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                          Professor AMSM Sharfuzzaman
                                    Professor of Surgery
                           Sher-e-Bangla Medical College

January 8, 2013   DR. RUBEL,SBMC                     1
 Gastric cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related
death in the world. Many Asian countries, including Korea China,
Taiwan, and Japan, have very high rates of gastric cancer.

  Gastric cancer was the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and
the third leading cause of cancer deaths in women in the early 1940s.

  Gastric cancer remains a difficult disease to cure in Western
countries, primarily because most patients present with advanced
disease. Even patients who present in the most favorable condition and
who undergo curative surgical resection often die of recurrent disease.

 January 8, 2013             DR. RUBEL,SBMC                        2
 Adenocarcinoma of the stomach is the second most common cancer
worldwide. In 2001, stomach cancer affected 850,000 people, of which
522,000 men and 328,000 women died of stomach cancer.

  Tremendous geographic variation exists in the incidence of this disease
around the world. The highest death rates are recorded in Chile, Japan,
South America, and the former Soviet Union. Over the past half century or
so, there has been a steady decline in gastric cancer incidence and gastric
cancer deaths in men and women in the United States. Most of this
decrease has occurred in the intestinal type of gastric cancer. In addition,
the incidence of gastric cardia adenocarcinoma has actually gradually

  The decrease in gastric cancer incidence may be attributed in part to the
adoption of diets high in vegetables and fruit. The widespread use of
refrigeration contributes to the decline in incidence by reducing the intake
of salt, which had been used as a food preservative, and decreasing the
contamination of food by carcinogenic compounds arising from the decay
of unrefrigerated meat products.

  Salt and salted foods may cause damage to the gastric mucosa with
resultant inflammation associated with increase in DNA synthesis and cell
  January 8, 2013               DR. RUBEL,SBMC                           3
   The rates of gastric cancer are higher in Asian and South American countries than
in the United States.

  Japan, Chile, and Venezuela have developed a very rigorous early screening
program that detects patients with early stage disease (ie, low tumor burden). These
patients appear to do quite well.

   In fact, in many Asian studies, patients with resected stage II and III disease tend
to have better outcomes than similarly staged patients treated in Western countries.
Some researchers suggest that this reflects a fundamental biologic difference in the
disease as it manifests in Western countries.

  In the United States, Asian and Pacific Islander males and females have the
highest incidence of stomach cancer, followed by black, Hispanic, white, American
Indian, and Inuit populations.

  January 8, 2013                   DR. RUBEL,SBMC                                  4
Gastric cancer affects slightly more men than women.

Most patients are elderly at diagnosis. The median age for gastric cancer
in the United States is 70 years for males and 74 years for females. The
gastric cancers that occur in younger patients may represent a more
aggressive variant.

The 5-year survival rate for curative surgical resection ranges from 30-
50% for patients with stage II disease and from 10-25% for patients with
stage III disease. Because these patients have a high likelihood of local
and systemic relapse, some physicians offer them adjuvant therapy. The
operative mortality rate for patients undergoing curative surgical
resection at major academic centers is less than 3%.

  January 8, 2013              DR. RUBEL,SBMC                          5
Surgical anatomy
 The stomach begins at the gastroesophageal junction and ends at the duodenum. The stomach
has 3 parts. The uppermost part of the stomach is the cardia, and the largest and middle part is
called the body. The distal portion of the stomach, the pylorus, connects to the duodenum.

  These anatomic zones have distinct histologic features. The cardia contains predominantly
mucin-secreting cells. The fundus (ie, body) contains mucoid cells, chief cells, and parietal cells,
while the pylorus is composed of mucus-producing cells and endocrine cells.

  The stomach wall is made up of 5 layers. From the lumen out, the layers include the mucosa, the
submucosa, the muscularis layer, the subserosal layer, and the serosal layer.

  The peritoneum of the greater sac covers the anterior surface of the stomach. A portion of the
lesser sac drapes posteriorly over the stomach. The gastroesophageal junction has limited or no
serosal covering.

  The right portion of the anterior gastric surface is adjacent to the left lobe of the liver and the
anterior abdominal wall. The left portion of the stomach is adjacent to the spleen, the left adrenal
gland, the superior portion of the left kidney, the ventral portion of the pancreas, and the transverse
  The site of the cancer is classified on the basis of its relationship to the long axis of the stomach.
Approximately 40% of cancers develop in the lower part, 40% in the middle part, and 15% in
the upper part, and 10% involve more than one part of the organ.

     January 8, 2013                        DR. RUBEL,SBMC                                        6
Several factors are implicated in the development of gastric cancer, including diet,
Helicobacter pylori infection, previous gastric surgery, pernicious anemia, adenomatous
polyps, chronic atrophic gastritis, prior radiation exposure or inherited syndromes.
Gastric cancer may often be multifactorial involving both inherited predisposition and
environmental factors.

A diet rich in pickled vegetables, salted fish, excessive dietary salt, and smoked meats
correlates with an increased incidence of gastric cancer.

         A diet that includes fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C may have a
         protective effect.

Smoking is associated with an increased incidence of stomach cancer in a dose-
dependent manner, both for number of cigarettes and duration of smoking.

         Smoking increases the risk of cardiac and noncardiac forms of stomach
         cancer. Cessation of smoking reduces the risk.

         A meta-analysis of 40 studies estimated that the risk was increased by
         approximately 1.5- to 1.6-fold and was higher in men.
    January 8, 2013                  DR. RUBEL,SBMC                                7
Helicobacter pylori infection
Chronic bacterial infection with H pylori is the strongest risk factor for stomach cancer.

  H pylori may infect 50% of the world's population, but much less than 5% of infected
individuals develop cancer. It may be that only a particular strain of H pylori, one
which is capable of producing the greatest amount of inflammation, is especially
associated with the risk of malignancy. The full malignant transformation of affected
parts of the stomach may require that the human host have a particular genotype of
interleukin-Iβ to cause the increased inflammation and an increased suppression of
gastric acid secretion.

 H pylori infection is associated with chronic atrophic gastritis, and patients with a
history of prolonged gastritis have a 6-fold increase in their risk of developing gastric
cancer. Interestingly, this association is particularly strong for tumors located in the
antrum, body, and fundus of the stomach but does not seem to hold for tumors
originating in the cardia.

    January 8, 2013                    DR. RUBEL,SBMC                              8  8
Previous gastric surgery

  Previous surgery is implicated as a risk factor. The rationale is
that surgery alters the normal pH of the stomach which may in
turn lead to metaplastic and dysplastic changes in luminal cells.

  Retrospective studies demonstrate that a small percentage of
patients who undergo gastric polyp removal have evidence of
invasive carcinoma within the polyp. This discovery has led some
researchers to conclude that polyps might represent
premalignant conditions.

 January 8, 2013             DR. RUBEL,SBMC                           9
Genetic factors
Some 10% of stomach cancer cases are familial in origin.

  Genetic factors involved in gastric cancer remain poorly understood, though
specific mutations have been identified in a subset of gastric cancer patients. For
example, germ-line truncating mutations of the E-cadherin gene are detected in
50% of diffuse-type gastric cancers and families that harbor these mutations have
an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance with a very high penetrance.

  Other hereditary syndromes with a predisposition for stomach cancer include
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, familial
adenomatous polyposis, and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.

  Ebstein-Barr virus: The Epstein-Barr virus may be associated with an unusual
form of stomach cancer (<1%), lympho-epitheliomalike carcinoma.

  Pernicious anemia: Pernicious anemia associated with advanced atrophic
gastritis and intrinsic factor deficiency is a risk factor for gastric carcinoma.

   January 8, 2013                    DR. RUBEL,SBMC                Causes-contd.   10
Gastric ulcers

         Gastric cancer may develop in the remaining portion of the
       stomach following a partial gastrectomy for gastric ulcer.

