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My Self-Concept
Self–concept is the way you perceive yourself or the whole picture. Self–concept changes slowly as you grow. My self–concept scored a ninety out of
one hundred twenty. I would say that that is a fabulous score. One of my prime qualities is that I have excellent friends that care about me. Another
one is that I have many interests and hobbies. I would say that those are amazing qualities and I am pleased with them. Two horrendous qualities that
I possess are that I do not enjoy school and that I am not very happy with my social life. I can probably improve my time at school by improving my
social life and I can improve my social life by making more friends. I believe that my self–concept is stupendous. There are two types of values. There
are tangible values, and there are intangible values. An intangible value is a value that is not touchable and priceless. A tangible value is a value that
is touchable and has a price tag. A first–rate example of an intangible value is sunshine. Sunshine is priceless and not very touchable. An example of a
tangible value is a doll. A doll is very touchable and has a price tag. In other words, it is a physical object. One of my tangible values is technology.
In the world today, it would be nearly impossible to live without technology. Think about it, your car, your phone, Facebook? Life would be a lot
more laborious. Another tangible value is food, we can't live without it! My final tangible value is living accommodations. It would be abominable
not to be inside a warm house during a blizzard. One of my intangible values is the connections with my family. My family made me who I am.
Another of my intangible values are my senses. Without my sight, I could not see. Without my tongue, I could not taste. You get the idea. My last
intangible value is emotions. You are nothing without your emotions, Nothing. You can't express what you are feeling without your emotions. All of
my values make me who I am and I'm sure about that. What are goals? Goals are what we aim for. What are goals based on? Goals are based on our
values. A shortterm goal is a goal that you accomplish in a short period of time. A long term goal is a goal to accomplish in a long period of time. A lot
of the time
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Essay on The Concept of Community
Community has been described and interpreted in different ways. It has been explained by different people in their own understanding and views. The
concept of community could be associated with the beliefs, culture and interests. In this essay, the concept of community, what it is and the different
types of community will be discussed. Also, the association between community,youth and its influence on the environment will be acknowledged. In
addition, in this essay, issues on ethnicity, culture, youth, racism andcrime will be discussed. The question 'what a community is' will be addressed.
The concept of community has more content...
In a society, he shares the spirit of solidarity, togetherness and social cohesion within the society.
Despite living under a locality, an individual often belong to other communities outside his or her geographical domain. On occasions, people
discover that they belong to diverse groups with special interests that make them members to these communities. There are instances when a group
of people who live in different land space or geographical zone. On occasions, there have been people with a collective voice in different mapped out
areas of the world. This may be as a result of migration. An example is when an Asian couple migrates from their birth place in Bombay, India and
decides to settle in the United Kingdom. When the family broadens with children, it encourages diversity of society in life of the younger generation.
Language, food, religion and other beliefs in India are introduced to the children, even though they reside in the United Kingdom. Tyler (2003) explains
that there are more to the buildings and accommodation of the society make up the society. He goes on to explain the idea that it is a notable fact that
relationships are developed among the local group. It may be taken to account that the good function of every community depends on the population
that resides in and within the environment.
However, the ethnicity of every individual is unique to him
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Concept Map Summary
The two students worked together to complete this strategy by using a poster board to create a concept map. In the center of the board, the students
placed one main idea and three key terms. Surrounding the main idea and the key terms were supporting details from the article and key concepts
from prior knowledge that supported the main idea they identified from the article. For example, the two students placed the term glycolysis and
around the term they wrote, the uptake of sugar that are broken down in the cytoplasm into a molecule called lactate and a small amount of ATP
(Massachusetts General Hospital, 2010). The students also added that in cancer cells energy is produced predominantly by glycolysis (Massachusetts
General Hospital, 2010). more content...
