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C++ 2011
                             Highlights from the New International Standard

Monday, September 19, 2011

                   •         Who am I

                   •         Who are you?

                   •         Why We’re Here

Monday, September 19, 2011
C++11 Goals
                   •         Make C++ a better language for systems

                   •         Make C++ a better language for writing libraries

                   •         Make C++ more teachable and learnable

                   •         Maintain backward compatibility

Monday, September 19, 2011
C++11 At a Glance
                   •         General Core Language Features
                             concurrency, move semantics, auto, range-based for, lambdas…

                   •         Library Features
                             containers, regular expressions, smart pointers, new algorithms…

                   •         Features for writing classes
                             constructor delegation, override/final, =default/=delete…

                   •         Crazy Template Stuff
                             Variadic templates, template aliases, decltype, perfect forwarding, …

Monday, September 19, 2011
Ponies for Everybody!
                             Big wins from little features

Monday, September 19, 2011
Type Deduction

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     for ( vector<float>::const_iterator p = v.begin();
                           p != v.end(); p++ )
                         std::cout << *p * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Type Deduction

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     for ( vector<float>::const_iterator p = v.begin();
                           p != v.end(); p++ )
                         std::cout << *p * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Type Deduction

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     for ( auto p = v.begin();
                           p != v.end(); p++ )
                         std::cout << *p * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Type Deduction

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     for ( auto p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); p++ )
                         std::cout << *p * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Type Deduction
              auto                 a = 3;               int
              const auto           b = 3.14;            const double
              auto const& c = 42;                       int const&

              auto           d = "foobar";              char const*
              auto& e = "baz"                           char const(&)[4]

              extern std::list<Foo> l;
              auto           p = l.begin();             std::list<Foo>::iterator
              auto& x = l.front();                      std::list<Foo>::value_type&

              auto& y =          any-expression-here;

Monday, September 19, 2011
Type Deduction

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     for ( auto p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); p++ )
                         std::cout << *p * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Range-based for loop

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     for ( auto p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); p++ )
                         std::cout << *p * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Range-based for loop

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     for ( float a: v )
                         std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Range-based for loop

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     for ( float a: v )
                         std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Range-based for loop

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                    Loop variable          Range
                     for ( float a: v )
                          std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Range-based for loop
                        auto in C++11

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     for ( auto a: v )
                         std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Range-based for loop

                 template <class Range>
                 void print_3x(Range const& v)
                     for ( typename Range::value_type a: v )
                         std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Range-based for loop
                        auto in C++11

                 template <class Range>
                 void print_3x(Range const& v)
                     for ( auto a: v )
                         std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011
Range-based for loop
                        auto in C++11

                 void inplace_3x(vector<float>& v)
                     for ( float& a: v )
                         a *= 3;

Monday, September 19, 2011
Ranges Everywhere
                             int rng[3] = { 42, 314, 77 };
                             for( int var: rng )

Monday, September 19, 2011
Ranges Everywhere
                             std::pair<Iter,Iter> rng = … ;
                             for( int var: rng )

Monday, September 19, 2011
Ranges Everywhere
                             YourType rng;
                             for( int var: rng )

Monday, September 19, 2011
     ++Range-based for loop

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     BOOST_FOREACH( float a, v )
                         std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     BOOST_FOREACH( float a, v )
                         std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

Monday, September 19, 2011

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                     BOOST_FOREACH( float a, v )
                         std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

                             See your friendly neighborhood
                             Boost C++ Libraries for details

Monday, September 19, 2011
Using an Algorithm

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),             );

Monday, September 19, 2011
Using an Algorithm

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),             );

Monday, September 19, 2011
Using an Algorithm

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),             );

Monday, September 19, 2011
Using an Algorithm
                 static void print_3x_element(float a)
                     std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),             );

Monday, September 19, 2011
Using an Algorithm
                 static void print_3x_element(float a)
                     std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(), print_3x_element);

