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IDS 400 Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric
Analyzing an Issue or Event in Diversity Through the Lenses of
the Natural and Applied Sciences and the Social Sciences
Overview: For the first part of your final project, the critical
analysis portfolio, you will select an issue or event in diversity
and critically analyze it through the
four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and
applied sciences, and social sciences. By viewing the issue or
event through these lenses, you will
gain insight into how the intersectional nature of diversity
affects society as well as both your own individual framework
of perception and the choices, attitudes,
and behaviors of others in the world around you.
For this fourth milestone, due in Module Six, you will analyze
your issue/event in diversity through the lenses of the natural
and applied sciences and the social
sciences. Like Milestone Two, this task provides you with an
opportunity to dive deeper into your analysis of the issue/event
through these two lenses. This will
provide you with a chance to practice analyzing your
issue/event through these lenses and receive feedback on this
practice attempt.
Prompt: First, review your work in Modules Five and Six, as
well as the Four Lenses document from Module One.
Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the natural
and applied sciences by exploring the following questions:
ent provide a social commentary
through the natural and applied sciences?
Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the social
sciences, and address the following:
w does this issue/event interact with the social sciences
lens and impact social issues?
deeper understanding of the social issue(s) that inform your
Note: You are completing two separate analyses: one from the
natural and applied sciences and one from the social sciences.
You must submit two papers in a
single Word document.
Be sure to use evidence from research to support your analysis.
Refer to course resources, the LibGuide for this course, and any
other pertinent resources to
support your responses. Relevant current news sources may be
used with instructor approval. Incorporate instructor feedback
into Final Project Part One.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Lens Analysis: In this section of your assignment, you will
analyze your issue/event through two of the four general
education lenses.
A. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of the natural and
applied sciences for determining its impact on various
institutions. Utilize evidence
from research to support your analysis.
B. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of the social
sciences for determining its impact on various institutions.
Utilize evidence from research
to support your analysis.
Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Four should be submitted
as two papers in a single Word document. The entire submission
should be 2 to 4
pages in length. Use double-spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, and one-inch margins. Support your responses with
at least two sources for each lens from
the assigned course resources, or other scholarly sources located
independently via the Shapiro Library. Cite your supporting
sources in APA style.
Please note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission
is not identical to that of the final project. The Final Project
Part One Rubric will include an
additional “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to
how you can go above and beyond “Proficient” in your final
submission, as well as additional
elements to address.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%) Value
Lens Analysis: Natural and
Applied Sciences
Analyzes issue/event through the lens
of the natural and applied sciences for
determining its impact on various
institutions, using evidence from
research to support analysis
Analyzes issue/event through the lens
of the natural and applied sciences, but
analysis is cursory or illogical, or
supporting evidence is inappropriate or
Does not analyze issue/event through
the lens of the natural and applied
sciences, using evidence from research
to support analysis
Lens Analysis: Social
Analyzes issue/event through the lens
of the social sciences for determining its
impact on various institutions, using
evidence from research to support
Analyzes issue/event through the lens
of the social sciences, but analysis is
cursory or illogical, or supporting
evidence is inappropriate or
Does not analyze issue/event through
the lens of the social sciences, using
evidence from research to support
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax,
or organization
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent
understanding of ideas
Total 100%
Saint Leo University
GBA 231
Business Law I
Course Description:
The U.S legal system (constitutional framework), the judicial
system, the administrative agency system,
the legal theory of the organization (agency law, forms of
organization), an organization’s legal obligations
(torts, contracts, common law, and the Uniform Commercial
Code), and public law (employment,
securities, antitrust, consumer and environmental protection)
are reviewed.
ENG 122
The textbook information which appears on our Saint Leo
Bookstore ordering site is as
Business Law (Custom) (0232, 2048). ISBN: 9780134735207
Your custom textbook was created from the following National
Business Law: Cheeseman, H. R. (2019). Business law: legal
environment, online commerce,
ethics, and international issues (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
ISBN: 9780134729060
You will access the eBook via a link in the Start Here menu
where you can purchase the print upgrade
Learning Outcomes:
1. Explain the origins of law and the roles of the courts in the
United States.