I was also able to ask critical thinking questions that helped me determine how well they understood the article and if they can make a connection with
concepts about cellular respiration. For example, I ask one of the students to give an example of how understanding the process of cellular respiration
can help scientists. The student was able to explain that understanding the mechanism of cellular respiration can help scientist develop drugs that
mimic the same mechanism as glycolysis and can, therefore, be used to treat cancer cells and heart conditions. Furthermore, I would use mind mapping
and deductive reasoning again because it allows the students to learn the way they want to. Students have the option to use words and images to
demonstrate their understanding of the text. This is also a great strategy that encourages students to work with each other and learn from one another. It
is also an excellent way to evaluate if students can analyze complex text and concepts with little
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Critical Thinking Concepts
The first concept I learned when enhancing my critical thinking in inductive generalizations is the research design, which is an important concept when
using scientific procedure. The order of the research design is first is starts with a question, which are the characteristics of interest concerning a target
population (Diestler 2012). The second concept is the hypothesis a speculation about what will be discovered from a research study (Diestler 2012).
The third concept would be the sample, which are members of the target population who are studied by a research (Diestler 2012). The fourth concept
would be a control group, which is a group of subjects from the sample who get no treatment or a placebo and are thus a test benchmark (Diestler more content...
An example would be lets say I would want to test an antihistamine medication to see if it works. I could just give it to the test subjects with allergies
and see if they get better. The only issue with that is they may get better because they may think the medicine is working. The only way is test my
hypothesis is to use the blind my test subjects. I give some of my subjects the medication and some of them get a placebo, which is a sugar pill only.
Therefor the patients don't know which one they are receiving. So then I can compare the results of which patients received the actual antihistamine
medication against the other patients that received the sugar pill, which will determine if the antihistamine medication worked. This test is called a
blind test. The sugar pill group is called a control group. So the control group gives us a responds without the antihistamine medication. The double
blind studies are studies in which neither the experimenter nor the subjects know which is the control group and which is the experimental group
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Harvard Concept
Harvard Concept (Fisher and Urgy) "Getting to Yes" (also called the Harvard concept) describes a method called principled negotiation to reach an
agreement whose success is judged by three criteria: 1. It should produce a wise agreement if agreement is possible. 2. It should be efficient. 3. It
should improve or at least not damage the relationship between the parties. The authors argue that their method can be used in virtually any negotiation.
Issues are decided upon by their merits and the goal is a win–win situation for both sides. Below is a summary of some of the key concepts from the
book. The four steps of a principled negotiation are: 1. Separate the people from the problem 2. Focus on interests, more content...
Step 3: Invent Options for Mutual Gain The authors feel that a common problem with many negotiations is there are too few options to choose
from. Little or no time is spent creating options. This, they feel, is a mistake. There are four steps to generating options: 1. Separate inventing
from deciding. Like in any brainstorming session, don't judge the ideas people bring forward, just get them on the board. 2. Broaden the options
on the table rather than look for a single answer. Remember the men at the library? The only option they saw was opening or closing the window
in the room they were both sitting in. In fact, there are many options: borrow a sweater, open a window in another room, move to a different spot,
etc. 3. Search for mutual gain. In a negotiation, both sides can be worse off and both sides can gain. Principled negotiations are not about "I win"
and "you lose". 4. Invent ways of making the other party's decisions easy. Since a successful negotiation requires both parties to agree, make it easy
for the other side to choose. This is where putting yourself in the other person's shoes can be very valuable. What might prevent "Bob" from agreeing?
Can you do anything to change those things? Step 4: Insist on Using Objective Criteria Principled negotiations are not battles of will. There is no
winner and you don't need to push your position until the other
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Essay on The Idea of Self-Concept
Self–Concept Essay
Self concept is the cognitive thinking aspect of self also related to one's self–image, it's the way we see ourselves in the mirror. We are grown into our
self concept by what we learn when we are young from our parents or our peers. Self concept is changed throughout life from how people look at
you, how you compare to others, how your traditions and customs differ from other people, and how you feel about yourself. If people admire us,
flatter us, seek out our company, listen attentively and agree with us we tend to develop a positive self–image. If they avoid us, neglect us; tell us things
about ourselves that we don't want to hear we develop a negative self–image. We are all social beings whose behavior more content...
