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Introduction to
Christian Education
Contacting me:
Richard Chamberlain
    +91 94340 89987
Visit my house or office
You must...
•   Ask questions
•   Disagree with me
•   Be involved - silence is not allowed
•   Do the work that is assigned
•   NOT be late
•   Never call me sir!
Tell me your name and
the ‘best’ book you have
      read this year
What different
methods of teaching
can you think of?

Which do you find
personally most helpful -

  MULTIPLE             TEACHING               TEACHING              INSTRUCTIONAL
  Linguistic/   Lectures, discussions,    Books, tape             Read about it, write
    verbal      word games,               recorders,              about it, talk about
                storytelling, choral      typewriters, stamp      it, listen to it
                reading, Journal          sets, books on
                writing, etc.             tape, etc.
  Logical/      Brain teasers, problem    Calculators, math       Quantify it, think
mathematical    solving, science          manipulatives,          critically about it,
                experiments, mental       science equipment,      conceptualize it,
                calculations, number      math games, etc.        chart it, graph it,
                games, critical                                   formulate it
                thinking, etc.
  Spatial/      Visual presentations,     Graphs, maps,           See it, draw it,
   visual       art activities,           video, LEGO sets,       visualize it, color it,
                imagination games,        art materials,          mind-map it,
                mind-mapping,             optical illusions,      PowerPoint it,
                metaphors,                cameras, picture        illustrate it.
                visualizations, etc.      library, etc.
   Bodily/      Hands-on learning,        Building tools, clay,   Build it, act it out,
 kinesthetic    drama, dance, sports      sports equipment,       touch it, dance it,
                that teach, tactile       manipulatives,          tap it, role play it
                activities, relaxation,   tactile learning
                exercises, etc.           resources, etc.
kinesthetic     drama, dance, sports      sports equipment,      touch it, dance it,
                 that teach, tactile       manipulatives,         tap it, role play it
                 activities, relaxation,   tactile learning
                 exercises, etc.           resources, etc.
  Musical/       Super-learning,           Tape recorders,        Sing it, rap it, listen
  rhythmic       rapping, songs that       tape collections,      to it, tap it, music
                 teach, etc.               musical                video it
                                           instruments, etc.
Interpersonal/ Cooperative learning,       Board games,           Teach it,
    social     peer tutoring,              party supplies,        collaborate on it,
               community                   props for role         interact with
               involvement, social         plays, etc.            respect to it,
               gatherings,                                        discuss it, role play
               simulations, etc.                                  it
Intrapersonal/ Individualized              Self-checking          Connect it to your
  reflective   instruction,                materials, journals,   personal life, make
               independent study,          materials for          choices with regard
               options in courses of       projects, etc.         to it, meditate on it,
               study, self-esteem                                 reflect on it
               building, etc.
  Naturalist   Things that related to      Outdoor meetings,      Visit it, touch it,
               the outdoors, plants,       pictures, photos,      build it, watch it,
               animals, nature.            video, PowerPoint      hike it, camp it,
                                                                  fieldtrip it
Select a story about
    Jesus and in 1
minute (2 max.) tell
 it dramatically to
       the class
What are we going
   to learn?
2 Sections
1. Principles of
2. Teaching to
Change Lives
2. Teaching to
Change Lives
Course Description
This course focuses on how to teach in ways
that result in life-change.
Topics include the importance of personal
development, learning styles, active learning,
communication, addressing emotions, and
creative assignments.
Course Design Comments
This course is designed to equip church
starters, pastors, and leaders with Bible
knowledge, Christian character, servant
leadership, and teaching experience with the
goal of life-change.
It addresses the diverse learning styles of adults
through a variety of activities and assignments.
Main Sections - Teaching to Change Lives
The law of the Teacher – stop
growing today, and you stop teaching
The law of Education – how people
learn determines how you teach.
The law of Activity – maximum
learning is always the result of maximum
The law of Communication – to
truly impart information requires the
building of bridge.
The law of the Heart – teaching
that impacts is not head to head, but
heart to heart.
The law of Encouragement –
teaching tends to be most effective when
the learner is properly motivated .
The law of Readiness – the teaching-
learning process will be most effective
when both student and teacher are
adequately prepared.
The Law of the
     Pages 17-36
If you stop
 growing today,
You stop teaching
If you stop growing
  You should stop
teaching tomorrow
If you stop growing
 You stop teaching
   (you teach from the
   overflow of your life)
•Some try substituting
personality or methodology
To paraphrase this principle:
•You cannot communicate
out of a vacuum
•You cannot impart what you
do not possess
•If you don’t truly know it -
you can’t give it
•You, the teacher, have
to primarily be a
•You have to grow -
to change - to develop
understanding and
new insights
•You have not ‘arrived’
But grow in the grace
and knowledge of our
Lord and Saviour Jesus

