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        Tulcán – Ecuador


We thank our mentor Mr. Ivan Strong, who over the years we have passed on

their skills and knowledge in the development of matter, which has completed

filling all our expectations.

In our most sincere thanks, to whom we owe much of our knowledge, thanks to

his patience and teaching, and finally an eternal gratitude to this prestigious

university which opens its doors to young people like us, preparing us for a

competitive future and making us into good people.

                            Communication Today

Today's communication allows users to communicate with people from around
the world quickly, without limits and directly, to express feelings, including the
most important means we have the internet, allowing us to access a large
amount information and a number of pages of all tastes and preferences, as are
also the social networks that allow users they interact with different people
around the world allowing to know any information of an individual, other
important communication means are also television, we projected the user the
different promotions of a product that draws our attention or favorite TV
programs, we also have the phone that allows us to communicate with our
friends and family no matter where you are also the magazines are another
major media because it allows users to transmit different ideas such as music,
Today's communication allowed us to reach new business, either through
television or the internet because it is a means which helps us to publish our
products we will launch the market getting more welcomed by the consumer as
by advertisements or virtual pages allows us to gain an overall rapid formed
with less time and costs.

Sony invented the flexible screens that can bend easily, it all started on a
project of the U.S. military, but Sony's attachment to create your first flexible
display, this material is composed of organic materials, which can be rolled
around a pencil. Measures 4.1 inches and is thinner than a human hair. The
company aims to create cellular phones Sony lighter and durable applying this
technology, images are not damaged despite this being bent either side, still
works just as well, this is because Sony OLED materials and mix with organic
transistors, known as OTFT, these transistors have soft organic insulators allow
them to be bent, without any damage to the image that is playing, this screen
will be cost to users, since the components can be dissolved in common
solvents to be printed rather than armed. In this way could be used as electronic
paper in the morning newspaper or magazines. At the moment Sony is planning
to improve the performance of this type of organic displays to use in mobile
phones lighter and durable, but will surely find many more uses.

Other forms of future

You can use the "present simple" to describe a future action that is fully planned:

Tomorrow I fly to Madrid. Morning flight to Madrid (the action is already planned and decided

Next week I start my course. Next week I start my course

Also used the "present continuous" to express an action that will develop in the near future
and is also planned. In these sentences have to mention the future time in which the action
takes place, because otherwise it would be understood that the action is unfolding in the

Tonight I am Having a Party. Tonight I'm gonna have a party

Next week we are visiting you. Next week you will visit

Another formula to express the future in English is with how "to be going + infinitive". It is used
for actions that the subject has decided to make and would normally have done and certain
preparations in this regard:

I am going to buy a house. I'm buying a house (I'm fully committed, I'm looking for a house,
saving, etc.).

Next summer I am going to study in England. Next summer, I will study in England (and I'm
moving about, I'm looking school, etc..)

Continuous Future (Future Continuous)

Use the "future continuous" to describe an action that will take place in the future and the
time when we refer to still further developed. This time in the future may be mentioned or not
in the sentence:

I will be watching TV. I will be watching TV
This evening I will be watching TV. This afternoon I will be watching TV

She will be visiting her mother. She will be visiting his mother

This time with the simple future form of the auxiliary verb "to be" plus the gerund (present
participle) of the main verb:

We will be sleeping. We will be sleeping

They will get eaten sun. They will be in the sun

The negative is formed by interposing the negation "not" between the auxiliary and main verb
(attention to its placement between the two components of the auxiliary verb "will" and "be"):

I will not be cooking. I will not be cooking

You will not be dancing. You will not be dancing

The interrogative form is constructed starting with "will", followed by the subject of the
infinitive "be" and the main verb:

Will you be listening music you'll be listening to music

Will we be playing football Will we be playing football

If the question is negative, the particle "not" is placed between the subject and the infinitive
"be", but you could also use the contraction "will not" (= will not) that would go to the
beginning of the sentence:

Will not you be listening to music you're not listening to music

Will you be listening to music you're not listening to music

Listed below are examples, uses and formation of Future Forms followed by a quiz.

Will Verb (base form)


It will snow tomorrow.

She won't win the election.

Used for predictions

Will Verb (base form)


The concert will begin at 8 o'clock.

When will the train leave?

Used for scheduled events

Will Verb (base form)


Will you marry me?

I'll help you with your homework after class

Used for promises

Will Verb (base form)


I'll make you a sandwich.

They'll help you if you want.
Used for offers

Will Verb (base form)


He will telephone as soon as he arrives.

Will you visit me when you come next week?

Used in combination with time clauses (as soon as, when, before, after)

Be going to Verb (base form)


Frank is going to study Medicine.

Where are they going to stay when they come?

She isn't going to buy the new house afterall.

The future with 'going to' is used to express planned events or intentions. These events or
intentions are decided on before the moment of speaking.


'Going to' or '-ing' are often both correct for planed events. 'Going to' should be used for
distant future intentions (example: He's going to study Law)

Be going to Verb (base form)


Oh no! Look at those clouds. It's going to rain.

Be careful! You're going to drop those dishes!

Used for future predictions based on physical (usually visual) evidence.
Present Continuous (be '-ing')


He's coming tomorrow afternoon.

What are we having for dinner?

I'm not seeing the doctor until Friday.

Used for planned or personally scheduled events. Usually used with principle verbs such as:
come, go, begin, start, finish, have, etc.


'Going to' or '-ing' are often both correct for planed events. 'Going to' should be used for
distant future intentions (example: He's going to study Law)

Simple Present


The class begins at 11.30.

The plane leaves at 6 o'clock.

Used for scheduled public events such as train and plane schedules, course schedules, etc.

Common future time expressions include:

next (week, month, year), tomorrow, in X's time (amount of time, i.e. two week's time), in
year, time clauses (when, as soon as, before, after) simple present (example: I will telephone
as soon as I arrive.) soon, later

Structure of the Forms

Future with Will

S + will + verb (base form) = positve

I'll make you a sandwich.

They'll visit soon.

It'll rain tomorrow.

S + will not (won't) + verb (base form) = negative


She won't come next week.

It won't take a long time.

We won't sing that song.

Will + S + verb (base form) = question


Will you give me a hand?

Where will she stay?

When will we leave?

Future with 'going to'

Conjugate the helping verb "be" 'going to' verb (base form).


You are going to stay with them.

She is going to visit Paul.

They are going to move soon.

Conjugate the helping verb "be" not going to verb (base form)

I'm not going to stay very long.

We aren't going to visit our friends in Paris.

They aren't going to get a new job.

Question word conjugate the helping verb 'be' subject going to verb (base form)


What are you going to do?

Where is he going to stay?

When are they going to leave?

Future with '-ing' (present continuous)

Conjugate the helping verb "be" and verb -ing.


I'm meeting him tomorrow.

She's having lunch with Tom.

They're flying to Lisbon next week.

Conjugate the helping verb "be" not verb -ing.


She isn't having a meeting tomorrow.

You aren't playing tennis this weekend.

They aren't going to the party.

