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Web ²
      The Internet of everything

Café numérique Liège| 06/02/2013 | André Blavier @awtbe
7+ Billion People   Constrained   Technology
 Living Longer       Resources     Ubiquity

    Human           Relocation      Social
    Mobility        of Capital     Reform
                                        Adapted from Gartner
Major ICT trends

    Web² / mobile                     Cloud
Real and virtual worlds      A universal platform for
  are going to merge             online services


        Social                       Big data
Empowerment. A new                The new power
 distribution of roles         of data and analytics

Technology trends (1)
        Media tablets                    Near Field Communication

• Handheld devices optimized for         • Short-range wireless
  media consumption.                       communications that can interact
• Makes consumption effortless and         with passive devices.
  encourages simplicity and content      • Contactless authentication,
  sharing in customer-facing               payments, access control, identity,
  situations.                              etc.
• Investigate potential opportunities    • Potential opportunities and
  and re-evaluate existing application     monitor customer-facing scenarios.
  interfaces.                            • New services but challenges
• Tablet deployment can no longer be       existing credit card infrastructure.
  prevented. Take action to manage.

                                                                 Adapted from Gartner
Technology trends (2)
     Augmented reality                     New User Interfaces

• Overlaying relevant digital          • New input and display
  information on a view of the real      technologies highlight the
  world.                                 restrictions of existing paradigms.
• Growing power of mobile devices      • The keyboard remains a barrier.
  with integrated sensors. Ideal         Reconceptualize user interface
  platform for further deployment.       designs as part of the total user
• Integrated into the information        experience. NUI.
  architectures and future products    • More productive and engaging
  and services.                          interaction.
• Kind of "sphere of context" around   • New ability of computers to
  items to develop an ongoing            understand language, infer context
  relationship.                          and provide answers.
                                       • Virtual assistants.
                                                              Adapted from Gartner
Technology trends (3)
           Big Data                          Internet of Things

• Popular term for the future issues   • More than 50 billion devices, rising
  in extreme information                 to more than 200 billion by 2015.
  management. Volume, velocity,        • New information on which to make
  variety and complexity.                better decisions, but requiring
• Removes current constraints and        better analytics and information
  opens up new public data sources.      management.
• Architectural challenges and         • Integrated into the information
  ensure decision making evolves to      architectures and future products
  use new information.                   and services.
• Analytics. Increased insight, more   • Kind of "sphere of context" around
  accurate forecasts and better          items to develop an ongoing
  ability to identify and exploit        relationship.
                                                               Adapted from Gartner
Technology trends (4)
          3D printing                     Robotics … and more

• Devices to create one-off and        • Mobile task-oriented devices and
  customized pieces onsite.              ability to project and control a
• Price reductions and wide range of     remote presence.
  advanced materials open up new       • New flexibility and greater
  opportunities for low-volume           collaboration and engagement.
  fabrication and prototyping.         • Sensors.
• On-site manufacturing could          • Genomics.
  transform logistics and enable       • Human Augmentation.
  exciting new business models.        • Sustainability.
                                       • And …

                                                             Adapted from Gartner
The Six M’s … mobile and IOT

1. Movement. Escaping the fixed place.
2. Moment. Expanding the concept of time.
3. Me. Expressing oneself and personalising
   the phone.
4. Multiuser. Extending one's self to one's
5. Money. Expending financial resources.
6. Machines. Empowering devices, gadgets
   and automation.
           Source : Tomi T Ahonen.

• Mobile and carbon footprint. Location based
  mobile service that tracks how your mobile phone
• If it moves at walking speeds, you are walking and
  not creating a carbon footprint. Same for bicycling.
• If you move at the speed of traffic, you're in a car or
  taxi, and your carbon footprint is charged.
• It knows if the travel pattern is stop-and-go on bus
  routes or train routes, and charges you less as you
  share the costs travelling by public transportation.

• Your flowers say : we need water !
• AgriHouse offers the latest in communications
  beyond the human race : your houseplants! A device
  attached to the plant will send SMS to you when the
  plant needs to be watered.
• Great application of “IT for green”.

