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The Law of Need
Pages 267-306
Tuesday 9 November 2010
The essence of the Law of
Need is these three words:
“Build the need”
The teacher should build the
need before teaching the
Tuesday 9 November 2010
To catch a fish you must use bait.
As a teacher you need to put the bait on the hook -
we cannot expect students to put their on bait on or
simply be motivated by our good looking hooks.
As a teacher I am responsible for making students
chase after the content
Tuesday 9 November 2010
We call this
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Need Mindset
Sinking feeling in the pit of your
Weakening of the knees
Reddening of the face
Straining for, stammering with,
Walls pressing in
Desperate desire to leave quickly
Each day when a teacher thinks:
“What’s the point of this”
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Need Mindset
Sinking feeling in the pit of your
Weakening of the knees
Reddening of the face
Straining for, stammering with,
Walls pressing in
Desperate desire to leave quickly
Each day when a teacher thinks:
“What’s the point of this”
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Where do you assign the blame -
weather, low student IQ, late in
the day?
Should you resign, change
occupation - or more?
Is it a students fault if they are
apathetic and bored? Surely it
isn’t the teachers fault?!
Wilkinson says it is the teachers
responsibility to bait the hook
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Consider the example of
Jesus - he regularly addressed
the needs of his hearers:
1. When the persons needs
were obvious he sought to
meet them.
2. If the people were out of
touch with their needs, Jesus
brought them to the surface.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Consider the example of
Jesus - he regularly addressed
the needs of his hearers:
1. When the persons needs
were obvious he sought to
meet them.
2. If the people were out of
touch with their needs, Jesus
brought them to the surface.
Jesus taught in
response to his
students’ needs - he
started with his
class, not his
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Teachers can meets personal needs privately
and common class needs through appropriate
action in class, slanting discussion in a certain
way, making comments etc.
Most teachers teach in response to the assigned
curriculum - the result is that students are
[predictably] bored etc.
Most teachers are distressed and shocked to
find that students are lacking motivation and
interest in their class. Should they be? The
majority of classes are out of touch with the felt
needs of the students and produce predictable
Tuesday 9 November 2010
What do we do - follow
the example of Jesus who
faced the same problem.
Jesus used 5 steps - seen
in John 4:5-30
Tuesday 9 November 2010
So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar,
near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son
Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired
as he was from the journey, sat down by the well.
It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman
came to draw water,...
Woman comes to get water - she is hot, thirsty
and totally uninterested in Jesus.
Students come and are not consciously thirsty -
but a teacher will cause the student to want to
learn, to be interested in seeking the lesson
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Need Model
felt need
“I want
“Tell me
Tuesday 9 November 2010
felt need
“I want
real need
“I need
real need
“I got
what I
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Step 1: Seize Attention
She is self absorbed - Christ, a
stranger, gets her attention,
“Give me a drink”
The shock is that he spoke with
her at all.
Capture students attention -
joke, one liner, change style -
remember that they are not
focussed on you
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Take the attention of your
students away from
whatever is holding it.
Attention is immediately
drawn to the most vivid
stimulus present - so
overpower whatever holds
your students attention
Seize attention, capture
attention - students break
free and ask “what is this?”
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Step 2: Stir Curiosity
Attention is fleeting.
Lessen dependence
on external stimuli -
Jesus stirs the
woman’s curiosity
until she desires her
teacher to tell her
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Step 2: Stir Curiosity
Attention is fleeting.
Lessen dependence
on external stimuli -
Jesus stirs the
woman’s curiosity
until she desires her
teacher to tell her
Tuesday 9 November 2010
The Samaritan woman said to
him, “You are a Jew and I am a
Samaritan woman. How can you
ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do
not associate with Samaritans.)
Jesus answered her, “If you knew
the gift of God and who it is that
asks you for a drink, you would
have asked him and he would
have given you living water.”
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Imagine the woman thinking,
“What is he talking about?”
Jesus baited her three times:
1. God’s gift
2. His identity
3. Living water
...and he did it quickly...and she
took the bait
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Living water - “Sir,” the woman
said, “you have nothing to draw
with and the well is deep. Where
can you get this living water?
Identity - Are you greater than
our father Jacob,
God’s gift - who gave us the well
and drank from it himself, as did
also his sons and his livestock?”
