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Assignment 3
Single Line Diagram
System Data
MVAbase=100 KVbase=230
P1== Slack Bus PG2=50MW PG3=60 MW
PLoad 4=70 MW and QLoad4=70MW
PLoad 5=70 MW and QLoad5=70MW
PLoad 6=70 MW and QLoad6=70MW
V1=1.05+0i V2mag=1.05 V3mag=1.07
Line data
The Assignment:
Use 10 iterations to find the load flow solution, and show
results on the single line diagram.
From To R X Bcap (Half)
1 2 0.1 0.2 0.02
1 4 0.05 0.2 0.02
1 5 0.08 0.3 0.03
2 3 0.05 0.25 0.03
2 4 0.05 0.1 0.01
2 5 0.1 0.3 0.02
2 6 0.07 0.2 0.025
3 5 0.12 0.26 0.025
3 6 0.02 0.1 0.01
4 5 0.2 0.4 0.04
5 6 0.1 0.3 0.03
ENG 315
Due Week 2 and worth 100 points
Choose one of the professional scenarios provided in
Blackboard under the Course Info tab, or click here to view
them in a new window.
Write a Professional Email Message (in the form of Figure 5.1
on page 84 of BCOM9) from the perspective of a character in
the scenario. The email should discuss the communication issue
provided in the scenario and should be addressed to another
character from the scenario.
The message should take the form of an email; however, you
will submit your assignment to the online course shell.
The professional email message must adhere to the following
1. Content:
Address the communication issue from the scenario.
Request a face-to-face meeting to discuss the issue (at a specific
Concentrate on the facts of the situation and avoid using overly
emotional language.
Assume your recipient is learning about the situation for the
first time through your communication.
2. Format:
Use a descriptive subject line or heading.
Include an appropriate and professional greeting / salutation.
Use email form including: To:, From:, Subject:, and Signature.
3. Clarity / Mechanics:
Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional
language/style requirements.
Run spell/grammar check before submitting.
4. Your assignment must:
This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).
The format is different than other Strayer University courses.
Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for
5. Submitting your assignment:
Submit your assignment through the online course shell only.
6. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.
Deliver professional information to various audiences using
appropriate tone, style, and format.
Analyze professional communication examples to assist in
To download the assignment instructions provided above and
assignment rubric, click here.
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your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™
services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2)
that your institution may use your paper in accordance with
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will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its
ENG 315: English Professional Communication
Week 2 Discussion
"Professional Format and Style"
How you do anything is how you do everything. – T. Harv Eker
(from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind)
This course is a mixture of learning a new format (business
style) and adapting your English language skills to a different
audience. Business communication relies equally on format
(how you communicate) and content (what you say).
Please respond to the following:
In one brief paragraph (4-8 sentences) discuss the Eker quote as
it pertains to your professional experience and the material for
Week 2.
In a second paragraph, explain why it is important to follow
standard formats of various types of business communications.
Include an example of a format you believe is very effective and
After you post your response to the above questions, don't
forget to reply to another student's response as well to help the
discussion move along. You can also respond to other topics
your instructor will post in this discussion thread throughout the
Part 2 Student Response
Erica Collins
RE: Week 2 Discussion
Hello Class and Professor,
What the Eker quote "How you do anything is how you do
everything" pertains to me in my professional sense is my own
personal motto, "if you are not gonna do it right why do it at
all". When we do anything in life even if it is as small as
cleaning your house, we go about it in a certain way either you
clean or your not it is no in between. In order for anyone to be
successful we have to be all in dedicated with out bending
corners. In week two after me just reading Chapter 3 Planning
and Decision Making there is a lot to be considered. When we
communicate we need to assure of how it will affect the person
the message is being sent to, this is done by thinking and
brainstorming. We want to be sure that we develop a clear
perception of how our communication will impact the person
reading the information.
It is important to follow standard formats is to provide the
people with an understandi ng, and as well as used to facilitate
communication and make sense out of what you are doing. The
word "Standard" stands out because in anything we do standards
play an important part. When we formatt any work we do it has
to make sense in order to be understood. Comprehension, if we
don't comprehend meaning understand what we are reading what
is the point of attempting to read. When a person reads anything
even if it is read to understand.
