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In the early years the number of players on a team varied
according to the number in the class and the size of the
playing area. In 1894 teams began to play with five on a
side when the playing area was less than 1,800 square
feet (167.2 square metres); the number rose to seven
when the gymnasium measured from 1,800 to 3,600
square feet (334.5 square metres) and up to nine when the
playing area exceeded that. In 1895 the number was
occasionally set at five by mutual consent; the
rules stipulated five players two years later, and this
number has remained ever since.
Since Naismith and five of his original players
were Canadians, it is not surprising
that Canada was the first country outside
the United States to play the game. Basketball
was introduced in France in 1893, in England in
1894, in Australia, China, and India soon
thereafter, and in Japan in 1900.
While basketball helped swell the membership of
YMCAs because of the availability of their gyms,
within five years the game was outlawed by various
associations because gyms that had been occupied by
classes of 50 or 60 members were now monopolized by
only 10 to 18 players. The banishment of the
game induced many members to terminate their
YMCA membership and to hire halls to play the game,
thus paving the way to the professionalization of the
Originally, players wore one of three styles of uniforms:
knee-length football trousers; jersey tights, as commonly
worn by wrestlers; or short padded pants, forerunners of
today’s uniforms, plus knee guards. The courts often
were of irregular shape with occasional obstructions such
as pillars, stairways, or offices that interfered with play.
In 1903 it was ruled that all boundary lines must be
straight. In 1893 the Narragansett Machinery Co.
of Providence, Rhode Island, marketed a hoop of iron
with a hammock style of basket.
Originally a ladder, then a pole, and finally a chain
fastened to the bottom of the net was used to retrieve a
ball after a goal had been scored. Nets open at the
bottom were adopted in 1912–13. In 1895–96 the
points for making a basket (goal, or field goal) were
reduced from three to two, and the points for making a
free throw (shot uncontested from a line in front of the
basket after a foul had been committed) were reduced
from three to one.
basketball, game played between two
teams of five players each on a
rectangular court, usually indoors. Each
team tries to score by tossing
the ball through the opponent’s goal, an
elevated horizontal hoop and net called a
The only major sport strictly of U.S. origin,
basketball was invented by James
Naismith (1861–1939) on or about December 1,
1891, at the International Young Men’s Christian
Association (YMCA) Training School
(now Springfield
College), Springfield, Massachusetts, where
Naismith was an instructor in physical education.
For that first game of basketball in 1891, Naismith used
as goals two half-bushel peach baskets, which gave the
sport its name. The students were enthusiastic. After
much running and shooting, William R. Chase made a
midcourt shot—the only score in that historic contest.
Word spread about the newly invented game, and
numerous associations wrote Naismith for a copy of the
rules, which were published in the January 15, 1892,
issue of the Triangle, the YMCA Training School’s
campus paper.
A hoop or basket with net around its circumference
and of 18 inch diameter is firmly hung horizontally
from a rectangular backboard of 3.5 feet height and
6 feet width on either sides of the court. The rim of
the hoop is 10 feet above the ground. The backboard
in various international competitions is transparent
for better visibility.
Basketball is an orange-colored and rough-
textured spherical ball with black contours
usually made of leather or composite tough
The ball is bounced continuously (dribbling),
thrown through the air to other players (passing),
and towards the basket (shooting). So a typical
basketball must be very durable and easy to hold
on to.
Basketball Shoes
Equipment that is no less important is basketball
shoes. The thing that distinguishes basketball shoes
from other shoes is their shape which is slightly
higher at the ankle, which aims to protect the ankle
from the risk of an ankle injury.
Then the sole or base of the shoe is also made with
anti-slip material for use on the field because the
basketball game pattern, which consists of running
and jumping movements, requires anti-slip shoes and
helps with the said movements.
Player Uniforms
Each basketball player from each team must wear a
uniform so that when the game takes place, there will
be a difference between teammates and opponents.
Besides that, uniforms will also make the team more
solid and look attractive when playing.
Generally, basketball uniforms do not have sleeves on
the shirt and the length of the pants is only up to the
knees, all of which aims to facilitate the player’s
is an elastic cloth that is made to keep the parts of the
body that are experiencing movement from being
injured, as a result of the wrong position during the
movement. Generally, basketball players use the pads
on the knees, ankles, and elbows.
