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White paper

                   the future
                   of outsourcing

Your business technologists. Powering progress

The increased competitive nature of the IT                                                            Outsourcing has been widely acknowledged as
                                                                                                      a source of cost reduction as well as business
                                                                                                                                                                    Fig. 1. Top Priorities in Outsourcing2: Source Gartner [16]                                                               This raises new challenges for IT service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              providers where there is a requirement to
                                                                                                      agility. Outsourcing is, and will remain, one of                                                                                                                                        deliver value beyond just cost savings in the
outsourcing market in the current economic                                                            the main development lines for Atos; Atos is
                                                                                                                                                                    Reduce cost, reduce assets or improve cash flow
                                                                                                                                                                                   (economic, financial conditions)                                                                           commodity services they provide. Increasingly,
                                                                                                      recognized as one of the top three IT                                                                                                                                                   to build sustainable added value, industry-
climate combined with the emergence of                                                                outsourcing services providers in Western                                 Gain access to resources and capability                                                                       specific business knowledge will be required to
                                                                                                      Europe. Although broadly used, outsourcing is                                                                                                                                           understand and anticipate clients’ current and
cloud services will sooner or later present a                                                         not a panacea. A 2009 survey of chief financial
                                                                                                      officers of businesses that outsource their IT
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Improve flexibility
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              future directions. This knowledge will be used to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              customize existing services or create new ones
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Improve scalability
real threat to traditional outsourcing models.                                                        services by outsourcing consultancy Cognizant
                                                                                                      revealed that “78 percent of CFOs believed that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              with a direct impact on the customers’ core
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              businesses. These general trends also impact
                                                                                                                                                                    Improve agility/reduce processing cycles (speed)
                                                                                                      the value for money they received from IT                                                                                                                                               Atos visions and expectations. Atos’ 2009 and
This paper proposes two parallel and complementary opportunities for the evolution of                 outsourcing was ‘unclear’, while only 38 percent                                                    Reduce business risk                                                                2010 half-year reports [40][41] acknowledge
outsourcing services. The first strategy focuses on evolving transformational outsourcing             were confident of the ability of their                                                                                                                                                  the following facts for IT outsourcing:
strategies whereby Atos products and services focus directly on contributing value to its             organization’s CIO to communicate the benefits                                                                                       0            20             40   60     80   100     Cost reduction and skill shortages remain
customers’ core business processes. The second proposes that Atos advances its current                of their particular outsourcing engagement to                                                                                                                                             major drivers for outsourcing.
                                                                                                      the business”1.                                                                                            2009           2010                       Percentage of Respondents
cloud offerings by developing sector-specific clouds capitalizing on the existing knowledge                                                                                                                                                                                                     Outsourcing tends to grow when the
the company has gained from the many years it has been collaborating closely with                                                                                                                                                                                                               economy is weak; however, outsourcing
customers in specific industrial sectors.                                                             In general, traditional outsourcing models are
                                                                                                      increasingly coming under pressure due to the                                                                                                                                             growth stalls in
                                                                                                      following factors:                                            Change in pricing models:                                                                                                   times of uncertainty. This raises expectations
Over the last few decades, outsourcing - the process whereby companies or individuals contract out                                                                                                                                                                                              for IT outsourcing and BPO in Europe.
a function - previously performed in-house to an external provider has become a common practice                                                                     While traditional outsourcing contracts are primarily based on fixed-pricing and used-time-and-
                                                                                                      Economic downfall:                                            material models, the current trend is a push for more commercial flexibility, leaning towards usage-                        However, decision cycles are likely to be on
both in people’s personal lives and the business environment. Personal outsourced services range                                                                                                                                                                                                hold for buyers and they will be looking for
from supplying electricity and water to more sophisticated services that improve work-life balance,   The economic crisis hasresulted in greater                    based pricing models or at least hybrid pricing where both a subscription fee and pay-as-you-use
                                                                                                                                                                    charges are incurred.                                                                                                       faster ROI and increased flexibility.
such as online shopping. Equally in business environments, outsourcing is used as a means of          scrutiny of the value delivered by outsourcing.
optimizing companies’ resources to allow them to focus on core business functions while relying       On average, the number of deals has reduced                                                                                                                                               Re-negotiation of existing contracts to cut
on third parties for non-strategic and commoditized services.                                         and they have more focus on cost savings.                     Cloud emergence:                                                                                                            costs and increase flexibility may provide
                                                                                                      This situation has lead to a very uncertain and               While the adoption of cloud delivery models may take longer than anticipated, there is no denying                           opportunities for consolidating scope and
                                                                                                      unstable market.                                              that the emergence of cloud services was a paradigm shift that shook the foundations of the IT                              increasing the length of contracts.
                                                                                                                                                                    industry, and that its continued uptake and development is increasingly shaping the sector. For                             Protecting the existing customer base will be
                                                                                                      In 2009, customers asked their IT services                    several decades, customers and providers have relied on stable delivery approaches, customized                              critical in 2010.
                                                                                                      providers to reduce their prices between                      architectures and solutions and traditional commercial models, with outsourcing and offshoring at                           A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 significant growth of migration to virtual
                                                                                                      fivepercent and 20 percent [22] as a direct                   the heart of their offerings.                                                                                               environments is expected in order to offer
                                                                                                      resultof the economic downturn and the need                   The significance of the cloud model lies not just in changing demands from customers, but in new                            flexibility and reduce costs.
                                                                                                      to identify potential savings along the entire                market entrants. The hype surrounding the cloud has facilitated the flow of investment capital to                           Offshore IT outsourcing will increase.
                                                                                                      value chain. This puts more pressure on IT                    new entrants (although admittedly so far predomi nantly in the SaaS area) and has encouraged
                                                                                                      service providers to reduce their own internal                                                                                                                                            Most bids will present environmental
                                                                                                                                                                    existing companies to invest in this market (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, for example).
