated urinary tract infections there are many different approaches to reducing the modifiable risk factors and the incidence of catheter associated urinary tract infections in the hospital setting that can be used in any unit to reduce the liability of catheter associated urinary tract infections. According to (Gesmundo, 2016)) the prolonging of the catheter removal is one of the major reasons for catheter associated urinary tract infections. When adopting the principles of how to lower the rate the success begins at the time of admission and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Indwelling Urinary Joint Commission released national patient safety goals for hospitals in January of 2016. These patient safety goals were "established to help accredited organizations address specific areas of concern in regards to patient safety" (Facts about the National Patient Safety Goals, 2015). National patient safety goal 07.06.01 focuses on the prevention of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) in hospitalized patients. Evidence based practice should be implemented to stop these common infections occurring in patients nationwide. Indwelling urinary catheters are only recommended in certain patients, for example to prevent further breakdown of sacral wounds or pressure ulcers in incontinent patients, for comfort in end of life care ... Show more content on ... In 2013, a magnet recognized hospital, Baptist Health Lexington, reduced CAUTI rates in ICU patients by 60% (Roser, Piercy & Altpeter, 2014). The study included six interventions that were followed by the staff in the effort to reduce CAUTI. The six interventions included: "communication of CAUTI data to interdisciplinary teams, a nurse–driven, physician approved protocol, problem analysis using Lean principles, daily unit–based surveillance rounds, silver alloy urinary catheters, and an antimicrobial bundle comprised of two cleansing products for patients with an indwelling urinary catheter" (Roser, Piercy & Altpeter, 2014). The nurse–physician protocol allowed for nurses to assess whether the catheter was still necessary and if found not to be, the nurse could discontinue it. This resulted in a 58% decrease in the number of catheters used (Roser, Piercy & Altpeter, 2014). An education session was implemented by nurses using principles from the Lean system that checked the capability of nurses to understand just how dangerous CAUTI can be. It was found that no single intervention alone could reduce the occurrence of CAUTI development. Nurses must integrate several interventions to have an effective result at lowering the rates. However, this particular study found that after the use of the antimicrobial bundle, rates of CAUTI did decline. Roser et al. (2014) emphasized that education and awareness of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Microbiology Catheter associated urinary tract infection (Author's name) (Institutional Affiliation) Catheterization is a frequently part of care for various surgical procedures. The study confirmed that patients lacked knowledge in catheterization and most of the patients were limited in decision making on when the catheter was to be removed. The clinical problem and research problem that led to the study being carried in the clinic was that the use of urinary catheter on patients, whom had not vacated the hospital lead to progressive bacterial settlement of the bladder at speed of approximately 5% per day. The increasing threat of the CAUTI infection, in the National Health Service steered to the ... Show more content on ... Most of the references were recent, three to four years in difference from the year of the study and also other references were older than five years, which helped in quantitative study for example Lincoln (1985) contribution. In this study the author outlined some of the limitations of the study, which included, a small section of patients from one surgical specialty was a limiting factor in the study. Secondly the study did not combine methods such as questionnaire to increase the sample magnitude. According to the findings of the study the information gathered was adequate to logical argument about the fact that delayed removal of catheter was leading to patients' contraction of infections through the examination of the symptoms shown by some of the patients. Most of the uncertainties were associated with lack of information, as one of the female participant conveyed dissatisfaction with information provided to her before surgery, which instigated to the need for the search of information online, this information helped her after the surgery. The perspective, from which the study was developed, revolved around the length of time catheter should take after surgery before it is removed from the patient. The lengthier catheter stayed on the patient, the more chances the patient was likely to be infected. ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Importance Of A Nurse Driven Protocol On Nurses '... Identify the need or problem you intend to solve through your capstone project Nurses lacked knowledge in the use and was unaware of the importance of the underlying evidence– base recommended criteria's indicated on the nurse driven protocol to remove inappropriate UC's. A nurse driven indwelling catheter removal protocol is an evidence base tool recommended by infection control organization and experts for the early removal of unnecessary or inappropriately placed urinary catheters (UC). Evidence shows that urinary catheters are the source of catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). CAUTI, is the leading cause of hospital acquired infections in the United States. The purpose of this evidence–based quality project is to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on the importance and use of the nurse driven protocol on nurses ' knowledge and CAUTI rates. Identity your PICO PICO QUESTION For nurses, (P) on 2 South caring for patients with urinary catheters, will education, on the importance and proper use of a nurse –driven indwelling catheter removal protocol (I), change knowledge on the use of the nurse driven protocol, as compared to knowledge before receiving an education, (C), as evidenced by (O), change in knowledge in the use of the nurse –driven indwelling catheter removal protocol, and CAUTI rates as evidenced by, pre and posttest scores and CAUTI audits after three months? The project will utilize a ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections: Case Study Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections Kailey O'Connell Denver College of Nursing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Healthcare Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) continue to be one of the largest medical problems occurring during care in a hospital today. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 75% of UTIs acquired while being in the hospital is associated with the use of urinary catheters (Centers for Disease Control, 2017). With the statistics showing a large increase in CAUTI globally, changes are being done to reduce the amount of catheters placed and the protocol for when one needs to be placed. Guidelines for Catheter Placement In 2009, with the national increase ... Show more content on ... A study done in Thailand showed that the longer a catheter is in place was the main factor that increased the incidence of CAUTI (Danchaivijitr, Dhiraputra, Cherdrungsi, Jintanothaitavorn, Srihapol, 2005). The first week of placement showed a 37.6% incidence of infection followed by 27.7% the second week (Danchaivijitr et al., 2005). These statistics reinforce the importance of only placing a catheter when medically necessary. Catheters should only be placed for the length of time absolutely necessary and not a second longer if ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Introduction The purpose of this paper is to implement a policy that will aid in reducing foley catheter induced infection by providing a guideline for the health care providers on how to care for patients with foley catheters. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) are the most commonly reported hospital acquired condition, and the rates continues to rise. According to American Nurses Association, greater than 560,000 patients developed CAUTI each year. Registered nurses can play a vital role in reducing CAUTI rates (ANA, 2015). Hospital acquired conditions are major threat to patient safety with estimated cost of 33 million annually (ANA, 2015). A policy is defined as documentation defining the minimal requirements for clinical ... Show more content on ... A universal precaution and a sterile field must be maintained during the procedure. All foley must have a stat lock retention device placed to patient's inner thigh area to keep the foley stable. The foley drainage bag and chamber must be placed below the knee at all times to avoid back flow of urine into the bladder. The order set directs the nurses on how to document for care every eight hours. The documentation includes checking the potency, including any twisting or kinking of the catheter, emptying the foley every two hours, and performing foley care every 8 hours. As part of the policy, every nurse is required to attend bi–annual skills fair ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) is defined as the occurrence of a urinary tract infection (UTI) in patients with a urinary catheter in the past 48 hours. Published guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) further defines CAUTI by the presence of significant bacteriuria of ≥ 103 CFU/ml found in the urinalysis and signs and symptoms of a UTI without the presence of another cause for these findings. Signs and symptoms of CAUTI could include: altered mental status, fever, chills, flank pain, costovertebral angle tenderness, and hematuria. If the catheter has been removed in the past 48 hours the symptoms could also include urgency and frequency (Fakih et al., 2016). A2. Significance of the problem The most common health care associated infection (HAI) is CAUTI. Forty percent of all hospital– acquired infections are UTIs and 80% of these are directly linked to having an indwelling urinary catheter in place (Underwood, 2015). Urinary catheters are required in up to 25% of hospitalized patients and bacteriuria results in about 25% of patients with a catheter for greater than 5 days and this number increases by 1 to 5% for each day the catheter is in place after that. The harmful consequences of CAUTI include increased length of stay, higher health care cost, and increased mortality. CAUTI is known to cost health care in the U.S. $400–$500 million annually (Leuck et al., 2015). A3. Current Practice The growing concerns over ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Foley Catheter • Explain The Procedure How to insert a Foley catheter You must explain the process to the patient before you began. Most patients are not used to inserting any object into their urethra. It is often described as painful or uncomfortable. So out of respect for the patient, explain the steps of the procedure to him/her before beginning. Ask the patient to lay on their back. The patient's legs should be spread and their feet should be together. The patient laying on their back relaxes the bladder and urethra, making easier to insert the catheter. You can even assist the patient getting into the supine position. Wash your hands and put on sterile gloves. Wearing gloves are very important in the health care field, there are used to protect you and the patient from bacteria. The sterile gloves help ensure that bacteria do not get into the urethra and the patient bodily fluids do not come into contact with your hands. ... Show more content on ... Foley catheters comes in a sealed sterile kit. Before opening the kit, make sure you have the right size kit for your patient. They come in 12,14,16 French. (1French=1/3 mm). The smaller ones are usually better for the patient's comfort but the larger ones will help against leakage. Sterilize and prepare the patient's genital area. You have wipe the patient's genital area with disinfectant soaked cotton swabs, to remove any debris. Repeat step if needed. For female patients, be sure to clean the labia and urethral meatus (the outside of the opening of the urethra located above the vagina). For the men clean the urethral opening on the penis. When you finish wiping down the patient, lay down surgical drapes around the genitals, leaving yourself enough work ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Running head: EVIDENCE–BASED NURSING PRACTICE Evidence–Based Nursing Practice Karen Medley Walden University NURS 4000 Section 05, Research and Scholarship for Evidence–Based Practice) July 22, 2012 Abstract For patients that have indwelling catheters, with the evidence–based practice and standards of care, UTI's does still continue to be an ongoing problem today. In one of the large hospitals in my area had recently developed a poster and video approach with special focus on alternatives to urinary catheterization, removing catheters early, and the reinforcement of sterile technique prior insertion and foley catheter care were used to educate nursing staff and improve outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to educate nursing on ... Show more content on ... The lower income communities are probably more affected. The cost of a single episode to treat UTI's ranges from $980–$2900, depending on the presence of the bacteremia (Saint, 2000). Differences in care based on evidence Sterile technique is required for insertion of an indwelling urinary catheter in the hospital setting, but clean technique can be used for intermittent catheterization in non–acute settings. By itself, sterile technique on insertion doesn't prevent UTI's. Prevention of UTI's depends on knowledge of causes, proper care techniques, and early catheter removal. Nurses are taught early on in school that sterile technique helps to reduce infections. It was drilled in our heads the entire time and now to have the evidence tell us that early catheter removal, along with proper technique good hand hygiene is the key to reduce UTI's. Summary UTI's is an all too common problem that causes unnecessary distress to patients and delays their recovery during their hospital stay. All healthcare professionals should adhere to these good practice points that could reduce the risk of UTI's and assure staff that they are demonstrating best practice in their care. References Burke J.P. (2003). Infection control– a problem for patient safety. New England Journal Medicine, 348(7):651–656. Hobbs F.B. (2001).The elderly population. US Census Bureau, Population
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  • 42. Foley Catheter Detection Foley catheter insertion is a sterile procedure used for multiple reasons in the hospital. The CDC has a list of appropriate indications for placement of an indwelling catheter. The catheter which is a thin sterile tube placed into the urinary bladder through the urethra. It is important to remain sterile throughout the insertion process to help prevent a catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI), which are the most common type of healthcare–associated infection (HAI). Due to Foley insertion being an invasive technique it can only be performed by a trained and licensed personnel. There must be a doctor's order indicating the need of a catheter insertion. Foleys are available in different sizes so it is important to pick the smallest ... Show more content on ... When inserting a catheter in a male or a female the cleaning process and the depth of insertion is different. The patient should lie in the supine position. Before getting started wash your hands and put on clean gloves. Open outer CSR wrap and remove the pad and lie it underneath the patient. Next use the provided castile soap wash to clean the patient's per–urethral area. Remove gloves, apply hand sanitizer, and place sterile gloves on both hands. Be sure to place fenestrated drape on patient. Use the syringe with the green plunger to squirt lubrication in the tray. Remove the top tray and place it next to the bottom box being sure to leave it on the CSR wrap. Screw the water–filled syringe into the inflation port. Remove the catheter from the wrap and place it into the lubricant. Clean the patient with the pre–saturated antiseptic swab sticks. Using a female for our example take the first swab and move in a downward motion and clean the right labia minora and discard. Then take the second swab and repeat on the left labia minora. For the third swab stick clean the middle area between the labia minora. Proceed with the insertion of the catheter by inserting until urine flow is noticed. Once there is urine flow insert two more inches and inflate balloon with all 10mL of sterile water. Once inflated, pull the catheter until the ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Personal Statement Of Utmb Nursing Personal statement My name is Robin Parisher and I am applying to be a part of the UTMB Nursing Program with Spring 2017 admission. It is within this personal statement, I wish to successfully explore my drive for this career choice, past experiences, and future endeavors with you. Nursing, in my opinion, takes full commitment from someone. One must be knowledgeable, dedicated, and willing to help others at all cost. My mother is the greatest nurse I have ever encountered and has been my inspiration since I can remember. She has been a nurse for over 20 years and I have been captivated ever since. I was born to do this, to advocate and help others that are in need. Being able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in a