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Juvenile Delinquent Essay
Juvenile delinquents are minors usually between the ages of 10 and 18. They are those minors that
have committed some type of act that violates the law. Juveniles are not given the same sentences as
adults when it comes to the punishment part. The argument for juvenile delinquents is, if they are
born evil or is it part of the environment and or society. Are juveniles who commit a crime really
naturally evil as many suggest, or are they their own products of the environment/society they live
in? Are juveniles naturally born evil is a question that everyone asks. According to society every
juvenile that commits a crime is born with it naturally. A Biological Theory considers delinquent
behavior as predisposed and revolves around the idea ... Show more content on ...
Whether if the baby is born to be evil or not, it all goes towards the parents. They have enough time
to teach them the correct things and stop them from becoming juvenile delinquents. Whether if the
delinquency runs in the family or not, there should be enough time to help preventing the child to
become a bad person. Environmental factors are what causes juveniles to commit crimes. Many
people argue that it is not the environment they are living in, rather that they are born that way.
Many people say that they raised their children the correct way, and didn't show them about
violence, then are out causing illegal actions. While many other people are saying that they are
peered pressured to commit crimes. But in reality if we think about it, it all comes down to the child
and their attitude. As we all know attitude plays a huge role in everyone's life. Many juveniles are
not taught about attitude and behavior at home until they start attending school. Which then
becomes too late for both the child and the parent to get them back on the right path. Environmental
factors have long been known to increase criminality. Even a little thing like graffiti has now been
shown to double criminal activity. Living in an environment where crime exists, is what causes
juveniles to become delinquents. Many children that grow up in a home where violence exists, are
most likely to follow their peer's steps and do what they do. On article mentioned that "If we
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Female Juvenile Delinquents
Mallett, Christopher A (2014), conducted a study on the learning disabilities to juvenile detention.
The study was conducted to review the outcomes for a population of 433 youthful delinquents in
two juvenile courts in the Midwest. The study was found that youthful delinquents with learning
disabilities were more likely to be suspended from school, were adjudicated delinquent at younger
ages, and were more frequently held in detention centers when compared with nondisabled youthful
delinquents. These outcomes were all risk factors for ongoing delinquent behaviors and, for some,
eventual adult criminal court involvement. It was recommended that the juvenile courts continue to
shift toward a rehabilitative progammes in working with this more vulnerable offender samples,
including increased use of social workers.
Dixie Sanger (2013), conducted a mixed method study on female juvenile delinquents' reactions to a
reading program. The study examined opinions and reactions on a 1–hour demonstration of the
START–IN (Students were Responding To Intervention) reading program. The sample of the study
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The objective of the study was assessed the education and vocational programmes of juvenile and
observation homes in correcting the behaviour of juvenile delinquents. The sample consists of 142
juvenile delinquents of five juvenile homes and observation homes such as Trivandrum, Kollam,
Kozhikode, Kottayam and Trichur. ANOVA, 't' test and correlation method was used test the
hypotheses. The result of the study highlighted the facilities given and the programmes providing in
the juvenile and observation homes especially the educational and vocational programmes.
Programmes related to recreation, health, and spiritual programmes were affects the juvenile
delinquents in a positive
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The Role Of The Juvenile Delinquent
POPULAR CINEMA ESSAY – word count – 2035 Analyse and critically discuss the role of the
'juvenile delinquent' in any two teen films screened in the course. You must consider the impact of
relevant industrial, economic and cultural factors. INTRO The juvenile delinquent or (JD) films, as
which they have came to be better known as, started as a movie cycle and was very characteristic of
hollywood in its prime. Looking back at another cycle which can be seen as similar and a precursor,
both in the approach of the overall approach and the themes of the films would be the gangster films
of the 1930s. These movies saw successful breakthrough in the box office and from this box office
success saw a increase and spawn in countless ... Show more content on ...
The initial idea started around the fact that the younger generation is out of control and is often seen
as a controversial statement that this was evidence of claims about moral and cultural decline.
Young people became increasingly troubled and worried which led to the adolescence life stage
being classified and a period of fragility, vulnerability and risk. Although there is a long history of
younger kids and teenagers committing crimes the term we come to know as juvenile delinquent
only really came about and entered public debate in the post war period, it was around this time it
came to be defined as specific and new social concern. As well as the uprise of the JD in the
hollywood films there was continued concern about the dangers of young viewer identifying with
the the JD characters. It was also around this time into the early 1950s that the industry face a much
more fundamental problem. Before the 1950s, the hollywood cinema in general had been a mass
medium which saw going to see a movie as a intergenerational experience, in which whole families
would go attending together as a past time. As the 1950s progressed this bean to change, with the
introduction of television coming in as well as other changed themselves within the industry, the
hollywood industry realised that they were targeting an audience that no longer was going out to see
movies. With this they decided to focus and target the more
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The Story Of A Delinquent Heros
Today in Windrixville a heartbreaking tragedy struck. The abandoned church near Jay Mountain was
burnt down, and with 4 to 5 children in it. If it wasn't for the "delinquent" heros, the beloved
children would have died in the flames of the fire. The names of the boys who saved the children
were Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade. The two boys went from delinquents to heros in the blink of
an eye. We were able to get an interview with the Ponyboy Curtis to try to see what had happened
and how the fire had started. In our exclusive interview with Ponyboy Curtis he told us, "We must
have dropped a lighted cigarette or something." And that was apparently how the fire had started.
The school was having a picnic and then the place burst into flames. Once the teachers realized that
they had students missing they started to panic and Curtis had told us that, "Faintly, just faintly, you
could hear someone yelling. And it sounded like it was coming from inside the Church." Just then
Curtis and cade ran into the Church to find and save the children. They had picked up the children
and thrown them out into a nearby window. The risks they were willing to take for our children were
extremely heroic. All the people that were involved were in shock and in awe to see such heroic
deeds being done. The people that were involved were the children, the teachers Jerry Wood and
fellow teacher Mrs. O'Briant, Dallas Winston, and of course Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade.
Dallas Winston was driving the
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The Juvenile Delinquent
Juvenile delinquent has different terms, but many may see it as groups of young boys and men
standing on a street corner, wearing baggy outfits, and boasting defiant attitudes. Many will be
surprised to learn that the juvenile delinquent is slowly changing. The boys are more responsible for
the majority of the crimes overall, the number of juvenile females involved with the justice system
has been steadily increasing over the past three decades (Gross 84). There has been a growth in the
number of detention, arrest, cases processed, and subsequent long–term incarceration rates among
females, but since research about female's offenders are generally lacking, no one knows the clear
understanding of the causes. In the juvenile system, girls have ... Show more content on ...
Parents or guardians that have a criminal background may influence an adolescent to engage in bad
behavior, and also may affect girls than boys. Since girls has the higher rates of abuse or neglected
in a home, they are more likely than boys to run away and be involve in crimes at a younger age.
Girls that break curfew, prostitution, and theft is strategies that girls use who may experience abuse
at home and become arrested
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The Juvenile Delinquent Act
Poor or not, no one is above the law. Giving children the image that they can get whatever they
want, harm whomever, do anything, will psychologically plant a new seed of mischief. Children can
commit crime and not be imprisoned if we do not repeal the Juvenile Delinquent Act. In fact,
juvenile crimes rose in 2008 despite the implementation of the Act in 2006. This shows that the most
effective way to combat crime is to promise just punishment. It may seem harsh but crimes should
be dealt with justice. Should the offense of a child and an adult be of the same degree, their age
should not matter and justice should be served for the security of the nation. Any crime poses a
threat to society and the offenders, whatever their age, should experience the true consequences of
their actions. ... Show more content on ...
The number of children in each center are higher than what the employees could handle and proper
funding to maintain these facilities are not always available. Overpopulation leads to aggressiveness
and makes these centers harder to manage. Even while minors are in the juvenile centers, they still
commit crimes
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Juvenile Delinquents
Juvenile delinquents experience family aggression and violence frequently which can lead to
psychological issues of antisocial behavior. Violence within the home is the leading cause of injury
to women with the shocking statistics of between 2 million and 4 million women are being battered
in their homes yearly. This results in approximately 3.5 million children witnessing this type of
violence in their homes. With so many children experiencing witnessing this chronic violence there
are certain development effects it has on children, including; truncated moral development,
pathological adaption to violence, and identification with the aggressor (McWhirter, 2013). There
are currently societal changes occurring within the family that is causing ... Show more content on ...
The results revealed that the youths who had a history of violence with their parents are more likely
to belong to a gang, affiliate to a gang, have been psychiatrically hospitalized or medication, have
attempted suicide, have come from a non–intact home, and have had trouble relating to either their
parents or guardians. This study proves that youth who are raised in a domestic and violent home
and exposed to those graphic images they are more likely to get involved in violent gangs. These
youths are even more likely to attempt suicide compared to children who were not exposed to
violence. It is important to note that these youth also had a difficult time relating to their parents and
were more than likely to be raised in home where the parents did not meet the child's emotional,
psychological, and sometimes physical
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Juvenile Delinquent Behavior Paper
The purpose of this paper is to show that the changes in family structure in Texas is connected to
Juvenile delinquent behavior. This is important to understand because it is uprooting the problem
society has at hand. When bringing to light problems we have with the youth of the society we live
in, there is an exposure to the problem and can bring forth resources to parents and young kids so
that we may deter delinquent behavior. Dysfunctional families is most likely going to effect and
influence a child's behavior. When a lack of proper manors, or respect for others will reflect on how
they see the law. This behavior and mentality would only push them act what they think is normal,
and that is to not respect and follow rules of society. (Law)
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Delinquent Children
Thesis: Juvenile children have caused the government to enforce consequences on parents because
they cannot control their children.
I. Mark Chinitz wrote that "the highest incidents of crimes are by people in the age group of 14 to 24
years of age.
A. Delinquent children have made juvenile detention centers overcrowded.
1. The increase of crime outbreaks is by children under 18.
2. The government had enforced a juvenile system.
B. The more freedom they receive the higher the crime rates rise.
1. They become unsupervised and out of control.
2. The authority level decrease as the freedom increases.
C. Female delinquents rise as the increase of juvenile crimes become more common.
II. Delinquent children have risen by causes done by society, economical standards, ... Show more
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Their freedom is uncontrolled and there is no parental supervision.
B. The causes of the delinquent outbreak are no father figure or a source of role model.
C. The causes of juvenile crimes are problems with in the household
1. The parents are divorcing.
2. There is the usage of drugs or alcohols or abuse.
IV. The government have blamed the parents of juvenile children for being bad parents and not
discipline their child correctly. A. the government has created laws were parents are legally held
responsible for the crime. 1. The Anti– social behavior act does not help parents in a time of need
they do the exact opposite the act punishes the parents for not parenting their child correctly. 2.
These laws also give the delinquent sort of a "get out of jail" free card because their parents did not
parent them well. B. The parent need to be punished for not being able to maintain control of their
V. Parents of these child criminals do not need to face charges for crimes they did not commit
themselves the children that did commit those crimes need to face the punishment.
A. The children need to know what happens when a crime is committed at their
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Essay On Delinquent Juveniles
In my opinion, I believe that the most effective treatment for delinquent juveniles is juvenile
intensive probation supervision (JIPS), and the most ineffective are diversion programs. Juvenile
intensive probation supervision or JIPS is very similar to regular probation, the main difference is
that in JIPS the supervision and interaction between the probation officer and the juvenile is more
interactive and closely monitored to ensure that the juvenile stays on the right path to successfully
complete the treatment and exit the system (Arizona Judicial Branch). Besides that juveniles must
agree to follow certain rules during JIPS, with that being said each state has different rules that
juveniles must follow but these rules are very similar in all states, for the ... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, I think that diversion programs are not very effective because even though diversion
programs are only recommended in first time offenses or petty crimes, to me it looks like it is
sending the wrong message because the juvenile will think that the punishment isn't so bad and it
might encourage the juvenile to commit delinquency in the future because since the punishment
wasn't so bad and informal in the past, then the personal gain of committing delinquency will
outweigh the punishment. I believe that if juveniles are handle with no tolerance in the first offense
then that will scared them and prevent them from committing delinquency in the
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Theories Of Delinquent Crimes
1. Are all delinquents acts psychologically abnormal?
No, I don't believe that all delinquents are psychologically abnormal. Many theories relate to
delinquent acts such as Choice Theory and Trait Theory. The trait theory suggest that delinquent acts
come from personal problems and conditions. Choice theory believes that juvenile offenders are
rational decision makers. The decision to violate the law comes after weighing of the benefits and
cost of criminal behavior. These two theories suggest that a person reacts to environmental and
social circumstances in a unique fashion. For example, a youth that lives in a poor neighborhood
would sell illegal drugs to make money. Another might do great in school to get away from their
2. How would you apply psychodynamic theory to delinquent acts such as shoplifting or breaking
and entering a house?
The psychodynamic theory argues that the personality contains three major components. The
components are id, ego, and superego. ID is the unrestrained, pleasure–seeking component that a
person is born with. Ego develops by living in the world and superego develops by interactions with
others. When all three components are well balanced the individual lives a normal life. Now, when
they are unbalanced and one ... Show more content on ...
