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Cardiac Tachycardia
This work has been motivated by our wish to understand 336 and document dynamics that occur in
the main hypothesized 337 anatomical substrates for some types of cardiac tachycardias 338
– the ring and isthmus geometries, Fig. 1. 339
In an annulus, there were relatively simple patterns of 340 excitation consisting of one or more
waves traveling in a 341 clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Although patterns 342 with two
or more circulating waves such as those shown in Figs. 2(a) (multimedia view) and 2(e) (multimedia
345 were expected based on previous studies of dynamics in
346 excitable chemical media,27,28 or in models of heart,6,26 we
347 are not aware of previous experimental studies demonstrat–
348 ing such patterns. In the annular ... Show more content on ...
394 37 Although such models have been suc– cessful at identifying those at risk for serious reentrant
tachy– 395 cardias, to date they have not been successful in predicting 396 aspects of the arrhythmia
location and stimulation protocols 397 to induce the arrhythmia, or the period of the tachycardia.
Thus, such models have the potential for identifying the ana– 399 tomical substrate for the
arrhythmia. Our work supports the 400 conceptual basis for these models, but points to the impor–
401 tance of confirming that the patterns of excitation in the ana– 402 tomical models of the heart
correspond to those clinically 403 observed. 404
In conclusion, we have observed a large number of dis– 405 tinct rhythms that can be found in
annular geometries and 406 isthmus geometries. The possibilities that many different 407 dynamic
patterns can occur in a single geometry provide a 408 strong set of questions for experimentalists,
theoreticians, 409 and clinicians to determine the mechanisms by which reen– 410 trant rhythms
become established can be modified or annihi– 411 lated, and how they depend on subtle
physiological and 412 anatomical features of the
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Madison's Four Lake Country
It is important to think critically about the context in which globalization begins and thrives,
especially in the minds of international scholars. The growth of Madison is a perfect example of
strategic creation through the use of undeveloped land in regards to local geography, society, and
interdependencies. Created from the ground up by three ambitious businessmen in the 1830s,
Madison started out as an iffy candidate for the busy urban center it is today. Based on the
swamplands of southern Wisconsin, Madison was called "Four Lake Country" and one of only two
US cities to be created on an isthmus (the other being Seattle, Washington). Throughout this essay
the vital characteristics that have contributed to the success of Madison as an urban
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Panama Canal Essay
The Panama Canal has been called the big ditch, the bridge between two continents, and the greatest
shortcut in the world. When it was finally finished in 1914, the 51–mile waterway cut off over 7,900
miles of the distance between New York and San Francisco, and changed the face of the
industrialized world ("Panama Canal"). This Canal is not the longest, the widest, the deepest, or the
oldest canal in the world, but it is the only canal to connect two oceans, and still today is the greatest
man–made waterway in the world ("Panama Canal Connects).
Ferdinand de Lesseps, who played a large role in building the Suez Canal in 1869 (Jones), was the
director of the Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama ("Historical ... Show
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"In 1907, an American construction crew headed by G.W. Goethals journeyed to Panama to try their
luck where the French had failed" ("Panama Canal Connects").
Before any work could begin, the most deadly of the problems on the isthmus had to be overcome –
disease. The US was afraid of having as many casualties as the French did. To help prevent this
American doctor William Gorgas was asked to examine the area. Gorgas goal was now to eliminate
the mosquito population from the canal. Gorgas and his troops started to cover all standing or slow–
moving bodies of water with a combination of oil and insecticide. These chemicals were put in to
help kill off any mosquitoes. Gorgas also kept all infected persons in a wire–screen tent. The wire–
screen tents would stop all mosquitoes from spreading the diseases.
The "massive" ("Panama Canal") project to wipe out the malaria–carrying mosquito was successful,
and work proceeded without the hazard of disease that doomed the French venture. Work on the
canal was finally continued from where De Lesseps crew stopped (76 million cubic yards of dirt had
already been dug). With out the threat of disease the workers were able to work with out having the
fear of death in the back of their minds. US portion of the canal "construction began at both ends of
the projected canal" ("Actual
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Isthmus Of Panama
The formation of the Isthmus of Panama is seen today as one of the most transformative and
remarkable events of the Cenozoic. The formation of the land bridge that connects North and South
America and divides the Pacific and Atlantic oceans had profound affects on the climate,
atmosphere and the biodiversity of both marine and terrestrial organisms of the area encompassing
the Isthmus of Panama. It led to the Great American Biotic Interchange, which allowed for the
invasion of inhabitants from each side of the Americas. The dispersal of terrestrial organisms and
the vicariant separation of marine organisms produced dramatic transformations in the land
ecosystems of South America and Central America, which largely influenced the distribution ...
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The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), which is a measure of the efficacy and accuracy of
statistical models for a given data set, was applied to the two most commonly debated migration
models for Isthmus formation. One migration model consisted of a single rate shift at around 3.5
Ma, the once widely accepted timing for the formation of Isthmus. The other migration model
consists of two rate shifts at 25 Ma and 10 M, consistent with the initial collision of South America
and the Panama Block and the closure of the CAS, respectively. Results from this test revealed that
the migration model consisting of two rate shifts was a more accurate model for the formation of the
Isthmus of Panama. As seen in figures 1A–D, migrations between North and South America
occurred in gradual pulses over millions of years rather than just a sudden burst of migration events
occurring after closure of the Isthmus around 3.5 Ma, as indicated by the dashed
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Essay Ancient Corinth
Ancient Corinth
?Unlike most other cities in the ancient world, Corinth was a city destined for prosperity and
longevity no matter who occupied it or how it was governed.? It is as old, or older, than any other
ancient Greek city, with origins that lie only in myths and legends that are more than two thousand
years old.? Little is known of who established the city or when it was actually founded.? What we
do know is Corinth was a very important city and it became a major player in ancient Greek and
Roman history.?
?The main reason for the existence of Corinth is the same reason for its greatness.? The ancient
civilizations of the Mediterranean world produced this city out of geographical and commercial
necessity.? The southern ... Show more content on ...
and, ?Let him who sails round Malea first make his will? (Barclay 1).? The best alterative for sea
faring merchants and travelers, if their ship was small enough, was to set their boat on a platform
and drag it across the four mile isthmus to the other side; or, if their ship was too large, disembark
the cargo and carry it to the other side to be loaded onto another ship.? This short land trek saved
mariners the journey of two hundred and two miles around Cape Malea (Barclay 2).?
?Corinth being at the center of all this trading activity, it is no surprise that the city was consistently
a great commercial and cultural center.? A description of Corinth by the ancient author Strabo states,
?Corinth is called wealthy because of its commerce, since it is situated on the Isthmus and is master
of two harbors, of which the one leads straight to Asia, and the other to Italy; and it makes it easy
the exchange of merchandise from both countries that are so far distant from each other? (Strabo).?
In his book Roman Corinth, Donald Engels describes Corinth in similar terms, ?From a small
beginning, Corinth grew to become the largest city in Greece by the Second century A.D.? It was
both an intellectual and cultural center, as well as a vital link in the commercial network of the
eastern Mediterranean? (Engels 8).? It was the Vanity Fair of Greece, having objects of exoticism
and luxury finding open markets which were visited by every nation in the civilized world;
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Why Build The Panama Canal
Why Build a Canal had an interesting take on the importance of building the Panama Canal. Many
believed the military had a great deal of importance using the ports. President Theodore Roosevelt
believed that an U.S needed a controlled canal that could offer a great deal of domination as far as
connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean for our military. Frenchman Ferdinand de Lesseps, who
was behind the Suez Canal, became an International Hero by marshaling the political and technical
forces. As shown in the photograph, Napoleon Garella was appointed by the French Government to
survey possible canal routes on the Isthmus of Panama. Surprisingly his was terribly wrong on some
non–engineering points. I didn't understand how he could miss important ... Show more content on ...
Garella thought that yellow fever didn't exist. He was terribly wrong and missed a very important
and critical health hazard that led to thousands of worker's death. Many people thought that the
yellow fever was caused by bad air, but it had been proven that the disease was transmitted by
mosquitoes. It was very tragic that it led to a lot of workers to death because it wasn't properly
detected during the survey. It was a good that William Gorgas used the research of physicians
Ronald Ross, Carlos Juan Finlay, and Walter Reed along with his own experience to get rid of the
yellow fever within 18 months or it could have led to more deaths. House mosquito was the carrier
of the yellow fever, reading the article is was bred in swamps, on the sides of river, and in puddles.
As a worker it was very hard to determine where the mosquitoes were coming from. It was
surprising not to see how the workers were being protected from the fever and mosquitoes, some
would get immune and would live a long time, but what about new workers that would come in and
help build canal, how were they protected. As shown in the picture crude oil was brought in to spray
the areas where mosquitoes were breeding to disrupt their life cycle. The spread of the yellow fever
was eventually limited by using screens to bar them away from
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The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty Of 1940
Spanish explorers had an insatiable obsession with gold. With their empire expanding into the
reaches of central and south America their greed was apparent. Vasco Núñez de Balboa first spotted
the Pacific Coast from the isthmus of Panama while searching for treasure. His discovery was far
more valuable than any monetary token; he found a short strip of land linking the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans. This location would become indispensable to global trade 400 years after he first
saw its shore. Panama has since been a place of great prosperity, but with prosperity comes death,
disease, and political turmoil. The canal as it stands today was built in the early 20th century and
finished in 1914 under the Roosevelt Administration. Although the canal is just a series of concrete
locks, their application has greatly altered the role in relations between the United States and Latin
America. It was no secret that the United States had imperialist ambitions in the early 20th century.
Theodore Roosevelt and Alfred Mahan both advocated for an expansion and modernization of the
U.S. Navy. The new fleet called the Great White Fleet portrayed the American values of expansion,
but needed tremendous support to operate to it's full potential. ... Show more content on ...
Before the treaty of 1903, the territory of Panama had no intent to rebel from Colombia. The terms
were extreme. The U.S. demanded complete control over the canal zone and the construction of the
Panama Canal. The treaty specifically stated the US would be able to exercise a monopoly in the
construction, operation and maintenance of the canal. The US would also be accountable for the
justice system in the area. Although Panama fought for its independence, their land was forcefully
taken from them when Panama's newly formed government signed the treaty. The terms on which
the treaty was signed were practically
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Panama Canal Thesis Statement
Thesis Statement
There is no doubt that the building of the Panama Canal was a major feat in history that has made a
huge impact on the way many countries trade with each other. It was a great struggle to complete
but it also was very rewarding.
The Land Area
The Isthmus of Panama is about 50 miles wide at its narrowest point. The land was thick with
jungle, deep swamp, and mountains. What the surveyors did not realize is that the geology behind
the land made it much harder to build the canal than in other places around the world. The
surrounding mountain range was formed differently than most mountain ranges, commonly formed
by folding due to lateral pressure. These mountains were formed by individual volcanic actions.
Formations ... Show more content on ...
In 1876, French Navy Lieutenant Lucien N. B. Wyse, a grandson of Lucien Bonaparte, was sent to
explore locations and different possibilities for the canal. He returned home in April 1877 and
showed De Lesseps the construction plans. De Lesseps rejected all of the plans because they
required tunnels and locks to be built. De Lesseps prefered to build a sea level canal like the Suez
Canal. Wyse went back to the isthmus on December 6, 1877. He explored two routes in Panama, one
through Nicaragua and one through Panama. In the end he chose the Panamanian route, which
would be sea level. The route would follow the Panama Railroad and require a 7,720–meter–long
tunnel through the Continental Divide at Culebra. He traveled to Bogota and the Colombian
government signed a treaty on March 20th, 1878 that granted rights to build the canal through
Panama, then part of Colombia. The treaty promised Colombia ownership of the canal after 99
years. It was estimated to take six years and $240 million. The digging started the first day of 1880
By March 1883, construction was behind schedule and 660,000 out the promised 5,000,000 cubic
meters have been excavated. After visiting Panama in 1886, De Lesseps claims construction will be
done by July 1889. Later that year, only a few feet out of hundreds have been removed from the
Culebra Cut. De Lesseps hired
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Panama Canal Essay
Panama Canal Essay The canal was the best thing that ever happened to Panama. The Panama Canal
was started under President Roosevelt and completed by his successor, William Howard Taft. The
canal was built across an isthmus, a narrow body of land that connects two larger land areas, which
connects North and South America. In some places in Panama the isthmus is only 50 miles across.
The French started the canal in the late 1800's. They had just built the then famous Suez Canal with
relative ease. The Suez Canal, unlike the Panama Canal, was a straight canal on level ground, in a
relatively dry climate. The French had failed in building the Panama Canal because of the tropical
climate, in which deadly tropical diseases consumed their ... Show more content on
The second person was Colonel William Gorgas, who was chosen to stamp out the deadly tropical
diseases. The third was the great engineer, Colonel George Goethals, who was charged with cutting
through the treacherous mountain range. Instead of cutting straight though the land, he devised
building lochs, in which the boats would be raised gradually.
Back then the land in which the canal was to be built was owned by Columbia. Theodore Roosevelt
asked the Columbians for permission to build the canal, but they refused.
