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a.Biodiversity– is the degree of variation of life. It is a measure of the variety of organisms present
in different ecosystems. This can refer to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, or species variation
(number of species) within an area, biome, or planet. Terrestrial biodiversity tends to be highest near
the equator, which seems to be the result of the warm climate and high primary productivity.
Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth. It is the richest in the tropics. Marine biodiversity
tends to be highest along coasts in the Western Pacific, where sea surface temperature is highest and
in the mid–latitudinal band in all oceans. There are latitudinal gradients in species diversity.
Biodiversity generally tends ... Show more content on ...
As ecosystems are defined by the network of interactions among organisms, and between organisms
and their environment, they can be of any size but usually encompass specific, limited spaces. f.
species diversity– is the number of different species that are represented in a given community (a
dataset). The effective number of species refers to the number of equally abundant species needed to
obtain the same mean proportional species abundance as that observed in the dataset of interest
(where all species may not be equally abundant). Species diversity consists of two components:
species richness and species evenness. Species richness is a simple count of species, whereas species
evenness quantifies how equal the abundances of the species are. g. species richness–is the number
of different species represented in an ecological community, landscape or region. Species richness is
simply a count of species, and it does not take into account the abundances of the species or their
relative abundance distributions.
2. Differentiate the following Genetic diversity | Community diversity | Landscape diversity | level
of biodiversity, refers to the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a
species. It is distinguished from genetic variability, which describes the tendency of genetic
characteristics to vary. | An ecosystem is a higher level of community. A community is made up of
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Biodiversity In Australia
Dear Mr Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull,
I am writing to attempt to persuade you to allocate sufficient funding for the preservation of plant
and animal species. These various species of flora and fauna enrich the biodiversity of our nation.
Biodiversity can provide inspiration, cultural value, and education and has various benefits for other
species, including humans.
To begin, biodiversity is vital in Australia as various plant and animal species depend on each other
for survival. This prey and predator cycle helps to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. If multiple
sources were suddenly wiped out, there would be serious repercussions. Food webs would be
severely affected and various ecosystems would be thrown out of balance.
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Is Biodiversity Loss Important?
Do I contribute to biodiversity loss?
Is biodiversity loss important to me?
Biological diversity underpins the earths structure and survival encompassing all plant animal and
microbiology species (UN, 1992). Biodiversity is currently being lost at an alarming rate – with
current rates of extinction being 100 times the background rate (Stork, 2010), which has consequent
effects on other life on earth, disrupting eco–systems and environmental relationships. This raises
social, economic and political issues, while concurrently human population increases urbanisation
and demands on food and energy risking habitat and environment for species to survive. While
conservation strategies work to try to alleviate this ultimately much of the success of these projects
will ultimately rely on individual's involvement and support – the gravity of the situation is further
highlighted with more extensive and advanced species documentation. This essay will consider two
important questions in respect of my personal views on biodiversity and consideration of whether I
contribute to biodiversity loss and if biodiversity loss is important to me.
Do I contribute to biodiversity loss?
There are many ways in which humans contribute and cause biodiversity loss and homo sapien
dominance over most the globe (Johns, 2010) is considered a primary driver of the 6th mass
extinction. Personally, directly and indirectly my lifestyle and choices influence biodiversity loss in
many ways that I do and
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Big Idea Biodiversity
The big idea was biodiversity. Australian museum defines biodiversity as the "variety of all living
things; the different plants, animals and micro organisms, the genetic information they contain and
the ecosystems they form" (1). Within the big idea, biodiversity, the focus this term has been the
human impacts on ecosystems of Queensland. We have been looking towards making sustainable
practices to limit the human impacts globally on our ecosystems. According to nature works
organisation, ecosystem is a "community of living and non living things that work together.
Ecosystems have no particular size as it can be large as a desert or as small as a puddle" (2). 1.2
Essential Question The essential question was developed to view briefly on
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Biodiversity Loss Essay
Biodiversity loss and Extinction
Biodiversity loss can lead to extinction, and hurt human life. It is our responsibility to take care of
the environment. We bring in machines that harm the environment and destroy animal life. We need
to limit ourselves on how much land and resources we consume. There are major issues that are
causing species to become extinct and hurt our way of life and other animals do to the change in
food chain.
Many of the issues of biodiversity loss can be traced back to human interaction to the environment.
One of the issues is alteration and loss of habitats. A lot of this issue is based on the destruction of
habitats and for the land to be used for human consumption. The land is either used up for
agricultural use ... Show more content on ...
Aquatic animals are especially at risk and the rain can sometimes make the entire species become
extinct. The worst pollution that can harm the aquatic animals is the oil spills. Companies that have
these oil spills have to send a clean–up crew to fix the spill and are usually fined for the mess. Some
factories have restrictions on how much pollution they are allowed to release into the air or sea per
Another problem is climate. Species have adapted to their environment in their biome. Changing the
temperature might cause the species to not keep up with the rapid changes. This is where the idea for
global warming comes in. Some scientists believe that humans are heating the earth's temperature
and are harming species. Another theory that they believe is that air pollution is harming the ozone
layer and it is becoming weaker. With the earth heating is harms every species on the planet, even
humans. When the ozone is weaker than it was, it can't defend the earth against the suns harmful
rays. The radiation from the sun is one thing put the heat that the earth receives from it is another.
When the suns heat reaches the planet's surface it can harm animals in their ecosystems. The biggest
issue with the ozone layer hurting ecosystems is the Antarctic. Animals that have adapted to the
snow are losing it do to the earth becoming warmer. With these icecaps melting is also makes the
water in the ocean rise. The way
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Biodiversity And Its Effects On Biodiversity
Abstract. Biodiversity is a variety of life and it is important to maintain biodiversity because it
provides everyone's needs for food source, water source and shelter. Currently, Georgia Gwinnett
College expanding with construction around the area, will this cause a disturbance where the
campus will not be able to have biodiversity or having some disturbance can increase it? The
research measured biodiversity in 5 different places around campus, these locations varying levels
of disturbance and resources. After analysis, it was determined that sites further away from the
stream at the downstream location had less biodiversity, and that the GGC site location had more
biodiversity than both of the stream locations, which may be due to more diverse habitats with the
location, or sharing more transition areas with areas of higher disturbance.
Introduction. Biodiversity is a variety of life on Earth at all levels from genes to ecosystems and the
ecological and evolutionary process that is able to keep biodiversity in balance (Willington, 2005).
Biodiversity is important because it satisfy's everyone including animals, organisms and humans
basic needs such as food and water source and as well shelter(Wood, 1997). The overall goal in
biodiversity conservation is to create a foundation in developing ways to protect and use biological
resources in a way where it does not destroy important habitats in an ecosystem (Nangendo, 2002).
In ecology it has been taught that everything from
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Biodiversity. Biodiversity Is The Variability Among Living
Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine
and other aquatic ecosystems. This includes diversity within species, between species, and
ecosystems. The three main aspects of biodiversity include genetic diversity, species diversity, and
ecosystem diversity. Biodiversity levels can change over time due to long–term natural processes
including habitat loss. The importance of biodiversity is vital to all life on earth, determining
extinction, evolution, and the fate of our planet's ecosystems.
Genetic diversity is the key ingredient from which all other characteristics of biodiversity is
developed. It refers to the variations between individuals of a species characteristics ... Show more
content on ...
These countless species of plants, animals, and microbes affect our daily life in more ways than we
know. Species diversity is truly a magnificent process since all species are connected one way or
another continuing the cycle of life. Providing us with energy converted from sunlight and much
more.There are over 1.8 million different species sustaining life on
Earth, from which 1 million are insects! The main spot for species diversity is in tropical rainforests,
although tropical rainforests only comprise 7% of all land on Earth, they are home to
50% of all species on Earth! In some locations hundreds of species thrive while in others just a few
have evolved this is called species richness. Species diversity is the result of long–lasting
evolutionary changes which affect our planet's daily life, which is why species diversity is a vital
part to biodiversity. Each species has adapted to its own ecosystem or niche which is characterized
by features such as temperature, light availability, food, and water. Allowing species to reproduce
and thus maintain the population. Not only do species maintain population growth, but their
everyday interactions within their environment also has a vital impact on environmental health.
Such as bees taking pollen from flowers and continuing the growth and spread of flowers and plant
life, while providing us with nutritious honey. Thus performing certain functions that allow the
natural system to
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Biodiversity In Australia
Dear Mr Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull,
I am writing to attempt to persuade you to allocate sufficient funding for the preservation of plant
and animal species. These various species of flora and fauna enrich the biodiversity of our nation.
Biodiversity can provide inspiration, cultural value, and education and has various benefits for other
species, including humans.
To begin, biodiversity is vital in Australia as various plant and animal species depend on each other
for survival. This prey and predator cycle helps to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. If multiple
sources were suddenly wiped out, there would be serious repercussions. Food webs would be
severely affected and various ecosystems would be thrown out of balance.
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Cause Of Biodiversity
The main cause of the loss of biodiversity can be attributed to the influence of human beings on the
world's ecosystem, In fact human beings have deeply altered the environment, and have modified
the territory, exploiting the species directly, for example by fishing and hunting, changing the
biogeochemical cycles and transferring species from one area to another of the Planet.
The threats to biodiversity can be summarized in the following main points: o Alteration and loss of
the habitats: the transformation of the natural areas determines not only the loss of the vegetable
species, but also a decrease in the animal species associated to them. o Introduction of exotic species
and genetically modified organisms: species originating from a particular area, introduced into new
natural environments can lead to different forms of imbalance in the ecological equilibrium. o
Pollution: human activity influences the natural environment producing negative, direct or indirect,
effects that alter the flow of energy, the chemical and physical constitution of the environment and
abundance of the species; o Climate change: for example, heating of the Earth's surface affects
biodiversity because it endangers all the species that adapted to the cold due to the latitude (the
Polar species) or the altitude (mountain species). o Overexploitation of resources: when the
activities connected with capturing and harvesting (hunting, fishing, farming) a renewable natural
resource in a
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Importance Of Biodiversity
One of the most important parts about of earth is the vast biodiversity. As defined by the American
Museum of Natural History biodiversity "refers to the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from
genes to ecosystems, and can encompass the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that
sustain life. Biodiversity includes not only species we consider rare, threatened, or endangered but
also every living thing – from humans to organisms we know little about, such as microbes, fungi,
and invertebrates."(1) The biodiversity of our planet is a fundamental part of every ecosystem that
exists. Without biodiversity, crucial parts of our ecosystems are lost. The value of biodiversity
extends beyond just what the types of life on earth are, but each and every species possess a role in
their ecosystem, whether that be as a predator, prey, or performing certain activities that stabilize
their ecosystem. As humans, we depend heavily on biodiversity as a means of food, for materials,
medicine, along with many other direct and indirect purposes. In this day and age, at my
biodiversity conservation organization, I am interested in the biodiversity of Australia. The continent
of Australia is home to more than 80% of wildlife that is unique to their continent. Australia being
the 6th largest country in the world, has many unique ecosystems and biodiversity that must be
As I stated before, Australia is home to more than 80% of wildlife which is entirely unique to them,
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Biodiversity Oost Ecosystems
Biodiversity oost ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an
important role to play. For example. A large number of plant species mean a greater variety of crop.
Greater species diversity ensure natural sustainability for all forms. Biodiversity is important in
ecosystems because it prevents extinction of species, allows organisms to adapt to changes in the
environment and provides a wide range of materials and food for survival. Biodiversity also cause of
loss. Habitat destruction is a major cause of biodiversity loss. Habitat loss is caused by
deforestation, overpopulation, pollution and global warming. species which are physically large and
those living in forests or oceans are more affected by habitat reduction. ... Show more content on ...
Wildlife must have places to find food, shelter and raise their young. Our approach to endangered
species protection includes: Defending federal agencies and essential legal safety net to prevent the
loss of plant and animal species to extinction. Holding federal agencies and other accountable for
complying with laws protecting rare and endangered species using cooperation, persuasion, and
where necessary litigation. Advocating for increased funding for private landowner incentives and
other conservation programs that benefit endanger wildlife friendly land management practices.
