SlideShare a Scribd company logo The BigML API

                October 12, 2012

BigML Inc The BigML API   October 12, 2012   1 / 66
1   Introduction

2   BigML Resources

3   Sources

4   Datasets

5   Models

6   Predictions

7   Evaluations

8   Bindings

9   Final Remarks

         BigML Inc The BigML API   October 12, 2012   2 / 66 Base URL

   Base URL


   A RESTful API for creating and managing BigML resources
   All accesses are performed over HTTPS.

      BigML Inc    The BigML API     October 12, 2012   3 / 66 Development Mode

   Dev Mode


   No credits are charged.
   Limited to 1MB per resource but unlimited in the number of resources.

      BigML Inc     The BigML API     October 12, 2012   4 / 66 Version

 first version is named andromeda.
   If you omit the version name in your API requests, you will get access to
   the latest API version.

      BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   5 / 66 Authentication


 1    BIGML_USERNAME=alfred
 2    BIGML_API_KEY=62270d2ad14eba4e349432e80d749342de5550a4
 3    BIGML_AUTH="username=$BIGML_USERNAME;api_key=$BIGML_API_KEY"

      All accesses to need to be authenticated.
      Authentication is performed including your username and your BigML API
      Key in every request.
      If you use an environment variable (e.g. BIGML AUTH) you can keep your
      credentials out of your source code.

         BigML Inc     The BigML API     October 12, 2012   6 / 66
BigML Resources

      Source             Dataset                Model            Prediction
 A source is a file    A dataset is a          A model is       A prediction is
  containing the        structured         created using a    created using a
  raw data that        version of a           dataset as       model and the
 you want to use       data source         input, selecting    new instance
    to create a        where each           which fields to    that you want to
     predictive        column has            use as input     classify as input
       model         been assigned a       and which field
                           type               will be the

       BigML Inc     The BigML API           October 12, 2012   7 / 66 Source
  Create a New Source

   sepal length,sepal width,petal length,petal width,species

   A source is the raw data that you want to use to create a predictive
   A source is usually a (big) file in tabular format.
   Each column in the file represents a feature or field.
   By default, the last column represents the class or objective field.
   The file may have a first row or header with a name for each field.

      BigML Inc    The BigML API     October 12, 2012   8 / 66 Source

  Source Base URL


   Datasources can be created using several data sources:
       Local files
       Remote data accessed via HTTP or HTTPs
       Files in S3 buckets
       Blobs in Windows Azure storage
       Inline data contained in the datasource creation request
   Data must be in tabular format, cannot be bigger than 64GB, and
   can be compressed (.Z or .gz, but not .zip)

      BigML Inc    The BigML API      October 12, 2012   9 / 66 Creating a Source using a local file

  Creating a Source

   curl$BIGML_AUTH -F file=@iris.csv

   The file must be attached in the post as a file upload
   The Content-Type in your HTTP request must be
   multipart/form-data, as specified by RFC2388.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   10 / 66 Creating a Source using a remote URL

  Creating a Remote Source

       -X "POST" 
       -H "content-type: application/json" 
       -d '{"remote": ""}'

   The Content-Type in your HTTP request must be application/json.
   URLs can be HTTP or HTTPS with realm authentication, public or
   private Amazon S3, or Windows Azure files.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   11 / 66 Creating a Source using inline data

  Creating an Inline Source

       -X "POST" 
       -H "content-type: application/json" 
       -d '{"data": "a,b,c,dn1,2,3,4n5,6,7,8"}'

   The Content-Type in your HTTP request must be application/json.
   Source data is included in the JSON body as a string with key
   Maximum size of inline sources is 10MB.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API   October 12, 2012   12 / 66 New Source
     New Source

 1    {
 2        "category": 0,
 3        "code": 201,
 4        "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
 5        "created": "2012-05-21T18:41:47.546669",
 6        "credits": 0.0,
 7        "description": "",
 8        "file_name": "iris.csv",
 9        "md5": "d1175c032e1042bec7f974c91e4a65ae",
10        "name": "iris.csv",
11        "number_of_datasets": 0,
12        "number_of_models": 0,
13        "number_of_predictions": 0,
14        "private": true,
15        "resource": "source/4f52824203ce893c0a000053",
16        "size": 4608,
17        "source_parser": {},
18        "status": {
19            "code": 2,
20            "elapsed": 0,
21            "message": "The source creation has been started"
22        },
23        "tags": [],
24        "type": 0,
25        "updated": "2012-05-21T18:41:47.546693"
26    }

           BigML Inc              The BigML API   October 12, 2012   13 / 66 Source Arguments

 One Required      Type                     Description
 file               multipart form data      File.
 remote            String                   URL of the remote source.
 data              String                   Inline data in tabular format.

 Optional          Type       Description
 category          Integer    The category that best describes the data.
 description       String     A description of the source of up to 8192 characters.
 name              String     The name you want to give to the new source.
 private           Boolean    Whether you want your source to be private or not.
 source parser     Object     Set of parameters to parse the source.
 tags              List       A list of strings that help classify and index your source.

