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B   . R                            . A                  .
          2009-2010 Undergraduate Admissions Bulletin
BULLETIN of Wake Forest University (USPS 078-320) is                color, religion, national origin, age, sex, veteran status, or disability   Wake Forest. The University has adopted a procedure for the pur-
published seven times a year in February, April, June (2 issues),   status, as required by law. In addition, Wake Forest rejects hatred         pose of resolving discrimination complaints. Inquiries or concerns
July (2 issues) and August by the Office of Creative Services,       and bigotry in any form and adheres to the principle that no per-           should be directed to: Reynolda Campus, 336.758.4814; Bowman
Wake Forest University, P.O. Box 7205, Winston-Salem, NC,           son affiliated with Wake Forest should be judged or harassed on              Gray Campus, 336.716.6123. Individuals with disabilities or special
27109-7205. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, NC, and      the basis of perceived or actual sexual orientation. In affirming its        print-related needs may contact the Learning Assistance Center at
additional mailing offices. New Series June 2008 Vol. 103 No. 4.     commitment to this principle, Wake Forest does not limit freedom            336.758.5929 or for more information.
                                                                    of religious association or expression, does not control the policies
Wake Forest University is committed to administer all educational   of persons or entities not affiliated with Wake Forest, and does
and employment activities without discrimination because of race,   not extend benefits beyond those provided under other policies of
Wake Forest University is a collegiate university with an extra-
ordinary history and identity. We have been able to integrate the
intimacy of an undergraduate liberal arts college with the academic
vitality of a research university. We combine the best of both worlds.

At the heart of Wake Forest is the teacher-scholar ideal and the belief
that outstanding undergraduate, graduate and professional programs
depend on these complementary activities. Professors are commit-
ted to personalized teaching and to the student’s individual devel-
opment—both mind and spirit. Wake Forest faculty members are
also scholars with strong commitments to research and professional
endeavors.    e University’s abundant resources and the spirit of
Pro Humanitate empower members of the Wake Forest community to
aspire to great things and make meaningful contributions to society.

We are a close-knit, face-to-face community and our paths
intertwine frequently…on a social level, across disciplines and
through interdisciplinary research, and in the interaction between
faculty, sta , and students.

We are a place where accomplished individuals, who believe in
the power of the mind and the conscience, are challenged to live
examined and purposeful lives.

We pursue knowledge—not just to better ourselves, but to better society.

Far from elite theorists, we embrace the personal bonds that connect us to each other and all of mankind.

We are not passive observers, but active catalysts for change.

We not only have original ideas, but also have the wherewithal to put them into action.

We do more than understand the way things are. We ask how they could be better.

We have developed our minds, characters and careers, and we use them to advance our world.

W           A              W                   F                      .
One of the country’s most respected       ethically informed education of the          In addition to extensive programs in
private academic institutions, Wake       whole person, inspired by religious          international studies, entrepreneur-
Forest o ers a singular education         heritage and civic responsibility,           ship, and service, its graduate school
whose purpose is to help students         in a climate that values personal            in arts and sciences, and professional
develop the courage and con dence         growth, community interaction,               schools in law, medicine, management,
to live a thoughtful and meaningful       and individual honor.                        and divinity, enrich the intellectual
life. Combining the bene ts of a small                                                 environment and provide resources
liberal arts college with the academic    On its beautiful campus in the heart         to undergraduates.
resources of a larger university, Wake    of North Carolina, Wake Forest’s brick
Forest has a singular niche in higher     and limestone buildings, well-ordered        Founded in 1834, Wake Forest was
education.                                quadrangles and face-to-face com-            originally located in the small town of
                                          munity will make you feel at home            the same name outside the state capital
New Wake Forest students, faculty         from the rst. Dedicated faculty              of Raleigh.   e medical school moved
and alumni ask questions and seek         teacher-scholars; curious and eager          to Winston-Salem in 1941 and the
answers; in the labs in Winston-Salem     students, cutting edge technology, and       rest of the College followed in 1956.
or in the rainforests of the Amazon,      athletic and social activities distinguish     e University is comprised of
they share their knowledge to produce     a school that is small in size but broad     Wake Forest College and the Wayne
successful solutions. In the classrooms   in scope.                                    Calloway School of Business and
of Tribble Hall or the parched elds                                                    Accountancy; the Graduate School of
of Kenya, they believe that the mind      With less than 4,500 undergraduates          Arts and Sciences; the School of Law;
has the power to change the world.        and a student:faculty ratio of 10:1,         the Babcock Graduate School of Man-
But more importantly, they believe        Wake Forest provides the intimacy            agement; and the School of Divinity,
that the mind, coupled with a sound       and personal attention characteristic        all located on the main, or Reynolda
conscience, has the power to change       of America’s most selective private          Campus; and the Wake Forest School
the world for the better. Wake Forest     institutions. Yet Wake Forest is a           of Medicine, located about four miles
graduates are prepared to serve and       world-class university with the              away on the Bowman Gray Campus.
make a meaningful di erence               academic reputation and research
in the world. Wake Forest o ers an        activity found at larger universities.

W    A
W       F    .
When I decided to spend my summer break in                               student, I was able to enter leadership roles as soon as I
Bangladesh as an intern with Grameen Bank, the 2006                      got here, and the opportunities to get involved and make
Nobel Prize-winning micro finance organization, I seemed                  change for the better are endless. I guess all colleges or
to have forgotten that the months of May and June in                     universities you are looking at will claim that they offer a
Southeast Asia are not pleasant. But I knew I would get                  first-class education and student activities which will help
through. I knew no matter how ill I felt, no matter how                  you, over the next four years, find out what you want to
many mosquitoes drained my sweet Baltimore blood,                        do for the rest of your life. But if you want more, if you are
and no matter how hard the experience was going to get,                  ready to start living now, if you are ready to forge the person
I was going to get through. I often look back at the                     who you will become, if you are ready to forget the phrase
trials and tribulations I have faced...I have never uttered the          “I can’t” and replace it with “I will,” I urge you to choose
words or thought, “I can’t.” Quitting, failing, conceding are            Wake Forest University. Your future is waiting.
not in my vocabulary. I have learned during my time at Wake
Forest that if there is a will there is a way; as long as I really       Zahir Rahman (‘10)
care about something and maintain an inner passion to see                Timonium, Maryland
my vision fulfilled, I can and will do it. My experience at
Wake Forest has not only helped me develop academi-
cally but spiritually and socially as well. Even as a first-year

A Wake Forest education seeks to            e University o ers coursework            physics, political science, psychology,
honor the ideals of liberal learning,     leading to any one of thirty-seven         religion, Russian, sociology, Spanish,
which entail commitment to transmis-      academic majors that begins with           studio art or theatre.   e bachelor of
sion of cultural heritages; teaching       rst-year seminars and continues           arts degree is available with a major
the modes of learning in the basic        through courses that satisfy divisional    in elementary education or education
disciplines of human knowledge;           requirements and electives. Students       with a state teacher’s license in social
developing critical appreciation of       may take introductory courses in the       studies. A minor in secondary social
moral, aesthetic, and religious values;   following divisions: languages and         studies education is also available.
advancing the frontiers of knowledge      literature; the natural sciences and
through in-depth study and research;      mathematics; history, religion and           e bachelor of science degree is
and applying and using knowledge          philosophy; the social and behavioral      conferred with a major in biology,
in the service of humanity.               sciences; and the arts. (See sample        chemistry, computer science, health
                                          course listings, page 42.)                 and exercise science, mathematical
  is is a place where students and                                                   economics, mathematics or physics.
faculty are encouraged to pursue          Wake Forest College o ers undergrad-         e bachelor of science degree may
their interests and, at the same time,    uate programs leading to the bachelor      be conferred in combined curricula
contribute their talents. Student-        of arts and bachelor of science degrees.   in engineering, environmental studies
faculty interaction is integral to the      e bachelor of arts degree is con-        and medical technology.
Wake Forest experience. Whether           ferred with a major in anthropology,
sharing discussion with you outside       art history, biology, chemistry,             e Wayne Calloway School of
class, working with you on individual     Chinese, classical studies, communica-     Business and Accountancy o ers
research projects, or inviting you for    tion, computer science, economics,         undergraduate programs leading to
dinner at their home, our faculty         English, French, German, German            the bachelor of science degree with
create opportunities for your             studies, Greek, history, Japanese,         a major in accountancy, business,
intellectual and personal growth.         Latin, mathematics, music in liberal        nance or mathematical business.
                                          arts, music performance, philosophy,


    I spent seven weeks in Recife, Brazil, researching the            at night, I immediately put my qualitative data in my journal.
    importance of community health care agents on the early           I got a rush from simply putting in the data and knowing at
    diagnosis of childhood cancer. During my time there,              that specific moment in time, I was the only person in the
    I conducted interviews with patients’ families, visited           world that had the data from my research. Never before in
    numerous impoverished neighborhoods in which the                  my life had I felt so proud of the work I had done and also
    community agents worked, and traveled to health care              felt I was making a contribution to society.
    agent training programs. My time in Brazil was the single
    best experience in my life. I learned a tremendous amount         Christina Chauvenet (’08)
    about conducting field research, improved my Portuguese,           Charleston, West Virginia
    and got to know an entirely new culture. Most importantly,
    though, I went through a period of self-growth that has
    made me more confident about myself. When I came home

W    A
W       F    .
Your experience will not be limited       commitment by each person to do             course. With a superior record in
to the classroom. You may go hiking       what is right and abide by community        that course and a grade point average
with friends from the literary society    standards.                                  of 3.0 in all work, a student may be
or spend spring break on a service                                                    graduated with the distinction
trip to rebuild homes of hurricane        For students talented in individual         “Honors in the Arts and Sciences.”
victims. You may study abroad and         areas of study, most departments in the
 nd yourself writing in a journal from    College o er special studies leading to     For highly motivated students, there
the balcony of Casa Artom, Wake           graduation with honors in a particular      is an Open Curriculum Program in
Forest’s residential center overlooking   discipline. Selected students are invited   which some regular degree require-
Venice’s Grand Canal, or taking a         to participate in interdisciplinary         ments are modi ed.
short ride to some of the world’s         honors courses that include com-
greatest museums from Worrell             parative study of important historic          e University has produced eleven
House in London. You may conduct a         gures, including artists, writers, and     Rhodes Scholars since 1986. Numer-
research project in the Amazon jungle     scientists. Students may participate in     ous students have received Marshall,
or intern at Parliament.                  three or more honors seminars during        Truman, Goldwater, Fulbright,
                                          their rst, sophomore and junior years.      Mellon, Luce and National Science
Integral to the Wake Forest experience      ose who complete four seminars            Foundation awards or other honors
are the ideals of honor and integrity.    with a superior record and who are not      in recent years.
As such, the Honor System is central      candidates for departmental honors
to University life; its essence is a      may complete a nal directed study

I always knew I’d go to college, then to medical school.            to study and classes, I spent a lot of time just living. It really
My success was not a possibility, it was a certainty. I took        is true that you don’t fully appreciate things until they are
the “difficult” classes and chose to involve myself more             taken away from you. Being challenged for the first time, in
than the average high school student. It was my way of              a new environment and choosing to fight for excellence has
standing out. There were moments of uncertainty, insecurity,        defined who I am today. There are several good schools,
bred by the college admissions process. But still, looking          but the challenges, the opportunities, and the people made
back, I know part of me always believed in my ability to            Wake Forest the right choice for me. The fact is, having
excel. Then I chose Wake Forest.                                    graduated from Wake Forest, I am stronger, more intelli-
                                                                    gent, and better equipped to handle my life and dreams.
The first two years are almost indescribable. I learned a
lot about myself, became immersed in a completely new               Sylvia Holcombe (‘06)
culture, and expanded my world. In between learning how             Winston-Salem, North Carolina


             There are few things that can match the experience one                  So when people ask me what I did in Russia, I do not
             gains on an international service trip. Fortunately for me,             talk about the cafeteria we repainted or the holes in the
             I was lucky enough to attend two of these to Orphanage                  classroom we plastered shut. Instead I talk about coloring
             #105 in Moscow, Russia, during my four years at Wake                    with Andre or that one afternoon I got to play basketball
             Forest. It has been a combination of these two experiences              with Sergei and Sasha. Because I think that when people
             that has come not only to define my time at Wake Forest,                 say, “Pro Humanitate,” or “for humanity,” they think of
             but also myself as I look to the future. All the children are           actions that specifically help others. But my experiences
             well fed, clothed, and attend classes daily. The real fate of           with these trips have shown me the impact those in need
             these children, however, lay beyond first impressions. For               can have on you.
             instance, one child, Andre, who became a favorite of many
             in the group because of his outgoing and playful nature, was            Joseph Lazazzero (’08)
             found abandoned in a trash can only a few months before                 Marlborough, Massachusetts
             our visit. Despite going to work there for two years, I know
             that I really did very little to improve these children’s lives…

W    A
W       F    .
Wake Forest considers study                Wake Forest, in partnership with the       civic-mindedness of students,
outside the traditional classroom,         Ewing Marion Kau man Foundation,           faculty, and administrators. Special
for a semester or a summer term, an        strives to promote entrepreneurship        community service programs
invaluable complement to on-campus         in the liberal arts curriculum. While      include the City of Joy Scholars,
opportunities. In an age of global-        many people think of entrepreneur-         HOPE Program, America Reads &
ization, study abroad is critical to a     ship in business terms, Wake For-          Counts, Wake Alternative Spring
student’s intellectual and personal        est’s de nition is more inclusive. It      Break, Project Pumpkin and
growth. Fi y- ve percent of students       connotes not only economic value,          Community Work Study Placements.
graduating from Wake Forest have           but also social, intellectual, artistic,
studied internationally.    e Center       and spiritual value.      e Center for     With a grant from the Lilly Endow-
for International Studies coordinates      Entrepreneurship supports students,        ment, Wake Forest created
semester programs at University-           faculty and sta who want to develop        the Pro Humanitate Center to
owned residential study centers in         new venture ideas or are just generally    encourage the development of
London, Venice and Vienna, as well         interested in entrepreneurship. Classes    opportunities for students to explore
as other programs including: Beijing,      in entrepreneurship are available,         the concept of “vocation” from
China; Dijon, France; Hirakata, Japan;     and students can elect to minor in         multiple perspectives, including
Salamanca, Spain; and Cambridge,           entrepreneurship and social enterprise.    humanitarian values and religious/
England. During the summer, Wake                                                      spiritual beliefs.   e center sponsors
Forest students study in places such       Over half of undergraduate students        events that address a variety of topics
as Bénin, Morocco, Vietnam, Peru,          make volunteerism a priority in their      including social justice concerns,
Mexico, Nicaragua or across Europe.        educational experience. Many               cultural/religious diversity, and
  e Center for International Studies       volunteer regularly at local service       political/economic/environmental
advises students on a number of            agencies.    e O ce of Volunteer           issues.   ere is an online resource
approved programs which o er a wide        Services provides curricular and           library for students who are interested
variety of academic options in over        co-curricular opportunities that           in continuing their commitment to
seventy countries across six continents.   cultivate responsibility and               service a er graduation.