Reducing threats to wildlife that can lead to their endangerment and extinction, such as loss of
habitat, contamination of water and spread of invasive species. One of the best ways to protect
endangered species is to prevent their decline and deterioration in the first place. Toward that end,
national wildlife federation works to maintain healthy populations of fish, wildlife and plant species
through promoting broad based conservation efforts such as state wildlife action plans. National
wildlife federation is playing a leadership role in identifying and promoting innovative approaches
to safeguard endangered species and other wildlife in the face of a changing climate. We
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Invertebrate Biodiversity
Comparison of invertebrate biodiversity in vegetated and open–water areas of an urban lake
Interrelationships and interdependence between species in biological communities plays a major
role in the survival of ecosystems (Hafernik, 1992). Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms
and species biodiversity relates to the varieties of species in a particular habitat (Flinders University,
2015). The greater the biodiversity in a habitat, the more complex are the interactions between
species and the higher the productivity of the ecosystem (Long, et al., 2007). This experiment
looked at the biodiversity of invertebrates in vegetated and open–water areas of a freshwater system
and the Simpson's Diversity Indices were used as mathematical indicator of the invertebrate species
diversity. ... Show more content on ...
The standard deviation was approximately the same for both habitats, which indicates that the
variation in the data was the same. This suggests that the vegetated area is more biologically diverse
than the open–water area. Simpson's index of diversity is also higher for the vegetated area, 0.82,
compared to the open–water area, 0.68 (Table 1). A higher value of Simpson's index of diversity also
indicates higher diversity in the vegetated habitat.
From figure 1 it can be seen that open–water area of the north side of Flinders University Lakes was
more populated with a high number or organisms present than the vegetated area. However, this
larger population is mainly attributed to the large number of copepods (~750) present in the open
water area (shown in red in Figure 1). The vegetated area had a higher species richness with 17
species present compared to 13 species in the open–water area. This implies that the vegetated area
had a higher level of invertebrate biodiversity than the open water area of the
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
The 3.7 billion years of the earth's biological history can be summarized as follows: Organisms
convert energy into food, chemical elements perform their cycles, and species perform different
biological functions (niches) evolving in response to changes according to conditions environmental
impacts. This implies that today, every species on the planet has gone through an evolutionary
process and that each individual performs their "role" in the ecosystem. Like the many species in the
world, we human beings (thanks to certain characteristics that allow us to adapt and modify the
environment) have been able to increase our chances of survival on earth and this has led us to a
gigantic population and economic growth, which we call Development. However, such a
development makes the degradation of natural resources increasingly fast, making it imperative and
necessary to establish conservation–oriented guidelines, since biodiversity is of the utmost
importance for the functioning of the ecosystem.
Biodiversity or biological diversity is a term used very well to describe the richness and variety of
all living things in the world; from plants and animals to microorganisms and beings a thousand
times more complex. Thus, on biological diversity we can say that it is present in the most varied
places, from the cold glaciers of the Arctic to the volcanic regions of Chile. In Brazil, this fact is not
different, and this is the country that holds about 20% of the world's
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The Importance of Biodiversity
'Define Biodiversity and using examples, explain why it is important'
Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth. A fuller definition is given in the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) from the 1992 Earth summit: 'Biodiversity is the variability among
living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and
the ecological complexes of which they are part ; this includes diversity within species, between
species and of ecosystems' (Hambler, C., 2004, 11).
Within planet earth today Biodiversity forms the foundation for the vast array of ecosystem services
that critically contribute to human well being. It is as important in human managed ecosystems as
well as natural ecosystems (Hambler, C., ... Show more content on ...
Endangered species of plants or animals may have properties yet to be discovered that could provide
important medicines (Hambler, C., 2004, 29). In addition to such direct benefits, the world's diverse
living creatures working in concert provide important ecological functions such as air and water
purification, climate regulation, erosion control, and providing oxygen in the atmosphere that
humans need to breathe (Hambler, C., 2004, 29).
Some ecologists also stress the aesthetic value of a natural world rich with an abundance of varied
and often beautiful life–forms. Many common human behaviours exhibit the importance of being
able to enjoy Biodiversity in many different ways. It may be that survival is possible but life without
this biodiversity being available may prove boring and unfulfilling (Primack, R.B, 2002,24).
In addition, the interactions taking place between world economics and biodiversity also has to be
taken into consideration. The arguments for the conservation of biodiversity with regards to
economics are divided quite broadly into 'direct use value' and 'indirect use value'. direct use value is
involved with microbial products such as animals and plants whereas indirect use is involved with
the ecosystem services that are provided by a group of species and habitats, these include the likes
of flood
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Quotes On Biodiversity And Biodiversity
Remembering Faith and Morals: Protecting Biodiversity God has put his time and efforts to merge
his ideas, constructing this masterpiece citizens call home. He has created everything from the
smallest atom to humans with the most powerful organ, the brain. Consisting of complex neural
networks, the brain allows humans to be able to study, process, and understand his creation. Humans
are working on God's creation with brilliant ideas leading to the advancements of the human
population and its hunger for discovery, but it is becoming dangerous for those who share this home
with humans. God made sure to create a balance in this world, where there is heat; there is cold,
there is day and night, atmosphere and land, wet and dry, humans and other spices. Wright (2003)
explained that "This God has created the universe and established it as an orderly, law–bound
system dependent on him for its existence, value, and purpose" (p. 11).
Biodiversity is defined as the diversity within species, genes, livestock, and ecosystems, and this is
at risk of gradual extinction due to human activities. Many species of organisms use various part of
the world as their home. Some species adapt to cooler environments while others adapt to warmer or
tropical environments. Millions of organisms living underwater or in other biomes around the world
are dependent on certain resources for survival. Wright emphasizes to Remember that you are – let's
face it – an animal. Your food, the very air you
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The Importance Of Crop Biodiversity
Crop Biodiversity is a very important to the world we know. As populations grow around the world
people are going to consume more food. This can cause a problem without crop biodiversity. Crop
biodiversity is the outcome of the interactions among genetic resources, the environment and the
management systems and practices used by farmers. This is the result of both natural selection and
human interventions and human inventive developed over millennia. Crop diversity helps when
trying feeding growing populations with smaller amount of cropland. Crop biodiversity is used in
several different ways like pest control, pollination, pollution and sediment regulation, maintenance
of the hydrological cycle, erosion control, and climate regulation and carbon sequestration.
Crop diversity in pest control has made a big impact on growing crops in areas that are dominated
by pests that would eat up a crop as soon as it flowers. Crop biodiversity has made crops able to
withstand roundup and different types of pesticides, which keep pests off the crops while they are
growing. Thus letting crops grow to their full potential in area of the country that before crop
diversity wouldn't have been able to happen. This helps in utilizing land for growing crops to feed
growing populations when good land is being utilized for building structures.
Crop biodiversity is also used to keep food safety obtainable in the growing world of food safety
programs like the FDA. The FDA ensures every crop being
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The Three Levels Of Biodiversity
What is Biodiversity?
Biodiversity describes the variety of different types of life found on Earth. It is extent of the variety
of organisms present in different ecosystems. This can denote to genetic variation, ecosystem,
variation, or species disparity (number of species) inside an area, biome, or planet.
Biodiversity is pondered at three levels:–
1. Genetic
2. Species
3. Ecosystem
Genetic Diversity
Variation amongst the same species between diverse groups and between versions of the same gene
in different individuals in a population is genetic diversity.
Species Diversity
Calculating the number of different species that are present in a certain area is species diversity.
Bigger the number of the species present, ... Show more content on ...
Biodiversity banking places a fiscal value on biodiversity, where the value of biodiversity can be
dignified easily. United Sates, Canada and Australia have already applied this scheme.
Gene banks are assortments of specimens and genetic material. For animals freezing storage of
sperms and eggs is carried out and for plants storage of seeds or cuttings from a plant are deposited
in zoological freezers
Decline of and better affecting of pesticides allows more species to persist in agricultural and
urbanized areas.
Location–specific tactics may be less useful for shielding migratory species. One methodology is to
generate wildlife corridors that resemble to the animals' movements. National and other boundaries
can thwart corridor creation. Wildlife corridors generally link wildlife populations which are
generally unglued due to human activities. This causes greater interaction between species and
boosts breeding triggering rise in
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is a balance critical to the ecosystem. The controversy of predator decline regards the
decline of predators who help the ecosystem by eating the prey. The opposition issue is that the
predators were attacking civilians and eating rancher's livestock and decreasing the economy of the
wool and meat industry.
In any given piece of land, there are multiple species of producers, prey, and predators. Producers
are primarily forage plants such as grass, clovers, and berries that grow in the wild for wildlife; They
provide food and shelter for all animals with the fruit and leaves they grow. On the other hand,
primary consumers, which most call prey, are species that range from small rabbits to giant moose.
The prey eat the plants so the plants do not grow too thick and overtake the land in darkness from
overgrowth. They are also eaten by predators (which range from omnivore bears to carnivorous
lions). The predators keep prey from overeating the plants and they eat weak, sick, and old prey,
which ensures the maximum fitness of prey. Every organism plays a niche to keep the ecosystem in
balance; when everything is balanced there is an increase in biodiversity.
Less predators to keep the balance
The controversy is whether predators help the environment. According to Journal Science, with
fewer predators keeping populations in check the abundance of prey alter the balance of the
ecosystem. This means that with less predators to eat prey, the prey population will
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Madagascar: The Decline Of Biodiversity
Although over time it has increased, biodiversity has steadily gone down in the past 35 years.
The current declining of biodiversity is comparable to the massive extinction of many animals over
65 million years ago.
Coral reefs have the most diversity of all ecosystems on Earth.
On land, areas near the equator tend to be more diverse because of the pleasant climate.
Biodiversity is very important to an ecosystem because each species plays a different role in the
maintenance of the ecosystem.
Disasters tend to ruin an ecosystem but if biodiversity is high, the ecosystem will be able to recover
Preserving a species and its habitat is one way to ensure an increase in biodiversity.
The increase in global warming is a huge factor that decreases biodiversity by destroying habitats of
certain organisms. ... Show more content on ...
Planting certain types of trees outside your home or school is one way to combat the decrease in
biodiversity because it helps control climate.
A biodiversity hotspot is an area that contains organisms (both plants and animals) that do not live in
any other part of the world.
Madagascar is an example of a biodiversity hotspot because roughly 98% of its living organisms
cannot survive anywhere else on Earth.
Although many governments around the world have passed laws to ensure biodiversity, there are
over 300 extremely endangered species that have no laws to protect them.
Pollution and the introduction of foreign species are other factors that contribute to the decrease in
biodiversity by hindering the proper development of ecosystems.
About .1% of species are lost each
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
Biodiversity loss is becoming an unpleasant pattern in today's world. Additionally, there are three
levels of biodiversity; species diversity, ecosystem diversity, and genetic diversity. Firstly, species
diversity is categorized as the volume of all living things. Secondly, ecosystem diversity is the
region/habitat in which the species thrive. Lastly, genetic diversity is the variety of genes in a
species, which allow the species to adapt and evolve to better suit their environment. Currently, the
world is witnessing a profound loss of biodiversity. According to The National Wildlife Federation,
the greatest species diversity is found among the invertebrates, including insects, crustaceans,
sponges, and scorpions. In addition, The National Wildlife Federation conclude that "scientists know
the least about the diversity of microscopic organisms such as bacteria and protozoa" (TNWF).
Although, Microorganisms may be tiny, but they are vital, forming the base of the food chain
ecosystems. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment estimated that "8700 did per year or
approximately 24 species per day" (Fred Pierce). Ever since Cuvier discovery of extinction became
a concept in France, biodiversity rates have been on a steady decline (Kolbert 2015). The current
declining biodiversity rates are comparable to mass extinction events in the past. This is significant
because many animals depend on each other to maintain their lifestyle or play a vital role for the
environment. These species
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Importance Of Biodiversity Conservation
There has been increasing awareness all over the world on the need to use biodiversity conservation
for sustainable development. Biological resources should be protected and used to improve human
conditions in ways that the world varieties of species will not diminish (Egunyomi and Salaam,
1996). NEST (1991) stated that over 350,000ha of forest and natural vegetation are being lost
annually in Nigeria. One of the most effective and best means of conserving biodiversity is to
prevent the destruction or degradation of our environment.
Unfortunately, these countless species of flora and fauna resources found in our forest are becoming
endangered or extinct with the destruction of their habitats. Robert(1992) stated that wildlife ...
