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Carson Long Military Academy
To Inspire Young Men
To Strive For Academic Excellence,
build strong character, and
reach their highest potential
as future responsible citizens and
ethical leaders in a global community
The mission of Carson Long Military Academy is to inspire young men to strive
for academic excellence, build strong character, and reach their highest potential
as future responsible citizens and ethical leaders in a global community.
Originally named the New Bloomfield Academy, Carson Long Military Academy, established 1836,
is the nation’s oldest private boarding school to provide military leadership training.
I aim to evolve and improve the educational experience in order to better support every student
under my care in an inclusive and collaborative environment. – David Pearson, President & CEO
Message from President & CEO, Mr. David Pearson
	 It is a personal honor and privilege to welcome you
to Carson Long Military Academy, and I am proud to
share our unique school culture and program through
this document. As you navigate these pages, you will
discover an educational community steeped in 178 years
of history, clearly focused upon a modern vision of global
citizenship based upon enduring values of personal honor,
integrity, scholarship, cooperation, and physical fitness that
collectively builds character for life.
	 Guided by a dedicated and experienced faculty and
staff, no cadet at CLMA is left behind in a vibrant 21st
century skills-based learning environment that prides itself
on inclusiveness and sturdy sense of service to others.
	 Whether in the classroom, on the playing fields,
through the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, or
within the residential life program, each and every cadet is
encouraged and supported to do his best and to assist his
peers in all aspects of academy life as part of a team.
	 Our mission-driven education, experienced in an
international spirit of shared adventure, turns challenge
into opportunity, potential into achievement, young men
into principled leaders, and individuals into a community
of wisdom that strives unceasingly to better world society
each and every day through mutual understanding and
shared endeavor. A focus on skills such as critical thinking,
collaboration, creativity, communication, and character
development in a cross-cultural environment is going to
provide the foundation upon which today’s students can
navigate a myriad of future employments, some of which
do not yet even exist, with a flexibility and nimbleness of
thinking that old-style memorization of factual information
would shut out.
	 I invite you to explore Carson Long through the pages
of this document – and via the website – and in person.
Please accept my personal invitation.
Mr. David Pearson took the helm as
Carson Long’s 6th President on July 1, 2013
	 I have been incredibly fortunate to experience
a professional life full of learning, adventure,
opportunity, and astonishing people spanning
continents and cultures. As a British infantry officer, I
served and led men and women in military campaigns
and on peacekeeping operations throughout Europe
and the Middle East.
	 As an educator, I continue, as inculcated at the
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, to “Serve to Lead’
and have devoted my life to a belief in the continuous
possibility for improvement of the human condition
and a personal philosophy that one man or woman
of principle can really make a difference. As Margaret
Mead famously stated, “never doubt that a small
group of thoughtful committed citizens can change
the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!”
But I can tell you how I’m going to leave here today with great hope, great hope for our country,
because of what young men like yourselves, who are obviously dedicating your life to being
good people, that’s what makes Carson Long so special. Congressman Lou Barletta
Carson Long Military Academy – A Legacy of Excellence and a Strong Foundation for the Future
Carson Long Institute became Carson Long Military Institute,
and Carson Long Military Institute became Carson Long
Military Academy, the name the school bears today. With a
legacy of excellence providing a strong foundation for the
future and a dynamic initiative to transform the school with
a 21-century skills-based curriculum, Carson Long Military
Academy blends the best of tradition and history with cutting-
edge academics. And it all happens on our beautiful campus
in New Bloomfield, Perry County, Pennsylvania, where it all
started in 1836.
Longtime Carson Long President
COL Carson E. R. “Spike” Holman, left,
and Interim President Dr. Steven P. Messner
with Mr. Pearson in the Maples’ Center Hall.
COL Theodore K. Long
Founder & President
LTC Edward L. Holman
From its humble origins – the one-room school located above the
Rhinesmith Tavern on New Bloomfield’s Town Square - to the one-
building New Bloomfield Academy (now known as the Maples) up
on Academy Hill – to the current 60-acre campus, Carson Long has
not only survived, it has thrived. In the earliest days, the school
transformed itself from Latin grammar school to “normal” school (for
the training of teachers) to, for a short while, a business school.
In 1914, Theodore K. Long, a graduate of New Bloomfield Academy,
purchased his alma mater as a memorial to his son, William Carson
Long, who died tragically in his early 20s. COL Long, a friend and
contemporary of President Theodore Roosevelt, renamed the school
“Carson Long Institute” and established as an all-boy military school.
Carson Long Military Academy – celebrating our 178th year of excellence in education --2013-2014 all-school photo on steps of Centennial Hall
Laurie J. Houck, Photographer
In staffing the school with competent teachers, you recognize that their character and personality count
just as much or more than their academic skills, which serves both CLMA and the student body
very well. And I can say from experience that even 65 years later they are remembered well
by all of us whose lives they have touched. George Schiele, Class of 1949
Carson Long Military Academy: Opportunity. Leadership. Academics.
A private military boarding school education will uniquely prepare you
for college, career, and a successful life. The friends you make, the
skills you hone, the character and social skills you develop—all will
serve you now and in the future. Read these pages carefully, visit www.
carsonlong, and then contact us.
Each month, the cadet who
exemplifies that month’s featured
army value - loyalty, duty, respect,
Carson Long Cadet of the Month
We believe in your vision for the future of the school, wish to acknowledge the debt owed to the faculty
and staff in supporting the education of our children, and hope to serve as an inspiration to
others who are considering supporting the very real needs of the school.
Philanthropists/Parents John & Barbara McGeoghean
Critical Thinking. Collaboration. Creativity. Communication.
Character. Cross-Cultural Environment.
Why choose Carson Long Military Academy?
1.	Proven success in motivating young men to discover their academic,
athletic, and personal potential.
2.	Cutting-edge 21st century skills-centric curriculum delivered by caring &
dedicated highly professional faculty and staff.
3.	Safe, wholesome rural campus setting and a wide array of athletic and
recreational opportunities.
4.	Small class sizes, 7:1 student-teacher ratio, daily supervised study halls.
5.	Consistent, challenging schedule; award-winning drill team; JROTC Unit
of Distinction; traditional military values and discipline.