2. Distinguish between civil and criminal law content, purpose,
and the participants.
3. Define and distinguish between business organizations.
4. Classify and explain the various contract elements and the
necessary elements of a contract and the
Statute of Fraud.
5. Distinguish between personal property and real property.
6. Distinguish the essentials of business contract law.
7. Explain and integrate the Core Values of Respect, Integrity,
and Community as they relate to legal
Assessment Method(s)
1 Test question
2 Test question
3 Test question
4 Test question
5 Test question
6 Test question
7 Term Paper
Core Value:
Community: Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian
learning communities everywhere we
serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and
interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to
create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us
to listen, to learn, to change, and to
Respect: Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value all
individuals' unique talents, respect their
dignity and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in
our work. Our community's strength depends
on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of
ideas and on learning, living, and
working harmoniously.
Integrity: The commitment of Saint Leo University to
excellence demands that its members live its mission
and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff, and students
pledge to be honest, just, and consistent in
word and deed.
Quizzes/Tests 40%
Discussion 24%
Term Paper 36%
Module Quizzes/Tests:
Each module contains a quiz consisting of seven (7) multiple-
choice questions and a short-essay test
containing seven (7) essay questions that require critical
thinking. Material for the quizzes and tests will
come from the online modules and textbook readings. Complete
each quiz and test no later than
Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT in which they are due.
Participation in class discussions is expected to be thoughtful
and well-informed. For each module,
respond to a discussion question posted by the instructor no
later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of
the respective module. Finally, post responses to at least two
classmates no later than Sunday 11:59
Term Paper:
Review all materials in Chapter 52 and conduct research on the
United States Supreme Court case of
Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, 497 U.S.
261 (1990). The full text of this case,
along with numerous case briefs, commentaries, summaries,
etc., may be found by simply entering the
full name of the case into any major online search engine of
your choosing. Alternatively, you may use
Westlaw, Lexis or any other professional legal research
databank in your research, however, use of such
is not required. Following your research, review the following
• What was the ultimate numerical vote of the court?
• When and how can life support be withdrawn?
• How does death by refusal of treatment differ from suicide?
• How does a living will work and when does it become of legal
• What is a health care directive and how does it work?
After completing your research, summarize your answers, and,
along with any other sources, if any,
address and support your particular position/view on the
following specific issues, and, specifically, how
you would apply the Saint Leo University Core Values of
Community, Respect, and Integrity into your
actions. Be sure to use proper APA format for citations.
1. What are the potential foreseeable financial, psychological,
and medical, yet unintended, harmful
consequences to one’s family and friends in failing to provide a
properly executed will and living will prior
to one’s final illness and death?
2. What are the fundamental distinctions between recuperative
medical care and palliative care? Who
should be included in the decision to modify care from
recuperative to palliative? When, if ever, is the
right to refuse any and all medical care appropriate when such
virtually ensures the death of the patient?
3. What professionals, medical or otherwise, should be involved
in advising decisions concerning end-of-
life wishes? How does euthanasia differ from a simple cessation
of treatment? Who should make end of
life decisions for those who are without a family member to
take on such a role?
4. What measures can be taken to ensure the quality of ongoing
family and social relationships,
individually and as a group, to end-of-life patients? What
pitfalls are to be avoided in ensuring
maintenance of these relationships? What actions may be taken
to ensure the spiritual and existential
dimensions of the process are respected and integrated?