The general deterrence concept was remarkable because punishment decreased crime. Ever since the
number of police were put on the street, the delinquency rate has undergone a two–decade decline.
Now, the problem occurs when certain youths continue to do crime after serving punishment. In
some instances, experiencing punishment may actually increase the likelihood that offenders may
commit new crimes. Especially for juveniles that live in troubled neighborhoods punishment will
not lead to any drop on the crime rate. They care about committing crimes that are profitable and
beneficial to them rather than worrying about getting
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Ransom Of Red Chief Theme Analysis
When you look into someone's soul, you see the real them, you understand them. The theme of
fiction is exactly that, the soul of the story. There is many themes to Ransom of Red Chief and
Home Alone but one in particular stood out to me, family. Families always have pros and cons but
when it comes to love family never lets you down. In the story Ransom of Red Chief it shows you
what family love really means, it states, " You bring Johnny home and pay me two hundred and fifty
dollars in cash. I will then agree to take him off your hands"(O Henry 75) This illustrates that even
though Johnny is very imp and rowdy, his dad still wants him to come home so he can see him. It
takes a lot of love to want Johnny (Red Chief) home because he is a lot of work and has an
incredibly creative imagination that sometimes gets him in trouble. Like Ransom of Red Chief the
theme family takes a huge part in the plot Home Alone. In the movie it shows Kevin and his family
get in a big fight and he says he wishes that they would disappear. The next day he wakes up alone
because his family forgot him when they went on their trip. During his time alone he learns that he
needs them and misses them. His mom comes all the way from paris and spends a lot of money just
to come home to him(Home Alone). This shows that his mom was worried about him and was going
to get home to him no matter the costs. Even though their family had that fight, love won over in the
end. Character traits show the good and the bad in characters and their true traits come out when the
are faced with diversity in a situation. There are many similarities in the book, Ransom of Red Chief
and the movie, Home Alone including the characters. Kevin and Johnny both share the quality of
being mischievous. In Ransom of Red Chief it states, "The boy looked as though he was ready to
smash him with a rock half as big as a coconut. 'He put a red–hot potato down my back,' explained
Bill. 'Then mashed it with his foot'"(O'Henry 66). This shows that Red Chief is a handful and
unpredictable. He has a creative imagination and likes to play Indian so he does stuff that Indians
would do not realizing that you shouldn't do that to people because he is to caught up in his game.
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Juvenile Delinquents: The Labeling Theory
The labeling theory is a very powerful theory. Not only does the community give a juvenile a label,
but it segregates them from the rest of society. Having a label as a juvenile as felon, sex offender,
drug dealer, or anything for the matter is how society perceives that person. Being labeled as a felon,
sex offender along with many other labels, prevents young adults from getting jobs, buying houses,
buying cars and much more. According to the text the labeling theory states that the community
creates the juvenile delinquent by labeling them as different from other youths. They are different
primarily because they have been labeled a deviant youth. According to Becker (1991), the labeling
theory stems from society and not from the juvenile delinquents. Society has given young adults this
stigma and excludes them from society. The labeling effects associates a loss of status from society.
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The person who is being labeled becomes stigmatized as a criminal and is not trust worthy
according to society, even though that really may not be the true case they may be a really nice
person but society decided to give them a label that everyone will know them. Personally I think the
labeling theory has a very significant effect on people affected by it along with society. Being
labeled as a deviant just makes a whirl wind more of opportunity for the juvenile to act out. Once a
person is labeled as deviant, it is extremely difficult to remove that label. The deviant person
becomes stigmatized and then accepts the fact there is nothing better out for them and or they can't
do any better for themselves so they keep doing the same thing, hanging out with the same people
and doing the same thing because it's the only place they are socially accepted. This doesn't go for
everyone juvinelle delinquent there are plenty that turn their life around but for many it's very very
difficult once they are
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Delinquent Subcultures
1 a. Our text defines defines a subculture as "a subdivision within the dominant culture that has its
own norms, beliefs, and values" (p. 139). A subculture forms when different people come together
and find themselves in similar situations, often they are isolated from the mainstream society.
"Subcultures may form among members of racial and ethnic minorities, among prisoners, among
occupational groups, and among ghetto dwellers" (p. 139). The members of said subculture will
band together and, rely on each other for mutual support.
1 b. Delinquent subcultures, like also cultures, emerged in response to special problems that
members of the dominant culture do not face" (p. 139). Some believe delinquent subcultures form
because of strain (theory ... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, while the subculture of violence theory makes a lot of sense there's not much
empirical evidence. However, you could support this theory with the high numbers of violent crime
in American society. While this theory would help us understand criminal behavior the theory that
makes the most sense to me is the differential opportunity theory. The frustration of strain I believe
would frustrate anyone. It's only human to want to fit in with like minded people. I believe this
theory shows us not only how gangs form but helps criminologist understand
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Juvenile Delinquents
In conclusion to the study, the researchers found that majority of the participants agreed that juvenile
offenders should get more lenient treatments, that juvenile delinquent is more likely to benefit from
rehabilitation, and if incarcerated they are more liable to become criminals. According to the
majority of Pennsylvanians, juvenile offenders should be treated differently from an adult and at
least through most of their teenage years, they are candidates for reform. (Piquero, Cullen, Unnever,
Piquero, & Gordon. 2010). 57 percent– juvenile delinquents should receive more leniency. 77
percent– juvenile offender's benefits from rehabilitation programs. 74 percent– juvenile delinquents
are more likely to become criminals if incarcerated. (Piquero, Cullen, Unnever, Piquero, & Gordon.
2010). ... Show more content on ...
Research has continuously shown that youth is physical, socially and psychologically different from
adults. Youth is less mature, are more likely to engage in risk–taking behaviors and are more
impulsive than adults. "Although adolescence is a phase during which some youth engage in
unlawful conduct, there is substantial evidence that most adolescents involved in criminal activity
will stop when they reach young adulthood." (Allen, Trzcinski, & Kubiak, 2012, p. 2). Because
teens are immature, some laws prohibit juveniles from; voting, purchasing alcoholic beverages, or
legally signing their name to a document without the signature of their parents or guardians. (Allen,
Trzcinski, & Kubiak, 2012). Although, studies have shown that youth does not have the same
capability as an adult and are more likely to behave badly. Some states, 44 to be exact disregards
such findings. These countries allow those as young as ten years old, to be sentenced to life without
the possibility of parole. (Allen, Trzcinski, & Kubiak,
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Juvenile Delinquents Are Juveniles
Imagine you or anybody close to you like your sister or brother gets assaulted sexually or physically,
now imagine that the offender was a juvenile. Does that make you feel any better or justify the
situation in any way. Lets start with the question of what or who juveniles are. Juvenile delinquents
are minors, usually defined as being between the ages of 10 and 18. And I believe that any body
above the age of 10 can and should be treated the same as an adult in the court of law for any crimes
Now the question arises, WHY? Juveniles are not allowed to drink, drive or get married and if they
sign legal contracts, their signatures are invalid. Why? Because adolescents are physically incapable
of making mature, responsible, well–processed ... Show more content on ...
This was a well planned and well executed crime and the police had not found any evidence
connecting him to the crime until a month after it was committed.But lets not be unreasonable lets
step into the shoes of this so called juvenile offender.
In his mind, everybody commits these crimes. He sees no connection between his acts and the
consequences. He is marked by a chronicity of violence, usually an escalating pattern. Violence
permeates his existence until it is his existence. It is not the extent of his criminality that frightens
us, but its regularity. Crime is not so much an occupation in the sense of a professional criminal, but
a way of life, with violence as the structural underpinning.The kid does not relate behaviour to
consequences. He does not see a causal connection between his acts and a response. What do I
mean? To this kid, life is a lottery. Everyone rolls the dice, but not everyone pays the price. He has
no perception as to how the dice will come up. In his world, everyone commits crimes. Everybody.
Some smaller percentage of that number are arrested. A still smaller percentage go to court; an even
smaller percentage go to trial. A smaller percentage still are actually found guilty, and a smaller
percentage of that group are
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Delinquents And Treatment Models
Juvenile Delinquents and Treatment Models
Mark Roggeman
Colorado Christian University
Juvenile Delinquents and Treatment Models Among those who work in the juvenile justice system
there is much discussion on how to effectively determine the appropriate consequences and or
treatment for their actions. There are those who believe in punishment that includes incarceration
and boot camp and there are those who believe in treatment programs with the goal of rehabilitation.
There are various treatment models in place that are designed to address the problems in a youth's
life that may contribute to the causes that influenced them to commit crime. An assessment of the
resources that are in ... Show more content on ...
The Ten Commandants cover not stealing or not coveting the neighbor's goods and consequences for
violating are also part of the Biblical worldview. In Exodus 22:4: "If the theft is certainly found alive
in his hand, whether it is an ox or donkey or sheep, he shall restore double." (NKJV) Here is seen a
premise for restorative Justice, which is a Biblical principle for the concept used today which has
been very effective today in many cases juvenile cases. The apostle Paul tells us about the spirit of
restoration. In Galatians 6:1–2, is this admonition: "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass,
you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also
be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (NKJV) As part of the
diversion program some youth that qualify are sent to The Restorative Justice Model that
exemplifies this verse. I have had the opportunity to participate in this process as part of the
community, there is no judgment or condemnation the goal is restoration for the victim of the crime
and for the offender. This model is a community–oriented approach to the control of the offenders
rather than confinement. In this model different members of the community are brought together
including the victim. The offender takes responsibility for his or her actions and the group decides
what sanctions will be placed to
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Juvenile Delinquents
Juvenile crime is a tremendous problem throughout the country. Justice is the main goal for
American Justice System, however they fail to serve proper justice for juveniles. Several states have
created initiatives to curb juvenile crime and prevent juvenile delinquency. Correctional Association
of New York had created Juvenile Justice Project (JJP) to reduce juvenile crime. A juvenile
delinquent is described as a minor that displays criminal or antisocial behavior. According to the
Corrections Association of New York a juvenile delinquent is any child ages 7–15 that has
committed an act that would be deemed a crime if committed by an adult. In addition, the cases of
juvenile delinquents are usually heard in family court. (Fact Sheets and Position ... Show more
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They are given health and dental screenings. In addition, they are given mental evaluations and their
family environments are assessed (Non–Secure Detention). They are also taken on field trips to
museums and engage in sports and recreational activities. Additionally, they are granted access to
computers and educational software (Non–Secure Detention). I agree with many tactics that New
York uses in the juvenile corrections system. Mainly, I agree that these juveniles should be granted
with access to education, health, mental health, and dental services. It seems that all of these things
are needed to help these juveniles to become better citizens in the long run. I strongly agree that
juveniles should have access to education as it is required to have one. Studies show that having
education will be less likely to commit crimes compared to those without
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Delinquent Daughters Summary
n the text reading Delinquent Daughters: "Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in
the United States" Author Mary Odom states raising the age of sexual consent in the U.S. increased
the number of people prosecuted for statutory rape among consenting teenagers. Laws Predicated on
the backs of the immigrants, native Blacks, and Mexican workers who had consensual sex with the
daughters of the white middle class or Working–class minorities under a Patriarchal rule. Odom
states due to differences in the middle and working class sexual expression, too (avoid generalizing),
Odom says the differences in the sexual expression of the middle class which operated within a
patriarchal moral code, and the immigrant and working–class communities, who were more
concerned with female chastity. ("Patriarchal structures of the preindustrial societies, diverse
religious tradition, and codes of honor that associated family reputation with the morality of wives
and daughters." Odom states that in the United States fathers/men controlled both the workforce,
labor and the "sexual lives of their wives' children and servants in ways that supported the family
economy" (p.43). One threat to Patriarchal control "was the out of wedlock birth" (p.44) Thus
premarital chastity was influenced by religion and men and therefore, was highly regarded.
Premarital sex was considered sinful, and the double standard of sexual roles was at work as "sexual
promiscuity would destroy a woman's honor, while
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Juvenile Delinquents
Juvenile delinquents commit crimes to get away from an abusive household or life problems. It is a
coping method which allows the individual to have a sense of power and belonging in the world.
