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boundaries                                                                    Spring/Summer 2011 • Vol. II • Issue I

                                                          the journal of imagining global asia

Boundaries Co-Editors                          Welcome to the inaugural print issue of Boundaries! Boundaries is a magazine of
Vandana Chauhan                                the New School student organization “Imagining Global Asia.” Imagining Global
Namrata Goyal
                                               Asia is a platform for intellectual, cultural, and artistic exchange dealing with
Imagining Global Asia                          building bridges between Asian cultures and people in a global world.
@ The New School • 2010–2011
Vandana Chauhan
                                               In this issue, we have an essay written by Kavitha Cherian on Pakistan’s political
Vice president                                 history entitled “Pakistan’s Surging Violence: How Big a Risk?”
Namrata Goyal
Secretary                                      We also have an excerpt from a short story written by Vandana Chauhan, about
Patrick Boyle                                  a little girls’ exposure to some harsh realities of life.
Nicole Courtemanche                            Matt Wice writes about a friendship he made while spending a couple of years
Communications Officer
                                               teaching abroad in Japan.
Chloe Mura
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Castano                                    We have a childrens’ short story that Shaunak Nanavati was inspired to write after
                                               a visit to the Himalayas.
Imagining Global Asia
Advisory Board
                                               If you have a creative, fiction or non-fiction piece, that you would like to submit for
Phil Ackre, The New School
Jonathan Bach, The New School
                                               the next issue of Boundaries, please email
Bruce Byers, Technology Consultant
Anuj Desi, Yale University
Faisal Devji, Oxford University                Pakistan’s Surging Violence: How Big a Risk?
Carolyn Fischer, Japan Foundation
Jaeho Kang, The New School                     Kavitha Cherian
Laura Liu, The New School
Jean-marc Coicaud, United Nations University   A string of attacks by foreign and homegrown militants in Pakistan in October has
Brian McGraf, The New School                   focused attention once more on Pakistan’s vulnerabilities and increased pressure on
Sanjay Rupparelia, The New School              Pakistan’s fragile civilian government. Instability in Pakistan has broad ramifications
Eiko Ikegami, The New School                   on regional security given Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, its role as a de facto safe haven
Shouleh Vatanabadi, New York University        for the Taliban insurgency in neighboring Afghanistan and its dangerous rivalry
Imagining Global Asia                          with India. Moreover, Pakistan faces continuing trouble attracting the capital inflows
Founders                                       needed to finance its current account and fiscal deficits and attracting the long-term
Anushay Said                                   investment needed to spur a revival of economic growth.
Chris Eberhardt
Sri Peddu                                      With U.S. policy in the “Af-Pak” region under review, these attacks underscore the
Ahmet Sibdial Sau                              stakes involved. The U.S. has allied itself with Pakistan for geopolitical reasons over
the past six decades, providing billions of dollars worth of military       offensive to retake the region, a bloody affair which displaced over
and economic aid and development assistance. Yet Pakistan’s                 two million civilians followed.
ties to the Afghan Taliban, ostensibly severed after 9/11 but in
                                                                            The army declared the Swat Valley safe for its residents to return in
fact still actively cultivated by the country’s ISI intelligence service,
                                                                            July 2009, yet the threat emanating from the area has not ended.
have been a cause for concern to the Obama administration. The
                                                                            The Swat Valley is less than 100 miles from Pakistan’s capital,
deterioration in Pakistan’s domestic security situation complicates
                                                                            Islamabad, and its location along the border with China’s restive
the administration’s goal “to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al
                                                                            Muslim region of Xinjiang poses a host of problems. Ultimately,
Qaeda and its extremist allies in Pakistan and Afghanistan.”
                                                                            full government control over Swat and its environs may be a
Added to Pakistan’s domestic political fissures, its history of military    prerequisite for wider stability in the country.
interference in politics, its simmering nuclear rivalry with India and
economic challenges, these weaknesses in Pakistan will complicate
                                                                            Nuclear-armed Pakistan
                                                                            Political security concerns have raised worries about the safety
efforts to stabilize Afghanistan. Obama has stressed that the core
                                                                            of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. Hans Kristensen of the Nuclear
American interest in the region – anti-terrorism -- lay in Pakistan
                                                                            Information Project of the Federation of American Scientists
and Afghanistan. As President Obama reassesses US strategy in
                                                                            estimates that Pakistan has 70-90 warheads. Pakistani authorities
Afghanistan, security issues in Pakistan amount to far more than a
                                                                            say that the nuclear weapons are not assembled and are stored
distraction, and experts warn that if left unattended the country’s
                                                                            separately under the strictest security. The warheads are also
problems could make Afghanistan look simple by comparison.
                                                                            electronically locked lest terrorist do manage to assemble
Growing Militant Attacks                                                    them which is a highly unlikely scenario. In order to prevent
The pact of attacks by militants against symbols of the Pakistani           unauthorized access to these weapons, reports the Council
state through 2009 accelerated in October as Taliban militants,             on Foreign Relations, Pakistan’s arsenal is under the control of
al-Qaeda cells and their allies in Pakistan’s tribal militias sought        the National Command Authority (NCA), a ten-member body,

to preempt a looming ground offensive by the Pakistani Army                 comprising the president; prime minister; chairman of the joint