The basketball board
is made of 3 cm thick wood or of a suitable
transparent material, such as acrylic or
plastic glass. The basketball board is 180
centimeters long and 120 centimeters wide.
The board is 275 centimeters high from the
floor surface to the bottom of the board and
is 120 centimeters perpendicular to the
distance from the center point of the finish
line of the court.
It is a rectangle with dimensions of 28 meters long and 15
meters wide as measured from the edge of the boundary
line. In a basketball court, there are several dividing lines
such as the three-point zone semicircle line and the free-
throw line. The size of each line can be seen in the image
Basketball Court
1.Only five players per team on the court. In the NBA,
WNBA, and NCAA basketball, each team can play a
maximum number of five players on the court. If a
team breaks this main rule, they will lose possession
of the ball. Sometimes this inadvertently happens,
particularly at low levels of the game, when substitute
players check into the game and others don't leave the
court in time.
2. Score more than your opponent to win. To win the
game, a team must score more field goals than the other
team. A field goal refers to any basket a player scores
during gameplay. Field goals can be worth two or three
points. Field goals shot from inside the arc that
designates the three-point line on the court are worth two
points. Field goals shot from outside the arc are worth
three points. Field goals can take the form of jump shots,
layups, slam dunks, and tip-ins.
3. Score within the shot clock. Teams have a limited
amount of time to shoot the ball during a given
possession. In the NBA and WNBA, teams are
allowed 24 seconds of possession before they must
shoot, while NCAA teams are allowed 30 seconds. A
shot clock mounted above the hoop on each side of
the court displays and counts down the time allotted.
If the shot clock elapses, the opposing team forfeits
the ball and becomes the defensive team.
4. Dribbling advances the ball. Basketball players may
only advance the ball by passing or dribbling (bouncing
the ball on the floor) as they move up and down the
court. If a player stops dribbling, they may not resume;
instead, they must pass the ball or shoot it. If an offensive
player with possession of the ball stops then continues
dribbling before passing or shooting, the referee will call
a “double dribble,” and the opposing team gets the ball.
Additionally, players may only advance the ball by
dribbling it. If they run while holding the ball, they are
traveling. Referees will issue a traveling call, and
possession of the ball will go to the opposing team.
5. The offense has five seconds to inbound the ball.
After the offense scores a basket, the opposing team
receives possession of the ball. One of their players
has to inbound the ball from a designated spot on the
sidelines of the court to resume gameplay. The player
has five seconds to pass the ball to another player on
his team, or else the team loses possession. The
defender cannot contact the ball when the offensive
player is trying to inbound it, or the referee can issue
a technical foul.
6. The offense must advance the ball. Once an offensive
team advances the ball past the half-court line, the
ballhandler may not cross that line again, or a referee will
award possession of the ball to the opposing team.
7. Ball and ballhandler must remain inbounds. During
gameplay, the player with possession of the ball must stay
within the designated inbounds lines marked on the court. If
a player steps out of bounds or touches this line with their
foot while holding the ball, the referee will award possession
to the opposing team. Additionally, if a player shoots the ball
while their foot is touching the line and the shot is
successful, it will not count.
8. Defenders can’t interfere with a shot on a downward
trajectory. After the offensive player shoots the ball, it
is illegal for a defensive player to interfere with it once
it begins its descent toward the rim. This interference
is called a goaltend and will result in an automatic
field goal for the offense.
9. Defenders can legally block or steal the ball. The
defending team’s goal is to prevent the offensive team
from scoring by either stealing the ball, blocking the
ball from entering the basket, or using defensive
tactics to prevent an offensive player from shooting
and scoring.
10. Defenders must leave the paint after three
seconds. The area directly in front of the basket
is sometimes referred to as "the paint" or "inside
the key." Offensive players may not camp out in
this area waiting for the ball or an offensive
rebound. Any individual player can spend a
maximum of three seconds at a time in the
space before they have to move. Once they step
out of the paint, they can return. If the referee
notices a player hovering in the paint for over
three seconds, the team will receive a three-
second violation.
11. Each team is allotted a certain number of fouls. The
NBA allows each team a total of five fouls per quarter.