real hands–on situation has given me the utmost motivation to fulfill my dreams of one day becoming a nurse. I was able to successfully complete my rounds of clinical hours as part of my nursing program at various locations and departments. I was assigned to MD Anderson, Harris County Psychiatric Center, and Silverado Memory Care Community, where I was able to work with many different types of patients and become acclimated to the environment. The duties in which I was able to preform varied location to location but included, head to toe assessments, insertion/removal of Foley catheters, medication administration, tube feedings, trachea suctioning, and numerous care plans just to name a few. I was able to interact with patients one on one as a student which has instilled confidence and reassurance in my future. ... Show more content on ... I wish passionately that the turn of events that occurred this year were different but that is not possible and I feel the need to explain myself and the reasoning behind my unsatisfactory ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Research Critique Essay Moses Williams NURS 450 Professor Peggy Melloh Introduction Catheter–associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is a fairly common complication in hospitalized patients. Nosocomial infection prevention and patient safety promotion has been issued and many researches have been conducted to improve patient's quality of life. In this article, Saint et al. (2005) hypothesize that using a paper–based urinary catheter reminder can reduce the incidence of urinary catheterization, and consequently this will enhance the patients' safety. Critique Part 1 Research Questions or Hypotheses The background and significance of this study are properly presented in the introduction. The research question is presented at the end of the ... Show more content on ... Review of the Literature This article does not provide the search strategy including a number of databases and other resources which identify key published and unpublished research. In this article, both the primary sources and the theoretical literatures are collected and appraised in order to generate the research question and to conduct knowledge–based research. In the section of the literature review, nineteen professional articles are appraised in order to provide the significance and background of the study. Saint develops the research question based on these analyses. "Catheter– associated urinary tract infections in surgical patients: A controlled study on the excess morbidity and costs" is one of the primary sources written by Givens and Wenzel who conduct and analyze this study. In addition, "Clinical and economic consequences of nosocomial catheter–related bacteriuria" is a review of a literature article which is the secondary source. Although many studies state that patient safety is a top priority and CAUTI can be controlled by the caution of health care providers, the infection rate is relatively high among other nosocomial infections. One of the reasons Saint and colleagues uncovered is unawareness and negligence by health care ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Essay On Foley Catheter Care Foley Catheter Care, Adult A Foley catheter is a soft, flexible tube that is placed into the bladder to drain urine. For as long as your catheter is in place, you will need to: Care for the skin around your catheter. Empty, change, and clean drainage bags. Check on your catheter throughout the day to make sure it is working properly and the tubing is not twisted or curled. Taking good care of your catheter will keep it working properly and prevent infections and other problems from developing. HOW TO CARE FOR THE SKIN AROUND YOUR CATHETER It is important to take good care of your skin when you have a catheter in place. To do this: Clean the skin around the catheter at least once every day. Shower every day. Do not ... Show more content on ... A clean towel. Adhesive tape or a leg strap. Steps Wash your hands with soap and water. Wet a washcloth in warm water and mild soap. Wipe the skin around where the catheter was put in with the washcloth. Wipe away from the catheter in small circles. Do not wipe toward the catheter because this can push bacteria into the urethra and cause infection.
  • 55. Pat the area dry with a clean towel. Make sure to remove all traces of soap. Attach the catheter to your leg with adhesive tape or a leg strap, making sure there is no tension on the catheter. If you are using adhesive tape, first remove any sticky residue left behind by the previous tape you used. Place the drainage bag below the level of your bladder, but keep it off the floor. HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR DRAINAGE BAGS You should have received a large overnight drainage bag and a smaller leg bag that fits underneath clothing. You may wear the overnight bag at any time, but you should never wear the smaller leg bag at night. Empty your drainage bag when it is ⅓–½ full or at least 2–3 times a day. Change your drainage bag once a month or sooner if it starts to smell bad or look dirty. How To Empty a Drainage Bag Supplies ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Preceptor Experience Essay The second half of my preceptorship went well and I learned a lot. I felt comfortable giving medications, performing assessments, and caring for the patients. I was able to complete all of my objectives. We were in the ER for one day, and the rest of the time my preceptor was the Charge Nurse on the med–surg floor. I gave medications every day that I was precepting. When giving medications I am very cautious. I verify the patient, and we scan the patient and medications. But sometimes medications are split in half and I needed to make sure to set them aside during scanning. One day I scanned an aspirin and the computer said it was for the wrong patient. I verified the medication on the MAR, and it was the correct medication. My preceptor said that happens sometimes, and we manually entered the medication. I feel comfortable giving medications, but will continue to be cautious. I performed assessments every day of preceptorship. Lung sounds can be difficult for me to identify, so I liked being able to listen and ask my preceptor if she heard the same thing. I heard a whooshing sound over the heart of one of my patients and spent extra time listening to it. I guess he noticed that I was confused because he told me that he has a Pig Valve. Some of the other sounds I could verify were crackles and wheezes. ... Show more content on ... This was awkward for me since I have never been around it. I did not help with post–mortem care because they were not our patients and we were busy doing other things. My preceptor had to call Lifeshare for organ and tissue donation, even though the patient was not an organ donor. This is standard for all patients that pass away. The spouse of the patients insisted that the patient wasn't an organ donor, but Lifeshare insists on talking to a family member. After telling Lifeshare that the patient's religion was a Seventh Day Adventist, they didn't need to talk to the family because that religion does not donate ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Long Hand Charting for Iv Insertion and Removal, Trach... Pt requires 20 gauge IV for _______. 20 gauge catheter inserted to the right anterior forearm, first attempt. Flushed with 10 cc normal saline. Stat lock in place, covered with transparent dressing. Pt tolerated well with no complaints of pain or irritation upon flushing, no visible swelling or bruising. Sharps placed in approved container, patient's bed lowered as far as possible and assisted to comfortable position. Reassessed in 5 minutes for bleeding , none noted. Pt requires IV discontinuation d/t: pain / infiltration / expiration of indwelling time frame. Discontinue 22 gauge IV catheter from L hand. Cannula intact. Pressure held for 3 minutes, assess for continue blood loss, none noted. 