against the extremist stronghold in South Waziristan. The attacks           chiefs of staff; ministers of defense, interior, and finance; director-
                                                                            general of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD); and the commanders
have grown more brazen, including an October 28 blast killing
                                                                            of the army, air force, and navy. The Obama administration has
almost 100 in the northwestern city of Peshawar just hours after
                                                                            reiterated its confidence that Pakistan will keep a close reign on
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in the country.
                                                                            its nuclear stock despite recent attacks on the Pakistani army. Yet
This capped a campaign of coordinated strikes against Pakistani
                                                                            Bruce Riedel who led the most recent Af-Pak security review for
counter-terror institutions starting in mid-October with targets
                                                                            the U.S. government, notes that Pakistan has the fastest growing
including the army’s headquarters and the Federal Investigation
                                                                            nuclear arsenal in the world and “the danger of Pakistan becoming
Agency. A few days earlier the Taliban held the army headquarters
                                                                            a jihadist state is real,” says Reidel.
in Rawalpindi under a 22 hour siege, killing over a dozen officers,
followed by a bomb explosion which claimed over 40 lives in the             Fragile Democracy
Swat Valley. More than 350 lives have been lost in militant attacks         Pakistan has only recently emerged from military rule. Benazir
in 2009 and the carnage looks likely to continue.                           Bhutto, former prime minister and the frontrunner of the 2007
                                                                            elections, might have provided at least medium-term sustainability.
Instability in Swat Valley                                                  Her assassination seven weeks before Pakistan’s first democratic
A significant part of the pressure emanates from the Swat Valley,
                                                                            elections in almost a decade instead propelled her widower, Asif
typically known as a resort area but recently the site of fierce
                                                                            Ali Zardari, to the presidency. Zardari, who spent years in prison
battles for control between the government and Taliban-allied
                                                                            for corruption, lacked his wife’s popularity and administrative
militants. In February 2009, after several failed attempts to wrest
                                                                            experience, and was further distracted by wrangling between
the region from the militants, the government assented to a peace
                                                                            his Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and that of his coalition partner,
deal, conceding to the establishment of the Islamic system of
                                                                            another former prime minister and convicted felon, Nawaz Sharif.
justice in the Swat Valley and suspending its military action against
                                                                            Their cohabitation collapsed after barely five months in office.
Taliban-linked militants in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal region.
                                                                            Sharif, a longtime rival of the Bhutto clan, has staked his claim
Clinton and other American officials criticized the peace deal,
                                                                            since as a vocal and occasionally disruptive opponent of Zardari’s
and some critics described it as a capitulation that could pose an
                                                                            government. The precarious political position of the civilian
existential threat to the Pakistani state. Indeed, by May 2009, amid
                                                                            government has only been exacerbated by the increased terrorist
heightened militant attacks, the Pakistani army began a full scale

Controversial U.S. Aid                                                      Despite supportive remittances, waning capital flows suggest
Strictures which accompany the latest U.S. aid package also                 Pakistan will have trouble financing the trade and current account
threaten to widen domestic fissures. In October 2009 President              deficits during 2009-10. Even as global risk appetite has picked
Obama signed the Kerry-Lugar Act granting Pakistan US$7.5                   up, domestic violence and security risks will make external debt
billion in civilian aid over a period of five years. The bill almost        issuances increasingly unattractive. Attractive valuations, a credit
triples foreign assistance to Pakistan, much of it earmarked to             ratings upgrade, IMF and other loans encouraged portfolio equity
help the government to invest in social infrastructure. But, in a           flows in Q3 2009, but in October foreign investors became net
switch from the Bush years, the Obama team’s aid is conditional             sellers, infecting domestic investors. Foreign direct investment (FDI)
on demonstrable Pakistani anti-terror efforts. The shift in U.S. aid,       is likewise plunging and investors are repatriating their earnings
which for the first time legislates funds for solely civilian purposes,     rather than reinvesting in Pakistan. Both short-term and long-term
has upset the politically powerful military. Pakistan’s civilian            investors are concerned that Pakistan’s security and political
government is young, with the military having ceded formal                  problems will persist for a long period of time.
control only in March 2008 after the ouster of Pervez Musharraf,
                                                                            The additional IMF loan and aid from the U.S. and other bilateral
whose nine-year military regime maintained close ties to the Bush
                                                                            and multilateral donors will be exhausted soon while Pakistan’s
administration. Shorn of power and their allies in Washington,
                                                                            security and economic conditions remain bleak. Government
Pakistan’s military has raised to the terms of the U.S. aid on two
                                                                            fiscal consolidation efforts including slashing subsidies and raising
counts: that military aid is to be distributed by civilians, and that
                                                                            tax revenues will be dwarfed by the military and development
the aid disbursement is subject to the “micromanagement” of
                                                                            spending in the violence-affected areas. With low foreign
performance reviews of the country. The U.S. Congress, in part
                                                                            exchange reserves and weak capital inflows, Pakistan could again
reacting to fears that Pakistan was diverting anti-terrorism aid
                                                                            face challenges in financing its balance of payments and servicing
to weapons systems and units geared to take on the country’s
                                                                            its external debt during 2009-10. Due to economic and security
traditional foe, India, insisted this time on strict accountability
                                                                            vulnerabilities, the IMF could further ease the loan conditions.
                                                                            Without continued foreign aid, including the planned U.S. support,
President Asif Ali Zardari believes the grant will provide a                investor confidence will be shaken again, posing risk to the asset
clean slate to Pakistan on its way to “democracy, nuclear non-              markets and economic growth.
proliferation and drug control.” The Pakistani military, joined
by opposition groups, portray these measures as an affront
to Pakistani sovereignty and accuse the president of selling
                                                                            Koki’s Café
the country short. To soothe the rising tensions in Pakistan, the
bill’s American sponsors, U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and                Matt Wice
Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), released a “Joint Explanatory
Statement” clarifying the intent of the bill and insisting it “does not     The first time I met Koki was at a potluck party in Usuki, the small
seek in any way to compromise Pakistan’s sovereignty, impinge on            Japanese town where I was living at the time. I was told by my
Pakistan’s national security interests, or micromanage any aspect of        supervisor, who had invited me to the party, that I would like Koki
Pakistani military or civilian operations.”                                 and could speak “native” English with him. This became clear soon
                                                                            after we started talking. Koki had clearly learned English the right
Fragile State Raises Economic Vulnerability                                 way: from American movies, popular culture, travel, international
The increase in political instability, the fragility of the government      friends and significant others. In short, he didn’t learn it from a
and the sustained military operations have weighed on                       textbook.
Pakistan’s economic growth during 2008-09 and slowed policy
implementation. The October violence could further undermine                I soon learned that Koki had spent time living in the U.S. and
economic activity and reduce capital inflows as investors privilege         had happened to move to New Orleans with a girlfriend shortly
more liquid and stable markets. As detailed in the recently                 before Katrina hit. He returned to Japan soon after the disaster. I
released quarterly update of RGE’s Global Economic Outlook,                 had family in New Orleans who had also lost their home in the
consumer spending and investment, weakened by high inflation                hurricane and couldn’t believe this bizarre and tragic connection.
and interest rates and a reduction in foreign investment, will remain
sluggish. RGE expects the economy will grow only around 2.0%                “No way!” I exclaimed when I heard this.
in 2009, similar to that of 2008 but well below the 6%-7% growth
                                                                            “Way,” he responded with a solemn nod.
rates of recent years.