                             Table : Source Arguments

       BigML Inc         The BigML API            October 12, 2012   14 / 66 Creating a Source with args

  Creating a Source with args

       -X "POST" 
       -H "content-type: application/json" 
       -d '{"remote": "", "name": "iris"}'

        BigML Inc              The BigML API                   October 12, 2012   15 / 66 Source Parser

     Source Parser

 1    {
 2         "header": true,
 3         "locale": "en-US",
 4         "missing_tokens": ["?"],
 5         "quote": """,
 6         "separator": ",",
 7         "trim": true
 8    }

          BigML Inc The BigML API   October 12, 2012   16 / 66 Updating a Source

  Updating a Source

        -X PUT 
        -H 'content-type: application/json' 
        -d '{"name": "a new name", "source_parser": {"locale": "es-ES"}}'

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   17 / 66 Deleting a Source

  Deleting a Source

   curl "$BIGML_AUTH" 
       -X DELETE

 Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   18 / 66 Retrieving a Source

  Retrieving a Source via


  Visualizing a Source via

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   19 / 66 Source Properties

 property                type       filterable   sortable     updatable
 category                Integer    yes         yes          yes
 code                    Integer    no          no           no
 content type            String     yes         yos          no
 created                 Datetime   yes         yes          no
 credits                 Float      yes         yes          no
 description             String     yes         yes          yes
 fields                   Object     no          no           no
 file name                String     yes         yes          no
 md5                     String     no          no           no
 name                    String     yes         yes          yes
 number of datasets      Integer    yes         yes          no
 number of models        Integer    yes         yes          no
 number of predictions   Integer    yes         yes          no
 private                 Boolean    yes         yes          yes
 resource                String     no          no           no
 rows                    Integer    yes         yes          no
 size                    Integer    yes         yes          no
 source                  String     yes         yes          no
 source status           String     yes         yes          no
 status                  Object     no          no           no
 tags                    List       yes         yes          yes
 updated                 Datetime   yes         yes          no

                                    Table : Source Properties

           BigML Inc              The BigML API       October 12, 2012   20 / 66 Listing Sources

  Listing Sources

   curl ";offset=10;$BIGML_AUTH"

      limit Specifies the number of sources to retrieve. Must be less
            than or equal to 200.
    offset The position of the whole source list at which the retrieved
          source list will start off.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   21 / 66 Listing Sources (cont.)
     Source Listing

 1    {
 2        "meta": {
 3            "limit": 10,
 4            "next": "/source?limit=10&offset=20&username=francisco&api_key=aa4420adaed03ea68c850",
 5            "offset": 10,
 6            "previous": null,
 7            "total_count": 540
 8        },
 9        "objects": [
10            {
11                "code": 200,
12                "content_type": "text/csv",
13                ...
14            },
15            ...
16            {
17                "code": 200,
18                "content_type": "text/csv",
19                ...
20            }
21        ]
22    }

           BigML Inc              The BigML API                 October 12, 2012    22 / 66 Filtering Sources
  Retrieving sources bigger than 1 MB

    curl ";$BIGML_AUTH"

 Filter    Description
   lt      Less than
   lte     Less than or equal to
   gt      Greater than
   gte     Greater than or equal to

                           Table : Filtering Arguments

          BigML Inc      The BigML API    October 12, 2012   23 / 66 Sorting Sources

  Sorting sources by size

   curl ";$BIGML_AUTH"

  order by Specifies the order of the sources to retrieve. Must be one
           of the sortable fields. If you prefix the field name with “-”,
           the order will be descending.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API         October 12, 2012   24 / 66 Dataset

  Dataset Base URL


   A dataset is a structured version of a source where each field has
   been processed and serialized according to its type.
   A field can be numeric or categorical.
   Datetime and text fields are coming down the pike.

      BigML Inc   The BigML API   October 12, 2012   25 / 66 Create a New Dataset

  Create a New Dataset

   curl "$BIGML_AUTH" 
       -X POST 
       -H 'content-type: application/json' 
       -d '{"source": "/source/4ee5761c80e1c664f1000000"}'

      BigML Inc The BigML API   October 12, 2012   26 / 66
New Datatset

 1    {   "category": 0,
 2        "code": 201,
 3        "columns": 5,
 4        "created": "2012-05-25T06:02:40.889538",
 5        "credits": 0.0087890625,
 6        "description": "",
 7        "fields": {
 8            "000000": {
 9                "column_number": 0,
10                "name": "sepal length",
11                "optype": "numeric"
12            },
13            ...
14        },
15        "locale": "en_US",
16        "name": "iris' dataset",
17        "number_of_models": 0,
18        "number_of_predictions": 0,
19        "private": true,
20        "resource": "dataset/4f66a0b903ce8940c5000000",
21        "rows": 0,
22        "size": 4608,
23        "source": "source/4f665b8103ce8920bb000006",
24        "source_status": true,
25        "status": {
26            "code": 1,
27            "message": "The dataset is being processed and will be created soon"
28        },
29        "tags": [],
30        "updated": "2012-05-25T06:02:40.889570" }

           BigML Inc              The BigML API                   October 12, 2012   27 / 66 Dataset Arguments

 Required      Type       Description
 source        String     Valid source/id

 Optional           Type      Description
 category           Integer   The category that best describes the dataset.
 description        String    A description of the dataset of up to 8192 characters.
 fields              Object    The fields that you want to use to create the dataset.
 name               String    Name of the dataset.
 private            Boolean   Whether you want your dataset to be private or not.
 size               Integer   Maximum number of bytes to process.
 tags               List      A list of strings that help classify and index your dataset.

                              Table : Dataset Arguments

        BigML Inc           The BigML API          October 12, 2012   28 / 66 Creating a Dataset with args

  Creating a Dataset with args

   curl "$BIGML_AUTH" 
       -X POST 
       -H 'content-type: application/json' 
       -d '{"source": "/source/4ee5761c80e1c664f1000000", "name": "my dataset"}'

        BigML Inc              The BigML API                    October 12, 2012   29 / 66 Updating a Dataset

  Updating a Dataset

        -X PUT
        -H 'content-type: application/json' 
        -d '{"name": "a new name"}'

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   30 / 66 Deleting a Dataset

  Deleting a Dataset

   curl "$BIGML_AUTH" 
       -X DELETE

 Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   31 / 66 Retrieving a Dataset

  Retrieving a Dataset via

   curl "$BIGML_AUTH"

