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An Acxiom White Paper
  Business Intelligence Maturity

The journey from reporting to optimisation

                        By ???????? and ??????
                 with assistance from ?????????
The information age has changed the way the business world
operates. No longer is intuition the driving force behind strategic
development and tactics are advanced. While value may be
derived from “gut feelings”, when backed up by data, they
become much more effective.

Advances in computing power, data storage              to answer the following questions to assess how
capacity and analytical software capability have       well you understand them:
given business users the raw material to make
more effective, data driven decisions. Distilling      • What are the key performance indicators that
information, perspectives and relationships from         reflect the success of my marketing efforts?
the data and using them to predict consumer            • Can I measure and picture my key performance
behaviour is essential for maintaining growth and        indicators? If so, do I?
staving off competitive pressures.                     • Can I identify the data that correlates to strong
                                                         or poor values for my key performance
Business intelligence solutions sit at the heart         indicators?
of the data-centric processes that provide that        • Can I predict how my key performance
knowledge and, consequently, enormous business           indicators will be affected by changes in
value. Analytics projects generally yield an average     strategy or market conditions?
ROI of 431%, according to research by IDC.
However, using business intelligence initiatives,      These questions will help determine the category
respondents were realising returns ranging from        of business intelligence technology that requires
17% to more than 2000%.1                               focus. We define categories as groupings of
                                                       business intelligence applications that provide
Business intelligence is, however, a concept           similar functionality. Categories include:
that is often difficult to pin point. From a broad
perspective, we define business intelligence as        • Measure
the practice of using data to facilitate decision        Business intelligence applications and
making. In application, there are a number of            technology that allow for systematic evaluation
distinct activities that can be defined in this way,     and presentation of data.
so it’s important to understand the broad goals
of business intelligence as you begin to organise      • Define
and prioritise investment.                               Business intelligence applications and
                                                         technology that facilitate the identification and
First determine the current level of understanding       classification of data that correlates to specified
of key performance indicators and the financial          conditions.
and non-financial metrics used to quantify
objectives that reflect strategic performance.2        • Predict
Put simply, they will indicate whether processes         Business intelligence applications and
are working or not. Because awareness of key             technology that provide the ability to predict
performance indicators is critical to the success        upcoming events and optimise the results.
of business intelligence initiatives, take a moment
Categories are effective for defining broad,              Measure
strategic initiatives. However, they are often too        The measure category involves the evaluation and
extensive to be used to create a tactical course          presentation of data. The first family is reporting
of action. For example, a company might want              and the second is data visualisation.
to define its customer base more precisely
– an objective that does not provide enough               • Reporting
information to formulate a strategic plan to                Reporting involves the creation of standard,
accomplish this goal.                                       repeatable representations of data. It provides
                                                            snapshots of data as they are modified by
Each category of business intelligence technology           processes over time or as the result of events
has families of applications and processes                  that cause changes in the data. All processes
associated with it to provide a specific function.          are accompanied by audit reporting to reassure
Families refine the activities from each category           end users that their processes are operating as
into tactical initiatives that create additional value.     expected. Performance reporting presents the
                                                            results of the overall set of processes that make
                                                            up a solution. For example, a net response rate
Table 1: Business Intelligence Categories                   dashboard is employed for marketing
and Families                                                performance management.

Catagory                     Family                       • Data Visualisation
                                                            Data visualisation is the practice of using a tool
Measure                      Reporting                      to explore and graphically represent a set of
                             Data visualisation             data to allow users to identify trends and
                                                            events. Unlike reporting (where the user gets
Define                       Data mining                    to see the same information for different data
                             Segmentation                   sets), data visualisation provides a limited, but
                                                            bespoke, reporting interface. Analysts are not
Predict                      Modelling                      limited to the data that is in front of them as
                             Optimisation                   they can create new reports using available
                                                            data and tools. Generally, these data sources
                                                            are aggregated to allow the tool to process data
                                                            more rapidly, so there isn’t unlimited scope, but
                                                            many enhanced opportunities for creating value.