I am sure you mastered the fundamentals of U.S. history               invites you not simply to learn what happened when,
in your honors and AP courses, but I doubt you have                   though that is important, but to think about how and
read books by preeminent scholars and then sat down                   why scholars write history and to try your own hand at
to dinner with them. What about writing history yourself?             interpreting the past.
Have you ever visited archives where you read yellowed
documents crackling with age, or interviewed individu-                Michele Gillespie
als whose decision-making changed the course of events?               Kahle Family Professor of History
History is no dried out bunch of facts but a living, breathing        Associate Provost for Academic Initiatives
discipline, always in flux as we unearth new and different
sources and ask new and better questions. Wake Forest

M                           /M

(bold indicates majors also available as minors)

ACCOUNTANCY                                POLITICAL SCIENCE                  INTERDISCIPLINARY MINORS
ANTHROPOLOGY                               PSYCHOLOGY                         INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
ART HISTORY                                RELIGION                               AND POLICY
BIOLOGY                                    RUSSIAN                            INTERNATIONAL STUDIES
BUSINESS                                   SOCIOLOGY                          ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE
CHEMISTRY                                  SPANISH                            ITALIAN STUDIES
CHINESE                                    STUDIO ART                         JOURNALISM
CLASSICAL STUDIES                          THEATRE                            LATIN-AMERICAN STUDIES
COMMUNICATION                                                                 LINGUISTICS
COMPUTER SCIENCE                                                              MEDIEVAL STUDIES
ECONOMICS                                  A                   M              MIDDLE EAST AND SOUTH ASIA STUDIES
EDUCATION                                                                     MUSIC
ENGLISH                                    AMERICAN ETHNIC STUDIES            NEUROSCIENCE
FRENCH                                     DANCE                              RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES
GERMAN                                     EAST ASIAN STUDIES                 SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION
GERMAN STUDIES                             ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND               SPANISH STUDIES
GREEK                                              SOCIAL ENTERPRISE          STATISTICS
HISTORY                                    ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES              WOMEN’S AND GENDER STUDIES
JAPANESE                                   FILM STUDIES

MATHEMATICAL BUSINESS                                                         P
                                           F              A          O S
MATHEMATICS                                                                   INTERDISCIPLINARY HONORS
                                           GLOBAL TRADE AND                   LANGUAGES ACROSS THE CURRICULUM
                                                   COMMERCE STUDIES           MILITARY SCIENCE (AROTC)
                                           HEALTH POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION


   College is the time to discover your passions, expand                Being a student here means that you will be a member of a
   your horizons, meet new people, and test your limits. This           close-knit community with welcoming undergraduates and
   is what Wake Forest has done for me. Sure, academics are             faculty. It means that a professor from your first year will still
   important, but school is not just about academics. And               recognize you as a junior. It means making friends with stu-
   Wake Forest is well aware of the learning that can take place        dents who are motivated, intelligent, involved—just like you.
   outside of the classroom through internships, research,
   study abroad, or volunteering. Wake Forest has been a                Kate Rogers (’09)
   life-changing experience for me, especially when I studied           Hendersonville, North Carolina
   abroad at Casa Artom, the University-owned house on the
   Grand Canal in Venice.

Academic resources–including                e University maintains an extensive      rough a network login ID and
libraries and information technology–     online information system that in-       password, Wake Forest students have
are literally at the students’ ngertips   cludes documentation, class schedules    access to e-mail, so ware packages
in Wake Forest’s wireless computing       and grades, University-wide activity     and network services and resources.
environment. Libraries o er more          calendars, and Wake Forest University      e Wake Forest Information
than one million volumes, periodicals     libraries’ information.   e Student,     Network (WIN) provides students,
and micro che, as well as advanced        an online news magazine for students,    faculty and sta with a dynamic list of
technology.    e online catalog can be    and the electronic version of the        services, including online directories,
accessed from all campus buildings via    Old Gold and Black, the student          course registration, electronic vot-
the campus network or from anywhere       newspaper, are also available online.    ing, online textbook ordering, vehicle
via the Web.                              Specially trained students provide       registration and an alumni career
                                          on-site technical support in residence   networking service.
A comprehensive technology plan           halls and a professionally sta ed
provides students with powerful hard-     Information Systems Service Desk
ware and so ware.                         provides walk-in and phone support.

UNIVERSITY: Private, four-year, liberal arts

MOTTO: Pro Humanitate “for humanity”



SCHOOL COLORS: Wake Forest Gold and Black

TEAM NAME: Demon Deacons, Atlantic Coast Conference


MBA, JD, JD/MBA, LLM, MD/MBA, PhD/Physician Assistant Studies


Tuition                                                   $ 36,975
Room and board (estimate)                                  $ 9,945
Books (estimate)                                             $ 850
First-year parking fee                                       $ 225
Student activity fee                                         $ 100
Student health service fee                                   $ 316

Total                                                     $ 47,771


Undergraduate College                                        4,412
(includes Calloway School of Business and Accountancy)
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences                          736
Babcock Graduate School of Management                         479
School of Medicine                                            454
School of Law                                                 492
School of Divinity                                            119
Physician Assistant Studies                                        96

Total                                                        6,788


Early Decision Admission/November 15
Regular Decision Admission/January 15


Presidential Scholarships for Distinguished Achievement/Separate
application due by December 1.
Other Honor Scholarships—Candidates are urged to complete an
application for admission by January 1.
S   L
Wake Forest has an organization               ere are nine varsity sports for men    students are a liated with a fraternity
or club to meet the interest of every       and nine for women. Men’s sports         or sorority. Fraternities and sororities,
student, and if one doesn’t exist, stu-     are football, basketball, baseball,      in addition to conducting social
dents usually take the initiative to form   soccer, tennis, cross-country, track     functions, are involved in campus
one.    e campus is a culturally vibrant    and eld and golf. For women, there       and community service projects that
community where the arts are active         are basketball, eld hockey (three-       include Project Pumpkin and the Brian
and stimulating. Most days there is at      time NCAA Champions), golf, tennis,      Piccolo Cancer Fund Drive.       ere is
least one ne arts event on the Univer-      cross-country, volleyball, track and     a service fraternity on campus as well
sity calendar, perhaps a poetry read-        eld and soccer.                         as chapters of professional fraternities
ing, concert, lm or lecture. Concerts                                                and honor societies.
and art shows by faculty and students         e Demon Deacon football team
are scheduled throughout the year, as       has competed in back-to-back postsea-
are performances by nationally known        son bowls, and men’s soccer won the
artists in the Secrest Artists Series.      ACC title and the 2007 NCAA Men’s
  e Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art          College Cup.
Gallery displays works by prominent
artists, as well as students and faculty,     e O ce of Campus Recreation
and Wake Forest’s Museum of                 coordinates a Club Sports Program
Anthropology provides exhibits and          that competes with other colleges and
classes. Located near campus is             universities. Events include ballroom
Reynolda House Museum of                    dancing, baseball, crew, equestrian,
American Art, which houses one of           fencing, eld hockey, lacrosse, rugby,
the Southeast’s foremost collections.       soccer, so ball, Ultimate Frisbee and
                                            wrestling. Intramural sports are a
Athletics are integral to the college       popular outlet for about 85 percent of
experience, and at Wake Forest there        the students and include ag football,
is no shortage of occasions to wave the     water polo, tennis, so ball, soccer,
Wake Forest gold and black. Compet-         volleyball, bowling and racquetball.
ing in the prestigious Atlantic Coast
Conference and NCAA Division I,             Scholarship, leadership, service and
Wake Forest teams are consistently          friendship are the values on which
among the leaders, both athletically        all fraternities and sororities were
and academically.                           founded. Approximately 45 percent of

W    A
W       F    .
Wake Forest guarantees housing for           A er the rst year, students can usu-         misbehavior as a result of intoxication
eight semesters for all undergraduates       ally choose their own roommates and          or drug use are serious o enses and will
who are admitted as resident students.       rooms.     e O ce of Residence Life and      result in disciplinary action, including
Most undergraduates choose to live on        Housing works with students during           possible dismissal from the University.
campus, enjoying the convenience of          the fall room selection process in April     Due process is protected in all
residence halls, townhouses or student       of every year. Students may be assigned      disciplinary matters.
apartments. First-year and second-           to any on-campus space, including
year students are required to live in        spaces in Polo Road-area houses and            e Benson University Center houses
residence halls unless they live with        special-interest housing, and may not        o ces for Student Government and
parents in the Winston-Salem area.           be able to choose their roommate.            student organizations, a food court,
                                                                                          a lm theatre, a game room and
In general, residence halls are coedu-       Wake Forest makes every e ort to             study and lounge areas.     e Kenneth
cational by oor or wing. Students may        accommodate students with disabilities       D. Miller Center includes a practice
also apply for substance-free housing        and other special needs. For informa-        gymnasium for the men’s and women’s
(no smoking or alcohol are permitted),       tion on the University’s policies and        basketball teams as well as activity
which is available on a limited basis. All   procedures, contact the Learning             space for the general student body for
buildings have wireless connections in       Assistance Center at 336.758.5929.           weight training, aerobics and other
individual rooms and common areas.                                                        exercise activities.
Rooms are equipped with beds, closet,        As a residential student, you will be
desks, cable television connection, and      expected to conform to the rules             Wake Forest’s main dining hall and
hard-wired computer outlets, and a           established for the safety and welfare       food court provide a wide variety of
Microfridge combination microwave            of all. Other stipulations and conditions    menus and healthy eating choices.
and refrigerator/freezer unit. Laundry       of residence life are available in writing   All students living on campus are
facilities are available in or near all      from the O ce of Residence Life and          required to participate in the dining
residence halls.                             Housing or online in the Guide to            plan program. Dining plans are
                                             Community Living.                            accepted at the two all-you-care-to-eat
   e University assigns roommates                                                         locations on campus: the Reynolda
for the rst year based on a number of        Wake Forest expects students to              Cafeteria “the Pit” and the Magnolia
factors that indicate compatibility and      conduct themselves in a manner that          Room. Students can also supplement
common interests. While it is generally      upholds the University’s high standards.     their dining plans with Deacon Dollars
the practice to make these assignments       Students are subject to state and local      to make purchases at the Benson Center
in pairs and in double rooms, some           regulations concerning alcoholic             and Information Systems food courts,
single rooms will be assigned, and some      beverages and drugs. North Carolina          campus convenience stores, Subway
students may be assigned more than           law prohibits the consumption or pur-        (on Hearn Plaza [the Quad]), Campus
one roommate in a triple room.               chase of alcoholic beverages by anyone       Grounds Co ee Shop at Taylor
                                             under age 21. Public consumption or          Hall, and Starbucks at Z. Smith
                                             display of liquors, wines or beers is        Reynolds Library.
                                             prohibited. Public intoxication and

Wake Forest has high academic                 and social studies, two in a single for-    As part of this policy change, the
standards and competitive admissions          eign language, and one in the natural       admissions o ce strongly encourages
criteria.   e University seeks intelligent,   sciences. Most admitted students will       personal interviews. Interviews will be
curious and highly motivated students         have pursued a challenging curriculum       conducted on campus by admissions of-
who are interested in a lifetime of           of Advanced Placement or Interna-            cers. To schedule an interview, contact
learning and in using their knowledge         tional Baccalaureate courses. A limited     the admissions o ce at 336.758.5201.
in service to humanity.                       number of applicants may be admitted
                                              without the high school diploma, with       Like other universities, Wake Forest is
You can expect to be challenged by a          particular attention given to ability,      asked to provide standardized test score
rigorous academic environment. Your           maturity and motivation.                    data to outside agencies. For this data
professors will be dedicated to their                                                     to be accurate, Wake Forest will ask
subject matter and to stimulating             Beginning with the rst-year class of        students who have taken standardized
discussion in class. You will be encour-      2009, Wake Forest is making college         tests but chose not to submit during
aged to think critically, form opinions       entrance examinations optional for          the admissions process to provide them
and articulate them. A student:faculty        admission. Students, who in the past        a er they are accepted and before they
ratio of 10:1 allows rst-year students to     were required to submit either the SAT      enroll at Wake Forest.
get to know their professors. Most class-     or ACT as part of their applications,
es have less than twenty- ve students,        can decide if they want their standard-
and rst-year students have at least two       ized test scores to be considered.
seminar classes with less than sixteen
students. With the exception of health        Candidates for admission must furnish
classes and some laboratories, all classes    evidence of maturity and educational
are taught by faculty members, not            achievement including written respons-
graduate students.                            es and academic records, plus evidence
                                              of character and motivation for study
Regular Admission as a rst-year               in the College. High school curriculum
student normally requires graduation          and classroom performance com-
from an accredited secondary school           bined with the student’s writing ability,
with a minimum of sixteen units               extracurricular activities and evidence
of high school credit.    ese should          of character and talent are the most
include at least four units in English,       important criteria for admission.
three in mathematics, two in history

The admissions application dead-          A $50 processing fee must accompany       Failure to make the admission deposit
line for fall enrollment for rst-year     an application. It cannot be applied to   is taken as cancellation of application
students is January 15. To receive full   later charges for admitted students or    by the student.
consideration for scholarship pro-        refunded for others.    e University
grams, students should submit a com-      reserves the right to deny admission to   EARLY DECISION ADMISSION

plete application le prior to January     any applicant without explanation.        Early Decision is for students who
1. Presidential Scholarship candidates,                                             have selected Wake Forest as their
which requires a separate application,                                               rst-choice school and only early
                                             Application Deadlines
must le all forms by December 1. All                                                decision choice. Students may submit
applicants are noti ed of admission                                                 regular decision applications to other
decision on or about April 1.                                                       institutions. Students may submit
                                                                                    an application at any time a er
REGULAR DECISION                                                                    completion of the junior year and no
Transfer applications for the fall           Scholarship Deadlines                  later than November 15. Decisions
semester will be reviewed beginning                                                 on these applications are made on a
April 1 with spring semester applica-                                               rolling basis. Students agree to enroll
tions beginning review on Novem-                                                    if accepted and to withdraw regular
ber 1. Transfer students are strongly                                               applications from other colleges. A
encouraged to submit the application                                                $500 non-refundable deposit is due
prior to these dates. Applications are                                              by January 1.
o en accepted for review a er these
dates. For more information, please                                                 Candidates for Early Decision are
contact the admissions o ce.              A non-refundable admission deposit        expected to have completed, or to be
                                          is required of all students accepted      enrolled in, courses to complete all
Wake Forest accepts the Common            and must be sent to the O ce of           the natural science, foreign language,
Application and the Universal College     Undergraduate Admissions by               English and mathematics requirements
Application in lieu of its own form       January 1 for Early Decision candi-       of secondary school. Along with the
and gives equal consideration to all.     dates and by May 1 for Regular            high school record, written responses
A supplement is required and is avail-    Decision candidates.       e deposit is   and recommendations, a personal
able at           credited toward rst-semester fees.        interview is strongly recommended.

Decisions are based upon grades and       Equivalent preparation credit for           honorable dismissal stating eligibility
achievements through the junior year.     experience since or outside high            in all respects to enter the last college
An Early Decision agreement (in-          school is also available, in speci c        attended. A student admitted from
cluded in the application) is required    areas and under speci ed limitations,       another college before fully meeting
of every Early Decision applicant.        through the College Level Examina-          the prescribed admissions require-
Applicants who are not admitted are       tion subject tests of the Educational       ments for entering rst-year students
asked to submit rst semester senior-      Testing Service. With authorization of      must meet the entrance conditions
year grades and additional test scores,   the department concerned, well-pre-         during the rst year at Wake Forest.
or they are advised to apply elsewhere.   pared applicants for equivalency credit     Courses satisfactorily completed in
                                          may receive limited college credit by       other accredited colleges are subject to
Advanced Placement credit for             examination. Wake Forest also accepts       faculty approval. In general, no credit
college level work done in high           credit through the International Bac-       is allowed for courses not found in the
school is available on the basis of       calaureate curriculum. Scores of 6 or       Wake Forest curriculum. All credits
the Advanced Placement examination        7 on the Higher Level (HL) examina-         allowed for advanced standing
of the College Board and supplemen-       tions typically provide for credit; fac-    are suspended until the candidate
tary information. For most advanced       ulty will review scores of 5 for possible   has spent one term in residence.
placement subjects, a score of 4 or 5     credit or placement.                        On-campus housing for transfer
is required to receive placement or                                                   students is limited.
credit. Especially well-quali ed            e number of transfer students who
applicants for advanced standing          can be admitted each year depends
may also be exempted from some            upon the availability of space in the
basic courses with credit on the          sophomore and junior classes. An
authorization of the department           applicant for admission who has
concerned. (Credit by advanced            attended another college must have
standing is computed as credit            an overall average of at least C on
transferred from another college.)        all college work attempted and must
                                          either be a graduate of a standard
                                          junior college or furnish a certi cate of