People living on the isthmus were dissenting from the Columbian government and eventually
revolted and set up the independent Republic of Panama. "It was Roosevelt who "took the isthmus,"
regardless of the niceties of international law and Congressional debate." – The Good Neighbor:
Teddy's Big Ditch, Building the Canal. When the Panamanians revolted Teddy saw this as the
perfect investment to get the canal underway. He supported the Panamanians and sent warships to
stop any help from the Columbian government to put down the rebellion. The Panamanians declared
their independence and were very grateful towards the Americans. The Americans leased a strip of
land, called the Panama Canal Zone, for $10,000,000. The land was forty–five miles long and ten
miles wide and the American's paid a $430,000 rent every year. In 1904, they agreed to let the
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Suez Research Paper
Suez Scenario
The physical and geopolitical obstacles involved in building a canal in a foreign nation are
numerous and complex; however, a canal presents an excellent economic opportunity for imperialist
nations. For this reason, a French canal was a political, economic, and imperialist idea that had
historical roots back to the reign Louis XIV (Negrelli). Later Napoleon had a vision, reminiscent of
Louis XIV, to overcome nature through French imperialist efforts, including a massive investment of
both monetary and human capital to connect trade destinations.The isthmus between the Red and
Mediterranean seas, the Isthmus of Suez was viewed as a opportune chunk of land to excavate for
the purpose of a canal to cut the travel ... Show more content on ...
The French occupation throughout Muhammed Said life, led to Ferdinand De Lesseps' description
of the viceroy: "The Prince was brought up in French ideas with an impetuous head and great
sincerity of character (9, De Lesseps)." Thus, the presence of the French in Egypt implicitly
conditioned Muhammad Said to have French sympathies, which left the door open for continued
amiable relations along with potential progress in the Suez Canal project. Within the year that
Muhammad Said came into power, 1854, Ferdinand De Lesseps returned to Egypt in order to
strategically rekindle his youthful friendship Muhammad Said along with his past French diplomatic
efforts in Egypt. The relationship fostered between Ferdinand De Lesseps and Muhammed Said may
have been the most influential factor in the successful creation of the Suez Canal. Ferdinand De
Lesseps was a very talented and tactical diplomat for France: "Ferdinand De Lesseps was a potent
combination of vision pragmatism, and will (7, Karabell)." Ferdinand was able to be deliberate and
meticulous with his presentation skills in various diplomatic settings, while also being able to foster
meaningful correspondence and relationships. Furthermore, Ferdinand De Lesseps had mastered
rhetorical framing, including the timing of the message, in order to be perceived as he
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Panama Canal Essay
Panama Canal Essay The canal was the best thing that ever happened to Panama. The Panama Canal
was started under President Roosevelt and completed by his successor, William Howard Taft. The
canal was built across an isthmus, a narrow body of land that connects two larger land areas, which
connects North and South America. In some places in Panama the isthmus is only 50 miles across.
The French started the canal in the late 1800's. They had just built the then famous Suez Canal with
relative ease. The Suez Canal, unlike the Panama Canal, was a straight canal on level ground, in a
relatively dry climate. The French had failed in building the Panama Canal because of the tropical
climate, in which deadly tropical diseases consumed their ... Show more content on
Theodore Roosevelt asked the Columbians for permission to build the canal, but they refused.
People living on the isthmus were dissenting from the Columbian government and eventually
revolted and set up the independent Republic of Panama. "It was Roosevelt who "took the isthmus,"
regardless of the niceties of international law and Congressional debate." – The Good Neighbor:
Teddy's Big Ditch, Building the Canal. When the Panamanians revolted Teddy saw this as the
perfect investment to get the canal underway. He supported the Panamanians and sent warships to
stop any help from the Columbian government to put down the rebellion. The Panamanians declared
their independence and were very grateful towards the Americans. The Americans leased a strip of
land, called the Panama Canal Zone, for $10,000,000. The land was forty–five miles long and ten
miles wide and the American's paid a $430,000 rent every year. In 1904, they agreed to let the
United States build the canal, which was continued on the old French canal.
The canal cost a little more than $395,000,000 and was considered the " greatest man–made
waterway " – Our American Neighbors: Panama, Crossroads of the World. The canal has been a
great source of revenue for the U.S. and Panama. Each ship that passes through the canal pays by
the ton of cargo it has. The larger ships that pass through the canal pay from $15,000 to $20,000.
The 52,000 American and Panamanians that lived in the Panama
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Thesis Statement On The Panama Canal
How much do you really know about the Panama Canal? It is the canal that runs through the
Isthmus of Panama and connects the two largest oceans on earth. Back in the nineteenth century
some engineers decided it was a good place to create that canal. Congress wanted to strategically
build a canal in central America but there was debate on where. However the debate was settled in
1904 when Theodore Roosevelt and the United States took over the construction of the Panama
Canal from the French. They then supported a rebellion in Panama to separate from Colombia
gaining the rights to build the canal, which is one of the greatest engineering projects ever, and the
most important canal in the western world.
Background The Panama Canal was first conceived of in the 16th century by the Holy Roman
Emperor Charles V, after it was discovered that there was no natural water route through the
Americas ( The Romans eventually decided that it was impossible to build a canal ...
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This project was doomed from the start because, first of all there wasn't enough surveying done so
Lesseps didn't realize that making a sea level canal was very unwise. Second, there was very poor
management. Many of the staff were not hired with the project in mind, and didn't know anything
about canal building. Many of the spots along the canal had to get re–dug, causing huge budget
problems. The tropical climate also contributed to the failure. They had to clear rainforest, and pay
more to their employees to get them to work in the hot, sticky climate. They also had to worry about
the rust and corroding of their equipment. The diseases caused most of the deaths on the
construction. Yellow fever and malaria were the deadliest diseases. The population still believed that
the diseases were caused by bad air, so their efforts to stop the diseases were doomed from the
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How Did Plate Tectonics Cause Climate Change In America
Plate tectonics move land masses around, and occasionally, interactions between different plates
causes new land to form, and can even join two separate continents together, changing ocean
currents and causing climate change. This is evident in the collision of the North and South
American continents, which created the Isthmus of Panama, and separated the Pacific and Atlantic
Ocean. Approximately 15 million years ago, the North and South American continent was cut off
from each other by a seaway about 200 km wide. Over time, the South American plate collided with
the Caribbean and Cocos plate, and gradually closed the exchange of the Caribbean and Pacific
waters 3–4 million years ago. This resulted in several consequences.
The strongest of which was that the transport of warm surface water could not enter the Pacific via
the Atlantic ocean, and redirected it towards the Arctic Ocean, and effectively causing the current
Thermohaline circulation to start. If the seaway were not closed, it would have been likely that cold
water from the Arctic would have flowed towards the equator, where it would pass by the north–
eastern part of North America, which could have caused the climate in the area to be much colder
than it is today. ... Show more content on ...
Another example is in volcanic activity caused by plate interactions. The three types of plate
interactions, divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries all can form volcanoes, which release
large amounts of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, trapping heat from the sun
in the atmosphere and causes global temperatures to
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AMT Verifiable Details Scores
A rigorous screening procedure will be used to identify HSAM participants based on the
methodology used by LePort et al. (2012). All individuals who contact the research team self–
identifying as having HSAM will be screened via the telephone, and if basic inclusion criteria are
met (ex. health requirements, appropriate description of their memory abilities, etc.), formal consent
will be obtained. The resulting group will be screened with a Public Event Quiz (as detailed below).
Individuals who score well enough on this first screening quiz, will advance to a second screening
quiz, a 10 Dates Quiz (as detailed below). All individuals who achieve a score of 65% or higher will
be asked to come for a laboratory interview, thus forming ... Show more content on
There is expected to be a significant positive correlation between the two variables, r(100)=.87, p=
<.01. Increases in AMT Verifiable Details Scores are expected to be correlated with increases in
DTI–FA values of the complete uncinate fasciculus (see Figure 1).
AMT Verifiable Details Scores & Ventral Extension of the UF DTI–FA Values A correlational
analysis will be computed to assess the relationship between AMT Verifiable Details Scores and
DTI–FA values of the ventral extension of the uncinate fasciculus. There is expected to be a
significant positive correlation between the two variables, r(100)=.85, p=<.01. Increases in AMT
Verifiable Details Scores are expected to be correlated with increases in DTI–FA values of ventral
extension of the uncinate fasciculus (see Figure 2).
AMT Verifiable Details Scores & Isthmus of the UF DTI–FA
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Gadsden Purchase
The Gadsden Purchase of 1853 is one of the most monumental land purchases in United States
history. In basic terms, the Gadsden Purchase was an area of land that was acquired by the United
States from Mexico in order to build a railway for the transportation of goods in the South from East
to West in order to fulfill Manifest Destiny. Throughout this paper, I hope to accurately navigate
through the events prior to the Gadsden Purchase as well as the early life of James Gadsden.
Although many topics relate to the purchase itself, I will offer a historical view into Gadsden's life
before, after, and during the purchase as well as a more in depth look into the Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo. I shall also touch base on why the land was so ... Show more content on ...
They called it the Gadsden Purchase, which the United States agreed to pay Mexico ten million
dollars for thirty eight thousand square miles of land. Ten million dollars back in 1853 is equivalent
to two hundred and eighty million dollars today. The Southern transcontinental railroad that James
Gadsden had dreamed up was never built.
The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the Mexican American war in 1848 was a very
important decision in our history. We allowed the Mexican government to keep Mesilla Valley in
place of them giving us the Santa Rita Mountains. We believed that we would profit off of this
compromise due to the fact that we thought there was rich copper deposits, and some silver and gold
which had not yet been mined. Little did we know that the Mesilla Valley was essential for the
construction of a Southern Transcontinental Railroad. The reason it was important for the railroad
was because it consisted of flat desert land about fifty miles north to south and 200 miles wide, east
to west. There were two parcels of the land that President Pierce instructed Gadsden to try and buy.
The Baja California Peninsula was the first for fifty million dollars or the thirty eight thousand
square miles of dry arid desert. Santa Ana needed money badly to help build up his army to defend
against the very people wanting to pay him, the United States. He thought the best solution was to
sell as little land as possible for the most
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The Renaissance : Contributions And Evolution Of The...
The Renaissance was a period of cultural evolution that marked the end of the Medieval Era in
Europe. During this time, many European nations experienced significant advancements in art,
literature, science and technology. Ideas derived from Greek and Roman origin were introduced and
modified in European countries, including Spain, France, Italy, and The Netherlands. The
Renaissance was characterized mainly by the development of new ideas that remain prevalent in our
world today. This age of knowledge and profound innovation originated in Florence, Italy, primarily
because it was considered the cultural center of Europe. The exchange of ideas between Italy and
other Asian countries was made possible by the Silk Road. The Silk Road was a network of trade
routes that extended from Western Europe to East Asia. Italian city–states benefited from the Silk
Road by gaining wealth and knowledge from powerful Asian nations, such as China and Japan.
Essentially, the Renaissance was a blend of a diverse range of cultures with different traditions and
customs. Humanism is a term that exemplifies the shared belief of most Renaissance leaders.
Humanism is a philosophical stance that emphasizes the study of worldly issues rather than religious
issues. During the Middle Ages, religion was the central cause of many wars. This slowed economic
productivity and exploration of different civilizations. Early Renaissance humanists attempted to
break the tradition of blind worship that ultimately
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Dbq Suez Canal
The construction of the Suez and Panama Canals greatly affected overseas trade and commerce. The
Suez Canal, which connected the Mediterranean and Red Seas though the Isthmus of Suez, had a
large impact on the world economy by greatly reducing the amount of travel time required to send
goods to different regions, The Panama Canal, which was built through the Isthmus of Panama, also
had a similar effect on commerce by connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.There were
different motivations for the building of the Panama and Suez Canals, and their construction was
hindered by challenging obstacles. The French used the idea that Egypt would flourish with the
building of the Suez Canal to motivate the Egyptians to give permission for its construction.
Document 2 stated the benefits of building the Suez Canal, which included a safer route to travel to
Mecca and Medina, and an increase in the influence that Egypt would have on the world economy.
Document 5 depicted the unification of different cultures that would have occurred from the
completion of the Suez Canal. The form of propaganda depicted in the cartoon would have further
motivated the French to support the building the canal with the promise of progress and unity. ...
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Document 6 stated that the United States was obligated to build the canal because it was responsible
for the conception of the idea, and that it was the Americans who were supposed to bring it to
fruition. Document 10 depicted the pride that American engineers had in regard to overcoming the
very difficult challenge of building the canal and manipulating nature in order to benefit humanity.
Document 11 showed how even after the completion of the Panama Canal, Americans were
confident about their influence and power over the world economy, which was depicted with an
image of Uncle Sam at the opening of the Panama
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The Age Of Discovery : Vasco Nu�es De Balboa
Vasco Núñes de Balboa Unknown to the indigenous people of the New World, their destiny was
going to be decided by conquistador's explorations taking place across the Atlantic Ocean. Vasco
Núñes de Balboa is a Spanish conquistador that snuck on a ship and headed to the New World to
achieve one of the 3 G's, gold ("Vasco Núñes de Balboa Reaches"). The Age of Exploration was a
time when people like Vasco Núñes de Balboa explored new lands, like the Pacific Ocean, and
achieved the 3 G's, God, Glory, and Gold.
The Age of Exploration was a period from the early 15th century and continued into the early 17th
century, and it was a very important time in the European world. It led to overseas expansions that
concluded to more trade routes, new discoveries of gold, and expansion in cities. Once Henry the
Navigator started his explorations, the entire world wanted join in. During explorations, most
explores wanted to get gold. Most explores explored for gold because they wanted to pay off debt,
or they wanted to bring back gold for their county. Also during the Age of Exploration, many people
explored for the sake of expanding their countries and to for their countries to become more
culturally diffused. Lastly, as the time progressed, many explores found new, faster routes to new
land and helped other explores know what to do and what not to do.