                                                          Potentially confusing when considering reporting
                                                          vs. data visualisation is that the tools used to
                                                          deliver either process may be the same but the
                                                          underlying data is different. Reporting solutions
                                                          are based on discrete, limited data sources to
                                                          answer very specific questions, whilst data
                                                          visualisation solutions provide wider ranges of
                                                          data and facilitate more open ended discovery.
                                                          Additionally, the skills required to create one-time
                                                          ad hoc reports are different than those needed to
                                                          scrutinise and assess complex data relationships,
                                                          even if they are using the same access tools.
Define                                                Predict
The define category moves beyond visualising          Predicting behaviour as a result of actions taken
the data to understanding relationships and           is a key tool in the context of business
developing new data elements that are more            intelligence. For example, a strategy may call for
useful than the raw input data. The activities in     raising the price of a product by 3%. Being able
this category, data mining and segmentation,          to predict how consumers will react to that new
build upon the knowledge created by the reporting     price point is essential to understanding if it is
and data visualisation processes. The results will    something you should do. It might result in fewer
be the initial data products that may be used to      sales, but there are also other criteria to assess
accomplish tactical objectives.                       and predict. The price hike may, for example,
                                                      beneficially drive out the customers who generate
• Data Mining                                         the bulk of your customer service calls.
  Data mining applications are used to explore        Forecasting consumer behaviour through
  data in a more granular fashion than data           predictive modelling and optimisation are the
  visualisation processes, enabling free form         key activities in this category.
  analysis of raw data rather than aggregated
  data sets. Because of data volumes and the          • Modelling
  complexity of the analysis, these applications        Using predictive data identified in the data
  tend to be robust users of processing capacity.       mining process and the new data elements
  However, the results are far more valuable,           created in the segmentation process, predictive
  including predictive data elements which can          models are created to forecast future events
  be used to establish portraits for groups within      and behaviour. Advanced analytical algorithms
  the overall data set.                                 are applied to the available data to create a
                                                        score which rates the probability of a specified
• Segmentation                                          action. Modelling might result in a prediction
  The segmentation process takes the definitive         of the likelihood of a group of consumers to
  information distilled from the data mining            respond to a particular offer, or determine
  processes and programmatically groups it              the probability of a person to spend
  to define values that are common to certain           a given amount over the course of their
  population units. These segments tend to              relationship with you. In other words, consumer
  exhibit similar behaviour which can be used           actions can be predicted to create more
  to characterise them. Segmentation can be             effective marketing solutions and to provide
  as simple as defining people as customers vs.         them with better services.
  non-customers, or very complex, using myriad
  geographic and demographic traits.                  • Optimisation
                                                        Modelling behaviour can pinpoint the best
Data mining and segmentation represent two              actions for an individual, but the forecasts for
examples of using analytics to systemically affect      individuals taken en masse can often produce
change in an organisation. The data elements            less beneficial results. In some cases,
defined in data mining processes can be used to         individuals who receive an offer that isn’t the
hone selection criteria in campaign management,         most attractive to them may still respond.
or, as triggers in automated account services           They’ll respond in lower numbers, but if the
systems. They also provide definitive or predictive     revenue potential for that alternative product is
values to be used in subsequent analysis.               greater than the product with higher customer
Segmentation uses data to organise entities into        affinity, itmay still create a more profitable
groups that exhibit similar behaviour, with             scenario. Optimisation solutions assess
segments based on individual, household,                predictive analytics in the context of a total
account, business or any other logical group            population while satisfying specific business
relevant to the organisation. Segments are broad        rules, constraints and contact policies to
brushstroke definitions of those groups that may        determine the most advantageous outcome.
be used as a shortcut for evaluating data at a          Processes may be developed to find the best
more granular level.                                    answer for profitability, channel preference,
                                                        maximising revenue and other scenarios.

RESPONSE          Response scores forecast measures of probability that an individual
                  will reply to an offer.

REVENUE           Revenue scores create a forecast of the economic benefit of the
                  customer relationship.

RISK              Risk scores create a forecast and probability of the customer engaging
                  in behaviour that will result in a negative economic impact.