        2 Peter 3:18
Continually ask yourself
    the question,

“How can I improve?”
As a teacher are there
  areas should you be
continually growing in?
Hendricks cites a
   college professor
 who was ‘always’ at
   his desk studying.
  The professor told
 “I would rather have
   my students drink
from a running stream
than a stagnant pond”
Hendricks cites a
   college professor
 who was ‘always’ at
   his desk studying.
  The professor told
 “I would rather have
   my students drink
from a running stream
than a stagnant pond”
“Everyone who is fully
trained will be like his
         Luke 6:40b
•Does that motivate you to change?
   What does motivate you to change?
•If you want to minister to others first
you have to let God minister in you
•“Human personality is the vehicle of
effective teaching” (p. 19)
The Search for Teachers
•What ‘qualifications’ would you look
for in a teacher for Sunday school?
•Would they be different for a teacher
during the main Sunday church service?
•What of a cottage prayer (home
group) meeting leader?
•Faithful - in what they have done
•Available - no need for arm twisting
•Teachable - willing to learn
Their knowledge is not the first
Most people need building up in order
to take on a teaching role
Bad ways to select a Sunday School
•Begging for help - because no-one
has volunteered even after other appeals
•Arm Twisting - e.g. making it sound
so easy (just read the material)
•Last minute desperation - take /
grab anyone
Making Change
•How have you changed (+ve) - in the
last week, month, year? Be very specific
•Frontiers, questions, interests, mental
•You can’t teach an old dog new tricks -
thankfully you are not old, a dog, or
learning tricks
“Effective teaching comes
only through changed
people - the more you
change the more you
become an instrument of
change in the lives of
others. If you want to
become an agent of
change, you must also
change.” (p21)
“Forgetting what is
behind and straining
toward what is ahead, I
press on to win the
prize for which God
has called me
heavenward in Christ
Philippians 3:13-14
Near the end of Paul’s life
Correctly related to the past - not overly
enamoured or defeated by failures
Learn from the past - don’t live in it
Press on in the present - don’t relax or sit
The Sluggard
The Sluggard
Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider
its ways and be wise!
Proverbs 6:9 How long will you lie there, you
sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?
Proverbs 10:26 As vinegar to the teeth and
smoke to the eyes, so is a sluggard to those who
send him.
Proverbs 13:4 The sluggard craves and gets
nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully
Proverbs 15:19 The way of the sluggard is blocked
with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway.
Proverbs 19:24 The sluggard buries his hand in the
dish; he will not even bring it back to his mouth!
Proverbs 20:4 A sluggard does not plow in season;
so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.
Proverbs 21:25 The sluggard's craving will be the
death of him, because his hands refuse to work.
Proverbs 22:13 The sluggard says, "There is a lion
outside!" or, "I will be murdered in the streets!"
Proverbs 24:30 I went past the field of the
sluggard, past the vineyard of the man who lacks
Proverbs 26:13 The sluggard says, "There is a
lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets!"
Proverbs 26:14-16 As a door turns on its hinges,
so a sluggard turns on his bed.
The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is too
lazy to bring it back to his mouth.
The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven
men who answer discreetly.
The Sluggard

Adapted from an original by Justin Taylor.
The sluggard in Proverbs is a figure of tragi-
comedy, with his sheer animal laziness (he
is more than anchored to his bed: he is
hinged to it, 26:14), his preposterous
excuses (“there is a lion outside!” 26:13;
22:13) and his final helplessness.
(1) He will not begin things

When we ask him (6:9, 10) “How long?”
“When…?”, we are being too definite for
him. He doesn’t know. All he knows is his
delicious drowsiness; all he asks is a little
respite: “a little…a little…a little…”. He
does not commit himself to a refusal, but
deceives himself by the smallness of his
surrenders. So, by inches and minutes, his
opportunity slips away.
(2) He will not finish things

The rare effort of beginning has been too
much; the impulse dies. So his quarry goes
bad on him (12:27) and his meal goes cold
on him (19:24; 26:15).
(3) He will not face things

He comes to believe his own excuses
(perhaps there is a lion out there, 22:13),
and to rationalize his laziness; for he is
“wiser in his own conceit than seven men
that can render a reason” (26:16). Because
he makes a habit of the soft choice (he “will
not plow by reason of the cold,” 20:4) his
character suffers as much as his business,
so that he is implied in 15:19 to be
fundamentally dishonest…
(4) Consequently he is restless

 Consequently he is restless (13:4; 21:25, 26)
 with unsatisfied desire; helpless in face of
 the tangle of his affairs, which are like a
 “hedge of thorns” (15:19); and useless—
 expensively (18:9) and exasperatingly
 (10:26)—to any who must employ him. . . .
The wise man will learn while there
is time. He knows that the sluggard
is no freak, but, as often as not, an
ordinary man who has made too
many excuses, too many refusals
and too many postponements. It
has all been as imperceptible, and as
pleasant, as falling asleep.
Are you a sluggard?
Assignment 1
You will be assigned one of the following
quotes to present a short paper on (250
words +/- 20%)

 You are required to write a
 paper critiquing the quote -
do you agree or disagree with
            it, why?
Due date: Tuesday August 10th

•Late submissions will incur a deduction of
10% of your mark for each day late
•This will count for 10% of your mark for
this course
•The paper should be typed as per college
Taken from Teaching to
    Change Lives
Quote 1
“In the search for good teachers, I always
look for FAT people - those who are
Faithful, Available, and Teachable.”
(p. 20)
Quote 2
“...effective teaching comes only through
a changed person. The more you change,
the more you become an instrument of
change in the lives of others. If you want
to become an agent of change, you also
must change.”
(p. 21)
Quote 3
“The two factors that will influence you
the most in the years ahead are the
books you read and the people you’re
(p. 27)
Quote 4
“Experience does not necessarily make
you better; in fact it tends to make you
worse, unless it’s evaluated experience.
The good teacher’s greatest threat is
satisfaction - the failure to keep asking,
‘How can I improve’.”
(p. 35)
Growth: the Larger Picture

Jesus is described in Lk 2:52
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and
in favor with God and men.
4 areas of growth - not simply spiritual
Wisdom what is it?
Wisdom what is it?

