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Have a contact list and want to send email messages.
Have heard of email automation, but don’t
understand how it can work for you.
Have a subscription to email-automation software and
need to gain a consistent return on your investment.
Are confused about the difference between blast
email, drip email, and nurture email.
Need outside help in developing and deploying an
email strategy.
If any of these describe you, Spider Trainers can
help. We are marketing-automation architects and
we will analyze your need and create a campaign for
you that will ensure your return on your email-
automation software investment — even when
you’re feeling the pinch of full workloads and too-
few resources.
Spider Trainers is a network of more than 80 experts in
email development, web development, search-engine
optimization, analytics, graphic design, ad creation,
multimedia creation, social-media postings, writing,
and editing. We bring all of these disparate talents to
bear on your project, to ensure that every functional
requirement is met with the expertise it requires.
Our publications are designed to help you identify
need, understand the topic, and enable you to
engage in development discussion. While we may be
guilty of giving too much information, we know that
the empowered and informed client is the successful
client. We hope this guide does that for you.
We look forward to learning more about your needs.
Please contact us at 651 702 3793 or
KEYPHRASES ...................................................2
EMAIL MARKETING.........................................3
EMAIL AUTOMATION...........................................3
CONTENT TYPE ....................................................4
PROSPECT TYPE....................................................5
STAGE ....................................................................5
TRIGGERED MARKETING...................................7
SOCIAL MEDIA ....................................................9
NURTURE ...............................................................9
COMBINING DRIP AND NURTURE....................13
By most accounts, marketing automation is the
greatest thing since… well, since email marketing.
The ability to qualify leads and build demand in a
fully automated workflow frees us marketers from the
high-pressure requirements of constant writing,
email development, and deployment tasks.
It also enables us to more appropriately personalize
content and send messages that are both timely and
relevant. In this guide, we define the differences
between email blasts, drip emails, and nurture emails
and how you can use your automated-marketing
solution to subjugate these tasks.
auto-responder email
blast email
closed-loop marketing
cross-media marketing
drip campaigns
drip email
drip marketing
email automation
email marketing
email program
email strategies
how-to email marketing
internet marketing
just-in-time marketing
marketing by email
marketing strategy
multi-channel marketing
multi-touch marketing
multi-vehicle marketing
nurture campaigns
nurture email
nurture marketing
transactional email
triggered events
triggered marketing
Email marketing is the process of sending a
commercial message to:
Prospects — to determine their fitness as a•
Leads — to educate or engage them for the•
purpose of converting them to customers.
Subscribers — to keep your company top of•
mind when they become ready to enter the
purchasing funnel.
Customers — to dispel buyer’s remorse and•
impart information to promote customer
All commercial marketing emails can be categorized as
one of three types: blast, drip, and nurture. Each of the
types has a different purpose and can be used
independently or collaboratively. Let’s first get the
definitions out of the way:
Blast email. A single email commonly
used by marketers to announce
advertisements or promotions to the
majority or entire customer list. Also
known as a single-event email, mass email, bulk email.
Drip email. A series of email messages
geared toward education, branding, or
positioning of a product to prospects or
leads that have subscribed and
requested information. Drip marketing is typically
ongoing and generalized messaging.
Nurture email. A series of email
messages sent to specific recipients
based upon their previous actions or
interactions and their place in the
buying cycle. With a nurturing campaign, marketing
works closely with sales to understand the buying
cycle (sales funnel) and thus, digitally provide the right
information at the right time. Also known as closed-
loop, just-in-time, or transactional marketing.
The most-successful campaigns are those that are
relevant; campaigns with a focus on the recipient’s
individual needs, pain points, desires, stage in the
sales funnel, and more. In order to start your
campaign with relevant content, it’s best if you first
build persona profiles. There are online tools such as
these two for B2B and B2C profiling, but you can
continue to collect data throughout the campaign.
As events are launched and you begin to collect
information, these early responders can be segmented
off into buckets with others to join as their profile
becomes partially or more complete. In the first stages
of your campaign, focus on learning what types of
prospects you have and then try to determine where
they are in the sales funnel. Accomplish both by
offering links and content that discloses interest when
the recipient clicks. Creativity goes a long way in this
phase as you determine what type of text, graphics,
and marketing content will give you the information
you need.
Whether you choose to blast, drip, or nurture, there
are four types of content. Use these content types to
elicit different responses from your audience that will
help you to evaluate their stage in sales funnel:
Viral/emotional state. Appeal to your prospects’
emotions and provide content that shows you
understand their needs, goals, and pain points.
Discussion. Engage the subscriber with opportunities
to comment, complete surveys, and provide feedback.
Your requests for discussion should start small but can
grow as their commitment to the engagement
Lead. Offer high-value content such as white papers,
training videos, trials, and eBooks to lead them
through the sales funnel. As the recipient completes
forms on gated content, you will gain clear indicators
of their area of interest and level of interest.
Figure 1.1. Blast, drip, and nurture campaigns have different
purposes, but they are not exclusive in target audience or
messaging. You may choose to announce a special event as a
one-off email blast to your subscribers, but also include the same
message as part of your drip campaign.
Sales. Provide clear, concise paths for purchasing or
becoming a customer.
In order to create emails that specifically address the
needs of your audience, you must first understand
what type of prospect each represents. Sometimes
you know this information at the onset, but more
likely, this is information that you need to glean.
Triggered marketing enables this discovery and with
that comes the ability to provide answers to
individuals in a relevant and timely manner. The
types of prospects are as follows:
Most aware. Prospect knows your product, and only
needs to know the offer.
Product aware. Prospect knows what you sell, but isn’t
sure it’s the right product for her/his needs.
Solution aware. Prospect knows the result [s]he
needs, but is not sure that your product addresses
these needs.
Problem aware. Prospect senses [s]he has a problem,
but is not aware that a solution exists.
Completely unaware. Prospect has no knowledge of
product or solutions, but has an opinion.
