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The Law of Application
Pages 135-164
Tuesday 26 October 2010
The essence of the Law of
Application is these four
“Apply for life change”
The teacher should always
teach for the purpose of life
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Like teenagers revving
up their cars for show
whilst not moving
forward at all - much
teaching makes a lot of
‘sound’ whilst producing
no movement.
Teachers get so tied
up in their content
that they forget the
purpose of content
is life change.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Three points, seven principles, alliteration, good
titles, outlines, illustrations are simply content. The
problem is when you look at the life of students
graduating from seminaries and of church
members you see more and more problems:
Drug and alcohol abuse, immorality, divorce,
rebellious children, eating disorders, wrong
priorities - the truth doesn’t seem to get us
This section is about teaching for application - so
that lives are changed.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
An Application Mindset
The prevailing opinion is that we
teach to ‘cover the material’ - all
about content. Students
frequently ask questions about
knowledge - knowing is seen as
the essence of being educated
Should the goal be much deeper
for a Christian teacher?
Wilkinson suggests that no
merely knowledge but also
application is what we should be
interested in.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Application relates to wisdom,
transformation and maturity
If content is “what” application is
“so what”, if content is
“knowing” application is “doing”
All Scripture is God-breathed and
is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the man
of God may be thoroughly
equipped for every good work.
[NASB complete, equipped]
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Application Model
Taking 2 Tim 3:16-17 a little further and
developing the application model
Tuesday 26 October 2010
All Scripture is God-breathed and is
useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the man of
God may be thoroughly equipped for
every good work.
NASB: Doctrine, Correction,
Instructing in righteousness, Reproof
Tuesday 26 October 2010
The Resource: God’s Inspired
Revelation for Believers
The Bible is the Word of God - inspired by Him -
it is the standard by which we measure all of life
and all of learning.
The Scriptures are the primary resource for the
Christian teacher to develop complete,
equipped students
Tuesday 26 October 2010
The Methodology: How to
apply the Bible to the Believer
How do you teach the Bible so that the man of
God may be changed, equipped and made
complete? There are 4 methods in 2 Tim 3:16-17
- two relate primarily to belief (teaching and
correction), and two to behaviour (instructing
and reproof)
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Teaching - doctrine
Didaskalian That which is to be learned, kept
pure, defended against heresies. Often
involves explaining and showing truths to
Also 1 Tim 4:13, 16
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Teaching - doctrine
Didaskalian That which is to be learned, kept
pure, defended against heresies. Often
involves explaining and showing truths to
Also 1 Tim 4:13, 16
explains the
truth - it is
positive side of
what you believe
Tuesday 26 October 2010
epanorthosin made of 3
words meaning ‘to make
straight again’. Its goal is
to set right, raise up those
who fall, correct those in
error. Only place found in
NT. Means to correct false
doctrines or beliefs one
may hold in error
Tuesday 26 October 2010
epanorthosin made of 3
words meaning ‘to make
straight again’. Its goal is
to set right, raise up those
who fall, correct those in
error. Only place found in
NT. Means to correct false
doctrines or beliefs one
may hold in error
Correction is the
opposite of
doctrine - what
you believe is
not in line with
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Instruction in righteousness
paideian - upbringing, child
training. Emphasis on guiding
believers in the way of God
including chastening and
“The whole training and
education of
children...cultivation of mind,
morals, commands,
admonitions, punishment etc.”
Eph 6:4, Heb 12:5, 8
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Reproof - Rebuking
elegmos - conviction
or punishment of a
A rebuke to a person in
sin, or convincing a
man of his error and
setting on the right
path. Only time used in
the NT.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Reproof - Rebuking
elegmos - conviction
or punishment of a
A rebuke to a person in
sin, or convincing a
man of his error and
setting on the right
path. Only time used in
the NT.
Instruction(+ve) and
reproof(-ve) relate to
behaviour - instruction trains
you how to live for Christ on
a daily basis, reproof stops
you acting in wrong ways
and tries to bring you back
in line with Christ
Tuesday 26 October 2010
As the Bible is given for life change the books of
the Bible fit into these four methods of
application - they are universal. E.g.