  Retrieving a Dataset via

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   32 / 66 Dataset Properties

 property                type        filterable   sortable     updatable
 category                Integer     yes         yes          yes
 code                    Integer     no          no           no
 columns                 Integer     yes         yes          no
 created                 Datetime    yes         yes          no
 credits                 Float       yes         yes          no
 description             String      yes         yes          yes
 fields                   Object      no          no           no
 locale                  String      no          no           no
 name                    String      yes         yes          yes
 number of models        Integer     yes         yes          no
 number of predictions   Integer     yes         yes          no
 private                 Boolean     yes         yes          yes
 resource                String      no          no           no
 rows                    Integer     yes         yes          no
 size                    Integer     yes         yes          no
 source                  String      yes         yes          no
 source status           Boolean     yes         yes          no
 status                  Object      no          no           no
 tags                    List        yes         yes          yes
 updated                 Datetime    yes         yes          no

                                    Table : Dataset Properties

           BigML Inc               The BigML API       October 12, 2012   33 / 66 Listing Datasets

  Listing Datasets

   curl ";offset=10;$BIGML_AUTH"

      limit The total number of datasets to retrieve (≤ 200).
     offset The offset at which the dataset listing will start.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   34 / 66 Dataset Listing
     Dataset Listing

 1    {
 2        "meta": {
 3            "limit": 10,
 4            "next": "/dataset?limit=10&offset=20&username=ciskoo&api_key=70aaae8d77699bc5d43788a5",
 5            "offset": 10,
 6            "previous": null,
 7            "total_count": 2114
 8        },
 9        "objects": [
10            {
11                "code": 200,
12                "columns": 120,
13                ...
14            },
15            ...
16            {
17                "code": 200,
18                "columns": 5,
19                ...
20            }
21        ]
22    }

           BigML Inc              The BigML API                 October 12, 2012     35 / 66 Filtering Datasets
  Retrieving datasets bigger than 1 MB

    curl ";$BIGML_AUTH"

 Filter    Description
   lt      Less than
   lte     Less than or equal to
   gt      Greater than
   gte     Greater than or equal to

                           Table : Filtering Arguments

          BigML Inc      The BigML API    October 12, 2012   36 / 66 Sorting Datasets

  Sorting datasets by size

   curl ";$BIGML_AUTH"

  order by Specifies the order of the datasets to retrieve. Must be one
           of the sortable fields. If you prefix the field name with “-”,
           they will be given in descending order.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   37 / 66 Model

  Model Base URL


   A model is a tree-like representation of your dataset with
   predictive power.
   You can create a model selecting which fields from your dataset
   you want to use as input fields (or predictors) and which field you
   want to predict, the objective field.

      BigML Inc   The BigML API    October 12, 2012   38 / 66 Create a New Model

  Create a New Model

          -X POST 
          -H 'content-type: application/json' 
          -d '{"dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006"}'

      BigML Inc   The BigML API   October 12, 2012   39 / 66
New Model

 1    {   "category": 0,
 2        "code": 201,
 3        "columns": 5,
 4        "created": "2012-05-25T07:13:07.243623",
 5        "credits": 0.03515625,
 6        "dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006",
 7        "dataset_status": true,
 8        "description": "",
 9        "holdout": 0.0,
10        "input_fields": [],
11        "locale": "en_US",
12        "max_columns": 5,
13        "max_rows": 150,
14        "name": "iris' dataset model",
15        "number_of_predictions": 0,
16        "objective_fields": [],
17        "private": true,
18        "range": [
19            1, 150
20        ],
21        "resource": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006",
22        "rows": 150,
23        "size": 4608,
24        "source": "source/4f665b8103ce8920bb000006",
25        "source_status": true,
26        "status": {
27            "code": 1, "message": "The model is being processed and will be created soon"
28        },
29        "tags": [],
30        "updated": "2012-05-25T07:13:07.243658" }

           BigML Inc              The BigML API                 October 12, 2012   40 / 66 Model Arguments

 Required      Type     Description
 dataset       String   Valid dataset/id

 Optional           Type        Description
 category           Integer     The category that best describes the dataset.
 description        String      A description of the dataset of up to 8192 characters.
 input fields        List        The fields that you want to use to create the model.
 name               String      Name of the dataset.
 objective fields    List        The field that you want to predict.
 private            Boolean     Whether you want your dataset to be private or not.
 range              List        The range of successive instances to build the model.
 tags               List        A list of strings that help classify your dataset.

                              Table : Model Arguments

        BigML Inc         The BigML API        October 12, 2012   41 / 66 Creating a Model with args

  Creating a Model with args

          -X POST 
          -H 'content-type: application/json' 
          -d '{"dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006", "input_fields": ["000001", "000003"]}'

          BigML Inc              The BigML API                 October 12, 2012     42 / 66 Updating a Model

  Updating a Model

        -X PUT 
        -H 'content-type: application/json' 
        -d '{"name": "a new name"}'

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   43 / 66 Deleting a Model

  Deleting a Model

   curl "$BIGML_AUTH"
       -X DELETE

 Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   44 / 66 Retrieving a Model

  Retrieving a Model via

   curl "$BIGML_AUTH"

  Retrieving a Model via

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   45 / 66 Model Properties

 property                type       filterable   sortable     updatable
 category                Integer    yes         yes          yes
 code                    Integer    no          no           no
 columns                 Integer    yes         yes          no
 created                 Datetime   yes         yes          no
 credits                 Float      yes         yes          no
 dataset                 String     yes         yes          no
 dataset status          Boolean    yes         yes          no
 description             String     yes         yes          yes
 input fields             Object     no          no           no
 locale                  String     no          no           no
 max columns             Integer    yes         yes          no
 max rows                Integer    yes         yes          no
 model                   Object     no          no           no
 name                    String     yes         yes          yes
 number of predictions   Integer    yes         yes          no
 objective fields         List       no          no           no
 private                 Boolean    yes         yes          yes
 range                   List       no          no           no
 resource                String     no          no           no
 size                    Integer    yes         yes          no
 statistical pruning     Boolean    yes         yes          no
 status                  Object     no          no           no
 tags                    List       yes         yes          yes
 updated                 Datetime   yes         yes          no