Assuming that you know your types of prospects or
are deploying a campaign designed to disclose this
information, you must also know where the prospect
is in the sales funnel. There are many variations on
the funnel, but broadly speaking, you should be able
to stage your prospects, leads, and subscribers in a
sales funnel that looks like this:
Regardless of which stage, type of prospect, or
content, remember to focus on the customer. They do
not care about your super great company,
unparalleled staff, or cutting-edge technology; they
care about themselves. Talk about benefits, not
features and then choose to blast, drip, or nurture.
Figure 1.2. Over the last decade, the
marketing and sales funnel has changed
appreciably. Stages have shifted from
sales to marketing as the more of the
process is done on the web and before
engaging with the company.
Email blasts often offer a short-term promotion or
make an announcement. These differ from a single
business emails in that the campaign is sent en
masse to the subscriber list. Though a blast email is
called a single-event email, there are typically
multiple components, which may include the
launch email, auto-responder emails, forms,
landing pages, and more. Since there are multiple
components, it is considered a campaign, whereas
a single-event email without additional
components is just that, an email.
Single-event and multi-event (triggered) emails can
also be promoted across multiple channels
simultaneously, and whether you call this mix multi-
touch, multi-channel, multi-vehicle, or cross-media
marketing, it is a strategy that harnesses the
combined strength of multiple marketing vehicles to
make the message more memorable and give it an
extended reach.
There are copious opinions on email best practices,
and regardless to which words of wisdom you
subscribe, email blasts do tend to offer you the most
flexibility in design. For instance, when sending a
nurturing email, you might offer a gated white paper
download. That means that you require them to fill out
a form in order to receive the white paper. Best
practices suggest that you have no other calls to
action or links — no links to your social accounts, no
links to other offers, and maybe not even a link to your
website. The idea is to focus the recipient on one task,
and one task only: complete the form to receive the
white paper. If the recipient completes the form, you
have not only collected the data from the form, but
have learned something about their interest and this
becomes the trigger for the next event in the nurture
With an email blast, you might very well have half a
dozen links, or more. In some cases, the purpose of
this email is to offer several interesting topics, tracking
who clicks what, dropping them into an appropriate
bucket (list segment), and then firing off a series of
drip or nurture emails.
?! Researchers estimate that United States firms
alone spent US $1.51 billion on email marketing
in 2011 and will grow to $2.468 billion by 2016.
?! 76% of small businesses state that their ideal
marketing mix is a combination of print and
digital communications.
— Pitney Bowes
Figure 1.3. In this email blast
for Sheally Insurance Group,
there are many links: the
logo links to their home
page, the main menu at the
top links to individual pages
at their site, the company
name text links to their
website, the social icons link
to their account, and the
email address is a clickable
link that launches the
recipient’s email app.
Defining parameters and constructing triggered
campaigns is no small undertaking. Though similar in
structure to single-event blast campaigns, a
triggered campaign may have dozens or even
hundreds of trigger-based activities that you must
consider and address — especially given that most
triggered campaigns are designed to last several
months or even a year. Over the span of the entire
event, triggered campaigns will require less effort
than a string of blast emails, but there is an up-front
overhead in both time and resources that must be
considered. This overhead is mitigated as you
benefit from technological advancements in email-
automation software that reduces downstream
Drip marketing is a term that is used to describe a
series of pre-designed emails sent on a
predetermined schedule geared toward education,
branding, positioning, or selling of your product
to your subscribers. Drip marketing emails are
distributed to a broad audience; lead-nurturing
emails are distributed to a specific segment.
Knowing when to choose a drip campaign and when
to choose a nurture campaign is usually an easy
decision, but sometimes the answer is both.
Broadly defined, there are three drip-marketing
triggers from which to choose:
Anchor date. Set events to occur on days before and
after a specific date, such as product-launch dates.
Calendar. Set events to launch on specific dates, such
as holidays.
Duration. Set events to launch based upon when the
prospect entered the campaign.
You likely have a number of examples of drip-
campaign emails in your inbox right now. Each week
(or more or less often), you receive a standard email
describing that week’s message from a company to
whom you have subscribed. All subscribers get the
same message, and that message typically has little or
no personalization, though there is no reason you
cannot personalize extensively.
Figure 1.4. As an example, in a simple drip campaign you begin
with a new lead that has subscribed and upon joining the list
they will receive a weekly email of in-store sale events (B2C) or
perhaps a weekly announcement of industry news (B2B).
?! Drip-irrigation systems are used in agriculture to
water plants through a slow, constant drip
(rather than flooding or sprinkling) and the root of
the term drip marketing.
Many companies, even marketing-automation
companies, use the terms drip and nurture
interchangeably, but these two campaign styles have
different purposes and different design approaches.
Drip events do not usually promote gated content.
Forms (gate content) are used to gather information
about the lead in order to convert them to a customer
and this is a nurturing function. Gated content,
however, can be used in a blast email to attract
prospects as subscribers that will receive a drip
campaign or as customers.
Include the content — news article, press
announcement, discount code, or the like — within the
email and without the need to complete a form to
access the content. In your drip email, there also might
be many links, such as links to social accounts, the
website, direct contact, and more. Depending upon
which (if any) of these links are clicked, we might drop
their name into a new bucket (list segment) in order to
send them more content in line with the link they
clicked. We refer to the drip campaign as the passive
engagement and the nurture as the active
In other words, we expect clicks in the drip campaign
only as the recipient actively pursues information
beyond that included in the email, and thus, indicates
advancement in their interest level and sales readiness.
We consider this a signal that they now need to be
nurtured. We move their name into the nurture-
campaign bucket or segment and begin providing
gated, higher-value content.
All events within a drip campaign should be consistent
in design and branding. The text and imagery can
change, of course, but by choosing and sticking with a
structure that displays the preheader, header with
logo, body, and footer in the same place from email to
email, the recipients will recognize your content and
be less likely to forget that they have subscribed.