             Benign gastric ulcers may themselves develop into

    Obesity: Obesity increases the risk of gastric cardiac cancer.

   Radiation exposure: Atomic bomb survivors exposed to radiation
 have had an increased risk of stomach cancer. Other populations
 exposed to radiation may also have an increased risk of stomach

January 8, 2013               DR. RUBEL,SBMC                Causes-contd.
Premalignant conditions;
          H. pylori infection
          Atrophic gastritis and pernicious anemia
          Gastric polyps
          Gastric ulcer
          Blood group A
          Previous gastric resection
          Ménétrier’s disease

January 8, 2013            DR. RUBEL,SBMC            12
Factors associated with increased risk of
developing stomach cancer
 Low fat or protein consumption
 Salted meat or fish
 High nitrate consumption
 High complex-carbohydrate consumption

 Poor food preparation (smoked, salted)
 Lack of refrigeration
 Poor drinking water (well water)

 Low social class

 Prior gastric surgery
 Helicobacter pylori infection
 Gastric atrophy and gastritis
 Adenomatous polyps
 Male gender
  January 8, 2013                DR. RUBEL,SBMC   13
Correa mode of the pathogenesis of human gastric

   January 8, 2013       DR. RUBEL,SBMC            14
    Adenocarcinoma 95%
    Lymphomas 2%
    Carcinoids 1%
    Adenocathomas 1%
    Squamous cell 1%

 Adenocarcinoma is classified according to the most
 unfavorable microscopic element present: tubular,
 papillary, mucinous, signet-ring cells.

 Also identified by gross appearance: ulcerative,
 polypoid, scirrous, superficial spreading,
 multicentric, or Barrett ectopic.

 Variety of other schemes: Borrmann, Lauren

Tuesday, January 8, 2013   Dr. RUBEL, SBMC            15
Borrmann Classification

5 categories
 Type I: polypoid or fungating
 Type II: ulcerating lesions with elevated borders
 Type III: ulceration with invasion of wall
 Type IV: diffuse infiltration
 Type V: cannot be classified

 Tuesday, January 8, 2013   Dr. RUBEL, SBMC    16
Borrmann types

                            Borrmann I

                            Borrmann II

                            Borrmann III

                            Borrmann IV

 Tuesday, January 8, 2013           Dr. RUBEL, SBMC   17
Lauren system
The intestinal type
   Expansive epidemic type gastric cancer is associated
    with atrophic gastritis, retained glandular structure,
    little invasiveness, sharp margins. It would be a
    Borrmann I or II, carries better prognosis, shows no
    family history

The diffuse type
 Infiltrative, endemic, is poorly differentiated, with
    dangerously deceptive margins, invades large areas
    of stomach. Younger patients, genetic factors, blood
    groups, and family history.

    Tuesday, January 8, 2013   Dr. RUBEL, SBMC               18
Lauren system
The most useful classification of gastric cancer is the Lauren Classification System. The
Lauren system classifies gastric cancer pathology as either
        Type I (intestinal)
        Type II (diffuse).

Intestinal type - expansive, epidemic, gastric cancer is associated with chronic atrophic
gastritis, retained glandular structure, little invasiveness, with sharp margin, associated
with most environmental risk factors, carries a better prognosis, and shows no familial

Diffuse type - infiltrative, endemic cancer, consists of scattered cell clusters with poor
differentiation and dangerously deceptive margins. The endemic-type tumor invades
large areas of the stomach. This type of tumor is also not recognizably influenced by
environment or diet, is more virulent in women, and occurs more often in relatively
young patients. This pathologic entity is associated with genetic factors (such as E-
cadherin), blood groups A, and a family history of gastric cancer.

Intestinal                                       Diffuse
 Environmental                                   Familial
 Gastric atrophy, intestinal metaplasia            Blood type A
 Men > women                                     Women > men
 Increasing incidence with age                      Younger age group
 Microscopic                                     Microscopic
  Gland formation                                   Poorly differentiated signet ring cells
 Hematogenous spread                             Transmural/lymphatic spread
 Microsatellite instability                      Decreased E-cadherin
 APC gene mutations                              APC gene mutations
 p53, p16 inactivation                           p53, p16 inactivation
     January 8, 2013                      DR. RUBEL,SBMC                                      19
According to the clinical presentation &
treatment planning gastric cancer are grossly
classified as follows:

 A. Early Gastric Cancer (EGC)
 B. Advanced Gastric Cancer (AGC)

  Tuesday, January 8, 2013   Dr. RUBEL, SBMC   20

Early Gastric Cancer
The term 'early gastric cancer' is
used to describe tumours confined
to the gastric mucosa and
submucosa, irrespective of nodal
status, and was elaborated in 1962
by the Japanese Society of
Gastroenterological Endoscopy

Type I Exophytic lesion extending into the
gastric lumen
Type II Superficial variant
          II A Elevated lesions with a height
no more than the thickness of the adjacent
          II B Flat lesions
          II C Depressed lesions with an
eroded but not deeply ulcerated
Type III Excavated lesions that may
extend into the muscularis propria without
invasion of this layer by actual cancer cells
    Tuesday, January 8, 2013       Dr. RUBEL, SBMC   21
Advanced gastric cancer:
   The vast majority of gastric cancer are of advanced which
    deeply penetrate the stomach wall, invade the adjacent
    structures with lymphatic & haematogenous metastasis.
   Advanced gastric cancer classified according to the
    Bormann's morphologic description as -
              Borrmann I: Fungating
              Borrmann II: Carcimatous ulcer without
              infiltrating surrounding mucosa
              Borrmann III: Carcimatous ulcer with infiltration
              of surrounding mucosa
              Borrmann IV: Diffuse infiltrating carcinoma

    Tuesday, January 8, 2013   Dr. RUBEL, SBMC             22
Advanced Gastric Cancer - Morphological

                    PPolypoidoid                     Borrmann I

                                                     Borrmann II

                     Ulcerating/                     Borrmann III

                     infiltrating                    Borrmann IV
  January 8, 2013                   DR. RUBEL,SBMC                  23
Borrmann's morphologic

Tuesday, January 8, 2013   Dr. RUBEL, SBMC   24
  Understanding the vascular supply of the stomach allows understanding of
the routes of hematogenous spread. The vascular supply of the stomach is
derived from the celiac artery. The left gastric artery, a branch of the celiac
artery, supplies the upper right portion of the stomach. The common hepatic
artery branches into the right gastric artery, which supplies the lower portion
of the stomach, and the right gastroepiploic branch, which supplies the lower
portion of the greater curvature.

  Understanding the lymphatic drainage can clarify the areas at risk for nodal
involvement by cancer. The lymphatic drainage of the stomach is complex.
Primary lymphatic drainage is along the celiac axis. Minor drainage occurs
along the splenic hilum, suprapancreatic nodal groups, porta hepatis, and
gastroduodenal areas.

  January 8, 2013                DR. RUBEL,SBMC                            25
Lymphatic drainage

  January 8, 2013    DR. RUBEL,SBMC   26
Lymphatic drainage

  January 8, 2013    DR. RUBEL,SBMC   27
Gastric Lymphatics
Numbering of the gastric and upper
abdominal node stations
Station no.      Anatomical location
1, 2              Adjacent to the cardia (perigastric)
3, 4              Adjacent to lesser and greatercurve
5                 Suprapyloric (right gastric artery)
6                 Infrapyloric
7                 Left gastric artery
8               Common hepatic artery
9               Coeliac artery
10               Hilum of the spleen
11               Splenic artery
12               Hepaticoduodenal ligament
13               Behind pancreatic head
14               At the root of the mesentery
                 (superior mesenteric artery)
15                Middle colic artery
16                Para-aortic
Gastric Lymphatics

  Tuesday, January 8, 2013   Dr. RUBEL, SBMC   29
Spread patterns
Cancer of the stomach can spread directly, via lymphatics, or hematogenously and
          Direct extension into the omenta, pancreas, diaphragm, transverse colon
         or mesocolon, and duodenum is common.

