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Siah Armajani Anselm Kiefer
Morteza Momayez
April 2018
Director: Aziz Anzabi
Editor : Nafiseh Yaghoubi
Translator : Asra Yaghoubi
Research: Zohreh Nazari
1-Siah Armajani
5-Anselm Kiefer
17-Morteza Momayez
Siah Armajani
Sia (Siavash) Armajani born 1939
is an Iranian-born American
sculptor and architect known for
his public art.
Siah Armajani, Bridge/Ramp,
1994, Stuttgart-Mitte, Innenhof
der LBBW, beim Hauptbahnhof
Siavash Armajani was born in
1939 in Tehran. In 1960,
Armajani immigrated to the
United States to attend college,
as he had family living in the US.
Siah Armajani designed the
Olympic Torch presiding over the
1996 Summer Olympics in
Atlanta, Georgia, United States.
He has worked on other projects
such as the New York Staten
Island tower and bridge,
the Round Gazebo in Nice,
France, and the Irene Hixon
Whitney Bridge in Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States.
His 2005 work, Fallujah, is a
modern take on Picasso's Guernica
but has been censored in the U.S.
due to its critical view of the war in
One of Armajani's important
projects is located at North Shore
Esplanade at St. George's Ferry
Terminal, Staten Island, NY.
Armajani has said:
"All buildings and all streets are
ornaments. Moreover, the
lighthouse and bridge gives a place
to the representational arts of
poetry, music, and performing. By
embracing all of the arts, the
lighthouse and bridge asserts its
own perspective everywhere."
In 2010, he won a Knight Fellow
award granted by United States
An exhibition at Muelensteen
Gallery in 2011 presented a dozen
of Armajani's early pieces created
in the years leading up to his arrival
in America.
Many employ ink or watercolor on cloth or paper, and incorporate text.
In his "Shirt" (1958), Armajani uses pencil and ink to completely cover
his father's shirt in Persian script.
Several of his works are held by the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
Anselm Kiefer
(born 8 March 1945) is a German
painter and sculptor. He studied
with Joseph Beuys and Peter
Dreher during the 1970s. His
worksincorporate materials such
as straw, ash, clay, lead, and
shellac. The poems of Paul Celan
have played a role in developing
Kiefer's themes of German history
and the horror of the Holocaust,
as have the spiritual concepts of
In his entire body of work, Kiefer
argues with the past and
addresses taboo and controversial
from recent history. Themes from
Nazi rule are particularly reflected
in his work; for instance, the
painting "Margarethe" (oil and
straw on canvas) was inspired by
Paul Celan's well-known poem
"Todesfuge" ("Death Fugue").
His works are characterised by an
unflinching willingness to confront
his culture's dark past, and
unrealised potential, in works that
are often done on a large,
confrontational scale well
suited to the subjects. It is also
characteristic of his work to find
signatures and/or names of
people of historical importance,
figures or historical places. All of
these are encoded sigils through
which Kiefer seeks to process the
past; this has resulted in his work
being linked with the movements
New Symbolism and Neo–
Kiefer has lived and worked in
France since 1992. Since 2008, he
has lived and worked primarily in
Paris and in Alcácer do Sal,
Early life and career
The son of a German art
teacher,Kiefer was born in
Donaueschingen two months
before the end of World War II. In
1951, his family moved to
Ottersdorf, and he attended public
school in Rastatt, graduating high
school in 1965. He entered
University of Freiburg, and studied
pre-Law and Romance languages.
However, after 3 semesters he
switched to Art, studying at Art
academies in Freiburg, Karlsruhe,
and Düsseldorf. In Karlsruhe, he
studied under Peter Dreher, an
important realist and figurative
painter.He received an Art degree
in 1969. 5
Kiefer moved to Düsseldorf in
1970. In 1971 he moved to
Hornbach, in southwestern
Germany, where he established a
studio. He remained there until
1992; his output during this first
creative time is known as The
German Years. In 1992 he
relocated to France.
Kiefer began his career as a
photographer with performances
in which he, in paramilitary
costume, mimicked the Nazi salute
on various locations in France,
Switzerland and Italy calling for
Germans to remember and to
acknowledge the loss to their
culture through the mad
xenophobia of the Third Reich. In
1969, at Galerie am Kaiserplatz,
Karlsruhe, he presented his first
single exhibition "Besetzungen
(Occupations)" with a series of
photographs about controversial
political actions.
Painting and sculpture
Kiefer is best known for his
paintings, which have grown
increasingly large in scale with
additions of lead, broken glass, and
dried flowers or plants, resulting in
encrusted surfaces and thick layers
of impasto
By 1970, while studying informally
under Joseph Beuys at
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf,his
stylistic leanings resembled Georg
Baselitz's approach. He worked
with glass, straw, wood and plant
parts. The use of these materials
meant that his art works became
temporary and fragile, as Kiefer
himself was well aware; he also
wanted to showcase the materials
in such a way that they were not
disguised and could be represented
in their natural form. The fragility of
his work contrasts with the stark
subject matter in his paintings. This
use of familiar materials to express
ideas was influenced by Beuys, who
used fat and carpet felt in his
works. It is also typical of the Neo-
Expressionist style.