As a best practice, keep an eye to content in your drip
campaign. These emails should be approximately 80%
content and 20% pitch. Start your campaign with three
or four email messages of purely helpful content and
Figure 1.5. If you subscribe to
the Municipal Insider list, you
will receive a monthly email
with reminders, offers,
promotions, and other
information targeting the
municipal employee.
without a pitch and then drop in sales information or a
link to connect with a sales person.
Social-media postings are classified drip marketing
as well. In the same way you send email on a
particular schedule, you send social-media postings
with the same goal and same type of audience.
Once a social follower subscribes, they are declaring
additional interest and at that point they can be
dropped into a drip email campaign and as
additional interest is declared, advanced to a nurture
Drip campaigns and nurture campaigns are not limited
to email, though it is the first thought that comes to
mind for most of us. Let us not forget the importance
of print and, when and for whom it’s appropriate,
integrate this vehicle into our triggered campaigns.
Having said that, while postcards, brochures, and
other offline content can be valuable components to
triggered campaigns, those types of events can also
be more expensive and more difficult to track, but not
impossible. For more information on the topic, refer to
the Spider Trainers’ eBook, The Power of Print (in
With email automation you can now be in front of
the prospect with the right offer at a time — a time
that is most relevant to them rather than when most
convenient for you. When you enhance your
campaigns with segmentation of explicit and implicit
data and personalization, you will make a marked
difference in:
• Response rates
• Cross-sell and up-sell activity
• Relevance of messages and offers
• Timeliness of delivery
Nurturing emails are sent to specific prospects or
leads based upon their previous actions or
interactions and their place in the buying cycle.
Since emails are sent based upon an action, they are
also known as transactional emails, such as an order-
confirmation email after they make a purchase, that
convey information regarding the action that triggered
it. These types of emails have higher open rates
Figure 1.6. In a blast email, you have a lot of flexibility for design
and it’s not necessary that they match from campaign to
campaign. With drip marketing, however, it’s more important to
stay consistent. In this example of a drip campaign theme, we
swap out the main image and the text each month for the
webcast series, but the structure, preheader, header, button
style, font style, and footer remain the same.
(51.3% compared to 36.6% for email newsletters) and
thus, provide the perfect canvas for introducing new
topics or advancing the relationship by anticipating
and answering questions or cross- or up-selling
products or services. While there are many types of
triggered events, we categorize them as:
Transactional triggers. This type of triggered event is
based upon a client’s action, such as making a
purchase or submitting a form. This action can also
trigger an auto-response message, for example a
thank you for your order or thank you for submitting
our contact form. The follow-up response is an ideal
opportunity to not just confirm their action but also to
provide additional links and information and address
buyer’s remorse or extend their engagement with your
campaign, social-media accounts, content, or website.
Recurring triggers. This type of event is designed to
launch based upon what you know about the
recipient, such as birthday, anniversary, or last visit and
is often referred to as a loyalty campaign because you
are remembering something of importance to your
lead and this is shown to build loyalty.
Threshold triggers. This type of event is triggered
when the recipient reaches some type of threshold, for
example: flying a million miles, buying $100 worth of
goods, or other action for which you can provide
tracking and measurement.
Regardless of the type of trigger, your nurture emails
should follow a logical progression and one that
guides the prospect or lead through the purchase
funnel. It’s much easier for your sales team to close a
sale when the prospect has been reading your
nurturing emails and when you can show this
information to the sales team through analytics and
lead scoring. If a prospect is opening your emails, this
is a good indicator that they are engaged with your
company or product.
Both drip marketing and nurture marketing are ideal
when you need to stay in contact with prospects over
long periods of time — especially if your company has
extended buying cycles. Deciding whether you should
use drip or nurture, or a combination of the two, will
be based upon on your campaign goals and the return
on investment you are seeking.
Figure 1.7. With a nurture campaign, you start with a segment of
your list, such as those who have downloaded a price list, send
an email, wait for engagement, and then send an auto-
responder or triggered email based upon their action or
interaction with the email.
The key to success with a nurture campaign is in the
segmentation and tracking. When someone engages
with your campaign, shuttle them off to a bucket with
others who have interacted similarly and provide them
future content that advances their knowledge on the
topic in which they have shown interest. You can
augment their behavior information (implicit data),
with demographics and firmographics (explicit data)
that you can collect over time using progressive
Drip and nurturing campaigns are complex creations
but approaching them methodically does help.
Though your marketing-automation software likely
has a robust engine for building the campaign,
we’ve found that for campaigns spanning a year or
more, the best approach is a rough one. Take the
time to create a rough draft and run it past the sales
team. With nurture campaigns, they are your best
assets for developing the process for converting a
prospect to a lead, a lead to a subscriber, and a
subscriber to a customer — or whatever form your
conversion path takes.
If you are building an annual campaign, start with a
single-month schema. With the monthly schema in
hand, work then to drill down to create a weekly
schema, and if necessary, a daily schema.
When drafting your schema, like the one in figure 1.8,
you’ll find that your sales team is a great resource for
helping you to map out your nurturing approach.
Launch emails, as shown in our example, might be an
initial offer and each week thereafter, the email will
contain escalating reminders. The final email might be
a last-chance reminder. If a purchase is made, move
the contact into a drip campaign to reassure them of
their wise choice — customer testimonials, case
studies, and the like. They are more likely to
recommend you if you follow-through, continuing to
remind them of the good relationship, and remain at
top of mind as they learn of others making this
purchasing decision.
?! Explicit data includes demographics or
information such as gender, age, income,
political affiliation, and the like.
?! Implicit data is representation of actions or
interactions, such as open, click, download a
resource, watch a video, website visit, social sharing,
and so on.
?! Progressive profiling is a process in which
marketers display conditional form fields to
prospects based upon data already known about the
person completing the form. In this way, marketers
can reduce the number of fields displayed in forms
in order to maintain high conversion rates.
Figure 1.8. Most any graphing software can be used to create a
rough draft. You can even use a spreadsheet application.