Monday, September 19, 2011
Using an Algorithm
                 static void print_3x_element(float a)
                     std::cout << a * 3 << " ";

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(), print_3x_element);

Monday, September 19, 2011
Lambda Expressions

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),

Monday, September 19, 2011
Lambda Expressions

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),
                              [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } );

                                          “Lambda expression”

Monday, September 19, 2011
Lambda Expressions

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),
                         [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } );

Monday, September 19, 2011
Lambda Expressions

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),
                         [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } );


Monday, September 19, 2011
What It Is

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),
                         [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } );

Monday, September 19, 2011
anonymous class
                                 What It Is
                 struct __lambda143
                      inline void operator()(float a) const
                      { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; }

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),
                         [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } );

Monday, September 19, 2011
anonymous class
                                 What It Is
                 struct __lambda143
                      inline void operator()(float a) const
                      { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; }

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),
                         [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } );

Monday, September 19, 2011
anonymous class
                                 What It Is
                 struct __lambda143
                      inline void operator()(float a) const
                      { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; }

                 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v)
                         v.begin(), v.end(),
                         [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } );
                                       “closure” instance

Monday, September 19, 2011
Closing Angle Brackets

                             std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> x;

Monday, September 19, 2011
Closing Angle Brackets

                                                 Error in C++98: >>
                                               tokenized as right-shift

                             std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> x;

Monday, September 19, 2011
Closing Angle Brackets

                             std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> x;

                                                       OK in C++11

Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Semantics
                                A Really Cheap Lunch

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D


Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D

                                    A B

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D

                                    A B C

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D

                                    A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D

                                    A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );


                                    A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D E

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                             •      A B C D E

Monday, September 19, 2011
Copy Fatigue?
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);    Expensive
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");
                                                                  copies are
                                                                   made just
                             db.push_back( create_record() );     destroying
                                                                  the source
                             •      A B C D E

Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                              •     A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                              •         B C D


Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                              •           C D

                                    A B

Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                              •              D

                                    A B C

Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );


                                    A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );


                                    A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );


                                    A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                              •     A B C D

Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                              •     A B C D E

Monday, September 19, 2011
Try Moving Instead!
                             typedef set<string> record;
                             typedef vector<record> database;

                             database load_db(string filename);
                             database db = load_db("huge.db");

                             db.push_back( create_record() );

                              •     A B C D E

Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Mini-HOWTO
                             Move-enabling an existing class

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {                                         •   X
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {                                         •   X
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {                                         •   X
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {                                         •   X
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}             X
                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {                                         •   X
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}             X
                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {                                         •   X
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}         •   X
                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;        •   Y
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);   •   Z
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;        •   Y
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);   •   Z
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;        •   Y
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);   •   Z
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;        •   Y
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);   •
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;        •   Y
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);   •
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;        •   Y
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);   •
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;        •   Y
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);   •   Y
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;        •   Y
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);   •   Y
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
New Move Operations
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                       : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {}

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) {
                                 if (this == &src) return *this;
                                 delete p; p = 0;
                                 if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p);
                                 return *this;

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
New Move Operations
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)

                             Owner& operator=(const Owner& src)

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
New Move Operations
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src)
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src)

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;

Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Constructor
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                                                           •   X

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Constructor
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                                                           •   X

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Constructor
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }   •   X

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Constructor
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }   •   X
              rvalue reference

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Constructor
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }   •   X
              rvalue reference

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Constructor
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }   •   X

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Constructor
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }   •   X


                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Constructor
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }   •   X


                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Constructor
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }   •   X


                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Assignment
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }

                                                                            •   Y

                                                                            •   Z

                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Assignment
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }

                     Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) {
                         if (this == &src) return *this;
                                                                            •   Y
                         delete p;
                         p = src.p; src.p = 0;                              •   Z
                         return *this;
                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Assignment
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }

                     Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) {
                         if (this == &src) return *this;
                                                                            •   Y
                         delete p;
                         p = src.p; src.p = 0;                              •   Z
                         return *this;
                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Assignment
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }

                     Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) {
                         if (this == &src) return *this;
                                                                            •   Y
                         delete p;
                         p = src.p; src.p = 0;                              •   Z
                         return *this;
                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Assignment
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }

                     Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) {
                         if (this == &src) return *this;
                                                                            •   Y
                         delete p;
                         p = src.p; src.p = 0;                              •
                         return *this;
                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Assignment
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }

                     Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) {
                         if (this == &src) return *this;
                                                                            •   Y
                         delete p;
                         p = src.p; src.p = 0;                              •
                         return *this;
                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Assignment
                 struct Owner {
                     Owner(const Owner& src);
                     Owner& operator=(const Owner& src);

                             Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; }

                     Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) {
                         if (this == &src) return *this;
                         delete p;
                         p = src.p; src.p = 0;                              •   Y
                         return *this;
                     ~Owner() { delete p; }
                     Resource* p;
Monday, September 19, 2011
Move Semantics

                   •         Automatically accelerates existing code!

                   •         Applied throughout standard library

                   •         Many move-only types in library

                   •         Launches a new era of value semantics

Monday, September 19, 2011
                   •         Move semantics

                   •         Hash containers

                   •         forward_list

                   •         array

                   •         tuple

                   •         Emplace

                   •         Allocators

Monday, September 19, 2011
Other Useful Libraries

                   •         regex:

                   •         Algorithms

                   •         function / bind

Monday, September 19, 2011
Smart Pointers

                   •         unique_ptr

                   •         shared_ptr

Monday, September 19, 2011
Classes and OOP

                   •         member initializers

                   •         explict conversion

                   •         override and final

                   •         delegating and inheriting constructors

                   •         defaulted and deleted functions

Monday, September 19, 2011

                   •         async, futures, promise

                   •         locks, mutexes and condition variables

                   •         exception propagation

                   •         atomics

Monday, September 19, 2011

                   •         Variadics

                   •         static_assert

                   •         local classes as template arguments

                   •         extern templates

                   •         Template aliases

Monday, September 19, 2011

                   •         constexpr

                   •         Template aliases

                   •         User-defined literals w/variadic templates

                   •         Type traits and extended SFINAE

Monday, September 19, 2011
What’s Next?
                   •         Modules

                   •         Concepts

                   •         Pythy Syntax:

                         •     []min(x, y) { return x < y ? x : y }

Monday, September 19, 2011

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C++11 (formerly known as C++0x) is the new C++ language standard. Dave Abrahams, BoostPro Computing