                                    Table : Model Properties

           BigML Inc              The BigML API       October 12, 2012   46 / 66 Listing Models

  Listing Models

   curl ";offset=10;$BIGML_AUTH"

      limit The number of models to retrieve (≤ 200).
    offset The offset at which the model listing will start off.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   47 / 66 Model Listing
     Model Listing

 1    {
 2        "meta": {
 3            "limit": 10,
 4            "next": "/model?limit=10&offset=20&username=ciskoo&api_key=70aaae8d77699bc5d437876d85",
 5            "offset": 10,
 6            "previous": null,
 7            "total_count": 1220
 8        },
 9        "objects": [
10            {
11                "code": 200,
12                "columns": 1150,
13                ...
14            },
15            ...
16            {
17                "code": 200,
18                "columns": 512,
19                ...
20            }
21        ]
22    }

           BigML Inc              The BigML API                 October 12, 2012     48 / 66 Filtering Models
  Retrieving models bigger than 1 MB

    curl ";$BIGML_AUTH"

 Filter    Description
   lt      Less than
   lte     Less than or equal to
   gt      Greater than
   gte     Greater than or equal to

                           Table : Filtering Arguments

          BigML Inc      The BigML API       October 12, 2012   49 / 66 Sorting Models

  Sorting models by size

   curl ";$BIGML_AUTH"

  order by Specifies the order of the models to retrieve. Must be one
           of the sortable fields. If you prefix the field name with “-”,
           they will be given in descending order.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API        October 12, 2012   50 / 66 Prediction

  Prediction Base URL


   A prediction is created using a model/id and the properties of the
   new instance (input data) for which you wish to create a prediction.
   To create a new prediction, will automatically navigate the
   corresponding model to find the leaf node that best classifies the
   new instance.

      BigML Inc    The BigML API   October 12, 2012   51 / 66 Create a New Prediction

  Create a New Prediction

          -X POST 
          -H 'content-type: application/json' 
          -d '{"model": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006",
               "input_data": {"000001": 3}}'

      BigML Inc    The BigML API   October 12, 2012   52 / 66
New Prediction

 1    {   "code": 201,
 2        "created": "2012-03-21T16:26:51.300678",
 3        "credits": 0.01,
 4        "dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006",
 5        "dataset_status": true,
 6        "fields": { ... },
 7        "input_data": { "000001": 3 },
 8        "locale": "en-US",
 9        "model": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006",
10        "model_status": true,
11        "name": "Prediction for species",
12        "objective_fields": [ "000004" ],
13        "prediction": { "000004": "Iris-virginica" },
14        "prediction_path": {
15            "bad_fields": [],
16            "next_predicates": [
17                { "count": 100, "field": "000002", "operator": ">", "value": 2.45 },
18                { "count": 50, "field": "000002", "operator": "<=", "value": 2.45 }
19            ],
20            "path": [],
21            "unknown_fields": []
22        },
23        "private": true,
24        "resource": "prediction/4f6a014b03ce89584500000f",
25        "source": "source/4f665b8103ce8920bb000006",
26        "source_status": true,
27        "status": { "code": 5, "message": "The prediction has been created" },
28        "updated": "2012-03-21T16:26:51.300700" }

           BigML Inc              The BigML API                October 12, 2012   53 / 66 Prediction Arguments

 Required       Type          Description
 model          String        Valid model/id.
 input data     Object        Field’s id/value pairs representing the instance.

 Optional           Type        Description
 category           Integer     The category that best describes the dataset.
 description        String      A description of the dataset of up to 8192 characters.
 name               String      Name of the dataset.
 private            Boolean     Whether you want your dataset to be private or not.
 tags               List        A list of strings that help classify and index your dataset.

                               Table : Prediction Arguments

        BigML Inc             The BigML API          October 12, 2012   54 / 66 Creating a Prediction with args

  Creating a Prediction with args

           -X POST 
           -H 'content-type: application/json' 
           -d '{"input_data": {"000001": 3},
                "model": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006",
                "name": "my prediction"}'

          BigML Inc      The BigML API         October 12, 2012   55 / 66 Updating a Prediction

  Updating a Prediction

        -X PUT 
        -H 'content-type: application/json' 
        -d '{"name": "a new name"}'

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   56 / 66 Deleting a Prediction

  Deleting a Prediction

   curl "$BIGML_AUTH"
       -X DELETE

 Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   57 / 66 Retrieving a Prediction

  Retrieving a Prediction via

   curl "$BIGML_AUTH"

  Retrieving a Prediction via

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   58 / 66 Prediction Properties

 property          type       filterable   sortable    updatable
 category          Integer    yes         yes         yes
 code              Integer    no          no          no
 created           Datetime   yes         yes         no
 credits           Float      yes         yes         no
 dataset           String     yes         yes         no
 dataset status    Boolean    yes         yes         no
 description       String     yes         yes         yes
 fields             Object     no          no          no
 input data        Object     no          no          no
 locale            String     no          no          no
 model             String     yes         yes         no
 model status      Boolean    yes         yes         no
 name              String     yes         yes         yes
 objective fields   List       yes         yes         no
 prediction        Object     yes         yes         no
 prediction path   Object     no          no          no
 private           Boolean    yes         yes         yes
 resource          String     no          no          no
 source            String     yes         yes         no
 source status     Boolean    yes         yes         no
 status            Object     no          no          no
 tags              List       yes         yes         yes
 updated           Datetime   yes         yes         no

                                 Table : Prediction Properties

           BigML Inc              The BigML API   October 12, 2012   59 / 66 Listing Predictions

  Listing Predictions

   curl ";offset=10;$BIGML_AUTH"

      limit The number of predictions to retrieve (≤ 200).
     offset The offset at which the prediction listing will start off.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   60 / 66
Prediction Listing

