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The Truth About Laser Therapy

             Presented by
  “Avicenna Laser Technology, Inc. ”
Inventors of “Class IV” Laser Therapy

Today’s Moderators:

          Bruce R. Coren, DVM, MS
                Cofounder, Chairman & CEO
                 Avicenna Laser Technology

        Joseph Costello, DC. DABCO
                  Chief of Clinical Services
                 Avicenna Laser Technology

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Today’s Format

• Please hold all questions till after the presentation is over as we
will answer all of your questions

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HPLT – High Power Laser Therapy
• HPLT (Class IV) was first introduced to the medical field in 2002 by
  Avicenna Laser Technology, Inc. Avicenna invented and developed
  the first High Power Therapeutic Laser to receive FDA clearance,
  in 2003.

• Up until that time only low power therapeutic or cold lasers
  where available.

• The first therapeutic laser system we developed was capable of
  delivering healing laser energy to depth’s never before achieved
  in the field of laser therapy.

• It was developed to allow physician's of all medical disciplines the
  capability to heal injuries previously refractive to traditional
  medical care.
The Design of the Avicenna Laser
• The Avicenna laser was designed from the ground up to
  be a therapeutic medical laser.
• It was developed using research by our own biomedical
  engineers , specifically James Ohneck, the other
  Cofounder of Avicenna, physicians, and most recently
  collaboration with the medical school and optics
  department at the University of Toledo.
• We investigated important criteria such as wavelength,
  power output and power density, optics and beam
  delivery, in order to safely produce the greatest
  penetration and delivery of a therapeutic dose of laser
  energy capable of stimulating tissue healing in deep
  seated pathologies.
The Design of the Avicenna Laser
• All of our lasers have there own research to
  support our claims as well as being tested in our
  patient treatment and R&D center.
• No other laser manufacturer that we are aware of
  can make this statement.
• They typically use studies done with other lasers
  and then make a great leap of faith to make the
  claims they do without any of their own research.
• The world of laser therapy is unfortunately buyer
  beware! We frequently receive calls from
  physicians who wish they were better educated
  before they made their laser purchase.
Review of the
 Biological Effects of Therapeutic Lasers
• Therapeutic lasers are designed to bio-stimulate
injured and dysfunctional tissues.
• Clinical studies and trials of Class III & IV laser
technology indicate the following beneficial effects
of light therapy on tissues and cells.
• For those of you who are new to laser therapy we
are going to briefly present these benefits, as this
topic could constitute a webinar all by itself.
Summary of LT Biological Effects
 •Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth
 •Faster wound Healing
 •Reduced Fibrous (Scar) Tissue Formation
 •Anti-Pain (Analgesia)
 •Improved Vascular Activity
 •Increased Metabolic Activity
 •Improved Nerve Function
 •Trigger Point Resolution and Acupuncture Pt. Stimulation
All Lasers are Not Created Equally

• Although all therapeutic lasers bio-stimulate
  tissue, that is where the similarities end.

• Laser Therapy is all about Physics!
Therapeutic Laser Classifications
• Therapy lasers are classified based on their power output

•Class IIIa = lasers 1 to 5mw of power (laser pointers)

• Class = lasers 6 to 500mw in power
       (typical cold laser or Low Level Laser)

• Class IV = lasers above 500mw of power
Therapeutic Laser Physics
• Laser therapy is a positive form of energy medicine

• When you treat a patient with a therapeutic laser there is a
   measurable dosage delivered during every treatment.