6.	Most cadets earn generous college scholarships—your investment in
high school tuition yields financial opportunities in addition to your son’s
personal and academic achievements.
In a world where information is instantly accessible on the Internet,
mere facts assume an irrelevance as never before. –David Pearson, President & CEO
Carson Long Military Academy Values Critical Thinking
Whether in a traditional classroom or the global classroom, Carson
Long cadets go beyond rote memorization and outdated forms of
learning to research, assimilate, and apply new information.
Education is not a mechanical process
that can simply be regurgitated day in and
day out akin to an assembly line. Rather it
is a human system – it is about people of
all ages who thrive when they can become
passionate about a subject. In such a
philosophy, the role of the teacher is to
mentor, stimulate, provoke, and engage
students in order to create a climate
of natural learning where curiosity is
applauded and creative passions are
celebrated in a supportive environment
where it is fine to make mistakes on the
road toward true understanding.
Children are unique and learn
differently, necessitating
individualized approaches to
discovering the richness of
history. There is a need to expose
children to a broad curriculum that
stimulates curiosity resulting in
deep engagement; and perhaps
most importantly, the focus needs
to be on the development of lifelong
skills rather than simple factual
information which can in any case be
found in seconds on the Internet.
David Pearson, President & CEO
I frequently use current events and developments in the scientific world as
supplementary information to our daily lessons.
MAJ John H. Dixon, USAF-RET, Chemistry Instructor and Building Officer
Critical Thinking
We are going to keep our high faith in you, as you keep your own high ideals and help to drag
civilization inch by inch up hill, and make a better world for millions yet unborn.
COL Edward L. Holman, to the Class of 1968
Critical Thinking: Part of a 21st
Century Skills-Centric Education
Cadets need to be provided with opportunities to be actively engaged by choice in the learning
process rather than as a desk bound vessel into which unconnected data is deposited. Here is
a concrete history-based illustration. In understanding the causes of theAmerican Revolution, a
cadet suitably equipped with an iPad, can in advance of a class now go to iTunes University and
listen/watch/read material from Professor Jack Rakove at Stanford University and then do the same
with Professor Joanne Freeman at Yale University (individual research).
As the cadet ‘shares’ the university classroom, he can take notes on any number of writing
applications and begin to compare the views of these renowned scholars on this topic. This
individual research can then be discussed with a Carson Long teacher in order to explore a little
deeper some of the thoughts and ideas that have emerged (collaborative learning).
Using a graphic organizer application, the cadet can then produce a mind-map that addresses the
question sufficient to display understanding of some of the various historical debates associated with
so challenging a question (knowledge). This knowledge can then help inform and shape the cadet’s
thinking about the causes of other conflicts as he progresses through the curriculum including the
recentAmerican involvement inAfghanistan (relevance).
The possibilities of different ways into learning and skill development supported by the new mobile
technology is limited only by the imagination of the student and teacher. But in this endeavor,
Carson Long is committed to providing meaningful and extensive opportunities sufficient to allow a
whole range of student passions to be stimulated.
After serving my years at Carson Long, I can confidently say that it was the best decision of my life.
I learned to reach my academic potential, become a leader, and most importantly, I learned to choose
the harder right instead of the easier wrong. Jason Clapp, Class of 2013
This school has taught me the importance of taking ownership and responsibility for my actions.
John McGeoghean III, Class of 2014
Carson Long Values Collaboration
Collaboration skills are integral to Carson Long’s goal of inspiring young men to strive for
academic excellence and reach for their highest potential in all aspects of Academy life – and
to set the stage for their successful lives beyond the school.
Collaboration among departments, teams, resident halls, and other areas ofAcademy life
occurs in all aspects of Carson Long’s program. Building Officers collaborate with the JROTC
Department to help develop strategies to help improve efficiencies among the cadet chain of
command and how to perform daily tasks essential to maintaining the military character that
helps to set Carson Long apart.
Teachers from different aspects of theAcademic program collaborate to focus on an array of
wide-ranging themes in their classes across the Carson Long curriculum. The Junior School
faculty work hand-in-hand to ensure the level and quality of the instruction of the younger
students receive is both appropriate to their learning styles and in line with the best practices
of independent schools. Math, science, and social studies teachers will approach topics like
climate change, economics, or geopolitics in their respective classes. Each subject teacher
focuses on the chosen topic within the realm of his or her individual subject, and as a result,
cadets come to understand the complexities of issues and how studying individual aspects
of a larger issue can help to find satisfactory solutions. Additionally, cadets come to learn the
importance of higher-level subjects such as chemistry, physics, and calculus, and how they’re
practically applied in the real world.
COL (Edward) Holman became like a father to me at age 15 after my father died within a couple of
weeks of my arrival for my first of three years at Carson Long. My last visit was for the graduation of a
second nephew, who was the third one from our family to be graduated from Carson Long.
Email from COL Frank Jones, Class of 1936
Collaboration: A Crucial 21st-Century Skill
Another opportunity to practice collaborative skills comes by participating in student
organizations. The Carson Long student government meets on a weekly basis to discuss
issues and to suggest ideas for improving the school overall and especially cadet life. Each
residence hall has a house of representatives, which meets with other Residence Halls’
Houses of Reps on a bi-weekly basis. This collaborative period helps CLMAto understand
similar issues in different buildings and across grade levels, and it provides students with the
opportunity to work together to effect positive change and contribute positively to the life of
the school.
In the athletic department, coaches collaborate to develop a consistent training and fitness
program for all athletes to adhere to. Ultimately, this collaboration allows all Carson Long
Warriors to be physically fit and ready to play in any season. Different athletic events are
sometimes scheduled against the same school on the same day to ensure that all teams
have viable support for their respective contests, thereby fostering school pride and unity.
And of course the school’s most successful teams have communication and collaboration,
the very essence of teamwork.
Our global society requires an even more sophisticated level of collaboration, incorporating
technology, new media, and cultural differences into the mix. With a variety of ways to learn
and refine their collaborative skills, Carson Long students are well prepared both for life
immediately after high school and for their careers.