                                                                                                      costs in order to remain competitive and                                                                                                                                                  exigency development.
                                                                                                                                                                    According to Gartner, these traditional IT service offerings still represent a significant market share,
                                                                                                      maintain margins. Common solutions here                                                                                                                                                   Growth of interest in sourcing management
                                                                                                                                                                    the top 10 service providers account for 27 percent of the datacenter and utility outsourcing market.
                                                                                                      are offshoring, industrialization of services and                                                                                                                                         and governance.
                                                                                                                                                                    But, while demand is somewhat steadying, predictions for cloud-based offerings look promising. For
                                                                                                      automation.                                                                                                                                                                               The market demands service providers have
                                                                                                                                                                    example, global Software as a Service (SaaS) revenues within the enterprise application software
                                                                                                                                                                    market are forecast to surpass $8.5 billion in 2010, up 14.1 percent from 2009. The expectation is that                     industry knowledge, flexibility and bring
                                                                                                      In parallel, IT service providers are experiencing                                                                                                                                        innovation.
                                                                                                                                                                    total SaaS revenue will jump from just over 10 percent of the combined markets in 2009 to more
                                                                                                      lower demand because of budget declines,
                                                                                                                                                                    than 16 percent for 2014 [22].                                                                                              I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                n a difficult economical environment, request
                                                                                                      market uncertainties and delays in contract
                                                                                                      signings caused by the economic crisis. All                                                                                                                                               for services to transform and operate a major
                                                                                                                                                                    Need for value-added services:                                                                                              part of an information system are expected to
                                                                                                      together, this generates a hyper-competitive
                                                                                                      environment where providers are competing                     While IT service providers are being squeezed by both the current economic downturn and the                                 continue growing.
                                                                                                      on the basis of cost and the degree of financial              threat of cloud services, customers are also forced to rationalize their value chains, simplify their                       I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ndustry domain expertise will be capital basis
                                                                                                      and service quality risks they are willing to take,           business processes and enhance efficiency in the face of increasing competition in their particular                         for selecting the right outsourcing partner.
                                                                                                      leading to a zero sum game.                                   markets. They continue to look for strategic partners that support them in optimizing their                                 Some analysts believe the outsourcing market
                                                                                                                                                                    operations and business processes in both the back and front office, where the significance and                             will soon fragment into players focused on
                                                                                                                                                                    value of this external provision far exceeds value delivered by traditional outsourcing.                                    domain expertise. innovative solution.3

                                                                                                                                                                    They expect financial improvements (reduced costs and higher profit margins), innovation
                                                                                                                                                                    (competitive advantage by doing things differently from the competition), efficiency gains and
                                                                                                                                                                    improved agility to help them transform and grow their businesses. Figure 1 shows the results of a
                                                                                                                                                                    survey carried out by Gartner in 2010 highlighting the key drivers for customers to outsource [16].
                                                                                                                                                                    It reflects that, whilst cost reduction remains the principal objective, increasingly customers are
                                                                                                                                                                    looking for access to resources and capabilities alongside improved flexibility and scalability.


2                                                                                                                          Transforming the future of outsourcing   Transforming the future of outsourcing                                                                                                                                       3
Impact on business

This section presents    IT services in new                                  Business services currently count as one of
                                                                             the largest sectors in the European economy
                                                                                                                                           The OECD [17] recognizes the emergence of
                                                                                                                                           this new sector as the main driver of the growth
                                                                                                                                                                                                  –  articipative community platforms, such
                                                                                                                                                                                                    asWikipedia, of which few generate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Future of internet:
                         economic sectors                                    and have experienced a remarkable growth                      of broadband subscribers from 68 million in              significant revenues and most content            internet of services concept
the three major                                                              both in terms of employment and added                         2003 to the 251 million in 2008. The growing             is voluntary.
                         Services are a key sector in developed              value. In the EU, they provide the 8.5 percent                number of users has stimulated the creation of                                                            The Internet is now a critical infrastructure for
trends that have the     economies. Industries delivering intellectual
                         content, support, utility, expertise and
                                                                             of total employment and 15.3 percent of added                 new content. Besides, mobile broadband
                                                                                                                                                                                                  – nternet publishing and broadcasting
                                                                                                                                                                                                    platforms, such as YouTube, do not               the whole of society in developed countries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     with more than 1 billion users worldwide. Today,
                                                                             value. They also contribute to improving the                  is also beginning to boost content creation              themselves create or own the content
potential to influence   information have significantly grown over the
                         last three decades, becoming the largest part
                                                                             competitive performance of organizations in
                                                                             almost all sectors of the economy in developed
                                                                                                                                           and demand.                                              being published or broadcasted.                  more than the academic network was originally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     designed for, the Internet is used as a business
the outsourcing          of most industrialized economies [9]. According
                         to The Organization for Economic Cooperation
                                                                             countries. Business Services’ application of ICT
                                                                             is encouraged by many factors such as:
                                                                                                                                           An increasing share of the content industry’s
                                                                                                                                           revenues is produced by products delivered
                                                                                                                                                                                                This trend has been enabled and driven by the        platform and has become part of daily life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     It is expected that with the development of
                                                                                                                                                                                                interaction of technology, global businesses
landscape in             and Development (OECD), the service
                         sector accounts for over 70 percent of total
                                                                               Applicability: The intangible nature of many
                                                                               business services makes them suitable for
                                                                                                                                           over the Internet, but with market differences
                                                                                                                                           across sectors. Advertising is the biggest online
                                                                                                                                                                                                and social change. Its effects go beyond
                                                                                                                                                                                                products, reshaping other economic sectors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     wireless technologies, the number of users will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     grow to 4 billion in a few years. As the number

the future.              employment and added value in the European
                         Union [10].