Vasco Núñes de Balboa was a major contributor with the Age of Exploration. He is best known for
crossing the Isthmus of Panama and
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How To Write An Essay About Panama
The Country of Panama:
One of the Most Beautiful Places on Earth
This essay is about the country of Panama. Panama is located in Central America and is known for
its forest and mountains. I am going to tell you about what makes this country great, it's climate,
tourist locations, the history of this country and how the people of Panama's culture differs from the
american culture. On the fifteenth of August 1519, a Spanish conquistador Pedro Arias Dávila
established the capital city of the Republic of Panama, which is known as Panama City. This city
developed as the heart of undertakings, wherein the Inca Empire arranged in Peru dated back 1532
was caught. Being a stopover point in the historical backdrop of the American landmass, Panama
City ... Show more content on ...
According to, the republic of panama sits on the Isthmus of Panama and its
square area reaches up to 78,200 sq km which is about 30,193 miles. Panama has a lot of things to
offer. Panama has a tropical climate temperature but the temperature fluctuates depending on the
location and elevation. The average temperature of panama is about 29 degrees C which equals to
about 81 degrees F, depending on the mountain elevations, the temperature can run from anywhere
to 10–19 degrees C about 50–66 degrees F. There is minimal occasional change in temperature, with
warm days and cool evenings consistently. Stickiness is very high, in any case, averaging 80%.
Precipitation midpoints 178 cm (70 in) in Panama City and 328 cm (129 in) in Colón. The time of
lightest precipitation is from January to March. reported that Panama City, the capital city has a population of 880,691 and its
metropolitan area has a population of 1,272,672 people. An recent update reported that at the end of
2015, the population had increased to 3,929,141 which speaks to an expansion of 61,606 individuals
contrasted with
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Testis Echotexture
Testicles can be found on the male patient within the scrotum. The normal testicle measures three to
five centimeters in length, two to four centimeters in width, and three centimeters in anterior
posterior measurements prospectively. Each testicle is encapsulated by the tunica albuginea. The
support system for the vessels and ducts of the testicle is called the mediastinum. The Epididymis is
comprised of three parts, the head, body, and tail. The relative size of the normal epididymis is six to
seven centimeters in length. The echogenicity is usually brighter than that of the testis. The normal
testis echotexture is uniform throughout in appearance. The appendix teste, when visualized, can be
found in the upper portion of the testis. While ... Show more content on ...
The gland is composed of two lobes that lie on each side of the trachea and is connected centrally by
the isthmus. The isthmus overlies the trachea. Surrounding the thyroid are many muscles and
vessels. It is important to acknowledge and recognize the surrounding anatomy of the thyroid gland.
The average size of each gland found the normal adult is forty to sixty millimeters in length, and
thirteen to eighteen millimeters in anterior posterior measurements. The thickness of the isthmus is
usually four to six millimeters in thickness. Sonographically, the healthy thyroid appears as medium
to high level echoes, with the same echotexture throughout. The superior thyroid artery and vein are
found in the superior portion of each lobe, and the inferior artery and vein can be found in the
inferior portion of each thyroid lobe. It can be very easy for an untrained sonographer to confuse the
esophagus with a thyroid mass. The esophagus can be located usually on the left side. The main
cause for nodular thyroid disease is hyperplasia. Whenever hyperplasia causes a relative increase in
volume or size to the gland it is then termed goiter. Thyroid cancers are rare, and most biopsies that
are performed on nodules are benign. Usually cancerous thyroid nodules will appear homogeneous,
hypoechoic, and are typically taller than wide. The appearance of both cancerous and benign
nodules can vary from cystic components, calcifications, mixed echotextures, and different
echogenicity's. Hashimotos thyroiditis is the most common type of thyroiditis, and is the most
common cause of hypothyroidism in North America. Sonographically, the appearance of the thyroid
with this disease will appear course, and have mixed
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Dr. Carl Brucker: Why Reproduction In Cattle Work
Why Reproduction Is Important?
Reproduction is perhaps the most important part of life. Without reproduction no organism would be
possible to even exist. With sexual reproduction there are many advantages. Without being able to
reproduce an animal cannot carry on there genetics to offspring ending possibly excellent genetics.
The purpose of this report is to give basic knowledge about how the male and female reproductive
systems in cattle work.
Target Audience
Primarily the target audience for this report is Dr. Carl Brucker. Secondarily for any person that is
interested in learning more about reproduction in cattle.
The female is perhaps the more complex reproductive system ... Show more content on ...
The bull has what is called a fibroelastic penis unlike us humans the penis does not use blood to
become erect. Instead, the fibroelastic uses the sigmoid flexure which in inside the bull and extends
out so the penis comes out of the sheath. The driving force behind the controlling the penises
movement in and out of the sheath is called the retractor muscle. Attached to the base of the penis is
an accessory sex gland called the prostate gland. The prostate gland secretes a fluid that protects
sperm and also it provides nourishment to the sperm. Another function of the prostate is to make
sure the sperm is forcefully pushed through the urethra and out of the penis. Right next to the
prostate lays the seminal vesicle which is a tube like structure, this makes up 70 percent of the
semen content. The semen is very important for sperm; the semen provides a suitable environment
for the sperm to live in. The vas deferens is connected directly to the seminal vesicle and its job is to
transport sperm from the testicle to the urethra. When an animal gets a vasectomy the vas deferens is
the tube that is cut, sterilizing the male. Connected directly to the vas deferens is the epididymis
which is made up of three parts and each part carries out a different function. The first part is the
head this is the first place that new sperm produced from the testes enter. At this stage the sperm are
not motile and not fertile. The second part of the epididymis is the body, here the sperm mature and
become somewhat motile and fertile. The third and final part of the epididymis is the tail at this
point the sperm is fully matured and the sperm are stored. On average the tail of the epididymis has
hold 5–10
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Islamic Women In The 20th Century
In other denominations such as the Protestant Church, women have had the choice of ordination
since the 20th century. Numbers of women becoming ordained are continuing to rise in the
Protestant Church and other churches that allow it such as The American Baptist Church,
Assemblies of God, Christian Science, and The Episcopal Church.
In denominations outside of the United States, circumstances are very different in terms of a
woman's place in society. In Islam, where the dominating religion is Muslim, women are very
confined. The women are able to worship the god of the Muslim religion in public but do not have a
place of leadership in any way. This cultural aspect is very connected to the way that Islamic people
live life every day. Women are regularly found at home and are given purpose when they have
children and a husband to care for. Women are not normally given a higher purpose than this and are
not usually given tasks that would require going above basic standards.
The Isthmus of Tehuantepec ... Show more content on ...
From a young age this child is dressed up as a woman and treated as such. Isthmeñan society
embraces this role and encourages it. This is a long–standing tradition extending back before the
arrival of the Spaniards. The sons are called "Muxhes" and have historically been treated not as
homosexuals, but rather as a third sex. The Muxhes take up the roles of women in the matriarchy
and carry the additional obligation of taking care of the mothers in old age. The Isthmus culture
holds extravagant parades and velas (a type of all–night party unique to the isthmus region) to honor
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The Great Moai Statues Of Easter Island
Similarities and differences are what make things so interesting. Would you be happy if everyone
was the same. Every looked the same, and liked the same things and hated the same things. No you
wouldn't because you would want to be you and no one can tell you what you want to be or what
you don't want to be. Even the buildings you make would be the same from a normal house to a
normal office building. The "Panama Canal" was one of the most useful canals ever built and they
were made to for one reason and that was to transport goods. This was somethings everyone needed
to solve at that time(1900s). The great Moai statues of Easter Island are also great structures and are
really tremendous to the eye. These buildings and canals were made to one purpose they had to do
somethings and that something was to make things easier for the people. Some similarities they had
were that they both took a long time and sacrifice to build. A difference they had was that they were
built for different purposes and they had their own different struggles.
Predominantly, "The Panama Canal" was one of the greatest structures built by mankind. The
"Moai" as well were something to be fascinated by because they were beautiful creations made by
us. The one thing they both have in common was that they both took a long time to build. The Moai
took approximately about 10–15 years to build and that was with the help of mana which was part of
the belief and if that wouldn't of existed it probably
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Vasco Nunez De Balbo The Panama Canal
For hundreds of years if anyone wanted to sail west from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, they had
no choice but to take a exceptionally time–consuming journey. Before the Panama Canal existed,
whomever wanted to transport goods, had to go all the way around South America, or the "Cape
Horn" as they would call it. This resulted in many lives being lost and cargos and ships being lost to
the sea. People became tired of it and Panama became an attraction to avoid sailing all the way
around South America. Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the man that made the dream seam possible. He
went out to Panama himself and explored it to find a way a shorter route could be made (Benoit,
2014). Panama is an isthmus country because it is a narrow strip of land ... Show more content on ...
However, it is not like any ordinary canal. It is a very important canal for everybody. From
passenger to business ships the Panama canal is something they rely on because one can get from
end to end in a couple of hours and continue on to its destination.Making it faster to travel and faster
to transport goods from land to land. In order to get this canal to do its job, locks had to be built.
They were a challenge because the had to be immense. There were three different locks built. Each
had a double chamber so that more than one ship could go in at the same time. The locks were built
to hold the "greates oceangoing ship." These locks lift or lower from a pool of water at one level to a
pool at another level. A set of locks consists of a series of basins, each higher than the one before.
The basins have high walls and gates at each end. When a ship needs to be raised, the back gate of
the lowesr basin is opend. The ship sails in, and the gate is closed. Then water is poured into the
basin. The ship floats up as the water level rises. When the ship is as high as the next basin, the gate
at the front end of the basin is opened. Then the ship sails into the higher basin. The revese is fone
foe a ship that needs to be lowered (Pascal, 2014) The canal gets its earning from charging ships a
toll which is based on the ship's type, how much it weights and what it is carrying.
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Panama Canal Research Paper
In history some would describe the Panama Canal as one of the greatest inventions of history.
Several would question to ask what is so great about it . The canal was a 48 mile ship canal Panama
that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The canal was completed in 1914, it
symbolized U.S. technological progress and economic power. Many things happened along the
progress of constructing the canal. Still today it is known as a major invention for trades around the
world and for human use.
In addition to the canal being built, there was one incident that called for the construction of the
canal. During the South–American war a battleship, the Oregon was called from California to the
Caribbean to help fight Spain. It took 2 and a half ... Show more content on ...
He was sent to Panama to improve health conditions when 1,000 workers were reported dead. Dr.
Gorgas goal was to wipe out mosquitoes that were transmitting deadly diseases. Certain methods
were used such as, draining swamps, spraying kerosene on standing water, and enforcing rules for
water storage in inspections. His work put an end to yellow fever in Panama which made it possible
for the canal to be constructed. Gorgas' success in Panama made him a hero and wiped out yellow
fever before the end of 1905. Even though he had spent the whole year of 1902 preparing for how to
destroy the diseases, eventually he made it a success. Thanks to his work, yellow fever and malaria
was greatly destroyed.
In November of 1906, Roosevelt visited the Isthmus of Panama to witness the canal progress. This
was the first time in history that a president had ever left the country. After seeing the work on the
canal, Roosevelt returned to Washington and begin writing a letter to the Senate and house of
Representatives. He described what he had seen and all that he had experienced, this letter was
written December 17, 1906 and frequently
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Atlantic Transformations
The Earth has undergone a series of physical transformations throughout its history, and every
transformation changes the way things such as water currents, heat circulation, and climate manifest.
Twenty million years ago, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans flowed freely between North and South
America because there was no land barrier between them, which meant that the salinity of the
oceans were similar. This meant that warm water vapor wasn't being carried up to the North
Atlantic, like happens today. When the pacific plate was pushed under the Caribbean plate
volcanoes, islands, and eventually the body of land that connects North and South America formed.
This caused the currents of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to go towards the north,
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The Geography of Panama and the Panama Canal Essay
The Geography of Panama and the Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is one of the greatest works of engineering and modern achievements of
mankind. An all–water passage through the continental divide of the Panama region had been
suggested since early Spanish colonial times of the 16th century. Today a canal that was cut through
the Isthmus of Panama is a reality. It's presence has greatly affected Panama in many ways,
politically, economically, and socially. The Panama Canal is possibly one of the most well known
man made geographic features ever.
Only five days after the U.S. secured Panama's independence from Columbia, the first canal treaty
was signed with the United States. Signing the treaty ... Show more content on ...
The canal is bordered on both sides by the Panama Canal Zone, a strip of land given to the United
States in 1903 but returned to Panama in 1979. The United States turned over the control of the
canal to Panama in 1999. While the Panama Canal is a bridge of water connecting two oceans,
building it ripped Panama apart.
For Panama the opening of the canal meant a great boom in it's economy. Panama has probably
earned about $200 million form the canal every year. In war or peace, more than 12,000 ships from
around the world sail through the fifty–one–mile long Panama Canal every year, carrying 160
million tons of cargo, representing about 5% of the worlds total sea borne trade. The canal is
particularly vital to the economies of South America, connecting the Atlantic coast with the Orient,
and the Pacific coast with Europe. Fifteen percent of all U.S. trade goes through the canal, and the
oil pipeline beside it caries 600,000 barrels of Alaska crude oil to the U.S. eastern seaboard and
beyond. Panama's special geography and history make its people the most cosmopolitan in the
region. Nearly 40 percent of all Panamanians have ancestors who were neither Spanish nor Indian,
but who had came to the isthmus over the last 110 years to build or traverse the canal. Panama is a
service economy, trading, financial, and transportation services account for three
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Male Homosexual Roles Among the Isthmus Zapotec of...