 1    {   "category": 0,
 2        "code": 201,
 3        "created": "2012-05-25T07:20:35.687797",
 4        "credits": 0.01,
 5        "dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006",
 6        "dataset_status": true,
 7        "description": "",
 8        "fields": { ... },
 9        "input_data": { "000001": 3 },
10        "locale": "en_US",
11        "model": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006",
12        "model_status": true,
13        "name": "Prediction for species",
14        "objective_fields": [ "000004" ],
15        "prediction": { "000004": "Iris-virginica" },
16        "prediction_path": {
17            "bad_fields": [],
18            "next_predicates": [
19                { "field": "000002", "operator": ">", "value": 2.45 },
20                { "field": "000002", "operator": "<=", "value": 2.45 }
21            ],
22            "path": [], "unknown_fields": [] },
23        "private": true,
24        "resource": "prediction/4f6a014b03ce89584500000f",
25        "source": "source/4f665b8103ce8920bb000006",
26        "source_status": true,
27        "status": { "code": 5, "message": "The prediction has been created" },
28        "tags": [],
29        "updated": "2012-05-25T07:20:35.687819" }

           BigML Inc              The BigML API                 October 12, 2012   61 / 66 Filtering Predictions
  Retrieving predictions created after 12/1/2012

    curl ";$BIGML_AUTH"

 Filter    Description
   lt      Less than
   lte     Less than or equal to
   gt      Greater than
   gte     Greater than or equal to

                           Table : Filtering Arguments

          BigML Inc      The BigML API    October 12, 2012   62 / 66 Sorting Predictions

  Sorting predictions by name

   curl ";$BIGML_AUTH"

  order by Specifies the order of the predictions to retrieve. Must be
           one of the sortable fields. If you prefix the field name with
           “-”, they will be given in descending order.

       BigML Inc      The BigML API      October 12, 2012   63 / 66 Evaluation

  Evaluation Base URL


   An evaluation automatically measures the performance of a model
   correctly predicting the objective field for a pre-labeled test set.
   An evaluation is created using the model/id of the model under
   evaluation and the a dataset/id of the testset.

      BigML Inc   The BigML API    October 12, 2012   64 / 66 Public Bindings

     Ruby ml/

      BigML Inc The BigML API   October 12, 2012   65 / 66 Final Remarks

 dev mode Remember to include /dev in your URL requests to avoid
          credit charges.
   version Remember to include the current version name
           /andromeda in your URL requests to make sure that
           future versions of the BigML API do not interfere with your