You must submit this assignment as a Word document to Chalk
and Wire no later than Sunday 11:59 PM
EST/EDT. Submit the Term Paper to Chalk and Wire using the
link in the Module 8 folder. Students that
do not submit the assignment timely into Chalk and Wire
(without just cause), before Sunday 11:59 PM,
shall incur a full letter grade penalty for each day the
assignment remains unsubmitted. This is a key
program assessment; the results are used to ensure students are
meeting program goals. Video and PDF
instructions can be found on the course home page. PDF
instructions are also located in the Start Here
Click here to access the Grading Rubric for this assignment.
Grading Scale:
Grade Score (%)
A 94-100
A- 90-93
B+ 87-89
B 84-86
B- 80-83
C+ 77-79
C 74-76
C- 70-73
D+ 67-69
D 60-66
F 0-59
Course Schedule:
Module 1 The United States Court System/Personal Property
Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able
▪ Define the Federal Court System.
▪ Differentiate between trial and appellate courts.
▪ Distinguish general and limited jurisdiction.
▪ Distinguish between the inter vivos gift, gift causa mortis, and
lost and
abandoned property.
▪ Define bailment.
▪ List the two requirements of bailment; agreement and accepted
▪ Describe the responsibilities of the bailor and the bailee.
▪ Define the parties in the court system.
▪ Distinguish between procedural and substantive law.
Readings: Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 47
Items to be Completed Due No Later Than
Post introduction to Discussion Board Thursday 11:59 PM
Read the assigned materials
Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM
Complete Quiz 1 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Short Essay Test 1 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Module 2 The United States Court System and Real Property
Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able
▪ Define the Bill of Rights.
▪ Differentiate between Quit Claim and Warranty Deeds.
▪ Distinguish the primary separation of powers.
▪ Explain the Supremacy and Commerce Clauses.
▪ Define real property.
▪ Set forth constitutional limitations to real property interests.
Readings: Chapter 4
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Items to be Completed Due No Later Than
Read the assigned materials
Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM
Complete Quiz 2 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Short Essay Test 2 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Module 3 Contract Formation
Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able
▪ Distinguish between the bilateral and unilateral contract.
▪ Differentiate between the valid, void, and voidable contract.
▪ Distinguish the express contract from the implied contract.
▪ Explain the distinctions of the executed and executory
▪ Define consideration for contract.
▪ Set forth the capacity requirements for all persons seeking to
enter into a
Readings: Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Items to be Completed Due No Later Than
Read the assigned materials
Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM
Complete Quiz 3 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Short Essay Test 3 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Module 4 Contract Enforcement ad Remedies
Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able
▪ Distinguish between Compensatory, Liquidated, and Nominal
▪ Apply the Parole Evidence Rule to the Law of Contracts.
▪ Distinguish the Uniform Commercial Code form ancient
contract law.
▪ Explain where the Statute of Frauds requires a contract to be
in writing.
▪ Define contracts that are also covenants.
▪ Set forth the remedies for the breach of contract.
Readings: Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Items to be Completed Due No Later Than
Read the assigned materials
Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM
Complete Quiz 4 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Short Essay Test 4 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Module 5 Employment Law and Equal Opportunity
Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able
▪ Distinguish lawful collective bargaining from unlawful
bargaining acts.
▪ Set forth how the Fair Labor Standards Act leveled the playing
▪ Define when a business is subject to the Family Medical Leave
▪ Enumerate the powers of OSHA.
▪ Define the protected classes of the EEOC through the Civil
Rights Act of
▪ Set forth the remedies for the breach of these Acts.
Readings: Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Items to be Completed Due No Later Than
Read the assigned materials
Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM
Complete Quiz 5 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Short Essay Test 5 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Module 6 Business Organizations
Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able
▪ Distinguish between the business entities of the sole
proprietorship, the
partnership, and the corporation.
▪ Set forth how each model is created and governed.
▪ Distinguish the general partnership from the limited
▪ Explain the inherent strength and weaknesses of each type of
▪ Define the means of corporate formation and financing.