Do you think it all happened by
chance - or did Jesus build her
curiosity and then move in
Tuesday 9 November 2010
“Tell me
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Step 3: Stimulate felt need
The woman still isn’t quite with
Jesus - so he stimulates her
felt need and led her to
consider the issues more
seriously until she felt, “I want
Steps 1 and 2 have prepared
for this one - curiosity must be
quickly linked to felt needs
felt need
“I want this”
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Jesus answered, “Everyone who
drinks this water will be thirsty
again, but whoever drinks the
water I give them will never thirst.
Indeed, the water I give them will
become in them a spring of
water welling up to eternal life.”
She would not have wanted to
be out in the midday sun - Jesus
picked this up - and teachers
have to ‘pick up’ where their
students are
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Effective teachers have threaded
themselves into the fabric of the
students lives and know
intuitively where they are.
Assuming you introduced things
well you now have to involve the
interest you created.
You have uncovered and
cooperated with existing interest.
So how, after all this, do you
lead students to the subject
you have prepared?
Tuesday 9 November 2010
The essence of the Law of
Need is these three words:
“Build the need”
The teacher should build the
need before teaching the
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Step 4: Surface real need
Jesus had intended to share
the gift of salvation with her -
but she is a long way from
seeing her need for it.
Jesus continues building into
her life
Tuesday 9 November 2010
“I have no husband,” she
Jesus said to her, “You are
right when you say you have
no husband. 18 The fact is,
you have had five husbands,
and the man you now have is
not your husband. What you
have just said is quite true.”
Jesus again doesn’t answer
her question - he changes the
subject - and she wants to
know more
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Indirectly she asks Jesus for
more content about worship - he
had encouraged her questions
and now had surfaced the real
need, this is the climax of
building and leads the student to
feel “I need this”
Surface real
“I need
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Step 5: Satisfy real need
Only when the class is in touch
with their real need do you
satisfy it with the content. At
this stage students are happy
to have gotten what they
v. 25-26
Jesus withheld the answer until
she had the right question -
teachers should follow this
pattern - start by creating a
hunger for content.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Many teachers view this building
up stage as a waste of class time -
yet Jesus spent more time
building the need than teaching
the lesson.
(In modern preaching this is
considered a disposable add on)
Jesus met her where she was,
then he took responsibility for
getting her attention and
discussing her needs - Jesus
took the responsibility in all of it.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Finally Jesus did not
crush her (no
comments about
husbands etc.) he
dealt with her
graciously and
Real needs do not
surface easily - they
are often tender and
need gentleness.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Satisfy real
“I got what
I wanted”
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Need Maxims
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 1: Need building is the
responsibility of the teacher
“A great teacher is not
simply one who imparts
knowledge to his students,
but one who awakens their
interest and makes them
eager to pursue
knowledge for themselves.
He is a spark plug, not a
fuel line”
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Great teachers realise they have to
awaken interest before teaching
content. They inspire and entice
their students until the are fully
absorbed in the lesson.
Most teachers ignore this and
lecture their content regardless of
the student need or attention.
Do you accept your
responsibility to bait the hook
every time?
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 2: Need meeting is the
teachers primary calling
Maxim 1 dealt with building
need before you teach -
Number 2 deals with meeting
needs which are already there.
Does your pastor preach what
he is interested in, or what he
dreams of preaching, or what
the people need?
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 2: Need meeting is the
teachers primary calling
Maxim 1 dealt with building
need before you teach -
Number 2 deals with meeting
needs which are already there.
Does your pastor preach what
he is interested in, or what he
dreams of preaching, or what
the people need?
“Teachers and preachers feel that their
primary calling is to explain the truth.
The only fallacy is that the truth does
not have any needs! The Bible does not
have a need to be preached or taught.
Only our people have needs. The call of
the shepherd is to meet the needs of his
sheep; the calling of the pastor to meet
the needs of his class”
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Imagine a person in tears phoning
and asking you for help regarding
their marriage. You agree. They
come over. You have studied the
tabernacle all week and gladly
start to share this with them. They
look puzzled. Then after making
comments about “how is this
meant to save my marriage” they
walk out.
You are amazed at such stupid
people - they don’t want proper
food only milk
Tuesday 9 November 2010
A ridiculous story - but one
repeated in many church classes
each week.
“We have separated the
message from those we are
called to minister to. We think if
we have taught the Bible then
we have fulfilled our calling.