Modelling and optimisation represent the most
complex forms of business intelligence, but
they also create the greatest value. Significant
investment is needed in areas of analytical
expertise, hardware and software to address
these families, but the associated benefits are
too great to ignore.
Where are you?                                           on shortcomings such as lines of business that
Interestingly, these categories and families also        cannot effectively report on their performance or
provide a method to assess maturity in terms             departments that use non-standard customer
of business intelligence. By assessing business          segments. Shortcomings may also involve the use of
intelligence activities that are common or wide          business intelligence with respect to the competition
spread in an organisation, it’s also possible to         – learning about their use of analytics can help
gauge areas for improvement in terms of business         indicate where your main focus should be.
intelligence. Starting with reporting, the least
complex initiative as well as the one with the           What are my greatest opportunities?
least impact, a business intelligence focus should       Business intelligence provides a way to get ahead
move through data visualisation, data mining             of your competition. After assessing the competition,
and Segmentation through to modelling and                it will be easier to detect where the marketplace is
finally optimisation processes.                          lagging. Even if it turns out to be an area in which
                                                         you are not excelling, knowing that there is a
Too often companies have a difficult time                weakness in the marketplace will allow you to focus
determining where they fit within the maturity           on things that will give you an advantage. If, for
model. Either there is a lack of understanding           example, you ascertain that you industry does not
of business intelligence within the company or           make use of business intelligence for corporate
an unwillingness to acknowledge shortcomings.            performance management, there is an opportunity
In most cases, analytical resources are competent        to improve internal processes ahead of your
and contentious, but new ideas and fresh                 competitors. Any distinctive capability within an
perspectives provide improved performance and            organisation can provide a precise focus to create
overall satisfaction. It is essential to have a clear,   competitive advantage.
candid view of your position with respect to
maturity and not attempt make the leap from              Should I use a business intelligence suite or
reporting to optimisation in one go. To do so            best of breed applications?
would result in wasted investment in services            Once needs and opportunities have been identified,
and software, frustrated analytical resources            it’s time to look at the software applications. Some
and an initiative that is doomed to failure.             companies produce software with components that
                                                         will address all categories and families of business
It is a good use of time and money to solicit a          intelligence. Others focus on a specific activity and
third party to assess your business intelligence         create the best solution to meet that specific
capabilities. A consulting organisation with a           objective. There are benefits to having an integrated
business intelligence background can quickly             platform such as sharing metadata, the ability to
(and objectively) establish your strengths and           process flow from application to application and
weaknesses and help develop a strategy for               algorithmic consistency. Unfortunately, integrated
steady, long term improvement. Also helpful is to        solutions do not include best of breed applications
compare your business to other companies in the          across all areas – multiple metadata repositories,
same industry to help judge how quickly you need         differences in language and interpretation and the
to approach business intelligence enhancements.          need for more training as analysts must learn more
                                                         tools. This approach does, however, have the
                                                         advantage of creating the best results for each
Choices                                                  specific business intelligence activity.
Once a thorough assessment of business
intelligence capability is established, decisions        What are the strengths of my analysts?
on how to approach and prioritise initiatives            The best software, hardware and data do not ensure
can be made.                                             business intelligence success. The most important
                                                         resource is the team of analysts, statisticians and
What are my greatest needs?                              modellers. Learn from them and understand their
Business intelligence offers many opportunities          strengths and weaknesses. Some may require
for improvements in business practice. Assessing         simple tools for data visualisation and others prefer
precisely what is needed is the first step critical      a bare bones approach to data mining or need a
to prioritising effectively. Needs may be based          wide range of tools to meet the requirements of
                                                         each problem that is presented to them.
Am I better off with an in-house or a                probably, have an understanding of business
hosted solution?                                     intelligence but their skills may be more strategic
Many marketing organisations want to perform         and organisational. Without leadership, the project
their data management functions in-house and,        will evolve into a “turf battle” over who ‘owns’
there are advantages to controlling the creation     analytics for your company or a “holy war”
and maintenance of your business intelligence        regarding the best processes and techniques.
environment. The source systems, for example,        Whilst strong opinions from internal departments
may have communication limitations that require      can be constructive, solid leadership empowered
close proximity to the business intelligence         to choose the best course of action is essential.
environment. However, a hosted solution makes        Otherwise, the project will grind to a frustrating
sense when the skills for data management and        and expensive halt.
warehousing do not exist within an organisation.
If analysts have to spend too much time archiving,   Unclear objectives
storing and manipulating data prior to actually      The ultimate purpose of a business intelligence
creating their business intelligence outputs, a      project must be defined in precise terms.
hosted solution with additional data management      A general objective of ‘improving business
support may make more sense.                         intelligence’ will result in a lot of activity but little
                                                     return on investment. By defining a business-
Can I use software as a service model                related objective such as ‘use business intelligence
for business intelligence?                           to improve online sales rates’, analysts will have
Much of the expense surrounding business             a pre-determined focus for their reports and
intelligence comes from the hardware and             the statisticians can segment based on online
software required to perform these tasks.            purchase behaviour and create models to
An alternative solution might be to use software     determine which customers would become
as a service offering to lower the total cost of     online users if the incentive was appropriate.
ownership for the business intelligence              Simply put, this defined objective allows business
environment. Some companies offer customised         intelligence resources to be used to create more
analytics as a service product that includes         business value.
business intelligence software, enhancement data,
integration services and management solutions        Unmeasured results
which allow the analysts to focus on the creation    Many companies fail to properly measure the
of insight rather than the management overhead.      results of their analytical efforts and do not have
                                                     the ability to view changes in performance with
Past hurdles                                         new analytical practices in place. They cannot
Business intelligence projects are not always        assess when a tactic needs to be changed and,
successful. In some cases, failure can be traced     worst of all, will sometimes abandon a business
to technical issues, but rarely is technology the    intelligence activity because they cannot tell
sole culprit for business intelligence projects      whether or not it’s working. The long term effect
not meeting expectations. Assuming the best          is a devaluation of business intelligence, with
decisions regarding business intelligence            some companies scaling back analytical
technology have been made, what else might           processes and personnel – decisions which
happen to prevent success?                           merely exacerbate their business problems.