      BigML Inc   The BigML API    October 12, 2012   66 / 66

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  • 1. The BigML API October 12, 2012 BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 1 / 66
  • 2. 1 Introduction 2 BigML Resources 3 Sources 4 Datasets 5 Models 6 Predictions 7 Evaluations 8 Bindings 9 Final Remarks BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 2 / 66
  • 3. Base URL Base URL A RESTful API for creating and managing BigML resources programmatically. All accesses are performed over HTTPS. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 3 / 66
  • 4. Development Mode Dev Mode No credits are charged. Limited to 1MB per resource but unlimited in the number of resources. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 4 / 66
  • 5. Version Version first version is named andromeda. If you omit the version name in your API requests, you will get access to the latest API version. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 5 / 66
  • 6. Authentication Authentication 1 BIGML_USERNAME=alfred 2 BIGML_API_KEY=62270d2ad14eba4e349432e80d749342de5550a4 3 BIGML_AUTH="username=$BIGML_USERNAME;api_key=$BIGML_API_KEY" All accesses to need to be authenticated. Authentication is performed including your username and your BigML API Key in every request. If you use an environment variable (e.g. BIGML AUTH) you can keep your credentials out of your source code. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 6 / 66
  • 7. BigML Resources Source Dataset Model Prediction A source is a file A dataset is a A model is A prediction is containing the structured created using a created using a raw data that version of a dataset as model and the you want to use data source input, selecting new instance to create a where each which fields to that you want to predictive column has use as input classify as input model been assigned a and which field type will be the objective BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 7 / 66
  • 8. Source Create a New Source sepal length,sepal width,petal length,petal width,species 5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,Iris-setosa 7.0,3.2,4.7,1.4,Iris-versicolor 5.8,2.7,5.1,1.9,Iris-virginica A source is the raw data that you want to use to create a predictive model. A source is usually a (big) file in tabular format. Each column in the file represents a feature or field. By default, the last column represents the class or objective field. The file may have a first row or header with a name for each field. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 8 / 66
  • 9. Source Source Base URL Datasources can be created using several data sources: Local files Remote data accessed via HTTP or HTTPs Files in S3 buckets Blobs in Windows Azure storage Inline data contained in the datasource creation request Data must be in tabular format, cannot be bigger than 64GB, and can be compressed (.Z or .gz, but not .zip) BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 9 / 66
  • 10. Creating a Source using a local file Creating a Source curl$BIGML_AUTH -F file=@iris.csv The file must be attached in the post as a file upload The Content-Type in your HTTP request must be multipart/form-data, as specified by RFC2388. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 10 / 66
  • 11. Creating a Source using a remote URL Creating a Remote Source curl$BIGML_AUTH -X "POST" -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"remote": ""}' The Content-Type in your HTTP request must be application/json. URLs can be HTTP or HTTPS with realm authentication, public or private Amazon S3, or Windows Azure files. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 11 / 66
  • 12. Creating a Source using inline data Creating an Inline Source curl$BIGML_AUTH -X "POST" -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"data": "a,b,c,dn1,2,3,4n5,6,7,8"}' The Content-Type in your HTTP request must be application/json. Source data is included in the JSON body as a string with key “data”. Maximum size of inline sources is 10MB. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 12 / 66
  • 13. New Source New Source 1 { 2 "category": 0, 3 "code": 201, 4 "content_type": "application/octet-stream", 5 "created": "2012-05-21T18:41:47.546669", 6 "credits": 0.0, 7 "description": "", 8 "file_name": "iris.csv", 9 "md5": "d1175c032e1042bec7f974c91e4a65ae", 10 "name": "iris.csv", 11 "number_of_datasets": 0, 12 "number_of_models": 0, 13 "number_of_predictions": 0, 14 "private": true, 15 "resource": "source/4f52824203ce893c0a000053", 16 "size": 4608, 17 "source_parser": {}, 18 "status": { 19 "code": 2, 20 "elapsed": 0, 21 "message": "The source creation has been started" 22 }, 23 "tags": [], 24 "type": 0, 25 "updated": "2012-05-21T18:41:47.546693" 26 } BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 13 / 66
  • 14. Source Arguments One Required Type Description file multipart form data File. remote String URL of the remote source. data String Inline data in tabular format. Optional Type Description category Integer The category that best describes the data. description String A description of the source of up to 8192 characters. name String The name you want to give to the new source. private Boolean Whether you want your source to be private or not. source parser Object Set of parameters to parse the source. tags List A list of strings that help classify and index your source. Table : Source Arguments BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 14 / 66
  • 15. Creating a Source with args Creating a Source with args curl$BIGML_AUTH -X "POST" -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"remote": "", "name": "iris"}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 15 / 66
  • 16. Source Parser Source Parser 1 { 2 "header": true, 3 "locale": "en-US", 4 "missing_tokens": ["?"], 5 "quote": """, 6 "separator": ",", 7 "trim": true 8 } BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 16 / 66
  • 17. Updating a Source Updating a Source curl$BIGML_AUTH -X PUT -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"name": "a new name", "source_parser": {"locale": "es-ES"}}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 17 / 66
  • 18. Deleting a Source Deleting a Source curl "$BIGML_AUTH" -X DELETE Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 18 / 66
  • 19. Retrieving a Source Retrieving a Source via curl "$BIGML_AUTH" Visualizing a Source via BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 19 / 66
  • 20. Source Properties property type filterable sortable updatable category Integer yes yes yes code Integer no no no content type String yes yos no created Datetime yes yes no credits Float yes yes no description String yes yes yes fields Object no no no file name String yes yes no md5 String no no no name String yes yes yes number of datasets Integer yes yes no number of models Integer yes yes no number of predictions Integer yes yes no private Boolean yes yes yes resource String no no no rows Integer yes yes no size Integer yes yes no source String yes yes no source status String yes yes no status Object no no no tags List yes yes yes updated Datetime yes yes no Table : Source Properties BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 20 / 66
  • 21. Listing Sources Listing Sources curl ";offset=10;$BIGML_AUTH" limit Specifies the number of sources to retrieve. Must be less than or equal to 200. offset The position of the whole source list at which the retrieved source list will start off. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 21 / 66
  • 22. Listing Sources (cont.) Source Listing 1 { 2 "meta": { 3 "limit": 10, 4 "next": "/source?limit=10&offset=20&username=francisco&api_key=aa4420adaed03ea68c850", 5 "offset": 10, 6 "previous": null, 7 "total_count": 540 8 }, 9 "objects": [ 10 { 11 "code": 200, 12 "content_type": "text/csv", 13 ... 14 }, 15 ... 16 { 17 "code": 200, 18 "content_type": "text/csv", 19 ... 20 } 21 ] 22 } BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 22 / 66
  • 23. Filtering Sources Retrieving sources bigger than 1 MB curl ";$BIGML_AUTH" Filter Description lt Less than lte Less than or equal to gt Greater than gte Greater than or equal to Table : Filtering Arguments BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 23 / 66
