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The Breaking Point
Everyone has a breaking point. I was close to mine. The walls felt like they were closing in around me. I was forced to walk in a single file line
like a first grader. The only light was from the small openings in the rigid cement walls. My legs were screeching in pain. I have climbed hundreds
of steps and it was unknown how many more. None of us had been here before. All I could tell was that we were going up fast and the ground was
becoming farther away. The fear of plummeting to your death was a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I remind myself not to look down but it
was inevitable. I had to look. I would have not continued if it was not for the fact that you had to go up in order to go down. I knew that even though
it was more content...
I was left in my pajamas standing at the door with just the knowledge that breakfast was in an hour. I had no idea what we were going to do today.
This left my mind to wander all of the things we could do, compiling a list in my head. After breakfast, we left the hotel and used our map to try and
navigate where the subway was. It turns out the subway was only two blocks away, but thanks to my uncle it took us close to a half hour to get
there. If we didn't look like tourists, I don't know what does. I mean it was clear we didn't speak Spanish, but when you have adults holding up maps
and screaming directions at each other it was pretty clear we were tourists, lost tourists. We thought getting to the subway was hard, but the real
challenge was figuring out which line to take. Meanwhile, I had no idea where we were going. It was not like I could help much because I knew a
very small amount of Spanish. Fifteen minutes of arguing later, we finally figured out that we have to take the red line and get off at the sixth stop. The
train ride was quiet. The only sound was the hum of the train's engine. When we got to our stop we got off quickly and climbed up steps that placed
us back into reality. We were once again united with the busy streets of Barcelona.
"Mom, where are we going? Are we almost there?" I cried.
"Well, why don't you see for yourself," she called out.
I look up to see a church that was towering the city
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Personal Manifesto Research Paper
Personal Manifesto
Somebody once told me it is okay to be average as long as you are a good person. Life is short, do as many things as you can to live a happy life and
do all the things you aspire to do before time runs out.
One evening while I was on vacation visiting my grandparents we were sitting around the dinner table eating a homemade meal made by my grandma.
It was my mom, my sister, my foreign exchange student, two of my good friends, and I all eating dinner together. Dinner had come to an end and one
of my friends and I were still sitting at the table with my grandpa. He has always been a very inspirational person in my life and most of the things he
says mean a lot and really make me think. There was one thing my grandpa more content...
Even being an average person can be very difficult. If you look at a large amount of people in this world, they are average or below average in
most things they do. No one can be good at everything, so don't ever think you have to be. Feeling pressured to be great at everything is one thing
no one should ever have to go through. All it seems to do is tear down people's' self esteem creating more reserved and quiet people. Life is hard,
and if it were meant to be easy, everyone would be good at everything and the majority of things would be meaningless. So, what would be the point of
living a meaningless life? Take every situation in life and live it with the intention that it will be the
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Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint, usually just called PowerPoint, is a non–free commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the
Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft Office
PowerPoint 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011 for Mac.
Originally designed for the Macintosh computers, the initial release was called "Presenter", developed by Dennis Austin[not in citation given] and
Thomas Rudkin[not in citation given] of Forethought, Inc.[1] In 1987, it was renamed to "PowerPoint" due to problems with trademarks, the idea for
the name coming from Robert Gaskins.[2] In August of the same year, more content...
There are no compelling results to prove or disprove that PowerPoint is more effective for learner retention than traditional presentation methods.[9]
The effect on audiences of poor PowerPoint presentations has been described as PowerPoint hell.
Although PowerPoint has the aforementioned benefits, some argue that PowerPoint has negatively impacted society. The terms "Death by PowerPoint"
and "PowerPoint Hell" refer to the poor use of the software. Many large companies and branches of the government use PowerPoint as a way to brief
employees on important issues that they must make decisions about. Opponents of PowerPoint argue that reducing complex issues to bulleted points is
detrimental to the decision making process; in other words, because the amount of information in a presentation must be condensed, viewing a
PowerPoint presentation does not give one enough detailed information to make a truly informed decision.
A frequently cited example is Edward Tufte's analysis of PowerPoint slides prepared for briefing NASA officials concerning possible damage to the
Space Shuttle Columbia during its final launch.[10] Tufte argues that the slides, prepared by the Boeing Corporation, had the effect of oversimplifying
the situation, and provided false assurance that the ultimately fatal damage to the shuttle was only minimal. Tufte argued:
The most critical
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Thesis Statement For Pride And Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice: Essay Outline Thesis statement, including map of development: In Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice," the author traces
portrait of women's role during the Regency period: they were expected to get married, to be accomplished and to self–scarify. Topic Sentence #1:
Marriage was crucial at the time, and women of the early Victorian age were expected to marry and to get their daughters married. a.Argument:
Marriage assured social security for both the women and the family. b.Example: When Lady Catherine tells Elizabeth that Darcy was supposed to
marry her daughter: "The engagement between them is of a particular kind. From their infancy, they have been intended for each other. It was the
favorite wish of his mother, as well as of her's. While I their cradles, we planned the union: and now, at the moment when the wishes of both sisters
would be accomplished, in their marriage, to be prevented by a young woman of inferior birth, of no importance in the world, and wholly unallied to
the family!" (Austen 335–336). c.Explanation: Lady Catherine's reaction demonstrates the crucial importance of marriage in the society, but also for
women. Families needed their daughters to marry in the same social class or above to insure social prestige. Demonstrates Lady Catherine's role to
protect the high class and prestige of her descendants through marriage. For Elizabeth and her family, this union with the higher class assures them
social security. a.Argument: Marriage was a market, women needed to marry to ensure financial security. b.Example: When Mrs. Bennet learns that
Mr. Bingley is coming to town: "A single man of large fortune; four of five thousands a year. What a fine thing for our girls!" (Austen 6). c.Explanation:
Marriage was the only way for the Bennet girls to ensure financial security. Girls are too high class to get jobs but would not inherit. Financial security
also ensured future economic security for Mrs. Bennet after her husband's death. Topic Sentence #2: Women of the early 1800s need to demonstrate
accomplishments and education. a.Argument: Accomplishments demonstrated a woman's value. b.Example: Lady Catherine to Elizabeth: " 'Do
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Essay On Point Guard
Regarding to basketball every single position on the floor is key to having a successful team, but to me the most important position on the floor is the
point guard. The point guard in many aspects is similar to a quarterback in football, because they are in charge of getting their teams into the correct
sets and controlling the game on the offensive end. Many time point guards are asked to carry on more responsibility. Some points are asked to be
scorers and other are asked to hold their team down on the defensive end. In the article, On Point: Eight Characteristics of Great Point Guards , states
"When you have a scoring point guard it just really puts pressure on the defense. It helps to open your entire offense. Normally you have other
positions that are scoring positions, but when you have (a scoring point guard) it just naturally opens up your other shooters and your inside game." (
Andy Streit). The more of a scorer the point guard is the more successful the other teammate will be. Point guard cannot always look to pass, they have
to know how to penetrate into the defense, draw two defenders, and then a better pass will be open to another teammate.
