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The BRIS Report

                  Calls and E-mails to BRIS 2003

        2003                                               Contents: The BRIS Report
                                                           1. Summary.........................................................................................4

                                                           2. Calls from children and young people .......................................6

                                                           3. ...........................................................................................18

                                                           4. BRIS-representatives and counsellors ......................................24

                                                           5. Children verbally and in writing ...............................................26

                                                           6. Calls from adults..........................................................................28

                                                           7. Topical themes .............................................................................31

Responsible editor: Kerstin Thuresson, Chairman Riksförbundet BRIS | Text: Gunnar Sandelin, Press Director BRIS
Research: Peter Irgens, Development Secretary BRIS | Translation: Eqvator AB – Eric Hörnquist | Design and production: IK Stockholm | Stockholm February 2004
the bris report 2003


Calls and e-mails                                         destructiveness and severe psychological illness.           Helpline for Adults – about Children. In three out
The Children’s Helpline and the BRIS-mail form the        In 2003, the number of e-mails that directly dealt          of four of the cases the adult caller is a woman,
basis of BRIS’ support services. In 2003, there were      with suicide almost tripled compared with 2002,             usually a mother.
about 16,000 statistically recorded calls of a suppor-    rising to roughly 1,000 e-mails.                               Slightly more than half of the calls related prima-
tive nature and 60,000 shorter, so-called test calls.        “The trend that we see has become even more              rily to girls. The average age of the child, 10.5 years,
About 6,000 e-mails were given supportive responses.      frightening. More girls seem to feel that life is not       is lower than on the Children’s Helpline.
This means that the Children’s Helpline is still the      worth living. This is why the government must make             Seven out of ten calls related to something in the
most often used means for children and young people       a great investment in preventive measures,” says            family; the most common call topic is divorce-related
to get support from BRIS.                                 Göran Harnesk, BRIS’ Secretary General.                     conflicts that dealt with custody and access. Family
   But e-mails are on the rise. The increase of e-mails      Many girls have had suicidal thoughts for a long         conflicts and problems in the parental role are also
was roughly equivalent to the decrease of the             time and some have also attempted suicide several           common reasons that adults call BRIS.
statistically recorded call contacts in 2003. Compared    times. It is common that they do not want to speak
with 2002, e-mails increased by 25 percent while the      to an adult, due in large part to previous negative
supportive children’s calls decreased by 13 percent.      experiences of professionals who could not help.
   Girls seek help more often: almost nine out of ten
e-mails and three out of four supportive calls are        Perpetrator profile
about girls. The average age of those e-mailing is 14     When it comes to abuse, the home is the most com-
and the average age of children callers is 13.            mon place where offences are committed. According
   E-mails contain substantially more about the           to calls from children, nine out of ten child abuse
child’s own problems than calls, which are more           cases and six out of ten cases of sexual abuse take
often about relationships. For many years, bullying       place in the home. The abuse is commonly commit-                                 “The trend
has been the primary reason for calling BRIS and it       ted by a close acquaintance or relative, usually a                         that we see has become
affects about 18 percent of the calls, but is substan-    parent. For the most part, the perpetrator is a man,                    even more frightening. More
tially less represented in the e-mails. However, family   and in the majority of cases the victim is a girl.                      girls seem to feel that life is
conflicts top the list for both calls and e-mails.
                                                                                                                                  not worth living. This is why
                                                          Adults who call                                                          the government must make
                                                                                                                                      a great investment in
Young girls and suicide                                   In 2003 there were just over 2,200 statistically recorded                   preventive measures.”
Most striking in BRIS’ supportive work in 2003 was        calls from adults, an increase of 14 percent compared
the exceptional increase in e-mails from young girls      to 2002.
with problems of suicide. In 2002, we warned of the          As with previous years, it is primarily the child’s
rapidly growing number of e-mails about girls’ self-      parents and other relatives that call the BRIS

the bris report 2003

calls from children and young people

Calls from children and young people
                                                                   compared to 2002. In comparison, there were 3,000          Boys, girls and their families
   Number of                                                       statistically recorded calls from children in 1991.        In three out of four cases, the statistically recorded
   statistically                                                   [See figure A.]                                            call related to a girl. The average age was just over
   recorded calls                                                     Additionally, 60,000 calls were so-called test calls,   13 years.
                                                                   where the caller investigates in different ways if BRIS       We note that, after having neared a third, the boys’
    1991   3 000                                                   can be trusted. Together these calls account for just      share of the call volume has dropped to a quarter in
    1992           4 828
                                                                   under one third of the total call time and did not con-    the last two years. BRIS has generally seen clear sig-
                                                                   tain enough information to be able to be processed in      nals that the psychological illnesses of girls seem to
    1993               6 203
                                                                   our statistics.                                            be increasing [see and The BRIS-mail].
    1994                       9 926                                  In total, BRIS volunteers received 76,053 calls in         But at the same time boys more often express their
    1995                               12 189                      2003, which is a marginal decrease by about a thou-        problems less articulately than girls. Counting the test
                                                                   sand or 1.5 percent fewer calls than in 2002.              calls, it turns out that a majority of calls to BRIS are
    1996                          11 169
                                                                      However, from the statistically recorded calls there    about boys.
    1997                       10 345                              is information on gender, age, domestic circumstances         Despite boys and girls calling about similar
    1998                                12 788                     and call topic, among others. The child is anonymous,      problems, in the girls’ calls there is an emphasis on
                                                                   which means that the number of calls is not equal to       their own or family related topics. Girls call relatively
    1999                                    14 341
                                                                   the number of children calling. Previous surveys show      more often than boys about problem areas such as
    2000                                             17 431
                                                                   that about 10 percent of the statically processed calls    family conflicts, love and friendship relationships, eat-
    2001                                             17 150        come from children who have called before.                 ing disorders, sexual abuse and self-destructiveness.
                                                                      The statistically recorded calls have greatly              Boys, however, account for a larger proportion in
    2002                                                  18 348
                                                                   increased in number, particularly since the early          areas such as bullying, physical abuse, personal
    2003                                         16 008
                                                                   1990s; largely due to the ease of calling with mobile      drug/alcohol abuse and sexual development.
                                                                   phones in recent years. In 2003, 83 percent of the calls      Roughly speaking, calls about the caller’s own
                                                                   came from mobile phones, which comprised almost            development and love problems increase with age,
During 2003 there were 16,008 statistically                        the whole cost of the telephone bill that BRIS paid to     as do problems with self-destructiveness and other
recorded calls from children and young people.                     its telecom operator, Telenor.                             psychological illnesses. Instead, divorce-related calls
These account for two thirds of the call time on the                  But many more want to call. Our accessibility           and problems with friends and bullying drop for
Children’s Helpline with an average call time of                   studies still show that only every fourth try can be       teenagers.
slightly more than 12 minutes. The calls are almost                answered directly. BRIS needs more money for more             Calls about child abuse decrease in the teen years.
one minute longer on average compared with the                     telephone lines and employees who will be able to          Younger children call the least about sexual abuse.
previous year, but decreased in number by 13 percent               train yet more volunteers.                                 However, it is no foregone conclusion that they are

the bris report 2003

             spared from abuse to a corresponding degree, as it is
             more difficult for young children to dare to tell.         Themes Calls from Children                                                                         B
                With respect to the average age of just over 13
             years, one can see that the most common group that        49%    Relationships with peers
             calls BRIS are secondary school children. 43 percent      36%    The child’s problems/development
             of the calls from children are from 13–15 year-olds.
                                                                       26%    Family
             Middle school children are also well represented and
                                                                       16%    Abuse
             account for one third [33 percent] of calls, while
             young people in upper secondary school [16–18 year-       16%    Miscellaneous                                                                     [n=16 007]
             olds] only comprise 17 percent of calls. Children
             under 10 account for 5.4 percent.
                The most common family profile is the biological
             nuclear family, in which 61 percent of the children
             callers live, which is a lower proportion compared
             with the normal population. 15 percent live with a
                                                                       The 15 most common call topics in calls from children                                               C
             lone mother, while those who live in stepfamilies,
             with a lone father, with both parents after divorce or    18%    Bullying
             separation (joint residency), or in foster care or home
                                                                       14%    Family conflicts
             placement are encountered to a lesser extent.
                                                                       13%    Relationships with friends
                Children that live in stepfamilies or joint residen-
             cy call more about family conflicts and physical          13%    Love relationships

             abuse. More than one in three calls deal with abuse       7,7%   Physical abuse
             if the child lives with a lone father.                    7,4%   Loneliness

                                                                       6,9%   Sexuality
             Themes and call topics
                                                                       6,7%   Sexual abuse                                    NB! In earlier BRIS reports we only
             The call topics are covered in a few themes that
                                                                                                                              described what the call primarily related
             roughly summarise what traffic on the Children’s          5,1%   Sexual development
                                                                                                                              to. To provide a better overall view, this
             Helpline relates to.                                      3,8%   Drug/alcohol abuse in family
                                                                                                                              year for the first time we tally up what
                One out of two calls deal in some way with rela-       3,5%   School problems                                 the call both primarily and secondarily
             tionships to peers, slightly more than one out of
                                                                       3,4%   Divorce-related problems                        relates to. This entails that the total
             three with the child’s own development or personal
                                                                       3,3%   Existential/life issues                         percentage exceeds 100%, since more
             problems, and one out of four calls relate to some-
                                                                                                                              than one theme/call topic can be dealt
             thing happening in the family. One out of six calls       3,2%   Body/appearance
                                                                                                                              with in a single call.
             relate to abuse, and the same applies for the topics      2,9%   Suicide                            [n=16 007]
             covered under the collective heading

calls from children and young people

Theme: Children's relationships with their peers                                             AnnCha Lagerman,
                                                                                                                       NB! To protect the child’s integrity the call
The call topics of bullying, friendship and love                                             has been training
                                                                                                                       notes in the BRIS Report have been slightly
elationships as well as sexuality are covered here.                                          school personnel,
                                                                                                                       altered where necessary.
   Being a victim of bullying has been the most com-                                         teachers and pupils
mon reason for calling BRIS since the mid-1990s.                                             throughout the coun-
Almost one out of five [18 percent] of all calls prima-                                      try in anti-bullying
rily or secondarily relate to bullying, which means a                                        programmes with
total of slightly more than 2,800 “bullying calls”.                                          friend supporters,        1 13 year-old girl is bullied in school because she
   The children who call are most often dejected, self-                                      bullying teams and        is overweight. She is verbally teased and beaten.
destructive thoughts are involved and suicide plans                                          mentor talks. In 2003     They pull her clothes off and flush her head in the
can exist. Usually they have been victimised for a long                                      she visited about 500     toilette, chase and harass her. She thinks that she
time, and many times BRIS personnel are the first                                            schools with her pro-     only has herself to blame. Hasn't told an adult.
adults they dare tell. Substantially often they say that   AnnCha Lagerman                   gramme.
the school has known about the problem, but been                                                “It seems as if        2 The boys have photographed the girl when she
incapable of resolving it, which may be due to cut-        bullying in school is a problem that generally is not       changed in gym. The pictures have since been
backs in school healthcare, among others. Especially       declining. The school environment is perceived by           copied, and put up in the school and on the
before the start of school, BRIS receives an increased     both pupils and school personnel as tougher and             Internet.
influx of calls from children who do not want to go        more brutal. The schools’ often difficult financial situ-
back to school to again be forced to suffer.               ation has contributed to not as much being invested         3 Boy who is teased because he is an immigrant.
   The bullying almost always happens in school and        in education as previously. But the schools that            Says that the adults at school don’t do anything
consists of everything from being frozen out, or sexu-     deliberately and consistently work with the proper          because they are racists. Has spoken with the
al harassment in word and deed, to pure physical           methods can keep bullying at a very low level by            head teacher, teachers and school counsellor, but
abuse. New types of harassment are mirrored in the         detecting every single case early on,” she summarises.      nothing has helped.
growing number of calls that relate to bullying over          Also at the top of the list of call topic areas are
the Internet and with text messaging.                      friendship and love relationships. They are vital areas     4 Seriously bullied by schoolmates. They hit, kick
   Girls partially taking on the boys’ patterns can be     dealt with in one fourth [24 percent] of all calls from     and shout cunt and slut at her. Once she had to
suspected from the year’s perpetrator profile where,       children. Being all right, finding friends or a partner,    visit the school nurse because they had pounded
for the seventh year running, BRIS studies who does        becoming popular and being liked for who one is,            her head into the desk so that she got an open
the bullying from bullying calls: In nine out of ten       comprises an inexhaustible area. With regard to             wound in her forehead. This has been going on
cases the bullying is done by a group, but information     questions about sexuality, there are both curiosity         for three years. Has contacted the head teacher
from 2003 indicates more gender-mixed groups and           and anguish in many calls that relate to the issues of      and school counsellor, but nothing happens.
fewer cases where only boys are the perpetrators.          hetero/homo, attractive/ugly, sleep with/or not. And
Almost half [46 percent] of the bullying cases have per-   above all: the ever present: am I good enough?              5 The boy was a bully who would make things
petrators of both sexes, one third [35 percent] are only      Here are some examples from the counselling ses-         right tomorrow. Had taken off from school to

boys, and one out of five [19 percent] are only girls.     sion notes on what child callers can say to BRIS about      apologise. He was nervous about tomorrow.
   For many years, BRIS’ expert in bullying issues,        relationships to peers:

the bris report 2003

calls from children and young people

                                                          thoughts on their self-worth and the value of life.
  6 16 year-old girl who met her considerably                Loneliness is a theme that is common to most of        4 The girl was tired of life and very lonely.
  older boyfriend over the Internet. He has often         the calls from children and this is particularly          “I play a part, my smile is faked.”
  had sex with her against her will, ties her up. She     noticeable in calls that are about children’s personal
  does not want to break up, but nor does she             problems, but also in those about friendship and love     5 16 year-old boy who takes drugs, shoots up
  want him to continue to rape and beat her.              relationships.                                            heroin. Has been under the supervision of social
  Thinks the solution is to kill herself.                    Their own sexual development and questions             services for 1 year. Has started to do drugs again
                                                          about pregnancy also fall under this heading, where       and wants to stop, but does not want to get the
  7 A 14 year-old girl is in love with her new, 35        the child in different ways brings up questions dealing   authorities involved.
  year-old teacher. He’s so nice. She has told him        with becoming an adult.
  that she is in love with him. But she doesn’t              Here are some examples of the children’s personal      6 Girl whose best friend recently killed herself.
  think that they will get together.                      problems from our counsellors’ notes:                     The girl feels great sorrow and guilt. The friend
                                                                                                                    had sought her support in vain. The girl is con-
  8 A 15 year-old boy who is worried about having           1 Six months ago she tried to commit suicide.           vinced that it’s her fault.
  sex for the first time with his girlfriend who he’s       “Look at everything that’s happening in the
  been together with for 2.5 months. She has done           world; war, famine, unemployment and so on.             7 Problems with anorexia for several years.
  it before.                                                There’s no reason to grow up.” Takes tablets            Considering completely starving herself to get
                                                            against depression and it doesn’t feel like she         her parents’ attention. Doesn’t dare speak with
  9 A 13 year-old girl called and wondered: What’s          knows where she stops and the tablets begin             her parents. Many deaths around her! Has no
  the difference between a peck and a kiss? Is it           anymore.                                                one to talk to.
  OK according to the law to snog at the age of 13?
                                                            2 Boy [12] who for a month has been wonder-             8 “I caused a girl to commit suicide a few
  !≈ Girl [12] who believes she is homosexual,              ing a lot about if he might be homosexual/              months ago.” Had harassed a girl with text
  doesn’t know how she should find out if it’s true.        bisexual. It all began with an entertainment            messages and on a web page. Police and coun-
  Asks if there is something wrong with her. Will           program on TV that focused a lot on homosexu-           sellor involved. Feels extremely bad about what
  ask a girl she is in love with to go out with her.        ality. The thoughts come when he is alone and           happened.
                                                            he feels great uneasiness, worry and anxiety.
                                                                                                                    9 The boy is afraid of himself because an
Theme: The child’s development/personal problems            3 A 17 year-old girl is 2 weeks pregnant. The           enormous, bloody hatred wells up sometimes.
This is a collective term for many call topic areas         father is considerably older, a secret boyfriend.       Wants to hurt others. Is afraid of himself and is
that are largely about the increased psychological ill-     The girl should be a virgin and is to be married off    in a very bad way. Wants help!
ness among children and young people. It deals with         in her family’s home country. Should she have
everything from existential life issues, loneliness         an abortion? Have a hymen operated in? Or will          !≈ The girl has taken 30 Alvedon (paracetamol
and sadness, to stress, alcohol/drug abuse and sui-         she keep the baby and maybe be abused/ shot by          tablets) 2 hours ago. Help her to hospital in
cide. So this theme involves the most serious calls         relatives? Will call the youth counselling centre.      X-town. Ambulance pick up – she arrived.
with regard to children’s and young people’s own

the bris report 2003

             Theme: The Family
             Family conflicts constitute a central problem area       3 The girl’s father had seen her talking to 2            !≈ 11 year-old girl bears all the responsibility for
             that comes second among all the reasons for calling      male friends today. Father is very angry, called         the mother’s and siblings’ lives, protects her
             BRIS. Family conflicts can include everything from       her whore, slut. They come from a non-European           younger siblings from a drunk and violent
             children’s normal struggles to establish their own       country, father wants his old culture to apply.          mother. She prepares all food, takes care of the
             identities to conflicts that are close to abuse, where   The girl wants to do as her friends, but is afraid       home and her siblings. The girl cuts herself,
             culture clashes often occur.                             of her father, cried.                                    began the first time the mother beat her. The girl
                A total of three fourths of these calls deal with                                                              is afraid that she will commit suicide, that she
             conflicts between the child and an adult. Girls are      4 Crying girl who found out that her parents             can’t stand it anymore.
             more often in conflict with their mothers or both        will get a divorce. She is very sad and worried
             parents, while boys are in conflict with their fathers   about it and has many questions about what will        Theme: Child abuse
             to a greater extent. The considerably less frequent      happen with her, with Christmas and so on.             This heading summarises the call topics of physical
             calls about divorce-related problems also belong                                                                and psychological abuse as well as sexual abuse.
             to the family theme, as do issues about family mem-      5 Mum and dad forgot the boy’s birthday today.         The worst abuse that children can suffer from adult
             bers’ drug/alcohol abuse and health. These calls         They’ve been on drugs for the last 2 years. The        perpetrators is gathered here. Our perpetrator
             almost exclusively deal with the parents; primarily      boy is sad.                                            profiles clearly show that these crimes very often
             the drug/alcohol abuse of the father [40 percent],                                                              take place in the home.
             then that of the mother [33 percent] or of both          6 “My mum intends to quit as a mother – and               The past few years BRIS has stated that approxi-
             parents [20 percent].                                    go to social services. Can she do that? Then I’ll      mately one third of all statistically recorded calls to
                These are examples of calls from children with        be alone. I can’t manage on my own.”                   the Children’s Helpline relate to crimes against chil-
             the family as the topic:                                                                                        dren in a legal sense, but many of the bullying calls
                                                                      7 Girl who wonders what she and her mum can            are also included in that calculation.
               1 11 year-old girl lives together with her mum         do to get more money. They almost don’t have              In 2003, about 2,800 calls were received that dealt
               and “pretend dad”. Is expected to care for her         enough to buy anything.                                with abuse, where the trend from last year’s drama-
               1 year-old little brother at home. Doesn’t have                                                               tic rise in calls about sexual abuse turned and these
               time to be with her friends. Is punished with          8 Dad is dead. Mum takes out money from the            calls reduced by 22 percent. The calls about physical
               denial of food if she does not obey. Will tell her     boy’s accounts. She’s an alcoholic. Has tried to       abuse dropped by the approximate average for calls
               biological father of how she has it with her           get help from social services. The boy ran away        from children this year [15 percent].
               mother. Wants to live with him.                        once. Then mum threatened to kill herself.                For the eighth year running, BRIS presents its
                                                                                                                             perpetrator profile, which has been consistent from
               2 A 13 year-old adopted boy who says that              9 Has no one to talk to, lives in a foster home.       year to year. It shows that a parent is the most
               his mum and dad often get irritated at him             Sex contacts on the Internet to earn a little          common perpetrator and that in 85 percent of the
               and threatened to kill him once. They have said        money and feel a bit like somebody cares. Cannot       cases the children are abused in the home.
               several times that they wish they could send           handle going to school. Has received an offer to          With regards to the gender distribution, the
               him back to his country of origin.                     act in a porn film. Wants to have a family to go to.   perpetrators were men in 69 percent of the cases
                                                                                                                             while in 31 percent of the cases they were women.

calls from children and young people

Included in these figures is that 13 percent of the cases
involved both a male and a female perpetrator commit-
ting the abuse at the same time. In two thirds of the
cases girls were victims of the abuse, compared with
about one third of the cases where boys were the victims.
   From the National Council for Crime Prevention’s
statistics for 2003, it is evident that police reports con-
cerning abuse and aggravated assault on children have
increased by 16 percent with regard to children between
0–6 years of age and by 3 percent with regard to crimes
against children of ages 7–14. Referring to the low fre-
quency with which crimes against children are resolved
and to get help in this vulnerable situation, BRIS is con-
ducting a study of signals of resistance from child crime
victims. BRIS is aiming to present this material at the
end of spring 2004.
   Sexual abuse is also committed largely in the home
[although to a lesser extent than physical abuse]. In six
out of ten cases [61 percent] the children report the
home as the scene of the crime, and in close to one out
of five cases [18 percent] the school as the crime scene.
   The perpetrator profile is generally similar to previ-
ous years with the exception of a halving of the propor-
tion of stepfathers as perpetrators and an increase in
the proportion of female perpetrators.
   82 percent of the perpetrators were male while 18
percent were female. This includes that 4 percent of
the sexual assaults were committed simultaneously by
a male and a female perpetrator.
   Compared to 2002, there are also relatively more boy
victims, but three fourths are still girls. The great
majority of abuse takes place in the home. This is why
the victimised child seldom intends to have the perpe-
trator caught, despite the exploitation of the child’s
dependency on a person who actually has the task of
protecting him/her.

the bris report 2003

                       Police reports are therefore uncommon. Exposure
                       to this violence instead often leads to thoughts of
                       suicide and other types of aggressiveness directed
                       at oneself. Here are some call examples from the
                       Children’s Helpline on abuse:

                         1 1 year-old girl who sat together with her sister
                         in the lavatory. Their father used to beat them,
                         and now he was drunk and stood outside, bea-
                         ting on the door. The girls were waiting for their
                         mother to come home.

                         2 The girl’s mother has been beating her for
                         about 1 year. Her father lives elsewhere. Been in
                         touch with the police before, has not been

                         3 8 year-old girl who lives with her mother and
                         stepfather, who beats her when her mum is
                         away. Also tells her how much he hates her and
                         that he feels sorry for the mother for having
                         such a child.

                         4 Today the girl found her mum lying on the
                         floor, beaten by her dad. The girl was scared and
                         wanted this to stop, and when she let her father
                         have sex with her, he had promised that he
                         wouldn’t beat mum. The call was cut off because
                         somebody was knocking on her locked door.

                         5 Her boyfriend has been beating her for 1 year.
                         Has tried breaking up, but he won’t budge.
                         Extremely scared. Cries the whole time. Has not
                         told anyone, but agrees that she should tell her
                         foster parents.

calls from children and young people

6 Girl [12] who had been chatting with a boy that
                                                         Physical abuse, perpetrators [Portion of calls about abuse]                     D
she thought was 13 years old. Agreed on going on
a date after a long time. It turned out that he was      41%    Father
about 40 years old. He videotaped her. Is threate-
                                                         19%    Mother
ning to publish the pictures on the Internet if she
                                                         10%    Both adults
reports him to the police.
                                                         10%    Known peer (not sibling)

7 Girl, 11 years old, sexually abused by her father.     5,5%   Stepfather
Has been going on since she was 7. Her father ties       2,4%             Teacher/school personnel
her up, has both normal and oral intercourse.
                                                         2,0%            Sibling
Threatens her to not tell. Says that it’s the way it’s
                                                         1,6%       Stepmother
supposed to be and that the mother knows and
consents. The girl thinks that it hurts, sometimes       3,8%                  Other known adult

she bleeds and feels that it’s wrong and disgust-        4,8%                      Other                                        [n=1 231]
ing. First time she has confided in someone.

8 Boy has been sexually abused by his mother in
the last 2 weeks. Cries. The mother has problems
with alcohol and the sexual abuse happens on the
weekends. His father is not there. Advise him to
                                                         Sexual abuse, perpetrators [Portion of calls about abuse]                       E
speak with another adult too... [He hung up.].

                                                         29%    Father
9 Sexually abused by her father almost daily.
                                                         13%    Teacher/school personnel
Twice a month the girl and her father travel to an
apartment in a larger city where he sells her to         11%    Known peer (not sibling)

other men. If she doesn’t go along, her father will      6,4%   Mother

use her little sister instead. When it gets to be too    5,4%   Stepfather
much, she cuts herself.
                                                         4,9%   Foster parent

                                                         2,6%   Sibling
!≈ 16 year-old boy sexually abused since he was
10. Lives alone with his father. According to his        5,6%   Another family member

father, the boy is a good lover. The boy is scared,      9,4%   Other known adult
scared, scared. First time he dares to speak with        14%    Other                                                            [n=1 005]
anyone about the abuse.

the bris report 2003

                       Others and miscellaneous
                       This is a collective heading where calls that do not fit    4 “What can BRIS do to help a 10 year-old girl
                       in under the other theme headings are gathered.             and her brother to stay?” The family has received
                       During the year, for example, journalists have wanted       their final deportation notice. People just can’t do
                       to know how dramatic events that have been given            this to children! The family are gipsies and have
                       considerable media attention have influenced the            neither home nor possessions.”
                       children that call BRIS. As a whole the reactions have
                       been rare; only slightly more than 100 calls were of        5 Two boys spoke with me about what hap-
                       this nature. Most [64 calls] related to the U.S. invasion   pened today. Anna Lindh, 5 year-old girl at day-
                       of Iraq, while the murder of Anna Lindh was the topic       care and 16 year-old girl found dead in Sundsvall.
                       of 29 statistically recorded calls. Here are some exam-     They felt that it was really rough and wondered
                       ples of calls that deal with a bit of everything:           what’s happening in Sweden.