CRJ 410: Corrections
Week 2 | Discussion
"Perils in Sentencing" Please respond to the following:
Identify and discuss each of the seven goals of sentencing.
Next, examine two of the goals and analyze whether you believe
that the goals of sentencing are met and if the consequences that
the goals represent result in law-abiding citizens. Justify your
Part 2: Student Response
Eryn Lipson
RE: Week 2 | Discussion
1) revenge
2) retribution
3) just deserts
4) deterrence
5) incapacitation
6) rehabilitation
7) restoration
Deterrence When humans decide how to act, we tend to look
towards the consequences of our actions. Punishment, when
factored in as a consequence, can therefore prevent (deter)
crime. What is especially interesting about this idea is that it
may not require that a punishment be actually used, as in virtue
of knowing the punishment, the crime will rarely occur. Thus,
utilitarians take special favor in deterrence, as not only does it
lower the overall crime rate, but it often does so by imposing
minimal punishment (as punishment is an evil in itself).
Rehabilitation Punishments to shape the future behavior of the
criminal are considered rehabilitation. Utilitarians favor
rehabilitation because it salvages one more person from
becoming a criminal and transforms them into a productive law -
abiding citizen. Deterrence, on the individual level, may have a
similar effect to rehabilitation (criminals stop committing
crimes), but the motive is different. Rehabilitation means an
individual no longer wants to commit the crime(s) in question.
In contrast, individual deterrence means a criminal is simply
afraid to commit the crime(s) again.
CRJ 330: Comparative Criminal Justice
Week 2 Discussion
This week you'll consider the likelihood of whether or not a
social law like that adopted in China would be adopted in the
United States.
Respond to the following:
Examine the likelihood of the United States adopting this type
of law and explain what structures or elements of U.S. system
would facilitate or hinder this adoption. Provide a rationale for
your response.
Would a social law system similar to China's face hurdles to
adoption in the United States?
Part 2: Student Response to:
Katelin Fuchs
RE: Week 2 Discussion
I believe the likelihood of the United States adopting this type
of law is somewhat likely. With the recent news stories
covering the Russian effort targeted the 2016 U.S. presidential
election social media hubs like Facebook and Twitter had to
deal with the digital disinformation mess. Under pressure from
lawmakers and regulators Social media hubs had to make the
following changes:
Facebook and Google started requiring political ads in the U.S.
and Europe to disclose who is behind them.
Google’s YouTube division adjusted its “up next” algorithms to
limit recommendations for suspected fake or inflammatory
videos, a move it had resisted for years.
WhatsApp now limits, to five, how many people or groups a
message can be forwarded to.
Facebook has developed an artificial intelligence tools to help
identify content that’s abusive or otherwise violates the site’s
While they did implement “jail time” from social media
platforms if a person did not follow these regulations, they also
allow others to report a post that comes off harmful and that
person is in “jail time” not allowed to post on the platforms for
a certain amount of days. However, if a person posts hateful or
crime worthy content, they could be found for treason. Trump
attempted to accuse the New York Times of Virtual treason.
Treason: against the United States, shall consist only in levying
War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them
Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason
unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt
Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The social law system would face many hurdles in United States
because of the constitution and the freedom of speech but like
before I brought up treason which is also in the constitution. In
my opinion, if the US was to implement this law is would
happen over time unlike China that made it a law. My other
question is if China could create an app to have people report
cyber rumors would that work when it came to reporting crime
as well?
Banjo, Shelly. 2019.By Shelly Banjo. Facebook, Twitter and the
Digital Disinformation Mess.
France-Presse, Angence. 2019. Trump accuses New York Times
of 'virtual treason' over Russia cyber warfare report.