On the defensive end the point guard can also play a more content...
Having vision up the court is very important because making the up court is an easier way to score, and it also portrays their character as unselfish.
it shows coaches that you are point guard that not only can score, but can distribute the ball to your teammates. The article states that " Being a
visionary or having good vision as a point guard also is kind of synonymous with being unselfish. I think there are a lot of point guards that can see
other guys open, but there are some that want to take that shot or have the glory for themselves." ( Bary Gould, M. ). This shows that having vision up
the floor is important, and it shows a lot about your character as a
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What Is The Ideology Of Pakistan Essay
It is systematic concept of human's life and culture or it is an unrealistic or idealistic nature of a person. Ideology gives identity within society and
groups to other people because it is different from others. It is a set of political beliefs, attitudes and specific ideas of an individual or group which
reflects the way of someone's thinking, acting and viewing the whole world in different scenario. It is thoughts of an individual or group to make a
new social system.
Pakistan is an Islamic state and its ideology based on Islamic ideology. So it is clear that Pakistan's ideology and Islamic ideology are same and it is an
ideological state. Islam is a complete guidance for Muslims
Role of Students to Promote Ideology of Pakistan
A person who is in between 15– 25 years of age fixed on youth. Pakistan is one of those countries in the world which has largest ratio of young
generation in the population .This is the real blessing of God because when young people get a clear direction to their life goal ,then they are
certainly prove a real asset for their country. Youth of Pakistan is responsible and working hard to see the Pakistan a developed country. Student of any
society play a vital role in brain making on any ideological issues but unfortunately, our more content...
Today, our generation is divided in racism. We are not only Baloch, Sindhi, Pathan, Punjabi or even Urdu speaking. We are belonging to one state,
Pakistan and only one religion that is "Islam", which give us a lesson of unity. Students try to end the racial and racism among youth because it is not
our ideology. This proved also the second principle of Quid–e–Azam which is also based on unity. It is clear from the above discussion that unity is a
base of our ideology and there is also no racism in
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The Turning Point Essay
The Turning Point Life is a mystery. There is so much that we do not understand and so much we have yet to learn. Many questions we ponder
frequently involve human nature. We often ask why people do certain things and why we act the way we do. Most of these highly debated topics will
never be answered. We can only contemplate why everything occurs. One issue that is consistently brought up is that of good and evil. For centuries
this subject has been disputed and countless theories have been created to try and solve this difficult puzzle. Are humans good or evil? That is the
perplexing question that has stumped philosophers and writers for a very long time. There are certainly good people in this world, but at the same time more content...
Osama Bin Laden, one of history's largest villains, took countless lives and was certainly evil. How could a human being perform such horrors?
The truth is that there were many contributing factors that led to his rise as one of the most famous terrorists ever. His difficult life all started
with a very tough childhood that resulted in his anger and hatred. Bin Laden was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. It was a very religious country
with an economy largely based around oil. Osama's father, Mohammed Awad Bin Laden, was the owner of a billion dollar oil company. Not only
was Mohammed a very wealthy man, but he also had many wives and children. Osama was the seventh of fifty children. Being from a rich family,
Osama never experienced a poor lifestyle to help him appreciate others. Even more detrimental to his childhood was the minimal amount of
guidance that he received as a boy. Mohammed was certainly no father figure. Osama barely knew him because he was always busy with work,
religion, and the many other wives and children. The only thing he did know of his father was strict ruling. He insisted that Osama and all the other
children live under one roof and maintain an extremely religious lifestyle. To make matters worse, Mohammed and Osama's mother were divorced
when he was still a boy. With so little guidance, there was no one to teach him right from wrong. He had no one who cared for him and he grew
angry. As a result, Bin Laden turned to religion for
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Business Strategy Essay
HND in Business and Finance Unit Name: Business Strategy – 7 Assessors: Egya Gyamfi Student: Sulaiman Adebakin Introduction In this part of the
assignment I will be defining and explaining mission, vision, objective, goals & core competencies, I will also be distinguishing the difference
between each point and the role they play in the operation of a business, I will be reviewing the issues involved in strategic planning and explain the
different planning techniques. 1.1 Explain strategic contexts and terminology – Missions Visions Objectives, Goals, Core competences About Walkers
Walker is a British snack food manufacturer operating in the United Kingdom and Ireland and to a lesser extent on the more content...
There are many different types of objectives such as long–term and short term objectives. Long–term objectives focus on the desired performance and
results of the organization on an on–going basis. An example of a long term objective setting out customer service goals by doing this you will be able
to make sure that your organization aims to receive positive customer service feedback. Short–term objectives are concerned with short–term
performance targets that the organisation is working towards in pursuing its strategies. Short–term objectives tend to last up to six months or a year.
Core competence The core competences of an organisation are the things that the organisation is particularly good at, that is, the resources, processes
and skills which give it a competitive advantage. It is very important to identify and build on these core competences because they are what enable them
to stand out from other organisations. Apple being one of the most well–known brands will mean that customers will have high expectations on their
products. Apple having distinctive features on their mobile phones (IPhone) will enable them to have a competitive advantage on their competitors. A
competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing
greater benefits and service that justifies higher prices. 1.2 Review the issues involved in strategic
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Jane Eyre Point Of View
Set in the Victorian era, a period where women had to oblige with certain rules and standards that were put forth to them by society. The novel Jane
Eyre (1847) written by Charlotte Bronte encompasses the opposite of what was considered the norm for women of her time. The heroine Jane Eyre is
depicted as independent, blunt, opinionated and strong. These traits illustrate Jane Eyre as unfeminine and not fit for her years, thus designating her as
a social outcast. The novel is a fictional autobiography of the protagonists life written mostly in past tense. As Jane progresses through different stages
of her life; Gateshead, Lowood, Thornfeild, Moore, and Ferndean, so does her shift in narration. This paper will delve into the fundamental aspects on
the point of view in Bronte's Jane Eyre (1847), more so the perspective of Jane as the narrator and Jane as the narrated. Since the protagonist maintains
two roles in the novel; more content...
