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By: W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne

Summary by: Jesse Starmer
COM 459
Value Innovation
Value innovation is created in the region where a company’s actions favorably affect both
its cost structure and its value proposition to buyers. Cost savings are made by eliminating
and reducing the factors an industry competes on. Buyer value is lifted by raising and
creating elements the industry has never offered. Over time, costs are reduced further as
scale economies kick in due to the high sales volumes that superior value generates.



                                       Buyer Value
Value Innovation
Red Ocean Versus Blue Ocean Startegy
     In the red ocean, differentiation costs because firms compete with the
     same best-practice principle. Here, the strategic choices for firms are to
     pursue either differentiation or low cost. In the reconstructionist world,
     however, the strategic aim is to create new best-practice rules by breaking
     the existing value-cost trade-off and thereby creating blue ocean.

    Red Ocean Strategy                          Blue Ocean Strategy
 Compete in existing market space.           Create uncontested market space.

 Beat the competition.                       Make the competition irrelevant.

 Exploit existing demand.                    Create and capture new demand.

 Make the value-cost trade-off.              Break the value-cost trade-off.

 Align the whole system of a firm’s          Align the whole system of a firm’s
 activities with its strategic choice of     activities in pursuit of differentiation
 differentiation or low cost.                and low cost.
Red Ocean Versus Blue Ocean Strategy

Red Ocean Strategy   Blue Ocean Strategy
The Six Principles of Blue Ocean Strategy
                  This figure highlights the six principles driving the successful formulation
                  and execution of blue ocean strategy and the risks that these principles

Formulation Principles                                 Risk factor each principle attenuates
Reconstruct market boundaries                           Search risk
Focus on the big picture, not the numbers               Planning risk
Reach beyond existing demand                            Scale risk
Get the strategic sequence right                        Business model risk

Evaluation principles                                  Risk factor each principle attenuates
Overcome key organizational hurdles                     Organizational risk
Build execution into strategy                           Management risk
The Six Principles of Blue Ocean Strategy

Formulation Principles   Risk factor each principle attenuates

Evaluation principles    Risk factor each principle attenuates
Strategy Canvas
 The strategy canvas is both a diagnostic and an action framework for building a
 compelling blue ocean strategy. It captures the current state of play in the known
 market space. This allows you to understand where the competition is currently
 investing, the factors the industry currently competes on in products, service, and
 delivery, and what customers receive from the existing competitive offerings on the
 market. The horizontal axis captures the range of factors the industry competes on
 an invests in. The vertical axis captures the offering level that buyers receive across
 all these key competing factors. The value curve then provides a graphic depiction
 of a company’s relative performance across its industry’s factors of competition.

                          Above-the-line     Vineyard prestige        Wine range
       Price      Use of
                enological marketing Aging and legacy Wine
               terminology             quality             complexity
Strategy Canvas

Four Actions Framework +
               Eliminate/Reduce/Raise/Create Grid
   The four actions framework offers an                                                Which factors should be
   technique that breaks the trade-off between                                         reduced well below
                                                                                       industry standards?
   differentiation and low cost and to create a
   new value curve. It answers the four key
   questions of what industry takes for granted                    Eliminate                   A                        Create
                                                             Which of the factors            New                  Which factors should be
   and needs to be eliminated; what factors need                                             Value                created that the industry
                                                             that the industry takes
   to be reduced below industry standards; what              for granted should be           Curve                has never offered?
   factors need to be raised above industry                  eliminated?
   standards; and what should be created that                                                  Raise
   the industry has never offered.                                                     Which factors should
                                                                                       be raised well above
                                                                                       the industry’s standard?

