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BioVision 2013 Lyon

Il faut donner un nouveau souffle à la recherche et les actions pour favoriser la formation des
futurs chercheurs vont dans ce sens. Ce siècle sera celui du gène, comme les précédents ont été
ceux de la vapeur et de l'industrialisation.

Biovision 2013. Ouverture de l'édition 2013.

Mme Fioraso, Ministre de l'Education supérieure et de la Recherche.

Le secteur de la Santé enregistre un chiffre d'affaire deux fois plus élevé en France quand
Allemagne et les indicateurs sont bien plus positifs que les autres domaines industriels. Plus de
200 millions d'euro sont actuellement consacrés à la recherche translationnelle en France.
Génopole Rhône-Alpes et d'autres projets ont affirmé les compétences de la Région dans ces
expertises avec des influences sur les activités Européennes et Internationales. L'orientation des
recherches va dans le sens de la guérison des maladies qui infligent des coûts important à notre

Les différentes formes de Recherches doivent maintenant dialoguer et agir pour une synergie des
efforts. Les Start-up doivent être soutenues pour devenir les groupes internationaux du futur.
Entre avril 2004 et avril 2012 plus d'une dizaine de traitements ont été mis en place pour des
maladies enfin vaincues. Principalement dans les pays développés, le potentiel des nouvelles
filières doit être mis en valeur parce qu'elles représentent des enjeux important pour les jeunes
et leur avenir. Biovision est donc un événement décisif en ce qui concerne les orientations de
Recherche et la confiance portée aux objectifs de traitements médicaux.

Transversal approaches to catalyze innovation.

Mr Andrew JACK, journalist.
Lyon is a good place for the conference of research on medical treatments. French and
international speakers have their vision on future of innovation and partnership.

Mr Chris Viehbacher.

Innovation is important for running a company and also for the Society. There is a virtual cycle of
innovation and influence on longer lifetime of famillies and health. There are more new
treatments since 2000 than before even if the financial risk is higher. The Bio tech community is
financed also by pension fund who want to make sure yo have money when you will be retired.
39 new medecines and vaccins have been approved in the US lately. They come from emerging
companies. The most important is not the building or the finance but where you find the best
professionals. Some project can create conflict between reality and dream. We have to
communicate the failing in order to avoid several teams to work on the same issues. Patient
privacy is important and it is not possible to share data. For HIV it has been posible to share
more details because data was shared without personnal indication.

Pr Jean-Marie Lehn.

Changing paradygm is needed to come to action. Innovation is under the light for long time
because it is a way of going forward in economy and discovering new treatments. A scientific
research must wait for being in time. To publish failure in the Research activity is not very good
because it shows bad result, but enquiry about why it failed might be interesting. Innovation is a
mean for structure while it is a goal for funding partners.
Mr Jean-Yves Gilet.

A lot of life science structures are supported for bringing success in treatment. Investor's
perspective take in account four factors: new model of patient care, increasing regulatory
pressure, limitation of public funds but more enforcement of law, a change in research effort that
will increase the competition, beside major companies some structures with innovative attitude
are emerging. Within the global finance team there is a death valey. What we need is an effort
toward the industrialization. What are the main challenges for investors? To develop partnership
is emerging structure along with public and private structures. Cooperation is a daily work for
capital venture and InnoBio is the symposium of six companies in that matter.

Mr Antoine Frérot.

Innovation is a key issue for Veolia. The company was fonded in Lyon for providing clean water
to the population. Pasteur said "we drink 90% of our illness". Water, Energy and Wastes must be
linked for a better use and recycling. More creativity must develop partnership between Mérieux
and Veolia to detect infections in drinkable water. Scarcity of natural ressource is also an issue in
term of research and use of water. Research and dreams must be linked to make a better futur.

Mr Fukuda.

WHO have an office in Lyon and this is because it is the place of work for health and treatments.
The office is working on critical points. Influenza have been a remarkable step in the will to
analyze and cure illness. An Inter-Governmental process is on-going to understand what is the
most important way to make the medical world more efficient and relevant. What needs to be
done is linked to major medical issues the world is facing. The next few decades will follow the
discovery of Penicilin. The global issue on parasites, diseases shows that combination of medical
troubles is life threatening. In addition, drug resistance problem is causing hospitals to close in
northern Europe. The struggle is why are we in a situation where the population is using drugs in
uncontroled way and this is a concern for international partners. Sharing of information with
transparency attitude is a complex issue because the structures have to change.

Mr Greg Perry.

Increasing HIV treatment access is a significant goal we have to focuse on. Where we can bring
innovation together with (...) To full fill the needs of medecines amogst population. The need for
improving regulatory and intellectual property is on of the goals. Economicaly valuable scheeme
and Business models can be improved for small scale research. The pulling of innovation and
intellectual property should become a norm and following the success it should be a pionneer

Plenary session.
Living with micro organisms, risks and opportunities.