                                                                        boundaries — the journal of imagining global asia                          3
Koki’s hair is a wild, dark mop with drastic swoops and                 to the bar after dinner. The shop was empty and as closing time
big shapes. It looks like abstract art. The image of Edward             approached, Koki dimmed the lights and told us that he was
Scissorhands comes to mind. He usually wears a tie with a black         heading home. As he disappeared into the prep area behind the
shirt, skinny jeans and converse sneakers. Like Miles Davis, Koki’s     bar, my date and I started to kiss. When we pulled away from
classic coolness is of the variety that can be appreciated by almost    each other to get ready to leave, I saw Koki crouching in a corner
anyone. The guy chain-smokes Marlbro Reds, plays a snarling             behind the bar taking a video with his cellphone, grinning guiltily.
electric guitar and rides a motorcycle. I don’t know anyone who
doesn’t find at least one of those things cool.                         I don’t consider my friendship with Koki to be a cross-cultural
                                                                        friendship. I loosely identify with being American just as Koki does
At the party, I learned that Koki’s cafe would be closing soon and      with being Japanese. But I think that we are both a little too weird
re-locating to a new spot in the same neighborhood. The menu            and stubborn to conform too closely to one group, no matter how
would grow to include hot dogs and Koki’s homemade curry. It            large and heterogeneous. I also felt that Koki’s presence eventually
would stay open later and serve alcohol. Koki and his architect         transcended friendship. While I was in Japan, I had plenty of
friend would be building this new place up from scratch. In an          surrogate family members and Koki was definitely my Japanese
effort to help get the new bar/café up and running faster, I started    older brother.
showing up at the new site and offering my services. These services
included my imprecise sawing, uneven painting and the providing         I spent my last night in Japan at Koki’s café, taking shots of Wild
of constant distractions.                                               Turkey and trying not to acknowledge that this was the end of
                                                                        an era. It’s never easy to leave a place that names a drink in
Despite my interference with the project, the bar was soon              your honor called “Bad Decisions.” In the midst of many tough
completed. With a futuristic, European feel to it, the cafe was         goodbyes, this was one of the hardest.
strikingly different than the traditional Japanese-style surroundings
of the neighborhood. Half-Star Wars and half-Amsterdam, Koki’s          Soon after I had settled into life back in the States, Koki’s wife gave
new shop became my second home for the next two years that I            birth to their first son. When his wife was pregnant, he told me
spent in Usuki.                                                         that he was going to name him Cobra, but in the end settled on a
                                                                        more traditional Japanese name. I like to think that if I was around,
After I became a regular, Koki and I reached a level of honesty
                                                                        I could have convinced him to go with Cobra. As much as I hate to
and openness I didn’t expect to find in this town. What I mean by
                                                                        admit it, maybe it’s better for our “grown-up” lives that the majority
that is that the people of Usuki were just so kind and courteous
                                                                        of our communication is limited to Facebook.
that I doubted whether my co-workers would tell me if I was doing
a shitty job at work or making a mistake speaking Japanese. Koki
didn’t have that problem.
                                                                        Bitter — excerpt from a short story
One example of this honesty grew out of typical Koki-esque
conversation regarding his fetish for calves, an obsession only         Vandana Chauhan
slightly less confusing to me than his crush on Joan Cusack. I
                                                                        Until the summer she was twelve, Seema was troubled by things
happened to be wearing shorts that day and when I spun around
                                                                        like dust coating her sweaty skin as she came home from school.
for his appraisal, he looked horrified. “Kimochi warui,” he said,
                                                                        She was careful not to sit too close to Johnny because he smelled,
which means “gross” or in extreme cases and in a more literal
                                                                        dutifully did her homework in notebooks with brown covers, and
sense, “it makes me sick.” I think that it was the latter in my case.
                                                                        heeded her mother’s call to help her chop onions or to sweep
And since that day, I’ve made it a priority not leave legs out of my
                                                                        away the dust on the main floor. Seema accepted these routines
workout routine.
                                                                        as natural and looked forward to free time when she would take
Brutal honesty aside, I believe that Koki was genuinely concerned       out her box of pencils, crayons, and pens of assorted colors and
for the happiness and well-being of his friends. Not just myself,       decide which shade of blue or shade of red she would color the
but others who were regulars at his place, unloaded a barrage of        pictures in her coloring book. Sometimes she was brave enough to
complaints on him and more often than not he had some sound             draw her own pictures on plain paper, but got frustrated by how
advice or at least a funny distraction to offer. When I had come out    they weren’t perfect outlines as the ones already in her picture
of a long-term relationship, Koki played a behind the scenes role in    book. Then she would switch to coloring within the printed outlines.
my dating life.
                                                                        One day, as she washed dishes in the sink while her mother stirred
One night, I brought a girl that I had been out with a few times        a pot of stewing potatoes, her mother said, “Seema, soon you are

going to have someone to play with and to help me take care of!”        Seema sliced through the red onion and knew that the vapors were
                                                                        rising up to make her eyes water. She prepared for the impact by
Seema looked up into her mothers face. Her brown eyes, lined
                                                                        squinting. Her mother was next to her heating oil in a pan. Her
by black kohl which had begun to smudge because of the sweat
                                                                        sharp kohl lined eyes looked at the pan but her solemn, worried
developing in her creases, looked back at her. Her mother had a
                                                                        countenance revealed that her mind was elsewhere.
soft kind expression just then, and she put her hand on Seema’s
shoulder. “Do you want a little brother or a little sister?”             Ever since her mother had hinted to Seema that she was going to
                                                                        have a little brother or a little sister, Seema had looked forward to
Seema understood and smiled as she went back to rinsing her soap
                                                                        helping her mother in the kitchen. Her mother seemed happier even
lathered plate under the faucet.
                                                                        though she never openly showed it. When she smiled at Seema
The rickshaw biked over big stones and potholed roads, jostling         there was more kindness in her face; as she prepared afternoon
its inhabitants. Seema had the misfortune of sitting next to Johnny     tea her face was pleasant. She would even give Seema an extra
today and with every hard bump on the road, plump Johnny was            biscuit at tea time. It was as if mother and daughter were silently
pushed into her side and Seema breathed in whiffs of his pungent        and constantly celebrating the new arrival.
odor. She held onto the side bars and turned her face to the
window.                                                                 Today, the excitement vanished. Seema had sensed something
                                                                        was different when she came home from school and Lakshmi, the
A small group was gathered outside Dr. Ramdayal’s Gynecologic           neighbor’s maid, yelled out to Seema from the adjacent veranda
Clinic. There was a van whose original color was white but was          that her mother and father would be home in an hour.
now brownish grey. It looked like it had driven a long way. A
board in the rear window displayed in bright red colors “Delhi           Seema had nibbled on sugary tea biscuits and sipped glasses of
Women’s Press”. Women in orange and pink salwaar kameezes,              Fanta until she heard keys jiggling at the main door. She went to
dupatta’s falling off their shoulders, and big black sunglasses         the foyer to greet her parents then stopped short when she saw
on their faces, were standing outside the main entrance of Dr.          them. Her father, a tall, thin, dark skinned man with oily black
Ramdayal’s clinic. A couple of them were holding notepads and           hair, had pursed his lips into a straight line. His eyes, brown with
writing in short fast bursts while the others talked to a man who       slightly yellowed whites, conveyed his relief. Her mother stood next
made defensive gestures with his arms. It seemed he would never         to him, her sari modestly wrapped around her head, outlining a
stop shaking his head.                                                  face whose full lips quivered and appeared to be permanently set
                                                                        in a frown. Her sharp eyes glistened. The puffiness of her eyelids
Seema surmised that the man must be the doctor because he had
                                                                        suggested they shone because she had been crying.
a big bald head, with tufts of white hair behind his ears, and big
black framed glasses on his face. The doctors she colored in her         They both looked at Seema but didn’t acknowledge her. They
coloring book often had the same features. He wore a grey stiff         entered through the doorway together and then their bodies
collared shirt, with dark sweat stains in the armpits, and khaki        separated into different rooms. Seema was left standing there,
pants.                                                                  feeling an emotional wave of a deep, dark kind. Her belly
                                                                        tightened. She went to her room and pulled out her coloring things.
“Can you hear what they are saying?” Johnny’s voice interrupted
                                                                        For the first time she put them back away in her closet again
her attention. He was much closer to her than Seema could tolerate
                                                                        without using them.
and his bitter smell irritated her so that she snapped, “No, how can
I hear from all the way here what they are talking about?”
                                                                         The stinging vapors from the onion flowed into her eyes making
“My mummy writes for the newspaper. She says Dr. Ramdayal has           Seema tear. The overwhelming natural response to wash away the
some unfair arrangement with his ultrasound technician.”                irritant melted her resolve to appear strong and she found herself
                                                                        saying out loud,
Seema pushed Johnny back with her elbow. “How do you know
these big words.”                                                       “What happened to the baby, Mama”