But the only time we fulfill our
calling is when we teach the
Bible to the needs of our
Tuesday 9 November 2010
If our content is to meant to help
our audience, then should not our
focus always be on what the
students need and enable them to
walk in obedience to the Lord?
All the Bible is inspired but some
parts are less important or
relevant, to people we teach.
We do not teach Romans 9-11 to
5 year olds, or Ezekiel 40-48 to
new believers - they are wrong
passages for those audiences.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
If our content is to meant to help
our audience, then should not our
focus always be on what the
students need and enable them to
walk in obedience to the Lord?
All the Bible is inspired but some
parts are less important or
relevant, to people we teach.
We do not teach Romans 9-11 to
5 year olds, or Ezekiel 40-48 to
new believers - they are wrong
passages for those audiences.
“Believe it or not the Bible
does not have a need to
be taught. Only our
people have a need to be
taught, and it is their real
need that should
determine our teaching
and preaching calendar”
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Jesus told Peter to feed his
sheep - do this and sheep grow
and reproduce.
Paul did not write letters merely
because he had something
interesting to say - he wrote in
response to needs - need then
letter; problem then
This pattern is shown through
the NT
Be wise and discerning in
choosing your subject
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 3: Need building is the teachers
main method to motivate students
Motivation is a continual problem in class - what
is the secret?
Provide a need
If it is an appropriate on the students respond.
Is this hard - Jesus took 116 words with the
woman at the well - 100 of them motivating her
to seek her saviour.
Bait the hook.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 3: Need building is the teachers
main method to motivate students
Motivation is a continual problem in class - what
is the secret?
Provide a need
If it is an appropriate on the students respond.
Is this hard - Jesus took 116 words with the
woman at the well - 100 of them motivating her
to seek her saviour.
Bait the hook.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 3: Need building is the teachers
main method to motivate students
Motivation is a continual problem in class - what
is the secret?
Provide a need
If it is an appropriate on the students respond.
Is this hard - Jesus took 116 words with the
woman at the well - 100 of them motivating her
to seek her saviour.
Bait the hook.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
The essence of the Law of
Need is these three words:
“Build the need”
The teacher should build the
need before teaching the
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 4: Need motivates to the
degree it is felt by the student
How deeply does the student
feel the need?
Touch their feelings - provide
the need in such a way that it is
felt - the deeper the feeling, the
greater the response - light a
fire in the heart of your student
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Wilkinson suggests that
there are 7 universal
motivators - listed in the
next section of maximisers.
Don’t think motivation
happens by chance - or that
you don’t have the charisma
to do it. Everyone can learn
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 5: need building always
precedes new units of content
When was the last time your
students wanted the answer
you were giving them?
In witnessing - when did peope
sense their need for christ so
much that they knew they were
going to hell - and you had the
Unless your class is
dying for the answer,
don’t give it to them.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 5: need building always
precedes new units of content
When was the last time your
students wanted the answer
you were giving them?
In witnessing - when did peope
sense their need for christ so
much that they knew they were
going to hell - and you had the
Tuesday 9 November 2010
4 Situations where you should
build the need:
1. At the beginning of each new
series - meaningfully explain the
benefits of the classes.
2. At the beginning of each new
lesson - refocus the student, they
don’t remember the last class
3. During class for the next class -
anticipation is powerful
4. Resurface the need if interest is
waning, motivation sagging etc.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 6: need should be built
according to the audience’s
characteristics and circumstances
As a teacher you need to
know your students
characteristics and
circumstances well.
Age, interests etc. determine
appropriate methods for a
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 7: need building may be
hindered by factors beyond the
teachers control
Be sensitive to other factors which affect
External factors - high temp. Baby crying
- keep trying though
Internal factors - such as an
incompatibility between the need you are
suggesting and their lifestyle
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Maxim 7: need building may be
hindered by factors beyond the
teachers control
Be sensitive to other factors which affect
External factors - high temp. Baby crying
- keep trying though
Internal factors - such as an
incompatibility between the need you are
suggesting and their lifestyle
Tuesday 9 November 2010
Internal factor might be intense or
mild depending upon:
1. How far apart the need you are
building is from their present
2. How intensely and emotionally
you are building the need
3. How rapidly you transitioned
through the 5 stages of need
building (to be discussed in the
next section)
Tuesday 9 November 2010
How do you deal with
Raise the intensity?