• The dosage delivered is based on the power output of the laser,
   how long the patient is treated for, and how often the laser is on
   during the treatment time

• There are no shortcuts to clinical success.
Therapeutic Laser Physics
• The therapeutic dosage of laser energy is measured in Joules
• 1 Watt = 1 Joule / Second
   - For every one watt of laser power output, one joule of energy is
    delivered per second of time, for a continuous laser.
   - For a pulsed laser the energy delivery depends on the duty
     cycle, which tells us what percentage of time the laser is on or
     actively firing. If the duty cycle is 50% then the laser at 1 watt
     only delivers 0.5 Joules / Second.
    - For any given time period a continuous wave laser delivers
      twice as much energy that a pulsed laser with a 50% duty cycle.
• From this we can see that high power lasers can deliver
     considerably more energy than low power or their cold laser
How Light Penetrates Tissue
• As light energy hits the surface of the skin and
  subsequent deeper layers, some of it is scattered
  and reflected and some of it is absorbed

• At each tissue interface less energy is available to
  pass further through to the next layer because of
  the effects of absorption, reflectance and
  transmission. This is a very important concept to
  be aware of.
Laser Tissue Interactions
Irradiance Map

• Light coming out of a fiber optic cable, the typical high power laser delivery
 system, is bell shaped. For that reason the energy delivery is not uniform and
more energy is concentrated in the center of the beam. This creates hot spots that
cause more superficial vasodilatation, and as you will soon learn, more laser
energy to be absorbed at the skin level.
Overcoming the
           Weaknesses of Fiber Optics
•   Our research efforts revolved around finding a
    transmission medium that would produce a more uniform
    beam distribution and less superficial heat build up than
    with a fiber optic delivery system
•   We accomplished this by transmitting the laser light thru a
    proprietary liquid light medium, called a light guide
•   Translation: more uniform energy delivery, less superficial
    tissue heating, and thus greater penetration for any given
    power output when compared to traditional fiber optic
    delivery systems
Depth Penetration Factors
• Instrumentation
  – Total Power
  – Spot size
  – Time
  – Power density ( Measures the concentration of
    the laser energy, measured in mw / cm2)
  – Wavelength
  – Method of delivery
     Pulsed or Continuous
More Depth Penetration Factors
       • Patient
            –   Skin pigmentation
            –   Hair
            –   Thickness of each tissue layer
            –   Vascular content of treatment area
            –   Cleanliness of treatment area
            –   Method of laser application
One thing to note when you apply the wand to the skin and push back and forth you are
Actually pressing blood out of the area and by doing so you actually INCREASE depth
Penetration. Having a laser delivery system that can contact the skin is a good design
Physiological Effects Light – Tissue Interactions
• It is widely agreed upon that almost 65% of laser energy is
absorbed in the skin and subcutaneous tissue layers with the
following having a high affinity for absorption:
    • Hemoglobin in blood
    • Melanin in skin, hair, moles, etc.
    • Water (present in all biological tissue)
• In order to overcome those factors one most start with large
quantities of energy on the skin as well as choose a wavelength
which helps to increase penetration
Therapeutic Laser Penetration
The Prime Determinants of Laser Penetration and
Concomitant Tissue Stimulation are:

   • Power – measured in Watts or milliwatts

   • Wavelength – measured in nanometers. It is important to
   use a wavelength that provides both tissue stimulation and
   depth of penetration. Our research led us to the 980 nm

   • Power Density – measured in mw / cm2

   • Frequency – continuous wave versus pulsing
Importance of Power Density
• Becausethat almost 65% of the energy delivered is lost in
  the epidermis
• If you don’t start with enough energy on the skin surface,
  there will not be enough to stimulate cell healing, especially
  in deeper pathologies
• Also if you do not have a sustained power density over a
  long enough period of time, treatments may be ineffective
• Too much power density can also be detrimental (surgical
  lasers that have been converted to therapy lasers.)
• Collimated beam vs. Divergent Beam
How Much is Enough
    • 49-73 mw/cm2 for cell stimulation1

           Mark D. Skopin and Scott C. Molitor, Department of
            Bioengineering, University of Toledo, Toledo OH

• This independent study showed us that the 980 nm wavelength was
effective for tissue stimulation as well as the power density range that
was optimal for tissue stimulation and wound healing.
Laser & Tissue Powers
   Tissue Layer                Max Power (mw/cm2)
   Epidermis                         206
   Dermis Layer                      182
   Dermis Plexus Super.              135
   2nd Dermis Layer                  115
   Dermis Plexus Prof.               93
   Muscle Tissue                     9.7

