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     The BRIS Report
       Calls and e-mails to BRIS 2004
the bris report 2004 : contents

                                                 Contents: The BRIS Report
2004                                                        1. Summary ....................................................................................................5
                                                            2. Total supportive contacts with children in 2004 ..................................6
                                                            3. Calls from children and young people.................................................12
                                                            4. Test calls ...................................................................................................18
                                                            5. Assignments.............................................................................................19
                                                            7. The BRIS-mail ..........................................................................................22
                                                            8. Discussion Forums..................................................................................25
                                                            9. Ask the Lawyer ........................................................................................27
                                                          10. Calls from Adults ....................................................................................28
                                                          11. Focal areas................................................................................................31
                                                          12. What makes the children happy? A salutogenetic perspective.......34

Responsible editor: Kerstin Thuresson, Chairman BRIS National Association | Text: Gunnar Sandelin, Press Secretary BRIS
Research: Peter Irgens, R&D Secretary BRIS | Design and production: IK Stockholm | Stockholm February 2005                                                                          3
Thanks to Johnér/Sven Olof Jonn | All photos © Sven Olof Jonn/Johnér. | Translation: Eqvator AB
the bris report 2004

the bris report 2004 : summary

                                  Calls and e-mails                                              with suicide while almost as many were about self-
                                  BRIS’ support services for children and young people           destructiveness; the latter showed an increase of more

                                  are based on the Children’s Helpline and, for the last         than 40 percent compared to 2003.
                                  four years, on the BRIS-mail. In 2004, BRIS volunteers            Many girls that e-mail BRIS have had thoughts of
                                  answered a total of just over 22,000 supportive oral and       suicide for a long time; some have attempted suicide
                                  written contacts from children and young people, of            several times. It is also common that girls with suicidal
                                  which just over 14,000 were calls and almost 8,000             and self-destructive tendencies have little faith in adults
                                  were e-mails. In total, there were as many contacts            and prior negative experience of professional help. BRIS
                                  with children in the past year as in 2003, but the trend       has therefore demanded that the government make
                                  is for e-mails to increase about as much as the statisti-      great investments in preventative measures.
                                  cally recorded calls decrease.
                                      Beyond the statistically recorded child contacts, just     Perpetrator profile
                                  over 40,000 shorter, so-called test calls came in and          Physical and sexual abuse of children is usually com-
                                  almost 2,000 e-mails were answered informatively.              mitted in the home. According to the children’s own
                                      Girls seek help to a greater extent than boys: in total,   information, 85 percent of the physical abuse and half
                                  almost eight out of ten of the statistically recorded          of the sexual abuse takes place in the home. As a rule
                                  contacts concern girls. The average age is 14 and those        the abuse is committed by someone close, usually a
                                  who e-mail are on average somewhat older than those            parent. The perpetrator is in most cases a man, and the
                                  who call.                                                      victim is most often a girl.
                                      The contact area that tops the list both with regard
                                  to calls and e-mails is family conflicts, which includes       Adult Helpline
                                  everything from normal emancipation processes to con-          In 2004, just over 2,100 calls to BRIS’ Adult Helpline –
                                  flicts that entail physical and sexual abuse, where cul-       About Children were statistically recorded, which is a
                                  tural clashes with teenagers in immigrant families also        decrease of almost five percent compared to the year
                                  occur. In general, however, it is more common to write         before. It is primarily the child’s parents or other relatives

        Many girls that e-mail
     BRIS have had thoughts
    of suicide for a long time,
         some have attempted
                                  about internal problems such as issues of suicide and
                                  self-destructiveness, while children and young people
                                  prefer to talk about external victimisation such as bully-
                                  ing and physical and sexual abuse.
                                                                                                 who call with worries and questions about the child con-
                                                                                                 cerned. In three-fourths of the cases the adult caller is a
                                                                                                 woman. This pattern is consistent from year to year.
                                                                                                    Adults are primarily worried about young children;
                                                                                                 the average age is 10.5. Adults also call relatively more
        suicide several times.    Mental illness in young girls                                  often about boys even if the calls dealing with girls
                                  In 2003, BRIS reported on the unexpectedly large increase      are in the majority. The calls from adults are most
                                  of e-mails from girls with problems of suicide; in the year    often about different conflicts in the family, mainly
                                  prior it primarily concerned self-destructiveness, such as     divorce and its consequences for the children, but
                                  cutting oneself. During 2004 the increase continued in         also about the child’s mental health and problems in
                                  both of these areas where nearly 1,600 contacts dealt          the parental role.
the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children

                                             Total supportive contacts
                                                with children 2004

            2                                                        Background
                                                                     For the first time, BRIS can present the total number
                                                                     of supportive contacts with children and young peo-
                                                                     ple during a year in more detail. This means that all
                                                                     statistically processed and better-documented con-
                                                                     tacts on the Children’s Helpline and the BRIS-mail
                                                                     have been compiled and analysed to the furthest pos-
                                                                                                                             This is because BRIS is no longer synonymous with a
                                                                                                                             helpline: even if the statistically recorded call volume is
                                                                                                                             still twice as large as the e-mail volume, the gap is nar-
                                                                                                                             rowing. In 2004 the trend of increased e-mailing and
                                                                                                                             decreased calling continued. Both contact channels
                                                                                                                             complement each other and are now equally important
                                                                                                                             parts of the fundamental support, even though e-mail
                                                                     sible extent.                                           support has only been around for a few years.

                                                                         A    A Statistically recorded contacts with children 1991-2004

                                 Additional information on
                              supportive contacts and case
                               descriptions can be found in
                             the chapters on the Children’s
                                 Helpline (page 12) and the
                                       BRIS-mail (page 22).

the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children

Calls and e-mails in 2004                                                         Yet in total there are probably more boys that        with teenagers in immigrant families also occur,
In 2004, BRIS statistically recorded 22,133 supportive                         contact BRIS, but their calls most often occur in test   where traditions, values and expectations differ from
contacts with children and young people, of which                              calls and are usually too inarticulate or incomplete     what is perceived as the norm in Sweden. Children
14,450 were calls and 7,683 were e-mails, which in                             to be able to be documented (see the chapter on Test     and young people call about problems in the family,
total is almost exactly the same as last year.                                 calls page 18).                                          which can be between the adults, between parents
   This means that two thirds were calls and one-                                 Family conflicts constitute an area that leads by     and children, or between siblings; but it is most
third e-mails. Consequently BRIS had almost 2,000                              far with more than four thousand contacts; this is       common that the caller has him or herself come into
contacts with children every month, or just over 400                           the most common reason both to call and e-mail           conflict with mum and/or dad. Here, there are also
a week. In total, almost eight out of ten of the statis-                       BRIS. This heading can include everything from nor-      children who cannot adjust to the new family con-
tically recorded contacts concerned girls. The ave-                            mal emancipation processes to conflicts that entail      stellations that have arisen when the parents get
rage age is 14.                                                                physical and sexual abuse, where culture clashes         divorced and meet new partners, who themselves
                                                                                                                                        may also have children.
                                                                                                                                            Bullying is something that children would much
                                                                                                                                        rather call about than write about. A large majority
                                                                                                                                        of the more than three thousand contacts that speak
      B     The 15 most common contact topics in calls and e-mails from children                                                        of the victimisation of bullying take place on the
                                                                                                                                        Children’s Helpline, where slightly more than every
                                                                                                                                        sixth call deals with this topic. Even if there was a
                                                                                                                                        break in the trend this year, bullying has long been
                                                                                                                                        the single most common reason for calling BRIS and
                                                                                                                                        is also an area where calls considerably more often
                                                                                                                                        concern boys.
                                                                                                                                            The child contacting us has often been victimised
                                                                                                                                        for a long time, but tried in vain to talk with other
                                                                                                                                        adults about their situation. Bullying is one of the few
                                                                                                                                        areas where it is particularly clear that children’s
                                                                                                                                        experiences differ from those of the adult world, as
                                                                                                                                        the children often think that adults cannot take the
                                                                                                                                        signals seriously.
                                                                                                                                            BRIS believes this experience can lead to a nega-
                                                                                                                                        tive self-image of being a “bullying victim” that can
                                                                                                                                        also become self-fulfilling. But we also want to
                                                                                                                                        emphasize that the children who contact us are not
                                                                                                                                        representative of an average student, and that there
                                                                                                                                        are naturally many adults in our schools who listen,
                                                                                                                                        act and implement effective measures against bully-
                                                                                                                                        ing. It can also be worth mentioning that it does
This figure reflects what the calls and e-mails both primarily and secondarily dealt with.                                              occur that the bully him or herself also calls BRIS to
As more than one contact topic can be dealt with in one call/e-mail, the total percentage exceeds 100 percent.                          get support.
the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children

                                                                     We know from experience that bullying almost          the pure joy of having a close friend is also expressed.
                                                                 always takes place in school and consists of every-           Love relationships. There are numerous and
                                                                 thing from being frozen out to sexual harassment          varied questions when it comes to relationships
                                                                 and physical abuse. The trend has turned towards          and falling in love: How do you meet someone to be
                                                                 girls partially taking over the boys’ manner of acting    together with? Can you be in love when you are eight
                                                                 out more. In almost nine out of ten cases bullying is     years old? What should you think about when you
                                                                 committed by a group, which in half of these cases        are going to have sex with a girl for the first time?
                                                                 consists of both boys and girls.                          How do you know that a guy is interested? How do
                                                                     In terms of the gender distribution, 43 percent of    you break up? It most often concerns anxious calls
                                                                 all cases of bullying are committed by perpetrators of    that also deal with identity and self-image. Being
                                                                 both sexes, while 34 percent are committed solely by      entitled to choose who one wants and supporting a
                                                                 boys and 22 percent solely by girls.                      friend who is not getting on well are important
                                                                     In a 2004 debate article in Dagens Nyheter, BRIS      issues. Many also need someone who listens when
                                                                 emphasized the issue of the responsibility of schools     an unrequited love makes everything else feel mean-
                                                                 and the competence of teachers/principals with            ingless. Like other contacts about family conflicts,
                                                                 regard to bullying prevention efforts. The quality of     love relationships also concern contacts with
                                                                 training at all schools of education in the country       teenagers in immigrant families, where boys and
                                                                 was surveyed and assessed. The results showed that        girls find themselves in conflict with the family/
                                                                 only two of the country’s 29 teaching programmes          relatives with regard to their choice of partner.
                                                                 provide teaching candidates sufficient knowledge to           Issues of suicide, self-destructiveness, other men-
                                                                 manage the profession’s social and student care           tal illnesses and eating disorders (just outside of the
                                                                 tasks, such as preventing children from being vic-        table) are typical, weighty and frequent topics that
                                                                 timised. BRIS therefore demanded, among other             have a great deal in common. A clear majority of
                                                                 things, that the government charges the National          children and young people would rather write to
                                                                 Agency for Higher Education with reviewing teacher        BRIS about these issues than call. Despite this, the
                                                                 training, so that teaching candidates are better pre-     call frequency is also increasing here.
                                                                 pared for the reality they will meet.                          In 2004 BRIS had close to 1,600 contacts concer-
                                                                     Relationships with friends. Finding friends, being    ning suicide, of which almost 1,100 were e-mails.
                                                                 fair, solving problems that arise, becoming popular       Over 1,500 contacts dealt with self-destructiveness,
                                                                 and well-liked for who one is, are consistently reasons   900 dealt with eating disorders and 1,400 concerned
                                                                 for contacting BRIS. Just over three thousand contacts    other mental illnesses. About nine out of ten con-
                                                                 with BRIS dealt with these topics during the year.        tacts in this area come from girls. The increase in
                                                                     Friends are central to children and young people of   the contacts concerning self-destructive behaviour
                                                                 different ages. Children who have no friends live         estimated to be more than 40 percent is striking,
                                                                 every day with a reminder of their loneliness (another    while contacts about suicide increased by approxi-
                                                                 prominent theme). Children who are not bullied can        mately 10 percent compared to 2003.
                                                                 also speak of long-term exclusion and loneliness.             In the last two years BRIS has warned of the
                                                                 Here there are also children who are seriously wor-       exceptionally large increase in e-mails mainly from
                                                                 ried about friends who are not doing well. Sometimes      girls who cut themselves and no longer want to live.
the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children