1 Cor = reproof
Rom 1-11 = doctrine
Php = instruction in righteousness
Gal = correction
Even within these we see that the WOG is for life
change - to make us more like change
Most teachers aim for understanding and
wonder why life change does not take place.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
The Result: Mature and
Equipped Christians
...that the man of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Complete = artios - fit, complete, sufficient, able
to meet all demands. This usually relates to
character - who you are. You should be
transformed to look like Jesus
Tuesday 26 October 2010
The Result: Mature and
Equipped Christians
...that the man of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Complete = artios - fit, complete, sufficient, able
to meet all demands. This usually relates to
character - who you are. You should be
transformed to look like Jesus
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Thoroughly equipped = exertismenos - related
to the same root word as artios, meaning
completely outfitted, fully furnished, fully
equipped - for what? - every good work - the
conduct of a believer is appropriate in serving
the Lord
We have the bible to change our character, who
I am - and our conduct, what I do
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Word of God
Given by God
Inspired by God
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Word of God
Given by God
Inspired by God
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Method Result
Man of God
Character :
who he is
Conduct: what
he does
Word of God
Given by God
Inspired by God
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Wilkinson says that this truth has changed his
life - the fact that you never simply teach a
passage by explaining, but you have to have
application. Learning and implementing the
following teaching has given him great joy in
seeing lasting life change in the lives of
Tuesday 26 October 2010
The essence of the Law of
Application is these four
“Apply for life change”
The teacher should always
teach for the purpose of life
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Application Maxims
Tuesday 26 October 2010
“The Bible was not given
to increase our knowledge
but to change our lives”
DL Moody
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Maxim 1: Application is the central
reason for God’s revelation
When you stand before God in heaven will he
test you on the books of the Bible - in correct
Do your Sunday school teachers simply tell
Bible stories to the children?
Do they teach children how to become like the
characters they read of?
What will God be interested in when you stand
before him?
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Maxim 1: Application is the central
reason for God’s revelation
When you stand before God in heaven will he
test you on the books of the Bible - in correct
Do your Sunday school teachers simply tell
Bible stories to the children?
Do they teach children how to become like the
characters they read of?
What will God be interested in when you stand
before him?
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Maxim 1: Application is the central
reason for God’s revelation
When you stand before God in heaven will he
test you on the books of the Bible - in correct
Do your Sunday school teachers simply tell
Bible stories to the children?
Do they teach children how to become like the
characters they read of?
What will God be interested in when you stand
before him?
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Maxim 2: application is the
responsibility of the teacher
As the Bible is given by God for
application it has to be the
teachers responsibility to
honour and fulfill that purpose.
Content teacher covers and
explains the facts - application
teacher applies facts for a
lasting life change in students
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Col 1:28-29 We proclaim him,
admonishing and teaching
everyone with all wisdom, so
that we may present
everyone perfect in Christ.
29To this end I labor, struggling
with all his energy, which so
powerfully works in me.
Matt 28:18-20 - teach them to
When you teach are you an
informer or a transformer?
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Maxim 3: application and
information should be balanced
If you want application when you teach how
much time should be devoted to it?
Wilkinson suggests on average 90% (or even
95%) of sermon time is devoted to content.
He looked at famous preachers - Charles
Swindoll, Hendricks, Charles Stanley all of
whom had over 50% application.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Tuesday 26 October 2010
He looked at church history -
Moody, Edwards, Finney,
Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all
had 45-47% application.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
He looked at church history -
Moody, Edwards, Finney,
Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all
had 45-47% application.
He looked at the epistles as a
form of sermon - what of
Tuesday 26 October 2010
He looked at church history -
Moody, Edwards, Finney,
Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all
had 45-47% application.
He looked at the epistles as a
form of sermon - what of
Chapter 1-5 content
Tuesday 26 October 2010
He looked at church history -
Moody, Edwards, Finney,
Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all
had 45-47% application.
He looked at the epistles as a
form of sermon - what of
Chapter 1-5 content
Chapters 6-8 application
Tuesday 26 October 2010
He looked at church history -
Moody, Edwards, Finney,
Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all
had 45-47% application.
He looked at the epistles as a
form of sermon - what of
Chapter 1-5 content
Chapters 6-8 application
Chapters 10-11 content
Tuesday 26 October 2010
He looked at church history -
Moody, Edwards, Finney,
Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all
had 45-47% application.