(Power Setting 5 Watts, 3.0cm spot size, 980nm)
The above chart, calculated using sophisticated computer
models by U of Toledo shows us how the concentration of
energy diminishes as the laser energy passes thru the
different tissue interfaces.
Translation of Previous Two Slides
• It is important to understand that as laser energy
penetrates through the body more and more energy
is absorbed at each tissue interface, so by the time
you start reaching deeper structures there is not
enough therapeutic energy to cause adequate
tissue stimulation. This is the reason why low power
lasers as well as pulsing lasers fail to deliver when
treating deep seated pathologies.
Multiple Wavelength Lasers
Avicenna Single Wavelength & Continuous Wave Laser
 • Companies that use a dual wavelength platform typically
   have no research to prove their efficacy and in fact are
   actually inhibiting penetration as
 • A laser with two or more wavelengths only has the ability
   to penetrate as deep as each individual wavelengths
 • Lasers that pulse or have a high duty cycle coupled with
   multiple wavelengths of energy emission will not
   penetrate as deep as CW lasers of a single wavelength
 • Continuous wave lasers = 100% duty cycle, laser is always
   delivering energy which is needed to overcome
   absorption in the superficial layers
In Laser Medicine 1 + 1 Does not = 2

• Dual wavelength lasers only penetrate as deep as each
wavelength will go individually. The penetration is not additive so
there is no real benefit to this scenario.

• It is more advantageous to have one wavelength of greater
power that stimulates cell metabolism and tissue regeneration at
all tissues in its pathway. We knew this going into the formation of
our laser system unlike our competitors, who relied on other laser
manufacturers incorrect theories of wavelength and tissue
Other Factors Affecting Lasers Penetration
  • Duty Cycle – 100%
             • Laser is firing continuously
             • Duty Cycle – 50%
  • Laser is firing 50% of the time. This will not only cut
  energy delivery but it will also affect ability to penetrate.
  • Pulsing – Lasers that pulse also do not emit continuous
  • Avicenna is 100% continuous wave energy
Why Therapeutic Lasers Fail
• Under dosage – The typical low level or cold laser does not
  deliver enough energy to adequately stimulate deep seated
  inflammatory conditions

• Under penetration - The typical low level or cold laser does
  not concentrate the laser energy sufficiently to allow for
  adequate penetration

• What is the correct dosage? Avicenna protocols typically call
  for thousands of joules and may approach as high as 10,000
  joules for deeper seated pathologies

• There are no short cuts to clinical success
High Power Therapeutic
    Laser Medicine (HPTLM)

               presented by
        Joseph Costello, DC, DABCO

A New Medical Discipline that Allows
  Physicians to Successfully Treat
          Medical Failures
The Success of HPTLM Revolves
      Around Creating the Best
   Environment for Tissue Healing
• High Power Therapeutic Laser Medicine is a
  new discipline in Neuromusculoskeletal
  Medicine created by Avicenna Laser
  Technology’s Team of Physicians
• It revolves around using the Avicenna High
  Power Laser in conjunction with numerous
  areas of medicine such as:
•   High Power Laser Therapy
•   Non-surgical orthopedics
•   Neurology
•   Foot pathology
•   Biomechanics, gait and kinetic chain dysfunction
•   Orthotic intervention
•   All of the above are critical components in
    achieving a successful outcome.
“The Key to Better Outcomes”
• Higher the power output of laser energy
•The Greater The Penetration
•The Faster the Therapeutic Outcome
•The Quicker the Patient Returns to Normal
•This is one of the reasons we developed our new
 technology the AVI HPLL-12
Goal of Pain Management
   Using Laser Therapy

• Relieve Pain and Reduce Inflammation

      • Promote Tissue Healing

        • Minimize Side Effects

   • Restore Active Range of motion
Lasers vs. Standard Modalities Currently Used
 to Treat Neuromusculoskeletal Pathologies
Applications of Laser Therapy
•Disc Pathologies, Spinal Stenosis, Radicular Pain,
spondylolesthesis, and sacroiliac dysfunction