              Koubachi revolutionizes the way
           objects and things in your household
            are communicating with you. They
          want to identify the potential of Smart
          Objects and create new possibilities of
           use, new services, and a simpler yet
              more powerful user experience.
           Koubachi accurately determines the
           vitality of your plant and sends you a
          notification with precise care advice at
                        the right time.
Machines / M2M

• The WiFi Body Scale.
• Automatically transmit your weight to your iOS
  device. It also graphs your weight, BMI, and lean and
  fat mass so you can access it from your SmartPhone
  or web browser at any time.
Devices … not only phones

                        Adapted from Forrester
Devices … not only phones
Mobile for new interactions
       Vocal recognition
       Intelligent agents        • Commands trough natural language (NUI)
                                 • Payments, ticketing, access control, P2P transactions
Near Field Communication (NFC)
                                 • Security (NUI)
           Biometrics            • Gestual control (NUI)
           3D cameras

         3D displays             • Augmented reality
       High resolution           • Media / games / commerce consumption
       Second Screen             • Content screening

                                 • Local intelligence
       Accelerometers            • Dynamic and contextual information. More than only
          Sensors                  simple geolocation : speed, floor, pollution, traffic,
         Gyroscopes                environment, etc.
                                 • Segmentation et personalization for services

                                                                            Adapted from Forrester
Mobile tags show us the future
It is interesting to examine the uses
     associated with tags mobile,
as they will be taken up and further
          developed with NFC
        and augmented reality.
NFC … and the Internet of things
    Near field communication (NFC)
is a short-range wireless technologies
 (requiring a distance of 4 cm or less).
NFC involves an initiator and a target.
    The initiator actively generates
       an RF field that empower
            a passive target.

                Microchip containing a digital
              certificate combined with an NFC
                     antenna in each bag.
            This enables to check the authenticity
            of the bag instantaneously, by simply
            scanning it with an NFC smartphone.
IPv6 (Internet Protocol 6)
             Will replace IPv4
   (all available addresses are used).
  With IPv6, it will be possible to give
an IP address to any object in the world.
        IPv4 : XXX. XXX. XXX. XXX

         A car is stopped 92% of the time. That
           is why Volkswagen has launched a
          partnership with Keyzee to propose
            the dematerialization of the keys.
         Thanks to a smartphone, everyone can
           allow access to his car to a friend,
                       colleague, …
Country-wide rainfall maps
   from cellular communication networks
• Accurate surface precipitation measurements are
  crucial for water resources management. But the
  majority of the surface of the earth lacks such data.
• A solution could be to use received signal level data from
  the microwave links used in commercial cellular
  communication networks. Along such links, radio signals
  propagate from a transmitting antenna at one base
  station to a receiving antenna at another base station …
• Rainfalls can be
  measured from the
  signal’s attenuation
  between transmitter
  and receiver.
Just a word about e-commerce
 E-commerce doesn’t exist ;-)
Long live connected commerce
In-store :                                       At home :
• Bar code scanning                              •   Coupons
• Coupons                                        •   How-to videos
• Consumer reviews                               •   In-store inventory
• In-store navigation                            •   Research tools
• Shopping lists                                 •   Shopping list build
  (weddings, etc.)                               •   Store hours
• Loyalty                                        •   Store location
• Promotions
• Virtual products
                        Competitor store :
                        •   Coupons
                        •   In-store inventory
                        •   Nearest store
                        •   Pricing
                        •   Promotions
Connected retail

Digital In Store
Connected commerce

                  Source :