Once a team surpasses this allotment, they go “into the
bonus,” which means the officials will award the
opposing team with free throws for every additional foul
that a player commits in that quarter of play. In the
NCAA, these foul shots are known as "one and one"
shots, which means that if a player makes the first free
throw, they receive a second free throw. If they miss the
first free throw, either team can rebound the errant shot
and claim possession. After 10 team fouls, the opposing
team gets a "double bonus," which means they get to
take two foul shots.
12. Illegal contact results in a foul. When a basketball
player commits illegal physical contact against an
opposing player, the referees will call a personal foul.
Most player fouls involve contact that impedes an
opposing player's gameplay. When a player fouls another
player on an opposing team in the act of shooting, the
referee rewards the fouled player with unguarded free
throws from the foul line. Each successfully made free
throw counts for one point. Referees can assess coaches
with fouls for unsportsmanlike acts, such as using
profanity to dispute a missed call.
13. Illegal contact results in a personal foul. A personal
foul is an infraction that violates the rules of the game.
Players can incur personal fouls by pushing, blocking, or
striking another player in the act of shooting. Shooting
fouls result in free throw attempts for the fouled player. If
a defender fouls a shooter attempting a two-point shot, the
shooter will receive two free throws. If a shooter is fouled
during a three-point shot attempt, they will receive three
free throws. If the player makes the shot they were
attempting at the time of illegal contact, the basket counts,
and the shooter will receive one free throw.
14. Excessive contact results in a flagrant foul. Flagrant fouls refer to a
personal foul that can potentially injure the opponent. These fouls carry
heavier penalties, such as fines, immediate ejection, and even
suspension. There are two types of flagrant fouls: flagrant foul—
penalty (1) and flagrant foul—penalty (2). Flagrant 1 refers to fouls
involving unnecessary contact. The penalty for this foul type is a free
throw for the opponent and possession of the ball. Flagrant 2 refers to
any foul involving unnecessary and excessive contact. Officials
perform an instant-play review to determine if an act qualifies for the
flagrant 2 penalty. If it does, the player at fault is assessed a fine and an
automatic ejection from the game, and the opposing team receives free
throws and possession of the ball.
15. Charges and illegal screens result in an offensive foul.
An offensive foul is a personal foul that offensive players
commit when their team possesses the ball. The two most
common offensive fouls are charging and illegal ball
screens. Charging is when an offensive player makes
contact with a defensive player who has planted their feet
in a locked position. An illegal screen is when a non-ball-
handling offensive player moves while setting a screen
for their teammate to prevent the defender from moving
about the court.
16. Certain rule violations result in technical fouls. A
technical foul is a penalty for violating the game’s
administrative rules. Officials commonly assess
technical fouls for fighting and verbal abuse, often
assessing coaches with this penalty if they are too
abrasive when disputing a call. Technical fouls result in
a free throw and a change of possession. If a player or
coach receives two technical fouls in the same game, the
referee will eject them. Players with a long history of
technical fouls risk suspension from the regular season
and even playoff games.
1. Robert Jaworski
He is a player whose legend lives on to this day, decades after
his last professional game. Jaworski was a lockdown defender
so much so that anyone he covered could be classified as
double-teamed. His tenacity, intelligence, and unusual length
and hand size made this possible.
While he produced solid stats throughout his career, his impact
on the game goes beyond the box score. He was a leader and
the heart and soul of every team he suited up for.
2. Ramon Fernandez
Fernandez was a player ahead of his time. He was a big
man who does many of the things bigs do today. He can
handle the ball and make plays for his team. Fernandez
was a triple-double waiting to happen.
He won MVP honors four times in his long, illustrious
career. His 18,996 career points scored is still the highest
mark in the league and looks to stay that way for the
foreseeable future.
3. Bogs Adornado
The three-time MVP changed Philippine basketball
with his shooting prowess. He has the distinction of
being the first league MVP. While he is best known
for his outside shot, he was also a deadly scorer from
the post. These are what caused him to be the PBA’s
scoring champion three times.
His signature pump fake fooled many defenders and is
a big reason why he led the league in free throws
made for a couple of seasons. Adornado staged a
heroic return from a serious knee injury relatively
early on in his career and had a roaring comeback.
4. Alvin Patrimonio
The Captain was the best power forward of his
generation and was an automatic scorer, regularly
demanding double teams. In fact, Patrimonio was named
MVP on four occasions. He is third all-time in total
points scored with 15,091.
5. Benjie Paras
Some first-year players are classified as day one starters.