F                               A                  S
NEED-BASED FINANCIAL AID                   2008-09 student expenses:                   2009/2010 Financial Aid
Wake Forest o ers a need-blind             Tuition                         $ 36,975
admissions policy. Applicants should       Room and board (estimate)        $ 9,945    PROFILE of the College Board
not be deterred by costs. Sixty-one        Books (estimate)                    $ 850
percent of the University’s undergrad-     First-year parking fee              $ 225         com by February 1, 2009; use
uates receive some type of nancial as-     Student activity fee                $ 100         Wake Forest code 5885.
sistance, and thirty- ve percent receive   Student health service fee          $ 316   2009/2010 Free Application for Federal
need-based aid. In 2006-07, students                                                   Student Aid (FAFSA)
with need received average scholar-        Total                           $ 47,771
ship and grant funds of $18,900. With                                                        by March 1, 2009; use Wake
loan and work-study jobs, a student        All costs may increase each year.                 Forest code 002978.
with need can, on average, pay over        Resident students must purchase a
three-   hs of total costs with nancial    meal plan. Additional costs include         2008 U.S. Income Tax Returns
aid. As one of twenty-eight need-blind     those for music lessons and motor
schools using the same advanced            vehicle registration; other nominal               signed copies of o cial tax
method of determining need, Wake           fees may be assessed. Students should             returns for both the student and
Forest is making special e orts to as-     include their own estimates of trans-             parents (including all schedules,
sure that students from a broad range      portation and miscellaneous personal              W-2 wage statements,
of family incomes receive the assis-       expenses in planning for the total cost           partnership tax returns, and
tance that they need.                      of college.                                       S-Corporation tax returns)
                                                                                             to the College Board’s IDOC
  ose families not qualifying for need-    APPLYING FOR FINANCIAL AID?                       Service.
based programs may take advantage of       Consider applying simultaneously for
student and parent loans that are not      need-based aid and merit-based schol-       NOTIFICATION OF AID PACKAGES

based on need, as well as other long-      arships.      e following documents are     Students admitted through the
term nancing programs to make costs        required for full consideration for all     binding Early Decision admission plan
manageable; for detailed information,      need-based aid programs administered        may receive tentative aid estimates in
visit naid or write to        by the University; the O ce of Student      mid-December 2008 by submitting
the O ce of Student Financial Aid,         Financial Aid may request additional        the PROFILE to the College Board
P.O. Box 7246, Winston-Salem, NC           documents during its review.      e dates   by November 1, 2008, and 2007
27109-7246.                                listed represent priority deadlines to      U.S. income tax returns to the O ce
                                           ensure timely aid noti cation for           of Student Financial Aid by Decem-
                                           regular admission applicants.               ber 1, 2008. Tentative aid estimates
                                                                                       are subject to the receipt of 2008 U.S.

income tax returns and 2009/2010             grants for individually designed             e Presidential Scholarships for
FAFSA results by March 1, 2009, and          study projects. Graylyn Scholars           Distinguished Achievement provide
may change signi cantly when 2008            demonstrate exceptional promise            up to twenty $12,500 awards to
income is used to recalculate eligibility.   in academics and leadership.               recognize students who present
                                                                                        solid academic credentials and who
Most scholarships do not require a             e Guy T. and Clara Carswell fund         show evidence of extraordinary talent
separate application, though they            provides up to six scholarships to cover   in one of the following areas: art,
may require an on-campus interview.          tuition, room, board, and allowances       community service, dance, debate,
Students completing an application           for personal needs, as well as summer      entrepreneurial activity, leadership,
for undergraduate admission by               grants for individually designed proj-     music, theatre, and writing for
January 15 are automatically consid-         ects. Carswell Scholarships recognize      publication. Complete the Presidential
ered for scholarship awards; however,        outstanding qualities of intellect and     Scholarship Application and an
candidates are strongly urged to             leadership.   e Carswell Scholarship       application for undergraduate admis-
submit a completed application le by         may continue to Wake Forest School         sion by December 1 to be considered.
January 1.                                   of Law provided the candidate gains
                                             admission.    e continuation scholar-
Presidential Scholarships for Distin-        ship has a minimum value of $1,500.
guished Achievement require a                Students are eligible for consideration
separate application and applications        within the rst ve years of the date of
must be submitted by December 1.             graduation from Wake Forest College.

  e Nancy Susan Reynolds fund                  e Joseph G. Gordon fund provides
provides up to six scholarships to           up to seven scholarships to students
cover tuition, room, board, and              among constituencies historically
allowances for books and personal            underrepresented at Wake Forest.
needs, as well as summer grants for          Gordon Scholarships cover tuition,
individually designed study projects.        room, board, and allowances for
Reynolds Scholars are extraordinarily        personal needs, as well as summer
capable and creative leaders.                grants for individually designed
  e Graylyn fund provides one                projects. Recipients of this scholarship
scholarship to cover tuition, room,          have a record of excellence in both
board, and allowances for books and          the classroom and community, with
personal needs, as well as summer            special emphasis on leadership.


          Your four years as an undergraduate will inevitably prove              foundation for understanding the forces and patterns that
          to be some of the most exciting, challenging, and formative            structure our world. Luckily, there are many excellent col-
          years of your life. You will find that there are countless ways         leges and universities poised to prepare you for whatever
          to answer a question and countless more ways to question               life brings, but I feel that Wake Forest stands out from the
          an answer. In this process, you will pull all-nighters memoriz-        rest. The small class sizes allow you to interact with profes-
          ing the names of philosophers, learning to conjugate verbs             sors in a way that stimulates intellectual growth; and the
          for a foreign language class, and sketching out biochemi-              abundance of resources available to undergraduates here
          cal pathways only to feel like you’ve forgotten everything a           allows you to pursue your emerging interests on campus, in
          week after the exam. You will discover your limitations and            the community, and around the globe.
          surprise yourself when you defy them. Yet, through all of
          this, if your time as an undergraduate is successful, you will         Chris Jackson (‘08)
          become conversant in many languages that animate the hu-               Lebanon, Virginia
          man experience. From philosophy and ethics to mathemat-
          ics, biochemistry, and human relationships you will build a

W    A
W       F    .
The William Louis Poteat fund             Heritage Scholarships are awarded            Wake Forest provides funding
provides up to twenty scholarships        to students with special gi s in the         to National Merit Finalists who
with values as much as $12,500.           liberal arts and sciences who have           designate Wake Forest as their
  e award is based on student             demonstrated their academic                   rst-choice school. Annual awards
leadership in a Baptist church in North   potential, critical curiosity, and           of $1,000 (extending up to $2,000
Carolina, as well as excellent academic   passion for learning.     e Heritage         depending upon need) are renewable
and extracurricular accomplishment.       Scholarship was established in 2000          with satisfactory performance for
Recipients must be residents of North     by an anonymous donor to encourage           up to a total of four years of under-
Carolina. A portion of the awards         students with signi cant need, who           graduate study.
give preference to applicants who         have grown up in small towns,
have demonstrated nancial need.           to consider attending Wake Forest.           Mindful of its location and heritage,
All applicants are encouraged to            ese scholarships are awarded to            Wake Forest o ers many scholarships
 le for nancial aid. Complete an          students with a commitment to                only to in-state students. While a num-
application for undergraduate             sharing their special gi s through           ber of these scholarships are awarded
admission by January 15 and submit        service, in the spirit of the University’s   solely on academic merit, Wake
a letter of recommendation from           motto, Pro Humanitate.       is is           Forest awards a variety of scholarships
a member of your church to the            a competitive need-based scholarship,        each year to worthy and needy North
merit-based scholarship o ce to           and applicants must complete an              Carolinians who submit both FAFSA
be considered for this scholarship.       application for undergraduate                and CSS Pro le forms. Complete
                                          admission by January 15 and le               an application for undergraduate
                                          the CSS Pro le and FAFSA forms               admission by January 15 and le
                                          to demonstrate nancial need by               for nancial aid by March 1 to
                                          March 1.                                     be considered for these scholarship

S                                          A

Please contact the O ce of Merit-Based                    OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS
Scholarships to request any required                      Scholarships are available through the Army
applications materials.                                   Reserve O cers Training Corps (AROTC) pro-
                                                          gram to recognize academic and extracurricular
P.O. Box 7305, Winston-Salem                              achievement and leadership potential; application
NC 27109-7305                                             materials are available from the Department of
336.758.4209                                              Military Science, P.O. Box 7599, Winston-Salem,                                      NC 27109-7599.
                                                            e nationally prominent Wake Forest Debate
Most scholarships do not require separate                 Program o ers a small number of scholarships;
application. Students completing applications             application materials are available from the
for undergraduate admissions by January 15 are            Debate Program, P.O. Box 7347, Winston-Salem,
automatically considered; for full consideration          NC 27109-7347.
candidates are strongly encouraged to submit
application by January 1.                                   e Departments of Music, Art,      eatre, and
                                                          Mathematics, as well as the Wayne Calloway
    e Presidential Scholarship for Distinguished          School of Business and Accountancy, o er schol-
Achievement requires a separate application               arships to select rst-year or upperclass students;
(submit by December 1, 2008).                             prospective candidates should contact the speci c
                                                          department for information.
    e William Louis Poteat Scholarship requires a
letter of recommendation from a member of the             For information on athletic scholarships,
student’s church (submit by January 15, 2009).            please call the Athletics Media Relations o ce
                                                          at 336.758.5640.
Application for need-based aid is required for
the following programs: Brown, Fletcher, Heritage,
Hankins, Kutteh, Lowden, K.W. Smith, Z.T. Smith,
and Woodard. See the application details in the
need-based aid section of this bulletin.

R   G
The Wake Forest College core cur-          Courses and degree requirements           A student graduates under the
riculum provides broad competencies        are computed in terms of hours, with      requirements of the bulletin of the year
in the areas of critical thinking and      courses usually carrying three hours      in which he or she enters. However,
analysis of arguments; oral and written    but ranging from one-half hour to four    when a student declares a major or a
communication; quantitative reasoning;     hours.   e average course load consists   minor, the requirements for the major
understanding cross-cultural perspec-      of 15 hours per semester. A minimum       or minor that are in e ect at the time
tives; and understanding the modes of      of 12 hours is required for full-time     of declaration will apply.
learning across disciplines.               status. A minimum of 120 hours is
                                           required to earn a BA or BS degree.       To prepare for the demands of technol-
Students graduating from Wake Forest                                                 ogy and globalization, students must
must complete a core curriculum com-       Although it is not required, students     also complete at least one course that
prising basic and divisional require-      may choose to complete the require-       requires quantitative reasoning and one
ments.    e basic requirements include     ments for a minor in addition to their    course that includes a cultural diversity
a rst-year seminar; a writing seminar;     declared major. Minors are available      component. Numerous electives at each
one 200-level foreign language course;     in most elds. Many departments o er       level of study qualify.
and two courses in health and exer-        honors programs for highly quali ed
cise science. Divisional requirements      majors. Interdisciplinary minors are      State certi cation is available in
include two courses in the humani-         o ered in areas such as American          elementary and secondary education.
ties, one literature course, one ne arts   ethnic studies, East Asian studies,       Courses and advising are also o ered
course, two courses in the social          environmental sciences, humanities,       for pre-medical and pre-law students.
sciences and two courses in mathemat-      international studies, and women’s and
ics and natural sciences. Departments      gender studies. Additionally, foreign
decide which courses satisfy divisional    areas of study in Italian and Spanish
requirements.                              are available. Students may also elect
                                           to major in two departments, although
Core courses are o en completed            only one undergraduate degree will
during the rst two years of study.         be awarded.
Requirements for a major and related
 elds are generally completed in the
junior and senior years.

SAMPLE COURSE LISTING                                  Cultures/Anthropology of Gender/Language                 Videography/Printmaking Workshop/Interna-
                                                       and Gender/Peoples and Cultures of South                 tional Studies in Art/English Art, Hogarth to
A liberal arts curriculum builds skills in a variety   Asia/Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism/Economic                the Present/Venetian Renaissance Art/Studies in
of disciplines, and every Wake Forest student          Anthropology/Culture and Nature/Anthropo-                French Art/Austrian Art and Architecture
selects courses from a range of choices in the         logical   eory/Development Wars: Applying
arts and sciences.    e following sample shows         Anthropology/Field Research/Language and                 BIOLOGY
the depth and variety of the undergraduate cur-        Culture/Native Peoples of North America/Evo-             Biology and the Human Condition/Biological
riculum. Not all courses are o ered every semester     lution of Human Behavior/Medical Anthropol-              Principles/Comparative Physiology/Evolu-
or every year. Independent research, independent       ogy/Primate Behavior and Biology/Primate                 tionary and Ecological Biology/Genetics and
study, internships, honors work, and seminars          Evolutionary Biology/Evolutionary Medicine/              Molecular Biology/Cellular Biology/Biodiver-
are o ered in most disciplines. Electives choices      Human Evolution/Human Osteology/Old                      sity/Topics in Biology/Biophysics/Evolution/
that ful ll interdisciplinary minor requirements       World Prehistory/Prehistory of North America/            Population Genetics/Plant Physiology and
are taken from a variety of departmental course        Archaeology of Southeastern United States/               Development/Comparative Anatomy/Parasitol-
o erings.    e 2009-2010 Undergraduate Bulletin        Ancestors, Indians, Immigrants: A Southwest              ogy/Biomechanics/Animal Behavior/Hormones
is available online at         Cultural Tapestry/Conservation Archaeology/              and Behavior/Chronobiology/Microbiology/
publications/academics/ and lists courses for          Anthropological Statistics/Field Programs in             Invertebrates/Vertebrates/Insect Biology/Plants
majors, minors, interdisciplinary minors, and          Anthropological and Cultural Archaeology                 and People/Plant Systematics/Principles of
programs. Visit departmental Web pages for                                                                      Biosystematics/Ecology/Marine Biology/Aquatic
more information at Click on the          ARABIC                                                   Ecology/Tropical Ecology/Tropical Marine
Academics link.                                        Elementary Arabic/Intermediate Arabic/                   Ecology/Neurobiology/Physiological Plant
                                                       Introduction to Arabic Literature/Basic Arabic           Ecology/Tropical Biodiversity/Conservation
AMERICAN ETHNIC STUDIES                                Conversation                                             Biology/Vertebrate Physiology/Developmental
Race and Ethnic Diversity in America/       e                                                                   Neuroscience/Vertebrate Endocrinology/Avian
American Jewish Experience/Ethnicity and               ART                                                      Biology/Genomics/Development/Microbial
Immigration/Asian-American Legacy: A Social            History of Western Art/Topics in World Art/          e   Pathogenesis/Immunology/Sensory Biology/
History of Community Adaptation/Race, Class,           History of World Architecture/American Visual            Biology of the Cell/Virology/   e Cell Biological
and Gender in a Color-blind Society/Studies in         Arts/African-American Art/American Archi-                Basis of Disease/Biochemistry: Macromolecules
Chicano Literature/     e Italian Experience in        tecture/Ancient Art/Greek Art/Roman Art/                 and Metabolism/Molecular Biology/      e Biology
America/African-American Fiction/African-              Romanesque Art/       e Gothic Cathedral/Luxury          of Fishes/Community Ecology/Biogeography/
American Poetry                                        Arts in the Middle Ages/     e History of Prints/        Biostatistics/Oceanography/Practical Oceanog-
                                                         e History of Photography/Classics of World             raphy/Research in Biology/Biomedical Ethics
ACCOUNTANCY                                            Cinema/Topics in Film History/Art in the Age
Introductory Financial Accounting/Financial            of Giotto, Dante, and the Plague/Early Italian           BUSINESS
Accounting      eory and Problems I, II/Introduc-      Renaissance Art/High Renaissance and Manner-             Introduction to Business Communications/
tory Management Accounting/Taxes and             eir   ist Art/Northern Renaissance Art/Baroque                 Introduction to Business So ware/Professional
Role in Business and Personal Decisions/Inter-         Art/Rococo to Revolution:       e Art of                 Life Skills/Foundations of Entrepreneurship/
national Accounting/Professional Accounting            Eighteenth-Century Europe/History of Land-               Field Study/Quantitative Analysis I, II/Seminar:
Internship/Accounting Information Systems/             scape Architecture/Nineteenth-Century Art/               Contemporary Issues in Business/Organiza-
Introduction to Auditing                               Modern Art Since 1900/Contemporary Ameri-                tional Behavior/Human Resource Management/
                                                       can Art/Modern Architecture/Management in                Entrepreneurship/Seminar in Comparative
ANTHROPOLOGY                                           the Visual Arts/American Foundations/Women               Management/Leading in the Nonpro t Sector/
Peoples and Cultures of the World/Introduction         and Art/Issues in Art History/Art History                Change Management/Principles of Marketing/
to Archaeology/Introduction to Biological An-          Seminar/Topics in Studio Art/Introduction to             Global Marketing Strategy/Selected Topics in
thropology/Introduction to Cultural Anthropol-         Studio Art Fundamentals/Introductory courses             Marketing/Marketing Research/Consumer
ogy/Introduction to Linguistics/Introduction to        in drawing, painting, photography, printmaking,          Behavior/Marketing Communications/Sports
Latin-American Studies/Forensic Anthropology/          and sculpture/Re-Imaging Berlin/Intermediate             Marketing/Principles of Finance/Advanced
Free Trade, Fair Trade: Independent Entrepre-          Drawing/Painting I,II, III/Digital Art I, II, III/       Financial Management/Investment Analysis/
neurs in the Global Market/Museum Anthro-              Public Art/Sculpture Fabrication/Intermediate            Intermediate Drawing/International Finance/
pology/Collections Management Practicum/               Printmaking/Figure Drawing/Darkroom Pho-                 Fixed-Income and Securitization/Financial
Tradition, Continuity, and Struggle: Mexico and        tography/Advanced Drawing/Advanced Paint-                Derivatives/Integrative Financial Decision Mak-
Central America/Artifact Analysis and Labora-          ing/Bodies and Objects/Sculpture Installation/           ing/Production and Operations Management/
tory Methods in Archaeology/Seeing World               Advanced Printmaking/Digital Photography/                Management of Technology and Innovation/