clear all
%This is the Assignment 6 Bus System
MVAbase=100; KVbase=230;
% Bus Data
P2=(50)/MVAbase; V2mag=1.05;
P3=(60)/MVAbase; V3mag=1.07;
P(4)=(-70)/MVAbase; Q(4)=(-70)/MVAbase;
P(5)=(-70)/MVAbase; Q(5)=(-70)/MVAbase;
P(6)=(-70)/MVAbase; Q(6)=(-70)/MVAbase;
% All elements of ybus and Ybus matrices = zeros
ybus=zeros(nbus,nbus); Ybus=zeros(nbus,nbus);
% Branch Admittance Data
y(1,1)=j*0.07; y(1,2)=1/(0.1+j*0.2); y(1,4)=1/(0.05+j*0.2);
y(2,2)=j*0.105; y(2,3)=1/(0.05+j*0.25);
y(2,5)=1/(0.10+j*0.3); y(2,6)=1/(0.07+j*0.2);
y(3,3)=j*0.065; y(3,5)=1/(0.12+j*0.26);
y(4,4)=j*0.07; y(4,5)=1/(0.2+j*0.4);
y(5,5)=j*0.145; y(5,6)=1/(0.1+j*0.3);
for ii=1:nbus
for jj=1:nbus
% Developing the Ybus Matrix
% Filling all eements with -y(i,j)
for jj=1:nbus
for ii=1:nbus
% Filling in the Diagonals
for jj=1:nbus
for ii=1:nbus
disp(' Load Flow Starts')
disp('Initial Bus Voltages')
V=[Vslack V2mag+0i V3mag+0i 1+0i 1+0i 1+0i]
for kk=1:10
%Load Bus 4, 5, 6
for jj=4:6 %This jj counter should include all load buses
for ii=1:nbus
X=X -(Y(jj,ii)*V(ii))/Y(jj,jj) ;
V(jj)=(P(jj)-j*Q(jj))/( conj(V(jj))*Y(jj,jj) ) + ( X +
(Y(jj,jj)*V(jj))/Y(jj,jj) ) ;
%Generator Buses 2, 3
Q2 = -imag( ( Y(2,1)*V(1)+Y(2,2)*V(2)+
Y(2,3)*V(3)+Y(2,4)*V(4)+Y(2,5)*V(5)+Y(2,6)*V(6) ) *
conj(V(2)) );
V(2) = ( ((P2-j*Q2) / conj(V(2))) - Y(2,1)*V(1)-
Y(2,4)*V(4)-Y(2,5)*V(5)-Y(2,6)*V(6) ) / Y(2,2);
e = sqrt(V2mag^2- (imag (V(2))) ^2 );
V(2) = e + (j * imag(V(2)));
Q3 = -imag( ( Y(3,1)*V(1)+Y(3,2)*V(2)+
Y(3,3)*V(3)+Y(3,4)*V(4)+Y(3,5)*V(5)+Y(3,6)*V(6) ) *
conj(V(3)) );
V(3) = ( ((P3-j*Q3) / conj(V(3))) - Y(3,1)*V(1)-
Y(3,4)*V(4)-Y(3,5)*V(5)-Y(3,6)*V(6) ) / Y(3,3);
e = sqrt(V3mag^2- (imag (V(3))) ^2 );
V(3) = e + (j * imag(V(3)));
disp ('Final Bus Voltages ')
Vbuspol_PU_and_KV=[abs(V.') (180/pi)*angle(V.')
%Line and Generator Current Flows
%disp ('Line and Generator Currents ')
I12 = (V(1)-V(2)) * -Y(1,2);
I14 = (V(1)-V(4)) * -Y(1,4);
I15 = (V(1)-V(5)) * -Y(1,5);
I23 = (V(2)-V(3)) * -Y(2,3);
I24 = (V(2)-V(4)) * -Y(2,4);
I25 = (V(2)-V(5)) * -Y(2,5);
I26 = (V(2)-V(6)) * -Y(2,6);
I35 = (V(3)-V(5)) * -Y(3,5);
I36 = (V(3)-V(6)) * -Y(3,6);
I45 = (V(4)-V(5)) * -Y(4,5);
I56 = (V(5)-V(6)) * -Y(5,6);
LineI=[I12 I14 I15 I23 I24 I25 I26 I35 I36 I45 I56].';
LineCurrents=[LineI abs(LineI) (angle(LineI))*180/pi]
GenI=[IG1 IG2 IG3].';
GeneratorCurrents=[GenI abs(GenI) (angle(GenI))*180/pi]
% Line Power Flows
disp ('Line Power Flows ')
S12 = V(1) * conj(I12) % This is supposed to be
conj(V(1))*I12 but was
reversed for negative Q12
S21 = V(2) * conj(-I12)
S14 = V(1) * conj(I14)
S41 = V(4) * conj(-I14)
S15 = V(1) * conj(I15)
S51 = V(5) * conj(-I15)
S23 = V(2) * conj(I23)
S32 = V(3) * conj(-I23)
S24 = V(2) * conj(I24)
S42 = V(4) * conj(-I24)
S25 = V(2) * conj(I25)
S52 = V(5) * conj(-I25)
S26 = V(2) * conj(I26)
S62 = V(6) * conj(-I26)
S35 = V(3) * conj(I35)
S53 = V(5) * conj(-I35)
S36 = V(3) * conj(I36)
S63 = V(6) * conj(-I36)
S45 = V(4) * conj(I45)
S54 = V(5) * conj(-I45)
S56 = V(5) * conj(I56)
S65 = V(6) * conj(-I56)
%Slack Bus Power
I10=(V(1)-0)* y(1,1);
%Line Losses and Chargings
disp ('Line Losses ')
Load Flow Starts
Initial Bus Voltages
V = 1.0500 1.0500 1.0700 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Final Bus Voltages: Vbuspol_PU_and_KV =
1.0500 0 241.5000 0
1.0500 -3.2240 241.5000 -3.2240
1.0700 -3.7067 246.1000 -3.7067