It's a field of study that focuses on the style and language of a text rather than the conception of the literary texts. It gives the impression that the
author intentionally meant what they wrote and nothing ever written is due to pure coincidence or accident, "the techniques of stylistic analysis are
as much about deriving insights about linguistic structure and function as they are about understanding literary texts" (Simpson, 2014, p. 3).
Stylistics has many components, the main concept focused in this paper will be point of view. The point of view in a novel is the perspective in
which the story is being narrated as well as who is doing the narrating. This allows the reader to see the story unfold. The novel Jane Eyre, as
mentioned earlier, is narrated in first person and all the milestones that are brought up are depicted from an insiders point of
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Essay on Uranus
The bland aquamarine face of Uranus bears witness to the fact that Uranus is enshrouded in clouds. The planet appears to be blue–green because the
atmosphere absorbs the, red wavelengths of the visible spectrum, . The uniformity of the planet's appearance confirms that the planet's atmosphere is
composed almost solely of one element, methane gas. There is a preponderance of haze, composed of ethane and other hydrocarbon ices high in the
stratosphere, and clouds of methane ice low in the troposphere. The cloud particles constantly recycle themselves, first creating then destroying the
heaviest crystals. This is an indication that Uranus' atmosphere is still evolving from its formation out of the solar nebula. Because Uranus lies on its more content...
These moons are part of a class of moons called the "Small Moons". Icy moons of Uranus are; Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon,
Caliban, and Sycorax. In 1999, four more Uranian moons were found. They include Prospero, Setebos, Stephano and 1986 U 10.
The Giant planets do not have the same kind of structure inside that the terrestrial planets do. Their evolution was quite different than that of the
terrestrial planets, and they have much more gas and ice inside.
Uranus's interior composition is primarily that of methane ice.
Motions in the interior of Uranus contribute to the formation of the magnetosphere of Uranus. Heat generated within Uranus contributes to the unusual
motions of the atmosphere.
The magnetosphere of Uranus is medium sized, but still much larger than the Earth's. It extends well beyond the orbits of Uranus' moons. It is
probably generated in the icy interior layers, rather than with a metallic component at the core.
The magnetosphere of Uranus has a very strange orientation, tilted by almost 60 degrees from the vertical. The extreme tilt, combined with the extreme
tilt of the rotation axis of Uranus, provides for a completely unique magnetosphere, one which has a twisting structure!
Mathematical theory suggests that the rings of Uranus affect the both the motion of particles in the magnetosphere, as well as creating a strange,
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Prostitution In The Philippines
Prostitution is one of the oldest professions that have widely been practiced around the world, and the Philippines is no exception to this. With the
advent of Spanish colonists in the late 1500s, Filipina slaves were sold as "exotic sex objects" or prostitutes to European brothels. During the early
1940s, many Filipinas in Manila and surrounding towns served as "comfort girls" to provide sexual favors to Japanese soldiers of the Japanese
Imperial Army serving in the country and in the Pacific region. Today, with the emergence of information technology and global travel, the age
profession has begun to operate on a technological scale, and sex workers, mostly young girls, have moved not only to the big cities but also online.
To be specific, a new form of prostitution among Filipina schoolgirls, called Prosti–tuition, has surfaced recently in the country.
Prosti–tuition, as the name suggests, is a term used among student–sex workers to refer to the use of prostitution as a means of earning money to send
themselves to school. Sometimes called survival sex, it is sex work that pays for these students' tuition fees, school supplies, allowance, cellphone load,
and the like. Typically, the peak season for this tuition–payment scheme is during enrollment period or right before final/periodic exams (Santos, 2014).
Compared to traditional prostitution, what is interesting about prosti–tuition is that the personal services providers (PSPs) or "walkers" mostly rely on
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Essay on urdu asa basis of national unity
Every nation needs some marks of identity. Language is also amark of identification of any nation. Pakistan is a federation of four provinces and its
Urdu is our national language. It has played an importyant role in the articulation of muslim culture in South East Asia.It has been rightly said that urdu
had been the a symbol, an issue and a weapon in our struggle for independence. The 1973 constitution of Pakistan has also declared Urdu to be our
national language.
History of Urdu language;
Urdu is nearly 300 years old and was considered as the language of the Muslims from the very beginning because of its origin. The blending of
Arabian, Persian and Turkish more content...
People of two different areas can easily understood each other ideas and thoughts by urdu.
A promotor of Islamic education:
Lectures on islamic education and religion are delievered in Urdu throughout Pakistan. The religious leaders, mystics and sufi poets spread the light of
islam in sub–continent with help of urdu. The translation and tafseer of 'Holy Quran' and 'Hadith' have been produced in urdu language in great
numbers to enable the muslims to understand them properly. In this way urdu language has played a pivotal role in keeping the Muslim nationhood
A medium of national cohesion:
Having close resemblence with all the regional languages of Pakistan and common vocalbury, script and derivation from same primary sources, Urdu in
Pakistan has become a key to the national cohesion and unity. Urdu language is the medium of instructions in all government schools in Pakistan.
Politrical science, History, Islamic Studies and many other subjects are taught upto the masters level in the urdu language. The government is making
systematic efforts to impart advanced eduacation in scuence and technology in Urdu language.
A instrument of national integration:
Urdu has become a symbol of nayional unity and solidarity. It represents the common culture, hertitage and identity of Pakistan. It is close to the heart
of all Pakistanis as it played an important role in the struggle for freedom from the supremacy of British and subjugation of Hindus.
A promoter of
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Point of View Essay
Each individual short story has its' own point of view and voice. Within short stories there are different types of narrative and also different types
of irony being used. Each individual author has their own way of telling a story; also they have a certain way to portray their story to an audience.