                                                                               digital delivery.                                           market, with revenues of over $30 billion in
                                                                                                                                           2007 and annual growth of 30 percent. One
                                                                                                                                                                                                such as telecommunications, financial services,
                                                                                                                                                                                                newspapers, books resellers and publishers, and,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of users, providers, services and connected
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     devices grows, the current Internet is going
                                                                               Demand: To meet new customer demands
                                                                                                                                         sixth of total computer, videogame and music                                                              to face problems, including but not limited to
                                                                               and expectations.                                                                                                in the future, it has the potential to affect many
                         Business services entail a broad variety of                                                                       revenues correspond to this sector. In particular,   others. Above everything else, it is changing        scalability, security and address space limitation.
                         services that are provided to organizations           Quality: To improve the quality and depth of             the online-games market was estimated at $ 11        the way that people communicate and interact.        It is expected that the infrastructure of the
                         rather than to individuals. They cover a broad        customer relations.                                         billion in 2008, representing some 25 percent of     The trend, known as Hyper-Digitalization by          Internet will continually evolve to support
                         spectrum of services that are mainly traded in        E
                                                                                xpansion: To enhance market reach and
                                                                                                                                          the worldwide games market. The development          some business analysts, is going to create           new services, trends and businesses. Low
                         business-to-business transactions. Business-          expand market share.                                        of user content is rapidly increasing, although      growth in demand for many IT services, such          entry barriers for provisioning, brokering and
                         services sectors consist of two broad groups;                                                                     still not completely viable economically [19]:       as infrastructure, communications, security,         consumption of services are crucial for large
                                                                               Efficiency: To increase operating efficiency
                         the operational services that supply relatively                                                                                                                        privacy, distribution of content, storage and        and small enterprises alike, acting as service
                                                                               and gain economies of scale and scope.                        Social-networking platforms: online
                         standardized services and the knowledge-                                                                                                                               management. The sources of this demand are           providers and trying to access a worldwide
                         intensive services that generally produce client-     Cost reduction: To improve and expand low-
                                                                                                                                           advertising is seen as the main future source                                                           market of potential service users. A broadened
                                                                                                                                             of revenue for social-networking platforms         anticipated to be twofold:
                         specific services with high knowledge content.        cost production and delivery options.                                                                                                                                 concept of a global and open Service Delivery
                         The wider group of knowledge-producer                                                                               such as Facebook or Twitter. Nevertheless,                                                              Platform is required for the Future of Internet
                                                                                                                                             it is still unclear whether revenues will be         On
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the one hand, existing business services
                         services includes business services tackling        ICT facilitates the introduction of new business                                                                                                                        and Internet of Services vision, going beyond
                                                                                                                                             sufficient to finance the increasing number of       providers adjusting to the new panorama by
                         sectors like transport, logistics, construction,    models, development of new applications,                                                                                                                                the client-server model for service delivery to
                                                                                                                                             participants on these platforms and whether          automating, digitalizing and moving online.
                         wholesale trade, banking, insurance and             improvement and reformulation of business                                                                                                                               support rich mechanisms of global service
                                                                                                                                             users will be receptive to advertising on these      The growth potential will lead traditional
                         telecommunications. These intermediary              processes, enhancement of customer services                                                                                                                             supply, where third parties have the capability
                                                                                                                                             platforms. Although user numbers went                businesses to consider new ideas in IT
                         services apply to a broad spectrum of               and increased efficiency throughout the whole                                                                                                                           to aggregate services, act as intermediaries
                                                                                                                                             up sharply last year, the social-networking          and services.
                         application domains, ranging from software          value chain.                                                                                                                                                            for the service delivery and provide innovative
                         development to translation services and from                                                                        industry‘s revenues in America, its biggest          O
                                                                                                                                                                                                   n the other hand, newcomers to the market       channels for consuming services. To realize this
                         equipment provisioning to legal consultancy.        But, beyond this, over the last two decades, a                  advertising market, represented only $ 1.2           will emerge providing innovative services          vision, an open platform for marketable, able-
                                                                             new ‘sector’ of the economy has developed                       billion in 2009, according to market-research        over the Internet which will represent new         to-be-composed, value-added services on the
                                                                             that neither provides traditional services nor                  firm eMarketer. However, online audience             opportunities for IT service providers.            Internet is required. Such a platform will need
                                                                             traditional goods, rather pure digital assets.                  measurement firm Comscore found that                                                                    to build upon and extend Web 2.0 concepts to
                                                                             These assets consist in content of all kinds;                   more than 770 million people worldwide                                                                  allow for large-scale, community-driven service
                                                                             entertainment, applications, education, advice                  visited a social-networking site in July 2009,                                                          innovation and engineering, global repositories
                                                                             and services for customers that are consumed                    which is an increase of 18 percent from the                                                             for value added services and semantic support
                                                                             mainly by individuals, but also affect traditional              previous year. The global average time spent                                                            to enhance and enable automatic composition
                                                                             business services delivery models.                              on social networks was 22.4 hours per user in                                                           of value-added services. This will enhance
                                                                                                                                             August 2009. This represents an enormous                                                                reusability of services and allow reasoning
                                                                                                                                             potential that has yet to be fully exploited in                                                         to derive further knowledge. Legal, security,
                                                                                                                                             two areas:                                                                                              logistics business and technical aspects must
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     be simultaneously addressed for an integral
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     approach to the Internet of Services.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     This is a long-term vision, but it is already
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     starting to happen. Apple’s Apps Store Model
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     is the perfect example of it. The combination
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of a good device, a well-designed, integrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and easy-to-use marketplace, together with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     an effective payment system based on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     micro-transactions, and a broad selection of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     interesting content, delivers a very effective
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     distribution channel for services provided by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     IT service providers, as well as individuals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SMEs. AppStore is a new model for the delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of digital services and a clear example of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     how new ecosystems and service models
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     are emerging.