Don’t worry about it - it is
their problem.
Stop, meet the pressing
need and return to your
Stop and acknowledge the
tension - then either go on
or stop and meet their
Tuesday 9 November 2010
The teacher should
surface the students’
real need before
teaching the content.
This law is like the role
of advertising in
marketing - adverts
are aimed at making
you buy a product but
they cost a lot of
money to produce.
Tuesday 9 November 2010
The teacher should
surface the students’
real need before
teaching the content.
This law is like the role
of advertising in
marketing - adverts
are aimed at making
you buy a product but
they cost a lot of
money to produce.
Will you pay the price
in your class - in order
to meet the needs of
your students?
Tuesday 9 November 2010
The essence of the Law of
Need is these three words:
“Build the need”
The teacher should build the
need before teaching the
Tuesday 9 November 2010

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Bruce Wilkinson, 7 Laws of the Learner: Law 5a Need

  • 1. The Law of Need Pages 267-306 Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 2. The essence of the Law of Need is these three words: “Build the need” The teacher should build the need before teaching the content Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 3. To catch a fish you must use bait. As a teacher you need to put the bait on the hook - we cannot expect students to put their on bait on or simply be motivated by our good looking hooks. As a teacher I am responsible for making students chase after the content Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 8. Need Mindset Sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach Weakening of the knees Reddening of the face Straining for, stammering with, words Walls pressing in Desperate desire to leave quickly Each day when a teacher thinks: “What’s the point of this” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 9. Need Mindset Sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach Weakening of the knees Reddening of the face Straining for, stammering with, words Walls pressing in Desperate desire to leave quickly Each day when a teacher thinks: “What’s the point of this” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 10. Where do you assign the blame - weather, low student IQ, late in the day? Should you resign, change occupation - or more? Is it a students fault if they are apathetic and bored? Surely it isn’t the teachers fault?! Wilkinson says it is the teachers responsibility to bait the hook Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 11. Consider the example of Jesus - he regularly addressed the needs of his hearers: 1. When the persons needs were obvious he sought to meet them. 2. If the people were out of touch with their needs, Jesus brought them to the surface. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 12. Consider the example of Jesus - he regularly addressed the needs of his hearers: 1. When the persons needs were obvious he sought to meet them. 2. If the people were out of touch with their needs, Jesus brought them to the surface. Jesus taught in response to his students’ needs - he started with his class, not his content. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 13. Teachers can meets personal needs privately and common class needs through appropriate action in class, slanting discussion in a certain way, making comments etc. Most teachers teach in response to the assigned curriculum - the result is that students are [predictably] bored etc. Most teachers are distressed and shocked to find that students are lacking motivation and interest in their class. Should they be? The majority of classes are out of touch with the felt needs of the students and produce predictable results Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 14. What do we do - follow the example of Jesus who faced the same problem. Jesus used 5 steps - seen in John 4:5-30 Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 15. So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water,... Woman comes to get water - she is hot, thirsty and totally uninterested in Jesus. Students come and are not consciously thirsty - but a teacher will cause the student to want to learn, to be interested in seeking the lesson Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 16. Need Model Stimulate felt need Consider “I want this” Stir Curiosity Curiosity “Tell me more” Seize Attention Capture “what’s this?” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 17. Stimulate felt need Consider “I want this” Surface real need Climax “I need this” Satisfy real need Content “I got what I wanted” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 18. Step 1: Seize Attention She is self absorbed - Christ, a stranger, gets her attention, “Give me a drink” The shock is that he spoke with her at all. Capture students attention - joke, one liner, change style - remember that they are not focussed on you Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 19. Take the attention of your students away from whatever is holding it. Attention is immediately drawn to the most vivid stimulus present - so overpower whatever holds your students attention Seize attention, capture attention - students break free and ask “what is this?” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 21. Step 2: Stir Curiosity Attention is fleeting. Lessen dependence on external stimuli - Jesus stirs the woman’s curiosity until she desires her teacher to tell her more. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 22. Step 2: Stir Curiosity Attention is fleeting. Lessen dependence on external stimuli - Jesus stirs the woman’s curiosity until she desires her teacher to tell her more. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 23. The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.) Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 24. Imagine the woman thinking, “What is he talking about?” Jesus baited her three times: 1. God’s gift 2. His identity 3. Living water ...and he did it quickly...and she took the bait Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 25. Living water - “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? Identity - Are you greater than our father Jacob, God’s gift - who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?” Do you think it all happened by chance - or did Jesus build her curiosity and then move in deeper? Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 27. Step 3: Stimulate felt need The woman still isn’t quite with Jesus - so he stimulates her felt need and led her to consider the issues more seriously until she felt, “I want this” Steps 1 and 2 have prepared for this one - curiosity must be quickly linked to felt needs Stimulate felt need Consider “I want this” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 28. Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” She would not have wanted to be out in the midday sun - Jesus picked this up - and teachers have to ‘pick up’ where their students are Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 29. Effective teachers have threaded themselves into the fabric of the students lives and know intuitively where they are. Assuming you introduced things well you now have to involve the interest you created. You have uncovered and cooperated with existing interest. So how, after all this, do you lead students to the subject you have prepared? Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 30. The essence of the Law of Need is these three words: “Build the need” The teacher should build the need before teaching the content Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 31. Step 4: Surface real need Jesus had intended to share the gift of salvation with her - but she is a long way from seeing her need for it. Jesus continues building into her life Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 32. “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” Jesus again doesn’t answer her question - he changes the subject - and she wants to know more Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 33. Indirectly she asks Jesus for more content about worship - he had encouraged her questions and now had surfaced the real need, this is the climax of building and leads the student to feel “I need this” Surface real need Climax “I need this” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 34. Step 5: Satisfy real need Only when the class is in touch with their real need do you satisfy it with the content. At this stage students are happy to have gotten what they wanted. v. 25-26 Jesus withheld the answer until she had the right question - teachers should follow this pattern - start by creating a hunger for content. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 35. Many teachers view this building up stage as a waste of class time - yet Jesus spent more time building the need than teaching the lesson. (In modern preaching this is considered a disposable add on) Jesus met her where she was, then he took responsibility for getting her attention and discussing her needs - Jesus took the responsibility in all of it. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 36. Finally Jesus did not crush her (no comments about husbands etc.) he dealt with her graciously and sensitively. Real needs do not surface easily - they are often tender and need gentleness. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 37. Satisfy real need Content “I got what I wanted” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 38. Need Maxims Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 39. Maxim 1: Need building is the responsibility of the teacher “A great teacher is not simply one who imparts knowledge to his students, but one who awakens their interest and makes them eager to pursue knowledge for themselves. He is a spark plug, not a fuel line” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 40. Great teachers realise they have to awaken interest before teaching content. They inspire and entice their students until the are fully absorbed in the lesson. Most teachers ignore this and lecture their content regardless of the student need or attention. Do you accept your responsibility to bait the hook every time? Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 41. Maxim 2: Need meeting is the teachers primary calling Maxim 1 dealt with building need before you teach - Number 2 deals with meeting needs which are already there. Does your pastor preach what he is interested in, or what he dreams of preaching, or what the people need? Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 42. Maxim 2: Need meeting is the teachers primary calling Maxim 1 dealt with building need before you teach - Number 2 deals with meeting needs which are already there. Does your pastor preach what he is interested in, or what he dreams of preaching, or what the people need? “Teachers and preachers feel that their primary calling is to explain the truth. The only fallacy is that the truth does not have any needs! The Bible does not have a need to be preached or taught. Only our people have needs. The call of the shepherd is to meet the needs of his sheep; the calling of the pastor to meet the needs of his class” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 43. Imagine a person in tears phoning and asking you for help regarding their marriage. You agree. They come over. You have studied the tabernacle all week and gladly start to share this with them. They look puzzled. Then after making comments about “how is this meant to save my marriage” they walk out. You are amazed at such stupid people - they don’t want proper food only milk Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 44. A ridiculous story - but one repeated in many church classes each week. “We have separated the message from those we are called to minister to. We think if we have taught the Bible then we have fulfilled our calling. But the only time we fulfill our calling is when we teach the Bible to the needs of our people” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 45. If our content is to meant to help our audience, then should not our focus always be on what the students need and enable them to walk in obedience to the Lord? All the Bible is inspired but some parts are less important or relevant, to people we teach. We do not teach Romans 9-11 to 5 year olds, or Ezekiel 40-48 to new believers - they are wrong passages for those audiences. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 46. If our content is to meant to help our audience, then should not our focus always be on what the students need and enable them to walk in obedience to the Lord? All the Bible is inspired but some parts are less important or relevant, to people we teach. We do not teach Romans 9-11 to 5 year olds, or Ezekiel 40-48 to new believers - they are wrong passages for those audiences. “Believe it or not the Bible does not have a need to be taught. Only our people have a need to be taught, and it is their real need that should determine our teaching and preaching calendar” Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 47. Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep - do this and sheep grow and reproduce. Paul did not write letters merely because he had something interesting to say - he wrote in response to needs - need then letter; problem then proclamation This pattern is shown through the NT Be wise and discerning in choosing your subject Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 48. Maxim 3: Need building is the teachers main method to motivate students Motivation is a continual problem in class - what is the secret? Provide a need If it is an appropriate on the students respond. Is this hard - Jesus took 116 words with the woman at the well - 100 of them motivating her to seek her saviour. Bait the hook. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 49. Maxim 3: Need building is the teachers main method to motivate students Motivation is a continual problem in class - what is the secret? Provide a need If it is an appropriate on the students respond. Is this hard - Jesus took 116 words with the woman at the well - 100 of them motivating her to seek her saviour. Bait the hook. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 50. Maxim 3: Need building is the teachers main method to motivate students Motivation is a continual problem in class - what is the secret? Provide a need If it is an appropriate on the students respond. Is this hard - Jesus took 116 words with the woman at the well - 100 of them motivating her to seek her saviour. Bait the hook. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 51. The essence of the Law of Need is these three words: “Build the need” The teacher should build the need before teaching the content Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 52. Maxim 4: Need motivates to the degree it is felt by the student How deeply does the student feel the need? Touch their feelings - provide the need in such a way that it is felt - the deeper the feeling, the greater the response - light a fire in the heart of your student Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 53. Wilkinson suggests that there are 7 universal motivators - listed in the next section of maximisers. Don’t think motivation happens by chance - or that you don’t have the charisma to do it. Everyone can learn it. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 54. Maxim 5: need building always precedes new units of content When was the last time your students wanted the answer you were giving them? In witnessing - when did peope sense their need for christ so much that they knew they were going to hell - and you had the answer. Unless your class is dying for the answer, don’t give it to them. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 55. Maxim 5: need building always precedes new units of content When was the last time your students wanted the answer you were giving them? In witnessing - when did peope sense their need for christ so much that they knew they were going to hell - and you had the answer. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 56. 4 Situations where you should build the need: 1. At the beginning of each new series - meaningfully explain the benefits of the classes. 2. At the beginning of each new lesson - refocus the student, they don’t remember the last class anyway! 3. During class for the next class - anticipation is powerful 4. Resurface the need if interest is waning, motivation sagging etc. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 57. Maxim 6: need should be built according to the audience’s characteristics and circumstances As a teacher you need to know your students characteristics and circumstances well. Age, interests etc. determine appropriate methods for a group. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 58. Maxim 7: need building may be hindered by factors beyond the teachers control Be sensitive to other factors which affect students. External factors - high temp. Baby crying - keep trying though Internal factors - such as an incompatibility between the need you are suggesting and their lifestyle Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 59. Maxim 7: need building may be hindered by factors beyond the teachers control Be sensitive to other factors which affect students. External factors - high temp. Baby crying - keep trying though Internal factors - such as an incompatibility between the need you are suggesting and their lifestyle Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 60. Internal factor might be intense or mild depending upon: 1. How far apart the need you are building is from their present conviction 2. How intensely and emotionally you are building the need 3. How rapidly you transitioned through the 5 stages of need building (to be discussed in the next section) Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 61. How do you deal with this? Raise the intensity? Don’t worry about it - it is their problem. Stop, meet the pressing need and return to your lesson Stop and acknowledge the tension - then either go on or stop and meet their need. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 62. Conclusion The teacher should surface the students’ real need before teaching the content. This law is like the role of advertising in marketing - adverts are aimed at making you buy a product but they cost a lot of money to produce. Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 63. Conclusion The teacher should surface the students’ real need before teaching the content. This law is like the role of advertising in marketing - adverts are aimed at making you buy a product but they cost a lot of money to produce. Will you pay the price in your class - in order to meet the needs of your students? Tuesday 9 November 2010
  • 64. The essence of the Law of Need is these three words: “Build the need” The teacher should build the need before teaching the content Tuesday 9 November 2010