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The Worst Webinar Ever On
How to Make Money Online
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know That
the Gurus Don’t Tell You About Internet
Marketing, And How to Profit From it.
By Nathan Jurewicz
Meet Nathan Jurewicz...
About Nathan Jurewicz....

Was home schooled and never
went to college
I can barely spell or use proper

People stare at me in public places
Did over 5 million in revenue my first
year online in 2009
Is now active in the real estate,
social media and home school niche
Consult for several different Internet
Meet My Cat, “Kitty”....

This is Kitty when he thought
I was going to show some push button
strategy that won’t work for the “Average
Joe” on this Webinar

This is Kitty after I showed Him
the rest of the slides to
this presentation
The Information I’m About to Share With You
isn’t sexy. It isn’t “Push Button Simple”
however, it Is the Best Possible Way to Make
A LOT of Money Online Very, Very Quickly it
Requires A LOT of Work, Creativity,
Communication Skills, Networking Skills and
Possibly Even Some Small Startup Capital.
Products/Services/Software to
Targeted Prospects. This
Information is NEVER
to be Used to “Trick” anyone into
Unethically Buying Anything.
Here is what we’re going to cover...
How to take an info product, online service or software that
you may have that can give someone “massive
transformational value” and profit from it online.
How to take info product, online service or software that
someone else may have that can give someone “massive
transformational value” and profit from it online.
The first thing we do before creating that “winning offer”.
The 3 best places to get traffic for you offer.
Why Do I Need a Product?
Can’t I Just Do Affiliate
Can’t I Just Do Affiliate
Affiliate Marketing is Great but...

You can’t get affiliates to promote you so you can’t get a lot
of the good buyers on your list.
Only way to make money is to get really good at SEO
(difficult to get hundreds of leads per day), get leads from
free social media leads(difficult to get a lot of targeted traffic
at a time) or to spend a lot of money on paid traffic (PPC
and media buys).
When you have a “winning offer” people will seek you out
and ask to promote you.
Your List will be more responsive when they are buying your
products from you because you are the one providing them
the information or using your product.
As an Affiliate you’re just a little guy giving all of your
You earned names to the guy with the product along
with several other people....

Names that he is going to sell other affiliate offers to
As an Affiliate you’re just a little guy giving all of your
hard earned names to the guy with the product along
with several other people....

That Person Should Be You!
Coming Up With That Winning
Forget about what you would buy
Start to think about every single
reason why they wouldn’t buy
If you come up with new Unique
Selling Proposition that hasn’t
existed yet in your niche it will
You have to make your product so
that it appeals to more types of
people than just YOU...
Imagine 10 Different People in a Room
that are Potential Prospects for Your
that are Potential Prospects for Your

6 of Them Will Never Buy (because they are either too
skeptical or just don’t have the money)
2 of Them Are More Like You and Understand
That They Actually Have to Take Action To Get Results
2 Of them Want a Push Button Done For You System
We Call him (or her) Homer Simpson
If You Overcome the Objections of The Last
2 You Usually Will Have a Winner!
Would Homer Simpson Buy This?
He doesn’t want to actually have to create anything on his
own, doesn’t want to step out of his comfort zone and talk to
people and is afraid to be on stage or on video.
He doesn’t want to have to hire anyone
He’s either lazy or he has been taking the “blue pill” for so long
in his dead end job that convincing him that your product will
work for him is more important than showing him proof that
your product gives real results.
He buys everything online and rarely takes action
The closer you can get to selling him a “magic button” without
being unethical the better. You will get more affiliates wanting
to promote you, you will be able to spend more money on
paid traffic as a result you will have a much bigger list to sell
other affiliate offers which means those affiliates will have to
reciprocate. It’s a never ending cycle.
Case Study #1 - Winning Offer
Short Sales Riches Home Study
Price Point $297-$397
Over 4000 Copies Sold
USP How to Flip 5-10 Houses Per
Month Without Talking to a Seller,
Without Talking to a Buyer,
Without Talking to a Bank and
Without Even Looking at a House
Good USP

“Crazy Colored Haired Surfer
Dude Makes $118,619.82 in
One Month Flipping Houses
Without Talking to A Seller, A
Buyer, A Bank Or Looking at

“All You Have to Do To Make
Cash Is Go Out and Build a
Relationships with Real Estate
Agents, Find and Hire Short
Sale Negotiators, Make Sure
the Paperwork Conforms to
Your State and Get Everyone
to Work With You... It’s a LOT
of Freaking Work and You Will
Probably Get Rejected by A
LOT of people”
Figure Out What Homer’s Objections Are In
Your Niche Will Help You Come Up With
Stronger USP’s
Internet Marketing Niche
Homer Doesn’t Have a Product to Sell
Isn’t an Expert in Anything
Is Afraid to be on Camera
Doesn’t want to learn marketing copy about how
to sell to himself
Doesn’t have a website
Doesn’t have a list
Wants All of his traffic to be free because buying
traffic is bad to him
Homer thinks the only way to make money online is
to make money teaching people how to make
money online
Figure Out What Homer’s Objections Are In
Your Niche Will Help You Come Up With
Stronger USP’s
Real Have Any Niche
Homer Doesn’t Estate Money to Buy Real

He Doesn’t Have Any Credit to Get Mortgages On
He Doesn’t Want to Talk to Banks
He Doesn’t Want to Have to Deal With Real Estate
He Doesn’t Want to Build Relationships with Private
Lenders in his Area
He Doesn’t Want to Spend a Ton of Money on
He Wants to Wake Up out of Bed, Check His Email
and Have Buyer and Seller Leads in his Email Inbox
Homer thinks that Real Estate gurus only make
Figure Out What Homer’s Objections Are In
Your Niche Will Help You Come Up With
Stronger USP’s

Dating Niche - “How to Get Chicks”
Homer thinks he has to look like Brad Pitt to get
He Doesn’t want to work on himself or go to the

He doesn’t want to develop better communication
All he wants is “pickup lines” because he thinks that
is the secret to scoring dates with hot women
Homer thinks you have to have a lot of money to
get women
Figure Out What Homer’s Objections Are In
Your Niche Will Help You Come Up With
Stronger USP’s
Fitness Niche

He/She thinks people that are in really good shape
have really “good genes”.
He/She thinks you have to have time to workout 60
minutes per day.
He/She thinks you have to have the money to hire
a personal trainer and buy all organic food and
He/She thinks it will take years to get results.
Once You Figure Out Who
Homer Simpson Is In Your Niche
Then You Can Go Create a
Then You Can Go Create a
Then You Can Go Create a
This Homer Stuff Doesn’t Just
Apply to Information Products
Non Info Homer Example #1
Kuerig coffee maker
Simply push a button and it
makes 1 cup of coffee for you
Even though the coffee
packets are more expensive
than regular coffee it’s really
not because someone like me
is never going to make my own
coffee. The packets are
cheaper than going to
Non Info Homer Example #2
Non Info Homer Example #2
Auto ships razors straight to
your door for $3, $6 or $9 per
month as opposed to buying
$20 Gilettes that you always
forget to shop for
Case Study
The Ultimate Winning Offer
The Ultimate Winning Offer
Local Social Broker
Price Point $997 sold via a
160k sold It’s first week
Backend company is Maximize Social Media
Social Media Management Company
You can get into social media management with no product,
no list, no capital, no credibility, know nothing about social
media, without hiring any employees, dealing with any VA’s
and actually managing anyone’s social media for just $997.
Good USP