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Biodiversity is usually considered at three different levels, genetic diversity and species diversity
and ecosystem diversity. Genetic diversity is a measure of variability both within and between
species. Species diversity implies the number of species and the number of individual in a
community; but one has to consider how the individuals are apportioned to the species
(Amubode,1996).Species diversity results from species interaction such as competition and niche
diversification which is mostly common in the tropics due to high humidity and temperature
(Ojo,1996).Three levels of diversity have been distinguished. They are alpha, beta and gamma
diversities. Alpha diversity can be described as the within habitat or intra–community variability and
beta diversity is the change in variability along environmental gradient. Gamma diversity is entire
landscape variation and is a composite of alpha and beta diversity (Ojo,1996). Ecological diversity
relates to habitats, biotic communities and ecological process in the biosphere (Soule,1987).
Wildlife Conservation is a suite of adaptive wildlife management processes to restore or maintain
indigenous wildlife species in diverse landscapes and habitats for the benefit of people
(IUCN,2015).Wildlife conservation can be
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
Biodiversity Loss
I. Introduction
Biodiversity is the variety of living organisms (Cho, 2011). Currently, an extreme loss of
biodiversity is a problem that is being caused by human activities. A major report in 2005 stated that
due to human actions, between 10% and 30% of mammal, bird, and amphibian species are
threatened with extinction, since then, the problem has only increased (Shah, 2014).
The topic of biodiversity is of interest and significant to me, and others, because it provides all
humans with food and materials as well as providing essential ecological services (WWF, n.d.). This
topic is significant to the field of biology because biology is the study of life, and biodiversity is an
essential part of that.
II. Topic
Where does ... Show more content on ...
Another human activity that can cause a loss of biodiversity in introducing invasive species into
ecosystems which can cause the decline or even extinction of native species. Anthropogenic global
warming is also a major cause of ecosystem changes, like rising sea level and temperature changes,
which affects biodiversity (Gitay et al. 2002).
Who benefits?
Short term, there are many species, humans, and industries that benefiting from the conditions that
are causing losses in biodiversity. Some species, such as invasive species or species that were prey
to the endangered species, will benefit because they will have more available resources or will have
fewer natural predators. There are humans and industries, such as the fishing industry, that are
benefiting from the conditions, like over–fishing, that are causing biodiversity loss.
Long term, there are no benefits to a loss in biodiversity. Invasive species and previous prey will
exceed the carrying capacity of the ecosystem and will die out. When enough biodiversity is lost,
humans and industries that previously benefited will no longer be able to continue the activities that
were beneficial to them.
III. Biological Concepts
Level of organization
The loss of biodiversity affects all levels of organization. Even if a species in not directly impacted,
they could affected by the changes to other species that are impacted. Ecosystems are complex
webs, so a change to one aspect of them can
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The Issue of Biodiversity Conservation
Around the world large numbers of species are threatened with extinction due to the degradation of
ecosystems and widespread deforestation for industrial purposes. The resources available for
biodiversity conservation to protect all the endangered species are unfortunately inadequate (Myers
1996). It is therefore paramount to use these resources in the most effective ways possible. This
literature review will focus on evaluating existing biodiversity budgets and the effectiveness of
various investment approaches used in biodiversity conservation programs.
The issue of Biodiversity Conservation
Funds available for biodiversity conservation are not able to cover and assist conservation projects
for all species under threat. It is estimated that 44% of plants and 35% of animals are concentrated
in just 25 focal regions, which represent only 1.4% of the land surface on Earth (Myers 2000). A
study by Rands et al. shows that biodiversity is crucial for the optimal functioning of ecosystems
and to ensure the sustainable supply of ecosystem services. The planet is undergoing a continuous
and increasing loss of biodiversity, and national and international institutions are implementing
various projects around the world in order to prevent further losses. The lack of adequate funding,
especially in developing nations, is becoming a major concern, due to the fact that biodiversity loss
is even greater in these areas (Rands et al. 2010).
Biodiversity Conservation Budgets
Most of the
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The Decline Of Biodiversity In Australia
Biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life in the world and as such is an important aspect of
all human life. Nature provides food, and ways of preventing diseases. Overall, it makes Earth a
livable place for all life. It's been estimated that there are around thirty million species on earth but
only around 1.7 million are identified. The issue with biodiversity is that it is rapidly declining in
many parts of the world and once the biodiversity in an area is wiped out, it is basically impossible
to revive. There are a couple of reasons as to why there is a steady decline in biodiversity. Some of
the ways include habitat loss, spread of diseases or invasive species, and climate change. One way
the rate at which biodiversity decreases ... Show more content on ...
Australia is considered a mega diversity nation, meaning that Australia has a very large portion of
the Earth's biodiversity compared to other nations. Even though it holds a large portion of the
biodiversity, it also has had the largest decline in biodiversity compared to any other country. The
Australian Government recognizes the issues presented by biodiversity loss in their country and has
acts in place in order to make improvements. Acts such as implementing the Australian Biodiversity
Conservation Strategy 2010 – 2030, which had been reviewed in 2015. Their strategy includes
enlisting the help of the majority of their people by "mainstreaming" the issue, reducing the threats
to biodiversity and implementing intense monitoring. This is one country where the government
understands the importance of biodiversity and are taking action against the decline but although the
australian government has programs in place, they don't seem to be making very much progress.
According to an article focused entirely on Australia's progress in biodiversity conservation,
Australia has barely made any progress in actually reducing the growing loss of biodiversity there.
The country itself has a greater amount of biodiversity compared to other countries and doesn't have
the pressures of population but has made very little progress in conserving it. There's at least 46
other countries that have better and more
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The Importance Of Florida's Biodiversity
Florida's biodiversity is extremely important in maintaining. Many people fail to realize that without
the biodiversity there would be no humans. They fail to see how our lives and lives many species
would change drastically. Since I am one the few people in Florida to take a biogeography course, I
am now a member of the Florida biodiversity Czar after the next election. What would be my top
priorities to protect Florida's biodiversity, and how would I implement them?
My first priority would be to focus more on conserving as much of the biodiversity hotspots we
have left. To implement this into effect I would gain awareness of it to the public's knowledge and
get funding to support it. Many people seem not care of the biodiversity of earth ... Show more
content on ...
To implement this, I would get funding to study the effects that climate change and mass extinctions
had on Earth's biodiversity. Many people fail to see that climate change and biodiversity are
interconnected. It is climate change that affects the biodiversity of animals and plants. Many plants
need wind to aide in their dispersal of seeds. Climate change can destroy many organisms' homes
and even aiding them to disperse into places that were not possible before. Due to climate change,
native species are now on the brink of extinction due to introduced species. For example, in table
16.4 we see the percentage of threatened species that are affected by introduced species. In
Australia, alone the numbers exceed over 40 % and that poses a risk on that country (Lomolino, et
al.725). Much of world's endemic species found in Australia will probably be gone in the next few
years. We can confer that studying the effects of how climate change affected our planet's biota in
the past can help us preserve for the future. If we knew more information, about how fast the sea
levels rose when the glaciers started retreating. Then we can better understand how the ecosystem
change and what species were more susceptible to extinction. Also we would be better able to
understand the effects of how losing certain species would not affect us at all and which ones are
more important in saving versus
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Biodiversity And Conservation Of Marine Biodiversity
The world's oceans cover 70 percent of the earth's surface (Allsopp, Page, Johnston, & Santillo,
2009). The oceans biodiversity is increasingly becoming more threatened each year by
anthropogenic activities such as pollution, destructive fishing methods, overfishing and commercial
agriculture (Tyus, 2012). Marine conservation has improved over the years to protect and preserve
ecosystems in oceans and seas. To limit the anthropogenic damage, restore habitats, species and
preserve vulnerable marine life (Norse & Crowder, 2005). The term marine biodiversity discusses
the abundance of species in a geographical area. (Allsopp et al., 2009). The biodiversity and
conservation of marine systems can include a range of different types of habitats, the habitat that
will be discussed in this study will be tropical coral reefs of Madagascar (Dobson & Frid, 2009).
Coral reefs are the most biologically diverse ecosystem within the oceans (Hill, 2005). At a global
scale, they tend to have high species diversity to care and support a large number of fish
communities (Tyus, 2012). Coral reefs are recognised as the most pristine marine ecosystem of
Madagascar; it is species rich but are also very fragile and threatened (Ahamada, Bijoux, Cauvin,
Kooonjul, Maharavo, & Pierre–Louis, 2004). Endemic species inhabit this region such as
butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) and wrasses (Labridae), which show reliable indicators for the reefs
health (Nadon, Griffiths, & Doherty, 2005). Velondriake marine
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
on productivity, it is important to remember that all ecosystems are different. Ecosystems in
different biomes could react differently than the way the ecosystem did in this experiment. It would
be beneficial if more experiments like this were conducted throughout different types of habitats.
Biodiversity can also help keep an ecosystem healthy and make it more resistance. This ultimately
benefits the productivity because the ecosystem can spend more time growing and providing
ecosystem services. Based on results from an experiment, Elizabeth Culotta (1996) explained that
"plots with more species had more biomass, retained more soil nitrogen, and fared better during
drought" and "high–diversity plots were also more resistant to disease" (p. 1045). It is important to
recognize that when there is more diversity, the other factors that affect productivity are not as
impactful. For example, the environment plots that Culotta worked with were not terribly affected
by drought. Typically, droughts have profound effects on ecosystems, resulting in death and less
diverse environments. Biological diversity has benefits for all aspects of the environment, because it
is what drives the ecosystem.
As humans it is our responsibility to take care and preserve the nature on Earth. If we completely
abandon efforts to enhance the conditions our planet, eventually it will not be able to support human
life. The rates of global warming, deforestation, and species
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The Study of Biodiversity
Biodiversity – the amount of living things; animals, microorganisms and plants. It also includes the
genetic information these living things contain, and the ecosystems and biomes they form.
3 ways biodiversity can be studied:
– GENETIC DIVERSITY: The amount of different genetic characteristics of the species in their
genetic make up.
– SPEICIES DIVERSITY: the amount of species in a particular area in the world.
– ECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY: the amount of ecosystems in a given region or biome.
– Places of biodiversity include coral, rainforests, sea grass beds, and mangroves.
Australian soils
– Old and fragile soils. Water requirements of native plants are adapted to this.
– Australia is slowly shifting northwards. The climate will gradually change.
– Bushfires. Species can affect scale and range of the bushfires.
– Lowest rainfall of the 5 inhabited continents.
– Few rivers and lakes.
Australian biodiversity
– 600,000 – 700,000 species.
– Endemic species; 83% of mammals, 45% of birds, 89% of reptiles and 93% frogs.
– About a minimum of 60–70 species have become extinct, since European settlement.
– A region where there is at least 1500 of 800,000 or 0.5% of plant species (70% vegetation).
– Hotspots have high diversity, are not found outside the area, a loss of endemic species and are also
likely to be lost.
Human impacts on biodiversity
Unsustainable use of resources:
– Agriculture (monoculture and stripping land).
– Fisheries (overfishing).
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Biodiversity And Its Impact On Biodiversity
Biodiversity is what makes the planet earth unique and different from every other planet in the solar
system. Biodiversity can be studied on a global level all the way down to studying it within a
microscopic ecosystem (National Wildlife Federation, 2015). It is important to understand that
biodiversity can be looked at genetically as well as environmentally as well. For example, genetic
biodiversity is seen in the variation of different breeds within the dog species, while environmental
biodiversity is the diversity of ecosystems and habitats (National Wildlife Federation, 2015).
Preserving biodiversity is perhaps the most important task that humans have to complete while
living on this planet. The ecosystems that make up all of the regions worldwide are immensely
complex, so conservation may be difficult at times. Additionally, many factors influence the species
that inhabit ecosystems, and these factors may complicate the preservation of biodiversity.
Moreover, there is a plethora of threats to biodiversity, both natural and manmade that are
destroying ecosystems on a daily basis. Out of these threats, the human influences are particularly
severe and must be taken care of at all costs. Biodiversity provides countless benefits for every
ecosystem and creature, which is what makes it worthy of conservation. Through the introduction
and relocation of species, some degree of restoration may be possible in the future. Biodiversity is
an amazing natural process that makes life
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The Human Impact On Biodiversity
There are over 2,000 species that are either endangered or threatened in the United States and in
foreign countries in the year 2016 according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The biodiversity
all across the world is decreasing at a tremendous rate. Because of this, the protection of endangered
species is a very important focus. In 1973 the Endangered Species Act was put into effect. Under
this Act, all threatened and endangered species are protected. The biodiversity refers to the variety of
species in a given ecosystem. People do not think these creatures are important, that is simply
untrue. Some people believe that human needs take priority over the needs of other species.