For two specific short stories Everything That Rises Must Converge and Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter we can analyze to see what point of view and
voice is being used. Everything That Rises Must Converge is a story that takes place in the 1960's. A recent college graduate, Julian who escorts his
mother to her weekly weight–loss class at the YMCA. His mother attends these classes to reduce her high blood pressure. He escorts her there every more content...
It is not evident who is actually telling the story and its' events. The story is not told in past tense which would imply that Julian was the one in fact
telling the story. For Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter this is also told form a third person point of view. We can see that the story is not being told by any of
the characters, and it shows the emotions and actions of everyone in the story. The narrative persona for this story is more close to Mrs. Dutta then
other characters as the story mainly revolves around how Mrs. Dutta is feeling and her actions. The narrative persona shows a glimpse of the other
characters emotions while focusing on Mrs. Dutta. "Mrs. Dutta, who had never, through forty–two years of marriage, addressed Sagar's father by name
tried not to wince." (Borroway)Both stories are similar by the fact that they have the same type of narrative persona. In other stories such as What You
Pawn I Will Redeem this is coming from a first person narrative. The story is being told by the main character and he knows little about the other
emotions felt by other characters. For Everything That Rises Must Converge and Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter the distance would seem to be closer as
the reader knows each of the characters' feelings and their emotions. Secondly, we can review of the types of irony that is being used for each story.
Every story has its individual way of conveying a message to its readers. Irony is
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Araby Point Of View Essay
Through the Eyes of a Young Boy
In Araby, by James Joyce, the story is told by a young boy who has his heart on a girl. The boy's name is never mentioned in the story and neither is
the girls'. Since the narrator is the young boy, his name is never mentioned. In the story, the girl is only mentioned as Mangan's sister. The point of view,
plot, and setting all help make up this story. The narrator in this story is the young boy and he tells the story through his point of view.
Point of view is composed of two different parts, the voice and the focus. The voice is the narrator telling the story and the focus is the visual angle that
the narrator uses to portray events in the story. In Araby, the boy's voice seems uncertain, impatient, and more content...
169). The rooms are described as, "musty from having been long enclosed, hung in all the rooms, and the waste room behind the kitchen was
littered with old useless newspapers (p. 169)." Already, the reader can get an image in their head using a bit of imagination. The setting at the
beginning of the story suggests that the boy lives in an older building. Not only is the building depicted as old but the former tenant who lived in
the house was a priest (p. 169). The settings also move to the bazaar that the boy attends in hopes that he can purchase an item for Mangan's sister.
The bazaar is called Araby, which happens to be the title of the story. The bazaar is a charitable event one that the boy hopes to attend. By the time
the boy could attend the bazaar, it was shutting down for the evening as the boy had arrived late into the night. The boy was discouraged into buying
any items from the vendors because the one that was open the vendor had a distasteful tone in her voice and it was not at all encouraging for the boy
(p. 173). The setting is just one component of the story the plot is
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Point of View Essay
In the short story "Through the tunnel", Doris Lessing describes the adventure of Jerry, a young English boy trying to swim through an underwater
tunnel. Throughout the story, the author uses the third person omniscient point of view to describe the boy 's surroundings and to show us both what
he and the other characters are thinking and what is happening around them. By using this point of view, the author is able to describe the setting of
the story, give a detailed description of the characters, and make the theme visible. By using the third person omniscient point of view, the narrator can
give us a detailed and unbiased description of his/her surroundings while still retaining part of the character 's view of reality. When more
This also explains why the mother let him go without questions, even if she was very worried about him. Also, when the narrator describes the native
boys as "big boys – men to Jerry", we realize that although the boys might be only a little older than Jerry, he considers them as men and he tries
everything to become like one of them, even going through the long, dark and dangerous underwater tunnel. I believe that if the writer would have
used first person point of view, we would only perceive what that single character is experiencing, thus giving us a limited and one–sided view of the
world. In this story, the narrator gives us the important clues that lead us to the theme by letting us know what the characters think. For example,
when the Jerry 's mother says "Of course he 's old enough to be safe without me", we realize that the boy is at a point in his life when he is ready to
discover the world by himself. In addition, when his mother thinks "Have I been keeping him too close? He mustn 't feel he ought to be with me. I
must be careful.", we realize that the author implies that it is wrong to keep him close to her for too long, and both these examples add to the notion
that the rite of passage must be undergone without the interference of others. Obviously, this concept wouldn 't have been clear without the view of the
mother. In
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Four Point Line Analysis
Have you ever shot a 4 pointer season. before not that i think you have. the3 point line is 22 feet there can be deeper three points shots. Making them
around 25–30 feet, More challenging shooting contests with the 25–30 foot shots will be more difficult and challenging. In the scenario of a down 4
play with the clock winding down the possibility of a tie. this would be a game changer if it was possible today. Deeper three point shots, i think this
is a reason for the four point line because most nba shooters like stephen curry in the 2015–2016 nba season he shot 46.7 percent from 30+ foot shots.
Another point is the option to shoot from deeper instead doing it if you want to. And with the deeper three pointers players will be harder to
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Strong And Weak Points Essay
Strong points and weak points
In life, we normally have our strong points and our weak points. Just as in life, in writing, it's what we do with those negatives and positives that
makes the difference. My negatives in writing are the techniques I've not yet mastered and my positives are me not giving up. While writing this essay I
encountered a lot of different ideas, thoughts and emotions. However, Mainly I was blank, it took me forever to even begin this essay. I believe I
allowed the play on words to throw me. For example, the instructions for this assignment is to write an essay to your instructor reflecting on your
writing process and final draft of profile essay. I froze at "to your instructor". As I previously mentioned in my last reflective essay, getting a paper
started has always been a big challenge for me. I again most often doubt myself and my writing abilities. I am surprised that I have made it this far in
this course.