4                                                                                                 Transforming the future of outsourcing   Transforming the future of outsourcing                                                                                                                       5
Fig. 2.                                               Service
                                                                                                                                                                         The following have been identified as potential benefits of cloud computing:                                Customers started with fully-customized,
Generic Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        internally-owned and operated services,
                                                                                                                                                                           Reduction of capital investment: Given its outsourcing nature, cloud converts IT into an
Network for                                                                                                                    Aggregator                                  operational expense, paying per use. Also, in the case of infrastructure provisioning, the risk of        followed by the external provision of IT-services
Cloud Computing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     through outsourcing activities and are finally
Source [38]
                                                                                                                                       (Broker)                            overprovisioning or under-provisioning in the datacenter is reduced from a customer perspective.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     embracing the emergence of cloud-based
                                                                                                                                                                           Scalability on demand: The elastic nature of cloud computing avoids forecasting on compute
                                                                        Service                                                                                                                                                                                                      services whereby they buy specific horizontal
                                    €                                                         €                                                                            capacity or demand; it can be swiftly and on-demand adapted to business needs, with no need for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     IT functionality (computing, storage and
                                                                                                                                                                           over or under-provisioning.
                                                      Service                                                                      €                  Service                                                                                                                        applications) as a commodity-like service or
                                                                                                                                                                           Lower operating costs: Cloud providers achieve economies of scale in their shared infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   fully functional standardized services (payment
                                                                                                                                                                           management due to greater resource sharing, greater levels of architectural standardization and           services, sales, CRM, etc.).
                                                      Service                                                                                                              operation, as well as a better consolidation. These benefits are passed along to the customers of
                                                                                                                                                                           these services. These include significantly reduced prices in comparison with traditional offerings.
                       Customer                                              Platform                                              Service                                 The fact that the on-demand nature of cloud offerings results in a linearly-priced business model
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Other visions, such as that provided by The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Economist in its special report on Corporate
                                                         €              (Catalogue / Market)                                       Provider                                must also be taken into account as use increases cost scales directly, but without increases in           IT[3] go further, suggesting that the emergence
                                                                                                                                                                           management complexity or additional overhead.                                                             of cloud computing could change businesses
                                                                                                                                                                           Metered usage and billing: Different to many outsourcing models based on a fee or a flat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and the economy. If IT services really allow
                                                                                      €                                                                                    rate, cloud is a transparent pay-per-use pricing model. It is not a recurring bill; it is based on real   companies to become more modular and

                                                                                Resources                                                                                  consumption of the service, allowing fine granular IT cost assessment.                                    flexible, this should foster further specialization.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     It could become even easier to outsource
                                                                                                                               €                                                                                                                                                     business processes, or at least those parts
                                                                                                                                                                         Forrester, in its report ‘Is Cloud Computing ready for the Enterprise?’[4] identified the following
                                                                                      €                                                                                  typologies of users for cloud:                                                                              of the business that do not constitute a

                                    Integrated                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       competitive advantage, distinguishing between
                                                                                                                                                                           Start-ups: Given cloud’scheap infrastructure and the low investment required: web-based
                       €               data                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the core processes and the context. This would
                                                                                                                                                                           businesses, SaaS, collaboration services, widget providers, mobile services, social networking, etc.
                                    processes/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       also mean that companies will rely more on
                                   applications                                                                                                                            Entertainment industry, mainly gaming and entertainment providers: Due to their need for
                                                                 Integrator                                   Infrastructure                                               highlyscalable and temporary systems.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     services provided by others, increasingly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     forming ‘process’ networks, a term for loosely-
                                                                                                                 Provider                                                  Small businesses: For online businesses, online presence, collaboration and enterprise integration.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   connected groupings of specialized firms.
                                                                                                                                                                           Enterprises: Used as a quick and cheap experimentation facility by RD projects, quick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Both trends could result in ‘huge clouds’ that
                                        €                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            provide basic services for a particular sector.
                                                                                                                                                                           promotions, widgets, online collaboration, partner integration, social networking and new
                                                                                                                                                                           business ventures.                                                                                        On top of these systems, many specialized and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     interconnected firms could construct their
        Consulting                                                                                                                                                       The wider adoption of the cloud model in enterprise environments, despite of all the previously-            own services.
             (Research)                                                                    Consulting                                                                    identified benefits, still faces various challenges with no sufficient mature solutions:
                                                                                                                                                                           Security: Data security is the principal concern in the adoption of cloud services. Many users only
                                                                                                                                                                           trust systems they have physical control over; systems with corporate firewalls and/or with known         This represents
                                                                                                                                                                           processes and audits. To outsource to any other model is not perceived as a secure model.
                                                                                                                                                                           Regulations: Some regulations require of tracking, logging and auditing of enterprise data that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     an emerging
Cloud Services                                         of attention is now on what the service offers
                                                       rather that in how it is implemented or hosted,
                                                                                                             Platform as a Service[7] (PaaS) is the set of
                                                                                                             welldefined APIs that a cloud provider offers
                                                                                                                                                                           for the moment, are not offered by cloud providers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     opportunity for
                                                                                                                                                                           Reliability: Nearly all public cloud providers have suffered episodes of service-level failure or
                                                       changing their focus from buying tools to             developers to implement applications in the
Cloud computing first emerged as Infrastructure
as a Service (IaaS), with Amazon’s EC Services         enable a functionality, towards the contracting       cloud provider’s environment. PaaS also refers
                                                                                                                                                                           unavailability. This severely concerns enterprises that prefer not to outsource services where they
                                                                                                                                                                           lose control.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     service providers,
                                                       of a third party to deliver this functionality in     to the provisioning of a development and
(EC2 and EC3) as its de facto figureheads. The
evolution of the term is moving on to a more           a elastic and on-demand way in a pay-per-use
                                                       model. Of course, it is not new, Grid, SaaS and
                                                                                                             testing environment via cloud for a group
                                                                                                             of developers.