  • 24. Sorting Sources Sorting sources by size curl ";$BIGML_AUTH" order by Specifies the order of the sources to retrieve. Must be one of the sortable fields. If you prefix the field name with “-”, the order will be descending. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 24 / 66
  • 25. Dataset Dataset Base URL A dataset is a structured version of a source where each field has been processed and serialized according to its type. A field can be numeric or categorical. Datetime and text fields are coming down the pike. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 25 / 66
  • 26. Create a New Dataset Create a New Dataset curl "$BIGML_AUTH" -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"source": "/source/4ee5761c80e1c664f1000000"}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 26 / 66
  • 27. New Datatset 1 { "category": 0, 2 "code": 201, 3 "columns": 5, 4 "created": "2012-05-25T06:02:40.889538", 5 "credits": 0.0087890625, 6 "description": "", 7 "fields": { 8 "000000": { 9 "column_number": 0, 10 "name": "sepal length", 11 "optype": "numeric" 12 }, 13 ... 14 }, 15 "locale": "en_US", 16 "name": "iris' dataset", 17 "number_of_models": 0, 18 "number_of_predictions": 0, 19 "private": true, 20 "resource": "dataset/4f66a0b903ce8940c5000000", 21 "rows": 0, 22 "size": 4608, 23 "source": "source/4f665b8103ce8920bb000006", 24 "source_status": true, 25 "status": { 26 "code": 1, 27 "message": "The dataset is being processed and will be created soon" 28 }, 29 "tags": [], 30 "updated": "2012-05-25T06:02:40.889570" } BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 27 / 66
  • 28. Dataset Arguments Required Type Description source String Valid source/id Optional Type Description category Integer The category that best describes the dataset. description String A description of the dataset of up to 8192 characters. fields Object The fields that you want to use to create the dataset. name String Name of the dataset. private Boolean Whether you want your dataset to be private or not. size Integer Maximum number of bytes to process. tags List A list of strings that help classify and index your dataset. Table : Dataset Arguments BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 28 / 66
  • 29. Creating a Dataset with args Creating a Dataset with args curl "$BIGML_AUTH" -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"source": "/source/4ee5761c80e1c664f1000000", "name": "my dataset"}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 29 / 66
  • 30. Updating a Dataset Updating a Dataset curl$BIGML_AUTH -X PUT -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"name": "a new name"}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 30 / 66
  • 31. Deleting a Dataset Deleting a Dataset curl "$BIGML_AUTH" -X DELETE Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 31 / 66
  • 32. Retrieving a Dataset Retrieving a Dataset via curl "$BIGML_AUTH" Retrieving a Dataset via BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 32 / 66
  • 33. Dataset Properties property type filterable sortable updatable category Integer yes yes yes code Integer no no no columns Integer yes yes no created Datetime yes yes no credits Float yes yes no description String yes yes yes fields Object no no no locale String no no no name String yes yes yes number of models Integer yes yes no number of predictions Integer yes yes no private Boolean yes yes yes resource String no no no rows Integer yes yes no size Integer yes yes no source String yes yes no source status Boolean yes yes no status Object no no no tags List yes yes yes updated Datetime yes yes no Table : Dataset Properties BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 33 / 66
  • 34. Listing Datasets Listing Datasets curl ";offset=10;$BIGML_AUTH" limit The total number of datasets to retrieve (≤ 200). offset The offset at which the dataset listing will start. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 34 / 66
  • 35. Dataset Listing Dataset Listing 1 { 2 "meta": { 3 "limit": 10, 4 "next": "/dataset?limit=10&offset=20&username=ciskoo&api_key=70aaae8d77699bc5d43788a5", 5 "offset": 10, 6 "previous": null, 7 "total_count": 2114 8 }, 9 "objects": [ 10 { 11 "code": 200, 12 "columns": 120, 13 ... 14 }, 15 ... 16 { 17 "code": 200, 18 "columns": 5, 19 ... 20 } 21 ] 22 } BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 35 / 66
  • 36. Filtering Datasets Retrieving datasets bigger than 1 MB curl ";$BIGML_AUTH" Filter Description lt Less than lte Less than or equal to gt Greater than gte Greater than or equal to Table : Filtering Arguments BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 36 / 66
  • 37. Sorting Datasets Sorting datasets by size curl ";$BIGML_AUTH" order by Specifies the order of the datasets to retrieve. Must be one of the sortable fields. If you prefix the field name with “-”, they will be given in descending order. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 37 / 66
  • 38. Model Model Base URL A model is a tree-like representation of your dataset with predictive power. You can create a model selecting which fields from your dataset you want to use as input fields (or predictors) and which field you want to predict, the objective field. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 38 / 66
  • 39. Create a New Model Create a New Model curl$BIGML_AUTH -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006"}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 39 / 66
  • 40. New Model 1 { "category": 0, 2 "code": 201, 3 "columns": 5, 4 "created": "2012-05-25T07:13:07.243623", 5 "credits": 0.03515625, 6 "dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006", 7 "dataset_status": true, 8 "description": "", 9 "holdout": 0.0, 10 "input_fields": [], 11 "locale": "en_US", 12 "max_columns": 5, 13 "max_rows": 150, 14 "name": "iris' dataset model", 15 "number_of_predictions": 0, 16 "objective_fields": [], 17 "private": true, 18 "range": [ 19 1, 150 20 ], 21 "resource": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006", 22 "rows": 150, 23 "size": 4608, 24 "source": "source/4f665b8103ce8920bb000006", 25 "source_status": true, 26 "status": { 27 "code": 1, "message": "The model is being processed and will be created soon" 28 }, 29 "tags": [], 30 "updated": "2012-05-25T07:13:07.243658" } BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 40 / 66
  • 41. Model Arguments Required Type Description dataset String Valid dataset/id Optional Type Description category Integer The category that best describes the dataset. description String A description of the dataset of up to 8192 characters. input fields List The fields that you want to use to create the model. name String Name of the dataset. objective fields List The field that you want to predict. private Boolean Whether you want your dataset to be private or not. range List The range of successive instances to build the model. tags List A list of strings that help classify your dataset. Table : Model Arguments BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 41 / 66
  • 42. Creating a Model with args Creating a Model with args curl$BIGML_AUTH -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006", "input_fields": ["000001", "000003"]}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 42 / 66
  • 43. Updating a Model Updating a Model curl$BIGML_AUTH -X PUT -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"name": "a new name"}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 43 / 66
  • 44. Deleting a Model Deleting a Model curl "$BIGML_AUTH" -X DELETE Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 44 / 66
  • 45. Retrieving a Model Retrieving a Model via curl "$BIGML_AUTH" Retrieving a Model via BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 45 / 66
  • 46. Model Properties property type filterable sortable updatable category Integer yes yes yes code Integer no no no columns Integer yes yes no created Datetime yes yes no credits Float yes yes no dataset String yes yes no dataset status Boolean yes yes no description String yes yes yes input fields Object no no no locale String no no no max columns Integer yes yes no max rows Integer yes yes no model Object no no no name String yes yes yes number of predictions Integer yes yes no objective fields List no no no private Boolean yes yes yes range List no no no resource String no no no size Integer yes yes no statistical pruning Boolean yes yes no status Object no no no tags List yes yes yes updated Datetime yes yes no Table : Model Properties BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 46 / 66