When this notion is perpetuated, people never change since no one intervenes in attempting to
rehabilitate people in need of assistance.The few dedicated persons who work diligently to create a
transformation in the lives of juveniles deserve recognition for lowering crime rates. Cyntoia Brown
is an example of a teenager who had a sense of innocence robbed from her, therefore resulting in a
drastically different maturation process. She is accused of murdering man who hired her as a
prostitute as a 16 year old. Ms.Brown is a 29 year old model inmate who earned a GED and an
associates degree while in prison but unfortunately she was sentenced to life in prison. Many
celebrities rally behind this case and do not think that she is a dark person. The sole reason why
Cyntoia killed the man who expected her services, was to escape an outcome of inevitable pain and
suffering. If juveniles are tried as adults, they will never find out the deepest secrets about
themselves and live a normal life. Therefore, I believe it is never appropriate to treat juveniles as
adults because these individuals become accustomed to a lifestyle of mundaneness which harms
their mental and physical state in a negative manner. My position has not changed since I think
juvenile incarcerations stunts adulthood
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Delinquent Daughters Summary
In the text reading Delinquent Daughters: "Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in
the United States" Author Mary Odom states raising the age of sexual consent in the U.S. increased
the number of people prosecuted for statutory rape among consenting teenagers. Laws Predicated on
the backs of the immigrants, native Blacks, and Mexican workers who had consensual sex with the
daughters of the white middle class or Working–class minorities under Patriarchal rule. Odom states
due to differences in the middle and working class sexual expression, to (avoid generalizing), Odom
says the differences in the sexual expression of the middle class which operated within a patriarchal
moral code, and the immigrant and working–class communities, who were more concerned with
female chastity. ("Patriarchal structures of the preindustrial societies, diverse religious tradition, and
codes of honor that associated family reputation with the morality of wives and daughters." Odom
states that in the United States fathers/men controlled both the workforce, labor and the "sexual lives
of their wives' children and servants in ways that supported the family economy" (p.43). One threat
to Patriarchal control "was the out of wedlock birth" (p.44) Thus premarital chastity was influenced
by religion and men and therefore, was highly regarded. Premarital sex was considered sinful and
the double standard of sexual roles was at work as "sexual promiscuity would destroy a woman's
honor, while it
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The Behavior Of Juvenile Delinquents
Behavior of Juvenile Delinquents
DeBrenden Banks
Tarleton State University
Our society today is fraught with immense criminal behaviour. The idea that adolescent delinquency
creates future criminals has been studied and has determined several biological, psychological, and
sociological factors which pervade criminological theories. These theories are inclusive to the single
parent poverty theory, the labelling theory, and the social disorganization theory.
Many households in today's society are controlled by single parents and tend to be living in poverty.
Often when single parents live in poverty, they tend to partake in criminal activity. When single
parents often pay less attention to their children, their kid take another route and do what's necessary
to survive, often leads them in a terrible spot. This leads to young children to do the same thing what
their parent did. ... Show more content on ...
(2001). Building on the Foundation of General Strain Theory: Specifying the Types of Strain Most
Likely to Lead to Crime and Delinquency. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 38 (4):
Appendix IV, The Nation's Two Crime Measures. (2004). Crime in the United States, 2004,
Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved from https://www2. Dwivedi, Shree & Dwivedi, Prerna. (2006 July–
September). Environmental factors of juvenile delinquency. Journal of Environmental Research and
Development. 1 (1): 79–83.
Junger–Tas, Josine & Haen Marshall, Ineke. (1999). The self–repot methodology in crime research.
Crime and Justice, 25: 291–367.
Wilkstrom, Per–Olof H. & Loeber, Rolf. (2000). Do disadvantaged neighborhoods cause well–
adjusted children to become adolescent delinquents? A study of male juvenile serious offending,
individual risk and protective factors, and neighborhood context. Criminology, 38 (4):
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Juvenile Delinquents
Negative effects of juvenile delinquency and juvenile incarceration, includes mental health, social
relationships, and education of the individual, which impacts on families, school, and wider
community (Lambie & Randell, 2013). These factors can have damaging effects that contribute to
recidivism and other unfavourable outcomes. Development/Learning There is New Zealand
evidence which show that juvenile delinquents are a vulnerable population that are likely to
experience long–term maladaptive outcomes, for instance, poor self–regulation and self–control
(Sutherland, 2011). Research shows that having the ability to delay gratification and to regulate
emotions are linked to positive developmental success (Sutherland, 2011). This includes children's
learning and education. Young delinquents are likely to experience academic failure, have low
intelligence, lack student interest, and have behavioural problems (Macfarlane, 2004, cited in
Sutherland, 2011). Lambie and Randell (2013) explains that incarceration impairs positive
psychosocial development and transition into adulthood. ... Show more content on
When opportunities for developing practical skills to contribute to the community and to navigate
prosocial relations have not been provided, young people will face challenges associated with
community re–entry, as well as developmental tasks and first experiences, such as living alone,
relationships, and parenthood (Anthony et al., 2010, cited in Lambie & Randell, 2013). Along with
these long–term impacts, young delinquents are excluded from the community because they are
stigmatised from their criminal convictions. The experiences of exclusion from education and
employment due to a criminal history heightens the risk of a number of adult risks, such as in mental
health, and homelessness (Lambie & Randell,
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Juvenile Delinquent Crimes
What is considered a juvenile delinquent? Criminal courts would say that a juvenile delinquent is a
child that is between the ages of 7 to 14 years of age. Nowadays, 14–year–old children can be
charged with certain crimes that may be handled like adults. Today, many states determine that a
child is considered to be a juvenile until the age of 18; however, in some states they set limits at 16
and 17 years–of–age. Under the age of 18, many offenses are considered juvenile delinquency. We
see that crimes that are committed by juveniles have increased with violent crimes, drug crimes,
gangs, and many more. With this in mind, some may argue to charge the juvenile as an adult based
on the seriousness of the crime. These delinquent acts are considered to be crimes that may be
committed by adults or even ... Show more content on ...
Delinquency is crimes that are committed by youths; as well as, adults. These delinquencies include;
violent crimes, property crimes, criminal homicide, drug–related offenses, and disturbances to the
public order. Status offenses illegal crimes for youths but not adults, these types of crimes are
beyond parents or guardians control. Status offenses include; truancy, parental disobedience, and
runaways. 23% of offenses committed by females are status offense verses the 4% of boys. Both are
juvenile court jurisdictions; however, more serious crimes may be subjected to criminal court and
even prison. Multiple factors exist through understanding what leads a juvenile to delinquent
behavior. Biological, sociological, and psychological factors hold high merits in explaining crime to
delinquency. Some also study that age definitely factors closely to offending behaviors. Children
with traumatic backgrounds can exhibit symptoms such as anxiety and/or depression. This typical
behavior amongst juveniles is overlooked; which in return can cause PTSD, then to a delinquency
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Theories Of Juvenile Delinquents
Juvenile delinquents are minors, usually defined as being between the ages of 10 and 18, who have
committed some act that violates the law. These acts aren't called "crimes" as they would be for
adults. Rather, crimes committed by minors are called "delinquent acts." Instead of a trial, the
juvenile has an "adjudication," after which he/she receives a "disposition" and a sentence. However,
juvenile proceedings differ from adult proceedings in a number of ways (Reuters, 2017). Delinquent
acts are put into two categories. The first category of a delinquent act is one that would be
considered a crime had an adult committed it. Given the serious nature of the crime(s), some
jurisdictions will try young offenders as adults. The second type of delinquent act is age related or
"status crimes" meaning that the crime(s) wouldn't normally be performed or committed by an adult.
For example, staying out past curfew or skipping school known as truancy is an act of a status crime
or age related crime.
Case study summary and delinquency theory
While murderers come in all shapes and sizes, it still comes as a great shock to see a child as the
culprit rather than the victim. In the case of Eric Smith, a thirteen–year–old who brutally killed
four–year–old Derrick Robie and was tried as an adult and was sentenced to nine years to life in
prison. Growing up, Smith was a loner, he didn't have any friends and was made fun of and was
often bullied at school because of his physical appearance. Smith had red hair, freckles, wore thick
glasses, and had elongated ears that were protruding. It was also said that Eric Smith suffered
physical abuse at home.
On August 2, 1993, Eric Smith was walking to summer camp as well as Derrick Robie when he
spotted him walking alone. Smith led Derrick into the woods and begin strangling him. Smith then
picked up a large rock and smash Derrick's head and started sodomizing him with a stick. When he
was caught, and questioned by investigators, he said he killed Derrick because he thought he would
get into trouble if the boy got up and told him. Smith claimed he thought that by inserting a stick
into the boy, it would reach and "stop his heart." During Smith's trail, he was diagnosed by a
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Juvenile Delinquents
The principles of this paper are to outline how mental health disorders can effect an adolescents
mind and actions to lead them down a path of crime. The most apparent realization is that having a
mental health disorder alone will not land you in prison, however the actions behind the thinking
will most certainly get you in trouble unless you can learn to control them. More than 50% of the
juvenile crime populations suffers from a mental disorder but has landed themselves their for
various reasons. Today, almost 25% of our generation ages 13–19 have struggled with some type of
mental health disorder in their young lifetime. The crime rate of juvenile delinquents is increasing,
resulting in a higher capacity of offenders with these mental ... Show more content on ...
Many of these programs may be new and work just as hard as the effective programs but might not
have not had enough time to be studied. This group made up more than 50% of the programs and
will easily transition into the category of a effective program. I chose to review 3 of these programs
that I believe are on the verge of becoming an effective program for treating the mentally ill. The
connections program is a juvenile court–based program designed to address the needs of juvenile
offenders who are on probation that also have emotional and behavioral disorders and the needs of
their families. The approach is meant to be an integrated, seamless, coordinated system of care for
children with mental health problems. Early Risers is a skills for success program that is a
multicomponent, high–intensity, competency–enhancement program that targets elementary school
children who are at high risk for early development of conduct
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Home Is Dying : The Force Of A Storm
Their home is dying.
The truth hits Asteria with the force of a storm. It feels as though the wind is being knocked out of
her, and if people weren't surrounding her she would probably fall to the floor. They told her, as well
as the others, that the space station they call the Ark – which has withheld the human race from
extinction, for the last 97 years – is dying.
They only have three, possibly four, months of life support remaining, but that isn't enough time for
the engineers to save them all and she wishes her father, were telling her all of this, instead of the
Ark's council members.
The council claims their decisions from this point onwards will be difficult to make and may not
seem fair, but she already knows of their unjust ... Show more content on ...
She wants to know why they're telling her this, why they're including her of all people in this secret.
As her eyes glance around the rest of the non–council members in the room, she gets the distinctive
feeling that they are all wondering the same thing. Why them? What makes them valuable? And it's
as though they can sense the unanswered question that hangs silently over them all.
"Some of you already know why we have chosen you to be a part of this mission, your undeniable
expertise in your individual fields makes you valuable." Marcus Kane, her least favourite council
member tells them this as he stands at the centre of the wide table, inside Earth Monitoring Station.
Hearing him speak is enough to have her physically fighting the urge to roll her eyes, the two of
them don't get along, but it's not as simple as that. On the Ark it never is.
"The younger ones in the room," he continues, as his eyes land on Asteria Woods, not only is she the
youngest doctor in training the Ark's ever had, but she's also the youngest person in the room.
"Your mentors vouched to include you in this, each for a different reason, and I'm sure they will
become more apparent to me throughout our task." There's a bite of sarcasm to his tone and it feels
as if he's talking directly to Asteria when he says the last part. His eyes continue to bore into the side
of her head and she keeps her gaze locked on the floor not
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Character Analysis Of Joichiro Nagase
The clock ticked on. Ever continuing, never stopping. In a three–dimensional world, three
dimensional beings such as Joichiro Nagase were able to traverse through all the three dimensions.
Length, width, and height. He was, however, not a four–dimensional being. He couldn 't traverse
time as he pleased, and therefore he was locked into the present, ever inching its way towards the
future, never revisiting the past.
Joichiro Nagase was, as some might assume, an enigmatic character. He was, for all intents and
purposes, an otaku, but his character traits didn 't end there. He was fairly high in his class and had
good enough grades on all fronts. This didn 't take away from the fact that he harbored intense
asocial tendencies that did much ... Show more content on ...
He wasn 't sure what he did to warrant her friendship, but he chalked it down to her simply being a
kind person, despite the rarity of such a trait in today 's society.
On the back sat the four resident delinquents. Their leader, Eiichiro Iida, had frosted tips, shaved
sides and wore shades indoors. His physique was imposing enough, which would serve to deter
anyone from seeking trouble from him. To the front row, in the middle sat Kano Asamiya. A guy
with a 'strong sense of justice '. In Joichiro 's opinion, that was really just a crock of shit. He tended
to get riled up quickly when one of the delinquents would harass any of the girls present in this class
and would get himself beat up deliberately just to show how much of a martyr he was.
The resident bullying victim sat right behind Joichiro. Takeru Murayama was a complete Otaku,
down to his bowl–cut, awkward glasses and fat physique. Not to mention, the kid 's spineless.
Whenever that kid got bullied, Kano with his strong sense of justice, was nowhere to be seen.
Perhaps it was because Takeru had no boobs? Actually, he does. With that kind of BMI, his boobs
even rivalled girls in lower classes. Takeru had no vagina, despite how much his attitude suggested
so. Kano had no interest in defending him, leaving him to be the first guy to hit the wall when
Eiichiro had one of his tantrums.
That was the class of 3–A. It was filled with, as Joichiro migh have it, human beings. Flawed human
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Institutionalization Of Juvenile Delinquents
According to the Merriam–Webster's definition, someone who is juvenile is one who is
physiologically immature or undeveloped ("Juvenile," def.1). In the early 19th century, not only
were children were treated the relatively the same as adults, they were also tried as an adult.
Delinquents were housed in jails not only adults, but also with the mentally ill and unhealthy. By
1825, reformers were concerned with the overcrowding of jails and New York established a house of
refuge to house juveniles. These refuge homes housed orphans, poor children, and children who
could not survive on their own. Because of the refuge houses becoming flooded with children,
Chicago opened the first Reform School to protect juvenile offenders to train and educate ... Show
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If a delinquent is capable of committing a crime of an adult at an age of a minor, they should he
tried as an adult. The human brain begins to develop at the age of 7 and after and children should
begin to develop their human morals and skills at this age. One of the major skills to learn is living
up to your responsibilities. The human brain is known to have its first memories from age 7 and
after, and so children who face their consequences will have instincts to not commit crime in the
future. This is not only beneficial for delinquents themselves but also to other delinquents because
they will set examples for potential delinquents of the future. The delinquent will learn to appreciate
their lives and future more because of their horrific fear of returning to prison of facing harsh
punishments. This also reduces the chances for regression of the delinquents criminal mind.
