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     The Light Answer                                                                                        decreased treatment times. Lasers are clas-
                                                                                                             sified by power. Class III “cold lasers” are at
                                                                                                             maximum power output of 500mw from a
                                                                                                             single-laser source. Class IV lasers are any-
                                                                       eficial inventions used in mod-        thing over 500mw.
                                                                       ern society. In 1967, Dr. Endre          You cannot make up for insufficient power
                                                                       Mester, a professor of surgery        by increasing treatment time. Depth of tis-
                                                                       in Hungary, performed a revo-         sue penetration will not increase with more
                                                                       lutionary series of experiments       application time if you have insufficient
                                                                       that first documented the heal-        power. Positive results require more than
                                                                       ing effect of lasers. Therapy         increasing time. Sixty-five percent of laser
                                                                       lasers have been used and             energy is absorbed in the skin and subcuta-
                                                                       researched in Europe for more         neous tissue layers with the following having
                                                                       than 30 years. The U.S. Food          a high affinity for absorption: hemoglobin in
                                                                       and Drug Administration (FDA)         blood; melanin in skin, hair, moles, and oth-
                                                                       approved the first low-level          ers; and water (present in all biological tis-
                                                                       Class III laser (LLLT) in 2002 and    sue). In order to overcome these factors, start
                                                                       the first Class IV therapy laser in    with large quantities of energy to reach the
                                                                       2003. The most significant clini-      deeper target cells and myofascial structures
                                                                       cal and therapeutic difference        with a required dose.
                                                                       between Class IV lasers and
                                                                       Class III is the Class IV can pro-    Optimal Dosage
                                                                       duce a primary biostimulative         Dosage is the single most important param-
                                                                       effect on deeper tissues while        eter for a successful outcome in laser ther-
                                                                       also producing substantial sec-       apy. Too little or too much energy produces
                                                                       ondary and tertiary effects.1         no effect. There is an “optimum window”
                                                                          Laser therapy aims to photo-       of therapeutic dosage. The matter of correct
                                                                       biostimulate chemically dam-          dosage is very complicated, since a number
                                                                       aged cells. This therapy actually     of factors must be taken into account, includ-
                                                                       excites the kinetic energy within     ing laser wavelength, power density, type
                                                                       cells by transmitting healing         of tissue, condition of tissue, acuteness or
                                                                       energy known as photons. The          chronicity of the problem, skin pigmentation,
                                                                       skin absorbs these photons via        treatment technique and depth of target tis-
                                                         a photo-chemical effect, not photo-thermal;         sue.
     Deep-tissue laser therapy                           therefore, it does not cause heat damage to            The primary factors in laser therapy that
     for low-back pain gets                              the tissues.                                        determine dosage are power and time. While
                                                            Once photons reach the cells of the body,        power is the amount of energy measured at
     results By Perry Nickelston, DC                     they promote a cascade of cellular activities. It   the source of the beam, dosage is the amount
                                                         can ignite the production of enzymes, stimu-        of energy delivered to the skin and target tis-

                    ore than 80 percent of the US        late mitochondria, increase vasodilation and        sue. Dosage may also be referred to as energy
                    population will experience           lymphatic drainage, synthesize ATP, and ele-        density or fluence. Its unit of measure is the
                    some form of back pain over          vate collagen formation substances to prevent       Joule (J). Current industry dosage applica-
                    the course of their lifetime.        the formation of scar tissues. This is a critical   tion requires 1- 4 J/cm2 for superficial, and
     These people want pain relief and are des-          step in reducing long-term disabling chronic        4-10J/cm2 for deeper conditions.3 Therefore,
     perate to improve their quality of life. A          myofascial pain syndromes and joint hyper-          a 50cm2 deep-tissue area may require up to
     growing number of progressive health care           mobility. Other formative cells are also posi-      750J for maximum effect.