                                                                                      Web server
                                         Web platform


Cloud, API, mobile & apps, Open/Big Data, Chrome, HTML5, tablets, IOT          Programmable Web
        Co-creation, social, mobile, AJAX, CSS, XML, RSS, tags, blogs, Wiki            Web 2.0
       Dynamic pages, e-commerce, Ads, CMS, Flash, CSS, search, Firefox         Dynamic Web 1.5
                       Static HTML pages, (bad) JavaScript, first browsers          Static Web 1.0
The challenges of Big Data
• Making information more transparent. In the public
  sector in particular, making data more accessible will
  significantly reduce searching and processing time.
• Segmenting target audiences to customize the offer.
  Data volumes allow more segmentation and tailored
  services matching the most specific needs of customers.
• Better decision making with algorithms. Significantly
  improve decision making. Minimize risk-taking. Identify
  information with high added value.
• New business models. Using data from crowdsourcing
  to improve product development and to create
  innovative services.
Internet of Things … or
• Internet of People. Self quantification.
  Health. Fitness. Children and old people
  monitoring. Narcissification.
• Internet of Energy. Smart grids. Household
  and home automation. Security.
• Internet of Industry. 3D Printing. Connected
  commerce. Robotics. M2M.
• Internet of Data. Analytics. Crowdsourcing
  and big data. Sensors.
• … Internet of whatever you want !
Web². The Quantified Self
• Apps and interactive personal gadgets / objects.
• We will be able to measure the quality of our sleep,
  the steps we take in a day, how many calories we
  consume, etc. Health will be a big target.
• Natural User Interface (NUI). Success will depend
  on the simplicity of the systems and interfaces.
• Smart clothing. For example shoes that have
  embedded sensors to track your activity and tell you
  when you need a new pair.
• Big Data. The main objective is to provide a bigger
  and “quantifiable” picture of our actions and our

           UP™ is a system that takes a holistic
           approach to a healthy lifestyle. The
          wristband tracks your movement and
             sleep in the background. The app
          displays your data, lets you add things
            like meals and mood, and delivers
         insights that keep you moving forward.
The “disappearing" interface

Motivation        Motivation      Motivation            Motivation
Data resolution   Data resolution Data resolution       Data resolution

                                    Adapted from @rafigaro &
Temporary tattoo to measure
     metabolic stress

                                 A medical sensor attached to the skin
                                 like a temporary tattoo could make it
                                 easier for doctors to detect metabolic
                                 problems in patients and for coaches
                                to fine-tune athletes’ training routines.
                                   The entire sensor comes in a thin,
                                 flexible package shaped like a smiley
Web². Internet of Data
• At the intersection of Big Data and Open Data, we
  will see the emergence of "Data as a Service"
• Large-scale deployment of new online services
  accessible to a large number of people, providing,
  on demand, aggregations of raw, quantitative or
  personal data, making it easier for companies to
  understand specific phenomena and anticipate new
  market trends.
• For example, will the sales of a product be affected
  by extreme weather?

        Finalist at the startups competition at
           LeWeb 2012 (IoT), Qunb is a DaaS
            aggregation platform where it is
        possible to interact and cross different
             data sources. Described as the
         "YouTube" of data, it allows users to
          “consume“ specific data and to see
          them in the most accurate format.
Web². Internet of industry
• 3D printing could cause a new industrial revolution.
• We are surrounded by manufactured goods, mostly
  products of the industry, which has undergone many
  changes during the last century …
• But the “factory” concept is now changing.
  Manufacturing becomes digital. And from the
  moment an industry embraces digital, it changes
  deeply, as we have already seen for the distribution
  or the media. The biggest change is not how things
  are done, but who makes them.
• If we can do something on a classical computer, then
  anyone can do it. This is exactly what is being
  observed now for the industry.

  is the world's leading
                3D Printing marketplace and
           community. They harness 3D Printing
             to help everyone make and share
              designs with the world, making
              product design more accessible,
                  personal, and inspiring.
Web². Internet of Energy
• Smart grids // personal management of energy.
• The next stage in the Internet revolution ?
• In parallel of the “classic” Internet and mobile
  revolution, another revolution on a similar scale is
  taking place in the world of energy, with the advent
  of “smart grids”, intelligent networks that use
  information technology to optimize the production,
  distribution and consumption of electricity.
The new electric grid

                Michael Hsieh via

              A new way for people to save energy
               that is social, fun and simple. Online
              platform that helps users understand
                 their energy use with actionable
             insights, that scores them against their
                Facebook friends and that rewards
                        them with real prizes.
             Facilitates both smart grid rollouts and
              energy efficiency even in the absence
                        of smart grid meters.