                         1 15 year-old girl. Is placed in care because she         6 Boy who tells of troubles between a Swedish
                         came into bad company and could not carry on              and an immigrant gang at the place where he
                         with school. Has moved around to five different           lives. The last time one of the immigrants had a
                         places during the child welfare investigation.            knife and the boy who is calling is worried about
                         Does not get on at the treatment centre where             what might happen.
                         there is a lot of trouble and many who cut them-
                         selves and try to commit suicide. Wants to go             7 Girl who should pick her little brother up from
                         home.                                                     day-care. He had already been picked up by
                                                                                   somebody else. The girl had called her mum and
                         2 10 year-old girl who calls and is very                  there was no one else who should have picked
                         frightened. She explains that she and a friend            him up. The girl was worried.
                         “rang-and-ran” on the door of a man in the same
                         stairwell of their building. The neighbour is             8 Girl who is afraid of predatory animals when
                         threatening her with calling the police even              she goes to school. She walks a kilometre to the
                         though they have apologised.                              bus on a dark country road. She has spoken with
                                                                                   her parents about being scared, but they say that
                         3 Last summer the family was in their home                the predators are probably more afraid of her.
                         country and the girl was matched with a fiancé
                         whom she is to marry when she turns 18. She’s             9 Girl who wondered why there are so many
                         tried in every way possible to avert the marriage,        women at the Children’s Helpline. Said at the
                         but hasn’t succeeded. Now she’s trying to adjust          same time that it’s good that there is a BRIS
                         to the situation as she knows it’s inevitable.            phone line! We thank you.

calls from children and young people

                                                                   Assignments                                                   The assignments have related to girls in three
  !≈ The girl is agitated as a boy has put her                     A child who calls BRIS can choose to have a more           out of four cases, which corresponds to the gender
  phone number on his homepage, called her a                       firm intervention than a referral. In such cases a BRIS-   breakdown on the Children’s Helpline. The average
  slut and said that she offered sex-services.                     representative can take over and together with the         age was 14. Compared to calls from children in
                                                                   child formulate an assignment, which in the majority       general, there is an overrepresentation among
                                                                   of cases involves going in and concretely helping in       “assignment children” of those living in stepfamilies
After the call                                                     establishing contacts with different authorities or        or with a lone father.
BRIS acts as a support, which means that together                  other adults. The authority most often contacted              Family conflicts, physical abuse and sexual abuse
with the child we investigate possibilities of referring           is social services. However, no contacts are made          were the three most common problems for children
them to possible contacts in their surroundings.                   without the child giving BRIS instructions to do so.       and young people in the handling of assignments.
This is possible in six out of ten calls. The following               We have completed 94 assignments in total                  The assignments have lasted from one day to
shows the breakdown of these contacts.                             during the year, which is 14 less than in 2002.            more than a year with an average length of 45 days.

   Further contacts following calls from children                                                                     F
   32%     School

          15%    Teacher

          10%    School nurse

          8,0%   School counsellor/psychologist
                                                                                                                                                  “BRIS acts
                                                                                                                                             as a support, which
          4,5%   Head teacher
                                                                                                                                           means that together with
   31%     Adult in the family                                                                                                             the child we investigate
                                                                                                                                        possibilities of referring them
   18%     Friend + boy/girlfriend
                                                                                                                                         to possible contacts in their
   10%     Youth counselling centre                                                                                                         surroundings. This is
   6,1%    Social services                                                                                                                    possible in six out
                                                                                                                                                 of ten calls.”
   3,0%                   Child psychiatry and health services

   1,3%          Police

   4,8%                           Other adult outside the family

   24%     Further contact with BRIS

   7,8%    Other referrals                                                                                [n=9 716]

the bris report 2003

The website was established in its current       are large age differences between the children and
form in January 2001 as an essential way of convey-      young people that contact us. One can therefore                            “Our vision is that
ing information and support over the Internet. The       choose between using a fictitious identity in the                will become
                                                                                                                                  a channel that actively
intent was primarily to offer an alternative means of    form of an imaginary animal, called Mumla, or using
                                                                                                                                 contributes to a positive
reaching us besides the helpline. The website has the    just a user name and password if one would like to
                                                                                                                                    development of the
youth, general public, authorities and institutions of   e-mail or chat with BRIS or peers in a safe manner                           overall service”
Sweden as its target group. The focus lies on the dia-   on the website.
log with children and young people, from the BRIS-
mail above all, but also through Discussion Forums.      The BRIS-mail
   Today, is constantly being refined with       Particularly notable is the rise in e-mails relating to
regard to supporting children and young people,          the problem of suicide. Our figures show that these
influencing opinions and maintaining media con-          e-mails have nearly tripled during 2003 compared
tacts as well as fundraising to be able to continue      to the previous year.
offering services. In 2003, we renovated the website        When the BRIS-mail began in January 2001, it was
together with the web agency deasign so that it will     intended as a digital complement to the Children’s
be able to more clearly meet the rising demands          Helpline. Today, e-mail services are instead an equal
placed on BRIS by its surroundings. On 6 October, a      part of BRIS’ fundamental work. No other form of          In 2003, there was a 25 percent increase to 8,350
completely new website was launched with a new           support is growing as much as the incoming e-mails.       e-mails, of which slightly more than 6,000 were
documentation system similar to that used with           This shows that there are not only new ways of com-       statistically recorded as advisory or supportive.
the Children’s Helpline. This is an important part       municating, but rather that a large part of young            Of those e-mailing BRIS, 87 percent are girls and
of an ongoing effort for a unified communications        people prefer writing to talking. For many who have       13 percent are boys. The average age is just over 14,
platform that BRIS is implementing with the adver-       a hard time explaining on the phone, e-mail is a way      or one year older than the average of those who call.
tising agency IK Stockholm.                              to write a diary or a short story for themselves and         Slightly more than half of those who e-mail BRIS
   “A major objective was to gather “all of BRIS” on     then send the account anonymously to somebody             live in nuclear families. Less than one out of five live
one site with simple navigation. Our vision is that      else. Many who e-mail say that it feels safer and         with a lone mother, almost one out of ten live in will become a channel that actively con-         more secure to write.                                     joint residency, and the same is true of those who
tributes to a positive development of the overall           Many only write one e-mail, but one sender             live in stepfamilies.
service,” says Johnny Nordström, Communications          writes almost two e-mails on average.                        Project manager for the development of the BRIS-
and Marketing Coordinator.                                  During the first year in operation, about 4,300        mail Maria Rådlund and BRIS-representative Mia
   The fundamental communication principle at            e-mails were received. In 2002 this had increased         Svensson have the following reflections on trends in builds on security and anonymity. But there      to 6,700.                                                 e-mailing over the past year:

the bris report 2003

                                                                          Themes and e-mail topics
               +     The difficult e-mails about serious problems         Like the calls on the Children’s Helpline, e-mails are                                   Theme E-mails from children                                   G
                   are becoming even more serious and more com-           covered in the themes that are summarised in Fig. G.
                   plex, where possible. There is a constantly                This generally means that approximately three                                       72%      The child’s problems/development

                   increasing flow of well-formulated stories that        out of four e-mails deal in some way with the child’s                                   47%      Relationships with peers
                   relate to psychological illness – depression, self-    own development or own problems, every second                                           37%      The Family
                   destructiveness and thoughts of suicide, where         e-mail is about relationships to peers, four out of ten
                                                                                                                                                                  12%                Abuse
                   the child should get professional help.                about something in the family, one in eight about
                                                                          abuse, and 15 percent of the e-mails are about any                                      15%                   Miscellaneous                     [n=1 556]
               +     Others have had contact with professionals,          one of all of the topics covered under miscellaneous.
                   but these efforts sometimes do not seem to work.
                   A lack of trust in adults is common; bad experi-       Suicide/thoughts of suicide
                   ences from contacts with authorities and others        The information above shows a near tripling [+185
                   involved in helping can be found. The child feels      percent] of the e-mails that relate to problems of                                      The 15 most common topics                                      H
                   that he/she is not listened to or believed.            suicide. Such a large increase within a specific                                        in e-mails from children
                                                                          problem area is, to the extent known, without com-
                                                                                                                                                                  23%     Family conflicts
               +     The children who write to us have lived with         parison in BRIS’ history. After last year’s BRIS Report
                                                                                                                                                                  21%     Other friend relationships
                   their secret a long time. They are often very lonely   we warned specifically about the increase in psycho-
                   and put up a front.                                    logical illnesses among young girls and the increasing                                  16%     Suicide/thoughts of suicide

                                                                          number of e-mails about cutting oneself.                                                13%     Love relationships
               +     We have noticed the demands and pressures                During 2003, e-mails dealing directly with suicide
                                                                                                                                                                  12%     Psychological illness
                   that young girls feel. It is about sexualisation and   totalled to about one thousand.
                                                                                                                                                                  11%     Bullying
                   the demands of being clever, attractive, sexy and          “The e-mails we receive mirror a troubling deve-
                   growing up so quickly. A great deal of questions       lopment, to say the least, primarily with regard to the                                 11%     Self-destructiveness

                   that 11–12 year-old girls have today are questions     psychological health of young girls in our country.                                     11%     Loneliness

                   that used to be asked by 14–15 year-olds.              Last year we warned of the rapidly growing number                                       9,6%                                Existential/life issues
                                                                          of e-mails about girls who cut themselves. This year
                                                                                                                                                                  9,0%                              Identity issues
               +     Lastly: a new area that we have seen more of         we are forced to confirmthat the trend we see has
                                                                                                                                                                  6,2%                       Eating disorders
                   is the worry that arises in connection with surf-
                   ing on the Internet. Examples are bad chat expe-          NB! The themes and e-mail topics are based on                                        6,1%                    Physical abuse

                   riences with sexual harassment, dating over the           e-mails from the last quarter. This is due to the                                    5,9%                    School problems
                   Internet that has gone awry, situations where             renovation of the documentation system                                               5,7%                   Body/appearance
                   adults have tried to sexually abuse and threaten          described in the introduction. However, informa-
                                                                                                                                                                  5,1%                  Divorce-related problems
                   them, and where even pictures of the e-mailer             tion on, for example, the total number of e-mails,
                   have ended up on porn sites.                              gender and age is calculated on an annual basis.                                                                                            [n=1 556]

   20                                                                     NB! The themes and e-mail topics are based on a compilation of what the e-mail both primarily and secondarily dealt with. The total is therefore more than 100%.

become even more frightening,” says BRIS’ Secretary              The ways they want to end their life are many, but
General Göran Harnesk.                                     tablets, cutting themselves deeply and jumping in
   “If more girls feel that life is not worth living       front of a vehicle are common.
because they have unbearable circumstances at home               It is also common that friends e-mail to express
and school, and feel that the pressure on them is so       their worry for their friend’s self-destructiveness or
great that they are not good enough, then the govern-      suicidal tendencies. Moreover, these problems affect
ment must make a great investment in preventive            not only girls: 13 percent of the “suicide e-mails”
measures.”                                                 received last year were about boys.
   The common signs that we can see from the year’s              As a result of the problems above, the organisation
e-mails about suicide are that many young people           SPES [Suicide Prevention and Victim Family Support],
have entertained thoughts of suicide for a long time,      the Child Safety Delegation and BRIS began a project
one or two years. Some have also attempted suicide         in 2003 about young people’s suicides, suicide
several times. Commonly they do not want to speak to       attempts and other self-inflicted injuries.
an adult, due in part to previous negative experiences
with professionals [school counsellors, child psychia-           NB! To give an illustration of how children and
try, among others]. Others do not want to talk because           young people describe their own situation, we
their parents might find out.                                    have given some examples of how letters to
   Most describe symptoms of depression: crying                  the BRIS-mail can look. Note that constructed,
often, feeling worthless, having difficulty sleeping and         but representative information has been com-
not having the energy to do much. Feelings of self-hate,         piled to guarantee the individual child’s
powerlessness and alienation are evident. The girls that         anonymity.
e-mail BRIS indicate that problems with suicide are
creeping further and further down in the age groups. It
should be of utmost importance to all decision-makers        +     Why should I live if it were easier if I just die…
and professionals who work with children and young           cut myself all the time, no one sees. The school
people to understand the gravity of 12–13 year-olds          counsellor and child psychiatrist are just crap. I
expressing a compact longing for something away from         just never feel good, it feels as if all of my friends
this world and seeing suicide as a relief.                   also cut themselves so they have their own prob-
   The stated causes of their condition and actions          lems and can’t manage mine. Is life really sup-
vary. Triggering factors can be the parents’ internal        posed to be like this? Everything feels meaning-
discord with quarrels and/or alcohol abuse in the            less because I’ve decided to die. At night I lie
home, too high demands, too much stress or bullying          there and cry. Sometimes when I’m happy I start
at school, loneliness or love problems. It is common         to think about not feeling good and then it feels
that they do not trust adults, want to keep their prob-      crappy again. Help me, I can’t take it any more.
lems to themselves and do not see any possibility of         [Girl 15]
getting help anywhere.