“With Local Social Broker You
Can Now Generate Cash
With Social Media Even If You
Have No Product, No Email
List & Even if You Know Little
Or Nothing About Social
Media By Offering Local
Business One of The Most In
Demand Services in
the World”

“All You Have to Do is Step
Out of Your Comfort Zone
and Actually Talk to People
and Offer Services to People
That Don’t Even Know Who
You Are. It’s a LOT of
Freaking Work and You Will
Probably Get Rejected by A
LOT of people”
How Did I Launch This...
I know little about social media, and I have little or no
presence in the IM space
I’m not the face of this product
A new social media management company partnered
with on this product because of my copywriting, product
management and jv getting skills
I convinced 1 big affiliate to promote it and then shared
the results with other affiliates and booked 10 more
What Happened...
Results from first webinar: 1800 Registered, 600 on,
$48,000 Collected Sales, $14 EPC (gross) and $7 EPC (net)
There were 4 Big Objections that people were typing in that
we didn’t address much
We reworked the presentation, did an encore and a replay
link and collected 100k and ended up at $20 EPC (gross)
and $10 EPC (net)
“But I Still Don’t Have a Product
and I’m Not an Expert”
I’ve Also Created...
I’ve Also Created...
Note Buying Product

A Real Estate Social Media Product
A Real Estate Forensic Audit Product
A How to Negotiate a Short Sale in 30
days Product
How to Buy at the Foreclosure
Auction in all 50 States with no money
and no credit

And I Know Little Or Nothing About All of Those Subjects
My Product Creation Formula...
Step 1 - Figure out who your Homer Simpson is in your niche and every single reason why
he wouldn’t buy a product
Step 2 - Come up with an idea for the perfect product idea that overcomes almost every
one of Homers objections
Step 2 A - Bonus Points - If you can come up with something that hasn’t been done
before that will CRUSH instead of just convert.
Step 3 - Go do your research and come up with the names of 6 Different Training Modules
in the order that they would need to do everything to get results
Step 4 - Go find the content, networking, Facebook (believe it or not) and find 2-6 content
people that will each contribute 1 or 2 training modules or more each. Try to make it a
“win-win” without actually giving them a piece of the pie.
Step 5 - Create the content or Write the sales letter, or webinar and launch it first and sell it
as a “coaching program”.
Another Things to Consider
Coming Up With a Product Idea...
Coming Up With a Product Idea...
Does My Product Have Mass Appeal
Or Is It More “Niched”?
Imagine You’re In a Shopping Mall And You Scream
At The Top Of Your Lungs What You’re Product Does...
Niched Product
“I’m going to show you how
to engineer your website so
it is completely Google slap
so you’ll be able to get more
traffic then you know what to
do with ask me how...”

Mass Appeal Product

“I’m going to show you how
anyone can get rock hard six
pack abs even if you’re old,
out of shape and you hate
working out...”
More Recent Case Study...
Remember the Real Estate Homer
Real Have Any Niche
Homer Doesn’t Estate Money to Buy Real
He Doesn’t Have Any Credit to Get Mortgages On
He Doesn’t Want to Talk to Banks
He Doesn’t Want to Have to Deal With Real Estate
He Doesn’t Want to Build Relationships with Private
Lenders in his Area
He Doesn’t Want to Spend a Ton of Money on
He Wants to Wake Up out of Bed, Check His Email
and Have Buyer and Seller Leads in his Email Inbox
Homer thinks that Real Estate gurus only make
More Recent Case Study...
Shows you how to get leads on
the Internet for real estate
investors for free and then flip
them to other investors
One problem - I knew little or
nothing about getting real estate
leads and wasn’t actually doing
this strategy myself
But this guy did...
Meet Matt Andrews
Wholesales several properties per
month and also owns a large
portfolio of properties
He’s the real deal
Here is the thing though - he
doesn’t know a thing about
information marketing and he
doesn’t want to learn how.
Good USP
“This Will Show You How to
Generate More Real Estate
Leads Than You Know What
Do With and Generate Cash
With No Money, Credit, All
Free Traffic Sources and
Without Having Any
or Headaches”

“All You Have to Do Is Create
Several Youtube Videos, Setup a
Blog and Hang Out in FB Groups
and Linkedin Forums Until You
Start to Get Leads to Your Blog
and Then Actually Talk to the
Serious Buyers and Then Start
Flipping Them Houses. You’ll
Probably Get Zero Results For
the First 2 Weeks or Maybe
Even Longer”
Publishing Deal With Matt
The Results
Cut Matt in for 20% of the profits (not to
The Results
mention he now has “guru” type status
which has caused his real estate
business to explode).

Wrote all the copy and created the
Did over $140,000 in revenue the first
month it was released.
It was sold as the “Nathan and Matt
Product” so I still also got the “guru
authority” even though I knew little about
this topic when I started to create the
So I Knew Nothing Little About This Topic, Yet I
a High Quality Product With Someone That Was
Real Deal That Overcame All of “Homers”
That Truly Helped People. We’re Already Getting
Testimonials From People That Have Made Money
With This Product and It’s Only Been a Month.

My Life Doesn’t Suck!!
There Are Ways to Use This
“Awareness of Homer” Power
For Evil However. Make Sure You
Only Use Your “Powers” For
Only Use Your “Powers” For
Only Use Your “Powers” For
3 Best Places to Get Traffic...
PPC (Pay Per Click)
Email Drops (a type of media buy)
Traffic Source #1 PPC
Traffic Source #2 - Email Drops
Home School Niche
12 Month Curriculum that teaches Entrepreneurial Mindset,
Money Management, Internet Marketing, E-Bay, Affiliates
marketing, Video Marketing, Social Media & Real Estate 101.
Price Point 97 per month x 12 or 1 payment of $597 for the
whole thing
It’s Buyer isHomer... Marge
Not an Ultra Conservative
Stay at Home Mom.
They typically have between 4 and
14 kids
Lot of them are “anti government”,
they take a lot of heat for home
schooling their kids and they have a
much bigger sense of responsibility
than most.
She and her husband homer wants
How did I pull this off....
Lined up content people to come up with any of the content
that I am not an expert in (I just asked them to do it and they
said yes).
Attended the Florida Parent Educators Association Home
School Trade Show in Orlando FL 18 months ago.
Googled the Chairmen of the FPEA and emailed him...
Next I did a test for a Media Buy...
Step 1 find a list
Step 2 call the broker or the advertising section
Step 3 try to do a test first
Step 4 schedule them to drop an email to their list
Tested on this channel
What Happened...
1 Article emailed out to 94,000
home school families for $2500
Split Tested $297 vs. $597
$597 Converted Better!
Doubled my money on this first
email drop.
Did 3 More email drops all at
renegotiated price of $1500 per
email and brought in $17,000
(over 4 to 1 on the front end).
Ultimate Homer Simpson Case Study
(Personal Development Niche)

The Secret Book/Audio Book/DVD
All you have to do is think about stuff and “manifest
it” and it will just happen... no action required!
Push Button Personal Development!
Reality Check: This is a good product to have the
right mindset but it left out the crucial key ingredient
of taking action.
My Personal Breakthrough...

o You Ever Hear Those Personal Development Gurus Say Things Like

“...Just manifest it...”
“...thoughts become things...”
“...You need to raise your 

“...think and say positive thoughts...”
“...You need to put off more
positive energy...”
Famous Quote...
"I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can 
do things like this and much more. You can even say to this 
mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it 
will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, 
you will receive it."
Jesus Christ
Matthew 21:21­22
Back in December of 2007...
I was trying to do real estate and find
my “thing”, trying to close short sales
The Market Crashed
I had just short sold my own house
Credit score was less than 580
Had less than $5,000 in my bank
account and a ton of debt
The Goal Was to Make a Change...