Here in The United States there are many different types of cultures as well as traditions and customs and that could sometimes be a issue. What we
need to understand is that nothing is wrong with who we are as a person, we are just somewhat different from others. Weidentity with the positions we
occupy, the roles we play and the groups we belong to. When I was a little girl used to do the things everyone told me to just so I could fit in with
the rest of my friends, but as I grew up I realized that is actually better to stand out, in my way of thinking it is better being yourself and show what
you think and feel. What I think of myself is that I am a very straight forward person, talkative, friendly and respectful with the people that deserve
it. I could sometimes be tough when I express my opinions and I really don't get that affected by other's people opinion. I have learned a lot not
just from my parents but also from friends, relatives and coo workers. Finally, I could truly say that people's concept doesn't affect me in a way it
could hurt me but in a way of becoming more effective and accurate. My parents have always reminded me of how good I am and that I'm one of a
kind, with this I'm not Inferring that I think "I'm all that" but that as I said before we are all unique. Culture could be somehow a wall between two
persons or
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Concept of Leadership
Concept of Leadership
Leadership – what is it? Many definitions have been offered, cultural stereotypes abound, numerous programs focus on leadership development, but the
question remains. In fact, leadership is many different things to different people in different circumstances. When we think ofleadership, we often think
first of famous individuals. We may think of great political leaders: Washington, Churchill, Roosevelt. We may think of the leaders of social
movements: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Caesar Chavez. We may think of spiritual leaders: Jesus, Mohammed, Mother Theresa. Do we also include
in our definition some of the infamous leaders such as Hitler, Stalin, or David Koresh? Obviously, leadership is not always more content...
In Leadership Is an Art (1989), De Pree asserts that "the first responsibility of a leader is to define reality". Bennis (1990) writes that leaders
"manage the dream" . Vision is defined as "the force which molds meaning for the people of an organization" by Manasse (1986).
According to Manasse, this aspect of leadership is "visionary leadership" and includes four different types of vision: organization, future, personal,
and strategic. Organizational vision involves having a complete picture of a system's components as well as an understanding of their
interrelationships. "Future vision is a comprehensive picture of how an organization will look at some point in the future, including how it will be
positioned in its environment and how it will function internally" (Manasse, 1986). Personal vision includes the leader's personal aspirations for the
organization and acts as the impetus for the leader's actions that will link organizational and future vision. "Strategic vision involves connecting the
reality of the present (organizational vision) to the possibilities of the future (future vision) in a unique way (personal vision) that is appropriate for
the organization and its leader" (Manasse, 1986). A leader's vision needs to be shared by those who will be involved in the realization of the vision.
Shared Vision.
An important
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On-Course Concepts
One moment where I felt like I used the On–Course concepts was planning out my week how I would ideally like it or where I can put myself on the
path to success. I plan out my week to give myself a visual representation of how I would like things to run and when I would do what. This also
helped me have a map of not procrastinating and having the weekend to relax and prepare for the following week. Of course, sometimes things
would not go how I would plan them, there was a week where I had a midterm, I would have a plan of how that week would look like but when that
week came, it came with challenges. This week where I had a midterm I tended to study for my midterm more than doing my homework for other
classes and leaving it until last minute.
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Design Thinking Essay examples
Design thinking is a process for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an improved future result. It is the essential ability to
combine empathy, creativity and rationality to meet user needs and drive business success. Unlike analytical thinking, design thinking is a creative
process based around the building up of ideas. There are no judgments early on the design thinking (Simon, 1969, p. 55). Design thinking includes
imagination and reason, a combination of convergent and divergent thought, and creativity. Design thinking might be thought of as dialectic, or
conversation. It involves design wisdom, judgment, and knowledge. Lastly, design thinking is skill (Hegeman, 2008).
Design thinking process more content...
Deep understanding of the context of client and user needs is generated through analytical observation or ethnographic research that task seek to
understand the fundamental use and usability needs of the customer or user and the meaning–based needs (Archer, 1984, 64). In the observation phase,
data is collected to elicit the stories that help to understand culture and meaning in variety of forms: field notes, focus groups, interviews, transcripts,
photographs, video and audio tapes, participant or non–participant observation, and formal ethnographic (Beckman & Barry, 2007).