Kiefer returned to the area of his
birthplace in 1971. In the years that
followed, he incorporated German
mythology in particular in his work,
and in the next decade he argued
with the Kabbalah.
He went on extended journeys
throughout Europe, the USA and
the Middle East; the latter two
journeys further influenced his
work. Besides paintings, Kiefer
created sculptures, watercolors,
woodcuts, and photographs.
Throughout the 1970s and early
1980s, Kiefer made numerous
paintings, watercolors, woodcuts,
and books on themes interpreted
by Richard Wagner in his four-
opera cycle Der Ring des
Nibelungen (The Ring of the
Nibelung).In the early 1980s, he
created more than thirty
paintings, painted photographs,
and watercolors that refer in their
titles and inscriptions to the
Romanian Jewish writer Paul
Celan's poem "Todesfuge"
("Death Fugue").
A series of paintings which Kiefer
executed between 1980 and 1983
depict looming stone edifices,
referring to famous examples of
National Socialist architecture,
particularly buildings designed by
Albert Speer and Wilhelm Kreis.
The grand plaza in To the Unknown
Painter (1983) specifically refers to
the outdoor courtyard of Hitler's
Chancellery in Berlin, designed
by Speer in 1938 in honor of the
Unknown Soldier. In 1984–85, he
made a series of works on paper
incorporating manipulated black-
and-white photographs of desolate
landscapes with utility poles and
power lines. Such works, like Heavy
Cloud (1985), were an indirect
response to the controversy in
West Germany in the early 1980s
about NATO's stationing of tactical
nuclear missiles on German soil and
the placement of nuclear fuel
processing facilities.
By the mid-1980s, Kiefer’s themes
widened from a focus on
Germany's role in civilisation to the
fate of art and culture in general.
His work became more sculptural
and involved not only national
identity and collective memory, but
also occult symbolism, theology
and mysticism. The theme of all the
work is the trauma experienced by
entire societies, and the continual
rebirth and renewal in life. During
the 1980s his paintings became
more physical, and featured
unusual textures and materials.The
range of his themes broadened to
include references to ancient
Hebrew and Egyptian history,
as in the large painting Osiris and
Isis (1985–87). His paintings of the
1990s, in particular, explore the
universal myths of existence and
meaning rather than those of
national identity.From 1995 to
2001, he produced a cycle of large
paintings of the cosmos.He also
started to turn to sculpture,
although lead still remains his
preferred medium.
Since 2002, Kiefer has worked
with concrete, creating the towers
destined for the Pirelli warehouses
in Milan, the series of tributes to
Velimir Khlebnikov (paintings of
the sea, with boats and an array
of leaden objects, 2004-5),
a return to the work of Paul Celan
with a series of paintings featuring
rune motifs (2004–6), and other
sculptures. In 2006, Kiefer’s
exhibition, Velimir Chlebnikov,
was first shown in a small studio
near Barjac, then moved to White
Cube in London, then finishing in
the Aldrich Contemporary Art
Museum in Connecticut. The work
consists of 30 large (2 x 3 meters)
paintings, hanging in two banks of
15 on facing walls of an expressly
constructed corrugated steel
building that mimics the studio in
which they were created. The work
refers to the eccentric theories of
the Russian futurist
philosopher/poet Velimir
Chlebnikov, who invented a
"language of the future" called
"Zaum", and who postulated that
cataclysmic sea battles shift the
course of history once every 317
years. In his paintings, Kiefer’s toy-
like battleships—misshapen,
battered, rusted and hanging by
twisted wires—are cast about by
paint and plaster waves. The work’s
recurrent color notes are black,
white, gray, and rust; and their
surfaces are rough and slathered
with paint, plaster, mud and clay.
In 2009 Kiefer mounted two
exhibitions at the White Cube
gallery in London. A series of forest
diptychs and triptychs enclosed in
glass vitrines, many filled with
dense Moroccan thorns, was titled
Karfunkelfee, a term from German
Romanticism stemming from a
poem by the post-war Austrian
writer Ingeborg Bachmann. In The
Fertile Crescent, Kiefer presented a
group of epic paintings inspired by
a trip to India fifteen years earlier
where he first encountered rural
brick factories. Over the past
decade, the photographs that
Kiefer took in India "reverberated"
in his mind to suggest a vast array
of cultural and historical
references, reaching from the
first human civilization of
Mesopotamia to the ruins of
Germany in the aftermath of the
Second World War, where he
played as a boy. "Anyone in search
of a resonant meditation on the
instability of built grandeur",
wrote the historian Simon
Schama in his catalogue essay,
"would do well to look hard at
Kiefer’s The Fertile Crescent".
In Morgenthau Plan (2012), the
gallery is filled with a sculpture of a
golden wheat field, enclosed in a
five-meter-high steel cage.