Question word conjugate the helping verb 'be' subject verb -ing

Are you attending the meeting on Friday?

Is he coming to the party?

Are they giving a presentation?

Ground subsidence is a depression located at the surface produced by the collapse of some
internal structure, like a cave. They happen without warning and affect buildings located above
and adjacent.

The most common cause of land subsidence is the loss of support on the ground. Sometimes
when you remove water from the ground, often to irrigate crops, soil collapses, compacts and
low level. This is because groundwater helped to support and carry the weight of earth and
rock above him. The collapse of the land occurs throughout the United States, but a greater
impact in the states of California, Texas and Arizona.

The land hudimiento is caused more by activities carried out by men, mainly by removing
groundwater. This identifies some causes that may lead to this collapse of land:

        Loss of water in organic soil
        the erosion of the ground limestone
        underground mining
        Groundwater extraction and oil

These are events that cause damage to persons and the planet, altering the
ecological        balance         and         affect          the          health.
Besides these disasters cause loss of life, and thus the social structure is
unbalanced, causing it to be unsuccessful core activities that keep society
Natural disasters occur every year in different ways, affecting thousands of
people worldwide, also cause significant damage to property, to basic services
between            these            natural            disasters             are:

Geological disasters: they are involved in energy and elements of the planet's
interior or its surface. These include earthquakes, volcanism, tsunamis,
earthquakes or tidal waves and movement of slopes and soil.

Hydrometeorological disasters: they are mainly caused by weather. Among
them we can name tornadoes, cyclones, floods, hail, rain, snow, drought.
Chemical Disaster: are causing chemicals such as explosions, poisoning
massive shedding of harmful pollutants and water.

Health Disaster: are those produced by the presence of disease epidemics,
endemic diseases and pandemics.
Socio-organizational disaster: these are caused by large concentrations of
people at concerts, parades, parties, etc..

The main problem arises when a disaster is that we are not prepared to deal
with or occurs before or during eruption, or after it has passed.
AUDI bike

AUDI The bicycle can change their behavior through a cell phone, either
manually or Pedalec motor assisted pedal that is reaching 80km / h and a range
of up to 70 km and egrip that works with the electric motor reaching 50 km / h
without having to taste.

Also this bike is built in carbon fiber and weighs only 11 kg, has a 2.3 kW motor
which is charged in 2.5 hours, also has electronic control operated from the
mobile phone, which allows us to unlock the immobilizer anti-theft bike, connect
to the Internet and share on Facebook, the activity is being conducted at that

LED lighting also has the front and rear.

This technological innovation seems very useful at all times allowing us to travel
long distances allowing us to rest at the moment, we can no longer continue
and activate the automatic engine cycling, and thus recover our energies and
continue our journey, plus internet connection we can upload our photos at the
time of such activity seems like a new invention really very useful for everyday

In the Chinese calendar, 2012 is the Year of the Water Dragon, which starts on January 23,
2012 and end on February 9, 2013, a period that, as the Eastern soothsayers, brings new
experiences and opportunities, changes and natural disasters we require wisdom and

"It's a year of change that calls us to begin again, to be prudent and adaptable and protect
against illness and natural disaster," says Lin Zhihong, a Taiwanese fortune teller in the temple
Sanyugong Taipei.

The previous year of the dragon of water was 1952, a tumultuous period in politics with the
death of King George VI of the United Kingdom and Argentina's Evita Peron, the Bolivian
revolution, the retaking of power by the dictator Fulgencio Batista in Cuba and the coup State
of General Marcos Pérez-Jiménez in Venezuela.

That same year marked the first test of the hydrogen bomb and took abundant marine
accidents, floods, volcanic eruptions and tsunami and earthquake in Kamchatka (Siberia) of
8.25 degrees on the Richter scale.

"In the cycle of sixty years, 1952 and 2012 are related and have some similarity, but do not
expect the same because what Chinese astrology says are influences, both favorable and
unfavorable winds in our lives and in society. In the end, what matters is our response, "says

In 2012 there will be many political changes, opportunities to create peace and stability
mechanisms, and misbehavior of authoritarianism, with possible tensions between the two
Koreas, the difficulties that a Democrat is elected in the U.S., danger of authoritarianism in
Venezuela, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes, the soothsayer predicts

"We must prepare for political shocks and destructive natural phenomena, especially in areas
prone to these events," said the augur, who recalls that in 2012 there will be alignment of the
planets in the solar system in December.
Regarding the economy, the water dragon does not bring radical and positive changes, and
finances are not recorded significant improvements, making it difficult global economic
recovery, says Lin.

The signs most favored by the luck in the Year of the Dragon are the rat, tiger, rabbit, rooster
and monkey.

The ox and the dog will face serious contradictions under the influence of the dragon and
water, while the rest of the signs will have an uneven lot, with opportunities and

With respect to travel, transfers and international relations, the directions of east and west are
positive, the South will not have the good fortune and luck north only, so you have to exercise
extreme caution in ties with the South .


                      ROOM PROJECT 1


DATE: MAY 17, 2012


The environmental concept of environment is defined as the livelihood and
home of all living beings on the global ecosystem, enabling human beings
manage to live normally because the earth's ozone layer protects us from
ultraviolet rays from the sun, as are the trees that are the lungs of our planet,
vegetation, water and animal species are part of the environment, so we take
care of our planet avoiding littering the streets, to avoid polluting the air with the
cars it would be best to go by bicycle or jogging, use energy saving bulbs, to
prevent global warming is also causing disasters on our planet as the drought of
the earth, causing the glaciers evaporate managing floods, earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, leading to our planet into chaos, so we must be aware on
what we are doing to the planet and act in a better way for our planet is
destroyed gradually.


DATE: 23/05/12


                                     My Carrer

My name is Cristian Benavides and I follow the career International Business at
the Carchi Polytechical state university, because I think that it is a very good
university so that this university is excellent for the student and in this university
can have excellent professional. I follow this career because I find it very
interesting because, I will have to be a professional to promote commerce
between my country and other countries with respet to the imported goods and
the exportation of products and merchandise that will benefit the consumers. I
am in the eighth level, my professors teach us each of the matters very good,
allowing us students to understand and examine the different subjets such as
transportations, proyects, commercial law, international negotiation between
another one. The subjets that I like the most is transportations, since it talks
about all of the transportation facilities such as aerial maritime and terrestrial,
and how they work each one in foreigh thade which seems very interesting to
me .the carrer International Business seems very interesting to me since it is
abouth commerce and services between two or more countries, I am planning
to culminate my carrer International Business with effort and dedicacion to be a
good professional, and supplying the necessary contribution to my country and
that way contributing to the commercial development



1.        The written lesson is below.

2.        Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left.

A verb is an action word.







The main form of a verb is called the infinitive. In English, infinitives include the
word "to."

to run

to sit

to eat

to sink
to swim

to study

The infinitive is the pure form of a verb. The infinitive is like a lump of clay that
can be molded to match the subject of the sentence it is used in:

I speak

you speak

he/she speaks

we speak

you-all* speak

they speak

Note: The above forms are called conjugations of the infinitive "to speak."