This course, ENG 101 and you, Mr. Perkins I credit for my improvements. I say improvements because I am by far a finished product. I'd like to think
that I'm a well–organized individual, however, when it comes to writing that's a different story. Figuring out how to write what I am thinking is a
weakness. I simply have trouble putting my thoughts into writing. I have real trouble with putting paragraphs and sentences in the right order. I guess
that 's my fault because I write as thoughts come! The first paragraph is always hardest for me,
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The Breaking Point

  • 1. The Breaking Point Everyone has a breaking point. I was close to mine. The walls felt like they were closing in around me. I was forced to walk in a single file line like a first grader. The only light was from the small openings in the rigid cement walls. My legs were screeching in pain. I have climbed hundreds of steps and it was unknown how many more. None of us had been here before. All I could tell was that we were going up fast and the ground was becoming farther away. The fear of plummeting to your death was a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I remind myself not to look down but it was inevitable. I had to look. I would have not continued if it was not for the fact that you had to go up in order to go down. I knew that even though it was more content... I was left in my pajamas standing at the door with just the knowledge that breakfast was in an hour. I had no idea what we were going to do today. This left my mind to wander all of the things we could do, compiling a list in my head. After breakfast, we left the hotel and used our map to try and navigate where the subway was. It turns out the subway was only two blocks away, but thanks to my uncle it took us close to a half hour to get there. If we didn't look like tourists, I don't know what does. I mean it was clear we didn't speak Spanish, but when you have adults holding up maps and screaming directions at each other it was pretty clear we were tourists, lost tourists. We thought getting to the subway was hard, but the real challenge was figuring out which line to take. Meanwhile, I had no idea where we were going. It was not like I could help much because I knew a very small amount of Spanish. Fifteen minutes of arguing later, we finally figured out that we have to take the red line and get off at the sixth stop. The train ride was quiet. The only sound was the hum of the train's engine. When we got to our stop we got off quickly and climbed up steps that placed us back into reality. We were once again united with the busy streets of Barcelona. ... "Mom, where are we going? Are we almost there?" I cried. "Well, why don't you see for yourself," she called out. I look up to see a church that was towering the city Get more content on
  • 2. Personal Manifesto Research Paper Personal Manifesto Somebody once told me it is okay to be average as long as you are a good person. Life is short, do as many things as you can to live a happy life and do all the things you aspire to do before time runs out. One evening while I was on vacation visiting my grandparents we were sitting around the dinner table eating a homemade meal made by my grandma. It was my mom, my sister, my foreign exchange student, two of my good friends, and I all eating dinner together. Dinner had come to an end and one of my friends and I were still sitting at the table with my grandpa. He has always been a very inspirational person in my life and most of the things he says mean a lot and really make me think. There was one thing my grandpa more content... Even being an average person can be very difficult. If you look at a large amount of people in this world, they are average or below average in most things they do. No one can be good at everything, so don't ever think you have to be. Feeling pressured to be great at everything is one thing no one should ever have to go through. All it seems to do is tear down people's' self esteem creating more reserved and quiet people. Life is hard, and if it were meant to be easy, everyone would be good at everything and the majority of things would be meaningless. So, what would be the point of living a meaningless life? Take every situation in life and live it with the intention that it will be the Get more content on
  • 3. Microsoft Powerpoint Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft PowerPoint, usually just called PowerPoint, is a non–free commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011 for Mac. History Originally designed for the Macintosh computers, the initial release was called "Presenter", developed by Dennis Austin[not in citation given] and Thomas Rudkin[not in citation given] of Forethought, Inc.[1] In 1987, it was renamed to "PowerPoint" due to problems with trademarks, the idea for the name coming from Robert Gaskins.[2] In August of the same year, more content... There are no compelling results to prove or disprove that PowerPoint is more effective for learner retention than traditional presentation methods.[9] The effect on audiences of poor PowerPoint presentations has been described as PowerPoint hell. [edit]Criticism Although PowerPoint has the aforementioned benefits, some argue that PowerPoint has negatively impacted society. The terms "Death by PowerPoint" and "PowerPoint Hell" refer to the poor use of the software. Many large companies and branches of the government use PowerPoint as a way to brief employees on important issues that they must make decisions about. Opponents of PowerPoint argue that reducing complex issues to bulleted points is detrimental to the decision making process; in other words, because the amount of information in a presentation must be condensed, viewing a PowerPoint presentation does not give one enough detailed information to make a truly informed decision. A frequently cited example is Edward Tufte's analysis of PowerPoint slides prepared for briefing NASA officials concerning possible damage to the Space Shuttle Columbia during its final launch.[10] Tufte argues that the slides, prepared by the Boeing Corporation, had the effect of oversimplifying the situation, and provided false assurance that the ultimately fatal damage to the shuttle was only minimal. Tufte argued: The most critical Get more content on
  • 4. Thesis Statement For Pride And Prejudice Pride and Prejudice: Essay Outline Thesis statement, including map of development: In Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice," the author traces portrait of women's role during the Regency period: they were expected to get married, to be accomplished and to self–scarify. Topic Sentence #1: Marriage was crucial at the time, and women of the early Victorian age were expected to marry and to get their daughters married. a.Argument: Marriage assured social security for both the women and the family. b.Example: When Lady Catherine tells Elizabeth that Darcy was supposed to marry her daughter: "The engagement between them is of a particular kind. From their infancy, they have been intended for each other. It was the favorite wish of his mother, as well as of her's. While I their cradles, we planned the union: and now, at the moment when the wishes of both sisters would be accomplished, in their marriage, to be prevented by a young woman of inferior birth, of no importance in the world, and wholly unallied to the family!" (Austen 335–336). c.Explanation: Lady Catherine's reaction demonstrates the crucial importance of marriage in the society, but also for women. Families needed their daughters to marry in the same social class or above to insure social prestige. Demonstrates Lady Catherine's role to protect the high class and prestige of her descendants through marriage. For Elizabeth and her family, this union with the higher class assures them social security. a.Argument: Marriage was a market, women needed to marry to ensure financial security. b.Example: When Mrs. Bennet learns that Mr. Bingley is coming to town: "A single man of large fortune; four of five thousands a year. What a fine thing for our girls!" (Austen 6). c.Explanation: Marriage was the only way for the Bennet girls to ensure financial security. Girls are too high class to get jobs but would not inherit. Financial security also ensured future economic security for Mrs. Bennet