These five concepts – Honesty, Honor, Leadership, Responsibility, and Manners – are emphasized in all
areas of a Carson Long cadet’s life every day, and it is done in such a way that cadets do not resent it,
but rather thrive on it. Ron De Ramus, Class of 1955
I recently attended the Winter Concert put on by the Glee Club and was so amazed at the cadets’
performances. It was a well produced and rehearsed show, and many of the cadets had
individual performances. The best part, though, was how much the cadets in the
audience applauded their peers’ performances. Parent Karen Ryan
Carson Long Values Creativity
Cadets are encouraged through creative expression to develop an enduring appreciation for
the arts. Through our various Fine and PerformingArts programs and classes, cadets attain
cultural awareness, higher levels of thinking skills, and avenues to expand their creativity.
Carson Long’s Fine Art courses focus
on craftsmanship, principles of design,
and the ability to create a work of art to
communicate a point of view or express
a theme. Independent art projects
may be developed with approval and
guidance from the faculty. Also, students
may work on portfolio development if
they are interested in majoring in art at
college or pursuing a career in art.
The Performing Arts are a profound and
important part of any child’s education.
The skills learned and experienced by
cadets who participate in Glee Club,
who learn to play an instrument, or who
become part of a campus group band
can improve a cadet’s abilities in many
areas of life. Every cadet who wants
to explore music performance will get a
chance to do so at Carson Long.
Fine Arts Performing Arts
Benefits of Participating in the Fine & Performing Arts
• Strengthens literacy
• Sharpens judgment skills
• Promotes self-discipline
• Increases global competitiveness
• Develops confidence
• Develops problem-solving skills
Carson Long Military Academy has definitely changed my life.
I will for sure miss this place after graduation.
Irek Malikowski, Class of 2014
Creativity: An Endless Variety of Ideas to Explore
The expression of creativity outside traditional arts programs is as important as classic
training in drawing or music performance. An ever-evolving array of media provides limitless
opportunity for the lifelong learner. iPads can
be synched for students to perform a concert,
all without traditional musical instruments.
Photography and other visual media
integrated with new software facilitates the
development of state-of-the-art portfolios and
exhibits. Cross-curricular applications of
creative expression enable students to
master the most basic of educational truths:
learning is connected to life, and the content
of one class connects to the content of
another. Helping students discover the
connections is one way to foster passion and
instill a love of lifelong learning.
Creativity – the ability to generate ideas and solve problems – is a key to survival. The
centrality of change in education is so important that we must keep a weather eye open for
new developments, thinking, and ideas, or else risk irrelevance, or worse still, extinction. As
Darwin noted, it is not the strong that survive, but those adaptable to changing conditions.
The ability to be creative in and out of a traditional classroom setting will be one skill that
helps our cadets to not only survive, but to thrive.
If you happen to be a third-generation stained glass artisan, a creative and last-
ing solution to the problem of how to honor your alma mater would be to design,
create, and install a custom transom for your beloved Centennial Hall. We thank
Dean Hankinson, Class of 1964, for his generous and creative gift.
A hallmark of Carson Long’s commitment to developing cadet communication skills
is the Literary Society, formal training in speech, debate, and other oral
communications part of the curriculum since 1921.
CLMA gave me the structure that helped me graduate high school with better grades
than I would have had in my old school.
Muhammad Habib, Class of 2014
Communication Feature: Literary Society
Embodying two of Carson Long MilitaryAcademy’s key values, character and
communication, the Literary Society is both a revered tradition and a best practice. The
“Pioneers in Education” section in archival documents such as yearbooks and catalogs dates
Carson Long’s Literary Society to 1921.
So what is Literary Society? Literary Society is Carson Long’s public speaking program.
Neither the format nor the impact has changed much over the decades: cadets learn and
practice traditional speeches – informative, persuasive, impromptu, and other public speaking
formats such as oration, declamation, and debate. They stand up in front of their peers and
present what they have researched and rehearsed. They are critiqued by both members of
the faculty and their peers. They are challenged, and they overcome the challenge.
Many people identify speaking in public as one of their greatest fears, and many Carson
Long cadets start out with that same fear. Many people also realize that the ability to present
oneself, clearly and articulately in front of a group of people, is also a great skill, something
worthy of the time, energy, and determination it takes to learn. The love-hate relationship
with Literary Society is something that Carson Long cadets, from graduates of 70 years
ago to the students on campus today, have in common. What they also have in common is
the attainment of a skill that will serve them throughout their entire lives, starting with their
Carson Long education and staying with them through their post-secondary educational
placements and their careers.
Choose the harder right, not the easier wrong.
Carson Long Values Communication Skills
Literary Society, Continued
Currently, Carson Long Military
Academy’s Literary Society meets
once a week, usually on Mondays,
and students research and rehearse
their presentations on their own time.
Literary Society culminates in an evening
declamation contest and the awarding
of “best performance” to the dormitory
with the strongest standings for the year.
Additional “proof positive” is seen as
seniors present their final orations for
peers, faculty and staff, family members,
alumni, and other guests as part of
Commencement Week celebrations.
More than 90 years old and going
strong, Carson Long’s Literary Society
– providing cadets with character and
communication training as they develop
and refine public speaking skills – is a
best practice at Carson Long Military
MSG (RET) Roy F. “Rocky Chandler ’43,
December 2013 Leadership Lecture
Here, you are becoming disciplined men. You have learned to
perform unpleasant tasks. You have learned to be on time. You
are no longer embarrassed by basic military courtesies, such
as saluting superiors and adults as ‘sir.’ You can speak publicly
without squirming or faltering. You are learning responsibility. You
are developing a work ethic that will probably endure for your
lifetime. You are becoming your own person.
Those simple skills will stand you above most others throughout
your lives. And here is a kicker.
For more than seventy years, I have kept a loose track of Carson
Long Alumni. Graduates of this Academy who fail in life are so
few that they are extremely difficult to identify. Examining the rolls
of graduated cadets I find, that in general, we have all become
successes. Here, we learned to do and act just as the School
Seal suggests. Somehow through our struggles here, on this
campus, we actually did discover how to Learn, Labor, and Live.
When I read the names in our Book of Honor, I sometimes marvel.