           If the lesion extends beyond the gastric wall to a free peritoneal (ie,
          serosal) surface, then peritoneal involvement is frequent.

           The visible gross lesion frequently underestimates the true extent of the

            The abundant lymphatic channels within the submucosal and subserosal
          layers of the gastric wall allow for easy microscopic spread.

           The submucosal plexus is prominent in the esophagus and the subserosal
          plexus is prominent in the duodenum, allowing proximal and distal spread.

           Lymphatic drainage is through numerous pathways and can involve
          multiple nodal groups (eg, gastric, gastroepiploic, celiac, porta hepatic,
          splenic, suprapancreatic, pancreaticoduodenal, paraesophageal, and
          paraaortic lymph nodes).

           The cancer also spreads hematogenously, and liver metastases are

           The cancer also spreads transperitonialy to other abdominal organs as
          omentum peritoneum, and especially to ovary as Krukenberg’s tumor.
  January 8, 2013                    DR. RUBEL,SBMC                                    30
  In the United States, about 25% of stomach cancer cases present with localized
disease, 31% present with regional disease, and 32% present with distant
metastatic disease; the remainder of cases surveyed were listed as unstaged.

  Early disease has no associated symptoms; however, some patients with
incidental complaints are diagnosed with early gastric cancer. Most symptoms of
gastric cancer reflect advanced disease. Patients may complain of indigestion,
nausea or vomiting, dysphagia, postprandial fullness, loss of appetite, melena,
hematemesis, and weight loss.

  Late complications include pathologic peritoneal and pleural effusions;
obstruction of the gastric outlet, gastroesophageal junction, or small bowel;
bleeding in the stomach from esophageal varices or at the anastomosis after
surgery; intrahepatic jaundice caused by hepatomegaly; extrahepatic jaundice;
and inanition resulting from starvation or cachexia of tumor origin.

 January 8, 2013                  DR. RUBEL,SBMC                                31
   All physical signs are late events, and almost invariably the signs develop too late
for curative procedures.

  Signs may include a palpable enlarged stomach with succussion splash;
hepatomegaly; periumbilical metastasis (Sister Mary Joseph nodule); enlarged lymph
nodes such as: Virchow’s nodes (ie, left supraclavicular), Irish node (anterior
axillary); and Blumer shelf (ie, shelflike tumor of the anterior rectal wall).

  Some patients experience weight loss and others may present with melena or
pallor from anemia.

   Paraneoplastic syndromes such as dermatomyositis, acanthosis nigricans, and
circinate erythemas are poor prognostic features.

  Other associated abnormalities also include peripheral thrombophlebitis and
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia.

  January 8, 2013                   DR. RUBEL,SBMC                                 32
Clinical presentation:
There are five group of clinical presentation, which are as follows -

          New dyspepsia after 40 - persistent indigestion in a patient who has
          never had previous stomach trouble. It was one of the manifestation of
          our presented case.

          Obstructive type - carcinoma of the pyloroantrum may present with
          abdominal fullness & vomiting which was the predominant manifestation
          of our presented case. Carcinoma of the cardia may present with
          dysphagia & regurgitation

          Abdominal lump - epigastric lump is the presenting feature of about
30% of cases

          Insidious - sometimes patient may present with only tiredness, marked
          anorexia, asthenia & evidence of anaemia.

         Silent - carcinoma of the gastric body may present with metastatic
manifestations like jaundice, enlarged left supraclavicular lymph
nodes(Virchow’s gland),ascites, rectal shelf of Blummer(Metastatic nodule          on
the rectal wall),Sister Joseph’s nodules(Metastatic nodule on the
umbilicus),Krukenberg’s tumors(Metastasis on ovary).

  January 8, 2013                   DR. RUBEL,SBMC                              33
Lab Studies
   The goal of obtaining laboratory studies is to assist in
   determining optimal therapy.
         A complete blood cell count can identify anemia,
         which may be caused by bleeding, liver dysfunction,
         or poor nutrition. Approximately 30% of patients
   have anemia.

            Electrolyte panels and liver function tests also
            are essential to better characterize the patient's
   clinical state.

              Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is increased in
              45-50% of cases.

         Cancer antigen (CA) 19-9 is elevated in about
   20%of cases.

January 8, 2013             DR. RUBEL,SBMC                       34
Imaging Studies
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy has a diagnostic accuracy of
95%. This relatively safe and simple procedure provides a permanent
color photographic record of the lesion.
        This procedure is also the primary method for obtaining a tissue
        diagnosis of suspected lesions. Biopsy of any ulcerated lesion
        should require at least 6 biopsies taken from around the lesion
        because of variable malignant transformation.
        In selected cases, endoscopic ultrasound may be helpful in
        assessing depth of penetration of the tumor or involvement of
        adjacent structures.
Double-contrast upper gastrointestinal series and barium
swallows may be helpful in delineating the extent of disease when
obstructive symptoms are present or when bulky proximal tumors
prevent passage of the endoscope to examine the stomach distal to an
obstruction (more common with gastroesophageal [GE]-junction
tumors). These studies are only 75% accurate and should for the most
part be used only when upper GI endoscopy is not feasible.

 January 8, 2013              DR. RUBEL,SBMC                         35
Imaging Studies-contd.
 Chest radiograph is done to evaluate for metastatic lesions.

 CT scan or MRI of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis assess the
 local disease process as well as evaluate potential areas of spread
 (ie, enlarged lymph nodes, possible liver metastases).

 Endoscopic ultrasound allows for a more precise preoperative
 assessment of the tumor stage. Endoscopic sonography is becoming
 increasingly useful as a staging tool when the CT scan fails to find
 evidence of T3, T4, or metastatic disease.

 Institutions that favor neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for patients
 with locally advanced disease rely on endoscopic ultrasound data to
 improve patient stratification.

January 8, 2013              DR. RUBEL,SBMC                            36
Histologic Findings
Adenocarcinoma of the stomach constitutes 90-95% of all
gastric malignancies. The second most common gastric
malignancies are lymphomas. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors
formerly classified as either leiomyomas or leiomyosarcomas
account for 2% of gastric neoplasms, Carcinoids (1%),
adenoacanthomas (1%), and squamous cell carcinomas (1%)

Adenocarcinoma of the stomach is subclassified according to
histologic description as follows: tubular, papillary, mucinous, or
signet-ring cells, and undifferentiated lesions.
Pathology specimens are also classified by gross appearance. In
general, researchers consider gastric cancers ulcerative, polypoid,
scirrhous (ie, diffuse linitis plastica), superficial spreading,
multicentric, or Barrett ectopic adenocarcinoma.

The Lauren system classifies gastric cancer pathology as either
Type I (intestinal) or Type II (diffuse). An appealing feature of
classifying patients according to the Lauren system is that the
descriptive pathologic entities have clinically relevant differences.

 January 8, 2013             DR. RUBEL,SBMC                      37
TNM Classification of
Carcinoma of the Stomach
Primary tumor (T)
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed

T0 No evidence of primary tumor

Tis Carcinoma in situ: intraepithial tumor without
         invasion of the lamina propria

T1 Tumor invades lamina propria or submucosa

T2 Tumor invades muscularis propria or subserosa

T2a Tumor invades mucularis propria

T2b Tumor invades subserosa

T3 Tumor penetrates serosa (visceral peritoneum)
       without invasion of adjacent structures

T4 Tumor invades adjacent structures

    January 8, 2013                   DR. RUBEL,SBMC   38
TNM Classification of Carcinoma of the Stomach-
Regional lymph nodes (N)
NX   Regional lymph node(s) cannot be assessed
N0   No regional lymph node metastasis
N1   Metastasis in 1 to 6 regional lymph nodes(perigastric groups)
N2   Metastasis in 7 to 15 regional lymph nodes(coeliac groups)
N3   Metastasis in more than 15 regional lymph nodes(para-aortic groups)

                                                    Distant metastasis (M)
                                                    MX Distant metastasis
                                                    cannot be assessed
                                                    M0 No distant metastasis
                                                    M1 Distant metastasis

Lymph node station numbers as defined by the
  January 8, 2013                  DR. RUBEL,SBMC                         39
Japanese Gastric Cancer Association
Surgical Treatment
Surgical resection provides the only hope for curing gastric cancer.
Even then, some patients show criteria of inoperability at the time of
presentation. These include the presence of Virchow’s node, obvious
liver metastasis, rectal shelf, and ascites.