                                                                                                                                                                           Service Level Agreement (SLAs) limitations: SLAs provided by current public cloud providers
                                                                                                                                                                           are too limited and not adequate for enterprise environments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     such as Atos, that
generic approach becoming an alternative
delivery and acquisition model in which                Utility models were already doing it, but it is a
                                                       clearly a different approach to the classical on-
                                                                                                              nfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)[6] is the
                                                                                                                                                                          Existing investments: Already-made investments mean that many companies are reluctant to
                                                                                                                                                                           abandon current systems and outsource to cloud providers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     together with a deep
anything and everything can be offered ‘as a                                                                 delivery of computer infrastructure (CPU,
Service’. Cloud computing is perceived as the          premise, license based models.                        storage, backup and network) as a service.
                                                                                                                                                                         According to Gartner [2], a continuing trend toward IT industrialization has grown in popularity over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     knowledge of vertical
latest attempt or a general purpose IT utility that
is accessible by anyone, from anywhere at any
time as a Service.
                                                       Cloud computing and its underlying ‘Everything
                                                       as a service’ terminology refers to elastic
                                                                                                            In addition to this layered vision, based on
                                                                                                            the type of products offered, a more-business
                                                                                                                                                                         the past 15 years. IT services delivered via hardware, software and people have become repeatable
                                                                                                                                                                         and usable by a wide range of customers and service providers. This is for several reasons; the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     sectors, have the
Cloud computing is the convergence of several
                                                       Internet provision of X resources or capabilities.
                                                       Although there are others, the most-known X-as-
                                                                                                            oriented classification can be provided by
                                                                                                            analyzing the different flows of services and
                                                                                                                                                                         standardization and commoditization of technologies; virtualization and the rise of service-oriented
                                                                                                                                                                         software architectures; and most importantly the dramatic growth in popularity of the use of the            technical means
trends from the past years and joins a set of
technologies and concepts that have been
                                                       a-Service terms are:
                                                         Software-as a Service[5] (SaaS) is a model of
                                                                                                            payments in the form of a generic value
                                                                                                            network for cloud computing (Figure 2).
                                                                                                                                                                         Internet. These things together constitute a new opportunity to shape the relationship between
                                                                                                                                                                         IT services sellers and vendors, moving from license-based, on-premise models, long dominant                necessary to make
                                                                                                                                                                         in the IT industry, to ‘elastic’ models represented by cloud computing. Although this is not a
emerging over time: Software as a Service
(SaaS), Grid computing, Virtualization, Utility
                                                         software deployment whereby an application
                                                         is licensed for use as a service provided to                                                                    completely new phenomenon; utility computing, Software as a Service and Application Service                 these sector-specific
                                                                                                                                                                         Providers (ASPs) had their turn, this is building the foundation for a move from an Internet seen as
computing and Hosting. Moreover, it is a
change in IT users’ behavior; a user’s centre
                                                         customers on demand.
                                                                                                                                                                         a ‘communications channel’ to an approach based on ‘the deliberate delivery of services’ over the
                                                                                                                                                                         Internet. Looking once more at outsourcing strategies, the shift to cloud services can be considered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     clouds a reality.
                                                                                                                                                                         more evolutionary than revolutionary, being part of an externalization tendency that has been
                                                                                                                                                                         taking place over the last decades.

6                                                                                                                               Transforming the future of outsourcing   Transforming the future of outsourcing                                                                                                                             7
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Tranforming the future of outsourcing

  • 1. T White paper transforming the future of outsourcing Your business technologists. Powering progress