Beginning in 1969 Kiefer also
worked on book design. Early
examples are typically worked-over
photographs; his more recent
books consist of sheets of lead
layered with paint, minerals, or
dried plant matter. For example, he
assembled numerous lead books on
steel shelves in libraries, as symbols
of the stored, discarded knowledge
of history. The book Rhine (1981)
comprises a sequence of 25
woodcuts that suggest a journey
along the Rhine River; the river is
central to Germany's geographical
and historical development,
acquiring an almost mythic
significance in works such as
Wagner's Ring of the Nibelungs.
Scenes of the unspoiled river are
interrupted by dark, swirling pages
that represent the sinking of the
battleship Bismarck in 1941, during
an Atlantic sortie codenamed Rhine
Kiefer's first studio was his home
in Hornbach, a large converted
brick factory. In 1991 he left
Hornback to spend time
traveling in Japan, Mexico and
India. In 1992 he established
himself in Barjac, France,
where he transformed his 35-
hectare studio compound La
Ribaute into a Gesamtkunstwerk.
A derelict silk factory, his studio is
enormous and in many ways is a
comment on industrialization. He
created there an extensive system
of glass buildings, archives,
installations, storerooms for
materials and paintings,
subterranean chambers and
Sophie Fiennes filmed Kiefer's
studio complex in Barjac for her
documentary study, Over Your
Cities Grass Will Grow (2010),
which recorded both the
environment and the artist at work.
One critic wrote of the film:
"Building almost from the ground
up in a derelict silk factory, Kiefer
devised an artistic project
extending over acres: miles of
corridors, huge studio spaces with
ambitious landscape paintings and
sculptures that correspond to
monumental constructions in the
surrounding woodland, and
serpentine excavated labyrinths
with great earthy columns that
resemble stalagmites or termite
mounds. Nowhere is it clear where
the finished product definitively
stands; perhaps it is all work in
progress, a monumental concept-
art organism."
During 2008, Kiefer left his studio
complex at Barjac and moved to
Paris. A fleet of 110 lorries
transported his work to a 35,000 sq
ft (3,300 m2) warehouse on the
Périphérique in Croissy-Beaubourg,
outside Paris, that had once been
the depository for the La
Samaritaine department
store.Victoria Stapley-Brown
(August 31, 2016),Anselm Kiefer’s
studio robbed of 12 tonnes of raw
marble and €1.3m lead sculpture
The Art Newspaper. A journalist
wrote of Kiefer's abandoned studio
complex: "He left behind the great
work of Barjac – the art and
buildings. A caretaker looks after it.
Uninhabited, it quietly waits for
nature to take over, because, as we
know, over our cities grass will
In 1969, Kiefer had his first solo
exhibition, at Galerie am
Kaiserplatz in Karlsruhe.
Along with Georg Baselitz, he
represented Germany at the
Venice Biennale in 1980. He was
also featured in the 1997 Venice
Biennale with a one-man show
held at the Museo Correr,
concentrating on paintings and
Comprehensive solo exhibitions of
Kiefer's work have been organized
by the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
(1984); Art Institute of Chicago
(1987); Sezon Museum of Art in
Tokyo (1993);
Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin
(1991); Metropolitan Museum of
Art in New York (1998); Fondation
Beyeler in Basel (2001); the
Modern Art Museum
of Fort Worth (2005);
the Hirshhorn Museum and
Sculpture Garden in Washington
D.C. (2006); the San Francisco
Museum of Modern Art and the
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
(2007). In 2007, the Guggenheim
Museum Bilbao presented an
extensive survey of recent work.
Several of his works were exhibited
in 2009 for the first time in the
Balearic Islands, in the museum Es
Baluard in Palma de Mallorca. In
2012, the Art Gallery of Hamilton
presented some of his
paintings.London's Royal Academy
of Arts mounted the first British
retrospective of the artist's work in
September 2014.
In 2007 Kiefer was commissioned
to create a huge site-specific
installation of sculptures and
paintings for the inaugural
"Monumenta" at the Grand Palais,
Paris.With the unveiling of a
triptych – the mural Athanor and
the two sculptures Danae and
Hortus Conclusus – at the Louvre in
2007, Kiefer became the first living
artist to create a permanent site-
specific installation in the museum
since Georges Braque in 1953. In
2008, Kiefer installed Palmsonntag
(Palm Sunday) (2006), a
monumental palm tree and 36
steel-and-glass reliquary tablets in
the auditorium-gym of the First
Baptist Church of Los Angeles, an
enormous Spanish Gothic edifice
built in 1927. The room was
reconfigured to accommodate the
Floors were sanded to remove the
basketball court's markings, and
the wall for the reliquary
paintings was constructed inside
the space.In 2010 the piece was
installed at the Art Gallery of
Ontario museum in Toronto,
where Kiefer created eight new
panels specifically for the AGO's
exhibition of this work.
In Next Year in Jerusalem (2010)
at Gagosian Gallery, Kiefer
explained that each of the works
was a reaction to a personal
"shock" initiated by something he
had recently heard of.