Paras is the very essence of this statement, as he is still
the only Filipino player to win rookie of the year and
MVP in the same season.
Aptly named the Tower of Power, Paras carried over his
dominance in the collegiate ranks to the professional
level. His overpowering strength and athleticism made
him a matchup nightmare for opposing bigs.
6. Ricardo Brown
California produces more PBA players than any other
place. This may not be so surprising due to the state’s
basketball culture and population size, but it is
thousands of miles away from the Philippines.
Brown helped pave the way for Filipino-American
players to enter the league. He had some of the best
handles anyone had ever seen in PH basketball, a
smooth jumper, and made his teammates look good
with his slick passing. As his moniker “The Quick
Brown Fox” suggests, he was a great athlete, too.
7. Johnny Abarrientos
The “Flying A” had a real shot of being the first
Filipino to play in the NBA, specifically for
the Charlotte Hornets. Despite his small stature, he
had everything you looked for in a point guard. He
was a natural playmaker, but at the same time can
create his own shot and was a pest on defense. As
expected, he had a high basketball IQ.
8. Allan Caidic
When someone is called “The Triggerman,” you know
they are a lights out shooter. Caidic is the greatest
Filipino sharpshooter of all time. In one game, he
somehow managed to go 17-of-27 from deep.
He once held the record for most 3-point shots
converted at 1,242. His reputation as a marksman
reached overseas, as he was a staple on the national
9. Junemar Fajardo
Fajardo is the one player on this list who can rapidly move up the
ranks. The PBA has seen its fair share of giants, but none have
been nearly as complete as Fajardo. Standing at an imposing 6’10,
278 pounds, Fajardo was on the radar despite not playing for one
of the traditional collegiate powerhouses.
He is so dominant inside the paint that the dynamics of the game
changed. Fajardo is a handful for single coverage and double-
teaming him will just lead to open looks for his talented
teammates. He is an automatic double-double and is an elite rim
Fajardo won the MVP six times in consecutive seasons.
10. James Yap
Yap was a lethal scorer who had a plethora of
moves at his disposal. Combine this with his large
hands and he left defenders flustered. Eventually,
he learned to be a solid defender. Yap was as clutch
as they came and sank many memorable game-
basketball ppt (mark john camacho).pptx

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basketball ppt (mark john camacho).pptx

  • 1.
  • 2. In the early years the number of players on a team varied according to the number in the class and the size of the playing area. In 1894 teams began to play with five on a side when the playing area was less than 1,800 square feet (167.2 square metres); the number rose to seven when the gymnasium measured from 1,800 to 3,600 square feet (334.5 square metres) and up to nine when the playing area exceeded that. In 1895 the number was occasionally set at five by mutual consent; the rules stipulated five players two years later, and this number has remained ever since.
  • 3. Since Naismith and five of his original players were Canadians, it is not surprising that Canada was the first country outside the United States to play the game. Basketball was introduced in France in 1893, in England in 1894, in Australia, China, and India soon thereafter, and in Japan in 1900.
  • 4. While basketball helped swell the membership of YMCAs because of the availability of their gyms, within five years the game was outlawed by various associations because gyms that had been occupied by classes of 50 or 60 members were now monopolized by only 10 to 18 players. The banishment of the game induced many members to terminate their YMCA membership and to hire halls to play the game, thus paving the way to the professionalization of the sport.
  • 5. Originally, players wore one of three styles of uniforms: knee-length football trousers; jersey tights, as commonly worn by wrestlers; or short padded pants, forerunners of today’s uniforms, plus knee guards. The courts often were of irregular shape with occasional obstructions such as pillars, stairways, or offices that interfered with play. In 1903 it was ruled that all boundary lines must be straight. In 1893 the Narragansett Machinery Co. of Providence, Rhode Island, marketed a hoop of iron with a hammock style of basket.
  • 6. Originally a ladder, then a pole, and finally a chain fastened to the bottom of the net was used to retrieve a ball after a goal had been scored. Nets open at the bottom were adopted in 1912–13. In 1895–96 the points for making a basket (goal, or field goal) were reduced from three to two, and the points for making a free throw (shot uncontested from a line in front of the basket after a foul had been committed) were reduced from three to one.
  • 7. basketball, game played between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court, usually indoors. Each team tries to score by tossing the ball through the opponent’s goal, an elevated horizontal hoop and net called a basket.