Children who are not excused of the punishments will learn that committing crime is a horrible
thing. If they are to be punished for the crime that they've committed, they will not regress and
commit crimes in the future. America does not want for crime to exist but it is part of human nature
to be juvenile. If humans learn to behave by being punished harshly as a child, I confidently believe
that crime rates and the amount of criminals with evidently and unquestionably decrease. In the
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Juvenile Delinquent Victims
The are many different forms in which a juvenile is victimized, but three apparent causes of
delinquency are bully victims, property delinquent victims, and sexualized victims. The bully
victims are victims who actively engage in violence or carrying some form of protection like a
weapon and have been violently victimized in the past. Property delinquent victims are more closely
associated with property crimes. Delinquent sex victims and child maltreatment victims experienced
sexual victimization in the past and were involved in an above average level of delinquency. This is
some form of correlation of juveniles ultimately becoming delinquents in response to their
victimization. The apparent similarities between victimization and delinquency are displayed by the
types of victimization suffered and the number of criminal acts recognized. According to Cuevas,
"41.7% of males have engaged in delinquent acts as opposed to 29.6% of females" (Cuevas, C. A.,
Finkelhor, D., Turner, H., Ormrod, R., 2007). As compared to children who were not victimized in
any form, the victimized children tend to be more prevalent towards delinquent victims. As shown
in females who were sexually abused, at a younger age the victim does not display criminal
behavior until the victim grew older. The studied delinquent sex and ... Show more content on ...
Adults who were exposed to indirect victimization as juveniles may be more likely to encounter
victimization as an adult compared to an adult who was not victimized as a child. According to
Grubb, those surveyed who experienced victimization as a child were "145.9% more likely to
experience violent victimization as adults than persons not experiencing this type of victimization"
(Grubb, Bouffard, 2015). Victimized children may need a better approach of rehabilitation to cope
with the horrific past they faced as a child transitioning into
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Delinquent Behavior
A comprehension of delinquent behavior expands upon clarifications that have been offered in
speculations and discoveries that have been uncovered in research (Burfeind & Bartusch, 2016). The
basic role of this paper is to develop a comprehension of juvenile wrongdoing by coordinating
hypothesis and research (Burfeind & Bartusch, 2016). Before we go any further, we should
characterize what we mean by juvenile wrongdoing, whereas, this definition is significantly more
convoluted than you may might suspect (Burfeind & Bartusch, 2016). In the following part, we offer
an intensive dialog of the social development and change of the idea of juvenile misconduct
(Burfeind & Bartusch, 2016). Here we offer a short working meaning of juvenile wrongdoing ...
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In late examinations, noticeable behaviors, for example, the term of regard for a toy and consistency
with mother's directions not to touch a question, that's especially pertinent to later misbehavior are
discernible in the primary year of life (McCord & Widom, 2001). Be that as it may, the capacity to
foresee behavior at later ages (in pre–adulthood and adulthood) from such qualities ahead of
schedule in life is not yet known (McCord & Widom, 2001). Forceful behavior is all things
considered one of the more steady measurements, and huge strength might be seen from
toddlerhood to adulthood (McCord & Widom, 2001). The social behaviors that create mentalists
examine amid youth can be isolated into two general classifications: prosocial and withdrawn
(McCord & Widom, 2001). Prosocial behaviors incorporate helping, sharing, and participation,
while introverted behaviors incorporate distinctive types of oppositional and forceful behavior
(McCord & Widom, 2001). The improvement of compassion, blame sentiments, social
comprehension, and good thinking are for the most part viewed as critical passionate and subjective
relates of social advancement (McCord & Widom,
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Juvenile Delinquents Tried As Adults
Juveniles tried as Adults In the 1700s laws didn't discriminate on kids and adults in the criminal
justice system.Therefore,children as young as the age of 8 years old were tried in adult criminal
courts. Most of the time children or teens are tried in adult court is if charges involve a serious or
violent offense,such as rape or murder.Furthermore,In some states there is and automatic transfer
law that requires juvenile cases to be transferred to adult criminal court if the offender is a certain
age or older (usually 16) . Juvenile delinquency is caused by numerous factors , In order for the
issue of juvenile delinquency to be addressed, it is essential to have prevention and diagnostic
approaches . The problems of juvenile delinquents are much related to social problems. To survive
in life, you almost have to become delinquent. These children are exposed to criminal elements and
are vulnerable to prostitution, drug addiction pushing and most street children have become juvenile
delinquents either out of necessity because they are poor or through the force of others. Youths in
adult prisons are often directly impacted by the violence around them. Compared to youth in
juvenile detention facilities, those in adult prisons are nearly twice as likely to be attacked by other
prisoners or by staff. They are also five times more likely to be sexually assaulted than those in
detention facilities–not only by other prisoners, but by officers as well. Many of these
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Juvenile Delinquents
Are we pampering future criminals?An example of this is shown through Nathen Brazill. A 14 year
old killer who committed second degree murder to a Middle Teacher during the month of May. I'd
like to claim that we are not sentencing the kids to death, or abandoning these children. My first
reason deals with the idea of the death penalty to children. Stated in the law years ago we have taken
away the death penalty and Juvenile delinquents have a chance to comeback. According to Jennifer
Jenkins '' The Juvenile death penalty was abolished here years ago and life sentence still allows good
living to be done...''. (On Punishment and Teen Killers.With this evidence given many Juvenile
delinquents are shown to be more taken cared of compared to the victim's family. This also shows
that this criminal still has a decent time to live. My second evidence deals with the chance to redeem
themselves. Another quote that Jennifer Jenkins wrote was that '' The nationwide campaign to end
JLWOP has spent millions of dollars advocating for these convicted murderers to be set free''.The
evidence shows that people are willing to spend millions to release these delinquents which means
they have a chance to come back to society.To summarize all these perks leads ... Show more
content on ...
My evidence I'd like to give is many nations do far worse and they don't have enlightened Juvenile
Justice System. According to Jennifer Jenkins again 'Many Nations do equivalent or far worse – The
Juvenile death penalty, selling teens in sexual slavery...''.(On Punishment and Teen Killers)This
increase the point that we pamper the children and we make their punishment bearable compared to
others. In my second evidence I'd like to bring out that many nations don't have enlightened Juvenile
Systems.Said by Jennifer Jenkins ''Many Nations do not have separate Juvenile Justice Systems such
as the enlightened system we have
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Juvenile Delinquent Case
In the following case we must prepare a pre–sentence recommendation report for a juvenile
delinquent. The male offender grew up in an impoverished family as indicated by his school records.
The boy acquires a part–time job at a local grocery store where he stocks the shelves and provides
basic clean–up. The owner supplied the boy with this job after he caught him stealing the first time.
The owner catches the young boy stealing meat for the second time; his explanation for stealing the
food was to help his mother who was unable to provide enough food for his family. Since the young
adolescent stole for the second time breaking the rules of his adjudication it is recommended that he
be sentenced to a juvenile detention center. In the criminal
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Essay On Juvenile Delinquents
Children who commit crimes have a complex status in the legal world. Since they are children with
less understanding of the laws, they deserve special protections. However, since they are still
minors, they do not have all the constitutional rights that adults have. Many of the juvenile court's'
procedures make an effort to balance these two concerns and rehabilitate juvenile delinquents.
The ideas of the juvenile court system are that youth are developmentally different than adults and
that their behavior is pliable. The courts feel that Rehabilitation and treatment in addition to
Community Supervision are primary goals. The public is not allowed to see juvenile records because
the courts feel that juveniles can be rehabilitated and that this could cause a stigma for the offender.
The courts take into consideration a child's history ... Show more content on ...
The primary goal is deteence abasic lesson in go sit in the corner for a time out.. The courts feel that
the criminal sanctions should be personal to the offense. They feel that deterrence is a successful
outcome of punishment. Unlike children adult offenders criminal records are open to the public.and
can be easily accessed. Defendants are put on trial which is based on legal facts. Jveniles do not
have the right to post bail as they are not allowed to be contracted into anything. Adults however
have their right to apply for bail. All defendants have a constitutional right to a jury. Adults are
sentence to a specific amount of time based on the severity of their crimes. juvenal's have an
indeterminate sentences based on Rehabilitation completion requirements.. The criminal justice field
uses parole for adults which is based on surveillance and monitoring of behaviors. As an adult
Corrections Officers may use the force needed to protect themselves and others who may be in
harm. Adults can be convicted of capital murder crimes and sentenced to
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Delinquent Behavior
Research over the past few decades on normal child development and on development of delinquent
behavior has shown that individual, social, and community conditions as well as their interactions
influence behavior. Researchers have yet to confirm that neighborhoods characterized by structural
disadvantage evidence high rates of juvenile crime and youth violence. According to Hjalmarsson,
and Pozen (2009) juvenile offenders serving time in the same correctional facility obtain subsequent
criminal behavior which provides evidence that peer effects are aggravated if individuals have past
experience in the same crime category. In addition, it may be considered possible that disadvantaged
neighborhoods may have a negative effect on the development of children many years or even
generations later which can ultimately result in devastating consequences. According to Carrell and
Hoekstra (2010) children from troubled families decrease their peers' test score outcomes and
increase misbehavior. These findings are consistent with a much larger research such as that children
exposed to domestic violence are associated with a number of emotional and behavioral problems
including ... Show more content on ...
Ludwig and Kling (2013) estimate the effect of area crime rates on individual crime behavior,
exploiting the MTO experiment which is a randomized housing–mobility experiment (Moving to
Opportunities), to unravel the effect of the neighborhood crime rate from the effect of other
neighborhood characteristics that change with a MTO move. They find no statistically significant
evidence for higher violent crime arrest rates for MTO participants in communities with higher
crime rates. however, most of the previous research findings related to this topic ultimately
demonstrate that exposure to disruptive peers in elementary school has important implications for
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Delinquent Medical Records
Most payers, commercial and governmental, will "generally deny reimbursement if medical records
are not complete when a claim is processed for payment" (Delinquent Medical Records, n.d.). For
this reason, a constant review of both delinquent and incomplete medical records is crucial to the
success of a hospital. The delinquency of a medical record is concerned with the appropriate time
frame that a physician must certify and complete the medical record, however a complete or
incomplete medical record is directly related to the content of said medical record. To consider a
medical record "complete", one must review the standards for the content set forth in the Medical
Staff Rules and Regulations. An incomplete medical record is missing required ... Show more
content on ...
However, the TJC does require hospitals to, at minimum, have a "comprehensive set of requirements
for medical record contents" which illustrates guidelines that configure the requirements for
"complications, authentication, retention and release of records" (Accreditation Guide, 2013). In this
set of requirements, TJC requires hospitals to specifically define a time frame for the completion of
the medical record. It is also suggested that a hospital perform self–audits on itself for delinquency,
because if TJC were to survey the hospital and find that the delinquency rate was unacceptable this
could result in the loss of TJC accreditation.
"Under federal law, if a hospital is accredited by TJC, it enjoys 'deemed status' with the Medicare
Program" (Delinquent Medical Records, n.d.). CMS works hand in hand with national accreditation
organizations, like TJC, because they have "standards and a survey process that meets or exceeds
Medicare's requirements" (Facts About Federal, 2015). Once TJC provides accreditation to a
hospital, CMS does perform regular audits or surveys to confirm the validity of the accreditation.
Because CMS considers TJC accreditation to be valid, CMS does not have specific requirements for
delinquency rates of medical
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Delinquent Medical Record
A. Policy Statement: Medical records must be completed in accordance with The Joint Commission,
federal, state, and Medical Staff rules and regulations.
B. Purpose of Policy: To ensure medical records are completed in a timely manner by physicians,
ensuring a complete record is available for continued patient care.
C. Definition
1. Delinquent Medical Record: A medical record that remains incomplete after the 30th day of
patient service. The Health Information Department (HIM) will specifically look for documentation
elements such as:
a) Admitting history and physical
b) Operative report
c) Discharge summary
d) Physician notes
e) Progress notes
D. Procedure:
1. Every Monday, the HIM department will notify physicians of incomplete
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Juvenile Delinquents Essay
A group of seven juvenile delinquents sit at a table sporting jumpsuits that's draped over their street
clothes, not knowing what's expected to happen next during their jail visit at the Douglas County
prison in Georgia. The cameras, that are rolling for Beyond Scared Straight, a reality television
series that takes at risk teenagers to different state run prisons across the United States to give them
a glance of where they 'll end up if they continue making wrong choices, show the confused look on
the delinquents' faces when they see the next prisoner walking through the door. Instead of a pair of
six foot, 300 pounder monsters that were charged for two counts of aggravated assault and
attempted murder like some of the inmates that the ... Show more content on ...