Personal life
Kiefer left his first wife and
in Germany on his move to Barjac
in 1992. From 2008 he lived in
Paris, in a large house in
the Marais district, with his
second wife, the Austrian
Renate Graf, and their two
children. In 2017, Kiefer was
ranked one of the richest 1,001
individuals and families in
Germany by the monthly business
publication Manager Magazin.
Kiefer's works are included in
numerous public collections,
including the Hamburger Bahnhof,
Berlin; the Museum of Modern Art
and the Solomon R. Guggenheim
Museum, New York; Detroit
Institute of Arts, Detroit; the Tate
Modern, London; the San Francisco
Museum of Modern Art; the Art
Gallery of Ontario, Toronto; the
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo;
the Philadelphia Museum of Art;
the National Gallery of Australia,
Canberra; the Tel Aviv Museum of
Art; and the Albertina, Vienna. The
Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York owns 20 of the artist’s
rare watercolors. Notable private
collectors include Eli Broad and
Andrew J. Hall.
In 1990, Kiefer was awarded the
Wolf Prize. In 1999 the Japan Art
Association awarded him the
Praemium Imperiale for his lifetime
achievements. In the explanatory
statement it reads:
"A complex critical engagement
with history runs through Anselm
Kiefer's work. His paintings as well
as the sculptures of Georg Baselitz
created an uproar at the 1980
Venice Biennale: the viewers had
to decide whether the apparent
Nazi motifs were meant ironically
or whether the works were meant
to convey actual fascist ideas.
Kiefer worked with the conviction
that art could heal a traumatized
nation and a vexed, divided world.
He created epic paintings on giant
canvases that called up the history
of German culture with the help
of depictions of figures such as
Richard Wagner or Goethe, thus
continuing the historical tradition
of painting as a medium of
addressing the world. Only a few
contemporary artists have such a
pronounced sense of art's duty to
engage the past and the ethical
questions of the present,
and are in the position to express
the possibility of the absolution of
guilt through human effort."
In 2008, Kiefer was awarded the
Peace Prize of the German Book
Trade, given for the first time to a
visual artist. Art historian Werner
Spies said in his speech that Kiefer
is a passionate reader who takes
impulses from literature for his
work. In 2011 Kiefer was appointed
to the chair of creativity in art at
the Collège de France.
1983 – Hans-Thoma-Preis (Baden-
1990 – Wolf Prize in Arts
1990 – Goslarer Kaiserring
1997 – International Prize by the
Jury of the 47th Venice Biennale
1999 – Praemium Imperiale (Japan)
2005 – Merit Cross 1st Class of the
Order of Merit of the Federal
Republic of Germany
(Verdienstkreuz 1. Klasse)
2005 – Austrian Decoration for
Science and Art
2008 – Peace Prize of the German
Book Trade
2011 – Berliner Bär (B.Z.-
2011 – Leo-Baeck-Medal, Leo Baeck
Institut of New York
2017 – J. Paul Getty Medal Award
Morteza Momayez
August 26, 1935 –
October 25, 2005
was an Iranian graphic designer.
He was one of the founders of
Iranian Graphic Design Society
(IGDS) and held a membership to
Alliance Graphique Internationale
(AGI). He was the president of
Tehran International Poster
Biennial and Editor-in-chief of
“Neshan”.Throughout his career,
Momayez initiated many cultural
institutes, exhibitions and graphic
design publications.
The renowned pioneer of graphic
design in Iran, Momayez received
the Art & Culture Award of
Excellency from the president of
Iran in 2004.
Morteza Momayez was born on
August 26, 1935 in Tehran, Iran .His
father was Mohammad-Ali and his
mother was Kochak. He got his
bachelor in painting from school of
Fine Art at University of Tehran in
1965 and his diploma from Ecole
National Superier des Art Deco in
Paris, France in 1968.
Experiences: Graphic Design
Magazines: Iran Abad(1960), Ketab
va Keyhan Hafteh (1961-62),
Farhang (1961), Kavosh (1963-64),
Negin(1965), Farhang va Zendegi
(1969-78),Roudaki (1971-1978),
Cinema (1974-75), Memari va
Honareh Iran (1987), Kelk (1990-
),Neghahe No (1991-99), Sharif
(1993-2001),Tasvir (1992), Silk Road
(1994-95), Faslnameh
Khavarmyaneh ( 1994), Goftego
2000). Art Director and Graphic
Design: Tehran International Film
Festival (1973-77)
2004 National Award of Art
achievements from the
Academy of Art in Tehran.
Books : Drawing and Painting –
Graphic Art in Iran – Design and
Signs (Cultural and Trademarks of
M.Momayez). Plakat, Poster,
Morteza Momayez
Articles: Magazine lay-out Design –
Slogans and Titles –
Visual Design in the Persian
Alphabet – a Survey of Sign-
Illustration and Imagination-
A Short History of Poster in Iran
Prefaces: Catalogue of “50 Years
of Graphic Arts in Iran” exhibition-
Catalogue of “poster Art in Iran”
exhibition – Catalogue of “First
Asian Graphic Design Biennial –
Tehran” exhibition – Who is Who
in Graphic Art (Section of Iran)
Art Biennial Tehran-Poster Biennial
Warsaw-Poster –Exhibition Cannes
Poster Biennial Bruo-Poster
Biennial Lahti-Bergische Lowe, W.