Lack of leadership                                   Insufficient testing
Typically, business intelligence projects require    New business intelligence processes should
a great deal of co-operation between internal        constantly be measured against both the
departments. There will be times when different      incumbent processes and doing nothing.
groups need aligning around a goal and a leader      A common approach is champion/challenger
must set those objectives and distribute the         testing for predictive models where the new
necessary resources. This person will, most          model is used to select one population while the
                                                     existing model is used to select another. A third
                                                     population is randomly selected and each group
                                                     receives a standard offer. The model that provides
the best result is used for subsequent campaigns.                     Conclusion
It is essential to conduct this kind of testing on                    Business intelligence can create enormous value
a regular basis to ensure that improvements are                       for an organisation. Understanding customers
made and as a method to evaluate business                             better elicits loyalty and expands relationships and
intelligence processes.                                               predicting how their lives may change will allow
                                                                      you to react to their needs and wants. Optimising
Data quality and availability                                         the way you communicate with them will provide
Data is the raw material of business intelligence                     a more profitable environment. Performing
and a lack of data is the surest indicator that your                  effective business intelligence requires the right
project will fail. Whilst extracting data from your                   tools based on the needs, opportunities and
source systems can be time consuming, it is                           talents of analytical resources. Choose the tool
essential to ensure that the project has sufficient                   that provides the highest return on investment,
insight to create value. The quality of the data is                   but remember that business intelligence requires
a also contributing factor to the success or failure                  data, computing infrastructure and commitment
of a business intelligence project. In many cases,                    and leadership to build an effective practice.
there are systemic or operational limitations that
prevent improving data quality, yet knowing where                     To obtain a positive outcome – and long-term
data issues exist is the key to avoiding pitfalls and                 success – companies should consider the
using the most effective predictions possible.                        services of a strategic partner who has experience
                                                                      with business intelligence tool implementation.

                                                                      A strategic partner should be able to evaluate all
                                                                      available tools in a neutral environment and have
                                                                      a proven track record of experience and success.
                                                                      Additionally, a strong, comprehensive business
                                                                      intelligence foundation to address the underlying
                                                                      data problems that can compromise the
                                                                      effectiveness of even the best tools is essential.