after her husband's death. Topic Sentence #2: Women of the early 1800s need to demonstrate accomplishments and education. a.Argument: Accomplishments demonstrated a woman's value. b.Example: Lady Catherine to Elizabeth: " 'Do Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Point Guard Regarding to basketball every single position on the floor is key to having a successful team, but to me the most important position on the floor is the point guard. The point guard in many aspects is similar to a quarterback in football, because they are in charge of getting their teams into the correct sets and controlling the game on the offensive end. Many time point guards are asked to carry on more responsibility. Some points are asked to be scorers and other are asked to hold their team down on the defensive end. In the article, On Point: Eight Characteristics of Great Point Guards , states "When you have a scoring point guard it just really puts pressure on the defense. It helps to open your entire offense. Normally you have other positions that are scoring positions, but when you have (a scoring point guard) it just naturally opens up your other shooters and your inside game." ( Andy Streit). The more of a scorer the point guard is the more successful the other teammate will be. Point guard cannot always look to pass, they have to know how to penetrate into the defense, draw two defenders, and then a better pass will be open to another teammate. On the defensive end the point guard can also play a more content... Having vision up the court is very important because making the up court is an easier way to score, and it also portrays their character as unselfish. it shows coaches that you are point guard that not only can score, but can distribute the ball to your teammates. The article states that " Being a visionary or having good vision as a point guard also is kind of synonymous with being unselfish. I think there are a lot of point guards that can see other guys open, but there are some that want to take that shot or have the glory for themselves." ( Bary Gould, M. ). This shows that having vision up the floor is important, and it shows a lot about your character as a Get more content on
  • 6. What Is The Ideology Of Pakistan Essay IDEOLOGY: It is systematic concept of human's life and culture or it is an unrealistic or idealistic nature of a person. Ideology gives identity within society and groups to other people because it is different from others. It is a set of political beliefs, attitudes and specific ideas of an individual or group which reflects the way of someone's thinking, acting and viewing the whole world in different scenario. It is thoughts of an individual or group to make a new social system. IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN: Pakistan is an Islamic state and its ideology based on Islamic ideology. So it is clear that Pakistan's ideology and Islamic ideology are same and it is an ideological state. Islam is a complete guidance for Muslims Role of Students to Promote Ideology of Pakistan A person who is in between 15– 25 years of age fixed on youth. Pakistan is one of those countries in the world which has largest ratio of young generation in the population .This is the real blessing of God because when young people get a clear direction to their life goal ,then they are certainly prove a real asset for their country. Youth of Pakistan is responsible and working hard to see the Pakistan a developed country. Student of any society play a vital role in brain making on any ideological issues but unfortunately, our more content... Today, our generation is divided in racism. We are not only Baloch, Sindhi, Pathan, Punjabi or even Urdu speaking. We are belonging to one state, Pakistan and only one religion that is "Islam", which give us a lesson of unity. Students try to end the racial and racism among youth because it is not our ideology. This proved also the second principle of Quid–e–Azam which is also based on unity. It is clear from the above discussion that unity is a base of our ideology and there is also no racism in Get more content on
  • 7. The Turning Point Essay The Turning Point Life is a mystery. There is so much that we do not understand and so much we have yet to learn. Many questions we ponder frequently involve human nature. We often ask why people do certain things and why we act the way we do. Most of these highly debated topics will never be answered. We can only contemplate why everything occurs. One issue that is consistently brought up is that of good and evil. For centuries this subject has been disputed and countless theories have been created to try and solve this difficult puzzle. Are humans good or evil? That is the perplexing question that has stumped philosophers and writers for a very long time. There are certainly good people in this world, but at the same time more content... Osama Bin Laden, one of history's largest villains, took countless lives and was certainly evil. How could a human being perform such horrors? The truth is that there were many contributing factors that led to his rise as one of the most famous terrorists ever. His difficult life all started with a very tough childhood that resulted in his anger and hatred. Bin Laden was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. It was a very religious country with an economy largely based around oil. Osama's father, Mohammed Awad Bin Laden, was the owner of a billion dollar oil company. Not only was Mohammed a very wealthy man, but he also had many wives and children. Osama was the seventh of fifty children. Being from a rich family, Osama never experienced a poor lifestyle to help him appreciate others. Even more detrimental to his childhood was the minimal amount of guidance that he received as a boy. Mohammed was certainly no father figure. Osama barely knew him because he was always busy with work, religion, and the many other wives and children. The only thing he did know of his father was strict ruling. He insisted that Osama and all the other children live under one roof and maintain an extremely religious lifestyle. To make matters worse, Mohammed and Osama's mother were divorced when he was still a boy. With so little guidance, there was no one to teach him right from wrong. He had no one who cared for him and he grew angry. As a result, Bin Laden turned to religion for Get more content on
  • 8. Business Strategy Essay HND in Business and Finance Unit Name: Business Strategy – 7 Assessors: Egya Gyamfi Student: Sulaiman Adebakin Introduction In this part of the assignment I will be defining and explaining mission, vision, objective, goals & core competencies, I will also be distinguishing the difference between each point and the role they play in the operation of a business, I will be reviewing the issues involved in strategic planning and explain the different planning techniques. 1.1 Explain strategic contexts and terminology – Missions Visions Objectives, Goals, Core competences About Walkers Walker is a British snack food manufacturer operating in the United Kingdom and Ireland and to a lesser extent on the more content... There are many different types of objectives such as long–term and short term objectives. Long–term objectives focus on the desired performance and results of the organization on an on–going basis. An example of a long term objective setting out customer service goals by doing this you will be able to make sure that your organization aims to receive positive customer service feedback. Short–term objectives are concerned with short–term performance targets that the organisation is working towards in pursuing its strategies. Short–term objectives tend to last up to six months or a year. Core competence The core competences of an organisation are the things that the organisation is particularly good at, that is, the resources, processes and skills which give it a competitive advantage. It is very important to identify and build on these core competences because they are what enable them to stand out from other organisations. Apple being one of the most well–known brands will mean that customers will have high expectations on their products. Apple having distinctive features on their mobile phones (IPhone) will enable them to have a competitive advantage on their competitors. A competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifies higher prices. 1.2 Review the issues involved in strategic Get more content on