Germany – Art Poster Gallery, Bad
Durkheim, W. Germany – Triennale
Toyama 1985/1988 Japan –
Colorado International Poster
Exhibition 1987 – Salon
International de L’Affiche, 1986/88
France – Galleries and Museums in
Tehran – Six one – man exhibitions
in Tehran .
Presented in NOVUM ,Germany-
Switzerland – AMERICAN
WHO IN GRAPHIC ART, Switzerland-
LOGOTYPES I, Japan- IDEA, No. 212,
1989, Japan .

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Aziz Art April 2018

  • 1. Siah Armajani Anselm Kiefer Morteza Momayez AZIZ ART April 2018
  • 2. Director: Aziz Anzabi Editor : Nafiseh Yaghoubi Translator : Asra Yaghoubi Research: Zohreh Nazari 1-Siah Armajani 5-Anselm Kiefer 17-Morteza Momayez
  • 3. Siah Armajani Sia (Siavash) Armajani born 1939 is an Iranian-born American sculptor and architect known for his public art. Biography Siah Armajani, Bridge/Ramp, 1994, Stuttgart-Mitte, Innenhof der LBBW, beim Hauptbahnhof Siavash Armajani was born in 1939 in Tehran. In 1960, Armajani immigrated to the United States to attend college, as he had family living in the US. Siah Armajani designed the Olympic Torch presiding over the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. He has worked on other projects such as the New York Staten Island tower and bridge, the Round Gazebo in Nice, France, and the Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. His 2005 work, Fallujah, is a modern take on Picasso's Guernica but has been censored in the U.S. due to its critical view of the war in Iraq. One of Armajani's important projects is located at North Shore Esplanade at St. George's Ferry Terminal, Staten Island, NY. Armajani has said: "All buildings and all streets are ornaments. Moreover, the lighthouse and bridge gives a place to the representational arts of poetry, music, and performing. By embracing all of the arts, the lighthouse and bridge asserts its own perspective everywhere." In 2010, he won a Knight Fellow award granted by United States Artists. An exhibition at Muelensteen Gallery in 2011 presented a dozen of Armajani's early pieces created in the years leading up to his arrival in America. 1
  • 4. Many employ ink or watercolor on cloth or paper, and incorporate text. In his "Shirt" (1958), Armajani uses pencil and ink to completely cover his father's shirt in Persian script. Several of his works are held by the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
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  • 7. Anselm Kiefer (born 8 March 1945) is a German painter and sculptor. He studied with Joseph Beuys and Peter Dreher during the 1970s. His worksincorporate materials such as straw, ash, clay, lead, and shellac. The poems of Paul Celan have played a role in developing Kiefer's themes of German history and the horror of the Holocaust, as have the spiritual concepts of Kabbalah. In his entire body of work, Kiefer argues with the past and addresses taboo and controversial issues from recent history. Themes from Nazi rule are particularly reflected in his work; for instance, the painting "Margarethe" (oil and straw on canvas) was inspired by Paul Celan's well-known poem "Todesfuge" ("Death Fugue"). His works are characterised by an unflinching willingness to confront his culture's dark past, and unrealised potential, in works that are often done on a large, confrontational scale well suited to the subjects. It is also characteristic of his work to find signatures and/or names of people of historical importance, legendary figures or historical places. All of these are encoded sigils through which Kiefer seeks to process the past; this has resulted in his work being linked with the movements New Symbolism and Neo– Expressionism. Kiefer has lived and worked in France since 1992. Since 2008, he has lived and worked primarily in Paris and in Alcácer do Sal, Portugal. Early life and career The son of a German art teacher,Kiefer was born in Donaueschingen two months before the end of World War II. In 1951, his family moved to Ottersdorf, and he attended public school in Rastatt, graduating high school in 1965. He entered University of Freiburg, and studied pre-Law and Romance languages. However, after 3 semesters he switched to Art, studying at Art academies in Freiburg, Karlsruhe, and Düsseldorf. In Karlsruhe, he studied under Peter Dreher, an important realist and figurative painter.He received an Art degree in 1969. 5
  • 8. Kiefer moved to Düsseldorf in 1970. In 1971 he moved to Hornbach, in southwestern Germany, where he established a studio. He remained there until 1992; his output during this first creative time is known as The German Years. In 1992 he relocated to France. Work Photography Kiefer began his career as a photographer with performances in which he, in paramilitary costume, mimicked the Nazi salute on various locations in France, Switzerland and Italy calling for Germans to remember and to acknowledge the loss to their culture through the mad xenophobia of the Third Reich. In 1969, at Galerie am Kaiserplatz, Karlsruhe, he presented his first single exhibition "Besetzungen (Occupations)" with a series of photographs about controversial political actions. Painting and sculpture Kiefer is best known for his paintings, which have grown increasingly large in scale with additions of lead, broken glass, and dried flowers or plants, resulting in encrusted surfaces and thick layers of impasto By 1970, while studying informally under Joseph Beuys at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf,his stylistic leanings resembled Georg Baselitz's approach. He worked with glass, straw, wood and plant parts. The use of these materials meant that his art works became temporary and fragile, as Kiefer himself was well aware; he also wanted to showcase the materials in such a way that they were not disguised and could be represented in their natural form. The fragility of his work contrasts with the stark subject matter in his paintings. This use of familiar materials to express ideas was influenced by Beuys, who used fat and carpet felt in his works. It is also typical of the Neo- Expressionist style. Kiefer returned to the area of his birthplace in 1971. In the years that followed, he incorporated German mythology in particular in his work, and in the next decade he argued with the Kabbalah.