In the Biblical sense, wisdom is the
"ability to judge correctly and to follow the
best course of action, based on knowledge
             and understanding"
True wisdom is always consistent with
the two great wisdom themes of the
Bible: reverence to God, our Creator, and
respect for all persons, everywhere.
You should be growing;
as well as spiritually
Don’t spend time comparing yourself to
others - growth is individual and is
affected by many factors
“Lord, how am I doing?”
e.g. Values and habits;
some should be retained
some should be refined
some should be rejected
Simply make sure you are in the process
Make sure you are not succeeding
   at doing the wrong things
Your Intellectual Dimension

Hendricks suggests
3 ways to grow
1. Maintain a Consistent Study
   and Reading Programme
If you find reading alone doesn’t change
or contribute - try reading and then
reflecting on it - adjust the time so it is
50% reading 50% reflection
Read people - they are
When you are with
someone significant:
Keep your mouth shut
except to ask penetrating
Pick peoples brains, take
advantage of what they
know or have experienced
Edgar Watson Howe
once Joked, “No Man
would listen to you talk
if he didn’t know it was
his turn next.”
Understand the
incredible value of
becoming a good
Reading and Preaching

Quotes taken from John Stott’s ‘I Believe in
“None will ever be a good minister of
the Word of God unless he is first of all
a good scholar.” 
                                John Calvin
“He who has
ceased to learn has
ceased to teach. 
He who no longer
sows in the study
will no more reap
in the pulpit.”
  Charles Spurgeon
“The preacher’s life must be a life of large
accumulation…..He must not be always trying
to make sermons, but always seeking truth, and
out of the truth which he has won the sermons
will make themselves….Here is the need of
broad and generous culture.  Learn to study for
the sake of truth,  learn to think for the profit
and the joy of thinking.  Then your sermons
shall be like the leaping of a fountain, and not
like the pumping of a pump.”
                              Phillips Brooks
“If I had only three years to serve
the Lord, I would spend two of
them studying and preparing.”
           Donald Grey Barnhouse
2. Enroll in Continuing
     Education Courses

Courses to improve not only content
but skill.
Most important is your own personal
Bible study programme - you need a
strong input of the Word of God
“Many of us who are “under” the
Word of God are not “in” it for
ourselves - getting into it and letting it
get into us”
                      Hendricks (p. 27)
The impact of the teaching ministry
can be immense:

                      2 Timothy 2:2
It is a ministry of multiplication -
passed on from generation to
3. Get to know your students

Become an authority on the needs and
characteristics of their age group - then
go beyond that and study your students
individually, find out as much as possible
about them.
Pray for your students in specific (not
general) ways.
Be careful never to label a student
Do not base your opinion of them on
one observation or comment
Beware of having favourites
Beware of forming a negative opinion
based on energy levels of the child or
difficulties they cause you
Your Physical Dimension

Are there areas
of the physical
part of your life
that are not
under control?
“The physical dimension is often the area
evangelical Christians neglect most
consistently. The reason: We’re prone to
deny our humanity. So we’re forever
prostituting the body...(By the way, if you
want to know the area of greatest need in
your Christian life, try looking at passages
you have not underlined in your Bible”
                     Hendricks (p. 29-30)
Money - is it under control, do you
spend too much, are you in debt?
Material Possessions - a man from a
rich family was asked how in the midst of
such wealth he was not overcome by
materialism, he answered, “My parents
taught us that everything in our home was
either an idol or a tool.”
Use of Time - who, or what, is planning
your use of time?
Sex Life - bad news, this applies as much
to singles as to married people!
Thought Life - what do you fill your
mind with?
Diet - if I walked
into your church
drunk you would
never let me
preach - if I walk in
fat you feed me
Exercise - it has
been suggested
that a regular,
systematic exercise
programme can
add 5-15 years
to your life
Sleep - how much do you
get / need?
Do you need a change of pace?
Your body is the temple of the
Holy Spirit - do you treat it as
Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced,
         or in need of correction?
Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced,
         or in need of correction?

  How much time
                  How much time
  do I spend with
                  do I spend alone?

  How much time How much time
   do I spend at do I spend at
      work?          play?
Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced,
         or in need of correction?

  How much time
                  How much time
  do I spend with
                  do I spend alone?

  How much time How much time
   do I spend at do I spend at
      work?          play?
Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced,
         or in need of correction?

  How much time
                  How much time
  do I spend with
                  do I spend alone?

  How much time How much time
   do I spend at do I spend at
      work?          play?
Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced,
         or in need of correction?

  How much time
                  How much time
  do I spend with
                  do I spend alone?

  How much time How much time
   do I spend at do I spend at
      work?          play?
Your Social Dimension

Do you on socialise with Baptists
What non-Christian friends do you
What efforts are you making?
Do you have friends in different age
A close friend is someone who
...knows everything about you, yet
totally accepts you
...will listen to your most heretical ideas
without rejecting you
...and knows how to criticise you in a
way you will listen to
Is your husband / wife your best friend?
How am I doing?