Pr Jules Offman.

Multi resistence to medicines has become an issue. The inside mecanisms is studied and stored
for research. Thousand of cases are under review. It is reasonable to be enthousiastic because
defense reaction is gradually better known. Contribution to knowledge is huge and there can be
10 microbs in each humans cells amongst thousand various kinds. 50 bacterias only are a threat
to human life. New strategies are arriving for both research and curation.
Pr Alice Dautry.

It is important to remind that one single bacteria can cause huge damage into a Nation as it has
happen before. The disease transmitted by birds is a great challenge because it can cause many
human deaths. The big fear is about virus mutation that could make the research more difficult.
Samples have been collected in four different markets and it is present on every. It means that it
is not so contagious because not so many people are seek. Virus are present everywhere, in
mud, house dust, animals etc. Mutations occurs went virus have been in contact with drugs.
Receptors study show that it must be under review because it has happened to see
contamination from human to human (really?) and not only bird to human. Promiscuty with birds
is a danger in term of threat to health.

Pr Nathan Wolfe.

HIV jump from chimp population to humans during the late 1980. 1991, 1992, 1993 where
different steps while AIDS was under research and US President to use the word AIDS. On way
of collecting data is the use of mobile phones. A Big data system collecting health status would
help to study new strategies.

Mr Sandeep Juneja.

It has been almost thirty years that HIV is under research. Virus affecting immunity system.
Affected person can have longer life expectancy now and there is a gap between developping
and developped countries. Health care can be monitored better in developping countries now. A
solution is to put skills together. Generic drugs must be allowed to make profit because it is not
possible to continue.

Pr Jean-Luc Belingare.

Infectious diseases create a significant number of death, like septism. Every hour that pases
without treatment is a increasing factor of death. Diagnose tools can help to understand illness
like melanoma and else. Technologies have been developped for better knowledge and
understanding. Pathogens are serious issues to be studied.

What about "good microorganisms" ?

There is significant virus number in Nature that can colaborate and have positive effects. Asking
if that colaboration can help to cure desease is very relevant, but also there no worse strategy to
build poor treatment on eratic data.

Who will organize to collect data ?

This should happen organicaly, and it just come from a meeting in Roma were major partners
were discussing.

What is the way forward of treating with microorganisms ?

The knowledge is thin about the large variety of effects of microorganisms. There is a need of
science about using microorganisms for curation.
Impact of Climate change, Diversity of microorganisms.

Pr Jean Jouzel.

We will face a serious problem because of Climate change and it will affect many life sectors.
Increase of temperature, floods and impact on Biodiversity are linked to our industry and use of
fossil fuels.

Agriculture modification and emerging deseases.

64% of human deseases comes from animals. By the end of 2050 there will be 9 billion people to
be fed. Then, food production must be increased of 50%. The problem is linked to the fact that
desease can affect humans through food. Food processes can create bad conditions, also
travelers with planes and animals. Prion, SARS, Influenza H5N1 and H1N1 have been the last
global infectious outbreak. 10 million cattle were killed in UK to prevent more human infection.
Also Schmallenberg affected Europe and this is a serious issue on european market. Chikungunya
and Dingues are two infectious deseases that have been brought to french riviera by urban

Breading animals with high intensity, without choice of desease resistence is also a serious risk. A
tripartite concept note by WHO states that health is a public good. Holistic approachs must be
used for research about non hypothesis-driven studies. We must also be carrefull about the use
of insecticides because it may increase resistence. Modeling and prediction must follow
observation to have a clear overview of risks. There is a need of surveillance and management in
deseases outbreak.

Eradication is not a goal but protecting the population from infection is an appropriate strategy.

Dr Tanja Wolf.

Health and global environmental change.

Speaking to the audience because we are first humans, before being representatives of industry.
Health is at the center in the picture of all sectors that are affecting human status. Industry,
atmosphere, activity, gases are all connected. The dimension of the challenge have visible and
invisible points. All moving fast or slow, linked to poverty and human behaviour, but not easy to
change. Example can be a good strategy for influencing the Society. Now health and living
environment are really in direct connection as we can make observation of premature death
because of air pollution. In Europe, WHO regional office have been aware of the problem since
1989 Frankfurt meeting. The frame of action is leading in term of information sharing and
reduction of greenhouse gases. Actually Health indicators can show the positive impact of
sustainabiity on the society. Four examples of better attitude for energy, food, activity and
housing show good results. Air pollution have rapid effect on health, so it may be the easiest way
to immediatly create an impact.

Health system must be improved for eastern europe countries and partnership to help
coordination and allocation of funds for a better action.
Pr Henry Dicks.

The risk of reducing water to an abstraction.