However, biodiversity should be protected because all ... Show more content on ...
Studies are being done all across the world to gain more knowledge on biodiversity in order to keep
these species alive and well.
The groundbreaking studies that have been done, and are still being done, by Scotland 's scientists is
accumulating global knowledge of biodiversity in the pursuit of protecting endangered plants and
animals (Scotland Scientists). Roseanna Cunningham said: "The process of evolution leads species
to adapt to changing circumstances, to strengthen, grow and, at times, to falter. Unfortunately human
impact on the environment has, for centuries now, sped up this natural process at a rate many
species cannot match. Our scientists have increased our understanding of biodiversity and provided
clear direction on how humans can help support and protect the marvelous variety of life around us"
(Scotland Scientists). This quotation explains to the world that evolution cannot happen overnight.
The evolution of different species takes so much time that our rapidly changing society is destroying
the creatures of the world. However, because of the work done by the Scottish scientists the world is
coming to know and acknowledge the importance of biodiversity. Because of Scotland's scientists
work on this matter, we are having a clear direction about how humans can help support and protect
an awe–inspiring variety of life around us, the world can move on to actually protecting endangered
and threatened
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is vital to the survival of an ecosystem. However, the increase of extinct and
endangered animal and plant species has weakened the diversity and sustainability of the ecosystem.
Human activity is the leading cause of the high extinction rate of species; about ninety–nine percent
of endangered species are at risk due to human activities (biological diversity). However, humans do
not think what we are doing to the environment is immoral. Why do humans act like everything we
do is morally correct and acceptable? This is because humans believe every action we carry out
would benefit our societies and encourage us to advance further. When we advance further, we will
improve the living conditions of all creatures with advanced medicine and optimal habitat. However,
we did not realize that we are paving the pathway toward destruction by driving species extinction at
a rate of 100 to 1000 times faster than natural rate(ncbi).
Human life depend on the usage of resources provided by the nature. It was this way when humans
first appeared and formed civilizations. Till this day, we are still using natural resources to build our
society and to make our industry prosper. However, we are causing harm to the environment by
using natural resource incorrectly and using more than what we needed. We cleared lands that are
used to be homes to millions of species and those lands are used for agriculture and urbanization.
We excessively hunt animals to meet the demand for food and
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the variety of all plants and animals (species of different flora, fauna and micro–
organisms and their genes) and the ecosystem (terrestrial and aquatic) in which they live. It supplies
humans with goods and services vital for living (CBD 2010) which are the basic needs such as food,
fresh water, clean air, and timber for shelter, fiber for clothing, fuel and medicine. These also
provide cultural services that include aesthetic, spiritual, recreational and educational (MEA 2003).
Environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity is exacerbated due to human activities
influenced by modernization. To continue human existence there is a need to conserve biodiversity.
The involvement of the International Labor Organization (ILO) with the indigenous peoples' issues
led to the creation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention of 1989 (No. 169) that deals with
the rights of the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) and tribes in independent countries. In the article 5 of the
said convention states the recognition and protection of their cultural values and practices as well as
the social and spiritual values.
The Philippines is an archipelago composed of 7,641 islands as reported by National Mapping and
Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA). According to the United Nations Development
Programme (2010), it has an estimated 14–17 million Indigenous Peoples (IPs) that belong to 110
ethno–linguistic groups. These people depended so much on natural resources and the services
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Lab Report Biodiversity
Biodiversity presents occurrence of variety of species and their natural community in which they
live. By the definition it is "The degree of variation of life forms within a given species, ecosystem,
biome, or an entire planet. It is a measure of the health of ecosystems and is in part a function of
climate." (Rutherford) Ecosystem is on the other hand, " community and its abiotic environment"(
Rutherford). Biodiversity exists in every ecosystem, weather it is big one, or just ecosystem of one
garden, it has the same importance because without it nature loses its ability to perform major
functions needed for life on Earth, as it is oxygen production. Trough this investigation, two
different ecosystems will be explored and ... Show more content on ...
Data collected in garden at 3 m2 area Type of species | Number of organisms | | Measurement
number 1 | Measurement number 2 | Measurement number 3 | Measurement number 4 | Mean value |
Tulip | 6 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 6 | Rose | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Carnation | 6 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | Total number of species: 3 | |
Mean value:
Tulip: (6+6+5+6)/4=5.75≈6
Rose: (4+4+4+4)/4=4
Carnation: (6+4+6+6)/4=5.5≈6
Graph 1. Percentage of species at meadow
Graph 2. Percentage of species at garden
* Calculating Simpson`s reciprocal index for meadow species: N– Sum of all individuals n– Total
number of organisms of a particular species D = N (N–1) / Σ n (n–1) D = 80(80 –1)/
(930+552+110+42+42) D=6320/1676 D=3.77
* Calculating Simpson`s reciprocal index for garden species: N– Sum of all individuals n– Total
number of organisms of a particular species D = N (N–1) / Σ n (n–1) D = 16(16 –1)/ (30+12+30)
D=240/72 D=3.33 Graph 3. Simpson`s reciprocal index at meadow and garden
After I carried out the entire investigation, I got the results showing biodiversity of two different
ecosystems trough Simpson`s reciprocal index showed in graph 3. If we look generally on
biodiversity index of both ecosystems, in both cases it is higher than 1, meaning that biodiversity
index is not low. As the maximum value is equal to the number of species in the sample, we can say
that in case of meadow, biodiversity is optimal, at medium
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The Controversy Of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth. This goes for the genetic diversity, which is what makes a
poodle different from a pit bull, ecological diversity, and species diversity. Biodiversity is very
important to everybody on earth as our health and survival depend on it. This is why the loss of
biodiversity is an issue. Having a great array of biodiversity allows humans to have a greater array
of food to choose from and materials to contribute to the economy. For example, imagine if all the
chicken went extinct in the world. That would be one less food source for us humans and the
predators that eat it.
This interrelates with our survival depending on biodiversity. Every species depends on another
organism to provide for them. An example
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Impact Of Biodiversity On The Environment
Furthermore, it is a proven fact that biodiversity changes influence "the flow of ecosystem services",
i.e. benefits that people receive from ecosystems, including such services as provisioning, cultural,
and regulating ones (Perrings 1). The most acute group of services in terms of biodiversity
connection with the environment concerns regulating services, which relate to control of biological
variability, presence of pathogens and pests, emergence and mitigation of environmental hazards, as
well as many other essential environmental processes (Perrings 1). Hence, it is obvious that if
biodiversity significantly alters, the environment will be susceptible to a wide range of various
impacts. Moreover, all of them will be of negative character. Diminishing biodiversity, for instance,
means that the process of climate regulation performed by ecosystems and their correlation will be
threatened and disrupted. As a result, it will intensify problems with the biodiversity and lead to
further extinction of many species.
Nonetheless, researchers agree that it is difficult to predict exact impacts of biodiversity loss on the
environment and the combined effect of the biodiversity loss, degradation of the environment, and
climate change. The latter three phenomena may intensify impacts of each other and lead to more
severe and abundant problems relating to each of them. Therefore, it becomes of utmost importance
to address the existing problems today so that the future of mankind
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Essay on Biodiversity
INTRODUCTION Franck and Brownstone define biological diversity as 'the variety and variability
of living organisms and the biological communities in which they live' (36). Decades of progress in
both the scientific and political arenas have advanced environmental legislation to protect
biodiversity at not only the ecosystem level, but for specific species and genetic material as well.
Research has shown the importance of every organism and their role in the global ecosystem, and
legislation has gradually matured to protect not only species which may become endangered, but the
habitats they need to survive as well. Growing consciousness surrounding environmental issues has
enabled these protections to be ... Show more content on ...
Simultaneously, thousands of other species across the globe face the same threat: extinction.
Biodiversity is an essential part of our world, our global ecosystem. As Planet Earth?s resources
diminish and its creatures vanish, those who recognize the need to preserve what is disappearing
look to international politics to accomplish what individuals cannot. The most important instrument
for implementation of international policy has been the Convention On International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which went into effect in 1975.
The plight of the rhinoceros is not unlike the all–too–familiar danger that the elephant faces. Illegal
trade is greatly responsible for the endangerment of the species. Valued for their ivory horns, over
90% of the five rhino species have disappeared, while the rest continue to dwindle. The worth of one
rhinoceros horn is $44,000, and the demand remains high in the countries of China, Taiwan, South
Korea and in the Middle East. In East Asia, the horns are regarded as powerful medicinal tools,
known to cure everything from nosebleeds to food poisoning. In a powdered from, the horn is
thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Similarly, the animals? genitalia are also considered extremely
Existing rhino populations continue to decline. In East Africa, the Black Rhinoceros
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
The complexity of life on Earth requires a complex system of interactions to ensure the
sustainability of life. The driving force of this system of interactions is biodiversity. McGrath of the
National Wildlife Federation provides a clear definition of this concept. Biodiversity is simply the
variety in biological systems (McGarth). Although this definition seems to imply variation in
organisms, the concept describes something more complex. Biodiversity specifically refers to the
variety in three areas of biology: species, genetics, and ecosystems (McGrath). Therefore,
biodiversity can be defined as the diversity and interactions that exist in species, genetics, and
ecosystems. In this essay, I will illustrate that biodiversity is fundamental to the sustainability of life
on Earth as the complex network of biological interactions ultimately benefits individual organisms
and I will describe one current threat to biodiversity. Biodiversity's value lies in its position as the
driving force of sustainability of life on Earth. The variations in genetics, species, and ecosystems
creates interactions that are overall constructive for individual organisms and populations. Hooper
relates this phenomenon in mathematical terms as a system made up of individual components that
functions to serve the components. In simpler terms, individuals of a biological system each have a
part to play in the larger role of sustaining life (Hooper, 2005). Of course, we must take this into the
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Biodiversity Quiz
Study the information about that biodiversity hotspot that you have chosen.
Then answer the following questions
1. Which biodiversity hotspot did you choose to write about? (Give the name)
The biodiversity I have chosen to write about is defending natures' hotspots for people and
2. Where is it located? (Give the world, region, and country)
The world area where located region called horn of Africa. Information, results show the arid Horn
of Africa has been a renowned source of biological resources for thousand of years.
3. What are two important species (give common and scientific names) that live there? Why are they
The largest biodiversity species which live in the horn of Africa is Diversity and Endemism which
the scientific and the common name called ... Show more content on ...
List three other interesting facts that you have learned about this place.
Horn of Africa might be the most conspicuous segment on the Africa map, but only a little is known
about the region. Most people, in fact, know this place it as the region that's always in a consistent
warfare, or that region that's overridden by drought and all sorts of adversities. To clear such
miscalculated assumptions, at the list we have compiles a low down of at list 10 things about this
place, but I want to simply list the three most important points to know about the region ("Horn of
Africa: 10 Facts You Should Know", 2017).
1. Horn of Africa Economy: the economy of this region is mostly dependent on a number of key
export; for example, the economy of Ethiopia depends on coffee, which translates to about 80% its
total exports("Horn of Africa: 10 Facts You Should Know", 2017). Then the economy of Somali
largely depends on livestock and banana accounting for over 50% of its aggregate exports
2. The animals in horn Africa: obviously, this region has over 220 different species of animals.
Among them, we have baboon, Hamadryas, ammodile, desert warthog, the Somali wild ass, and the
Somali pygmy
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Biodiversity Is Bad
Humans have manipulated their environment for their own purposes since the beginning of time.
Nature has provided humanity with many valuable necessities. Similarly, the term "biodiversity" is
the variety of life within species, ecosystems, and ecological systems (Simpson, 2002). Biodiversity
allows species to prosper in their environment (Liu, Zhang, Hong, 2011). The benefit of a diverse
system is the services it contributes to humanity and its function in the ecosystem. (Nelson, 2014).