“I read, stupid”, Johnny snapped back. “You should be happy you         “There is no baby anymore” her mother spoke softly. Seema felt her
were born. Otherwise your mother also would have gone to Dr.            mother’s hand on her shoulder. It felt light and weak.
Ramdayal to clean you out after learning you were a girl baby in
her tummy.”


                                                                    boundaries — the journal of imagining global asia                           5
Her dad nodded. Sahana also said that she had noticed
Sahana and the King                                                    something. There was a small rash on the

Shaunak Nanavati                                                       bottom of the king’s right foot. She saw it while they were doing
                                                                       yoga together. She had looked carefully and recognized the
Sahana was a little girl. She lived in the jungle in the Himalayan     pattern of dots. Her dad’s face instantly brightened. In the evening,
Mountains with her mom, dad and little brother. Her father made        the family and the king ate a delicious meal together. Sahana told
medicines for people when they were sick. Her mom made fresh           the king that they would bring a remedy in ten days to his palace.
bread. Sahana made artwork. Her little brother mostly made             First they needed to take a journey to find a special herb near
trouble. His name was Taglu. Sahana’s father would go into the         Mantalai Lake. The next morning, the family left for their journey.
jungle. He would go high into the mountains to find the right herbs.   They walked through dense jungles, fields of rubies, quartz and
Sahana and Taglu would go with him. They were a team.                  blue mystic topaz, and high mountain passes. They saw beautiful
                                                                       waterfalls. They saw wild stallions, friendly sheep, and inquisitive
When they found the right herbs, her dad would boil them in
                                                                       goats. Finally, Sahana found the cave where the special herb grew.
water, or crush them into powder or heat them with oils. Sahana
                                                                       Her dad lit a candle and they went inside. The cave was magical,
helped her dad make medicines but Taglu was still too small to
                                                                       filled with pink salt crystals and purple geodes, with a small
help. They would bake cookies, play music, and dance together.
                                                                       waterfall and lake. Her dad knew that the herb was near the back
One day Rishi came to the village to meet Sahana’s father. He was      of the cave.
a traveling sage. He said that the king was ill. None of the doctors
in the kingdom could help him. Sahana was listening near the           When they arrived to the back of the cave there was no herb.
curtain which separated the yoga area from her playroom.               However, Sahana did see a small hole in the wall with a shaft of
                                                                       light coming through. When Sahana’s dad looked through the
“Well, there is one doctor,” she said. The sage and her father         hole, he saw the plant. He reached his hand through but could
turned to see a little girl with her arms akimbo. Her dad smiled.      not touch the plant. It was too far. The hole was too small even
“Well, yes,” her dad said. “Sahana will see the king. I will be her    for Sahana. What to do? The king would die without this herb.
assistant.”                                                            Sahana and her dad sat on the rocks and tried to think of a
                                                                       solution but could not. They were sad. Just then, the Taglu crawled
This time Rishi smiled. Seven days later, the king arrived with his
                                                                       into the hole.
entourage. Sahana’s father welcomed him with a hug. Sahana
folded her hands, and said “Namaste.” Sahana’s mom made a              He was just small enough to fit. He picked the buds off the plant
yummy healing soup. Taglu brought him water when he went to            and crawled back through. Sahana and her dad were amazed.
rest.                                                                  Taglu had saved the day.

The next morning, the king awoke at dawn. Sahana and her dad           They went home , built a fire and made the medicine. Sahana
made a fire. The king sat down next to them without a sound.           crushed special stones, boiled the herbs and mixed in the oils. It
Sahana’s dad took the king’s pulse. He placed three fingers an inch    slowly cooked over the fire for three days and then cooled. They
below the king’s wrist. He watched the king’ breath and looked         put their potion in a silver flask and went straight to the palace. The
into his eyes. Sahana’s mom taught a yoga class to Sahana, Taglu       king had become much weaker. The rash had grown. The king was
and the king. At the end of class, Sahana sang a simple Sanskrit       scared. When they sat down, Sahana took the king’s pulse. They lit
sloka softly: jai guru deva, nothing’ s going to change my word…
                                                                       a fire and
Sahana’s dad stoked the fire outside. The king told his story.
Sahana’s dad listened very carefully. The king took a nap in the       practiced yoga. Afterwards, the king took the medicine. The king
afternoon while it rained outside. Sahana’s dad spent many hours       began to sweat. He laid down and fell asleep. Sahana sat by the
in the library, looking in old books. Then, her dad went for a long    bed all night and observed the king’s breathing. In the morning, he
walk.                                                                  felt a little better. In two days, he started walking at dawn. In four
                                                                       days, he began to run. He breath deepened.
He called it: “Going for a think.”
                                                                       The king drank clean mountain water and ate fresh apples
Sahana’s dad came home puzzled. He asked her: “What do you
                                                                       everyday. He cooked his food over a fire that he built. Every day,
think about the king?
                                                                       he took their remedy. After four days, the king was better.
“I think the king is very nice. I like him.”