Management Information Systems/Selected Top-         Historical-Critical Research in Communica-        Personal Narratives/Introduction to Chinese
ics in Information Systems/Legal Environment         tion/Introduction to Mass Communication/          Film/Survey of East Asian Culture
of Business/Business Law/Ethics and Business         Introduction to Film/Debate Practicum/Pro-
Leadership/Strategic Management/Strategic            duction Practicum I, II/Research Practicum/       ECONOMICS
Management in Entrepreneurial Firms/Manage-          Classical Rhetoric/Semantics and Language         Introduction to Economics/Economic Data
ment in the Visual Arts/International Business       in Communication/Argumentation         eory/      Analysis/Intermediate Microeconomics/In-
Study Tour/Seminar in Mathematical Business          Directing the Forensic Program/Freedom of         termediate Macroeconomics/Microeconomic
Analysis/Principles of Risk Management/Ap-           Speech/Communication and Ethics/Seminar in        Models/Macroeconomic Models-Introduction
plied Risk Management/Summer Management              Rhetorical   eory: Burke & Bakhtin/Advanced       to Econometrics/Game       eory/Seminar in
Program/Seminar in Fundamentals of Business/         Media Production/Film       eory and Criticism/   Mathematical Economics/Public Finance/Mon-
SportsCOM/Financial Statement Analysis               Film History to 1945/Film History since 1945/     etary   eory and Policy/Financial Markets/Law
                                                     Mass Communication       eory/Communication       and Economics/Public Choice/Economics of
CHEMISTRY                                            and Technology/Screenwriting/Communica-           Industry/Antitrust Economics/Labor Econom-
Everyday Chemistry/College Chemistry/Physics         tion and Popular Culture/Communication            ics/Economics of Health and Medicine/Natural
and Chemistry of the Environment/Introduc-           and Con ict/Communication, Terrorism, and         Resource Economics/Urban Economics/Interna-
tion to Organic Chemistry/Organic Chemistry          Hostage Negotiation/Survey of Organizational      tional Trade/International Finance/Economies
II/Analytical Biochemistry/Introduction to           Communication/Organizational Rhetoric/Rhet-       in Transition/Current Issues in African Develop-
Inorganic Chemistry/Elective Research/Chemi-         oric of Institutions/African-American Rhetoric/   ment/Economic Growth and Development/
cal Analysis/Physical Chemistry I, II/Chemical       American Rhetorical Movements to 1900/            American Economic Development/History of
Spectroscopy/Inorganic Chemistry/Biochemis-          American Rhetorical Movements since 1900/         Economic     ought/Economic Philosophers/
try: Macromolecules and Metabolism/Biochem-          Political Communication/Presidential Rhetoric/    Morals and Markets/Current Economic Issues/
istry: Protein and Nucleic Acid Structure and        Intercultural Communication/Comparative           Selected Areas in Economics/Economics for a
Function/Chemical Literature                         Communication/Interpersonal Seminar/Per-          Multicultural Future/Topics in Macroeconom-
                                                     suasion/International Communication/Health        ics/Preparing for Economic Research/Economic
CHINESE                                              Communication/Great Teachers                      Research
Elementary Chinese/Intermediate Chinese/
Reading and Writing Chinese/Chinese Across           COMPUTER SCIENCE                                  EDUCATION
the Curriculum/Advanced Conversation/                Overview of Computer Science/Introduction         Adolescent Literature/Foundations of Educa-
Advanced Chinese/Introduction to Literature          to Programming/Introduction to Computer           tion/Field Experience/Children’s Literature/
Written in Chinese/Recent Literature Written         Science/Fundamentals of Computer Science/         Integrating the Arts and Movement into the
in Chinese/Business Hanyu/Chinese Modern             Problem Solving Seminar/Computer Orga-            Elementary Curriculum/      eatre in Education/
Literature Survey/Classical Chinese                  nization/Data Structures and Algorithms/          Adolescent Literature/Student Teaching/Geogra-
                                                     Programming Languages/Computer Systems/           phy:    e Human Environment/Geography Study
CLASSICAL STUDIES                                    Computer Architecture/Database Management         Tour/Geography:      e Natural Environment/
Ethics in Greece and Rome/Women in Antiq-            Systems/Object-Oriented So ware Engineer-         Environmental Geography/Public Life and the
uity/Classical Epic: Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid/Virgil   ing/Principles of Compiler Design/Operating       Liberal Arts/Elementary School Curriculum/
and His English Legacy/Greek Myth/Greek              Systems/Internet Protocols/Parallel Computa-      Teaching Elementary Language Arts/Teach-
Tragedy/Greek and Roman Comedy/          e Age of    tion/Numerical Linear Algebra/Introduction to     ing Elementary Social Studies in a Pluralistic
Pericles/   e Age of Augustus/Interdisciplinary      Numerical Methods/Digital Media/Computer          Society/Teaching Elementary Mathematics/
Seminar in the Greco-Roman World                     Graphics/Image Processing Fundamentals/Arti-      Trends and Issues in American Schools/Teach-
                                                      cial Intelligence/Bioinformatics                 ing Elementary Science/History of Western
COMMUNICATION                                                                                          Education/    eories of Education/   e Sociol-
Introduction to Communication and Rhetoric/          COUNSELING                                        ogy of Education/Technology in Education/
Debate and Advocacy/Public Speaking/Interper-        Career Planning/College Student Development/      School and Society/Race, Class, and Gender in
sonal Communication/Group Communication/             Creative Arts in Counseling                       a Color-blind Society/Educational Psychology/
On-Camera Performance/Writing for Public                                                               Teaching Children with Special Needs/Human
Relations and Advertising/Information and            EAST ASIAN LANGUAGES                              Growth and Development/TESOL Linguistics/
Disinformation on the Internet/Introduction          AND CULTURES                                      Adolescent Psychology/Methods and Materials/
to Production and     eory/Media Production:         Understanding Japan/Japanese Culture: Insight     Studies in Contemporary Leadership/Secondary
Documentary/Media Production: Narrative/             and Outreach/Introduction to Japanese Litera-     Student Teaching/Student Teaching Seminar/
Broadcast Journalism/Media Production:               ture/Introduction to Chinese Literature/   e      Special Needs Seminar/Teaching Elementary
Studio/Empirical Research in Communication/          Asian-American Experience: Literature and         Reading/Classroom Management Seminar/

Diversity Seminar/Tutoring Writing/Methods            Drama/Contemporary American Literature/            Weimar Germany/German Masterworks in
and Materials for Teaching Foreign Languages          Contemporary British Fiction/Advanced Fiction      Translation/History of the German Language/
(K-6)/Teaching the Gi ed/     e Psychology of         Writing/Advanced Expository Writing                German Literature before 1700/German
the Gi ed Child/Teaching Exceptional Students/                                                           Literature from the Enlightenment through
Education in Business and Industry                    ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND                               Romanticism/German Literature from Poetic
                                                      SOCIAL ENTERPRISE
                                                                                                         Realism through Naturalism/German Literature
                                                      Creativity and Innovation/Foundations of
ENGLISH                                                                                                  of the Modern Age/Masterpieces of Austrian
                                                      Entrepreneurship/Internships in Entrepreneurial
Introduction to Critical Reading and Writ-                                                               Literature/Fin de Siecle Vienna
                                                      Studies/Independent Study in Entrepreneurship/
ing/Writing Seminar/Literature Interprets the
                                                      Free Trade, Fair Trade: Independent Entrepre-
World/Introduction to British Literature/Studies                                                         GERMAN STUDIES
                                                      neurs in the Global Market/Building a Better
in British Literature/Introduction to American                                                           German Women Writers/German and Austrian
                                                      Biology Textbook:    e Accessible Textbook
Literature/Studies in American Literature/                                                               Music/    e Oberammergau Passion Play/Luther/
                                                      Project/Introduction to Professional Writing/
Studies in Global Literature/Literary Genres/Ad-                                                         German Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales
                                                      Topics in Entrepreneurship
vanced Composition/Exploring Shakespeare/Po-
etry Workshop/Short-Story Workshop/Tutoring                                                              GLOBAL TRADE AND
                                                      ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM
Writing/Individual Authors/Ideas in Literature/                                                          COMMERCE STUDIES
                                                      Environmental Issues/Nautical Sciences
History of the English Language/Old English                                                              Introduction to Global Trade and Commerce
Language and Literature/Dante/     e Medieval                                                            Studies
                                                      FILM STUDIES
World/    e Legend of Arthur/Medieval Poetry/
                                                      Internship in Film Studies
Chaucer/Virgil and His English Legacy/British                                                            GREEK
Drama to 1642/Shakespeare/Sixteenth-Century                                                              Elementary and Intermediate Greek/Plato/
British Literature/Studies in English Renaissance                                                        Homer/Greek Readings/Advanced Grammar
                                                      Elementary French/Intensive Elementary
Literature/Milton/Seventeenth-Century British                                                            and Composition/     e Greek New Testament/
                                                      French/Intensive Elementary French in an
Literature/Restoration and Eighteenth-Century                                                            Greek Tragedy/Greek Comedy
                                                      Immersion Setting/Intermediate French/In-
British Literature/Eighteenth-Century British
                                                      termediate French in an Immersion Setting/
Fiction/Restoration and Eighteenth-Century                                                               HEALTH AND EXERCISE SCIENCE
                                                      Accelerated Intermediate French/French Across
British Drama/Studies in Eighteenth-Century                                                              Health Issues on College Campuses/Lifeguard
                                                      the Curriculum/French for Reading Knowledge/
British Literature/Studies in Women and                                                                  Training/Emergency Medical Training/Statistics
                                                      Internship in French Language/Introduction to
Literature/British Romantic Poets/Studies in Ro-                                                         in the Health Sciences/Applied Field Study/
                                                      French Literature/Introduction to French Litera-
manticism/Nineteenth-Century British Fiction/                                                            Internship in Rehabilitation/Exercise and Health
                                                      ture (Honors)/Introduction to French Studies/
Victorian Poetry/Studies in Chicano Literature/                                                          Psychology/Human Physiology/Nutrition in
                                                      Studies in French Literature and Culture/Con-
Postcolonial Literature/Studies in Postcolonial                                                          Health and Disease/Human Gross Anatomy/
                                                      versation, Culture, and Literature/Composition
Literature/Studies in Victorian Literature/                                                              Physiology of Exercise/Assessment Techniques
                                                      and Review of Grammar/French Conversation/
Literature and Science/Irish Literature in the                                                           in Health Sciences/Exercise Programming/Epi-
                                                      Introduction to Translation/French Phonetics/
Twentieth Century/Studies in Modernism/Stud-                                                             demiology/Biomechanics of Human Movement/
                                                      French Independent Study/Advanced Grammar
ies in Literary Criticism/Twentieth-Century                                                              Anatomy Dissection Laboratory/Advanced
                                                      and Stylistics/Introduction to Business French/
British Fiction/James Joyce/Twentieth-Century                                                            Physiology of Exercise/Interventions in Behav-
                                                      Advanced Business French/Cinema and Society/
English Poetry/Studies in Irish Literature/Mod-                                                          ioral Medicine/Lifestyle and Health/Exercise
                                                      Trends in French Poetry/French Prose Fiction/
ern Drama/American Literature to 1820/Ameri-                                                             for Health/Sports Pro ciency/Weight Training/
                                                      French Drama/Seminar in French Studies/Spe-
can Ethnic Literature/American Romanticism/                                                              Beginning and Intermediate Tennis/Beginning
                                                      cial Topics/Directed Reading/Directed Research/
Literature and Film/American Fiction before                                                              and Intermediate Golf/Bowling/Volleyball/Be-
                                                      Studies in French Language and Culture/Ad-
1865/American Drama/American Poetry before                                                               ginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Ice Figure
                                                      vanced Oral and Written French/Contemporary
1900/American Jewish Literature/Literature                                                               Skating/T’ai chi
                                                      France/Independent Study/Special Topics in
of the American South/Literary Forms of the
                                                      French Literature/Studies in French Art
American Personal Narrative/American Fiction                                                             HEALTH POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION
from 1865 to 1915/Studies in African-American                                                            Introduction to Public Health/Internship in
Literature/Modern American Fiction, 1915 to                                                              Health Policy and Administration
                                                      Elementary German/Intensive Elementary
1965/    eory and Practice of Poetry Writing/
                                                      German/Intermediate German/       e German
Twentieth-Century American Poetry/African-
                                                      Experience/Introduction to German Literature/
American Fiction/African-American Poetry/         e
                                                      Composition and Grammar Review/Practice in
Structure of English/Studies in Postmodernism/
                                                      Speaking German/German Civilization/Intern-
Multicultural American Drama/Contemporary
                                                      ship in German Language/Business German/