                                                                      Acxiom is a recognised leader within the industry,
                                                                      providing expert guidance and invaluable services
                                                                      that can help your company achieve exceptional
                                                                      results. The Acxiom team has translated business
                                                                      needs for hundreds of clients and has been very
                                                                      successful at defining tool sets to meet those
                                                                      needs. For more information on how the right
                                                                      business intelligence tools can transform your
                                                                      business, contact Acxiom today.

1 Global Technology Forum, CFO: Companies still deploy BI systems bit by bit, Economist Intelligence Unit, 14 January 2003.
2 Wikipedia,, 16 March 2008
See how Acxiom can work for you.

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All other trademarks and service marks mentioned herein are property of their respective owners.          22/04/09

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Business Intelligence Maturity

  • 1. An Acxiom White Paper Business Intelligence Maturity The journey from reporting to optimisation By ???????? and ?????? with assistance from ?????????
  • 2. The information age has changed the way the business world operates. No longer is intuition the driving force behind strategic development and tactics are advanced. While value may be derived from “gut feelings”, when backed up by data, they become much more effective. Advances in computing power, data storage to answer the following questions to assess how capacity and analytical software capability have well you understand them: given business users the raw material to make more effective, data driven decisions. Distilling • What are the key performance indicators that information, perspectives and relationships from reflect the success of my marketing efforts? the data and using them to predict consumer • Can I measure and picture my key performance behaviour is essential for maintaining growth and indicators? If so, do I? staving off competitive pressures. • Can I identify the data that correlates to strong or poor values for my key performance Business intelligence solutions sit at the heart indicators? of the data-centric processes that provide that • Can I predict how my key performance knowledge and, consequently, enormous business indicators will be affected by changes in value. Analytics projects generally yield an average strategy or market conditions? ROI of 431%, according to research by IDC. However, using business intelligence initiatives, These questions will help determine the category respondents were realising returns ranging from of business intelligence technology that requires 17% to more than 2000%.1 focus. We define categories as groupings of business intelligence applications that provide Business intelligence is, however, a concept similar functionality. Categories include: that is often difficult to pin point. From a broad perspective, we define business intelligence as • Measure the practice of using data to facilitate decision Business intelligence applications and making. In application, there are a number of technology that allow for systematic evaluation distinct activities that can be defined in this way, and presentation of data. so it’s important to understand the broad goals of business intelligence as you begin to organise • Define and prioritise investment. Business intelligence applications and technology that facilitate the identification and First determine the current level of understanding classification of data that correlates to specified of key performance indicators and the financial conditions. and non-financial metrics used to quantify objectives that reflect strategic performance.2 • Predict Put simply, they will indicate whether processes Business intelligence applications and are working or not. Because awareness of key technology that provide the ability to predict performance indicators is critical to the success upcoming events and optimise the results. of business intelligence initiatives, take a moment
  • 3. Categories are effective for defining broad, Measure strategic initiatives. However, they are often too The measure category involves the evaluation and extensive to be used to create a tactical course presentation of data. The first family is reporting of action. For example, a company might want and the second is data visualisation. to define its customer base more precisely – an objective that does not provide enough • Reporting information to formulate a strategic plan to Reporting involves the creation of standard, accomplish this goal. repeatable representations of data. It provides snapshots of data as they are modified by Each category of business intelligence technology processes over time or as the result of events has families of applications and processes that cause changes in the data. All processes associated with it to provide a specific function. are accompanied by audit reporting to reassure Families refine the activities from each category end users that their processes are operating as into tactical initiatives that create additional value. expected. Performance reporting presents the results of the overall set of processes that make up a solution. For example, a net response rate Table 1: Business Intelligence Categories dashboard is employed for marketing and Families performance management. Catagory Family • Data Visualisation Data visualisation is the practice of using a tool Measure Reporting