Male Homosexual Roles Amog the Isthmus Zapotec of Southern Mexico
Carlos and Javier are two men living in the city of Juchit&#8747;n, Mexico. They work at a small
hotel just off the z–calo, the main town square. Sometimes they converge with other men outside the
hotel to watch people as they walk past in the z–calo. As nearly anywhere in Mexico, the men
comment and nudge each other when an attractive woman passes, but Carlos and Javier remain
silent throughout the exchange. It is not until an attractive young man walks by that they speak up.
ãÃUy, que guapo!ä Carlos exclaims: ãAh, how handsome!äÊ Carlos and Javier are
muxeâ, the effeminate male homosexuals of Isthmus Zapotec culture.
Male homosexuality and transvestism is ... Show more content on ...
Muxeâs typically occupy work that would otherwise fall into the female sphere, such as selling in
the marketplace and operating cantinas, though some do take work that falls into the male category,
as with those who work in the petroleum industry. Carlos and Javier, however, fall into neither
group. Their work –– cooking and cleaning at the hotel –– generally falls into the category of
womenâs work, but few self–respecting Zapotec women would do such work as a profession,
outside her own home. Jobs like these, mainly involving housekeeping, are dominated by muxeâs,
as is the highly specialized and respected field of dance instruction, according to my informants.
Sexual relations among the muxeâ seem to be most public with mayates, though some muxeâs
may enter into relations with other muxeâs. Muxeâs and mayates attend fiestas, weddings, and
dances together as would a heterosexual couple, and their presence is not viewed as unusual. As
many women dance with each other rather than with men, so too are muxeâs often seen dancing
with other muxeâs, though this does not indicate a sexual relationship. Muxeâs and mayates can
occasionally be seen kissing in public places as would many heterosexual couples.
Muxeâs interact freely with both men and women, entering into scenarios in both the male and
female spheres with relative ease. Muxeâs often enter into joking banter with
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Panama's Struggle For Independence
Over the course of the nineteenth century, isthmian political leaders developed a growing ambition
for independence. "Panama subsequently declared its independence from Colombia in 1830, 1831,
and 1840, but each time the separation was quickly aborted. From 1819, Panama was part of the
federation and country of Colombia but when Colombia rejected United States plans to build a canal
across the Isthmus of Panama, the U.S. supported a revolution that led to the independence of
Panama in 1903." After encouraging Panama's independence from Colombia, the U.S. signed a
treaty in 1903 that gave it the rights to build and operate the canal for perpetuity. The agreement also
gave the U.S. the right to govern the 10–mile wide, 40–mile long strip
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Isthmus Of Panama Research Paper
The Isthmus of Panama Route= this route was traveled by ship to Panama. This was the shortest
route taking between 1–3 months to complete. Ships set sail for Panama from east coast of the U.S.
When travelers arrived in Panama they canoed up the Charges River for 75 miles. Then they rode
mules for 25 miles through the jungle to Panama City. There they waited for a ship to take them to
San Francisco. This was the fastest route of all three travelers could get to California in half of the
time of the other routes. Weary travelers could take a break from life at sea and eat fresh food as
they crossed Panama. There were numerous of diseases in Panama, and they took the lives of many
passengers waiting to sail to San Francisco. Diseases such as Cholera,
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Spanish Conquest Of Honduras Essay
In the early history the spanish arrived to colonize Honduras. The land was already occupied by a
variety of indigenous people, who were the Maya. In the 16th century, gold stimulated Spanish
conquest of the area. Gracias, the Honduran gold mining town, became the capital of Spanish
Central America in 1544. However, by 1548 the Spaniards drained the gold.
In the 1570s, a silver strike in the highland brought explorers to Honduras. This resulted in the
ascend of an important centre at Tegucigalpa and especially in the 18th century, with Comayagua.
Agriculture, which is the enduring economic base in Central America, was slow to develop in
Honduras. The evolution of the spanish society in the Honduran area was prevented by the coastal
attacks from the pirates and buccaneers to the Caribbean Sea. The British took effort to take over the
coastal areas of Central America. For long periods of time Spanish used soft defense towards the
Caribbean threat. With this happening they fell back to the highlands and to the ... Show more
content on ...
He promoted liberal policies that reduced the traditional power and a benefit of the clergy. The
conservative and popular resistance to liberal policies that led to the fall of the federation and
Honduras announced its absolute independence on November 5, 1883. On January 1, 1841, the
prochurch conservatives in Honduras took under control by Francisco Ferrera that was the first to
become a constitutional president. During the mid 19th century, notwithstanding its declaration of
In 1860, Walker invaded Honduras at Trujillo. Honduras encouraged efforts to repair the Central
American Union and its real independence was hardly restricted by its powerful neighbours. The
conservatives authority lasted until the 1870s. It was during the time when the church regained its
former position. The Honduran government signed a concordat in 1861 with the Holy See in
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Measuring The Quality Of A Hip Prosthetic Implants For...
4.2 Sample size
Size of the sample group is needed to be specified properly due to the goal is to make inferences
about the population from the sample. The appropriate sample size can be resulted in terms of the
reliability of the study, especially empirical study. Therefore, how many samples can satisfy the
target? In addition, a smaller sample size leads to a higher error of the sampling when compared
with a bigger size. Even if an increasing of sample size can diminish the error, after it goes beyond
some point, an error cannot be decreased significantly (see figure 4.1). Furthermore, an optimal
sample size can also save time and cost of study. Figure 4.1: Rough relationship between sample
size and error, where error is considered to be the deviation of sample values from population values
4.2.1 Statistical equation and information
In our study, it aims to design and develop hip prosthetic implants for specific breeds of dogs.
According to the previous step, breeds selection, it has been cleared that 5 studied breeds are
Retriever (Labrador), German Shepherd Dog, Retriever (Golden), Bernese Mountain Dog and
Newfoundland. So as to design and develop the specifically prosthetic implants, the anatomical
parameters of femur need to be collected and converted to dimensions of the implants. There are
many parameters concerned, such as proximal and distal position of the femoral isthmus,
intracortical width at the lesser trochanter and proximal extremity of
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Panama Canal Research Paper
The Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is a canal that connects the Pacific and Atlantic ocean. It runs through the
Isthmus of Panama. It also allows faster routes to get from East to West. There were a countless
number of steps that occurred while making the Panama Canal. One of them was that they had to
clear out the isthmus. Then, they had to create an artificial lake. Finally, the workers had to construct
a lock mechanism. These are the basic steps that had to happen in order to build the Panama Canal.
While constructing the canal, there had been a series of problems. This included the rainfall, which
wiped out months of their construction work. Yellow Fever, which was spread by mosquitoes, was
also a major difficulty. This disease killed
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Christopher Columbus : Explorers From The Age Of Exploration
Explorers from the Age of Exploration are often overshadowed by the most famous of them,
Christopher Columbus. While Columbus did technically discover America, or the New World, he
didn't believe that it was a new and undiscovered land. Columbus thought he had succeeded in
finding a shorting route to Asia, which we know as untrue, but everyone else thought he was correct.
Except for a few explorers, one of them being Vasco Nunez de Balboa, the explorer who was the
first European to see the Pacific Ocean.
Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa was born in Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz) in the
province of Extremadura in the European country of Spain in the year 1475. Not much is known
about Balboa's family or childhood, or if he had an interest in travel and exploration.
When Balboa had reached the age of 25, he made a transatlantic trip across the enormous ocean with
another explorer named Rodrigo de Bastidas. The voyage took them to have an expedition across
the coast of modern day Colombia. After this exploration was completed, Balboa moved all of his
belongings to the large Latin island of Hispaniola, which is now present day Haiti and the
Dominican Republic.
On the island, Balboa tried to become a successful pioneer farmer on the island of Haiti. Because he
wanted to become successful farmer, he needed to borrow money from some other wealthy people
on the island. When his farming career was going south, his investors wanted their money back.
These wealthy men would not stop until they got their investment back. So the sole option for
Balboa to do was to get away from those who wanted him dead because of his debt. The easiest way
to sneak away from all of his problems was to jump on a big exploration boat and hope the ship
would be going to a place where you could get away from people who wanted you dead.
The mystery ship Balboa hopped on was just so happened to be heading to the underdeveloped and
small colony named San Sebastian. The settlement of San Sebastian was very small and not heading
on a successful path to a great colony. The bulk of all the colonist who once lived on this miniature
settlement had been brutally murdered by the Native People of the Island, rightfully so. The
remaining of the
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Case Study: 69-Year-Old Patient
The patient is a 69–year–old gentleman who presented to the ED on 9/11 complaining of abdominal
pain, constipation and rectal pain. Initial referral was EHR it was determine the patient should be
observation Dr. Aqel did not agree with that assessment and therefore this is a second review. As
stated he presented with constipation, abdominal pain and specifically anal pain with no bowel
movement for approximately 3 days prior to presentation. His medical history is significant for
coronary artery disease having had bypass grafting in 2009, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia,
diabetes mellitus, previous CVA, also known to have a atrial flutter. He therefore was admitted to
the telemetry unit because of the flutter. The patient underwent
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Economic Impacts Of The Panama Canal
#4 (Panama Canal) The Panama Canal is a 48 mile long canal that cuts through the isthmus of
Panama. It connects both the atlantic, and Pacific Oceans making transportation faster, so goods,
services, and people wouldn't have to go over North America, or under South America. The canal is
man–made and was made by the United States. The canal was successfully built in 1914 by the
United States after 10 years of building it. However, the French tried to build it before the U.S.A. It
started in 1881 and ended in failure in 1894 because of the death of 22,000 workers because of
mosquitoes carrying illness, constant rain, and mud slopes. These things made the project bankrupt,
so they eventually sold it to the United States for 40 ... Show more content on ...
It is a very good source of jobs for people in Latin America. This boosts economic activity in the
area, making the area better. Since a lot of ships come in on a daily basis, money comes in fast.
Panama has also brought in countless numbers of tourist to come see the Canal, making the
economy grow and grow. Before the canal the boats would have to go under South America where
there were strong winds and cold waters, taking a long time. After the canal was built, it cut 8,000
miles from travel time to go around South America, and made the cost less for ships wanting to get
to the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean. Now, countries are able to trade with other countries far away
because of the canal. The overall importance of the Canal is very high. Without it, Panama wouldn't
have the booming city like it does today, would have a low amount of jobs, and other countries
wouldn't be able to trade easily by boat. The canal has made shipment of goods by boats much
easier, since they don't have to cut under South America. If it was never created, boat travel would
not be like it is today.
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The main purpose of the oviducts is to be the site of fertilization and receive ovulated oocyte. The
oviduct includes the fallopian, or uterine tubes. The ovulated oocyte, or ovum, travels from the
ovary to the uterus through the oviduct. The fallopian tube is comprised of three parts, the
infundibulum, ampulla and isthmus. The infundibulum is comprised of ciliated fimbriae and located
at the cranial end of the fallopian tube. The ampulla, the actual site of fertilization, is located
between the infundibulum and isthmus. The isthmus, joined to the uterus, functions as a "container"
for sperm. Sperm is released from the mucosa layer of the isthmus.
When a fertilized ovum implants somewhere other than the uterus, this causes an ectopic pregnancy.
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The Panama Canal Essay
The Panama Canal
In 1902, Theodore Roosevelt had a dream of a dominant America in both major oceans, connected
by an American canal. With his inspiration, construction began on what has been called the largest
project of any kind ever undertaken. Now that it is complete, the Panama Canal makes the world a
much smaller place for ocean–going vessels of all sizes.
Ideas for a canal across Panama have been in the works ever since the time the isthmus was
discovered. In 1513, Vasco Nuñez de Balboa crossed the 50–mile wide land bridge and claimed the
water on the other side in the name of Spain. Shortly after, in 1534, a team was sent to survey
possible canal routes that would follow the Chagres River, but it ... Show more content on ...
The low, green mountains in the area look tame and easy to dig through, but looks can be deceiving.
Instead of being formed by the lateral pressure of two plates colliding with one another, these
mountains were formed by individual volcanic activity, causing very inconsistent rock formations
beneath the surface. Adding to this confusion is the fact that over the course of its geologic history,
the isthmus has gone through periods of submersion, which adds some marine formations to the
The environment in Panama is also deceptively attractive looking. Extremely close to the equator,
the isthmus is covered in tropical rainforest similar to the Amazon. This kind of environment
incubates diseases such as smallpox, yellow fever, and malaria, not to mention the poisonous snakes
and insects that it breeds. Two seasons exist there: wet and dry. During the wet season, heavy rains
combine with the topography of the land to cause flash flooding on the Chagres River, causing it to
rise up to 40 feet in a 24 hour period (
The first true effort to dig a canal across the isthmus was made by privately–funded Frenchmen. In
Paris in 1879, a meeting of the Societe de Geographie was held to discuss possible plans for a canal.
At the meeting 14 different ideas were proposed. One of the more prominent plans was presented by
Baron Godin de Lepinay, and was very similar to
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How To Make The Panama Canal
The Panama Canal in my opinion one of the greatest man made canal in the history of the world.
The french attempted to make the canal but failed. In the year 1904 President Theodore Roosevelt
pressured Columbia to declare Panama independent. Theodore did not care about the panamanians
he cared about the land. Panama is an isthmus, an isthmus is a piece of land connecting two large
land masses such as North and South America. People have been dreaming of connecting the
Atlantic and Pacific Ocean for hundreds of years. John Findley Wallace resigned so President
Theodore gave the job to someone else John Frank Stevens. Stevens had an idea instead of digging
out the mountain they would build steps to get over it. They used railroads to move dirt, supplies,
and machines. It took a while, however they used dams to block water, made artificial lakes so the
boats could get across, gravity to fill the locks, and make locks. Locks are like steps, you fill it with
water, open up the gates and keep getting higher. The Panama Canal was not just a marvelous
structure, it changed the power of the Earth. ... Show more content on ...