“The unexamined life is not worth
Just because you have been teaching
(or doing something) for a long time it
does not mean anything - only that
God is gracious.
“Experience does not
necessarily make you
better; in fact it makes you
worse unless it is evaluated
            Hendricks (p. 35)
Just because you have been teaching
(or doing something) for a long time it
does not mean anything - only that
God is gracious.
The good teachers greatest
threat is satisfaction - the
failure to keep asking,
“How can I improve?”
Maybe a better question is, “Lord, how
am I doing - in the light of what you
want me to be?”
Self examination should be based on 3
1. What are my strengths?
2. What are my weaknesses?
3. What do I have to change?
“The process of change is essentially
the process of changing habit patterns
- if you do something once you can do
it twice - do it twice and you can do it
three times - do it three times and
you are beginning to make a habit of
The Law of Activity
       Pages 54-67

   Maximum learning is always the result of maximum
    involvement. Students will learn best as they are most
    active in the process. They need to be guided in their
    practice, taught to properly evaluate their experience, and
    learn not by repeating their mistakes but by doing the
    right things.
   Hearing is the most inefficient means of learning – people
    only retain at the most 10% of what they hear. But they
    will retain up to 50% of what they see and up to 90% of
    what they do.

                           RE - 7 Laws of Teaching                7

         RE - 7 Laws of Teaching   8
                           QUALITY ACTIVITY

   Purposeful activity implies quality activity.
     Practice makes perfect.
     Experience is the best teacher.
     We learn by doing.
     ………

                                 RE - 7 Laws of Teaching   8
                           QUALITY ACTIVITY

   Purposeful activity implies quality activity.
     Practice makes perfect.
     Experience is the best teacher.
     We learn by doing.
     ………

               -       Well-guided practice makes perfect
               -Properly evaluated experience is the best teacher
               -        We learn by doing the right things
                                 RE - 7 Laws of Teaching            8
The Law of
    Pages 68-83
   Communication is the reason for our existence as
    teachers. – It’s also our number one teaching

   To truly impart information requires the building of
    bridges. This means really knowing one’s students,
    which in itself means spending time with them
    outside the classroom. Communication will be more
    effective to the degree that it is something the
    teacher deeply knows, feels and does.

                         RE - 7 Laws of Teaching           9
   All communication has three essential components:
    intellect, emotion, and volition – thought, feeling, and

   Whatever it is I want to communicate to another
    individual, it involves
     … something I know,

     … something I feel,

     … and something I’m doing.

                            RE - 7 Laws of Teaching            10
The Law of the
     Pages 84-96
   Teaching that impacts is not head to head, but heart to heart.

   Plato’s triumvirate of ethos (character/credibility), pathos
    (compassion) and logos (content). Ethos, pathos and logos are
    like a pyramid where each is dependent upon the previous. –
    Character, Compassion, Content.

   Without the foundation of character/credibility, there will not be
    the confidence in the teacher which is foundational to the implicit
    contract between teacher and student.

   The student needs to know that the teacher cares about him, and
    third of course, is content.

                              RE - 7 Laws of Teaching                    11
The Law of
    Pages 98-113

   Teaching tends to be most effective when the learner is
    properly motivated.

     Extrinsic motivation : motivation from without.

     Intrinsic motivation : motivation from within.

   Developing a strong sense of felt need: people will not learn
    what they have no felt need for, and will invest themselves in
    learning that for which they do have a felt need.

                                RE - 7 Laws of Teaching              12

   The key question is: Are you motivated? – Motivated people
    become change agent.

   If one-tenth of what you believe is true, you ought to be ten
    times as excited as you are.

                            RE - 7 Laws of Teaching                 13
The Law of
  Pages 114-126
   The teaching-learning process will be most effective when both
    student and teacher are adequately prepared.

     Assignments

        ○ They precipitate thinking – assignments are mental warm-

        ○ They provide a background, a foundation on which to

        ○ They develop habits of independent study – and this is
         the most important benefit of good assignments.

                            RE - 7 Laws of Teaching                  14

   The characteristics of good assignments:

     They must be creative, not simply busy work. Need a clear
      objective for the assignments; designed with a purpose.

     They must be thought-provoking. They should question more
      answers rather than answer more questions. Stretch the
      learners’ minds.

     Assignments must be doable.

Making the
   Pages 128-130
The law of the Teacher – stop growing today, and you stop teaching
The     law of the Education – how people learn determines how you
The law of the Activity – maximum learning is always the result of
maximum involvement.
The  law of the Communication – to truly impart information
requires the building of bridge.
The  law of the Heart – teaching that impacts is not head to head,
but heart to heart.
The law of Encouragement – teaching tends to be most effective
when the learner is properly motivated .
The   law of Readiness – the teaching-learning process will be most
effective when both student and teacher are adequately prepared.

The key is not what you do for God but
what you allow Him to do through you. God
wants to use you as his catalyst – and you
let him transform and renew your thinking,
you’ll be ready for His use. – Are you willing
to pay the price for development? Effective
teaching isn’t available at any bargain
basement sale.