2 x 2 gauze dressing with paper tape ... Show more content on ... Bed rail returned to upright position and bed lowered to lowest possible position. Order written by _____ for a 16 F indwelling catheter for _(preop)__. Pt instructed on the need and gave consent denies iodine allergies. Pt is positioned in the dorsal recumbent position, perineal area cleaned with warm damp cloth and dried. Labia spread and meatus cleansed with betadine. Lubricated catheter inserted immediate return of 500 ml of cloudy ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Reflection About My Clinical Experience Also, the objective is to find patient's document finding and correlate it with chronic disease process of elderly adults. With this reflection, I will discuss what I've learned, and my strengths and weakness in my clinical experience. Day 1 On Thursday the 9th, I worked with a patient who is a 74 years old male, with general weakness. His admitting diagnosis was caused by the metastasis of prostate cancer to the bone. Talking to the patient was an amazing experience for me because we liked the same thing such as the NBA. He told me that he was a lawyer and that all of his children are grown up and successful. He does a wife, who I did not see during my rotation. But, it was easy to talk to communicate with him. I have always had social anxiety growing up. Talking to people had always been my weakness because I was always worried about how people would perceive me when I talked. However, now that I have grown up, I learned to look past my social anxiety. I learned that from shutting my brain off that caused me overthink, facilitated me to ... Show more content on ... I was slightly familiar with the foley catheter, however, I need some slight guidance. I knew that I needed to drain the foley bag because it was slightly full, but I did not know where to unclamp to drain it. The nurse's aid taught me how to unclamp the bag so I can drain the urine. I also learned that when moving the patient who has a foley bag, it was important to make sure that the patient is not going to get a UTI. UTI can be caused by holding the foley bag at a higher positon causing the urine to backtrack. It is important to keep that in mind as a healthcare worker. I have not been skill checked on foley catheters, however, I need to practice working around foley catheters to protect the patient. I could always go on youtube and search videos on foley catheters or I can use the perry and potter book to learn ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Change Theory Of Nursing Model Framework The Change Theory of Nursing Model will be used to facilitate change in the unit because it will drive the patient in a desired direction (Nursing Theory, 2016). The model, developed by Kurt Lewin, uses three stages of change. Before change can be implemented the agent goes through unfreezing, experiencing the change, and refreezing (Nursing Theory, 2016). Unfreezing This phase involves focusing on the staff's mindfulness for the necessity of change based on the evidence collected by an infection control committee. This phase is necessary to overcome the tensions of individual resistance and group compliance (Nursing Theory, 2016). Using three methods is how this phase is achieved. First, redirecting the behavior away from the existing situation. Second, reducing the restricting forces that have a negative affect on the movement. Lastly, using a combination of the two methods mentioned above. Experiencing the Change This stage is where the staff will be required to view the education power point on the new CAUTI prevention tool. The staff will then take a post education competency test to demonstrate proficiency of the risks and complications of CAUTIs as well as the prevention tool. Nurses are encouraged to assess the need to continue the Foley each shift and offer patients an urinal, commode, or bedpan when needed. When indications are no longer met, the RN is to call the doctor for Foley removal. Refreezing This is where establishing the change ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. National Patient Safety Goals ( Npsgs ) National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) were established in 2002 by the Joint Commission to help accredited organizations address specific areas of concern in regard to patient safety ("Catheter– Associated," 2015). NPSG.07.06.01 Implement evidence–based practices to prevent indwelling catheter–associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) is a 2015 NPSG ("The Joint Commission," 2015). Our facility has 1.32 CAUTIs per 1000 device days (Carson, 2015). Decreasing our CAUTIs can be achieved with a strict goal, addressing the financial implications, interdisciplinary collaboration, nursing leadership, a measurement tool, and discussing the future healthcare delivery methods. Goal Urinary tract infections are the most common type of healthcare ... Show more content on ... Your morbidity and mortality rate increase 2.8–fold when acquiring a CAUTI, and can add up to $1000 direct cost to your bill in the acute care setting. Medicare beneficiaries with CAUTI have a higher median Medicare reimbursement of $1500 in the acute care setting, and up to $8500 in the ICU setting, not to mention increasing your length of stay in the ICU an extra 8 days ("Catheter Associated Urinary Tract," 2011). Healthcare–associated infections account for nearly $45 billion yearly in the United States, because CAUTI is one of the most common, CMS stopped reimbursing hospitals for additional costs associated with CAUTIs in 2008 (Kennedy, Greene, & Saint, 2013). Costs incurred with CAUTIs when symptomatic urinary tract infections are involved can average up to $911 per patient, and up to $3824 per patient when bloodstream infections are involved (Kennedy et al., 2013). This includes costs associated with oral medications, intravenous medications, and laboratory testing. Interdisciplinary Collaboration Fakih and Jones (2013) really bring home the fact that once you communicate to your colleagues that infection reduction is an organizational priority, the first step to reduce CAUTIs is to implement a Comprehensive Unit–based Safety Program (CUSP) developed by Johns Hopkins Medicine Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality. This starts with senior leadership commitment, then involves physicians, nurse leaders, ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. The Importance Of Prevention And Improvement Interventions There are numerous current prevention and improvement initiatives taking place in the health care system to reduce the occurrence of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). Some of the most prominent interventions are to decrease the number of catheters being inserted and removing the catheters as quickly as possible. Stamford Hospital located in Connecticut, USA, implemented a CAUTI reduction project after noticing that education–based approaches and handwashing efforts had not decreased the incidence of CAUTIs. They implemented a nurse's checklist for the justified use of catheters and timely removal of urinary catheters. They also added a specific catheter charting module in the electronic health record, and held biweekly ... Show more content on ... In the past, Foley catheters remained in place, and the need to continue them was not addressed on a daily basis. But, with education and research this has changed. Education sessions offered in hospital settings and huddles, for example, are perfect opportunities for the nurses to identify patients with a Foley catheter on the unit and review strategies for decreasing infections (Clayton, 2017). Knowing when catheters are being useful and when they are becoming an issue and causing a problem is the key to identifying CAUTI's. Preventing CAUTI's begins with avoiding unnecessary use of urinary catheters, developing policies for insertion and maintenance of catheters, selecting the appropriate catheter, and instituting surveillance of CAUTIs and catheter use. Protocols to eliminate CAUTI's will decrease their incidence and ensure better quality care (Clayton, 2017). This research found that out of 517 hospitals, 56% of them did not have a system to keep track of catheterized patients (Clayton, 2017). It was also found that 74% of the hospitals did not keep proper records of how long an indwelling catheter has been in a patient (Clayton, 2017). These flawed systems can be costly to patient safety and quality of care. Improper education for health care workers is dangerous for patient care. The next study focused on working with educators to make sure nurses were properly educated on the proper care of urinary ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. Urinary Tract Infection Paper The scope, history, and duration of catheter associated urinary tract infections is reviewed. The scope of catheter associated urinary tract infections is when an individual acquires an infection that has been caused by the insertion of a catheter. The individual may have had the catheter in place for a short period of time and acquired it upon insertion related to the lack of sterile technique. However, the individual also may have had the catheter in place over a long period of time and acquired an infection. Roger, Feneley, Hopley, and Wells (2015) explain that the body's natural flora is disrupted from ascending in the urinary tract and colonizing a bacterial infection during normal bladder emptying. However, if a catheter is in place this allows for easy ascending bacteria to colonize and form an infection, and ... Show more content on ... The use of catheters to empty bladders dates to over 3500 years ago, and Foley indwelling catheters have been used over the past 80 years (Roger, Feneley, Hopley, and Wells, 2015). The catheter was first initiated for the use of male, intermittent self–catheterization purposes, it was rigid, and implied for urinary retention (Roger, Feneley, Hopley, and Wells, 2015). Roger, Feneley, Hopley, and Wells (2015) continue to explain that urinary incontinence was not a pertinent medical need to address, and it wasn't until a urologist invented the Foley catheter that it was used for these purposes. However, this intervention is great at assisting to prevent skin breakdown in the elder population related to the effects of urine in constant contact with the skin, but indwelling catheters do not come without several other medical problems that can result, as mentioned above (Roger, Feneley, Hopely, and Wells, 2015). In addition to these problems, Foley indwelling catheters have been associated with balloon fragments if the balloon bursts and urethral trauma (Roger, Feneley, Hopley, and Wells, ... Get more on ...