to explore and graphically represent a set of Data visualisation data to allow users to identify trends and events. Unlike reporting (where the user gets Define Data mining to see the same information for different data Segmentation sets), data visualisation provides a limited, but bespoke, reporting interface. Analysts are not Predict Modelling limited to the data that is in front of them as Optimisation they can create new reports using available data and tools. Generally, these data sources are aggregated to allow the tool to process data more rapidly, so there isn’t unlimited scope, but many enhanced opportunities for creating value. Potentially confusing when considering reporting vs. data visualisation is that the tools used to deliver either process may be the same but the underlying data is different. Reporting solutions are based on discrete, limited data sources to answer very specific questions, whilst data visualisation solutions provide wider ranges of data and facilitate more open ended discovery. Additionally, the skills required to create one-time ad hoc reports are different than those needed to scrutinise and assess complex data relationships, even if they are using the same access tools.
  • 4. Define Predict The define category moves beyond visualising Predicting behaviour as a result of actions taken the data to understanding relationships and is a key tool in the context of business developing new data elements that are more intelligence. For example, a strategy may call for useful than the raw input data. The activities in raising the price of a product by 3%. Being able this category, data mining and segmentation, to predict how consumers will react to that new build upon the knowledge created by the reporting price point is essential to understanding if it is and data visualisation processes. The results will something you should do. It might result in fewer be the initial data products that may be used to sales, but there are also other criteria to assess accomplish tactical objectives. and predict. The price hike may, for example, beneficially drive out the customers who generate • Data Mining the bulk of your customer service calls. Data mining applications are used to explore Forecasting consumer behaviour through data in a more granular fashion than data predictive modelling and optimisation are the visualisation processes, enabling free form key activities in this category. analysis of raw data rather than aggregated data sets. Because of data volumes and the • Modelling complexity of the analysis, these applications Using predictive data identified in the data tend to be robust users of processing capacity. mining process and the new data elements However, the results are far more valuable, created in the segmentation process, predictive including predictive data elements which can models are created to forecast future events be used to establish portraits for groups within and behaviour. Advanced analytical algorithms the overall data set. are applied to the available data to create a score which rates the probability of a specified • Segmentation action. Modelling might result in a prediction The segmentation process takes the definitive of the likelihood of a group of consumers to information distilled from the data mining respond to a particular offer, or determine processes and programmatically groups it the probability of a person to spend to define values that are common to certain a given amount over the course of their population units. These segments tend to relationship with you. In other words, consumer exhibit similar behaviour which can be used actions can be predicted to create more to characterise them. Segmentation can be effective marketing solutions and to provide as simple as defining people as customers vs. them with better services. non-customers, or very complex, using myriad geographic and demographic traits. • Optimisation Modelling behaviour can pinpoint the best Data mining and segmentation represent two actions for an individual, but the forecasts for examples of using analytics to systemically affect individuals taken en masse can often produce change in an organisation. The data elements less beneficial results. In some cases, defined in data mining processes can be used to individuals who receive an offer that isn’t the hone selection criteria in campaign management, most attractive to them may still respond. or, as triggers in automated account services They’ll respond in lower numbers, but if the systems. They also provide definitive or predictive revenue potential for that alternative product is values to be used in subsequent analysis. greater than the product with higher customer Segmentation uses data to organise entities into affinity, itmay still create a more profitable groups that exhibit similar behaviour, with scenario. Optimisation solutions assess segments based on individual, household, predictive analytics in the context of a total account, business or any other logical group population while satisfying specific business relevant to the organisation. Segments are broad rules, constraints and contact policies to brushstroke definitions of those groups that may determine the most advantageous outcome. be used as a shortcut for evaluating data at a Processes may be developed to find the best more granular level. answer for profitability, channel preference, maximising revenue and other scenarios.
  • 5. TYPICAL KINDS OF MODEL SCORES RESPONSE Response scores forecast measures of probability that an individual will reply to an offer. REVENUE Revenue scores create a forecast of the economic benefit of the customer relationship. RISK Risk scores create a forecast and probability of the customer engaging in behaviour that will result in a negative economic impact. Modelling and optimisation represent the most complex forms of business intelligence, but they also create the greatest value. Significant investment is needed in areas of analytical expertise, hardware and software to address these families, but the associated benefits are too great to ignore.