     providers are giving them relief by using           tively influenced. One of laser therapy’s many
     Class IV high-power deep-tissue laser ther-         immune-enhancing effects is an increase in the      Optimal Wavelength
     apy. Unfortunately, there is a plethora of mis-     number of macrophages.2 When determining            Light characteristics are determined by its
     information regarding laser therapy, such as        how to apply laser therapy for back pain, there     placement along the electromagnetic spec-
     which type is best, how much to use (dos-           are a few key factors to consider.                  trum. Wavelength is calculated in nanome-
     age), treatment frequency and even proper                                                               ters (nm). The ideal range for therapeutic
     diagnostic procedures.                              Laser Power                                         lasers is along the invisible red (IR) spectrum
                                                                                                                                                               KYLE KIELINSKI

        First theorized by Albert Einstein in 1916,      Power affects penetration, dosage and treat-        of 790-970 nm. IR beams penetrate deeper
     and invented by Theodore Maiman in 1960,            ment time. More power offers deeper pen-            into the body for increased effects on cellular
     the laser has become one of the most ben-           etration, higher therapeutic dosages and            tissue. Wavelengths in the visible red (VR)

ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ❘ December 28, 2009 ❘
After a collision, back spasms and lingering
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                               Karen Bardsley
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600s nm spectrum are ideal for superficial            or restricted in some way demonstrating a               Treatment guidelines and laser dosage was
conditions and limited in deep penetration.4         lack of mobility, or symmetry within a given         administered over a large square area and
Wavelengths above 1000nm lose therapeutic            movement pattern. Painful denotes a situa-           multiple regions, thus preventing overstimu-
value and cross over into surgical laser appli-      tion where the selective functional movement         lation and cellular inhibition.7
cations. Deep-therapy applications such as           reproduces symptoms, increases symptoms,                The patient was put on a care plan of three
spinal stenosis, disc herniations, hip derange-      or brings about secondary symptoms that              visits the first week and two visits per week
ments, trigger points of spinal intrinsic stabi-     need to be noted.6                                   for a total of 10 sessions. The patient returned
lizer muscles and neuropathic conditions are            Selective Functional Movement Assessment          after one session with an approximately
inherently more responsive to the IR wave-           (SFMA™) revealed the following:                      50-percent reduction in symptoms. After the
length.                                              • Multi-Segmental Flexion—Dysfunctional              full 10 sessions, the patient was pain free, was
                                                         Painful (DP);                                    prescribed corrective exercises for restoring
Proper Diagnostic Procedures                         • Multi-Segmental Extension—Functional               faulty movement patterns, and was instructed
Simply treating the symptomatic area will                and Painful (FP);                                in active isolated stretching combined with
not give you maximum results with laser. It          • Multi-Segmental Rotation—Dysfunctional             self-myofascial release techniques using foam
is vitally important to treat the underlying             and Non-Painful (DN) with a breakout pat-        rollers, tennis balls and a stick.
kinetic chain referral and compensation pat-             tern of right standing rotation lateral single      Lasers are a hot buzzword now. For the next

                                                                                                                                                                      ©2009, Reprinted with permission from Merion Publications Inc., Publishers of ADVANCE Newsmagazines. ADVANCE Reprints 1-800-355-5627, ext 1446.
terns. High-power, deep-tissue laser allows              leg;                                             few years, laser therapy will appear high-tech
you to treat many of these contributing areas        • Single Leg Stance (Right)—Functional and           to patients. They will be seeking this treatment
with proper dosage during a single therapy               Painful (FP); (Left)—Dysfunctional and           option and you can enhance this process by
session. The key is to address dysfunctional             Non-Painful (DN);                                branding your practice as cutting edge and
painful (DP) patterns in combination with the        • Squatting Pattern—Dysfunctional and                state-of-the-art. Lasers help move your prac-
dysfunctional non-painful (DN).                          Painful (DP);                                    tice to a higher quality, volume and fee struc-
   By utilizing special evaluation procedures        • Upper Extremity Movement Patterns                  ture.