  • 8. The only major sport strictly of U.S. origin, basketball was invented by James Naismith (1861–1939) on or about December 1, 1891, at the International Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Training School (now Springfield College), Springfield, Massachusetts, where Naismith was an instructor in physical education.
  • 9. For that first game of basketball in 1891, Naismith used as goals two half-bushel peach baskets, which gave the sport its name. The students were enthusiastic. After much running and shooting, William R. Chase made a midcourt shot—the only score in that historic contest. Word spread about the newly invented game, and numerous associations wrote Naismith for a copy of the rules, which were published in the January 15, 1892, issue of the Triangle, the YMCA Training School’s campus paper.
  • 10. Basket A hoop or basket with net around its circumference and of 18 inch diameter is firmly hung horizontally from a rectangular backboard of 3.5 feet height and 6 feet width on either sides of the court. The rim of the hoop is 10 feet above the ground. The backboard in various international competitions is transparent for better visibility.
  • 11. Ball Basketball is an orange-colored and rough- textured spherical ball with black contours usually made of leather or composite tough materials. The ball is bounced continuously (dribbling), thrown through the air to other players (passing), and towards the basket (shooting). So a typical basketball must be very durable and easy to hold on to.
  • 12. Basketball Shoes Equipment that is no less important is basketball shoes. The thing that distinguishes basketball shoes from other shoes is their shape which is slightly higher at the ankle, which aims to protect the ankle from the risk of an ankle injury. Then the sole or base of the shoe is also made with anti-slip material for use on the field because the basketball game pattern, which consists of running and jumping movements, requires anti-slip shoes and helps with the said movements.
  • 13. Player Uniforms Each basketball player from each team must wear a uniform so that when the game takes place, there will be a difference between teammates and opponents. Besides that, uniforms will also make the team more solid and look attractive when playing. Generally, basketball uniforms do not have sleeves on the shirt and the length of the pants is only up to the knees, all of which aims to facilitate the player’s movement.
  • 14. Knee-pad is an elastic cloth that is made to keep the parts of the body that are experiencing movement from being injured, as a result of the wrong position during the movement. Generally, basketball players use the pads on the knees, ankles, and elbows.
  • 15. The basketball board is made of 3 cm thick wood or of a suitable transparent material, such as acrylic or plastic glass. The basketball board is 180 centimeters long and 120 centimeters wide. The board is 275 centimeters high from the floor surface to the bottom of the board and is 120 centimeters perpendicular to the distance from the center point of the finish line of the court.
  • 16. It is a rectangle with dimensions of 28 meters long and 15 meters wide as measured from the edge of the boundary line. In a basketball court, there are several dividing lines such as the three-point zone semicircle line and the free- throw line. The size of each line can be seen in the image above. Basketball Court
  • 17.
  • 18. 1.Only five players per team on the court. In the NBA, WNBA, and NCAA basketball, each team can play a maximum number of five players on the court. If a team breaks this main rule, they will lose possession of the ball. Sometimes this inadvertently happens, particularly at low levels of the game, when substitute players check into the game and others don't leave the court in time.
  • 19. 2. Score more than your opponent to win. To win the game, a team must score more field goals than the other team. A field goal refers to any basket a player scores during gameplay. Field goals can be worth two or three points. Field goals shot from inside the arc that designates the three-point line on the court are worth two points. Field goals shot from outside the arc are worth three points. Field goals can take the form of jump shots, layups, slam dunks, and tip-ins.
  • 20. 3. Score within the shot clock. Teams have a limited amount of time to shoot the ball during a given possession. In the NBA and WNBA, teams are allowed 24 seconds of possession before they must shoot, while NCAA teams are allowed 30 seconds. A shot clock mounted above the hoop on each side of the court displays and counts down the time allotted. If the shot clock elapses, the opposing team forfeits the ball and becomes the defensive team.
  • 21. 4. Dribbling advances the ball. Basketball players may only advance the ball by passing or dribbling (bouncing the ball on the floor) as they move up and down the court. If a player stops dribbling, they may not resume; instead, they must pass the ball or shoot it. If an offensive player with possession of the ball stops then continues dribbling before passing or shooting, the referee will call a “double dribble,” and the opposing team gets the ball. Additionally, players may only advance the ball by dribbling it. If they run while holding the ball, they are traveling. Referees will issue a traveling call, and possession of the ball will go to the opposing team.