  • 47. Listing Models Listing Models curl ";offset=10;$BIGML_AUTH" limit The number of models to retrieve (≤ 200). offset The offset at which the model listing will start off. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 47 / 66
  • 48. Model Listing Model Listing 1 { 2 "meta": { 3 "limit": 10, 4 "next": "/model?limit=10&offset=20&username=ciskoo&api_key=70aaae8d77699bc5d437876d85", 5 "offset": 10, 6 "previous": null, 7 "total_count": 1220 8 }, 9 "objects": [ 10 { 11 "code": 200, 12 "columns": 1150, 13 ... 14 }, 15 ... 16 { 17 "code": 200, 18 "columns": 512, 19 ... 20 } 21 ] 22 } BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 48 / 66
  • 49. Filtering Models Retrieving models bigger than 1 MB curl ";$BIGML_AUTH" Filter Description lt Less than lte Less than or equal to gt Greater than gte Greater than or equal to Table : Filtering Arguments BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 49 / 66
  • 50. Sorting Models Sorting models by size curl ";$BIGML_AUTH" order by Specifies the order of the models to retrieve. Must be one of the sortable fields. If you prefix the field name with “-”, they will be given in descending order. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 50 / 66
  • 51. Prediction Prediction Base URL A prediction is created using a model/id and the properties of the new instance (input data) for which you wish to create a prediction. To create a new prediction, will automatically navigate the corresponding model to find the leaf node that best classifies the new instance. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 51 / 66
  • 52. Create a New Prediction Create a New Prediction curl$BIGML_AUTH -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"model": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006", "input_data": {"000001": 3}}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 52 / 66
  • 53. New Prediction 1 { "code": 201, 2 "created": "2012-03-21T16:26:51.300678", 3 "credits": 0.01, 4 "dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006", 5 "dataset_status": true, 6 "fields": { ... }, 7 "input_data": { "000001": 3 }, 8 "locale": "en-US", 9 "model": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006", 10 "model_status": true, 11 "name": "Prediction for species", 12 "objective_fields": [ "000004" ], 13 "prediction": { "000004": "Iris-virginica" }, 14 "prediction_path": { 15 "bad_fields": [], 16 "next_predicates": [ 17 { "count": 100, "field": "000002", "operator": ">", "value": 2.45 }, 18 { "count": 50, "field": "000002", "operator": "<=", "value": 2.45 } 19 ], 20 "path": [], 21 "unknown_fields": [] 22 }, 23 "private": true, 24 "resource": "prediction/4f6a014b03ce89584500000f", 25 "source": "source/4f665b8103ce8920bb000006", 26 "source_status": true, 27 "status": { "code": 5, "message": "The prediction has been created" }, 28 "updated": "2012-03-21T16:26:51.300700" } BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 53 / 66
  • 54. Prediction Arguments Required Type Description model String Valid model/id. input data Object Field’s id/value pairs representing the instance. Optional Type Description category Integer The category that best describes the dataset. description String A description of the dataset of up to 8192 characters. name String Name of the dataset. private Boolean Whether you want your dataset to be private or not. tags List A list of strings that help classify and index your dataset. Table : Prediction Arguments BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 54 / 66
  • 55. Creating a Prediction with args Creating a Prediction with args curl$BIGML_AUTH -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"input_data": {"000001": 3}, "model": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006", "name": "my prediction"}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 55 / 66
  • 56. Updating a Prediction Updating a Prediction curl$BIGML_AUTH -X PUT -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"name": "a new name"}' BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 56 / 66
  • 57. Deleting a Prediction Deleting a Prediction curl "$BIGML_AUTH" -X DELETE Response HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 57 / 66
  • 58. Retrieving a Prediction Retrieving a Prediction via curl "$BIGML_AUTH" Retrieving a Prediction via BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 58 / 66
  • 59. Prediction Properties property type filterable sortable updatable category Integer yes yes yes code Integer no no no created Datetime yes yes no credits Float yes yes no dataset String yes yes no dataset status Boolean yes yes no description String yes yes yes fields Object no no no input data Object no no no locale String no no no model String yes yes no model status Boolean yes yes no name String yes yes yes objective fields List yes yes no prediction Object yes yes no prediction path Object no no no private Boolean yes yes yes resource String no no no source String yes yes no source status Boolean yes yes no status Object no no no tags List yes yes yes updated Datetime yes yes no Table : Prediction Properties BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 59 / 66
  • 60. Listing Predictions Listing Predictions curl ";offset=10;$BIGML_AUTH" limit The number of predictions to retrieve (≤ 200). offset The offset at which the prediction listing will start off. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 60 / 66
  • 61. Prediction Listing 1 { "category": 0, 2 "code": 201, 3 "created": "2012-05-25T07:20:35.687797", 4 "credits": 0.01, 5 "dataset": "dataset/4f66a80803ce8940c5000006", 6 "dataset_status": true, 7 "description": "", 8 "fields": { ... }, 9 "input_data": { "000001": 3 }, 10 "locale": "en_US", 11 "model": "model/4f67c0ee03ce89c74a000006", 12 "model_status": true, 13 "name": "Prediction for species", 14 "objective_fields": [ "000004" ], 15 "prediction": { "000004": "Iris-virginica" }, 16 "prediction_path": { 17 "bad_fields": [], 18 "next_predicates": [ 19 { "field": "000002", "operator": ">", "value": 2.45 }, 20 { "field": "000002", "operator": "<=", "value": 2.45 } 21 ], 22 "path": [], "unknown_fields": [] }, 23 "private": true, 24 "resource": "prediction/4f6a014b03ce89584500000f", 25 "source": "source/4f665b8103ce8920bb000006", 26 "source_status": true, 27 "status": { "code": 5, "message": "The prediction has been created" }, 28 "tags": [], 29 "updated": "2012-05-25T07:20:35.687819" } BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 61 / 66
  • 62. Filtering Predictions Retrieving predictions created after 12/1/2012 curl ";$BIGML_AUTH" Filter Description lt Less than lte Less than or equal to gt Greater than gte Greater than or equal to Table : Filtering Arguments BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 62 / 66
  • 63. Sorting Predictions Sorting predictions by name curl ";$BIGML_AUTH" order by Specifies the order of the predictions to retrieve. Must be one of the sortable fields. If you prefix the field name with “-”, they will be given in descending order. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 63 / 66
  • 64. Evaluation Evaluation Base URL An evaluation automatically measures the performance of a model correctly predicting the objective field for a pre-labeled test set. An evaluation is created using the model/id of the model under evaluation and the a dataset/id of the testset. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 64 / 66
  • 65. Public Bindings Bash Python R iOS Java Ruby ml/ BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 65 / 66
  • 66. Final Remarks dev mode Remember to include /dev in your URL requests to avoid credit charges. version Remember to include the current version name /andromeda in your URL requests to make sure that future versions of the BigML API do not interfere with your application. BigML Inc The BigML API October 12, 2012 66 / 66