HISTORY                                                    Preservation/Modern Military History/Topics        manticism/Adventures in Self-Understanding/
Western Civilization to 1700/Europe and the                in North Carolina History/Winston-Salem-             e Tragic View/    e Comic View/Man and the
World in the Modern Era/Formation of Europe:               Forsyth County/Protest and Rebellion in Latin      Structure of the Universe/   e Mythic View/       e
Habsburg Empire and its Successor States/World             America/Civil Rights and Black Consciousness       Ironic View/Forms and Expressions of Love/Im-
Civilizations to 1500/World Civilizations since            Movements/Anglo-American Relations since           ages of Aging in the Humanities/Venice in Art
1500/Africa in World History/Medieval World                1940/American Diplomatic History/Reconcil-         and Literature/Humanity and Nature/      e Medi-
Civilizations/     e Middle East and the World/            ing Race/Origins of     e Americas/America at      eval World: Special Topics/Postmodern       ought
  e Golden Age of Burgundy/European Histori-               Work/Revolution and Culture in Latin America/      and Expression/American Foundations
cal Biography/European Historical Novels/Mod-              Historical Writing Tutorial
ern Slovenia/History of Wake Forest University/                                                               INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
  e Early Middle Ages/       e High Middle Ages            HUMANITIES                                         AND POLICY
  rough the Renaissance/Europe from Renais-                Understanding Japan/Japanese Culture: Insight      Introduction to International Development
sance to Revolution/General History of Spain/              and Outreach/    e Cuisine of Italy: From the
Colloquium in Historical Diversity/France to               Farm to the Tabletop/Studies in European           INTERNATIONAL STUDIES
1774/France since 1815/Germany to 1871/Ger-                Literature/Contemporary Fiction/Germanic           United Nations-Model United Nations/Japanese
many: Uni cation to Uni cation, 1871-1990/                 and Slavic Literature/Romance Literature/          and American Culture: Cross-Cultural Commu-
  e Renaissance and Reformation/Great Britain/             European Drama/Eastern European Literature/        nication/Global Capitalism/Overseas Study
History of Venice/History of London/Venetian               Introduction to Japanese Literature/Introduction
Society and Culture/Georgian and Victorian                 to Chinese Literature/African and Caribbean        ITALIAN
Society and Culture/Russia: Origins to 1865/               Literature/Contemplative Practices and Literary    Elementary Italian/Intensive Elementary Italian/
Russia and the Soviet Union: 1865 to the Pres-             Creation/Cross-cultural Encounters in Morocco/     Intensive Elementary Italian in an Immersion
ent/African-American History/       e Middle East          Literature, Travel, and Discovery/Viennese         Setting/Intermediate Italian/Italian Across the
before 1500/      e Middle East since 1500/Impe-           Culture from 1860 to 1914/Women Writers in         Curriculum/Italian for Reading Knowledge/In-
rial China/Modern China/Japan before 1800/                 Contemporary Italy/A er Auschwitz: Holocaust       troduction to Italian Literature/Literary and Cul-
Japan since 1800/Introduction to East Asia/                Literature, Art, and    eology/Interdisciplinary   tural Studies of Italy/Grammar and Composi-
  e United States/Colonial English America,                Seminar in Critical     inking/Maritime Studies/   tion/Advanced Conversation and Composition/
1582-1774/Introduction to African History/                   e Asian-American Experience: Literature and      Italian Regional Cultures/Italian Independent
History of Mexico/Modern Latin America/Latin               Personal Narratives/Introduction to Chinese        Study/Italian Neorealism in Films and Novels/
America’s Colonial Past/     e Italian Renaissance/        Film/Beijing: A Study of Chinese Religion and      Comedy in Italian Cinema/Modern Italian
  e World of Alexander the Great/European                  Politics/Gender, Spirituality, and Art/Percep-     Cinema/Dante’s Divine Comedy/Introduction to
Economic and Social History, 1750-1990/Greek               tions of Islam/China, Character, and Colum-        Renaissance Literature and Culture/Cinematic
History/Rome: Republic and Empire/        e French         bine/Ancestors, Indians, Immigrants: A South-      Adaptation and Literary Inspiration/Special
Revolution and Napoleonic Empire/Weimar                    west Cultural Tapestry/Reason and Revelation/      Topics/Studies of Italy
Germany/       e Industrial Revolution in England/         Public Life and the Liberal Arts/Foundations of
History of the English Common Law/Race,                    Revolution in Modernity/Culture and Religion       JAPANESE
Religion, and Sex in Early Modern Europe/Eu-               in Contemporary Native America/Innovation          Elementary Japanese/Intermediate Japanese/
ropean Diplomacy, 1848-1914/Gender in Early                and Inclusivity/Perspectives on the Middle Ages/   Japanese Across the Curriculum/Individual
America/Gender in Modern America/Health                    Humanities Perspectives on Contemporary            Study/Bungaku: Introduction to Literature
Care in American Society/Africans in the At-               Indigenous Cultures/World Poetry in Dramatic       Written in Modern Japanese/Reading in
lantic World, 1750-1815/Islamic Empires Com-               Performance/Japan in Perspective/Postmodern        Japanese Literature/Advanced Conversation/
pared: the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals/                Experimental Fiction/African and Caribbean         Advanced Japanese I, II/Reading and Writing
Nation, Faith, and Gender in the Middle East/              Women Writers/Forms and Expressions of Love/       Japanese/Japanese Modern Literature Survey/
Japan since World War II/American Founda-                  Images of Aging in the Humanities/Dante/Hu-        Japanese and American Culture: Cross-Cultural
tions/Global Economic History/U.S. Social His-             manity and Nature/Literature, Film, and Society/   Communication
tory/Revolutionary and Early National America              Independent Research in Asian Studies/Italian
1763-1815/Jacksonian America, 1815-1850/           e       Cinema and Society/Italian Fascism in Novels       JOURNALISM
Civil War and Reconstruction/      e U.S. from             and Films/Legends of Troy/Interdisciplinary        Introduction to Journalism/Editing/Writing for
Reconstruction to World War I/U.S. History                 Seminar on Aging                                   Radio-TV-Film/Media Production: Studio/In-
from Gilded Age Prosperity to Depression/U.S.                                                                 troduction to Mass Communication/Advanced
History since the New Deal/Economic History                INTERDISCIPLINARY HONORS                           Journalism/Politics and the Mass Media/History
of the U.S./American Constitutional History/           e   Approaches to Human Experience/        e Force     of Journalism/Journalism, Ethics, and Law/Ad-
Old South/       e New South/Studies in Historic           of Impressionism/      e Scienti c Outlook/Ro-     vanced Reporting/Introduction to Professional

2009 2010 Viewbook Wfu 2009
2009 2010 Viewbook Wfu 2009
2009 2010 Viewbook Wfu 2009
2009 2010 Viewbook Wfu 2009
2009 2010 Viewbook Wfu 2009