Constructing the Panama Canal was not easy, they had to overcome diseases, deaths, machine
problems and many more. Yellow fever has been around for centuries and the workers in panama
contracted it. Not only that but mosquitoes that were carrying around malaria got a lot of the
population sick/ infected. A man named walter reed had contracted malaria and survived. He
requested 1 million for sanitation and killing mosquitoes but got denied, then he got the money he
requested. He reduced the amount of infected people down to 5%. Besides diseases and animals
there were bigger problems. The land. It was not level and there were mountains in the way. So they
built locks to go over the mountains, but there is also flooding there so they built a dam. Still to this
day their are still problems with the
... Get more on ...

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Cardiac Tachycardia

  • 1. Cardiac Tachycardia This work has been motivated by our wish to understand 336 and document dynamics that occur in the main hypothesized 337 anatomical substrates for some types of cardiac tachycardias 338 – the ring and isthmus geometries, Fig. 1. 339 In an annulus, there were relatively simple patterns of 340 excitation consisting of one or more waves traveling in a 341 clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Although patterns 342 with two or more circulating waves such as those shown in Figs. 2(a) (multimedia view) and 2(e) (multimedia view) 345 were expected based on previous studies of dynamics in 346 excitable chemical media,27,28 or in models of heart,6,26 we 347 are not aware of previous experimental studies demonstrat– 348 ing such patterns. In the annular ... Show more content on ... 394 37 Although such models have been suc– cessful at identifying those at risk for serious reentrant tachy– 395 cardias, to date they have not been successful in predicting 396 aspects of the arrhythmia location and stimulation protocols 397 to induce the arrhythmia, or the period of the tachycardia. 398 Thus, such models have the potential for identifying the ana– 399 tomical substrate for the arrhythmia. Our work supports the 400 conceptual basis for these models, but points to the impor– 401 tance of confirming that the patterns of excitation in the ana– 402 tomical models of the heart correspond to those clinically 403 observed. 404 In conclusion, we have observed a large number of dis– 405 tinct rhythms that can be found in annular geometries and 406 isthmus geometries. The possibilities that many different 407 dynamic patterns can occur in a single geometry provide a 408 strong set of questions for experimentalists, theoreticians, 409 and clinicians to determine the mechanisms by which reen– 410 trant rhythms become established can be modified or annihi– 411 lated, and how they depend on subtle physiological and 412 anatomical features of the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Madison's Four Lake Country It is important to think critically about the context in which globalization begins and thrives, especially in the minds of international scholars. The growth of Madison is a perfect example of strategic creation through the use of undeveloped land in regards to local geography, society, and interdependencies. Created from the ground up by three ambitious businessmen in the 1830s, Madison started out as an iffy candidate for the busy urban center it is today. Based on the swamplands of southern Wisconsin, Madison was called "Four Lake Country" and one of only two US cities to be created on an isthmus (the other being Seattle, Washington). Throughout this essay the vital characteristics that have contributed to the success of Madison as an urban ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Panama Canal Essay The Panama Canal has been called the big ditch, the bridge between two continents, and the greatest shortcut in the world. When it was finally finished in 1914, the 51–mile waterway cut off over 7,900 miles of the distance between New York and San Francisco, and changed the face of the industrialized world ("Panama Canal"). This Canal is not the longest, the widest, the deepest, or the oldest canal in the world, but it is the only canal to connect two oceans, and still today is the greatest man–made waterway in the world ("Panama Canal Connects). Ferdinand de Lesseps, who played a large role in building the Suez Canal in 1869 (Jones), was the director of the Compagnie Universelle Du Canal Interoceanique de Panama ("Historical ... Show more content on ... "In 1907, an American construction crew headed by G.W. Goethals journeyed to Panama to try their luck where the French had failed" ("Panama Canal Connects"). Before any work could begin, the most deadly of the problems on the isthmus had to be overcome – disease. The US was afraid of having as many casualties as the French did. To help prevent this American doctor William Gorgas was asked to examine the area. Gorgas goal was now to eliminate the mosquito population from the canal. Gorgas and his troops started to cover all standing or slow– moving bodies of water with a combination of oil and insecticide. These chemicals were put in to help kill off any mosquitoes. Gorgas also kept all infected persons in a wire–screen tent. The wire– screen tents would stop all mosquitoes from spreading the diseases. The "massive" ("Panama Canal") project to wipe out the malaria–carrying mosquito was successful, and work proceeded without the hazard of disease that doomed the French venture. Work on the canal was finally continued from where De Lesseps crew stopped (76 million cubic yards of dirt had already been dug). With out the threat of disease the workers were able to work with out having the fear of death in the back of their minds. US portion of the canal "construction began at both ends of the projected canal" ("Actual ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Isthmus Of Panama The formation of the Isthmus of Panama is seen today as one of the most transformative and remarkable events of the Cenozoic. The formation of the land bridge that connects North and South America and divides the Pacific and Atlantic oceans had profound affects on the climate, atmosphere and the biodiversity of both marine and terrestrial organisms of the area encompassing the Isthmus of Panama. It led to the Great American Biotic Interchange, which allowed for the invasion of inhabitants from each side of the Americas. The dispersal of terrestrial organisms and the vicariant separation of marine organisms produced dramatic transformations in the land ecosystems of South America and Central America, which largely influenced the distribution ... Show more content on ... The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), which is a measure of the efficacy and accuracy of statistical models for a given data set, was applied to the two most commonly debated migration models for Isthmus formation. One migration model consisted of a single rate shift at around 3.5 Ma, the once widely accepted timing for the formation of Isthmus. The other migration model consists of two rate shifts at 25 Ma and 10 M, consistent with the initial collision of South America and the Panama Block and the closure of the CAS, respectively. Results from this test revealed that the migration model consisting of two rate shifts was a more accurate model for the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. As seen in figures 1A–D, migrations between North and South America occurred in gradual pulses over millions of years rather than just a sudden burst of migration events occurring after closure of the Isthmus around 3.5 Ma, as indicated by the dashed ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay Ancient Corinth Ancient Corinth ?Unlike most other cities in the ancient world, Corinth was a city destined for prosperity and longevity no matter who occupied it or how it was governed.? It is as old, or older, than any other ancient Greek city, with origins that lie only in myths and legends that are more than two thousand years old.? Little is known of who established the city or when it was actually founded.? What we do know is Corinth was a very important city and it became a major player in ancient Greek and Roman history.? ?The main reason for the existence of Corinth is the same reason for its greatness.? The ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean world produced this city out of geographical and commercial necessity.? The southern ... Show more content on ... and, ?Let him who sails round Malea first make his will? (Barclay 1).? The best alterative for sea faring merchants and travelers, if their ship was small enough, was to set their boat on a platform and drag it across the four mile isthmus to the other side; or, if their ship was too large, disembark the cargo and carry it to the other side to be loaded onto another ship.? This short land trek saved mariners the journey of two hundred and two miles around Cape Malea (Barclay 2).? ?Corinth being at the center of all this trading activity, it is no surprise that the city was consistently a great commercial and cultural center.? A description of Corinth by the ancient author Strabo states, ?Corinth is called wealthy because of its commerce, since it is situated on the Isthmus and is master of two harbors, of which the one leads straight to Asia, and the other to Italy; and it makes it easy the exchange of merchandise from both countries that are so far distant from each other? (Strabo).? In his book Roman Corinth, Donald Engels describes Corinth in similar terms, ?From a small beginning, Corinth grew to become the largest city in Greece by the Second century A.D.? It was both an intellectual and cultural center, as well as a vital link in the commercial network of the eastern Mediterranean? (Engels 8).? It was the Vanity Fair of Greece, having objects of exoticism and luxury finding open markets which were visited by every nation in the civilized world; ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Why Build The Panama Canal Why Build a Canal had an interesting take on the importance of building the Panama Canal. Many believed the military had a great deal of importance using the ports. President Theodore Roosevelt believed that an U.S needed a controlled canal that could offer a great deal of domination as far as connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean for our military. Frenchman Ferdinand de Lesseps, who was behind the Suez Canal, became an International Hero by marshaling the political and technical forces. As shown in the photograph, Napoleon Garella was appointed by the French Government to survey possible canal routes on the Isthmus of Panama. Surprisingly his was terribly wrong on some non–engineering points. I didn't understand how he could miss important ... Show more content on ... Garella thought that yellow fever didn't exist. He was terribly wrong and missed a very important and critical health hazard that led to thousands of worker's death. Many people thought that the yellow fever was caused by bad air, but it had been proven that the disease was transmitted by mosquitoes. It was very tragic that it led to a lot of workers to death because it wasn't properly detected during the survey. It was a good that William Gorgas used the research of physicians Ronald Ross, Carlos Juan Finlay, and Walter Reed along with his own experience to get rid of the yellow fever within 18 months or it could have led to more deaths. House mosquito was the carrier of the yellow fever, reading the article is was bred in swamps, on the sides of river, and in puddles. As a worker it was very hard to determine where the mosquitoes were coming from. It was surprising not to see how the workers were being protected from the fever and mosquitoes, some would get immune and would live a long time, but what about new workers that would come in and help build canal, how were they protected. As shown in the picture crude oil was brought in to spray the areas where mosquitoes were breeding to disrupt their life cycle. The spread of the yellow fever was eventually limited by using screens to bar them away from ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty Of 1940 Spanish explorers had an insatiable obsession with gold. With their empire expanding into the reaches of central and south America their greed was apparent. Vasco Núñez de Balboa first spotted the Pacific Coast from the isthmus of Panama while searching for treasure. His discovery was far more valuable than any monetary token; he found a short strip of land linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This location would become indispensable to global trade 400 years after he first saw its shore. Panama has since been a place of great prosperity, but with prosperity comes death, disease, and political turmoil. The canal as it stands today was built in the early 20th century and finished in 1914 under the Roosevelt Administration. Although the canal is just a series of concrete locks, their application has greatly altered the role in relations between the United States and Latin America. It was no secret that the United States had imperialist ambitions in the early 20th century. Theodore Roosevelt and Alfred Mahan both advocated for an expansion and modernization of the U.S. Navy. The new fleet called the Great White Fleet portrayed the American values of expansion, but needed tremendous support to operate to it's full potential. ... Show more content on ... Before the treaty of 1903, the territory of Panama had no intent to rebel from Colombia. The terms were extreme. The U.S. demanded complete control over the canal zone and the construction of the Panama Canal. The treaty specifically stated the US would be able to exercise a monopoly in the construction, operation and maintenance of the canal. The US would also be accountable for the justice system in the area. Although Panama fought for its independence, their land was forcefully taken from them when Panama's newly formed government signed the treaty. The terms on which the treaty was signed were practically ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Panama Canal Thesis Statement Thesis Statement There is no doubt that the building of the Panama Canal was a major feat in history that has made a huge impact on the way many countries trade with each other. It was a great struggle to complete but it also was very rewarding. The Land Area The Isthmus of Panama is about 50 miles wide at its narrowest point. The land was thick with jungle, deep swamp, and mountains. What the surveyors did not realize is that the geology behind the land made it much harder to build the canal than in other places around the world. The surrounding mountain range was formed differently than most mountain ranges, commonly formed by folding due to lateral pressure. These mountains were formed by individual volcanic actions. Formations ... Show more content on ... In 1876, French Navy Lieutenant Lucien N. B. Wyse, a grandson of Lucien Bonaparte, was sent to explore locations and different possibilities for the canal. He returned home in April 1877 and showed De Lesseps the construction plans. De Lesseps rejected all of the plans because they required tunnels and locks to be built. De Lesseps prefered to build a sea level canal like the Suez Canal. Wyse went back to the isthmus on December 6, 1877. He explored two routes in Panama, one through Nicaragua and one through Panama. In the end he chose the Panamanian route, which would be sea level. The route would follow the Panama Railroad and require a 7,720–meter–long tunnel through the Continental Divide at Culebra. He traveled to Bogota and the Colombian government signed a treaty on March 20th, 1878 that granted rights to build the canal through Panama, then part of Colombia. The treaty promised Colombia ownership of the canal after 99 years. It was estimated to take six years and $240 million. The digging started the first day of 1880 By March 1883, construction was behind schedule and 660,000 out the promised 5,000,000 cubic meters have been excavated. After visiting Panama in 1886, De Lesseps claims construction will be done by July 1889. Later that year, only a few feet out of hundreds have been removed from the Culebra Cut. De Lesseps hired ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Panama Canal Essay Panama Canal Essay The canal was the best thing that ever happened to Panama. The Panama Canal was started under President Roosevelt and completed by his successor, William Howard Taft. The canal was built across an isthmus, a narrow body of land that connects two larger land areas, which connects North and South America. In some places in Panama the isthmus is only 50 miles across. The French started the canal in the late 1800's. They had just built the then famous Suez Canal with relative ease. The Suez Canal, unlike the Panama Canal, was a straight canal on level ground, in a relatively dry climate. The French had failed in building the Panama Canal because of the tropical climate, in which deadly tropical diseases consumed their ... Show more content on ... The second person was Colonel William Gorgas, who was chosen to stamp out the deadly tropical diseases. The third was the great engineer, Colonel George Goethals, who was charged with cutting through the treacherous mountain range. Instead of cutting straight though the land, he devised building lochs, in which the boats would be raised gradually. Back then the land in which the canal was to be built was owned by Columbia. Theodore Roosevelt asked the Columbians for permission to build the canal, but they refused. People living on the isthmus were dissenting from the Columbian government and eventually revolted and set up the independent Republic of Panama. "It was Roosevelt who "took the isthmus," regardless of the niceties of international law and Congressional debate." – The Good Neighbor: Teddy's Big Ditch, Building the Canal. When the Panamanians