  • 9. Jane Eyre Point Of View Set in the Victorian era, a period where women had to oblige with certain rules and standards that were put forth to them by society. The novel Jane Eyre (1847) written by Charlotte Bronte encompasses the opposite of what was considered the norm for women of her time. The heroine Jane Eyre is depicted as independent, blunt, opinionated and strong. These traits illustrate Jane Eyre as unfeminine and not fit for her years, thus designating her as a social outcast. The novel is a fictional autobiography of the protagonists life written mostly in past tense. As Jane progresses through different stages of her life; Gateshead, Lowood, Thornfeild, Moore, and Ferndean, so does her shift in narration. This paper will delve into the fundamental aspects on the point of view in Bronte's Jane Eyre (1847), more so the perspective of Jane as the narrator and Jane as the narrated. Since the protagonist maintains two roles in the novel; more content... It's a field of study that focuses on the style and language of a text rather than the conception of the literary texts. It gives the impression that the author intentionally meant what they wrote and nothing ever written is due to pure coincidence or accident, "the techniques of stylistic analysis are as much about deriving insights about linguistic structure and function as they are about understanding literary texts" (Simpson, 2014, p. 3). Stylistics has many components, the main concept focused in this paper will be point of view. The point of view in a novel is the perspective in which the story is being narrated as well as who is doing the narrating. This allows the reader to see the story unfold. The novel Jane Eyre, as mentioned earlier, is narrated in first person and all the milestones that are brought up are depicted from an insiders point of Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Uranus The bland aquamarine face of Uranus bears witness to the fact that Uranus is enshrouded in clouds. The planet appears to be blue–green because the atmosphere absorbs the, red wavelengths of the visible spectrum, . The uniformity of the planet's appearance confirms that the planet's atmosphere is composed almost solely of one element, methane gas. There is a preponderance of haze, composed of ethane and other hydrocarbon ices high in the stratosphere, and clouds of methane ice low in the troposphere. The cloud particles constantly recycle themselves, first creating then destroying the heaviest crystals. This is an indication that Uranus' atmosphere is still evolving from its formation out of the solar nebula. Because Uranus lies on its more content... These moons are part of a class of moons called the "Small Moons". Icy moons of Uranus are; Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Caliban, and Sycorax. In 1999, four more Uranian moons were found. They include Prospero, Setebos, Stephano and 1986 U 10. The Giant planets do not have the same kind of structure inside that the terrestrial planets do. Their evolution was quite different than that of the terrestrial planets, and they have much more gas and ice inside. Uranus's interior composition is primarily that of methane ice. Motions in the interior of Uranus contribute to the formation of the magnetosphere of Uranus. Heat generated within Uranus contributes to the unusual motions of the atmosphere. The magnetosphere of Uranus is medium sized, but still much larger than the Earth's. It extends well beyond the orbits of Uranus' moons. It is probably generated in the icy interior layers, rather than with a metallic component at the core. The magnetosphere of Uranus has a very strange orientation, tilted by almost 60 degrees from the vertical. The extreme tilt, combined with the extreme tilt of the rotation axis of Uranus, provides for a completely unique magnetosphere, one which has a twisting structure! Mathematical theory suggests that the rings of Uranus affect the both the motion of particles in the magnetosphere, as well as creating a strange, Get more content on
  • 11. Prostitution In The Philippines Prostitution is one of the oldest professions that have widely been practiced around the world, and the Philippines is no exception to this. With the advent of Spanish colonists in the late 1500s, Filipina slaves were sold as "exotic sex objects" or prostitutes to European brothels. During the early 1940s, many Filipinas in Manila and surrounding towns served as "comfort girls" to provide sexual favors to Japanese soldiers of the Japanese Imperial Army serving in the country and in the Pacific region. Today, with the emergence of information technology and global travel, the age –old profession has begun to operate on a technological scale, and sex workers, mostly young girls, have moved not only to the big cities but also online. To be specific, a new form of prostitution among Filipina schoolgirls, called Prosti–tuition, has surfaced recently in the country. Prosti–tuition, as the name suggests, is a term used among student–sex workers to refer to the use of prostitution as a means of earning money to send themselves to school. Sometimes called survival sex, it is sex work that pays for these students' tuition fees, school supplies, allowance, cellphone load, and the like. Typically, the peak season for this tuition–payment scheme is during enrollment period or right before final/periodic exams (Santos, 2014). Compared to traditional prostitution, what is interesting about prosti–tuition is that the personal services providers (PSPs) or "walkers" mostly rely on smartphones Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on urdu asa basis of national unity Every nation needs some marks of identity. Language is also amark of identification of any nation. Pakistan is a federation of four provinces and its national language is URDU. URDU– THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE OF PAKISTAN Urdu is our national language. It has played an importyant role in the articulation of muslim culture in South East Asia.It has been rightly said that urdu had been the a symbol, an issue and a weapon in our struggle for independence. The 1973 constitution of Pakistan has also declared Urdu to be our national language. History of Urdu language; Urdu is nearly 300 years old and was considered as the language of the Muslims from the very beginning because of its origin. The blending of Arabian, Persian and Turkish more content... People of two different areas can easily understood each other ideas and thoughts by urdu. A promotor of Islamic education: Lectures on islamic education and religion are delievered in Urdu throughout Pakistan. The religious leaders, mystics and sufi poets spread the light of islam in sub–continent with help of urdu. The translation and tafseer of 'Holy Quran' and 'Hadith' have been produced in urdu language in great numbers to enable the muslims to understand them properly. In this way urdu language has played a pivotal role in keeping the Muslim nationhood intact. A medium of national cohesion: Having close resemblence with all the regional languages of Pakistan and common vocalbury, script and derivation from same primary sources, Urdu in Pakistan has become a key to the national cohesion and unity. Urdu language is the medium of instructions in all government schools in Pakistan. Politrical science, History, Islamic Studies and many other subjects are taught upto the masters level in the urdu language. The government is making systematic efforts to impart advanced eduacation in scuence and technology in Urdu language. A instrument of national integration: Urdu has become a symbol of nayional unity and solidarity. It represents the common culture, hertitage and identity of Pakistan. It is close to the heart of all Pakistanis as it played an important role in the struggle for freedom from the supremacy of British and subjugation of Hindus. A promoter of