Most companies need blast, drip, and nurture
campaigns — one simply isn’t enough, but the on-
hand talent pool is already tapped to capacity. This
often means that the company’s investment in email
automation is failing to provide a sufficient return.
Get professional help.
As marketing-automation architects, Spider Trainers
builds combined drip and nurture campaigns that are
loaded into your email-automation system and
deployed without your intervention. This leaves your
team with the highly creative, and often more urgent,
blast emails, but also ensures that even when
resources don’t allow it, your software is earning its
In figure 1.7, we have illustrated a very brief example
of a combined drip and nurture campaign, there are
four or more launch emails in order to A/B test the call
to action. This could be the same offer stated in four
different styles, four subject lines, four buttons styles,
four headlines, or any single item you wish to test.
After the launch email, names are dropped into
buckets based upon the links clicked, thereby
disclosing their interest type: social engagement,
product information at the website, contacting a
salesperson, or opened but no interaction. All four
buckets will be dropped into the passive or drip
campaign first and as links are clicked, shuttled to a
nurture campaign. If after the nurture campaign has
been exhausted, and no links have been clicked, the
name is recycled into the drip campaign.
When designing your nurture programs, you must
choose whether to continue or to end the prospect’s
participation in the campaign once the prospect has
shown signs of interest or activity and you hand off to
the sales team. You might also choose to add them to
a different drip campaign that is designed to allay
buyer’s remorse and assure them they have made a
wise choice.
If you’re ready to give your marketing-automation
software a steady job, contact Spider Trainers. We will
architect an automated-marketing program that will
ensure you get the most from your human, software,
and hardware resources.
?! Open and click-through rates drop off over a
subscriber’s lifetime, thus the value of long-term
subscribers who continue to receive your messages
tends to be higher.
?! Companies that automate lead management
see a 10% or greater increase in revenue in six
to nine months.
Figure 1.9. For most companies, email messaging is a mix of the
three campaign styles. Blasts are used for on-the-spot
promotions or to test an acquired list and drip and nurture are
used to stay top of mind and nudge recipients along the sales
When Marketing Becomes the 800 lb. Gorilla
white paper
Taming Your Campaign infographic
Automated Email Marketing eBook
Marketing Metrics eBook
Prospects, Leads, and Subscribers eBook
Targeted Landing Pages white paper
The Power of Print (in Marketing) eBook
Act-On Software
Active Campaign
Acxiom Digital
Benchmark Email
Boca Networks
Bronto Software
Cabestan Email
Cabestan Ltd
Cactus Connect
Campaign Master
Clever Elements
Click consult
Constant Contact
Marketing Software
Datran Media
Direct Logic
eConnect email
Effective email
eintouch email
Email Brain
Email ladder
Email Transmit
Epsilon Interactive
Exact Data
Express Pigeon
Fire Engine Red
Fishbowl Marketing
Gold Lasso
Green Arrow
Green Mail Internet
Hallmark Data
Hiya mail
I Make News
Imnica Mail
Inbox 360
Inbox Broker
Inbox Marketer
Inbox warriors
InTouch CRM
Loyal Customer
Lucini & Lucini
Lyris Listmanager
Mad Mimi
Mail Dog
Mail interactive
Mail Mops
Mansell Group
Message bus
Message Business
Message Systems
Mister Mail
Moshi Toshi
My Newsletter
Net Atlantic
Octeth Oempro
Omnistar E-Direct
Pizzazz Email
Pro reach
Rapid Mail
Rare Method
Real Magnet
ROI Email
SCI Marketview
Shift Click
Smart Email
Marketing Solution
Striata eMarketing
Tailored Mail
TC media
Traction Digital
Tripolis solutions
Vidi Emi
Viper Mailer
Virid Interatividade
Web Power
White Image
XL Technologies
Zeta Interactive
by Cyndie Shaffstall
PO Box 280487
Lakewood CO 80228
303 468 8713
303 865 7774 Fax
To report errors, please send an email to
All rights reserved. This guide may be reproduced or transmitted in whole and in any form by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise. For information on branded reprints and excerpts, contact The information in this book is distributed on an as-is basis without any warranty. While
every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy, neither the author nor publisher shall have any liability to any person or
entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or allegedly caused, directly or indirectly, by the instructions contained in
this book or by the processes described herein.
All companies with products, services, or websites mentioned in this guide are listed in the references and credits section of
this guide. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Any omission of such trademarks from any mention is
regretted and is not intended as an infringement on such trademarks.

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Blast, Drip, and Nurture Automated Marketing

  • 1.