        Eliminate                      Raise             The eliminate-reduce-raise-create grid pushes
Enological terminology and   Price versus budget wines   companies not only to ask all four questions in
                                                         the four actions framework but also to act on all
                             Retail Store involvement
     Aging qualities                                     four to create a new value curve. By driving
                                                         companies to fill in the grid with the actions of
Above-the-line marketing                                 eliminating, reducing, raising, and creating, the
        Reduce                       Create
                                                         grid provides four immediate benefits: it pushes
     Wine complexity               Easy drinking         them to simultaneously pursue differentiation and
                                                         low costs; identifies companies who are only
       Wine range                Ease of selection       raising and creating thereby raising costs; makes
    Vineyard prestige           Fun and adventure
                                                         it easier for managers to understand and comply;
                                                         and it drives companies to scrutinize every factor
                                                         the industry competes on.
Four Actions Framework +
               Eliminate/Reduce/Raise/Create Grid

                                    Four Actions Framework

   Eliminate                        Create

                     A New

                                             Eliminate       Raise

                                             Reduce          Create

The Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create
Four Steps of Visualizing Strategy
            The four steps of visualizing strategy builds on the six paths of creating blue
            oceans and involves a lot of visual stimulation in order to unlock people’s
            creativity. The four steps include visual awakening, visual exploration, visual
            strategy fair, and visual communication.

1.      Visual         2.      Visual             3.      Visual Strategy         4.      Visual
        Awakening              Exploration                Fair                            Communicatio

•Compare your          •Go into the field to      •Draw your “to be” strategy     •Distribute your before-
business with your     explore the six paths to   canvas based on insights        and-after strategic profiles
competitors’ by        creating blue oceans.      from field observations.        on one page for easy
drawing your “as is”                                                              comparison.
strategy canvas.       •Observe the distinctive   •Get feedback on
                       advantages of              alternative strategy            •Support only those
•See where your        alternative products and   canvases from customers,        projects and operational
strategy needs to      services.                  competitors’ customers,         moves that allow your
change                                            and noncustomers.               company to close the
                       •See which factors you                                     gaps to actualize the new
                       should eliminate,          •Use feedback to build the      strategy.
                       create, or change.         best “to be” future strategy.
Four Steps of Visualizing Strategy
1.   Visual      2.   Visual        3.   Visual          4.   Visual
     Awakening        Exploration        Strategy Fair        Communication
Pioneer, Settler, Migrator Map
   A corporate management team pursuing profitable growth can plot the
   company’s current and planned portfolios on a pioneer-migrator-settler
   (PMS) map. This strategy can help a company determine which businesses
   experience the highest and lowest growth and cash flow. These are
   classified accordingly with the highest growth potential being pioneers, then
   to migrators, then to the lowest rung, settlers.




                          Today              Tomorrow
Pioneer, Settler, Migrator Map




            Today   Tomorrow
Three Tiers of Noncustomers
   There are three tiers of noncustomers that can be transformed into
   customers. They differ in their relative distance from your market. The
   first tier of customers minimally buy an industry’s offering out of necessity.
   The second tier of noncustomers refuse to use your industries offerings.
   The third tier are noncustomers who have never thought of your market’s
   offerings as an option.

                                       Second          Tier

Three Tiers of Noncustomers
Sequence of Blue Ocean Strategy
                                                              Buyer utility
                                                  Is there exceptional buyer utility in your
                                                  business idea?
                                                                                               No-- Rethink

An important part of blue ocean strategy is to     Yes

“get the strategic sequence right.” This                           Price
sequence fleshes out and validates blue
                                                  Is your price easily accessible to the
ocean ideas to ensure their commercial            mass of buyers?
viability. This can then reduce business                                                       No-- Rethink
model risk. In this model, potential blue         Yes
ocean ideas must pass through a sequence
of buyer utility, price, cost, and adoption. At                     Cost
each step there are only two options: a “yes”     Can you attain your cost target to profit
answer, in which case the idea may pass to        at your strategic price?
                                                                                               No-- Rethink
the next step, or “no”. If an idea receives a
no at any point, the company can either park       Yes
the idea or rethink it until you get a yes.
                                                  What are the adoption hurdles in
                                                  actualizing your business idea? Are you
                                                  addressing them up front?
                                                                                               No-- Rethink