0.9891 -3.8150 227.4831 -3.8150
0.9855 -4.7995 226.6583 -4.7995
1.0046 -5.3338 231.0590 -5.3338
LineCurrents =
0.2395 + 0.1115i 0.2642 24.9530
0.3840 - 0.2197i 0.4424 -29.7768
0.3130 - 0.1431i 0.3442 -24.5747
0.0240 + 0.0825i 0.0859 73.7868
0.2999 - 0.4648i 0.5531 -57.1651
0.1365 - 0.1756i 0.2224 -52.1298
0.2279 - 0.1607i 0.2788 -35.1814
0.1676 - 0.2524i 0.3030 -56.4207
0.3626 - 0.6025i 0.7033 -58.9588
0.0381 + 0.0069i 0.0388 10.3229
0.0146 + 0.0656i 0.0672 77.4977
GeneratorCurrents =
0.9365 - 0.2514i 0.9697 -15.0249
0.4488 - 0.8300i 0.9435 -61.5974
0.5062 - 0.9375i 1.0654 -61.6309
Line Power Flows :
S12 = 0.2515 - 0.1170i S21 = -0.2445 + 0.1310i
S14 = 0.4032 + 0.2307i S41 = -0.3934 - 0.1915i
S15 = 0.3287 + 0.1503i S51 = -0.3192 - 0.1148i
S23 = 0.0203 - 0.0879i S32 = -0.0199 + 0.0897i
S24 = 0.3419 + 0.4695i S42 = -0.3266 - 0.4389i
S25 = 0.1535 + 0.1760i S52 = -0.1485 - 0.1612i
S26 = 0.2484 + 0.1550i S62 = -0.2430 - 0.1394i
S35 = 0.1964 + 0.2580i S53 = -0.1854 - 0.2341i
S36 = 0.4289 + 0.6183i S63 = -0.4190 - 0.5688i
S45 = 0.0372 - 0.0094i S54 = -0.0369 + 0.0100i
S56 = 0.0089 - 0.0657i S65 = -0.0084 + 0.0670i
SlackP_Q = 98.3332 +18.6766i
Line Losses :
L12Loss = 0.0070 + 0.0140i
L14Loss = 0.0098 + 0.0391i
L15Loss = 0.0095 + 0.0355i
L23Loss = 0.0004 + 0.0018i
L24Loss = 0.0153 + 0.0306i
L25Loss = 0.0049 + 0.0148i
L26Loss = 0.0054 + 0.0155i
L35Loss = 0.0110 + 0.0239i
L36Loss = 0.0099 + 0.0495i
L45Loss = 3.0067e-004 +6.0135e-004i
L56Loss = 0.0005 + 0.0014i
Assignment 3 Single Line Diagram  System

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Assignment 3 Single Line Diagram System

  • 1. Assignment 3 Single Line Diagram System Data MVAbase=100 KVbase=230 P1== Slack Bus PG2=50MW PG3=60 MW PLoad 4=70 MW and QLoad4=70MW PLoad 5=70 MW and QLoad5=70MW PLoad 6=70 MW and QLoad6=70MW V1=1.05+0i V2mag=1.05 V3mag=1.07 Line data
  • 2. The Assignment: Use 10 iterations to find the load flow solution, and show results on the single line diagram. From To R X Bcap (Half) 1 2 0.1 0.2 0.02 1 4 0.05 0.2 0.02 1 5 0.08 0.3 0.03 2 3 0.05 0.25 0.03 2 4 0.05 0.1 0.01 2 5 0.1 0.3 0.02
  • 3. 2 6 0.07 0.2 0.025 3 5 0.12 0.26 0.025 3 6 0.02 0.1 0.01 4 5 0.2 0.4 0.04 5 6 0.1 0.3 0.03 ENG 315 Due Week 2 and worth 100 points Choose one of the professional scenarios provided in Blackboard under the Course Info tab, or click here to view them in a new window. Write a Professional Email Message (in the form of Figure 5.1 on page 84 of BCOM9) from the perspective of a character in the scenario. The email should discuss the communication issue provided in the scenario and should be addressed to another character from the scenario. The message should take the form of an email; however, you will submit your assignment to the online course shell. The professional email message must adhere to the following requirements: 1. Content: Address the communication issue from the scenario. Request a face-to-face meeting to discuss the issue (at a specific time). Concentrate on the facts of the situation and avoid using overly emotional language. Assume your recipient is learning about the situation for the