I knew many of those former cadets, and some of them I doubted
would ever get it right. But, they did and they prospered, and they
became credits to their families and their communities.
You, young gentlemen, are part of our long gray line. You are
boys who attended a private military school. You are few. Your
route is unusual, and it is to be envied.
Indeed, I have never learned to live until I learned that the greatest
pleasures in the world come from doing for others.
COL Theodore K. Long, Carson Long Founder
Character Development
One thing I know, I know that you have great character, I know that you’re a hard worker,
and that will get you through no matter what you choose in life, no matter what road you take.
Congressman Lou Barletta to the Corps of Cadets, Fall 2013
Carson Long Values Good Character
Since 1836, Carson Long Military Academy has been providing a high quality education to
young people from around the world. Our goal is to teach each cadet “to choose the harder
right instead of the easier wrong.”
JROTC Program
-	 Fully accredited by U.S. Army & U.S. Army Cadet Command
-	 Warrior Battalion considered an “Honor Unit” with distinction
-	 Award-winning drill team
-	 Award-winning Raiders team
-	 Leadership education classes teach: citizenship, personal budgeting, career exploration,
college admissions process, and many other life skills.
-	 ASVAB testing
-	 Color Guard and Honor Guard opportunities
Building Character Through Service Learning
Another peak of excellence at Carson Long is the Service Learning Program. From
virtually their first day on campus right through commencement, cadets are engaged in
developmentally appropriate service learning projects, ranging from tradition community
service such as “Adopt-A-Highway” to more intensive projects such as planning and
facilitating a blood drive. Service learning is incorporated into the weekly academic schedule
on Wednesday afternoons. Carson Long’s service learning program is just part of its
commitment to helping boys discover their full potential as citizens and leaders. We are
driving our cadets toward greater independence with an understanding there is responsibility
associated with it. Carson Long believes that a boarding school education helps boys
become more responsible and reliable, while strengthening their self-confidence.
Carson Long led me to realize that you can’t always run from your problems, you just make
bigger and harder ones. Carson Long has taught me to strive for academic excellence,
build strong character, and reach the highest potential as a future citizen and ethical
leader in a global community. Boris Goon, Class of 2012
Character: The Essence of the Man
At Carson Long, participation in the athletic programs is essential. It contributes to the
total growth of cadets. Carson Long’s athletic programs are inclusive, meaning that every
cadet participates in some form of athletics - competitive interscholastic, intramural, or
recreational – during each season of the year. Our athletic programs strive to teach
cadets to work well with others, to test themselves mentally and physically, and to
exhibit sportsmanship and fair play. Athletic practices and games are considered school
obligations. Traditionally, Carson Long offers a wide variety of intramural and recreational
sports, as well as these interscholastic sports:
High School
•	 Golf
•	 Football
•	 Soccer
•	 Basketball
•	 Wrestling (co-op program with local high school)
•	 Baseball
•	 Tennis
•	 Track & Field
Junior High School
•	 Soccer
•	 Basketball
Every boy will become a man, but
not all of them will become a man
of character, a man who has a set
of values that will guide him through
life like a compass, a man who will
stand up for righteousness, and a
man who will always choose right
over wrong.
Carson Long provides the
opportunity for every boy who walks
through its gates to become a man
such as this; whether or not to
pursue it is left to them.
Parker Mooney, Class of 2013
As a cadet, I was expected to look sharp and clean. As I rose in rank and position,
I learned that the level of responsibility went higher. Jaques Calvez, Class of 1994
Cross-Cultural Environment 4
When I first reached this school, it was like another world to me. I had to cope with a different
language, a different culture, and at the same time, I still had to achieve my goal.
Carlos Flaques, Class of 1985
Carson Long Values Diversity
While consistency and uniformity are vital to the successful operation of a military
school, there is much diversity among the faculty, staff, and students – economic
diversity, geographic diversity, and cultural diversity. Most students receive some sort
of financial assistance, yet there are cadets whose families could afford to send them
anywhere but have chosen Carson Long.
Carson Long is geographically diverse. International cadets comprise approximately
25 percent of the student population, and in any given year may represent between
8 and 12 foreign nations. Domestic students come from Pennsylvania and a dozen
or more other states. With all that economic and geographic diversity, there is of
course a wide array of cultures, religions, practices, and customs. Walking across
campus, it’s not uncommon to hear five or six different languages being spoken, and
throughout the year, there are a variety of cultural events and activities, the most
representative being the annual international festival that allows Carson Long’s
international students the opportunity to showcase their nation for both the Carson
Long community and hundreds of children who visit from local elementary schools.
Always at the core is a strong sense of brotherhood, common purpose, striving for
excellence, and the development of skills and talents for a lifetime.
I have learned a lot here, and I am proud to say I am a Carson Long graduate!
Seif M. El-Wardani, Class of 2003
Character: The Essence of the Man
Our global society is more interconnected and competitive than ever before, and this
has prompted dramatic changes in the dynamics of leadership, professionalism, and
business. Carson Long’s residential campus environment reflects the university model
and places education, structure, and enrichment at the center of all activities.
Carson Long offers all our students a variety of individual art and music opportunities as
well as core academics and athletics. Carson Long’s international cadets are prepared
to meet and grapple with the idea of higher education and independence from their first
Carson Long’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program prepares international
students for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Carson Long’s ESL
program is designed with a clear and concise syllabus, written materials, and clear
objectives for the overall success of our international community. The ESL matrix allows
for English Language Learners to take appropriate courses at their level, so they’re not
forced to struggle with a writing- or reading-intensive course until they’re ready. Small
class sizes and dedicated ESL faculty make for a successful ESL experience for Carson
Long’s international students.
Every man who enters Carson Long’s gates for the first time is gripped and held by esprit de corps.
He carries the spirit with him for this lifetime. It is this spirit that holds the corps together
and helps it work as a team. Robert White Jr., Class of 1948
Here on these few pages you’ve gotten a glimpse of Carson Long Military Academy. You
know if you want to learn more, if you see yourself among the Corps of Cadets and the even
larger family of successful Carson Long graduates. The next step is to make the call or send
the email that will connect you with Carson Long Military Academy.