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2009 2010 Viewbook Wfu 2009

  • 1. B . R . A . WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY 2009-2010 Undergraduate Admissions Bulletin
  • 2. BULLETIN of Wake Forest University (USPS 078-320) is color, religion, national origin, age, sex, veteran status, or disability Wake Forest. The University has adopted a procedure for the pur- published seven times a year in February, April, June (2 issues), status, as required by law. In addition, Wake Forest rejects hatred pose of resolving discrimination complaints. Inquiries or concerns July (2 issues) and August by the Office of Creative Services, and bigotry in any form and adheres to the principle that no per- should be directed to: Reynolda Campus, 336.758.4814; Bowman Wake Forest University, P.O. Box 7205, Winston-Salem, NC, son affiliated with Wake Forest should be judged or harassed on Gray Campus, 336.716.6123. Individuals with disabilities or special 27109-7205. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, NC, and the basis of perceived or actual sexual orientation. In affirming its print-related needs may contact the Learning Assistance Center at additional mailing offices. New Series June 2008 Vol. 103 No. 4. commitment to this principle, Wake Forest does not limit freedom 336.758.5929 or for more information. of religious association or expression, does not control the policies Wake Forest University is committed to administer all educational of persons or entities not affiliated with Wake Forest, and does and employment activities without discrimination because of race, not extend benefits beyond those provided under other policies of
  • 3. Wake Forest University is a collegiate university with an extra- ordinary history and identity. We have been able to integrate the intimacy of an undergraduate liberal arts college with the academic vitality of a research university. We combine the best of both worlds. At the heart of Wake Forest is the teacher-scholar ideal and the belief that outstanding undergraduate, graduate and professional programs depend on these complementary activities. Professors are commit- ted to personalized teaching and to the student’s individual devel- opment—both mind and spirit. Wake Forest faculty members are also scholars with strong commitments to research and professional endeavors. e University’s abundant resources and the spirit of Pro Humanitate empower members of the Wake Forest community to aspire to great things and make meaningful contributions to society. We are a close-knit, face-to-face community and our paths intertwine frequently…on a social level, across disciplines and through interdisciplinary research, and in the interaction between faculty, sta , and students. We are a place where accomplished individuals, who believe in the power of the mind and the conscience, are challenged to live examined and purposeful lives. 1
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. N We pursue knowledge—not just to better ourselves, but to better society. I Far from elite theorists, we embrace the personal bonds that connect us to each other and all of mankind. B We are not passive observers, but active catalysts for change. R We not only have original ideas, but also have the wherewithal to put them into action. I We do more than understand the way things are. We ask how they could be better. A We have developed our minds, characters and careers, and we use them to advance our world. W A W F . 4
  • 7. One of the country’s most respected ethically informed education of the In addition to extensive programs in private academic institutions, Wake whole person, inspired by religious international studies, entrepreneur- Forest o ers a singular education heritage and civic responsibility, ship, and service, its graduate school whose purpose is to help students in a climate that values personal in arts and sciences, and professional develop the courage and con dence growth, community interaction, schools in law, medicine, management, to live a thoughtful and meaningful and individual honor. and divinity, enrich the intellectual life. Combining the bene ts of a small environment and provide resources liberal arts college with the academic On its beautiful campus in the heart to undergraduates. resources of a larger university, Wake of North Carolina, Wake Forest’s brick Forest has a singular niche in higher and limestone buildings, well-ordered Founded in 1834, Wake Forest was education. quadrangles and face-to-face com- originally located in the small town of munity will make you feel at home the same name outside the state capital New Wake Forest students, faculty from the rst. Dedicated faculty of Raleigh. e medical school moved and alumni ask questions and seek teacher-scholars; curious and eager to Winston-Salem in 1941 and the answers; in the labs in Winston-Salem students, cutting edge technology, and rest of the College followed in 1956. or in the rainforests of the Amazon, athletic and social activities distinguish e University is comprised of they share their knowledge to produce a school that is small in size but broad Wake Forest College and the Wayne successful solutions. In the classrooms in scope. Calloway School of Business and of Tribble Hall or the parched elds Accountancy; the Graduate School of of Kenya, they believe that the mind With less than 4,500 undergraduates Arts and Sciences; the School of Law; has the power to change the world. and a student:faculty ratio of 10:1, the Babcock Graduate School of Man- But more importantly, they believe Wake Forest provides the intimacy agement; and the School of Divinity, that the mind, coupled with a sound and personal attention characteristic all located on the main, or Reynolda conscience, has the power to change of America’s most selective private Campus; and the Wake Forest School the world for the better. Wake Forest institutions. Yet Wake Forest is a of Medicine, located about four miles graduates are prepared to serve and world-class university with the away on the Bowman Gray Campus. make a meaningful di erence academic reputation and research in the world. Wake Forest o ers an activity found at larger universities. 5
  • 8. W A W F .
  • 9. When I decided to spend my summer break in student, I was able to enter leadership roles as soon as I Bangladesh as an intern with Grameen Bank, the 2006 got here, and the opportunities to get involved and make Nobel Prize-winning micro finance organization, I seemed change for the better are endless. I guess all colleges or to have forgotten that the months of May and June in universities you are looking at will claim that they offer a Southeast Asia are not pleasant. But I knew I would get first-class education and student activities which will help through. I knew no matter how ill I felt, no matter how you, over the next four years, find out what you want to many mosquitoes drained my sweet Baltimore blood, do for the rest of your life. But if you want more, if you are and no matter how hard the experience was going to get, ready to start living now, if you are ready to forge the person I was going to get through. I often look back at the who you will become, if you are ready to forget the phrase trials and tribulations I have faced...I have never uttered the “I can’t” and replace it with “I will,” I urge you to choose words or thought, “I can’t.” Quitting, failing, conceding are Wake Forest University. Your future is waiting. not in my vocabulary. I have learned during my time at Wake Forest that if there is a will there is a way; as long as I really Zahir Rahman (‘10) care about something and maintain an inner passion to see Timonium, Maryland my vision fulfilled, I can and will do it. My experience at Wake Forest has not only helped me develop academi- cally but spiritually and socially as well. Even as a first-year 7
  • 10. A
  • 11. A Wake Forest education seeks to e University o ers coursework physics, political science, psychology, honor the ideals of liberal learning, leading to any one of thirty-seven religion, Russian, sociology, Spanish, which entail commitment to transmis- academic majors that begins with studio art or theatre. e bachelor of sion of cultural heritages; teaching rst-year seminars and continues arts degree is available with a major the modes of learning in the basic through courses that satisfy divisional in elementary education or education disciplines of human knowledge; requirements and electives. Students with a state teacher’s license in social developing critical appreciation of may take introductory courses in the studies. A minor in secondary social moral, aesthetic, and religious values; following divisions: languages and studies education is also available. advancing the frontiers of knowledge literature; the natural sciences and through in-depth study and research; mathematics; history, religion and e bachelor of science degree is and applying and using knowledge philosophy; the social and behavioral conferred with a major in biology, in the service of humanity. sciences; and the arts. (See sample chemistry, computer science, health course listings, page 42.) and exercise science, mathematical is is a place where students and economics, mathematics or physics. faculty are encouraged to pursue Wake Forest College o ers undergrad- e bachelor of science degree may their interests and, at the same time, uate programs leading to the bachelor be conferred in combined curricula contribute their talents. Student- of arts and bachelor of science degrees. in engineering, environmental studies faculty interaction is integral to the e bachelor of arts degree is con- and medical technology. Wake Forest experience. Whether ferred with a major in anthropology, sharing discussion with you outside art history, biology, chemistry, e Wayne Calloway School of class, working with you on individual Chinese, classical studies, communica- Business and Accountancy o ers research projects, or inviting you for tion, computer science, economics, undergraduate programs leading to dinner at their home, our faculty English, French, German, German the bachelor of science degree with create opportunities for your studies, Greek, history, Japanese, a major in accountancy, business, intellectual and personal growth. Latin, mathematics, music in liberal nance or mathematical business. arts, music performance, philosophy, 9
  • 12. NOBLE I spent seven weeks in Recife, Brazil, researching the at night, I immediately put my qualitative data in my journal. importance of community health care agents on the early I got a rush from simply putting in the data and knowing at diagnosis of childhood cancer. During my time there, that specific moment in time, I was the only person in the I conducted interviews with patients’ families, visited world that had the data from my research. Never before in numerous impoverished neighborhoods in which the my life had I felt so proud of the work I had done and also community agents worked, and traveled to health care felt I was making a contribution to society. agent training programs. My time in Brazil was the single best experience in my life. I learned a tremendous amount Christina Chauvenet (’08) about conducting field research, improved my Portuguese, Charleston, West Virginia and got to know an entirely new culture. Most importantly, though, I went through a period of self-growth that has made me more confident about myself. When I came home 10
  • 13.
  • 14. W A W F .
  • 15. Your experience will not be limited commitment by each person to do course. With a superior record in to the classroom. You may go hiking what is right and abide by community that course and a grade point average with friends from the literary society standards. of 3.0 in all work, a student may be or spend spring break on a service graduated with the distinction trip to rebuild homes of hurricane For students talented in individual “Honors in the Arts and Sciences.” victims. You may study abroad and areas of study, most departments in the nd yourself writing in a journal from College o er special studies leading to For highly motivated students, there the balcony of Casa Artom, Wake graduation with honors in a particular is an Open Curriculum Program in Forest’s residential center overlooking discipline. Selected students are invited which some regular degree require- Venice’s Grand Canal, or taking a to participate in interdisciplinary ments are modi ed. short ride to some of the world’s honors courses that include com- greatest museums from Worrell parative study of important historic e University has produced eleven House in London. You may conduct a gures, including artists, writers, and Rhodes Scholars since 1986. Numer- research project in the Amazon jungle scientists. Students may participate in ous students have received Marshall, or intern at Parliament. three or more honors seminars during Truman, Goldwater, Fulbright, their rst, sophomore and junior years. Mellon, Luce and National Science Integral to the Wake Forest experience ose who complete four seminars Foundation awards or other honors are the ideals of honor and integrity. with a superior record and who are not in recent years. As such, the Honor System is central candidates for departmental honors to University life; its essence is a may complete a nal directed study 13
  • 16.
  • 17. I always knew I’d go to college, then to medical school. to study and classes, I spent a lot of time just living. It really My success was not a possibility, it was a certainty. I took is true that you don’t fully appreciate things until they are the “difficult” classes and chose to involve myself more taken away from you. Being challenged for the first time, in than the average high school student. It was my way of a new environment and choosing to fight for excellence has standing out. There were moments of uncertainty, insecurity, defined who I am today. There are several good schools, bred by the college admissions process. But still, looking but the challenges, the opportunities, and the people made back, I know part of me always believed in my ability to Wake Forest the right choice for me. The fact is, having excel. Then I chose Wake Forest. graduated from Wake Forest, I am stronger, more intelli- gent, and better equipped to handle my life and dreams. The first two years are almost indescribable. I learned a lot about myself, became immersed in a completely new Sylvia Holcombe (‘06) culture, and expanded my world. In between learning how Winston-Salem, North Carolina 15
  • 18. I N T I M AT E There are few things that can match the experience one So when people ask me what I did in Russia, I do not gains on an international service trip. Fortunately for me, talk about the cafeteria we repainted or the holes in the I was lucky enough to attend two of these to Orphanage classroom we plastered shut. Instead I talk about coloring #105 in Moscow, Russia, during my four years at Wake with Andre or that one afternoon I got to play basketball Forest. It has been a combination of these two experiences with Sergei and Sasha. Because I think that when people that has come not only to define my time at Wake Forest, say, “Pro Humanitate,” or “for humanity,” they think of but also myself as I look to the future. All the children are actions that specifically help others. But my experiences well fed, clothed, and attend classes daily. The real fate of with these trips have shown me the impact those in need these children, however, lay beyond first impressions. For can have on you. instance, one child, Andre, who became a favorite of many in the group because of his outgoing and playful nature, was Joseph Lazazzero (’08) found abandoned in a trash can only a few months before Marlborough, Massachusetts our visit. Despite going to work there for two years, I know that I really did very little to improve these children’s lives… 16
  • 19. W A W F .
  • 20. Wake Forest considers study Wake Forest, in partnership with the civic-mindedness of students, outside the traditional classroom, Ewing Marion Kau man Foundation, faculty, and administrators. Special for a semester or a summer term, an strives to promote entrepreneurship community service programs invaluable complement to on-campus in the liberal arts curriculum. While include the City of Joy Scholars, opportunities. In an age of global- many people think of entrepreneur- HOPE Program, America Reads & ization, study abroad is critical to a ship in business terms, Wake For- Counts, Wake Alternative Spring student’s intellectual and personal est’s de nition is more inclusive. It Break, Project Pumpkin and growth. Fi y- ve percent of students connotes not only economic value, Community Work Study Placements. graduating from Wake Forest have but also social, intellectual, artistic, studied internationally. e Center and spiritual value. e Center for With a grant from the Lilly Endow- for International Studies coordinates Entrepreneurship supports students, ment, Wake Forest created semester programs at University- faculty and sta who want to develop the Pro Humanitate Center to owned residential study centers in new venture ideas or are just generally encourage the development of London, Venice and Vienna, as well interested in entrepreneurship. Classes opportunities for students to explore as other programs including: Beijing, in entrepreneurship are available, the concept of “vocation” from China; Dijon, France; Hirakata, Japan; and students can elect to minor in multiple perspectives, including Salamanca, Spain; and Cambridge, entrepreneurship and social enterprise. humanitarian values and religious/ England. During the summer, Wake spiritual beliefs. e center sponsors Forest students study in places such Over half of undergraduate students events that address a variety of topics as Bénin, Morocco, Vietnam, Peru, make volunteerism a priority in their including social justice concerns, Mexico, Nicaragua or across Europe. educational experience. Many cultural/religious diversity, and e Center for International Studies volunteer regularly at local service political/economic/environmental advises students on a number of agencies. e O ce of Volunteer issues. ere is an online resource approved programs which o er a wide Services provides curricular and library for students who are interested variety of academic options in over co-curricular opportunities that in continuing their commitment to seventy countries across six continents. cultivate responsibility and service a er graduation. 18
  • 21. I am sure you mastered the fundamentals of U.S. history invites you not simply to learn what happened when, in your honors and AP courses, but I doubt you have though that is important, but to think about how and read books by preeminent scholars and then sat down why scholars write history and to try your own hand at to dinner with them. What about writing history yourself? interpreting the past. Have you ever visited archives where you read yellowed documents crackling with age, or interviewed individu- Michele Gillespie als whose decision-making changed the course of events? Kahle Family Professor of History History is no dried out bunch of facts but a living, breathing Associate Provost for Academic Initiatives discipline, always in flux as we unearth new and different sources and ask new and better questions. Wake Forest 19
  • 22.
  • 24. BOLD College is the time to discover your passions, expand Being a student here means that you will be a member of a your horizons, meet new people, and test your limits. This close-knit community with welcoming undergraduates and is what Wake Forest has done for me. Sure, academics are faculty. It means that a professor from your first year will still important, but school is not just about academics. And recognize you as a junior. It means making friends with stu- Wake Forest is well aware of the learning that can take place dents who are motivated, intelligent, involved—just like you. outside of the classroom through internships, research, study abroad, or volunteering. Wake Forest has been a Kate Rogers (’09) life-changing experience for me, especially when I studied Hendersonville, North Carolina abroad at Casa Artom, the University-owned house on the Grand Canal in Venice. 22
  • 25. Academic resources–including e University maintains an extensive rough a network login ID and libraries and information technology– online information system that in- password, Wake Forest students have are literally at the students’ ngertips cludes documentation, class schedules access to e-mail, so ware packages in Wake Forest’s wireless computing and grades, University-wide activity and network services and resources. environment. Libraries o er more calendars, and Wake Forest University e Wake Forest Information than one million volumes, periodicals libraries’ information. e Student, Network (WIN) provides students, and micro che, as well as advanced an online news magazine for students, faculty and sta with a dynamic list of technology. e online catalog can be and the electronic version of the services, including online directories, accessed from all campus buildings via Old Gold and Black, the student course registration, electronic vot- the campus network or from anywhere newspaper, are also available online. ing, online textbook ordering, vehicle via the Web. Specially trained students provide registration and an alumni career on-site technical support in residence networking service. A comprehensive technology plan halls and a professionally sta ed provides students with powerful hard- Information Systems Service Desk ware and so ware. provides walk-in and phone support. 23
  • 26. UNIVERSITY: Private, four-year, liberal arts MOTTO: Pro Humanitate “for humanity” STUDENT:FACULTY RATIO: 10:1 ACADEMIC MAJORS: 37 SCHOOL COLORS: Wake Forest Gold and Black TEAM NAME: Demon Deacons, Atlantic Coast Conference DEGREES OFFERED: BA, BA, MA, MS, MAEd, MALS, MDiv, PhD, MBA, JD, JD/MBA, LLM, MD/MBA, PhD/Physician Assistant Studies 2008-09 STUDENT EXPENSES: Tuition $ 36,975 Room and board (estimate) $ 9,945 Books (estimate) $ 850 First-year parking fee $ 225 Student activity fee $ 100 Student health service fee $ 316 Total $ 47,771 ENROLLMENT (FALL 2008): Undergraduate College 4,412 (includes Calloway School of Business and Accountancy) Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 736 Babcock Graduate School of Management 479 School of Medicine 454 School of Law 492 School of Divinity 119 Physician Assistant Studies 96 Total 6,788 APPLICATION DEADLINES: Early Decision Admission/November 15 Regular Decision Admission/January 15 SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES: Presidential Scholarships for Distinguished Achievement/Separate application due by December 1. Other Honor Scholarships—Candidates are urged to complete an application for admission by January 1.
  • 27.
  • 28. S L
  • 29. Wake Forest has an organization ere are nine varsity sports for men students are a liated with a fraternity or club to meet the interest of every and nine for women. Men’s sports or sorority. Fraternities and sororities, student, and if one doesn’t exist, stu- are football, basketball, baseball, in addition to conducting social dents usually take the initiative to form soccer, tennis, cross-country, track functions, are involved in campus one. e campus is a culturally vibrant and eld and golf. For women, there and community service projects that community where the arts are active are basketball, eld hockey (three- include Project Pumpkin and the Brian and stimulating. Most days there is at time NCAA Champions), golf, tennis, Piccolo Cancer Fund Drive. ere is least one ne arts event on the Univer- cross-country, volleyball, track and a service fraternity on campus as well sity calendar, perhaps a poetry read- eld and soccer. as chapters of professional fraternities ing, concert, lm or lecture. Concerts and honor societies. and art shows by faculty and students e Demon Deacon football team are scheduled throughout the year, as has competed in back-to-back postsea- are performances by nationally known son bowls, and men’s soccer won the artists in the Secrest Artists Series. ACC title and the 2007 NCAA Men’s e Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art College Cup. Gallery displays works by prominent artists, as well as students and faculty, e O ce of Campus Recreation and Wake Forest’s Museum of coordinates a Club Sports Program Anthropology provides exhibits and that competes with other colleges and classes. Located near campus is universities. Events include ballroom Reynolda House Museum of dancing, baseball, crew, equestrian, American Art, which houses one of fencing, eld hockey, lacrosse, rugby, the Southeast’s foremost collections. soccer, so ball, Ultimate Frisbee and wrestling. Intramural sports are a Athletics are integral to the college popular outlet for about 85 percent of experience, and at Wake Forest there the students and include ag football, is no shortage of occasions to wave the water polo, tennis, so ball, soccer, Wake Forest gold and black. Compet- volleyball, bowling and racquetball. ing in the prestigious Atlantic Coast Conference and NCAA Division I, Scholarship, leadership, service and Wake Forest teams are consistently friendship are the values on which among the leaders, both athletically all fraternities and sororities were and academically. founded. Approximately 45 percent of 27