  • 2. Introduction The increased competitive nature of the IT Outsourcing has been widely acknowledged as a source of cost reduction as well as business Fig. 1. Top Priorities in Outsourcing2: Source Gartner [16] This raises new challenges for IT service providers where there is a requirement to agility. Outsourcing is, and will remain, one of deliver value beyond just cost savings in the outsourcing market in the current economic the main development lines for Atos; Atos is Reduce cost, reduce assets or improve cash flow (economic, financial conditions) commodity services they provide. Increasingly, recognized as one of the top three IT to build sustainable added value, industry- climate combined with the emergence of outsourcing services providers in Western Gain access to resources and capability specific business knowledge will be required to Europe. Although broadly used, outsourcing is understand and anticipate clients’ current and cloud services will sooner or later present a not a panacea. A 2009 survey of chief financial officers of businesses that outsource their IT Improve flexibility future directions. This knowledge will be used to customize existing services or create new ones Improve scalability real threat to traditional outsourcing models. services by outsourcing consultancy Cognizant revealed that “78 percent of CFOs believed that with a direct impact on the customers’ core businesses. These general trends also impact Improve agility/reduce processing cycles (speed) the value for money they received from IT Atos visions and expectations. Atos’ 2009 and This paper proposes two parallel and complementary opportunities for the evolution of outsourcing was ‘unclear’, while only 38 percent Reduce business risk 2010 half-year reports [40][41] acknowledge outsourcing services. The first strategy focuses on evolving transformational outsourcing were confident of the ability of their the following facts for IT outsourcing: strategies whereby Atos products and services focus directly on contributing value to its organization’s CIO to communicate the benefits 0 20 40 60 80 100 Cost reduction and skill shortages remain customers’ core business processes. The second proposes that Atos advances its current of their particular outsourcing engagement to major drivers for outsourcing. the business”1. 2009 2010 Percentage of Respondents cloud offerings by developing sector-specific clouds capitalizing on the existing knowledge Outsourcing tends to grow when the the company has gained from the many years it has been collaborating closely with economy is weak; however, outsourcing customers in specific industrial sectors. In general, traditional outsourcing models are increasingly coming under pressure due to the growth stalls in following factors: Change in pricing models: times of uncertainty. This raises expectations Over the last few decades, outsourcing - the process whereby companies or individuals contract out for IT outsourcing and BPO in Europe. a function - previously performed in-house to an external provider has become a common practice While traditional outsourcing contracts are primarily based on fixed-pricing and used-time-and- Economic downfall: material models, the current trend is a push for more commercial flexibility, leaning towards usage- However, decision cycles are likely to be on both in people’s personal lives and the business environment. Personal outsourced services range hold for buyers and they will be looking for from supplying electricity and water to more sophisticated services that improve work-life balance, The economic crisis hasresulted in greater based pricing models or at least hybrid pricing where both a subscription fee and pay-as-you-use charges are incurred. faster ROI and increased flexibility. such as online shopping. Equally in business environments, outsourcing is used as a means of scrutiny of the value delivered by outsourcing. optimizing companies’ resources to allow them to focus on core business functions while relying On average, the number of deals has reduced Re-negotiation of existing contracts to cut on third parties for non-strategic and commoditized services. and they have more focus on cost savings. Cloud emergence: costs and increase flexibility may provide This situation has lead to a very uncertain and While the adoption of cloud delivery models may take longer than anticipated, there is no denying opportunities for consolidating scope and unstable market. that the emergence of cloud services was a paradigm shift that shook the foundations of the IT increasing the length of contracts. industry, and that its continued uptake and development is increasingly shaping the sector. For Protecting the existing customer base will be In 2009, customers asked their IT services several decades, customers and providers have relied on stable delivery approaches, customized critical in 2010. providers to reduce their prices between architectures and solutions and traditional commercial models, with outsourcing and offshoring at A significant growth of migration to virtual fivepercent and 20 percent [22] as a direct the heart of their offerings. environments is expected in order to offer resultof the economic downturn and the need The significance of the cloud model lies not just in changing demands from customers, but in new flexibility and reduce costs. to identify potential savings along the entire market entrants. The hype surrounding the cloud has facilitated the flow of investment capital to Offshore IT outsourcing will increase. value chain. This puts more pressure on IT new entrants (although admittedly so far predomi nantly in the SaaS area) and has encouraged service providers to reduce their own internal Most bids will present environmental existing companies to invest in this market (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, for example). costs in order to remain competitive and exigency development. According to Gartner, these traditional IT service offerings still represent a significant market share, maintain margins. Common solutions here Growth of interest in sourcing management the top 10 service providers account for 27 percent of the datacenter and utility outsourcing market. are offshoring, industrialization of services and and governance. But, while demand is somewhat steadying, predictions for cloud-based offerings look promising. For automation. The market demands service providers have example, global Software as a Service (SaaS) revenues within the enterprise application software market are forecast to surpass $8.5 billion in 2010, up 14.1 percent from 2009. The expectation is that industry knowledge, flexibility and bring In parallel, IT service providers are experiencing innovation. total SaaS revenue will jump from just over 10 percent of the combined markets in 2009 to more lower demand because of budget declines, than 16 percent for 2014 [22]. I n a difficult economical environment, request market uncertainties and delays in contract signings caused by the economic crisis. All for services to transform and operate a major Need for value-added services: part of an information system are expected to together, this generates a hyper-competitive environment where providers are competing While IT service providers are being squeezed by both the current economic downturn and the continue growing. on the basis of cost and the degree of financial threat of cloud services, customers are also forced to rationalize their value chains, simplify their I ndustry domain expertise will be capital basis and service quality risks they are willing to take, business processes and enhance efficiency in the face of increasing competition in their particular for selecting the right outsourcing partner. leading to a zero sum game. markets. They continue to look for strategic partners that support them in optimizing their Some analysts believe the outsourcing market operations and business processes in both the back and front office, where the significance and will soon fragment into players focused on value of this external provision far exceeds value delivered by traditional outsourcing. domain expertise. innovative solution.3 They expect financial improvements (reduced costs and higher profit margins), innovation (competitive advantage by doing things differently from the competition), efficiency gains and improved agility to help them transform and grow their businesses. Figure 1 shows the results of a survey carried out by Gartner in 2010 highlighting the key drivers for customers to outsource [16]. It reflects that, whilst cost reduction remains the principal objective, increasingly customers are looking for access to resources and capabilities alongside improved flexibility and scalability. 1 2 Transforming the future of outsourcing Transforming the future of outsourcing 3