  • 6. Where are you? on shortcomings such as lines of business that Interestingly, these categories and families also cannot effectively report on their performance or provide a method to assess maturity in terms departments that use non-standard customer of business intelligence. By assessing business segments. Shortcomings may also involve the use of intelligence activities that are common or wide business intelligence with respect to the competition spread in an organisation, it’s also possible to – learning about their use of analytics can help gauge areas for improvement in terms of business indicate where your main focus should be. intelligence. Starting with reporting, the least complex initiative as well as the one with the What are my greatest opportunities? least impact, a business intelligence focus should Business intelligence provides a way to get ahead move through data visualisation, data mining of your competition. After assessing the competition, and Segmentation through to modelling and it will be easier to detect where the marketplace is finally optimisation processes. lagging. Even if it turns out to be an area in which you are not excelling, knowing that there is a Too often companies have a difficult time weakness in the marketplace will allow you to focus determining where they fit within the maturity on things that will give you an advantage. If, for model. Either there is a lack of understanding example, you ascertain that you industry does not of business intelligence within the company or make use of business intelligence for corporate an unwillingness to acknowledge shortcomings. performance management, there is an opportunity In most cases, analytical resources are competent to improve internal processes ahead of your and contentious, but new ideas and fresh competitors. Any distinctive capability within an perspectives provide improved performance and organisation can provide a precise focus to create overall satisfaction. It is essential to have a clear, competitive advantage. candid view of your position with respect to maturity and not attempt make the leap from Should I use a business intelligence suite or reporting to optimisation in one go. To do so best of breed applications? would result in wasted investment in services Once needs and opportunities have been identified, and software, frustrated analytical resources it’s time to look at the software applications. Some and an initiative that is doomed to failure. companies produce software with components that will address all categories and families of business It is a good use of time and money to solicit a intelligence. Others focus on a specific activity and third party to assess your business intelligence create the best solution to meet that specific capabilities. A consulting organisation with a objective. There are benefits to having an integrated business intelligence background can quickly platform such as sharing metadata, the ability to (and objectively) establish your strengths and process flow from application to application and weaknesses and help develop a strategy for algorithmic consistency. Unfortunately, integrated steady, long term improvement. Also helpful is to solutions do not include best of breed applications compare your business to other companies in the across all areas – multiple metadata repositories, same industry to help judge how quickly you need differences in language and interpretation and the to approach business intelligence enhancements. need for more training as analysts must learn more tools. This approach does, however, have the advantage of creating the best results for each Choices specific business intelligence activity. Once a thorough assessment of business intelligence capability is established, decisions What are the strengths of my analysts? on how to approach and prioritise initiatives The best software, hardware and data do not ensure can be made. business intelligence success. The most important resource is the team of analysts, statisticians and What are my greatest needs? modellers. Learn from them and understand their Business intelligence offers many opportunities strengths and weaknesses. Some may require for improvements in business practice. Assessing simple tools for data visualisation and others prefer precisely what is needed is the first step critical a bare bones approach to data mining or need a to prioritising effectively. Needs may be based wide range of tools to meet the requirements of each problem that is presented to them.
  • 7. Am I better off with an in-house or a probably, have an understanding of business hosted solution? intelligence but their skills may be more strategic Many marketing organisations want to perform and organisational. Without leadership, the project their data management functions in-house and, will evolve into a “turf battle” over who ‘owns’ there are advantages to controlling the creation analytics for your company or a “holy war” and maintenance of your business intelligence regarding the best processes and techniques. environment. The source systems, for example, Whilst strong opinions from internal departments may have communication limitations that require can be constructive, solid leadership empowered close proximity to the business intelligence to choose the best course of action is essential. environment. However, a hosted solution makes Otherwise, the project will grind to a frustrating sense when the skills for data management and and expensive halt. warehousing do not exist within an organisation. If analysts have to spend too much time archiving, Unclear objectives storing and manipulating data prior to actually The ultimate purpose of a business intelligence creating their business intelligence outputs, a project must be defined in precise terms. hosted solution