In addition, in the article "Why biodiversity is important to the functioning of real–world
ecosystems," the author states, that from a practical view of the policy of GDP, the primary matter
should be the possible outcomes of the loss of certain species that ... Show more content on ...
Green GDP can be difficult to measure because of the problems implicit in trying to quantify the
costs of ecological and environmental damage. "Societies should be able to see how market
consumption affects the consumption of public goods like beautiful views, clean air, and clean
water". The policies of the green GDP has been putting efforts to unite economic and environmental
concerns. "Another reason to measure green GDP is that environmentalists want to track the
provision of nature's benefits over time, either to hold governments accountable or to compare their
environmental conditions with those of another country" . This explains how the green GDP is put
into place to take on account any financial damage was done to the environment. As well as, the
economic growth it spurred that is opposed to the environmental damage it has done (Boyd,
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  • 1. Biodiversity Biodiversity a.Biodiversity– is the degree of variation of life. It is a measure of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems. This can refer to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, or species variation (number of species) within an area, biome, or planet. Terrestrial biodiversity tends to be highest near the equator, which seems to be the result of the warm climate and high primary productivity. Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth. It is the richest in the tropics. Marine biodiversity tends to be highest along coasts in the Western Pacific, where sea surface temperature is highest and in the mid–latitudinal band in all oceans. There are latitudinal gradients in species diversity. Biodiversity generally tends ... Show more content on ... As ecosystems are defined by the network of interactions among organisms, and between organisms and their environment, they can be of any size but usually encompass specific, limited spaces. f. species diversity– is the number of different species that are represented in a given community (a dataset). The effective number of species refers to the number of equally abundant species needed to obtain the same mean proportional species abundance as that observed in the dataset of interest (where all species may not be equally abundant). Species diversity consists of two components: species richness and species evenness. Species richness is a simple count of species, whereas species evenness quantifies how equal the abundances of the species are. g. species richness–is the number of different species represented in an ecological community, landscape or region. Species richness is simply a count of species, and it does not take into account the abundances of the species or their relative abundance distributions. 2. Differentiate the following Genetic diversity | Community diversity | Landscape diversity | level of biodiversity, refers to the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species. It is distinguished from genetic variability, which describes the tendency of genetic characteristics to vary. | An ecosystem is a higher level of community. A community is made up of ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Biodiversity In Australia Dear Mr Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, I am writing to attempt to persuade you to allocate sufficient funding for the preservation of plant and animal species. These various species of flora and fauna enrich the biodiversity of our nation. Biodiversity can provide inspiration, cultural value, and education and has various benefits for other species, including humans. To begin, biodiversity is vital in Australia as various plant and animal species depend on each other for survival. This prey and predator cycle helps to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. If multiple sources were suddenly wiped out, there would be serious repercussions. Food webs would be severely affected and various ecosystems would be thrown out of balance. *There ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Is Biodiversity Loss Important? Do I contribute to biodiversity loss? Is biodiversity loss important to me? Biological diversity underpins the earths structure and survival encompassing all plant animal and microbiology species (UN, 1992). Biodiversity is currently being lost at an alarming rate – with current rates of extinction being 100 times the background rate (Stork, 2010), which has consequent effects on other life on earth, disrupting eco–systems and environmental relationships. This raises social, economic and political issues, while concurrently human population increases urbanisation and demands on food and energy risking habitat and environment for species to survive. While conservation strategies work to try to alleviate this ultimately much of the success of these projects will ultimately rely on individual's involvement and support – the gravity of the situation is further highlighted with more extensive and advanced species documentation. This essay will consider two important questions in respect of my personal views on biodiversity and consideration of whether I contribute to biodiversity loss and if biodiversity loss is important to me. Do I contribute to biodiversity loss? There are many ways in which humans contribute and cause biodiversity loss and homo sapien dominance over most the globe (Johns, 2010) is considered a primary driver of the 6th mass extinction. Personally, directly and indirectly my lifestyle and choices influence biodiversity loss in many ways that I do and ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Big Idea Biodiversity The big idea was biodiversity. Australian museum defines biodiversity as the "variety of all living things; the different plants, animals and micro organisms, the genetic information they contain and the ecosystems they form" (1). Within the big idea, biodiversity, the focus this term has been the human impacts on ecosystems of Queensland. We have been looking towards making sustainable practices to limit the human impacts globally on our ecosystems. According to nature works organisation, ecosystem is a "community of living and non living things that work together. Ecosystems have no particular size as it can be large as a desert or as small as a puddle" (2). 1.2 Essential Question The essential question was developed to view briefly on ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Biodiversity Loss Essay Biodiversity loss and Extinction Biodiversity loss can lead to extinction, and hurt human life. It is our responsibility to take care of the environment. We bring in machines that harm the environment and destroy animal life. We need to limit ourselves on how much land and resources we consume. There are major issues that are causing species to become extinct and hurt our way of life and other animals do to the change in food chain. Many of the issues of biodiversity loss can be traced back to human interaction to the environment. One of the issues is alteration and loss of habitats. A lot of this issue is based on the destruction of habitats and for the land to be used for human consumption. The land is either used up for agricultural use ... Show more content on ... Aquatic animals are especially at risk and the rain can sometimes make the entire species become extinct. The worst pollution that can harm the aquatic animals is the oil spills. Companies that have these oil spills have to send a clean–up crew to fix the spill and are usually fined for the mess. Some factories have restrictions on how much pollution they are allowed to release into the air or sea per day. Another problem is climate. Species have adapted to their environment in their biome. Changing the temperature might cause the species to not keep up with the rapid changes. This is where the idea for global warming comes in. Some scientists believe that humans are heating the earth's temperature and are harming species. Another theory that they believe is that air pollution is harming the ozone layer and it is becoming weaker. With the earth heating is harms every species on the planet, even humans. When the ozone is weaker than it was, it can't defend the earth against the suns harmful rays. The radiation from the sun is one thing put the heat that the earth receives from it is another. When the suns heat reaches the planet's surface it can harm animals in their ecosystems. The biggest issue with the ozone layer hurting ecosystems is the Antarctic. Animals that have adapted to the snow are losing it do to the earth becoming warmer. With these icecaps melting is also makes the water in the ocean rise. The way ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Biodiversity And Its Effects On Biodiversity Abstract. Biodiversity is a variety of life and it is important to maintain biodiversity because it provides everyone's needs for food source, water source and shelter. Currently, Georgia Gwinnett College expanding with construction around the area, will this cause a disturbance where the campus will not be able to have biodiversity or having some disturbance can increase it? The research measured biodiversity in 5 different places around campus, these locations varying levels of disturbance and resources. After analysis, it was determined that sites further away from the stream at the downstream location had less biodiversity, and that the GGC site location had more biodiversity than both of the stream locations, which may be due to more diverse habitats with the location, or sharing more transition areas with areas of higher disturbance. Introduction. Biodiversity is a variety of life on Earth at all levels from genes to ecosystems and the ecological and evolutionary process that is able to keep biodiversity in balance (Willington, 2005). Biodiversity is important because it satisfy's everyone including animals, organisms and humans basic needs such as food and water source and as well shelter(Wood, 1997). The overall goal in biodiversity conservation is to create a foundation in developing ways to protect and use biological resources in a way where it does not destroy important habitats in an ecosystem (Nangendo, 2002). In ecology it has been taught that everything from ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Biodiversity. Biodiversity Is The Variability Among Living Biodiversity Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems. This includes diversity within species, between species, and ecosystems. The three main aspects of biodiversity include genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. Biodiversity levels can change over time due to long–term natural processes including habitat loss. The importance of biodiversity is vital to all life on earth, determining extinction, evolution, and the fate of our planet's ecosystems. Genetic diversity is the key ingredient from which all other characteristics of biodiversity is developed. It refers to the variations between individuals of a species characteristics ... Show more content on ... These countless species of plants, animals, and microbes affect our daily life in more ways than we know. Species diversity is truly a magnificent process since all species are connected one way or another continuing the cycle of life. Providing us with energy converted from sunlight and much more.There are over 1.8 million different species sustaining life on Earth, from which 1 million are insects! The main spot for species diversity is in tropical rainforests, although tropical rainforests only comprise 7% of all land on Earth, they are home to 50% of all species on Earth! In some locations hundreds of species thrive while in others just a few have evolved this is called species richness. Species diversity is the result of long–lasting evolutionary changes which affect our planet's daily life, which is why species diversity is a vital part to biodiversity. Each species has adapted to its own ecosystem or niche which is characterized by features such as temperature, light availability, food, and water. Allowing species to reproduce and thus maintain the population. Not only do species maintain population growth, but their everyday interactions within their environment also has a vital impact on environmental health. Such as bees taking pollen from flowers and continuing the growth and spread of flowers and plant life, while providing us with nutritious honey. Thus performing certain functions that allow the natural system to ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Biodiversity In Australia Dear Mr Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, I am writing to attempt to persuade you to allocate sufficient funding for the preservation of plant and animal species. These various species of flora and fauna enrich the biodiversity of our nation. Biodiversity can provide inspiration, cultural value, and education and has various benefits for other species, including humans. To begin, biodiversity is vital in Australia as various plant and animal species depend on each other for survival. This prey and predator cycle helps to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. If multiple sources were suddenly wiped out, there would be serious repercussions. Food webs would be severely affected and various ecosystems would be thrown out of balance. *There ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Cause Of Biodiversity The main cause of the loss of biodiversity can be attributed to the influence of human beings on the world's ecosystem, In fact human beings have deeply altered the environment, and have modified the territory, exploiting the species directly, for example by fishing and hunting, changing the biogeochemical cycles and transferring species from one area to another of the Planet. The threats to biodiversity can be summarized in the following main points: o Alteration and loss of the habitats: the transformation of the natural areas determines not only the loss of the vegetable species, but also a decrease in the animal species associated to them. o Introduction of exotic species and genetically modified organisms: species originating from a particular area, introduced into new natural environments can lead to different forms of imbalance in the ecological equilibrium. o Pollution: human activity influences the natural environment producing negative, direct or indirect, effects that alter the flow of energy, the chemical and physical constitution of the environment and abundance of the species; o Climate change: for example, heating of the Earth's surface affects biodiversity because it endangers all the species that adapted to the cold due to the latitude (the Polar species) or the altitude (mountain species). o Overexploitation of resources: when the activities connected with capturing and harvesting (hunting, fishing, farming) a renewable natural resource in a ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Importance Of Biodiversity One of the most important parts about of earth is the vast biodiversity. As defined by the American Museum of Natural History biodiversity "refers to the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to ecosystems, and can encompass the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that sustain life. Biodiversity includes not only species we consider rare, threatened, or endangered but also every living thing – from humans to organisms we know little about, such as microbes, fungi, and invertebrates."