Above the palace, a double rainbow appeared,


on that day,

in all the villages of the Himlayaa,

kids and grown-ups

told the story of Sahana.

                                                   Author Profiles

                                                   Kavitha Cherian
                                                   Kavitha is a geopolitics analyst at Roubini Global Economics. Her
                                                   areas of expertise include Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia, as
                                                   well as climate change, nuclear proliferation, U.S. foreign policy
                                                   and international development.

                                                   Matt Wice
                                                   Matt Wice is pursuing his MA in Psychology at the NSSR. Before
                                                   joining the New School, he spent two years teaching abroad in

                                                   Shaunak Nanavati
                                                   Shaun is an experimentalist and pediatric neuropsychologist. He
                                                   recently travelled to the Himalayas where he drew inspiration for
                                                   Sahana and the King. The story was co-written by me and my
                                                   daughter, Saloni, during bedtimes over a month.

                                                   Vandana Chauhan
                                                   Vandana is completing her second doctoral year in Psychology at
                                                   the New School for Social Research. When she isn’t researching
                                                   social support systems, she enjoys writing.

                                               boundaries — the journal of imagining global asia                        7

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Boundaries 110328

  • 1. boundaries Spring/Summer 2011 • Vol. II • Issue I the journal of imagining global asia Boundaries Co-Editors Welcome to the inaugural print issue of Boundaries! Boundaries is a magazine of Vandana Chauhan the New School student organization “Imagining Global Asia.” Imagining Global Namrata Goyal Asia is a platform for intellectual, cultural, and artistic exchange dealing with Imagining Global Asia building bridges between Asian cultures and people in a global world. @ The New School • 2010–2011 President Vandana Chauhan In this issue, we have an essay written by Kavitha Cherian on Pakistan’s political Vice president history entitled “Pakistan’s Surging Violence: How Big a Risk?” Namrata Goyal Secretary We also have an excerpt from a short story written by Vandana Chauhan, about Patrick Boyle a little girls’ exposure to some harsh realities of life. Treasurer Nicole Courtemanche Matt Wice writes about a friendship he made while spending a couple of years Communications Officer teaching abroad in Japan. Chloe Mura Faculty Advisor Dr. Castano We have a childrens’ short story that Shaunak Nanavati was inspired to write after a visit to the Himalayas. Imagining Global Asia Advisory Board If you have a creative, fiction or non-fiction piece, that you would like to submit for Phil Ackre, The New School Jonathan Bach, The New School the next issue of Boundaries, please email Bruce Byers, Technology Consultant Anuj Desi, Yale University Faisal Devji, Oxford University Pakistan’s Surging Violence: How Big a Risk? Carolyn Fischer, Japan Foundation Jaeho Kang, The New School Kavitha Cherian Laura Liu, The New School Jean-marc Coicaud, United Nations University A string of attacks by foreign and homegrown militants in Pakistan in October has Brian McGraf, The New School focused attention once more on Pakistan’s vulnerabilities and increased pressure on Sanjay Rupparelia, The New School Pakistan’s fragile civilian government. Instability in Pakistan has broad ramifications Eiko Ikegami, The New School on regional security given Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, its role as a de facto safe haven Shouleh Vatanabadi, New York University for the Taliban insurgency in neighboring Afghanistan and its dangerous rivalry Imagining Global Asia with India. Moreover, Pakistan faces continuing trouble attracting the capital inflows Founders needed to finance its current account and fiscal deficits and attracting the long-term Anushay Said investment needed to spur a revival of economic growth. Chris Eberhardt Sri Peddu With U.S. policy in the “Af-Pak” region under review, these attacks underscore the Ahmet Sibdial Sau stakes involved. The U.S. has allied itself with Pakistan for geopolitical reasons over
  • 2. the past six decades, providing billions of dollars worth of military offensive to retake the region, a bloody affair which displaced over and economic aid and development assistance. Yet Pakistan’s two million civilians followed. ties to the Afghan Taliban, ostensibly severed after 9/11 but in The army declared the Swat Valley safe for its residents to return in fact still actively cultivated by the country’s ISI intelligence service, July 2009, yet the threat emanating from the area has not ended. have been a cause for concern to the Obama administration. The The Swat Valley is less than 100 miles from Pakistan’s capital, deterioration in Pakistan’s domestic security situation complicates Islamabad, and its location along the border with China’s restive the administration’s goal “to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Muslim region of Xinjiang poses a host of problems. Ultimately, Qaeda and its extremist allies in Pakistan and Afghanistan.” full government control over Swat and its environs may be a Added to Pakistan’s domestic political fissures, its history of military prerequisite for wider stability in the country. interference in politics, its simmering nuclear rivalry with India and economic challenges, these weaknesses in Pakistan will complicate Nuclear-armed Pakistan Political security concerns have raised worries about the safety efforts to stabilize Afghanistan. Obama has stressed that the core of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. Hans Kristensen of the Nuclear American interest in the region – anti-terrorism -- lay in Pakistan Information Project of the Federation of American Scientists and Afghanistan. As President Obama reassesses US strategy in estimates that Pakistan has 70-90 warheads. Pakistani authorities Afghanistan, security issues in Pakistan amount to far more than a say that the nuclear weapons are not assembled and are stored distraction, and experts warn that if left unattended the country’s separately under the strictest security. The warheads are also problems could make Afghanistan look simple by comparison. electronically locked lest terrorist do manage to assemble Growing Militant Attacks them which is a highly unlikely scenario. In order to prevent The pact of attacks by militants against symbols of the Pakistani unauthorized access to these weapons, reports the Council state through 2009 accelerated in October as Taliban militants, on Foreign Relations, Pakistan’s arsenal is under the control of al-Qaeda cells and their allies in Pakistan’s tribal militias sought the National Command Authority (NCA), a ten-member body, to preempt a looming ground offensive by the Pakistani Army comprising the president; prime minister; chairman of the joint against the extremist stronghold in South Waziristan. The attacks chiefs of staff; ministers of defense, interior, and finance; director- general of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD); and the commanders have grown more brazen, including an October 28 blast killing of the army, air force, and navy. The Obama administration has almost 100 in the northwestern city of Peshawar just hours after reiterated its confidence that Pakistan will keep a close reign on U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in