           ThingPark offers standards-based core
              infrastructure components and
              software that enable mass scale
             deployment of Internet of Things
           (M2M) applications. Open ecosystem
              addressing vertical markets and
           custom uses cases through third party
                     M2M applications.
Web². Internet of the body
• Human augmentation ?
• The Internet of the body is still at his premices. But
  the promises in the field of prevention and
  healthcare are enormous. Would you change your
  eating habits if you know your cholesterol levels in
  real time? What diseases can be detected as soon as
  they start an intervention for the quickest possible?
• But big questions remain to be see how far we
  collectively accept to become continuously
Connected babies

    A group of students from the Brigham Youth
 University (USA), have found a very simple way to
offer a better sleep to young parents anxious about
  the idea of ​the sudden death of their child. It’s a
    small “online” sock which transmits the vital
parameters to a mobile application (heart rate and
 oxygen levels in the blood) and generates an alert
         when something anormal happens.
Web². Internet of the body
• Touching. Through vibrations, new touchscreens will
  simulate on smartphones the same physical sensations as
  those experienced in contact with an object.
• Hearing. Through sensors, crowdsourced sounds and
  specific algorithms, computers will be able to detect and
  interpret important sounds in a given environment.
• Smell. Thanks to sensors, smartphones will be able to
  identify the chemical composition of a smell and, for
  example, trigger a particular action, such as preventing a
  disease by analyzing the air we expire.
• View. Computers will be able to identify an object, without
  human intervention, especially by comparison to "Big
  Data" images.
• Taste. Computers will experience the favorite tastes of a
  person, identify his nutritional needs and provide
  recommendations for the choice of a regime.
IBM 5 in 5 : Touch
IBM 5 in 5 : Sight
IBM 5 in 5 : Hearing
IBM 5 in 5 : Taste
IBM 5 in 5 : Smell
The ICT platform of Wallonia
   Online database of the ICT sector             Strong and officials partnerships
              and players.                        with all ICT players in Wallonia.
ICT companies. E-commerce sites. Public      TIC & TWIST Clusters, Charte eTIC, CETIC,
  Digital Spaces. Coworking centers &         CoWallonia, #pme20, #rentic, #mforum,
     Smarwork centers. ICT schools.         #ipforum … and private companies (FeWeb,
       Municipalities … and more.                       Agoria, etc.) + SPW.

 ICT observatory in Wallonia                                   Professional forums
Companies & citizens. Specific                                #mforum / #ipforum.
sectors (education, ICT sector,                           E-commerce & ICT advanced
  health, municipalities, …).               uses by companies. Web.
   Partnerships with other                                    Education/e-learning.
      European regions.                                        Digiwal (ICT event).

 Open data and consultancy for public
                                              ICT watch (technologies, laws, business
 services and government in Wallonia.
                                              opportunities, ...) and content provider.
Organization and “activation” of the data
                                            AWT plays the role “ICT one stop shopping”
managed by the AWT and others public
                                             for Wallonia (Europe’s Digital Agenda, ...) .
Contacts et infos
André Blavier

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Web². The Internet of everything