  • 3. Impact on business This section presents IT services in new Business services currently count as one of the largest sectors in the European economy The OECD [17] recognizes the emergence of this new sector as the main driver of the growth – articipative community platforms, such P asWikipedia, of which few generate Future of internet: economic sectors and have experienced a remarkable growth of broadband subscribers from 68 million in significant revenues and most content internet of services concept the three major both in terms of employment and added 2003 to the 251 million in 2008. The growing is voluntary. Services are a key sector in developed value. In the EU, they provide the 8.5 percent number of users has stimulated the creation of The Internet is now a critical infrastructure for trends that have the economies. Industries delivering intellectual content, support, utility, expertise and of total employment and 15.3 percent of added new content. Besides, mobile broadband – nternet publishing and broadcasting I platforms, such as YouTube, do not the whole of society in developed countries with more than 1 billion users worldwide. Today, value. They also contribute to improving the is also beginning to boost content creation themselves create or own the content potential to influence information have significantly grown over the last three decades, becoming the largest part competitive performance of organizations in almost all sectors of the economy in developed and demand. being published or broadcasted. more than the academic network was originally designed for, the Internet is used as a business the outsourcing of most industrialized economies [9]. According to The Organization for Economic Cooperation countries. Business Services’ application of ICT is encouraged by many factors such as: An increasing share of the content industry’s revenues is produced by products delivered This trend has been enabled and driven by the platform and has become part of daily life. It is expected that with the development of interaction of technology, global businesses landscape in and Development (OECD), the service sector accounts for over 70 percent of total Applicability: The intangible nature of many business services makes them suitable for over the Internet, but with market differences across sectors. Advertising is the biggest online and social change. Its effects go beyond products, reshaping other economic sectors wireless technologies, the number of users will grow to 4 billion in a few years. As the number the future. employment and added value in the European Union [10]. digital delivery. market, with revenues of over $30 billion in 2007 and annual growth of 30 percent. One such as telecommunications, financial services, newspapers, books resellers and publishers, and, of users, providers, services and connected devices grows, the current Internet is going Demand: To meet new customer demands sixth of total computer, videogame and music to face problems, including but not limited to and expectations. in the future, it has the potential to affect many Business services entail a broad variety of revenues correspond to this sector. In particular, others. Above everything else, it is changing scalability, security and address space limitation. services that are provided to organizations Quality: To improve the quality and depth of the online-games market was estimated at $ 11 the way that people communicate and interact. It is expected that the infrastructure of the rather than to individuals. They cover a broad customer relations. billion in 2008, representing some 25 percent of The trend, known as Hyper-Digitalization by Internet will continually evolve to support spectrum of services that are mainly traded in E xpansion: To enhance market reach and the worldwide games market. The development some business analysts, is going to create new services, trends and businesses. Low business-to-business transactions. Business- expand market share. of user content is rapidly increasing, although growth in demand for many IT services, such entry barriers for provisioning, brokering and services sectors consist of two broad groups; still not completely viable economically [19]: as infrastructure, communications, security, consumption of services are crucial for large Efficiency: To increase operating efficiency the operational services that supply relatively privacy, distribution of content, storage and and small enterprises alike, acting as service and gain economies of scale and scope. Social-networking platforms: online standardized services and the knowledge- management. The sources of this demand are providers and trying to access a worldwide intensive services that generally produce client- Cost reduction: To improve and expand low- advertising is seen as the main future source market of potential service users. A broadened of revenue for social-networking platforms anticipated to be twofold: specific services with high knowledge content. cost production and delivery options. concept of a global and open Service Delivery The wider group of knowledge-producer such as Facebook or Twitter. Nevertheless, Platform is required for the Future of Internet it is still unclear whether revenues will be On the one hand, existing business services services includes business services tackling ICT facilitates the introduction of new business and Internet of Services vision, going beyond sufficient to finance the increasing number of providers adjusting to the new panorama by sectors like transport, logistics, construction, models, development of new applications, the client-server model for service delivery to participants on these platforms and whether automating, digitalizing and moving online. wholesale trade, banking, insurance and improvement and reformulation of business support rich mechanisms of global service users will be receptive to advertising on these The growth potential will lead traditional telecommunications. These intermediary processes, enhancement of customer services supply, where third parties have the capability platforms. Although user numbers went businesses to consider new ideas in IT services apply to a broad spectrum of and increased efficiency throughout the whole to aggregate services, act as intermediaries up sharply last year, the social-networking and services. application domains, ranging from software value chain. for the service delivery and provide innovative development to translation services and from industry‘s revenues in America, its biggest O n the other hand, newcomers to the market channels for consuming services. To realize this equipment provisioning to legal consultancy. But, beyond this, over the last two decades, a advertising market, represented only $ 1.2 will emerge providing innovative services vision, an open platform for marketable, able- new ‘sector’ of the economy has developed billion in 2009, according to market-research over the Internet which will represent new to-be-composed, value-added services on the that neither provides traditional services nor firm eMarketer. However, online audience opportunities for IT service providers. Internet is required. Such a platform will need traditional goods, rather pure digital assets. measurement firm Comscore found that to build upon and extend Web 2.0 concepts to These assets consist in content of all kinds; more than 770 million people worldwide allow for large-scale, community-driven service entertainment, applications, education, advice visited a social-networking site in July 2009, innovation and engineering, global repositories and services for customers that are consumed which is an increase of 18 percent from the for value added services and semantic support mainly by individuals, but also affect traditional previous year. The global average time spent to enhance and enable automatic composition business services delivery models. on social networks was 22.4 hours per user in of value-added services. This will enhance August 2009. This represents an enormous reusability of services and allow reasoning potential that has yet to be fully exploited in to derive further knowledge. Legal, security, two areas: logistics business and technical aspects must be simultaneously addressed for an integral approach to the Internet of Services. This is a long-term vision, but it is already starting to happen. Apple’s Apps Store Model is the perfect example of it. The combination of a good device, a well-designed, integrated and easy-to-use marketplace, together with an effective payment system based on micro-transactions, and a broad selection of interesting content, delivers a very effective distribution channel for services provided by IT service providers, as well as individuals and SMEs. AppStore is a new model for the delivery of digital services and a clear example of how new ecosystems and service models are emerging. 4 Transforming the future of outsourcing Transforming the future of outsourcing 5