The second stage of design thinking is frameworks the design problem: this phase requires processing and a large amount of information –which is
collected from the observation phase– but at the same time being able to see what is missing for the customers and users information. The ultimate
purpose of the framing phase is to reframe the design problem, to come up with a new story to tell about how the user might solve his or her problem,
or to come up with a new way of seeing problem, to identify interesting dimension, to identifying and formulation the goals, to identifying external and
internal constrains (Oxman, 1997, p. 344), to create design brief –outline programme– and time lines and providing the boundaries of the design field
(Archer, 1984, p. 67; Cross, 2006, p. 32).
After framing and reframing the problem, the design innovation process moves to the third stage:
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Ten Key Concepts
During the first half of this semester, I have started to get familiar and engage with the ten key concepts introduced at the beginning of the semester.
The two concepts that I have been actively engaged in the most are "curiosity and inquiry" and "critical reading". In my opinion, the concept of
curiosity and inquiry has become the main focus point for me. This key concept was first introduced to me during Blog Post #1, when I had to figure
out what I am personally curious about, "I'm also curious about nuclear technologies, and how nuclear power plants and nuclear medical application
work" (Blog Post #1). The curiosity of nuclear technologies has led to me to further research on the topic, and even allowed me to come up with an
interesting inquiry question for my research project, "How could we develop sustainable nuclear technologies in the US?" This little assignment has
sparked my interest into something I have never thought of and allowed me to familiarize with the concept of "curiosity and inquiry" during this more content...
In my Blog Post #1, I mentioned how this concept seems to be challenging to me. However, through blog posts, reader response letters, and
analyzing other students' work, I have actively been engaged in the concept of critical reading on a weekly basis to familiarize myself with this key
concept. An example of this is the first reader response letter, when I had to analyze and interpret a variety of short readings, "In 'Being Curious,' I
can relate to the author because he exclaims that being curious can help you solve problems faster and easier" (RRL #1). These assignments have led
to me to think critically and analyze material to provide connection in my writing; therefore, these assignments gave me the opportunity to actively
engage in the key concept of critical
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South African Journal of Science: Writing with integrity workshop (2024)

My Self-Concept

  • 1. My Self-Concept Self–concept is the way you perceive yourself or the whole picture. Self–concept changes slowly as you grow. My self–concept scored a ninety out of one hundred twenty. I would say that that is a fabulous score. One of my prime qualities is that I have excellent friends that care about me. Another one is that I have many interests and hobbies. I would say that those are amazing qualities and I am pleased with them. Two horrendous qualities that I possess are that I do not enjoy school and that I am not very happy with my social life. I can probably improve my time at school by improving my social life and I can improve my social life by making more friends. I believe that my self–concept is stupendous. There are two types of values. There are tangible values, and there are intangible values. An intangible value is a value that is not touchable and priceless. A tangible value is a value that is touchable and has a price tag. A first–rate example of an intangible value is sunshine. Sunshine is priceless and not very touchable. An example of a tangible value is a doll. A doll is very touchable and has a price tag. In other words, it is a physical object. One of my tangible values is technology. In the world today, it would be nearly impossible to live without technology. Think about it, your car, your phone, Facebook? Life would be a lot more laborious. Another tangible value is food, we can't live without it! My final tangible value is living accommodations. It would be abominable not to be inside a warm house during a blizzard. One of my intangible values is the connections with my family. My family made me who I am. Another of my intangible values are my senses. Without my sight, I could not see. Without my tongue, I could not taste. You get the idea. My last intangible value is emotions. You are nothing without your emotions, Nothing. You can't express what you are feeling without your emotions. All of my values make me who I am and I'm sure about that. What are goals? Goals are what we aim for. What are goals based on? Goals are based on our values. A shortterm goal is a goal that you accomplish in a short period of time. A long term goal is a goal to accomplish in a long period of time. A lot of the time Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on The Concept of Community THE CONCEPT OF COMMUNITY IS PROBLEMATIC. COMMENT ON YOUTH, CULTURE AND POSTCODE RIVALRY IN INNER CITY LONDON Community has been described and interpreted in different ways. It has been explained by different people in their own understanding and views. The concept of community could be associated with the beliefs, culture and interests. In this essay, the concept of