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  • 87. Nursing Fluid Balance Report The learning objective to be addressed in this essay is to be more adept at filling out a fluid balance chart and understand its importance. I intend to use the Driscoll (2007) reflective cycle as I find the root process of interrogating and assessing events the most helpful at being reflective. The fluid and electrolyte balance monitoring and management are essential and highly significant to nursing care as highlighted by Jevon and Ewens (2007). Patients suffering from a negative fluid balance is understood as suffering in dehydration according to the definition of dehydration by Jevon (2010) Some symptoms of dehydration, as described by Goertz (2006) include thirst, headaches, dry skin, weight loss, fatigue and pyrexia. From this point onward ... Show more content on ... Luckily enough, my mentor remembered and wrote down the urine output for that hour. I was criticised by my mentor for forgetting to do so and she reminded me of the importance of keeping rigorously accurate fluid balance chart as post–operative patients are at a higher risk of hypovolaemia and oliguriaThey are at risk of hypovolaemia due to fluid loss during the procedure Hypovolaemia, the decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the body, can lead to tachycardia. A tachycardic heart rate is not efficient in oxygen delivery to the organs. The increase of work demand and decrease of oxygen delivered on the heart can cause rate related ischaemia (Hutchins, 2013). A study conducted by Vaughn et. al (2014) showed that oliguria, which left untreated can lead to tubular necrosis and acute kidney injury (AKI)..She reminded me of its importance in delivering excellent care and ensuring the patient's good health. The chastisement that I received from my mentor made me feel somewhat disappointed as I felt that such a simple mistake could have been easily avoided. Her reminder of the importance of giving the highest quality of care also made me realise the importance of little thing in the care of the patient. Little things, when put together, make something big and significant. Although I was disappointed with myself for making such a trivial mistake, I soon realised that my mentor gave me an important job which I should have been more careful with. I understood that I am accountable for my actions and partly accountable for whatever outcome may befall to the patient. Moments afterwards, I accepted my mistake and was soon eager to prove myself and be worthy of such a ... Get more on ...
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  • 91. The Quality Improvement Nursing Process The Quality Improvement nursing process that I have chosen to research is patient safety. I have chosen to focus specifically on the topic of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI's) during hospitalization and their preventions. It is estimated that 15–25% of hospitalized patients receive a urinary catheter throughout their stay, whether or not they need it. A large 80% of all patients diagnosed with a urinary tract infection (UTI) can be attributed to a catheter (Bernard, Hunter, and Moore, 2012). The bacteria may gain entry into the bladder during insertion of the catheter, during manipulation of the catheter or drainage system, around the catheter, and after removal. The difference between men and women regarding UTI's related back to the human anatomy. A man's urethra is 8 inches in length, while a woman's urethra is 1.5 inches in length. Bacteria can quickly and easily make its way into a woman's bladder. This is why there is a large percent of women UTI's when used in comparison to men (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2012). Catheter– related urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs because urethral catheters inoculate organisms into the bladder and promote colonization by providing a surface for bacterial growth. Brusch says, "Once a indwelling catheter is placed, the daily incidence of bacteriuria can be between 3–10%." Another large problem that results CAUTI's is that at times, catheters are left in a patient longer than necessary. Prolonged use of ... Get more on ...
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  • 95. Urinary Catheter Education: A Case Study Catheter Education: A urinary catheter is a thin tube that is placed in the bladder to allow urine to drain. Urine flows through the tube into a collection bag. A urinary catheter is often used for several purposes: including the inability to void on one's own, unconscious patient, unable to ambulate, malformation exists that prevents the flow of urine, or to keep an accurate record of the amount of urine being voided. Foleys are also inserted during the surgical process, as seen in most critical care patients for accurate measuring of urine output. During the intensive care admission, patients who have a urinary catheter are more prone to acquiring a urinary tract infection than patients without a catheter inserted (NICHE, 2012). CAUTIs Education ... Show more content on ... Remember catheters should be used only when required and should be removed as soon as possible. According to the Nurses Improving Care of Health System Elders (NICHE) (2012), CAUTIs prevention strategies emphasizes the crucial role of first–class nursing care in patient safety efforts. NICHE (2012) stated that their focus is on the nurse–driven program that is planned to aid hospitals and healthcare organizations to improve the care of the older patients. NICHE's vision focus on sensitive, and excellent care that should be provided to all patients who are 65 and over. The task as identified by NICHE (2012) is to deliver principles and tools that will motivate a change in the culture of healthcare facilities. Such care is centered on the older adult. NICHE (2012) also provides hospitals and other healthcare organizations with an evidenced–based clinical protocol that allows for the Joint Commission alliances to be achieved and enhance the care of the patients and their ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. Cauti Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common nosocomial infection; accounting for up to 40% of infections reported by acute care hospitals. Up to 80% of UTIs are associated with the presence of an indwelling urinary catheter. Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) represent the largest proportion of healthcare associated infections (HAI). Catheter–associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) increases hospital cost and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality .CAUTIs are considered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to represent a reasonably preventable complication of hospitalization. As such, no additional payment is provided to hospitals for CAUTI treatment–related costs.CAUTIs can lead to ... Show more content on ... Not maintaining a sterile technique during insertion and closed drainage system after insertion. 4. The drainage bag of the bacteriuric patient is a reservoir for organisms that may contaminate the environment and be transmitted to other patients. 5.Outbreaks of infection with resistant gram– negative organisms attributable to bacteriuria in catheterized patients have also been reported. PREVENTION 1. Limiting catheter use and, when a catheter is indicated, minimizing the duration the catheter remains in situ are primary strategies for CAUTI prevention. 2. Ensure that only trained, dedicated personnel insert urinary catheters. 3. Implement a system for documenting the following information in the patient record: indications for catheter insertion, date and time of catheter insertion, individual who inserted catheter, and date and time of catheter removal a. Include documentation in nursing flow sheet, nursing notes, or physician orders. Documentation should be accessible in the patient record and recorded in a standard format for data collection and quality improvement purposes. 