Phone 717.582.2121
Carson Long
Military Academy
and your Future

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  • 1. Carson Long Military Academy M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G
  • 2. OUR MISSION STATEMENT To Inspire Young Men To Strive For Academic Excellence, build strong character, and reach their highest potential as future responsible citizens and ethical leaders in a global community OUR MOTTO HOW TO LEARN HOW TO LABOR HOW TO LIVE OUR ACADEMY AT A GLANCE FOUNDED 1836 INCORPORATED 1920 ALL-BOYS BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GRADES 6-12 AND POSTGRADUATE
  • 4.
  • 5. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 1 The mission of Carson Long Military Academy is to inspire young men to strive for academic excellence, build strong character, and reach their highest potential as future responsible citizens and ethical leaders in a global community. Originally named the New Bloomfield Academy, Carson Long Military Academy, established 1836, is the nation’s oldest private boarding school to provide military leadership training. 4
  • 6. 2 I aim to evolve and improve the educational experience in order to better support every student under my care in an inclusive and collaborative environment. – David Pearson, President & CEO Message from President & CEO, Mr. David Pearson It is a personal honor and privilege to welcome you to Carson Long Military Academy, and I am proud to share our unique school culture and program through this document. As you navigate these pages, you will discover an educational community steeped in 178 years of history, clearly focused upon a modern vision of global citizenship based upon enduring values of personal honor, integrity, scholarship, cooperation, and physical fitness that collectively builds character for life. Guided by a dedicated and experienced faculty and staff, no cadet at CLMA is left behind in a vibrant 21st century skills-based learning environment that prides itself on inclusiveness and sturdy sense of service to others. Whether in the classroom, on the playing fields, through the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, or within the residential life program, each and every cadet is encouraged and supported to do his best and to assist his peers in all aspects of academy life as part of a team. Our mission-driven education, experienced in an international spirit of shared adventure, turns challenge into opportunity, potential into achievement, young men into principled leaders, and individuals into a community of wisdom that strives unceasingly to better world society each and every day through mutual understanding and shared endeavor. A focus on skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, communication, and character development in a cross-cultural environment is going to provide the foundation upon which today’s students can navigate a myriad of future employments, some of which do not yet even exist, with a flexibility and nimbleness of thinking that old-style memorization of factual information would shut out. I invite you to explore Carson Long through the pages of this document – and via the website – and in person. Please accept my personal invitation. Mr. David Pearson took the helm as Carson Long’s 6th President on July 1, 2013 I have been incredibly fortunate to experience a professional life full of learning, adventure, opportunity, and astonishing people spanning continents and cultures. As a British infantry officer, I served and led men and women in military campaigns and on peacekeeping operations throughout Europe and the Middle East. As an educator, I continue, as inculcated at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, to “Serve to Lead’ and have devoted my life to a belief in the continuous possibility for improvement of the human condition and a personal philosophy that one man or woman of principle can really make a difference. As Margaret Mead famously stated, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!” M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 4
  • 7. 3 But I can tell you how I’m going to leave here today with great hope, great hope for our country, because of what young men like yourselves, who are obviously dedicating your life to being good people, that’s what makes Carson Long so special. Congressman Lou Barletta 4 Carson Long Military Academy – A Legacy of Excellence and a Strong Foundation for the Future Carson Long Institute became Carson Long Military Institute, and Carson Long Military Institute became Carson Long Military Academy, the name the school bears today. With a legacy of excellence providing a strong foundation for the future and a dynamic initiative to transform the school with a 21-century skills-based curriculum, Carson Long Military Academy blends the best of tradition and history with cutting- edge academics. And it all happens on our beautiful campus in New Bloomfield, Perry County, Pennsylvania, where it all started in 1836. Longtime Carson Long President COL Carson E. R. “Spike” Holman, left, and Interim President Dr. Steven P. Messner with Mr. Pearson in the Maples’ Center Hall. COL Theodore K. Long Founder & President LTC Edward L. Holman President From its humble origins – the one-room school located above the Rhinesmith Tavern on New Bloomfield’s Town Square - to the one- building New Bloomfield Academy (now known as the Maples) up on Academy Hill – to the current 60-acre campus, Carson Long has not only survived, it has thrived. In the earliest days, the school transformed itself from Latin grammar school to “normal” school (for the training of teachers) to, for a short while, a business school. In 1914, Theodore K. Long, a graduate of New Bloomfield Academy, purchased his alma mater as a memorial to his son, William Carson Long, who died tragically in his early 20s. COL Long, a friend and contemporary of President Theodore Roosevelt, renamed the school “Carson Long Institute” and established as an all-boy military school. Carson Long Military Academy – celebrating our 178th year of excellence in education --2013-2014 all-school photo on steps of Centennial Hall Laurie J. Houck, Photographer M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G
  • 8. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 4 In staffing the school with competent teachers, you recognize that their character and personality count just as much or more than their academic skills, which serves both CLMA and the student body very well. And I can say from experience that even 65 years later they are remembered well by all of us whose lives they have touched. George Schiele, Class of 1949 4 Carson Long Military Academy: Opportunity. Leadership. Academics. A private military boarding school education will uniquely prepare you for college, career, and a successful life. The friends you make, the skills you hone, the character and social skills you develop—all will serve you now and in the future. Read these pages carefully, visit www. carsonlong, and then contact us. Each month, the cadet who exemplifies that month’s featured army value - loyalty, duty, respect, selflessservice,honor,integrity,or personalcourage-isrecognizedas Carson Long Cadet of the Month
  • 9. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 5 We believe in your vision for the future of the school, wish to acknowledge the debt owed to the faculty and staff in supporting the education of our children, and hope to serve as an inspiration to others who are considering supporting the very real needs of the school. Philanthropists/Parents John & Barbara McGeoghean 4 Critical Thinking. Collaboration. Creativity. Communication. Character. Cross-Cultural Environment. Why choose Carson Long Military Academy? 1. Proven success in motivating young men to discover their academic, athletic, and personal potential. 2. Cutting-edge 21st century skills-centric curriculum delivered by caring & dedicated highly professional faculty and staff. 3. Safe, wholesome rural campus setting and a wide array of athletic and recreational opportunities. 4. Small class sizes, 7:1 student-teacher ratio, daily supervised study halls. 5. Consistent, challenging schedule; award-winning drill team; JROTC Unit of Distinction; traditional military values and discipline. 6. Most cadets earn generous college scholarships—your investment in high school tuition yields financial opportunities in addition to your son’s personal and academic achievements.