Derron is also part of the estimated 250,000 juveniles who are tired, sentenced and incarcerated each
year by the American Justice System, a practice that's occurred in the United States for the past
couple centuries, where children and teenagers are tried in court as adults and later sent to maximum
security prisons with murderers, rapists and other violent criminals. The thrill of performing
dangerous actions and the unwillingness of the consequences, a void of adult influence in the home
has facilitated to an increase probability in suicide, sexual assault and the likelihood to commit
another crime after release. The ineptness to hold a juvenile accountable in a safe manner can
change but it'll require the realization of the state and federal government to choose a rehabilitation
recovery rather than throwing adolescents in with violent adults . The three million people behind
bars is an assumption based on the statistic that more than one in every 100 Americans are prisoners
controlled by the state or federal government. In 2008, the prison population grew by 25,000 last
year, bringing it to almost 1.6 million, while an additional 723,000 are locked up in smaller jails. At
the time, there were 230 million adults in the United
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Juvenile Delinquent Essay

  • 1. Juvenile Delinquent Essay Juvenile delinquents are minors usually between the ages of 10 and 18. They are those minors that have committed some type of act that violates the law. Juveniles are not given the same sentences as adults when it comes to the punishment part. The argument for juvenile delinquents is, if they are born evil or is it part of the environment and or society. Are juveniles who commit a crime really naturally evil as many suggest, or are they their own products of the environment/society they live in? Are juveniles naturally born evil is a question that everyone asks. According to society every juvenile that commits a crime is born with it naturally. A Biological Theory considers delinquent behavior as predisposed and revolves around the idea ... Show more content on ... Whether if the baby is born to be evil or not, it all goes towards the parents. They have enough time to teach them the correct things and stop them from becoming juvenile delinquents. Whether if the delinquency runs in the family or not, there should be enough time to help preventing the child to become a bad person. Environmental factors are what causes juveniles to commit crimes. Many people argue that it is not the environment they are living in, rather that they are born that way. Many people say that they raised their children the correct way, and didn't show them about violence, then are out causing illegal actions. While many other people are saying that they are peered pressured to commit crimes. But in reality if we think about it, it all comes down to the child and their attitude. As we all know attitude plays a huge role in everyone's life. Many juveniles are not taught about attitude and behavior at home until they start attending school. Which then becomes too late for both the child and the parent to get them back on the right path. Environmental factors have long been known to increase criminality. Even a little thing like graffiti has now been shown to double criminal activity. Living in an environment where crime exists, is what causes juveniles to become delinquents. Many children that grow up in a home where violence exists, are most likely to follow their peer's steps and do what they do. On article mentioned that "If we ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Female Juvenile Delinquents Mallett, Christopher A (2014), conducted a study on the learning disabilities to juvenile detention. The study was conducted to review the outcomes for a population of 433 youthful delinquents in two juvenile courts in the Midwest. The study was found that youthful delinquents with learning disabilities were more likely to be suspended from school, were adjudicated delinquent at younger ages, and were more frequently held in detention centers when compared with nondisabled youthful delinquents. These outcomes were all risk factors for ongoing delinquent behaviors and, for some, eventual adult criminal court involvement. It was recommended that the juvenile courts continue to shift toward a rehabilitative progammes in working with this more vulnerable offender samples, including increased use of social workers. Dixie Sanger (2013), conducted a mixed method study on female juvenile delinquents' reactions to a reading program. The study examined opinions and reactions on a 1–hour demonstration of the START–IN (Students were Responding To Intervention) reading program. The sample of the study ... Show more content on ... The objective of the study was assessed the education and vocational programmes of juvenile and observation homes in correcting the behaviour of juvenile delinquents. The sample consists of 142 juvenile delinquents of five juvenile homes and observation homes such as Trivandrum, Kollam, Kozhikode, Kottayam and Trichur. ANOVA, 't' test and correlation method was used test the hypotheses. The result of the study highlighted the facilities given and the programmes providing in the juvenile and observation homes especially the educational and vocational programmes. Programmes related to recreation, health, and spiritual programmes were affects the juvenile delinquents in a positive ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Role Of The Juvenile Delinquent POPULAR CINEMA ESSAY – word count – 2035 Analyse and critically discuss the role of the 'juvenile delinquent' in any two teen films screened in the course. You must consider the impact of relevant industrial, economic and cultural factors. INTRO The juvenile delinquent or (JD) films, as which they have came to be better known as, started as a movie cycle and was very characteristic of hollywood in its prime. Looking back at another cycle which can be seen as similar and a precursor, both in the approach of the overall approach and the themes of the films would be the gangster films of the 1930s. These movies saw successful breakthrough in the box office and from this box office success saw a increase and spawn in countless ... Show more content on ... The initial idea started around the fact that the younger generation is out of control and is often seen as a controversial statement that this was evidence of claims about moral and cultural decline. Young people became increasingly troubled and worried which led to the adolescence life stage being classified and a period of fragility, vulnerability and risk. Although there is a long history of younger kids and teenagers committing crimes the term we come to know as juvenile delinquent only really came about and entered public debate in the post war period, it was around this time it came to be defined as specific and new social concern. As well as the uprise of the JD in the hollywood films there was continued concern about the dangers of young viewer identifying with the the JD characters. It was also around this time into the early 1950s that the industry face a much more fundamental problem. Before the 1950s, the hollywood cinema in general had been a mass medium which saw going to see a movie as a intergenerational experience, in which whole families would go attending together as a past time. As the 1950s progressed this bean to change, with the introduction of television coming in as well as other changed themselves within the industry, the hollywood industry realised that they were targeting an audience that no longer was going out to see movies. With this they decided to focus and target the more ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Story Of A Delinquent Heros Today in Windrixville a heartbreaking tragedy struck. The abandoned church near Jay Mountain was burnt down, and with 4 to 5 children in it. If it wasn't for the "delinquent" heros, the beloved children would have died in the flames of the fire. The names of the boys who saved the children were Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade. The two boys went from delinquents to heros in the blink of an eye. We were able to get an interview with the Ponyboy Curtis to try to see what had happened and how the fire had started. In our exclusive interview with Ponyboy Curtis he told us, "We must have dropped a lighted cigarette or something." And that was apparently how the fire had started. The school was having a picnic and then the place burst into flames. Once the teachers realized that they had students missing they started to panic and Curtis had told us that, "Faintly, just faintly, you could hear someone yelling. And it sounded like it was coming from inside the Church." Just then Curtis and cade ran into the Church to find and save the children. They had picked up the children and thrown them out into a nearby window. The risks they were willing to take for our children were extremely heroic. All the people that were involved were in shock and in awe to see such heroic deeds being done. The people that were involved were the children, the teachers Jerry Wood and fellow teacher Mrs. O'Briant, Dallas Winston, and of course Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade. Dallas Winston was driving the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Juvenile Delinquent Juvenile delinquent has different terms, but many may see it as groups of young boys and men standing on a street corner, wearing baggy outfits, and boasting defiant attitudes. Many will be surprised to learn that the juvenile delinquent is slowly changing. The boys are more responsible for the majority of the crimes overall, the number of juvenile females involved with the justice system has been steadily increasing over the past three decades (Gross 84). There has been a growth in the number of detention, arrest, cases processed, and subsequent long–term incarceration rates among females, but since research about female's offenders are generally lacking, no one knows the clear understanding of the causes. In the juvenile system, girls have ... Show more content on ... Parents or guardians that have a criminal background may influence an adolescent to engage in bad behavior, and also may affect girls than boys. Since girls has the higher rates of abuse or neglected in a home, they are more likely than boys to run away and be involve in crimes at a younger age. Girls that break curfew, prostitution, and theft is strategies that girls use who may experience abuse at home and become arrested ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Juvenile Delinquent Act Poor or not, no one is above the law. Giving children the image that they can get whatever they want, harm whomever, do anything, will psychologically plant a new seed of mischief. Children can commit crime and not be imprisoned if we do not repeal the Juvenile Delinquent Act. In fact, juvenile crimes rose in 2008 despite the implementation of the Act in 2006. This shows that the most effective way to combat crime is to promise just punishment. It may seem harsh but crimes should be dealt with justice. Should the offense of a child and an adult be of the same degree, their age should not matter and justice should be served for the security of the nation. Any crime poses a threat to society and the offenders, whatever their age, should experience the true consequences of their actions. ... Show more content on ... The number of children in each center are higher than what the employees could handle and proper funding to maintain these facilities are not always available. Overpopulation leads to aggressiveness and makes these centers harder to manage. Even while minors are in the juvenile centers, they still commit crimes ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Juvenile Delinquents Juvenile delinquents experience family aggression and violence frequently which can lead to psychological issues of antisocial behavior. Violence within the home is the leading cause of injury to women with the shocking statistics of between 2 million and 4 million women are being battered in their homes yearly. This results in approximately 3.5 million children witnessing this type of violence in their homes. With so many children experiencing witnessing this chronic violence there are certain development effects it has on children, including; truncated moral development, pathological adaption to violence, and identification with the aggressor (McWhirter, 2013). There are currently societal changes occurring within the family that is causing ... Show more content on ... The results revealed that the youths who had a history of violence with their parents are more likely to belong to a gang, affiliate to a gang, have been psychiatrically hospitalized or medication, have attempted suicide, have come from a non–intact home, and have had trouble relating to either their parents or guardians. This study proves that youth who are raised in a domestic and violent home and exposed to those graphic images they are more likely to get involved in violent gangs. These youths are even more likely to attempt suicide compared to children who were not exposed to violence. It is important to note that these youth also had a difficult time relating to their parents and were more than likely to be raised in home where the parents did not meet the child's emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Juvenile Delinquent Behavior Paper The purpose of this paper is to show that the changes in family structure in Texas is connected to Juvenile delinquent behavior. This is important to understand because it is uprooting the problem society has at hand. When bringing to light problems we have with the youth of the society we live in, there is an exposure to the problem and can bring forth resources to parents and young kids so that we may deter delinquent behavior. Dysfunctional families is most likely going to effect and influence a child's behavior. When a lack of proper manors, or respect for others will reflect on how they see the law. This behavior and mentality would only push them act what they think is normal, and that is to not respect and follow rules of society. (Law) ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Delinquent Children Thesis: Juvenile children have caused the government to enforce consequences on parents because they cannot control their children. I. Mark Chinitz wrote that "the highest incidents of crimes are by people in the age group of 14 to 24 years of age. A. Delinquent children have made juvenile detention centers overcrowded. 1. The increase of crime outbreaks is by children under 18. 2. The government had enforced a juvenile system. B. The more freedom they receive the higher the crime rates rise. 1. They become unsupervised and out of control. 2. The authority level decrease as the freedom increases. C. Female delinquents rise as the increase of juvenile crimes become more common. II. Delinquent children have risen by causes done by society, economical standards, ... Show more content on ... Their freedom is uncontrolled and there is no parental supervision. B. The causes of the delinquent outbreak are no father figure or a source of role model. C. The causes of juvenile crimes are problems with in the household 1. The parents are divorcing. 2. There is the usage of drugs or alcohols or abuse. IV. The government have blamed the parents of juvenile children for being bad parents and not discipline their child correctly. A. the government has created laws were parents are legally held responsible for the crime. 1. The Anti– social behavior act does not help parents in a time of need they do the exact opposite the act punishes the parents for not parenting their child correctly. 2. These laws also give the delinquent sort of a "get out of jail" free card because their parents did not parent them well. B. The parent need to be punished for not being able to maintain control of their child. V. Parents of these child criminals do not need to face charges for crimes they did not commit themselves the children that did commit those crimes need to face the punishment. A. The children need to know what happens when a crime is committed at their ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay On Delinquent Juveniles In my opinion, I believe that the most effective treatment for delinquent juveniles is juvenile intensive probation supervision (JIPS), and the most ineffective are diversion programs. Juvenile intensive probation supervision or JIPS is very similar to regular probation, the main difference is that in JIPS the supervision and interaction between the probation officer and the juvenile is more interactive and closely monitored to ensure that the juvenile stays on the right path to successfully complete the treatment and exit the system (Arizona Judicial Branch). Besides that juveniles must agree to follow certain rules during JIPS, with that being said each state has different rules that juveniles must follow but these rules are very similar in all states, for the ... Show more content on ... In my opinion, I think that diversion programs are not very effective because even though diversion programs are only recommended in first time offenses or petty crimes, to me it looks like it is sending the wrong message because the juvenile will think that the punishment isn't so bad and it might encourage the juvenile to commit delinquency in the future because since the punishment wasn't so bad and informal in the past, then the personal gain of committing delinquency will outweigh the punishment. I believe that if juveniles are handle with no tolerance in the first offense then that will scared them and prevent them from committing delinquency in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Theories Of Delinquent Crimes 1. Are all delinquents acts psychologically abnormal? No, I don't believe that all delinquents are psychologically abnormal. Many theories relate to delinquent acts such as Choice Theory and Trait Theory. The trait theory suggest that delinquent acts come from personal problems and conditions. Choice theory believes that juvenile offenders are rational decision makers. The decision to violate the law comes after weighing of the benefits and cost of criminal behavior. These two theories suggest that a person reacts to environmental and social circumstances in a unique fashion. For example, a youth that lives in a poor neighborhood would sell illegal drugs to make money. Another might do great in school to get away from their environment. 