The statistics from 2004 indicate a continued
increase in these contacts and that the mental
                                                               C    Perpetrators, physical abuse
health of young girls is a social problem.
   Many young people that contact BRIS have had
thoughts of suicide for a long time, some have also
attempted suicide several times and they often have
negative experiences of speaking with adults about
their self-loathing. Depression, sleeping difficulties,
feelings of powerlessness and exclusion are com-
mon. The causes of the problems vary, but disputes
and alcohol/drug abuse in the home, too high expec-
tations and too much stress or bullying in school,
loneliness, love problems and a mistrust of the adult
world are common background variables.
   As part of the development in the fight against
suicide and issues of self-destructiveness among
young people, in 2004 BRIS continued the collabora-
tion that was begun in 2003 with the organisation
SPES (Suicide Prevention and Survivor Support) and
Allmänna Barnhuset. This resulted, among other            several years BRIS has emphasized that loneliness is       attention of those in power, the media and the public
things, in five conferences in our respective regions     a common, almost invisible theme that is common            to the fact that child abuse is still a plague affecting
and the book “Report from my heart”, written by 13-       to most contacts. Despite having friends, one can feel     too many children.
15 year-olds, who were invited to participate from all    lonely, a sense of exclusion and a feeling that there is      In 2004, just over 1,500 children and young people
of the schools in the country. See the chapter on the     no one that understands that I in particular have cer-     contacted BRIS on this topic, usually by calling. Here,
BRIS-mail (p. 22).                                        tain thoughts and feelings. The same perception of         just as in victimisation by sexual abuse, the child
   Other mental illness can for example deal with         loneliness also exists within the family and social        needs someone to talk with. The abuse has often
dejection, depression and obsessive behaviour. It         networks, where no one really has time to care. Many       gone on for a long time before the child contacts us.
often borders on other topics where the child             young people have a strong feeling of being left alone     Physical abuse (and bullying) is a more frequent
expresses a feeling of stress and high expectations,      with their questions of identity and life. These sig-      theme for boys compared to the proportion of boys
and of not being able to live up to expectations such     nals indicate a need for more adults to be around          in other areas of contact.
as being attractive and successful. A sense of resigna-   who have the time, energy and knowledge to listen             For the ninth year in a row, BRIS has compiled a
tion is often described after trying in vain to commu-    to their questions and thoughts.                           perpetrator profile based on the children’s informa-
nicate with their unsympathetic surroundings.                Physical abuse of children was the reason behind        tion. The home is the most common scene of the
Another common feeling is the perception of being         the establishment of BRIS in 1971 when one felt that       crime where 85 percent of all child abuse cases
completely alone in one’s thoughts.                       the authorities did too little. BRIS also made strong      occur. Girls are victims in 64 percent of the cases.
   Loneliness and existential life questions are top-     contributions in making Sweden the first country in        The perpetrator is usually a man – 72 percent,
ics that reflect internal, personal problems and ques-    the world to prohibit the corporal punishment of           although it is not infrequently a woman – 28 per-
tions of children and young people. Calls and e-mails     children in 1979. In the latter half of the 1990s BRIS     cent. The 15 percent of abuse cases committed by
on these topics are just about equally common. For        also conducted opinion-forming efforts to call the         both sexes is also included in these figures.
the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children

            Sexual abuse/molestation, together with physical           with concrete questions about normality and “how to        to right now. Some call because they have had a bad
            child abuse, is the most difficult problem area where      act” in different contexts. Children and young people      experience, or may have done something under the
            the child is victimised, usually by someone the child      have to handle the considerable sexualisation that         influence of drugs or alcohol. Others need to talk with
            is dependent on for his or her survival. Few events        today characterises a great deal of the visual images      someone in confidence about their thoughts on
            leave such a destructive impression on a growing           in media and advertising. It is becoming clear to BRIS     homosexuality – what should I do if I am thirteen
            person’s life than being the victim of sexual abuse. In    that many young people lack adults who dare talk           years old and in love with my friend? Here there are
            some cases the violations are ongoing, in others they      about sex and help them interpret the images of sex-       also important calls from teenagers who are happy
            lie further back in time, but the child has often not      uality provided on the Internet, television and news-      and eager before “doing it” tonight for the first time –
            told anyone of them before. Self-guilt and loyalty to      paper placards. One may find it paradoxical when           in which case we are there as trusted contacts, which
            family members, as well as a fear of worsening the         twelve year-olds can read advanced sex tips in the         leaves us impressed by the maturity and willingness
            situation by telling someone of their suffering, con-      local evening news – only to call the Children’s           of young people to accept responsibility.
            tribute to children’s silence. But from the child’s per-   Helpline the next day because they do not dare talk to
            spective, the call can be the start of a process of        mum about their first menstruation. For many, sexu-        Differences between calls and e-mails
            change where the girl or boy recognizes the possibili-     ality is tied to expectations and worry. Here there is a   It is easier to write about internal problems than it is
            ty of getting support and help from an adult.              sense of uncertainty and questions about what one is       to speak about them. Self-destructiveness, suicidal
                Also here BRIS has mapped perpetrators and vic-        expected to agree to, if one is to manage intercourse,     thoughts, existential and life questions, mental ill-
            tims for the ninth year in a row: in half of the cases,    and thoughts as to whether or not one actually wants       ness and identity issues are found to a greater extent
            the sexual abuse has taken place in the home, but
            school is also a common crime scene with 13 per-
            cent of the cases.
                As with physical abuse, the father is the most
            common single perpetrator, but a contemporary is                D Perpetrators, sexual abuse/molestation
            the perpetrator in one out of four cases.
                With regard to the gender distribution, 91 percent
            of those guilty of the sexual abuse/molestation are
            men/boys, and 9 percent are women. In 83 percent
            of the cases a girl is the victim.
                It is worth noting that the proportion of women
            perpetrators has been cut in half since last year
            when only the perpetrator profile from the Children’s
            Helpline was available. We can also note that the
            sexual abuse has to some extent moved out of the
            home and that the proportion of other adults has
            become somewhat greater compared to last year.
                The area of sexuality, sexual development and
            questions about identity, one’s body and appearance
            is last among our 15 most common contact areas. The
            first two are comparatively more common topics for
            boys to call about – and they not infrequently deal
the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children

in the written word than in the spoken word.
    In contrast, it is more common to call about rela-
tionships with the external surroundings, particular-
ly if they concern direct victimisation by a perpetra-
tor. Then the child’s immediate need to hear a voice
is greater, regardless of whether the violation was
committed by an adult or a contemporary. Bullying in
particular tops statistics over telephone contacts
while the e-mails that tell of this kind of victimisa-
tion are comparatively few. Problems concerning
physical and sexual abuse are also relatively more
common on the Children’s Helpline.
    Besides the manner of expression the child him or
herself chooses, different contact topics are also
related to how quickly one can get a response. On
the phone the response is immediate, even if the
times the line is open are limited and one usually
does not get through right away on the first try. On
the other hand one can write to the BRIS-mail 24-
hours a day and one always gets a response even if it
can take some time: 51 hours on average.

the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people

                                            Calls from children
                                               and young people

            3                                                       Background
                                                                    Every day children and young people call the
                                                                    Children’s Helpline, which is open daily with few
                                                                    exceptions to those who are up to 18 years old. Here
                                                                    there is the possibility of making an independent
                                                                    adult contact, but the flow of calls also reflects how
                                                                    the access to trustworthy relationships to adults looks
                                                                                                                                unteers who work under the supervision of employed
                                                                                                                                BRIS-representatives. The volunteers are recruited
                                                                                                                                and trained according to our requirements: being at
                                                                                                                                least 25 years old, having experience of working with
                                                                                                                                children and young people, possessing personal suit-
                                                                                                                                ability for the job and having gone through our inter-
                                                                                                                                nal training programme.
                                                                    in children’s growth environments. It is definitely not        Behind the percentages, tables and averages there
                                                                    all children who call BRIS, but many do and others try,     are many thousands of children and young people
                                                                    but do not have the energy or do not dare to complete       who have let us know something about their lives.
                                                                    a call. The person answering is instead met by a            This is a trust that we take care of – for the sake of
                                                                    phone being hung up, silence, too little information or     these children in particular, but also in our work for
                                                                    some form of joke. This concerns in great part how          the living conditions of all children in our country.
                                                                    the boys try to get in touch with us. Read more about
                                                                    this in the Test calls chapter on page 18.                  Statistically recorded calls
                                                                        Many children are not used to speaking with adults      from children in 2004
                                                                    and putting events, feelings and thoughts into words,       In 2004 BRIS received 14,450 statistically recorded
                                                                    nor are they used to being listened to, respected and       calls, which is a decrease of ten percent compared
                                                                    believed. But surprisingly many have the strength in        with the previous year. At the same time the length
                                                                    their efforts to get support and help, and the ability to   of the call was ten percent longer than before, on
                                                                    give BRIS important information about their problems        average 13.7 minutes per call.

                                        Behind the percentages,
                                       tables and averages there
                                          are many thousands of
                                      children and young people
                                                                    and on pleasant topics. These longer calls are docu-
                                                                    mented in our statistics and discussed in this chapter,
                                                                    although without making identification of individual
                                                                    children possible. Exceptions to this anonymity are
                                                                    made only when the child has expressly asked BRIS to
                                                                                                                                   Eight out of ten calls come from a mobile phone
                                                                                                                                and these calls stand for more than 90 percent of the
                                                                                                                                call costs.

                                                                                                                                Gender, age and housing
                                     who have let us know some-     make other contacts or is in immediate danger.              The calls treated in our statistics mostly concern
                                         thing about their lives.                                                               girls, with 73 percent of the cases, while 27 percent
                                                                    What happens when one calls BRIS?                           of the calls concern boys.
                                                                    When children call the Children’s Helpline during the          This pattern is consistent with all previous years
                                                                    opening hours they are connected to one of the five         of offering support. The boys do not see, or do not
                                                                    regional offices, where a total of eight to ten phone       manage to use the spoken word as a tool for finding
                                                                    lines are manned. The calls are answered by our vol-        help to the same extent as the girls. This pattern is
the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people

also substantiated by BRIS, which as yet cannot offer                          representation compared to the population in general.
as many men as women to answer the calls. In the                               Slightly more than a fifth of the callers live with a
description of the calls’ contents we can also see that                        single parent, usually his or her mother. Others live
boys and girls to some extent choose to talk about                             in stepfamilies, with both parents alternately, in a
different things.                                                              foster home or at an institution of some kind. In the
   Girls call relatively more about relationship prob-                         context, we can note that an increasing portion of the
lems with family, friends and love partners, and                               calls concern relationships and conflicts within the
about sexual abuse, while boys are over-represented                            family in particular.
in areas such as bullying and physical abuse.
   The Children’s Helpline is aimed at all children up                         Call topics
to 18 years of age. In terms of age the callers are in a                       The calls to the Children’s Helpline deal with most of
principal span of eleven to 16. In 2004 the average                            what can happen in a child’s life. Many times it also
age was just over 13, which means that a typical                               concerns children who really fare badly. The calls
caller to BRIS is a girl in her lower teens.                                   reflect everything from experience of the most severe
   Six out of ten calls concern a child that lives                             sexual abuse to experiences of loneliness, situations
together with both parents, which is a certain under-                          of choice, disappointments and more. Some call only