revolted Teddy saw this as the perfect investment to get the canal underway. He supported the Panamanians and sent warships to stop any help from the Columbian government to put down the rebellion. The Panamanians declared their independence and were very grateful towards the Americans. The Americans leased a strip of land, called the Panama Canal Zone, for $10,000,000. The land was forty–five miles long and ten miles wide and the American's paid a $430,000 rent every year. In 1904, they agreed to let the United ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Suez Research Paper Suez Scenario Introduction: The physical and geopolitical obstacles involved in building a canal in a foreign nation are numerous and complex; however, a canal presents an excellent economic opportunity for imperialist nations. For this reason, a French canal was a political, economic, and imperialist idea that had historical roots back to the reign Louis XIV (Negrelli). Later Napoleon had a vision, reminiscent of Louis XIV, to overcome nature through French imperialist efforts, including a massive investment of both monetary and human capital to connect trade destinations.The isthmus between the Red and Mediterranean seas, the Isthmus of Suez was viewed as a opportune chunk of land to excavate for the purpose of a canal to cut the travel ... Show more content on ... The French occupation throughout Muhammed Said life, led to Ferdinand De Lesseps' description of the viceroy: "The Prince was brought up in French ideas with an impetuous head and great sincerity of character (9, De Lesseps)." Thus, the presence of the French in Egypt implicitly conditioned Muhammad Said to have French sympathies, which left the door open for continued amiable relations along with potential progress in the Suez Canal project. Within the year that Muhammad Said came into power, 1854, Ferdinand De Lesseps returned to Egypt in order to strategically rekindle his youthful friendship Muhammad Said along with his past French diplomatic efforts in Egypt. The relationship fostered between Ferdinand De Lesseps and Muhammed Said may have been the most influential factor in the successful creation of the Suez Canal. Ferdinand De Lesseps was a very talented and tactical diplomat for France: "Ferdinand De Lesseps was a potent combination of vision pragmatism, and will (7, Karabell)." Ferdinand was able to be deliberate and meticulous with his presentation skills in various diplomatic settings, while also being able to foster meaningful correspondence and relationships. Furthermore, Ferdinand De Lesseps had mastered rhetorical framing, including the timing of the message, in order to be perceived as he ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Panama Canal Essay Panama Canal Essay The canal was the best thing that ever happened to Panama. The Panama Canal was started under President Roosevelt and completed by his successor, William Howard Taft. The canal was built across an isthmus, a narrow body of land that connects two larger land areas, which connects North and South America. In some places in Panama the isthmus is only 50 miles across. The French started the canal in the late 1800's. They had just built the then famous Suez Canal with relative ease. The Suez Canal, unlike the Panama Canal, was a straight canal on level ground, in a relatively dry climate. The French had failed in building the Panama Canal because of the tropical climate, in which deadly tropical diseases consumed their ... Show more content on ... Theodore Roosevelt asked the Columbians for permission to build the canal, but they refused. People living on the isthmus were dissenting from the Columbian government and eventually revolted and set up the independent Republic of Panama. "It was Roosevelt who "took the isthmus," regardless of the niceties of international law and Congressional debate." – The Good Neighbor: Teddy's Big Ditch, Building the Canal. When the Panamanians revolted Teddy saw this as the perfect investment to get the canal underway. He supported the Panamanians and sent warships to stop any help from the Columbian government to put down the rebellion. The Panamanians declared their independence and were very grateful towards the Americans. The Americans leased a strip of land, called the Panama Canal Zone, for $10,000,000. The land was forty–five miles long and ten miles wide and the American's paid a $430,000 rent every year. In 1904, they agreed to let the United States build the canal, which was continued on the old French canal. The canal cost a little more than $395,000,000 and was considered the " greatest man–made waterway " – Our American Neighbors: Panama, Crossroads of the World. The canal has been a great source of revenue for the U.S. and Panama. Each ship that passes through the canal pays by the ton of cargo it has. The larger ships that pass through the canal pay from $15,000 to $20,000. The 52,000 American and Panamanians that lived in the Panama ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Thesis Statement On The Panama Canal Thesis How much do you really know about the Panama Canal? It is the canal that runs through the Isthmus of Panama and connects the two largest oceans on earth. Back in the nineteenth century some engineers decided it was a good place to create that canal. Congress wanted to strategically build a canal in central America but there was debate on where. However the debate was settled in 1904 when Theodore Roosevelt and the United States took over the construction of the Panama Canal from the French. They then supported a rebellion in Panama to separate from Colombia gaining the rights to build the canal, which is one of the greatest engineering projects ever, and the most important canal in the western world. Background The Panama Canal was first conceived of in the 16th century by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, after it was discovered that there was no natural water route through the Americas ( The Romans eventually decided that it was impossible to build a canal ... Show more content on ... This project was doomed from the start because, first of all there wasn't enough surveying done so Lesseps didn't realize that making a sea level canal was very unwise. Second, there was very poor management. Many of the staff were not hired with the project in mind, and didn't know anything about canal building. Many of the spots along the canal had to get re–dug, causing huge budget problems. The tropical climate also contributed to the failure. They had to clear rainforest, and pay more to their employees to get them to work in the hot, sticky climate. They also had to worry about the rust and corroding of their equipment. The diseases caused most of the deaths on the construction. Yellow fever and malaria were the deadliest diseases. The population still believed that the diseases were caused by bad air, so their efforts to stop the diseases were doomed from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. How Did Plate Tectonics Cause Climate Change In America Plate tectonics move land masses around, and occasionally, interactions between different plates causes new land to form, and can even join two separate continents together, changing ocean currents and causing climate change. This is evident in the collision of the North and South American continents, which created the Isthmus of Panama, and separated the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Approximately 15 million years ago, the North and South American continent was cut off from each other by a seaway about 200 km wide. Over time, the South American plate collided with the Caribbean and Cocos plate, and gradually closed the exchange of the Caribbean and Pacific waters 3–4 million years ago. This resulted in several consequences. The strongest of which was that the transport of warm surface water could not enter the Pacific via the Atlantic ocean, and redirected it towards the Arctic Ocean, and effectively causing the current Thermohaline circulation to start. If the seaway were not closed, it would have been likely that cold water from the Arctic would have flowed towards the equator, where it would pass by the north– eastern part of North America, which could have caused the climate in the area to be much colder than it is today. ... Show more content on ... Another example is in volcanic activity caused by plate interactions. The three types of plate interactions, divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries all can form volcanoes, which release large amounts of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, trapping heat from the sun in the atmosphere and causes global temperatures to ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. AMT Verifiable Details Scores Participants A rigorous screening procedure will be used to identify HSAM participants based on the methodology used by LePort et al. (2012). All individuals who contact the research team self– identifying as having HSAM will be screened via the telephone, and if basic inclusion criteria are met (ex. health requirements, appropriate description of their memory abilities, etc.), formal consent will be obtained. The resulting group will be screened with a Public Event Quiz (as detailed below). Individuals who score well enough on this first screening quiz, will advance to a second screening quiz, a 10 Dates Quiz (as detailed below). All individuals who achieve a score of 65% or higher will be asked to come for a laboratory interview, thus forming ... Show more content on ... There is expected to be a significant positive correlation between the two variables, r(100)=.87, p= <.01. Increases in AMT Verifiable Details Scores are expected to be correlated with increases in DTI–FA values of the complete uncinate fasciculus (see Figure 1). AMT Verifiable Details Scores & Ventral Extension of the UF DTI–FA Values A correlational analysis will be computed to assess the relationship between AMT Verifiable Details Scores and DTI–FA values of the ventral extension of the uncinate fasciculus. There is expected to be a significant positive correlation between the two variables, r(100)=.85, p=<.01. Increases in AMT Verifiable Details Scores are expected to be correlated with increases in DTI–FA values of ventral extension of the uncinate fasciculus (see Figure 2). AMT Verifiable Details Scores & Isthmus of the UF DTI–FA ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Gadsden Purchase The Gadsden Purchase of 1853 is one of the most monumental land purchases in United States history. In basic terms, the Gadsden Purchase was an area of land that was acquired by the United States from Mexico in order to build a railway for the transportation of goods in the South from East to West in order to fulfill Manifest Destiny. Throughout this paper, I hope to accurately navigate through the events prior to the Gadsden Purchase as well as the early life of James Gadsden. Although many topics relate to the purchase itself, I will offer a historical view into Gadsden's life before, after, and during the purchase as well as a more in depth look into the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. I shall also touch base on why the land was so ... Show more content on ... They called it the Gadsden Purchase, which the United States agreed to pay Mexico ten million dollars for thirty eight thousand square miles of land. Ten million dollars back in 1853 is equivalent to two hundred and eighty million dollars today. The Southern transcontinental railroad that James Gadsden had dreamed up was never built. The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the Mexican American war in 1848 was a very important decision in our history. We allowed the Mexican government to keep Mesilla Valley in place of them giving us the Santa Rita Mountains. We believed that we would profit off of this compromise due to the fact that we thought there was rich copper deposits, and some silver and gold which had not yet been mined. Little did we know that the Mesilla Valley was essential for the construction of a Southern Transcontinental Railroad. The reason it was important for the railroad was because it consisted of flat desert land about fifty miles north to south and 200 miles wide, east to west. There were two parcels of the land that President Pierce instructed Gadsden to try and buy. The Baja California Peninsula was the first for fifty million dollars or the thirty eight thousand square miles of dry arid desert. Santa Ana needed money badly to help build up his army to defend against the very people wanting to pay him, the United States. He thought the best solution was to sell as little land as possible for the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Renaissance : Contributions And Evolution Of The... The Renaissance was a period of cultural evolution that marked the end of the Medieval Era in Europe. During this time, many European nations experienced significant advancements in art, literature, science and technology. Ideas derived from Greek and Roman origin were introduced and modified in European countries, including Spain, France, Italy, and The Netherlands. The Renaissance was characterized mainly by the development of new ideas that remain prevalent in our world today. This age of knowledge and profound innovation originated in Florence, Italy, primarily because it was considered the cultural center of Europe. The exchange of ideas between Italy and other Asian countries was made possible by the Silk Road. The Silk Road was a network of trade routes that extended from Western Europe to East Asia. Italian city–states benefited from the Silk Road by gaining wealth and knowledge from powerful Asian nations, such as China and Japan. Essentially, the Renaissance was a blend of a diverse range of cultures with different traditions and customs. Humanism is a term that exemplifies the shared belief of most Renaissance leaders. Humanism is a philosophical stance that emphasizes the study of worldly issues rather than religious issues. During the Middle Ages, religion was the central cause of many wars. This slowed economic productivity and exploration of different civilizations. Early Renaissance humanists attempted to break the tradition of blind worship that ultimately ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Dbq Suez Canal The construction of the Suez and Panama Canals greatly affected overseas trade and commerce. The Suez Canal, which connected the Mediterranean and Red Seas though the Isthmus of Suez, had a large impact on the world economy by greatly reducing the amount of travel time required to send goods to different regions, The Panama Canal, which was built through the Isthmus of Panama, also had a similar effect on commerce by connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.There were different motivations for the building of the Panama and Suez Canals, and their construction was hindered by challenging obstacles. The French used the idea that Egypt would flourish with the building of the Suez Canal to motivate the Egyptians to give permission for its construction. Document 2 stated the benefits of building the Suez Canal, which included a safer route to travel to Mecca and Medina, and an increase in the influence that Egypt would have on the world economy. Document 5 depicted the unification of different cultures that would have occurred from the completion of the Suez Canal. The form of propaganda depicted in the cartoon would have further motivated the French to support the building the canal with the promise of progress and unity. ... Show more content on ... Document 6 stated that the United States was obligated to build the canal because it was responsible for the conception of the idea, and that it was the Americans who were supposed to bring it to fruition. Document 10 depicted the pride that American engineers had in regard to overcoming the very difficult challenge of building the canal and manipulating nature in order to benefit humanity. Document 11 showed how even after the completion of the Panama Canal, Americans were confident about their influence and power over the world economy, which was depicted with an image of Uncle Sam at the opening of the Panama ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Age Of Discovery : Vasco Nu�es De Balboa Vasco Núñes de Balboa Unknown to the indigenous people of the New World, their destiny was going to be decided by conquistador's explorations taking place across the Atlantic Ocean. Vasco Núñes de Balboa is a Spanish conquistador that snuck on a ship and headed to the New World to achieve one of the 3 G's, gold ("Vasco Núñes de Balboa Reaches"). The Age of Exploration was a time when people like Vasco Núñes de Balboa explored new lands, like the Pacific Ocean, and achieved the 3 G's, God, Glory, and Gold. The Age of Exploration was a period from the early 15th century and continued into the early 17th century, and it was a very important time in the European world. It led to overseas expansions that concluded to more trade routes, new discoveries of gold, and expansion in cities. Once Henry the Navigator started his explorations, the entire world wanted join in. During explorations, most explores wanted to get gold. Most explores explored for gold because they wanted to pay off debt, or they wanted to bring back gold for their county. Also during the Age of Exploration, many people explored for the sake of expanding their countries and to for their countries to become more culturally diffused. Lastly, as the time progressed, many explores found new, faster routes to new land and helped other explores know what to do and what not to do. Vasco Núñes de Balboa was a major contributor with the Age of Exploration. He is best known for crossing the Isthmus of Panama and ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. How To Write An Essay About Panama The Country of Panama: One of the Most Beautiful Places on Earth This essay is about the country of