community, what it is and the different types of community will be discussed. Also, the association between community,youth and its influence on the environment will be acknowledged. In addition, in this essay, issues on ethnicity, culture, youth, racism andcrime will be discussed. The question 'what a community is' will be addressed. The concept of community has more content... In a society, he shares the spirit of solidarity, togetherness and social cohesion within the society. Despite living under a locality, an individual often belong to other communities outside his or her geographical domain. On occasions, people discover that they belong to diverse groups with special interests that make them members to these communities. There are instances when a group of people who live in different land space or geographical zone. On occasions, there have been people with a collective voice in different mapped out areas of the world. This may be as a result of migration. An example is when an Asian couple migrates from their birth place in Bombay, India and decides to settle in the United Kingdom. When the family broadens with children, it encourages diversity of society in life of the younger generation. Language, food, religion and other beliefs in India are introduced to the children, even though they reside in the United Kingdom. Tyler (2003) explains that there are more to the buildings and accommodation of the society make up the society. He goes on to explain the idea that it is a notable fact that relationships are developed among the local group. It may be taken to account that the good function of every community depends on the population that resides in and within the environment. However, the ethnicity of every individual is unique to him Get more content on
  • 3. Concept Map Summary The two students worked together to complete this strategy by using a poster board to create a concept map. In the center of the board, the students placed one main idea and three key terms. Surrounding the main idea and the key terms were supporting details from the article and key concepts from prior knowledge that supported the main idea they identified from the article. For example, the two students placed the term glycolysis and around the term they wrote, the uptake of sugar that are broken down in the cytoplasm into a molecule called lactate and a small amount of ATP (Massachusetts General Hospital, 2010). The students also added that in cancer cells energy is produced predominantly by glycolysis (Massachusetts General Hospital, 2010). more content... I was also able to ask critical thinking questions that helped me determine how well they understood the article and if they can make a connection with concepts about cellular respiration. For example, I ask one of the students to give an example of how understanding the process of cellular respiration can help scientists. The student was able to explain that understanding the mechanism of cellular respiration can help scientist develop drugs that mimic the same mechanism as glycolysis and can, therefore, be used to treat cancer cells and heart conditions. Furthermore, I would use mind mapping and deductive reasoning again because it allows the students to learn the way they want to. Students have the option to use words and images to demonstrate their understanding of the text. This is also a great strategy that encourages students to work with each other and learn from one another. It is also an excellent way to evaluate if students can analyze complex text and concepts with little Get more content on
  • 4. Critical Thinking Concepts The first concept I learned when enhancing my critical thinking in inductive generalizations is the research design, which is an important concept when using scientific procedure. The order of the research design is first is starts with a question, which are the characteristics of interest concerning a target population (Diestler 2012). The second concept is the hypothesis a speculation about what will be discovered from a research study (Diestler 2012). The third concept would be the sample, which are members of the target population who are studied by a research (Diestler 2012). The fourth concept would be a control group, which is a group of subjects from the sample who get no treatment or a placebo and are thus a test benchmark (Diestler more content... An example would be lets say I would want to test an antihistamine medication to see if it works. I could just give it to the test subjects with allergies and see if they get better. The only issue with that is they may get better because they may think the medicine is working. The only way is test my hypothesis is to use the blind my test subjects. I give some of my subjects the medication and some of them get a placebo, which is a sugar pill only. Therefor the patients don't know which one they are receiving. So then I can compare the results of which patients received the actual antihistamine medication against the other patients that received the sugar pill, which will determine if the antihistamine medication worked. This test is called a blind test. The sugar pill group is called a control group. So the control group gives us a responds without the antihistamine medication. The double blind studies are studies in which neither the experimenter nor the subjects know which is the control group and which is the experimental group (Diestler Get more content on