Ten Disciplines for
  Michael Zigarelli
•For most people, great teaching doesn’t just
happen. Whether we’re in the classroom, in the
pulpit, on stage, on the radio, or anywhere
else, to teach people with excellence—and in a
way that can change hearts and minds—
requires more than some good ideas and lots
of preparation. It requires that we engage in
the kind of lifestyle and professional habits
from which outstanding teaching naturally
Lifestyle Disciplines
• Discipline 1: Remember the Sacredness of
Your Task (and thank God for giving you the
same profession as His Son)
•Many of us got into the teaching profession
because we thought it was fun or because we
enjoyed the rush of being on center stage or,
more nobly, because we just wanted to give
something back. Whatever the case, for lots of
folks, that eagerness to teach dissipates over
time. The excitement is gone, supplanted by

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Howard Hendricks: Law 1, The Law of the Teacher

  • 2. Contacting me: Richard Chamberlain +91 94340 89987 Visit my house or office Facebook Skype
  • 3. You must... • Ask questions • Disagree with me • Be involved - silence is not allowed • Do the work that is assigned • NOT be late • Never call me sir!
  • 4. Tell me your name and the ‘best’ book you have read this year
  • 5. What different methods of teaching can you think of? Which do you find personally most helpful - why?
  • 6. EIGHT WAYS TO TEACH MULTIPLE TEACHING TEACHING INSTRUCTIONAL INTELLIGENCES ACTIVITIES MATERIALS STRATEGIES Linguistic/ Lectures, discussions, Books, tape Read about it, write verbal word games, recorders, about it, talk about storytelling, choral typewriters, stamp it, listen to it reading, Journal sets, books on writing, etc. tape, etc. Logical/ Brain teasers, problem Calculators, math Quantify it, think mathematical solving, science manipulatives, critically about it, experiments, mental science equipment, conceptualize it, calculations, number math games, etc. chart it, graph it, games, critical formulate it thinking, etc. Spatial/ Visual presentations, Graphs, maps, See it, draw it, visual art activities, video, LEGO sets, visualize it, color it, imagination games, art materials, mind-map it, mind-mapping, optical illusions, PowerPoint it, metaphors, cameras, picture illustrate it. visualizations, etc. library, etc. Bodily/ Hands-on learning, Building tools, clay, Build it, act it out, kinesthetic drama, dance, sports sports equipment, touch it, dance it, that teach, tactile manipulatives, tap it, role play it activities, relaxation, tactile learning exercises, etc. resources, etc.
  • 7. kinesthetic drama, dance, sports sports equipment, touch it, dance it, that teach, tactile manipulatives, tap it, role play it activities, relaxation, tactile learning exercises, etc. resources, etc. Musical/ Super-learning, Tape recorders, Sing it, rap it, listen rhythmic rapping, songs that tape collections, to it, tap it, music teach, etc. musical video it instruments, etc. Interpersonal/ Cooperative learning, Board games, Teach it, social peer tutoring, party supplies, collaborate on it, community props for role interact with involvement, social plays, etc. respect to it, gatherings, discuss it, role play simulations, etc. it Intrapersonal/ Individualized Self-checking Connect it to your reflective instruction, materials, journals, personal life, make independent study, materials for choices with regard options in courses of projects, etc. to it, meditate on it, study, self-esteem reflect on it building, etc. Naturalist Things that related to Outdoor meetings, Visit it, touch it, the outdoors, plants, pictures, photos, build it, watch it, animals, nature. video, PowerPoint hike it, camp it, fieldtrip it
  • 8. Select a story about Jesus and in 1 minute (2 max.) tell it dramatically to the class
  • 9. What are we going to learn?
  • 10. 2 Sections 1. Principles of Teaching 2. Teaching to Change Lives
  • 12. Course Description This course focuses on how to teach in ways that result in life-change. Topics include the importance of personal development, learning styles, active learning, communication, addressing emotions, and creative assignments.
  • 13. Course Design Comments This course is designed to equip church starters, pastors, and leaders with Bible knowledge, Christian character, servant leadership, and teaching experience with the goal of life-change. It addresses the diverse learning styles of adults through a variety of activities and assignments.
  • 14. Main Sections - Teaching to Change Lives The law of the Teacher – stop growing today, and you stop teaching tomorrow. The law of Education – how people learn determines how you teach. The law of Activity – maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement.
  • 15. The law of Communication – to truly impart information requires the building of bridge. The law of the Heart – teaching that impacts is not head to head, but heart to heart.
  • 16. The law of Encouragement – teaching tends to be most effective when the learner is properly motivated . The law of Readiness – the teaching- learning process will be most effective when both student and teacher are adequately prepared.
  • 18.
  • 19. The Law of the Teacher Pages 17-36
  • 20. If you stop growing today, You stop teaching tomorrow
  • 21. If you stop growing today, You should stop teaching tomorrow
  • 22. If you stop growing today, You stop teaching tomorrow (you teach from the overflow of your life)
  • 23. •Some try substituting personality or methodology To paraphrase this principle: •You cannot communicate out of a vacuum •You cannot impart what you do not possess •If you don’t truly know it - you can’t give it
  • 24. •You, the teacher, have to primarily be a learner •You have to grow - to change - to develop greater understanding and new insights •You have not ‘arrived’ yet
  • 25. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18
  • 26. Continually ask yourself the question, “How can I improve?”
  • 27. As a teacher are there areas should you be continually growing in?
  • 28. Hendricks cites a college professor who was ‘always’ at his desk studying. The professor told him, “I would rather have my students drink from a running stream than a stagnant pond”
  • 29. Hendricks cites a college professor who was ‘always’ at his desk studying. The professor told him, “I would rather have my students drink from a running stream than a stagnant pond”
  • 30. “Everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher” Luke 6:40b