  • 1. Web ² The Internet of everything Café numérique Liège| 06/02/2013 | André Blavier @awtbe
  • 2. 7+ Billion People Constrained Technology Living Longer Resources Ubiquity Human Relocation Social Mobility of Capital Reform Adapted from Gartner
  • 3. Major ICT trends Web² / mobile Cloud Real and virtual worlds A universal platform for are going to merge online services Programmable Web Social Big data Empowerment. A new The new power distribution of roles of data and analytics,fr,foc,100,087
  • 4. Technology trends (1) Media tablets Near Field Communication • Handheld devices optimized for • Short-range wireless media consumption. communications that can interact • Makes consumption effortless and with passive devices. encourages simplicity and content • Contactless authentication, sharing in customer-facing payments, access control, identity, situations. etc. • Investigate potential opportunities • Potential opportunities and and re-evaluate existing application monitor customer-facing scenarios. interfaces. • New services but challenges • Tablet deployment can no longer be existing credit card infrastructure. prevented. Take action to manage. Adapted from Gartner
  • 5. Technology trends (2) Augmented reality New User Interfaces • Overlaying relevant digital • New input and display information on a view of the real technologies highlight the world. restrictions of existing paradigms. • Growing power of mobile devices • The keyboard remains a barrier. with integrated sensors. Ideal Reconceptualize user interface platform for further deployment. designs as part of the total user • Integrated into the information experience. NUI. architectures and future products • More productive and engaging and services. interaction. • Kind of "sphere of context" around • New ability of computers to items to develop an ongoing understand language, infer context relationship. and provide answers. • Virtual assistants. Adapted from Gartner
  • 6. Technology trends (3) Big Data Internet of Things • Popular term for the future issues • More than 50 billion devices, rising in extreme information to more than 200 billion by 2015. management. Volume, velocity, • New information on which to make variety and complexity. better decisions, but requiring • Removes current constraints and better analytics and information opens up new public data sources. management. • Architectural challenges and • Integrated into the information ensure decision making evolves to architectures and future products use new information. and services. • Analytics. Increased insight, more • Kind of "sphere of context" around accurate forecasts and better items to develop an ongoing ability to identify and exploit relationship. trends. Adapted from Gartner
  • 7. Technology trends (4) 3D printing Robotics … and more • Devices to create one-off and • Mobile task-oriented devices and customized pieces onsite. ability to project and control a • Price reductions and wide range of remote presence. advanced materials open up new • New flexibility and greater opportunities for low-volume collaboration and engagement. fabrication and prototyping. • Sensors. • On-site manufacturing could • Genomics. transform logistics and enable • Human Augmentation. exciting new business models. • Sustainability. • And … Adapted from Gartner
  • 8. The Six M’s … mobile and IOT 1. Movement. Escaping the fixed place. 2. Moment. Expanding the concept of time. 3. Me. Expressing oneself and personalising the phone. 4. Multiuser. Extending one's self to one's community. 5. Money. Expending financial resources. 6. Machines. Empowering devices, gadgets and automation. Source : Tomi T Ahonen.
  • 9. Movement • Mobile and carbon footprint. Location based mobile service that tracks how your mobile phone moves. • If it moves at walking speeds, you are walking and not creating a carbon footprint. Same for bicycling. • If you move at the speed of traffic, you're in a car or taxi, and your carbon footprint is charged. • It knows if the travel pattern is stop-and-go on bus routes or train routes, and charges you less as you share the costs travelling by public transportation.
  • 10. Moment • Your flowers say : we need water ! • AgriHouse offers the latest in communications beyond the human race : your houseplants! A device attached to the plant will send SMS to you when the plant needs to be watered. • Great application of “IT for green”.
  • 11. Koubachi revolutionizes the way objects and things in your household are communicating with you. They want to identify the potential of Smart Objects and create new possibilities of use, new services, and a simpler yet more powerful user experience. Koubachi accurately determines the vitality of your plant and sends you a notification with precise care advice at the right time.
  • 12. Machines / M2M • The WiFi Body Scale. • Automatically transmit your weight to your iOS device. It also graphs your weight, BMI, and lean and fat mass so you can access it from your SmartPhone or web browser at any time.
  • 13. Devices … not only phones Adapted from Forrester
  • 14. Devices … not only phones
  • 15. Mobile for new interactions Vocal recognition Intelligent agents • Commands trough natural language (NUI) • Payments, ticketing, access control, P2P transactions Near Field Communication (NFC) • Security (NUI) Biometrics • Gestual control (NUI) 3D cameras 3D displays • Augmented reality High resolution • Media / games / commerce consumption Second Screen • Content screening • Local intelligence Accelerometers • Dynamic and contextual information. More than only Sensors simple geolocation : speed, floor, pollution, traffic, Gyroscopes environment, etc. • Segmentation et personalization for services Adapted from Forrester