  • 5. Harvard Concept Harvard Concept (Fisher and Urgy) "Getting to Yes" (also called the Harvard concept) describes a method called principled negotiation to reach an agreement whose success is judged by three criteria: 1. It should produce a wise agreement if agreement is possible. 2. It should be efficient. 3. It should improve or at least not damage the relationship between the parties. The authors argue that their method can be used in virtually any negotiation. Issues are decided upon by their merits and the goal is a win–win situation for both sides. Below is a summary of some of the key concepts from the book. The four steps of a principled negotiation are: 1. Separate the people from the problem 2. Focus on interests, more content... Step 3: Invent Options for Mutual Gain The authors feel that a common problem with many negotiations is there are too few options to choose from. Little or no time is spent creating options. This, they feel, is a mistake. There are four steps to generating options: 1. Separate inventing from deciding. Like in any brainstorming session, don't judge the ideas people bring forward, just get them on the board. 2. Broaden the options on the table rather than look for a single answer. Remember the men at the library? The only option they saw was opening or closing the window in the room they were both sitting in. In fact, there are many options: borrow a sweater, open a window in another room, move to a different spot, etc. 3. Search for mutual gain. In a negotiation, both sides can be worse off and both sides can gain. Principled negotiations are not about "I win" and "you lose". 4. Invent ways of making the other party's decisions easy. Since a successful negotiation requires both parties to agree, make it easy for the other side to choose. This is where putting yourself in the other person's shoes can be very valuable. What might prevent "Bob" from agreeing? Can you do anything to change those things? Step 4: Insist on Using Objective Criteria Principled negotiations are not battles of will. There is no winner and you don't need to push your position until the other Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on The Idea of Self-Concept Self–Concept Essay Self concept is the cognitive thinking aspect of self also related to one's self–image, it's the way we see ourselves in the mirror. We are grown into our self concept by what we learn when we are young from our parents or our peers. Self concept is changed throughout life from how people look at you, how you compare to others, how your traditions and customs differ from other people, and how you feel about yourself. If people admire us, flatter us, seek out our company, listen attentively and agree with us we tend to develop a positive self–image. If they avoid us, neglect us; tell us things about ourselves that we don't want to hear we develop a negative self–image. We are all social beings whose behavior more content... Here in The United States there are many different types of cultures as well as traditions and customs and that could sometimes be a issue. What we need to understand is that nothing is wrong with who we are as a person, we are just somewhat different from others. Weidentity with the positions we occupy, the roles we play and the groups we belong to. When I was a little girl used to do the things everyone told me to just so I could fit in with the rest of my friends, but as I grew up I realized that is actually better to stand out, in my way of thinking it is better being yourself and show what you think and feel. What I think of myself is that I am a very straight forward person, talkative, friendly and respectful with the people that deserve it. I could sometimes be tough when I express my opinions and I really don't get that affected by other's people opinion. I have learned a lot not just from my parents but also from friends, relatives and coo workers. Finally, I could truly say that people's concept doesn't affect me in a way it could hurt me but in a way of becoming more effective and accurate. My parents have always reminded me of how good I am and that I'm one of a kind, with this I'm not Inferring that I think "I'm all that" but that as I said before we are all unique. Culture could be somehow a wall between two persons or Get more content on
  • 7. Concept of Leadership Concept of Leadership Leadership – what is it? Many definitions have been offered, cultural stereotypes abound, numerous programs focus on leadership development, but the question remains. In fact, leadership is many different things to different people in different circumstances. When we think ofleadership, we often think first of famous individuals. We may think of great political leaders: Washington, Churchill, Roosevelt. We may think of the leaders of social movements: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Caesar Chavez. We may think of spiritual leaders: Jesus, Mohammed, Mother Theresa. Do we also include in our definition some of the infamous leaders such as Hitler, Stalin, or David Koresh? Obviously, leadership is not always more content... In Leadership Is an Art (1989), De Pree asserts that "the first responsibility of a leader is to define reality". Bennis (1990) writes that leaders "manage the dream" . Vision is defined as "the force which molds meaning for the people of an organization" by Manasse (1986). According to Manasse, this aspect of leadership is "visionary leadership" and includes four different types of vision: organization, future, personal, and strategic. Organizational vision involves having a complete picture of a system's components as well as an understanding of their interrelationships. "Future vision is a comprehensive picture of how an organization will look at some point in the future, including how it will be positioned in its environment and how it will function internally" (Manasse, 1986). Personal vision includes the leader's personal aspirations for the organization and acts as the impetus for the leader's actions that will link organizational and future vision. "Strategic vision involves connecting the reality of the present (organizational vision) to the possibilities of the future (future vision) in a unique way (personal vision) that is appropriate for the organization and its leader" (Manasse, 1986). A leader's vision needs to be shared by those who will be involved in the realization of the vision. Shared Vision. An important Get more content on