  • 4. first time through your communication. 2. Format: Use a descriptive subject line or heading. Include an appropriate and professional greeting / salutation. Use email form including: To:, From:, Subject:, and Signature. 3. Clarity / Mechanics: Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language/style requirements. Run spell/grammar check before submitting. 4. Your assignment must: This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. 5. Submitting your assignment: Submit your assignment through the online course shell only. 6. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents. Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format. Analyze professional communication examples to assist in revision. To download the assignment instructions provided above and assignment rubric, click here. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution's policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its
  • 5. affiliates. ENG 315: English Professional Communication Week 2 Discussion "Professional Format and Style" How you do anything is how you do everything. – T. Harv Eker (from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind) This course is a mixture of learning a new format (business style) and adapting your English language skills to a different audience. Business communication relies equally on format (how you communicate) and content (what you say). Please respond to the following: In one brief paragraph (4-8 sentences) discuss the Eker quote as it pertains to your professional experience and the material for Week 2. In a second paragraph, explain why it is important to follow standard formats of various types of business communications. Include an example of a format you believe is very effective and why. After you post your response to the above questions, don't forget to reply to another student's response as well to help the discussion move along. You can also respond to other topics your instructor will post in this discussion thread throughout the week. Part 2 Student Response
  • 6. Erica Collins RE: Week 2 Discussion Hello Class and Professor, What the Eker quote "How you do anything is how you do everything" pertains to me in my professional sense is my own personal motto, "if you are not gonna do it right why do it at all". When we do anything in life even if it is as small as cleaning your house, we go about it in a certain way either you clean or your not it is no in between. In order for anyone to be successful we have to be all in dedicated with out bending corners. In week two after me just reading Chapter 3 Planning and Decision Making there is a lot to be considered. When we communicate we need to assure of how it will affect the person the message is being sent to, this is done by thinking and brainstorming. We want to be sure that we develop a clear perception of how our communication will impact the person reading the information. It is important to follow standard formats is to provide the people with an understandi ng, and as well as used to facilitate communication and make sense out of what you are doing. The word "Standard" stands out because in anything we do standards play an important part. When we formatt any work we do it has to make sense in order to be understood. Comprehension, if we don't comprehend meaning understand what we are reading what is the point of attempting to read. When a person reads anything even if it is read to understand. CRJ 410: Corrections Week 2 | Discussion