Regarding the form "you-all" -- this usage is not considered to be standard
English. In standard English, the same word is used for both the singular you
and the plural you. That is, each of the following is correct:

You have a tail light out, ma'am.

You (kids) have soccer practice at four.

In the first sentence, "you" refers to the singular "ma'am." In the second
sentence, "you" refers to the plural "kids." To avoid confusion between you
(singular) and you (plural), we will employ the non-standard English usage "you-
all" to indicate you (plural). This will be very beneficial to y'all, particularly at the
beginning of your studies.

The words "I" "you" "he" "she" "we" "you-all" and "they" are called subject
pronouns. Spanish has corresponding subject pronouns. Here's a list of the
English subject pronouns and their Spanish equivalents:














Spanish subject pronouns are both similar to and different from their English
counterparts. Let's examine some of the differences. Look more closely at the
English word "you."

You have just seen that this can be translated into Spanish as "usted." But there
is also a second way it can be translated. There are two ways the English word
"you" can be expressed in Spanish:





Spanish has a formal and an informal form of the word "you." "Usted" is more
formal and is generally used to express respect. "Tú" is more familiar and is
used among friends, coworkers, relatives, or when addressing a child.

Speaking to your boss: usted

Speaking to your daughter: tú

Speaking to your teacher: usted

Speaking to your friend: tú

usted = you formal

tú = you informal (familiar)

This same distinction with regard to degree of formality occurs in the plural form
as well. When referring to "you-all," there are two choices in Spanish:

you-all formal


you-all familiar

Once again, the difference lies in the degree of formality conveyed by the
speaker. However, the vosotros form is used primarily in Spain. Throughout
Latin America, "ustedes" is generally used in both formal and informal situations
to refer to "you-all."

Speaking to a group of children

(in Spain): vosotros

Speaking to a group of children

(in Latin America): ustedes

Speaking to a group of strangers

(in Spain): ustedes

Speaking to a group of strangers

(in Latin America): ustedes

Note: usted can be abbreviated Ud. or Vd. ; ustedes can be abbreviated Uds. or

In many ways, Spanish is more gender-specific than English. We find evidence
of this in the subject pronouns. First, look at the word "nosotros." This means
"we" in the sense of a group containing at least one male. If the group contains
only females, the word "nosotras" is used. So, in Spanish, there are two ways to
say "we":


we (masculine or mixed group)


we (feminine)

This same idea applies to the English word "they":


they (masculine or mixed group)


they (feminine)

This same idea also applies to the "vosotros" form:


you-all familiar (masculine or mixed group)


you-all familiar (feminine)

Note: These forms are used primarily in Spain, not Latin America.
Finally, don't get confused over the difference between talking to a group or
talking about a group. Consider the following statement, which could have been
made by your Spanish teacher, while standing before the class:

"You-all need to study your Spanish. Those students in the other class don't
need to study Spanish. They are studying French. You-all can practice Spanish
in Spain. They can practice French in France."

The teacher is talking to the Spanish students and about the French students.

Talking to a group, use "you-all":




Talking about a group, use "they":



Here's the complete list of Spanish subject pronouns:


yo - I

tú - you (familiar)

él - he

ella - she
usted - you (formal)



we (masculine or mixed gender)


we (feminine)


you-all (familiar, Spain, masculine or mixed gender)


you-all (familiar, Spain, feminine)


they (masculine or mixed gender)


they (feminine)


you-all (formal in Spain, formal and familiar in Latin America)

The conditional sentence is a sentence which presupposes a conditional

The conditional sentence is a sentence which presupposes a conditional
desires, hopes, plans and others that:

• Still can occur (possible)

• Not met / chimera (unreal / probable)

• Do not materialized (Impossible)


There are three conditional sentence namely:

• Type I: Future conditionals that express a desire, expectation, or a plan that
still CAN HAPPEN / When We are thinking about possibilities.


IF + S + V1, V1 + S + Will


• if I learn, I Will Seriously.

If I study, I will indeed.

• if I sick, I Will take medication

if I get sick, I will take medication.

• if you go from home, I Will wait for you.

If you go from home, I'll wait for you.
• Type II: Present conditional, stating a desire, hopes or plans unmet / chimera
(unreal) or When We imagine a situation.


IF V2 + S +, S + would + V1


If I passed the exam, I would continue to university

In fact:

I do not pass the exam now.

I do not pass the exam right now so I do not go to university.


In type II "were the resource persons' is used for all subjects


If I were you, I would continue to university (but I am not you).

Type II, contrary to the facts now.

• Type III: Past conditionals that express a wish, hope or plan that does not
materialize (Impossible) or When We imagine a situation based on the facts in
the past.


IF + S V3 + Had +, S + would have + V3


If i had passed the exam, I would have Continued to university

I did not pass the exam then.

(I do not pass the time, so I do not go to university)


For type III often shaped inversion (reversal).

Subject 2 the verb and does not use the IF.


Had I passed the exam, I would have Continued to university.

Adjective clauses can be called relative pronouns, or the relative clause. Caluse
adjective clause is a replacement that functions as an adjective. In this context
there will be the parent and the child's sentence:

1. WHO - replaces the subject pronoun

2. Whom-person object pronoun replaces

3. the which - replacing the pronoun subject / object of the object or animal

4. Whose - replaces the possessive pronoun (my, your, etc)

5. That - the pronoun replaces a subject / object of the person or object or


DATE: 20/06/12



                         RICARDO ARJONA

If I were Ricardo Arjona, he met many countries but dare take advantage of this
recognition means to help the many children who have many desire to learn
and have the least resources, I believe that through foundations, grants, which
together with other famous have "soul" and not have lost too, have a good show
solidarity and help.

I guess when one is famous requires many delicacies, eccentricities, whims,
and feel that is admired by many, with the superlative ego be recognized,
rewarded with Emmy’s etc. , which ensures more fame.
But a person who has no "soul" that you'd better be So when you can share just
a little ... with who need it most, and feel that is admired for his "famous" heart.