He looked at the epistles as a
form of sermon - what of
Chapter 1-5 content
Chapters 6-8 application
Chapters 10-11 content
Chapters 12-16 application
Tuesday 26 October 2010
He looked at church history -
Moody, Edwards, Finney,
Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all
had 45-47% application.
He looked at the epistles as a
form of sermon - what of
Chapter 1-5 content
Chapters 6-8 application
Chapters 10-11 content
Chapters 12-16 application
Tuesday 26 October 2010
He looked at church history -
Moody, Edwards, Finney,
Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all
had 45-47% application.
He looked at the epistles as a
form of sermon - what of
Chapter 1-5 content
Chapters 6-8 application
Chapters 10-11 content
Chapters 12-16 application
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Chapters 1-3 doctrine
Chapters 4-6 application
James 80% application
1 Peter >60% application
Matt 5-7 65% application
Tuesday 26 October 2010
So will you aim to teach with an appropriate
balance of application and content - maybe 50:50?
Note this is not a law simply a guiding principle -
the aim should be for balance
Tuesday 26 October 2010
So will you aim to teach with an appropriate
balance of application and content - maybe 50:50?
Note this is not a law simply a guiding principle -
the aim should be for balance
Remember though
if you want to
teach like Jesus
application needs
to be over 60%
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Maxim 4: application focusses
Scripture on the students’ needs
How do you know where to focus your
[This is discussed fully in the Law of the Need -
law 5]
Application has to be appropriate for the
audience - consider, age, purpose of speaking.
If content is primary its needs are most
important - if application then students needs
are most important.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Maxim 5: application has
maximum influence when the
student sees its biblical basis
There needs to be a witness of “God says this”
for good application. It needs the Bibles
authority in, underneath, around and behind it.
Application asks, “What does God say you
should do” - it is not the voice of a man.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Let people encounter God
in His Word - not think our
words, our illustrations, our
ideas are enough.
[After all we are convinced
of the power of the WOG]
Tell the people what God
has commanded.
Our students need to be
convinced they have heard
form God not from a man.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
The essence of the Law of
Application is these four
“Apply for life change”
The teacher should always
teach for the purpose of life
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Maxim 6: application that has
impacted the teacher tends to
impact the student
The teacher is the
intermediary of the message
- standing between the
people and God - “the
teacher of God is the living
link between the Word of
God and the people of God”
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Teachers do not improve Scripture - they simply
communicate it.
However there is a danger of the teacher blocking
communication of the WOG:
1. The character of the communicator - if the
teacher does not have integrity you are phony -
and the people will hear a ‘dull’ message.
Who you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear
what you say.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
2. The conduct of the communicator - if
they are guilty of carnal behaviour, they are
sinning - this quenches the Spirit of God,
and the spirit of the people hearing the
3. The communication of the teacher -
poor delivery diminishes a message.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
4. The degree of change in the life of the
communicator due to their obedience to the WOG
- this can liberate or limit the power of the truth in
the lives of people. Truth that has transformed a
teacher is more likely to have the same effect on
the students.
Do you practice what you preach?
Do you live the truth?
Rom 15:8 -
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Character is God’s major prerequisite for
communicating His content - what and how is
important, but who is of greatest importance.
3 practical steps to ensure you have lived the truth
you teach.
[There is an old adage of many things being caught
not taught]
Tuesday 26 October 2010
1. Prepare your lessons during the
whole week before you teach
Forget the late night,
last minute
preparation - give God
ample time to work in
us and to work
through us.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
2. Ask the Lord to apply the specific
truth you are going to teach to your
own life during the week
It needs to be real to you -
we need to teach in our own
lives first. Then you can
teach out of your own life -
look at Paul’s amazing
example here, Php 3:17,
Titus 2:7-8.
Life & Lips in harmony!
Tuesday 26 October 2010
3. Communicate with all of your mind,
will and emotions the applications the
Lord has taught you from the Bible
Content from Scripture - communication from
your life. Communicate it with passion and
“Break free from the bondage of ‘thinking only’
approach to teaching. Involve all of your life to
touch their lives. Laugh, weep, mourn, rejoice.
Be fully human when you teach”.
Christ came to reach the whole man - not only
one part
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Maxim 7: application must ultimately
lead the student from studying the
Bible to obeying the Lord
This requires two major
1. Lead them from
studying to obeying.
2. Change their focus
from the Bible to the
Tuesday 26 October 2010
Ultimately Christianity is
not facts or theology - it is
a relationship with the Lord.