•Failed surgical back syndrome
• Accelerated Post Surgical, Soft and hard Tissue healing

•Arthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease)

•Foot Pain and Neuropathies

•Muscle, Ligament and Tendon Injuries

•Ulcerations and Open Wounds
Clinical Translation of the Previous Slide
        as it Pertains to the Spine
   • Decreased inflammation of disc, nerve roots and the
       cauda equine
   •   Increase microcirculation of spinal structures
   •   Accelerate healing of annular defects
   •   Decreased formation of abnormal/non functional scar
   •   Decreased scar tissue and non-osseous hypertrophic
   •   Reduce pain associated with prolotherapy injection
   •   Decrease or even eliminate need for epidurals
Clinical Translation of the Previous Slide
  as it Pertains to the Lower Extremities
• Decreased inflammation of nerve tissue
• Accelerated Reinervation of nerve fibers
• Increase blood flow and microcirculation of tissue structures
• Accelerate healing of open wounds
• Decreased formation of abnormal/non-functional scar tissue
Clinical Translation as it Pertains to
the Lower Extremities Continued…
• Increase synovial fluid and cartilage production
• Increase collagen and fibroblast production
• Increase osteoblastic activity and fracture healing
• Decreased bony edema – osteochondral bone bruise
• Decrease in pain associated with epidural, prolotherapy
 or other invasive injections
Evidence Based Medicine
•Avicenna clinicians all subscribe to the theory of EBM
•Clinicians measures results with outcome assessment tools:
        • Pressure Algometer
        • Inclinometer , Goniometer
        • Thermal Imaging and Doppler Studies
        • VAS, PDQ – Pain Disability Questionnaire
•These tools are vital to document outcomes which
ultimately lead to adequate reimbursement
Avicenna Laser Therapy Protocols
• Developed by Clinicians for Clinicians
• Proprietary to AVI HP –7.5 and AVI HPLL-12
•Utilizes Texas Back Institute Protocols in conjunction with

• Will not work for LLLT or other Low Power Lasers as they
 cannot create significant power (energy density) to over
 come tissue saturation to reach deep structures in the
 disc, joint or areas of deep seated inflammation
Avicenna’s Clinical Advantage
• Avicenna's training incorporates the teachings of multiple
  disciplines including non-surgical orthopedics, physical
  medicine and rehab, neurology, podiatry, bio-mechanics and
  kinetic chain dysfunction.
• Regardless of your medical discipline or level of experience
  we will train you to outperform anything in medicine when it
  comes to treating neuromusculoskeletal pain.
• The training you will receive will be second to none, you will
  receive it along with unlimited phone consultation services!
• As good as our laser is, without proper training you may fail
  when treating difficult conditions
• With our training, when it comes to pain management you
  will now be able to outperform anything in medicine, safely
  and without the potential for side-effects.
Clinical Importance of Proper
          Therapeutic Laser Dosage
• Treating pathologies in large joints and/or the spine, requires
    large dosages, typically greater that 10,000 Joules.
•   This is the dosage we have researched necessary to get a long
    term if not permanent result.
•   Anything short of this and especially the typical LLLT dosage
    recommendation of 10-20 joules or other class iv laser companies
    who claim you can treat for 5-10 minutes with a pulsed laser,
    should raise a red flag.
•   There is a great difference between feeling better and getting
•   The latter should always be the clinicians goal.
Introducing the AVI HPLL-12
• A technological advancement in energy output and delivery,
  that delivers a therapeutic dosage of laser energy necessary to
  treat deep seated pathologies
• The AVI HPLL-12 is the world’s most powerful and advanced
  therapeutic laser system
• But: As good as this technology is, without the appropriate
  training when it comes to treating medical failures your results
  will be marginal at best
• As a physician based company we have treated or will know
  how to treat any condition you are confronted with the ultimate
  result being a better outcome
• With the superior training and clinical support we provide
  physicians the above goal will readily be achieved
Changing the Way
Physician’s Manages Pain
  Thank You For Attending
 Feel Free to Ask Questions