I also give many tastes and would not be like most arrogant and believed if not
a very normal person, I'd buy a modern house but not as expensive and would
not cause problems to call attention to entertainment wing that's always the
celebrities do so if were famous beyond a normal person.
Tulcán, July 2, 2012

Manchester Grand Hyatt

One Market Place

San Diego, California 92101

United States

Dear Sirs: American Druze Society

I find it very interesting information about the San Diego Convention as it shows
a report on how to register for the convention theme packs detailing the
packages, activities, payments for events, but should improve over the picnic
convention so that more people enjoy this, plus lack more information about
online agreements, so that the user can also witness agreements from
anywhere in the world.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully



DATE: 15/07/12



Ecuador opened the electronic vote Reading time: 5 '45'' No. of words: 948
Network Policy, Guayaquil and Loja Monday 16/07/2012 Country Alliance
electoral strength was measured in two parish councils, with a new voting
system and another method of allocation of seats. In the parishes of La
Esmeralda (Rivers) and Panguintza (Zamora Chinchipe), where authorities
were chosen, the ruling movement's fight was against the MPD, Pachakutik and
Patriotic Society. In these processes opened the voting system known as
electronic voting. This approach was welcomed by a group of citizens, who
stressed the speed to get the results. However, it was criticized by opposition
politicians and some citizens, who regarded him with suspicion and commented
that electoral fraud could take place. The idea for this project came about in the
previous National Electoral Council (CNE). To implement this voting system,
nationally, the agency planned an investment of USD 120 million. William
Vilgre, representative of the Spanish company Indra, said the results of
electronic voting are reliable. This same firm has served in elections in
Argentina, France, Peru, Colombia, Portugal, Spain and Slovakia. Since 1978
the firm provides digital electoral systems. Zamora Citizens, ¿suppliers? The
residents complained that strangers Panguintza the community tried to enter
the site to give their votes to candidates of Alianza País. To avoid this, some 40
supporters of the MPD and Pachakutik erected a tent on the main road,
opposite the precinct of the School City of Latacunga. They blocked the way of
those considered outsiders. Melania Chamba, a resident of Panguintza and
sympathizer of the rainbow, said that will remain vigilant. He said they know the
people who live in the area. Jose Francisco Guaman was another inhabitant of
Panguintza, which reported that several citizens of Loja and Zamora moved
their homes to this parish. Thus, like suppliers, approached every citizen, that
seemed unknown, and asked to leave. Villagers left the place even though a
group of 15 policemen refused to evacuate. Guaman charged that the votes of
people who do not belong to the parish would favor the ruling party. At 13:45
the tent was removed from the front of the entrance door of the polling station
on the left side. The surveillance continued until completed the process, i.e., at
17:00. About 20 minutes quickly transmit data to the Provincial Electoral Board.

 Andres "Do not smoke in the car" Juan

   Andres told to Juan not to smoke do not smoke inside the car.

 Pedro “Don’t play football in the house” Byron

   Pedro told to Byron not to play football in the house.

 Hugo "Do not watch too much television" Santiago

   Hugo told to Santiago not see much television.

 Enrique “Do not use too much internet" Maria

   Enrique told Maria not to use the internet too.

 Diana "Let your sister do Tasks Paola

   Diana told Paola to leave your sister doing homework


 Jorge "Please clean room" Claudia

   Jorge asked Claudia to clean the room.

 Anita “Please help with the laundry" Marco

   Anita asked Marco to help with the laundry.
 Karina "Please write a letter to his brother" Stalin

   Karina asked Stalin write a letter to his brother.

 Ivan do not replay many video games, Manuel

   Ivan asked Manuel many video games do not replay.

 Maria please clean the room Karina

   Maria asked Karina to clean the room


 Adriana "you were a good basketball player" Ximena

   Adriana asked Ximena was a good basketball player

 Pablo “What is your favorite food" Paul

   Pablo asked Paul what is your favorite food

 Stephanie "Do you want will come to my party on Saturday" Sandra

   Stephanie asks Sandra who is going to come to my party on Saturday.

   Manuel ask Paul to review the football on Sa
 Manuel you will go to football on Saturday to review the Paul

   Manuel ask Paul to review the football on Saturday

 Luis what is your favorite sport Wilson

   Luis asked Wilson what is your favorite sport

When you end my career will be found some capabilities may be
developed in the area of International Trade among these we can mention:

• Manager or Area Manager of Foreign Trade Export Company, Importer

Be prepared to:

• Understand fully the techniques related to Market Research. - (International
and domestic)
• Understand the operation Export and Import Customs
• Understand the operative Bank receipts and payments related to
• Understand fully the different types of international contracts
• Contract with International Carrier, Cias Insurance Companies containers, etc
Advertising Firms.

• Manager of a Bank for Foreign Trade
Will be prepared to:

• Understand fully the operative Bank for Foreign Trade (Provisions of the
Central Bank, Ministry of Economy etc.)
• Understand the operation Export and Import Customs in relation to different
types of international contracts. -

• International Transport Operators
Be prepared to:

• Knowledge of International Transport and Logistics Media
• Know the characteristics of Multimodal Transport
• Manage documentation related to the contract of carriage
• Understand the operation of international transport customs
• Understand the operation of Containers

• Study of Foreign Trade and Professional Independent
Be prepared to:

• Understand, in depth, all the operation described in sections 1.2 and 3
• Manage the various techniques of market research, internal and international.
• Advise companies on international marketing channels, methods of
penetrating foreign markets, etc..

• Research
Be prepared to:

• Undertaking research both scientific and technological markets, both external
and domestic
• Integrating research teams in different science and fundamentally, social
sciences, more specifically in fields related to economics and management
• Participate in teams of interdisciplinary scientific and technological research
• In government departments
The Foreign Trade professional ready to be part of the Commercial Attaché
Embassy, Officer Secretaries, Addresses national provincial or municipal
Foreign Trade for what you know:

• The characteristics of the various international organizations
• Operation of the WTO
• The organization of the different customs unions, and other Economic Zones
• The various techniques of international negotiation
• Managing the English language fluently
• In teaching
The professional foreign trade is also prepared to carry out teaching in formal
education levels: medium, tertiary and universities, both public and private
institutions in technical and scientific aspects of the race, and at any level of
formal education.



The lack of expression and speech on a topic of English by students


Through this research we can solve our valences in pronunciation and speech
on a topic of English


This research has allowed us to expand our knowledge and a better way to
pronounce words in English and enabling excellent expression in regard to
English, helping our training.


       Analyze the subject matter of English


       Express a better way

       Get a better pronunciation

My name is Christian Benevides and I follow the career International Business
at the Carchi Polytechnic state university, because I think that it is a very good
university so that this university is excellent for the student and in this university
can have excellent professional.

I follow this career because I find it very interesting because, I will have to be a
professional to promote commerce between my country and other countries
with respect to the imported goods and the exportation of products and
merchandise that will benefit the consumers.
I am in the seven level, my professors teach us each of the matters very good,
allowing us students to understand and examine the different subjects such as
transportations, projects, commercial law, international negotiation between
another one.
The subject that I like the most is transportations, since it talks about all of the
transportation facilities such as aerial maritime and terrestrial.