2. How would you apply psychodynamic theory to delinquent acts such as shoplifting or breaking and entering a house? The psychodynamic theory argues that the personality contains three major components. The components are id, ego, and superego. ID is the unrestrained, pleasure–seeking component that a person is born with. Ego develops by living in the world and superego develops by interactions with others. When all three components are well balanced the individual lives a normal life. Now, when they are unbalanced and one ... Show more content on ... The general deterrence concept was remarkable because punishment decreased crime. Ever since the number of police were put on the street, the delinquency rate has undergone a two–decade decline. Now, the problem occurs when certain youths continue to do crime after serving punishment. In some instances, experiencing punishment may actually increase the likelihood that offenders may commit new crimes. Especially for juveniles that live in troubled neighborhoods punishment will not lead to any drop on the crime rate. They care about committing crimes that are profitable and beneficial to them rather than worrying about getting ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Ransom Of Red Chief Theme Analysis When you look into someone's soul, you see the real them, you understand them. The theme of fiction is exactly that, the soul of the story. There is many themes to Ransom of Red Chief and Home Alone but one in particular stood out to me, family. Families always have pros and cons but when it comes to love family never lets you down. In the story Ransom of Red Chief it shows you what family love really means, it states, " You bring Johnny home and pay me two hundred and fifty dollars in cash. I will then agree to take him off your hands"(O Henry 75) This illustrates that even though Johnny is very imp and rowdy, his dad still wants him to come home so he can see him. It takes a lot of love to want Johnny (Red Chief) home because he is a lot of work and has an incredibly creative imagination that sometimes gets him in trouble. Like Ransom of Red Chief the theme family takes a huge part in the plot Home Alone. In the movie it shows Kevin and his family get in a big fight and he says he wishes that they would disappear. The next day he wakes up alone because his family forgot him when they went on their trip. During his time alone he learns that he needs them and misses them. His mom comes all the way from paris and spends a lot of money just to come home to him(Home Alone). This shows that his mom was worried about him and was going to get home to him no matter the costs. Even though their family had that fight, love won over in the end. Character traits show the good and the bad in characters and their true traits come out when the are faced with diversity in a situation. There are many similarities in the book, Ransom of Red Chief and the movie, Home Alone including the characters. Kevin and Johnny both share the quality of being mischievous. In Ransom of Red Chief it states, "The boy looked as though he was ready to smash him with a rock half as big as a coconut. 'He put a red–hot potato down my back,' explained Bill. 'Then mashed it with his foot'"(O'Henry 66). This shows that Red Chief is a handful and unpredictable. He has a creative imagination and likes to play Indian so he does stuff that Indians would do not realizing that you shouldn't do that to people because he is to caught up in his game. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Juvenile Delinquents: The Labeling Theory The labeling theory is a very powerful theory. Not only does the community give a juvenile a label, but it segregates them from the rest of society. Having a label as a juvenile as felon, sex offender, drug dealer, or anything for the matter is how society perceives that person. Being labeled as a felon, sex offender along with many other labels, prevents young adults from getting jobs, buying houses, buying cars and much more. According to the text the labeling theory states that the community creates the juvenile delinquent by labeling them as different from other youths. They are different primarily because they have been labeled a deviant youth. According to Becker (1991), the labeling theory stems from society and not from the juvenile delinquents. Society has given young adults this stigma and excludes them from society. The labeling effects associates a loss of status from society. ... Show more content on ... The person who is being labeled becomes stigmatized as a criminal and is not trust worthy according to society, even though that really may not be the true case they may be a really nice person but society decided to give them a label that everyone will know them. Personally I think the labeling theory has a very significant effect on people affected by it along with society. Being labeled as a deviant just makes a whirl wind more of opportunity for the juvenile to act out. Once a person is labeled as deviant, it is extremely difficult to remove that label. The deviant person becomes stigmatized and then accepts the fact there is nothing better out for them and or they can't do any better for themselves so they keep doing the same thing, hanging out with the same people and doing the same thing because it's the only place they are socially accepted. This doesn't go for everyone juvinelle delinquent there are plenty that turn their life around but for many it's very very difficult once they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Delinquent Subcultures 1 a. Our text defines defines a subculture as "a subdivision within the dominant culture that has its own norms, beliefs, and values" (p. 139). A subculture forms when different people come together and find themselves in similar situations, often they are isolated from the mainstream society. "Subcultures may form among members of racial and ethnic minorities, among prisoners, among occupational groups, and among ghetto dwellers" (p. 139). The members of said subculture will band together and, rely on each other for mutual support. 1 b. Delinquent subcultures, like also cultures, emerged in response to special problems that members of the dominant culture do not face" (p. 139). Some believe delinquent subcultures form because of strain (theory ... Show more content on ... In my opinion, while the subculture of violence theory makes a lot of sense there's not much empirical evidence. However, you could support this theory with the high numbers of violent crime in American society. While this theory would help us understand criminal behavior the theory that makes the most sense to me is the differential opportunity theory. The frustration of strain I believe would frustrate anyone. It's only human to want to fit in with like minded people. I believe this theory shows us not only how gangs form but helps criminologist understand ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Juvenile Delinquents In conclusion to the study, the researchers found that majority of the participants agreed that juvenile offenders should get more lenient treatments, that juvenile delinquent is more likely to benefit from rehabilitation, and if incarcerated they are more liable to become criminals. According to the majority of Pennsylvanians, juvenile offenders should be treated differently from an adult and at least through most of their teenage years, they are candidates for reform. (Piquero, Cullen, Unnever, Piquero, & Gordon. 2010). 57 percent– juvenile delinquents should receive more leniency. 77 percent– juvenile offender's benefits from rehabilitation programs. 74 percent– juvenile delinquents are more likely to become criminals if incarcerated. (Piquero, Cullen, Unnever, Piquero, & Gordon. 2010). ... Show more content on ... Research has continuously shown that youth is physical, socially and psychologically different from adults. Youth is less mature, are more likely to engage in risk–taking behaviors and are more impulsive than adults. "Although adolescence is a phase during which some youth engage in unlawful conduct, there is substantial evidence that most adolescents involved in criminal activity will stop when they reach young adulthood." (Allen, Trzcinski, & Kubiak, 2012, p. 2). Because teens are immature, some laws prohibit juveniles from; voting, purchasing alcoholic beverages, or legally signing their name to a document without the signature of their parents or guardians. (Allen, Trzcinski, & Kubiak, 2012). Although, studies have shown that youth does not have the same capability as an adult and are more likely to behave badly. Some states, 44 to be exact disregards such findings. These countries allow those as young as ten years old, to be sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. (Allen, Trzcinski, & Kubiak, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Juvenile Delinquents Are Juveniles Imagine you or anybody close to you like your sister or brother gets assaulted sexually or physically, now imagine that the offender was a juvenile. Does that make you feel any better or justify the situation in any way. Lets start with the question of what or who juveniles are. Juvenile delinquents are minors, usually defined as being between the ages of 10 and 18. And I believe that any body above the age of 10 can and should be treated the same as an adult in the court of law for any crimes committed. Now the question arises, WHY? Juveniles are not allowed to drink, drive or get married and if they sign legal contracts, their signatures are invalid. Why? Because adolescents are physically incapable of making mature, responsible, well–processed ... Show more content on ... This was a well planned and well executed crime and the police had not found any evidence connecting him to the crime until a month after it was committed.But lets not be unreasonable lets step into the shoes of this so called juvenile offender. In his mind, everybody commits these crimes. He sees no connection between his acts and the consequences. He is marked by a chronicity of violence, usually an escalating pattern. Violence permeates his existence until it is his existence. It is not the extent of his criminality that frightens us, but its regularity. Crime is not so much an occupation in the sense of a professional criminal, but a way of life, with violence as the structural underpinning.The kid does not relate behaviour to consequences. He does not see a causal connection between his acts and a response. What do I mean? To this kid, life is a lottery. Everyone rolls the dice, but not everyone pays the price. He has no perception as to how the dice will come up. In his world, everyone commits crimes. Everybody. Some smaller percentage of that number are arrested. A still smaller percentage go to court; an even smaller percentage go to trial. A smaller percentage still are actually found guilty, and a smaller percentage of that group are ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Delinquents And Treatment Models Juvenile Delinquents and Treatment Models Mark Roggeman Colorado Christian University Juvenile Delinquents and Treatment Models Among those who work in the juvenile justice system there is much discussion on how to effectively determine the appropriate consequences and or treatment for their actions. There are those who believe in punishment that includes incarceration and boot camp and there are those who believe in treatment programs with the goal of rehabilitation. There are various treatment models in place that are designed to address the problems in a youth's life that may contribute to the causes that influenced them to commit crime. An assessment of the resources that are in ... Show more content on ... The Ten Commandants cover not stealing or not coveting the neighbor's goods and consequences for violating are also part of the Biblical worldview. In Exodus 22:4: "If the theft is certainly found alive in his hand, whether it is an ox or donkey or sheep, he shall restore double." (NKJV) Here is seen a premise for restorative Justice, which is a Biblical principle for the concept used today which has been very effective today in many cases juvenile cases. The apostle Paul tells us about the spirit of restoration. In Galatians 6:1–2, is this admonition: "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (NKJV) As part of the diversion program some youth that qualify are sent to The Restorative Justice Model that exemplifies this verse. I have had the opportunity to participate in this process as part of the community, there is no judgment or condemnation the goal is restoration for the victim of the crime and for the offender. This model is a community–oriented approach to the control of the offenders rather than confinement. In this model different members of the community are brought together including the victim. The offender takes responsibility for his or her actions and the group decides what sanctions will be placed to ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Juvenile Delinquents Juvenile crime is a tremendous problem throughout the country. Justice is the main goal for American Justice System, however they fail to serve proper justice for juveniles. Several states have created initiatives to curb juvenile crime and prevent juvenile delinquency. Correctional Association of New York had created Juvenile Justice Project (JJP) to reduce juvenile crime. A juvenile delinquent is described as a minor that displays criminal or antisocial behavior. According to the Corrections Association of New York a juvenile delinquent is any child ages 7–15 that has committed an act that would be deemed a crime if committed by an adult. In addition, the cases of juvenile delinquents are usually heard in family court. (Fact Sheets and Position ... Show more content on ... They are given health and dental screenings. In addition, they are given mental evaluations and their family environments are assessed (Non–Secure Detention). They are also taken on field trips to museums and engage in sports and recreational activities. Additionally, they are granted access to computers and educational software (Non–Secure Detention). I agree with many tactics that New York uses in the juvenile corrections system. Mainly, I agree that these juveniles should be granted with access to education, health, mental health, and dental services. It seems that all of these things are needed to help these juveniles to become better citizens in the long run. I strongly agree that juveniles should have access to education as it is required to have one. Studies show that having education will be less likely to commit crimes compared to those without ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Delinquent Daughters Summary n the text reading Delinquent Daughters: "Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States" Author Mary Odom states raising the age of sexual consent in the U.S. increased the number of people prosecuted for statutory rape among consenting teenagers. Laws Predicated on the backs of the immigrants, native Blacks, and Mexican workers who had consensual sex with the daughters of the white middle class or Working–class minorities under a Patriarchal rule. Odom states due to differences in the middle and working class sexual expression, too (avoid generalizing), Odom says the differences in the sexual expression of the middle class which operated within a patriarchal moral code, and the immigrant and working–class communities, who were more concerned with female chastity. ("Patriarchal structures of the preindustrial societies, diverse religious tradition, and codes of honor that associated family reputation with the morality of wives and daughters." Odom states that in the United States fathers/men controlled both the workforce, labor and the "sexual lives of their wives' children and servants in ways that supported the family economy" (p.43). One threat to Patriarchal control "was the out of wedlock birth" (p.44) Thus premarital chastity was influenced by religion and men and therefore, was highly regarded. Premarital sex was considered sinful, and the double standard of sexual roles was at work as "sexual promiscuity would destroy a woman's honor, while ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Juvenile Delinquents Juvenile delinquents commit crimes to get away from an abusive household or life problems. It is a coping method which allows the individual to have a sense of power and belonging in the world. When this notion is perpetuated, people never change since no one intervenes in attempting to rehabilitate people in need of assistance.The few dedicated persons who work diligently to create a transformation in the lives of juveniles deserve recognition for lowering crime rates. Cyntoia Brown is an example of a teenager who had a sense of innocence robbed from her, therefore resulting in a drastically different maturation process. She is accused of murdering man who hired her as a prostitute as a 16 year old. Ms.Brown is a 29 year old model inmate who earned a GED and an associates degree while in prison but unfortunately she was sentenced to life in prison. Many celebrities rally behind this case and do not think that she is a dark person. The sole reason why Cyntoia killed the man who expected her services, was to escape an outcome of inevitable pain and