the country. its nuclear stock despite recent attacks on the Pakistani army. Yet This capped a campaign of coordinated strikes against Pakistani Bruce Riedel who led the most recent Af-Pak security review for counter-terror institutions starting in mid-October with targets the U.S. government, notes that Pakistan has the fastest growing including the army’s headquarters and the Federal Investigation nuclear arsenal in the world and “the danger of Pakistan becoming Agency. A few days earlier the Taliban held the army headquarters a jihadist state is real,” says Reidel. in Rawalpindi under a 22 hour siege, killing over a dozen officers, followed by a bomb explosion which claimed over 40 lives in the Fragile Democracy Swat Valley. More than 350 lives have been lost in militant attacks Pakistan has only recently emerged from military rule. Benazir in 2009 and the carnage looks likely to continue. Bhutto, former prime minister and the frontrunner of the 2007 elections, might have provided at least medium-term sustainability. Instability in Swat Valley Her assassination seven weeks before Pakistan’s first democratic A significant part of the pressure emanates from the Swat Valley, elections in almost a decade instead propelled her widower, Asif typically known as a resort area but recently the site of fierce Ali Zardari, to the presidency. Zardari, who spent years in prison battles for control between the government and Taliban-allied for corruption, lacked his wife’s popularity and administrative militants. In February 2009, after several failed attempts to wrest experience, and was further distracted by wrangling between the region from the militants, the government assented to a peace his Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and that of his coalition partner, deal, conceding to the establishment of the Islamic system of another former prime minister and convicted felon, Nawaz Sharif. justice in the Swat Valley and suspending its military action against Their cohabitation collapsed after barely five months in office. Taliban-linked militants in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal region. Sharif, a longtime rival of the Bhutto clan, has staked his claim Clinton and other American officials criticized the peace deal, since as a vocal and occasionally disruptive opponent of Zardari’s and some critics described it as a capitulation that could pose an government. The precarious political position of the civilian existential threat to the Pakistani state. Indeed, by May 2009, amid government has only been exacerbated by the increased terrorist heightened militant attacks, the Pakistani army began a full scale activity. 2
  • 3. Controversial U.S. Aid Despite supportive remittances, waning capital flows suggest Strictures which accompany the latest U.S. aid package also Pakistan will have trouble financing the trade and current account threaten to widen domestic fissures. In October 2009 President deficits during 2009-10. Even as global risk appetite has picked Obama signed the Kerry-Lugar Act granting Pakistan US$7.5 up, domestic violence and security risks will make external debt billion in civilian aid over a period of five years. The bill almost issuances increasingly unattractive. Attractive valuations, a credit triples foreign assistance to Pakistan, much of it earmarked to ratings upgrade, IMF and other loans encouraged portfolio equity help the government to invest in social infrastructure. But, in a flows in Q3 2009, but in October foreign investors became net switch from the Bush years, the Obama team’s aid is conditional sellers, infecting domestic investors. Foreign direct investment (FDI) on demonstrable Pakistani anti-terror efforts. The shift in U.S. aid, is likewise plunging and investors are repatriating their earnings which for the first time legislates funds for solely civilian purposes, rather than reinvesting in Pakistan. Both short-term and long-term has upset the politically powerful military. Pakistan’s civilian investors are concerned that Pakistan’s security and political government is young, with the military having ceded formal problems will persist for a long period of time. control only in March 2008 after the ouster of Pervez Musharraf, The additional IMF loan and aid from the U.S. and other bilateral whose nine-year military regime maintained close ties to the Bush and multilateral donors will be exhausted soon while Pakistan’s administration. Shorn of power and their allies in Washington, security and economic conditions remain bleak. Government Pakistan’s military has raised to the terms of the U.S. aid on two fiscal consolidation efforts including slashing subsidies and raising counts: that military aid is to be distributed by civilians, and that tax revenues will be dwarfed by the military and development the aid disbursement is subject to the “micromanagement” of spending in the violence-affected areas. With low foreign performance reviews of the country. The U.S. Congress, in part exchange reserves and weak capital inflows, Pakistan could again reacting to fears that Pakistan was diverting anti-terrorism aid face challenges in financing its balance of payments and servicing to weapons systems and units geared to take on the country’s its external debt during 2009-10. Due to economic and security traditional foe, India, insisted this time on strict accountability vulnerabilities, the IMF could further ease the loan conditions. measures. Without continued foreign aid, including the planned U.S. support, President Asif Ali Zardari believes the grant will provide a investor confidence will be shaken again, posing risk to the asset clean slate to Pakistan on its way to “democracy, nuclear non- markets and economic growth. proliferation and drug control.” The Pakistani military, joined by opposition groups, portray these measures as an affront to Pakistani sovereignty and accuse the president of selling Koki’s Café the country short. To soothe the rising tensions in Pakistan, the bill’s American sponsors, U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Matt Wice Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), released a “Joint Explanatory Statement” clarifying the intent of the bill and insisting it “does not The first time I met Koki was at a potluck party in Usuki, the small seek in any way to compromise Pakistan’s sovereignty, impinge on Japanese town where I was living at the time. I was told by my Pakistan’s national security interests, or micromanage any aspect of supervisor, who had invited me to the party, that I would like Koki Pakistani military or civilian operations.” and could speak “native” English with him. This became clear soon after we started talking. Koki had clearly learned English the right Fragile State Raises Economic Vulnerability way: from American movies, popular culture, travel, international The increase in political instability, the fragility of the government friends and significant others. In short, he didn’t learn it from a and the sustained military operations have weighed on textbook. Pakistan’s economic growth during 2008-09 and slowed policy implementation. The October violence could further undermine I soon learned that Koki had spent time living in the U.S. and economic activity and reduce capital inflows as investors privilege had happened to move to New Orleans with a girlfriend shortly more liquid and stable markets. As detailed in the recently before Katrina hit. He returned to Japan soon after the disaster. I released quarterly update of RGE’s Global Economic Outlook, had family in New Orleans who had also lost their home in the consumer spending and investment, weakened by high inflation hurricane and couldn’t believe this bizarre and tragic connection. and interest rates and a reduction in foreign investment, will remain sluggish. RGE expects the economy will grow only around 2.0% “No way!” I exclaimed when I heard this. in 2009, similar to that of 2008 but well below the 6%-7% growth “Way,” he responded with a solemn nod. rates of recent years. boundaries — the journal of imagining global asia 3