(1) The biodiversity of our planet is a fundamental part of every ecosystem that exists. Without biodiversity, crucial parts of our ecosystems are lost. The value of biodiversity extends beyond just what the types of life on earth are, but each and every species possess a role in their ecosystem, whether that be as a predator, prey, or performing certain activities that stabilize their ecosystem. As humans, we depend heavily on biodiversity as a means of food, for materials, medicine, along with many other direct and indirect purposes. In this day and age, at my biodiversity conservation organization, I am interested in the biodiversity of Australia. The continent of Australia is home to more than 80% of wildlife that is unique to their continent. Australia being the 6th largest country in the world, has many unique ecosystems and biodiversity that must be conserved. As I stated before, Australia is home to more than 80% of wildlife which is entirely unique to them, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Biodiversity Oost Ecosystems Biodiversity oost ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to play. For example. A large number of plant species mean a greater variety of crop. Greater species diversity ensure natural sustainability for all forms. Biodiversity is important in ecosystems because it prevents extinction of species, allows organisms to adapt to changes in the environment and provides a wide range of materials and food for survival. Biodiversity also cause of loss. Habitat destruction is a major cause of biodiversity loss. Habitat loss is caused by deforestation, overpopulation, pollution and global warming. species which are physically large and those living in forests or oceans are more affected by habitat reduction. ... Show more content on ... Wildlife must have places to find food, shelter and raise their young. Our approach to endangered species protection includes: Defending federal agencies and essential legal safety net to prevent the loss of plant and animal species to extinction. Holding federal agencies and other accountable for complying with laws protecting rare and endangered species using cooperation, persuasion, and where necessary litigation. Advocating for increased funding for private landowner incentives and other conservation programs that benefit endanger wildlife friendly land management practices. Reducing threats to wildlife that can lead to their endangerment and extinction, such as loss of habitat, contamination of water and spread of invasive species. One of the best ways to protect endangered species is to prevent their decline and deterioration in the first place. Toward that end, national wildlife federation works to maintain healthy populations of fish, wildlife and plant species through promoting broad based conservation efforts such as state wildlife action plans. National wildlife federation is playing a leadership role in identifying and promoting innovative approaches to safeguard endangered species and other wildlife in the face of a changing climate. We ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Invertebrate Biodiversity Comparison of invertebrate biodiversity in vegetated and open–water areas of an urban lake INTRODUCTION Interrelationships and interdependence between species in biological communities plays a major role in the survival of ecosystems (Hafernik, 1992). Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms and species biodiversity relates to the varieties of species in a particular habitat (Flinders University, 2015). The greater the biodiversity in a habitat, the more complex are the interactions between species and the higher the productivity of the ecosystem (Long, et al., 2007). This experiment looked at the biodiversity of invertebrates in vegetated and open–water areas of a freshwater system and the Simpson's Diversity Indices were used as mathematical indicator of the invertebrate species diversity. ... Show more content on ... The standard deviation was approximately the same for both habitats, which indicates that the variation in the data was the same. This suggests that the vegetated area is more biologically diverse than the open–water area. Simpson's index of diversity is also higher for the vegetated area, 0.82, compared to the open–water area, 0.68 (Table 1). A higher value of Simpson's index of diversity also indicates higher diversity in the vegetated habitat. From figure 1 it can be seen that open–water area of the north side of Flinders University Lakes was more populated with a high number or organisms present than the vegetated area. However, this larger population is mainly attributed to the large number of copepods (~750) present in the open water area (shown in red in Figure 1). The vegetated area had a higher species richness with 17 species present compared to 13 species in the open–water area. This implies that the vegetated area had a higher level of invertebrate biodiversity than the open water area of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Importance Of Biodiversity The 3.7 billion years of the earth's biological history can be summarized as follows: Organisms convert energy into food, chemical elements perform their cycles, and species perform different biological functions (niches) evolving in response to changes according to conditions environmental impacts. This implies that today, every species on the planet has gone through an evolutionary process and that each individual performs their "role" in the ecosystem. Like the many species in the world, we human beings (thanks to certain characteristics that allow us to adapt and modify the environment) have been able to increase our chances of survival on earth and this has led us to a gigantic population and economic growth, which we call Development. However, such a development makes the degradation of natural resources increasingly fast, making it imperative and necessary to establish conservation–oriented guidelines, since biodiversity is of the utmost importance for the functioning of the ecosystem. BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity or biological diversity is a term used very well to describe the richness and variety of all living things in the world; from plants and animals to microorganisms and beings a thousand times more complex. Thus, on biological diversity we can say that it is present in the most varied places, from the cold glaciers of the Arctic to the volcanic regions of Chile. In Brazil, this fact is not different, and this is the country that holds about 20% of the world's ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. The Importance of Biodiversity 'Define Biodiversity and using examples, explain why it is important' Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth. A fuller definition is given in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) from the 1992 Earth summit: 'Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part ; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems' (Hambler, C., 2004, 11). Within planet earth today Biodiversity forms the foundation for the vast array of ecosystem services that critically contribute to human well being. It is as important in human managed ecosystems as well as natural ecosystems (Hambler, C., ... Show more content on ... Endangered species of plants or animals may have properties yet to be discovered that could provide important medicines (Hambler, C., 2004, 29). In addition to such direct benefits, the world's diverse living creatures working in concert provide important ecological functions such as air and water purification, climate regulation, erosion control, and providing oxygen in the atmosphere that humans need to breathe (Hambler, C., 2004, 29). Some ecologists also stress the aesthetic value of a natural world rich with an abundance of varied and often beautiful life–forms. Many common human behaviours exhibit the importance of being able to enjoy Biodiversity in many different ways. It may be that survival is possible but life without this biodiversity being available may prove boring and unfulfilling (Primack, R.B, 2002,24). In addition, the interactions taking place between world economics and biodiversity also has to be taken into consideration. The arguments for the conservation of biodiversity with regards to economics are divided quite broadly into 'direct use value' and 'indirect use value'. direct use value is involved with microbial products such as animals and plants whereas indirect use is involved with the ecosystem services that are provided by a group of species and habitats, these include the likes of flood ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Quotes On Biodiversity And Biodiversity Remembering Faith and Morals: Protecting Biodiversity God has put his time and efforts to merge his ideas, constructing this masterpiece citizens call home. He has created everything from the smallest atom to humans with the most powerful organ, the brain. Consisting of complex neural networks, the brain allows humans to be able to study, process, and understand his creation. Humans are working on God's creation with brilliant ideas leading to the advancements of the human population and its hunger for discovery, but it is becoming dangerous for those who share this home with humans. God made sure to create a balance in this world, where there is heat; there is cold, there is day and night, atmosphere and land, wet and dry, humans and other spices. Wright (2003) explained that "This God has created the universe and established it as an orderly, law–bound system dependent on him for its existence, value, and purpose" (p. 11). Biodiversity is defined as the diversity within species, genes, livestock, and ecosystems, and this is at risk of gradual extinction due to human activities. Many species of organisms use various part of the world as their home. Some species adapt to cooler environments while others adapt to warmer or tropical environments. Millions of organisms living underwater or in other biomes around the world are dependent on certain resources for survival. Wright emphasizes to Remember that you are – let's face it – an animal. Your food, the very air you ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. The Importance Of Crop Biodiversity Crop Biodiversity is a very important to the world we know. As populations grow around the world people are going to consume more food. This can cause a problem without crop biodiversity. Crop biodiversity is the outcome of the interactions among genetic resources, the environment and the management systems and practices used by farmers. This is the result of both natural selection and human interventions and human inventive developed over millennia. Crop diversity helps when trying feeding growing populations with smaller amount of cropland. Crop biodiversity is used in several different ways like pest control, pollination, pollution and sediment regulation, maintenance of the hydrological cycle, erosion control, and climate regulation and carbon sequestration. Crop diversity in pest control has made a big impact on growing crops in areas that are dominated by pests that would eat up a crop as soon as it flowers. Crop biodiversity has made crops able to withstand roundup and different types of pesticides, which keep pests off the crops while they are growing. Thus letting crops grow to their full potential in area of the country that before crop diversity wouldn't have been able to happen. This helps in utilizing land for growing crops to feed growing populations when good land is being utilized for building structures. Crop biodiversity is also used to keep food safety obtainable in the growing world of food safety programs like the FDA. The FDA ensures every crop being ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. The Three Levels Of Biodiversity Biodiversity What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity describes the variety of different types of life found on Earth. It is extent of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems. This can denote to genetic variation, ecosystem, variation, or species disparity (number of species) inside an area, biome, or planet. Biodiversity is pondered at three levels:– 1. Genetic 2. Species 3. Ecosystem Genetic Diversity Variation amongst the same species between diverse groups and between versions of the same gene in different individuals in a population is genetic diversity. Species Diversity Calculating the number of different species that are present in a certain area is species diversity. Bigger the number of the species present, ... Show more content on ... Biodiversity banking places a fiscal value on biodiversity, where the value of biodiversity can be dignified easily. United Sates, Canada and Australia have already applied this scheme. Gene banks are assortments of specimens and genetic material. For animals freezing storage of sperms and eggs is carried out and for plants storage of seeds or cuttings from a plant are deposited in zoological freezers Decline of and better affecting of pesticides allows more species to persist in agricultural and urbanized areas. Location–specific tactics may be less useful for shielding migratory species. One methodology is to generate wildlife corridors that resemble to the animals' movements. National and other boundaries can thwart corridor creation. Wildlife corridors generally link wildlife populations which are generally unglued due to human activities. This causes greater interaction between species and boosts breeding triggering rise in ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Importance Of Biodiversity Biodiversity is a balance critical to the ecosystem. The controversy of predator decline regards the decline of predators who help the ecosystem by eating the prey. The opposition issue is that the predators were attacking civilians and eating rancher's livestock and decreasing the economy of the wool and meat industry. In any given piece of land, there are multiple species of producers, prey, and predators. Producers are primarily forage plants such as grass, clovers, and berries that grow in the wild for wildlife; They provide food and shelter for all animals with the fruit and leaves they grow. On the other hand, primary consumers, which most call prey, are species that range from small rabbits to giant moose. The prey eat the plants so the plants do not grow too thick and overtake the land in darkness from overgrowth. They are also eaten by predators (which range from omnivore bears to carnivorous lions). The predators keep prey from overeating the plants and they eat weak, sick, and old prey, which ensures the maximum fitness of prey. Every organism plays a niche to keep the ecosystem in balance; when everything is balanced there is an increase in biodiversity. Less predators to keep the balance The controversy is whether predators help the environment. According to Journal Science, with fewer predators keeping populations in check the abundance of prey alter the balance of the ecosystem. This means that with less predators to eat prey, the prey population will ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Madagascar: The Decline Of Biodiversity Although over time it has increased, biodiversity has steadily gone down in the past 35 years. The current declining of biodiversity is comparable to the massive extinction of many animals over 65 million years ago. Coral reefs have the most diversity of all ecosystems on Earth. On land, areas near the equator tend to be more diverse because of the pleasant climate. Biodiversity is very important to an ecosystem because each species plays a different role in the maintenance of the ecosystem. Disasters tend to ruin an ecosystem but if biodiversity is high, the ecosystem will be able to recover quickly. Preserving a species and its habitat is one way to ensure an increase in biodiversity. The increase in global warming is a huge factor that decreases biodiversity by destroying habitats of certain organisms. ... Show more content on ... Planting certain types of trees outside your home or school is one way to combat the decrease in biodiversity because it helps control climate. A biodiversity hotspot is an area that contains organisms (both plants and animals) that do not live in any other part of the world. Madagascar is an example of a biodiversity hotspot because roughly 98% of its living organisms cannot survive anywhere else on Earth. Although many governments around the world have passed laws to ensure biodiversity, there are over 300 extremely endangered species that have no laws to protect them. Pollution and the introduction of foreign species are other factors that contribute to the decrease in biodiversity by hindering the proper development of ecosystems. About .1% of species are lost each ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Importance Of Biodiversity Biodiversity loss is becoming an unpleasant pattern in today's world. Additionally, there are three levels of biodiversity; species diversity, ecosystem diversity, and genetic diversity. Firstly, species diversity is categorized as the volume of all living things. Secondly, ecosystem diversity is the region/habitat in which the species thrive. Lastly, genetic diversity is the variety of genes in a species, which allow the species to adapt and evolve to better suit their environment. Currently, the world is witnessing a profound loss of biodiversity. According to The National Wildlife Federation, the greatest species diversity is found among the invertebrates, including insects, crustaceans, sponges, and scorpions. In addition, The National Wildlife Federation conclude that "scientists know the least about the diversity of microscopic organisms such as bacteria and protozoa" (TNWF). Although, Microorganisms may be tiny, but they are vital, forming the base of the food chain ecosystems. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment estimated that "8700 did per year or approximately 24 species per day" (Fred Pierce). Ever since Cuvier discovery of extinction became a concept in France, biodiversity rates have been on a steady decline (Kolbert 2015). The current declining biodiversity rates are comparable to mass extinction events in the past. This is significant because many animals depend on each other to maintain their lifestyle or play a vital role for the environment. These species ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Importance Of Biodiversity Conservation There has been increasing awareness all over the world on the need to use biodiversity conservation for sustainable development. Biological resources should be protected and used to improve human conditions in ways that the world varieties of species will not diminish (Egunyomi and Salaam, 1996). NEST (1991) stated that over 350,000ha of forest and natural vegetation are being lost annually in Nigeria. One of the most effective and best means of conserving biodiversity is to prevent the destruction or degradation of our environment. Unfortunately, these countless species of flora and fauna resources found in our forest are becoming endangered or extinct with the destruction of their habitats. Robert(1992) stated that wildlife ... Show more content on ... Biodiversity is usually considered at three different levels, genetic diversity and species diversity and ecosystem diversity. Genetic diversity is a measure of variability both within and between species. Species diversity implies the number of species and the number of individual in a community; but one has to consider how the individuals are apportioned to the species (Amubode,1996).Species diversity results from species interaction such as competition and niche diversification which is mostly common in the tropics due to high humidity and temperature (Ojo,1996).Three levels of diversity have been distinguished. They are alpha, beta and gamma diversities. Alpha diversity can be described as the within habitat or intra–community variability and beta diversity is the change in variability along environmental gradient. Gamma diversity is entire landscape variation and is a composite of alpha and beta diversity (Ojo,1996). Ecological diversity relates to habitats, biotic communities and ecological process in the biosphere (Soule,1987). Wildlife Conservation is a suite of adaptive wildlife management processes to restore or maintain indigenous wildlife species in diverse landscapes and habitats for the benefit of people (IUCN,2015).Wildlife conservation can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Importance Of Biodiversity Biodiversity Loss I. Introduction Biodiversity is the variety of living organisms (Cho, 2011). Currently, an extreme loss of biodiversity is a problem that is being caused by human activities. A major report in 2005 stated that due to human actions, between 10% and 30% of mammal, bird, and amphibian species are threatened with extinction, since then, the problem has only increased (Shah, 2014). The topic of biodiversity is of interest and significant to me, and others, because it provides all humans with food and materials as well as providing essential ecological services (WWF, n.d.). This topic is significant to the field of biology because biology is the study of life, and biodiversity is an essential part of that. II. Topic Where does ... Show more content on ... Another human activity that can cause a loss of biodiversity in introducing invasive species into ecosystems which can cause the decline or even extinction of native species. Anthropogenic global warming is also a major cause of ecosystem changes, like rising sea level and temperature changes, which affects biodiversity (Gitay et al. 2002). Who benefits? Short term, there are many species, humans, and industries that benefiting from the conditions that are causing losses in biodiversity. Some species, such as invasive species or species that were prey to the endangered species, will benefit because they will have more available resources or will have fewer natural predators. There are humans and industries, such as the fishing industry, that are benefiting from the conditions, like over–fishing, that are causing biodiversity loss. Long term, there are no benefits to a loss in biodiversity. Invasive species and previous prey will exceed the carrying capacity of the ecosystem and will die out. When enough biodiversity is lost, humans and industries that previously benefited will no longer be able to continue the activities that were beneficial to them. III. Biological Concepts Level of organization The loss of biodiversity affects all levels of organization. Even if a species in not directly impacted, they could affected by the changes to other species that are impacted. Ecosystems are complex webs, so a change to one aspect of them can ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Issue of Biodiversity Conservation Around the world large numbers of species are threatened with extinction due to the degradation of ecosystems and widespread deforestation for industrial purposes. The resources available for biodiversity conservation to protect all the endangered species are unfortunately inadequate (Myers 1996). It is therefore paramount to use these resources in the most effective ways possible. This literature review will focus on evaluating existing biodiversity budgets and the effectiveness of various investment approaches used in biodiversity conservation programs. The issue of Biodiversity Conservation Funds available for biodiversity conservation are not able to cover and assist conservation projects for all species under threat. It is estimated that 44% of plants and 35% of animals are concentrated in just 25 focal regions, which represent only 1.4% of the land surface on Earth (Myers 2000). A study by Rands et al. shows that biodiversity is crucial for the optimal functioning of ecosystems and to ensure the sustainable supply of ecosystem services. The planet is undergoing a continuous and increasing loss of biodiversity, and national and international institutions are implementing various projects around the world in order to prevent further losses. The lack of adequate funding, especially in developing nations, is becoming a major concern, due to the fact that biodiversity loss is even greater in these areas (Rands et al. 2010). Biodiversity Conservation Budgets Most of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Decline Of Biodiversity In Australia Biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life in the world and as such is an important aspect of all human life. Nature provides food, and ways of preventing diseases. Overall, it makes Earth a livable place for all life. It's been estimated that there are around thirty million species on earth but only around 1.7 million are identified. The issue with biodiversity is that it is rapidly declining in many parts of the world and once the biodiversity in an area is wiped out, it is basically impossible to revive. There are a couple of reasons as to why there is a steady decline in biodiversity. Some of the ways include habitat loss, spread of diseases or invasive species, and climate change. One way the rate at which biodiversity decreases ... Show more content on ... Australia is considered a mega diversity nation, meaning that Australia has a very large portion of the Earth's biodiversity compared to other nations. Even though it holds a large portion of the biodiversity, it also has had the largest decline in biodiversity compared to any other country. The Australian Government recognizes the issues presented by biodiversity loss in their country and has acts in place in order to make improvements. Acts such as implementing the Australian Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010 – 2030, which had been reviewed in 2015. Their strategy includes enlisting the help of the majority of their people by "mainstreaming" the issue, reducing the threats to biodiversity and implementing intense monitoring. This is one country where the government understands the importance of biodiversity and are taking action against the decline but although the australian government has programs in place, they don't seem to be making very much progress. According to an article focused entirely on Australia's progress in biodiversity conservation, Australia has barely made any progress in actually reducing the growing loss of biodiversity there. The country itself has a greater amount of biodiversity compared to other countries and doesn't have the pressures of population but has made very little progress in conserving it. There's at least 46 other countries that have better and more ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Importance Of Florida's Biodiversity Florida's biodiversity is extremely important in maintaining. Many people fail to realize that without the biodiversity there would be no humans. They fail to see how our lives and lives many species would change drastically. Since I am one the few people in Florida to take a biogeography course, I am now a member of the Florida biodiversity Czar after the next election. What would be my top priorities to protect Florida's biodiversity, and how would I implement them? My first priority would be to focus more on conserving as much of the biodiversity hotspots we have left. To implement this into effect I would gain awareness of it to the public's knowledge and get funding to support it. Many people seem not care of the biodiversity of earth ... Show more content on ... To implement this, I would get funding to study the effects that climate change and mass extinctions had on Earth's biodiversity. Many people fail to see that climate change and biodiversity are interconnected. It is climate change that affects the biodiversity of animals and plants. Many plants need wind to aide in their dispersal of seeds. Climate change can destroy many organisms' homes and even aiding them to disperse into places that were not possible before. Due to climate change, native species are now on the brink of extinction due to introduced species. For example, in table 16.4 we see the percentage of threatened species that are affected by introduced species. In Australia, alone the numbers exceed over 40 % and that poses a risk on that country (Lomolino, et al.725). Much of world's endemic species found in Australia will probably be gone in the next few years. We can confer that studying the effects of how climate change affected our planet's biota in the past can help us preserve for the future. If we knew more information, about how fast the sea levels rose when the glaciers started retreating. Then we can better understand how the ecosystem change and what species were more susceptible to extinction. Also we would be better able to understand the effects of how losing certain species would not affect us at all and which ones are more important in saving versus ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Biodiversity And Conservation Of Marine Biodiversity The world's oceans cover 70 percent of the earth's surface (Allsopp, Page, Johnston, & Santillo, 2009). The oceans biodiversity is increasingly becoming more threatened each year by anthropogenic activities such as pollution, destructive fishing methods, overfishing and commercial agriculture (Tyus, 2012). Marine conservation has improved over the years to protect and preserve ecosystems in oceans and seas. To limit the anthropogenic damage, restore habitats, species and preserve vulnerable marine life (Norse & Crowder, 2005). The term marine biodiversity discusses the abundance of species in a geographical area. (Allsopp et al., 2009). The biodiversity and conservation of marine systems can include a range of different types of habitats, the habitat that will be discussed in this study will be tropical coral reefs of Madagascar (Dobson & Frid, 2009). Coral reefs are the most biologically diverse ecosystem within the oceans (Hill, 2005). At a global scale, they tend to have high species diversity to care and support a large number of fish communities (Tyus, 2012). Coral reefs are recognised as the most pristine marine ecosystem of Madagascar; it is species rich but are also very fragile and threatened (Ahamada, Bijoux, Cauvin, Kooonjul, Maharavo, & Pierre–Louis, 2004). Endemic species inhabit this region such as butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) and wrasses (Labridae), which show reliable indicators for the reefs health (Nadon, Griffiths, & Doherty, 2005). Velondriake marine ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Importance Of Biodiversity on productivity, it is important to remember that all ecosystems are different. Ecosystems in different biomes could react differently than the way the ecosystem did in this experiment. It would be beneficial if more experiments like this were conducted throughout different types of habitats. Biodiversity can also help keep an ecosystem healthy and make it more resistance. This ultimately benefits the productivity because the ecosystem can spend more time growing and providing ecosystem services. Based on results from an experiment, Elizabeth Culotta (1996) explained that "plots with more species had more biomass, retained more soil nitrogen, and fared better during drought" and "high–diversity plots were also more resistant to disease" (p. 1045). It is important to recognize that when there is more diversity, the other factors that affect productivity are not as impactful. For example, the environment plots that Culotta worked with were not terribly affected by drought. Typically, droughts have profound effects on ecosystems, resulting in death and less diverse environments. Biological diversity has benefits for all aspects of the environment, because it is what drives the ecosystem. Solutions/Interpretations As humans it is our responsibility to take care and preserve the nature on Earth. If we completely abandon efforts to enhance the conditions our planet, eventually it will not be able to support human life. The rates of global warming, deforestation, and species ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Study of Biodiversity Biodiversity – the amount of living things; animals, microorganisms and plants. It also includes the genetic information these living things contain, and the ecosystems and biomes they form. 3 ways biodiversity can be studied: – GENETIC DIVERSITY: The amount of different genetic characteristics of the species in their genetic make up. – SPEICIES DIVERSITY: the amount of species in a particular area in the world. – ECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY: the amount of ecosystems in a given region or biome. – Places of biodiversity include coral, rainforests, sea grass beds, and mangroves. Australian soils – Old and fragile soils. Water requirements of native plants are adapted to this. – Australia is slowly shifting northwards. The climate will gradually change. – Bushfires. Species can affect scale and range of the bushfires. – Lowest rainfall of the 5 inhabited continents. – Few rivers and lakes. Australian biodiversity – 600,000 – 700,000 species. – Endemic species; 83% of mammals, 45% of birds, 89% of reptiles and 93% frogs. – About a minimum of 60–70 species have become extinct, since European settlement. Hotspot(s) – A region where there is at least 1500 of 800,000 or 0.5% of plant species (70% vegetation). – Hotspots have high diversity, are not found outside the area, a loss of endemic species and are also likely to be lost. Human impacts on biodiversity Unsustainable use of resources: – Agriculture (monoculture and stripping land). – Fisheries (overfishing). – ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Biodiversity And Its Impact On Biodiversity Biodiversity is what makes the planet earth unique and different from every other planet in the solar system. Biodiversity can be studied on a global level all the way down to studying it within a microscopic ecosystem (National Wildlife Federation, 2015). It is important to understand that biodiversity can be looked at genetically as well as environmentally as well. For example, genetic biodiversity is seen in the variation of different breeds within the dog species, while environmental biodiversity is the diversity of ecosystems and habitats (National Wildlife Federation, 2015). Preserving biodiversity is perhaps the most important task that humans have to complete while living on this planet. The ecosystems that make up all of the regions worldwide are immensely complex, so conservation may be difficult at times. Additionally, many factors influence the species that inhabit ecosystems, and these factors may complicate the preservation of biodiversity. Moreover, there is a plethora of threats to biodiversity, both natural and manmade that are destroying ecosystems on a daily basis. Out of these threats, the human influences are particularly severe and must be taken care of at all costs. Biodiversity provides countless benefits for every ecosystem and creature, which is what makes it worthy of conservation. Through the introduction and relocation of species, some degree of restoration may be possible in the future. Biodiversity is an amazing natural process that makes life ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Human Impact On Biodiversity There are over 2,000 species that are either endangered or threatened in the United States and in foreign countries in the year 2016 according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The biodiversity all across the world is decreasing at a tremendous rate. Because of this, the protection of endangered species is a very important focus. In 1973 the Endangered Species Act was put into effect. Under this Act, all threatened and endangered species are protected. The biodiversity refers