It is a speech about philosophy. Scientists and philosophers are studying phenomens.
Phenomenology is then a way to look at water through this filter. In the consummer society it is
possible to see the products but not to realize how it was produced. Water as become a risk with
heavy metal, and other pollution. It would be a good idea to let water appear. The example of
Lyon shows that there is no more car park along the Rhone and there are walking path. The
change did not contribute in a significant maner to reduce climate change but it shows how it can
be done.

Risks and responses.

Dr Nathan Wolfe.

In the old times people were living where the food was grown-up. Now we have created a large
market where desease as well as products are shared. We see forces changing our life.

Dr Maria Naria.

Places where people don't have access to water will be multiplied by two, while climate change
continues to kill our environment. Causes of death are linked to water conditions, availability, and
impact of human activity on the ressource. If we move to a green society we will see the impact
of better attitude. Prevention is the major goal and climate change adaptation for health
community means access to health care. The equity question shows that the Nations creating
climate change are the best protected and those affected by climate change are those which
have less funds to face. Using bicycles in european cities has not only an effect on reducing C0²
emission but also on individual's health.

Pr Sylvie Joussaume.

Climate have impact on everything. There is an impact of weather conditions on allergies, and for
a precise example, dust can increase meningitis and there is a study ongoing about this

Dr Alexandre Brailowsky.

What does mean a solution from industry point of view ?
Human activity will turn into behavior role. The participation to change of behavior is a strategy
for efficient involvement of the population. The "river keeping" movement in USA say you cant
extend the use of water without damaging the environment. Nile water ressource management
was the reason for creating the notion of "state" in Egypt.

What is the future for human capacities?

Research shows great results in term of new way of "producing" mobility. In the first case, a rat
that had a spine injury could walk again after injection. The fluid is based on typical fluids
present in the brain. It is described by the team leader as puting the brain inside the spine, as it
is encouraging the recovery of nervous signals. The main goal of the process is to force the
mobility and tell the brain to take over legs movement command.
Enabling technology for Biomanufacturing challenges and opportunities by 2020.

(Protest of CGT, Confederation of Workers is on going since monday morning and we can hear
drums beating. They came from various plants to alert about SANOFI project about research)

Private companies which are producing equipments, drugs and experts will discuss market trends
and strategies.

Global market 2015 is about 150 billion. Novel technologies and regulation have an impact on
production design and quality. Clinical-trial products and production are traditionally made by
hand with CMO equipment and hybrid, or product maker own plant (wich can be fixed or

New procedures are to be taken into account. For example about specific enveloppes, packaging
must be in good shape and checked. A single small pinch made by wrong handeling or bad
machines will create a dammage. It is good to learn from community experience. A small
company can be helped for first experience.

What about the coming decade and market potential ?

1- newest trends in novel therapies ?

Sciences are to be mixed.

2 - what are the biggest opportunities for growth ?

By the end of this decade the market will represent several billion of USD. Chemical drug is made
by reaction that can be reproduce by generic because same reaction produce same drug. Biologic
medicine needs complex work for building it's structure and is really difficult to copy.

3 - how to release cost pressure and improve process efficiency ?

Analytics is a big part of the cost and pressure of the regulatory. Halogeneic, immunoterapy and
cancer are emerging opportunities. Gene therapy cost is 1,250 million euro per dosis, then for
moment very narrow market but it will be transformed by production technology to an
affordable treatment.

4 - technologies and workforce to manage risk and meeting the regulation ?

The workforce needs to have relevant skills for the new challenges and then be trained to. Clean
rooms will be installed for the new investment and improving effectivness with cost reduction.
Flexibility of equipments for different kind of production is requiered. Cooperation is accelerating
the development by puting together the development teams and production, sharing skills and
creating synergies.

Innovation approach shows that much work has to be done. R&D must be done in chemistry to
understand exactly the reaction instead of creating trials of 10% dilution. Cost solving solution is
not yet found but there must be a way with halogenic products. With manpower you can save 30
to 40% of the workforce. Also, automatisation is not the best and only solution because it needs
to invest on devices and adding daily consumming of side products.

70% of new drugs are very difficult to develop because of complexity of creating production
lines. Plant based products, and acellular also show good expectation of production. It needs
high professional skills and then good training for changing the existing workforce into efficient
teams. For example chemist must also be able to manage bio-ingeneering. Conversion of workers
can be long because technologies require precise activity.

In Germany it is easier to work by combining University and Work. The most difficult part is not
to train people but to find an adequate situation for each.

Quality by design is based on understanding the structure and clinical effect of a drug. If you do
that well you can save time and money. Time management, manufacturing and distribution
through commercial readiness. As suppliers, companies must bring in the correct intrants to help
drug development.

Focusing on quality and reducing the risk of polutant during process are the main goals. To work
with partners for developping efficient industrialization and controled production.

Lifescience research in Brazil. San Paolo.

Pr Eduardo Kriger. Fundacion for medical research.

Pr Raul Machado Neto. University of San Paolo.