  • 9. He went on extended journeys throughout Europe, the USA and the Middle East; the latter two journeys further influenced his work. Besides paintings, Kiefer created sculptures, watercolors, woodcuts, and photographs. Throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, Kiefer made numerous paintings, watercolors, woodcuts, and books on themes interpreted by Richard Wagner in his four- opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung).In the early 1980s, he created more than thirty paintings, painted photographs, and watercolors that refer in their titles and inscriptions to the Romanian Jewish writer Paul Celan's poem "Todesfuge" ("Death Fugue"). A series of paintings which Kiefer executed between 1980 and 1983 depict looming stone edifices, referring to famous examples of National Socialist architecture, particularly buildings designed by Albert Speer and Wilhelm Kreis. The grand plaza in To the Unknown Painter (1983) specifically refers to the outdoor courtyard of Hitler's Chancellery in Berlin, designed by Speer in 1938 in honor of the Unknown Soldier. In 1984–85, he made a series of works on paper incorporating manipulated black- and-white photographs of desolate landscapes with utility poles and power lines. Such works, like Heavy Cloud (1985), were an indirect response to the controversy in West Germany in the early 1980s about NATO's stationing of tactical nuclear missiles on German soil and the placement of nuclear fuel processing facilities. By the mid-1980s, Kiefer’s themes widened from a focus on Germany's role in civilisation to the fate of art and culture in general. His work became more sculptural and involved not only national identity and collective memory, but also occult symbolism, theology and mysticism. The theme of all the work is the trauma experienced by entire societies, and the continual rebirth and renewal in life. During the 1980s his paintings became more physical, and featured unusual textures and materials.The range of his themes broadened to include references to ancient Hebrew and Egyptian history,
  • 10. as in the large painting Osiris and Isis (1985–87). His paintings of the 1990s, in particular, explore the universal myths of existence and meaning rather than those of national identity.From 1995 to 2001, he produced a cycle of large paintings of the cosmos.He also started to turn to sculpture, although lead still remains his preferred medium. Since 2002, Kiefer has worked with concrete, creating the towers destined for the Pirelli warehouses in Milan, the series of tributes to Velimir Khlebnikov (paintings of the sea, with boats and an array of leaden objects, 2004-5), a return to the work of Paul Celan with a series of paintings featuring rune motifs (2004–6), and other sculptures. In 2006, Kiefer’s exhibition, Velimir Chlebnikov, was first shown in a small studio near Barjac, then moved to White Cube in London, then finishing in the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Connecticut. The work consists of 30 large (2 x 3 meters) paintings, hanging in two banks of 15 on facing walls of an expressly constructed corrugated steel building that mimics the studio in which they were created. The work refers to the eccentric theories of the Russian futurist philosopher/poet Velimir Chlebnikov, who invented a "language of the future" called "Zaum", and who postulated that cataclysmic sea battles shift the course of history once every 317 years. In his paintings, Kiefer’s toy- like battleships—misshapen, battered, rusted and hanging by twisted wires—are cast about by paint and plaster waves. The work’s recurrent color notes are black, white, gray, and rust; and their surfaces are rough and slathered with paint, plaster, mud and clay. In 2009 Kiefer mounted two exhibitions at the White Cube gallery in London. A series of forest diptychs and triptychs enclosed in glass vitrines, many filled with dense Moroccan thorns, was titled Karfunkelfee, a term from German Romanticism stemming from a poem by the post-war Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann. In The Fertile Crescent, Kiefer presented a group of epic paintings inspired by a trip to India fifteen years earlier
  • 11. where he first encountered rural brick factories. Over the past decade, the photographs that Kiefer took in India "reverberated" in his mind to suggest a vast array of cultural and historical references, reaching from the first human civilization of Mesopotamia to the ruins of Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War, where he played as a boy. "Anyone in search of a resonant meditation on the instability of built grandeur", wrote the historian Simon Schama in his catalogue essay, "would do well to look hard at Kiefer’s The Fertile Crescent". In Morgenthau Plan (2012), the gallery is filled with a sculpture of a golden wheat field, enclosed in a five-meter-high steel cage. Books Beginning in 1969 Kiefer also worked on book design. Early examples are typically worked-over photographs; his more recent books consist of sheets of lead layered with paint, minerals, or dried plant matter. For example, he assembled numerous lead books on steel shelves in libraries, as symbols of the stored, discarded knowledge of history. The book Rhine (1981) comprises a sequence of 25 woodcuts that suggest a journey along the Rhine River; the river is central to Germany's geographical and historical development, acquiring an almost mythic significance in works such as Wagner's Ring of the Nibelungs. Scenes of the unspoiled river are interrupted by dark, swirling pages that represent the sinking of the battleship Bismarck in 1941, during an Atlantic sortie codenamed Rhine Exercise.