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  • 14. Point of View Essay Each individual short story has its' own point of view and voice. Within short stories there are different types of narrative and also different types of irony being used. Each individual author has their own way of telling a story; also they have a certain way to portray their story to an audience. For two specific short stories Everything That Rises Must Converge and Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter we can analyze to see what point of view and voice is being used. Everything That Rises Must Converge is a story that takes place in the 1960's. A recent college graduate, Julian who escorts his mother to her weekly weight–loss class at the YMCA. His mother attends these classes to reduce her high blood pressure. He escorts her there every more content... It is not evident who is actually telling the story and its' events. The story is not told in past tense which would imply that Julian was the one in fact telling the story. For Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter this is also told form a third person point of view. We can see that the story is not being told by any of the characters, and it shows the emotions and actions of everyone in the story. The narrative persona for this story is more close to Mrs. Dutta then other characters as the story mainly revolves around how Mrs. Dutta is feeling and her actions. The narrative persona shows a glimpse of the other characters emotions while focusing on Mrs. Dutta. "Mrs. Dutta, who had never, through forty–two years of marriage, addressed Sagar's father by name tried not to wince." (Borroway)Both stories are similar by the fact that they have the same type of narrative persona. In other stories such as What You Pawn I Will Redeem this is coming from a first person narrative. The story is being told by the main character and he knows little about the other emotions felt by other characters. For Everything That Rises Must Converge and Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter the distance would seem to be closer as the reader knows each of the characters' feelings and their emotions. Secondly, we can review of the types of irony that is being used for each story. Every story has its individual way of conveying a message to its readers. Irony is Get more content on
  • 15. Araby Point Of View Essay Through the Eyes of a Young Boy In Araby, by James Joyce, the story is told by a young boy who has his heart on a girl. The boy's name is never mentioned in the story and neither is the girls'. Since the narrator is the young boy, his name is never mentioned. In the story, the girl is only mentioned as Mangan's sister. The point of view, plot, and setting all help make up this story. The narrator in this story is the young boy and he tells the story through his point of view. Point of view is composed of two different parts, the voice and the focus. The voice is the narrator telling the story and the focus is the visual angle that the narrator uses to portray events in the story. In Araby, the boy's voice seems uncertain, impatient, and more content... 169). The rooms are described as, "musty from having been long enclosed, hung in all the rooms, and the waste room behind the kitchen was littered with old useless newspapers (p. 169)." Already, the reader can get an image in their head using a bit of imagination. The setting at the beginning of the story suggests that the boy lives in an older building. Not only is the building depicted as old but the former tenant who lived in the house was a priest (p. 169). The settings also move to the bazaar that the boy attends in hopes that he can purchase an item for Mangan's sister. The bazaar is called Araby, which happens to be the title of the story. The bazaar is a charitable event one that the boy hopes to attend. By the time the boy could attend the bazaar, it was shutting down for the evening as the boy had arrived late into the night. The boy was discouraged into buying any items from the vendors because the one that was open the vendor had a distasteful tone in her voice and it was not at all encouraging for the boy (p. 173). The setting is just one component of the story the plot is Get more content on
  • 16. Point of View Essay In the short story "Through the tunnel", Doris Lessing describes the adventure of Jerry, a young English boy trying to swim through an underwater tunnel. Throughout the story, the author uses the third person omniscient point of view to describe the boy 's surroundings and to show us both what he and the other characters are thinking and what is happening around them. By using this point of view, the author is able to describe the setting of the story, give a detailed description of the characters, and make the theme visible. By using the third person omniscient point of view, the narrator can give us a detailed and unbiased description of his/her surroundings while still retaining part of the character 's view of reality. When more content... This also explains why the mother let him go without questions, even if she was very worried about him. Also, when the narrator describes the native boys as "big boys – men to Jerry", we realize that although the boys might be only a little older than Jerry, he considers them as men and he tries everything to become like one of them, even going through the long, dark and dangerous underwater tunnel. I believe that if the writer would have used first person point of view, we would only perceive what that single character is experiencing, thus giving us a limited and one–sided view of the world. In this story, the narrator gives us the important clues that lead us to the theme by letting us know what the characters think. For example, when the Jerry 's mother says "Of course he 's old enough to be safe without me", we realize that the boy is at a point in his life when he is ready to discover the world by himself. In addition, when his mother thinks "Have I been keeping him too close? He mustn 't feel he ought to be with me. I must be careful.", we realize that the author implies that it is wrong to keep him close to her for too long, and both these examples add to the notion that the rite of passage must be undergone without the interference of others. Obviously, this concept wouldn 't have been clear without the view of the mother. In Get more content on
  • 17. Four Point Line Analysis Have you ever shot a 4 pointer season. before not that i think you have. the3 point line is 22 feet there can be deeper three points shots. Making them around 25–30 feet, More challenging shooting contests with the 25–30 foot shots will be more difficult and challenging. In the scenario of a down 4 play with the clock winding down the possibility of a tie. this would be a game changer if it was possible today. Deeper three point shots, i think this is a reason for the four point line because most nba shooters like stephen curry in the 2015–2016 nba season he shot 46.7 percent from 30+ foot shots. Another point is the option to shoot from deeper instead doing it if you want to. And with the deeper three pointers players will be harder to Get more content on
  • 18. Strong And Weak Points Essay Strong points and weak points In life, we normally have our strong points and our weak points. Just as in life, in writing, it's what we do with those negatives and positives that makes the difference. My negatives in writing are the techniques I've not yet mastered and my positives are me not giving up. While writing this essay I encountered a lot of different ideas, thoughts and emotions. However, Mainly I was blank, it took me forever to even begin this essay. I believe I allowed the play on words to throw me. For example, the instructions for this assignment is to write an essay to your instructor reflecting on your writing process and final draft of profile essay. I froze at "to your instructor". As I previously mentioned in my last reflective essay, getting a paper started has always been a big challenge for me. I again most often doubt myself and my writing abilities. I am surprised that I have made it this far in this course. This course, ENG 101 and you, Mr. Perkins I credit for my improvements. I say improvements because I am by far a finished product. I'd like to think that I'm a well–organized individual, however, when it comes to writing that's a different story. Figuring out how to write what I am thinking is a weakness. I simply have trouble putting my thoughts into writing. I have real trouble with putting paragraphs and sentences in the right order. I guess that 's my fault because I write as thoughts come! The first paragraph is always hardest for me, Get more content on