  • 4. Koki’s hair is a wild, dark mop with drastic swoops and to the bar after dinner. The shop was empty and as closing time big shapes. It looks like abstract art. The image of Edward approached, Koki dimmed the lights and told us that he was Scissorhands comes to mind. He usually wears a tie with a black heading home. As he disappeared into the prep area behind the shirt, skinny jeans and converse sneakers. Like Miles Davis, Koki’s bar, my date and I started to kiss. When we pulled away from classic coolness is of the variety that can be appreciated by almost each other to get ready to leave, I saw Koki crouching in a corner anyone. The guy chain-smokes Marlbro Reds, plays a snarling behind the bar taking a video with his cellphone, grinning guiltily. electric guitar and rides a motorcycle. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t find at least one of those things cool. I don’t consider my friendship with Koki to be a cross-cultural friendship. I loosely identify with being American just as Koki does At the party, I learned that Koki’s cafe would be closing soon and with being Japanese. But I think that we are both a little too weird re-locating to a new spot in the same neighborhood. The menu and stubborn to conform too closely to one group, no matter how would grow to include hot dogs and Koki’s homemade curry. It large and heterogeneous. I also felt that Koki’s presence eventually would stay open later and serve alcohol. Koki and his architect transcended friendship. While I was in Japan, I had plenty of friend would be building this new place up from scratch. In an surrogate family members and Koki was definitely my Japanese effort to help get the new bar/café up and running faster, I started older brother. showing up at the new site and offering my services. These services included my imprecise sawing, uneven painting and the providing I spent my last night in Japan at Koki’s café, taking shots of Wild of constant distractions. Turkey and trying not to acknowledge that this was the end of an era. It’s never easy to leave a place that names a drink in Despite my interference with the project, the bar was soon your honor called “Bad Decisions.” In the midst of many tough completed. With a futuristic, European feel to it, the cafe was goodbyes, this was one of the hardest. strikingly different than the traditional Japanese-style surroundings of the neighborhood. Half-Star Wars and half-Amsterdam, Koki’s Soon after I had settled into life back in the States, Koki’s wife gave new shop became my second home for the next two years that I birth to their first son. When his wife was pregnant, he told me spent in Usuki. that he was going to name him Cobra, but in the end settled on a more traditional Japanese name. I like to think that if I was around, After I became a regular, Koki and I reached a level of honesty I could have convinced him to go with Cobra. As much as I hate to and openness I didn’t expect to find in this town. What I mean by admit it, maybe it’s better for our “grown-up” lives that the majority that is that the people of Usuki were just so kind and courteous of our communication is limited to Facebook. that I doubted whether my co-workers would tell me if I was doing a shitty job at work or making a mistake speaking Japanese. Koki didn’t have that problem. Bitter — excerpt from a short story One example of this honesty grew out of typical Koki-esque conversation regarding his fetish for calves, an obsession only Vandana Chauhan slightly less confusing to me than his crush on Joan Cusack. I Until the summer she was twelve, Seema was troubled by things happened to be wearing shorts that day and when I spun around like dust coating her sweaty skin as she came home from school. for his appraisal, he looked horrified. “Kimochi warui,” he said, She was careful not to sit too close to Johnny because he smelled, which means “gross” or in extreme cases and in a more literal dutifully did her homework in notebooks with brown covers, and sense, “it makes me sick.” I think that it was the latter in my case. heeded her mother’s call to help her chop onions or to sweep And since that day, I’ve made it a priority not leave legs out of my away the dust on the main floor. Seema accepted these routines workout routine. as natural and looked forward to free time when she would take Brutal honesty aside, I believe that Koki was genuinely concerned out her box of pencils, crayons, and pens of assorted colors and for the happiness and well-being of his friends. Not just myself, decide which shade of blue or shade of red she would color the but others who were regulars at his place, unloaded a barrage of pictures in her coloring book. Sometimes she was brave enough to complaints on him and more often than not he had some sound draw her own pictures on plain paper, but got frustrated by how advice or at least a funny distraction to offer. When I had come out they weren’t perfect outlines as the ones already in her picture of a long-term relationship, Koki played a behind the scenes role in book. Then she would switch to coloring within the printed outlines. my dating life. One day, as she washed dishes in the sink while her mother stirred One night, I brought a girl that I had been out with a few times a pot of stewing potatoes, her mother said, “Seema, soon you are 4
  • 5. going to have someone to play with and to help me take care of!” Seema sliced through the red onion and knew that the vapors were rising up to make her eyes water. She prepared for the impact by Seema looked up into her mothers face. Her brown eyes, lined squinting. Her mother was next to her heating oil in a pan. Her by black kohl which had begun to smudge because of the sweat sharp kohl lined eyes looked at the pan but her solemn, worried developing in her creases, looked back at her. Her mother had a countenance revealed that her mind was elsewhere. soft kind expression just then, and she put her hand on Seema’s shoulder. “Do you want a little brother or a little sister?” Ever since her mother had hinted to Seema that she was going to have a little brother or a little sister, Seema had looked forward to Seema understood and smiled as she went back to rinsing her soap helping her mother in the kitchen. Her mother seemed happier even lathered plate under the faucet. though she never openly showed it. When she smiled at Seema The rickshaw biked over big stones and potholed roads, jostling there was more kindness in her face; as she prepared afternoon its inhabitants. Seema had the misfortune of sitting next to Johnny tea her face was pleasant. She would even give Seema an extra today and with every hard bump on the road, plump Johnny was biscuit at tea time. It was as if mother and daughter were silently pushed into her side and Seema breathed in whiffs of his pungent and constantly celebrating the new arrival. odor. She held onto the side bars and turned her face to the window. Today, the excitement vanished. Seema had sensed something was different when she came home from school and Lakshmi, the A small group was gathered outside Dr. Ramdayal’s Gynecologic neighbor’s maid, yelled out to Seema from the adjacent veranda Clinic. There was a van whose original color was white but was that her mother and father would be home in an hour. now brownish grey. It looked like it had driven a long way. A board in the rear window displayed in bright red colors “Delhi Seema had nibbled on sugary tea biscuits and sipped glasses of Women’s Press”. Women in orange and pink salwaar kameezes, Fanta until she heard keys jiggling at the main door. She went to dupatta’s falling off their shoulders, and big black sunglasses the foyer to greet her parents then stopped short when she saw on their faces, were standing outside the main entrance of Dr. them. Her father, a tall, thin, dark skinned man with oily black Ramdayal’s clinic. A couple of them were holding notepads and hair, had pursed his lips into a straight line. His eyes, brown with writing in short fast bursts while the others talked to a man who slightly yellowed