Readings: Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Items to be Completed Due No Later Than
Read the assigned materials
Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM
Complete Quiz 6 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Short Essay Test 6 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Module 7 Administrative Law
Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able
▪ Distinguish between regulatory agencies and administrative
▪ Set forth the process by which a federal or state agency is
▪ Define the limits of the regulatory powers of agencies.
▪ Enumerate the powers of agency rule-making.
▪ Define the parameters of judicial review of agencies.
▪ Set forth the remedies for the overreaching of agency powers.
Readings: Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Items to be Completed Due No Later Than
Read the assigned materials
Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM
Complete Quiz 7 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Short Essay Test 7 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Module 8 Wills and Estates
Outcomes: After completing this module, you should be able
▪ Distinguish between wills, living wills, and trusts.
▪ Set forth the process by which a legally sufficient will is
▪ Define the limits of the living will and health care directives.
▪ Enumerate the powers of the probate court in final disposition.
▪ Define the parameters of judicial review of agencies.
▪ Set forth the distinctions in the testamentary trust and inter
vivos trust.
Readings: Chapter 52
Items to be Completed Due No Later Than
Read the assigned materials
Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59
Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM
Submit Term Paper Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Quiz 8 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Complete Short Essay Test 8 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Submit Term Paper Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Intellectual Disabilities and Diversity
Department of Psychology, Southern New Hampshire
IDS 400: Diversity/ 20EW5
Dr. Royster
June 14, 2020
Intellectual Disability and Diversity
Natural and Applied Science
Natural sciences specifically examine the physical globe in
areas of physics, biology, chemistry, and geology. Applied
sciences are unique in specifying practical solutions to
problems and are useful in health care, technology, early
childhood education, and engineering. Intellectual disability
being previously the mental retardation directly relates to the
natural and applied sciences in various dimensions. For the
mental health attention required, natural science would play a
significant role (Guralnick, 2017). Additionally, as it is evident
that children or persons with intellectual disabilities experience
low cognitive processes and early childhood education, for
instance, specialized training will play a significant role in this
Natural and applied sciences can combine their roles to mitigate
the impacts of intellectual disability by using memory strategies
for children with intellectual disabilities, which would boost
their memory. For instance, participating in more activities
involving an external representation of information would
enhance children with intellectual disabilities rather than using
special education tools that demand verbal-linguistic
presentation. It is possible through efficient planning of
education practices with ample and favorable curriculum with
modified teaching practice. It is essential to note that, for a
positive response in intellectually disabled persons, it is crucial
to articulate both inductive and deductive thinking strategies
and developmental activities to enhance learning in these
intellectually challenged kids.
In health care, it is crucial to increase integrated healthcare for
persons with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, create
awareness of healthcare requirements for the intellectually
challenged persons and construct a healthcare system specified
for the persons with intellectual disabilities.
Social Sciences
Social science is devoted to the study of persons’ societies and
the relationships and interactions within them. It has a wide
range of disciplines; linguistic, welfare and nursing, and
economics and social history. It is crucial to know that persons
with intellectual disabilities find it complicated during
interactions and decision making and how they relate to others
in diverse environments (Wilton, Fudge Schormans, & Marquis,
2018). Intellectually challenged persons face verbal
communication difficulties. Intellectually challenged persons
have problems with the understanding and social aspects of
human language. Social sciences can help ensure that the
legislation during the enactment of laws of the land is sensitive
and considerate to the intellectually challenged people. As a
branch of social science, education will encompass teaching
specific skills, not singling out the aspects of socialization in
school and outside the school.
In conclusion, the inclusion of policies that adores diversity and
creates an environment that every person (irrespective of their
condition) can participate in education and other fields of
natural sciences and Social sciences are a sign of great
democracy and a milestone to humanity.
Guralnick, M. J. (2017). Early intervention for children with
intellectual disabilities: An update. Journal of Applied Research
in Intellectual Disabilities, 30(2), 211-229.
Wilton, R., Fudge Schormans, A., & Marquis, N. (2018).