from the SFMA™ (Selective Functional Move-               (Right)—Functional and Painful (FP);                When incorporating laser therapy into your
ment Assessment), created by Gray Cook,                  (Left)—Dysfunctional and Non-Painful             office, research a quality product manufac-
MSPT, OCS, CSCS, and Kyle Kiesel, PT, PhD,               (DN);                                            turer that offers extensive training in Class IV
ATC, CSCS, you can implement an integrated           • Cervical Movement Patterns—Functional              application. Class IV laser therapy can be the
model to address regional interdependence to             and Non-Painful (FN).                            answer your patients have been searching for
locate the dysfunctional non-painful areas.5            We already know the key to the SFMA and           in regaining their quality of life. ■
What you will typically find with chronic back        deep-tissue laser therapy application is to treat
pain sufferers is involvement with ankle, hip        the dysfunctional non-painful in conjunction         References
and thoracic spine hypomobility combined             with the symptomatic complaint. Based on the         1. Vickers, J., & Harrington, P. (2009). Class IV Lasers:
with knee, pelvic and lumbar instability.            above (DN) results, I performed a more in-              Maximizing the Primary Effects of Laser Therapy.
                                                     depth evaluation of bilateral hips, ankles and       2. Blahnick, J., & Rindge, D. (2003). The Laser Therapy
One Case Study                                       thoraco-lumbar junction for mobility issues             Handbook. Melbourne, FL: Healing Light Semi-
This is an actual case study that presented          and inter-related myofascial trigger points.            nars.
to my office by patient referral for Class                                                                 3. Tuner, J., & Hode, L. (2004). The Laser Therapy
IV deep-tissue laser therapy. The patient            Application                                             Handbook. Grangesberg, Sweden: Prima Books.
entered with a complaint of chronic central-         Laser therapy application consisted of the fol-      4. Turchin, C. (2008). Light and Laser Therapy: Clinical
ized lower-back pain with periodic radiation         lowing protocols. Class IV deep-tissue laser            Procedures.
into the right gluteus region and outer thigh.       treatment at 10 watts of power on continuous         5. Cook, G., & Kiesel, K. (2009). Impaired Patterns of
There was an insidious onset of symptoms,            wave (CW) output with 600J of energy deliv-             Posture and Function.
with no known mechanism of injury. The               ered per minute.                                     6. Cook, G., Kiesel, K., & Plisky, P. (2008). The Selec-
patient is currently taking prescription pain           Fiber was held one quarter inch from skin            tive Functional Movement Assessment: An Integrated
medication and anti-inflammatories. Pain is           and applied with a sweeping motion at half              Model to Address Regional Interdependence.
a 6/7 on a scale of 10. MRI confirmed a right         the speed of ultrasound. Based on Joules per         7. Riegel, R., & Pryor, B. (2008). Clinical Overview and
postero-lateral disc herniation at L4/5.             cm2 for deep-tissue application, I applied the          Applications of Class IV Therapy Lasers.
   Prior courses of treatments included              following dosages to these regions per single
physical therapy (i.e., electric muscle stim-        session.
ulation, ultrasound, exercise), chiropractic         • Lumbar spine T12-L5 (including bilateral           Perry Nickelston is clinical director of the Pain
manipulation and one epidural injection.                 quadratus lumborum) 4000J;                       Laser Center, LLC in Ramsey, NJ. He has been
All therapies provided only temporary relief         • Bilateral hip and gluteus 2000J per hip;           using Class IV lasers since 2004 and lectures
of symptoms.                                         • Bilateral plantar fascia 1000J per foot;           extensively on laser therapy and clinical applica-
   The term functional describes any unlim-          • Bilateral iliopsoas/iliacus 2000J per side;        tions. He is FMS and SFMS Certified, specializing
ited or unrestricted movement. Dysfunc-              • Total Joules of laser energy for session:          in therapeutic outcomes with Class IV laser. He may
tional describes movements that are limited              14,000J.                                         be contacted at

ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ❘ December 28, 2009 ❘

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Back Pain: Advance PT Magazine Article

  • 1.