                                                              A Commercially
                                                                Viable Blue
                                                                Ocean Idea
Sequence of Blue Ocean Strategy
                Buyer utility

                                 No-- Rethink



                                 No-- Rethink



                                 No-- Rethink



                                 No-- Rethink


                A Commercially
                  Viable Blue
                  Ocean Idea
Buyer Utility Map
                                          The buyer utility map helps managers look at this issue from the right
                                          perspective. It outlines all the levers companies can pull to deliver exceptional
                                          utility to buyers as well as the various experiences buyers can have with a
                                          product or service.

                                                         The Six Stages of the Buyer Experience Cycle
                                                 1.             2.          3.            4.            5.           6.
                                              Purchase       Delivery      Use        Supplements   Maintenance   Disposal


The Six Utility Levers



                               Fun and

Buyer Utility Map
                                                     The Six Stages of the Buyer Experience Cycle
                                             1.             2.        3.           4.            5.           6.
                                          Purchase       Delivery     Use      Supplements   Maintenance   Disposal

The Six Utility Levers




                               Fun and

Buyer Experience Cycle
                   A buyer’s experience can usually be broken into a cycle of six stages,
                   running more or less sequentially from purchase to disposal. Each
                   stage encompasses a wide variety of specific experiences. At each
                   stage, managers can ask a set of questions to gauge the quality of
                   buyer’s experience.

  Purchase              Delivery            Use                 Supplements             Maintenance           Disposal
How long does it   How long does      Does the product         Do you need other       Does the product    Does use of the
take to find the   it take to get     require training or      products and            require external    product create
product you        the product        expert assistance?       services to make        maintenance?        waste items?
need?              delivered?                                  this product work?
                                      Is the product easy to                           How easy is it to   How easy is it to
Is the place of    How difficult is   store when not in        If so, how costly are   maintain and        dispose of the
purchase           it to unpack       use?                     they?                   upgrade the         product?
attractive and     and install the                                                     product?
                                      How effective are the    How much time do                            Are there legal
accessible?        new product?
                                      product’s features       they take?              How costly is       or
How secure is      Do buyers          and functions?                                   maintenance?        environmental
                                                               How easy are they
the transaction    have to                                                                                 issues in
                                      Does the product or      to obtain?
environment?       arrange                                                                                 disposing of the
                                      service deliver far
                   delivery                                                                                product safely?
How rapidly can                       more power or
                   themselves? If
you make a                            options than required                                                How costly is
                   yes, how costly
purchase?                             by the average user?                                                 disposal?
                   and difficult is
                                      Is in overcharged with
                                      bells and whistles?
Buyer Experience Cycle
Purchase   Delivery   Use   Supplements   Maintenance   Disposal
Uncovering Blocks to Buyer Utility
                Uncovering blocks to buyer utility can identify the most compelling
                hot spots to unlock exceptional utility. By locating your proposed
                offering on the thirty-six space of the buyer utility map, you can
                clearly see how, and whether the new idea not only creates a
                different utility proposition from existing offerings but also
                removes the biggest blocks to utility that stand in the way of
                converting noncustomers into customers.

    Purchase            Delivery            Use          Supplements      Maintenance         Disposal

  Customer Productivity:           In which stage are the biggest blocks to customer productivity?

  Simplicity:                      In which stages are the biggest blocks to simplicity?

  Convenience:                     In which stage are the biggest blocks to convenience?

  Risk:                            In which stage are the biggest blocks to reducing risks?

  Fun and Image:                   In which stage are the biggest blocks to fun and image?