Students must move
beyond truth to the one
who is Truth. Each week
we should meet the Lord
afresh as we study.
Tuesday 26 October 2010
“Somehow we have settled for dead
sacrifices rather than the living
Saviour. Isn’t that at least one reason
why we have such masses of
Christians who languish week after
week hoping that somehow, someone
will arise to call down fire from the
Bruce Wilkinson, page 161
Tuesday 26 October 2010
The essence of the Law of
Application is these four
“Apply for life change”
The teacher should always
teach for the purpose of life
Tuesday 26 October 2010

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Bruce Wilkinson 7 Laws of the Learner: Law 3 Application

  • 1. The Law of Application Pages 135-164 Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 2. The essence of the Law of Application is these four words: “Apply for life change” The teacher should always teach for the purpose of life change Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 3. Like teenagers revving up their cars for show whilst not moving forward at all - much teaching makes a lot of ‘sound’ whilst producing no movement. Teachers get so tied up in their content that they forget the purpose of content is life change. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 4. Three points, seven principles, alliteration, good titles, outlines, illustrations are simply content. The problem is when you look at the life of students graduating from seminaries and of church members you see more and more problems: Drug and alcohol abuse, immorality, divorce, rebellious children, eating disorders, wrong priorities - the truth doesn’t seem to get us anywhere. This section is about teaching for application - so that lives are changed. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 5. An Application Mindset The prevailing opinion is that we teach to ‘cover the material’ - all about content. Students frequently ask questions about knowledge - knowing is seen as the essence of being educated Should the goal be much deeper for a Christian teacher? Wilkinson suggests that no merely knowledge but also application is what we should be interested in. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 6. Application relates to wisdom, transformation and maturity If content is “what” application is “so what”, if content is “knowing” application is “doing” All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. [NASB complete, equipped] Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 7. Application Model Taking 2 Tim 3:16-17 a little further and developing the application model Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 8. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. NASB: Doctrine, Correction, Instructing in righteousness, Reproof Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 9. The Resource: God’s Inspired Revelation for Believers The Bible is the Word of God - inspired by Him - it is the standard by which we measure all of life and all of learning. The Scriptures are the primary resource for the Christian teacher to develop complete, equipped students Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 10. The Methodology: How to apply the Bible to the Believer How do you teach the Bible so that the man of God may be changed, equipped and made complete? There are 4 methods in 2 Tim 3:16-17 - two relate primarily to belief (teaching and correction), and two to behaviour (instructing and reproof) Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 11. Teaching - doctrine Didaskalian That which is to be learned, kept pure, defended against heresies. Often involves explaining and showing truths to believe. Also 1 Tim 4:13, 16 Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 12. Teaching - doctrine Didaskalian That which is to be learned, kept pure, defended against heresies. Often involves explaining and showing truths to believe. Also 1 Tim 4:13, 16 Doctrine explains the truth - it is positive side of what you believe Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 13. Correction epanorthosin made of 3 words meaning ‘to make straight again’. Its goal is to set right, raise up those who fall, correct those in error. Only place found in NT. Means to correct false doctrines or beliefs one may hold in error Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 14. Correction epanorthosin made of 3 words meaning ‘to make straight again’. Its goal is to set right, raise up those who fall, correct those in error. Only place found in NT. Means to correct false doctrines or beliefs one may hold in error Correction is the opposite of doctrine - what you believe is not in line with Scripture Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 15. Instruction in righteousness paideian - upbringing, child training. Emphasis on guiding believers in the way of God including chastening and discipline. “The whole training and education of children...cultivation of mind, morals, commands, admonitions, punishment etc.” Eph 6:4, Heb 12:5, 8 Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 16. Reproof - Rebuking elegmos - conviction or punishment of a sinner. A rebuke to a person in sin, or convincing a man of his error and setting on the right path. Only time used in the NT. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 17. Reproof - Rebuking elegmos - conviction or punishment of a sinner. A rebuke to a person in sin, or convincing a man of his error and setting on the right path. Only time used in the NT. Instruction(+ve) and reproof(-ve) relate to behaviour - instruction trains you how to live for Christ on a daily basis, reproof stops you acting in wrong ways and tries to bring you back in line with Christ Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 18. As the Bible is given for life change the books of the Bible fit into these four methods of application - they are universal. E.g. 1 Cor = reproof Rom 1-11 = doctrine Php = instruction in righteousness Gal = correction Even within these we see that the WOG is for life change - to make us more like change Most teachers aim for understanding and wonder why life change does not take place. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 19. The Result: Mature and Equipped Christians ...that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. Complete = artios - fit, complete, sufficient, able to meet all demands. This usually relates to character - who you are. You should be transformed to look like Jesus Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 20. The Result: Mature and Equipped Christians ...that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. Complete = artios - fit, complete, sufficient, able to meet all demands. This usually relates to character - who you are. You should be transformed to look like Jesus Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 21. Thoroughly equipped = exertismenos - related to the same root word as artios, meaning completely outfitted, fully furnished, fully equipped - for what? - every good work - the conduct of a believer is appropriate in serving the Lord We have the bible to change our character, who I am - and our conduct, what I do Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 22. Word of God Given by God Inspired by God Belief Behaviour Resource Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 23. Method Word of God Given by God Inspired by God instruction reproof doctrine correction Belief Behaviour Resource Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 24. Method Result Man of God Character : who he is Conduct: what he does Word of God Given by God Inspired by God instruction reproof doctrine correction Belief Behaviour Resource Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 25. Wilkinson says that this truth has changed his life - the fact that you never simply teach a passage by explaining, but you have to have application. Learning and implementing the following teaching has given him great joy in seeing lasting life change in the lives of students. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 26. The essence of the Law of Application is these four words: “Apply for life change” The teacher should always teach for the purpose of life change Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 28. “The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge but to change our lives” DL Moody Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 29. Maxim 1: Application is the central reason for God’s revelation When you stand before God in heaven will he test you on the books of the Bible - in correct order? Do your Sunday school teachers simply tell Bible stories to the children? Do they teach children how to become like the characters they read of? What will God be interested in when you stand before him? Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 30. Maxim 1: Application is the central reason for God’s revelation When you stand before God in heaven will he test you on the books of the Bible - in correct order? Do your Sunday school teachers simply tell Bible stories to the children? Do they teach children how to become like the characters they read of? What will God be interested in when you stand before him? Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 31. Maxim 1: Application is the central reason for God’s revelation When you stand before God in heaven will he test you on the books of the Bible - in correct order? Do your Sunday school teachers simply tell Bible stories to the children? Do they teach children how to become like the characters they read of? What will God be interested in when you stand before him? Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 32. Maxim 2: application is the responsibility of the teacher As the Bible is given by God for application it has to be the teachers responsibility to honour and fulfill that purpose. Content teacher covers and explains the facts - application teacher applies facts for a lasting life change in students Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 33. Col 1:28-29 We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. 29To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me. Matt 28:18-20 - teach them to do... When you teach are you an informer or a transformer? Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 34. Maxim 3: application and information should be balanced If you want application when you teach how much time should be devoted to it? Wilkinson suggests on average 90% (or even 95%) of sermon time is devoted to content. He looked at famous preachers - Charles Swindoll, Hendricks, Charles Stanley all of whom had over 50% application. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 36. He looked at church history - Moody, Edwards, Finney, Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all had 45-47% application. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 37. He looked at church history - Moody, Edwards, Finney, Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all had 45-47% application. He looked at the epistles as a form of sermon - what of Romans: Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 38. He looked at church history - Moody, Edwards, Finney, Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all had 45-47% application. He looked at the epistles as a form of sermon - what of Romans: Chapter 1-5 content Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 39. He looked at church history - Moody, Edwards, Finney, Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all had 45-47% application. He looked at the epistles as a form of sermon - what of Romans: Chapter 1-5 content Chapters 6-8 application Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 40. He looked at church history - Moody, Edwards, Finney, Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all had 45-47% application. He looked at the epistles as a form of sermon - what of Romans: Chapter 1-5 content Chapters 6-8 application Chapters 10-11 content Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 41. He looked at church history - Moody, Edwards, Finney, Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all had 45-47% application. He looked at the epistles as a form of sermon - what of Romans: Chapter 1-5 content Chapters 6-8 application Chapters 10-11 content Chapters 12-16 application Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 42. He looked at church history - Moody, Edwards, Finney, Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all had 45-47% application. He looked at the epistles