  • 10. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 6 In a world where information is instantly accessible on the Internet, mere facts assume an irrelevance as never before. –David Pearson, President & CEO 4 Carson Long Military Academy Values Critical Thinking 4 Whether in a traditional classroom or the global classroom, Carson Long cadets go beyond rote memorization and outdated forms of learning to research, assimilate, and apply new information. Education is not a mechanical process that can simply be regurgitated day in and day out akin to an assembly line. Rather it is a human system – it is about people of all ages who thrive when they can become passionate about a subject. In such a philosophy, the role of the teacher is to mentor, stimulate, provoke, and engage students in order to create a climate of natural learning where curiosity is applauded and creative passions are celebrated in a supportive environment where it is fine to make mistakes on the road toward true understanding. Children are unique and learn differently, necessitating individualized approaches to discovering the richness of history. There is a need to expose children to a broad curriculum that stimulates curiosity resulting in deep engagement; and perhaps most importantly, the focus needs to be on the development of lifelong skills rather than simple factual information which can in any case be found in seconds on the Internet. David Pearson, President & CEO
  • 11. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 7 I frequently use current events and developments in the scientific world as supplementary information to our daily lessons. MAJ John H. Dixon, USAF-RET, Chemistry Instructor and Building Officer 4 Critical Thinking
  • 12. 8 We are going to keep our high faith in you, as you keep your own high ideals and help to drag civilization inch by inch up hill, and make a better world for millions yet unborn. COL Edward L. Holman, to the Class of 1968 Critical Thinking: Part of a 21st Century Skills-Centric Education Cadets need to be provided with opportunities to be actively engaged by choice in the learning process rather than as a desk bound vessel into which unconnected data is deposited. Here is a concrete history-based illustration. In understanding the causes of theAmerican Revolution, a cadet suitably equipped with an iPad, can in advance of a class now go to iTunes University and listen/watch/read material from Professor Jack Rakove at Stanford University and then do the same with Professor Joanne Freeman at Yale University (individual research). As the cadet ‘shares’ the university classroom, he can take notes on any number of writing applications and begin to compare the views of these renowned scholars on this topic. This individual research can then be discussed with a Carson Long teacher in order to explore a little deeper some of the thoughts and ideas that have emerged (collaborative learning). Using a graphic organizer application, the cadet can then produce a mind-map that addresses the question sufficient to display understanding of some of the various historical debates associated with so challenging a question (knowledge). This knowledge can then help inform and shape the cadet’s thinking about the causes of other conflicts as he progresses through the curriculum including the recentAmerican involvement inAfghanistan (relevance). The possibilities of different ways into learning and skill development supported by the new mobile technology is limited only by the imagination of the student and teacher. But in this endeavor, Carson Long is committed to providing meaningful and extensive opportunities sufficient to allow a whole range of student passions to be stimulated. 4 M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 4
  • 13. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 9 After serving my years at Carson Long, I can confidently say that it was the best decision of my life. I learned to reach my academic potential, become a leader, and most importantly, I learned to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong. Jason Clapp, Class of 2013 4 Collaborating
  • 14. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 10 This school has taught me the importance of taking ownership and responsibility for my actions. John McGeoghean III, Class of 2014 Carson Long Values Collaboration Collaboration skills are integral to Carson Long’s goal of inspiring young men to strive for academic excellence and reach for their highest potential in all aspects of Academy life – and to set the stage for their successful lives beyond the school. Collaboration among departments, teams, resident halls, and other areas ofAcademy life occurs in all aspects of Carson Long’s program. Building Officers collaborate with the JROTC Department to help develop strategies to help improve efficiencies among the cadet chain of command and how to perform daily tasks essential to maintaining the military character that helps to set Carson Long apart. Teachers from different aspects of theAcademic program collaborate to focus on an array of wide-ranging themes in their classes across the Carson Long curriculum. The Junior School faculty work hand-in-hand to ensure the level and quality of the instruction of the younger students receive is both appropriate to their learning styles and in line with the best practices of independent schools. Math, science, and social studies teachers will approach topics like climate change, economics, or geopolitics in their respective classes. Each subject teacher focuses on the chosen topic within the realm of his or her individual subject, and as a result, cadets come to understand the complexities of issues and how studying individual aspects of a larger issue can help to find satisfactory solutions. Additionally, cadets come to learn the importance of higher-level subjects such as chemistry, physics, and calculus, and how they’re practically applied in the real world. 4 4
  • 15. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 11 COL (Edward) Holman became like a father to me at age 15 after my father died within a couple of weeks of my arrival for my first of three years at Carson Long. My last visit was for the graduation of a second nephew, who was the third one from our family to be graduated from Carson Long. Email from COL Frank Jones, Class of 1936 Collaboration: A Crucial 21st-Century Skill Another opportunity to practice collaborative skills comes by participating in student organizations. The Carson Long student government meets on a weekly basis to discuss issues and to suggest ideas for improving the school overall and especially cadet life. Each residence hall has a house of representatives, which meets with other Residence Halls’ Houses of Reps on a bi-weekly basis. This collaborative period helps CLMAto understand similar issues in different buildings and across grade levels, and it provides students with the opportunity to work together to effect positive change and contribute positively to the life of the school. In the athletic department, coaches collaborate to develop a consistent training and fitness program for all athletes to adhere to. Ultimately, this collaboration allows all Carson Long Warriors to be physically fit and ready to play in any season. Different athletic events are sometimes scheduled against the same school on the same day to ensure that all teams have viable support for their respective contests, thereby fostering school pride and unity. And of course the school’s most successful teams have communication and collaboration, the very essence of teamwork. Our global society requires an even more sophisticated level of collaboration, incorporating technology, new media, and cultural differences into the mix. With a variety of ways to learn and refine their collaborative skills, Carson Long students are well prepared both for life immediately after high school and for their careers. 4 4
  • 16. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 12 These five concepts – Honesty, Honor, Leadership, Responsibility, and Manners – are emphasized in all areas of a Carson Long cadet’s life every day, and it is done in such a way that cadets do not resent it, but rather thrive on it. Ron De Ramus, Class of 1955 4 Creativity