  • 30. W A W F .
  • 31. Wake Forest guarantees housing for A er the rst year, students can usu- misbehavior as a result of intoxication eight semesters for all undergraduates ally choose their own roommates and or drug use are serious o enses and will who are admitted as resident students. rooms. e O ce of Residence Life and result in disciplinary action, including Most undergraduates choose to live on Housing works with students during possible dismissal from the University. campus, enjoying the convenience of the fall room selection process in April Due process is protected in all residence halls, townhouses or student of every year. Students may be assigned disciplinary matters. apartments. First-year and second- to any on-campus space, including year students are required to live in spaces in Polo Road-area houses and e Benson University Center houses residence halls unless they live with special-interest housing, and may not o ces for Student Government and parents in the Winston-Salem area. be able to choose their roommate. student organizations, a food court, a lm theatre, a game room and In general, residence halls are coedu- Wake Forest makes every e ort to study and lounge areas. e Kenneth cational by oor or wing. Students may accommodate students with disabilities D. Miller Center includes a practice also apply for substance-free housing and other special needs. For informa- gymnasium for the men’s and women’s (no smoking or alcohol are permitted), tion on the University’s policies and basketball teams as well as activity which is available on a limited basis. All procedures, contact the Learning space for the general student body for buildings have wireless connections in Assistance Center at 336.758.5929. weight training, aerobics and other individual rooms and common areas. exercise activities. Rooms are equipped with beds, closet, As a residential student, you will be desks, cable television connection, and expected to conform to the rules Wake Forest’s main dining hall and hard-wired computer outlets, and a established for the safety and welfare food court provide a wide variety of Microfridge combination microwave of all. Other stipulations and conditions menus and healthy eating choices. and refrigerator/freezer unit. Laundry of residence life are available in writing All students living on campus are facilities are available in or near all from the O ce of Residence Life and required to participate in the dining residence halls. Housing or online in the Guide to plan program. Dining plans are Community Living. accepted at the two all-you-care-to-eat e University assigns roommates locations on campus: the Reynolda for the rst year based on a number of Wake Forest expects students to Cafeteria “the Pit” and the Magnolia factors that indicate compatibility and conduct themselves in a manner that Room. Students can also supplement common interests. While it is generally upholds the University’s high standards. their dining plans with Deacon Dollars the practice to make these assignments Students are subject to state and local to make purchases at the Benson Center in pairs and in double rooms, some regulations concerning alcoholic and Information Systems food courts, single rooms will be assigned, and some beverages and drugs. North Carolina campus convenience stores, Subway students may be assigned more than law prohibits the consumption or pur- (on Hearn Plaza [the Quad]), Campus one roommate in a triple room. chase of alcoholic beverages by anyone Grounds Co ee Shop at Taylor under age 21. Public consumption or Hall, and Starbucks at Z. Smith display of liquors, wines or beers is Reynolds Library. prohibited. Public intoxication and 29
  • 32. A
  • 33. Wake Forest has high academic and social studies, two in a single for- As part of this policy change, the standards and competitive admissions eign language, and one in the natural admissions o ce strongly encourages criteria. e University seeks intelligent, sciences. Most admitted students will personal interviews. Interviews will be curious and highly motivated students have pursued a challenging curriculum conducted on campus by admissions of- who are interested in a lifetime of of Advanced Placement or Interna- cers. To schedule an interview, contact learning and in using their knowledge tional Baccalaureate courses. A limited the admissions o ce at 336.758.5201. in service to humanity. number of applicants may be admitted without the high school diploma, with Like other universities, Wake Forest is You can expect to be challenged by a particular attention given to ability, asked to provide standardized test score rigorous academic environment. Your maturity and motivation. data to outside agencies. For this data professors will be dedicated to their to be accurate, Wake Forest will ask subject matter and to stimulating Beginning with the rst-year class of students who have taken standardized discussion in class. You will be encour- 2009, Wake Forest is making college tests but chose not to submit during aged to think critically, form opinions entrance examinations optional for the admissions process to provide them and articulate them. A student:faculty admission. Students, who in the past a er they are accepted and before they ratio of 10:1 allows rst-year students to were required to submit either the SAT enroll at Wake Forest. get to know their professors. Most class- or ACT as part of their applications, es have less than twenty- ve students, can decide if they want their standard- and rst-year students have at least two ized test scores to be considered. seminar classes with less than sixteen students. With the exception of health Candidates for admission must furnish classes and some laboratories, all classes evidence of maturity and educational are taught by faculty members, not achievement including written respons- graduate students. es and academic records, plus evidence of character and motivation for study Regular Admission as a rst-year in the College. High school curriculum student normally requires graduation and classroom performance com- from an accredited secondary school bined with the student’s writing ability, with a minimum of sixteen units extracurricular activities and evidence of high school credit. ese should of character and talent are the most include at least four units in English, important criteria for admission. three in mathematics, two in history 31
  • 34. The admissions application dead- A $50 processing fee must accompany Failure to make the admission deposit line for fall enrollment for rst-year an application. It cannot be applied to is taken as cancellation of application students is January 15. To receive full later charges for admitted students or by the student. consideration for scholarship pro- refunded for others. e University grams, students should submit a com- reserves the right to deny admission to EARLY DECISION ADMISSION plete application le prior to January any applicant without explanation. Early Decision is for students who 1. Presidential Scholarship candidates, have selected Wake Forest as their which requires a separate application, rst-choice school and only early Application Deadlines must le all forms by December 1. All decision choice. Students may submit applicants are noti ed of admission regular decision applications to other decision on or about April 1. institutions. Students may submit an application at any time a er REGULAR DECISION completion of the junior year and no Transfer applications for the fall Scholarship Deadlines later than November 15. Decisions semester will be reviewed beginning on these applications are made on a April 1 with spring semester applica- rolling basis. Students agree to enroll tions beginning review on Novem- if accepted and to withdraw regular ber 1. Transfer students are strongly applications from other colleges. A encouraged to submit the application $500 non-refundable deposit is due prior to these dates. Applications are by January 1. o en accepted for review a er these dates. For more information, please Candidates for Early Decision are contact the admissions o ce. A non-refundable admission deposit expected to have completed, or to be is required of all students accepted enrolled in, courses to complete all Wake Forest accepts the Common and must be sent to the O ce of the natural science, foreign language, Application and the Universal College Undergraduate Admissions by English and mathematics requirements Application in lieu of its own form January 1 for Early Decision candi- of secondary school. Along with the and gives equal consideration to all. dates and by May 1 for Regular high school record, written responses A supplement is required and is avail- Decision candidates. e deposit is and recommendations, a personal able at credited toward rst-semester fees. interview is strongly recommended. 32
  • 35. Decisions are based upon grades and Equivalent preparation credit for honorable dismissal stating eligibility achievements through the junior year. experience since or outside high in all respects to enter the last college An Early Decision agreement (in- school is also available, in speci c attended. A student admitted from cluded in the application) is required areas and under speci ed limitations, another college before fully meeting of every Early Decision applicant. through the College Level Examina- the prescribed admissions require- Applicants who are not admitted are tion subject tests of the Educational ments for entering rst-year students asked to submit rst semester senior- Testing Service. With authorization of must meet the entrance conditions year grades and additional test scores, the department concerned, well-pre- during the rst year at Wake Forest. or they are advised to apply elsewhere. pared applicants for equivalency credit Courses satisfactorily completed in may receive limited college credit by other accredited colleges are subject to Advanced Placement credit for examination. Wake Forest also accepts faculty approval. In general, no credit college level work done in high credit through the International Bac- is allowed for courses not found in the school is available on the basis of calaureate curriculum. Scores of 6 or Wake Forest curriculum. All credits the Advanced Placement examination 7 on the Higher Level (HL) examina- allowed for advanced standing of the College Board and supplemen- tions typically provide for credit; fac- are suspended until the candidate tary information. For most advanced ulty will review scores of 5 for possible has spent one term in residence. placement subjects, a score of 4 or 5 credit or placement. On-campus housing for transfer is required to receive placement or students is limited. credit. Especially well-quali ed e number of transfer students who applicants for advanced standing can be admitted each year depends may also be exempted from some upon the availability of space in the basic courses with credit on the sophomore and junior classes. An authorization of the department applicant for admission who has concerned. (Credit by advanced attended another college must have standing is computed as credit an overall average of at least C on transferred from another college.) all college work attempted and must either be a graduate of a standard junior college or furnish a certi cate of 33
  • 36. F A S NEED-BASED FINANCIAL AID 2008-09 student expenses: 2009/2010 Financial Aid Wake Forest o ers a need-blind Tuition $ 36,975 admissions policy. Applicants should Room and board (estimate) $ 9,945 PROFILE of the College Board not be deterred by costs. Sixty-one Books (estimate) $ 850 percent of the University’s undergrad- First-year parking fee $ 225 com by February 1, 2009; use uates receive some type of nancial as- Student activity fee $ 100 Wake Forest code 5885. sistance, and thirty- ve percent receive Student health service fee $ 316 2009/2010 Free Application for Federal need-based aid. In 2006-07, students Student Aid (FAFSA) with need received average scholar- Total $ 47,771 ship and grant funds of $18,900. With by March 1, 2009; use Wake loan and work-study jobs, a student All costs may increase each year. Forest code 002978. with need can, on average, pay over Resident students must purchase a three- hs of total costs with nancial meal plan. Additional costs include 2008 U.S. Income Tax Returns aid. As one of twenty-eight need-blind those for music lessons and motor schools using the same advanced vehicle registration; other nominal signed copies of o cial tax method of determining need, Wake fees may be assessed. Students should returns for both the student and Forest is making special e orts to as- include their own estimates of trans- parents (including all schedules, sure that students from a broad range portation and miscellaneous personal W-2 wage statements, of family incomes receive the assis- expenses in planning for the total cost partnership tax returns, and tance that they need. of college. S-Corporation tax returns) to the College Board’s IDOC ose families not qualifying for need- APPLYING FOR FINANCIAL AID? Service. based programs may take advantage of Consider applying simultaneously for student and parent loans that are not need-based aid and merit-based schol- NOTIFICATION OF AID PACKAGES based on need, as well as other long- arships. e following documents are Students admitted through the term nancing programs to make costs required for full consideration for all binding Early Decision admission plan manageable; for detailed information, need-based aid programs administered may receive tentative aid estimates in visit naid or write to by the University; the O ce of Student mid-December 2008 by submitting the O ce of Student Financial Aid, Financial Aid may request additional the PROFILE to the College Board P.O. Box 7246, Winston-Salem, NC documents during its review. e dates by November 1, 2008, and 2007 27109-7246. listed represent priority deadlines to U.S. income tax returns to the O ce ensure timely aid noti cation for of Student Financial Aid by Decem- regular admission applicants. ber 1, 2008. Tentative aid estimates are subject to the receipt of 2008 U.S. 34
  • 37. income tax returns and 2009/2010 grants for individually designed e Presidential Scholarships for FAFSA results by March 1, 2009, and study projects. Graylyn Scholars Distinguished Achievement provide may change signi cantly when 2008 demonstrate exceptional promise up to twenty $12,500 awards to income is used to recalculate eligibility. in academics and leadership. recognize students who present solid academic credentials and who Most scholarships do not require a e Guy T. and Clara Carswell fund show evidence of extraordinary talent separate application, though they provides up to six scholarships to cover in one of the following areas: art, may require an on-campus interview. tuition, room, board, and allowances community service, dance, debate, Students completing an application for personal needs, as well as summer entrepreneurial activity, leadership, for undergraduate admission by grants for individually designed proj- music, theatre, and writing for January 15 are automatically consid- ects. Carswell Scholarships recognize publication. Complete the Presidential ered for scholarship awards; however, outstanding qualities of intellect and Scholarship Application and an candidates are strongly urged to leadership. e Carswell Scholarship application for undergraduate admis- submit a completed application le by may continue to Wake Forest School sion by December 1 to be considered. January 1. of Law provided the candidate gains admission. e continuation scholar- Presidential Scholarships for Distin- ship has a minimum value of $1,500. guished Achievement require a Students are eligible for consideration separate application and applications within the rst ve years of the date of must be submitted by December 1. graduation from Wake Forest College. e Nancy Susan Reynolds fund e Joseph G. Gordon fund provides provides up to six scholarships to up to seven scholarships to students cover tuition, room, board, and among constituencies historically allowances for books and personal underrepresented at Wake Forest. needs, as well as summer grants for Gordon Scholarships cover tuition, individually designed study projects. room, board, and allowances for Reynolds Scholars are extraordinarily personal needs, as well as summer capable and creative leaders. grants for individually designed e Graylyn fund provides one projects. Recipients of this scholarship scholarship to cover tuition, room, have a record of excellence in both board, and allowances for books and the classroom and community, with personal needs, as well as summer special emphasis on leadership. 35
  • 38. RESOURCEFUL Your four years as an undergraduate will inevitably prove foundation for understanding the forces and patterns that to be some of the most exciting, challenging, and formative structure our world. Luckily, there are many excellent col- years of your life. You will find that there are countless ways leges and universities poised to prepare you for whatever to answer a question and countless more ways to question life brings, but I feel that Wake Forest stands out from the an answer. In this process, you will pull all-nighters memoriz- rest. The small class sizes allow you to interact with profes- ing the names of philosophers, learning to conjugate verbs sors in a way that stimulates intellectual growth; and the for a foreign language class, and sketching out biochemi- abundance of resources available to undergraduates here cal pathways only to feel like you’ve forgotten everything a allows you to pursue your emerging interests on campus, in week after the exam. You will discover your limitations and the community, and around the globe. surprise yourself when you defy them. Yet, through all of this, if your time as an undergraduate is successful, you will Chris Jackson (‘08) become conversant in many languages that animate the hu- Lebanon, Virginia man experience. From philosophy and ethics to mathemat- ics, biochemistry, and human relationships you will build a 36
  • 39. W A W F .
  • 40. The William Louis Poteat fund Heritage Scholarships are awarded Wake Forest provides funding provides up to twenty scholarships to students with special gi s in the to National Merit Finalists who with values as much as $12,500. liberal arts and sciences who have designate Wake Forest as their e award is based on student demonstrated their academic rst-choice school. Annual awards leadership in a Baptist church in North potential, critical curiosity, and of $1,000 (extending up to $2,000 Carolina, as well as excellent academic passion for learning. e Heritage depending upon need) are renewable and extracurricular accomplishment. Scholarship was established in 2000 with satisfactory performance for Recipients must be residents of North by an anonymous donor to encourage up to a total of four years of under- Carolina. A portion of the awards students with signi cant need, who graduate study. give preference to applicants who have grown up in small towns, have demonstrated nancial need. to consider attending Wake Forest. Mindful of its location and heritage, All applicants are encouraged to ese scholarships are awarded to Wake Forest o ers many scholarships le for nancial aid. Complete an students with a commitment to only to in-state students. While a num- application for undergraduate sharing their special gi s through ber of these scholarships are awarded admission by January 15 and submit service, in the spirit of the University’s solely on academic merit, Wake a letter of recommendation from motto, Pro Humanitate. is is Forest awards a variety of scholarships a member of your church to the a competitive need-based scholarship, each year to worthy and needy North merit-based scholarship o ce to and applicants must complete an Carolinians who submit both FAFSA be considered for this scholarship. application for undergraduate and CSS Pro le forms. Complete admission by January 15 and le an application for undergraduate the CSS Pro le and FAFSA forms admission by January 15 and le to demonstrate nancial need by for nancial aid by March 1 to March 1. be considered for these scholarship programs. 38
  • 41. S A Please contact the O ce of Merit-Based OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships to request any required Scholarships are available through the Army applications materials. Reserve O cers Training Corps (AROTC) pro- gram to recognize academic and extracurricular P.O. Box 7305, Winston-Salem achievement and leadership potential; application NC 27109-7305 materials are available from the Department of 336.758.4209 Military Science, P.O. Box 7599, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7599. e nationally prominent Wake Forest Debate Most scholarships do not require separate Program o ers a small number of scholarships; application. Students completing applications application materials are available from the for undergraduate admissions by January 15 are Debate Program, P.O. Box 7347, Winston-Salem, automatically considered; for full consideration NC 27109-7347. candidates are strongly encouraged to submit application by January 1. e Departments of Music, Art, eatre, and Mathematics, as well as the Wayne Calloway e Presidential Scholarship for Distinguished School of Business and Accountancy, o er schol- Achievement requires a separate application arships to select rst-year or upperclass students; (submit by December 1, 2008). prospective candidates should contact the speci c department for information. e William Louis Poteat Scholarship requires a letter of recommendation from a member of the For information on athletic scholarships, student’s church (submit by January 15, 2009). please call the Athletics Media Relations o ce at 336.758.5640. Application for need-based aid is required for the following programs: Brown, Fletcher, Heritage, Hankins, Kutteh, Lowden, K.W. Smith, Z.T. Smith, and Woodard. See the application details in the need-based aid section of this bulletin. 39
  • 42. R G
  • 43. The Wake Forest College core cur- Courses and degree requirements A student graduates under the riculum provides broad competencies are computed in terms of hours, with requirements of the bulletin of the year in the areas of critical thinking and courses usually carrying three hours in which he or she enters. However, analysis of arguments; oral and written but ranging from one-half hour to four when a student declares a major or a communication; quantitative reasoning; hours. e average course load consists minor, the requirements for the major understanding cross-cultural perspec- of 15 hours per semester. A minimum or minor that are in e ect at the time tives; and understanding the modes of of 12 hours is required for full-time of declaration will apply. learning across disciplines. status. A minimum of 120 hours is required to earn a BA or BS degree. To prepare for the demands of technol- Students graduating from Wake Forest ogy and globalization, students must must complete a core curriculum com- Although it is not required, students also complete at least one course that prising basic and divisional require- may choose to complete the require- requires quantitative reasoning and one ments. e basic requirements include ments for a minor in addition to their course that includes a cultural diversity a rst-year seminar; a writing seminar; declared major. Minors are available component. Numerous electives at each one 200-level foreign language course; in most elds. Many departments o er level of study qualify. and two courses in health and exer- honors programs for highly quali ed cise science. Divisional requirements majors. Interdisciplinary minors are State certi cation is available in include two courses in the humani- o ered in areas such as American elementary and secondary education. ties, one literature course, one ne arts ethnic studies, East Asian studies, Courses and advising are also o ered course, two courses in the social environmental sciences, humanities, for pre-medical and pre-law students. sciences and two courses in mathemat- international studies, and women’s and ics and natural sciences. Departments gender studies. Additionally, foreign decide which courses satisfy divisional areas of study in Italian and Spanish requirements. are available. Students may also elect to major in two departments, although Core courses are o en completed only one undergraduate degree will during the rst two years of study. be awarded. Requirements for a major and related elds are generally completed in the junior and senior years. 41