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Avicenna Laser Physi

  • 1. The Truth About Laser Therapy Presented by “Avicenna Laser Technology, Inc. ” Inventors of “Class IV” Laser Therapy PHYSICIAN WEBINAR
  • 2. Today’s Moderators: Bruce R. Coren, DVM, MS Cofounder, Chairman & CEO Avicenna Laser Technology Joseph Costello, DC. DABCO Chief of Clinical Services Avicenna Laser Technology (Please hold all questions till after the presentation is over)
  • 3. Today’s Format • Please hold all questions till after the presentation is over as we will answer all of your questions • You can raise your hand by clicking the icon when you have a question or • You can also type in a question and submit it
  • 4. HPLT – High Power Laser Therapy • HPLT (Class IV) was first introduced to the medical field in 2002 by Avicenna Laser Technology, Inc. Avicenna invented and developed the first High Power Therapeutic Laser to receive FDA clearance, in 2003. • Up until that time only low power therapeutic or cold lasers where available. • The first therapeutic laser system we developed was capable of delivering healing laser energy to depth’s never before achieved in the field of laser therapy. • It was developed to allow physician's of all medical disciplines the capability to heal injuries previously refractive to traditional medical care.
  • 5. The Design of the Avicenna Laser • The Avicenna laser was designed from the ground up to be a therapeutic medical laser. • It was developed using research by our own biomedical engineers , specifically James Ohneck, the other Cofounder of Avicenna, physicians, and most recently collaboration with the medical school and optics department at the University of Toledo. • We investigated important criteria such as wavelength, power output and power density, optics and beam delivery, in order to safely produce the greatest penetration and delivery of a therapeutic dose of laser energy capable of stimulating tissue healing in deep seated pathologies.
  • 6. The Design of the Avicenna Laser • All of our lasers have there own research to support our claims as well as being tested in our patient treatment and R&D center. • No other laser manufacturer that we are aware of can make this statement. • They typically use studies done with other lasers and then make a great leap of faith to make the claims they do without any of their own research. • The world of laser therapy is unfortunately buyer beware! We frequently receive calls from physicians who wish they were better educated before they made their laser purchase.
  • 7. Review of the Biological Effects of Therapeutic Lasers • Therapeutic lasers are designed to bio-stimulate injured and dysfunctional tissues. • Clinical studies and trials of Class III & IV laser technology indicate the following beneficial effects of light therapy on tissues and cells. • For those of you who are new to laser therapy we are going to briefly present these benefits, as this topic could constitute a webinar all by itself.
  • 8. Summary of LT Biological Effects •Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth •Faster wound Healing •Reduced Fibrous (Scar) Tissue Formation •Anti-Inflammation •Anti-Pain (Analgesia) •Improved Vascular Activity •Increased Metabolic Activity •Improved Nerve Function •Immunoregulation •Trigger Point Resolution and Acupuncture Pt. Stimulation
  • 9. All Lasers are Not Created Equally • Although all therapeutic lasers bio-stimulate tissue, that is where the similarities end. • Laser Therapy is all about Physics!
  • 10. Therapeutic Laser Classifications • Therapy lasers are classified based on their power output •Class IIIa = lasers 1 to 5mw of power (laser pointers) • Class = lasers 6 to 500mw in power (typical cold laser or Low Level Laser) • Class IV = lasers above 500mw of power
  • 11. Therapeutic Laser Physics • Laser therapy is a positive form of energy medicine • When you treat a patient with a therapeutic laser there is a measurable dosage delivered during every treatment. • The dosage delivered is based on the power output of the laser, how long the patient is treated for, and how often the laser is on during the treatment time • There are no shortcuts to clinical success.