  • 22. 5. The offense has five seconds to inbound the ball. After the offense scores a basket, the opposing team receives possession of the ball. One of their players has to inbound the ball from a designated spot on the sidelines of the court to resume gameplay. The player has five seconds to pass the ball to another player on his team, or else the team loses possession. The defender cannot contact the ball when the offensive player is trying to inbound it, or the referee can issue a technical foul.
  • 23. 6. The offense must advance the ball. Once an offensive team advances the ball past the half-court line, the ballhandler may not cross that line again, or a referee will award possession of the ball to the opposing team. 7. Ball and ballhandler must remain inbounds. During gameplay, the player with possession of the ball must stay within the designated inbounds lines marked on the court. If a player steps out of bounds or touches this line with their foot while holding the ball, the referee will award possession to the opposing team. Additionally, if a player shoots the ball while their foot is touching the line and the shot is successful, it will not count.
  • 24. 8. Defenders can’t interfere with a shot on a downward trajectory. After the offensive player shoots the ball, it is illegal for a defensive player to interfere with it once it begins its descent toward the rim. This interference is called a goaltend and will result in an automatic field goal for the offense. 9. Defenders can legally block or steal the ball. The defending team’s goal is to prevent the offensive team from scoring by either stealing the ball, blocking the ball from entering the basket, or using defensive tactics to prevent an offensive player from shooting and scoring.
  • 25. 10. Defenders must leave the paint after three seconds. The area directly in front of the basket is sometimes referred to as "the paint" or "inside the key." Offensive players may not camp out in this area waiting for the ball or an offensive rebound. Any individual player can spend a maximum of three seconds at a time in the space before they have to move. Once they step out of the paint, they can return. If the referee notices a player hovering in the paint for over three seconds, the team will receive a three- second violation.
  • 26. 11. Each team is allotted a certain number of fouls. The NBA allows each team a total of five fouls per quarter. Once a team surpasses this allotment, they go “into the bonus,” which means the officials will award the opposing team with free throws for every additional foul that a player commits in that quarter of play. In the NCAA, these foul shots are known as "one and one" shots, which means that if a player makes the first free throw, they receive a second free throw. If they miss the first free throw, either team can rebound the errant shot and claim possession. After 10 team fouls, the opposing team gets a "double bonus," which means they get to take two foul shots.
  • 27. 12. Illegal contact results in a foul. When a basketball player commits illegal physical contact against an opposing player, the referees will call a personal foul. Most player fouls involve contact that impedes an opposing player's gameplay. When a player fouls another player on an opposing team in the act of shooting, the referee rewards the fouled player with unguarded free throws from the foul line. Each successfully made free throw counts for one point. Referees can assess coaches with fouls for unsportsmanlike acts, such as using profanity to dispute a missed call.
  • 28. 13. Illegal contact results in a personal foul. A personal foul is an infraction that violates the rules of the game. Players can incur personal fouls by pushing, blocking, or striking another player in the act of shooting. Shooting fouls result in free throw attempts for the fouled player. If a defender fouls a shooter attempting a two-point shot, the shooter will receive two free throws. If a shooter is fouled during a three-point shot attempt, they will receive three free throws. If the player makes the shot they were attempting at the time of illegal contact, the basket counts, and the shooter will receive one free throw.
  • 29. 14. Excessive contact results in a flagrant foul. Flagrant fouls refer to a personal foul that can potentially injure the opponent. These fouls carry heavier penalties, such as fines, immediate ejection, and even suspension. There are two types of flagrant fouls: flagrant foul— penalty (1) and flagrant foul—penalty (2). Flagrant 1 refers to fouls involving unnecessary contact. The penalty for this foul type is a free throw for the opponent and possession of the ball. Flagrant 2 refers to any foul involving unnecessary and excessive contact. Officials perform an instant-play review to determine if an act qualifies for the flagrant 2 penalty. If it does, the player at fault is assessed a fine and an automatic ejection from the game, and the opposing team receives free throws and possession of the ball.
  • 30. 15. Charges and illegal screens result in an offensive foul. An offensive foul is a personal foul that offensive players commit when their team possesses the ball. The two most common offensive fouls are charging and illegal ball screens. Charging is when an offensive player makes contact with a defensive player who has planted their feet in a locked position. An illegal screen is when a non-ball- handling offensive player moves while setting a screen for their teammate to prevent the defender from moving about the court.