  • 31. •Does that motivate you to change? What does motivate you to change? •If you want to minister to others first you have to let God minister in you •“Human personality is the vehicle of effective teaching” (p. 19)
  • 32. The Search for Teachers •What ‘qualifications’ would you look for in a teacher for Sunday school? •Would they be different for a teacher during the main Sunday church service? •What of a cottage prayer (home group) meeting leader?
  • 33. •Faithful - in what they have done •Available - no need for arm twisting •Teachable - willing to learn Their knowledge is not the first consideration Most people need building up in order to take on a teaching role
  • 34. Bad ways to select a Sunday School Teacher •Begging for help - because no-one has volunteered even after other appeals •Arm Twisting - e.g. making it sound so easy (just read the material) •Last minute desperation - take / grab anyone
  • 35. Making Change •How have you changed (+ve) - in the last week, month, year? Be very specific •Frontiers, questions, interests, mental energy... •You can’t teach an old dog new tricks - thankfully you are not old, a dog, or learning tricks
  • 36. “Effective teaching comes only through changed people - the more you change the more you become an instrument of change in the lives of others. If you want to become an agent of change, you must also change.” (p21)
  • 37. “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:13-14
  • 38. Near the end of Paul’s life Correctly related to the past - not overly enamoured or defeated by failures Learn from the past - don’t live in it Press on in the present - don’t relax or sit back
  • 40. The Sluggard Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! Proverbs 6:9 How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? Proverbs 10:26 As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is a sluggard to those who send him. Proverbs 13:4 The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.
  • 41. Proverbs 15:19 The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway. Proverbs 19:24 The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he will not even bring it back to his mouth! Proverbs 20:4 A sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing. Proverbs 21:25 The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work. Proverbs 22:13 The sluggard says, "There is a lion outside!" or, "I will be murdered in the streets!"
  • 42. Proverbs 24:30 I went past the field of the sluggard, past the vineyard of the man who lacks judgment; Proverbs 26:13 The sluggard says, "There is a lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets!" Proverbs 26:14-16 As a door turns on its hinges, so a sluggard turns on his bed. The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth. The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who answer discreetly.
  • 43. The Sluggard Adapted from an original by Justin Taylor. The sluggard in Proverbs is a figure of tragi- comedy, with his sheer animal laziness (he is more than anchored to his bed: he is hinged to it, 26:14), his preposterous excuses (“there is a lion outside!” 26:13; 22:13) and his final helplessness.
  • 44. (1) He will not begin things When we ask him (6:9, 10) “How long?” “When…?”, we are being too definite for him. He doesn’t know. All he knows is his delicious drowsiness; all he asks is a little respite: “a little…a little…a little…”. He does not commit himself to a refusal, but deceives himself by the smallness of his surrenders. So, by inches and minutes, his opportunity slips away.
  • 45. (2) He will not finish things The rare effort of beginning has been too much; the impulse dies. So his quarry goes bad on him (12:27) and his meal goes cold on him (19:24; 26:15).
  • 46. (3) He will not face things He comes to believe his own excuses (perhaps there is a lion out there, 22:13), and to rationalize his laziness; for he is “wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason” (26:16). Because he makes a habit of the soft choice (he “will not plow by reason of the cold,” 20:4) his character suffers as much as his business, so that he is implied in 15:19 to be fundamentally dishonest…
  • 47. (4) Consequently he is restless Consequently he is restless (13:4; 21:25, 26) with unsatisfied desire; helpless in face of the tangle of his affairs, which are like a “hedge of thorns” (15:19); and useless— expensively (18:9) and exasperatingly (10:26)—to any who must employ him. . . .
  • 48. The wise man will learn while there is time. He knows that the sluggard is no freak, but, as often as not, an ordinary man who has made too many excuses, too many refusals and too many postponements. It has all been as imperceptible, and as pleasant, as falling asleep.
  • 49. Are you a sluggard?
  • 50.
  • 52. You will be assigned one of the following quotes to present a short paper on (250 words +/- 20%) You are required to write a paper critiquing the quote - do you agree or disagree with it, why?
  • 53. Due date: Tuesday August 10th •Late submissions will incur a deduction of 10% of your mark for each day late •This will count for 10% of your mark for this course •The paper should be typed as per college requirements.
  • 54. Quotes Taken from Teaching to Change Lives
  • 55. Quote 1 “In the search for good teachers, I always look for FAT people - those who are Faithful, Available, and Teachable.” (p. 20)
  • 56. Quote 2 “...effective teaching comes only through a changed person. The more you change, the more you become an instrument of change in the lives of others. If you want to become an agent of change, you also must change.” (p. 21)
  • 57. Quote 3 “The two factors that will influence you the most in the years ahead are the books you read and the people you’re around” (p. 27)
  • 58. Quote 4 “Experience does not necessarily make you better; in fact it tends to make you worse, unless it’s evaluated experience. The good teacher’s greatest threat is satisfaction - the failure to keep asking, ‘How can I improve’.” (p. 35)
  • 59. Growth: the Larger Picture Jesus is described in Lk 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. 4 areas of growth - not simply spiritual
  • 61. Wisdom what is it? In the Biblical sense, wisdom is the "ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding" Lockyer
  • 62.
  • 63. True wisdom is always consistent with the two great wisdom themes of the Bible: reverence to God, our Creator, and respect for all persons, everywhere.