Brand New Condo Building - Grand
Central at Kennedy

Builder was stuck with the units was
renting them out
Speculators that already bought
them were stuck with them
Rental listing sitting on the market for
90-180 days or more
1200-1500 sq ft 2 bedroom condos
ranged between $1900-$2500 per
The Goal Was to Make a Change...
What Happened?
When To The Main
Sales Office

Got On Craigslist
and Made Offers

Got On the MLS
and Made Offers

Got On the MLS
and Made Offers
What is a Piker?
They take the “blue pill”
They have a very low level
They blame everyone else for
their problems (the government,
the economy, those “crooked
gurus” etc.)
They want someone else to do
everything for them

I’m a
Examples of a Piker...
People that try to tear down
society by spreading negativity
People that write stuff on the Rip
Off Report
People that write Letters of
People that show up to protest
People that watch CNN (just
kidding :) )
Why it Not Their Fault?

They way they were raised

The way society and the media
twist everything to make them ok
to feel like a victim
The negative friends that they
hang out without even realizing
what it’s doing to them because
nobody told them
Physical or mental abuse,
probably more reasons than I’m
even listing or are even aware of.
Been Made Aware That He/She
a Piker, Then From That Point
Forward It Is Their Fault If They
Continue To Go Down the Same
What Happened?
When To The Main
Sales Office

Got On the MLS
and Made Offers

Got On the MLS
and Made Offers

Got On Craigslist
Looked Up Address
and Made Offers on Property Appraiser

Reverse Engineered
the MLS and Located
the Owner List On
The Clerks Site!
What Happened?
Cold Called Every
Single Owner and
Pretty Much Still
Got Rejected

1 Guy Called Me
Back the Next Day...
What Happened?

What Happened Next...
Step 1: Made Friends With
the Mortgage Company Next
Door and Asked if I Could Send
Him Business.
Step 2: “Hey Jeff, Can you Introduce
me to that real estate Agent?”
The Goal: Infiltrate the Keller
Williams Office Downstairs

Step 3: Got Jeff’s Endorsement
and Started Working With 2 Agents
in That Office
Step 4: Built My Pipeline Up to over
100 short sales and made $118,619.87
in the Month of June of 2008
What Happened Next...

Then This Guy
Called Me to Take
Me to Lunch.
When To The Main
Sales Office

Got On Craigslist
and Made Offers

Got On the MLS
and Made Offers

Got On the MLS
and Made Offers

Remember... If I Would Have
Given Up Here None of This
Would Have Happened!
What’s the Point Of this Story...


Having “the stuff” is necessary... but it only makes up about 10% of the
reason why you succeed.


Being able to network... influence, get people to like you and want to
work with you is the reason why you can start at the top so quickly.


The term “Be Bold. Make Things Happen.” is a phrase that you need to
constantly be playing in your mind whenever you you are struggling with
one obstacle in whatever you are trying to accomplish.
This is Why I Hate the
Term “Blue Print”...
Term “Blue Print”...

“Just follow our simple 4 step blue print and you’re rich!”
So Why Am I Such a Good Influencer?


Pattern Interrupt... everyone I talk to
remembers me.

(I have no idea why people
remember me)
What’s Different About These People...
So Why Am I Such a Good Influencer?


Pattern Interrupt... everyone I talk to
remembers me.

•I introduce people to other people when
it has absolutely NO personal or financial
gain for myself.

•I build up peoples ego without even

realizing it when I’m networking. My
endorsements get’s people to actually do
business with them.

(I have no idea why people
remember me)
Why is it So Important to be a person of
Influence in ANY BUSINESS?
If You’re buying and selling real estate and you can’t get real
estate agents, homeowners, buyers and private lenders you
can’t make money.
If You go to college and want to get a job and think you’re
just going to find one in the unemployment section in this
economy you’ve lost your mine.
If you knew everything that there is to know about Internet
marketing but you can’t get jv’s to blast your offer, get free
content from people for your products, can’t find a decent
web guy, can’t build a strong bond with you customer (this
list is endless really) your success will be mediocre at best.
I am on a first name bases with
people with big lists in the...
people with big lists in the...
Real Estate Niche
Social Media Niche
Home School Niche
Forex Trading Niche
Stock Trading Niche
Golf Niche

Personal Development
Internet Marketing Niche
Dating/Pickup Niche
Survival Niche
Mixed Martial Arts/Self
Defense Niche
Top Reasons Why Most People Fail?


They worry too much about “the stuff” and not enough about their
network of friends and associates and their influence.


They’re never Bold and refuse to Make Things Happen (we call
these people “Pikers”).


There is no accountability, they have no skin in the game and they
don’t declare that they are going to do this.
So Why am I Doing
This Webinar?
Who is this for?
If you have a product idea that you want to take online.
If you have no product or idea, I’ll show you how to partner
with someone that has a product idea and influence them to
want you to do all of their marketing for you.
If you’re buying and selling real estate and want to be a local
celebrity in your area with a big email list and plenty of
influence to get sellers, buyers, real estate agents, private
lenders to work with you.
But it won’t be for
Actually, I’m not even
accepting everyone
There is nothing you can
buy today as I’m doing
this by application ONLY
Case Study #1
Jason Lucchessi
Jason Lucchessi
Before Breakthrough Black Box Club
Didn’t have his own product. Made
about $10,000 in affiliate commissions
in a year selling other peoples stuff
After Breakthrough Black Box Club
Generated over $600,000 on the
Internet in less than a year
Case Study #2
Matt Arroyo
Matt Arroyo
Before Breakthrough Black Box Club
Didn’t have his own product. Made
$0 Dollars On the Internet.
After Breakthrough Black Box Club
Generated over $70,000 on the
Internet so far.
Case Study #3
Carrie Wilbur
Carrie Wilbur
Before Breakthrough Black Box Club
Didn’t have her own product. Made
$0 Dollars On the Internet.
After Breakthrough Black Box Club
Created her first product... while
Has generated over $250,000 on the
Internet her first year.
Case Study #4
Drew Canole
Drew Canole
Before Breakthrough Black Box Club
Owned a credit repair company (that
he hated). Had made 0 Dollars online.
Has written 2 best selling books,
After Breakthrough Black Box Club
3 different info products, a high end
fitness coaching program and has one
Case Study #5
Brian Meara
Brian Meara
Before Breakthrough Black Box Club
Didn’t have his own product. Made
only a few thousand dollars affiliate
commissions selling other peoples
After Breakthrough Black Box Club