Shopping, social inclusion and the urban geographies of people
with intellectual disability. Social & Cultural Geography, 19(2),

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  • 1. IDS 400 Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric Analyzing an Issue or Event in Diversity Through the Lenses of the Natural and Applied Sciences and the Social Sciences Overview: For the first part of your final project, the critical analysis portfolio, you will select an issue or event in diversity and critically analyze it through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences. By viewing the issue or event through these lenses, you will gain insight into how the intersectional nature of diversity affects society as well as both your own individual framework of perception and the choices, attitudes, and behaviors of others in the world around you. For this fourth milestone, due in Module Six, you will analyze your issue/event in diversity through the lenses of the natural and applied sciences and the social sciences. Like Milestone Two, this task provides you with an opportunity to dive deeper into your analysis of the issue/event through these two lenses. This will provide you with a chance to practice analyzing your issue/event through these lenses and receive feedback on this practice attempt. Prompt: First, review your work in Modules Five and Six, as well as the Four Lenses document from Module One. Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences by exploring the following questions:
  • 2. ent provide a social commentary through the natural and applied sciences? issue/event? Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the social sciences, and address the following: w does this issue/event interact with the social sciences lens and impact social issues? deeper understanding of the social issue(s) that inform your issue/event? Note: You are completing two separate analyses: one from the natural and applied sciences and one from the social sciences. You must submit two papers in a single Word document. Be sure to use evidence from research to support your analysis. Refer to course resources, the LibGuide for this course, and any other pertinent resources to support your responses. Relevant current news sources may be used with instructor approval. Incorporate instructor feedback into Final Project Part One. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
  • 3. I. Lens Analysis: In this section of your assignment, you will analyze your issue/event through two of the four general education lenses. A. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence from research to support your analysis. 400-CEIDS-OL- TRAD.19EW5/Course%20Documents/IDS%20400%20Four%20 General%20Education%20Lenses.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=YHqp1 3DICgNa3sY1Udde36y3q&ou=196286 B. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of the social sciences for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence from research to support your analysis. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Four should be submitted as two papers in a single Word document. The entire submission should be 2 to 4 pages in length. Use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Support your responses with at least two sources for each lens from the assigned course resources, or other scholarly sources located independently via the Shapiro Library. Cite your supporting sources in APA style.
  • 4. Please note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission is not identical to that of the final project. The Final Project Part One Rubric will include an additional “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond “Proficient” in your final submission, as well as additional elements to address. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Lens Analysis: Natural and Applied Sciences Analyzes issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences for determining its impact on various institutions, using evidence from research to support analysis Analyzes issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences, but analysis is cursory or illogical, or supporting evidence is inappropriate or nonexistent Does not analyze issue/event through the lens of the natural and applied sciences, using evidence from research to support analysis 40 Lens Analysis: Social Sciences
  • 5. Analyzes issue/event through the lens of the social sciences for determining its impact on various institutions, using evidence from research to support analysis Analyzes issue/event through the lens of the social sciences, but analysis is cursory or illogical, or supporting evidence is inappropriate or nonexistent Does not analyze issue/event through the lens of the social sciences, using evidence from research to support analysis 40 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 20
  • 6. Total 100% ch-and-Citations.aspx ch-and-Citations.aspx 1 Saint Leo University GBA 231 Business Law I Course Description: The U.S legal system (constitutional framework), the judicial system, the administrative agency system, the legal theory of the organization (agency law, forms of organization), an organization’s legal obligations (torts, contracts, common law, and the Uniform Commercial Code), and public law (employment, securities, antitrust, consumer and environmental protection) are reviewed. Prerequisite: ENG 122 Textbooks:
  • 7. The textbook information which appears on our Saint Leo Bookstore ordering site is as follows: Business Law (Custom) (0232, 2048). ISBN: 9780134735207 Your custom textbook was created from the following National text(s): Business Law: Cheeseman, H. R. (2019). Business law: legal environment, online commerce, business ethics, and international issues (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson. ISBN: 9780134729060 You will access the eBook via a link in the Start Here menu where you can purchase the print upgrade option. Learning Outcomes: 1. Explain the origins of law and the roles of the courts in the United States. 2. Distinguish between civil and criminal law content, purpose, and the participants. 3. Define and distinguish between business organizations. 4. Classify and explain the various contract elements and the necessary elements of a contract and the Statute of Fraud. 5. Distinguish between personal property and real property.