  • 4. Fig. 2. Service The following have been identified as potential benefits of cloud computing: Customers started with fully-customized, Generic Value internally-owned and operated services, Reduction of capital investment: Given its outsourcing nature, cloud converts IT into an Network for Aggregator operational expense, paying per use. Also, in the case of infrastructure provisioning, the risk of followed by the external provision of IT-services Cloud Computing. through outsourcing activities and are finally Source [38] (Broker) overprovisioning or under-provisioning in the datacenter is reduced from a customer perspective. embracing the emergence of cloud-based Scalability on demand: The elastic nature of cloud computing avoids forecasting on compute Service services whereby they buy specific horizontal € € capacity or demand; it can be swiftly and on-demand adapted to business needs, with no need for IT functionality (computing, storage and over or under-provisioning. Service € Service applications) as a commodity-like service or Lower operating costs: Cloud providers achieve economies of scale in their shared infrastructure fully functional standardized services (payment management due to greater resource sharing, greater levels of architectural standardization and services, sales, CRM, etc.). Service operation, as well as a better consolidation. These benefits are passed along to the customers of these services. These include significantly reduced prices in comparison with traditional offerings. Customer Platform Service The fact that the on-demand nature of cloud offerings results in a linearly-priced business model Other visions, such as that provided by The Economist in its special report on Corporate € (Catalogue / Market) Provider must also be taken into account as use increases cost scales directly, but without increases in IT[3] go further, suggesting that the emergence management complexity or additional overhead. of cloud computing could change businesses Metered usage and billing: Different to many outsourcing models based on a fee or a flat and the economy. If IT services really allow € rate, cloud is a transparent pay-per-use pricing model. It is not a recurring bill; it is based on real companies to become more modular and Resources Resources consumption of the service, allowing fine granular IT cost assessment. flexible, this should foster further specialization. It could become even easier to outsource € business processes, or at least those parts Forrester, in its report ‘Is Cloud Computing ready for the Enterprise?’[4] identified the following € typologies of users for cloud: of the business that do not constitute a Consulting Integrated competitive advantage, distinguishing between Start-ups: Given cloud’scheap infrastructure and the low investment required: web-based € data the core processes and the context. This would businesses, SaaS, collaboration services, widget providers, mobile services, social networking, etc. processes/ also mean that companies will rely more on applications Entertainment industry, mainly gaming and entertainment providers: Due to their need for Integrator Infrastructure highlyscalable and temporary systems. services provided by others, increasingly forming ‘process’ networks, a term for loosely- Provider Small businesses: For online businesses, online presence, collaboration and enterprise integration. connected groupings of specialized firms. Enterprises: Used as a quick and cheap experimentation facility by RD projects, quick Both trends could result in ‘huge clouds’ that € provide basic services for a particular sector. promotions, widgets, online collaboration, partner integration, social networking and new business ventures. On top of these systems, many specialized and interconnected firms could construct their € Consulting The wider adoption of the cloud model in enterprise environments, despite of all the previously- own services. (Research) Consulting identified benefits, still faces various challenges with no sufficient mature solutions: Security: Data security is the principal concern in the adoption of cloud services. Many users only trust systems they have physical control over; systems with corporate firewalls and/or with known This represents processes and audits. To outsource to any other model is not perceived as a secure model. Regulations: Some regulations require of tracking, logging and auditing of enterprise data that an emerging Cloud Services of attention is now on what the service offers rather that in how it is implemented or hosted, Platform as a Service[7] (PaaS) is the set of welldefined APIs that a cloud provider offers for the moment, are not offered by cloud providers. opportunity for Reliability: Nearly all public cloud providers have suffered episodes of service-level failure or changing their focus from buying tools to developers to implement applications in the Cloud computing first emerged as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), with Amazon’s EC Services enable a functionality, towards the contracting cloud provider’s environment. PaaS also refers unavailability. This severely concerns enterprises that prefer not to outsource services where they lose control. service providers, of a third party to deliver this functionality in to the provisioning of a development and (EC2 and EC3) as its de facto figureheads. The evolution of the term is moving on to a more a elastic and on-demand way in a pay-per-use model. Of course, it is not new, Grid, SaaS and testing environment via cloud for a group of developers. Service Level Agreement (SLAs) limitations: SLAs provided by current public cloud providers are too limited and not adequate for enterprise environments. such as Atos, that generic approach becoming an alternative delivery and acquisition model in which Utility models were already doing it, but it is a clearly a different approach to the classical on- I nfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)[6] is the Existing investments: Already-made investments mean that many companies are reluctant to abandon current systems and outsource to cloud providers. together with a deep anything and everything can be offered ‘as a delivery of computer infrastructure (CPU, Service’. Cloud computing is perceived as the premise, license based models. storage, backup and network) as a service. According to Gartner [2], a continuing trend toward IT industrialization has grown in popularity over knowledge of vertical latest attempt or a general purpose IT utility that is accessible by anyone, from anywhere at any time as a Service. Cloud computing and its underlying ‘Everything as a service’ terminology refers to elastic In addition to this layered vision, based on the type of products offered, a more-business the past 15 years. IT services delivered via hardware, software and people have become repeatable and usable by a wide range of customers and service providers. This is for several reasons; the sectors, have the Cloud computing is the convergence of several Internet provision of X resources or capabilities. Although there are others, the most-known X-as- oriented classification can be provided by analyzing the different flows of services and standardization and commoditization of technologies; virtualization and the rise of service-oriented software architectures; and most importantly the dramatic growth in popularity of the use of the technical means trends from the past years and joins a set of technologies and concepts that have been a-Service terms are: Software-as a Service[5] (SaaS) is a model of payments in the form of a generic value network for cloud computing (Figure 2). Internet. These things together constitute a new opportunity to shape the relationship between IT services sellers and vendors, moving from license-based, on-premise models, long dominant necessary to make in the IT industry, to ‘elastic’ models represented by cloud computing. Although this is not a emerging over time: Software as a Service (SaaS), Grid computing, Virtualization, Utility software deployment whereby an application is licensed for use as a service provided to completely new phenomenon; utility computing, Software as a Service and Application Service these sector-specific Providers (ASPs) had their turn, this is building the foundation for a move from an Internet seen as computing and Hosting. Moreover, it is a change in IT users’ behavior; a user’s centre customers on demand. a ‘communications channel’ to an approach based on ‘the deliberate delivery of services’ over the Internet. Looking once more at outsourcing strategies, the shift to cloud services can be considered clouds a reality. more evolutionary than revolutionary, being part of an externalization tendency that has been taking place over the last decades. 6 Transforming the future of outsourcing Transforming the future of outsourcing 7