  • 17. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 13 I recently attended the Winter Concert put on by the Glee Club and was so amazed at the cadets’ performances. It was a well produced and rehearsed show, and many of the cadets had individual performances. The best part, though, was how much the cadets in the audience applauded their peers’ performances. Parent Karen Ryan Carson Long Values Creativity Cadets are encouraged through creative expression to develop an enduring appreciation for the arts. Through our various Fine and PerformingArts programs and classes, cadets attain cultural awareness, higher levels of thinking skills, and avenues to expand their creativity. 4 4 Carson Long’s Fine Art courses focus on craftsmanship, principles of design, and the ability to create a work of art to communicate a point of view or express a theme. Independent art projects may be developed with approval and guidance from the faculty. Also, students may work on portfolio development if they are interested in majoring in art at college or pursuing a career in art. The Performing Arts are a profound and important part of any child’s education. The skills learned and experienced by cadets who participate in Glee Club, who learn to play an instrument, or who become part of a campus group band can improve a cadet’s abilities in many areas of life. Every cadet who wants to explore music performance will get a chance to do so at Carson Long. Fine Arts Performing Arts Benefits of Participating in the Fine & Performing Arts • Strengthens literacy • Sharpens judgment skills • Promotes self-discipline • Increases global competitiveness • Develops confidence • Develops problem-solving skills
  • 18. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 14 Carson Long Military Academy has definitely changed my life. I will for sure miss this place after graduation. Irek Malikowski, Class of 2014 Creativity: An Endless Variety of Ideas to Explore The expression of creativity outside traditional arts programs is as important as classic training in drawing or music performance. An ever-evolving array of media provides limitless opportunity for the lifelong learner. iPads can be synched for students to perform a concert, all without traditional musical instruments. Photography and other visual media integrated with new software facilitates the development of state-of-the-art portfolios and exhibits. Cross-curricular applications of creative expression enable students to master the most basic of educational truths: learning is connected to life, and the content of one class connects to the content of another. Helping students discover the connections is one way to foster passion and instill a love of lifelong learning. Creativity – the ability to generate ideas and solve problems – is a key to survival. The centrality of change in education is so important that we must keep a weather eye open for new developments, thinking, and ideas, or else risk irrelevance, or worse still, extinction. As Darwin noted, it is not the strong that survive, but those adaptable to changing conditions. The ability to be creative in and out of a traditional classroom setting will be one skill that helps our cadets to not only survive, but to thrive. If you happen to be a third-generation stained glass artisan, a creative and last- ing solution to the problem of how to honor your alma mater would be to design, create, and install a custom transom for your beloved Centennial Hall. We thank Dean Hankinson, Class of 1964, for his generous and creative gift. 4 4
  • 19. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 15 A hallmark of Carson Long’s commitment to developing cadet communication skills is the Literary Society, formal training in speech, debate, and other oral communications part of the curriculum since 1921. Communication 4
  • 20. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 16 CLMA gave me the structure that helped me graduate high school with better grades than I would have had in my old school. Muhammad Habib, Class of 2014 Communication Feature: Literary Society Embodying two of Carson Long MilitaryAcademy’s key values, character and communication, the Literary Society is both a revered tradition and a best practice. The “Pioneers in Education” section in archival documents such as yearbooks and catalogs dates Carson Long’s Literary Society to 1921. So what is Literary Society? Literary Society is Carson Long’s public speaking program. Neither the format nor the impact has changed much over the decades: cadets learn and practice traditional speeches – informative, persuasive, impromptu, and other public speaking formats such as oration, declamation, and debate. They stand up in front of their peers and present what they have researched and rehearsed. They are critiqued by both members of the faculty and their peers. They are challenged, and they overcome the challenge. Many people identify speaking in public as one of their greatest fears, and many Carson Long cadets start out with that same fear. Many people also realize that the ability to present oneself, clearly and articulately in front of a group of people, is also a great skill, something worthy of the time, energy, and determination it takes to learn. The love-hate relationship with Literary Society is something that Carson Long cadets, from graduates of 70 years ago to the students on campus today, have in common. What they also have in common is the attainment of a skill that will serve them throughout their entire lives, starting with their Carson Long education and staying with them through their post-secondary educational placements and their careers. 4 4
  • 21. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 17 Choose the harder right, not the easier wrong. Carson Long Values Communication Skills Literary Society, Continued Currently, Carson Long Military Academy’s Literary Society meets once a week, usually on Mondays, and students research and rehearse their presentations on their own time. Literary Society culminates in an evening declamation contest and the awarding of “best performance” to the dormitory with the strongest standings for the year. Additional “proof positive” is seen as seniors present their final orations for peers, faculty and staff, family members, alumni, and other guests as part of Commencement Week celebrations. More than 90 years old and going strong, Carson Long’s Literary Society – providing cadets with character and communication training as they develop and refine public speaking skills – is a best practice at Carson Long Military Academy. 4 4 MSG (RET) Roy F. “Rocky Chandler ’43, December 2013 Leadership Lecture Here, you are becoming disciplined men. You have learned to perform unpleasant tasks. You have learned to be on time. You are no longer embarrassed by basic military courtesies, such as saluting superiors and adults as ‘sir.’ You can speak publicly without squirming or faltering. You are learning responsibility. You are developing a work ethic that will probably endure for your lifetime. You are becoming your own person. Those simple skills will stand you above most others throughout your lives. And here is a kicker. For more than seventy years, I have kept a loose track of Carson Long Alumni. Graduates of this Academy who fail in life are so few that they are extremely difficult to identify. Examining the rolls of graduated cadets I find, that in general, we have all become successes. Here, we learned to do and act just as the School Seal suggests. Somehow through our struggles here, on this campus, we actually did discover how to Learn, Labor, and Live. When I read the names in our Book of Honor, I sometimes marvel. I knew many of those former cadets, and some of them I doubted would ever get it right. But, they did and they prospered, and they became credits to their families and their communities. You, young gentlemen, are part of our long gray line. You are boys who attended a private military school. You are few. Your route is unusual, and it is to be envied.