  • 12. Therapeutic Laser Physics • The therapeutic dosage of laser energy is measured in Joules • 1 Watt = 1 Joule / Second - For every one watt of laser power output, one joule of energy is delivered per second of time, for a continuous laser. - For a pulsed laser the energy delivery depends on the duty cycle, which tells us what percentage of time the laser is on or actively firing. If the duty cycle is 50% then the laser at 1 watt only delivers 0.5 Joules / Second. - For any given time period a continuous wave laser delivers twice as much energy that a pulsed laser with a 50% duty cycle. • From this we can see that high power lasers can deliver considerably more energy than low power or their cold laser predecessors.
  • 13. How Light Penetrates Tissue • As light energy hits the surface of the skin and subsequent deeper layers, some of it is scattered and reflected and some of it is absorbed • At each tissue interface less energy is available to pass further through to the next layer because of the effects of absorption, reflectance and transmission. This is a very important concept to be aware of.
  • 15. Irradiance Map • Light coming out of a fiber optic cable, the typical high power laser delivery system, is bell shaped. For that reason the energy delivery is not uniform and more energy is concentrated in the center of the beam. This creates hot spots that cause more superficial vasodilatation, and as you will soon learn, more laser energy to be absorbed at the skin level.
  • 16. Overcoming the Weaknesses of Fiber Optics • Our research efforts revolved around finding a transmission medium that would produce a more uniform beam distribution and less superficial heat build up than with a fiber optic delivery system • We accomplished this by transmitting the laser light thru a proprietary liquid light medium, called a light guide • Translation: more uniform energy delivery, less superficial tissue heating, and thus greater penetration for any given power output when compared to traditional fiber optic delivery systems
  • 17. Depth Penetration Factors • Instrumentation – Total Power – Spot size – Time – Power density ( Measures the concentration of the laser energy, measured in mw / cm2) – Wavelength – Method of delivery Pulsed or Continuous
  • 18. More Depth Penetration Factors • Patient – Skin pigmentation – Hair – Thickness of each tissue layer – Vascular content of treatment area – Cleanliness of treatment area – Method of laser application One thing to note when you apply the wand to the skin and push back and forth you are Actually pressing blood out of the area and by doing so you actually INCREASE depth Penetration. Having a laser delivery system that can contact the skin is a good design Feature.
  • 19. Physiological Effects Light – Tissue Interactions • It is widely agreed upon that almost 65% of laser energy is absorbed in the skin and subcutaneous tissue layers with the following having a high affinity for absorption: • Hemoglobin in blood • Melanin in skin, hair, moles, etc. • Water (present in all biological tissue) • In order to overcome those factors one most start with large quantities of energy on the skin as well as choose a wavelength which helps to increase penetration
  • 20. Therapeutic Laser Penetration The Prime Determinants of Laser Penetration and Concomitant Tissue Stimulation are: • Power – measured in Watts or milliwatts • Wavelength – measured in nanometers. It is important to use a wavelength that provides both tissue stimulation and depth of penetration. Our research led us to the 980 nm wavelength • Power Density – measured in mw / cm2 • Frequency – continuous wave versus pulsing
  • 21. Importance of Power Density • Becausethat almost 65% of the energy delivered is lost in the epidermis • If you don’t start with enough energy on the skin surface, there will not be enough to stimulate cell healing, especially in deeper pathologies • Also if you do not have a sustained power density over a long enough period of time, treatments may be ineffective • Too much power density can also be detrimental (surgical lasers that have been converted to therapy lasers.) • Collimated beam vs. Divergent Beam
  • 22. How Much is Enough • 49-73 mw/cm2 for cell stimulation1 EFFECTS OF INFRARED LASER EXPOSURE IN A CELLULAR MODEL OF WOUND HEALING Mark D. Skopin and Scott C. Molitor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Toledo, Toledo OH • This independent study showed us that the 980 nm wavelength was effective for tissue stimulation as well as the power density range that was optimal for tissue stimulation and wound healing.