Building trust and reliability. The country is not only sunny picture for tourists but also has a
relevant University training. Certificates are possible in many and almost all carrers. San Paolo
represent 52% of brazilian scientific papers in the country. Between 2000 and 2009, more than
58.000 articles about life sciences. There is an evident increase of publication and 24% of the
papers are written with international colaboration. Life science Post graduate programs are
amongst the more numerous within the total of graduations in Brazil. Interdisciplinary research
office establish a program for this specific groups. 123 groups are actually financed for this work.

Internationalization strategies are both symetric and asymetric programs. An agreement is signed
with Ohio University. Both students and teachers have to be internationaly experienced.

Pr Eduardo Kriger.

San Paolo Research Fundation have 20.000 proposals of research per year. 11.000 fellowships
and up to 11 year long financed program. There is even on approval per week about life science
research. Nature publication mentionned that 152 projects in Brazil are about Life Science. The
rate of funds involved for each researcher have increased. 47% of energy in Brazil are
renewable, 18% is sugar cane. Renewable use in the World is 13% and OCDE 7%. FAPESP
Bioenergy research project is about bio fuels. Sugarcane research have the most important
number of research. BIOTA virtual institute is about collecting and disseminating data about
science in Brazil. Resolutions are made thanks to the work of BIOTA.

The supercomputer of 15 Tflops sustainable is used for several areas of research about Climate

Also San Paolo is believing that exchange of scientists and students enable better work. Focus on
scientific research is not only utilitarian but also in Academic research for Humanities. Challenges
are about the impact of scientific production, international cooperation and the number of
scientists in Academia and Industry.

The Academy of UK showed a report where 50% of reports are international, and it has better
impact in the society. Then the same goal must be applied to Brazilian Academy.
RIDC Research, Innovation and Dissemintation Centers have a goal of cooperation between
Governmental, non-governemental, laboratories and Academic structures. Each center is ran by a
team that is managing the work.

Participants at the workshop are asking about future international cooperation with Egypt, France
and another brazilian state away from Sao Paolo area.

Plenary session

Can we avoid lifestyle diseases-individually or collectively ?

The incidence of lifestyle deseases count for several ten of million per year. It is linked to daily
life, food and activity. Being seated during one hour per day, instead of having physical activity
increase the risk of death by 5%.

It is possible to reduce life style desease. Yes it is possible to modify risk factor for heart troubles
by having better food habits and activity. Billions of dollars are still made by selling junk food and
tobacco smokers continue to raise up.

Dr Sushila Chang, Singapore.

Taking example of the study of crustaces. It is easy to see that humans and animals are not very
good at daily life. Crabs doen't make good job on filtering water and are not so usefull. Smoking
have been said to be bad for health. People are walking more instead of taking a lift. But is that
going to change anything ? Even after cancer some people can have a aadiction to tobacco.

How do we measure health behavior ? Working with very young children means to have 10
minutes of dance or funny activity because it will decrease fat. It reduces body indicator.

Infectious desease are decreasing due to vaccins. Smallpox is not anymore present. Also it is a
need to educate the population. Regulation about food is to avoid sanitery troubles but it is not a
promotion of good nutrition. Food consumption should be adapted to a better lifestyle. Models
have been included in a software that can help people to monitor their daily food habits and
physical activity. Technology can help to make some change into the society. Innovation is an
important work for better public health.

Approach of food and desease is very complex. Academic researchers have good reputation for
studies. Governments have the power to raise money through taxes and use it localy. Green and
healthy products are coming to the market through new industrial offer.

One million people died because of tobaco last century and they will be one billion during the
next one.

Closing session European commission horizon 2020.

EU plan for funding: research program to be discussed by the european council. FP7 have been
launched in 2007 and the economic situation have changed. Prioritizing medical research is also
protecting employement and activity. Europe to be a better place for investment by supporting
innovation and activity up to 20 billion euro. Lifescience Horizon 2020 means less burocraty and
better access to funds. Growth and jobs will benefit from the program.
We are facing a crisis in industry because of energy cost. Plans for investments are focusing on
USA because of energy price. The innovation is important to rebuilt a new network of
Biofactories. Clear market standard to be set. Public-private partnership works well and
developping activities in rural area for Biotechnologies is a part of the game. Industry can afford
that investments together with DGs Europe that will focuse on it's own role. The roadmap
stresses that research in Europe is a priority. The potential risk of lack of research funds in
Europe is that researchers may go away.
A serious problem comes from the fact that the population does not follow the advices, for
example about condoms/AIDS or Tobacco/Cancer.

Energy is not the only critical point for european industry but also the weakness of capacity for
raising funds. Pension funds and other investors are wondering if they can make money with that
projects. Buraucratic process for investment must be faster because opportunities can disappear
fast. The current generation that is still managing industry is part of the problem and carrying the
wastes. The next step is to use wastes for creating building material or else.