4. Ensure that there are sufficient trained personnel and technology resources to support surveillance of catheter use and outcomes. 5. Educate healthcare personnel involved in the insertion, care and maintenance of urinary catheters about CAUTI prevention, including alternatives to indwelling catheters and procedures for catheter insertion, management, and removal. 6. Maintain ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. Orem 's Self Care Deficit Theory Orem's Self–Care Theory Orem's Self–Care Deficit Theory (SCDNT) is complex and contains various parts that help to explain how self–care can influence the overall health status of an individual. The basics of SCDNT can be broken down into four interconnected parts: theory of self– care, theory of dependent care, theory of self–care deficit, and theory of nursing systems (Berbiglia & Banfield, 2014). Each theory can be integrated into how the nurse will interact and plan care for patients. The nurse meets the patient's self–care needs by teaching, demonstrating, and supporting the patient in performing basic self–care practices. Self–care can be defined as the practice of activities that maturing and mature persons initiate and perform, ... Show more content on ... All of the nursing actions are developed around self–care and produce a therapeutic effect on that patient. These relationships between the nurse and the patient guide care and help to develop an understanding of what actions must be taken for each patient. Along with the four theories, Orem also developed goals to be met with self–care using eight requisites. When nurses are assessing patient's these eight areas should be included in the assessment: maintance of sufficient intake of air, food, and water, provision of care associated with elimination processes and excrements, maintenance of balance between activity and rest, and solitude and social interaction, prevention of hazards to human life, human functioning, and human well–being, and promotion of human functioning and development within social groups in accordance with human potential, known human limitations, and human desire to be normal (Berbiglia & Banfield, 2014). Patient Assessment The patient to be assessed is a 63–year–old male admitted to the hospital for a planned admission for a transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with obstruction. The patient's past medical history includes: infantile cerebral palsy affecting the right side, sliding hernia that was repaired, tonsillectomy, and skin cancer at age 2. ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. Prevention Of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections... Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections In the Healthcare Setting Dayna Menard Mount Vernon Nazarene University Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections In the Healthcare Setting A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a serious problem in the clinical setting. "UTIs are mostly associated with catheterization" (Hooton, 2010, p. 629). The infection can be described as bacteria invading the urinary tract. More so, the bacteria accounts for nosocomial bacteremia since the patient obtains the infection in the hospital (Hooton et al., 2010). A Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) is common because nurses do not find this problem at the top of their to– do list during their shift. It can be easy for the nurse to become accustomed to a slight deviation from the correct method. Any break in the chain of infection has opened the opportunity for microorganisms to reproduce in a susceptible host. Research has proven that when hospitals, long– term care facilities, and other healthcare settings intervene with making positives changes, less of the patients developed a UTI with catheterization. Infection control with catheterized patients can be implemented and resolved with collaboration and education among healthcare staff. There has been a reoccurring incidence of staff members using urinary indwelling catheters for unnecessary reasons and convenience. More so, the nurses did not think of the issue as the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. Foley Catheter-Personal Narrative My clinical week was very interesting because I removed a Foley catheter. I was helping the nurse give medications, and he asked me if I would like to remove the catheter with him. I felt an adrenaline rush. I was excited but also worried I was not going to do it right. Nevertheless, I still took the opportunity. The patient was complaining that she would love the catheter removed as soon as possible because she had a bowel movement the night before, and the CNAs did not do a good job at cleaning her. The nurse and I reassured her that we would remove the catheter and help her clean up. At that point, I started regaining confidence, probably due the patient's lack of comfort. In my mind, I was thinking "oh I will exactly as they taught us in ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. Urinary Retention: A Case Study L: During my clinical experience, I was able to observe an intermittent catheterisation. E: Initially, the nurse explained to us why the procedure was being completed. The patient was experiencing urinary retention which is a result of the bladder's inability to empty fully (Wood, 2014, p. 1118). Additionally, there was a doctor's order for a specimen collection. First, the nurse began the process by prepping for the procedure, this entails explaining the procedure to the patient, cleaning the perineal area and setting up all the materials required. Following, the nurse lubricated the tip of the catheter to decrease the friction while inserting the catheter through the urethral meatus. Then the nurse retracted the labia to expose the urethral ... Show more content on ... p. 5). Assessing urine input and output can be an indication that the bladder is retaining urine (Wood, 2014, p. 1123). We were able to drain approximately 400 mL from the bladder using an intermittent catheter; however, the nurse stated there was approximately 300 mL still left in the bladder. The use of an intermittent catheter has fewer risks associated with infection in comparison to an indwelling catheter (RNAO, June 2004, p. 2). This is a result of an indwelling catheter accumulating bacteria because it is used for long–term drainage (RNAO, June 2004, p. 2). Therefore, the patient is more likely to be exposed to these harmful bacteria (RNAO, June 2004, p. 2). In this particular situation, I agree that the intermittent catheter was the best option for the patient because of the reduced risk of infection. A nosocomial urinary tract infection will often result in an extended stay of five to six day (RNAO, June 2004, p. 6). Moreover, the bladder was pocketing resulting in urinary retention. It was crucial to remove this urine from the bladder so it does not cause damage or patient discomfort (Wood, 2014, p. 1118). The intermittent catheter was able to drain the urine into the bladder that was being ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. Time Management And Prioritization Is Important Aspects Of... Time Management and Prioritization Time management and prioritization are important aspects of nursing care. The Pareto Principle states that 20% of focused effort results in 80% of outcome results and is an important principle for all nurses to practice in order to provide high quality care (Maloney, 2011). The majority of a nurses' time is spent on documentation, followed by care coordination, patient care activities, unit related activities, med administration, non–clinical activities, and personal time (Maloney, 2011, p. 425). Judie and I prioritize our nursing care based on each patient 's diagnosis and need. Patients with severe diagnoses are seen first and patients who are the least severe are seen last. If a patient is in pain or needs immediate attention we see those patients first. Nurses prioritize their care activities into seven levels; imminent concern, high uncertainty, pain management, relationship management, documenting and patient support, cleaning and/or prepping supplies, personal breaks and social interactions (Patterson, Ebright, & Saleem, 2011, p. 389). Flexibility to deviate from this framework at any time is important in providing high quality, personalized care. I reprioritize patient care based on a number of factors. Throughout our shift I care for the highest priority patients first then I see patients who do not require much attention so I can designate the majority of my time to patients who do. High priority patients are categorized by ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Indwelling Catheter This study focuses on whether the use of reminders assists in decreasing the use of urinary cathethers and the occuruence of catheter associated urinary infections. UTI risk increases by 5 percent with the use of indwelling catheters. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that patients receive catheters if indicated but over 41% of physicians have ignored this and nursing staff have ignored evaluating when the catheter should be removed. Besides noncompliance with the CDC, this study shows for patients who have catheters, the reminder system will help to decrease the length of indwelling cathethers are potential UTI infection associated with it. In previous studies, their has been different views as to whether ... Show more content on ... A stoma is an artificially creted hole in the abdomen that allows for the passage of stool and urine to exit the body. Self–care is vital when one has a stoma. Perisotomal self–care is very important and has been one of the main issues ostomates have experienced. The main characterisits seen with peristomal site complications are discoloration, erosian, and tissue overgrowth. Previous studies, to determine skin problems, with the use of SPSC have not been done. The hypothesis of this randomized controlled study is that those who use SPSC will have a lower percentage of periostmal skin problems (discolartion, erosion, and tissue overgrowth) than the CT group. To test out this study, 81 elgible patients were chosen. Some of the Elibiity requirements included those who were undergoing a colostomy or ilostomy, were 20–18 years of age, and understood why the study was being done. These particpants were chosen from a single tertiary hospital. The 81 participants were split into two groups, the SPSC (45 patients) and CT group (36 patients). Wound Ostomy Care Nurses educated the each group on how they would care for their ostomies. Those with Standarised Peristomal Skin Care (SPSC) use direct pouching on skin with powder if needed. Those with the crusting technique use an artificial skin memberane over ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Nurse Reimbursement All staff involved in catheter insertion and care must be educated on proper care. Nurses must be educated on the importance of decreasing catheter use and their right to question Foley catheter insertion and maintenance. Choosing a "champion" among staff, or a certain peer to help influence behavior will also help overcome resistance to change among nurses who are unwilling to change for the sake of convenience or habit. Creating a peer–to–peer educational plan is also shown to encourage and empower nurses to decrease catheter use (Meddings et al., 2014). Finally, behavior must be analyzed to see if new protocols and policies are being followed. If they are not, a discussion should occur to see if any new resistors to change have been ... Show more content on ... The team will oversee the evidence–based practice aspects of CAUTI prevention and will be set up using aspects of the guidelines established by Andreessen et al. (2012). Several different types of nurses will be recruited to assist including infection control (for evidence–based practice guidance), nurse educators (to help set up the education program), and staff nurses (to advise from staff's point of view) (Andreessen et al., 2012). Leadership including, nurse managers, clinical nurse leaders, and the medical director, will assist with implementation. The team consisting of resource type individuals such as urologists, will guide evidence–based practices and information technology will assist to set up flow chart and tracking processes (Andreessen et al., 2012). The next step will focus on educating the unit's staff. Employees that place an indwelling catheter will be required to go through a refresher course on proper insertion technique, indications for catheterization, and catheter care. Additionally, there will be a class on the new flow sheet created to track indwelling catheters (Andreessen et al., 2012). Posters with information pertaining to catheter care, CAUTI prevention, the new charting system, and alternative bladder management systems will be placed in highly visible areas such as break ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Urinary Tractinfection An APIC Guide 2008 Guide to the Elimination of Catheter–Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs) Developing and Applying Facility–Based Prevention Interventions in Acute and Long–Term Care Settings About APIC APIC's mission is to improve health and patient safety by reducing risks of infection and other adverse outcomes. The Association's more than 12,000 members have primary responsibility for infection prevention, control and hospital epidemiology in healthcare settings around the globe. APIC's members are nurses, epidemiologists, physicians, microbiologists, clinical pathologists, laboratory technologists and public health professionals. APIC advances its mission through education, research, consultation, collaboration, ... Show more content on ... Of these patients, approximately 3% will develop bacteremia. The 1997 APIC/SHEA position paper on urinary tract infections in long–term care (LTC) identifies CAUTI as the most common infection in LTC residents, with a bacteriuria prevalence without indwelling catheters of 25% to 50% for women, and 15% to 40% for men. Therefore, usage of indwelling urinary catheters in residents of LTC facilities can be expected to ASSOCIATION FOR PROFESSIONALS IN INFECTION CONTROL AND EPIDEMIOLOGY 5 Guide to the Elimination of Catheter–Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs) result in higher CAUTI rates with an associated risk of CAUTI–related bacteremia, unless appropriate prevention efforts are implemented. The 2008 SHEA/APIC Guideline "Infection Prevention and Control in the Long–term Care Facility"3 notes that "guidelines for prevention of catheter–associated UTIs in hospitalized patients are generally applicable to catheterized residents in LTCFs." Strategies contained in this resource will be helpful in any healthcare setting, when the facility's infection risk assessment identifies CAUTI as an infection prevention priority. Legislative Mandates and CAUTI Risk Assessment The impact of external factors is germane to facility ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. Nursing Teaching Plan Infection Prevention with Foley Catheter Care at Home: A Nursing Teaching Plan Assessment of the Learner Mr. D is a 77 year old, single, Caucasian male. He is retired from the Navy and completed an Associate's degree in Criminal Justice and Business Administration at Durham Technological Community College after his service. Mr. D smoked one pack of cigarettes per day for 20 years and has a history of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and skin cancer. Mr. D was hospitalized after a transurethral resection of a bladder tumor (TURBT). The surgery also included bilateral retrograde pylegrams. The pathology report stated that the bladder tumor was positive for cancer. Mr. D normally lives by himself, but explained that a friend would be staying ... Show more content on ... D was finished with breakfast and morning care. When I entered the room, I explained that I was there to provide information on taking care of the Foley catheter at home and ways to reduce infection. I asked if this would be a good time to have a discussion and Mr. D replied yes. The door to the room was closed, Mr. D reported no pain, and there were no other healthcare team members in the room to distract from the teaching. I started the lecture portion of the teaching plan by explaining that Mr. D would be discharged from the hospital with the Foley catheter still in place. I reiterated that Foley catheters require special attention and care because they increase the chance of infection. I began by addressing the first objective and described the various ways to properly care for a Foley catheter. Next, I explained scenarios that would prompt a call to the doctor. Finally, I addressed the second objective by describing the signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection. I concluded the teaching session by asking Mr. D if he had any questions for me, which he did ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. Summary: Hospital Acquired Infections Research Problem Hospital acquired infections (HAIs) are infections a person get while in the hospital, however the infection must occur forty–eight hours after admission because of the incubation period of infections (Shang, Stone, & Larson, 2015). HAIs provide an unnecessary risk to patient safety (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). Every day at least one out of twenty–five patients in hospitals across the United States (U.S.) acquires an HAI (CDC, 2016). HAIs leads to many problems in hospitals across the U.S. One problem is HAIs can lead to patients' deaths. In 2011 722,000 