  Environmental                    In which stage are the biggest blocks to environmental friendliness?
Uncovering Blocks to Buyer Utility
  Purchase        Delivery   Use   Supplements   Maintenance   Disposal

Customer Productivity:




Fun and Image:

Price Corridor of the Mass
            This tool helps managers find the right price for an irresistible offer, which, by
            the way, isn’t necessarily the lower price. The tool involves two distinct buy
            interrelated steps. The first step involves identifying the price corridor of the
            mass which deals with customer price sensitivity and pricing strategies of
            products offered outside the group of traditional competitors. The second step
            deals with specifying a level within the price corridor which factors in legal
            protection and exclusive assets.
Step 1: Identify the price corridor                                         Step 2: Specify a price level within the
of the mass.                                                                price corridor.

Three alternative product/service types:
                                       Different form and
    Same           Different form,      function, same
    form           same function            objective

                                                                                        High degree of legal and resource
                                                                        l pr                   Difficult to imitate
                                                                er- leve
                                                                                       Some degree of legal and resource
                      Price Corridor                                                             protection
                                                             Mid-level pricing
                       of the Mass

                                                            Lower-le                   Low degree of legal and resource
                                                                    v   el pricin                protection
                                                                                                Easy to imitate
Price Corridor of the Mass
 Step 1: Identify the price                                Step 2: Specify a price level
 corridor of the mass.                                     within the price corridor.
Three alternative product/service types:
                               Different form
 Same      Different form,     and function,
 form      same function      same objective

                                                                       High degree of legal and
                                                                         resource protection
                                                           l pric
                                                        eve               Difficult to imitate
                   Price                                               Some degree of legal and
                Corridor of                     Mid-level pricing        resource protection
                 the Mass
                                            Lower-le                   Low degree of legal and
                                                    vel pric
                                                            ing          resource protection
                                                                            Easy to imitate
Profit Model of Blue Ocean Strategy
     The profit model of blue ocean strategy shows how value
     innovation typically maximizes profit by using the three levers of
     strategic price, target cost, and pricing innovation.

                           The Strategic Price

                               The Target Profit

                               The Target Cost

       Streamlining and Cost

                               Pricing Innovation
Profit Model of Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Idea Index
           The blue ocean idea index is a simple but robust test
           demonstrating how the sequence of utility, price, cost, and
           adoption form an integral whole to ensure commercial success
           through blue ocean strategy.

                                                       Philips Motorola    I-mode
                                                        CD-i    Iridium     Japan
 Utility   Is there exceptional utility? Are there
           compelling reasons to buy your offering?       -         -

 Price     Is your price easily accessible to the
           mass of buyers?                                -         -       +

 Cost      Does your cost structure meet the target
           cost?                                          -         -       +

Adoption   Have you addressed adoption hurdles up
           front?                                         -        +/-      +
Blue Ocean Idea Index

 Utility   Is there exceptional utility? Are there
           compelling reasons to buy your offering?

 Price     Is your price easily accessible to the
           mass of buyers?