      E      The ten most common topics in calls from children in 2004

The figure above shows the ten most common call topics on the Children’s Helpline.
A more detailed description of these is presented in the introductory chapter on total supportive contacts with children (page 6).
the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people

            because they just need to talk, others to ask specific   Family conflicts                                           Love relationships
            questions. In many calls the real matter is masked or    •  Worried and dejected girl, age 13, who listens to the   • 14-year-old girl is in love with a guy who is 17. He
            the signals are weak, so all of the sensitivity and      parents fighting in the evenings when they think she’s     seems interested, but she is hesitant to get together
            empathy that the responding volunteer can muster is      asleep. Is afraid they are going to get divorced. School   with him because he surely wants to have sex, and
            needed.                                                  is an oasis in life where she avoids thinking about it.    she is not ready yet.
                The call samples from our volunteers’ notes that
            follow are a selection of what can be representative     •  Sad boy who calls. His mother is sick-listed and        • The boy is sad, alone and abandoned, and does not
            for some call topics.                                    tired, and just shouts at him. He is ashamed of her        know what he should do. His girlfriend of three years
                Note that the examples are somewhat edited to        and cannot bring friends home. Has a bad conscience        broke up with him yesterday.
            protect the child caller’s anonymity.                    for not liking his mother.
                                                                                                                                •  The girl has seen a guy in the shop and fallen in
            Bullying                                                 • The girl’s parents do not accept that she has a          love. Does not know how to get a hold of him!! She is
            •  5 guys and 2 girls pushed her up against the wall,    Swedish boyfriend. She will be cut out of the family if    about to explode!
            took a strangle hold, and threatened her. They have      the relationship continues. Her brother was thrown
            also taken her schoolbooks and thrown them in the        out several years ago.                                     • 16-year-old girl who kissed her best friend’s
            water, and made a web page about her where they                                                                     boyfriend at a party. She regrets it and wants to tell
            only write nasty things. Started with her getting        •  Girl’s foster mother no longer wants to have con-       the friend. The guy seems interested in her, but she
            comments and little pushes from one of the girls in      tact. Harsh words and physical violence against the        values her friend’s friendship more. Needed to test
            the gang during about 2 weeks. She pushed back.          girl in the foster home. Does not want to go to a treat-   ideas on how she should tell her friend.
            Her friends do not help her; they walk away when         ment centre, wants to move home to mum. What will
            the gang comes.                                          happen now? Who is going to believe what she says?         Sexual and physical abuse
                                                                                                                                •  Girl who has been raped by her father several
            •  The boy has been bullied for a long time, according   Relationships with friends                                 times. It started last year. Is with her father one
            to him because he is fat and bad in school. His mother   •  “How do you tell a friend that you don’t want to        weekend every month, but does not want to tell her
            often works out of town and his father does not          spend time with them any more?” The girl is tired of       mother. Actually likes her father and does not want
            understand – no adult support anywhere. Everyone         a friend that she thinks is using her and often gets       to report him.
            says that he should not worry. Tries on clothes in the   angry for no reason.
            middle of the night to see what to wear so as not to                                                                • Girl who has long been burdened with a problem.
            look fat.                                                •  12-year-old boy who is a goalie. The team lost an       She was sexually abused by an older relative when
                                                                     important match – and now it seems like everyone           she was younger; it went on for about 2 years. She
            •  A girl who wanted to say that she had been bul-       thinks it is his fault.                                    has felt bad because of it all these years and is won-
            lied, but that they have quit. She says that she has                                                                dering if she can report it now. Will tell her parents.
            gotten a new life since then!                            •  15-year-old girl who says that the family cannot
                                                                     afford new clothes for her. She feels excluded at          • Girl who was sexually abused by her boyfriend last
            •   A girl who feels excluded from her class. Always     school where a certain style is in. Will soon switch       year. The guy hit and raped her and now everything
            sits alone and is always chosen last. No one to be       classes and is looking forward to it, but at the same      feels unreal in a strange way. She describes that she
            with during the breaks. Most of all she wants to         time is worried that it might not be any different.        always feels sad and has a hard time concentrating.
            switch classes. She has never spoken to anyone                                                                      Wants to get help.
            about it, but felt like doing so today.                  • “I’m invisible.”
the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people

the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people

            •  Sad boy who says that his mother has beaten him        stomach. Afraid that she will have a miscarriage.          Existentially
            and even made sexual advances. His father lives in        Does not dare talk with her mother.                        •  Depressed girl who is not sure that she wants to
            another city and his only sibling has moved away                                                                     live. Life feels meaningless, fights about everything
            from home. The boy does not want to contact another       • “What should I do when a friend is black-and-blue        with her parents, does not think they like her. What
            adult and hangs up when we talk about him and his         and always wants to come home with me?”                    is the meaning of existence?
            mother maybe needing help.
                                                                      Sexuality and sexual development                           •  A boy reflects “too much” on the world and won-
            •  Girl who says that her mother’s boyfriend has          •  Guy who has loads of questions before he and his        ders if he is strange because he is worried about
            started to look at her “like that”. Now he had taken      girlfriend want to have sex. How do girls work? Does       injustices, war, and the environment, among others.
            off his clothes and touched her. Was afraid and did       it hurt? Why do girls bleed the first time? How do you
            not know if she could tell her mother.                    know what size condom to buy? Wants it to be good          Other
                                                                      for both of them!                                          •   Guy in his upper teens who is worried about his
            •  Girl who wonders where to turn when a teacher                                                                     little brother who plays video games all day long.
            gropes her when he can and no one is looking. Stares      • 12-year-old girl who wonders if it is normal to
            at her breasts when he speaks to her. She has tried to    have not gotten her first period yet. Feels it is embar-   • Very lonely girl whose parents are away often.
            object, but he just laughs at her.                        rassing to talk to mum.                                    Talked a long time about many different things – did
                                                                                                                                 not seem to have spoken with anyone for an eternity.
            •  Boy who has been abused by his stepfather for          • Girl who got drunk at a party and had sex with a
            many years. Mum knows, but does not dare go               guy she does not know. Feels confused and “bad”.           •  Boy whose mother committed suicide earlier this
            against him. The boy has reported it to the police and                                                               year. Since then nothing really seems to work. Would
            social services before, but nothing has happened. The     •  Girl thinks that she is homosexual, but does not        like to talk about his sadness, but has no one to talk to.
            situation feels hopeless.                                 dare admit it to others. Talks about guys with her
                                                                      friends so that no one gets any ideas.                     •  Girl who gets everything from her parents – and
            •  14-year-old girl who has lived at a treatment cen-                                                                thinks it is tough. Wishes that her parents would set
            tre and has regularly been physically and mentally        • Boy who starts by asking if it is dangerous to           boundaries and that she could not always get what
            abused by certain members of the staff. Ran away          masturbate a lot. Several questions about physical         she wants. Says herself that she wants to have love,
            and told the police once, but they did not believe her.   development and sexuality come up afterwards.              but no one “sees” her.
            Now she lives in a foster home where they believe         Inquisitive guy who has not dared ask anyone.
            her and will make sure she does not need to go back.                                                                 •  Boy who lives at a treatment centre. He isn’t allowed
                                                                      • Girl who wants to “get back her virginity”. Her          to see his parents, and does not understand why.
            •  Boy who is very worried about himself and his sib-     parents would go mad if they found out that she
            lings who have lived with physical and sexual abuse       had had sex.                                               •  Boy who is worried that he is starting to become
            their entire life. Wants to get help from someone who                                                                addicted to alcohol. Has tried to get help, but gets the
            understands the problems with families from another       •  Boy, 17 years old, whose girlfriend of the same age     response that he is too young. Has tried to stay sober,
            culture.                                                  is pregnant. He would like to go with her to check-        but older relatives tempt him with liquor.
                                                                      ups etc., but the girl wants to take her mother
            •  Girl, 16 years old, who has become pregnant            instead. Feels sad and left out. Is unsure if the girl     Where do the calls lead?
            despite protecting herself. The guy, who is older,        intends to keep the child, but she does not want to        In the majority of cases, young people call the
            thinks she has been unfaithful and hit her in the         talk about it.                                             Children’s Helpline because they have a need to talk
the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people

with an adult for a while. Here, there is an opportuni-     the way they are” or “It is not your responsibility to   ate professional adult. Today it can unfortunately
ty of having a conversation with an adult where one         fix all of this…”. Children also need to know what       often be more difficult to find these adults – when
as a child is not in a dependent position – which           rights and options apply to them in different situa-     parents and custodians indicate that they do not
makes this particular adult relationship unique from        tions – for example on things regarding schooling,       have time or energy, and when school resources for
the child’s perspective. From BRIS’ perspective the         finances, work, housing, etc.                            student support are shrinking.
calls mainly mean listening, offering support and                                                                       Children who already have been in contact with
affirming the child who calls. For many children, it        After the call                                           the authorities also call BRIS – including contacts
is this in particular that can provide the hope and         BRIS, together with the child, often searches through    with e.g. social services based on placement in a fos-
courage to move forward in their own situation. To be       the surrounding social network to find trustworthy       ter home or treatment centre – but where this con-
taken seriously as a child and to be allowed to think       adults who can actively help the child to a change.      tact is not working, and the child ends up in a diffi-
about possible alternatives contributes to a process           Sometimes it is about actually speaking with his      cult dependent relationship without the opportunity
of change. It can be decisive for a child in a particular   or her mother or father about the matter – but just as   to influence the situation. In most cases the child is
situation to hear “It is not your fault that things are     often the child gets in touch with the most appropri-    referred on and below you can see who can hopefully
                                                                                                                     take up the case.
                                                                                                                        In certain situations a more firm intervention
                                                                                                                     than a referral is required. These follow-up contacts
                                                                                                                     are made on behalf of the child (i.e. on assignment
                                                                                                                     from the child). BRIS continues to be active, usually
     F    Further contacts following calls from children                                                             towards authorities. See the chapter on Assign-
                                                                                                                     ments, page 19.

the bris report 2004 : test calls

                                                Test calls
                                                                                                                                                      Medskribent: Martin Höög, BRIS region Nord

                                                                   In more than eight out of ten cases children and              subjects, where for example a gang pass the mobile

                                                                   young people contact the Children’s Helpline in other         phone around and bait each other to more and more
                                                                   ways than those that provide a basis for the statisti-        explicit, sexual language. BRIS’ starting point is how-
                                                                   cally recorded calls. The most common kind of calls           ever that many test calls are a confused expression of
                                                                   consists of different attempts to test BRIS. In 2004          a need for help that the caller cannot formulate.
                                                                   just over 40,000 so-called test calls comprised 40               Other non-statistically recorded ways of contacting
                                                                   percent of all calls. This figure is similar to that of the   the Children’s Helpline are through silent calls and
                                                                   previous year in terms of the percentage, but in terms        outbursts. The silence is often difficult to interpret,
                                                                   of the number the test calls have however decreased           but can be due, among others, to the caller not daring
                                                                   by approximately 30 percent.                                  to speak when they have gotten through or just
                                                                      Previous in-depth studies show that the majority           because they want to hear if there is someone on the
                                                                   of the test calls come from boys, which gives an              other end of the line. The outbursts are a way of con-
                                                                   inverted picture: although mostly girls end up in             tact that consists of monologues of wails, shouts or
                                                                   our statistics, most things indicate that in total more       insults of a sexual nature. These calls are together
                                                                   boys call BRIS. However, the boys’ contact attempts           almost as numerous as test calls.
                                                                   more seldom lead to sufficient information for further           An important issue for BRIS is to be equally acces-
                                                                   documentation.                                                sible to boys and girls. In 2003 we, together with SPES
                                                                      Children and young people have a natural need to           and the Child Safety Delegation, called attention to
                                                                   test and try. Many times young people test BRIS by            the increased number of young girls with issues of
                                                                   calling as a group. Boys call most often and want to          suicide. Reports indicate that twice as many boys as
                                                                   investigate where the boundaries of the adult world           girls commit suicide every year. A great challenge is

                                                                   go. They may for example want to hear if there is an          to develop knowledge of how we will better be able to
                                                                   adult that has the energy to listen, or if BRIS can really    perceive the boys’ often inarticulate calls for help.
                                     Although it is mostly girls   stand up to a test when there are no other adults to
                                      that end up in our statis-
                                                                   test the boundaries on. Sometimes such attempts
                                      tics, most things indicate
                                                                   turn into a dialogue and become a conversation.
                                    that in total more boys call
                                                          BRIS.       For example, a gang of boys can call to moan and
                                                                   shout words about sex over the line, but after a while
                                                                   one of them begins to explain that he feels bad
                                                                   because he found a hardcore porn film at home,
                                                                   which he had until now kept to himself.
                                                                      A child can call and shout: “I’m going to kill you,
                                                                   you bastard,” after which it turns out that the child
                                                                   experienced war and death close up. Many times the
                                                                   test calls can however deal with completely fictitious
the bris report 2004 : assignments

                                Sometimes children call and ask for more firm interven-       if the child tells an authority of what it is like at home.