Partnership in Europe is mandatory for research, but it will also be opened to overseas
cooperation. Thinking to work only with european members would be forgetting the globalisation.

Commercialisation of products is the aim of investment, research and industrialization.

Awards Ceremony was the time of rewarding research of seven teams working in the field.

Published by RDM-ROW Dominique Deschamps

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Bio vision 2013 lyon

  • 1. BioVision 2013 Lyon Il faut donner un nouveau souffle à la recherche et les actions pour favoriser la formation des futurs chercheurs vont dans ce sens. Ce siècle sera celui du gène, comme les précédents ont été ceux de la vapeur et de l'industrialisation. Biovision 2013. Ouverture de l'édition 2013. Mme Fioraso, Ministre de l'Education supérieure et de la Recherche. Le secteur de la Santé enregistre un chiffre d'affaire deux fois plus élevé en France quand Allemagne et les indicateurs sont bien plus positifs que les autres domaines industriels. Plus de 200 millions d'euro sont actuellement consacrés à la recherche translationnelle en France. Génopole Rhône-Alpes et d'autres projets ont affirmé les compétences de la Région dans ces expertises avec des influences sur les activités Européennes et Internationales. L'orientation des recherches va dans le sens de la guérison des maladies qui infligent des coûts important à notre Société. Les différentes formes de Recherches doivent maintenant dialoguer et agir pour une synergie des efforts. Les Start-up doivent être soutenues pour devenir les groupes internationaux du futur. Entre avril 2004 et avril 2012 plus d'une dizaine de traitements ont été mis en place pour des maladies enfin vaincues. Principalement dans les pays développés, le potentiel des nouvelles filières doit être mis en valeur parce qu'elles représentent des enjeux important pour les jeunes et leur avenir. Biovision est donc un événement décisif en ce qui concerne les orientations de Recherche et la confiance portée aux objectifs de traitements médicaux. Transversal approaches to catalyze innovation. Mr Andrew JACK, journalist. Lyon is a good place for the conference of research on medical treatments. French and international speakers have their vision on future of innovation and partnership. Mr Chris Viehbacher. Innovation is important for running a company and also for the Society. There is a virtual cycle of innovation and influence on longer lifetime of famillies and health. There are more new treatments since 2000 than before even if the financial risk is higher. The Bio tech community is financed also by pension fund who want to make sure yo have money when you will be retired. 39 new medecines and vaccins have been approved in the US lately. They come from emerging companies. The most important is not the building or the finance but where you find the best professionals. Some project can create conflict between reality and dream. We have to communicate the failing in order to avoid several teams to work on the same issues. Patient privacy is important and it is not possible to share data. For HIV it has been posible to share more details because data was shared without personnal indication. Pr Jean-Marie Lehn. Changing paradygm is needed to come to action. Innovation is under the light for long time because it is a way of going forward in economy and discovering new treatments. A scientific research must wait for being in time. To publish failure in the Research activity is not very good because it shows bad result, but enquiry about why it failed might be interesting. Innovation is a mean for structure while it is a goal for funding partners.
  • 2. Mr Jean-Yves Gilet. A lot of life science structures are supported for bringing success in treatment. Investor's perspective take in account four factors: new model of patient care, increasing regulatory pressure, limitation of public funds but more enforcement of law, a change in research effort that will increase the competition, beside major companies some structures with innovative attitude are emerging. Within the global finance team there is a death valey. What we need is an effort toward the industrialization. What are the main challenges for investors? To develop partnership is emerging structure along with public and private structures. Cooperation is a daily work for capital venture and InnoBio is the symposium of six companies in that matter. Mr Antoine Frérot. Innovation is a key issue for Veolia. The company was fonded in Lyon for providing clean water to the population. Pasteur said "we drink 90% of our illness". Water, Energy and Wastes must be linked for a better use and recycling. More creativity must develop partnership between Mérieux and Veolia to detect infections in drinkable water. Scarcity of natural ressource is also an issue in term of research and use of water. Research and dreams must be linked to make a better futur. Mr Fukuda. WHO have an office in Lyon and this is because it is the place of work for health and treatments. The office is working on critical points. Influenza have been a remarkable step in the will to analyze and cure illness. An Inter-Governmental process is on-going to understand what is the most important way to make the medical world more efficient and relevant. What needs to be done is linked to major medical issues the world is facing. The next few decades will follow the discovery of Penicilin. The global issue on parasites, diseases shows that combination of medical troubles is life threatening. In addition, drug resistance problem is causing hospitals to close in northern Europe. The struggle is why are we in a situation where the population is using drugs in uncontroled way and this is a concern for international partners. Sharing of information with transparency attitude is a complex issue because the structures have to change. Mr Greg Perry. Increasing HIV treatment access is a significant goal we have to focuse on. Where we can bring innovation together with (...) To full fill the needs of medecines amogst population. The need for improving regulatory and intellectual property is on of the goals. Economicaly valuable scheeme and Business models can be improved for small scale research. The pulling of innovation and intellectual property should become a norm and following the success it should be a pionneer attitude. Plenary session. Living with micro organisms, risks and opportunities. Pr Jules Offman. Multi resistence to medicines has become an issue. The inside mecanisms is studied and stored for research. Thousand of cases are under review. It is reasonable to be enthousiastic because defense reaction is gradually better known. Contribution to knowledge is huge and there can be 10 microbs in each humans cells amongst thousand various kinds. 50 bacterias only are a threat to human life. New strategies are arriving for both research and curation.