  • 8. 6. Distinguish the essentials of business contract law. 7. Explain and integrate the Core Values of Respect, Integrity, and Community as they relate to legal issues. Learning Outcome Assessment Method(s) 1 Test question 2 Test question 3 Test question 4 Test question 5 Test question 6 Test question 7 Term Paper 2 Core Value: Community: Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian
  • 9. learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to serve. Respect: Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value all individuals' unique talents, respect their dignity and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in our work. Our community's strength depends on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of ideas and on learning, living, and working harmoniously. Integrity: The commitment of Saint Leo University to excellence demands that its members live its mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff, and students pledge to be honest, just, and consistent in word and deed. Evaluation: Quizzes/Tests 40% Discussion 24% Term Paper 36% Module Quizzes/Tests: Each module contains a quiz consisting of seven (7) multiple- choice questions and a short-essay test containing seven (7) essay questions that require critical thinking. Material for the quizzes and tests will come from the online modules and textbook readings. Complete each quiz and test no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT in which they are due.
  • 10. Discussion: Participation in class discussions is expected to be thoughtful and well-informed. For each module, respond to a discussion question posted by the instructor no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of the respective module. Finally, post responses to at least two classmates no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. Term Paper: Review all materials in Chapter 52 and conduct research on the United States Supreme Court case of Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990). The full text of this case, along with numerous case briefs, commentaries, summaries, etc., may be found by simply entering the full name of the case into any major online search engine of your choosing. Alternatively, you may use Westlaw, Lexis or any other professional legal research databank in your research, however, use of such is not required. Following your research, review the following questions: • What was the ultimate numerical vote of the court? • When and how can life support be withdrawn? • How does death by refusal of treatment differ from suicide? • How does a living will work and when does it become of legal effect? • What is a health care directive and how does it work? After completing your research, summarize your answers, and, along with any other sources, if any, address and support your particular position/view on the
  • 11. following specific issues, and, specifically, how you would apply the Saint Leo University Core Values of Community, Respect, and Integrity into your actions. Be sure to use proper APA format for citations. 3 1. What are the potential foreseeable financial, psychological, and medical, yet unintended, harmful consequences to one’s family and friends in failing to provide a properly executed will and living will prior to one’s final illness and death? 2. What are the fundamental distinctions between recuperative medical care and palliative care? Who should be included in the decision to modify care from recuperative to palliative? When, if ever, is the right to refuse any and all medical care appropriate when such virtually ensures the death of the patient? 3. What professionals, medical or otherwise, should be involved in advising decisions concerning end-of- life wishes? How does euthanasia differ from a simple cessation of treatment? Who should make end of life decisions for those who are without a family member to take on such a role? 4. What measures can be taken to ensure the quality of ongoing family and social relationships,
  • 12. individually and as a group, to end-of-life patients? What pitfalls are to be avoided in ensuring maintenance of these relationships? What actions may be taken to ensure the spiritual and existential dimensions of the process are respected and integrated? You must submit this assignment as a Word document to Chalk and Wire no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. Submit the Term Paper to Chalk and Wire using the link in the Module 8 folder. Students that do not submit the assignment timely into Chalk and Wire (without just cause), before Sunday 11:59 PM, shall incur a full letter grade penalty for each day the assignment remains unsubmitted. This is a key program assessment; the results are used to ensure students are meeting program goals. Video and PDF instructions can be found on the course home page. PDF instructions are also located in the Start Here folder. Click here to access the Grading Rubric for this assignment. Grading Scale: Grade Score (%) A 94-100 A- 90-93 B+ 87-89 B 84-86 B- 80-83 C+ 77-79 C 74-76 C- 70-73 D+ 67-69