  • 31. 16. Certain rule violations result in technical fouls. A technical foul is a penalty for violating the game’s administrative rules. Officials commonly assess technical fouls for fighting and verbal abuse, often assessing coaches with this penalty if they are too abrasive when disputing a call. Technical fouls result in a free throw and a change of possession. If a player or coach receives two technical fouls in the same game, the referee will eject them. Players with a long history of technical fouls risk suspension from the regular season and even playoff games.
  • 32. 1. Robert Jaworski He is a player whose legend lives on to this day, decades after his last professional game. Jaworski was a lockdown defender so much so that anyone he covered could be classified as double-teamed. His tenacity, intelligence, and unusual length and hand size made this possible. While he produced solid stats throughout his career, his impact on the game goes beyond the box score. He was a leader and the heart and soul of every team he suited up for.
  • 33. 2. Ramon Fernandez Fernandez was a player ahead of his time. He was a big man who does many of the things bigs do today. He can handle the ball and make plays for his team. Fernandez was a triple-double waiting to happen. He won MVP honors four times in his long, illustrious career. His 18,996 career points scored is still the highest mark in the league and looks to stay that way for the foreseeable future.
  • 34. 3. Bogs Adornado The three-time MVP changed Philippine basketball with his shooting prowess. He has the distinction of being the first league MVP. While he is best known for his outside shot, he was also a deadly scorer from the post. These are what caused him to be the PBA’s scoring champion three times. His signature pump fake fooled many defenders and is a big reason why he led the league in free throws made for a couple of seasons. Adornado staged a heroic return from a serious knee injury relatively early on in his career and had a roaring comeback.
  • 35. 4. Alvin Patrimonio The Captain was the best power forward of his generation and was an automatic scorer, regularly demanding double teams. In fact, Patrimonio was named MVP on four occasions. He is third all-time in total points scored with 15,091.
  • 36. 5. Benjie Paras Some first-year players are classified as day one starters. Paras is the very essence of this statement, as he is still the only Filipino player to win rookie of the year and MVP in the same season. Aptly named the Tower of Power, Paras carried over his dominance in the collegiate ranks to the professional level. His overpowering strength and athleticism made him a matchup nightmare for opposing bigs.
  • 37. 6. Ricardo Brown California produces more PBA players than any other place. This may not be so surprising due to the state’s basketball culture and population size, but it is thousands of miles away from the Philippines. Brown helped pave the way for Filipino-American players to enter the league. He had some of the best handles anyone had ever seen in PH basketball, a smooth jumper, and made his teammates look good with his slick passing. As his moniker “The Quick Brown Fox” suggests, he was a great athlete, too.
  • 38. 7. Johnny Abarrientos The “Flying A” had a real shot of being the first Filipino to play in the NBA, specifically for the Charlotte Hornets. Despite his small stature, he had everything you looked for in a point guard. He was a natural playmaker, but at the same time can create his own shot and was a pest on defense. As expected, he had a high basketball IQ.
  • 39. 8. Allan Caidic When someone is called “The Triggerman,” you know they are a lights out shooter. Caidic is the greatest Filipino sharpshooter of all time. In one game, he somehow managed to go 17-of-27 from deep. He once held the record for most 3-point shots converted at 1,242. His reputation as a marksman reached overseas, as he was a staple on the national team.
  • 40. 9. Junemar Fajardo Fajardo is the one player on this list who can rapidly move up the ranks. The PBA has seen its fair share of giants, but none have been nearly as complete as Fajardo. Standing at an imposing 6’10, 278 pounds, Fajardo was on the radar despite not playing for one of the traditional collegiate powerhouses. He is so dominant inside the paint that the dynamics of the game changed. Fajardo is a handful for single coverage and double- teaming him will just lead to open looks for his talented teammates. He is an automatic double-double and is an elite rim protector. Fajardo won the MVP six times in consecutive seasons.
  • 41. 10. James Yap Yap was a lethal scorer who had a plethora of moves at his disposal. Combine this with his large hands and he left defenders flustered. Eventually, he learned to be a solid defender. Yap was as clutch as they came and sank many memorable game- winners.