the bris report 2003

             Psychological illness/self-destructiveness               This involves a condition of great loyalty to, and           Bullying
             This heading has direct links to the problems of sui-    worry and responsibility for the parents. Being
             cide; this primarily concerns self-destructive beha-     involved in the adults’ conflicts means that the               +     I usually hang out with three guys in my
             viour. Here, there are many e-mails about girls who      children become lonely in an ever-earlier adult role.              class, but why do I feel so alone???? They usually
             cut themselves, which BRIS particularly emphasised       E-mails about family conflicts increased by 38 per-                turn away and then I usually ask what they’re
             last year in the influencing of public opinion. Many     cent compared with last year.                                  talking about, but they never answer.
             who e-mail about cutting themselves describe the act                                                                    I thought it would get easier when I started
             as calming and that the self-mutilation helps them to      +     Hi BRIS! I’m a girl who is about to turn 16. It        eighth grade.
             handle the feelings like anger and sorrow, for which           seems like everything I do and say just turns out              Always a load of nasty things in e-mails or
             they do not find any other release. Self-mutilation            wrong, and soon I’m just going to give up on             text messages. I’ve tried talking with a teacher,
             becomes a relief for the moment, but afterwards                everything. If I’m with dad and his new girl-            but they don’t seem to get it or they say not to
             many express feelings of shame over their actions.             friend, there’s a row because she just complains         mind them and that it’ll soon pass. But it never
                                                                            and dad always takes her side. Why doesn’t dad           does. When will it get better?? can you help
               +     When the anxiety comes, the knife is my            understand that I get really sad???? If I stay with          me…answer [Boy 14]
                   salvation. Cut and cut until I can finally relax     mum, she shouts the whole time…When I was
                   and fall asleep. Can’t stop, it eases my pain in     little, she said that she would put me in an
               some strange way. I can’t handle always being so         orphanage because I was such a pain. Don’t tell            Loneliness
               damned “successful and happy”. Sometimes I               me to talk with my parents because I’ve tried
               wish that the mirror could change its reflection.        and it always ends with a massive row. [Girl 16]             +     Dad’s been unfaithful and everything is
               Am I mad??? You are the only ones I can turn to.                                                                      complete chaos here at home and mum cries
               Thanks. [Girl 14]                                                                                                     the whole time. I know that dad regrets it and
                                                                      Other friend relationships                                     he’s asked mum for forgiveness.
                                                                                                                                           Dad’s going to have to live with this his whole
             The difficulties mentioned in the e-mails about self-      +     My life feels upside down. I have a best friend        life and nothing’s going to be like before. I feel so
             mutilation are, like the cases dealing with suicide,           whose name is Klara and we’ve been best                  alone.
             about loneliness and alienation, being bullied and/or          friends like our whole life, now we’re 15. My                  There’s no one I can talk to. I can’t talk with
             adults not seeing or listening. Problems in the family         problem is that she’s become so sad and is               mum because she just gets sad and dad is just
             are also common: rows, divorces and the parents’               thinking about running away and she cuts her-            ashamed and silent the whole time.
             new partners are mentioned as problems.                        self with a razorblade. She’s said that I can’t ever           I try to pretend like everything’s like normal
                                                                            say anything or else we won’t be friends any-            and talk the whole time at home because other-
             Family conflicts                                               more. I want to help her, but don’t know how. I          wise it’s so quiet. Can’t handle feeling like this
             Even if the increase in e-mails about problems with            don’t think she has any confidence and she               anymore… [Girl 12]
             suicide has been the most alarming, issues relating            could use some. Am I betraying my friend if I tell
             to family conflicts are the single most common rea-            somebody? Sometimes at night I think I’ll tell
             sons for e-mailing BRIS. Here, the child often bears           my mum, but I then don’t dare. [Girl 15]
             the symptoms of a dysfunctional family.


The Discussion Forum                                      Examples of contributions and responses from the            away several times. I don’t want to have the life I
BRIS’ open platform for communication on the web,         Discussion Forum under the themes “The floor is             have now. I feel so alone. I want to be like every-
the Discussion Forum, is operating for the second         open” and Siblings:                                         one else. I’ve been a foster child for 11 months
year in a row, and in 2003 gathered 4,000 published                                                                   now. Is there ANYONE else whose a foster child?
contributions. Here, children and young people can          + Faking it 24–7                                          Or somebody who knows what I should do?
discuss current topics with each other. Everyone who        hmm going the first round in sixth form. in all
participates is anonymous and no e-mail addresses           of 7- until now i’ve been faking it i’m not really        +     Response: Foster child
can be traced. The traffic takes place under the adult      the same person i am when i’m alone, i’m at               Hey. i was a foster child for 8 years!! it was really
supervision of a moderator from BRIS.                       home or in school. i have to act tough in school          tough the first few years, but i can almost pro-
   After main contributions have been approved, it is       otherwise i’m done for i’d be labelled a *nerd*…          mise that it’ll get better. Don’t think you should
open for all visitors to respond. It is usually about a         at home i can’t be like everyone else                 run away, talk to somebody who understands
respondent recognising the problems and wanting to              talk about everything w/their parents… some-          you and maybe you can move to a place that you
share their own experiences. It is also largely about           times i’m so tired and can’t manage putting up a      like… hope everything turns out well!!!
giving advice and supporting the person having a                front anymore… just want to go away… no one i
hard time. One can see the Discussion Forum as a                can talk things thru with… no one i can trust… if     +     To those who hate their brothers or sisters
type of self-help group where children and young                i’m sad and want to cry and need comforting           Don’t you understand that they’re a part of your
people write about their thoughts, feelings and prob-           there’s no one… i’ve learned to not cry any-              life? If you’ve got a problem with them, talk to
lems. Getting support from other peers who have                 more…i have to learn…                                     them and get them to understand that you’re
similar experiences is a great relief to many. It is                                                                      serious. Love my brothers and sisters. Love yaa!
strengthening for the child to see that he/she is not       +   Response: Faking it 24–7                                  Hugs! [[middle child]]
alone; that there are others who have the same              i feel just like you... although i’m in seventh
thoughts on, for example, love, friends, loneliness         grade but…i think everyone fakes it in school…            + Response:
and other normal teenage problems.                          they’re probably completely different people at           To those who hate their brothers or sisters
   “Children and young people of various ages can               home or with some others… it can be nice to            i love my little brother, but i’m just sending in to
meet in the Discussion Forum, even though they                  talk things thru w/a mate who listens or some-        say to them and maybe everyone else that thinks
might not meet in reality. The meetings are possible            body else that might have smthng they’re dea-         like me… LOVE YOUR BROTHERS OR SISTERS!!!
where age, place of residence and class in society are          ling with…i think some do...but you can’t see it
not hinders. For example, I think of a 12 year-old              on the outside…but maybe they’re keeping              + Response:
who felt alone in never having been together with a             something inside…try to really talk with some-        To those who hate their brothers or sisters
boy and who got an answer from a 17 year-old girl,”             one… you’ll probably have a lot to talk about…         heyya!! i know what it’s like… but i’m always
says BRIS-representative Ingrid Wiklund, who is a                                                                     fighting with mine, but i’ll think about what you
moderator.                                                  +  Foster child                                           wrote.
   In 2003 the following themes were current in the         Hi! I’ve been placed in a foster home and think
Discussion Forum: Love, Siblings, Adults, Stress,           it’s really tough! I want to move home to my            In December 2003, the Discussion Forum changed
Immigrants/refugees, and “The floor is open”, while         mum, but I can’t. I’ve thought about running            topics. “Love” and “Siblings” were replaced by the
“Loneliness” was the single largest.                                                                                themes “Separated parents” and “Not fitting in”.

the bris report 2003

bris-representatives and volunteers

BRIS-representatives and volunteers
                               BRIS’ fundamental serv-    part of the job. After all, they are the ones who               “We often have discussions about how to act with-
                               ices consist of the        guarantee that children and young people are treated         in the scope of our mission. What is a child’s perspec-
                               Children’s Helpline and    properly. This is why it is important for us to refine       tive? It involves after all not ending up on the child’s
                               the BRIS-mail. Through     our recruitment so that we can hand pick the very            level, but rather being able to do what is within our
                               these channels BRIS’       best,” says Henrik Brolinson, adding that several who        power with the eyes of an adult. It demands that one
                               volunteers had a total     apply as volunteers are turned down.                         can listen and be able to receive children’s accounts
                               of about 22,000 support-      An enduring flame with a strong enough glow to            at whichever level they come, from severe abuse to
                               ive contacts with chil-    not fade; this is how one might summarise Henrik             funny stories,” Henrik Brolinson summarises.
                               dren and young people      Brolinson’s basic view of the good characteristics              After four years in the same job, he is fascinated
                               during 2003. The organi-   required when one is to help children in trouble.            by the trust that children have in BRIS. “They trust in
Henrik Brolinson
                               sation’s existence rests   Like many BRIS-representatives, he is a trained social       the fact that we do not have number presentation or
on these roughly 400 people who are tied to the five      worker by trade. In his previous jobs, he was a school       tracing, then they tell their story,” he says.
regional offices. They are trained and supervised by      counsellor, worked in social services and with chil-            Being a BRIS-representative involves a clear, well-
employed BRIS-representatives who also bear the full      dren and young people at treatment centres.                  defined professional role. Henrik Brolinson does not
responsibility for the Adult Helpline two hours daily.       “If you are passionate, you can get burned out. But       need to work with finances or administration, but
Henrik Brolinson in Norrköping has long-term experi-      I feel that individual suitability is about being curious,   can rather focus on the children on the phone and
ence with these fundamental services.                     being capable of reflection and being earnest. A las-        in e-mails.
                                                          ting commitment is the most important.” Individual              To get variation and inspiration, and to make new
Endurance and curiosity                                   suitability is judged by the BRIS-representatives. To be     contacts, he also goes out and lectures. He empha-
BRIS’ Eastern Region in Norrköping has two 4-hour         accepted to BRIS’ 40-hour training programme over a          sizes that it is a true benefit to get to meet committed
counselling sessions a week. The volunteers free          term, the prospective volunteer must also be at least        people, to be there and listen in on magical conversa-
themselves from work and studies, come on time to         25 years old, have a theoretic foundation and be accus-      tions between volunteers and children, and to be there
the regional office, and also stay afterwards for a       tomed to speaking with children.                             for support when it is needed.
review and an “after chat”. Every counselling session                                                                     The average volunteer at BRIS is a woman
is done together with another region that has similar     A child perspective with adult eyes                          between 30–35 years of age. If Henrik Brolinson could
staffing. In Norrköping, at least four phone lines are    Today, one must also be able to handle the written           make a wish, it would be to have more men who take
open and there are also a few breaks so that one can      word, which is on the rise through the BRIS-mail.            the children’s calls and e-mails.
get away and rest a while, or go through things with      Henrik Brolinson particularly emphasizes its impor-             “Nonetheless, I think we have a fantastic corps of
the BRIS-representative responsible for the evening.      tance with regard to the possibility of formulating          volunteers. Six to seven people come on Christmas
   “For me, the training of e-mail and phone volun-       oneself without interruption when it comes to identi-        day, voluntarily and without any financial compensa-
teers is both the most important and the most fun         ty and life issues.                                          tion. Where else can one find that?”

the bris report 2003

children in the spoken and written word

Children in the spoken and written word
– differences between calls and e-mails
With the renovated database, for the first time BRIS      ous psychological illnesses. This is particularly clear    and e-mails show that it is easier to write when the
has the possibility of making direct comparisons          in the virtual tripling of the number of e-mails dea-      focus lies on internal conflicts and problems.
between the content and scope of calls on the             ling with suicidal problems as well as in those about      However, children and young people prefer to speak
Children’s Helpline and that sent to the BRIS-mail.       self-destructiveness. These subjects have a conside-       about relationships to the external world and the
   In a phase where e-mailing is experiencing a very      rably lower ranking on the Children’s Helpline.            threats that can originate there.
strong rise while the growth of phone calls has stag-        With regards to the topics, it is clear that e-mails       The similarities in the Children’s Helpline and the
nated, it is of great interest to try and capture what    contain considerably more about the child’s own            BRIS-mail are primarily reflected in the frequent
is happening.                                             problems than calls, more of which deal with rela-         contacts relating to family conflicts. Friendship and
   What differentiates children’s and young people’s      tionships. There is also a certain predominance of         love relationships are also high among problem
e-mails from their calls? What do they prefer to          the topic of abuse on the phone line.                      areas for both calls and e-mails. The perpetrator pro-
write about and which problems or questions would                                                                    files for physical and sexual abuse are pretty similar
they rather talk to an adult about?                       Easier to write                                            to each other, except that the victimisation of girls is
   During 2003, about 16,000 statistically recorded       about internal problems                                    again more clearly reflected in the e-mails.
calls were received, while about 6,000 e-mails received   Serious psychological illness of the child dominates
a supportive response. This means that the Children’s     e-mails combined with existential issues. Focus on
Helpline is still the most often used way for children    the child’s own problems confirms the nature of
and young people to get support from BRIS.                writing a diary, which has been present on
   But the trend speaks for e-mailing gaining             from the very beginning. This deals with an internal
ground. The rise in the number of e-mails was             process where the child formulates the problems for
roughly equivalent to the decrease of the statistical-    themselves and then waits for responses.                                             “During 2003,
ly recorded call contacts in 2003.                           On the other hand, it is primarily the case that                            about 16,000 statistically
   With the perception of the Internet largely being a    children prefer calling to writing about bullying. Here                       recorded calls were received,
                                                                                                                                         while about 6,000 e-mails
masculine arena, we thought from the beginning            there is a need to soothe their pain by getting in touch
                                                                                                                                      received a supportive response.
that the BRIS-mail would contribute to more boys          with an adult voice that hopefully can help solve the                       This means that the Children’s
contacting us. The opposite has turned out to be          conflict between the child and the perpetrators.                             Helpline is still the most often
true: the proportion of boys who e-mail [13 percent]         If one compares calls to e-mails as a whole, one                            used way for children and
is only half of that for those who end up in the call     also sees that the calls relate more to violations by                         young people to get support
statistics [26 percent]. The BRIS-mail has above all      adults such as abuse and to sexuality and sexual                                       from BRIS.”
become a barometer of young girls’ increasingly seri-     development. In summary, the differences in calls

the bris report 2003

calls from adults

Calls from adults
In 2003, 2,239 statistically recorded calls were                 Slightly more than half [55 percent] of the calls rela-
received from adults. This means an increase of 14               ted primarily to girls. In seven out of ten cases, the                                Themes in calls from adults                                   J
percent compared to last year.                                   call was only about one child. Adults worry about
                                                                                                                                                      71%     The Family
   However, compared to the total number of call                 younger children. The average age was usually lower
attempts made during counselling sessions, only one              than on the Children’s Helpline: 10.5 years of age.                                  50%     The child and his/her relationships

out of five call attempts got through directly.                                                                                                       26%     Abuse
                                                                 Content of calls                                                                     37%     Miscellaneous                            [n=2 239]
Adults who call                                                  In brief, seven out of ten calls are about something
As in previous years, it is primarily the child’s parents        in the family, one out of two about something
and other relatives who contact BRIS because they                around the child him/herself or their relationships to
are worried about the child in question. Additionally,           peers, one out of four are about abuse, and lastly just
representatives that call from the authorities often             over one third of the calls deal with any one of the
want to discuss serious cases with BRIS.                         topics covered under miscellaneous. On average, the                                  The 10 most common                                             K
   In three-fourths of the cases the adult caller is             calls lasted just over 20 minutes.                                                   call topics in calls from adults
a woman.                                                            Adults are particularly worried about how separa-
                                                                 tions and conflicts in the family affect the child.                                  34%     Divorce-related conflicts