  • 2. [LASER THERAPY] The Light Answer decreased treatment times. Lasers are clas- sified by power. Class III “cold lasers” are at maximum power output of 500mw from a single-laser source. Class IV lasers are any- eficial inventions used in mod- thing over 500mw. ern society. In 1967, Dr. Endre You cannot make up for insufficient power Mester, a professor of surgery by increasing treatment time. Depth of tis- in Hungary, performed a revo- sue penetration will not increase with more lutionary series of experiments application time if you have insufficient that first documented the heal- power. Positive results require more than ing effect of lasers. Therapy increasing time. Sixty-five percent of laser lasers have been used and energy is absorbed in the skin and subcuta- researched in Europe for more neous tissue layers with the following having than 30 years. The U.S. Food a high affinity for absorption: hemoglobin in and Drug Administration (FDA) blood; melanin in skin, hair, moles, and oth- approved the first low-level ers; and water (present in all biological tis- Class III laser (LLLT) in 2002 and sue). In order to overcome these factors, start the first Class IV therapy laser in with large quantities of energy to reach the 2003. The most significant clini- deeper target cells and myofascial structures cal and therapeutic difference with a required dose. between Class IV lasers and Class III is the Class IV can pro- Optimal Dosage duce a primary biostimulative Dosage is the single most important param- effect on deeper tissues while eter for a successful outcome in laser ther- also producing substantial sec- apy. Too little or too much energy produces ondary and tertiary effects.1 no effect. There is an “optimum window” Laser therapy aims to photo- of therapeutic dosage. The matter of correct biostimulate chemically dam- dosage is very complicated, since a number aged cells. This therapy actually of factors must be taken into account, includ- excites the kinetic energy within ing laser wavelength, power density, type cells by transmitting healing of tissue, condition of tissue, acuteness or energy known as photons. The chronicity of the problem, skin pigmentation, skin absorbs these photons via treatment technique and depth of target tis- a photo-chemical effect, not photo-thermal; sue. Deep-tissue laser therapy therefore, it does not cause heat damage to The primary factors in laser therapy that for low-back pain gets the tissues. determine dosage are power and time. While Once photons reach the cells of the body, power is the amount of energy measured at results By Perry Nickelston, DC they promote a cascade of cellular activities. It the source of the beam, dosage is the amount can ignite the production of enzymes, stimu- of energy delivered to the skin and target tis- M ore than 80 percent of the US late mitochondria, increase vasodilation and sue. Dosage may also be referred to as energy population will experience lymphatic drainage, synthesize ATP, and ele- density or fluence. Its unit of measure is the some form of back pain over vate collagen formation substances to prevent Joule (J). Current industry dosage applica- the course of their lifetime. the formation of scar tissues. This is a critical tion requires 1- 4 J/cm2 for superficial, and These people want pain relief and are des- step in reducing long-term disabling chronic 4-10J/cm2 for deeper conditions.3 Therefore, perate to improve their quality of life. A myofascial pain syndromes and joint hyper- a 50cm2 deep-tissue area may require up to growing number of progressive health care mobility. Other formative cells are also posi- 750J for maximum effect. providers are giving them relief by using tively influenced. One of laser therapy’s many Class IV high-power deep-tissue laser ther- immune-enhancing effects is an increase in the Optimal Wavelength apy. Unfortunately, there is a plethora of mis- number of macrophages.2 When determining Light characteristics are determined by its information regarding laser therapy, such as how to apply laser therapy for back pain, there placement along the electromagnetic spec- which type is best, how