Generated over $250,000 online his first
year for a product that he wasn’t even
the face of.
Case Study #6
Sean Terry
Sean Terry
Before Breakthrough Black Box Club
Had his own product and generated a
little over $100,000 on the Internet
After Breakthrough Black Box Club
Increased His Conversions and Traffic
Strategies and Has Done 1.3 Million
on the Internet the Past 2 Years
If You’re Accepted
“The Breakthrough Black Box Elite Training” - 8 Weeks of
Underground Information (I want everyone caught up to me
Access to all of my resources
VIP only forum
Swipe copy from all of my best offers
Personal promotion of your product to one or all of my lists
A Chance to Get Into The Platinum $100,000 Syndicate
Week 1
Be Bold. Make Things Happen.
Be Bold. Make Things Happen.
This contains a mindset exercise that I’m going to give you
that will make it so that Failure isn’t an option.
You’re also going to get instructions on how to make a
“Declaration Video” that you’re going to show to all your
friends (I may even blast it to my list)
Prepare to Get REEEEALLY Uncomfortable and Afraid to
This covers my thought process for targeting a specific
market and product idea.
It’s not about what is the best market and the best
It’s about what is the best market and product FOR YOU!
I also reveal my number 1 secret from taking a mediocre
offer into a crushing offer that all marketing gurus and “A”
level copywriters DON’T TEACH (because they don’t even
realize they are doing it).
Staying in Your Lane
This is a simple personality test that I’m going to give you to
determine what part of the business you should focus on.
What types of personalities that you should and should not
go into business with (it’s different for everyone) that will be
the most likely to succeed (and should you even get a
business partner at all).
IMPORTANT: I’m going to cover a strategy for getting free
content for niche’s that you don’t know anything about for
Cheese... or Whiskers?
This is HUGE!
I’m going to help you find your prospects “cheese” so that
you don’t even have to sell, persuade or convince them of
99.9% of marketers don’t know about this and are doing the
complete opposite.
This same tactic also works in negotiating, influencing and
picking up hot chicks :) (just kidding...kind of).
This breaks down the proper sequence that you need to
turn your offer into a “winner”.
I breakdown the differences between a video sales letter
and a webinar promo.
I also will show you 1 email trick that will double your open
rate and click through rate (hardly anybody even knows
about this and I’ve been doing it to you for months now and
you didn’t even realize this is happening)
Video Ninja
I’ll show you how to make simple, but effective videos that
sell even if you hate being on camera and are not a smooth
I’ll show you one trick that will increase your conversions on
your sales and opt in videos by at least 20% by making 1
small adjustment (Nobody teaches this stuff).
I break down what kind of equipment you can use to make
“eye popping” videos that engage and sell your prospect for
less than a few hundred bucks in equipment.
Traffic Explosion

We are going to cover all of the best traffic getting strategies
including Google Adwords, Facebook PPC, Media Buys,
Email Drops and Affiliates.
I’m even going to cover a strategy on how to get your traffic
to ethically “stalk” your client even if they don’t buy or opt in.
The “Gravy” Cash Machine
Once you have a list... now you need to make money from
people that already know who you are, like you and trust

$8,000 Value

I’m going to show you how to maximize the effectiveness of
your list, even if it’s only a few thousand people.
You will receive my proven survey template to figure out
which offers you want to promote to your list that will be the
most likely to convert.
Ninja Strategy: I’m going to show you one strategy that will
get your customers to actually pay you to take your survey,
tell you all of their wants and desires and then thank you for
My Rolodex Resources
This is crazy. Honestly, I feel a little bit weird about doing this
I’m going to give you access to be able to hire my personal
web guy, my video guy, my graphic artist, both of my email
list brokers, my ghost writer and much more.

$10,000 Value

I tell you which “Tools” I use plus what my opinion is of the
IMPORTANT: I tell you which email broadcast service to stay
away from that could cause your entire business to shut
down without warning (this is one of the most recognized
brands in the industry and most major marketers don’t
know that this could kill their business).
8 Weeks of Live Coaching Calls
Every Week (after you watch the module) you’re gonna be
able to get on the phone with me and tell me what your
concerns, objections or obstacles are and I’m going to
coach you through your problem until you find the solution
and have an answer!

$8,000 Value

You will also get to hear me coach other people in the
program which will give you ideas and answers for
question’s you didn’t even realize that you had!
I’m also going to give you one strategy that you can use in
your business that will TRIPLE your revenue from high end
coaching students in your niche while doing LESS WORK
(and have them thank you for it)
With Me Personally

$10,000 Value

I have literally had several of my clients make 10’s of
thousands of dollars after implementing just 1 idea that I give
them on a 30 minutes coaching call
You can “claim” these coaching calls at anytime you feel you
need them... even if it’s well after the 8 weeks of training are
Lifetime VIP Forum Access
Lifetime VIP Forum Access

We’ll have a special login area for the
Breakthrough Black Box Club Elite
Members ONLY.

$1,000 Value

Here you can discuss your product
ideas and what you’re doing.

Also talk to others about jv deals and
joint product projects.
Share new things we figure out
Swipe Copy of All My Best Offers

I don’t just give you the copy (Example: Email swipe, power
point slides, videos etc.)

$8,000 Value

I actually breakdown why it converted.

I’m even going to breakdown an affiliate promo that I’m 2 for
2 on, that will virtually guarantee that you win any product
launch in your niche
Product to One or All Of my Lists

Right now I have a list in the real estate, IM, social media and
home school space.

$7,000 Value

Once you can show me proven conversions after you follow
my instructions I’ll mail for it to one or to all of my lists
(depends on your offer).
Disclaimer: If your product is “sketchy” I won’t mail for it.
The Platinum $100,000 Syndicate
This could end up being the MOST POWERFUL part of the
Breakthough Blackbox Club
Automatic entry when you cross $100,000 in revenue and
can show proven conversions.
I’ll 2nd tier (10%) your offer to all of my contacts of high level
affiliates across multiple niches.
This is where I make my REAL MONEY on.
MUCH more powerful than my promotion to my list.
The Platinum $100,000 Syndicate
You can even 2nd tier deals for my offers as well, or any of
the other $100,000 Syndicate members.

$20,000 Value

Think about this... What if we had 20 members with high
converting offers and email lists of over 10-100,000
subscribers each?
Starting at the top would be EASY
This has the potential to be the biggest revenue source your
Internet business has ever seen!
My Rolodex of Resources......................................................
8 Weeks of Live Coaching Calls.............................................
2 one on one coaching calls with yours truly..........................
Lifetime Access VIP Forum......................................................
Swipe File of All of My Best Offers.........................................
Personal Promo to My List......................................................

Total Real World Value $76,000
This Is All You
Will Ever Need...
$12,997 One Time Investment
2 Monthly Payments of $7,997
$1,000 Deposit
Or Call 800-649-4667 ext. 400

(First 10 Deposits ONLY)

$7,997 (OR 2 x $4,497)
Bonus #2: Super Affiliate Training
Make 2nd tier commissions with no product,
no list and NO WORK!

$3,000 Value

I don’t want too much competition doing this
so everyone will not get this.
I’m going to share my EXACT strategy to get
affiliates to mail for your offer.
I’m even going to give you a word for word
script to use to make it seem like it you are
doing them a favor for mailing for one of your

Bonus #3: The “Balls of Steel” In a Box
Direct Mail Piece
This is a direct mail promo that you send
to “higher level people” that don’t know
you from Adam that you want to do
business with.