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  • 13. Studios Kiefer's first studio was his home in Hornbach, a large converted brick factory. In 1991 he left Hornback to spend time traveling in Japan, Mexico and India. In 1992 he established himself in Barjac, France, where he transformed his 35- hectare studio compound La Ribaute into a Gesamtkunstwerk. A derelict silk factory, his studio is enormous and in many ways is a comment on industrialization. He created there an extensive system of glass buildings, archives, installations, storerooms for materials and paintings, subterranean chambers and corridors. Sophie Fiennes filmed Kiefer's studio complex in Barjac for her documentary study, Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow (2010), which recorded both the environment and the artist at work. One critic wrote of the film: "Building almost from the ground up in a derelict silk factory, Kiefer devised an artistic project extending over acres: miles of corridors, huge studio spaces with ambitious landscape paintings and sculptures that correspond to monumental constructions in the surrounding woodland, and serpentine excavated labyrinths with great earthy columns that resemble stalagmites or termite mounds. Nowhere is it clear where the finished product definitively stands; perhaps it is all work in progress, a monumental concept- art organism." During 2008, Kiefer left his studio complex at Barjac and moved to Paris. A fleet of 110 lorries transported his work to a 35,000 sq ft (3,300 m2) warehouse on the Périphérique in Croissy-Beaubourg, outside Paris, that had once been the depository for the La Samaritaine department store.Victoria Stapley-Brown (August 31, 2016),Anselm Kiefer’s studio robbed of 12 tonnes of raw marble and €1.3m lead sculpture The Art Newspaper. A journalist wrote of Kiefer's abandoned studio complex: "He left behind the great work of Barjac – the art and buildings. A caretaker looks after it. Uninhabited, it quietly waits for nature to take over, because, as we know, over our cities grass will grow.
  • 14. Exhibitions In 1969, Kiefer had his first solo exhibition, at Galerie am Kaiserplatz in Karlsruhe. Along with Georg Baselitz, he represented Germany at the Venice Biennale in 1980. He was also featured in the 1997 Venice Biennale with a one-man show held at the Museo Correr, concentrating on paintings and books. Comprehensive solo exhibitions of Kiefer's work have been organized by the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf (1984); Art Institute of Chicago (1987); Sezon Museum of Art in Tokyo (1993); Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin (1991); Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (1998); Fondation Beyeler in Basel (2001); the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (2005); the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C. (2006); the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (2007). In 2007, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao presented an extensive survey of recent work. Several of his works were exhibited in 2009 for the first time in the Balearic Islands, in the museum Es Baluard in Palma de Mallorca. In 2012, the Art Gallery of Hamilton presented some of his paintings.London's Royal Academy of Arts mounted the first British retrospective of the artist's work in September 2014. In 2007 Kiefer was commissioned to create a huge site-specific installation of sculptures and paintings for the inaugural "Monumenta" at the Grand Palais, Paris.With the unveiling of a triptych – the mural Athanor and the two sculptures Danae and Hortus Conclusus – at the Louvre in 2007, Kiefer became the first living artist to create a permanent site- specific installation in the museum since Georges Braque in 1953. In 2008, Kiefer installed Palmsonntag (Palm Sunday) (2006), a monumental palm tree and 36 steel-and-glass reliquary tablets in the auditorium-gym of the First Baptist Church of Los Angeles, an enormous Spanish Gothic edifice built in 1927. The room was reconfigured to accommodate the work.