 Cost      Does your cost structure meet the target

Adoption   Have you addressed adoption hurdles up

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  • 1. By: W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne Summary by: Jesse Starmer COM 459
  • 2. Value Innovation Value innovation is created in the region where a company’s actions favorably affect both its cost structure and its value proposition to buyers. Cost savings are made by eliminating and reducing the factors an industry competes on. Buyer value is lifted by raising and creating elements the industry has never offered. Over time, costs are reduced further as scale economies kick in due to the high sales volumes that superior value generates. Costs Value Innovation Buyer Value
  • 4. Red Ocean Versus Blue Ocean Startegy In the red ocean, differentiation costs because firms compete with the same best-practice principle. Here, the strategic choices for firms are to pursue either differentiation or low cost. In the reconstructionist world, however, the strategic aim is to create new best-practice rules by breaking the existing value-cost trade-off and thereby creating blue ocean. Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy Compete in existing market space. Create uncontested market space. Beat the competition. Make the competition irrelevant. Exploit existing demand. Create and capture new demand. Make the value-cost trade-off. Break the value-cost trade-off. Align the whole system of a firm’s Align the whole system of a firm’s activities with its strategic choice of activities in pursuit of differentiation differentiation or low cost. and low cost.
  • 5. Red Ocean Versus Blue Ocean Strategy Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy
  • 6. The Six Principles of Blue Ocean Strategy This figure highlights the six principles driving the successful formulation and execution of blue ocean strategy and the risks that these principles attenuate. Formulation Principles Risk factor each principle attenuates Reconstruct market boundaries Search risk Focus on the big picture, not the numbers Planning risk Reach beyond existing demand Scale risk Get the strategic sequence right Business model risk Evaluation principles Risk factor each principle attenuates Overcome key organizational hurdles Organizational risk Build execution into strategy Management risk
  • 7. The Six Principles of Blue Ocean Strategy Formulation Principles Risk factor each principle attenuates Evaluation principles Risk factor each principle attenuates
  • 8. Strategy Canvas The strategy canvas is both a diagnostic and an action framework for building a compelling blue ocean strategy. It captures the current state of play in the known market space. This allows you to understand where the competition is currently investing, the factors the industry currently competes on in products, service, and delivery, and what customers receive from the existing competitive offerings on the market. The horizontal axis captures the range of factors the industry competes on an invests in. The vertical axis captures the offering level that buyers receive across all these key competing factors. The value curve then provides a graphic depiction of a company’s relative performance across its industry’s factors of competition. High Low Above-the-line Vineyard prestige Wine range Price Use of enological marketing Aging and legacy Wine terminology quality complexity
  • 10. Four Actions Framework + Eliminate/Reduce/Raise/Create Grid Reduce The four actions framework offers an Which factors should be technique that breaks the trade-off between reduced well below industry standards? differentiation and low cost and to create a new value curve. It answers the four key questions of what industry takes for granted Eliminate A Create Which of the factors New Which factors should be and needs to be eliminated; what factors need Value created that the industry that the industry takes to be reduced below industry standards; what for granted should be Curve has never offered? factors need to be raised above industry eliminated? standards; and what should be created that Raise the industry has never offered. Which factors should be raised well above the industry’s standard? Eliminate Raise The eliminate-reduce-raise-create grid pushes Enological terminology and Price versus budget wines companies not only to ask all four questions in distinctions the four actions framework but also to act on all Retail Store involvement Aging qualities four to create a new value curve. By driving companies to fill in the grid with the actions of Above-the-line marketing eliminating, reducing, raising, and creating, the Reduce Create grid provides four immediate benefits: it pushes Wine complexity Easy drinking them to simultaneously pursue differentiation and low costs; identifies companies who are only Wine range Ease of selection raising and creating thereby raising costs; makes Vineyard prestige Fun and adventure it easier for managers to understand and comply; and it drives companies to scrutinize every factor the industry competes on.