to the variety of species in a given ecosystem. People do not think these creatures are important, that is simply untrue. Some people believe that human needs take priority over the needs of other species. However, biodiversity should be protected because all ... Show more content on ... Studies are being done all across the world to gain more knowledge on biodiversity in order to keep these species alive and well. The groundbreaking studies that have been done, and are still being done, by Scotland 's scientists is accumulating global knowledge of biodiversity in the pursuit of protecting endangered plants and animals (Scotland Scientists). Roseanna Cunningham said: "The process of evolution leads species to adapt to changing circumstances, to strengthen, grow and, at times, to falter. Unfortunately human impact on the environment has, for centuries now, sped up this natural process at a rate many species cannot match. Our scientists have increased our understanding of biodiversity and provided clear direction on how humans can help support and protect the marvelous variety of life around us" (Scotland Scientists). This quotation explains to the world that evolution cannot happen overnight. The evolution of different species takes so much time that our rapidly changing society is destroying the creatures of the world. However, because of the work done by the Scottish scientists the world is coming to know and acknowledge the importance of biodiversity. Because of Scotland's scientists work on this matter, we are having a clear direction about how humans can help support and protect an awe–inspiring variety of life around us, the world can move on to actually protecting endangered and threatened ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Importance Of Biodiversity Biodiversity is vital to the survival of an ecosystem. However, the increase of extinct and endangered animal and plant species has weakened the diversity and sustainability of the ecosystem. Human activity is the leading cause of the high extinction rate of species; about ninety–nine percent of endangered species are at risk due to human activities (biological diversity). However, humans do not think what we are doing to the environment is immoral. Why do humans act like everything we do is morally correct and acceptable? This is because humans believe every action we carry out would benefit our societies and encourage us to advance further. When we advance further, we will improve the living conditions of all creatures with advanced medicine and optimal habitat. However, we did not realize that we are paving the pathway toward destruction by driving species extinction at a rate of 100 to 1000 times faster than natural rate(ncbi). Human life depend on the usage of resources provided by the nature. It was this way when humans first appeared and formed civilizations. Till this day, we are still using natural resources to build our society and to make our industry prosper. However, we are causing harm to the environment by using natural resource incorrectly and using more than what we needed. We cleared lands that are used to be homes to millions of species and those lands are used for agriculture and urbanization. We excessively hunt animals to meet the demand for food and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Importance Of Biodiversity Biodiversity is the variety of all plants and animals (species of different flora, fauna and micro– organisms and their genes) and the ecosystem (terrestrial and aquatic) in which they live. It supplies humans with goods and services vital for living (CBD 2010) which are the basic needs such as food, fresh water, clean air, and timber for shelter, fiber for clothing, fuel and medicine. These also provide cultural services that include aesthetic, spiritual, recreational and educational (MEA 2003). Environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity is exacerbated due to human activities influenced by modernization. To continue human existence there is a need to conserve biodiversity. The involvement of the International Labor Organization (ILO) with the indigenous peoples' issues led to the creation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention of 1989 (No. 169) that deals with the rights of the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) and tribes in independent countries. In the article 5 of the said convention states the recognition and protection of their cultural values and practices as well as the social and spiritual values. The Philippines is an archipelago composed of 7,641 islands as reported by National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA). According to the United Nations Development Programme (2010), it has an estimated 14–17 million Indigenous Peoples (IPs) that belong to 110 ethno–linguistic groups. These people depended so much on natural resources and the services ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Lab Report Biodiversity INTRODUCTION Biodiversity presents occurrence of variety of species and their natural community in which they live. By the definition it is "The degree of variation of life forms within a given species, ecosystem, biome, or an entire planet. It is a measure of the health of ecosystems and is in part a function of climate." (Rutherford) Ecosystem is on the other hand, " community and its abiotic environment"( Rutherford). Biodiversity exists in every ecosystem, weather it is big one, or just ecosystem of one garden, it has the same importance because without it nature loses its ability to perform major functions needed for life on Earth, as it is oxygen production. Trough this investigation, two different ecosystems will be explored and ... Show more content on ... Data collected in garden at 3 m2 area Type of species | Number of organisms | | Measurement number 1 | Measurement number 2 | Measurement number 3 | Measurement number 4 | Mean value | Tulip | 6 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 6 | Rose | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Carnation | 6 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | Total number of species: 3 | | Mean value: Tulip: (6+6+5+6)/4=5.75≈6 Rose: (4+4+4+4)/4=4 Carnation: (6+4+6+6)/4=5.5≈6 Graph 1. Percentage of species at meadow Graph 2. Percentage of species at garden * Calculating Simpson`s reciprocal index for meadow species: N– Sum of all individuals n– Total number of organisms of a particular species D = N (N–1) / Σ n (n–1) D = 80(80 –1)/ (930+552+110+42+42) D=6320/1676 D=3.77 * Calculating Simpson`s reciprocal index for garden species: N– Sum of all individuals n– Total number of organisms of a particular species D = N (N–1) / Σ n (n–1) D = 16(16 –1)/ (30+12+30) D=240/72 D=3.33 Graph 3. Simpson`s reciprocal index at meadow and garden DICUSSION After I carried out the entire investigation, I got the results showing biodiversity of two different ecosystems trough Simpson`s reciprocal index showed in graph 3. If we look generally on biodiversity index of both ecosystems, in both cases it is higher than 1, meaning that biodiversity
  • 66. index is not low. As the maximum value is equal to the number of species in the sample, we can say that in case of meadow, biodiversity is optimal, at medium ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The Controversy Of Biodiversity Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth. This goes for the genetic diversity, which is what makes a poodle different from a pit bull, ecological diversity, and species diversity. Biodiversity is very important to everybody on earth as our health and survival depend on it. This is why the loss of biodiversity is an issue. Having a great array of biodiversity allows humans to have a greater array of food to choose from and materials to contribute to the economy. For example, imagine if all the chicken went extinct in the world. That would be one less food source for us humans and the predators that eat it. This interrelates with our survival depending on biodiversity. Every species depends on another organism to provide for them. An example ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Impact Of Biodiversity On The Environment Furthermore, it is a proven fact that biodiversity changes influence "the flow of ecosystem services", i.e. benefits that people receive from ecosystems, including such services as provisioning, cultural, and regulating ones (Perrings 1). The most acute group of services in terms of biodiversity connection with the environment concerns regulating services, which relate to control of biological variability, presence of pathogens and pests, emergence and mitigation of environmental hazards, as well as many other essential environmental processes (Perrings 1). Hence, it is obvious that if biodiversity significantly alters, the environment will be susceptible to a wide range of various impacts. Moreover, all of them will be of negative character. Diminishing biodiversity, for instance, means that the process of climate regulation performed by ecosystems and their correlation will be threatened and disrupted. As a result, it will intensify problems with the biodiversity and lead to further extinction of many species. Nonetheless, researchers agree that it is difficult to predict exact impacts of biodiversity loss on the environment and the combined effect of the biodiversity loss, degradation of the environment, and climate change. The latter three phenomena may intensify impacts of each other and lead to more severe and abundant problems relating to each of them. Therefore, it becomes of utmost importance to address the existing problems today so that the future of mankind ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Essay on Biodiversity Biodiversity INTRODUCTION Franck and Brownstone define biological diversity as 'the variety and variability of living organisms and the biological communities in which they live' (36). Decades of progress in both the scientific and political arenas have advanced environmental legislation to protect biodiversity at not only the ecosystem level, but for specific species and genetic material as well. Research has shown the importance of every organism and their role in the global ecosystem, and legislation has gradually matured to protect not only species which may become endangered, but the habitats they need to survive as well. Growing consciousness surrounding environmental issues has enabled these protections to be ... Show more content on ... Simultaneously, thousands of other species across the globe face the same threat: extinction. Biodiversity is an essential part of our world, our global ecosystem. As Planet Earth?s resources diminish and its creatures vanish, those who recognize the need to preserve what is disappearing look to international politics to accomplish what individuals cannot. The most important instrument for implementation of international policy has been the Convention On International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which went into effect in 1975. The plight of the rhinoceros is not unlike the all–too–familiar danger that the elephant faces. Illegal trade is greatly responsible for the endangerment of the species. Valued for their ivory horns, over 90% of the five rhino species have disappeared, while the rest continue to dwindle. The worth of one rhinoceros horn is $44,000, and the demand remains high in the countries of China, Taiwan, South Korea and in the Middle East. In East Asia, the horns are regarded as powerful medicinal tools, known to cure everything from nosebleeds to food poisoning. In a powdered from, the horn is thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Similarly, the animals? genitalia are also considered extremely valuable. Existing rhino populations continue to decline. In East Africa, the Black Rhinoceros ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Importance Of Biodiversity The complexity of life on Earth requires a complex system of interactions to ensure the sustainability of life. The driving force of this system of interactions is biodiversity. McGrath of the National Wildlife Federation provides a clear definition of this concept. Biodiversity is simply the variety in biological systems (McGarth). Although this definition seems to imply variation in organisms, the concept describes something more complex. Biodiversity specifically refers to the variety in three areas of biology: species, genetics, and ecosystems (McGrath). Therefore, biodiversity can be defined as the diversity and interactions that exist in species, genetics, and ecosystems. In this essay, I will illustrate that biodiversity is fundamental to the sustainability of life on Earth as the complex network of biological interactions ultimately benefits individual organisms and I will describe one current threat to biodiversity. Biodiversity's value lies in its position as the driving force of sustainability of life on Earth. The variations in genetics, species, and ecosystems creates interactions that are overall constructive for individual organisms and populations. Hooper relates this phenomenon in mathematical terms as a system made up of individual components that functions to serve the components. In simpler terms, individuals of a biological system each have a part to play in the larger role of sustaining life (Hooper, 2005). Of course, we must take this into the context ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Biodiversity Quiz Study the information about that biodiversity hotspot that you have chosen. Then answer the following questions 1. Which biodiversity hotspot did you choose to write about? (Give the name) The biodiversity I have chosen to write about is defending natures' hotspots for people and prosperity. 2. Where is it located? (Give the world, region, and country) The world area where located region called horn of Africa. Information, results show the arid Horn of Africa has been a renowned source of biological resources for thousand of years. 3. What are two important species (give common and scientific names) that live there? Why are they important? The largest biodiversity species which live in the horn of Africa is Diversity and Endemism which the scientific and the common name called ... Show more content on ... List three other interesting facts that you have learned about this place. Horn of Africa might be the most conspicuous segment on the Africa map, but only a little is known about the region. Most people, in fact, know this place it as the region that's always in a consistent warfare, or that region that's overridden by drought and all sorts of adversities. To clear such miscalculated assumptions, at the list we have compiles a low down of at list 10 things about this place, but I want to simply list the three most important points to know about the region ("Horn of Africa: 10 Facts You Should Know", 2017). 1. Horn of Africa Economy: the economy of this region is mostly dependent on a number of key export; for example, the economy of Ethiopia depends on coffee, which translates to about 80% its total exports("Horn of Africa: 10 Facts You Should Know", 2017). Then the economy of Somali largely depends on livestock and banana accounting for over 50% of its aggregate exports 2. The animals in horn Africa: obviously, this region has over 220 different species of animals. Among them, we have baboon, Hamadryas, ammodile, desert warthog, the Somali wild ass, and the Somali pygmy ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Biodiversity Is Bad Humans have manipulated their environment for their own purposes since the beginning of time. Nature has provided humanity with many valuable necessities. Similarly, the term "biodiversity" is the variety of life within species, ecosystems, and ecological systems (Simpson, 2002). Biodiversity allows species to prosper in their environment (Liu, Zhang, Hong, 2011). The benefit of a diverse system is the services it contributes to humanity and its function in the ecosystem. (Nelson, 2014). In addition, in the article "Why biodiversity is important to the functioning of real–world ecosystems," the author states, that from a practical view of the policy of GDP, the primary matter should be the possible outcomes of the loss of certain species that ... Show more content on ... Green GDP can be difficult to measure because of the problems implicit in trying to quantify the costs of ecological and environmental damage. "Societies should be able to see how market consumption affects the consumption of public goods like beautiful views, clean air, and clean water". The policies of the green GDP has been putting efforts to unite economic and environmental concerns. "Another reason to measure green GDP is that environmentalists want to track the provision of nature's benefits over time, either to hold governments accountable or to compare their environmental conditions with those of another country" . This explains how the green GDP is put into place to take on account any financial damage was done to the environment. As well as, the economic growth it spurred that is opposed to the environmental damage it has done (Boyd, ... Get more on ...