                                                                 Physical abuse, sexual abuse and the child’s psycho-                                        19%      Access-related problems
   Callers in calls from adults                             I    logical illness also cause marked worry with adults.                                        13%      Custody conflicts
                                                                 Thus, on the Adult Helpline the same input comes
   44%    Mother                                                                                                                                      21%     Family conflicts
                                                                 from another direction and confirms the children’s
   15%    Father                                                                                                                                      20%     Problems in the parental role
                                                                 own accounts from the Children’s Helpline. But there
   11%                     Grandparents                          are differences between the adult callers:                                           16%     The child’s psychological health

   5,8%            Authority representative/other prof.                                                                                               14%     Other problems related to the child

   5,7%            Stepparents                                                                                                                        14%     Problems with authorities
                                                                   1 men call more about divorce-related topics.
   5,6%            Siblings/other relatives                                                                                                           11%     Physical abuse
                                                                   2 women about problems in the parental role.
   4,5%        Family acquaintance                                                                                                                    9,9%    Sexual abuse
                                                                   3 grandparents call often about divorce and
   2,8%     Neighbour                                                family conflicts.                                                                9,0%     Neglect

   5,9%            Other                             [n=2 041]     4 neighbours, acquaintances, parents of friends                                    7,0%    Psychological abuse                      [n=2 239]
                                                                     often call about abuse and neglect.

                                                                 NB! The themes and call topics are based on a compilation of what the call both primarily and secondarily dealt with. The total is therefore more than 100%.   29
BRIS Report 2003
BRIS Report 2003
BRIS Report 2003
BRIS Report 2003
BRIS Report 2003
BRIS Report 2003
BRIS Report 2003