The type of gastric resection needed depends on location of the tumor.
In all cases, proximal and distal surgical margins should be clear of
tumor for at least 4 to 6 cm. When the resection required is distal
gastrectomy, the following surgical strategies should also be employed:
         1. Resection of the duodenal bulb and Bilroth II reconstruction.

         2. Division of left and right gastric arteries at their origin, and

         3. Removal of the greater omentum.

It is always useful to do preoperative bowel preparation in the event that
the transverse colon has to be resected en bloc.

  January 8, 2013                 DR. RUBEL,SBMC                           40
                                                   Surgical Treatment-contd.
Surgical Treatment-contd.
The main controversy relates to the extent of lymph
node dissection. Types of resective surgery have been
classified based on this criterion as follows:
       1. R1: complete removal of perigastric lymph

          2. R2: resection of perigastric nodes and those
          along the left gastric, splenic, and right hepatic

          3. R3: R2 with dissection of celiac axis nodes;

          4. R4: R3 with dissection of paraaortic nodes.

January 8, 2013            DR. RUBEL,SBMC                      41
A-Subtotal gastrectomy with a Billroth II anastomosis.
B-Total gastrectomy with a Roux-en-Y anastomosis.



 January 8, 2013           DR. RUBEL,SBMC                42
Surgical Treatment

  January 8, 2013    DR. RUBEL,SBMC   43
Endoscopic Resection
 The Japanese have demonstrated that some patients with early
gastric cancer can be adequately treated by an endoscopic
mucosal resection.

  Small tumors (<3 cm) confined to the mucosa have an
extremely low chance of lymph node metastasis (3 percent) which
approaches the operative mortality rate for

  If the resected specimen demonstrates no ulceration, no
lymphatic invasion, and size less than 3 cm, the risk of lymph
node metastases is less than 1 percent.

  Thus some patients with early gastric cancer might be better
treated with the endoscopic technique. Currently this should be
limited to patients with tumors less than 2 cm, which on EUS are
node-negative and confined to
the mucosa.

   January 8, 2013           DR. RUBEL,SBMC                      44
  Because 20% to 30% of gastric cancer patients present with stage IV
disease, clinicians must be familiar with different methods of palliative
treatment. The goal of palliative treatment is the relief of symptoms with
minimal morbidity.

 Surgical palliation of advanced gastric cancer may include resection or
bypass alone or in conjunction with percutaneous, endoscopic, or
radiotherapeutic techniques.

 Complete staging is necessary to determine the appropriate method of
palliation for individual patients.

 In the presence of peritoneal disease, hepatic metastases, diffuse nodal
metastases, or ascites, palliation of bleeding or proximal gastric
obstruction would preferably be obtained nonoperatively.

  Nonoperative therapies include laser recanalization and endoscopic
dilation, with or without stent placement. Patients who undergo stent
placement for gastric outlet obstruction are frequently able to tolerate
solid foods and may not require additional interventions.

  January 8, 2013               DR. RUBEL,SBMC                             45
Adjuvant Therapy
 Adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy (5 FU and leucovorin) and
radiation (4500 cGy) has demonstrated a survival benefit in resected
patients with stageII and III adenocarcinoma of the stomach.

 There is no indication for the routine use of radiation alone in the
adjuvant setting, but in certain patients it can be very effective
palliation for bleeding or pain.

  In patients with gross unresectable, metastatic, or recurrent disease,
palliative chemotherapy has not been demonstrated to conclusively
prolong survival, but an occasional patient has a dramatic response.
These patients should be considered for clinical trials.

 Agents that have shown activity against gastric cancer include 5 FU,
cisplatin, adriamycin, and methotrexate.

  Neoadjuvant treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma is being evaluated.

January 8, 2013               DR. RUBEL,SBMC                            46
Five-Year Survival Rate of Patients
with Stomach Cancer
Tumor stage             % Survival
                  R1 resection        R2 resection
IA                88                  91
IB                56                  85
II                39                  58
IIIA              7                   30
IIIB              0                   12

January 8, 2013      DR. RUBEL,SBMC                  47

Survival rates for all patients with gastric carcinoma
stratified by combined American Joint Committee on Cancer
January 8, 2013         DR. RUBEL,SBMC                      48

Survival rates for gastric cancer patients undergoing gastrectomy
as stratified by combined American Joint Committee on Cancer
 January 8, 2013           DR. RUBEL,SBMC                     49
 Recurrence rates after gastrectomy remain high, ranging from
40% to 80%, depending on the series. Most recurrences occur
within the first 3 years.

 The locoregional failure rate ranges from 38% to 45%, whereas
peritoneal dissemination as a component of failure occurs in 54%
of patients in several series.

 Isolated distant metastases are uncommon, because most
patients with distant failure also have locoregional recurrence as

  The most common sites of locoregional recurrence are the
gastric remnant at the anastomosis and in the gastric bed and
the regional nodes. Hematogenous spread occurs to the liver,
lung, and bone.

 January 8, 2013            DR. RUBEL,SBMC                      50
 All patients should be followed up systematically. Because most
recurrences occur within the first 3 years, surveillance
examinations are more frequent in the first several years.
Follow-up should include a complete history and physical
examination every 4 months for 1 year, then every 6 months for
2 years and then annually thereafter.

  Laboratory examinations including complete blood counts and
liver function tests should be obtained as clinically indicated.
Many clinicians obtain chest radiographs as well as CT scans of
the abdomen and pelvis routinely, wheresas others obtain
studies only when clinically suspicious of a recurrence. Yearly
endoscopy should be considered in patients who have
undergone a subtotal gastrectomy.

 January 8, 2013           DR. RUBEL,SBMC                      51
Screening for Gastric Cancer
In Japan it has clearly been shown that patients participating in
gastric cancer screening programs have a significantly decreased
risk of dying from gastric cancer. Thus screening is effective in a
high risk population.

Certainly screening the general population in a low-risk country
does not make sense, but patients clearly at risk for gastric cancer
should probably have periodic endoscopy and biopsy. This includes
patients with FAP, HNPCC, gastric adenomas, Menetrier disease,
intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and remote gastrectomy or

 January 8, 2013            DR. RUBEL,SBMC                      52
Summary                                       Aetiology
Definition                                    The following are predisposing
Malignant lesion of the stomach               factors.
epithelium.                                   • Diet (smoked fish, pickled
                                              vegetables, benzpyrene,
Key points                                    nitrosamines).
• The majority of tumours are                 • Atrophic gastritis.
unresectable at presentation.                 • Pernicious anaemia.
• Tumours considered candidates for           • Previous partial gastrectomy.
resection should be staged with               • Familial hypogammaglobulinaemia.
CT and laparoscopy to reduce the risk of      • Gastric adenomatous polyps.
an ‘open and shut’ laparotomy.                • Blood group A.
• Most tumours are poorly responsive to
chemotherapy.                                 Pathology
                                              • Histology: adenocarcinoma.
Epidemiology                                  • Advanced gastric cancer
Male/female 2 : 1, peak incidence 50+         (penetrated muscularis propria) may
years. Incidence has                          be polypoid, ulcerating or infiltrating
decreased in Western world over last 50       (i.e. linitus plastica).
years. Still common in                        • Early gastric cancer (confined to
Japan, Chile and Scandinavia.                 mucosa or submucosa).