much to use (dos- are a few key factors to consider. trum. Wavelength is calculated in nanome- age), treatment frequency and even proper ters (nm). The ideal range for therapeutic diagnostic procedures. Laser Power lasers is along the invisible red (IR) spectrum KYLE KIELINSKI First theorized by Albert Einstein in 1916, Power affects penetration, dosage and treat- of 790-970 nm. IR beams penetrate deeper and invented by Theodore Maiman in 1960, ment time. More power offers deeper pen- into the body for increased effects on cellular the laser has become one of the most ben- etration, higher therapeutic dosages and tissue. Wavelengths in the visible red (VR) ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ❘ December 28, 2009 ❘
  • 3. After a collision, back spasms and lingering lower back pain limited my performance, my doctor suggested I complement my treatment regimen with the LiteCure Therapy Laser; afterward, I quickly regained mobility, range of motion and pain decreased. Karen Bardsley Goalkeeper - Sky Blue FC 2009 Women’s Professional Soccer Champions Use what the Pros are Using. Try the most advanced laser therapy available, the Class IV, LCT-1000 Deep Tissue Therapy Laser®. The LCT-1000 Proven results in treating pain associated with: allows for Drug-Free, Surgery-Free, Pain- • Plantar Fasciitis • Repetitive Motion Injuries Free Relief with no known side effects. • Tendonosis • Myofascial Trigger Points Schedule a FREE demo today! • Epicondylitis • Knee Pain ❘ December 28, 2009 ❘ ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 5 Visit or call us at 302.709.0408 to learn more.
  • 4. [LASER THERAPY] 600s nm spectrum are ideal for superficial or restricted in some way demonstrating a Treatment guidelines and laser dosage was conditions and limited in deep penetration.4 lack of mobility, or symmetry within a given administered over a large square area and Wavelengths above 1000nm lose therapeutic movement pattern. Painful denotes a situa- multiple regions, thus preventing overstimu- value and cross over into surgical laser appli- tion where the selective functional movement lation and cellular inhibition.7 cations. Deep-therapy applications such as reproduces symptoms, increases symptoms, The patient was put on a care plan of three spinal stenosis, disc herniations, hip derange- or brings about secondary symptoms that visits the first week and two visits per week ments, trigger points of spinal intrinsic stabi- need to be noted.6 for a total of 10 sessions. The patient returned lizer muscles and neuropathic conditions are Selective Functional Movement Assessment after one session with an approximately inherently more responsive to the IR wave- (SFMA™) revealed the following: 50-percent reduction in symptoms. After the length. • Multi-Segmental Flexion—Dysfunctional full 10 sessions, the patient was pain free, was Painful (DP); prescribed corrective exercises for restoring Proper Diagnostic Procedures • Multi-Segmental Extension—Functional faulty movement patterns, and was instructed Simply treating the symptomatic area will and Painful (FP); in active isolated stretching combined with not give you maximum results with laser. It • Multi-Segmental Rotation—Dysfunctional self-myofascial release techniques using foam is vitally important to treat the underlying and Non-Painful (DN) with a breakout pat- rollers, tennis balls and a stick. kinetic chain referral and compensation pat- tern of right standing rotation lateral single Lasers are a hot buzzword now. For the next ©2009, Reprinted with permission from Merion Publications Inc., Publishers of ADVANCE Newsmagazines. ADVANCE Reprints 1-800-355-5627, ext 1446. terns. High-power, deep-tissue laser allows leg; few years, laser therapy will appear high-tech you to treat many of these contributing areas • Single Leg Stance (Right)—Functional and to patients. They will be seeking this treatment with proper dosage during a single therapy Painful (FP); (Left)—Dysfunctional and option and you can enhance this process by session. The key is to address dysfunctional Non-Painful (DN); branding your practice as cutting edge and painful (DP) patterns