people developed at least one HAI, over half happened outside of the intensive care unit, and around 75,000 of the 722,000 died while in the hospital ... Show more content on ... The study will take place at one hospital, South Georgia Medical Center, over three–months. The independent variable will be the nurse to patient ratio on the medical surgical floors and the dependent variable will be the percent of HAIs acquired on each floor, specifically foley catheter associated urinary tract infections, central line associated blood stream infections, hospital acquired pneumonia, and surgical wound infections. There will be four medical surgical floors in the study and adult patients admitted or transferred to medical surgical floors will be randomly assigned to one of the floors. On the first medical surgical floor the day shift (0700 to 1900) nurse to patient ratio will be 1:4 and the night shift (1900–0700) ratio will be 1:5, on the second floor the day shift ratio will be 1:5 and the night shift ratio will be 1:6, and on the third floor the day shift ratio will be 1:6 and the night shift ratio will be 1:7. The fourth floor will be the control group and nurse to patient ratio will depend on how many nurses are scheduled to work on each shift, as previously done at this hospital. Data will be collected on the percent of patients on each floor who gets one of the four HAIs forty–eight hours after getting admitted or transferred to the medical surgical floor to determine if nurse staffing has an impact on the percent of patients who gets an ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Leadership Learning Experience : The Hospital 's Current... Leadership Learning Experience PYT1 A1. Problem The practice issue identified in collaboration with the MICU nurse manager for this task is non– adherence to the current catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) prevention protocol. A1a. Explanation of Problem The hospital's current practice for CAUTI prevention includes the use of the HOUDINI protocol. This protocol features the acronym for the strict indications required for the insertion and the continued use of the urinary catheter (hematuria, obstruction, urologic surgery, decubitus ulcer, intake and output, no code/comfort care, and immobilization). The physician places the original order for the catheter with HOUDINI protocol and chooses the indication that applies. The order empowers the nurse to assess the patient daily for the continued indications and to remove any urinary catheter that no longer meets the indications. Hospital wide the protocol has been successful at decreasing CAUTI rates, however the target for CAUTI rates is 0 and our current rate is 1.37 per 1000 catheter days. Intensive care units have higher urinary catheter usage than in medical surgical or telemetry units (Halm, O'Conner, 2014). In MICU the most common indication for a urinary catheter is the need for accurate intake and output on patients with hemodynamic instability. Staff nurses are required to assess the patient daily and readdress the continued indications. In the past month no urinary catheters were removed ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. The High Incidence Of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract... The high incidence of catheter–associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) during the patient's admission can result in further complication and could potentially increase their hospital days. This could delay the patient's recovery time, causing emotional and financial distress and possible death if CAUTI goes unnoticed. There are research studies focusing on the prevalence of CAUTI and all previous studies show that it is in the best interest of the patient to discontinue the Foley catheters as soon as possible to decrease the rate of infections. In some health care organizations, different approaches have been indicated to tackle this problem. CAUTI rounding teams have shown positive results leading to a number of health care facilities to implement the rounding team into their practice for the benefit of the patient population. Keywords: catheter–associated urinary tract infections, CAUTI, urinary tract infection, UTI, Foley catheter infection, infection control Indirect Clinical Project Catheter–associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) have been studied in clinical situations where it is in the best interest of the patient to discontinue as soon as possible to decrease the infection rates. Prompt Foley catheter removal as soon as indicated improves patient outcomes (Magers, 2013). When a Foley catheter remains indwelling, there is chance for bacteria to migrate up the urethra causing urinary tract infections (UTIs) (Glowicz, 2015). If gone ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. An Evidence Based Quality Improvement Project Using A... I am writing to obtain permission to conduct an evidence–based quality improvement project using a pretest/posttest design in your facility with the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of an educational intervention regarding the importance and use of the nurse driven protocol on nurses ' knowledge and CAUTI rates. This study will be done to fullfill requirements for completion of the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree at Regis University, Denver, CO. The following information is an overview of the project: Can Empowered Nurses Decrease CAUTI rates? This project will employ a Population–Intervention–Comparative–Outcome (PICO) fromat for development of the research question to be investigated: Population: Nurses on the ... Show more content on ... O A nurse–driven protocol is the recommended tool to be used by the nurse to remove catheters without orders following set CDC guidelines and prevent CAUTI O Nurses are best positioned to make the decision to remove catheters as they are in direct and constant contact with the patient. O According to Hospital Compare Cape Fear Valley Hospital is labeled as as "Worse than national bench mark" for CAUTI rates (Medicare.Gov, 2015) O Potential for reduction in reimbursement by 1– % if it falls with other hospitals that rank among the lowest– performing 25 percent with regards to Hospital Acquired conditions (HAC): CAUTI being of them. O The hospital already has protocols in place, but the need for education regarding these protocl is great.The need on these protocols are great Type of Study: Pretest, education, posttest quality improvement Participant Requirement: Full and part time nurses Risks, Cost, and Benefits: There no risk to the patients. Nurses may have to work longer hours to care for patients with CAUTIs. The hospital will have to pay for the cost of re–education of staff and shoulder the intangible cost that may ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. Foley Catheter Lab A Foley catheter is a thin, sterile tube inserted into the bladder to drain urine ( ). There are many types of catheters such as a straight, indwelling, and condom catheters. A straight catheter is one that does not stay inside the person. It is removed immediately after urine is drained. An indwelling catheter is one that stays inside of the bladder for a period of time. And last, a condom catheter is one that has an attachment that fits onto the penis. This catheter is changed daily or as needed. For the purpose of this document, the care that is going to be performed will need to be performed on a patient/resident with an indwelling catheter. A patient/resident with an indwelling catheter also has a catheter drainage bag, as well, that all ... Show more content on ... Bath thermometer 6. 2–4 wash clothes or wipes 7. 1 towel 8. Gloves Instructions on how to provide catheter care to a patient/resident: 1. Wash your hands. 2. Remove or fold back top bedding. Keep resident/patient covered with bath blanket. 3. Test water temperature with thermometer or your wrist to ensure that it is safe. Water temperature should be 105 degrees to 109 degrees F. Have your patient/resident check the water temperature as well. 4. Put on gloves. 5. Ask the resident/patient to flex his/her knees and raise the buttocks off of the bed by pushing against the mattress with their feet. Place a clean protective pad under the buttocks. 6. Expose only the area necessary to clean the catheter. 7. Place a towel or pad under catheter tubing before washing. 8. Apply soap to a wet wash cloth. 9. Hold the catheter near the meatus (any passage leading inside of the body). Avoid tugging it. Then start to clean at least four inches of catheter nearest the meatus. Move only in one direction, away from the meatus (Fig.1). Use a clean area of the cloth for each stroke. 10. Rinse at least four inches of catheter nearest the meatus. Move only in one direction, away from the meatus. Use a clean area of the cloth for each ... Get more on ...