  • 16.
  • 17. Mobile tags show us the future It is interesting to examine the uses associated with tags mobile, as they will be taken up and further developed with NFC and augmented reality.
  • 18. NFC … and the Internet of things Near field communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless technologies (requiring a distance of 4 cm or less). NFC involves an initiator and a target. The initiator actively generates an RF field that empower a passive target.
  • 19. Microchip containing a digital certificate combined with an NFC antenna in each bag. This enables to check the authenticity of the bag instantaneously, by simply scanning it with an NFC smartphone.
  • 20. IPv6 (Internet Protocol 6) Will replace IPv4 (all available addresses are used). With IPv6, it will be possible to give an IP address to any object in the world. IPv4 : XXX. XXX. XXX. XXX IPv6 : XXX.XXX.XXX. XXX. XXX. XXX
  • 21. A car is stopped 92% of the time. That is why Volkswagen has launched a partnership with Keyzee to propose the dematerialization of the keys. Thanks to a smartphone, everyone can allow access to his car to a friend, colleague, …
  • 22. Country-wide rainfall maps from cellular communication networks • Accurate surface precipitation measurements are crucial for water resources management. But the majority of the surface of the earth lacks such data. • A solution could be to use received signal level data from the microwave links used in commercial cellular communication networks. Along such links, radio signals propagate from a transmitting antenna at one base station to a receiving antenna at another base station … • Rainfalls can be measured from the signal’s attenuation between transmitter and receiver.
  • 23. Just a word about e-commerce E-commerce doesn’t exist ;-) Long live connected commerce
  • 24. In-store : At home : • Bar code scanning • Coupons • Coupons • How-to videos • Consumer reviews • In-store inventory • In-store navigation • Research tools • Shopping lists • Shopping list build (weddings, etc.) • Store hours • Loyalty • Store location • Promotions • Virtual products Competitor store : • Coupons • In-store inventory • Nearest store • Pricing • Promotions
  • 25. Connected retail
  • 26. Digital In Store Connected commerce Source :
  • 27. API API API API API User Web server Web platform API Cloud, API, mobile & apps, Open/Big Data, Chrome, HTML5, tablets, IOT Programmable Web Co-creation, social, mobile, AJAX, CSS, XML, RSS, tags, blogs, Wiki Web 2.0 Dynamic pages, e-commerce, Ads, CMS, Flash, CSS, search, Firefox Dynamic Web 1.5 Static HTML pages, (bad) JavaScript, first browsers Static Web 1.0
  • 28. The challenges of Big Data • Making information more transparent. In the public sector in particular, making data more accessible will significantly reduce searching and processing time. • Segmenting target audiences to customize the offer. Data volumes allow more segmentation and tailored services matching the most specific needs of customers. • Better decision making with algorithms. Significantly improve decision making. Minimize risk-taking. Identify information with high added value. • New business models. Using data from crowdsourcing to improve product development and to create innovative services.
  • 29. Internet of Things … or • Internet of People. Self quantification. Health. Fitness. Children and old people monitoring. Narcissification. • Internet of Energy. Smart grids. Household and home automation. Security. • Internet of Industry. 3D Printing. Connected commerce. Robotics. M2M. • Internet of Data. Analytics. Crowdsourcing and big data. Sensors. • … Internet of whatever you want !
  • 30. Web². The Quantified Self • Apps and interactive personal gadgets / objects. • We will be able to measure the quality of our sleep, the steps we take in a day, how many calories we consume, etc. Health will be a big target. • Natural User Interface (NUI). Success will depend on the simplicity of the systems and interfaces. • Smart clothing. For example shoes that have embedded sensors to track your activity and tell you when you need a new pair. • Big Data. The main objective is to provide a bigger and “quantifiable” picture of our actions and our life.
  • 31. UP™ is a system that takes a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle. The wristband tracks your movement and sleep in the background. The app displays your data, lets you add things like meals and mood, and delivers insights that keep you moving forward.
  • 33. The “disappearing" interface Motivation Motivation Motivation Motivation Data resolution Data resolution Data resolution Data resolution Adapted from @rafigaro &
  • 34. Temporary tattoo to measure metabolic stress A medical sensor attached to the skin like a temporary tattoo could make it easier for doctors to detect metabolic problems in patients and for coaches to fine-tune athletes’ training routines. The entire sensor comes in a thin, flexible package shaped like a smiley face.