in combination with the • Squatting Pattern—Dysfunctional and state-of-the-art. Lasers help move your prac- dysfunctional non-painful (DN). Painful (DP); tice to a higher quality, volume and fee struc- By utilizing special evaluation procedures • Upper Extremity Movement Patterns ture. from the SFMA™ (Selective Functional Move- (Right)—Functional and Painful (FP); When incorporating laser therapy into your ment Assessment), created by Gray Cook, (Left)—Dysfunctional and Non-Painful office, research a quality product manufac- MSPT, OCS, CSCS, and Kyle Kiesel, PT, PhD, (DN); turer that offers extensive training in Class IV ATC, CSCS, you can implement an integrated • Cervical Movement Patterns—Functional application. Class IV laser therapy can be the model to address regional interdependence to and Non-Painful (FN). answer your patients have been searching for locate the dysfunctional non-painful areas.5 We already know the key to the SFMA and in regaining their quality of life. ■ What you will typically find with chronic back deep-tissue laser therapy application is to treat pain sufferers is involvement with ankle, hip the dysfunctional non-painful in conjunction References and thoracic spine hypomobility combined with the symptomatic complaint. Based on the 1. Vickers, J., & Harrington, P. (2009). Class IV Lasers: with knee, pelvic and lumbar instability. above (DN) results, I performed a more in- Maximizing the Primary Effects of Laser Therapy. depth evaluation of bilateral hips, ankles and 2. Blahnick, J., & Rindge, D. (2003). The Laser Therapy One Case Study thoraco-lumbar junction for mobility issues Handbook. Melbourne, FL: Healing Light Semi- This is an actual case study that presented and inter-related myofascial trigger points. nars. to my office by patient referral for Class 3. Tuner, J., & Hode, L. (2004). The Laser Therapy IV deep-tissue laser therapy. The patient Application Handbook. Grangesberg, Sweden: Prima Books. entered with a complaint of chronic central- Laser therapy application consisted of the fol- 4. Turchin, C. (2008). Light and Laser Therapy: Clinical ized lower-back pain with periodic radiation lowing protocols. Class IV deep-tissue laser Procedures. into the right gluteus region and outer thigh. treatment at 10 watts of power on continuous 5. Cook, G., & Kiesel, K. (2009). Impaired Patterns of There was an insidious onset of symptoms, wave (CW) output with 600J of energy deliv- Posture and Function. with no known mechanism of injury. The ered per minute. 6. Cook, G., Kiesel, K., & Plisky, P. (2008). The Selec- patient is currently taking prescription pain Fiber was held one quarter inch from skin tive Functional Movement Assessment: An Integrated medication and anti-inflammatories. Pain is and applied with a sweeping motion at half Model to Address Regional Interdependence. a 6/7 on a scale of 10. MRI confirmed a right the speed of ultrasound. Based on Joules per 7. Riegel, R., & Pryor, B. (2008). Clinical Overview and postero-lateral disc herniation at L4/5. cm2 for deep-tissue application, I applied the Applications of Class IV Therapy Lasers. Prior courses of treatments included following dosages to these regions per single physical therapy (i.e., electric muscle stim- session. ulation, ultrasound, exercise), chiropractic • Lumbar spine T12-L5 (including bilateral Perry Nickelston is clinical director of the Pain manipulation and one epidural injection. quadratus lumborum) 4000J; Laser Center, LLC in Ramsey, NJ. He has been All therapies provided only temporary relief • Bilateral hip and gluteus 2000J per hip; using Class IV lasers since 2004 and lectures of symptoms. • Bilateral plantar fascia 1000J per foot; extensively on laser therapy and clinical applica- The term functional describes any unlim- • Bilateral iliopsoas/iliacus 2000J per side; tions. He is FMS and SFMS Certified, specializing ited or unrestricted movement. Dysfunc- • Total Joules of laser energy for session: in therapeutic outcomes with Class IV laser. He may tional describes movements that are limited 14,000J. be contacted at ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ❘ December 28, 2009 ❘