January 8, 2013                   DR. RUBEL,SBMC                                53
lymphatic (e.g. Virchow’s node); haematogenous to            Essential management
liver, lung, brain; transcoelomic to ovary                   • Palliation (metastatic disease or
(Krukenberg tumour).                                         gross distal nodal disease at
Clinical features                                            gastrectomy: local symptoms, e.g.
• History of recent dyspepsia (epigastric discomfort,        bleeding;
postprandial                                                 gastroenterostomy: malignant pyloric
fullness, loss of appetite).                                 obstruction;
• Anaemia.                                                   intubation: obstructing lesions at the
• Dysphagia.                                                 cardia.
• Vomiting.                                                  • Curative treatment (resectable
• Weight loss.                                               primary and local nodes).
• The presence of physical signs usually indicates           • Surgical excision with clear margins
advanced                                                     and locoregional lymph node
(incurable) disease.                                         clearance (D2 gastrectomy).
                                                             • Other treatment: combination
Investigations                                               chemotherapy with etoposide,
• FBC.                                                       adriamycin and cisplatin may induce
• U+E.                                                       regression.
• LFTs.                                                      Prognosis
• OGD (see the lesion and obtain biopsy to                   Following ‘curative’ resection, 5-year
distinguish from                                             survival rates are approximately 20%,
benign gastric ulcer).                                       but overall 5-year survival (palliation
• Barium meal (space-occupying lesion/ulcer with             and resection) is only 5%.
rolled edge).
Best for patients unable to tolerate OGD.
• CT scan (helical): stages disease locally and
• Laparoscopy: used to exclude undiagnosed
peritoneal or8, 2013
      January liver secondaries prior to consideration
                                            DR. RUBEL,SBMC                                     54
January 8, 2013   DR. RUBEL,SBMC   55