  • 3. Pr Alice Dautry. It is important to remind that one single bacteria can cause huge damage into a Nation as it has happen before. The disease transmitted by birds is a great challenge because it can cause many human deaths. The big fear is about virus mutation that could make the research more difficult. Samples have been collected in four different markets and it is present on every. It means that it is not so contagious because not so many people are seek. Virus are present everywhere, in mud, house dust, animals etc. Mutations occurs went virus have been in contact with drugs. Receptors study show that it must be under review because it has happened to see contamination from human to human (really?) and not only bird to human. Promiscuty with birds is a danger in term of threat to health. Pr Nathan Wolfe. HIV jump from chimp population to humans during the late 1980. 1991, 1992, 1993 where different steps while AIDS was under research and US President to use the word AIDS. On way of collecting data is the use of mobile phones. A Big data system collecting health status would help to study new strategies. Mr Sandeep Juneja. It has been almost thirty years that HIV is under research. Virus affecting immunity system. Affected person can have longer life expectancy now and there is a gap between developping and developped countries. Health care can be monitored better in developping countries now. A solution is to put skills together. Generic drugs must be allowed to make profit because it is not possible to continue. Pr Jean-Luc Belingare. Infectious diseases create a significant number of death, like septism. Every hour that pases without treatment is a increasing factor of death. Diagnose tools can help to understand illness like melanoma and else. Technologies have been developped for better knowledge and understanding. Pathogens are serious issues to be studied. What about "good microorganisms" ? There is significant virus number in Nature that can colaborate and have positive effects. Asking if that colaboration can help to cure desease is very relevant, but also there no worse strategy to build poor treatment on eratic data. Who will organize to collect data ? This should happen organicaly, and it just come from a meeting in Roma were major partners were discussing. What is the way forward of treating with microorganisms ? The knowledge is thin about the large variety of effects of microorganisms. There is a need of science about using microorganisms for curation.
  • 4. Impact of Climate change, Diversity of microorganisms. Pr Jean Jouzel. We will face a serious problem because of Climate change and it will affect many life sectors. Increase of temperature, floods and impact on Biodiversity are linked to our industry and use of fossil fuels. Agriculture modification and emerging deseases. 64% of human deseases comes from animals. By the end of 2050 there will be 9 billion people to be fed. Then, food production must be increased of 50%. The problem is linked to the fact that desease can affect humans through food. Food processes can create bad conditions, also travelers with planes and animals. Prion, SARS, Influenza H5N1 and H1N1 have been the last global infectious outbreak. 10 million cattle were killed in UK to prevent more human infection. Also Schmallenberg affected Europe and this is a serious issue on european market. Chikungunya and Dingues are two infectious deseases that have been brought to french riviera by urban moskito. Breading animals with high intensity, without choice of desease resistence is also a serious risk. A tripartite concept note by WHO states that health is a public good. Holistic approachs must be used for research about non hypothesis-driven studies. We must also be carrefull about the use of insecticides because it may increase resistence. Modeling and prediction must follow observation to have a clear overview of risks. There is a need of surveillance and management in deseases outbreak. Eradication is not a goal but protecting the population from infection is an appropriate strategy. Dr Tanja Wolf. Health and global environmental change. Speaking to the audience because we are first humans, before being representatives of industry. Health is at the center in the picture of all sectors that are affecting human status. Industry, atmosphere, activity, gases are all connected. The dimension of the challenge have visible and invisible points. All moving fast or slow, linked to poverty and human behaviour, but not easy to change. Example can be a good strategy for influencing the Society. Now health and living environment are really in direct connection as we can make observation of premature death because of air pollution. In Europe, WHO regional office have been aware of the problem since 1989 Frankfurt meeting. The frame of action is leading in term of information sharing and reduction of greenhouse gases. Actually Health indicators can show the positive impact of sustainabiity on the society. Four examples of better attitude for energy, food, activity and housing show good results. Air pollution have rapid effect on health, so it may be the easiest way to immediatly create an impact. Health system must be improved for eastern europe countries and partnership to help coordination and allocation of funds for a better action.