  • 7. "Perils in Sentencing" Please respond to the following: Identify and discuss each of the seven goals of sentencing. Next, examine two of the goals and analyze whether you believe that the goals of sentencing are met and if the consequences that the goals represent result in law-abiding citizens. Justify your response. Part 2: Student Response Eryn Lipson RE: Week 2 | Discussion 1) revenge 2) retribution 3) just deserts 4) deterrence 5) incapacitation 6) rehabilitation 7) restoration Deterrence When humans decide how to act, we tend to look towards the consequences of our actions. Punishment, when factored in as a consequence, can therefore prevent (deter) crime. What is especially interesting about this idea is that it may not require that a punishment be actually used, as in virtue of knowing the punishment, the crime will rarely occur. Thus, utilitarians take special favor in deterrence, as not only does it lower the overall crime rate, but it often does so by imposing minimal punishment (as punishment is an evil in itself). Rehabilitation Punishments to shape the future behavior of the
  • 8. criminal are considered rehabilitation. Utilitarians favor rehabilitation because it salvages one more person from becoming a criminal and transforms them into a productive law - abiding citizen. Deterrence, on the individual level, may have a similar effect to rehabilitation (criminals stop committing crimes), but the motive is different. Rehabilitation means an individual no longer wants to commit the crime(s) in question. In contrast, individual deterrence means a criminal is simply afraid to commit the crime(s) again. CRJ 330: Comparative Criminal Justice Week 2 Discussion This week you'll consider the likelihood of whether or not a social law like that adopted in China would be adopted in the United States. Respond to the following: Examine the likelihood of the United States adopting this type of law and explain what structures or elements of U.S. system would facilitate or hinder this adoption. Provide a rationale for your response. Would a social law system similar to China's face hurdles to adoption in the United States? Part 2: Student Response to: Katelin Fuchs RE: Week 2 Discussion
  • 9. I believe the likelihood of the United States adopting this type of law is somewhat likely. With the recent news stories covering the Russian effort targeted the 2016 U.S. presidential election social media hubs like Facebook and Twitter had to deal with the digital disinformation mess. Under pressure from lawmakers and regulators Social media hubs had to make the following changes: Facebook and Google started requiring political ads in the U.S. and Europe to disclose who is behind them. Google’s YouTube division adjusted its “up next” algorithms to limit recommendations for suspected fake or inflammatory videos, a move it had resisted for years. WhatsApp now limits, to five, how many people or groups a message can be forwarded to. Facebook has developed an artificial intelligence tools to help identify content that’s abusive or otherwise violates the site’s policies. While they did implement “jail time” from social media platforms if a person did not follow these regulations, they also allow others to report a post that comes off harmful and that person is in “jail time” not allowed to post on the platforms for a certain amount of days. However, if a person posts hateful or crime worthy content, they could be found for treason. Trump attempted to accuse the New York Times of Virtual treason. Treason: against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The social law system would face many hurdles in United States because of the constitution and the freedom of speech but like