I am planning to culminate my carrier with effort and dedication to be a good

With this research we conclude that an improvement in regard to the expression
and pronunciation in speaking of English


. Correctly apply the knowledge to obtain positive results

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  • 2. INTRODUCTION We thank our mentor Mr. Ivan Strong, who over the years we have passed on their skills and knowledge in the development of matter, which has completed filling all our expectations. In our most sincere thanks, to whom we owe much of our knowledge, thanks to his patience and teaching, and finally an eternal gratitude to this prestigious university which opens its doors to young people like us, preparing us for a competitive future and making us into good people.
  • 3. DOSSIER Communication Today Today's communication allows users to communicate with people from around the world quickly, without limits and directly, to express feelings, including the most important means we have the internet, allowing us to access a large amount information and a number of pages of all tastes and preferences, as are also the social networks that allow users they interact with different people around the world allowing to know any information of an individual, other important communication means are also television, we projected the user the different promotions of a product that draws our attention or favorite TV programs, we also have the phone that allows us to communicate with our friends and family no matter where you are also the magazines are another major media because it allows users to transmit different ideas such as music, sports,news,etc.. Today's communication allowed us to reach new business, either through television or the internet because it is a means which helps us to publish our products we will launch the market getting more welcomed by the consumer as by advertisements or virtual pages allows us to gain an overall rapid formed with less time and costs.
  • 4.
  • 6. FLEXIBLE DISPLAY SONY Sony invented the flexible screens that can bend easily, it all started on a project of the U.S. military, but Sony's attachment to create your first flexible display, this material is composed of organic materials, which can be rolled around a pencil. Measures 4.1 inches and is thinner than a human hair. The company aims to create cellular phones Sony lighter and durable applying this technology, images are not damaged despite this being bent either side, still works just as well, this is because Sony OLED materials and mix with organic transistors, known as OTFT, these transistors have soft organic insulators allow them to be bent, without any damage to the image that is playing, this screen will be cost to users, since the components can be dissolved in common solvents to be printed rather than armed. In this way could be used as electronic paper in the morning newspaper or magazines. At the moment Sony is planning to improve the performance of this type of organic displays to use in mobile phones lighter and durable, but will surely find many more uses.
  • 7. DIFFERENT FORMS OF FUTURE Other forms of future You can use the "present simple" to describe a future action that is fully planned: Tomorrow I fly to Madrid. Morning flight to Madrid (the action is already planned and decided by) Next week I start my course. Next week I start my course Also used the "present continuous" to express an action that will develop in the near future and is also planned. In these sentences have to mention the future time in which the action takes place, because otherwise it would be understood that the action is unfolding in the present: Tonight I am Having a Party. Tonight I'm gonna have a party Next week we are visiting you. Next week you will visit Another formula to express the future in English is with how "to be going + infinitive". It is used for actions that the subject has decided to make and would normally have done and certain preparations in this regard: I am going to buy a house. I'm buying a house (I'm fully committed, I'm looking for a house, saving, etc.). Next summer I am going to study in England. Next summer, I will study in England (and I'm moving about, I'm looking school, etc..) Continuous Future (Future Continuous) Use the "future continuous" to describe an action that will take place in the future and the time when we refer to still further developed. This time in the future may be mentioned or not in the sentence: I will be watching TV. I will be watching TV
  • 8. This evening I will be watching TV. This afternoon I will be watching TV She will be visiting her mother. She will be visiting his mother This time with the simple future form of the auxiliary verb "to be" plus the gerund (present participle) of the main verb: We will be sleeping. We will be sleeping They will get eaten sun. They will be in the sun The negative is formed by interposing the negation "not" between the auxiliary and main verb (attention to its placement between the two components of the auxiliary verb "will" and "be"): I will not be cooking. I will not be cooking You will not be dancing. You will not be dancing The interrogative form is constructed starting with "will", followed by the subject of the infinitive "be" and the main verb: Will you be listening music you'll be listening to music Will we be playing football Will we be playing football If the question is negative, the particle "not" is placed between the subject and the infinitive "be", but you could also use the contraction "will not" (= will not) that would go to the beginning of the sentence: Will not you be listening to music you're not listening to music Will you be listening to music you're not listening to music
  • 9. FUTURE FORMS Listed below are examples, uses and formation of Future Forms followed by a quiz. Will Verb (base form) Examples: It will snow tomorrow. She won't win the election. Used for predictions Will Verb (base form) Examples: The concert will begin at 8 o'clock. When will the train leave? Used for scheduled events Will Verb (base form) Examples: Will you marry me? I'll help you with your homework after class Used for promises Will Verb (base form) Examples: I'll make you a sandwich. They'll help you if you want.
  • 10. Used for offers Will Verb (base form) Examples: He will telephone as soon as he arrives. Will you visit me when you come next week? Used in combination with time clauses (as soon as, when, before, after) Be going to Verb (base form) Examples: Frank is going to study Medicine. Where are they going to stay when they come? She isn't going to buy the new house afterall. The future with 'going to' is used to express planned events or intentions. These events or intentions are decided on before the moment of speaking. NOTE 'Going to' or '-ing' are often both correct for planed events. 'Going to' should be used for distant future intentions (example: He's going to study Law) Be going to Verb (base form) Examples: Oh no! Look at those clouds. It's going to rain. Be careful! You're going to drop those dishes! Used for future predictions based on physical (usually visual) evidence.
  • 11. Present Continuous (be '-ing') Examples: He's coming tomorrow afternoon. What are we having for dinner? I'm not seeing the doctor until Friday. Used for planned or personally scheduled events. Usually used with principle verbs such as: come, go, begin, start, finish, have, etc. NOTE 'Going to' or '-ing' are often both correct for planed events. 'Going to' should be used for distant future intentions (example: He's going to study Law) Simple Present Examples: The class begins at 11.30. The plane leaves at 6 o'clock. Used for scheduled public events such as train and plane schedules, course schedules, etc. Common future time expressions include: next (week, month, year), tomorrow, in X's time (amount of time, i.e. two week's time), in year, time clauses (when, as soon as, before, after) simple present (example: I will telephone as soon as I arrive.) soon, later Structure of the Forms Future with Will S + will + verb (base form) = positve
  • 12. Examples: I'll make you a sandwich. They'll visit soon. It'll rain tomorrow. S + will not (won't) + verb (base form) = negative Examples: She won't come next week. It won't take a long time. We won't sing that song. Will + S + verb (base form) = question Examples: Will you give me a hand? Where will she stay? When will we leave? Future with 'going to' Conjugate the helping verb "be" 'going to' verb (base form). Examples: You are going to stay with them. She is going to visit Paul. They are going to move soon. Conjugate the helping verb "be" not going to verb (base form)