                                tion than the single support call. They can be in an          Together with the child, the BRIS representative can go
                                urgent or dangerous situation, or ask for more help for       through which resources are available by bringing up
                                other reasons. When BRIS takes any measure beyond             the child’s own strengths and the surrounding social
                                the single call, we refer to it as working on behalf of the   network, and seeing which potential professional
                                child or on assignment from the child. This means that        resources can be of use. For example:
                                BRIS can contact authorities or establish other contacts,        •   “Girl age 17 calls and is sad. She says that she has
                                but it is always done at the child’s request. The children    taken a lot of responsibility for her younger siblings for
                                are anonymous as long as they themselves want to be.          several years when her mother is feeling bad. The girl
                                    Problems that are common in assignment contacts           thinks that it feels like the world is falling in on her and
                                are family conflicts, physical and mental abuse, sexual       she is afraid that the family will be broken up if she
                                abuse, housing, bullying and problems with different          tells. Soon she will not have the strength anymore and
                                authorities. In proportion to the total number of calls, a    sometimes she cuts her self. She has almost no contact
                                small fraction result in assignments from children, but       with her father.”
                                they often concern the most vulnerable children.                  When BRIS makes external contacts on behalf of the
                                Therefore, the assignment work is an important part of        child, the child’s anonymity does however usually need
                                BRIS’ support services.                                       to be broken. Emergency contact with authorities can be
                                    In 2004 BRIS concluded 76 assignments for children,       made when needed, and in these cases it is usually with
                                almost twenty fewer than the previous year. Three-            the social services on-call, or in exceptional cases the
                                fourths of the assignments concern girls and the ave-         police. For example when:
                                rage age is just over 14. In almost a third of the cases         •   “Boy age 13 calls and does not dare go home when
                                these children live in a biological nuclear family, which     his stepfather is drunk. The boy says that when his
                                is a very low figure compared to society in general as        stepfather drinks he gets violent and beats him. His
                                well as to how it looks on the Children’s Helpline.           mother has sometimes been beaten and the boy says
                                    Assignments can be classified into two groups: sup-       that she is also afraid. The boy is worried for his little

    A small fraction of calls
      result in assignments
    from children, but they
     often concern the most
                                port/motivation calls and external contacts, but they
                                often occur in combination. In the former it is however
                                fundamental that the child can still remain anonymous
                                and have repeated contact with a BRIS representative. In
                                support/motivation calls, the child often has serious
                                                                                              brother who is still in the flat.”
                                                                                                  In situations that are not urgent, social services is the
                                                                                              most common authority that BRIS contacts on behalf of
                                                                                              children. Sometimes we submit a report that the child is
                                                                                              faring poorly at home in different ways, other times it is
        vulnerable children.    problems and there is not infrequently a fear that every-     because the child harms him or herself. Some of the
                                thing will become even worse if the child asks for help,      children have previously had contact with the authorities
                                which is sometimes due to a mistrust of the ability of        concerned, but have not felt that they received the help
                                authorities to help out. It can for example concern           they need. Other common contacts in assignments are
                                worry that the whole family will not be able to get help      with staff at schools and youth counselling centres.
the bris report 2004

the bris report 2004 :

                                  In January 2001 was established as an arena         So that BRIS can better cover its basic activities,

                                  customised to children’s and young people’s need         the web-based statistics were refined for acquisition,
                                  of communicating over the Internet. Since then the       registration and analysis of calls and e-mails. This
                                  website has been developed into a basic forum for        development has meant that we more quickly and
                                  support, information and learning. The website’s         more efficiently can follow up and develop support
                                  main focus lies on the dialogue with children and        services based on the needs of children and young
                                  young people, primarily through the BRIS-mail, but       people who turn to BRIS.
                                  the Discussion Forum also has a prominent place.
                                  The basic principle for the e-mail contacts builds on
                                  security and anonymity, where children log in with
                                  their own passwords so that their e-mails can be
                                  equally secure as their calls.
                             also functions as a communication plat-
                                  form in the work with public opinion formation,
                                  media contacts and fundraising to be able to continue
                                  offering support. In collaboration with the web
                                  agency deasign and the advertising agency IK
                                  Stockholm, is updated and refined in the aim
                                  of achieving greater dialogue with our target group,
                                  and greater uniformity and impact in focused mar-
                                  keting activities.
                                      In 2004 received almost 350,000 visits.
                                  During the year the site has been continuously
                                  developed based on various needs. This involved,

                                                                                                                                  Brisse says:
                                  among other things, the addition of a new youth                                                 In 2004 received
                                                                                                                                  almost 350,000 visits.
    The basic principle for the   section with the intention of encouraging greater
     e-mail contacts builds on    dialogue with BRIS among more young people in
      security and anonymity.     their upper teens. Another venture was the website
    The basic principle for the   developed in collaboration with SISU Idrotts-
     e-mail contacts builds on
                                  utbildarna (sports trainers) that was launched during
      security and anonymity.
                                  the summer. It is focused on education in socially
                                  responsible leadership, the fight against bullying and
                                  other problems that can arise in youth sports, which
                                  is the country’s organised activity that includes the
                                  greatest number of young people.
the bris report 2004 : the bris-mail

                                            The BRIS-mail
                                                               Background                                                                    among other things is why the recruitment, training

                                                               The BRIS-mail was opened in its current form on 31                            and supervision of our approximately 130 e-mail
                                                               January 2001 with the intent of relieving and comple-                         volunteers of today has been intensified since 2002.
                                                               menting the Children’s Helpline. It soon proved to be                         In 2004 the work in large part consisted of overseeing
                                                               important to many children to have a written dia-                             and developing the response methods and thinking
                                                               logue with adults, which led to the e-mail service                            ahead to be able to meet young people’s increased
                                                               today being an equally important part of the basic                            need of secure written contact with adults.
                                                               support services as telephony. “It’s much easier to
                                                               express myself in writing than it is on the phone if I’m                      The BRIS-mail in 2004
                                                               sad,” wrote a 13-year-old girl. Affirmation and hope is                       During 2001, the inaugural year, about 4,300 e-mails
                                                               conveyed in the responses from BRIS. The aim is that                          were received. This number increased to 6,700 in
                                                               the person e-mailing will not feel alone in his or her                        2002 to then increase to 8,350 in 2003. With a 21
                                                               thoughts and experiences. In a response from an                               percent increase, the number of e-mails amounted
                                                               adult, help is given to recognize opportunities to                            to 10,114 in 2004, 7,683 of which received a response
                                                               make a change. E-mail is growing the most, which                              of a supportive nature.

                                                                     G      The ten most common e-mail topics 2004

                                         Many children want
                                           to have a written
                                       dialogue with adults.
                                         Therefore e-mail is
                                        today just as impor-
                                          tant as telephony.

                                                               NB! The total is greater than 100 percent as we included what the e-mail both primarily and secondarily was about.
the bris report 2004 : the bris-mail

A quickly dashed hope was that more boys would
get in touch over the Internet, but in the past three
years, the distribution has been such that close to
nine out of ten e-mails concern girls. The average
age has also remained relatively constant: those
who write to BRIS are on average 15 years old,
somewhat older than those who call. BRIS is con-
cerned about the increasing number of e-mails that
deal with the suicidal problems of young girls. In
2003 we spoke of the dramatic increase in this area
– the e-mails were close to triple the number of
2002, when the increase in the number of e-mails
about self-destructiveness was striking. All of these
contacts with BRIS bear witness to signs of poor
mental health among a group of teenage girls in our
country, the extent of which we do not yet know.
    When we now combine the e-mail topics of sui-
cide, self-destructive behaviour, eating disorders
and other mental illnesses, this disquieting image
is also confirmed for 2004 where slightly more than
1,100 e-mails deal with suicide. Almost as many
bear witness to problems of self-destructiveness
where the only way to feel better for the time being
is, for example, to cut oneself with a sharp object or
some other way expose oneself to physical injury.

The e-mail examples that follow are partially
edited to protect the child’s anonymity.

Self-destructiveness/suicidal thoughts
•  Girl, age 15: Hi bris. I’m a 15-year-old girl. I’ve
been bullied since I was 8. Now I’ve begun to cut
myself. I don’t want to kill myself, but it feels good
to do it. It feels like easier when I’ve cut myself. Is
there something wrong with me? I look at the
wounds and feel proud is that normal? But I don’t
know why. Please help me. I don’t want to cut
myself anymore.
the bris report 2004 : the bris-mail

             •  Girl, age 15: I’m really worried about my friend. I’ve    ployed. I hate my stepfather who just drinks and            school and I’m always alone in the refectory. I have
             found out that she cuts herself. She’s even told me          brings his mates home. My big brothers have left            had friends but they’ve stopped calling and started
             that she does it. Now I’m scared that she’s going to         home and it’s just me left. Plus my little brother,         hanging out with others instead. Sometimes I’m
             die or bleed to death. she’s 17, I’m 15. I’ve seen her       who’s six and hits everyone he sees. He’s not getting       good enough for example if someone’s sick or so.
             arm, and a razor that she used Why is she doing this?        on well, but the social services don’t do shit. They get    Most of all I wish that I had a real best friend that I
             why does she hurt herself? I’m afraid that she’ll think      a strangle hold on me those disgusting bastards. But        can trust. I don’t want to feel alone and excluded and
             I betrayed her if I told. i really want to tell someone. I   I’m going to make an anonymous report after                 have the adults talking with me all the time. The
             don’t really trust the school counsellor and I don’t         Christmas. HOPE SOCIAL SERVICES SHAPE UP THEN!!!            adults should be talking to those that are doing this
             dare go straight to mum or dad. after that there aren’t                                                                  to me.
             so many other options! What should I do?                     Relationships with friends
                                                                          •   Girl, age 11: I have a friend who I like a whole lot,   Strength, energy and hope
             •  Boy age 15: It actually feels wrong to write, but I       but he’s mean to me. I don’t know what I should do.         There is a large amount of e-mail that is permeated
             don’t want to talk to anyone. I’ve had thoughts of           If I object he gets really angry. Sometimes he calls me     by a great energy to change, a sound, constructive
             suicide in different periods for about the last year. It     a tart and other things that make me sad. He doesn’t        anger that is important in change efforts. The e-mails
             doesn’t feel like I have any “real” reason to be suici-      understand that I get sad. No one in school does any-       also indicate that children and young people can
             dal, but it’s mostly about things being tough in             thing. I’ve spoken to my teacher, but he says that I        show a great deal of care for their friends, family and
             school. I’m not bullied or anything, it just feels like      shouldn’t mind him. Please tell me what I should do.        others in their surroundings. Like here:
             there’s a lot of pressure on me now that I’m starting
             high school in the autumn and I often just want to           Loneliness                                                  •  Hi, a girl in my class told all the girls in class that
             disappear and not bother about anything!                     •  Girl, age 14: I feel so awful. I feel so alone and am    she has problems with her mum.
                                                                          so bored that I can’t describe it. Feel like I no longer    But she also told the school nurse and her mentor in
             Existential questions                                        have anything to talk about, feels like there’s nothing     school. I, and many of my friends got really pissed
             •  Girl, age 17: Hi BRIS. I’m writing because I don’t        fun to live for. I have no problems at home, but I          that her mum treats her this way! Apparently her
             know whom else I can talk to. Now I can’t take it any        can’t be bothered to tell my parents how lonely I am.       mum usually shouts at her and humiliates her. When
             more. I don’t know what’s happened. I just feel so           After school I never do anything with anyone and it’s       I heard this I got so damned angry!! I want to help,
             completely empty and alone. I have loads of friends,         really not often that the phone rings for me. A girl        but don’t know how. Please tell me what I should do.
             but maybe no real best friend ya know. But still. I          I’ve spoken with a little thinks that I should talk to      would appreciate an answer.
             have a good family, and actually should be happy?            someone else. I think it would be good, but I don’t
             Well, I’m not. I don’t actually know what the problem        know who I should talk to, but some counsellor or           In the e-mail responses BRIS encourages children to
             is that makes me unhappy. But something feels so             something …would be good, but it’d feel so unbelie-         use this energy in a positive way that will benefit
             wrong. Don’t know what. Is there something wrong             vably strange to go in there… Please give me some           them and others. As a friend, one is very important,
             with me? Will I always feel like this? Help me.              advice on what I can do… I just think about how             but cannot take on an adult level of responsibility
                                                                          boring it will be later in the summer. There will           to solve issues dealing with bullying, sexual abuse
             Family conflicts                                             be loads of lonely days while all the other “normal”        and family conflicts.
             • Hello. Soon turning 16. i’ve written many times            people are having fun.                                         This is and remains the responsibility of adults.
             before. My school counsellor is great, but sadly she’s                                                                   An important detail that the experience from the
             quitting pretty soon. Then I’ll have no one to talk          Bullying                                                    BRIS-mail conveys is that emotionally sensitive
             with about my mum being mentally ill. She just sits          •  Boy age 13: I was completely frozen out of my            adults are enormously important to children and
             at home and pops pills since she became unem-                class last autumn. No one wants to sit next to me in        young people in our country.
the bris report 2004 : discussion forum