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  • 16. Floors were sanded to remove the basketball court's markings, and the wall for the reliquary paintings was constructed inside the space.In 2010 the piece was installed at the Art Gallery of Ontario museum in Toronto, where Kiefer created eight new panels specifically for the AGO's exhibition of this work. In Next Year in Jerusalem (2010) at Gagosian Gallery, Kiefer explained that each of the works was a reaction to a personal "shock" initiated by something he had recently heard of. Personal life Kiefer left his first wife and children in Germany on his move to Barjac in 1992. From 2008 he lived in Paris, in a large house in the Marais district, with his second wife, the Austrian photographer Renate Graf, and their two children. In 2017, Kiefer was ranked one of the richest 1,001 individuals and families in Germany by the monthly business publication Manager Magazin. Collections Kiefer's works are included in numerous public collections, including the Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; the Museum of Modern Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit; the Tate Modern, London; the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto; the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo; the Philadelphia Museum of Art; the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra; the Tel Aviv Museum of Art; and the Albertina, Vienna. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York owns 20 of the artist’s rare watercolors. Notable private collectors include Eli Broad and Andrew J. Hall. Recognition In 1990, Kiefer was awarded the Wolf Prize. In 1999 the Japan Art Association awarded him the Praemium Imperiale for his lifetime achievements. In the explanatory statement it reads:
  • 17. "A complex critical engagement with history runs through Anselm Kiefer's work. His paintings as well as the sculptures of Georg Baselitz created an uproar at the 1980 Venice Biennale: the viewers had to decide whether the apparent Nazi motifs were meant ironically or whether the works were meant to convey actual fascist ideas. Kiefer worked with the conviction that art could heal a traumatized nation and a vexed, divided world. He created epic paintings on giant canvases that called up the history of German culture with the help of depictions of figures such as Richard Wagner or Goethe, thus continuing the historical tradition of painting as a medium of addressing the world. Only a few contemporary artists have such a pronounced sense of art's duty to engage the past and the ethical questions of the present, and are in the position to express the possibility of the absolution of guilt through human effort." In 2008, Kiefer was awarded the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, given for the first time to a visual artist. Art historian Werner Spies said in his speech that Kiefer is a passionate reader who takes impulses from literature for his work. In 2011 Kiefer was appointed to the chair of creativity in art at the Collège de France. 1983 – Hans-Thoma-Preis (Baden- Württemberg) 1990 – Wolf Prize in Arts 1990 – Goslarer Kaiserring 1997 – International Prize by the Jury of the 47th Venice Biennale 1999 – Praemium Imperiale (Japan) 2005 – Merit Cross 1st Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Verdienstkreuz 1. Klasse) 2005 – Austrian Decoration for Science and Art 2008 – Peace Prize of the German Book Trade 2011 – Berliner Bär (B.Z.- Kulturpreis) 2011 – Leo-Baeck-Medal, Leo Baeck Institut of New York 2017 – J. Paul Getty Medal Award
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  • 19. Morteza Momayez August 26, 1935 – October 25, 2005 was an Iranian graphic designer. He was one of the founders of Iranian Graphic Design Society (IGDS) and held a membership to Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI). He was the president of Tehran International Poster Biennial and Editor-in-chief of “Neshan”.Throughout his career, Momayez initiated many cultural institutes, exhibitions and graphic design publications. The renowned pioneer of graphic design in Iran, Momayez received the Art & Culture Award of Excellency from the president of Iran in 2004. Biography Morteza Momayez was born on August 26, 1935 in Tehran, Iran .His father was Mohammad-Ali and his mother was Kochak. He got his bachelor in painting from school of Fine Art at University of Tehran in 1965 and his diploma from Ecole National Superier des Art Deco in Paris, France in 1968. Experiences: Graphic Design Magazines: Iran Abad(1960), Ketab va Keyhan Hafteh (1961-62), Farhang (1961), Kavosh (1963-64), Negin(1965), Farhang va Zendegi (1969-78),Roudaki (1971-1978), Cinema (1974-75), Memari va Honareh Iran (1987), Kelk (1990- ),Neghahe No (1991-99), Sharif (1993-2001),Tasvir (1992), Silk Road (1994-95), Faslnameh Khavarmyaneh ( 1994), Goftego (1994-),Payam-e-Emrouz(1994- 2000). Art Director and Graphic Design: Tehran International Film Festival (1973-77) 17
  • 20. Awards 2004 National Award of Art achievements from the Academy of Art in Tehran. PUBLICATIONS Books : Drawing and Painting – Graphic Art in Iran – Design and Designing Signs (Cultural and Trademarks of M.Momayez). Plakat, Poster, Morteza Momayez Articles: Magazine lay-out Design – Slogans and Titles – Visual Design in the Persian Alphabet – a Survey of Sign- Illustration and Imagination- A Short History of Poster in Iran Prefaces: Catalogue of “50 Years of Graphic Arts in Iran” exhibition- Catalogue of “poster Art in Iran” exhibition – Catalogue of “First Asian Graphic Design Biennial – Tehran” exhibition – Who is Who in Graphic Art (Section of Iran) EXHIBITIONS Art Biennial Tehran-Poster Biennial Warsaw-Poster –Exhibition Cannes Poster Biennial Bruo-Poster Biennial Lahti-Bergische Lowe, W. Germany – Art Poster Gallery, Bad Durkheim, W. Germany – Triennale Toyama 1985/1988 Japan – Colorado International Poster Exhibition 1987 – Salon International de L’Affiche, 1986/88 France – Galleries and Museums in Tehran – Six one – man exhibitions in Tehran . Presented in NOVUM ,Germany- MODERN PUBLICITY, England- PROJECT. Poland – GRAPHIS POSTER, Switzerland – AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHERS,USA- ARTNEWS,USA– LETTERHEADS,USA – GRAPHIC DESIGN, Japan – WHO IS WHO IN GRAPHIC ART, Switzerland- TOP GRAPHIC DESIGN, Switzerland- LOGOTYPES OF THE WORLD 1970- 1983,Japan – POSTER BY MEMBERS OF THE ALLIANCE GRAPHIC INTERNATIONAL, 1960-1985,USA – WORLD TRADEMARKS AND LOGOTYPES I, Japan- IDEA, No. 212, 1989, Japan .
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