$10,000 Value

Example: Big Affiliates, celebrities, book
publisher’s and other people of influence
that can help your business explode.
I’m going to show test results that I have
personally achieved that gave me a
66% response rate from the “Big
(First 10 Deposits ONLY)

Huge Discount $5,000
Super Affiliate Training $3,000
The “Balls of Steel” In a Box $10,000
TOTAL BONUS: $18,000
$7,997 One Time Investment
2 Monthly Payments of $4,497
$1,000 Deposit
Or Call 800-649-4667 ext. 400
So why am I doing this?
Because NOW is the time
to GO BIG with this...
And I LOVE 2nd tier money
for doing almost nothing...
I don’t plan on ever
doing underground
training or partnership like
this again anytime soon...
You can only get this
right here, right now...
So if you’re ready to
build a REAL business..
And me part of the ELITE
Then don’t waste
another second.
Apply Now at
Or Call 800-649-4667 ext. 400

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  • 1. The Worst Webinar Ever On How to Make Money Online Everything You Ever Wanted to Know That the Gurus Don’t Tell You About Internet Marketing, And How to Profit From it. By Nathan Jurewicz
  • 3. About Nathan Jurewicz.... Was home schooled and never went to college I can barely spell or use proper grammar People stare at me in public places Did over 5 million in revenue my first year online in 2009 Is now active in the real estate, social media and home school niche Consult for several different Internet
  • 4.
  • 5. Meet My Cat, “Kitty”.... This is Kitty when he thought I was going to show some push button strategy that won’t work for the “Average Joe” on this Webinar This is Kitty after I showed Him the rest of the slides to this presentation
  • 6. The Information I’m About to Share With You isn’t sexy. It isn’t “Push Button Simple” however, it Is the Best Possible Way to Make A LOT of Money Online Very, Very Quickly it Requires A LOT of Work, Creativity, Communication Skills, Networking Skills and Possibly Even Some Small Startup Capital.
  • 7. Quality Products/Services/Software to Targeted Prospects. This Information is NEVER to be Used to “Trick” anyone into Unethically Buying Anything.
  • 8. Here is what we’re going to cover... How to take an info product, online service or software that you may have that can give someone “massive transformational value” and profit from it online. How to take info product, online service or software that someone else may have that can give someone “massive transformational value” and profit from it online. The first thing we do before creating that “winning offer”. The 3 best places to get traffic for you offer.
  • 9. Why Do I Need a Product? Can’t I Just Do Affiliate Marketing? Can’t I Just Do Affiliate Marketing?
  • 10. Affiliate Marketing is Great but... You can’t get affiliates to promote you so you can’t get a lot of the good buyers on your list. Only way to make money is to get really good at SEO (difficult to get hundreds of leads per day), get leads from free social media leads(difficult to get a lot of targeted traffic at a time) or to spend a lot of money on paid traffic (PPC and media buys). When you have a “winning offer” people will seek you out and ask to promote you. Your List will be more responsive when they are buying your products from you because you are the one providing them the information or using your product.
  • 11. As an Affiliate you’re just a little guy giving all of your You earned names to the guy with the product along hard with several other people.... Names that he is going to sell other affiliate offers to
  • 12. As an Affiliate you’re just a little guy giving all of your hard earned names to the guy with the product along with several other people.... You That Person Should Be You!
  • 13. Coming Up With That Winning Offer Forget about what you would buy Start to think about every single reason why they wouldn’t buy If you come up with new Unique Selling Proposition that hasn’t existed yet in your niche it will CRUSH! You have to make your product so that it appeals to more types of people than just YOU...
  • 14. Imagine 10 Different People in a Room that are Potential Prospects for Your Product that are Potential Prospects for Your Product 6 of Them Will Never Buy (because they are either too skeptical or just don’t have the money) 2 of Them Are More Like You and Understand That They Actually Have to Take Action To Get Results 2 Of them Want a Push Button Done For You System We Call him (or her) Homer Simpson If You Overcome the Objections of The Last 2 You Usually Will Have a Winner!
  • 15. Would Homer Simpson Buy This? He doesn’t want to actually have to create anything on his own, doesn’t want to step out of his comfort zone and talk to people and is afraid to be on stage or on video. He doesn’t want to have to hire anyone He’s either lazy or he has been taking the “blue pill” for so long in his dead end job that convincing him that your product will work for him is more important than showing him proof that your product gives real results. He buys everything online and rarely takes action The closer you can get to selling him a “magic button” without being unethical the better. You will get more affiliates wanting to promote you, you will be able to spend more money on paid traffic as a result you will have a much bigger list to sell other affiliate offers which means those affiliates will have to reciprocate. It’s a never ending cycle.
  • 16. Case Study #1 - Winning Offer Short Sales Riches Home Study Course Price Point $297-$397 Over 4000 Copies Sold USP How to Flip 5-10 Houses Per Month Without Talking to a Seller, Without Talking to a Buyer, Without Talking to a Bank and Without Even Looking at a House
  • 17. Good USP “Crazy Colored Haired Surfer Dude Makes $118,619.82 in One Month Flipping Houses Without Talking to A Seller, A Buyer, A Bank Or Looking at House!” Bad USP “All You Have to Do To Make Cash Is Go Out and Build a Relationships with Real Estate Agents, Find and Hire Short Sale Negotiators, Make Sure the Paperwork Conforms to Your State and Get Everyone to Work With You... It’s a LOT of Freaking Work and You Will Probably Get Rejected by A LOT of people”
  • 18. Figure Out What Homer’s Objections Are In Your Niche Will Help You Come Up With Stronger USP’s Internet Marketing Niche Homer Doesn’t Have a Product to Sell Isn’t an Expert in Anything Is Afraid to be on Camera Doesn’t want to learn marketing copy about how to sell to himself Doesn’t have a website Doesn’t have a list Wants All of his traffic to be free because buying traffic is bad to him Homer thinks the only way to make money online is to make money teaching people how to make money online
  • 19. Figure Out What Homer’s Objections Are In Your Niche Will Help You Come Up With Stronger USP’s Real Have Any Niche Homer Doesn’t Estate Money to Buy Real Estate He Doesn’t Have Any Credit to Get Mortgages On He Doesn’t Want to Talk to Banks He Doesn’t Want to Have to Deal With Real Estate Agents He Doesn’t Want to Build Relationships with Private Lenders in his Area He Doesn’t Want to Spend a Ton of Money on Marketing He Wants to Wake Up out of Bed, Check His Email and Have Buyer and Seller Leads in his Email Inbox Homer thinks that Real Estate gurus only make
  • 20. Figure Out What Homer’s Objections Are In Your Niche Will Help You Come Up With Stronger USP’s Dating Niche - “How to Get Chicks” Homer thinks he has to look like Brad Pitt to get girls He Doesn’t want to work on himself or go to the gym He doesn’t want to develop better communication skills All he wants is “pickup lines” because he thinks that is the secret to scoring dates with hot women Homer thinks you have to have a lot of money to get women
  • 21. Figure Out What Homer’s Objections Are In Your Niche Will Help You Come Up With Stronger USP’s Fitness Niche He/She thinks people that are in really good shape have really “good genes”. He/She thinks you have to have time to workout 60 minutes per day. He/She thinks you have to have the money to hire a personal trainer and buy all organic food and supplements. He/She thinks it will take years to get results.
  • 22. Once You Figure Out Who Homer Simpson Is In Your Niche Then You Can Go Create a Product! Then You Can Go Create a Product! Then You Can Go Create a Product!
  • 23. This Homer Stuff Doesn’t Just Apply to Information Products Either...
  • 24. Non Info Homer Example #1 Kuerig coffee maker Simply push a button and it makes 1 cup of coffee for you instantly Even though the coffee packets are more expensive than regular coffee it’s really not because someone like me is never going to make my own coffee. The packets are cheaper than going to
  • 25. Non Info Homer Example #2