         Discussion Forum
                            For the third year BRIS offers an open meeting place     heading for different kinds of common questions

                            on the web where children and young people can ask       that often arise in the Discussion Forum or in BRIS’
                            questions and give answers, and discuss and share        other support activities where children and young
                            their experiences and feelings with each other.          people have given each other good, concrete answers
                            Participation is anonymous without the possibility of    on what one can do in different situations. The ques-
                            tracing e-mail addresses and is under the supervi-       tions can for example deal with how to get together
                            sion of a moderator from BRIS.                           with someone, what one can do when one is nervous
                                During 2004, almost 2,000 people have written        over presenting an assignment in school, how to
                            posts in the Discussion Forum. These people, the         handle poor self-confidence, how to end a friendship
                            great majority of which are girls, have written a        or learn to cry.
                            total of 6,800 posts, which is an increase by almost
                            50 percent compared to 2003.                             Examples of a few postings and
                                “The increase is probably due to our acquiring an    responses from the Discussion
                            arena that works for this kind of communication,         Forum and Children give each other
                            and to the fact that we have marketed ourselves and      advice:
                            reached the target group,” says moderator Jenny
                            Ingårda, who is the information coordinator at           Divorce
                            Riksförbundet BRIS.                                      Question: are there any of you that’s experienced
                                Subjects discussed over the year have included       your parents getting a divorce? it’s all so hard.
                            friendship, alcohol/drug abuse, the Internet and text       Response: Yeah, I’ve been there, but it was like 4
                            messages, feeling sorrow and being sad, divorces,        years ago…

                            things that make me feel good and a forum called            I really just want to forget it all. It’s still tough,
                            “the floor is open”.                                     because mum and dad can’t ever talk or discuss any-
     Subjects discussed         The Discussion Forum is also used as a channel       thing with each other.
      over the year have    when it comes to venting current world events that          They can’t even talk on the phone without argu-
    included friendship,    affect us to varying degrees, such as the hostage sit-   ing. It’s damned hard.
     alcohol/drug abuse,    uation in southern Russia and the tsunami disaster          But the worst is in the beginning, or it usually is.
        the Internet and
                            in Southeast Asia in the final days of the year. Here       But I think the best for you would be to talk with
     text messages, and
      feeling sorrow and    one can quickly find information on how children         someone about it, like a friend who understands the
               being sad.   and young people think, what they expect and what        situation or if you like call bris, or go to a youth
                            support and help they need from school and profes-       counselling centre.
                            sional adults when a crisis situation arises.               Do what you want, I know it’s rough.
                                During 2004 we have taken out excerpts of some          But it gets better. It might not feel that way in the
                            questions and responses under the heading Children       beginning, but it does after a while. “A wound
                            give each other advice. This is a kind of collective     heals”..Take care.
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BRIS Report 2004
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BRIS Report 2004