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Carcinoma stomach sb-rubel

  • 1. Carcinoma Stomach Professor AMSM Sharfuzzaman Professor of Surgery Sher-e-Bangla Medical College January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 1
  • 2. Introduction Gastric cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in the world. Many Asian countries, including Korea China, Taiwan, and Japan, have very high rates of gastric cancer. Gastric cancer was the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and the third leading cause of cancer deaths in women in the early 1940s. Gastric cancer remains a difficult disease to cure in Western countries, primarily because most patients present with advanced disease. Even patients who present in the most favorable condition and who undergo curative surgical resection often die of recurrent disease. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 2
  • 3. Introduction-contd. Adenocarcinoma of the stomach is the second most common cancer worldwide. In 2001, stomach cancer affected 850,000 people, of which 522,000 men and 328,000 women died of stomach cancer. Tremendous geographic variation exists in the incidence of this disease around the world. The highest death rates are recorded in Chile, Japan, South America, and the former Soviet Union. Over the past half century or so, there has been a steady decline in gastric cancer incidence and gastric cancer deaths in men and women in the United States. Most of this decrease has occurred in the intestinal type of gastric cancer. In addition, the incidence of gastric cardia adenocarcinoma has actually gradually increased. The decrease in gastric cancer incidence may be attributed in part to the adoption of diets high in vegetables and fruit. The widespread use of refrigeration contributes to the decline in incidence by reducing the intake of salt, which had been used as a food preservative, and decreasing the contamination of food by carcinogenic compounds arising from the decay of unrefrigerated meat products. Salt and salted foods may cause damage to the gastric mucosa with resultant inflammation associated with increase in DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 3
  • 4. Epidemiology Race The rates of gastric cancer are higher in Asian and South American countries than in the United States. Japan, Chile, and Venezuela have developed a very rigorous early screening program that detects patients with early stage disease (ie, low tumor burden). These patients appear to do quite well. In fact, in many Asian studies, patients with resected stage II and III disease tend to have better outcomes than similarly staged patients treated in Western countries. Some researchers suggest that this reflects a fundamental biologic difference in the disease as it manifests in Western countries. In the United States, Asian and Pacific Islander males and females have the highest incidence of stomach cancer, followed by black, Hispanic, white, American Indian, and Inuit populations. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 4
  • 5. Epidemiology-contd. Sex Gastric cancer affects slightly more men than women. Age Most patients are elderly at diagnosis. The median age for gastric cancer in the United States is 70 years for males and 74 years for females. The gastric cancers that occur in younger patients may represent a more aggressive variant. Mortality/Morbidity The 5-year survival rate for curative surgical resection ranges from 30- 50% for patients with stage II disease and from 10-25% for patients with stage III disease. Because these patients have a high likelihood of local and systemic relapse, some physicians offer them adjuvant therapy. The operative mortality rate for patients undergoing curative surgical resection at major academic centers is less than 3%. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 5
  • 6. Surgical anatomy The stomach begins at the gastroesophageal junction and ends at the duodenum. The stomach has 3 parts. The uppermost part of the stomach is the cardia, and the largest and middle part is called the body. The distal portion of the stomach, the pylorus, connects to the duodenum. These anatomic zones have distinct histologic features. The cardia contains predominantly mucin-secreting cells. The fundus (ie, body) contains mucoid cells, chief cells, and parietal cells, while the pylorus is composed of mucus-producing cells and endocrine cells. The stomach wall is made up of 5 layers. From the lumen out, the layers include the mucosa, the submucosa, the muscularis layer, the subserosal layer, and the serosal layer. The peritoneum of the greater sac covers the anterior surface of the stomach. A portion of the lesser sac drapes posteriorly over the stomach. The gastroesophageal junction has limited or no serosal covering. The right portion of the anterior gastric surface is adjacent to the left lobe of the liver and the anterior abdominal wall. The left portion of the stomach is adjacent to the spleen, the left adrenal gland, the superior portion of the left kidney, the ventral portion of the pancreas, and the transverse colon. The site of the cancer is classified on the basis of its relationship to the long axis of the stomach. Approximately 40% of cancers develop in the lower part, 40% in the middle part, and 15% in the upper part, and 10% involve more than one part of the organ. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 6
  • 7. Causes Several factors are implicated in the development of gastric cancer, including diet, Helicobacter pylori infection, previous gastric surgery, pernicious anemia, adenomatous polyps, chronic atrophic gastritis, prior radiation exposure or inherited syndromes. Gastric cancer may often be multifactorial involving both inherited predisposition and environmental factors. Diet A diet rich in pickled vegetables, salted fish, excessive dietary salt, and smoked meats correlates with an increased incidence of gastric cancer. A diet that includes fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C may have a protective effect. Smoking Smoking is associated with an increased incidence of stomach cancer in a dose- dependent manner, both for number of cigarettes and duration of smoking. Smoking increases the risk of cardiac and noncardiac forms of stomach cancer. Cessation of smoking reduces the risk. A meta-analysis of 40 studies estimated that the risk was increased by approximately 1.5- to 1.6-fold and was higher in men. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 7
  • 8. Helicobacter pylori infection Chronic bacterial infection with H pylori is the strongest risk factor for stomach cancer. H pylori may infect 50% of the world's population, but much less than 5% of infected individuals develop cancer. It may be that only a particular strain of H pylori, one which is capable of producing the greatest amount of inflammation, is especially associated with the risk of malignancy. The full malignant transformation of affected parts of the stomach may require that the human host have a particular genotype of interleukin-Iβ to cause the increased inflammation and an increased suppression of gastric acid secretion. H pylori infection is associated with chronic atrophic gastritis, and patients with a history of prolonged gastritis have a 6-fold increase in their risk of developing gastric cancer. Interestingly, this association is particularly strong for tumors located in the antrum, body, and fundus of the stomach but does not seem to hold for tumors originating in the cardia. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 8 8 Causes-contd.
  • 9. Previous gastric surgery Previous surgery is implicated as a risk factor. The rationale is that surgery alters the normal pH of the stomach which may in turn lead to metaplastic and dysplastic changes in luminal cells. Retrospective studies demonstrate that a small percentage of patients who undergo gastric polyp removal have evidence of invasive carcinoma within the polyp. This discovery has led some researchers to conclude that polyps might represent premalignant conditions. Causes-contd. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 9
  • 10. Genetic factors Some 10% of stomach cancer cases are familial in origin. Genetic factors involved in gastric cancer remain poorly understood, though specific mutations have been identified in a subset of gastric cancer patients. For example, germ-line truncating mutations of the E-cadherin gene are detected in 50% of diffuse-type gastric cancers and families that harbor these mutations have an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance with a very high penetrance. Other hereditary syndromes with a predisposition for stomach cancer include hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis, and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Ebstein-Barr virus: The Epstein-Barr virus may be associated with an unusual form of stomach cancer (<1%), lympho-epitheliomalike carcinoma. Pernicious anemia: Pernicious anemia associated with advanced atrophic gastritis and intrinsic factor deficiency is a risk factor for gastric carcinoma. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC Causes-contd. 10
  • 11. Gastric ulcers Gastric cancer may develop in the remaining portion of the stomach following a partial gastrectomy for gastric ulcer. Benign gastric ulcers may themselves develop into malignancy. Obesity: Obesity increases the risk of gastric cardiac cancer. Radiation exposure: Atomic bomb survivors exposed to radiation have had an increased risk of stomach cancer. Other populations exposed to radiation may also have an increased risk of stomach cancer. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC Causes-contd. 11
  • 12. Premalignant conditions; H. pylori infection Atrophic gastritis and pernicious anemia Gastric polyps Gastric ulcer Hypergastrinemia Blood group A Previous gastric resection Ménétrier’s disease January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 12
  • 13. Factors associated with increased risk of developing stomach cancer Nutritional Low fat or protein consumption Salted meat or fish High nitrate consumption High complex-carbohydrate consumption Environmental Poor food preparation (smoked, salted) Lack of refrigeration Poor drinking water (well water) Smoking Social Low social class Medical Prior gastric surgery Helicobacter pylori infection Gastric atrophy and gastritis Adenomatous polyps Male gender January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 13
  • 14. Correa mode of the pathogenesis of human gastric adenocarcinoma January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 14
  • 15. Histopathology Adenocarcinoma 95% Lymphomas 2% Carcinoids 1% Adenocathomas 1% Squamous cell 1% Adenocarcinoma is classified according to the most unfavorable microscopic element present: tubular, papillary, mucinous, signet-ring cells. Also identified by gross appearance: ulcerative, polypoid, scirrous, superficial spreading, multicentric, or Barrett ectopic. Variety of other schemes: Borrmann, Lauren Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Dr. RUBEL, SBMC 15
  • 16. Borrmann Classification 5 categories Type I: polypoid or fungating Type II: ulcerating lesions with elevated borders Type III: ulceration with invasion of wall Type IV: diffuse infiltration Type V: cannot be classified Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Dr. RUBEL, SBMC 16
  • 17. Borrmann types Borrmann I Borrmann II Borrmann III Borrmann IV Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Dr. RUBEL, SBMC 17
  • 18. Lauren system The intestinal type  Expansive epidemic type gastric cancer is associated with atrophic gastritis, retained glandular structure, little invasiveness, sharp margins. It would be a Borrmann I or II, carries better prognosis, shows no family history The diffuse type  Infiltrative, endemic, is poorly differentiated, with dangerously deceptive margins, invades large areas of stomach. Younger patients, genetic factors, blood groups, and family history. Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Dr. RUBEL, SBMC 18