  • 2. Have a contact list and want to send email messages. Have heard of email automation, but don’t understand how it can work for you. Have a subscription to email-automation software and need to gain a consistent return on your investment. Are confused about the difference between blast email, drip email, and nurture email. Need outside help in developing and deploying an email strategy. SPIDER TRAINERS CAN HELP If any of these describe you, Spider Trainers can help. We are marketing-automation architects and we will analyze your need and create a campaign for you that will ensure your return on your email- automation software investment — even when you’re feeling the pinch of full workloads and too- few resources. Spider Trainers is a network of more than 80 experts in email development, web development, search-engine optimization, analytics, graphic design, ad creation, multimedia creation, social-media postings, writing, and editing. We bring all of these disparate talents to bear on your project, to ensure that every functional requirement is met with the expertise it requires. Our publications are designed to help you identify need, understand the topic, and enable you to engage in development discussion. While we may be guilty of giving too much information, we know that the empowered and informed client is the successful client. We hope this guide does that for you. We look forward to learning more about your needs. Please contact us at 651 702 3793 or YOU SHOULD READ THIS GUIDE IF: ©2013 SPIDER TRAINERS
  • 3. INTRODUCTION..............................................1 KEYPHRASES ...................................................2 EMAIL MARKETING.........................................3 EMAIL AUTOMATION...........................................3 PROFILING.............................................................4 CONTENT TYPE ....................................................4 PROSPECT TYPE....................................................5 STAGE ....................................................................5 BLAST.....................................................................6 TRIGGERED MARKETING...................................7 DRIP........................................................................7 SOCIAL MEDIA ....................................................9 NURTURE ...............................................................9 SCHEMA...............................................................11 COMBINING DRIP AND NURTURE....................13 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 3 ©2013 SPIDER TRAINERS
  • 4. By most accounts, marketing automation is the greatest thing since… well, since email marketing. The ability to qualify leads and build demand in a fully automated workflow frees us marketers from the high-pressure requirements of constant writing, email development, and deployment tasks. It also enables us to more appropriately personalize content and send messages that are both timely and relevant. In this guide, we define the differences between email blasts, drip emails, and nurture emails and how you can use your automated-marketing solution to subjugate these tasks. INTRODUCTION PAGE 1 ©2013 SPIDER TRAINERS
  • 5. auto-responder email blast email closed-loop marketing cross-media marketing drip campaigns drip email drip marketing email automation email marketing email program email strategies how-to email marketing internet marketing just-in-time marketing leads marketing by email marketing strategy multi-channel marketing multi-touch marketing multi-vehicle marketing nurture campaigns nurture email nurture marketing prospects subscribers transactional email triggered events triggered marketing KEYPHRASES PAGE 2 ©2013 SPIDER TRAINERS
  • 6. Email marketing is the process of sending a commercial message to: Prospects — to determine their fitness as a• lead. Leads — to educate or engage them for the• purpose of converting them to customers. Subscribers — to keep your company top of• mind when they become ready to enter the purchasing funnel. Customers — to dispel buyer’s remorse and• impart information to promote customer loyalty. All commercial marketing emails can be categorized as one of three types: blast, drip, and nurture. Each of the types has a different purpose and can be used independently or collaboratively. Let’s first get the definitions out of the way: Blast email. A single email commonly used by marketers to announce advertisements or promotions to the majority or entire customer list. Also known as a single-event email, mass email, bulk email. EMAIL AUTOMATION Drip email. A series of email messages geared toward education, branding, or positioning of a product to prospects or leads that have subscribed and requested information. Drip marketing is typically ongoing and generalized messaging. Nurture email. A series of email messages sent to specific recipients based upon their previous actions or interactions and their place in the buying cycle. With a nurturing campaign, marketing EMAIL MARKETING PAGE 3 ©2013 SPIDER TRAINERS
  • 7. PAGE 4 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS works closely with sales to understand the buying cycle (sales funnel) and thus, digitally provide the right information at the right time. Also known as closed- loop, just-in-time, or transactional marketing. PROFILING The most-successful campaigns are those that are relevant; campaigns with a focus on the recipient’s individual needs, pain points, desires, stage in the sales funnel, and more. In order to start your campaign with relevant content, it’s best if you first build persona profiles. There are online tools such as these two for B2B and B2C profiling, but you can continue to collect data throughout the campaign. As events are launched and you begin to collect information, these early responders can be segmented off into buckets with others to join as their profile becomes partially or more complete. In the first stages of your campaign, focus on learning what types of prospects you have and then try to determine where they are in the sales funnel. Accomplish both by offering links and content that discloses interest when the recipient clicks. Creativity goes a long way in this phase as you determine what type of text, graphics, and marketing content will give you the information you need. CONTENT TYPE Whether you choose to blast, drip, or nurture, there are four types of content. Use these content types to elicit different responses from your audience that will help you to evaluate their stage in sales funnel: Viral/emotional state. Appeal to your prospects’ emotions and provide content that shows you understand their needs, goals, and pain points. Discussion. Engage the subscriber with opportunities to comment, complete surveys, and provide feedback. Your requests for discussion should start small but can grow as their commitment to the engagement increases. Lead. Offer high-value content such as white papers, training videos, trials, and eBooks to lead them through the sales funnel. As the recipient completes forms on gated content, you will gain clear indicators of their area of interest and level of interest. Figure 1.1. Blast, drip, and nurture campaigns have different purposes, but they are not exclusive in target audience or messaging. You may choose to announce a special event as a one-off email blast to your subscribers, but also include the same message as part of your drip campaign.
  • 8. PAGE 5 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS Sales. Provide clear, concise paths for purchasing or becoming a customer. PROSPECT TYPE In order to create emails that specifically address the needs of your audience, you must first understand what type of prospect each represents. Sometimes you know this information at the onset, but more likely, this is information that you need to glean. Triggered marketing enables this discovery and with that comes the ability to provide answers to individuals in a relevant and timely manner. The types of prospects are as follows: Most aware. Prospect knows your product, and only needs to know the offer. Product aware. Prospect knows what you sell, but isn’t sure it’s the right product for her/his needs. Solution aware. Prospect knows the result [s]he needs, but is not sure that your product addresses these needs. Problem aware. Prospect senses [s]he has a problem, but is not aware that a solution exists. Completely unaware. Prospect has no knowledge of product or solutions, but has an opinion. STAGE Assuming that you know your types of prospects or are deploying a campaign designed to disclose this information, you must also know where the prospect is in the sales funnel. There are many variations on the funnel, but broadly speaking, you should be able to stage your prospects, leads, and subscribers in a sales funnel that looks like this: Awareness Interest Consideration Intent Evaluation Purchase Regardless of which stage, type of prospect, or content, remember to focus on the customer. They do not care about your super great company, unparalleled staff, or cutting-edge technology; they care about themselves. Talk about benefits, not features and then choose to blast, drip, or nurture. Figure 1.2. Over the last decade, the marketing and sales funnel has changed appreciably. Stages have shifted from sales to marketing as the more of the process is done on the web and before engaging with the company.