  • 1. 04 The BRIS Report Calls and e-mails to BRIS 2004
  • 2.
  • 3. the bris report 2004 : contents Contents: The BRIS Report 2004 1. Summary ....................................................................................................5 2. Total supportive contacts with children in 2004 ..................................6 3. Calls from children and young people.................................................12 4. Test calls ...................................................................................................18 5. Assignments.............................................................................................19 6. 7. The BRIS-mail ..........................................................................................22 8. Discussion Forums..................................................................................25 9. Ask the Lawyer ........................................................................................27 10. Calls from Adults ....................................................................................28 11. Focal areas................................................................................................31 12. What makes the children happy? A salutogenetic perspective.......34 Responsible editor: Kerstin Thuresson, Chairman BRIS National Association | Text: Gunnar Sandelin, Press Secretary BRIS Research: Peter Irgens, R&D Secretary BRIS | Design and production: IK Stockholm | Stockholm February 2005 3 Thanks to Johnér/Sven Olof Jonn | All photos © Sven Olof Jonn/Johnér. | Translation: Eqvator AB
  • 5. the bris report 2004 : summary Summary Calls and e-mails with suicide while almost as many were about self- BRIS’ support services for children and young people destructiveness; the latter showed an increase of more 1 are based on the Children’s Helpline and, for the last than 40 percent compared to 2003. four years, on the BRIS-mail. In 2004, BRIS volunteers Many girls that e-mail BRIS have had thoughts of answered a total of just over 22,000 supportive oral and suicide for a long time; some have attempted suicide written contacts from children and young people, of several times. It is also common that girls with suicidal which just over 14,000 were calls and almost 8,000 and self-destructive tendencies have little faith in adults were e-mails. In total, there were as many contacts and prior negative experience of professional help. BRIS with children in the past year as in 2003, but the trend has therefore demanded that the government make is for e-mails to increase about as much as the statisti- great investments in preventative measures. cally recorded calls decrease. Beyond the statistically recorded child contacts, just Perpetrator profile over 40,000 shorter, so-called test calls came in and Physical and sexual abuse of children is usually com- almost 2,000 e-mails were answered informatively. mitted in the home. According to the children’s own Girls seek help to a greater extent than boys: in total, information, 85 percent of the physical abuse and half almost eight out of ten of the statistically recorded of the sexual abuse takes place in the home. As a rule contacts concern girls. The average age is 14 and those the abuse is committed by someone close, usually a who e-mail are on average somewhat older than those parent. The perpetrator is in most cases a man, and the who call. victim is most often a girl. The contact area that tops the list both with regard to calls and e-mails is family conflicts, which includes Adult Helpline everything from normal emancipation processes to con- In 2004, just over 2,100 calls to BRIS’ Adult Helpline – flicts that entail physical and sexual abuse, where cul- About Children were statistically recorded, which is a tural clashes with teenagers in immigrant families also decrease of almost five percent compared to the year occur. In general, however, it is more common to write before. It is primarily the child’s parents or other relatives “ Many girls that e-mail BRIS have had thoughts of suicide for a long time, some have attempted about internal problems such as issues of suicide and self-destructiveness, while children and young people prefer to talk about external victimisation such as bully- ing and physical and sexual abuse. who call with worries and questions about the child con- cerned. In three-fourths of the cases the adult caller is a woman. This pattern is consistent from year to year. Adults are primarily worried about young children; the average age is 10.5. Adults also call relatively more suicide several times. Mental illness in young girls often about boys even if the calls dealing with girls In 2003, BRIS reported on the unexpectedly large increase are in the majority. The calls from adults are most of e-mails from girls with problems of suicide; in the year often about different conflicts in the family, mainly prior it primarily concerned self-destructiveness, such as divorce and its consequences for the children, but cutting oneself. During 2004 the increase continued in also about the child’s mental health and problems in both of these areas where nearly 1,600 contacts dealt the parental role. 5
  • 6. the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children Total supportive contacts with children 2004 2 Background For the first time, BRIS can present the total number of supportive contacts with children and young peo- ple during a year in more detail. This means that all statistically processed and better-documented con- tacts on the Children’s Helpline and the BRIS-mail have been compiled and analysed to the furthest pos- This is because BRIS is no longer synonymous with a helpline: even if the statistically recorded call volume is still twice as large as the e-mail volume, the gap is nar- rowing. In 2004 the trend of increased e-mailing and decreased calling continued. Both contact channels complement each other and are now equally important parts of the fundamental support, even though e-mail sible extent. support has only been around for a few years. A A Statistically recorded contacts with children 1991-2004 Additional information on supportive contacts and case descriptions can be found in ! the chapters on the Children’s Helpline (page 12) and the BRIS-mail (page 22). 6
  • 7. the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children Calls and e-mails in 2004 Yet in total there are probably more boys that with teenagers in immigrant families also occur, In 2004, BRIS statistically recorded 22,133 supportive contact BRIS, but their calls most often occur in test where traditions, values and expectations differ from contacts with children and young people, of which calls and are usually too inarticulate or incomplete what is perceived as the norm in Sweden. Children 14,450 were calls and 7,683 were e-mails, which in to be able to be documented (see the chapter on Test and young people call about problems in the family, total is almost exactly the same as last year. calls page 18). which can be between the adults, between parents This means that two thirds were calls and one- Family conflicts constitute an area that leads by and children, or between siblings; but it is most third e-mails. Consequently BRIS had almost 2,000 far with more than four thousand contacts; this is common that the caller has him or herself come into contacts with children every month, or just over 400 the most common reason both to call and e-mail conflict with mum and/or dad. Here, there are also a week. In total, almost eight out of ten of the statis- BRIS. This heading can include everything from nor- children who cannot adjust to the new family con- tically recorded contacts concerned girls. The ave- mal emancipation processes to conflicts that entail stellations that have arisen when the parents get rage age is 14. physical and sexual abuse, where culture clashes divorced and meet new partners, who themselves may also have children. Bullying is something that children would much rather call about than write about. A large majority of the more than three thousand contacts that speak B The 15 most common contact topics in calls and e-mails from children of the victimisation of bullying take place on the Children’s Helpline, where slightly more than every sixth call deals with this topic. Even if there was a break in the trend this year, bullying has long been the single most common reason for calling BRIS and is also an area where calls considerably more often concern boys. The child contacting us has often been victimised for a long time, but tried in vain to talk with other adults about their situation. Bullying is one of the few areas where it is particularly clear that children’s experiences differ from those of the adult world, as the children often think that adults cannot take the signals seriously. BRIS believes this experience can lead to a nega- tive self-image of being a “bullying victim” that can also become self-fulfilling. But we also want to emphasize that the children who contact us are not representative of an average student, and that there are naturally many adults in our schools who listen, act and implement effective measures against bully- ing. It can also be worth mentioning that it does This figure reflects what the calls and e-mails both primarily and secondarily dealt with. occur that the bully him or herself also calls BRIS to As more than one contact topic can be dealt with in one call/e-mail, the total percentage exceeds 100 percent. get support. 7
  • 8. the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children We know from experience that bullying almost the pure joy of having a close friend is also expressed. always takes place in school and consists of every- Love relationships. There are numerous and thing from being frozen out to sexual harassment varied questions when it comes to relationships and physical abuse. The trend has turned towards and falling in love: How do you meet someone to be girls partially taking over the boys’ manner of acting together with? Can you be in love when you are eight out more. In almost nine out of ten cases bullying is years old? What should you think about when you committed by a group, which in half of these cases are going to have sex with a girl for the first time? consists of both boys and girls. How do you know that a guy is interested? How do In terms of the gender distribution, 43 percent of you break up? It most often concerns anxious calls all cases of bullying are committed by perpetrators of that also deal with identity and self-image. Being both sexes, while 34 percent are committed solely by entitled to choose who one wants and supporting a boys and 22 percent solely by girls. friend who is not getting on well are important In a 2004 debate article in Dagens Nyheter, BRIS issues. Many also need someone who listens when emphasized the issue of the responsibility of schools an unrequited love makes everything else feel mean- and the competence of teachers/principals with ingless. Like other contacts about family conflicts, regard to bullying prevention efforts. The quality of love relationships also concern contacts with training at all schools of education in the country teenagers in immigrant families, where boys and was surveyed and assessed. The results showed that girls find themselves in conflict with the family/ only two of the country’s 29 teaching programmes relatives with regard to their choice of partner. provide teaching candidates sufficient knowledge to Issues of suicide, self-destructiveness, other men- manage the profession’s social and student care tal illnesses and eating disorders (just outside of the tasks, such as preventing children from being vic- table) are typical, weighty and frequent topics that timised. BRIS therefore demanded, among other have a great deal in common. A clear majority of things, that the government charges the National children and young people would rather write to Agency for Higher Education with reviewing teacher BRIS about these issues than call. Despite this, the training, so that teaching candidates are better pre- call frequency is also increasing here. pared for the reality they will meet. In 2004 BRIS had close to 1,600 contacts concer- Relationships with friends. Finding friends, being ning suicide, of which almost 1,100 were e-mails. fair, solving problems that arise, becoming popular Over 1,500 contacts dealt with self-destructiveness, and well-liked for who one is, are consistently reasons 900 dealt with eating disorders and 1,400 concerned for contacting BRIS. Just over three thousand contacts other mental illnesses. About nine out of ten con- with BRIS dealt with these topics during the year. tacts in this area come from girls. The increase in Friends are central to children and young people of the contacts concerning self-destructive behaviour different ages. Children who have no friends live estimated to be more than 40 percent is striking, every day with a reminder of their loneliness (another while contacts about suicide increased by approxi- prominent theme). Children who are not bullied can mately 10 percent compared to 2003. also speak of long-term exclusion and loneliness. In the last two years BRIS has warned of the Here there are also children who are seriously wor- exceptionally large increase in e-mails mainly from ried about friends who are not doing well. Sometimes girls who cut themselves and no longer want to live. 8
  • 9. the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children The statistics from 2004 indicate a continued increase in these contacts and that the mental C Perpetrators, physical abuse health of young girls is a social problem. Many young people that contact BRIS have had thoughts of suicide for a long time, some have also attempted suicide several times and they often have negative experiences of speaking with adults about their self-loathing. Depression, sleeping difficulties, feelings of powerlessness and exclusion are com- mon. The causes of the problems vary, but disputes and alcohol/drug abuse in the home, too high expec- tations and too much stress or bullying in school, loneliness, love problems and a mistrust of the adult world are common background variables. As part of the development in the fight against suicide and issues of self-destructiveness among young people, in 2004 BRIS continued the collabora- tion that was begun in 2003 with the organisation SPES (Suicide Prevention and Survivor Support) and Allmänna Barnhuset. This resulted, among other several years BRIS has emphasized that loneliness is attention of those in power, the media and the public things, in five conferences in our respective regions a common, almost invisible theme that is common to the fact that child abuse is still a plague affecting and the book “Report from my heart”, written by 13- to most contacts. Despite having friends, one can feel too many children. 15 year-olds, who were invited to participate from all lonely, a sense of exclusion and a feeling that there is In 2004, just over 1,500 children and young people of the schools in the country. See the chapter on the no one that understands that I in particular have cer- contacted BRIS on this topic, usually by calling. Here, BRIS-mail (p. 22). tain thoughts and feelings. The same perception of just as in victimisation by sexual abuse, the child Other mental illness can for example deal with loneliness also exists within the family and social needs someone to talk with. The abuse has often dejection, depression and obsessive behaviour. It networks, where no one really has time to care. Many gone on for a long time before the child contacts us. often borders on other topics where the child young people have a strong feeling of being left alone Physical abuse (and bullying) is a more frequent expresses a feeling of stress and high expectations, with their questions of identity and life. These sig- theme for boys compared to the proportion of boys and of not being able to live up to expectations such nals indicate a need for more adults to be around in other areas of contact. as being attractive and successful. A sense of resigna- who have the time, energy and knowledge to listen For the ninth year in a row, BRIS has compiled a tion is often described after trying in vain to commu- to their questions and thoughts. perpetrator profile based on the children’s informa- nicate with their unsympathetic surroundings. Physical abuse of children was the reason behind tion. The home is the most common scene of the Another common feeling is the perception of being the establishment of BRIS in 1971 when one felt that crime where 85 percent of all child abuse cases completely alone in one’s thoughts. the authorities did too little. BRIS also made strong occur. Girls are victims in 64 percent of the cases. Loneliness and existential life questions are top- contributions in making Sweden the first country in The perpetrator is usually a man – 72 percent, ics that reflect internal, personal problems and ques- the world to prohibit the corporal punishment of although it is not infrequently a woman – 28 per- tions of children and young people. Calls and e-mails children in 1979. In the latter half of the 1990s BRIS cent. The 15 percent of abuse cases committed by on these topics are just about equally common. For also conducted opinion-forming efforts to call the both sexes is also included in these figures. 9
  • 10. the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children Sexual abuse/molestation, together with physical with concrete questions about normality and “how to to right now. Some call because they have had a bad child abuse, is the most difficult problem area where act” in different contexts. Children and young people experience, or may have done something under the the child is victimised, usually by someone the child have to handle the considerable sexualisation that influence of drugs or alcohol. Others need to talk with is dependent on for his or her survival. Few events today characterises a great deal of the visual images someone in confidence about their thoughts on leave such a destructive impression on a growing in media and advertising. It is becoming clear to BRIS homosexuality – what should I do if I am thirteen person’s life than being the victim of sexual abuse. In that many young people lack adults who dare talk years old and in love with my friend? Here there are some cases the violations are ongoing, in others they about sex and help them interpret the images of sex- also important calls from teenagers who are happy lie further back in time, but the child has often not uality provided on the Internet, television and news- and eager before “doing it” tonight for the first time – told anyone of them before. Self-guilt and loyalty to paper placards. One may find it paradoxical when in which case we are there as trusted contacts, which family members, as well as a fear of worsening the twelve year-olds can read advanced sex tips in the leaves us impressed by the maturity and willingness situation by telling someone of their suffering, con- local evening news – only to call the Children’s of young people to accept responsibility. tribute to children’s silence. But from the child’s per- Helpline the next day because they do not dare talk to spective, the call can be the start of a process of mum about their first menstruation. For many, sexu- Differences between calls and e-mails change where the girl or boy recognizes the possibili- ality is tied to expectations and worry. Here there is a It is easier to write about internal problems than it is ty of getting support and help from an adult. sense of uncertainty and questions about what one is to speak about them. Self-destructiveness, suicidal Also here BRIS has mapped perpetrators and vic- expected to agree to, if one is to manage intercourse, thoughts, existential and life questions, mental ill- tims for the ninth year in a row: in half of the cases, and thoughts as to whether or not one actually wants ness and identity issues are found to a greater extent the sexual abuse has taken place in the home, but school is also a common crime scene with 13 per- cent of the cases. As with physical abuse, the father is the most common single perpetrator, but a contemporary is D Perpetrators, sexual abuse/molestation the perpetrator in one out of four cases. With regard to the gender distribution, 91 percent of those guilty of the sexual abuse/molestation are men/boys, and 9 percent are women. In 83 percent of the cases a girl is the victim. It is worth noting that the proportion of women perpetrators has been cut in half since last year when only the perpetrator profile from the Children’s Helpline was available. We can also note that the sexual abuse has to some extent moved out of the home and that the proportion of other adults has become somewhat greater compared to last year. The area of sexuality, sexual development and questions about identity, one’s body and appearance is last among our 15 most common contact areas. The first two are comparatively more common topics for boys to call about – and they not infrequently deal 10