  • 26. Non Info Homer Example #2 Auto ships razors straight to your door for $3, $6 or $9 per month as opposed to buying $20 Gilettes that you always forget to shop for
  • 27. Case Study The Ultimate Winning Offer The Ultimate Winning Offer Local Social Broker Price Point $997 sold via a webinar 160k sold It’s first week Very STRONG USP...
  • 28. Backend company is Maximize Social Media Social Media Management Company You can get into social media management with no product, no list, no capital, no credibility, know nothing about social media, without hiring any employees, dealing with any VA’s and actually managing anyone’s social media for just $997.
  • 29. Good USP Bad USP “With Local Social Broker You Can Now Generate Cash With Social Media Even If You Have No Product, No Email List & Even if You Know Little Or Nothing About Social Media By Offering Local Business One of The Most In Demand Services in the World” “All You Have to Do is Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Actually Talk to People and Offer Services to People That Don’t Even Know Who You Are. It’s a LOT of Freaking Work and You Will Probably Get Rejected by A LOT of people”
  • 30. How Did I Launch This... I know little about social media, and I have little or no presence in the IM space I’m not the face of this product A new social media management company partnered with on this product because of my copywriting, product management and jv getting skills I convinced 1 big affiliate to promote it and then shared the results with other affiliates and booked 10 more webinars
  • 31. What Happened... Results from first webinar: 1800 Registered, 600 on, $48,000 Collected Sales, $14 EPC (gross) and $7 EPC (net) There were 4 Big Objections that people were typing in that we didn’t address much We reworked the presentation, did an encore and a replay link and collected 100k and ended up at $20 EPC (gross) and $10 EPC (net)
  • 32. “But I Still Don’t Have a Product and I’m Not an Expert” I’ve Also Created... I’ve Also Created... Note Buying Product A Real Estate Social Media Product A Real Estate Forensic Audit Product A How to Negotiate a Short Sale in 30 days Product How to Buy at the Foreclosure Auction in all 50 States with no money and no credit And I Know Little Or Nothing About All of Those Subjects
  • 33. My Product Creation Formula... Step 1 - Figure out who your Homer Simpson is in your niche and every single reason why he wouldn’t buy a product Step 2 - Come up with an idea for the perfect product idea that overcomes almost every one of Homers objections Step 2 A - Bonus Points - If you can come up with something that hasn’t been done before that will CRUSH instead of just convert. Step 3 - Go do your research and come up with the names of 6 Different Training Modules in the order that they would need to do everything to get results Step 4 - Go find the content, networking, Facebook (believe it or not) and find 2-6 content people that will each contribute 1 or 2 training modules or more each. Try to make it a “win-win” without actually giving them a piece of the pie. Step 5 - Create the content or Write the sales letter, or webinar and launch it first and sell it as a “coaching program”.
  • 34. Another Things to Consider When Coming Up With a Product Idea... Coming Up With a Product Idea... Does My Product Have Mass Appeal Or Is It More “Niched”?
  • 35. Imagine You’re In a Shopping Mall And You Scream At The Top Of Your Lungs What You’re Product Does... Niched Product “I’m going to show you how to engineer your website so that it is completely Google slap proof so you’ll be able to get more traffic then you know what to do with ask me how...” Mass Appeal Product “I’m going to show you how anyone can get rock hard six pack abs even if you’re old, out of shape and you hate working out...”
  • 36. More Recent Case Study...
  • 37. Remember the Real Estate Homer Real Have Any Niche Homer Doesn’t Estate Money to Buy Real Estate He Doesn’t Have Any Credit to Get Mortgages On He Doesn’t Want to Talk to Banks He Doesn’t Want to Have to Deal With Real Estate Agents He Doesn’t Want to Build Relationships with Private Lenders in his Area He Doesn’t Want to Spend a Ton of Money on Marketing He Wants to Wake Up out of Bed, Check His Email and Have Buyer and Seller Leads in his Email Inbox Homer thinks that Real Estate gurus only make
  • 38. More Recent Case Study... Shows you how to get leads on the Internet for real estate investors for free and then flip them to other investors One problem - I knew little or nothing about getting real estate leads and wasn’t actually doing this strategy myself
  • 39. But this guy did... Meet Matt Andrews Wholesales several properties per month and also owns a large portfolio of properties He’s the real deal Here is the thing though - he doesn’t know a thing about information marketing and he doesn’t want to learn how.
  • 40. Good USP “This Will Show You How to Generate More Real Estate Leads Than You Know What to Do With and Generate Cash With No Money, Credit, All From Free Traffic Sources and Without Having Any Employees or Headaches” Bad USP “All You Have to Do Is Create Several Youtube Videos, Setup a Blog and Hang Out in FB Groups and Linkedin Forums Until You Start to Get Leads to Your Blog and Then Actually Talk to the Serious Buyers and Then Start Flipping Them Houses. You’ll Probably Get Zero Results For the First 2 Weeks or Maybe Even Longer”
  • 41. Publishing Deal With Matt The Results Cut Matt in for 20% of the profits (not to The Results mention he now has “guru” type status which has caused his real estate business to explode). Wrote all the copy and created the product. Did over $140,000 in revenue the first month it was released. It was sold as the “Nathan and Matt Product” so I still also got the “guru authority” even though I knew little about this topic when I started to create the
  • 42. So I Knew Nothing Little About This Topic, Yet I Created a High Quality Product With Someone That Was the Real Deal That Overcame All of “Homers” Objections That Truly Helped People. We’re Already Getting Testimonials From People That Have Made Money With This Product and It’s Only Been a Month. My Life Doesn’t Suck!!
  • 43. There Are Ways to Use This “Awareness of Homer” Power For Evil However. Make Sure You Only Use Your “Powers” For Good. Only Use Your “Powers” For Good. Only Use Your “Powers” For Good.
  • 44. 3 Best Places to Get Traffic... PPC (Pay Per Click) Email Drops (a type of media buy) Affiliates
  • 46. Traffic Source #2 - Email Drops
  • 47. Home School Niche 12 Month Curriculum that teaches Entrepreneurial Mindset, Money Management, Internet Marketing, E-Bay, Affiliates marketing, Video Marketing, Social Media & Real Estate 101. Price Point 97 per month x 12 or 1 payment of $597 for the whole thing
  • 48. It’s Buyer isHomer... Marge Not an Ultra Conservative It’s The Stay at Home Mom. Christian They typically have between 4 and 14 kids Lot of them are “anti government”, they take a lot of heat for home schooling their kids and they have a much bigger sense of responsibility than most. She and her husband homer wants
  • 49. How did I pull this off.... Lined up content people to come up with any of the content that I am not an expert in (I just asked them to do it and they said yes). Attended the Florida Parent Educators Association Home School Trade Show in Orlando FL 18 months ago. Googled the Chairmen of the FPEA and emailed him...
  • 50.
  • 51. Next I did a test for a Media Buy... Step 1 find a list Step 2 call the broker or the advertising section Step 3 try to do a test first Step 4 schedule them to drop an email to their list
  • 54. Tested on this channel
  • 55. What Happened... 1 Article emailed out to 94,000 home school families for $2500 Split Tested $297 vs. $597 $597 Converted Better! Doubled my money on this first email drop. Did 3 More email drops all at renegotiated price of $1500 per email and brought in $17,000 (over 4 to 1 on the front end).
  • 56. Ultimate Homer Simpson Case Study (Personal Development Niche) The Secret Book/Audio Book/DVD All you have to do is think about stuff and “manifest it” and it will just happen... no action required! Push Button Personal Development! Reality Check: This is a good product to have the right mindset but it left out the crucial key ingredient of taking action.
  • 57. My Personal Breakthrough... o You Ever Hear Those Personal Development Gurus Say Things Like “...Just manifest it...” “...thoughts become things...” “...You need to raise your  awareness...” “...think...feel...become!” “...think and say positive thoughts...” “...You need to put off more positive energy...”