  • 13. Examples: I'm not going to stay very long. We aren't going to visit our friends in Paris. They aren't going to get a new job. Question word conjugate the helping verb 'be' subject going to verb (base form) Examples: What are you going to do? Where is he going to stay? When are they going to leave? Future with '-ing' (present continuous) Conjugate the helping verb "be" and verb -ing. Examples: I'm meeting him tomorrow. She's having lunch with Tom. They're flying to Lisbon next week. Conjugate the helping verb "be" not verb -ing. Examples: She isn't having a meeting tomorrow. You aren't playing tennis this weekend. They aren't going to the party. Question word conjugate the helping verb 'be' subject verb -ing
  • 14. Examples: Are you attending the meeting on Friday? Is he coming to the party? Are they giving a presentation?
  • 16.
  • 17. SUBSIDENCE Ground subsidence is a depression located at the surface produced by the collapse of some internal structure, like a cave. They happen without warning and affect buildings located above and adjacent. The most common cause of land subsidence is the loss of support on the ground. Sometimes when you remove water from the ground, often to irrigate crops, soil collapses, compacts and low level. This is because groundwater helped to support and carry the weight of earth and rock above him. The collapse of the land occurs throughout the United States, but a greater impact in the states of California, Texas and Arizona. The land hudimiento is caused more by activities carried out by men, mainly by removing groundwater. This identifies some causes that may lead to this collapse of land: Loss of water in organic soil the erosion of the ground limestone underground mining Groundwater extraction and oil
  • 18. NATURAL DISASTERS These are events that cause damage to persons and the planet, altering the ecological balance and affect the health. Besides these disasters cause loss of life, and thus the social structure is unbalanced, causing it to be unsuccessful core activities that keep society wings. Natural disasters occur every year in different ways, affecting thousands of people worldwide, also cause significant damage to property, to basic services between these natural disasters are: Geological disasters: they are involved in energy and elements of the planet's interior or its surface. These include earthquakes, volcanism, tsunamis, earthquakes or tidal waves and movement of slopes and soil. Hydrometeorological disasters: they are mainly caused by weather. Among them we can name tornadoes, cyclones, floods, hail, rain, snow, drought.
  • 19. Chemical Disaster: are causing chemicals such as explosions, poisoning massive shedding of harmful pollutants and water. Health Disaster: are those produced by the presence of disease epidemics, endemic diseases and pandemics.
  • 20. Socio-organizational disaster: these are caused by large concentrations of people at concerts, parades, parties, etc.. The main problem arises when a disaster is that we are not prepared to deal with or occurs before or during eruption, or after it has passed.
  • 21. AUDI bike AUDI The bicycle can change their behavior through a cell phone, either manually or Pedalec motor assisted pedal that is reaching 80km / h and a range of up to 70 km and egrip that works with the electric motor reaching 50 km / h without having to taste. Also this bike is built in carbon fiber and weighs only 11 kg, has a 2.3 kW motor which is charged in 2.5 hours, also has electronic control operated from the mobile phone, which allows us to unlock the immobilizer anti-theft bike, connect to the Internet and share on Facebook, the activity is being conducted at that time. LED lighting also has the front and rear. This technological innovation seems very useful at all times allowing us to travel long distances allowing us to rest at the moment, we can no longer continue and activate the automatic engine cycling, and thus recover our energies and continue our journey, plus internet connection we can upload our photos at the time of such activity seems like a new invention really very useful for everyday life
  • 22. IN 2012 THERE WILL BE BIG CHANGES AND NATURAL DISASTERS In the Chinese calendar, 2012 is the Year of the Water Dragon, which starts on January 23, 2012 and end on February 9, 2013, a period that, as the Eastern soothsayers, brings new experiences and opportunities, changes and natural disasters we require wisdom and resilience. "It's a year of change that calls us to begin again, to be prudent and adaptable and protect against illness and natural disaster," says Lin Zhihong, a Taiwanese fortune teller in the temple Sanyugong Taipei. The previous year of the dragon of water was 1952, a tumultuous period in politics with the death of King George VI of the United Kingdom and Argentina's Evita Peron, the Bolivian revolution, the retaking of power by the dictator Fulgencio Batista in Cuba and the coup State of General Marcos Pérez-Jiménez in Venezuela. That same year marked the first test of the hydrogen bomb and took abundant marine accidents, floods, volcanic eruptions and tsunami and earthquake in Kamchatka (Siberia) of 8.25 degrees on the Richter scale. "In the cycle of sixty years, 1952 and 2012 are related and have some similarity, but do not expect the same because what Chinese astrology says are influences, both favorable and unfavorable winds in our lives and in society. In the end, what matters is our response, "says Lin. In 2012 there will be many political changes, opportunities to create peace and stability mechanisms, and misbehavior of authoritarianism, with possible tensions between the two Koreas, the difficulties that a Democrat is elected in the U.S., danger of authoritarianism in Venezuela, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes, the soothsayer predicts Taiwanese. "We must prepare for political shocks and destructive natural phenomena, especially in areas prone to these events," said the augur, who recalls that in 2012 there will be alignment of the planets in the solar system in December.
  • 23. Regarding the economy, the water dragon does not bring radical and positive changes, and finances are not recorded significant improvements, making it difficult global economic recovery, says Lin. The signs most favored by the luck in the Year of the Dragon are the rat, tiger, rabbit, rooster and monkey. The ox and the dog will face serious contradictions under the influence of the dragon and water, while the rest of the signs will have an uneven lot, with opportunities and contradictions. With respect to travel, transfers and international relations, the directions of east and west are positive, the South will not have the good fortune and luck north only, so you have to exercise extreme caution in ties with the South .
  • 25. DESCRIPTION The environmental concept of environment is defined as the livelihood and home of all living beings on the global ecosystem, enabling human beings manage to live normally because the earth's ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet rays from the sun, as are the trees that are the lungs of our planet, vegetation, water and animal species are part of the environment, so we take care of our planet avoiding littering the streets, to avoid polluting the air with the cars it would be best to go by bicycle or jogging, use energy saving bulbs, to prevent global warming is also causing disasters on our planet as the drought of the earth, causing the glaciers evaporate managing floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, leading to our planet into chaos, so we must be aware on what we are doing to the planet and act in a better way for our planet is destroyed gradually.
  • 26. STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF CARCHI TOPIC: MY CARRER DATE: 23/05/12 NAME: CRISTIAN BENAVIDES My Carrer My name is Cristian Benavides and I follow the career International Business at the Carchi Polytechical state university, because I think that it is a very good university so that this university is excellent for the student and in this university can have excellent professional. I follow this career because I find it very interesting because, I will have to be a professional to promote commerce between my country and other countries with respet to the imported goods and the exportation of products and merchandise that will benefit the consumers. I am in the eighth level, my professors teach us each of the matters very good, allowing us students to understand and examine the different subjets such as transportations, proyects, commercial law, international negotiation between another one. The subjets that I like the most is transportations, since it talks about all of the transportation facilities such as aerial maritime and terrestrial, and how they work each one in foreigh thade which seems very interesting to me .the carrer International Business seems very interesting to me since it is abouth commerce and services between two or more countries, I am planning to culminate my carrer International Business with effort and dedicacion to be a good professional, and supplying the necessary contribution to my country and that way contributing to the commercial development