suffering. If juveniles are tried as adults, they will never find out the deepest secrets about themselves and live a normal life. Therefore, I believe it is never appropriate to treat juveniles as adults because these individuals become accustomed to a lifestyle of mundaneness which harms their mental and physical state in a negative manner. My position has not changed since I think juvenile incarcerations stunts adulthood ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Delinquent Daughters Summary In the text reading Delinquent Daughters: "Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States" Author Mary Odom states raising the age of sexual consent in the U.S. increased the number of people prosecuted for statutory rape among consenting teenagers. Laws Predicated on the backs of the immigrants, native Blacks, and Mexican workers who had consensual sex with the daughters of the white middle class or Working–class minorities under Patriarchal rule. Odom states due to differences in the middle and working class sexual expression, to (avoid generalizing), Odom says the differences in the sexual expression of the middle class which operated within a patriarchal moral code, and the immigrant and working–class communities, who were more concerned with female chastity. ("Patriarchal structures of the preindustrial societies, diverse religious tradition, and codes of honor that associated family reputation with the morality of wives and daughters." Odom states that in the United States fathers/men controlled both the workforce, labor and the "sexual lives of their wives' children and servants in ways that supported the family economy" (p.43). One threat to Patriarchal control "was the out of wedlock birth" (p.44) Thus premarital chastity was influenced by religion and men and therefore, was highly regarded. Premarital sex was considered sinful and the double standard of sexual roles was at work as "sexual promiscuity would destroy a woman's honor, while it ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Behavior Of Juvenile Delinquents Behavior of Juvenile Delinquents DeBrenden Banks Tarleton State University Introduction Our society today is fraught with immense criminal behaviour. The idea that adolescent delinquency creates future criminals has been studied and has determined several biological, psychological, and sociological factors which pervade criminological theories. These theories are inclusive to the single parent poverty theory, the labelling theory, and the social disorganization theory. Many households in today's society are controlled by single parents and tend to be living in poverty. Often when single parents live in poverty, they tend to partake in criminal activity. When single parents often pay less attention to their children, their kid take another route and do what's necessary to survive, often leads them in a terrible spot. This leads to young children to do the same thing what their parent did. ... Show more content on ... (2001). Building on the Foundation of General Strain Theory: Specifying the Types of Strain Most Likely to Lead to Crime and Delinquency. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 38 (4): 319–361. Appendix IV, The Nation's Two Crime Measures. (2004). Crime in the United States, 2004, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved from https://www2. Dwivedi, Shree & Dwivedi, Prerna. (2006 July– September). Environmental factors of juvenile delinquency. Journal of Environmental Research and Development. 1 (1): 79–83. Junger–Tas, Josine & Haen Marshall, Ineke. (1999). The self–repot methodology in crime research. Crime and Justice, 25: 291–367. Wilkstrom, Per–Olof H. & Loeber, Rolf. (2000). Do disadvantaged neighborhoods cause well– adjusted children to become adolescent delinquents? A study of male juvenile serious offending, individual risk and protective factors, and neighborhood context. Criminology, 38 (4): ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Juvenile Delinquents Negative effects of juvenile delinquency and juvenile incarceration, includes mental health, social relationships, and education of the individual, which impacts on families, school, and wider community (Lambie & Randell, 2013). These factors can have damaging effects that contribute to recidivism and other unfavourable outcomes. Development/Learning There is New Zealand evidence which show that juvenile delinquents are a vulnerable population that are likely to experience long–term maladaptive outcomes, for instance, poor self–regulation and self–control (Sutherland, 2011). Research shows that having the ability to delay gratification and to regulate emotions are linked to positive developmental success (Sutherland, 2011). This includes children's learning and education. Young delinquents are likely to experience academic failure, have low intelligence, lack student interest, and have behavioural problems (Macfarlane, 2004, cited in Sutherland, 2011). Lambie and Randell (2013) explains that incarceration impairs positive psychosocial development and transition into adulthood. ... Show more content on ... When opportunities for developing practical skills to contribute to the community and to navigate prosocial relations have not been provided, young people will face challenges associated with community re–entry, as well as developmental tasks and first experiences, such as living alone, relationships, and parenthood (Anthony et al., 2010, cited in Lambie & Randell, 2013). Along with these long–term impacts, young delinquents are excluded from the community because they are stigmatised from their criminal convictions. The experiences of exclusion from education and employment due to a criminal history heightens the risk of a number of adult risks, such as in mental health, and homelessness (Lambie & Randell, ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Juvenile Delinquent Crimes What is considered a juvenile delinquent? Criminal courts would say that a juvenile delinquent is a child that is between the ages of 7 to 14 years of age. Nowadays, 14–year–old children can be charged with certain crimes that may be handled like adults. Today, many states determine that a child is considered to be a juvenile until the age of 18; however, in some states they set limits at 16 and 17 years–of–age. Under the age of 18, many offenses are considered juvenile delinquency. We see that crimes that are committed by juveniles have increased with violent crimes, drug crimes, gangs, and many more. With this in mind, some may argue to charge the juvenile as an adult based on the seriousness of the crime. These delinquent acts are considered to be crimes that may be committed by adults or even ... Show more content on ... Delinquency is crimes that are committed by youths; as well as, adults. These delinquencies include; violent crimes, property crimes, criminal homicide, drug–related offenses, and disturbances to the public order. Status offenses illegal crimes for youths but not adults, these types of crimes are beyond parents or guardians control. Status offenses include; truancy, parental disobedience, and runaways. 23% of offenses committed by females are status offense verses the 4% of boys. Both are juvenile court jurisdictions; however, more serious crimes may be subjected to criminal court and even prison. Multiple factors exist through understanding what leads a juvenile to delinquent behavior. Biological, sociological, and psychological factors hold high merits in explaining crime to delinquency. Some also study that age definitely factors closely to offending behaviors. Children with traumatic backgrounds can exhibit symptoms such as anxiety and/or depression. This typical behavior amongst juveniles is overlooked; which in return can cause PTSD, then to a delinquency life ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Theories Of Juvenile Delinquents Juvenile delinquents are minors, usually defined as being between the ages of 10 and 18, who have committed some act that violates the law. These acts aren't called "crimes" as they would be for adults. Rather, crimes committed by minors are called "delinquent acts." Instead of a trial, the juvenile has an "adjudication," after which he/she receives a "disposition" and a sentence. However, juvenile proceedings differ from adult proceedings in a number of ways (Reuters, 2017). Delinquent acts are put into two categories. The first category of a delinquent act is one that would be considered a crime had an adult committed it. Given the serious nature of the crime(s), some jurisdictions will try young offenders as adults. The second type of delinquent act is age related or "status crimes" meaning that the crime(s) wouldn't normally be performed or committed by an adult. For example, staying out past curfew or skipping school known as truancy is an act of a status crime or age related crime. Case study summary and delinquency theory While murderers come in all shapes and sizes, it still comes as a great shock to see a child as the culprit rather than the victim. In the case of Eric Smith, a thirteen–year–old who brutally killed four–year–old Derrick Robie and was tried as an adult and was sentenced to nine years to life in prison. Growing up, Smith was a loner, he didn't have any friends and was made fun of and was often bullied at school because of his physical appearance. Smith had red hair, freckles, wore thick glasses, and had elongated ears that were protruding. It was also said that Eric Smith suffered physical abuse at home. On August 2, 1993, Eric Smith was walking to summer camp as well as Derrick Robie when he spotted him walking alone. Smith led Derrick into the woods and begin strangling him. Smith then picked up a large rock and smash Derrick's head and started sodomizing him with a stick. When he was caught, and questioned by investigators, he said he killed Derrick because he thought he would get into trouble if the boy got up and told him. Smith claimed he thought that by inserting a stick into the boy, it would reach and "stop his heart." During Smith's trail, he was diagnosed by a ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Juvenile Delinquents The principles of this paper are to outline how mental health disorders can effect an adolescents mind and actions to lead them down a path of crime. The most apparent realization is that having a mental health disorder alone will not land you in prison, however the actions behind the thinking will most certainly get you in trouble unless you can learn to control them. More than 50% of the juvenile crime populations suffers from a mental disorder but has landed themselves their for various reasons. Today, almost 25% of our generation ages 13–19 have struggled with some type of mental health disorder in their young lifetime. The crime rate of juvenile delinquents is increasing, resulting in a higher capacity of offenders with these mental ... Show more content on ... Many of these programs may be new and work just as hard as the effective programs but might not have not had enough time to be studied. This group made up more than 50% of the programs and will easily transition into the category of a effective program. I chose to review 3 of these programs that I believe are on the verge of becoming an effective program for treating the mentally ill. The connections program is a juvenile court–based program designed to address the needs of juvenile offenders who are on probation that also have emotional and behavioral disorders and the needs of their families. The approach is meant to be an integrated, seamless, coordinated system of care for children with mental health problems. Early Risers is a skills for success program that is a multicomponent, high–intensity, competency–enhancement program that targets elementary school children who are at high risk for early development of conduct ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Home Is Dying : The Force Of A Storm Their home is dying. The truth hits Asteria with the force of a storm. It feels as though the wind is being knocked out of her, and if people weren't surrounding her she would probably fall to the floor. They told her, as well as the others, that the space station they call the Ark – which has withheld the human race from extinction, for the last 97 years – is dying. They only have three, possibly four, months of life support remaining, but that isn't enough time for the engineers to save them all and she wishes her father, were telling her all of this, instead of the Ark's council members. The council claims their decisions from this point onwards will be difficult to make and may not seem fair, but she already knows of their unjust ... Show more content on ... She wants to know why they're telling her this, why they're including her of all people in this secret. As her eyes glance around the rest of the non–council members in the room, she gets the distinctive feeling that they are all wondering the same thing. Why them? What makes them valuable? And it's as though they can sense the unanswered question that hangs silently over them all. "Some of you already know why we have chosen you to be a part of this mission, your undeniable expertise in your individual fields makes you valuable." Marcus Kane, her least favourite council member tells them this as he stands at the centre of the wide table, inside Earth Monitoring Station. Hearing him speak is enough to have her physically fighting the urge to roll her eyes, the two of them don't get along, but it's not as simple as that. On the Ark it never is. "The younger ones in the room," he continues, as his eyes land on Asteria Woods, not only is she the youngest doctor in training the Ark's ever had, but she's also the youngest person in the room. "Your mentors vouched to include you in this, each for a different reason, and I'm sure they will become more apparent to me throughout our task." There's a bite of sarcasm to his tone and it feels as if he's talking directly to Asteria when he says the last part. His eyes continue to bore into the side of her head and she keeps her gaze locked on the floor not ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Character Analysis Of Joichiro Nagase The clock ticked on. Ever continuing, never stopping. In a three–dimensional world, three dimensional beings such as Joichiro Nagase were able to traverse through all the three dimensions. Length, width, and height. He was, however, not a four–dimensional being. He couldn 't traverse time as he pleased, and therefore he was locked into the present, ever inching its way towards the future, never revisiting the past. Joichiro Nagase was, as some might assume, an enigmatic character. He was, for all intents and purposes, an otaku, but his character traits didn 't end there. He was fairly high in his class and had good enough grades on all fronts. This didn 't take away from the fact that he harbored intense asocial tendencies that did much ... Show more content on ... He wasn 't sure what he did to warrant her friendship, but he chalked it down to her simply being a kind person, despite the rarity of such a trait in today 's society. On the back sat the four resident delinquents. Their leader, Eiichiro Iida, had frosted tips, shaved sides and wore shades indoors. His physique was imposing enough, which would serve to deter anyone from seeking trouble from him. To the front row, in the middle sat Kano Asamiya. A guy with a 'strong sense of justice '. In Joichiro 's opinion, that was really just a crock of shit. He tended to get riled up quickly when one of the delinquents would harass any of the girls present in this class and would get himself beat up deliberately just to show how much of a martyr he was. The resident bullying victim sat right behind Joichiro. Takeru Murayama was a complete Otaku, down to his bowl–cut, awkward glasses and fat physique. Not to mention, the kid 's spineless. Whenever that kid got bullied, Kano with his strong sense of justice, was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it was because Takeru had no boobs? Actually, he does. With that kind of BMI, his boobs even rivalled girls in lower classes. Takeru had no vagina, despite how much his attitude suggested so. Kano had no interest in defending him, leaving him to be the first guy to hit the wall when Eiichiro had one of his tantrums. That was the class of 3–A. It was filled with, as Joichiro migh have it, human beings. Flawed human beings ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Institutionalization Of Juvenile Delinquents According to the Merriam–Webster's definition, someone who is juvenile is one who is physiologically immature or undeveloped ("Juvenile," def.1). In the early 19th century, not only were children were treated the relatively the same as adults, they were also tried as an adult. Delinquents were housed in jails not only adults, but also with the mentally ill and unhealthy. By 1825, reformers were concerned with the overcrowding of jails and New York established a house of refuge to house juveniles. These refuge homes housed orphans, poor children, and children who could not survive on their own. Because of the refuge houses becoming flooded with children, Chicago opened the first Reform School to protect juvenile offenders to train and educate ... Show more content on ... If a delinquent is capable of committing a crime of an adult at an age of a minor, they should he tried as an adult. The human brain begins to develop at the age of 7 and after and children should begin to develop their human morals and skills at this age. One of the major skills to learn is living up to your responsibilities. The human brain is known to have its first memories from age 7 and after, and so children who face their consequences will have instincts to not commit crime in the future. This is not only beneficial for delinquents themselves but also to other delinquents because they will set examples for potential delinquents of the future. The delinquent