  • 64. You should be growing; intellectually physically socially as well as spiritually Don’t spend time comparing yourself to others - growth is individual and is affected by many factors
  • 65. “Lord, how am I doing?” e.g. Values and habits; some should be retained some should be refined some should be rejected Simply make sure you are in the process Make sure you are not succeeding at doing the wrong things
  • 66. Your Intellectual Dimension Hendricks suggests 3 ways to grow intellectually
  • 67. 1. Maintain a Consistent Study and Reading Programme If you find reading alone doesn’t change or contribute - try reading and then reflecting on it - adjust the time so it is 50% reading 50% reflection
  • 68. Read people - they are amazing! When you are with someone significant: Keep your mouth shut except to ask penetrating questions Pick peoples brains, take advantage of what they know or have experienced
  • 69. Edgar Watson Howe once Joked, “No Man would listen to you talk if he didn’t know it was his turn next.” Understand the incredible value of becoming a good listener.
  • 70. Reading and Preaching Quotes taken from John Stott’s ‘I Believe in Preaching’. “None will ever be a good minister of the Word of God unless he is first of all a good scholar.”  John Calvin
  • 71. “He who has ceased to learn has ceased to teach.  He who no longer sows in the study will no more reap in the pulpit.” Charles Spurgeon
  • 72. “The preacher’s life must be a life of large accumulation…..He must not be always trying to make sermons, but always seeking truth, and out of the truth which he has won the sermons will make themselves….Here is the need of broad and generous culture.  Learn to study for the sake of truth,  learn to think for the profit and the joy of thinking.  Then your sermons shall be like the leaping of a fountain, and not like the pumping of a pump.” Phillips Brooks
  • 73. “If I had only three years to serve the Lord, I would spend two of them studying and preparing.” Donald Grey Barnhouse
  • 74. 2. Enroll in Continuing Education Courses Courses to improve not only content but skill. Most important is your own personal Bible study programme - you need a strong input of the Word of God
  • 75. “Many of us who are “under” the Word of God are not “in” it for ourselves - getting into it and letting it get into us” Hendricks (p. 27)
  • 76. The impact of the teaching ministry can be immense: 2 Timothy 2:2 It is a ministry of multiplication - passed on from generation to generation
  • 77. 3. Get to know your students Become an authority on the needs and characteristics of their age group - then go beyond that and study your students individually, find out as much as possible about them. Pray for your students in specific (not general) ways.
  • 78. Be careful never to label a student Do not base your opinion of them on one observation or comment Beware of having favourites Beware of forming a negative opinion based on energy levels of the child or difficulties they cause you
  • 79. Your Physical Dimension Are there areas of the physical part of your life that are not under control?
  • 80. “The physical dimension is often the area evangelical Christians neglect most consistently. The reason: We’re prone to deny our humanity. So we’re forever prostituting the body...(By the way, if you want to know the area of greatest need in your Christian life, try looking at passages you have not underlined in your Bible” Hendricks (p. 29-30)
  • 81. Money - is it under control, do you spend too much, are you in debt? Material Possessions - a man from a rich family was asked how in the midst of such wealth he was not overcome by materialism, he answered, “My parents taught us that everything in our home was either an idol or a tool.”
  • 82. Use of Time - who, or what, is planning your use of time? Sex Life - bad news, this applies as much to singles as to married people! Thought Life - what do you fill your mind with?
  • 83. Diet - if I walked into your church drunk you would never let me preach - if I walk in fat you feed me more
  • 84. Exercise - it has been suggested that a regular, systematic exercise programme can add 5-15 years to your life
  • 85. Sleep - how much do you get / need? Do you need a change of pace? Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit - do you treat it as such?
  • 86. Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced, or in need of correction?
  • 87. Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced, or in need of correction? How much time How much time do I spend with do I spend alone? people? How much time How much time do I spend at do I spend at work? play?
  • 88. Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced, or in need of correction? How much time How much time do I spend with do I spend alone? people? How much time How much time do I spend at do I spend at work? play?
  • 89. Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced, or in need of correction? How much time How much time do I spend with do I spend alone? people? How much time How much time do I spend at do I spend at work? play?
  • 90. Look at the grid below: Is your life balanced, or in need of correction? How much time How much time do I spend with do I spend alone? people? How much time How much time do I spend at do I spend at work? play?
  • 91. Your Social Dimension Do you on socialise with Baptists What non-Christian friends do you have? What efforts are you making? Do you have friends in different age groups?
  • 92. A close friend is someone who ...knows everything about you, yet totally accepts you ...will listen to your most heretical ideas without rejecting you ...and knows how to criticise you in a way you will listen to Is your husband / wife your best friend?
  • 93. How am I doing? “The unexamined life is not worth living” Just because you have been teaching (or doing something) for a long time it does not mean anything - only that God is gracious.
  • 94. “Experience does not necessarily make you better; in fact it makes you worse unless it is evaluated experience” Hendricks (p. 35)
  • 95. Just because you have been teaching (or doing something) for a long time it does not mean anything - only that God is gracious. The good teachers greatest threat is satisfaction - the failure to keep asking, “How can I improve?”
  • 96. Maybe a better question is, “Lord, how am I doing - in the light of what you want me to be?” Self examination should be based on 3 questions: 1. What are my strengths? 2. What are my weaknesses? 3. What do I have to change?