  • 13. D 60-66 F 0-59 _rubric.pdf 4 Course Schedule: Module 1 The United States Court System/Personal Property Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able to: ▪ Define the Federal Court System. ▪ Differentiate between trial and appellate courts. ▪ Distinguish general and limited jurisdiction. ▪ Distinguish between the inter vivos gift, gift causa mortis, and lost and abandoned property. ▪ Define bailment. ▪ List the two requirements of bailment; agreement and accepted delivery. ▪ Describe the responsibilities of the bailor and the bailee. ▪ Define the parties in the court system. ▪ Distinguish between procedural and substantive law. Readings: Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 47
  • 14. Assignments: Items to be Completed Due No Later Than Post introduction to Discussion Board Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Read the assigned materials Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Quiz 1 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Short Essay Test 1 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Module 2 The United States Court System and Real Property Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able to: ▪ Define the Bill of Rights. ▪ Differentiate between Quit Claim and Warranty Deeds. ▪ Distinguish the primary separation of powers. ▪ Explain the Supremacy and Commerce Clauses. ▪ Define real property. ▪ Set forth constitutional limitations to real property interests.
  • 15. Readings: Chapter 4 Chapter 48 Chapter 49 Assignments: Items to be Completed Due No Later Than Read the assigned materials Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Quiz 2 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Short Essay Test 2 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT 5 Module 3 Contract Formation Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able to:
  • 16. ▪ Distinguish between the bilateral and unilateral contract. ▪ Differentiate between the valid, void, and voidable contract. ▪ Distinguish the express contract from the implied contract. ▪ Explain the distinctions of the executed and executory contracts. ▪ Define consideration for contract. ▪ Set forth the capacity requirements for all persons seeking to enter into a contract. Readings: Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Assignments: Items to be Completed Due No Later Than Read the assigned materials Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Quiz 3 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Short Essay Test 3 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
  • 17. Module 4 Contract Enforcement ad Remedies Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able to: ▪ Distinguish between Compensatory, Liquidated, and Nominal damages. ▪ Apply the Parole Evidence Rule to the Law of Contracts. ▪ Distinguish the Uniform Commercial Code form ancient contract law. ▪ Explain where the Statute of Frauds requires a contract to be in writing. ▪ Define contracts that are also covenants. ▪ Set forth the remedies for the breach of contract. Readings: Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Assignments: Items to be Completed Due No Later Than Read the assigned materials Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Quiz 4 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
  • 18. Complete Short Essay Test 4 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT 6 Module 5 Employment Law and Equal Opportunity Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able to: ▪ Distinguish lawful collective bargaining from unlawful bargaining acts. ▪ Set forth how the Fair Labor Standards Act leveled the playing field. ▪ Define when a business is subject to the Family Medical Leave Act. ▪ Enumerate the powers of OSHA. ▪ Define the protected classes of the EEOC through the Civil Rights Act of 1964. ▪ Set forth the remedies for the breach of these Acts. Readings: Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Assignments:
  • 19. Items to be Completed Due No Later Than Read the assigned materials Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Quiz 5 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Short Essay Test 5 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Module 6 Business Organizations Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able to: ▪ Distinguish between the business entities of the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. ▪ Set forth how each model is created and governed. ▪ Distinguish the general partnership from the limited partnership. ▪ Explain the inherent strength and weaknesses of each type of business entity.