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BRIS Report 2003

  • 1. The BRIS Report Calls and E-mails to BRIS 2003
  • 2.
  • 3. contents 2003 Contents: The BRIS Report 1. Summary.........................................................................................4 2. Calls from children and young people .......................................6 3. ...........................................................................................18 4. BRIS-representatives and counsellors ......................................24 5. Children verbally and in writing ...............................................26 6. Calls from adults..........................................................................28 7. Topical themes .............................................................................31 Responsible editor: Kerstin Thuresson, Chairman Riksförbundet BRIS | Text: Gunnar Sandelin, Press Director BRIS 3 Research: Peter Irgens, Development Secretary BRIS | Translation: Eqvator AB – Eric Hörnquist | Design and production: IK Stockholm | Stockholm February 2004
  • 4. the bris report 2003 01
  • 5. summary Summary Calls and e-mails destructiveness and severe psychological illness. Helpline for Adults – about Children. In three out The Children’s Helpline and the BRIS-mail form the In 2003, the number of e-mails that directly dealt of four of the cases the adult caller is a woman, basis of BRIS’ support services. In 2003, there were with suicide almost tripled compared with 2002, usually a mother. about 16,000 statistically recorded calls of a suppor- rising to roughly 1,000 e-mails. Slightly more than half of the calls related prima- tive nature and 60,000 shorter, so-called test calls. “The trend that we see has become even more rily to girls. The average age of the child, 10.5 years, About 6,000 e-mails were given supportive responses. frightening. More girls seem to feel that life is not is lower than on the Children’s Helpline. This means that the Children’s Helpline is still the worth living. This is why the government must make Seven out of ten calls related to something in the most often used means for children and young people a great investment in preventive measures,” says family; the most common call topic is divorce-related to get support from BRIS. Göran Harnesk, BRIS’ Secretary General. conflicts that dealt with custody and access. Family But e-mails are on the rise. The increase of e-mails Many girls have had suicidal thoughts for a long conflicts and problems in the parental role are also was roughly equivalent to the decrease of the time and some have also attempted suicide several common reasons that adults call BRIS. statistically recorded call contacts in 2003. Compared times. It is common that they do not want to speak with 2002, e-mails increased by 25 percent while the to an adult, due in large part to previous negative supportive children’s calls decreased by 13 percent. experiences of professionals who could not help. Girls seek help more often: almost nine out of ten e-mails and three out of four supportive calls are Perpetrator profile about girls. The average age of those e-mailing is 14 When it comes to abuse, the home is the most com- and the average age of children callers is 13. mon place where offences are committed. According E-mails contain substantially more about the to calls from children, nine out of ten child abuse child’s own problems than calls, which are more cases and six out of ten cases of sexual abuse take often about relationships. For many years, bullying place in the home. The abuse is commonly commit- “The trend has been the primary reason for calling BRIS and it ted by a close acquaintance or relative, usually a that we see has become affects about 18 percent of the calls, but is substan- parent. For the most part, the perpetrator is a man, even more frightening. More tially less represented in the e-mails. However, family and in the majority of cases the victim is a girl. girls seem to feel that life is conflicts top the list for both calls and e-mails. not worth living. This is why Adults who call the government must make a great investment in Young girls and suicide In 2003 there were just over 2,200 statistically recorded preventive measures.” Most striking in BRIS’ supportive work in 2003 was calls from adults, an increase of 14 percent compared the exceptional increase in e-mails from young girls to 2002. with problems of suicide. In 2002, we warned of the As with previous years, it is primarily the child’s rapidly growing number of e-mails about girls’ self- parents and other relatives that call the BRIS 5
  • 6. the bris report 2003 02
  • 7. calls from children and young people Calls from children and young people compared to 2002. In comparison, there were 3,000 Boys, girls and their families Number of statistically recorded calls from children in 1991. In three out of four cases, the statistically recorded A statistically [See figure A.] call related to a girl. The average age was just over recorded calls Additionally, 60,000 calls were so-called test calls, 13 years. where the caller investigates in different ways if BRIS We note that, after having neared a third, the boys’ 1991 3 000 can be trusted. Together these calls account for just share of the call volume has dropped to a quarter in 1992 4 828 under one third of the total call time and did not con- the last two years. BRIS has generally seen clear sig- tain enough information to be able to be processed in nals that the psychological illnesses of girls seem to 1993 6 203 our statistics. be increasing [see and The BRIS-mail]. 1994 9 926 In total, BRIS volunteers received 76,053 calls in But at the same time boys more often express their 1995 12 189 2003, which is a marginal decrease by about a thou- problems less articulately than girls. Counting the test sand or 1.5 percent fewer calls than in 2002. calls, it turns out that a majority of calls to BRIS are 1996 11 169 However, from the statistically recorded calls there about boys. 1997 10 345 is information on gender, age, domestic circumstances Despite boys and girls calling about similar 1998 12 788 and call topic, among others. The child is anonymous, problems, in the girls’ calls there is an emphasis on which means that the number of calls is not equal to their own or family related topics. Girls call relatively 1999 14 341 the number of children calling. Previous surveys show more often than boys about problem areas such as 2000 17 431 that about 10 percent of the statically processed calls family conflicts, love and friendship relationships, eat- 2001 17 150 come from children who have called before. ing disorders, sexual abuse and self-destructiveness. The statistically recorded calls have greatly Boys, however, account for a larger proportion in 2002 18 348 increased in number, particularly since the early areas such as bullying, physical abuse, personal 2003 16 008 1990s; largely due to the ease of calling with mobile drug/alcohol abuse and sexual development. phones in recent years. In 2003, 83 percent of the calls Roughly speaking, calls about the caller’s own came from mobile phones, which comprised almost development and love problems increase with age, During 2003 there were 16,008 statistically the whole cost of the telephone bill that BRIS paid to as do problems with self-destructiveness and other recorded calls from children and young people. its telecom operator, Telenor. psychological illnesses. Instead, divorce-related calls These account for two thirds of the call time on the But many more want to call. Our accessibility and problems with friends and bullying drop for Children’s Helpline with an average call time of studies still show that only every fourth try can be teenagers. slightly more than 12 minutes. The calls are almost answered directly. BRIS needs more money for more Calls about child abuse decrease in the teen years. one minute longer on average compared with the telephone lines and employees who will be able to Younger children call the least about sexual abuse. previous year, but decreased in number by 13 percent train yet more volunteers. However, it is no foregone conclusion that they are 7
  • 8. the bris report 2003 spared from abuse to a corresponding degree, as it is more difficult for young children to dare to tell. Themes Calls from Children B With respect to the average age of just over 13 years, one can see that the most common group that 49% Relationships with peers calls BRIS are secondary school children. 43 percent 36% The child’s problems/development of the calls from children are from 13–15 year-olds. 26% Family Middle school children are also well represented and 16% Abuse account for one third [33 percent] of calls, while young people in upper secondary school [16–18 year- 16% Miscellaneous [n=16 007] olds] only comprise 17 percent of calls. Children under 10 account for 5.4 percent. The most common family profile is the biological nuclear family, in which 61 percent of the children callers live, which is a lower proportion compared with the normal population. 15 percent live with a The 15 most common call topics in calls from children C lone mother, while those who live in stepfamilies, with a lone father, with both parents after divorce or 18% Bullying separation (joint residency), or in foster care or home 14% Family conflicts placement are encountered to a lesser extent. 13% Relationships with friends Children that live in stepfamilies or joint residen- cy call more about family conflicts and physical 13% Love relationships abuse. More than one in three calls deal with abuse 7,7% Physical abuse if the child lives with a lone father. 7,4% Loneliness 6,9% Sexuality Themes and call topics 6,7% Sexual abuse NB! In earlier BRIS reports we only The call topics are covered in a few themes that described what the call primarily related roughly summarise what traffic on the Children’s 5,1% Sexual development to. To provide a better overall view, this Helpline relates to. 3,8% Drug/alcohol abuse in family year for the first time we tally up what One out of two calls deal in some way with rela- 3,5% School problems the call both primarily and secondarily tionships to peers, slightly more than one out of 3,4% Divorce-related problems relates to. This entails that the total three with the child’s own development or personal 3,3% Existential/life issues percentage exceeds 100%, since more problems, and one out of four calls relate to some- than one theme/call topic can be dealt thing happening in the family. One out of six calls 3,2% Body/appearance with in a single call. relate to abuse, and the same applies for the topics 2,9% Suicide [n=16 007] covered under the collective heading “Miscellaneous”. 8
  • 9. calls from children and young people Theme: Children's relationships with their peers AnnCha Lagerman, NB! To protect the child’s integrity the call The call topics of bullying, friendship and love has been training notes in the BRIS Report have been slightly elationships as well as sexuality are covered here. school personnel, altered where necessary. Being a victim of bullying has been the most com- teachers and pupils mon reason for calling BRIS since the mid-1990s. throughout the coun- Almost one out of five [18 percent] of all calls prima- try in anti-bullying rily or secondarily relate to bullying, which means a programmes with total of slightly more than 2,800 “bullying calls”. friend supporters, 1 13 year-old girl is bullied in school because she The children who call are most often dejected, self- bullying teams and is overweight. She is verbally teased and beaten. destructive thoughts are involved and suicide plans mentor talks. In 2003 They pull her clothes off and flush her head in the can exist. Usually they have been victimised for a long she visited about 500 toilette, chase and harass her. She thinks that she time, and many times BRIS personnel are the first schools with her pro- only has herself to blame. Hasn't told an adult. adults they dare tell. Substantially often they say that AnnCha Lagerman gramme. the school has known about the problem, but been “It seems as if 2 The boys have photographed the girl when she incapable of resolving it, which may be due to cut- bullying in school is a problem that generally is not changed in gym. The pictures have since been backs in school healthcare, among others. Especially declining. The school environment is perceived by copied, and put up in the school and on the before the start of school, BRIS receives an increased both pupils and school personnel as tougher and Internet. influx of calls from children who do not want to go more brutal. The schools’ often difficult financial situ- back to school to again be forced to suffer. ation has contributed to not as much being invested 3 Boy who is teased because he is an immigrant. The bullying almost always happens in school and in education as previously. But the schools that Says that the adults at school don’t do anything consists of everything from being frozen out, or sexu- deliberately and consistently work with the proper because they are racists. Has spoken with the al harassment in word and deed, to pure physical methods can keep bullying at a very low level by head teacher, teachers and school counsellor, but abuse. New types of harassment are mirrored in the detecting every single case early on,” she summarises. nothing has helped. growing number of calls that relate to bullying over Also at the top of the list of call topic areas are the Internet and with text messaging. friendship and love relationships. They are vital areas 4 Seriously bullied by schoolmates. They hit, kick Girls partially taking on the boys’ patterns can be dealt with in one fourth [24 percent] of all calls from and shout cunt and slut at her. Once she had to suspected from the year’s perpetrator profile where, children. Being all right, finding friends or a partner, visit the school nurse because they had pounded for the seventh year running, BRIS studies who does becoming popular and being liked for who one is, her head into the desk so that she got an open the bullying from bullying calls: In nine out of ten comprises an inexhaustible area. With regard to wound in her forehead. This has been going on cases the bullying is done by a group, but information questions about sexuality, there are both curiosity for three years. Has contacted the head teacher from 2003 indicates more gender-mixed groups and and anguish in many calls that relate to the issues of and school counsellor, but nothing happens. fewer cases where only boys are the perpetrators. hetero/homo, attractive/ugly, sleep with/or not. And Almost half [46 percent] of the bullying cases have per- above all: the ever present: am I good enough? 5 The boy was a bully who would make things petrators of both sexes, one third [35 percent] are only Here are some examples from the counselling ses- right tomorrow. Had taken off from school to v boys, and one out of five [19 percent] are only girls. sion notes on what child callers can say to BRIS about apologise. He was nervous about tomorrow. For many years, BRIS’ expert in bullying issues, relationships to peers: 9
  • 10. the bris report 2003 10
  • 11. calls from children and young people thoughts on their self-worth and the value of life. 6 16 year-old girl who met her considerably Loneliness is a theme that is common to most of 4 The girl was tired of life and very lonely. older boyfriend over the Internet. He has often the calls from children and this is particularly “I play a part, my smile is faked.” had sex with her against her will, ties her up. She noticeable in calls that are about children’s personal does not want to break up, but nor does she problems, but also in those about friendship and love 5 16 year-old boy who takes drugs, shoots up want him to continue to rape and beat her. relationships. heroin. Has been under the supervision of social Thinks the solution is to kill herself. Their own sexual development and questions services for 1 year. Has started to do drugs again about pregnancy also fall under this heading, where and wants to stop, but does not want to get the 7 A 14 year-old girl is in love with her new, 35 the child in different ways brings up questions dealing authorities involved. year-old teacher. He’s so nice. She has told him with becoming an adult. that she is in love with him. But she doesn’t Here are some examples of the children’s personal 6 Girl whose best friend recently killed herself. think that they will get together. problems from our counsellors’ notes: The girl feels great sorrow and guilt. The friend had sought her support in vain. The girl is con- 8 A 15 year-old boy who is worried about having 1 Six months ago she tried to commit suicide. vinced that it’s her fault. sex for the first time with his girlfriend who he’s “Look at everything that’s happening in the been together with for 2.5 months. She has done world; war, famine, unemployment and so on. 7 Problems with anorexia for several years. it before. There’s no reason to grow up.” Takes tablets Considering completely starving herself to get against depression and it doesn’t feel like she her parents’ attention. Doesn’t dare speak with 9 A 13 year-old girl called and wondered: What’s knows where she stops and the tablets begin her parents. Many deaths around her! Has no the difference between a peck and a kiss? Is it anymore. one to talk to. OK according to the law to snog at the age of 13? 2 Boy [12] who for a month has been wonder- 8 “I caused a girl to commit suicide a few !≈ Girl [12] who believes she is homosexual, ing a lot about if he might be homosexual/ months ago.” Had harassed a girl with text doesn’t know how she should find out if it’s true. bisexual. It all began with an entertainment messages and on a web page. Police and coun- Asks if there is something wrong with her. Will program on TV that focused a lot on homosexu- sellor involved. Feels extremely bad about what ask a girl she is in love with to go out with her. ality. The thoughts come when he is alone and happened. he feels great uneasiness, worry and anxiety. 9 The boy is afraid of himself because an Theme: The child’s development/personal problems 3 A 17 year-old girl is 2 weeks pregnant. The enormous, bloody hatred wells up sometimes. This is a collective term for many call topic areas father is considerably older, a secret boyfriend. Wants to hurt others. Is afraid of himself and is that are largely about the increased psychological ill- The girl should be a virgin and is to be married off in a very bad way. Wants help! ness among children and young people. It deals with in her family’s home country. Should she have everything from existential life issues, loneliness an abortion? Have a hymen operated in? Or will !≈ The girl has taken 30 Alvedon (paracetamol and sadness, to stress, alcohol/drug abuse and sui- she keep the baby and maybe be abused/ shot by tablets) 2 hours ago. Help her to hospital in cide. So this theme involves the most serious calls relatives? Will call the youth counselling centre. X-town. Ambulance pick up – she arrived. with regard to children’s and young people’s own 11