  • 97. “The process of change is essentially the process of changing habit patterns - if you do something once you can do it twice - do it twice and you can do it three times - do it three times and you are beginning to make a habit of it”
  • 98.
  • 99. The Law of Activity Pages 54-67
  • 100. THE LAW OF ACTIVITY  Maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement. Students will learn best as they are most active in the process. They need to be guided in their practice, taught to properly evaluate their experience, and learn not by repeating their mistakes but by doing the right things.  Hearing is the most inefficient means of learning – people only retain at the most 10% of what they hear. But they will retain up to 50% of what they see and up to 90% of what they do. RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 7
  • 101. THE LAW OF ACTIVITY – QUALITY ACTIVITY RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 8
  • 102. THE LAW OF ACTIVITY – QUALITY ACTIVITY  Purposeful activity implies quality activity.  Practice makes perfect.  Experience is the best teacher.  We learn by doing.  ……… RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 8
  • 103. THE LAW OF ACTIVITY – QUALITY ACTIVITY  Purposeful activity implies quality activity.  Practice makes perfect.  Experience is the best teacher.  We learn by doing.  ……… - Well-guided practice makes perfect -Properly evaluated experience is the best teacher - We learn by doing the right things RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 8
  • 104. The Law of Communication Pages 68-83
  • 105. THE LAW OF COMMUNICATION  Communication is the reason for our existence as teachers. – It’s also our number one teaching problem.  To truly impart information requires the building of bridges. This means really knowing one’s students, which in itself means spending time with them outside the classroom. Communication will be more effective to the degree that it is something the teacher deeply knows, feels and does. RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 9
  • 106. THE LAW OF COMMUNICATION – INTELLECT, EMOTION, AND VOLITION  All communication has three essential components: intellect, emotion, and volition – thought, feeling, and action.  Whatever it is I want to communicate to another individual, it involves  … something I know,  … something I feel,  … and something I’m doing. RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 10
  • 107. The Law of the Heart Pages 84-96
  • 108. THE LAW OF THE HEART  Teaching that impacts is not head to head, but heart to heart.  Plato’s triumvirate of ethos (character/credibility), pathos (compassion) and logos (content). Ethos, pathos and logos are like a pyramid where each is dependent upon the previous. – Character, Compassion, Content.  Without the foundation of character/credibility, there will not be the confidence in the teacher which is foundational to the implicit contract between teacher and student.  The student needs to know that the teacher cares about him, and third of course, is content. RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 11
  • 109. The Law of Encouragement Pages 98-113
  • 110. THE LAW OF ENCOURAGEMENT  Teaching tends to be most effective when the learner is properly motivated.  Extrinsic motivation : motivation from without.  Intrinsic motivation : motivation from within.  Developing a strong sense of felt need: people will not learn what they have no felt need for, and will invest themselves in learning that for which they do have a felt need. RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 12
  • 111. THE LAW OF ENCOURAGEMENT  The key question is: Are you motivated? – Motivated people become change agent.  If one-tenth of what you believe is true, you ought to be ten times as excited as you are. RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 13
  • 112. The Law of Readiness Pages 114-126
  • 113. THE LAW OF READINESS  The teaching-learning process will be most effective when both student and teacher are adequately prepared.  Assignments ○ They precipitate thinking – assignments are mental warm- up. ○ They provide a background, a foundation on which to build. ○ They develop habits of independent study – and this is the most important benefit of good assignments. RE - 7 Laws of Teaching 14
  • 114. GOOD ASSIGNMENTS  The characteristics of good assignments:  They must be creative, not simply busy work. Need a clear objective for the assignments; designed with a purpose.  They must be thought-provoking. They should question more answers rather than answer more questions. Stretch the learners’ minds.  Assignments must be doable. 15
  • 116. The law of the Teacher – stop growing today, and you stop teaching tomorrow. The law of the Education – how people learn determines how you teach. The law of the Activity – maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement. The law of the Communication – to truly impart information requires the building of bridge. The law of the Heart – teaching that impacts is not head to head, but heart to heart. The law of Encouragement – teaching tends to be most effective when the learner is properly motivated . The law of Readiness – the teaching-learning process will be most effective when both student and teacher are adequately prepared. 16
  • 117. The key is not what you do for God but what you allow Him to do through you. God wants to use you as his catalyst – and you let him transform and renew your thinking, you’ll be ready for His use. – Are you willing to pay the price for development? Effective teaching isn’t available at any bargain basement sale. 16
  • 118.
  • 119.
  • 120. Ten Disciplines for Transformational Teaching Michael Zigarelli
  • 121. •For most people, great teaching doesn’t just happen. Whether we’re in the classroom, in the pulpit, on stage, on the radio, or anywhere else, to teach people with excellence—and in a way that can change hearts and minds— requires more than some good ideas and lots of preparation. It requires that we engage in the kind of lifestyle and professional habits from which outstanding teaching naturally
  • 122. Lifestyle Disciplines • Discipline 1: Remember the Sacredness of Your Task (and thank God for giving you the same profession as His Son) •Many of us got into the teaching profession because we thought it was fun or because we enjoyed the rush of being on center stage or, more nobly, because we just wanted to give something back. Whatever the case, for lots of folks, that eagerness to teach dissipates over time. The excitement is gone, supplanted by

Editor's Notes