  • 11. Four Actions Framework + Eliminate/Reduce/Raise/Create Grid Reduce Four Actions Framework Eliminate Create A New Value Curve Raise Eliminate Raise Reduce Create The Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create Grid
  • 12. Four Steps of Visualizing Strategy The four steps of visualizing strategy builds on the six paths of creating blue oceans and involves a lot of visual stimulation in order to unlock people’s creativity. The four steps include visual awakening, visual exploration, visual strategy fair, and visual communication. 1. Visual 2. Visual 3. Visual Strategy 4. Visual Awakening Exploration Fair Communicatio n •Compare your •Go into the field to •Draw your “to be” strategy •Distribute your before- business with your explore the six paths to canvas based on insights and-after strategic profiles competitors’ by creating blue oceans. from field observations. on one page for easy drawing your “as is” comparison. strategy canvas. •Observe the distinctive •Get feedback on advantages of alternative strategy •Support only those •See where your alternative products and canvases from customers, projects and operational strategy needs to services. competitors’ customers, moves that allow your change and noncustomers. company to close the •See which factors you gaps to actualize the new should eliminate, •Use feedback to build the strategy. create, or change. best “to be” future strategy.
  • 13. Four Steps of Visualizing Strategy 1. Visual 2. Visual 3. Visual 4. Visual Awakening Exploration Strategy Fair Communication
  • 14. Pioneer, Settler, Migrator Map A corporate management team pursuing profitable growth can plot the company’s current and planned portfolios on a pioneer-migrator-settler (PMS) map. This strategy can help a company determine which businesses experience the highest and lowest growth and cash flow. These are classified accordingly with the highest growth potential being pioneers, then to migrators, then to the lowest rung, settlers. Pioneers Migrators Settlers Today Tomorrow
  • 15. Pioneer, Settler, Migrator Map Pioneers Migrators Settlers Today Tomorrow
  • 16. Three Tiers of Noncustomers There are three tiers of noncustomers that can be transformed into customers. They differ in their relative distance from your market. The first tier of customers minimally buy an industry’s offering out of necessity. The second tier of noncustomers refuse to use your industries offerings. The third tier are noncustomers who have never thought of your market’s offerings as an option. Third Second Tier Tier First Tier Your Market
  • 17. Three Tiers of Noncustomers
  • 18. Sequence of Blue Ocean Strategy Buyer utility Is there exceptional buyer utility in your business idea? No-- Rethink An important part of blue ocean strategy is to Yes “get the strategic sequence right.” This Price sequence fleshes out and validates blue Is your price easily accessible to the ocean ideas to ensure their commercial mass of buyers? viability. This can then reduce business No-- Rethink model risk. In this model, potential blue Yes ocean ideas must pass through a sequence of buyer utility, price, cost, and adoption. At Cost each step there are only two options: a “yes” Can you attain your cost target to profit answer, in which case the idea may pass to at your strategic price? No-- Rethink the next step, or “no”. If an idea receives a no at any point, the company can either park Yes the idea or rethink it until you get a yes. Adoption What are the adoption hurdles in actualizing your business idea? Are you addressing them up front? No-- Rethink Yes A Commercially Viable Blue Ocean Idea
  • 19. Sequence of Blue Ocean Strategy Buyer utility No-- Rethink Yes Price No-- Rethink Yes Cost No-- Rethink Yes Adoption No-- Rethink Yes A Commercially Viable Blue Ocean Idea
  • 20. Buyer Utility Map The buyer utility map helps managers look at this issue from the right perspective. It outlines all the levers companies can pull to deliver exceptional utility to buyers as well as the various experiences buyers can have with a product or service. The Six Stages of the Buyer Experience Cycle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Purchase Delivery Use Supplements Maintenance Disposal Customer Productivity Simplicity The Six Utility Levers Convenience Risk Fun and Image Environmental friendliness
  • 21. Buyer Utility Map The Six Stages of the Buyer Experience Cycle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Purchase Delivery Use Supplements Maintenance Disposal Customer Productivity The Six Utility Levers Simplicity Convenience Risk Fun and Image Environmental friendliness