  • 19. Lauren system The most useful classification of gastric cancer is the Lauren Classification System. The Lauren system classifies gastric cancer pathology as either Type I (intestinal) Type II (diffuse). Intestinal type - expansive, epidemic, gastric cancer is associated with chronic atrophic gastritis, retained glandular structure, little invasiveness, with sharp margin, associated with most environmental risk factors, carries a better prognosis, and shows no familial history. Diffuse type - infiltrative, endemic cancer, consists of scattered cell clusters with poor differentiation and dangerously deceptive margins. The endemic-type tumor invades large areas of the stomach. This type of tumor is also not recognizably influenced by environment or diet, is more virulent in women, and occurs more often in relatively young patients. This pathologic entity is associated with genetic factors (such as E- cadherin), blood groups A, and a family history of gastric cancer. Intestinal Diffuse Environmental Familial Gastric atrophy, intestinal metaplasia Blood type A Men > women Women > men Increasing incidence with age Younger age group Microscopic Microscopic Gland formation Poorly differentiated signet ring cells Hematogenous spread Transmural/lymphatic spread Microsatellite instability Decreased E-cadherin APC gene mutations APC gene mutations p53, p16 inactivation p53, p16 inactivation January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 19
  • 20. According to the clinical presentation & treatment planning gastric cancer are grossly classified as follows: A. Early Gastric Cancer (EGC) B. Advanced Gastric Cancer (AGC) Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Dr. RUBEL, SBMC 20
  • 21. . Early Gastric Cancer The term 'early gastric cancer' is used to describe tumours confined to the gastric mucosa and submucosa, irrespective of nodal status, and was elaborated in 1962 by the Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Endoscopy Type I Exophytic lesion extending into the gastric lumen Type II Superficial variant II A Elevated lesions with a height no more than the thickness of the adjacent mucosa II B Flat lesions II C Depressed lesions with an eroded but not deeply ulcerated appearance Type III Excavated lesions that may extend into the muscularis propria without invasion of this layer by actual cancer cells Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Dr. RUBEL, SBMC 21
  • 22. Advanced gastric cancer:  The vast majority of gastric cancer are of advanced which deeply penetrate the stomach wall, invade the adjacent structures with lymphatic & haematogenous metastasis.  Advanced gastric cancer classified according to the Bormann's morphologic description as - Borrmann I: Fungating Borrmann II: Carcimatous ulcer without infiltrating surrounding mucosa Borrmann III: Carcimatous ulcer with infiltration of surrounding mucosa Borrmann IV: Diffuse infiltrating carcinoma Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Dr. RUBEL, SBMC 22
  • 23. Advanced Gastric Cancer - Morphological Types; PPolypoidoid Borrmann I Ulcerating Borrmann II Ulcerating/ Borrmann III infiltrating Diffuse infiltrating Borrmann IV January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 23
  • 25. Spread Pathophysiology; Understanding the vascular supply of the stomach allows understanding of the routes of hematogenous spread. The vascular supply of the stomach is derived from the celiac artery. The left gastric artery, a branch of the celiac artery, supplies the upper right portion of the stomach. The common hepatic artery branches into the right gastric artery, which supplies the lower portion of the stomach, and the right gastroepiploic branch, which supplies the lower portion of the greater curvature. Understanding the lymphatic drainage can clarify the areas at risk for nodal involvement by cancer. The lymphatic drainage of the stomach is complex. Primary lymphatic drainage is along the celiac axis. Minor drainage occurs along the splenic hilum, suprapancreatic nodal groups, porta hepatis, and gastroduodenal areas. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 25
  • 26. Lymphatic drainage January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 26
  • 27. Lymphatic drainage January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 27
  • 28. Gastric Lymphatics Numbering of the gastric and upper abdominal node stations Station no. Anatomical location 1, 2 Adjacent to the cardia (perigastric) 3, 4 Adjacent to lesser and greatercurve 5 Suprapyloric (right gastric artery) 6 Infrapyloric 7 Left gastric artery 8 Common hepatic artery 9 Coeliac artery 10 Hilum of the spleen 11 Splenic artery 12 Hepaticoduodenal ligament 13 Behind pancreatic head 14 At the root of the mesentery (superior mesenteric artery) 15 Middle colic artery 16 Para-aortic
  • 29. Gastric Lymphatics Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Dr. RUBEL, SBMC 29
  • 30. Spread patterns Cancer of the stomach can spread directly, via lymphatics, or hematogenously and transperitonialy. Direct extension into the omenta, pancreas, diaphragm, transverse colon or mesocolon, and duodenum is common. If the lesion extends beyond the gastric wall to a free peritoneal (ie, serosal) surface, then peritoneal involvement is frequent. The visible gross lesion frequently underestimates the true extent of the disease. The abundant lymphatic channels within the submucosal and subserosal layers of the gastric wall allow for easy microscopic spread. The submucosal plexus is prominent in the esophagus and the subserosal plexus is prominent in the duodenum, allowing proximal and distal spread. Lymphatic drainage is through numerous pathways and can involve multiple nodal groups (eg, gastric, gastroepiploic, celiac, porta hepatic, splenic, suprapancreatic, pancreaticoduodenal, paraesophageal, and paraaortic lymph nodes). The cancer also spreads hematogenously, and liver metastases are common. The cancer also spreads transperitonialy to other abdominal organs as omentum peritoneum, and especially to ovary as Krukenberg’s tumor. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 30
  • 31. Clinical History In the United States, about 25% of stomach cancer cases present with localized disease, 31% present with regional disease, and 32% present with distant metastatic disease; the remainder of cases surveyed were listed as unstaged. Early disease has no associated symptoms; however, some patients with incidental complaints are diagnosed with early gastric cancer. Most symptoms of gastric cancer reflect advanced disease. Patients may complain of indigestion, nausea or vomiting, dysphagia, postprandial fullness, loss of appetite, melena, hematemesis, and weight loss. Late complications include pathologic peritoneal and pleural effusions; obstruction of the gastric outlet, gastroesophageal junction, or small bowel; bleeding in the stomach from esophageal varices or at the anastomosis after surgery; intrahepatic jaundice caused by hepatomegaly; extrahepatic jaundice; and inanition resulting from starvation or cachexia of tumor origin. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 31
  • 32. Clinical-contds. Physical All physical signs are late events, and almost invariably the signs develop too late for curative procedures. Signs may include a palpable enlarged stomach with succussion splash; hepatomegaly; periumbilical metastasis (Sister Mary Joseph nodule); enlarged lymph nodes such as: Virchow’s nodes (ie, left supraclavicular), Irish node (anterior axillary); and Blumer shelf (ie, shelflike tumor of the anterior rectal wall). Some patients experience weight loss and others may present with melena or pallor from anemia. Paraneoplastic syndromes such as dermatomyositis, acanthosis nigricans, and circinate erythemas are poor prognostic features. Other associated abnormalities also include peripheral thrombophlebitis and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 32
  • 33. Clinical presentation: There are five group of clinical presentation, which are as follows - New dyspepsia after 40 - persistent indigestion in a patient who has never had previous stomach trouble. It was one of the manifestation of our presented case. Obstructive type - carcinoma of the pyloroantrum may present with abdominal fullness & vomiting which was the predominant manifestation of our presented case. Carcinoma of the cardia may present with dysphagia & regurgitation Abdominal lump - epigastric lump is the presenting feature of about 30% of cases Insidious - sometimes patient may present with only tiredness, marked anorexia, asthenia & evidence of anaemia. Silent - carcinoma of the gastric body may present with metastatic manifestations like jaundice, enlarged left supraclavicular lymph nodes(Virchow’s gland),ascites, rectal shelf of Blummer(Metastatic nodule on the rectal wall),Sister Joseph’s nodules(Metastatic nodule on the umbilicus),Krukenberg’s tumors(Metastasis on ovary). January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 33
  • 34. Lab Studies The goal of obtaining laboratory studies is to assist in determining optimal therapy. A complete blood cell count can identify anemia, which may be caused by bleeding, liver dysfunction, or poor nutrition. Approximately 30% of patients have anemia. Electrolyte panels and liver function tests also are essential to better characterize the patient's clinical state. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is increased in 45-50% of cases. Cancer antigen (CA) 19-9 is elevated in about 20%of cases. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 34
  • 35. Imaging Studies Esophagogastroduodenoscopy has a diagnostic accuracy of 95%. This relatively safe and simple procedure provides a permanent color photographic record of the lesion. This procedure is also the primary method for obtaining a tissue diagnosis of suspected lesions. Biopsy of any ulcerated lesion should require at least 6 biopsies taken from around the lesion because of variable malignant transformation. In selected cases, endoscopic ultrasound may be helpful in assessing depth of penetration of the tumor or involvement of adjacent structures. Double-contrast upper gastrointestinal series and barium swallows may be helpful in delineating the extent of disease when obstructive symptoms are present or when bulky proximal tumors prevent passage of the endoscope to examine the stomach distal to an obstruction (more common with gastroesophageal [GE]-junction tumors). These studies are only 75% accurate and should for the most part be used only when upper GI endoscopy is not feasible. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 35
  • 36. Imaging Studies-contd. Chest radiograph is done to evaluate for metastatic lesions. CT scan or MRI of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis assess the local disease process as well as evaluate potential areas of spread (ie, enlarged lymph nodes, possible liver metastases). Endoscopic ultrasound allows for a more precise preoperative assessment of the tumor stage. Endoscopic sonography is becoming increasingly useful as a staging tool when the CT scan fails to find evidence of T3, T4, or metastatic disease. Institutions that favor neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for patients with locally advanced disease rely on endoscopic ultrasound data to improve patient stratification. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 36