  • 20. ▪ Define the means of corporate formation and financing. Readings: Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Assignments: Items to be Completed Due No Later Than Read the assigned materials Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Quiz 6 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Short Essay Test 6 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT 7 Module 7 Administrative Law Objectives: After completing this module, you should be able to:
  • 21. ▪ Distinguish between regulatory agencies and administrative agencies. ▪ Set forth the process by which a federal or state agency is created. ▪ Define the limits of the regulatory powers of agencies. ▪ Enumerate the powers of agency rule-making. ▪ Define the parameters of judicial review of agencies. ▪ Set forth the remedies for the overreaching of agency powers. Readings: Chapter 43 Chapter 44 Chapter 45 Assignments: Items to be Completed Due No Later Than Read the assigned materials Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Quiz 7 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Short Essay Test 7 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Module 8 Wills and Estates
  • 22. Outcomes: After completing this module, you should be able to: ▪ Distinguish between wills, living wills, and trusts. ▪ Set forth the process by which a legally sufficient will is created. ▪ Define the limits of the living will and health care directives. ▪ Enumerate the powers of the probate court in final disposition. ▪ Define the parameters of judicial review of agencies. ▪ Set forth the distinctions in the testamentary trust and inter vivos trust. Readings: Chapter 52 Assignments: Items to be Completed Due No Later Than Read the assigned materials Post initial response to the discussion question Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Post responses to at least two classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Submit Term Paper Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Quiz 8 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT Complete Short Essay Test 8 Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
  • 23. Submit Term Paper Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT 1 Intellectual Disabilities and Diversity Department of Psychology, Southern New Hampshire University IDS 400: Diversity/ 20EW5 Dr. Royster June 14, 2020 Intellectual Disability and Diversity Natural and Applied Science Natural sciences specifically examine the physical globe in areas of physics, biology, chemistry, and geology. Applied sciences are unique in specifying practical solutions to problems and are useful in health care, technology, early childhood education, and engineering. Intellectual disability being previously the mental retardation directly relates to the natural and applied sciences in various dimensions. For the mental health attention required, natural science would play a
  • 24. significant role (Guralnick, 2017). Additionally, as it is evident that children or persons with intellectual disabilities experience low cognitive processes and early childhood education, for instance, specialized training will play a significant role in this topic. Natural and applied sciences can combine their roles to mitigate the impacts of intellectual disability by using memory strategies for children with intellectual disabilities, which would boost their memory. For instance, participating in more activities involving an external representation of information would enhance children with intellectual disabilities rather than using special education tools that demand verbal-linguistic presentation. It is possible through efficient planning of education practices with ample and favorable curriculum with modified teaching practice. It is essential to note that, for a positive response in intellectually disabled persons, it is crucial to articulate both inductive and deductive thinking strategies and developmental activities to enhance learning in these intellectually challenged kids. In health care, it is crucial to increase integrated healthcare for persons with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, create awareness of healthcare requirements for the intellectually challenged persons and construct a healthcare system specified for the persons with intellectual disabilities. Social Sciences Social science is devoted to the study of persons’ societies and the relationships and interactions within them. It has a wide range of disciplines; linguistic, welfare and nursing, and economics and social history. It is crucial to know that persons with intellectual disabilities find it complicated during interactions and decision making and how they relate to others in diverse environments (Wilton, Fudge Schormans, & Marquis, 2018). Intellectually challenged persons face verbal communication difficulties. Intellectually challenged persons have problems with the understanding and social aspects of human language. Social sciences can help ensure that the
  • 25. legislation during the enactment of laws of the land is sensitive and considerate to the intellectually challenged people. As a branch of social science, education will encompass teaching specific skills, not singling out the aspects of socialization in school and outside the school. In conclusion, the inclusion of policies that adores diversity and creates an environment that every person (irrespective of their condition) can participate in education and other fields of natural sciences and Social sciences are a sign of great democracy and a milestone to humanity. REFERENCES Guralnick, M. J. (2017). Early intervention for children with intellectual disabilities: An update. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30(2), 211-229. Wilton, R., Fudge Schormans, A., & Marquis, N. (2018). Shopping, social inclusion and the urban geographies of people with intellectual disability. Social & Cultural Geography, 19(2), 230-252.