  • 10. before I brought up treason which is also in the constitution. In my opinion, if the US was to implement this law is would happen over time unlike China that made it a law. My other question is if China could create an app to have people report cyber rumors would that work when it came to reporting crime as well? Resources: Banjo, Shelly. 2019.By Shelly Banjo. Facebook, Twitter and the Digital Disinformation Mess. and-the-digital-disinformation-mess/2019/10/01/53334c08- e4b4-11e9-b0a6-3d03721b85ef_story.html Constitution. France-Presse, Angence. 2019. Trump accuses New York Times of 'virtual treason' over Russia cyber warfare report. york-times-virtual-treason-report-digital-incursion-into-russia clear all %This is the Assignment 6 Bus System nbus=6; MVAbase=100; KVbase=230; % Bus Data Vslack=1.05+0i; P2=(50)/MVAbase; V2mag=1.05; P3=(60)/MVAbase; V3mag=1.07; P(4)=(-70)/MVAbase; Q(4)=(-70)/MVAbase; P(5)=(-70)/MVAbase; Q(5)=(-70)/MVAbase; P(6)=(-70)/MVAbase; Q(6)=(-70)/MVAbase;
  • 11. % All elements of ybus and Ybus matrices = zeros ybus=zeros(nbus,nbus); Ybus=zeros(nbus,nbus); % Branch Admittance Data y(1,1)=j*0.07; y(1,2)=1/(0.1+j*0.2); y(1,4)=1/(0.05+j*0.2); y(1,5)=1/(0.08+j*0.3); y(2,2)=j*0.105; y(2,3)=1/(0.05+j*0.25); y(2,4)=1/(0.05+j*0.1); y(2,5)=1/(0.10+j*0.3); y(2,6)=1/(0.07+j*0.2); y(3,3)=j*0.065; y(3,5)=1/(0.12+j*0.26); y(3,6)=1/(0.02+j*0.1); y(4,4)=j*0.07; y(4,5)=1/(0.2+j*0.4); y(5,5)=j*0.145; y(5,6)=1/(0.1+j*0.3); y(6,6)=j*0.065; for ii=1:nbus for jj=1:nbus y(jj,ii)=y(ii,jj); end end y; % Developing the Ybus Matrix % Filling all eements with -y(i,j) for jj=1:nbus for ii=1:nbus Ybus(jj,ii)=-y(jj,ii); end end % Filling in the Diagonals for jj=1:nbus Ybus(jj,jj)=0; for ii=1:nbus Ybus(jj,jj)=Ybus(jj,jj)+y(jj,ii); end end
  • 12. Ybus; disp(' Load Flow Starts') Y=Ybus; disp('Initial Bus Voltages') V=[Vslack V2mag+0i V3mag+0i 1+0i 1+0i 1+0i] for kk=1:10 Iteration=kk; %Load Bus 4, 5, 6 for jj=4:6 %This jj counter should include all load buses X=0.; for ii=1:nbus X=X -(Y(jj,ii)*V(ii))/Y(jj,jj) ; end V(jj)=(P(jj)-j*Q(jj))/( conj(V(jj))*Y(jj,jj) ) + ( X + (Y(jj,jj)*V(jj))/Y(jj,jj) ) ; end %Generator Buses 2, 3 V2mag=1.05; Q2 = -imag( ( Y(2,1)*V(1)+Y(2,2)*V(2)+ Y(2,3)*V(3)+Y(2,4)*V(4)+Y(2,5)*V(5)+Y(2,6)*V(6) ) * conj(V(2)) ); V(2) = ( ((P2-j*Q2) / conj(V(2))) - Y(2,1)*V(1)- Y(2,3)*V(3)- Y(2,4)*V(4)-Y(2,5)*V(5)-Y(2,6)*V(6) ) / Y(2,2); e = sqrt(V2mag^2- (imag (V(2))) ^2 ); V(2) = e + (j * imag(V(2))); V3mag=1.07; Q3 = -imag( ( Y(3,1)*V(1)+Y(3,2)*V(2)+ Y(3,3)*V(3)+Y(3,4)*V(4)+Y(3,5)*V(5)+Y(3,6)*V(6) ) *