  • 12. the bris report 2003 Theme: The Family Family conflicts constitute a central problem area 3 The girl’s father had seen her talking to 2 !≈ 11 year-old girl bears all the responsibility for that comes second among all the reasons for calling male friends today. Father is very angry, called the mother’s and siblings’ lives, protects her BRIS. Family conflicts can include everything from her whore, slut. They come from a non-European younger siblings from a drunk and violent children’s normal struggles to establish their own country, father wants his old culture to apply. mother. She prepares all food, takes care of the identities to conflicts that are close to abuse, where The girl wants to do as her friends, but is afraid home and her siblings. The girl cuts herself, culture clashes often occur. of her father, cried. began the first time the mother beat her. The girl A total of three fourths of these calls deal with is afraid that she will commit suicide, that she conflicts between the child and an adult. Girls are 4 Crying girl who found out that her parents can’t stand it anymore. more often in conflict with their mothers or both will get a divorce. She is very sad and worried parents, while boys are in conflict with their fathers about it and has many questions about what will Theme: Child abuse to a greater extent. The considerably less frequent happen with her, with Christmas and so on. This heading summarises the call topics of physical calls about divorce-related problems also belong and psychological abuse as well as sexual abuse. to the family theme, as do issues about family mem- 5 Mum and dad forgot the boy’s birthday today. The worst abuse that children can suffer from adult bers’ drug/alcohol abuse and health. These calls They’ve been on drugs for the last 2 years. The perpetrators is gathered here. Our perpetrator almost exclusively deal with the parents; primarily boy is sad. profiles clearly show that these crimes very often the drug/alcohol abuse of the father [40 percent], take place in the home. then that of the mother [33 percent] or of both 6 “My mum intends to quit as a mother – and The past few years BRIS has stated that approxi- parents [20 percent]. go to social services. Can she do that? Then I’ll mately one third of all statistically recorded calls to These are examples of calls from children with be alone. I can’t manage on my own.” the Children’s Helpline relate to crimes against chil- the family as the topic: dren in a legal sense, but many of the bullying calls 7 Girl who wonders what she and her mum can are also included in that calculation. 1 11 year-old girl lives together with her mum do to get more money. They almost don’t have In 2003, about 2,800 calls were received that dealt and “pretend dad”. Is expected to care for her enough to buy anything. with abuse, where the trend from last year’s drama- 1 year-old little brother at home. Doesn’t have tic rise in calls about sexual abuse turned and these time to be with her friends. Is punished with 8 Dad is dead. Mum takes out money from the calls reduced by 22 percent. The calls about physical denial of food if she does not obey. Will tell her boy’s accounts. She’s an alcoholic. Has tried to abuse dropped by the approximate average for calls biological father of how she has it with her get help from social services. The boy ran away from children this year [15 percent]. mother. Wants to live with him. once. Then mum threatened to kill herself. For the eighth year running, BRIS presents its perpetrator profile, which has been consistent from 2 A 13 year-old adopted boy who says that 9 Has no one to talk to, lives in a foster home. year to year. It shows that a parent is the most his mum and dad often get irritated at him Sex contacts on the Internet to earn a little common perpetrator and that in 85 percent of the and threatened to kill him once. They have said money and feel a bit like somebody cares. Cannot cases the children are abused in the home. several times that they wish they could send handle going to school. Has received an offer to With regards to the gender distribution, the him back to his country of origin. act in a porn film. Wants to have a family to go to. perpetrators were men in 69 percent of the cases while in 31 percent of the cases they were women. 12
  • 13. calls from children and young people Included in these figures is that 13 percent of the cases involved both a male and a female perpetrator commit- ting the abuse at the same time. In two thirds of the cases girls were victims of the abuse, compared with about one third of the cases where boys were the victims. From the National Council for Crime Prevention’s statistics for 2003, it is evident that police reports con- cerning abuse and aggravated assault on children have increased by 16 percent with regard to children between 0–6 years of age and by 3 percent with regard to crimes against children of ages 7–14. Referring to the low fre- quency with which crimes against children are resolved and to get help in this vulnerable situation, BRIS is con- ducting a study of signals of resistance from child crime victims. BRIS is aiming to present this material at the end of spring 2004. Sexual abuse is also committed largely in the home [although to a lesser extent than physical abuse]. In six out of ten cases [61 percent] the children report the home as the scene of the crime, and in close to one out of five cases [18 percent] the school as the crime scene. The perpetrator profile is generally similar to previ- ous years with the exception of a halving of the propor- tion of stepfathers as perpetrators and an increase in the proportion of female perpetrators. 82 percent of the perpetrators were male while 18 percent were female. This includes that 4 percent of the sexual assaults were committed simultaneously by a male and a female perpetrator. Compared to 2002, there are also relatively more boy victims, but three fourths are still girls. The great majority of abuse takes place in the home. This is why the victimised child seldom intends to have the perpe- trator caught, despite the exploitation of the child’s dependency on a person who actually has the task of protecting him/her. 13
  • 14. the bris report 2003 Police reports are therefore uncommon. Exposure to this violence instead often leads to thoughts of suicide and other types of aggressiveness directed at oneself. Here are some call examples from the Children’s Helpline on abuse: 1 1 year-old girl who sat together with her sister in the lavatory. Their father used to beat them, and now he was drunk and stood outside, bea- ting on the door. The girls were waiting for their mother to come home. 2 The girl’s mother has been beating her for about 1 year. Her father lives elsewhere. Been in touch with the police before, has not been believed. 3 8 year-old girl who lives with her mother and stepfather, who beats her when her mum is away. Also tells her how much he hates her and that he feels sorry for the mother for having such a child. 4 Today the girl found her mum lying on the floor, beaten by her dad. The girl was scared and wanted this to stop, and when she let her father have sex with her, he had promised that he wouldn’t beat mum. The call was cut off because somebody was knocking on her locked door. 5 Her boyfriend has been beating her for 1 year. Has tried breaking up, but he won’t budge. Extremely scared. Cries the whole time. Has not told anyone, but agrees that she should tell her foster parents. 14
  • 15. calls from children and young people 6 Girl [12] who had been chatting with a boy that Physical abuse, perpetrators [Portion of calls about abuse] D she thought was 13 years old. Agreed on going on a date after a long time. It turned out that he was 41% Father about 40 years old. He videotaped her. Is threate- 19% Mother ning to publish the pictures on the Internet if she 10% Both adults reports him to the police. 10% Known peer (not sibling) 7 Girl, 11 years old, sexually abused by her father. 5,5% Stepfather Has been going on since she was 7. Her father ties 2,4% Teacher/school personnel her up, has both normal and oral intercourse. 2,0% Sibling Threatens her to not tell. Says that it’s the way it’s 1,6% Stepmother supposed to be and that the mother knows and consents. The girl thinks that it hurts, sometimes 3,8% Other known adult she bleeds and feels that it’s wrong and disgust- 4,8% Other [n=1 231] ing. First time she has confided in someone. 8 Boy has been sexually abused by his mother in the last 2 weeks. Cries. The mother has problems with alcohol and the sexual abuse happens on the weekends. His father is not there. Advise him to Sexual abuse, perpetrators [Portion of calls about abuse] E speak with another adult too... [He hung up.]. 29% Father 9 Sexually abused by her father almost daily. 13% Teacher/school personnel Twice a month the girl and her father travel to an apartment in a larger city where he sells her to 11% Known peer (not sibling) other men. If she doesn’t go along, her father will 6,4% Mother use her little sister instead. When it gets to be too 5,4% Stepfather much, she cuts herself. 4,9% Foster parent 2,6% Sibling !≈ 16 year-old boy sexually abused since he was 10. Lives alone with his father. According to his 5,6% Another family member father, the boy is a good lover. The boy is scared, 9,4% Other known adult scared, scared. First time he dares to speak with 14% Other [n=1 005] anyone about the abuse. 15
  • 16. the bris report 2003 Others and miscellaneous This is a collective heading where calls that do not fit 4 “What can BRIS do to help a 10 year-old girl in under the other theme headings are gathered. and her brother to stay?” The family has received During the year, for example, journalists have wanted their final deportation notice. People just can’t do to know how dramatic events that have been given this to children! The family are gipsies and have considerable media attention have influenced the neither home nor possessions.” children that call BRIS. As a whole the reactions have been rare; only slightly more than 100 calls were of 5 Two boys spoke with me about what hap- this nature. Most [64 calls] related to the U.S. invasion pened today. Anna Lindh, 5 year-old girl at day- of Iraq, while the murder of Anna Lindh was the topic care and 16 year-old girl found dead in Sundsvall. of 29 statistically recorded calls. Here are some exam- They felt that it was really rough and wondered ples of calls that deal with a bit of everything: what’s happening in Sweden. 1 15 year-old girl. Is placed in care because she 6 Boy who tells of troubles between a Swedish came into bad company and could not carry on and an immigrant gang at the place where he with school. Has moved around to five different lives. The last time one of the immigrants had a places during the child welfare investigation. knife and the boy who is calling is worried about Does not get on at the treatment centre where what might happen. there is a lot of trouble and many who cut them- selves and try to commit suicide. Wants to go 7 Girl who should pick her little brother up from home. day-care. He had already been picked up by somebody else. The girl had called her mum and 2 10 year-old girl who calls and is very there was no one else who should have picked frightened. She explains that she and a friend him up. The girl was worried. “rang-and-ran” on the door of a man in the same stairwell of their building. The neighbour is 8 Girl who is afraid of predatory animals when threatening her with calling the police even she goes to school. She walks a kilometre to the though they have apologised. bus on a dark country road. She has spoken with her parents about being scared, but they say that 3 Last summer the family was in their home the predators are probably more afraid of her. country and the girl was matched with a fiancé whom she is to marry when she turns 18. She’s 9 Girl who wondered why there are so many tried in every way possible to avert the marriage, women at the Children’s Helpline. Said at the but hasn’t succeeded. Now she’s trying to adjust same time that it’s good that there is a BRIS to the situation as she knows it’s inevitable. phone line! We thank you. 16
  • 17. calls from children and young people Assignments The assignments have related to girls in three !≈ The girl is agitated as a boy has put her A child who calls BRIS can choose to have a more out of four cases, which corresponds to the gender phone number on his homepage, called her a firm intervention than a referral. In such cases a BRIS- breakdown on the Children’s Helpline. The average slut and said that she offered sex-services. representative can take over and together with the age was 14. Compared to calls from children in child formulate an assignment, which in the majority general, there is an overrepresentation among of cases involves going in and concretely helping in “assignment children” of those living in stepfamilies After the call establishing contacts with different authorities or or with a lone father. BRIS acts as a support, which means that together other adults. The authority most often contacted Family conflicts, physical abuse and sexual abuse with the child we investigate possibilities of referring is social services. However, no contacts are made were the three most common problems for children them to possible contacts in their surroundings. without the child giving BRIS instructions to do so. and young people in the handling of assignments. This is possible in six out of ten calls. The following We have completed 94 assignments in total The assignments have lasted from one day to shows the breakdown of these contacts. during the year, which is 14 less than in 2002. more than a year with an average length of 45 days. Further contacts following calls from children F 32% School 15% Teacher 10% School nurse 8,0% School counsellor/psychologist “BRIS acts as a support, which 4,5% Head teacher means that together with 31% Adult in the family the child we investigate possibilities of referring them 18% Friend + boy/girlfriend to possible contacts in their 10% Youth counselling centre surroundings. This is 6,1% Social services possible in six out of ten calls.” 3,0% Child psychiatry and health services 1,3% Police 4,8% Other adult outside the family 24% Further contact with BRIS 7,8% Other referrals [n=9 716] 17
  • 18. the bris report 2003 03
  • 19. The website was established in its current are large age differences between the children and form in January 2001 as an essential way of convey- young people that contact us. One can therefore “Our vision is that ing information and support over the Internet. The choose between using a fictitious identity in the will become a channel that actively intent was primarily to offer an alternative means of form of an imaginary animal, called Mumla, or using contributes to a positive reaching us besides the helpline. The website has the just a user name and password if one would like to development of the youth, general public, authorities and institutions of e-mail or chat with BRIS or peers in a safe manner overall service” Sweden as its target group. The focus lies on the dia- on the website. log with children and young people, from the BRIS- mail above all, but also through Discussion Forums. The BRIS-mail Today, is constantly being refined with Particularly notable is the rise in e-mails relating to regard to supporting children and young people, the problem of suicide. Our figures show that these influencing opinions and maintaining media con- e-mails have nearly tripled during 2003 compared tacts as well as fundraising to be able to continue to the previous year. offering services. In 2003, we renovated the website When the BRIS-mail began in January 2001, it was together with the web agency deasign so that it will intended as a digital complement to the Children’s be able to more clearly meet the rising demands Helpline. Today, e-mail services are instead an equal placed on BRIS by its surroundings. On 6 October, a part of BRIS’ fundamental work. No other form of In 2003, there was a 25 percent increase to 8,350 completely new website was launched with a new support is growing as much as the incoming e-mails. e-mails, of which slightly more than 6,000 were documentation system similar to that used with This shows that there are not only new ways of com- statistically recorded as advisory or supportive. the Children’s Helpline. This is an important part municating, but rather that a large part of young Of those e-mailing BRIS, 87 percent are girls and of an ongoing effort for a unified communications people prefer writing to talking. For many who have 13 percent are boys. The average age is just over 14, platform that BRIS is implementing with the adver- a hard time explaining on the phone, e-mail is a way or one year older than the average of those who call. tising agency IK Stockholm. to write a diary or a short story for themselves and Slightly more than half of those who e-mail BRIS “A major objective was to gather “all of BRIS” on then send the account anonymously to somebody live in nuclear families. Less than one out of five live one site with simple navigation. Our vision is that else. Many who e-mail say that it feels safer and with a lone mother, almost one out of ten live in will become a channel that actively con- more secure to write. joint residency, and the same is true of those who tributes to a positive development of the overall Many only write one e-mail, but one sender live in stepfamilies. service,” says Johnny Nordström, Communications writes almost two e-mails on average. Project manager for the development of the BRIS- and Marketing Coordinator. During the first year in operation, about 4,300 mail Maria Rådlund and BRIS-representative Mia The fundamental communication principle at e-mails were received. In 2002 this had increased Svensson have the following reflections on trends in builds on security and anonymity. But there to 6,700. e-mailing over the past year: 19
  • 20. the bris report 2003 Themes and e-mail topics + The difficult e-mails about serious problems Like the calls on the Children’s Helpline, e-mails are Theme E-mails from children G are becoming even more serious and more com- covered in the themes that are summarised in Fig. G. plex, where possible. There is a constantly This generally means that approximately three 72% The child’s problems/development increasing flow of well-formulated stories that out of four e-mails deal in some way with the child’s 47% Relationships with peers relate to psychological illness – depression, self- own development or own problems, every second 37% The Family destructiveness and thoughts of suicide, where e-mail is about relationships to peers, four out of ten 12% Abuse the child should get professional help. about something in the family, one in eight about abuse, and 15 percent of the e-mails are about any 15% Miscellaneous [n=1 556] + Others have had contact with professionals, one of all of the topics covered under miscellaneous. but these efforts sometimes do not seem to work. A lack of trust in adults is common; bad experi- Suicide/thoughts of suicide ences from contacts with authorities and others The information above shows a near tripling [+185 involved in helping can be found. The child feels percent] of the e-mails that relate to problems of The 15 most common topics H that he/she is not listened to or believed. suicide. Such a large increase within a specific in e-mails from children problem area is, to the extent known, without com- 23% Family conflicts + The children who write to us have lived with parison in BRIS’ history. After last year’s BRIS Report 21% Other friend relationships their secret a long time. They are often very lonely we warned specifically about the increase in psycho- and put up a front. logical illnesses among young girls and the increasing 16% Suicide/thoughts of suicide number of e-mails about cutting oneself. 13% Love relationships + We have noticed the demands and pressures During 2003, e-mails dealing directly with suicide 12% Psychological illness that young girls feel. It is about sexualisation and totalled to about one thousand. 11% Bullying the demands of being clever, attractive, sexy and “The e-mails we receive mirror a troubling deve- growing up so quickly. A great deal of questions lopment, to say the least, primarily with regard to the 11% Self-destructiveness that 11–12 year-old girls have today are questions psychological health of young girls in our country. 11% Loneliness that used to be asked by 14–15 year-olds. Last year we warned of the rapidly growing number 9,6% Existential/life issues of e-mails about girls who cut themselves. This year 9,0% Identity issues + Lastly: a new area that we have seen more of we are forced to confirmthat the trend we see has 6,2% Eating disorders is the worry that arises in connection with surf- ing on the Internet. Examples are bad chat expe- NB! The themes and e-mail topics are based on 6,1% Physical abuse riences with sexual harassment, dating over the e-mails from the last quarter. This is due to the 5,9% School problems Internet that has gone awry, situations where renovation of the documentation system 5,7% Body/appearance adults have tried to sexually abuse and threaten described in the introduction. However, informa- 5,1% Divorce-related problems them, and where even pictures of the e-mailer tion on, for example, the total number of e-mails, have ended up on porn sites. gender and age is calculated on an annual basis. [n=1 556] 20 NB! The themes and e-mail topics are based on a compilation of what the e-mail both primarily and secondarily dealt with. The total is therefore more than 100%.