  • 11. the bris report 2004 : total supportive contacts with children in the written word than in the spoken word. In contrast, it is more common to call about rela- tionships with the external surroundings, particular- ly if they concern direct victimisation by a perpetra- tor. Then the child’s immediate need to hear a voice is greater, regardless of whether the violation was committed by an adult or a contemporary. Bullying in particular tops statistics over telephone contacts while the e-mails that tell of this kind of victimisa- tion are comparatively few. Problems concerning physical and sexual abuse are also relatively more common on the Children’s Helpline. Besides the manner of expression the child him or herself chooses, different contact topics are also related to how quickly one can get a response. On the phone the response is immediate, even if the times the line is open are limited and one usually does not get through right away on the first try. On the other hand one can write to the BRIS-mail 24- hours a day and one always gets a response even if it can take some time: 51 hours on average. 11
  • 12. the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people Calls from children and young people 3 Background Every day children and young people call the Children’s Helpline, which is open daily with few exceptions to those who are up to 18 years old. Here there is the possibility of making an independent adult contact, but the flow of calls also reflects how the access to trustworthy relationships to adults looks unteers who work under the supervision of employed BRIS-representatives. The volunteers are recruited and trained according to our requirements: being at least 25 years old, having experience of working with children and young people, possessing personal suit- ability for the job and having gone through our inter- nal training programme. in children’s growth environments. It is definitely not Behind the percentages, tables and averages there all children who call BRIS, but many do and others try, are many thousands of children and young people but do not have the energy or do not dare to complete who have let us know something about their lives. a call. The person answering is instead met by a This is a trust that we take care of – for the sake of phone being hung up, silence, too little information or these children in particular, but also in our work for some form of joke. This concerns in great part how the living conditions of all children in our country. the boys try to get in touch with us. Read more about this in the Test calls chapter on page 18. Statistically recorded calls Many children are not used to speaking with adults from children in 2004 and putting events, feelings and thoughts into words, In 2004 BRIS received 14,450 statistically recorded nor are they used to being listened to, respected and calls, which is a decrease of ten percent compared believed. But surprisingly many have the strength in with the previous year. At the same time the length their efforts to get support and help, and the ability to of the call was ten percent longer than before, on give BRIS important information about their problems average 13.7 minutes per call. “ Behind the percentages, tables and averages there are many thousands of children and young people and on pleasant topics. These longer calls are docu- mented in our statistics and discussed in this chapter, although without making identification of individual children possible. Exceptions to this anonymity are made only when the child has expressly asked BRIS to Eight out of ten calls come from a mobile phone and these calls stand for more than 90 percent of the call costs. Gender, age and housing who have let us know some- make other contacts or is in immediate danger. The calls treated in our statistics mostly concern thing about their lives. girls, with 73 percent of the cases, while 27 percent What happens when one calls BRIS? of the calls concern boys. When children call the Children’s Helpline during the This pattern is consistent with all previous years opening hours they are connected to one of the five of offering support. The boys do not see, or do not regional offices, where a total of eight to ten phone manage to use the spoken word as a tool for finding lines are manned. The calls are answered by our vol- help to the same extent as the girls. This pattern is 12
  • 13. the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people also substantiated by BRIS, which as yet cannot offer representation compared to the population in general. as many men as women to answer the calls. In the Slightly more than a fifth of the callers live with a description of the calls’ contents we can also see that single parent, usually his or her mother. Others live boys and girls to some extent choose to talk about in stepfamilies, with both parents alternately, in a different things. foster home or at an institution of some kind. In the Girls call relatively more about relationship prob- context, we can note that an increasing portion of the lems with family, friends and love partners, and calls concern relationships and conflicts within the about sexual abuse, while boys are over-represented family in particular. in areas such as bullying and physical abuse. The Children’s Helpline is aimed at all children up Call topics to 18 years of age. In terms of age the callers are in a The calls to the Children’s Helpline deal with most of principal span of eleven to 16. In 2004 the average what can happen in a child’s life. Many times it also age was just over 13, which means that a typical concerns children who really fare badly. The calls caller to BRIS is a girl in her lower teens. reflect everything from experience of the most severe Six out of ten calls concern a child that lives sexual abuse to experiences of loneliness, situations together with both parents, which is a certain under- of choice, disappointments and more. Some call only E The ten most common topics in calls from children in 2004 The figure above shows the ten most common call topics on the Children’s Helpline. A more detailed description of these is presented in the introductory chapter on total supportive contacts with children (page 6). 13
  • 14. the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people because they just need to talk, others to ask specific Family conflicts Love relationships questions. In many calls the real matter is masked or • Worried and dejected girl, age 13, who listens to the • 14-year-old girl is in love with a guy who is 17. He the signals are weak, so all of the sensitivity and parents fighting in the evenings when they think she’s seems interested, but she is hesitant to get together empathy that the responding volunteer can muster is asleep. Is afraid they are going to get divorced. School with him because he surely wants to have sex, and needed. is an oasis in life where she avoids thinking about it. she is not ready yet. The call samples from our volunteers’ notes that follow are a selection of what can be representative • Sad boy who calls. His mother is sick-listed and • The boy is sad, alone and abandoned, and does not for some call topics. tired, and just shouts at him. He is ashamed of her know what he should do. His girlfriend of three years Note that the examples are somewhat edited to and cannot bring friends home. Has a bad conscience broke up with him yesterday. protect the child caller’s anonymity. for not liking his mother. • The girl has seen a guy in the shop and fallen in Bullying • The girl’s parents do not accept that she has a love. Does not know how to get a hold of him!! She is • 5 guys and 2 girls pushed her up against the wall, Swedish boyfriend. She will be cut out of the family if about to explode! took a strangle hold, and threatened her. They have the relationship continues. Her brother was thrown also taken her schoolbooks and thrown them in the out several years ago. • 16-year-old girl who kissed her best friend’s water, and made a web page about her where they boyfriend at a party. She regrets it and wants to tell only write nasty things. Started with her getting • Girl’s foster mother no longer wants to have con- the friend. The guy seems interested in her, but she comments and little pushes from one of the girls in tact. Harsh words and physical violence against the values her friend’s friendship more. Needed to test the gang during about 2 weeks. She pushed back. girl in the foster home. Does not want to go to a treat- ideas on how she should tell her friend. Her friends do not help her; they walk away when ment centre, wants to move home to mum. What will the gang comes. happen now? Who is going to believe what she says? Sexual and physical abuse • Girl who has been raped by her father several • The boy has been bullied for a long time, according Relationships with friends times. It started last year. Is with her father one to him because he is fat and bad in school. His mother • “How do you tell a friend that you don’t want to weekend every month, but does not want to tell her often works out of town and his father does not spend time with them any more?” The girl is tired of mother. Actually likes her father and does not want understand – no adult support anywhere. Everyone a friend that she thinks is using her and often gets to report him. says that he should not worry. Tries on clothes in the angry for no reason. middle of the night to see what to wear so as not to • Girl who has long been burdened with a problem. look fat. • 12-year-old boy who is a goalie. The team lost an She was sexually abused by an older relative when important match – and now it seems like everyone she was younger; it went on for about 2 years. She • A girl who wanted to say that she had been bul- thinks it is his fault. has felt bad because of it all these years and is won- lied, but that they have quit. She says that she has dering if she can report it now. Will tell her parents. gotten a new life since then! • 15-year-old girl who says that the family cannot afford new clothes for her. She feels excluded at • Girl who was sexually abused by her boyfriend last • A girl who feels excluded from her class. Always school where a certain style is in. Will soon switch year. The guy hit and raped her and now everything sits alone and is always chosen last. No one to be classes and is looking forward to it, but at the same feels unreal in a strange way. She describes that she with during the breaks. Most of all she wants to time is worried that it might not be any different. always feels sad and has a hard time concentrating. switch classes. She has never spoken to anyone Wants to get help. about it, but felt like doing so today. • “I’m invisible.” 14
  • 15. the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people 15
  • 16. the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people • Sad boy who says that his mother has beaten him stomach. Afraid that she will have a miscarriage. Existentially and even made sexual advances. His father lives in Does not dare talk with her mother. • Depressed girl who is not sure that she wants to another city and his only sibling has moved away live. Life feels meaningless, fights about everything from home. The boy does not want to contact another • “What should I do when a friend is black-and-blue with her parents, does not think they like her. What adult and hangs up when we talk about him and his and always wants to come home with me?” is the meaning of existence? mother maybe needing help. Sexuality and sexual development • A boy reflects “too much” on the world and won- • Girl who says that her mother’s boyfriend has • Guy who has loads of questions before he and his ders if he is strange because he is worried about started to look at her “like that”. Now he had taken girlfriend want to have sex. How do girls work? Does injustices, war, and the environment, among others. off his clothes and touched her. Was afraid and did it hurt? Why do girls bleed the first time? How do you not know if she could tell her mother. know what size condom to buy? Wants it to be good Other for both of them! • Guy in his upper teens who is worried about his • Girl who wonders where to turn when a teacher little brother who plays video games all day long. gropes her when he can and no one is looking. Stares • 12-year-old girl who wonders if it is normal to at her breasts when he speaks to her. She has tried to have not gotten her first period yet. Feels it is embar- • Very lonely girl whose parents are away often. object, but he just laughs at her. rassing to talk to mum. Talked a long time about many different things – did not seem to have spoken with anyone for an eternity. • Boy who has been abused by his stepfather for • Girl who got drunk at a party and had sex with a many years. Mum knows, but does not dare go guy she does not know. Feels confused and “bad”. • Boy whose mother committed suicide earlier this against him. The boy has reported it to the police and year. Since then nothing really seems to work. Would social services before, but nothing has happened. The • Girl thinks that she is homosexual, but does not like to talk about his sadness, but has no one to talk to. situation feels hopeless. dare admit it to others. Talks about guys with her friends so that no one gets any ideas. • Girl who gets everything from her parents – and • 14-year-old girl who has lived at a treatment cen- thinks it is tough. Wishes that her parents would set tre and has regularly been physically and mentally • Boy who starts by asking if it is dangerous to boundaries and that she could not always get what abused by certain members of the staff. Ran away masturbate a lot. Several questions about physical she wants. Says herself that she wants to have love, and told the police once, but they did not believe her. development and sexuality come up afterwards. but no one “sees” her. Now she lives in a foster home where they believe Inquisitive guy who has not dared ask anyone. her and will make sure she does not need to go back. • Boy who lives at a treatment centre. He isn’t allowed • Girl who wants to “get back her virginity”. Her to see his parents, and does not understand why. • Boy who is very worried about himself and his sib- parents would go mad if they found out that she lings who have lived with physical and sexual abuse had had sex. • Boy who is worried that he is starting to become their entire life. Wants to get help from someone who addicted to alcohol. Has tried to get help, but gets the understands the problems with families from another • Boy, 17 years old, whose girlfriend of the same age response that he is too young. Has tried to stay sober, culture. is pregnant. He would like to go with her to check- but older relatives tempt him with liquor. ups etc., but the girl wants to take her mother • Girl, 16 years old, who has become pregnant instead. Feels sad and left out. Is unsure if the girl Where do the calls lead? despite protecting herself. The guy, who is older, intends to keep the child, but she does not want to In the majority of cases, young people call the thinks she has been unfaithful and hit her in the talk about it. Children’s Helpline because they have a need to talk 16
  • 17. the bris report 2004 : calls from children and young people with an adult for a while. Here, there is an opportuni- the way they are” or “It is not your responsibility to ate professional adult. Today it can unfortunately ty of having a conversation with an adult where one fix all of this…”. Children also need to know what often be more difficult to find these adults – when as a child is not in a dependent position – which rights and options apply to them in different situa- parents and custodians indicate that they do not makes this particular adult relationship unique from tions – for example on things regarding schooling, have time or energy, and when school resources for the child’s perspective. From BRIS’ perspective the finances, work, housing, etc. student support are shrinking. calls mainly mean listening, offering support and Children who already have been in contact with affirming the child who calls. For many children, it After the call the authorities also call BRIS – including contacts is this in particular that can provide the hope and BRIS, together with the child, often searches through with e.g. social services based on placement in a fos- courage to move forward in their own situation. To be the surrounding social network to find trustworthy ter home or treatment centre – but where this con- taken seriously as a child and to be allowed to think adults who can actively help the child to a change. tact is not working, and the child ends up in a diffi- about possible alternatives contributes to a process Sometimes it is about actually speaking with his cult dependent relationship without the opportunity of change. It can be decisive for a child in a particular or her mother or father about the matter – but just as to influence the situation. In most cases the child is situation to hear “It is not your fault that things are often the child gets in touch with the most appropri- referred on and below you can see who can hopefully take up the case. In certain situations a more firm intervention than a referral is required. These follow-up contacts are made on behalf of the child (i.e. on assignment from the child). BRIS continues to be active, usually F Further contacts following calls from children towards authorities. See the chapter on Assign- ments, page 19. 17