  • 13. conj(V(3)) ); V(3) = ( ((P3-j*Q3) / conj(V(3))) - Y(3,1)*V(1)- Y(3,2)*V(2)- Y(3,4)*V(4)-Y(3,5)*V(5)-Y(3,6)*V(6) ) / Y(3,3); e = sqrt(V3mag^2- (imag (V(3))) ^2 ); V(3) = e + (j * imag(V(3))); end disp ('Final Bus Voltages ') Vbuspol_PU_and_KV=[abs(V.') (180/pi)*angle(V.') KVbase*abs(V.') (180/pi)*angle(V.')] %Line and Generator Current Flows %disp ('Line and Generator Currents ') I12 = (V(1)-V(2)) * -Y(1,2); I14 = (V(1)-V(4)) * -Y(1,4); I15 = (V(1)-V(5)) * -Y(1,5); I23 = (V(2)-V(3)) * -Y(2,3); I24 = (V(2)-V(4)) * -Y(2,4); I25 = (V(2)-V(5)) * -Y(2,5); I26 = (V(2)-V(6)) * -Y(2,6); I35 = (V(3)-V(5)) * -Y(3,5); I36 = (V(3)-V(6)) * -Y(3,6); I45 = (V(4)-V(5)) * -Y(4,5); I56 = (V(5)-V(6)) * -Y(5,6); IG1=(I12+I14+I15); IG2=(-I12+I23+I24+I25+I26); IG3=(-I23+I35+I36); LineI=[I12 I14 I15 I23 I24 I25 I26 I35 I36 I45 I56].'; LineCurrents=[LineI abs(LineI) (angle(LineI))*180/pi] GenI=[IG1 IG2 IG3].'; GeneratorCurrents=[GenI abs(GenI) (angle(GenI))*180/pi] % Line Power Flows disp ('Line Power Flows ')
  • 14. S12 = V(1) * conj(I12) % This is supposed to be conj(V(1))*I12 but was reversed for negative Q12 S21 = V(2) * conj(-I12) S14 = V(1) * conj(I14) S41 = V(4) * conj(-I14) S15 = V(1) * conj(I15) S51 = V(5) * conj(-I15) S23 = V(2) * conj(I23) S32 = V(3) * conj(-I23) S24 = V(2) * conj(I24) S42 = V(4) * conj(-I24) S25 = V(2) * conj(I25) S52 = V(5) * conj(-I25) S26 = V(2) * conj(I26) S62 = V(6) * conj(-I26) S35 = V(3) * conj(I35) S53 = V(5) * conj(-I35) S36 = V(3) * conj(I36) S63 = V(6) * conj(-I36) S45 = V(4) * conj(I45) S54 = V(5) * conj(-I45) S56 = V(5) * conj(I56) S65 = V(6) * conj(-I56) %Slack Bus Power I10=(V(1)-0)* y(1,1); S10=V(1)*conj(I10); SlackP_Q=(S10+S12+S14+S15)*MVAbase %Line Losses and Chargings disp ('Line Losses ') L12Loss=S12+S21 L14Loss=S14+S41
  • 15. L15Loss=S15+S51 L23Loss=S32+S23 L24Loss=S42+S24 L25Loss=S52+S25 L26Loss=S62+S26 L35Loss=S35+S53 L36Loss=S36+S63 L45Loss=S54+S45 L56Loss=S56+S65 Results: Load Flow Starts Initial Bus Voltages V = 1.0500 1.0500 1.0700 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 Final Bus Voltages: Vbuspol_PU_and_KV = 1.0500 0 241.5000 0 1.0500 -3.2240 241.5000 -3.2240 1.0700 -3.7067 246.1000 -3.7067 0.9891 -3.8150 227.4831 -3.8150 0.9855 -4.7995 226.6583 -4.7995 1.0046 -5.3338 231.0590 -5.3338 LineCurrents = 0.2395 + 0.1115i 0.2642 24.9530 0.3840 - 0.2197i 0.4424 -29.7768 0.3130 - 0.1431i 0.3442 -24.5747 0.0240 + 0.0825i 0.0859 73.7868 0.2999 - 0.4648i 0.5531 -57.1651 0.1365 - 0.1756i 0.2224 -52.1298 0.2279 - 0.1607i 0.2788 -35.1814 0.1676 - 0.2524i 0.3030 -56.4207 0.3626 - 0.6025i 0.7033 -58.9588
  • 16. 0.0381 + 0.0069i 0.0388 10.3229 0.0146 + 0.0656i 0.0672 77.4977 GeneratorCurrents = 0.9365 - 0.2514i 0.9697 -15.0249 0.4488 - 0.8300i 0.9435 -61.5974 0.5062 - 0.9375i 1.0654 -61.6309 Line Power Flows : S12 = 0.2515 - 0.1170i S21 = -0.2445 + 0.1310i S14 = 0.4032 + 0.2307i S41 = -0.3934 - 0.1915i S15 = 0.3287 + 0.1503i S51 = -0.3192 - 0.1148i S23 = 0.0203 - 0.0879i S32 = -0.0199 + 0.0897i S24 = 0.3419 + 0.4695i S42 = -0.3266 - 0.4389i S25 = 0.1535 + 0.1760i S52 = -0.1485 - 0.1612i S26 = 0.2484 + 0.1550i S62 = -0.2430 - 0.1394i S35 = 0.1964 + 0.2580i S53 = -0.1854 - 0.2341i S36 = 0.4289 + 0.6183i S63 = -0.4190 - 0.5688i S45 = 0.0372 - 0.0094i S54 = -0.0369 + 0.0100i S56 = 0.0089 - 0.0657i S65 = -0.0084 + 0.0670i SlackP_Q = 98.3332 +18.6766i Line Losses : L12Loss = 0.0070 + 0.0140i L14Loss = 0.0098 + 0.0391i L15Loss = 0.0095 + 0.0355i L23Loss = 0.0004 + 0.0018i L24Loss = 0.0153 + 0.0306i L25Loss = 0.0049 + 0.0148i L26Loss = 0.0054 + 0.0155i L35Loss = 0.0110 + 0.0239i L36Loss = 0.0099 + 0.0495i L45Loss = 3.0067e-004 +6.0135e-004i L56Loss = 0.0005 + 0.0014i