  • 37. Histologic Findings Adenocarcinoma of the stomach constitutes 90-95% of all gastric malignancies. The second most common gastric malignancies are lymphomas. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors formerly classified as either leiomyomas or leiomyosarcomas account for 2% of gastric neoplasms, Carcinoids (1%), adenoacanthomas (1%), and squamous cell carcinomas (1%) Adenocarcinoma of the stomach is subclassified according to histologic description as follows: tubular, papillary, mucinous, or signet-ring cells, and undifferentiated lesions. Pathology specimens are also classified by gross appearance. In general, researchers consider gastric cancers ulcerative, polypoid, scirrhous (ie, diffuse linitis plastica), superficial spreading, multicentric, or Barrett ectopic adenocarcinoma. The Lauren system classifies gastric cancer pathology as either Type I (intestinal) or Type II (diffuse). An appealing feature of classifying patients according to the Lauren system is that the descriptive pathologic entities have clinically relevant differences. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 37
  • 38. TNM Classification of Carcinoma of the Stomach Primary tumor (T) TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed T0 No evidence of primary tumor Tis Carcinoma in situ: intraepithial tumor without invasion of the lamina propria T1 Tumor invades lamina propria or submucosa T2 Tumor invades muscularis propria or subserosa T2a Tumor invades mucularis propria T2b Tumor invades subserosa T3 Tumor penetrates serosa (visceral peritoneum) without invasion of adjacent structures T4 Tumor invades adjacent structures January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 38
  • 39. TNM Classification of Carcinoma of the Stomach- contd. Regional lymph nodes (N) NX Regional lymph node(s) cannot be assessed N0 No regional lymph node metastasis N1 Metastasis in 1 to 6 regional lymph nodes(perigastric groups) N2 Metastasis in 7 to 15 regional lymph nodes(coeliac groups) N3 Metastasis in more than 15 regional lymph nodes(para-aortic groups) Distant metastasis (M) MX Distant metastasis cannot be assessed M0 No distant metastasis M1 Distant metastasis Lymph node station numbers as defined by the January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 39 Japanese Gastric Cancer Association
  • 40. Surgical Treatment Surgical resection provides the only hope for curing gastric cancer. Even then, some patients show criteria of inoperability at the time of presentation. These include the presence of Virchow’s node, obvious liver metastasis, rectal shelf, and ascites. The type of gastric resection needed depends on location of the tumor. In all cases, proximal and distal surgical margins should be clear of tumor for at least 4 to 6 cm. When the resection required is distal gastrectomy, the following surgical strategies should also be employed: 1. Resection of the duodenal bulb and Bilroth II reconstruction. 2. Division of left and right gastric arteries at their origin, and 3. Removal of the greater omentum. It is always useful to do preoperative bowel preparation in the event that the transverse colon has to be resected en bloc. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 40 Surgical Treatment-contd.
  • 41. Surgical Treatment-contd. The main controversy relates to the extent of lymph node dissection. Types of resective surgery have been classified based on this criterion as follows: 1. R1: complete removal of perigastric lymph nodes; 2. R2: resection of perigastric nodes and those along the left gastric, splenic, and right hepatic arteries; 3. R3: R2 with dissection of celiac axis nodes; 4. R4: R3 with dissection of paraaortic nodes. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 41
  • 42. A-Subtotal gastrectomy with a Billroth II anastomosis. B-Total gastrectomy with a Roux-en-Y anastomosis. A B January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 42
  • 43. Surgical Treatment January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 43
  • 44. Endoscopic Resection The Japanese have demonstrated that some patients with early gastric cancer can be adequately treated by an endoscopic mucosal resection. Small tumors (<3 cm) confined to the mucosa have an extremely low chance of lymph node metastasis (3 percent) which approaches the operative mortality rate for gastrectomy. If the resected specimen demonstrates no ulceration, no lymphatic invasion, and size less than 3 cm, the risk of lymph node metastases is less than 1 percent. Thus some patients with early gastric cancer might be better treated with the endoscopic technique. Currently this should be limited to patients with tumors less than 2 cm, which on EUS are node-negative and confined to the mucosa. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 44
  • 45. PALLIATIVE TREATMENT Because 20% to 30% of gastric cancer patients present with stage IV disease, clinicians must be familiar with different methods of palliative treatment. The goal of palliative treatment is the relief of symptoms with minimal morbidity. Surgical palliation of advanced gastric cancer may include resection or bypass alone or in conjunction with percutaneous, endoscopic, or radiotherapeutic techniques. Complete staging is necessary to determine the appropriate method of palliation for individual patients. In the presence of peritoneal disease, hepatic metastases, diffuse nodal metastases, or ascites, palliation of bleeding or proximal gastric obstruction would preferably be obtained nonoperatively. Nonoperative therapies include laser recanalization and endoscopic dilation, with or without stent placement. Patients who undergo stent placement for gastric outlet obstruction are frequently able to tolerate solid foods and may not require additional interventions. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 45
  • 46. Adjuvant Therapy Adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy (5 FU and leucovorin) and radiation (4500 cGy) has demonstrated a survival benefit in resected patients with stageII and III adenocarcinoma of the stomach. There is no indication for the routine use of radiation alone in the adjuvant setting, but in certain patients it can be very effective palliation for bleeding or pain. In patients with gross unresectable, metastatic, or recurrent disease, palliative chemotherapy has not been demonstrated to conclusively prolong survival, but an occasional patient has a dramatic response. These patients should be considered for clinical trials. Agents that have shown activity against gastric cancer include 5 FU, cisplatin, adriamycin, and methotrexate. Neoadjuvant treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma is being evaluated. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 46
  • 47. Five-Year Survival Rate of Patients with Stomach Cancer Tumor stage % Survival R1 resection R2 resection IA 88 91 IB 56 85 II 39 58 IIIA 7 30 IIIB 0 12 January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 47
  • 48. OUTCOMES Survival rates for all patients with gastric carcinoma stratified by combined American Joint Committee on Cancer January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 48
  • 49. OUTCOMES-contd. Survival rates for gastric cancer patients undergoing gastrectomy as stratified by combined American Joint Committee on Cancer January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 49
  • 50. Recurrence Recurrence rates after gastrectomy remain high, ranging from 40% to 80%, depending on the series. Most recurrences occur within the first 3 years. The locoregional failure rate ranges from 38% to 45%, whereas peritoneal dissemination as a component of failure occurs in 54% of patients in several series. Isolated distant metastases are uncommon, because most patients with distant failure also have locoregional recurrence as well. The most common sites of locoregional recurrence are the gastric remnant at the anastomosis and in the gastric bed and the regional nodes. Hematogenous spread occurs to the liver, lung, and bone. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 50
  • 51. SURVEILLANCE All patients should be followed up systematically. Because most recurrences occur within the first 3 years, surveillance examinations are more frequent in the first several years. Follow-up should include a complete history and physical examination every 4 months for 1 year, then every 6 months for 2 years and then annually thereafter. Laboratory examinations including complete blood counts and liver function tests should be obtained as clinically indicated. Many clinicians obtain chest radiographs as well as CT scans of the abdomen and pelvis routinely, wheresas others obtain studies only when clinically suspicious of a recurrence. Yearly endoscopy should be considered in patients who have undergone a subtotal gastrectomy. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 51
  • 52. Screening for Gastric Cancer In Japan it has clearly been shown that patients participating in gastric cancer screening programs have a significantly decreased risk of dying from gastric cancer. Thus screening is effective in a high risk population. Certainly screening the general population in a low-risk country does not make sense, but patients clearly at risk for gastric cancer should probably have periodic endoscopy and biopsy. This includes patients with FAP, HNPCC, gastric adenomas, Menetrier disease, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and remote gastrectomy or gastrojejunostomy. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 52
  • 53. Summary Aetiology Definition The following are predisposing Malignant lesion of the stomach factors. epithelium. • Diet (smoked fish, pickled vegetables, benzpyrene, Key points nitrosamines). • The majority of tumours are • Atrophic gastritis. unresectable at presentation. • Pernicious anaemia. • Tumours considered candidates for • Previous partial gastrectomy. resection should be staged with • Familial hypogammaglobulinaemia. CT and laparoscopy to reduce the risk of • Gastric adenomatous polyps. an ‘open and shut’ laparotomy. • Blood group A. • Most tumours are poorly responsive to chemotherapy. Pathology • Histology: adenocarcinoma. Epidemiology • Advanced gastric cancer Male/female 2 : 1, peak incidence 50+ (penetrated muscularis propria) may years. Incidence has be polypoid, ulcerating or infiltrating decreased in Western world over last 50 (i.e. linitus plastica). years. Still common in • Early gastric cancer (confined to Japan, Chile and Scandinavia. mucosa or submucosa). January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 53
  • 54. Spread lymphatic (e.g. Virchow’s node); haematogenous to Essential management liver, lung, brain; transcoelomic to ovary • Palliation (metastatic disease or (Krukenberg tumour). gross distal nodal disease at presentation): Clinical features gastrectomy: local symptoms, e.g. • History of recent dyspepsia (epigastric discomfort, bleeding; postprandial gastroenterostomy: malignant pyloric fullness, loss of appetite). obstruction; • Anaemia. intubation: obstructing lesions at the • Dysphagia. cardia. • Vomiting. • Curative treatment (resectable • Weight loss. primary and local nodes). • The presence of physical signs usually indicates • Surgical excision with clear margins advanced and locoregional lymph node (incurable) disease. clearance (D2 gastrectomy). • Other treatment: combination Investigations chemotherapy with etoposide, • FBC. adriamycin and cisplatin may induce • U+E. regression. • LFTs. Prognosis • OGD (see the lesion and obtain biopsy to Following ‘curative’ resection, 5-year distinguish from survival rates are approximately 20%, benign gastric ulcer). but overall 5-year survival (palliation • Barium meal (space-occupying lesion/ulcer with and resection) is only 5%. rolled edge). Best for patients unable to tolerate OGD. • CT scan (helical): stages disease locally and systemically. • Laparoscopy: used to exclude undiagnosed peritoneal or8, 2013 January liver secondaries prior to consideration DR. RUBEL,SBMC 54
  • 55. January 8, 2013 DR. RUBEL,SBMC 55