  • 21. become even more frightening,” says BRIS’ Secretary The ways they want to end their life are many, but General Göran Harnesk. tablets, cutting themselves deeply and jumping in “If more girls feel that life is not worth living front of a vehicle are common. because they have unbearable circumstances at home It is also common that friends e-mail to express and school, and feel that the pressure on them is so their worry for their friend’s self-destructiveness or great that they are not good enough, then the govern- suicidal tendencies. Moreover, these problems affect ment must make a great investment in preventive not only girls: 13 percent of the “suicide e-mails” measures.” received last year were about boys. The common signs that we can see from the year’s As a result of the problems above, the organisation e-mails about suicide are that many young people SPES [Suicide Prevention and Victim Family Support], have entertained thoughts of suicide for a long time, the Child Safety Delegation and BRIS began a project one or two years. Some have also attempted suicide in 2003 about young people’s suicides, suicide several times. Commonly they do not want to speak to attempts and other self-inflicted injuries. an adult, due in part to previous negative experiences with professionals [school counsellors, child psychia- NB! To give an illustration of how children and try, among others]. Others do not want to talk because young people describe their own situation, we their parents might find out. have given some examples of how letters to Most describe symptoms of depression: crying the BRIS-mail can look. Note that constructed, often, feeling worthless, having difficulty sleeping and but representative information has been com- not having the energy to do much. Feelings of self-hate, piled to guarantee the individual child’s powerlessness and alienation are evident. The girls that anonymity. e-mail BRIS indicate that problems with suicide are creeping further and further down in the age groups. It should be of utmost importance to all decision-makers + Why should I live if it were easier if I just die… and professionals who work with children and young cut myself all the time, no one sees. The school people to understand the gravity of 12–13 year-olds counsellor and child psychiatrist are just crap. I expressing a compact longing for something away from just never feel good, it feels as if all of my friends this world and seeing suicide as a relief. also cut themselves so they have their own prob- The stated causes of their condition and actions lems and can’t manage mine. Is life really sup- vary. Triggering factors can be the parents’ internal posed to be like this? Everything feels meaning- discord with quarrels and/or alcohol abuse in the less because I’ve decided to die. At night I lie home, too high demands, too much stress or bullying there and cry. Sometimes when I’m happy I start at school, loneliness or love problems. It is common to think about not feeling good and then it feels that they do not trust adults, want to keep their prob- crappy again. Help me, I can’t take it any more. lems to themselves and do not see any possibility of [Girl 15] getting help anywhere. 21
  • 22. the bris report 2003 Psychological illness/self-destructiveness This involves a condition of great loyalty to, and Bullying This heading has direct links to the problems of sui- worry and responsibility for the parents. Being cide; this primarily concerns self-destructive beha- involved in the adults’ conflicts means that the + I usually hang out with three guys in my viour. Here, there are many e-mails about girls who children become lonely in an ever-earlier adult role. class, but why do I feel so alone???? They usually cut themselves, which BRIS particularly emphasised E-mails about family conflicts increased by 38 per- turn away and then I usually ask what they’re last year in the influencing of public opinion. Many cent compared with last year. talking about, but they never answer. who e-mail about cutting themselves describe the act I thought it would get easier when I started as calming and that the self-mutilation helps them to + Hi BRIS! I’m a girl who is about to turn 16. It eighth grade. handle the feelings like anger and sorrow, for which seems like everything I do and say just turns out Always a load of nasty things in e-mails or they do not find any other release. Self-mutilation wrong, and soon I’m just going to give up on text messages. I’ve tried talking with a teacher, becomes a relief for the moment, but afterwards everything. If I’m with dad and his new girl- but they don’t seem to get it or they say not to many express feelings of shame over their actions. friend, there’s a row because she just complains mind them and that it’ll soon pass. But it never and dad always takes her side. Why doesn’t dad does. When will it get better?? can you help + When the anxiety comes, the knife is my understand that I get really sad???? If I stay with me…answer [Boy 14] salvation. Cut and cut until I can finally relax mum, she shouts the whole time…When I was and fall asleep. Can’t stop, it eases my pain in little, she said that she would put me in an some strange way. I can’t handle always being so orphanage because I was such a pain. Don’t tell Loneliness damned “successful and happy”. Sometimes I me to talk with my parents because I’ve tried wish that the mirror could change its reflection. and it always ends with a massive row. [Girl 16] + Dad’s been unfaithful and everything is Am I mad??? You are the only ones I can turn to. complete chaos here at home and mum cries Thanks. [Girl 14] the whole time. I know that dad regrets it and Other friend relationships he’s asked mum for forgiveness. Dad’s going to have to live with this his whole The difficulties mentioned in the e-mails about self- + My life feels upside down. I have a best friend life and nothing’s going to be like before. I feel so mutilation are, like the cases dealing with suicide, whose name is Klara and we’ve been best alone. about loneliness and alienation, being bullied and/or friends like our whole life, now we’re 15. My There’s no one I can talk to. I can’t talk with adults not seeing or listening. Problems in the family problem is that she’s become so sad and is mum because she just gets sad and dad is just are also common: rows, divorces and the parents’ thinking about running away and she cuts her- ashamed and silent the whole time. new partners are mentioned as problems. self with a razorblade. She’s said that I can’t ever I try to pretend like everything’s like normal say anything or else we won’t be friends any- and talk the whole time at home because other- Family conflicts more. I want to help her, but don’t know how. I wise it’s so quiet. Can’t handle feeling like this Even if the increase in e-mails about problems with don’t think she has any confidence and she anymore… [Girl 12] suicide has been the most alarming, issues relating could use some. Am I betraying my friend if I tell to family conflicts are the single most common rea- somebody? Sometimes at night I think I’ll tell sons for e-mailing BRIS. Here, the child often bears my mum, but I then don’t dare. [Girl 15] the symptoms of a dysfunctional family. 22
  • 23. The Discussion Forum Examples of contributions and responses from the away several times. I don’t want to have the life I BRIS’ open platform for communication on the web, Discussion Forum under the themes “The floor is have now. I feel so alone. I want to be like every- the Discussion Forum, is operating for the second open” and Siblings: one else. I’ve been a foster child for 11 months year in a row, and in 2003 gathered 4,000 published now. Is there ANYONE else whose a foster child? contributions. Here, children and young people can + Faking it 24–7 Or somebody who knows what I should do? discuss current topics with each other. Everyone who hmm going the first round in sixth form. in all participates is anonymous and no e-mail addresses of 7- until now i’ve been faking it i’m not really + Response: Foster child can be traced. The traffic takes place under the adult the same person i am when i’m alone, i’m at Hey. i was a foster child for 8 years!! it was really supervision of a moderator from BRIS. home or in school. i have to act tough in school tough the first few years, but i can almost pro- After main contributions have been approved, it is otherwise i’m done for i’d be labelled a *nerd*… mise that it’ll get better. Don’t think you should open for all visitors to respond. It is usually about a at home i can’t be like everyone else run away, talk to somebody who understands respondent recognising the problems and wanting to talk about everything w/their parents… some- you and maybe you can move to a place that you share their own experiences. It is also largely about times i’m so tired and can’t manage putting up a like… hope everything turns out well!!! giving advice and supporting the person having a front anymore… just want to go away… no one i hard time. One can see the Discussion Forum as a can talk things thru with… no one i can trust… if + To those who hate their brothers or sisters type of self-help group where children and young i’m sad and want to cry and need comforting Don’t you understand that they’re a part of your people write about their thoughts, feelings and prob- there’s no one… i’ve learned to not cry any- life? If you’ve got a problem with them, talk to lems. Getting support from other peers who have more…i have to learn… them and get them to understand that you’re similar experiences is a great relief to many. It is serious. Love my brothers and sisters. Love yaa! strengthening for the child to see that he/she is not + Response: Faking it 24–7 Hugs! [[middle child]] alone; that there are others who have the same i feel just like you... although i’m in seventh thoughts on, for example, love, friends, loneliness grade but…i think everyone fakes it in school… + Response: and other normal teenage problems. they’re probably completely different people at To those who hate their brothers or sisters “Children and young people of various ages can home or with some others… it can be nice to i love my little brother, but i’m just sending in to meet in the Discussion Forum, even though they talk things thru w/a mate who listens or some- say to them and maybe everyone else that thinks might not meet in reality. The meetings are possible body else that might have smthng they’re dea- like me… LOVE YOUR BROTHERS OR SISTERS!!! where age, place of residence and class in society are ling with…i think some do...but you can’t see it not hinders. For example, I think of a 12 year-old on the outside…but maybe they’re keeping + Response: who felt alone in never having been together with a something inside…try to really talk with some- To those who hate their brothers or sisters boy and who got an answer from a 17 year-old girl,” one… you’ll probably have a lot to talk about… heyya!! i know what it’s like… but i’m always says BRIS-representative Ingrid Wiklund, who is a fighting with mine, but i’ll think about what you moderator. + Foster child wrote. In 2003 the following themes were current in the Hi! I’ve been placed in a foster home and think Discussion Forum: Love, Siblings, Adults, Stress, it’s really tough! I want to move home to my In December 2003, the Discussion Forum changed Immigrants/refugees, and “The floor is open”, while mum, but I can’t. I’ve thought about running topics. “Love” and “Siblings” were replaced by the “Loneliness” was the single largest. themes “Separated parents” and “Not fitting in”. 23
  • 24. the bris report 2003 04
  • 25. bris-representatives and volunteers BRIS-representatives and volunteers BRIS’ fundamental serv- part of the job. After all, they are the ones who “We often have discussions about how to act with- ices consist of the guarantee that children and young people are treated in the scope of our mission. What is a child’s perspec- Children’s Helpline and properly. This is why it is important for us to refine tive? It involves after all not ending up on the child’s the BRIS-mail. Through our recruitment so that we can hand pick the very level, but rather being able to do what is within our these channels BRIS’ best,” says Henrik Brolinson, adding that several who power with the eyes of an adult. It demands that one volunteers had a total apply as volunteers are turned down. can listen and be able to receive children’s accounts of about 22,000 support- An enduring flame with a strong enough glow to at whichever level they come, from severe abuse to ive contacts with chil- not fade; this is how one might summarise Henrik funny stories,” Henrik Brolinson summarises. dren and young people Brolinson’s basic view of the good characteristics After four years in the same job, he is fascinated during 2003. The organi- required when one is to help children in trouble. by the trust that children have in BRIS. “They trust in Henrik Brolinson sation’s existence rests Like many BRIS-representatives, he is a trained social the fact that we do not have number presentation or on these roughly 400 people who are tied to the five worker by trade. In his previous jobs, he was a school tracing, then they tell their story,” he says. regional offices. They are trained and supervised by counsellor, worked in social services and with chil- Being a BRIS-representative involves a clear, well- employed BRIS-representatives who also bear the full dren and young people at treatment centres. defined professional role. Henrik Brolinson does not responsibility for the Adult Helpline two hours daily. “If you are passionate, you can get burned out. But need to work with finances or administration, but Henrik Brolinson in Norrköping has long-term experi- I feel that individual suitability is about being curious, can rather focus on the children on the phone and ence with these fundamental services. being capable of reflection and being earnest. A las- in e-mails. ting commitment is the most important.” Individual To get variation and inspiration, and to make new Endurance and curiosity suitability is judged by the BRIS-representatives. To be contacts, he also goes out and lectures. He empha- BRIS’ Eastern Region in Norrköping has two 4-hour accepted to BRIS’ 40-hour training programme over a sizes that it is a true benefit to get to meet committed counselling sessions a week. The volunteers free term, the prospective volunteer must also be at least people, to be there and listen in on magical conversa- themselves from work and studies, come on time to 25 years old, have a theoretic foundation and be accus- tions between volunteers and children, and to be there the regional office, and also stay afterwards for a tomed to speaking with children. for support when it is needed. review and an “after chat”. Every counselling session The average volunteer at BRIS is a woman is done together with another region that has similar A child perspective with adult eyes between 30–35 years of age. If Henrik Brolinson could staffing. In Norrköping, at least four phone lines are Today, one must also be able to handle the written make a wish, it would be to have more men who take open and there are also a few breaks so that one can word, which is on the rise through the BRIS-mail. the children’s calls and e-mails. get away and rest a while, or go through things with Henrik Brolinson particularly emphasizes its impor- “Nonetheless, I think we have a fantastic corps of the BRIS-representative responsible for the evening. tance with regard to the possibility of formulating volunteers. Six to seven people come on Christmas “For me, the training of e-mail and phone volun- oneself without interruption when it comes to identi- day, voluntarily and without any financial compensa- teers is both the most important and the most fun ty and life issues. tion. Where else can one find that?” 25
  • 26. the bris report 2003 05
  • 27. children in the spoken and written word Children in the spoken and written word – differences between calls and e-mails With the renovated database, for the first time BRIS ous psychological illnesses. This is particularly clear and e-mails show that it is easier to write when the has the possibility of making direct comparisons in the virtual tripling of the number of e-mails dea- focus lies on internal conflicts and problems. between the content and scope of calls on the ling with suicidal problems as well as in those about However, children and young people prefer to speak Children’s Helpline and that sent to the BRIS-mail. self-destructiveness. These subjects have a conside- about relationships to the external world and the In a phase where e-mailing is experiencing a very rably lower ranking on the Children’s Helpline. threats that can originate there. strong rise while the growth of phone calls has stag- With regards to the topics, it is clear that e-mails The similarities in the Children’s Helpline and the nated, it is of great interest to try and capture what contain considerably more about the child’s own BRIS-mail are primarily reflected in the frequent is happening. problems than calls, more of which deal with rela- contacts relating to family conflicts. Friendship and What differentiates children’s and young people’s tionships. There is also a certain predominance of love relationships are also high among problem e-mails from their calls? What do they prefer to the topic of abuse on the phone line. areas for both calls and e-mails. The perpetrator pro- write about and which problems or questions would files for physical and sexual abuse are pretty similar they rather talk to an adult about? Easier to write to each other, except that the victimisation of girls is During 2003, about 16,000 statistically recorded about internal problems again more clearly reflected in the e-mails. calls were received, while about 6,000 e-mails received Serious psychological illness of the child dominates a supportive response. This means that the Children’s e-mails combined with existential issues. Focus on Helpline is still the most often used way for children the child’s own problems confirms the nature of and young people to get support from BRIS. writing a diary, which has been present on But the trend speaks for e-mailing gaining from the very beginning. This deals with an internal ground. The rise in the number of e-mails was process where the child formulates the problems for roughly equivalent to the decrease of the statistical- themselves and then waits for responses. “During 2003, ly recorded call contacts in 2003. On the other hand, it is primarily the case that about 16,000 statistically With the perception of the Internet largely being a children prefer calling to writing about bullying. Here recorded calls were received, while about 6,000 e-mails masculine arena, we thought from the beginning there is a need to soothe their pain by getting in touch received a supportive response. that the BRIS-mail would contribute to more boys with an adult voice that hopefully can help solve the This means that the Children’s contacting us. The opposite has turned out to be conflict between the child and the perpetrators. Helpline is still the most often true: the proportion of boys who e-mail [13 percent] If one compares calls to e-mails as a whole, one used way for children and is only half of that for those who end up in the call also sees that the calls relate more to violations by young people to get support statistics [26 percent]. The BRIS-mail has above all adults such as abuse and to sexuality and sexual from BRIS.” become a barometer of young girls’ increasingly seri- development. In summary, the differences in calls 27
  • 28. the bris report 2003 06
  • 29. calls from adults Calls from adults In 2003, 2,239 statistically recorded calls were Slightly more than half [55 percent] of the calls rela- received from adults. This means an increase of 14 ted primarily to girls. In seven out of ten cases, the Themes in calls from adults J percent compared to last year. call was only about one child. Adults worry about 71% The Family However, compared to the total number of call younger children. The average age was usually lower attempts made during counselling sessions, only one than on the Children’s Helpline: 10.5 years of age. 50% The child and his/her relationships out of five call attempts got through directly. 26% Abuse Content of calls 37% Miscellaneous [n=2 239] Adults who call In brief, seven out of ten calls are about something As in previous years, it is primarily the child’s parents in the family, one out of two about something and other relatives who contact BRIS because they around the child him/herself or their relationships to are worried about the child in question. Additionally, peers, one out of four are about abuse, and lastly just representatives that call from the authorities often over one third of the calls deal with any one of the want to discuss serious cases with BRIS. topics covered under miscellaneous. On average, the The 10 most common K In three-fourths of the cases the adult caller is calls lasted just over 20 minutes. call topics in calls from adults a woman. Adults are particularly worried about how separa- tions and conflicts in the family affect the child. 34% Divorce-related conflicts Physical abuse, sexual abuse and the child’s psycho- 19% Access-related problems Callers in calls from adults I logical illness also cause marked worry with adults. 13% Custody conflicts Thus, on the Adult Helpline the same input comes 44% Mother 21% Family conflicts from another direction and confirms the children’s 15% Father 20% Problems in the parental role own accounts from the Children’s Helpline. But there 11% Grandparents are differences between the adult callers: 16% The child’s psychological health 5,8% Authority representative/other prof. 14% Other problems related to the child 5,7% Stepparents 14% Problems with authorities 1 men call more about divorce-related topics. 5,6% Siblings/other relatives 11% Physical abuse 2 women about problems in the parental role. 4,5% Family acquaintance 9,9% Sexual abuse 3 grandparents call often about divorce and 2,8% Neighbour family conflicts. 9,0% Neglect 5,9% Other [n=2 041] 4 neighbours, acquaintances, parents of friends 7,0% Psychological abuse [n=2 239] often call about abuse and neglect. NB! The themes and call topics are based on a compilation of what the call both primarily and secondarily dealt with. The total is therefore more than 100%. 29