whites, conveyed his relief. Her mother stood next made defensive gestures with his arms. It seemed he would never to him, her sari modestly wrapped around her head, outlining a stop shaking his head. face whose full lips quivered and appeared to be permanently set in a frown. Her sharp eyes glistened. The puffiness of her eyelids Seema surmised that the man must be the doctor because he had suggested they shone because she had been crying. a big bald head, with tufts of white hair behind his ears, and big black framed glasses on his face. The doctors she colored in her They both looked at Seema but didn’t acknowledge her. They coloring book often had the same features. He wore a grey stiff entered through the doorway together and then their bodies collared shirt, with dark sweat stains in the armpits, and khaki separated into different rooms. Seema was left standing there, pants. feeling an emotional wave of a deep, dark kind. Her belly tightened. She went to her room and pulled out her coloring things. “Can you hear what they are saying?” Johnny’s voice interrupted For the first time she put them back away in her closet again her attention. He was much closer to her than Seema could tolerate without using them. and his bitter smell irritated her so that she snapped, “No, how can I hear from all the way here what they are talking about?” The stinging vapors from the onion flowed into her eyes making “My mummy writes for the newspaper. She says Dr. Ramdayal has Seema tear. The overwhelming natural response to wash away the some unfair arrangement with his ultrasound technician.” irritant melted her resolve to appear strong and she found herself saying out loud, Seema pushed Johnny back with her elbow. “How do you know these big words.” “What happened to the baby, Mama” “I read, stupid”, Johnny snapped back. “You should be happy you “There is no baby anymore” her mother spoke softly. Seema felt her were born. Otherwise your mother also would have gone to Dr. mother’s hand on her shoulder. It felt light and weak. Ramdayal to clean you out after learning you were a girl baby in her tummy.” — boundaries — the journal of imagining global asia 5
  • 6. Her dad nodded. Sahana also said that she had noticed Sahana and the King something. There was a small rash on the Shaunak Nanavati bottom of the king’s right foot. She saw it while they were doing yoga together. She had looked carefully and recognized the Sahana was a little girl. She lived in the jungle in the Himalayan pattern of dots. Her dad’s face instantly brightened. In the evening, Mountains with her mom, dad and little brother. Her father made the family and the king ate a delicious meal together. Sahana told medicines for people when they were sick. Her mom made fresh the king that they would bring a remedy in ten days to his palace. bread. Sahana made artwork. Her little brother mostly made First they needed to take a journey to find a special herb near trouble. His name was Taglu. Sahana’s father would go into the Mantalai Lake. The next morning, the family left for their journey. jungle. He would go high into the mountains to find the right herbs. They walked through dense jungles, fields of rubies, quartz and Sahana and Taglu would go with him. They were a team. blue mystic topaz, and high mountain passes. They saw beautiful waterfalls. They saw wild stallions, friendly sheep, and inquisitive When they found the right herbs, her dad would boil them in goats. Finally, Sahana found the cave where the special herb grew. water, or crush them into powder or heat them with oils. Sahana Her dad lit a candle and they went inside. The cave was magical, helped her dad make medicines but Taglu was still too small to filled with pink salt crystals and purple geodes, with a small help. They would bake cookies, play music, and dance together. waterfall and lake. Her dad knew that the herb was near the back One day Rishi came to the village to meet Sahana’s father. He was of the cave. a traveling sage. He said that the king was ill. None of the doctors in the kingdom could help him. Sahana was listening near the When they arrived to the back of the cave there was no herb. curtain which separated the yoga area from her playroom. However, Sahana did see a small hole in the wall with a shaft of light coming through. When Sahana’s dad looked through the “Well, there is one doctor,” she said. The sage and her father hole, he saw the plant. He reached his hand through but could turned to see a little girl with her arms akimbo. Her dad smiled. not touch the plant. It was too far. The hole was too small even “Well, yes,” her dad said. “Sahana will see the king. I will be her for Sahana. What to do? The king would die without this herb. assistant.” Sahana and her dad sat on the rocks and tried to think of a solution but could not. They were sad. Just then, the Taglu crawled This time Rishi smiled. Seven days later, the king arrived with his into the hole. entourage. Sahana’s father welcomed him with a hug. Sahana folded her hands, and said “Namaste.” Sahana’s mom made a He was just small enough to fit. He picked the buds off the plant yummy healing soup. Taglu brought him water when he went to and crawled back through. Sahana and her dad were amazed. rest. Taglu had saved the day. The next morning, the king awoke at dawn. Sahana and her dad They went home , built a fire and made the medicine. Sahana made a fire. The king sat down next to them without a sound. crushed special stones, boiled the herbs and mixed in the oils. It Sahana’s dad took the king’s pulse. He placed three fingers an inch slowly cooked over the fire for three days and then cooled. They below the king’s wrist. He watched the king’ breath and looked put their potion in a silver flask and went straight to the palace. The into his eyes. Sahana’s mom taught a yoga class to Sahana, Taglu king had become much weaker. The rash had grown. The king was and the king. At the end of class, Sahana sang a simple Sanskrit scared. When they sat down, Sahana took the king’s pulse. They lit sloka softly: jai guru deva, nothing’ s going to change my word… a fire and Sahana’s dad stoked the fire outside. The king told his story. Sahana’s dad listened very carefully. The king took a nap in the practiced yoga. Afterwards, the king took the medicine. The king afternoon while it rained outside. Sahana’s dad spent many hours began to sweat. He laid down and fell asleep. Sahana sat by the in the library, looking in old books. Then, her dad went for a long bed all night and observed the king’s breathing. In the morning, he walk. felt a little better. In two days, he started walking at dawn. In four days, he began to run. He breath deepened. He called it: “Going for a think.” The king drank clean mountain water and ate fresh apples Sahana’s dad came home puzzled. He asked her: “What do you everyday. He cooked his food over a fire that he built. Every day, think about the king? he took their remedy. After four days, the king was better. “I think the king is very nice. I like him.” 6
  • 7. Above the palace, a double rainbow appeared, And on that day, in all the villages of the Himlayaa, kids and grown-ups told the story of Sahana. Author Profiles Kavitha Cherian Kavitha is a geopolitics analyst at Roubini Global Economics. Her areas of expertise include Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia, as well as climate change, nuclear proliferation, U.S. foreign policy and international development. Matt Wice Matt Wice is pursuing his MA in Psychology at the NSSR. Before joining the New School, he spent two years teaching abroad in Japan. Shaunak Nanavati Shaun is an experimentalist and pediatric neuropsychologist. He recently travelled to the Himalayas where he drew inspiration for Sahana and the King. The story was co-written by me and my daughter, Saloni, during bedtimes over a month. Vandana Chauhan Vandana is completing her second doctoral year in Psychology at the New School for Social Research. When she isn’t researching social support systems, she enjoys writing. boundaries — the journal of imagining global asia 7