  • 5. Pr Henry Dicks. The risk of reducing water to an abstraction. It is a speech about philosophy. Scientists and philosophers are studying phenomens. Phenomenology is then a way to look at water through this filter. In the consummer society it is possible to see the products but not to realize how it was produced. Water as become a risk with heavy metal, and other pollution. It would be a good idea to let water appear. The example of Lyon shows that there is no more car park along the Rhone and there are walking path. The change did not contribute in a significant maner to reduce climate change but it shows how it can be done. Risks and responses. Dr Nathan Wolfe. In the old times people were living where the food was grown-up. Now we have created a large market where desease as well as products are shared. We see forces changing our life. Dr Maria Naria. Places where people don't have access to water will be multiplied by two, while climate change continues to kill our environment. Causes of death are linked to water conditions, availability, and impact of human activity on the ressource. If we move to a green society we will see the impact of better attitude. Prevention is the major goal and climate change adaptation for health community means access to health care. The equity question shows that the Nations creating climate change are the best protected and those affected by climate change are those which have less funds to face. Using bicycles in european cities has not only an effect on reducing C0² emission but also on individual's health. Pr Sylvie Joussaume. Climate have impact on everything. There is an impact of weather conditions on allergies, and for a precise example, dust can increase meningitis and there is a study ongoing about this hypothesis. Dr Alexandre Brailowsky. What does mean a solution from industry point of view ? Human activity will turn into behavior role. The participation to change of behavior is a strategy for efficient involvement of the population. The "river keeping" movement in USA say you cant extend the use of water without damaging the environment. Nile water ressource management was the reason for creating the notion of "state" in Egypt. What is the future for human capacities? Research shows great results in term of new way of "producing" mobility. In the first case, a rat that had a spine injury could walk again after injection. The fluid is based on typical fluids present in the brain. It is described by the team leader as puting the brain inside the spine, as it is encouraging the recovery of nervous signals. The main goal of the process is to force the mobility and tell the brain to take over legs movement command.
  • 6. Enabling technology for Biomanufacturing challenges and opportunities by 2020. (Protest of CGT, Confederation of Workers is on going since monday morning and we can hear drums beating. They came from various plants to alert about SANOFI project about research) Private companies which are producing equipments, drugs and experts will discuss market trends and strategies. Global market 2015 is about 150 billion. Novel technologies and regulation have an impact on production design and quality. Clinical-trial products and production are traditionally made by hand with CMO equipment and hybrid, or product maker own plant (wich can be fixed or modular). New procedures are to be taken into account. For example about specific enveloppes, packaging must be in good shape and checked. A single small pinch made by wrong handeling or bad machines will create a dammage. It is good to learn from community experience. A small company can be helped for first experience. What about the coming decade and market potential ? 1- newest trends in novel therapies ? Sciences are to be mixed. 2 - what are the biggest opportunities for growth ? By the end of this decade the market will represent several billion of USD. Chemical drug is made by reaction that can be reproduce by generic because same reaction produce same drug. Biologic medicine needs complex work for building it's structure and is really difficult to copy. 3 - how to release cost pressure and improve process efficiency ? Analytics is a big part of the cost and pressure of the regulatory. Halogeneic, immunoterapy and cancer are emerging opportunities. Gene therapy cost is 1,250 million euro per dosis, then for moment very narrow market but it will be transformed by production technology to an affordable treatment. 4 - technologies and workforce to manage risk and meeting the regulation ? The workforce needs to have relevant skills for the new challenges and then be trained to. Clean rooms will be installed for the new investment and improving effectivness with cost reduction. Flexibility of equipments for different kind of production is requiered. Cooperation is accelerating the development by puting together the development teams and production, sharing skills and creating synergies. Innovation approach shows that much work has to be done. R&D must be done in chemistry to understand exactly the reaction instead of creating trials of 10% dilution. Cost solving solution is not yet found but there must be a way with halogenic products. With manpower you can save 30 to 40% of the workforce. Also, automatisation is not the best and only solution because it needs to invest on devices and adding daily consumming of side products. 70% of new drugs are very difficult to develop because of complexity of creating production lines. Plant based products, and acellular also show good expectation of production. It needs
  • 7. high professional skills and then good training for changing the existing workforce into efficient teams. For example chemist must also be able to manage bio-ingeneering. Conversion of workers can be long because technologies require precise activity. In Germany it is easier to work by combining University and Work. The most difficult part is not to train people but to find an adequate situation for each. Quality by design is based on understanding the structure and clinical effect of a drug. If you do that well you can save time and money. Time management, manufacturing and distribution through commercial readiness. As suppliers, companies must bring in the correct intrants to help drug development. Focusing on quality and reducing the risk of polutant during process are the main goals. To work with partners for developping efficient industrialization and controled production. Lifescience research in Brazil. San Paolo. Pr Eduardo Kriger. Fundacion for medical research. Pr Raul Machado Neto. University of San Paolo. Building trust and reliability. The country is not only sunny picture for tourists but also has a relevant University training. Certificates are possible in many and almost all carrers. San Paolo represent 52% of brazilian scientific papers in the country. Between 2000 and 2009, more than 58.000 articles about life sciences. There is an evident increase of publication and 24% of the papers are written with international colaboration. Life science Post graduate programs are amongst the more numerous within the total of graduations in Brazil. Interdisciplinary research office establish a program for this specific groups. 