  • 44. SAMPLE COURSE LISTING Cultures/Anthropology of Gender/Language Videography/Printmaking Workshop/Interna- and Gender/Peoples and Cultures of South tional Studies in Art/English Art, Hogarth to A liberal arts curriculum builds skills in a variety Asia/Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism/Economic the Present/Venetian Renaissance Art/Studies in of disciplines, and every Wake Forest student Anthropology/Culture and Nature/Anthropo- French Art/Austrian Art and Architecture selects courses from a range of choices in the logical eory/Development Wars: Applying arts and sciences. e following sample shows Anthropology/Field Research/Language and BIOLOGY the depth and variety of the undergraduate cur- Culture/Native Peoples of North America/Evo- Biology and the Human Condition/Biological riculum. Not all courses are o ered every semester lution of Human Behavior/Medical Anthropol- Principles/Comparative Physiology/Evolu- or every year. Independent research, independent ogy/Primate Behavior and Biology/Primate tionary and Ecological Biology/Genetics and study, internships, honors work, and seminars Evolutionary Biology/Evolutionary Medicine/ Molecular Biology/Cellular Biology/Biodiver- are o ered in most disciplines. Electives choices Human Evolution/Human Osteology/Old sity/Topics in Biology/Biophysics/Evolution/ that ful ll interdisciplinary minor requirements World Prehistory/Prehistory of North America/ Population Genetics/Plant Physiology and are taken from a variety of departmental course Archaeology of Southeastern United States/ Development/Comparative Anatomy/Parasitol- o erings. e 2009-2010 Undergraduate Bulletin Ancestors, Indians, Immigrants: A Southwest ogy/Biomechanics/Animal Behavior/Hormones is available online at Cultural Tapestry/Conservation Archaeology/ and Behavior/Chronobiology/Microbiology/ publications/academics/ and lists courses for Anthropological Statistics/Field Programs in Invertebrates/Vertebrates/Insect Biology/Plants majors, minors, interdisciplinary minors, and Anthropological and Cultural Archaeology and People/Plant Systematics/Principles of programs. Visit departmental Web pages for Biosystematics/Ecology/Marine Biology/Aquatic more information at Click on the ARABIC Ecology/Tropical Ecology/Tropical Marine Academics link. Elementary Arabic/Intermediate Arabic/ Ecology/Neurobiology/Physiological Plant Introduction to Arabic Literature/Basic Arabic Ecology/Tropical Biodiversity/Conservation AMERICAN ETHNIC STUDIES Conversation Biology/Vertebrate Physiology/Developmental Race and Ethnic Diversity in America/ e Neuroscience/Vertebrate Endocrinology/Avian American Jewish Experience/Ethnicity and ART Biology/Genomics/Development/Microbial Immigration/Asian-American Legacy: A Social History of Western Art/Topics in World Art/ e Pathogenesis/Immunology/Sensory Biology/ History of Community Adaptation/Race, Class, History of World Architecture/American Visual Biology of the Cell/Virology/ e Cell Biological and Gender in a Color-blind Society/Studies in Arts/African-American Art/American Archi- Basis of Disease/Biochemistry: Macromolecules Chicano Literature/ e Italian Experience in tecture/Ancient Art/Greek Art/Roman Art/ and Metabolism/Molecular Biology/ e Biology America/African-American Fiction/African- Romanesque Art/ e Gothic Cathedral/Luxury of Fishes/Community Ecology/Biogeography/ American Poetry Arts in the Middle Ages/ e History of Prints/ Biostatistics/Oceanography/Practical Oceanog- e History of Photography/Classics of World raphy/Research in Biology/Biomedical Ethics ACCOUNTANCY Cinema/Topics in Film History/Art in the Age Introductory Financial Accounting/Financial of Giotto, Dante, and the Plague/Early Italian BUSINESS Accounting eory and Problems I, II/Introduc- Renaissance Art/High Renaissance and Manner- Introduction to Business Communications/ tory Management Accounting/Taxes and eir ist Art/Northern Renaissance Art/Baroque Introduction to Business So ware/Professional Role in Business and Personal Decisions/Inter- Art/Rococo to Revolution: e Art of Life Skills/Foundations of Entrepreneurship/ national Accounting/Professional Accounting Eighteenth-Century Europe/History of Land- Field Study/Quantitative Analysis I, II/Seminar: Internship/Accounting Information Systems/ scape Architecture/Nineteenth-Century Art/ Contemporary Issues in Business/Organiza- Introduction to Auditing Modern Art Since 1900/Contemporary Ameri- tional Behavior/Human Resource Management/ can Art/Modern Architecture/Management in Entrepreneurship/Seminar in Comparative ANTHROPOLOGY the Visual Arts/American Foundations/Women Management/Leading in the Nonpro t Sector/ Peoples and Cultures of the World/Introduction and Art/Issues in Art History/Art History Change Management/Principles of Marketing/ to Archaeology/Introduction to Biological An- Seminar/Topics in Studio Art/Introduction to Global Marketing Strategy/Selected Topics in thropology/Introduction to Cultural Anthropol- Studio Art Fundamentals/Introductory courses Marketing/Marketing Research/Consumer ogy/Introduction to Linguistics/Introduction to in drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, Behavior/Marketing Communications/Sports Latin-American Studies/Forensic Anthropology/ and sculpture/Re-Imaging Berlin/Intermediate Marketing/Principles of Finance/Advanced Free Trade, Fair Trade: Independent Entrepre- Drawing/Painting I,II, III/Digital Art I, II, III/ Financial Management/Investment Analysis/ neurs in the Global Market/Museum Anthro- Public Art/Sculpture Fabrication/Intermediate Intermediate Drawing/International Finance/ pology/Collections Management Practicum/ Printmaking/Figure Drawing/Darkroom Pho- Fixed-Income and Securitization/Financial Tradition, Continuity, and Struggle: Mexico and tography/Advanced Drawing/Advanced Paint- Derivatives/Integrative Financial Decision Mak- Central America/Artifact Analysis and Labora- ing/Bodies and Objects/Sculpture Installation/ ing/Production and Operations Management/ tory Methods in Archaeology/Seeing World Advanced Printmaking/Digital Photography/ Management of Technology and Innovation/ 42
  • 45. Management Information Systems/Selected Top- Historical-Critical Research in Communica- Personal Narratives/Introduction to Chinese ics in Information Systems/Legal Environment tion/Introduction to Mass Communication/ Film/Survey of East Asian Culture of Business/Business Law/Ethics and Business Introduction to Film/Debate Practicum/Pro- Leadership/Strategic Management/Strategic duction Practicum I, II/Research Practicum/ ECONOMICS Management in Entrepreneurial Firms/Manage- Classical Rhetoric/Semantics and Language Introduction to Economics/Economic Data ment in the Visual Arts/International Business in Communication/Argumentation eory/ Analysis/Intermediate Microeconomics/In- Study Tour/Seminar in Mathematical Business Directing the Forensic Program/Freedom of termediate Macroeconomics/Microeconomic Analysis/Principles of Risk Management/Ap- Speech/Communication and Ethics/Seminar in Models/Macroeconomic Models-Introduction plied Risk Management/Summer Management Rhetorical eory: Burke & Bakhtin/Advanced to Econometrics/Game eory/Seminar in Program/Seminar in Fundamentals of Business/ Media Production/Film eory and Criticism/ Mathematical Economics/Public Finance/Mon- SportsCOM/Financial Statement Analysis Film History to 1945/Film History since 1945/ etary eory and Policy/Financial Markets/Law Mass Communication eory/Communication and Economics/Public Choice/Economics of CHEMISTRY and Technology/Screenwriting/Communica- Industry/Antitrust Economics/Labor Econom- Everyday Chemistry/College Chemistry/Physics tion and Popular Culture/Communication ics/Economics of Health and Medicine/Natural and Chemistry of the Environment/Introduc- and Con ict/Communication, Terrorism, and Resource Economics/Urban Economics/Interna- tion to Organic Chemistry/Organic Chemistry Hostage Negotiation/Survey of Organizational tional Trade/International Finance/Economies II/Analytical Biochemistry/Introduction to Communication/Organizational Rhetoric/Rhet- in Transition/Current Issues in African Develop- Inorganic Chemistry/Elective Research/Chemi- oric of Institutions/African-American Rhetoric/ ment/Economic Growth and Development/ cal Analysis/Physical Chemistry I, II/Chemical American Rhetorical Movements to 1900/ American Economic Development/History of Spectroscopy/Inorganic Chemistry/Biochemis- American Rhetorical Movements since 1900/ Economic ought/Economic Philosophers/ try: Macromolecules and Metabolism/Biochem- Political Communication/Presidential Rhetoric/ Morals and Markets/Current Economic Issues/ istry: Protein and Nucleic Acid Structure and Intercultural Communication/Comparative Selected Areas in Economics/Economics for a Function/Chemical Literature Communication/Interpersonal Seminar/Per- Multicultural Future/Topics in Macroeconom- suasion/International Communication/Health ics/Preparing for Economic Research/Economic CHINESE Communication/Great Teachers Research Elementary Chinese/Intermediate Chinese/ Reading and Writing Chinese/Chinese Across COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION the Curriculum/Advanced Conversation/ Overview of Computer Science/Introduction Adolescent Literature/Foundations of Educa- Advanced Chinese/Introduction to Literature to Programming/Introduction to Computer tion/Field Experience/Children’s Literature/ Written in Chinese/Recent Literature Written Science/Fundamentals of Computer Science/ Integrating the Arts and Movement into the in Chinese/Business Hanyu/Chinese Modern Problem Solving Seminar/Computer Orga- Elementary Curriculum/ eatre in Education/ Literature Survey/Classical Chinese nization/Data Structures and Algorithms/ Adolescent Literature/Student Teaching/Geogra- Programming Languages/Computer Systems/ phy: e Human Environment/Geography Study CLASSICAL STUDIES Computer Architecture/Database Management Tour/Geography: e Natural Environment/ Ethics in Greece and Rome/Women in Antiq- Systems/Object-Oriented So ware Engineer- Environmental Geography/Public Life and the uity/Classical Epic: Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid/Virgil ing/Principles of Compiler Design/Operating Liberal Arts/Elementary School Curriculum/ and His English Legacy/Greek Myth/Greek Systems/Internet Protocols/Parallel Computa- Teaching Elementary Language Arts/Teach- Tragedy/Greek and Roman Comedy/ e Age of tion/Numerical Linear Algebra/Introduction to ing Elementary Social Studies in a Pluralistic Pericles/ e Age of Augustus/Interdisciplinary Numerical Methods/Digital Media/Computer Society/Teaching Elementary Mathematics/ Seminar in the Greco-Roman World Graphics/Image Processing Fundamentals/Arti- Trends and Issues in American Schools/Teach- cial Intelligence/Bioinformatics ing Elementary Science/History of Western COMMUNICATION Education/ eories of Education/ e Sociol- Introduction to Communication and Rhetoric/ COUNSELING ogy of Education/Technology in Education/ Debate and Advocacy/Public Speaking/Interper- Career Planning/College Student Development/ School and Society/Race, Class, and Gender in sonal Communication/Group Communication/ Creative Arts in Counseling a Color-blind Society/Educational Psychology/ On-Camera Performance/Writing for Public Teaching Children with Special Needs/Human Relations and Advertising/Information and EAST ASIAN LANGUAGES Growth and Development/TESOL Linguistics/ Disinformation on the Internet/Introduction AND CULTURES Adolescent Psychology/Methods and Materials/ to Production and eory/Media Production: Understanding Japan/Japanese Culture: Insight Studies in Contemporary Leadership/Secondary Documentary/Media Production: Narrative/ and Outreach/Introduction to Japanese Litera- Student Teaching/Student Teaching Seminar/ Broadcast Journalism/Media Production: ture/Introduction to Chinese Literature/ e Special Needs Seminar/Teaching Elementary Studio/Empirical Research in Communication/ Asian-American Experience: Literature and Reading/Classroom Management Seminar/ 43
  • 46. Diversity Seminar/Tutoring Writing/Methods Drama/Contemporary American Literature/ Weimar Germany/German Masterworks in and Materials for Teaching Foreign Languages Contemporary British Fiction/Advanced Fiction Translation/History of the German Language/ (K-6)/Teaching the Gi ed/ e Psychology of Writing/Advanced Expository Writing German Literature before 1700/German the Gi ed Child/Teaching Exceptional Students/ Literature from the Enlightenment through Education in Business and Industry ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND Romanticism/German Literature from Poetic SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Realism through Naturalism/German Literature Creativity and Innovation/Foundations of ENGLISH of the Modern Age/Masterpieces of Austrian Entrepreneurship/Internships in Entrepreneurial Introduction to Critical Reading and Writ- Literature/Fin de Siecle Vienna Studies/Independent Study in Entrepreneurship/ ing/Writing Seminar/Literature Interprets the Free Trade, Fair Trade: Independent Entrepre- World/Introduction to British Literature/Studies GERMAN STUDIES neurs in the Global Market/Building a Better in British Literature/Introduction to American German Women Writers/German and Austrian Biology Textbook: e Accessible Textbook Literature/Studies in American Literature/ Music/ e Oberammergau Passion Play/Luther/ Project/Introduction to Professional Writing/ Studies in Global Literature/Literary Genres/Ad- German Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales Topics in Entrepreneurship vanced Composition/Exploring Shakespeare/Po- etry Workshop/Short-Story Workshop/Tutoring GLOBAL TRADE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Writing/Individual Authors/Ideas in Literature/ COMMERCE STUDIES Environmental Issues/Nautical Sciences History of the English Language/Old English Introduction to Global Trade and Commerce Language and Literature/Dante/ e Medieval Studies FILM STUDIES World/ e Legend of Arthur/Medieval Poetry/ Internship in Film Studies Chaucer/Virgil and His English Legacy/British GREEK Drama to 1642/Shakespeare/Sixteenth-Century Elementary and Intermediate Greek/Plato/ FRENCH British Literature/Studies in English Renaissance Homer/Greek Readings/Advanced Grammar Elementary French/Intensive Elementary Literature/Milton/Seventeenth-Century British and Composition/ e Greek New Testament/ French/Intensive Elementary French in an Literature/Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Greek Tragedy/Greek Comedy Immersion Setting/Intermediate French/In- British Literature/Eighteenth-Century British termediate French in an Immersion Setting/ Fiction/Restoration and Eighteenth-Century HEALTH AND EXERCISE SCIENCE Accelerated Intermediate French/French Across British Drama/Studies in Eighteenth-Century Health Issues on College Campuses/Lifeguard the Curriculum/French for Reading Knowledge/ British Literature/Studies in Women and Training/Emergency Medical Training/Statistics Internship in French Language/Introduction to Literature/British Romantic Poets/Studies in Ro- in the Health Sciences/Applied Field Study/ French Literature/Introduction to French Litera- manticism/Nineteenth-Century British Fiction/ Internship in Rehabilitation/Exercise and Health ture (Honors)/Introduction to French Studies/ Victorian Poetry/Studies in Chicano Literature/ Psychology/Human Physiology/Nutrition in Studies in French Literature and Culture/Con- Postcolonial Literature/Studies in Postcolonial Health and Disease/Human Gross Anatomy/ versation, Culture, and Literature/Composition Literature/Studies in Victorian Literature/ Physiology of Exercise/Assessment Techniques and Review of Grammar/French Conversation/ Literature and Science/Irish Literature in the in Health Sciences/Exercise Programming/Epi- Introduction to Translation/French Phonetics/ Twentieth Century/Studies in Modernism/Stud- demiology/Biomechanics of Human Movement/ French Independent Study/Advanced Grammar ies in Literary Criticism/Twentieth-Century Anatomy Dissection Laboratory/Advanced and Stylistics/Introduction to Business French/ British Fiction/James Joyce/Twentieth-Century Physiology of Exercise/Interventions in Behav- Advanced Business French/Cinema and Society/ English Poetry/Studies in Irish Literature/Mod- ioral Medicine/Lifestyle and Health/Exercise Trends in French Poetry/French Prose Fiction/ ern Drama/American Literature to 1820/Ameri- for Health/Sports Pro ciency/Weight Training/ French Drama/Seminar in French Studies/Spe- can Ethnic Literature/American Romanticism/ Beginning and Intermediate Tennis/Beginning cial Topics/Directed Reading/Directed Research/ Literature and Film/American Fiction before and Intermediate Golf/Bowling/Volleyball/Be- Studies in French Language and Culture/Ad- 1865/American Drama/American Poetry before ginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Ice Figure vanced Oral and Written French/Contemporary 1900/American Jewish Literature/Literature Skating/T’ai chi France/Independent Study/Special Topics in of the American South/Literary Forms of the French Literature/Studies in French Art American Personal Narrative/American Fiction HEALTH POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION from 1865 to 1915/Studies in African-American Introduction to Public Health/Internship in GERMAN Literature/Modern American Fiction, 1915 to Health Policy and Administration Elementary German/Intensive Elementary 1965/ eory and Practice of Poetry Writing/ German/Intermediate German/ e German Twentieth-Century American Poetry/African- Experience/Introduction to German Literature/ American Fiction/African-American Poetry/ e Composition and Grammar Review/Practice in Structure of English/Studies in Postmodernism/ Speaking German/German Civilization/Intern- Multicultural American Drama/Contemporary ship in German Language/Business German/ 44
  • 47. HISTORY Preservation/Modern Military History/Topics manticism/Adventures in Self-Understanding/ Western Civilization to 1700/Europe and the in North Carolina History/Winston-Salem- e Tragic View/ e Comic View/Man and the World in the Modern Era/Formation of Europe: Forsyth County/Protest and Rebellion in Latin Structure of the Universe/ e Mythic View/ e Habsburg Empire and its Successor States/World America/Civil Rights and Black Consciousness Ironic View/Forms and Expressions of Love/Im- Civilizations to 1500/World Civilizations since Movements/Anglo-American Relations since ages of Aging in the Humanities/Venice in Art 1500/Africa in World History/Medieval World 1940/American Diplomatic History/Reconcil- and Literature/Humanity and Nature/ e Medi- Civilizations/ e Middle East and the World/ ing Race/Origins of e Americas/America at eval World: Special Topics/Postmodern ought e Golden Age of Burgundy/European Histori- Work/Revolution and Culture in Latin America/ and Expression/American Foundations cal Biography/European Historical Novels/Mod- Historical Writing Tutorial ern Slovenia/History of Wake Forest University/ INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT e Early Middle Ages/ e High Middle Ages HUMANITIES AND POLICY rough the Renaissance/Europe from Renais- Understanding Japan/Japanese Culture: Insight Introduction to International Development sance to Revolution/General History of Spain/ and Outreach/ e Cuisine of Italy: From the Colloquium in Historical Diversity/France to Farm to the Tabletop/Studies in European INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 1774/France since 1815/Germany to 1871/Ger- Literature/Contemporary Fiction/Germanic United Nations-Model United Nations/Japanese many: Uni cation to Uni cation, 1871-1990/ and Slavic Literature/Romance Literature/ and American Culture: Cross-Cultural Commu- e Renaissance and Reformation/Great Britain/ European Drama/Eastern European Literature/ nication/Global Capitalism/Overseas Study History of Venice/History of London/Venetian Introduction to Japanese Literature/Introduction Society and Culture/Georgian and Victorian to Chinese Literature/African and Caribbean ITALIAN Society and Culture/Russia: Origins to 1865/ Literature/Contemplative Practices and Literary Elementary Italian/Intensive Elementary Italian/ Russia and the Soviet Union: 1865 to the Pres- Creation/Cross-cultural Encounters in Morocco/ Intensive Elementary Italian in an Immersion ent/African-American History/ e Middle East Literature, Travel, and Discovery/Viennese Setting/Intermediate Italian/Italian Across the before 1500/ e Middle East since 1500/Impe- Culture from 1860 to 1914/Women Writers in Curriculum/Italian for Reading Knowledge/In- rial China/Modern China/Japan before 1800/ Contemporary Italy/A er Auschwitz: Holocaust troduction to Italian Literature/Literary and Cul- Japan since 1800/Introduction to East Asia/ Literature, Art, and eology/Interdisciplinary tural Studies of Italy/Grammar and Composi- e United States/Colonial English America, Seminar in Critical inking/Maritime Studies/ tion/Advanced Conversation and Composition/ 1582-1774/Introduction to African History/ e Asian-American Experience: Literature and Italian Regional Cultures/Italian Independent History of Mexico/Modern Latin America/Latin Personal Narratives/Introduction to Chinese Study/Italian Neorealism in Films and Novels/ America’s Colonial Past/ e Italian Renaissance/ Film/Beijing: A Study of Chinese Religion and Comedy in Italian Cinema/Modern Italian e World of Alexander the Great/European Politics/Gender, Spirituality, and Art/Percep- Cinema/Dante’s Divine Comedy/Introduction to Economic and Social History, 1750-1990/Greek tions of Islam/China, Character, and Colum- Renaissance Literature and Culture/Cinematic History/Rome: Republic and Empire/ e French bine/Ancestors, Indians, Immigrants: A South- Adaptation and Literary Inspiration/Special Revolution and Napoleonic Empire/Weimar west Cultural Tapestry/Reason and Revelation/ Topics/Studies of Italy Germany/ e Industrial Revolution in England/ Public Life and the Liberal Arts/Foundations of History of the English Common Law/Race, Revolution in Modernity/Culture and Religion JAPANESE Religion, and Sex in Early Modern Europe/Eu- in Contemporary Native America/Innovation Elementary Japanese/Intermediate Japanese/ ropean Diplomacy, 1848-1914/Gender in Early and Inclusivity/Perspectives on the Middle Ages/ Japanese Across the Curriculum/Individual America/Gender in Modern America/Health Humanities Perspectives on Contemporary Study/Bungaku: Introduction to Literature Care in American Society/Africans in the At- Indigenous Cultures/World Poetry in Dramatic Written in Modern Japanese/Reading in lantic World, 1750-1815/Islamic Empires Com- Performance/Japan in Perspective/Postmodern Japanese Literature/Advanced Conversation/ pared: the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals/ Experimental Fiction/African and Caribbean Advanced Japanese I, II/Reading and Writing Nation, Faith, and Gender in the Middle East/ Women Writers/Forms and Expressions of Love/ Japanese/Japanese Modern Literature Survey/ Japan since World War II/American Founda- Images of Aging in the Humanities/Dante/Hu- Japanese and American Culture: Cross-Cultural tions/Global Economic History/U.S. Social His- manity and Nature/Literature, Film, and Society/ Communication tory/Revolutionary and Early National America Independent Research in Asian Studies/Italian 1763-1815/Jacksonian America, 1815-1850/ e Cinema and Society/Italian Fascism in Novels JOURNALISM Civil War and Reconstruction/ e U.S. from and Films/Legends of Troy/Interdisciplinary Introduction to Journalism/Editing/Writing for Reconstruction to World War I/U.S. History Seminar on Aging Radio-TV-Film/Media Production: Studio/In- from Gilded Age Prosperity to Depression/U.S. troduction to Mass Communication/Advanced History since the New Deal/Economic History INTERDISCIPLINARY HONORS Journalism/Politics and the Mass Media/History of the U.S./American Constitutional History/ e Approaches to Human Experience/ e Force of Journalism/Journalism, Ethics, and Law/Ad- Old South/ e New South/Studies in Historic of Impressionism/ e Scienti c Outlook/Ro- vanced Reporting/Introduction to Professional 45