  • 1. C++ 2011 Highlights from the New International Standard 1 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 2. Intro • Who am I • Who are you? • Why We’re Here 2 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 3. C++11 Goals • Make C++ a better language for systems programming • Make C++ a better language for writing libraries • Make C++ more teachable and learnable • Maintain backward compatibility 3 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 4. C++11 At a Glance • General Core Language Features concurrency, move semantics, auto, range-based for, lambdas… • Library Features containers, regular expressions, smart pointers, new algorithms… • Features for writing classes constructor delegation, override/final, =default/=delete… • Crazy Template Stuff Variadic templates, template aliases, decltype, perfect forwarding, … 4 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 5. Ponies for Everybody! Big wins from little features 5 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 6. Type Deduction void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { for ( vector<float>::const_iterator p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); p++ ) { std::cout << *p * 3 << " "; } } 6 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 7. Type Deduction void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { for ( vector<float>::const_iterator p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); p++ ) { std::cout << *p * 3 << " "; } } 6 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 8. Type Deduction void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { for ( auto p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); p++ ) { std::cout << *p * 3 << " "; } } 7 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 9. Type Deduction void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { for ( auto p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); p++ ) { std::cout << *p * 3 << " "; } } 8 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 10. Type Deduction auto a = 3; int const auto b = 3.14; const double auto const& c = 42; int const& auto d = "foobar"; char const* auto& e = "baz" char const(&)[4] extern std::list<Foo> l; auto p = l.begin(); std::list<Foo>::iterator auto& x = l.front(); std::list<Foo>::value_type& auto& y = any-expression-here; 9 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 11. Type Deduction void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { for ( auto p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); p++ ) { std::cout << *p * 3 << " "; } } 10 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 12. Range-based for loop void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { for ( auto p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); p++ ) { std::cout << *p * 3 << " "; } } 11 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 13. Range-based for loop void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { for ( float a: v ) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } } 12 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 14. Range-based for loop void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) Range { for ( float a: v ) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } } 12 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 15. Range-based for loop void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) Loop variable Range { for ( float a: v ) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } } 12 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 16. Range-based for loop auto in C++11 void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { for ( auto a: v ) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } } 13 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 17. Range-based for loop template <class Range> void print_3x(Range const& v) { for ( typename Range::value_type a: v ) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } } 14 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 18. Range-based for loop auto in C++11 template <class Range> void print_3x(Range const& v) { for ( auto a: v ) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } } 15 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 19. Range-based for loop auto in C++11 void inplace_3x(vector<float>& v) { for ( float& a: v ) { a *= 3; } } 16 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 20. Ranges Everywhere int rng[3] = { 42, 314, 77 }; for( int var: rng ) { ... } 17 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 21. Ranges Everywhere std::pair<Iter,Iter> rng = … ; for( int var: rng ) { ... } 18 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 22. Ranges Everywhere YourType rng; for( int var: rng ) { ... } 19 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 23. 98 ++Range-based for loop C void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { BOOST_FOREACH( float a, v ) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } } 20 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 24. 98 ++Range-based“for”loop C void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { BOOST_FOREACH( float a, v ) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } } 20 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 25. 98 ++Range-based“for”loop C void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { BOOST_FOREACH( float a, v ) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } } See your friendly neighborhood Boost C++ Libraries for details 20 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 26. Using an Algorithm void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), ); } 21 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 27. Using an Algorithm void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), ); } 21 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 28. Using an Algorithm void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), ); } 21 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 29. Using an Algorithm static void print_3x_element(float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), ); } 21 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 30. Using an Algorithm static void print_3x_element(float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), print_3x_element); } 21 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 31. Using an Algorithm static void print_3x_element(float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), print_3x_element); } 21 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 32. Lambda Expressions void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), ); } 22 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 33. Lambda Expressions void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } ); } “Lambda expression” 22 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 34. Lambda Expressions void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } ); } 23 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 35. Lambda Expressions void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } ); } introducer 23 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 36. What It Is void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } ); } 24 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 37. anonymous class What It Is struct __lambda143 { inline void operator()(float a) const { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } }; void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } ); } 24 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 38. anonymous class What It Is struct __lambda143 { inline void operator()(float a) const { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } }; void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } ); } 24 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 39. anonymous class What It Is struct __lambda143 { inline void operator()(float a) const { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } }; void print_3x(vector<float> const& v) { std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), __lambda143() [](float a) { std::cout << a * 3 << " "; } ); } “closure” instance 24 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 40. Closing Angle Brackets std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> x; 25 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 41. Closing Angle Brackets Error in C++98: >> tokenized as right-shift std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> x; 25 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 42. Closing Angle Brackets std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> x; OK in C++11 25 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 43. Move Semantics A Really Cheap Lunch 26 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 44. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 45. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 46. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 47. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 48. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 49. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 50. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 51. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 52. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D A 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 53. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D A B 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 54. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D A B C 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 55. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D A B C D 27 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 56. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D A B C D 28 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 57. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D 28 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 58. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D 28 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 59. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D E 28 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 60. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D E 28 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 61. Copy Fatigue? typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); Expensive database db = load_db("huge.db"); copies are made just before db.push_back( create_record() ); destroying the source object • A B C D E 28 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 62. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D 29 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 63. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • B C D A 29 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 64. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • C D A B 29 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 65. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • D A B C 29 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 66. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D 29 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 67. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D 29 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 68. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D 30 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 69. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D 30 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 70. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D E 30 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 71. Try Moving Instead! typedef set<string> record; typedef vector<record> database; database load_db(string filename); database db = load_db("huge.db"); db.push_back( create_record() ); • A B C D E 30 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 72. Move Mini-HOWTO Move-enabling an existing class 31 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 73. Move-Enabling struct Owner { • X Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 32 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 74. Move-Enabling struct Owner { • X Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 32 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 75. Move-Enabling struct Owner { • X Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 32 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 76. Move-Enabling struct Owner { • X Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} X Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 32 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 77. Move-Enabling struct Owner { • X Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} X Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 32 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 78. Move-Enabling struct Owner { • X Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} • X Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 32 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 79. Move-Enabling struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); • Z return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 33 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 80. Move-Enabling struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); • Z return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 33 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 81. Move-Enabling struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); • Z return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 33 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 82. Move-Enabling struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); • return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 33 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 83. Move-Enabling struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); • return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 33 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 84. Move-Enabling struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); • return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 33 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 85. Move-Enabling struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); • Y return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 33 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 86. Move-Enabling struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); • Y return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 33 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 87. New Move Operations struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) : p(src.p ? new Resource(*src.p) : 0) {} Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; delete p; p = 0; if (src.p) p = new Resource(*src.p); return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 34 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 88. New Move Operations struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 34 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 89. New Move Operations struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src) Owner& operator=(const Owner& src) ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 34 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 90. Move Constructor struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); • X ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 35 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 91. Move Constructor struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); • X ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 35 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 92. Move Constructor struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } • X ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 35 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 93. Move Constructor struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } • X rvalue reference ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 35 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 94. Move Constructor struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } • X rvalue reference ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 35 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 95. Move Constructor struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } • X ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 35 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 96. Move Constructor struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } • X • ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 35 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 97. Move Constructor struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } • X • ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 35 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 98. Move Constructor struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } • X • ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 35 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 99. Move Assignment struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } • Y • Z ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 36 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 100. Move Assignment struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = src.p; src.p = 0; • Z return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 36 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 101. Move Assignment struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = src.p; src.p = 0; • Z return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 36 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 102. Move Assignment struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = src.p; src.p = 0; • Z return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 36 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 103. Move Assignment struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = src.p; src.p = 0; • return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 36 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 104. Move Assignment struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • Y delete p; p = src.p; src.p = 0; • return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 36 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 105. Move Assignment struct Owner { Owner(const Owner& src); Owner& operator=(const Owner& src); Owner(Owner&& src) : p(src.p) { src.p = 0; } Owner& operator=(Owner&& src) { if (this == &src) return *this; • delete p; p = src.p; src.p = 0; • Y return *this; } ~Owner() { delete p; } private: Resource* p; }; 36 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 106. Move Semantics • Automatically accelerates existing code! • Applied throughout standard library • Many move-only types in library • Launches a new era of value semantics 37 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 107. Containers • Move semantics • Hash containers • forward_list • array • tuple • Emplace • Allocators 38 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 108. Other Useful Libraries • regex: • Algorithms • function / bind 39 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 109. Smart Pointers • unique_ptr • shared_ptr 40 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 110. Classes and OOP • member initializers • explict conversion • override and final • delegating and inheriting constructors • defaulted and deleted functions 41 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 111. Concurrency • async, futures, promise • locks, mutexes and condition variables • exception propagation • atomics 42 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 112. Templates • Variadics • static_assert • local classes as template arguments • extern templates • Template aliases 43 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 113. Metaprogramming • constexpr • Template aliases • User-defined literals w/variadic templates • Type traits and extended SFINAE 44 Monday, September 19, 2011
  • 114. What’s Next? • Modules • Concepts • Pythy Syntax: • []min(x, y) { return x < y ? x : y } 45 Monday, September 19, 2011