Panama. Panama is located in Central America and is known for its forest and mountains. I am going to tell you about what makes this country great, it's climate, tourist locations, the history of this country and how the people of Panama's culture differs from the american culture. On the fifteenth of August 1519, a Spanish conquistador Pedro Arias Dávila established the capital city of the Republic of Panama, which is known as Panama City. This city developed as the heart of undertakings, wherein the Inca Empire arranged in Peru dated back 1532 was caught. Being a stopover point in the historical backdrop of the American landmass, Panama City ... Show more content on ... According to, the republic of panama sits on the Isthmus of Panama and its square area reaches up to 78,200 sq km which is about 30,193 miles. Panama has a lot of things to offer. Panama has a tropical climate temperature but the temperature fluctuates depending on the location and elevation. The average temperature of panama is about 29 degrees C which equals to about 81 degrees F, depending on the mountain elevations, the temperature can run from anywhere to 10–19 degrees C about 50–66 degrees F. There is minimal occasional change in temperature, with warm days and cool evenings consistently. Stickiness is very high, in any case, averaging 80%. Precipitation midpoints 178 cm (70 in) in Panama City and 328 cm (129 in) in Colón. The time of lightest precipitation is from January to March. reported that Panama City, the capital city has a population of 880,691 and its metropolitan area has a population of 1,272,672 people. An recent update reported that at the end of 2015, the population had increased to 3,929,141 which speaks to an expansion of 61,606 individuals contrasted with ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Testis Echotexture Testicles can be found on the male patient within the scrotum. The normal testicle measures three to five centimeters in length, two to four centimeters in width, and three centimeters in anterior posterior measurements prospectively. Each testicle is encapsulated by the tunica albuginea. The support system for the vessels and ducts of the testicle is called the mediastinum. The Epididymis is comprised of three parts, the head, body, and tail. The relative size of the normal epididymis is six to seven centimeters in length. The echogenicity is usually brighter than that of the testis. The normal testis echotexture is uniform throughout in appearance. The appendix teste, when visualized, can be found in the upper portion of the testis. While ... Show more content on ... The gland is composed of two lobes that lie on each side of the trachea and is connected centrally by the isthmus. The isthmus overlies the trachea. Surrounding the thyroid are many muscles and vessels. It is important to acknowledge and recognize the surrounding anatomy of the thyroid gland. The average size of each gland found the normal adult is forty to sixty millimeters in length, and thirteen to eighteen millimeters in anterior posterior measurements. The thickness of the isthmus is usually four to six millimeters in thickness. Sonographically, the healthy thyroid appears as medium to high level echoes, with the same echotexture throughout. The superior thyroid artery and vein are found in the superior portion of each lobe, and the inferior artery and vein can be found in the inferior portion of each thyroid lobe. It can be very easy for an untrained sonographer to confuse the esophagus with a thyroid mass. The esophagus can be located usually on the left side. The main cause for nodular thyroid disease is hyperplasia. Whenever hyperplasia causes a relative increase in volume or size to the gland it is then termed goiter. Thyroid cancers are rare, and most biopsies that are performed on nodules are benign. Usually cancerous thyroid nodules will appear homogeneous, hypoechoic, and are typically taller than wide. The appearance of both cancerous and benign nodules can vary from cystic components, calcifications, mixed echotextures, and different echogenicity's. Hashimotos thyroiditis is the most common type of thyroiditis, and is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in North America. Sonographically, the appearance of the thyroid with this disease will appear course, and have mixed ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Dr. Carl Brucker: Why Reproduction In Cattle Work INTRODUCTION Why Reproduction Is Important? Reproduction is perhaps the most important part of life. Without reproduction no organism would be possible to even exist. With sexual reproduction there are many advantages. Without being able to reproduce an animal cannot carry on there genetics to offspring ending possibly excellent genetics. Purpose The purpose of this report is to give basic knowledge about how the male and female reproductive systems in cattle work. Target Audience Primarily the target audience for this report is Dr. Carl Brucker. Secondarily for any person that is interested in learning more about reproduction in cattle. FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT The female is perhaps the more complex reproductive system ... Show more content on ... The bull has what is called a fibroelastic penis unlike us humans the penis does not use blood to become erect. Instead, the fibroelastic uses the sigmoid flexure which in inside the bull and extends out so the penis comes out of the sheath. The driving force behind the controlling the penises movement in and out of the sheath is called the retractor muscle. Attached to the base of the penis is an accessory sex gland called the prostate gland. The prostate gland secretes a fluid that protects sperm and also it provides nourishment to the sperm. Another function of the prostate is to make sure the sperm is forcefully pushed through the urethra and out of the penis. Right next to the prostate lays the seminal vesicle which is a tube like structure, this makes up 70 percent of the semen content. The semen is very important for sperm; the semen provides a suitable environment for the sperm to live in. The vas deferens is connected directly to the seminal vesicle and its job is to transport sperm from the testicle to the urethra. When an animal gets a vasectomy the vas deferens is the tube that is cut, sterilizing the male. Connected directly to the vas deferens is the epididymis which is made up of three parts and each part carries out a different function. The first part is the
  • 42. head this is the first place that new sperm produced from the testes enter. At this stage the sperm are not motile and not fertile. The second part of the epididymis is the body, here the sperm mature and become somewhat motile and fertile. The third and final part of the epididymis is the tail at this point the sperm is fully matured and the sperm are stored. On average the tail of the epididymis has hold 5–10 ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Islamic Women In The 20th Century In other denominations such as the Protestant Church, women have had the choice of ordination since the 20th century. Numbers of women becoming ordained are continuing to rise in the Protestant Church and other churches that allow it such as The American Baptist Church, Assemblies of God, Christian Science, and The Episcopal Church. In denominations outside of the United States, circumstances are very different in terms of a woman's place in society. In Islam, where the dominating religion is Muslim, women are very confined. The women are able to worship the god of the Muslim religion in public but do not have a place of leadership in any way. This cultural aspect is very connected to the way that Islamic people live life every day. Women are regularly found at home and are given purpose when they have children and a husband to care for. Women are not normally given a higher purpose than this and are not usually given tasks that would require going above basic standards. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec ... Show more content on ... From a young age this child is dressed up as a woman and treated as such. Isthmeñan society embraces this role and encourages it. This is a long–standing tradition extending back before the arrival of the Spaniards. The sons are called "Muxhes" and have historically been treated not as homosexuals, but rather as a third sex. The Muxhes take up the roles of women in the matriarchy and carry the additional obligation of taking care of the mothers in old age. The Isthmus culture holds extravagant parades and velas (a type of all–night party unique to the isthmus region) to honor the ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Great Moai Statues Of Easter Island Similarities and differences are what make things so interesting. Would you be happy if everyone was the same. Every looked the same, and liked the same things and hated the same things. No you wouldn't because you would want to be you and no one can tell you what you want to be or what you don't want to be. Even the buildings you make would be the same from a normal house to a normal office building. The "Panama Canal" was one of the most useful canals ever built and they were made to for one reason and that was to transport goods. This was somethings everyone needed to solve at that time(1900s). The great Moai statues of Easter Island are also great structures and are really tremendous to the eye. These buildings and canals were made to one purpose they had to do somethings and that something was to make things easier for the people. Some similarities they had were that they both took a long time and sacrifice to build. A difference they had was that they were built for different purposes and they had their own different struggles. Predominantly, "The Panama Canal" was one of the greatest structures built by mankind. The "Moai" as well were something to be fascinated by because they were beautiful creations made by us. The one thing they both have in common was that they both took a long time to build. The Moai took approximately about 10–15 years to build and that was with the help of mana which was part of the belief and if that wouldn't of existed it probably ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Vasco Nunez De Balbo The Panama Canal For hundreds of years if anyone wanted to sail west from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, they had no choice but to take a exceptionally time–consuming journey. Before the Panama Canal existed, whomever wanted to transport goods, had to go all the way around South America, or the "Cape Horn" as they would call it. This resulted in many lives being lost and cargos and ships being lost to the sea. People became tired of it and Panama became an attraction to avoid sailing all the way around South America. Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the man that made the dream seam possible. He went out to Panama himself and explored it to find a way a shorter route could be made (Benoit, 2014). Panama is an isthmus country because it is a narrow strip of land ... Show more content on ... However, it is not like any ordinary canal. It is a very important canal for everybody. From passenger to business ships the Panama canal is something they rely on because one can get from end to end in a couple of hours and continue on to its destination.Making it faster to travel and faster to transport goods from land to land. In order to get this canal to do its job, locks had to be built. They were a challenge because the had to be immense. There were three different locks built. Each had a double chamber so that more than one ship could go in at the same time. The locks were built to hold the "greates oceangoing ship." These locks lift or lower from a pool of water at one level to a pool at another level. A set of locks consists of a series of basins, each higher than the one before. The basins have high walls and gates at each end. When a ship needs to be raised, the back gate of the lowesr basin is opend. The ship sails in, and the gate is closed. Then water is poured into the basin. The ship floats up as the water level rises. When the ship is as high as the next basin, the gate at the front end of the basin is opened. Then the ship sails into the higher basin. The revese is fone foe a ship that needs to be lowered (Pascal, 2014) The canal gets its earning from charging ships a toll which is based on the ship's type, how much it weights and what it is carrying. ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Panama Canal Research Paper In history some would describe the Panama Canal as one of the greatest inventions of history. Several would question to ask what is so great about it . The canal was a 48 mile ship canal Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The canal was completed in 1914, it symbolized U.S. technological progress and economic power. Many things happened along the progress of constructing the canal. Still today it is known as a major invention for trades around the world and for human use. In addition to the canal being built, there was one incident that called for the construction of the canal. During the South–American war a battleship, the Oregon was called from California to the Caribbean to help fight Spain. It took 2 and a half ... Show more content on ... He was sent to Panama to improve health conditions when 1,000 workers were reported dead. Dr. Gorgas goal was to wipe out mosquitoes that were transmitting deadly diseases. Certain methods were used such as, draining swamps, spraying kerosene on standing water, and enforcing rules for water storage in inspections. His work put an end to yellow fever in Panama which made it possible for the canal to be constructed. Gorgas' success in Panama made him a hero and wiped out yellow fever before the end of 1905. Even though he had spent the whole year of 1902 preparing for how to destroy the diseases, eventually he made it a success. Thanks to his work, yellow fever and malaria was greatly destroyed. In November of 1906, Roosevelt visited the Isthmus of Panama to witness the canal progress. This was the first time in history that a president had ever left the country. After seeing the work on the canal, Roosevelt returned to Washington and begin writing a letter to the Senate and house of Representatives. He described what he had seen and all that he had experienced, this letter was written December 17, 1906 and frequently ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Atlantic Transformations The Earth has undergone a series of physical transformations throughout its history, and every transformation changes the way things such as water currents, heat circulation, and climate manifest. Twenty million years ago, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans flowed freely between North and South America because there was no land barrier between them, which meant that the salinity of the oceans were similar. This meant that warm water vapor wasn't being carried up to the North Atlantic, like happens today. When the pacific plate was pushed under the Caribbean plate volcanoes, islands, and eventually the body of land that connects North and South America formed. This caused the currents of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to go towards the north, ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Geography of Panama and the Panama Canal Essay The Geography of Panama and the Panama Canal The Panama Canal is one of the greatest works of engineering and modern achievements of mankind. An all–water passage through the continental divide of the Panama region had been suggested since early Spanish colonial times of the 16th century. Today a canal that was cut through the Isthmus of Panama is a reality. It's presence has greatly affected Panama in many ways, politically, economically, and socially. The Panama Canal is possibly one of the most well known man made geographic features ever. Only five days after the U.S. secured Panama's independence from Columbia, the first canal treaty was signed with the United States. Signing the treaty ... Show more content on ... The canal is bordered on both sides by the Panama Canal Zone, a strip of land given to the United States in 1903 but returned to Panama in 1979. The United States turned over the control of the canal to Panama in 1999. While the Panama Canal is a bridge of water connecting two oceans, building it ripped Panama apart. For Panama the opening of the canal meant a great boom in it's economy. Panama has probably earned about $200 million form the canal every year. In war or peace, more than 12,000 ships from around the world sail through the fifty–one–mile long Panama Canal every year, carrying 160 million tons of cargo, representing about 5% of the worlds total sea borne trade. The canal is particularly vital to the economies of South America, connecting the Atlantic coast with the Orient, and the Pacific coast with Europe. Fifteen percent of all U.S. trade goes through the canal, and the oil pipeline beside it caries 600,000 barrels of Alaska crude oil to the U.S. eastern seaboard and beyond. Panama's special geography and history make its people the most cosmopolitan in the region. Nearly 40 percent of all Panamanians have ancestors who were neither Spanish nor Indian, but who had came to the isthmus over the last 110 years to build or traverse the canal. Panama is a service economy, trading, financial, and transportation services account for three ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Male Homosexual Roles Among the Isthmus Zapotec of... Male Homosexual Roles Amog the Isthmus Zapotec of Southern Mexico Carlos and Javier are two men living in the city of Juchit&#8747;n, Mexico. They work at a small hotel just off the z–calo, the main town square. Sometimes they converge with other men outside the hotel to watch people as they walk past in the z–calo. As nearly anywhere in Mexico, the men comment and nudge each other when an attractive woman passes, but Carlos and Javier remain silent throughout the exchange. It is not until an attractive young man walks by that they speak up. ãÃUy, que guapo!