  • 18. the bris report 2004 : test calls Test calls Medskribent: Martin Höög, BRIS region Nord In more than eight out of ten cases children and subjects, where for example a gang pass the mobile 4 young people contact the Children’s Helpline in other phone around and bait each other to more and more ways than those that provide a basis for the statisti- explicit, sexual language. BRIS’ starting point is how- cally recorded calls. The most common kind of calls ever that many test calls are a confused expression of consists of different attempts to test BRIS. In 2004 a need for help that the caller cannot formulate. just over 40,000 so-called test calls comprised 40 Other non-statistically recorded ways of contacting percent of all calls. This figure is similar to that of the the Children’s Helpline are through silent calls and previous year in terms of the percentage, but in terms outbursts. The silence is often difficult to interpret, of the number the test calls have however decreased but can be due, among others, to the caller not daring by approximately 30 percent. to speak when they have gotten through or just Previous in-depth studies show that the majority because they want to hear if there is someone on the of the test calls come from boys, which gives an other end of the line. The outbursts are a way of con- inverted picture: although mostly girls end up in tact that consists of monologues of wails, shouts or our statistics, most things indicate that in total more insults of a sexual nature. These calls are together boys call BRIS. However, the boys’ contact attempts almost as numerous as test calls. more seldom lead to sufficient information for further An important issue for BRIS is to be equally acces- documentation. sible to boys and girls. In 2003 we, together with SPES Children and young people have a natural need to and the Child Safety Delegation, called attention to test and try. Many times young people test BRIS by the increased number of young girls with issues of calling as a group. Boys call most often and want to suicide. Reports indicate that twice as many boys as investigate where the boundaries of the adult world girls commit suicide every year. A great challenge is “ go. They may for example want to hear if there is an to develop knowledge of how we will better be able to adult that has the energy to listen, or if BRIS can really perceive the boys’ often inarticulate calls for help. Although it is mostly girls stand up to a test when there are no other adults to that end up in our statis- test the boundaries on. Sometimes such attempts tics, most things indicate turn into a dialogue and become a conversation. that in total more boys call BRIS. For example, a gang of boys can call to moan and shout words about sex over the line, but after a while one of them begins to explain that he feels bad because he found a hardcore porn film at home, which he had until now kept to himself. A child can call and shout: “I’m going to kill you, you bastard,” after which it turns out that the child experienced war and death close up. Many times the test calls can however deal with completely fictitious 18
  • 19. the bris report 2004 : assignments Assignments Sometimes children call and ask for more firm interven- if the child tells an authority of what it is like at home. 5 tion than the single support call. They can be in an Together with the child, the BRIS representative can go urgent or dangerous situation, or ask for more help for through which resources are available by bringing up other reasons. When BRIS takes any measure beyond the child’s own strengths and the surrounding social the single call, we refer to it as working on behalf of the network, and seeing which potential professional child or on assignment from the child. This means that resources can be of use. For example: BRIS can contact authorities or establish other contacts, • “Girl age 17 calls and is sad. She says that she has but it is always done at the child’s request. The children taken a lot of responsibility for her younger siblings for are anonymous as long as they themselves want to be. several years when her mother is feeling bad. The girl Problems that are common in assignment contacts thinks that it feels like the world is falling in on her and are family conflicts, physical and mental abuse, sexual she is afraid that the family will be broken up if she abuse, housing, bullying and problems with different tells. Soon she will not have the strength anymore and authorities. In proportion to the total number of calls, a sometimes she cuts her self. She has almost no contact small fraction result in assignments from children, but with her father.” they often concern the most vulnerable children. When BRIS makes external contacts on behalf of the Therefore, the assignment work is an important part of child, the child’s anonymity does however usually need BRIS’ support services. to be broken. Emergency contact with authorities can be In 2004 BRIS concluded 76 assignments for children, made when needed, and in these cases it is usually with almost twenty fewer than the previous year. Three- the social services on-call, or in exceptional cases the fourths of the assignments concern girls and the ave- police. For example when: rage age is just over 14. In almost a third of the cases • “Boy age 13 calls and does not dare go home when these children live in a biological nuclear family, which his stepfather is drunk. The boy says that when his is a very low figure compared to society in general as stepfather drinks he gets violent and beats him. His well as to how it looks on the Children’s Helpline. mother has sometimes been beaten and the boy says Assignments can be classified into two groups: sup- that she is also afraid. The boy is worried for his little “ A small fraction of calls result in assignments from children, but they often concern the most port/motivation calls and external contacts, but they often occur in combination. In the former it is however fundamental that the child can still remain anonymous and have repeated contact with a BRIS representative. In support/motivation calls, the child often has serious brother who is still in the flat.” In situations that are not urgent, social services is the most common authority that BRIS contacts on behalf of children. Sometimes we submit a report that the child is faring poorly at home in different ways, other times it is vulnerable children. problems and there is not infrequently a fear that every- because the child harms him or herself. Some of the thing will become even worse if the child asks for help, children have previously had contact with the authorities which is sometimes due to a mistrust of the ability of concerned, but have not felt that they received the help authorities to help out. It can for example concern they need. Other common contacts in assignments are worry that the whole family will not be able to get help with staff at schools and youth counselling centres. 19
  • 20. the bris report 2004 20
  • 21. the bris report 2004 : In January 2001 was established as an arena So that BRIS can better cover its basic activities, 6 customised to children’s and young people’s need the web-based statistics were refined for acquisition, of communicating over the Internet. Since then the registration and analysis of calls and e-mails. This website has been developed into a basic forum for development has meant that we more quickly and support, information and learning. The website’s more efficiently can follow up and develop support main focus lies on the dialogue with children and services based on the needs of children and young young people, primarily through the BRIS-mail, but people who turn to BRIS. the Discussion Forum also has a prominent place. The basic principle for the e-mail contacts builds on security and anonymity, where children log in with their own passwords so that their e-mails can be equally secure as their calls. also functions as a communication plat- form in the work with public opinion formation, media contacts and fundraising to be able to continue offering support. In collaboration with the web agency deasign and the advertising agency IK Stockholm, is updated and refined in the aim of achieving greater dialogue with our target group, and greater uniformity and impact in focused mar- keting activities. In 2004 received almost 350,000 visits. During the year the site has been continuously developed based on various needs. This involved, “ Brisse says: among other things, the addition of a new youth In 2004 received almost 350,000 visits. The basic principle for the section with the intention of encouraging greater e-mail contacts builds on dialogue with BRIS among more young people in security and anonymity. their upper teens. Another venture was the website The basic principle for the developed in collaboration with SISU Idrotts- e-mail contacts builds on utbildarna (sports trainers) that was launched during security and anonymity. the summer. It is focused on education in socially responsible leadership, the fight against bullying and other problems that can arise in youth sports, which is the country’s organised activity that includes the greatest number of young people. 21
  • 22. the bris report 2004 : the bris-mail The BRIS-mail Background among other things is why the recruitment, training 7 The BRIS-mail was opened in its current form on 31 and supervision of our approximately 130 e-mail January 2001 with the intent of relieving and comple- volunteers of today has been intensified since 2002. menting the Children’s Helpline. It soon proved to be In 2004 the work in large part consisted of overseeing important to many children to have a written dia- and developing the response methods and thinking logue with adults, which led to the e-mail service ahead to be able to meet young people’s increased today being an equally important part of the basic need of secure written contact with adults. support services as telephony. “It’s much easier to express myself in writing than it is on the phone if I’m The BRIS-mail in 2004 sad,” wrote a 13-year-old girl. Affirmation and hope is During 2001, the inaugural year, about 4,300 e-mails conveyed in the responses from BRIS. The aim is that were received. This number increased to 6,700 in the person e-mailing will not feel alone in his or her 2002 to then increase to 8,350 in 2003. With a 21 thoughts and experiences. In a response from an percent increase, the number of e-mails amounted adult, help is given to recognize opportunities to to 10,114 in 2004, 7,683 of which received a response make a change. E-mail is growing the most, which of a supportive nature. G The ten most common e-mail topics 2004 “ Many children want to have a written dialogue with adults. Therefore e-mail is today just as impor- tant as telephony. NB! The total is greater than 100 percent as we included what the e-mail both primarily and secondarily was about. 22
  • 23. the bris report 2004 : the bris-mail A quickly dashed hope was that more boys would get in touch over the Internet, but in the past three years, the distribution has been such that close to nine out of ten e-mails concern girls. The average age has also remained relatively constant: those who write to BRIS are on average 15 years old, somewhat older than those who call. BRIS is con- cerned about the increasing number of e-mails that deal with the suicidal problems of young girls. In 2003 we spoke of the dramatic increase in this area – the e-mails were close to triple the number of 2002, when the increase in the number of e-mails about self-destructiveness was striking. All of these contacts with BRIS bear witness to signs of poor mental health among a group of teenage girls in our country, the extent of which we do not yet know. When we now combine the e-mail topics of sui- cide, self-destructive behaviour, eating disorders and other mental illnesses, this disquieting image is also confirmed for 2004 where slightly more than 1,100 e-mails deal with suicide. Almost as many bear witness to problems of self-destructiveness where the only way to feel better for the time being is, for example, to cut oneself with a sharp object or some other way expose oneself to physical injury. The e-mail examples that follow are partially edited to protect the child’s anonymity. Self-destructiveness/suicidal thoughts • Girl, age 15: Hi bris. I’m a 15-year-old girl. I’ve been bullied since I was 8. Now I’ve begun to cut myself. I don’t want to kill myself, but it feels good to do it. It feels like easier when I’ve cut myself. Is there something wrong with me? I look at the wounds and feel proud is that normal? But I don’t know why. Please help me. I don’t want to cut myself anymore. 23
  • 24. the bris report 2004 : the bris-mail • Girl, age 15: I’m really worried about my friend. I’ve ployed. I hate my stepfather who just drinks and school and I’m always alone in the refectory. I have found out that she cuts herself. She’s even told me brings his mates home. My big brothers have left had friends but they’ve stopped calling and started that she does it. Now I’m scared that she’s going to home and it’s just me left. Plus my little brother, hanging out with others instead. Sometimes I’m die or bleed to death. she’s 17, I’m 15. I’ve seen her who’s six and hits everyone he sees. He’s not getting good enough for example if someone’s sick or so. arm, and a razor that she used Why is she doing this? on well, but the social services don’t do shit. They get Most of all I wish that I had a real best friend that I why does she hurt herself? I’m afraid that she’ll think a strangle hold on me those disgusting bastards. But can trust. I don’t want to feel alone and excluded and I betrayed her if I told. i really want to tell someone. I I’m going to make an anonymous report after have the adults talking with me all the time. The don’t really trust the school counsellor and I don’t Christmas. HOPE SOCIAL SERVICES SHAPE UP THEN!!! adults should be talking to those that are doing this dare go straight to mum or dad. after that there aren’t to me. so many other options! What should I do? Relationships with friends • Girl, age 11: I have a friend who I like a whole lot, Strength, energy and hope • Boy age 15: It actually feels wrong to write, but I but he’s mean to me. I don’t know what I should do. There is a large amount of e-mail that is permeated don’t want to talk to anyone. I’ve had thoughts of If I object he gets really angry. Sometimes he calls me by a great energy to change, a sound, constructive suicide in different periods for about the last year. It a tart and other things that make me sad. He doesn’t anger that is important in change efforts. The e-mails doesn’t feel like I have any “real” reason to be suici- understand that I get sad. No one in school does any- also indicate that children and young people can dal, but it’s mostly about things being tough in thing. I’ve spoken to my teacher, but he says that I show a great deal of care for their friends, family and school. I’m not bullied or anything, it just feels like shouldn’t mind him. Please tell me what I should do. others in their surroundings. Like here: there’s a lot of pressure on me now that I’m starting high school in the autumn and I often just want to Loneliness • Hi, a girl in my class told all the girls in class that disappear and not bother about anything! • Girl, age 14: I feel so awful. I feel so alone and am she has problems with her mum. so bored that I can’t describe it. Feel like I no longer But she also told the school nurse and her mentor in Existential questions have anything to talk about, feels like there’s nothing school. I, and many of my friends got really pissed • Girl, age 17: Hi BRIS. I’m writing because I don’t fun to live for. I have no problems at home, but I that her mum treats her this way! Apparently her know whom else I can talk to. Now I can’t take it any can’t be bothered to tell my parents how lonely I am. mum usually shouts at her and humiliates her. When more. I don’t know what’s happened. I just feel so After school I never do anything with anyone and it’s I heard this I got so damned angry!! I want to help, completely empty and alone. I have loads of friends, really not often that the phone rings for me. A girl but don’t know how. Please tell me what I should do. but maybe no real best friend ya know. But still. I I’ve spoken with a little thinks that I should talk to would appreciate an answer. have a good family, and actually should be happy? someone else. I think it would be good, but I don’t Well, I’m not. I don’t actually know what the problem know who I should talk to, but some counsellor or In the e-mail responses BRIS encourages children to is that makes me unhappy. But something feels so something …would be good, but it’d feel so unbelie- use this energy in a positive way that will benefit wrong. Don’t know what. Is there something wrong vably strange to go in there… Please give me some them and others. As a friend, one is very important, with me? Will I always feel like this? Help me. advice on what I can do… I just think about how but cannot take on an adult level of responsibility boring it will be later in the summer. There will to solve issues dealing with bullying, sexual abuse Family conflicts be loads of lonely days while all the other “normal” and family conflicts. • Hello. Soon turning 16. i’ve written many times people are having fun. This is and remains the responsibility of adults. before. My school counsellor is great, but sadly she’s An important detail that the experience from the quitting pretty soon. Then I’ll have no one to talk Bullying BRIS-mail conveys is that emotionally sensitive with about my mum being mentally ill. She just sits • Boy age 13: I was completely frozen out of my adults are enormously important to children and at home and pops pills since she became unem- class last autumn. No one wants to sit next to me in young people in our country. 24
  • 25. the bris report 2004 : discussion forum Discussion Forum For the third year BRIS offers an open meeting place heading for different kinds of common questions 8 on the web where children and young people can ask that often arise in the Discussion Forum or in BRIS’ questions and give answers, and discuss and share other support activities where children and young their experiences and feelings with each other. people have given each other good, concrete answers Participation is anonymous without the possibility of on what one can do in different situations. The ques- tracing e-mail addresses and is under the supervi- tions can for example deal with how to get together sion of a moderator from BRIS. with someone, what one can do when one is nervous During 2004, almost 2,000 people have written over presenting an assignment in school, how to posts in the Discussion Forum. These people, the handle poor self-confidence, how to end a friendship great majority of which are girls, have written a or learn to cry. total of 6,800 posts, which is an increase by almost 50 percent compared to 2003. Examples of a few postings and “The increase is probably due to our acquiring an responses from the Discussion arena that works for this kind of communication, Forum and Children give each other and to the fact that we have marketed ourselves and advice: reached the target group,” says moderator Jenny Ingårda, who is the information coordinator at Divorce Riksförbundet BRIS. Question: are there any of you that’s experienced Subjects discussed over the year have included your parents getting a divorce? it’s all so hard. friendship, alcohol/drug abuse, the Internet and text Response: Yeah, I’ve been there, but it was like 4 messages, feeling sorrow and being sad, divorces, years ago… “ things that make me feel good and a forum called I really just want to forget it all. It’s still tough, “the floor is open”. because mum and dad can’t ever talk or discuss any- Subjects discussed The Discussion Forum is also used as a channel thing with each other. over the year have when it comes to venting current world events that They can’t even talk on the phone without argu- included friendship, affect us to varying degrees, such as the hostage sit- ing. It’s damned hard. alcohol/drug abuse, uation in southern Russia and the tsunami disaster But the worst is in the beginning, or it usually is. the Internet and in Southeast Asia in the final days of the year. Here But I think the best for you would be to talk with text messages, and feeling sorrow and one can quickly find information on how children someone about it, like a friend who understands the being sad. and young people think, what they expect and what situation or if you like call bris, or go to a youth support and help they need from school and profes- counselling centre. sional adults when a crisis situation arises. Do what you want, I know it’s rough. During 2004 we have taken out excerpts of some But it gets better. It might not feel that way in the questions and responses under the heading Children beginning, but it does after a while. “A wound give each other advice. This is a kind of collective heals”..Take care. 25