with additional data management A general objective of ‘improving business support may make more sense. intelligence’ will result in a lot of activity but little return on investment. By defining a business- Can I use software as a service model related objective such as ‘use business intelligence for business intelligence? to improve online sales rates’, analysts will have Much of the expense surrounding business a pre-determined focus for their reports and intelligence comes from the hardware and the statisticians can segment based on online software required to perform these tasks. purchase behaviour and create models to An alternative solution might be to use software determine which customers would become as a service offering to lower the total cost of online users if the incentive was appropriate. ownership for the business intelligence Simply put, this defined objective allows business environment. Some companies offer customised intelligence resources to be used to create more analytics as a service product that includes business value. business intelligence software, enhancement data, integration services and management solutions Unmeasured results which allow the analysts to focus on the creation Many companies fail to properly measure the of insight rather than the management overhead. results of their analytical efforts and do not have the ability to view changes in performance with Past hurdles new analytical practices in place. They cannot Business intelligence projects are not always assess when a tactic needs to be changed and, successful. In some cases, failure can be traced worst of all, will sometimes abandon a business to technical issues, but rarely is technology the intelligence activity because they cannot tell sole culprit for business intelligence projects whether or not it’s working. The long term effect not meeting expectations. Assuming the best is a devaluation of business intelligence, with decisions regarding business intelligence some companies scaling back analytical technology have been made, what else might processes and personnel – decisions which happen to prevent success? merely exacerbate their business problems. Lack of leadership Insufficient testing Typically, business intelligence projects require New business intelligence processes should a great deal of co-operation between internal constantly be measured against both the departments. There will be times when different incumbent processes and doing nothing. groups need aligning around a goal and a leader A common approach is champion/challenger must set those objectives and distribute the testing for predictive models where the new necessary resources. This person will, most model is used to select one population while the existing model is used to select another. A third population is randomly selected and each group receives a standard offer. The model that provides
  • 8. the best result is used for subsequent campaigns. Conclusion It is essential to conduct this kind of testing on Business intelligence can create enormous value a regular basis to ensure that improvements are for an organisation. Understanding customers made and as a method to evaluate business better elicits loyalty and expands relationships and intelligence processes. predicting how their lives may change will allow you to react to their needs and wants. Optimising Data quality and availability the way you communicate with them will provide Data is the raw material of business intelligence a more profitable environment. Performing and a lack of data is the surest indicator that your effective business intelligence requires the right project will fail. Whilst extracting data from your tools based on the needs, opportunities and source systems can be time consuming, it is talents of analytical resources. Choose the tool essential to ensure that the project has sufficient that provides the highest return on investment, insight to create value. The quality of the data is but remember that business intelligence requires a also contributing factor to the success or failure data, computing infrastructure and commitment of a business intelligence project. In many cases, and leadership to build an effective practice. there are systemic or operational limitations that prevent improving data quality, yet knowing where To obtain a positive outcome – and long-term data issues exist is the key to avoiding pitfalls and success – companies should consider the using the most effective predictions possible. services of a strategic partner who has experience with business intelligence tool implementation. A strategic partner should be able to evaluate all available tools in a neutral environment and have a proven track record of experience and success. Additionally, a strong, comprehensive business intelligence foundation to address the underlying data problems that can compromise the effectiveness of even the best tools is essential. Acxiom is a recognised leader within the industry, providing expert guidance and invaluable services that can help your company achieve exceptional results. The Acxiom team has translated business needs for hundreds of clients and has been very successful at defining tool sets to meet those needs. For more information on how the right business intelligence tools can transform your business, contact Acxiom today. 1 Global Technology Forum, CFO: Companies still deploy BI systems bit by bit, Economist Intelligence Unit, 14 January 2003. 2 Wikipedia,, 16 March 2008
  • 9. See how Acxiom can work for you. For more information, visit our website at or call 0800 035 2755 Acxiom Ltd Counting House 53 Tooley Street London SE1 2QN UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7526 5100 Fax: +44 (0)20 7526 5200 © 2009 Acxiom Corporation. All rights reserved. Acxiom is a registered trademark of Acxiom Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks mentioned herein are property of their respective owners. 22/04/09