  • 27. THE OBJECT AND SUBJECT PRONOUNS AND THE CONDITIONAL SENETNCES TYPE 2 SUBJECT PRONOUNS Notes: 1. The written lesson is below. 2. Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left. A verb is an action word. run sit eat sink swim study The main form of a verb is called the infinitive. In English, infinitives include the word "to." to run to sit to eat to sink
  • 28. to swim to study The infinitive is the pure form of a verb. The infinitive is like a lump of clay that can be molded to match the subject of the sentence it is used in: I speak you speak he/she speaks we speak you-all* speak they speak Note: The above forms are called conjugations of the infinitive "to speak." Regarding the form "you-all" -- this usage is not considered to be standard English. In standard English, the same word is used for both the singular you and the plural you. That is, each of the following is correct: You have a tail light out, ma'am. You (kids) have soccer practice at four. In the first sentence, "you" refers to the singular "ma'am." In the second sentence, "you" refers to the plural "kids." To avoid confusion between you (singular) and you (plural), we will employ the non-standard English usage "you-
  • 29. all" to indicate you (plural). This will be very beneficial to y'all, particularly at the beginning of your studies. The words "I" "you" "he" "she" "we" "you-all" and "they" are called subject pronouns. Spanish has corresponding subject pronouns. Here's a list of the English subject pronouns and their Spanish equivalents: yo I usted you él he ella she nosotros we ustedes you-all ellos they
  • 30. Spanish subject pronouns are both similar to and different from their English counterparts. Let's examine some of the differences. Look more closely at the English word "you." You have just seen that this can be translated into Spanish as "usted." But there is also a second way it can be translated. There are two ways the English word "you" can be expressed in Spanish: usted you tú you Spanish has a formal and an informal form of the word "you." "Usted" is more formal and is generally used to express respect. "Tú" is more familiar and is used among friends, coworkers, relatives, or when addressing a child. Speaking to your boss: usted Speaking to your daughter: tú Speaking to your teacher: usted Speaking to your friend: tú usted = you formal tú = you informal (familiar) This same distinction with regard to degree of formality occurs in the plural form as well. When referring to "you-all," there are two choices in Spanish:
  • 31. ustedes you-all formal vosotros you-all familiar Once again, the difference lies in the degree of formality conveyed by the speaker. However, the vosotros form is used primarily in Spain. Throughout Latin America, "ustedes" is generally used in both formal and informal situations to refer to "you-all." Speaking to a group of children (in Spain): vosotros Speaking to a group of children (in Latin America): ustedes Speaking to a group of strangers (in Spain): ustedes Speaking to a group of strangers (in Latin America): ustedes Note: usted can be abbreviated Ud. or Vd. ; ustedes can be abbreviated Uds. or Vds. In many ways, Spanish is more gender-specific than English. We find evidence of this in the subject pronouns. First, look at the word "nosotros." This means "we" in the sense of a group containing at least one male. If the group contains
  • 32. only females, the word "nosotras" is used. So, in Spanish, there are two ways to say "we": nosotros we (masculine or mixed group) nosotras we (feminine) This same idea applies to the English word "they": ellos they (masculine or mixed group) ellas they (feminine) This same idea also applies to the "vosotros" form: vosotros you-all familiar (masculine or mixed group) vosotras you-all familiar (feminine) Note: These forms are used primarily in Spain, not Latin America.
  • 33. Finally, don't get confused over the difference between talking to a group or talking about a group. Consider the following statement, which could have been made by your Spanish teacher, while standing before the class: "You-all need to study your Spanish. Those students in the other class don't need to study Spanish. They are studying French. You-all can practice Spanish in Spain. They can practice French in France." The teacher is talking to the Spanish students and about the French students. Talking to a group, use "you-all": ustedes vosotros vosotras Talking about a group, use "they": ellos ellas Here's the complete list of Spanish subject pronouns: Singular yo - I tú - you (familiar) él - he ella - she
  • 34. usted - you (formal) Plural nosotros we (masculine or mixed gender) nosotras we (feminine) vosotros you-all (familiar, Spain, masculine or mixed gender) vosotras you-all (familiar, Spain, feminine) ellos they (masculine or mixed gender) ellas they (feminine) ustedes you-all (formal in Spain, formal and familiar in Latin America)
  • 35. CONDITIONAL SENTENCE The conditional sentence is a sentence which presupposes a conditional desires, The conditional sentence is a sentence which presupposes a conditional desires, hopes, plans and others that: • Still can occur (possible) • Not met / chimera (unreal / probable) • Do not materialized (Impossible) Form: There are three conditional sentence namely: • Type I: Future conditionals that express a desire, expectation, or a plan that still CAN HAPPEN / When We are thinking about possibilities. Formula IF + S + V1, V1 + S + Will Example: • if I learn, I Will Seriously. If I study, I will indeed. • if I sick, I Will take medication if I get sick, I will take medication. • if you go from home, I Will wait for you. If you go from home, I'll wait for you.
  • 36. • Type II: Present conditional, stating a desire, hopes or plans unmet / chimera (unreal) or When We imagine a situation. Formula IF V2 + S +, S + would + V1 Example: If I passed the exam, I would continue to university In fact: I do not pass the exam now. I do not pass the exam right now so I do not go to university. Note: In type II "were the resource persons' is used for all subjects Example: If I were you, I would continue to university (but I am not you). Type II, contrary to the facts now. • Type III: Past conditionals that express a wish, hope or plan that does not materialize (Impossible) or When We imagine a situation based on the facts in the past. Formula IF + S V3 + Had +, S + would have + V3 Example: If i had passed the exam, I would have Continued to university
  • 37. Fact: I did not pass the exam then. (I do not pass the time, so I do not go to university) Note: For type III often shaped inversion (reversal). Subject 2 the verb and does not use the IF. Example: Had I passed the exam, I would have Continued to university. Adjective clauses can be called relative pronouns, or the relative clause. Caluse adjective clause is a replacement that functions as an adjective. In this context there will be the parent and the child's sentence: 1. WHO - replaces the subject pronoun 2. Whom-person object pronoun replaces 3. the which - replacing the pronoun subject / object of the object or animal 4. Whose - replaces the possessive pronoun (my, your, etc) 5. That - the pronoun replaces a subject / object of the person or object or animal
  • 38. STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF CARCHI TOPIC: YOU WERE A FAMOUS PERSON DATE: 20/06/12 NAME: CRISTIAN BENAVIDES LEVEL: 6 RICARDO ARJONA If I were Ricardo Arjona, he met many countries but dare take advantage of this recognition means to help the many children who have many desire to learn and have the least resources, I believe that through foundations, grants, which together with other famous have "soul" and not have lost too, have a good show solidarity and help. I guess when one is famous requires many delicacies, eccentricities, whims, and feel that is admired by many, with the superlative ego be recognized, rewarded with Emmy’s etc. , which ensures more fame.
  • 39. But a person who has no "soul" that you'd better be So when you can share just a little ... with who need it most, and feel that is admired for his "famous" heart. I also give many tastes and would not be like most arrogant and believed if not a very normal person, I'd buy a modern house but not as expensive and would not cause problems to call attention to entertainment wing that's always the celebrities do so if were famous beyond a normal person.
  • 40. Tulcán, July 2, 2012 Manchester Grand Hyatt One Market Place San Diego, California 92101 United States Dear Sirs: American Druze Society I find it very interesting information about the San Diego Convention as it shows a report on how to register for the convention theme packs detailing the packages, activities, payments for events, but should improve over the picnic convention so that more people enjoy this, plus lack more information about online agreements, so that the user can also witness agreements from anywhere in the world. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully CRISTIAN BENAVIDES