  • 59. Back in December of 2007... I was trying to do real estate and find my “thing”, trying to close short sales The Market Crashed I had just short sold my own house Credit score was less than 580 Had less than $5,000 in my bank account and a ton of debt
  • 60. The Goal Was to Make a Change... Brand New Condo Building - Grand Central at Kennedy Builder was stuck with the units was renting them out Speculators that already bought them were stuck with them Rental listing sitting on the market for 90-180 days or more 1200-1500 sq ft 2 bedroom condos ranged between $1900-$2500 per month
  • 61. The Goal Was to Make a Change...
  • 62. What Happened? When To The Main Sales Office Got On Craigslist and Made Offers Got On the MLS and Made Offers Got On the MLS and Made Offers
  • 63. What is a Piker? They take the “blue pill” constantly They have a very low level “awareness” They blame everyone else for their problems (the government, the economy, those “crooked gurus” etc.) They want someone else to do everything for them I’m a Piker!!
  • 64. Examples of a Piker... People that try to tear down society by spreading negativity People that write stuff on the Rip Off Report People that write Letters of complaint People that show up to protest rally’s People that watch CNN (just kidding :) )
  • 65. Why it Not Their Fault? They way they were raised The way society and the media twist everything to make them ok to feel like a victim The negative friends that they hang out without even realizing what it’s doing to them because nobody told them Physical or mental abuse, probably more reasons than I’m even listing or are even aware of.
  • 66. Been Made Aware That He/She is a Piker, Then From That Point Moving Forward It Is Their Fault If They Continue To Go Down the Same Path.... Path.... Path....
  • 67. What Happened? When To The Main Sales Office Got On the MLS and Made Offers Got On the MLS and Made Offers Got On Craigslist Looked Up Address and Made Offers on Property Appraiser Reverse Engineered the MLS and Located the Owner List On The Clerks Site!
  • 68. What Happened? Cold Called Every Single Owner and Pretty Much Still Got Rejected 1 Guy Called Me Back the Next Day...
  • 70. What Happened Next... Step 1: Made Friends With the Mortgage Company Next Door and Asked if I Could Send Him Business. Step 2: “Hey Jeff, Can you Introduce me to that real estate Agent?” The Goal: Infiltrate the Keller Williams Office Downstairs Step 3: Got Jeff’s Endorsement and Started Working With 2 Agents in That Office Step 4: Built My Pipeline Up to over 100 short sales and made $118,619.87 in the Month of June of 2008
  • 71. What Happened Next... Then This Guy Called Me to Take Me to Lunch.
  • 72. Remember... When To The Main Sales Office Got On Craigslist and Made Offers Got On the MLS and Made Offers Got On the MLS and Made Offers Remember... If I Would Have Given Up Here None of This Would Have Happened!
  • 73. What’s the Point Of this Story... • Having “the stuff” is necessary... but it only makes up about 10% of the reason why you succeed. • Being able to network... influence, get people to like you and want to work with you is the reason why you can start at the top so quickly. • The term “Be Bold. Make Things Happen.” is a phrase that you need to constantly be playing in your mind whenever you you are struggling with one obstacle in whatever you are trying to accomplish.
  • 74. This is Why I Hate the Term “Blue Print”... Term “Blue Print”... “Just follow our simple 4 step blue print and you’re rich!”
  • 75. So Why Am I Such a Good Influencer? • Pattern Interrupt... everyone I talk to remembers me. (I have no idea why people remember me)
  • 76. What’s Different About These People...
  • 77. So Why Am I Such a Good Influencer? • Pattern Interrupt... everyone I talk to remembers me. •I introduce people to other people when it has absolutely NO personal or financial gain for myself. •I build up peoples ego without even realizing it when I’m networking. My endorsements get’s people to actually do business with them. (I have no idea why people remember me)
  • 78. Why is it So Important to be a person of Influence in ANY BUSINESS? If You’re buying and selling real estate and you can’t get real estate agents, homeowners, buyers and private lenders you can’t make money. If You go to college and want to get a job and think you’re just going to find one in the unemployment section in this economy you’ve lost your mine. If you knew everything that there is to know about Internet marketing but you can’t get jv’s to blast your offer, get free content from people for your products, can’t find a decent web guy, can’t build a strong bond with you customer (this list is endless really) your success will be mediocre at best.
  • 79. I am on a first name bases with people with big lists in the... people with big lists in the... Real Estate Niche Social Media Niche Home School Niche Forex Trading Niche Stock Trading Niche Golf Niche Personal Development Niche Internet Marketing Niche Dating/Pickup Niche Survival Niche Health/Fitness Mixed Martial Arts/Self Defense Niche
  • 80. Top Reasons Why Most People Fail? • They worry too much about “the stuff” and not enough about their network of friends and associates and their influence. • They’re never Bold and refuse to Make Things Happen (we call these people “Pikers”). • There is no accountability, they have no skin in the game and they don’t declare that they are going to do this.
  • 81. So Why am I Doing This Webinar?
  • 82. Who is this for? If you have a product idea that you want to take online. If you have no product or idea, I’ll show you how to partner with someone that has a product idea and influence them to want you to do all of their marketing for you. If you’re buying and selling real estate and want to be a local celebrity in your area with a big email list and plenty of influence to get sellers, buyers, real estate agents, private lenders to work with you.
  • 83. But it won’t be for everyone
  • 84. Actually, I’m not even accepting everyone
  • 85. There is nothing you can buy today as I’m doing this by application ONLY
  • 87.
  • 88. Case Study #1 Jason Lucchessi Jason Lucchessi Before Breakthrough Black Box Club Didn’t have his own product. Made about $10,000 in affiliate commissions in a year selling other peoples stuff After Breakthrough Black Box Club Generated over $600,000 on the Internet in less than a year
  • 89. Case Study #2 Matt Arroyo Matt Arroyo Before Breakthrough Black Box Club Didn’t have his own product. Made $0 Dollars On the Internet. After Breakthrough Black Box Club Generated over $70,000 on the Internet so far.
  • 90. Case Study #3 Carrie Wilbur Carrie Wilbur Before Breakthrough Black Box Club Didn’t have her own product. Made $0 Dollars On the Internet. After Breakthrough Black Box Club Created her first product... while pregnant. Has generated over $250,000 on the Internet her first year.
  • 91. Case Study #4 Drew Canole Drew Canole Before Breakthrough Black Box Club Owned a credit repair company (that he hated). Had made 0 Dollars online. Has written 2 best selling books, created After Breakthrough Black Box Club 3 different info products, a high end $10,000 fitness coaching program and has one of
  • 92. Case Study #5 Brian Meara Brian Meara Before Breakthrough Black Box Club Didn’t have his own product. Made only a few thousand dollars affiliate commissions selling other peoples stuff. After Breakthrough Black Box Club Generated over $250,000 online his first year for a product that he wasn’t even the face of.
  • 93. Case Study #6 Sean Terry Sean Terry Before Breakthrough Black Box Club Had his own product and generated a little over $100,000 on the Internet After Breakthrough Black Box Club Increased His Conversions and Traffic Strategies and Has Done 1.3 Million on the Internet the Past 2 Years
  • 94. If You’re Accepted “The Breakthrough Black Box Elite Training” - 8 Weeks of Underground Information (I want everyone caught up to me ASAP) Access to all of my resources VIP only forum Swipe copy from all of my best offers Personal promotion of your product to one or all of my lists A Chance to Get Into The Platinum $100,000 Syndicate
  • 95. Week 1 Be Bold. Make Things Happen. Be Bold. Make Things Happen. This contains a mindset exercise that I’m going to give you that will make it so that Failure isn’t an option. You’re also going to get instructions on how to make a “Declaration Video” that you’re going to show to all your friends (I may even blast it to my list) Prepare to Get REEEEALLY Uncomfortable and Afraid to Fail.