  • 23. Laser & Tissue Powers Tissue Layer Max Power (mw/cm2) Epidermis 206 Dermis Layer 182 Dermis Plexus Super. 135 2nd Dermis Layer 115 Dermis Plexus Prof. 93 Muscle Tissue 9.7 (Power Setting 5 Watts, 3.0cm spot size, 980nm) The above chart, calculated using sophisticated computer models by U of Toledo shows us how the concentration of energy diminishes as the laser energy passes thru the different tissue interfaces.
  • 24. Translation of Previous Two Slides • It is important to understand that as laser energy penetrates through the body more and more energy is absorbed at each tissue interface, so by the time you start reaching deeper structures there is not enough therapeutic energy to cause adequate tissue stimulation. This is the reason why low power lasers as well as pulsing lasers fail to deliver when treating deep seated pathologies.
  • 25. Multiple Wavelength Lasers vs. Avicenna Single Wavelength & Continuous Wave Laser • Companies that use a dual wavelength platform typically have no research to prove their efficacy and in fact are actually inhibiting penetration as • A laser with two or more wavelengths only has the ability to penetrate as deep as each individual wavelengths allows. • Lasers that pulse or have a high duty cycle coupled with multiple wavelengths of energy emission will not penetrate as deep as CW lasers of a single wavelength • Continuous wave lasers = 100% duty cycle, laser is always delivering energy which is needed to overcome absorption in the superficial layers
  • 26. In Laser Medicine 1 + 1 Does not = 2 • Dual wavelength lasers only penetrate as deep as each wavelength will go individually. The penetration is not additive so there is no real benefit to this scenario. • It is more advantageous to have one wavelength of greater power that stimulates cell metabolism and tissue regeneration at all tissues in its pathway. We knew this going into the formation of our laser system unlike our competitors, who relied on other laser manufacturers incorrect theories of wavelength and tissue biostimulation.
  • 27. Other Factors Affecting Lasers Penetration • Duty Cycle – 100% • Laser is firing continuously • Duty Cycle – 50% • Laser is firing 50% of the time. This will not only cut energy delivery but it will also affect ability to penetrate. • Pulsing – Lasers that pulse also do not emit continuous energy • Avicenna is 100% continuous wave energy
  • 28. Why Therapeutic Lasers Fail • Under dosage – The typical low level or cold laser does not deliver enough energy to adequately stimulate deep seated inflammatory conditions • Under penetration - The typical low level or cold laser does not concentrate the laser energy sufficiently to allow for adequate penetration • What is the correct dosage? Avicenna protocols typically call for thousands of joules and may approach as high as 10,000 joules for deeper seated pathologies • There are no short cuts to clinical success
  • 29. High Power Therapeutic Laser Medicine (HPTLM) presented by Joseph Costello, DC, DABCO A New Medical Discipline that Allows Physicians to Successfully Treat Medical Failures
  • 30. The Success of HPTLM Revolves Around Creating the Best Environment for Tissue Healing • High Power Therapeutic Laser Medicine is a new discipline in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine created by Avicenna Laser Technology’s Team of Physicians • It revolves around using the Avicenna High Power Laser in conjunction with numerous areas of medicine such as:
  • 31. High Power Laser Therapy • Non-surgical orthopedics • Neurology • Foot pathology • Biomechanics, gait and kinetic chain dysfunction • Orthotic intervention • All of the above are critical components in achieving a successful outcome.
  • 32. “The Key to Better Outcomes” • Higher the power output of laser energy •The Greater The Penetration •The Faster the Therapeutic Outcome •The Quicker the Patient Returns to Normal •This is one of the reasons we developed our new technology the AVI HPLL-12
  • 33. Goal of Pain Management Using Laser Therapy • Relieve Pain and Reduce Inflammation • Promote Tissue Healing • Minimize Side Effects • Restore Active Range of motion
  • 34. Lasers vs. Standard Modalities Currently Used to Treat Neuromusculoskeletal Pathologies