ä Carlos exclaims: ãAh, how handsome!äÊ Carlos and Javier are muxeâ, the effeminate male homosexuals of Isthmus Zapotec culture. Male homosexuality and transvestism is ... Show more content on ... Muxeâs typically occupy work that would otherwise fall into the female sphere, such as selling in the marketplace and operating cantinas, though some do take work that falls into the male category, as with those who work in the petroleum industry. Carlos and Javier, however, fall into neither group. Their work –– cooking and cleaning at the hotel –– generally falls into the category of womenâs work, but few self–respecting Zapotec women would do such work as a profession, outside her own home. Jobs like these, mainly involving housekeeping, are dominated by muxeâs, as is the highly specialized and respected field of dance instruction, according to my informants. Sexual relations among the muxeâ seem to be most public with mayates, though some muxeâs may enter into relations with other muxeâs. Muxeâs and mayates attend fiestas, weddings, and dances together as would a heterosexual couple, and their presence is not viewed as unusual. As many women dance with each other rather than with men, so too are muxeâs often seen dancing with other muxeâs, though this does not indicate a sexual relationship. Muxeâs and mayates can occasionally be seen kissing in public places as would many heterosexual couples. Muxeâs interact freely with both men and women, entering into scenarios in both the male and female spheres with relative ease. Muxeâs often enter into joking banter with ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Panama's Struggle For Independence Over the course of the nineteenth century, isthmian political leaders developed a growing ambition for independence. "Panama subsequently declared its independence from Colombia in 1830, 1831, and 1840, but each time the separation was quickly aborted. From 1819, Panama was part of the federation and country of Colombia but when Colombia rejected United States plans to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, the U.S. supported a revolution that led to the independence of Panama in 1903." After encouraging Panama's independence from Colombia, the U.S. signed a treaty in 1903 that gave it the rights to build and operate the canal for perpetuity. The agreement also gave the U.S. the right to govern the 10–mile wide, 40–mile long strip ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Isthmus Of Panama Research Paper The Isthmus of Panama Route= this route was traveled by ship to Panama. This was the shortest route taking between 1–3 months to complete. Ships set sail for Panama from east coast of the U.S. When travelers arrived in Panama they canoed up the Charges River for 75 miles. Then they rode mules for 25 miles through the jungle to Panama City. There they waited for a ship to take them to San Francisco. This was the fastest route of all three travelers could get to California in half of the time of the other routes. Weary travelers could take a break from life at sea and eat fresh food as they crossed Panama. There were numerous of diseases in Panama, and they took the lives of many passengers waiting to sail to San Francisco. Diseases such as Cholera, ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Spanish Conquest Of Honduras Essay In the early history the spanish arrived to colonize Honduras. The land was already occupied by a variety of indigenous people, who were the Maya. In the 16th century, gold stimulated Spanish conquest of the area. Gracias, the Honduran gold mining town, became the capital of Spanish Central America in 1544. However, by 1548 the Spaniards drained the gold. In the 1570s, a silver strike in the highland brought explorers to Honduras. This resulted in the ascend of an important centre at Tegucigalpa and especially in the 18th century, with Comayagua. Agriculture, which is the enduring economic base in Central America, was slow to develop in Honduras. The evolution of the spanish society in the Honduran area was prevented by the coastal attacks from the pirates and buccaneers to the Caribbean Sea. The British took effort to take over the coastal areas of Central America. For long periods of time Spanish used soft defense towards the Caribbean threat. With this happening they fell back to the highlands and to the ... Show more content on ... He promoted liberal policies that reduced the traditional power and a benefit of the clergy. The conservative and popular resistance to liberal policies that led to the fall of the federation and Honduras announced its absolute independence on November 5, 1883. On January 1, 1841, the prochurch conservatives in Honduras took under control by Francisco Ferrera that was the first to become a constitutional president. During the mid 19th century, notwithstanding its declaration of sovereignty. In 1860, Walker invaded Honduras at Trujillo. Honduras encouraged efforts to repair the Central American Union and its real independence was hardly restricted by its powerful neighbours. The conservatives authority lasted until the 1870s. It was during the time when the church regained its former position. The Honduran government signed a concordat in 1861 with the Holy See in ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Measuring The Quality Of A Hip Prosthetic Implants For... 4.2 Sample size Size of the sample group is needed to be specified properly due to the goal is to make inferences about the population from the sample. The appropriate sample size can be resulted in terms of the reliability of the study, especially empirical study. Therefore, how many samples can satisfy the target? In addition, a smaller sample size leads to a higher error of the sampling when compared with a bigger size. Even if an increasing of sample size can diminish the error, after it goes beyond some point, an error cannot be decreased significantly (see figure 4.1). Furthermore, an optimal sample size can also save time and cost of study. Figure 4.1: Rough relationship between sample size and error, where error is considered to be the deviation of sample values from population values [9] 4.2.1 Statistical equation and information In our study, it aims to design and develop hip prosthetic implants for specific breeds of dogs. According to the previous step, breeds selection, it has been cleared that 5 studied breeds are Retriever (Labrador), German Shepherd Dog, Retriever (Golden), Bernese Mountain Dog and Newfoundland. So as to design and develop the specifically prosthetic implants, the anatomical parameters of femur need to be collected and converted to dimensions of the implants. There are many parameters concerned, such as proximal and distal position of the femoral isthmus, intracortical width at the lesser trochanter and proximal extremity of ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Panama Canal Research Paper The Panama Canal The Panama Canal is a canal that connects the Pacific and Atlantic ocean. It runs through the Isthmus of Panama. It also allows faster routes to get from East to West. There were a countless number of steps that occurred while making the Panama Canal. One of them was that they had to clear out the isthmus. Then, they had to create an artificial lake. Finally, the workers had to construct a lock mechanism. These are the basic steps that had to happen in order to build the Panama Canal. While constructing the canal, there had been a series of problems. This included the rainfall, which wiped out months of their construction work. Yellow Fever, which was spread by mosquitoes, was also a major difficulty. This disease killed ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Christopher Columbus : Explorers From The Age Of Exploration Explorers from the Age of Exploration are often overshadowed by the most famous of them, Christopher Columbus. While Columbus did technically discover America, or the New World, he didn't believe that it was a new and undiscovered land. Columbus thought he had succeeded in finding a shorting route to Asia, which we know as untrue, but everyone else thought he was correct. Except for a few explorers, one of them being Vasco Nunez de Balboa, the explorer who was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean. Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa was born in Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz) in the province of Extremadura in the European country of Spain in the year 1475. Not much is known about Balboa's family or childhood, or if he had an interest in travel and exploration. When Balboa had reached the age of 25, he made a transatlantic trip across the enormous ocean with another explorer named Rodrigo de Bastidas. The voyage took them to have an expedition across the coast of modern day Colombia. After this exploration was completed, Balboa moved all of his belongings to the large Latin island of Hispaniola, which is now present day Haiti and the Dominican Republic. On the island, Balboa tried to become a successful pioneer farmer on the island of Haiti. Because he wanted to become successful farmer, he needed to borrow money from some other wealthy people on the island. When his farming career was going south, his investors wanted their money back. These wealthy men would not stop until they got their investment back. So the sole option for Balboa to do was to get away from those who wanted him dead because of his debt. The easiest way to sneak away from all of his problems was to jump on a big exploration boat and hope the ship would be going to a place where you could get away from people who wanted you dead. The mystery ship Balboa hopped on was just so happened to be heading to the underdeveloped and small colony named San Sebastian. The settlement of San Sebastian was very small and not heading on a successful path to a great colony. The bulk of all the colonist who once lived on this miniature settlement had been brutally murdered by the Native People of the Island, rightfully so. The remaining of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Case Study: 69-Year-Old Patient The patient is a 69–year–old gentleman who presented to the ED on 9/11 complaining of abdominal pain, constipation and rectal pain. Initial referral was EHR it was determine the patient should be observation Dr. Aqel did not agree with that assessment and therefore this is a second review. As stated he presented with constipation, abdominal pain and specifically anal pain with no bowel movement for approximately 3 days prior to presentation. His medical history is significant for coronary artery disease having had bypass grafting in 2009, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, previous CVA, also known to have a atrial flutter. He therefore was admitted to the telemetry unit because of the flutter. The patient underwent ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Economic Impacts Of The Panama Canal #4 (Panama Canal) The Panama Canal is a 48 mile long canal that cuts through the isthmus of Panama. It connects both the atlantic, and Pacific Oceans making transportation faster, so goods, services, and people wouldn't have to go over North America, or under South America. The canal is man–made and was made by the United States. The canal was successfully built in 1914 by the United States after 10 years of building it. However, the French tried to build it before the U.S.A. It started in 1881 and ended in failure in 1894 because of the death of 22,000 workers because of mosquitoes carrying illness, constant rain, and mud slopes. These things made the project bankrupt, so they eventually sold it to the United States for 40 ... Show more content on ... It is a very good source of jobs for people in Latin America. This boosts economic activity in the area, making the area better. Since a lot of ships come in on a daily basis, money comes in fast. Panama has also brought in countless numbers of tourist to come see the Canal, making the economy grow and grow. Before the canal the boats would have to go under South America where there were strong winds and cold waters, taking a long time. After the canal was built, it cut 8,000 miles from travel time to go around South America, and made the cost less for ships wanting to get to the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean. Now, countries are able to trade with other countries far away because of the canal. The overall importance of the Canal is very high. Without it, Panama wouldn't have the booming city like it does today, would have a low amount of jobs, and other countries wouldn't be able to trade easily by boat. The canal has made shipment of goods by boats much easier, since they don't have to cut under South America. If it was never created, boat travel would not be like it is today. ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Oviducts The main purpose of the oviducts is to be the site of fertilization and receive ovulated oocyte. The oviduct includes the fallopian, or uterine tubes. The ovulated oocyte, or ovum, travels from the ovary to the uterus through the oviduct. The fallopian tube is comprised of three parts, the infundibulum, ampulla and isthmus. The infundibulum is comprised of ciliated fimbriae and located at the cranial end of the fallopian tube. The ampulla, the actual site of fertilization, is located between the infundibulum and isthmus. The isthmus, joined to the uterus, functions as a "container" for sperm. Sperm is released from the mucosa layer of the isthmus. When a fertilized ovum implants somewhere other than the uterus, this causes an ectopic pregnancy. ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Panama Canal Essay The Panama Canal In 1902, Theodore Roosevelt had a dream of a dominant America in both major oceans, connected by an American canal. With his inspiration, construction began on what has been called the largest project of any kind ever undertaken. Now that it is complete, the Panama Canal makes the world a much smaller place for ocean–going vessels of all sizes. Ideas for a canal across Panama have been in the works ever since the time the isthmus was discovered. In 1513, Vasco Nuñez de Balboa crossed the 50–mile wide land bridge and claimed the water on the other side in the name of Spain. Shortly after, in 1534, a team was sent to survey possible canal routes that would follow the Chagres River, but it ... Show more content on ... The low, green mountains in the area look tame and easy to dig through, but looks can be deceiving. Instead of being formed by the lateral pressure of two plates colliding with one another, these mountains were formed by individual volcanic activity, causing very inconsistent rock formations beneath the surface. Adding to this confusion is the fact that over the course of its geologic history, the isthmus has gone through periods of submersion, which adds some marine formations to the mix. The environment in Panama is also deceptively attractive looking. Extremely close to the equator, the isthmus is covered in tropical rainforest similar to the Amazon. This kind of environment incubates diseases such as smallpox, yellow fever, and malaria, not to mention the poisonous snakes and insects that it breeds. Two seasons exist there: wet and dry. During the wet season, heavy rains combine with the topography of the land to cause flash flooding on the Chagres River, causing it to rise up to 40 feet in a 24 hour period ( The first true effort to dig a canal across the isthmus was made by privately–funded Frenchmen. In Paris in 1879, a meeting of the Societe de Geographie was held to discuss possible plans for a canal. At the meeting 14 different ideas were proposed. One of the more prominent plans was presented by Baron Godin de Lepinay, and was very similar to ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. How To Make The Panama Canal The Panama Canal in my opinion one of the greatest man made canal in the history of the world. The french attempted to make the canal but failed. In the year 1904 President Theodore Roosevelt pressured Columbia to declare Panama independent. Theodore did not care about the panamanians he cared about the land. Panama is an isthmus, an isthmus is a piece of land connecting two large land masses such as North and South America. People have been dreaming of connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean for hundreds of years. John Findley Wallace resigned so President Theodore gave the job to someone else John Frank Stevens. Stevens had an idea instead of digging out the mountain they would build steps to get over it. They used railroads to move dirt, supplies, and machines. It took a while, however they used dams to block water, made artificial lakes so the boats could get across, gravity to fill the locks, and make locks. Locks are like steps, you fill it with water, open up the gates and keep getting higher. The Panama Canal was not just a marvelous structure, it changed the power of the Earth. ... Show more content on ... Constructing the Panama Canal was not easy, they had to overcome diseases, deaths, machine problems and many more. Yellow fever has been around for centuries and the workers in panama contracted it. Not only that but mosquitoes that were carrying around malaria got a lot of the population sick/ infected. A man named walter reed had contracted malaria and survived. He requested 1 million for sanitation and killing mosquitoes but got denied, then he got the money he requested. He reduced the amount of infected people down to 5%. Besides diseases and animals there were bigger problems. The land. It was not level and there were mountains in the way. So they built locks to go over the mountains, but there is also flooding there so they built a dam. Still to this day their are still problems with the ... Get more on ...