  • 22. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 18 Indeed, I have never learned to live until I learned that the greatest pleasures in the world come from doing for others. COL Theodore K. Long, Carson Long Founder Character Development 4
  • 23. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 19 One thing I know, I know that you have great character, I know that you’re a hard worker, and that will get you through no matter what you choose in life, no matter what road you take. Congressman Lou Barletta to the Corps of Cadets, Fall 2013 Carson Long Values Good Character Since 1836, Carson Long Military Academy has been providing a high quality education to young people from around the world. Our goal is to teach each cadet “to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.” JROTC Program - Fully accredited by U.S. Army & U.S. Army Cadet Command - Warrior Battalion considered an “Honor Unit” with distinction - Award-winning drill team - Award-winning Raiders team - Leadership education classes teach: citizenship, personal budgeting, career exploration, college admissions process, and many other life skills. - ASVAB testing - Color Guard and Honor Guard opportunities Building Character Through Service Learning Another peak of excellence at Carson Long is the Service Learning Program. From virtually their first day on campus right through commencement, cadets are engaged in developmentally appropriate service learning projects, ranging from tradition community service such as “Adopt-A-Highway” to more intensive projects such as planning and facilitating a blood drive. Service learning is incorporated into the weekly academic schedule on Wednesday afternoons. Carson Long’s service learning program is just part of its commitment to helping boys discover their full potential as citizens and leaders. We are driving our cadets toward greater independence with an understanding there is responsibility associated with it. Carson Long believes that a boarding school education helps boys become more responsible and reliable, while strengthening their self-confidence. 4 4
  • 24. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 20 Carson Long led me to realize that you can’t always run from your problems, you just make bigger and harder ones. Carson Long has taught me to strive for academic excellence, build strong character, and reach the highest potential as a future citizen and ethical leader in a global community. Boris Goon, Class of 2012 Character: The Essence of the Man At Carson Long, participation in the athletic programs is essential. It contributes to the total growth of cadets. Carson Long’s athletic programs are inclusive, meaning that every cadet participates in some form of athletics - competitive interscholastic, intramural, or recreational – during each season of the year. Our athletic programs strive to teach cadets to work well with others, to test themselves mentally and physically, and to exhibit sportsmanship and fair play. Athletic practices and games are considered school obligations. Traditionally, Carson Long offers a wide variety of intramural and recreational sports, as well as these interscholastic sports: High School • Golf • Football • Soccer • Basketball • Wrestling (co-op program with local high school) • Baseball • Tennis • Track & Field Junior High School • Soccer • Basketball Every boy will become a man, but not all of them will become a man of character, a man who has a set of values that will guide him through life like a compass, a man who will stand up for righteousness, and a man who will always choose right over wrong. Carson Long provides the opportunity for every boy who walks through its gates to become a man such as this; whether or not to pursue it is left to them. Parker Mooney, Class of 2013 4 4
  • 25. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 21 As a cadet, I was expected to look sharp and clean. As I rose in rank and position, I learned that the level of responsibility went higher. Jaques Calvez, Class of 1994 Cross-Cultural Environment 4
  • 26. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 22 When I first reached this school, it was like another world to me. I had to cope with a different language, a different culture, and at the same time, I still had to achieve my goal. Carlos Flaques, Class of 1985 Carson Long Values Diversity While consistency and uniformity are vital to the successful operation of a military school, there is much diversity among the faculty, staff, and students – economic diversity, geographic diversity, and cultural diversity. Most students receive some sort of financial assistance, yet there are cadets whose families could afford to send them anywhere but have chosen Carson Long. Carson Long is geographically diverse. International cadets comprise approximately 25 percent of the student population, and in any given year may represent between 8 and 12 foreign nations. Domestic students come from Pennsylvania and a dozen or more other states. With all that economic and geographic diversity, there is of course a wide array of cultures, religions, practices, and customs. Walking across campus, it’s not uncommon to hear five or six different languages being spoken, and throughout the year, there are a variety of cultural events and activities, the most representative being the annual international festival that allows Carson Long’s international students the opportunity to showcase their nation for both the Carson Long community and hundreds of children who visit from local elementary schools. Always at the core is a strong sense of brotherhood, common purpose, striving for excellence, and the development of skills and talents for a lifetime. 4 4
  • 27. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 23 I have learned a lot here, and I am proud to say I am a Carson Long graduate! Seif M. El-Wardani, Class of 2003 Character: The Essence of the Man Our global society is more interconnected and competitive than ever before, and this has prompted dramatic changes in the dynamics of leadership, professionalism, and business. Carson Long’s residential campus environment reflects the university model and places education, structure, and enrichment at the center of all activities. Carson Long offers all our students a variety of individual art and music opportunities as well as core academics and athletics. Carson Long’s international cadets are prepared to meet and grapple with the idea of higher education and independence from their first day. Carson Long’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program prepares international students for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Carson Long’s ESL program is designed with a clear and concise syllabus, written materials, and clear objectives for the overall success of our international community. The ESL matrix allows for English Language Learners to take appropriate courses at their level, so they’re not forced to struggle with a writing- or reading-intensive course until they’re ready. Small class sizes and dedicated ESL faculty make for a successful ESL experience for Carson Long’s international students. 4 4
  • 28. M IL ITA RY A C AD E M Y CA R SON LO N G 24 Every man who enters Carson Long’s gates for the first time is gripped and held by esprit de corps. He carries the spirit with him for this lifetime. It is this spirit that holds the corps together and helps it work as a team. Robert White Jr., Class of 1948 Here on these few pages you’ve gotten a glimpse of Carson Long Military Academy. You know if you want to learn more, if you see yourself among the Corps of Cadets and the even larger family of successful Carson Long graduates. The next step is to make the call or send the email that will connect you with Carson Long Military Academy. Phone 717.582.2121 Email: Carson Long Military Academy and your Future 4 4