  • 96. Awareness This covers my thought process for targeting a specific market and product idea. It’s not about what is the best market and the best product... It’s about what is the best market and product FOR YOU! I also reveal my number 1 secret from taking a mediocre offer into a crushing offer that all marketing gurus and “A” level copywriters DON’T TEACH (because they don’t even realize they are doing it).
  • 97. Staying in Your Lane This is a simple personality test that I’m going to give you to determine what part of the business you should focus on. What types of personalities that you should and should not go into business with (it’s different for everyone) that will be the most likely to succeed (and should you even get a business partner at all). IMPORTANT: I’m going to cover a strategy for getting free content for niche’s that you don’t know anything about for FREE!
  • 98. Cheese... or Whiskers? This is HUGE! I’m going to help you find your prospects “cheese” so that you don’t even have to sell, persuade or convince them of anything! 99.9% of marketers don’t know about this and are doing the complete opposite. This same tactic also works in negotiating, influencing and picking up hot chicks :) (just kidding...kind of).
  • 99. This breaks down the proper sequence that you need to turn your offer into a “winner”. I breakdown the differences between a video sales letter and a webinar promo. I also will show you 1 email trick that will double your open rate and click through rate (hardly anybody even knows about this and I’ve been doing it to you for months now and you didn’t even realize this is happening)
  • 100. Video Ninja I’ll show you how to make simple, but effective videos that sell even if you hate being on camera and are not a smooth talker. I’ll show you one trick that will increase your conversions on your sales and opt in videos by at least 20% by making 1 small adjustment (Nobody teaches this stuff). I break down what kind of equipment you can use to make “eye popping” videos that engage and sell your prospect for less than a few hundred bucks in equipment.
  • 101. Traffic Explosion We are going to cover all of the best traffic getting strategies including Google Adwords, Facebook PPC, Media Buys, Email Drops and Affiliates. I’m even going to cover a strategy on how to get your traffic to ethically “stalk” your client even if they don’t buy or opt in.
  • 102. The “Gravy” Cash Machine Once you have a list... now you need to make money from people that already know who you are, like you and trust you. $8,000 Value I’m going to show you how to maximize the effectiveness of your list, even if it’s only a few thousand people. You will receive my proven survey template to figure out which offers you want to promote to your list that will be the most likely to convert. Ninja Strategy: I’m going to show you one strategy that will get your customers to actually pay you to take your survey, tell you all of their wants and desires and then thank you for
  • 103. My Rolodex Resources This is crazy. Honestly, I feel a little bit weird about doing this I’m going to give you access to be able to hire my personal web guy, my video guy, my graphic artist, both of my email list brokers, my ghost writer and much more. $10,000 Value I tell you which “Tools” I use plus what my opinion is of the competition. IMPORTANT: I tell you which email broadcast service to stay away from that could cause your entire business to shut down without warning (this is one of the most recognized brands in the industry and most major marketers don’t know that this could kill their business).
  • 104. 8 Weeks of Live Coaching Calls Every Week (after you watch the module) you’re gonna be able to get on the phone with me and tell me what your concerns, objections or obstacles are and I’m going to coach you through your problem until you find the solution and have an answer! $8,000 Value You will also get to hear me coach other people in the program which will give you ideas and answers for question’s you didn’t even realize that you had! I’m also going to give you one strategy that you can use in your business that will TRIPLE your revenue from high end coaching students in your niche while doing LESS WORK (and have them thank you for it)
  • 105. With Me Personally $10,000 Value I have literally had several of my clients make 10’s of thousands of dollars after implementing just 1 idea that I give them on a 30 minutes coaching call You can “claim” these coaching calls at anytime you feel you need them... even if it’s well after the 8 weeks of training are over.
  • 107. Lifetime VIP Forum Access We’ll have a special login area for the Breakthrough Black Box Club Elite Members ONLY. $1,000 Value Here you can discuss your product ideas and what you’re doing. Also talk to others about jv deals and joint product projects. Share new things we figure out
  • 108. Swipe Copy of All My Best Offers I don’t just give you the copy (Example: Email swipe, power point slides, videos etc.) $8,000 Value I actually breakdown why it converted. I’m even going to breakdown an affiliate promo that I’m 2 for 2 on, that will virtually guarantee that you win any product launch in your niche
  • 109. Product to One or All Of my Lists Right now I have a list in the real estate, IM, social media and home school space. $7,000 Value Once you can show me proven conversions after you follow my instructions I’ll mail for it to one or to all of my lists (depends on your offer). Disclaimer: If your product is “sketchy” I won’t mail for it.
  • 110. The Platinum $100,000 Syndicate This could end up being the MOST POWERFUL part of the Breakthough Blackbox Club Automatic entry when you cross $100,000 in revenue and can show proven conversions. I’ll 2nd tier (10%) your offer to all of my contacts of high level affiliates across multiple niches. This is where I make my REAL MONEY on. MUCH more powerful than my promotion to my list.
  • 111. The Platinum $100,000 Syndicate You can even 2nd tier deals for my offers as well, or any of the other $100,000 Syndicate members. $20,000 Value (Priceless) Think about this... What if we had 20 members with high converting offers and email lists of over 10-100,000 subscribers each? Starting at the top would be EASY This has the potential to be the biggest revenue source your Internet business has ever seen!
  • 112. $8,000 My Rolodex of Resources...................................................... $10,000 8 Weeks of Live Coaching Calls............................................. $10,000 2 one on one coaching calls with yours truly.......................... $10,000 Lifetime Access VIP Forum...................................................... $1,000 Swipe File of All of My Best Offers......................................... $10,000 Personal Promo to My List...................................................... $7,000 Total Real World Value $76,000
  • 113. This Is All You Will Ever Need...
  • 114. THE BOTTOM LINE $12,997 One Time Investment Or 2 Monthly Payments of $7,997
  • 115. BY APPLICATION ONLY $1,000 Deposit Or Call 800-649-4667 ext. 400
  • 116. FAST ACTION BONUSES Bonus #1: HUGE DISCOUNT (First 10 Deposits ONLY) $7,997 (OR 2 x $4,497)
  • 117. FAST ACTION BONUSES Bonus #2: Super Affiliate Training Make 2nd tier commissions with no product, no list and NO WORK! $3,000 Value I don’t want too much competition doing this so everyone will not get this. I’m going to share my EXACT strategy to get affiliates to mail for your offer. I’m even going to give you a word for word script to use to make it seem like it you are doing them a favor for mailing for one of your JV’s.
  • 118. FAST ACTION BONUSES Bonus #3: The “Balls of Steel” In a Box Direct Mail Piece This is a direct mail promo that you send to “higher level people” that don’t know you from Adam that you want to do business with. $10,000 Value Example: Big Affiliates, celebrities, book publisher’s and other people of influence that can help your business explode. I’m going to show test results that I have personally achieved that gave me a 66% response rate from the “Big
  • 119. FAST ACTION BONUSES (First 10 Deposits ONLY) Huge Discount $5,000 Super Affiliate Training $3,000 The “Balls of Steel” In a Box $10,000 TOTAL BONUS: $18,000
  • 120. THE BOTTOM LINE $7,997 One Time Investment Or 2 Monthly Payments of $4,497
  • 121. BY APPLICATION ONLY $1,000 Deposit Or Call 800-649-4667 ext. 400
  • 122. So why am I doing this?
  • 123. Because NOW is the time to GO BIG with this...
  • 124. And I LOVE 2nd tier money for doing almost nothing...
  • 125. I don’t plan on ever doing underground training or partnership like this again anytime soon...
  • 126. You can only get this right here, right now...
  • 127. So if you’re ready to build a REAL business..
  • 128. And me part of the ELITE community...
  • 130. Apply Now at Or Call 800-649-4667 ext. 400