will learn to appreciate their lives and future more because of their horrific fear of returning to prison of facing harsh punishments. This also reduces the chances for regression of the delinquents criminal mind. Children who are not excused of the punishments will learn that committing crime is a horrible thing. If they are to be punished for the crime that they've committed, they will not regress and commit crimes in the future. America does not want for crime to exist but it is part of human nature to be juvenile. If humans learn to behave by being punished harshly as a child, I confidently believe that crime rates and the amount of criminals with evidently and unquestionably decrease. In the article ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Juvenile Delinquent Victims The are many different forms in which a juvenile is victimized, but three apparent causes of delinquency are bully victims, property delinquent victims, and sexualized victims. The bully victims are victims who actively engage in violence or carrying some form of protection like a weapon and have been violently victimized in the past. Property delinquent victims are more closely associated with property crimes. Delinquent sex victims and child maltreatment victims experienced sexual victimization in the past and were involved in an above average level of delinquency. This is some form of correlation of juveniles ultimately becoming delinquents in response to their victimization. The apparent similarities between victimization and delinquency are displayed by the types of victimization suffered and the number of criminal acts recognized. According to Cuevas, "41.7% of males have engaged in delinquent acts as opposed to 29.6% of females" (Cuevas, C. A., Finkelhor, D., Turner, H., Ormrod, R., 2007). As compared to children who were not victimized in any form, the victimized children tend to be more prevalent towards delinquent victims. As shown in females who were sexually abused, at a younger age the victim does not display criminal behavior until the victim grew older. The studied delinquent sex and ... Show more content on ... Adults who were exposed to indirect victimization as juveniles may be more likely to encounter victimization as an adult compared to an adult who was not victimized as a child. According to Grubb, those surveyed who experienced victimization as a child were "145.9% more likely to experience violent victimization as adults than persons not experiencing this type of victimization" (Grubb, Bouffard, 2015). Victimized children may need a better approach of rehabilitation to cope with the horrific past they faced as a child transitioning into ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Delinquent Behavior A comprehension of delinquent behavior expands upon clarifications that have been offered in speculations and discoveries that have been uncovered in research (Burfeind & Bartusch, 2016). The basic role of this paper is to develop a comprehension of juvenile wrongdoing by coordinating hypothesis and research (Burfeind & Bartusch, 2016). Before we go any further, we should characterize what we mean by juvenile wrongdoing, whereas, this definition is significantly more convoluted than you may might suspect (Burfeind & Bartusch, 2016). In the following part, we offer an intensive dialog of the social development and change of the idea of juvenile misconduct (Burfeind & Bartusch, 2016). Here we offer a short working meaning of juvenile wrongdoing ... Show more content on ... In late examinations, noticeable behaviors, for example, the term of regard for a toy and consistency with mother's directions not to touch a question, that's especially pertinent to later misbehavior are discernible in the primary year of life (McCord & Widom, 2001). Be that as it may, the capacity to foresee behavior at later ages (in pre–adulthood and adulthood) from such qualities ahead of schedule in life is not yet known (McCord & Widom, 2001). Forceful behavior is all things considered one of the more steady measurements, and huge strength might be seen from toddlerhood to adulthood (McCord & Widom, 2001). The social behaviors that create mentalists examine amid youth can be isolated into two general classifications: prosocial and withdrawn (McCord & Widom, 2001). Prosocial behaviors incorporate helping, sharing, and participation, while introverted behaviors incorporate distinctive types of oppositional and forceful behavior (McCord & Widom, 2001). The improvement of compassion, blame sentiments, social comprehension, and good thinking are for the most part viewed as critical passionate and subjective relates of social advancement (McCord & Widom, ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Juvenile Delinquents Tried As Adults Juveniles tried as Adults In the 1700s laws didn't discriminate on kids and adults in the criminal justice system.Therefore,children as young as the age of 8 years old were tried in adult criminal courts. Most of the time children or teens are tried in adult court is if charges involve a serious or violent offense,such as rape or murder.Furthermore,In some states there is and automatic transfer law that requires juvenile cases to be transferred to adult criminal court if the offender is a certain age or older (usually 16) . Juvenile delinquency is caused by numerous factors , In order for the issue of juvenile delinquency to be addressed, it is essential to have prevention and diagnostic approaches . The problems of juvenile delinquents are much related to social problems. To survive in life, you almost have to become delinquent. These children are exposed to criminal elements and are vulnerable to prostitution, drug addiction pushing and most street children have become juvenile delinquents either out of necessity because they are poor or through the force of others. Youths in adult prisons are often directly impacted by the violence around them. Compared to youth in juvenile detention facilities, those in adult prisons are nearly twice as likely to be attacked by other prisoners or by staff. They are also five times more likely to be sexually assaulted than those in detention facilities–not only by other prisoners, but by officers as well. Many of these ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Juvenile Delinquents Are we pampering future criminals?An example of this is shown through Nathen Brazill. A 14 year old killer who committed second degree murder to a Middle Teacher during the month of May. I'd like to claim that we are not sentencing the kids to death, or abandoning these children. My first reason deals with the idea of the death penalty to children. Stated in the law years ago we have taken away the death penalty and Juvenile delinquents have a chance to comeback. According to Jennifer Jenkins '' The Juvenile death penalty was abolished here years ago and life sentence still allows good living to be done...''. (On Punishment and Teen Killers.With this evidence given many Juvenile delinquents are shown to be more taken cared of compared to the victim's family. This also shows that this criminal still has a decent time to live. My second evidence deals with the chance to redeem themselves. Another quote that Jennifer Jenkins wrote was that '' The nationwide campaign to end JLWOP has spent millions of dollars advocating for these convicted murderers to be set free''.The evidence shows that people are willing to spend millions to release these delinquents which means they have a chance to come back to society.To summarize all these perks leads ... Show more content on ... My evidence I'd like to give is many nations do far worse and they don't have enlightened Juvenile Justice System. According to Jennifer Jenkins again 'Many Nations do equivalent or far worse – The Juvenile death penalty, selling teens in sexual slavery...''.(On Punishment and Teen Killers)This increase the point that we pamper the children and we make their punishment bearable compared to others. In my second evidence I'd like to bring out that many nations don't have enlightened Juvenile Systems.Said by Jennifer Jenkins ''Many Nations do not have separate Juvenile Justice Systems such as the enlightened system we have ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Juvenile Delinquent Case In the following case we must prepare a pre–sentence recommendation report for a juvenile delinquent. The male offender grew up in an impoverished family as indicated by his school records. The boy acquires a part–time job at a local grocery store where he stocks the shelves and provides basic clean–up. The owner supplied the boy with this job after he caught him stealing the first time. The owner catches the young boy stealing meat for the second time; his explanation for stealing the food was to help his mother who was unable to provide enough food for his family. Since the young adolescent stole for the second time breaking the rules of his adjudication it is recommended that he be sentenced to a juvenile detention center. In the criminal ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Essay On Juvenile Delinquents Children who commit crimes have a complex status in the legal world. Since they are children with less understanding of the laws, they deserve special protections. However, since they are still minors, they do not have all the constitutional rights that adults have. Many of the juvenile court's' procedures make an effort to balance these two concerns and rehabilitate juvenile delinquents. The ideas of the juvenile court system are that youth are developmentally different than adults and that their behavior is pliable. The courts feel that Rehabilitation and treatment in addition to Community Supervision are primary goals. The public is not allowed to see juvenile records because the courts feel that juveniles can be rehabilitated and that this could cause a stigma for the offender. The courts take into consideration a child's history ... Show more content on ... The primary goal is deteence abasic lesson in go sit in the corner for a time out.. The courts feel that the criminal sanctions should be personal to the offense. They feel that deterrence is a successful outcome of punishment. Unlike children adult offenders criminal records are open to the public.and can be easily accessed. Defendants are put on trial which is based on legal facts. Jveniles do not have the right to post bail as they are not allowed to be contracted into anything. Adults however have their right to apply for bail. All defendants have a constitutional right to a jury. Adults are sentence to a specific amount of time based on the severity of their crimes. juvenal's have an indeterminate sentences based on Rehabilitation completion requirements.. The criminal justice field uses parole for adults which is based on surveillance and monitoring of behaviors. As an adult Corrections Officers may use the force needed to protect themselves and others who may be in harm. Adults can be convicted of capital murder crimes and sentenced to ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Delinquent Behavior Research over the past few decades on normal child development and on development of delinquent behavior has shown that individual, social, and community conditions as well as their interactions influence behavior. Researchers have yet to confirm that neighborhoods characterized by structural disadvantage evidence high rates of juvenile crime and youth violence. According to Hjalmarsson, and Pozen (2009) juvenile offenders serving time in the same correctional facility obtain subsequent criminal behavior which provides evidence that peer effects are aggravated if individuals have past experience in the same crime category. In addition, it may be considered possible that disadvantaged neighborhoods may have a negative effect on the development of children many years or even generations later which can ultimately result in devastating consequences. According to Carrell and Hoekstra (2010) children from troubled families decrease their peers' test score outcomes and increase misbehavior. These findings are consistent with a much larger research such as that children exposed to domestic violence are associated with a number of emotional and behavioral problems including ... Show more content on ... Ludwig and Kling (2013) estimate the effect of area crime rates on individual crime behavior, exploiting the MTO experiment which is a randomized housing–mobility experiment (Moving to Opportunities), to unravel the effect of the neighborhood crime rate from the effect of other neighborhood characteristics that change with a MTO move. They find no statistically significant evidence for higher violent crime arrest rates for MTO participants in communities with higher crime rates. however, most of the previous research findings related to this topic ultimately demonstrate that exposure to disruptive peers in elementary school has important implications for adult ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Delinquent Medical Records Most payers, commercial and governmental, will "generally deny reimbursement if medical records are not complete when a claim is processed for payment" (Delinquent Medical Records, n.d.). For this reason, a constant review of both delinquent and incomplete medical records is crucial to the success of a hospital. The delinquency of a medical record is concerned with the appropriate time frame that a physician must certify and complete the medical record, however a complete or incomplete medical record is directly related to the content of said medical record. To consider a medical record "complete", one must review the standards for the content set forth in the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations. An incomplete medical record is missing required ... Show more content on ... However, the TJC does require hospitals to, at minimum, have a "comprehensive set of requirements for medical record contents" which illustrates guidelines that configure the requirements for "complications, authentication, retention and release of records" (Accreditation Guide, 2013). In this set of requirements, TJC requires hospitals to specifically define a time frame for the completion of the medical record. It is also suggested that a hospital perform self–audits on itself for delinquency, because if TJC were to survey the hospital and find that the delinquency rate was unacceptable this could result in the loss of TJC accreditation. "Under federal law, if a hospital is accredited by TJC, it enjoys 'deemed status' with the Medicare Program" (Delinquent Medical Records, n.d.). CMS works hand in hand with national accreditation organizations, like TJC, because they have "standards and a survey process that meets or exceeds Medicare's requirements" (Facts About Federal, 2015). Once TJC provides accreditation to a hospital, CMS does perform regular audits or surveys to confirm the validity of the accreditation. Because CMS considers TJC accreditation to be valid, CMS does not have specific requirements for delinquency rates of medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Delinquent Medical Record A. Policy Statement: Medical records must be completed in accordance with The Joint Commission, federal, state, and Medical Staff rules and regulations. . B. Purpose of Policy: To ensure medical records are completed in a timely manner by physicians, ensuring a complete record is available for continued patient care. C. Definition 1. Delinquent Medical Record: A medical record that remains incomplete after the 30th day of patient service. The Health Information Department (HIM) will specifically look for documentation elements such as: a) Admitting history and physical b) Operative report c) Discharge summary d) Physician notes e) Progress notes D. Procedure: 1. Every Monday, the HIM department will notify physicians of incomplete ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Juvenile Delinquents Essay A group of seven juvenile delinquents sit at a table sporting jumpsuits that's draped over their street clothes, not knowing what's expected to happen next during their jail visit at the Douglas County prison in Georgia. The cameras, that are rolling for Beyond Scared Straight, a reality television series that takes at risk teenagers to different state run prisons across the United States to give them a glance of where they 'll end up if they continue making wrong choices, show the confused look on the delinquents' faces when they see the next prisoner walking through the door. Instead of a pair of six foot, 300 pounder monsters that were charged for two counts of aggravated assault and attempted murder like some of the inmates that the ... Show more content on ... Derron is also part of the estimated 250,000 juveniles who are tired, sentenced and incarcerated each year by the American Justice System, a practice that's occurred in the United States for the past couple centuries, where children and teenagers are tried in court as adults and later sent to maximum security prisons with murderers, rapists and other violent criminals. The thrill of performing dangerous actions and the unwillingness of the consequences, a void of adult influence in the home has facilitated to an increase probability in suicide, sexual assault and the likelihood to commit another crime after release. The ineptness to hold a juvenile accountable in a safe manner can change but it'll require the realization of the state and federal government to choose a rehabilitation recovery rather than throwing adolescents in with violent adults . The three million people behind bars is an assumption based on the statistic that more than one in every 100 Americans are prisoners controlled by the state or federal government. In 2008, the prison population grew by 25,000 last year, bringing it to almost 1.6 million, while an additional 723,000 are locked up in smaller jails. At the time, there were 230 million adults in the United ... Get more on ...