  • 35. Web². Internet of Data • At the intersection of Big Data and Open Data, we will see the emergence of "Data as a Service" (DaaS). • Large-scale deployment of new online services accessible to a large number of people, providing, on demand, aggregations of raw, quantitative or personal data, making it easier for companies to understand specific phenomena and anticipate new market trends. • For example, will the sales of a product be affected by extreme weather?
  • 36. Finalist at the startups competition at LeWeb 2012 (IoT), Qunb is a DaaS aggregation platform where it is possible to interact and cross different data sources. Described as the "YouTube" of data, it allows users to “consume“ specific data and to see them in the most accurate format.
  • 37. Web². Internet of industry • 3D printing could cause a new industrial revolution. • We are surrounded by manufactured goods, mostly products of the industry, which has undergone many changes during the last century … • But the “factory” concept is now changing. Manufacturing becomes digital. And from the moment an industry embraces digital, it changes deeply, as we have already seen for the distribution or the media. The biggest change is not how things are done, but who makes them. • If we can do something on a classical computer, then anyone can do it. This is exactly what is being observed now for the industry.
  • 38. is the world's leading 3D Printing marketplace and community. They harness 3D Printing to help everyone make and share designs with the world, making product design more accessible, personal, and inspiring.
  • 39. Web². Internet of Energy • Smart grids // personal management of energy. • The next stage in the Internet revolution ? • In parallel of the “classic” Internet and mobile revolution, another revolution on a similar scale is taking place in the world of energy, with the advent of “smart grids”, intelligent networks that use information technology to optimize the production, distribution and consumption of electricity.
  • 40. The new electric grid Michael Hsieh via
  • 41. A new way for people to save energy that is social, fun and simple. Online platform that helps users understand their energy use with actionable insights, that scores them against their Facebook friends and that rewards them with real prizes. Facilitates both smart grid rollouts and energy efficiency even in the absence of smart grid meters.
  • 42. ThingPark offers standards-based core infrastructure components and software that enable mass scale deployment of Internet of Things (M2M) applications. Open ecosystem addressing vertical markets and custom uses cases through third party M2M applications.
  • 43. Web². Internet of the body • Human augmentation ? • The Internet of the body is still at his premices. But the promises in the field of prevention and healthcare are enormous. Would you change your eating habits if you know your cholesterol levels in real time? What diseases can be detected as soon as they start an intervention for the quickest possible? • But big questions remain to be see how far we collectively accept to become continuously monitored.
  • 44. Connected babies A group of students from the Brigham Youth University (USA), have found a very simple way to offer a better sleep to young parents anxious about the idea of ​the sudden death of their child. It’s a small “online” sock which transmits the vital parameters to a mobile application (heart rate and oxygen levels in the blood) and generates an alert when something anormal happens.
  • 45. Web². Internet of the body • Touching. Through vibrations, new touchscreens will simulate on smartphones the same physical sensations as those experienced in contact with an object. • Hearing. Through sensors, crowdsourced sounds and specific algorithms, computers will be able to detect and interpret important sounds in a given environment. • Smell. Thanks to sensors, smartphones will be able to identify the chemical composition of a smell and, for example, trigger a particular action, such as preventing a disease by analyzing the air we expire. • View. Computers will be able to identify an object, without human intervention, especially by comparison to "Big Data" images. • Taste. Computers will experience the favorite tastes of a person, identify his nutritional needs and provide recommendations for the choice of a regime.
  • 46. IBM 5 in 5 : Touch
  • 47. IBM 5 in 5 : Sight
  • 48. IBM 5 in 5 : Hearing
  • 49. IBM 5 in 5 : Taste
  • 50. IBM 5 in 5 : Smell
  • 51. The ICT platform of Wallonia Online database of the ICT sector Strong and officials partnerships and players. with all ICT players in Wallonia. ICT companies. E-commerce sites. Public TIC & TWIST Clusters, Charte eTIC, CETIC, Digital Spaces. Coworking centers & CoWallonia, #pme20, #rentic, #mforum, Smarwork centers. ICT schools. #ipforum … and private companies (FeWeb, Municipalities … and more. Agoria, etc.) + SPW. ICT observatory in Wallonia Professional forums Companies & citizens. Specific #mforum / #ipforum. sectors (education, ICT sector, E-commerce & ICT advanced health, municipalities, …). uses by companies. Web. Partnerships with other Education/e-learning. European regions. Digiwal (ICT event). Open data and consultancy for public ICT watch (technologies, laws, business services and government in Wallonia. opportunities, ...) and content provider. Organization and “activation” of the data AWT plays the role “ICT one stop shopping” managed by the AWT and others public for Wallonia (Europe’s Digital Agenda, ...) . bodies.
  • 52. Contacts et infos André Blavier @unpeudeblabla