  • 9. BLAST Email blasts often offer a short-term promotion or make an announcement. These differ from a single business emails in that the campaign is sent en masse to the subscriber list. Though a blast email is called a single-event email, there are typically multiple components, which may include the launch email, auto-responder emails, forms, landing pages, and more. Since there are multiple components, it is considered a campaign, whereas a single-event email without additional components is just that, an email. Single-event and multi-event (triggered) emails can also be promoted across multiple channels simultaneously, and whether you call this mix multi- touch, multi-channel, multi-vehicle, or cross-media marketing, it is a strategy that harnesses the combined strength of multiple marketing vehicles to make the message more memorable and give it an extended reach. There are copious opinions on email best practices, and regardless to which words of wisdom you subscribe, email blasts do tend to offer you the most flexibility in design. For instance, when sending a nurturing email, you might offer a gated white paper download. That means that you require them to fill out a form in order to receive the white paper. Best practices suggest that you have no other calls to action or links — no links to your social accounts, no links to other offers, and maybe not even a link to your website. The idea is to focus the recipient on one task, and one task only: complete the form to receive the white paper. If the recipient completes the form, you have not only collected the data from the form, but have learned something about their interest and this becomes the trigger for the next event in the nurture campaign. With an email blast, you might very well have half a dozen links, or more. In some cases, the purpose of this email is to offer several interesting topics, tracking who clicks what, dropping them into an appropriate bucket (list segment), and then firing off a series of drip or nurture emails. PAGE 6 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS ?! Researchers estimate that United States firms alone spent US $1.51 billion on email marketing in 2011 and will grow to $2.468 billion by 2016. ?! 76% of small businesses state that their ideal marketing mix is a combination of print and digital communications. — Pitney Bowes Figure 1.3. In this email blast for Sheally Insurance Group, there are many links: the logo links to their home page, the main menu at the top links to individual pages at their site, the company name text links to their website, the social icons link to their account, and the email address is a clickable link that launches the recipient’s email app.
  • 10. PAGE 7 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS TRIGGERED MARKETING Defining parameters and constructing triggered campaigns is no small undertaking. Though similar in structure to single-event blast campaigns, a triggered campaign may have dozens or even hundreds of trigger-based activities that you must consider and address — especially given that most triggered campaigns are designed to last several months or even a year. Over the span of the entire event, triggered campaigns will require less effort than a string of blast emails, but there is an up-front overhead in both time and resources that must be considered. This overhead is mitigated as you benefit from technological advancements in email- automation software that reduces downstream expenses. DRIP Drip marketing is a term that is used to describe a series of pre-designed emails sent on a predetermined schedule geared toward education, branding, positioning, or selling of your product to your subscribers. Drip marketing emails are distributed to a broad audience; lead-nurturing emails are distributed to a specific segment. Knowing when to choose a drip campaign and when to choose a nurture campaign is usually an easy decision, but sometimes the answer is both. Broadly defined, there are three drip-marketing triggers from which to choose: Anchor date. Set events to occur on days before and after a specific date, such as product-launch dates. Calendar. Set events to launch on specific dates, such as holidays. Duration. Set events to launch based upon when the prospect entered the campaign. You likely have a number of examples of drip- campaign emails in your inbox right now. Each week (or more or less often), you receive a standard email describing that week’s message from a company to whom you have subscribed. All subscribers get the same message, and that message typically has little or no personalization, though there is no reason you cannot personalize extensively. Figure 1.4. As an example, in a simple drip campaign you begin with a new lead that has subscribed and upon joining the list they will receive a weekly email of in-store sale events (B2C) or perhaps a weekly announcement of industry news (B2B). ?! Drip-irrigation systems are used in agriculture to water plants through a slow, constant drip (rather than flooding or sprinkling) and the root of the term drip marketing.
  • 11. PAGE 8 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS Many companies, even marketing-automation companies, use the terms drip and nurture interchangeably, but these two campaign styles have different purposes and different design approaches. Drip events do not usually promote gated content. Forms (gate content) are used to gather information about the lead in order to convert them to a customer and this is a nurturing function. Gated content, however, can be used in a blast email to attract prospects as subscribers that will receive a drip campaign or as customers. Include the content — news article, press announcement, discount code, or the like — within the email and without the need to complete a form to access the content. In your drip email, there also might be many links, such as links to social accounts, the website, direct contact, and more. Depending upon which (if any) of these links are clicked, we might drop their name into a new bucket (list segment) in order to send them more content in line with the link they clicked. We refer to the drip campaign as the passive engagement and the nurture as the active engagement. In other words, we expect clicks in the drip campaign only as the recipient actively pursues information beyond that included in the email, and thus, indicates advancement in their interest level and sales readiness. We consider this a signal that they now need to be nurtured. We move their name into the nurture- campaign bucket or segment and begin providing gated, higher-value content. All events within a drip campaign should be consistent in design and branding. The text and imagery can change, of course, but by choosing and sticking with a structure that displays the preheader, header with logo, body, and footer in the same place from email to email, the recipients will recognize your content and be less likely to forget that they have subscribed. As a best practice, keep an eye to content in your drip campaign. These emails should be approximately 80% content and 20% pitch. Start your campaign with three or four email messages of purely helpful content and Figure 1.5. If you subscribe to the Municipal Insider list, you will receive a monthly email with reminders, offers, promotions, and other information targeting the municipal employee.
  • 12. without a pitch and then drop in sales information or a link to connect with a sales person. SOCIAL MEDIA Social-media postings are classified drip marketing as well. In the same way you send email on a particular schedule, you send social-media postings with the same goal and same type of audience. Once a social follower subscribes, they are declaring additional interest and at that point they can be dropped into a drip email campaign and as additional interest is declared, advanced to a nurture campaign. Drip campaigns and nurture campaigns are not limited to email, though it is the first thought that comes to mind for most of us. Let us not forget the importance of print and, when and for whom it’s appropriate, integrate this vehicle into our triggered campaigns. Having said that, while postcards, brochures, and other offline content can be valuable components to triggered campaigns, those types of events can also be more expensive and more difficult to track, but not impossible. For more information on the topic, refer to the Spider Trainers’ eBook, The Power of Print (in Marketing). NURTURE With email automation you can now be in front of the prospect with the right offer at a time — a time that is most relevant to them rather than when most convenient for you. When you enhance your campaigns with segmentation of explicit and implicit data and personalization, you will make a marked difference in: • Response rates • Cross-sell and up-sell activity • Relevance of messages and offers • Timeliness of delivery Nurturing emails are sent to specific prospects or leads based upon their previous actions or interactions and their place in the buying cycle. Since emails are sent based upon an action, they are also known as transactional emails, such as an order- confirmation email after they make a purchase, that convey information regarding the action that triggered it. These types of emails have higher open rates PAGE 9 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS Figure 1.6. In a blast email, you have a lot of flexibility for design and it’s not necessary that they match from campaign to campaign. With drip marketing, however, it’s more important to stay consistent. In this example of a drip campaign theme, we swap out the main image and the text each month for the webcast series, but the structure, preheader, header, button style, font style, and footer remain the same.