  • 22. Buyer Experience Cycle A buyer’s experience can usually be broken into a cycle of six stages, running more or less sequentially from purchase to disposal. Each stage encompasses a wide variety of specific experiences. At each stage, managers can ask a set of questions to gauge the quality of buyer’s experience. Purchase Delivery Use Supplements Maintenance Disposal How long does it How long does Does the product Do you need other Does the product Does use of the take to find the it take to get require training or products and require external product create product you the product expert assistance? services to make maintenance? waste items? need? delivered? this product work? Is the product easy to How easy is it to How easy is it to Is the place of How difficult is store when not in If so, how costly are maintain and dispose of the purchase it to unpack use? they? upgrade the product? attractive and and install the product? How effective are the How much time do Are there legal accessible? new product? product’s features they take? How costly is or How secure is Do buyers and functions? maintenance? environmental How easy are they the transaction have to issues in Does the product or to obtain? environment? arrange disposing of the service deliver far delivery product safely? How rapidly can more power or themselves? If you make a options than required How costly is yes, how costly purchase? by the average user? disposal? and difficult is Is in overcharged with this? bells and whistles?
  • 23. Buyer Experience Cycle Purchase Delivery Use Supplements Maintenance Disposal
  • 24. Uncovering Blocks to Buyer Utility Uncovering blocks to buyer utility can identify the most compelling hot spots to unlock exceptional utility. By locating your proposed offering on the thirty-six space of the buyer utility map, you can clearly see how, and whether the new idea not only creates a different utility proposition from existing offerings but also removes the biggest blocks to utility that stand in the way of converting noncustomers into customers. Purchase Delivery Use Supplements Maintenance Disposal Customer Productivity: In which stage are the biggest blocks to customer productivity? Simplicity: In which stages are the biggest blocks to simplicity? Convenience: In which stage are the biggest blocks to convenience? Risk: In which stage are the biggest blocks to reducing risks? Fun and Image: In which stage are the biggest blocks to fun and image? Environmental In which stage are the biggest blocks to environmental friendliness? Friendliness:
  • 25. Uncovering Blocks to Buyer Utility Purchase Delivery Use Supplements Maintenance Disposal Customer Productivity: Simplicity: Convenience: Risk: Fun and Image: Environmental Friendliness:
  • 26. Price Corridor of the Mass This tool helps managers find the right price for an irresistible offer, which, by the way, isn’t necessarily the lower price. The tool involves two distinct buy interrelated steps. The first step involves identifying the price corridor of the mass which deals with customer price sensitivity and pricing strategies of products offered outside the group of traditional competitors. The second step deals with specifying a level within the price corridor which factors in legal protection and exclusive assets. Step 1: Identify the price corridor Step 2: Specify a price level within the of the mass. price corridor. Three alternative product/service types: Different form and Same Different form, function, same form same function objective High degree of legal and resource protection g icin l pr Difficult to imitate er- leve Upp Some degree of legal and resource Price Corridor protection Mid-level pricing of the Mass Lower-le Low degree of legal and resource v el pricin protection g Easy to imitate
  • 27. Price Corridor of the Mass Step 1: Identify the price Step 2: Specify a price level corridor of the mass. within the price corridor. Three alternative product/service types: Different form Same Different form, and function, form same function same objective High degree of legal and resource protection ing l pric eve Difficult to imitate er-l Upp Price Some degree of legal and Corridor of Mid-level pricing resource protection the Mass Lower-le Low degree of legal and vel pric ing resource protection Easy to imitate
  • 28. Profit Model of Blue Ocean Strategy The profit model of blue ocean strategy shows how value innovation typically maximizes profit by using the three levers of strategic price, target cost, and pricing innovation. The Strategic Price The Target Profit The Target Cost Streamlining and Cost Partnering Innovations Pricing Innovation
  • 29. Profit Model of Blue Ocean Strategy
  • 30. Blue Ocean Idea Index The blue ocean idea index is a simple but robust test demonstrating how the sequence of utility, price, cost, and adoption form an integral whole to ensure commercial success through blue ocean strategy. DoCoMo Philips Motorola I-mode CD-i Iridium Japan Utility Is there exceptional utility? Are there compelling reasons to buy your offering? - - + Price Is your price easily accessible to the mass of buyers? - - + Cost Does your cost structure meet the target cost? - - + Adoption Have you addressed adoption hurdles up front? - +/- +
  • 31. Blue Ocean Idea Index Utility Is there exceptional utility? Are there compelling reasons to buy your offering? Price Is your price easily accessible to the mass of buyers? Cost Does your cost structure meet the target cost? Adoption Have you addressed adoption hurdles up front?