  • 35. Applications of Laser Therapy •Disc Pathologies, Spinal Stenosis, Radicular Pain, spondylolesthesis, and sacroiliac dysfunction •Failed surgical back syndrome • Accelerated Post Surgical, Soft and hard Tissue healing •Arthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease) •Foot Pain and Neuropathies •Muscle, Ligament and Tendon Injuries •Ulcerations and Open Wounds
  • 36. Clinical Translation of the Previous Slide as it Pertains to the Spine • Decreased inflammation of disc, nerve roots and the cauda equine • Increase microcirculation of spinal structures • Accelerate healing of annular defects • Decreased formation of abnormal/non functional scar tissue • Decreased scar tissue and non-osseous hypertrophic changes • Reduce pain associated with prolotherapy injection • Decrease or even eliminate need for epidurals
  • 37. Clinical Translation of the Previous Slide as it Pertains to the Lower Extremities • Decreased inflammation of nerve tissue • Accelerated Reinervation of nerve fibers • Increase blood flow and microcirculation of tissue structures • Accelerate healing of open wounds • Decreased formation of abnormal/non-functional scar tissue
  • 38. Clinical Translation as it Pertains to the Lower Extremities Continued… • Increase synovial fluid and cartilage production • Increase collagen and fibroblast production • Increase osteoblastic activity and fracture healing • Decreased bony edema – osteochondral bone bruise • Decrease in pain associated with epidural, prolotherapy or other invasive injections
  • 39. Evidence Based Medicine •Avicenna clinicians all subscribe to the theory of EBM •Clinicians measures results with outcome assessment tools: • Pressure Algometer • Inclinometer , Goniometer • Thermal Imaging and Doppler Studies • VAS, PDQ – Pain Disability Questionnaire •These tools are vital to document outcomes which ultimately lead to adequate reimbursement
  • 40. Avicenna Laser Therapy Protocols • Developed by Clinicians for Clinicians • Proprietary to AVI HP –7.5 and AVI HPLL-12 •Utilizes Texas Back Institute Protocols in conjunction with laser • Will not work for LLLT or other Low Power Lasers as they cannot create significant power (energy density) to over come tissue saturation to reach deep structures in the disc, joint or areas of deep seated inflammation
  • 41. Avicenna’s Clinical Advantage • Avicenna's training incorporates the teachings of multiple disciplines including non-surgical orthopedics, physical medicine and rehab, neurology, podiatry, bio-mechanics and kinetic chain dysfunction. • Regardless of your medical discipline or level of experience we will train you to outperform anything in medicine when it comes to treating neuromusculoskeletal pain. • The training you will receive will be second to none, you will receive it along with unlimited phone consultation services! • As good as our laser is, without proper training you may fail when treating difficult conditions • With our training, when it comes to pain management you will now be able to outperform anything in medicine, safely and without the potential for side-effects.
  • 42. Clinical Importance of Proper Therapeutic Laser Dosage • Treating pathologies in large joints and/or the spine, requires large dosages, typically greater that 10,000 Joules. • This is the dosage we have researched necessary to get a long term if not permanent result. • Anything short of this and especially the typical LLLT dosage recommendation of 10-20 joules or other class iv laser companies who claim you can treat for 5-10 minutes with a pulsed laser, should raise a red flag. • There is a great difference between feeling better and getting better. • The latter should always be the clinicians goal.
  • 43. Introducing the AVI HPLL-12 • A technological advancement in energy output and delivery, that delivers a therapeutic dosage of laser energy necessary to treat deep seated pathologies • The AVI HPLL-12 is the world’s most powerful and advanced therapeutic laser system • But: As good as this technology is, without the appropriate training when it comes to treating medical failures your results will be marginal at best • As a physician based company we have treated or will know how to treat any condition you are confronted with the ultimate result being a better outcome • With the superior training and clinical support we provide physicians the above goal will readily be achieved
  • 44. Changing the Way Physician’s Manages Pain Thank You For Attending Feel Free to Ask Questions 561-882-1430