  • 13. PAGE 10 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS (51.3% compared to 36.6% for email newsletters) and thus, provide the perfect canvas for introducing new topics or advancing the relationship by anticipating and answering questions or cross- or up-selling products or services. While there are many types of triggered events, we categorize them as: Transactional triggers. This type of triggered event is based upon a client’s action, such as making a purchase or submitting a form. This action can also trigger an auto-response message, for example a thank you for your order or thank you for submitting our contact form. The follow-up response is an ideal opportunity to not just confirm their action but also to provide additional links and information and address buyer’s remorse or extend their engagement with your campaign, social-media accounts, content, or website. Recurring triggers. This type of event is designed to launch based upon what you know about the recipient, such as birthday, anniversary, or last visit and is often referred to as a loyalty campaign because you are remembering something of importance to your lead and this is shown to build loyalty. Threshold triggers. This type of event is triggered when the recipient reaches some type of threshold, for example: flying a million miles, buying $100 worth of goods, or other action for which you can provide tracking and measurement. Regardless of the type of trigger, your nurture emails should follow a logical progression and one that guides the prospect or lead through the purchase funnel. It’s much easier for your sales team to close a sale when the prospect has been reading your nurturing emails and when you can show this information to the sales team through analytics and lead scoring. If a prospect is opening your emails, this is a good indicator that they are engaged with your company or product. Both drip marketing and nurture marketing are ideal when you need to stay in contact with prospects over long periods of time — especially if your company has extended buying cycles. Deciding whether you should use drip or nurture, or a combination of the two, will be based upon on your campaign goals and the return on investment you are seeking. Figure 1.7. With a nurture campaign, you start with a segment of your list, such as those who have downloaded a price list, send an email, wait for engagement, and then send an auto- responder or triggered email based upon their action or interaction with the email.
  • 14. The key to success with a nurture campaign is in the segmentation and tracking. When someone engages with your campaign, shuttle them off to a bucket with others who have interacted similarly and provide them future content that advances their knowledge on the topic in which they have shown interest. You can augment their behavior information (implicit data), with demographics and firmographics (explicit data) that you can collect over time using progressive profiling. SCHEMA Drip and nurturing campaigns are complex creations but approaching them methodically does help. Though your marketing-automation software likely has a robust engine for building the campaign, we’ve found that for campaigns spanning a year or more, the best approach is a rough one. Take the time to create a rough draft and run it past the sales team. With nurture campaigns, they are your best assets for developing the process for converting a prospect to a lead, a lead to a subscriber, and a subscriber to a customer — or whatever form your conversion path takes. If you are building an annual campaign, start with a single-month schema. With the monthly schema in hand, work then to drill down to create a weekly schema, and if necessary, a daily schema. When drafting your schema, like the one in figure 1.8, you’ll find that your sales team is a great resource for helping you to map out your nurturing approach. Launch emails, as shown in our example, might be an initial offer and each week thereafter, the email will contain escalating reminders. The final email might be a last-chance reminder. If a purchase is made, move the contact into a drip campaign to reassure them of their wise choice — customer testimonials, case studies, and the like. They are more likely to recommend you if you follow-through, continuing to remind them of the good relationship, and remain at top of mind as they learn of others making this purchasing decision. PAGE 11 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS ?! Explicit data includes demographics or information such as gender, age, income, political affiliation, and the like. ?! Implicit data is representation of actions or interactions, such as open, click, download a resource, watch a video, website visit, social sharing, and so on. ?! Progressive profiling is a process in which marketers display conditional form fields to prospects based upon data already known about the person completing the form. In this way, marketers can reduce the number of fields displayed in forms in order to maintain high conversion rates.
  • 15. PAGE 12 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS Figure 1.8. Most any graphing software can be used to create a rough draft. You can even use a spreadsheet application.
  • 16. COMBINING DRIP AND NURTURE Most companies need blast, drip, and nurture campaigns — one simply isn’t enough, but the on- hand talent pool is already tapped to capacity. This often means that the company’s investment in email automation is failing to provide a sufficient return. Get professional help. As marketing-automation architects, Spider Trainers builds combined drip and nurture campaigns that are loaded into your email-automation system and deployed without your intervention. This leaves your team with the highly creative, and often more urgent, blast emails, but also ensures that even when resources don’t allow it, your software is earning its keep. In figure 1.7, we have illustrated a very brief example of a combined drip and nurture campaign, there are four or more launch emails in order to A/B test the call to action. This could be the same offer stated in four different styles, four subject lines, four buttons styles, four headlines, or any single item you wish to test. After the launch email, names are dropped into buckets based upon the links clicked, thereby disclosing their interest type: social engagement, product information at the website, contacting a salesperson, or opened but no interaction. All four buckets will be dropped into the passive or drip campaign first and as links are clicked, shuttled to a nurture campaign. If after the nurture campaign has been exhausted, and no links have been clicked, the name is recycled into the drip campaign. When designing your nurture programs, you must choose whether to continue or to end the prospect’s participation in the campaign once the prospect has shown signs of interest or activity and you hand off to the sales team. You might also choose to add them to a different drip campaign that is designed to allay buyer’s remorse and assure them they have made a wise choice. If you’re ready to give your marketing-automation software a steady job, contact Spider Trainers. We will architect an automated-marketing program that will ensure you get the most from your human, software, and hardware resources. PAGE 13 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS ?! Open and click-through rates drop off over a subscriber’s lifetime, thus the value of long-term subscribers who continue to receive your messages tends to be higher. ?! Companies that automate lead management see a 10% or greater increase in revenue in six to nine months.