  • 41. STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF CARCHI TOPIC: REPORT DATE: 15/07/12 NAME: CRISTIAN FERNANDO BENAVIDES PRADO ECUADOR OPENED THE ELECTRONIC VOTE Ecuador opened the electronic vote Reading time: 5 '45'' No. of words: 948 Network Policy, Guayaquil and Loja Monday 16/07/2012 Country Alliance electoral strength was measured in two parish councils, with a new voting
  • 42. system and another method of allocation of seats. In the parishes of La Esmeralda (Rivers) and Panguintza (Zamora Chinchipe), where authorities were chosen, the ruling movement's fight was against the MPD, Pachakutik and Patriotic Society. In these processes opened the voting system known as electronic voting. This approach was welcomed by a group of citizens, who stressed the speed to get the results. However, it was criticized by opposition politicians and some citizens, who regarded him with suspicion and commented that electoral fraud could take place. The idea for this project came about in the previous National Electoral Council (CNE). To implement this voting system, nationally, the agency planned an investment of USD 120 million. William Vilgre, representative of the Spanish company Indra, said the results of electronic voting are reliable. This same firm has served in elections in Argentina, France, Peru, Colombia, Portugal, Spain and Slovakia. Since 1978 the firm provides digital electoral systems. Zamora Citizens, ¿suppliers? The residents complained that strangers Panguintza the community tried to enter the site to give their votes to candidates of Alianza País. To avoid this, some 40 supporters of the MPD and Pachakutik erected a tent on the main road, opposite the precinct of the School City of Latacunga. They blocked the way of those considered outsiders. Melania Chamba, a resident of Panguintza and sympathizer of the rainbow, said that will remain vigilant. He said they know the people who live in the area. Jose Francisco Guaman was another inhabitant of Panguintza, which reported that several citizens of Loja and Zamora moved their homes to this parish. Thus, like suppliers, approached every citizen, that seemed unknown, and asked to leave. Villagers left the place even though a group of 15 policemen refused to evacuate. Guaman charged that the votes of people who do not belong to the parish would favor the ruling party. At 13:45 the tent was removed from the front of the entrance door of the polling station on the left side. The surveillance continued until completed the process, i.e., at 17:00. About 20 minutes quickly transmit data to the Provincial Electoral Board.
  • 43. COMMANDS  Andres "Do not smoke in the car" Juan Andres told to Juan not to smoke do not smoke inside the car.  Pedro “Don’t play football in the house” Byron Pedro told to Byron not to play football in the house.  Hugo "Do not watch too much television" Santiago Hugo told to Santiago not see much television.  Enrique “Do not use too much internet" Maria Enrique told Maria not to use the internet too.  Diana "Let your sister do Tasks Paola Diana told Paola to leave your sister doing homework REQUESTS  Jorge "Please clean room" Claudia Jorge asked Claudia to clean the room.  Anita “Please help with the laundry" Marco Anita asked Marco to help with the laundry.
  • 44.  Karina "Please write a letter to his brother" Stalin Karina asked Stalin write a letter to his brother.  Ivan do not replay many video games, Manuel Ivan asked Manuel many video games do not replay.  Maria please clean the room Karina Maria asked Karina to clean the room QUESTIONS  Adriana "you were a good basketball player" Ximena Adriana asked Ximena was a good basketball player  Pablo “What is your favorite food" Paul Pablo asked Paul what is your favorite food  Stephanie "Do you want will come to my party on Saturday" Sandra Stephanie asks Sandra who is going to come to my party on Saturday. Manuel ask Paul to review the football on Sa  Manuel you will go to football on Saturday to review the Paul Manuel ask Paul to review the football on Saturday  Luis what is your favorite sport Wilson Luis asked Wilson what is your favorite sport
  • 45. IMAGINE WHAT CAPACITIES OR COMPETENCES YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO AFTER YOU FINISH THE UNIVERSITY When you end my career will be found some capabilities may be developed in the area of International Trade among these we can mention: • Manager or Area Manager of Foreign Trade Export Company, Importer Be prepared to: • Understand fully the techniques related to Market Research. - (International and domestic) • Understand the operation Export and Import Customs • Understand the operative Bank receipts and payments related to • Understand fully the different types of international contracts • Contract with International Carrier, Cias Insurance Companies containers, etc Advertising Firms. • Manager of a Bank for Foreign Trade Will be prepared to: • Understand fully the operative Bank for Foreign Trade (Provisions of the Central Bank, Ministry of Economy etc.) • Understand the operation Export and Import Customs in relation to different types of international contracts. - • International Transport Operators Be prepared to: • Knowledge of International Transport and Logistics Media • Know the characteristics of Multimodal Transport • Manage documentation related to the contract of carriage • Understand the operation of international transport customs
  • 46. • Understand the operation of Containers • Study of Foreign Trade and Professional Independent Be prepared to: • Understand, in depth, all the operation described in sections 1.2 and 3 • Manage the various techniques of market research, internal and international. • Advise companies on international marketing channels, methods of penetrating foreign markets, etc.. • Research Be prepared to: • Undertaking research both scientific and technological markets, both external and domestic • Integrating research teams in different science and fundamentally, social sciences, more specifically in fields related to economics and management • Participate in teams of interdisciplinary scientific and technological research • In government departments The Foreign Trade professional ready to be part of the Commercial Attaché Embassy, Officer Secretaries, Addresses national provincial or municipal Foreign Trade for what you know: • The characteristics of the various international organizations • Operation of the WTO • The organization of the different customs unions, and other Economic Zones (MERCOSUR, EU, NAFTA, FTAA, etc. -). • The various techniques of international negotiation • Managing the English language fluently • In teaching The professional foreign trade is also prepared to carry out teaching in formal education levels: medium, tertiary and universities, both public and private institutions in technical and scientific aspects of the race, and at any level of formal education.
  • 47.
  • 48. PROJECT FINAL THEME: MY CAREER PROBLEM The lack of expression and speech on a topic of English by students PROPOSAL OF THE PROBLEM Through this research we can solve our valences in pronunciation and speech on a topic of English JUSTIFICATION This research has allowed us to expand our knowledge and a better way to pronounce words in English and enabling excellent expression in regard to English, helping our training. GENERAL OBJECTIVES Analyze the subject matter of English SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Express a better way Get a better pronunciation
  • 49. THEORETIC FOUNDATION My name is Christian Benevides and I follow the career International Business at the Carchi Polytechnic state university, because I think that it is a very good university so that this university is excellent for the student and in this university can have excellent professional. I follow this career because I find it very interesting because, I will have to be a professional to promote commerce between my country and other countries with respect to the imported goods and the exportation of products and merchandise that will benefit the consumers.
  • 50. I am in the seven level, my professors teach us each of the matters very good, allowing us students to understand and examine the different subjects such as transportations, projects, commercial law, international negotiation between another one.
  • 51. The subject that I like the most is transportations, since it talks about all of the transportation facilities such as aerial maritime and terrestrial. I am planning to culminate my carrier with effort and dedication to be a good professional
  • 52. CONCLUCIONES With this research we conclude that an improvement in regard to the expression and pronunciation in speaking of English RECOMMENDATIONS . Correctly apply the knowledge to obtain positive results