  • 8. On-Course Concepts One moment where I felt like I used the On–Course concepts was planning out my week how I would ideally like it or where I can put myself on the path to success. I plan out my week to give myself a visual representation of how I would like things to run and when I would do what. This also helped me have a map of not procrastinating and having the weekend to relax and prepare for the following week. Of course, sometimes things would not go how I would plan them, there was a week where I had a midterm, I would have a plan of how that week would look like but when that week came, it came with challenges. This week where I had a midterm I tended to study for my midterm more than doing my homework for other classes and leaving it until last minute. Get more content on
  • 9. Design Thinking Essay examples Design thinking is a process for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an improved future result. It is the essential ability to combine empathy, creativity and rationality to meet user needs and drive business success. Unlike analytical thinking, design thinking is a creative process based around the building up of ideas. There are no judgments early on the design thinking (Simon, 1969, p. 55). Design thinking includes imagination and reason, a combination of convergent and divergent thought, and creativity. Design thinking might be thought of as dialectic, or conversation. It involves design wisdom, judgment, and knowledge. Lastly, design thinking is skill (Hegeman, 2008). Design thinking process more content... Deep understanding of the context of client and user needs is generated through analytical observation or ethnographic research that task seek to understand the fundamental use and usability needs of the customer or user and the meaning–based needs (Archer, 1984, 64). In the observation phase, data is collected to elicit the stories that help to understand culture and meaning in variety of forms: field notes, focus groups, interviews, transcripts, photographs, video and audio tapes, participant or non–participant observation, and formal ethnographic (Beckman & Barry, 2007). The second stage of design thinking is frameworks the design problem: this phase requires processing and a large amount of information –which is collected from the observation phase– but at the same time being able to see what is missing for the customers and users information. The ultimate purpose of the framing phase is to reframe the design problem, to come up with a new story to tell about how the user might solve his or her problem, or to come up with a new way of seeing problem, to identify interesting dimension, to identifying and formulation the goals, to identifying external and internal constrains (Oxman, 1997, p. 344), to create design brief –outline programme– and time lines and providing the boundaries of the design field (Archer, 1984, p. 67; Cross, 2006, p. 32). After framing and reframing the problem, the design innovation process moves to the third stage: Get more content on
  • 10. Ten Key Concepts During the first half of this semester, I have started to get familiar and engage with the ten key concepts introduced at the beginning of the semester. The two concepts that I have been actively engaged in the most are "curiosity and inquiry" and "critical reading". In my opinion, the concept of curiosity and inquiry has become the main focus point for me. This key concept was first introduced to me during Blog Post #1, when I had to figure out what I am personally curious about, "I'm also curious about nuclear technologies, and how nuclear power plants and nuclear medical application work" (Blog Post #1). The curiosity of nuclear technologies has led to me to further research on the topic, and even allowed me to come up with an interesting inquiry question for my research project, "How could we develop sustainable nuclear technologies in the US?" This little assignment has sparked my interest into something I have never thought of and allowed me to familiarize with the concept of "curiosity and inquiry" during this more content... In my Blog Post #1, I mentioned how this concept seems to be challenging to me. However, through blog posts, reader response letters, and analyzing other students' work, I have actively been engaged in the concept of critical reading on a weekly basis to familiarize myself with this key concept. An example of this is the first reader response letter, when I had to analyze and interpret a variety of short readings, "In 'Being Curious,' I can relate to the author because he exclaims that being curious can help you solve problems faster and easier" (RRL #1). These assignments have led to me to think critically and analyze material to provide connection in my writing; therefore, these assignments gave me the opportunity to actively engage in the key concept of critical Get more content on