  • 17. PAGE 14 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS Figure 1.9. For most companies, email messaging is a mix of the three campaign styles. Blasts are used for on-the-spot promotions or to test an acquired list and drip and nurture are used to stay top of mind and nudge recipients along the sales funnel.
  • 18. SPIDER TRAINERS’ PUBLICATIONS When Marketing Becomes the 800 lb. Gorilla white paper Taming Your Campaign infographic Automated Email Marketing eBook Marketing Metrics eBook Prospects, Leads, and Subscribers eBook Targeted Landing Pages white paper The Power of Print (in Marketing) eBook RESOURCES PAGE 15 ©2013 SPIDER TRAINERS
  • 19. 1ShoppingCart Abeedle Act-On Software Active Campaign Acxiom Digital Addemar Adestra Adrom Agnitas allWEBeMAIL Amail Aprimo Apsis Ariad Artegic Aweber Backclick Benchmark Email Blaynmail BlueHornet Boca Networks BombBomb Boogietools Boomerang BrightSpeed BrightWave Marketing Bronto Software Cabestan Email marketing Cabestan Ltd Cactus Connect CakeMail Campaign Master Campaigner CampaignMonitor CheetahMail Clever Elements Click consult ClickMail ClickTactics Communicator Corp Compost Concep Constant Contact Contactlab Contactology Conversen Convio CoolerEmail Copernica Marketing Software Courrielleur Datran Media DBG Delivra Direct Logic Solutions DirectIQ Dmail Dolist Dotmailer e-Dialog E-mark e-ngine E-Village eBooster eCircle eConnect email Edatis Effective email eintouch email marketing ekobuzz Eloqua Email Brain Email ladder Email Transmit Emailcenter EmailDirect Emaildocs Emailgarage emailmovers EmailVision Emercury Emfluence Emma Enabler Ensight Epsilon Interactive eROI eTelligent eWayDirect Exact Data ConsumerBase ExactTarget Experian CheetahMail ExpertSender Express Pigeon Extravision EzyMsg Fire Engine Red Firedrum Fishbowl Marketing Flexmail FreshAddress Frontwire Globase Gold Lasso GoMyEmails Green Arrow Green Mail Internet Marketing GTC TeleCommunication Hallmark Data Systems Hiya mail HubSpot Hypermail I Make News Ices iContact iMailingtool Imnica Mail Inbox 360 Inbox Broker Inbox Marketer Inbox warriors Indiemark Infacta Informz Infusionsoft Innovyx Inspirationlabs Interspire InTouch CRM Inxmail iPost IPT JangoMail JayMail JetMails Kajomi Kittelberger Klantenbinder Kmailer Knotice letteron Listbox Listrak Loyal Customer Club Lsoft Lucini & Lucini Communications Lyris Listmanager Mad Mimi MagNews Mail Dog Mail interactive Mail Mops MailAgent MailAway MailChimp MailerMailer MailerQ MailF5 Mailigen Mailingwork Mailjet Mailogical Mailperformance Mailplus Mailrelay Mailsender MailUp Mailvivo MailZ Mansell Group Marketo Markettraq mdirector Measuremail Melin Message bus Message Business Message Systems Messagegears Messagesherpa MindComet Mister Mail mobileStorm MobilizeMail Moshi Toshi My Newsletter Builder Mymailmarket Neolane Net Atlantic Newsberry Newsletter promotion Newsmarketing Newsweaver Newzapp NieuwsSprinter Octeth Oempro Omnistar E-Direct Pardot Pinpointe Pinuts Pizzazz Email EMAIL-AUTOMATION APPLICATIONS PAGE 16 ©2013 SPIDER TRAINERS
  • 20. Pogio Port25 PostageApp Postmark PowerMailer Pro reach Profusion Promio Pure360 Puresend Rapid Mail (australian) Rapidmail Rare Method Reachmail Real Magnet RedEye Responsys ResultsMail Retarus RoboMail ROI Email RuleMailer Sailthru SARE SC-Networks SCI Marketview Selligent SendBlaster Sendloop Sentori Shift Click Silverpop SimplyCast Smart Email Marketing Solution SocketLabs Spinnakerpro Splio Squeezymail StoreMail Stormpost StreamSend Striata eMarketing StrongMail SubscriberMail Suite26 Swiftpage TaguchiMail Tailored Mail TargetSend TargetX TC media Teenvio Teneo Tmnmedia Topica Traction Digital Triggered Messaging Tripolis solutions Venntive VerticalResponse VideoCustomizer Vidi Emi Viper Mailer Virid Interatividade Digital Vision6 Web Power WhatCounts White Image XL Technologies Yesmail ZenData Zeta Interactive Zrinity PAGE 17 ©2013 SPIDER TRAINERS
  • 21. EMAIL AUTOMATION BLAST, DRIP, AND NURTURE. by Cyndie Shaffstall C SHAFFSTALL & SON, LLC DBA SPIDER TRAINERS PO Box 280487 Lakewood CO 80228 303 468 8713 303 865 7774 Fax To report errors, please send an email to NOTICE OF RIGHTS AND WARRANTIES: All rights reserved. This guide may be reproduced or transmitted in whole and in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise. For information on branded reprints and excerpts, contact The information in this book is distributed on an as-is basis without any warranty. While every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy, neither the author nor publisher shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or allegedly caused, directly or indirectly, by the instructions contained in this book or by the processes described herein. NOTICE OF TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS: All companies with products, services, or websites mentioned in this guide are listed in the references and credits section of this guide. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Any omission of such trademarks from any mention is regretted and is not intended as an infringement on such trademarks. PAGE 18 ©2013 SPIDERTRAINERS