123 groups are actually financed for this work. Internationalization strategies are both symetric and asymetric programs. An agreement is signed with Ohio University. Both students and teachers have to be internationaly experienced. Pr Eduardo Kriger. San Paolo Research Fundation have 20.000 proposals of research per year. 11.000 fellowships and up to 11 year long financed program. There is even on approval per week about life science research. Nature publication mentionned that 152 projects in Brazil are about Life Science. The rate of funds involved for each researcher have increased. 47% of energy in Brazil are renewable, 18% is sugar cane. Renewable use in the World is 13% and OCDE 7%. FAPESP Bioenergy research project is about bio fuels. Sugarcane research have the most important number of research. BIOTA virtual institute is about collecting and disseminating data about science in Brazil. Resolutions are made thanks to the work of BIOTA. The supercomputer of 15 Tflops sustainable is used for several areas of research about Climate change. Also San Paolo is believing that exchange of scientists and students enable better work. Focus on scientific research is not only utilitarian but also in Academic research for Humanities. Challenges are about the impact of scientific production, international cooperation and the number of scientists in Academia and Industry. The Academy of UK showed a report where 50% of reports are international, and it has better impact in the society. Then the same goal must be applied to Brazilian Academy.
  • 8. RIDC Research, Innovation and Dissemintation Centers have a goal of cooperation between Governmental, non-governemental, laboratories and Academic structures. Each center is ran by a team that is managing the work. Participants at the workshop are asking about future international cooperation with Egypt, France and another brazilian state away from Sao Paolo area. Plenary session Can we avoid lifestyle diseases-individually or collectively ? The incidence of lifestyle deseases count for several ten of million per year. It is linked to daily life, food and activity. Being seated during one hour per day, instead of having physical activity increase the risk of death by 5%. It is possible to reduce life style desease. Yes it is possible to modify risk factor for heart troubles by having better food habits and activity. Billions of dollars are still made by selling junk food and tobacco smokers continue to raise up. Dr Sushila Chang, Singapore. Taking example of the study of crustaces. It is easy to see that humans and animals are not very good at daily life. Crabs doen't make good job on filtering water and are not so usefull. Smoking have been said to be bad for health. People are walking more instead of taking a lift. But is that going to change anything ? Even after cancer some people can have a aadiction to tobacco. How do we measure health behavior ? Working with very young children means to have 10 minutes of dance or funny activity because it will decrease fat. It reduces body indicator. Infectious desease are decreasing due to vaccins. Smallpox is not anymore present. Also it is a need to educate the population. Regulation about food is to avoid sanitery troubles but it is not a promotion of good nutrition. Food consumption should be adapted to a better lifestyle. Models have been included in a software that can help people to monitor their daily food habits and physical activity. Technology can help to make some change into the society. Innovation is an important work for better public health. Approach of food and desease is very complex. Academic researchers have good reputation for studies. Governments have the power to raise money through taxes and use it localy. Green and healthy products are coming to the market through new industrial offer. One million people died because of tobaco last century and they will be one billion during the next one. Closing session European commission horizon 2020. EU plan for funding: research program to be discussed by the european council. FP7 have been launched in 2007 and the economic situation have changed. Prioritizing medical research is also protecting employement and activity. Europe to be a better place for investment by supporting innovation and activity up to 20 billion euro. Lifescience Horizon 2020 means less burocraty and better access to funds. Growth and jobs will benefit from the program.
  • 9. We are facing a crisis in industry because of energy cost. Plans for investments are focusing on USA because of energy price. The innovation is important to rebuilt a new network of Biofactories. Clear market standard to be set. Public-private partnership works well and developping activities in rural area for Biotechnologies is a part of the game. Industry can afford that investments together with DGs Europe that will focuse on it's own role. The roadmap stresses that research in Europe is a priority. The potential risk of lack of research funds in Europe is that researchers may go away. A serious problem comes from the fact that the population does not follow the advices, for example about condoms/AIDS or Tobacco/Cancer. Energy is not the only critical point for european industry but also the weakness of capacity for raising funds. Pension funds and other investors are wondering if they can make money with that projects. Buraucratic process for investment must be faster because opportunities can disappear fast. The current generation that is still managing industry is part of the problem and carrying the wastes. The next step is to use wastes for creating building material or else. Partnership in Europe is mandatory for research, but it will also be opened to overseas cooperation. Thinking to work only with european members would be forgetting the globalisation. Commercialisation of products is the aim of investment, research and industrialization. Awards Ceremony was the time of rewarding research of seven teams working in the field. Published by RDM-ROW Dominique Deschamps