as a form of sermon - what of Romans: Chapter 1-5 content Chapters 6-8 application Chapters 10-11 content Chapters 12-16 application Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 43. He looked at church history - Moody, Edwards, Finney, Spurgeon, Wesley, Tozer - all had 45-47% application. He looked at the epistles as a form of sermon - what of Romans: Chapter 1-5 content Chapters 6-8 application Chapters 10-11 content Chapters 12-16 application Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 44. Ephesians: Chapters 1-3 doctrine Chapters 4-6 application James 80% application 1 Peter >60% application Matt 5-7 65% application Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 45. So will you aim to teach with an appropriate balance of application and content - maybe 50:50? Note this is not a law simply a guiding principle - the aim should be for balance Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 46. So will you aim to teach with an appropriate balance of application and content - maybe 50:50? Note this is not a law simply a guiding principle - the aim should be for balance Remember though if you want to teach like Jesus application needs to be over 60% Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 47. Maxim 4: application focusses Scripture on the students’ needs How do you know where to focus your application? [This is discussed fully in the Law of the Need - law 5] Application has to be appropriate for the audience - consider, age, purpose of speaking. If content is primary its needs are most important - if application then students needs are most important. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 48. Maxim 5: application has maximum influence when the student sees its biblical basis There needs to be a witness of “God says this” for good application. It needs the Bibles authority in, underneath, around and behind it. Application asks, “What does God say you should do” - it is not the voice of a man. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 49. Let people encounter God in His Word - not think our words, our illustrations, our ideas are enough. [After all we are convinced of the power of the WOG] Tell the people what God has commanded. Our students need to be convinced they have heard form God not from a man. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 50. The essence of the Law of Application is these four words: “Apply for life change” The teacher should always teach for the purpose of life change Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 51. Maxim 6: application that has impacted the teacher tends to impact the student The teacher is the intermediary of the message - standing between the people and God - “the teacher of God is the living link between the Word of God and the people of God” Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 52. Teachers do not improve Scripture - they simply communicate it. However there is a danger of the teacher blocking communication of the WOG: 1. The character of the communicator - if the teacher does not have integrity you are phony - and the people will hear a ‘dull’ message. Who you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 53. 2. The conduct of the communicator - if they are guilty of carnal behaviour, they are sinning - this quenches the Spirit of God, and the spirit of the people hearing the message. 3. The communication of the teacher - poor delivery diminishes a message. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 54. 4. The degree of change in the life of the communicator due to their obedience to the WOG - this can liberate or limit the power of the truth in the lives of people. Truth that has transformed a teacher is more likely to have the same effect on the students. Do you practice what you preach? Do you live the truth? Rom 15:8 - Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 55. Character is God’s major prerequisite for communicating His content - what and how is important, but who is of greatest importance. 3 practical steps to ensure you have lived the truth you teach. [There is an old adage of many things being caught not taught] Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 56. 1. Prepare your lessons during the whole week before you teach Forget the late night, last minute preparation - give God ample time to work in us and to work through us. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 57. 2. Ask the Lord to apply the specific truth you are going to teach to your own life during the week It needs to be real to you - we need to teach in our own lives first. Then you can teach out of your own life - look at Paul’s amazing example here, Php 3:17, Titus 2:7-8. Life & Lips in harmony! Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 58. 3. Communicate with all of your mind, will and emotions the applications the Lord has taught you from the Bible Content from Scripture - communication from your life. Communicate it with passion and fervency. “Break free from the bondage of ‘thinking only’ approach to teaching. Involve all of your life to touch their lives. Laugh, weep, mourn, rejoice. Be fully human when you teach”. Christ came to reach the whole man - not only one part Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 59. Maxim 7: application must ultimately lead the student from studying the Bible to obeying the Lord This requires two major transitions. 1. Lead them from studying to obeying. 2. Change their focus from the Bible to the Lord. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 60. Ultimately Christianity is not facts or theology - it is a relationship with the Lord. Students must move beyond truth to the one who is Truth. Each week we should meet the Lord afresh as we study. Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 61. “Somehow we have settled for dead sacrifices rather than the living Saviour. Isn’t that at least one reason why we have such masses of Christians who languish week after week hoping that somehow, someone will arise to call down fire from the heavens?” Bruce Wilkinson, page 161 Tuesday 26 October 2010
  • 62. The essence of the Law of Application is these four words: “Apply for life change” The teacher should always teach for the purpose of life change Tuesday 26 October 2010