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Asian Art Museum Visit and Assignment
On the first Sunday of every month, admission to the museum’s
permanent collection is free. On other days, your student ID
will get you discounted admission. ($10) I’d recommend
spending at least two hours there whenever you go, but if you
get “museum fatigue,” take a break, have some tea, come back
The Museum has a wonderful permanent collection of Chinese
art. You are only required to go once this semester, but I hope
you’ll want to go more than once. Make sure to see the small
gilded Buddha, one of their most famous pieces, and the bronze
rhinoceros. Their jade collection is also famous. And look at
whatever paintings they have out at the moment to see the
possible formats: hanging scroll, hand scroll, album paintings.
Of course, if you have time, the rest of the museum—the Indian,
Southeast Asian, Tibetan, Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian art-
- is also wonderful.
Your assignment is to find TWO works of art in the China
collection that you like. Describe them briefly and specifically,
including both their similarities and their differences. For
example, they may be in different media (bronze, painting, jade,
etc) or from different periods, or about different subjects.
Please include photographs, but don’t rely on the pictures in
what you write. Instead, create a word picture of each work.
Then explain (1) why you chose these particular pieces and (2)
what you learned about Chinese civilization from them. One
page total, about 300 words. Please scan and upload this and
If this assignment is a hardship for you because of money, work
or family responsibilities, please consult me and I’ll figure out
an alternative for you.
Name ________________________ Sec._________
Chapter 5: Chromosomes and Inheritance
Module 5.6 Gametes have half as many chromosomes as body
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
is the process that results from the
union of gametes from two different parents.
A skin cell is to a somate as a(n) ________ is to a gamete.
brain cell
Determine whether each of the following cells is haploid or
An egg
A cell from your liver
A zygote
A sperm
A cell from your heart
4. A normal human egg or sperm has 23 chromosomes, which
is exactly one half what a somate has. Briefly explain what
would happen every generation if gametes were actually
5._________________contain the same genes at the same
Sex chromosomes
Homologous chromosomes
6. Are the two chromosomes shown here homologous? Briefly
explain why or why not.
Can a karyotype be used to determine the gender of an
individual? Briefly explain your answer either way. Hint – Look
at the figure at the bottom of page 89 of your textbook.
8. True or false: A situation where a human is missing an
autosome is not fatal. If false, make it a true statement.
Module 5.7 Meiosis produces gametes.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
is the type of cell division that produces gametes.
A similarity that meiosis shares with mitosis is which of the
They both undergo chromosome duplication.
They both have two rounds of cell division.
They both occur in somatic cells.
They both have only one round of cell division.
Fill in the following table contrasting mitosis with meiosis.
Chromosomes duplicate prior to division?
Chromosomes condense prior to division?
How do chromosomes line up prior to division?
Is the dividing cell drawn in the following diagram in mitosis or
meiosis? Assume the starting cell was diploid and had two pairs
of chromosomes. Briefly explain your answer either way.
5. True or false: At the end of meiosis I, the two cells are
both diploid. If false, please explain why.
6. At the end of meiosis II, there are ___ cells and they are
all _________.
four; diploid
two; haploid
four; haploid
two; diploid
Module 5.8 Mitosis and meiosis have important similarities and
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
Mitosis is to a somate as meiosis is to a(n) .
List an example of a cell in your body that undergoes mitosis.
How many chromosomes does that cell have?
3. Mitosis creates ________________, while meiosis creates
haploid gametes; diploid gametes
diploid somates; diploid gametes
haploid somates; haploid gametes
diploid somates; haploid gametes
A cell biologist observes a cell under a microscope and
determines that the cell contains nine chromosomes. Is this cell
diploid or haploid? Briefly explain your answer.
Module 5.9 Several processes produce genetic variation among
sexually reproducing organisms.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
The process of a sperm and an egg uniting is called
crossing over
independent assortment
Sexual reproduction produces a tremendous amount of diversity
in organisms. List three ways in which this diversity is
3. Each homologous pair of chromosomes can line up in one
of two orientations. This kind of alignment is known as
A biologist is studying cells from a new organism recently
discovered in a rain forest. He determines that the somates
contain a total of eight chromosomes. How many possible
combinations of chromosomes could this organism produce as a
result of independent assortment? Assume the organism
reproduces sexually.
5. Briefly explain why the term crossing over is accurate for
the process it names.
Crossing over produces ___________________________.
hybrid chromosomes
independent assortment
random fertilization
a zygote
7. Has the homologous pair of chromosomes in the following
figure undergone crossing over? Explain your answer either
Module 5.10 Mistakes during meiosis can produce gametes with
abnormal numbers of chromosomes.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
The failure of chromosomes to separate properly is known as
True or false: Nondisjunction always results in a zygote with
the incorrect number of chromosomes. If false, please explain
A human zygote is created from a sperm that contained an extra
chromosome 21. How many total chromosomes did the sperm
contain? How many chromosomes does the zygote have?
Does the individual from the karyotype shown here have a
normal number of chromosomes? If not, what syndrome does he
or she have?
Complete the following table regarding sex chromosome
Sex chromosomes
Klinefelter syndrome
An individual is determined to have Jacob’s syndrome. Is it
possible to determine which parent’s
gamete had the incorrect number of chromosomes? If so, which
one was it? Briefly explain your answer either way.
Name ________________________ Sec.________
Chapter 6: DNA: The Molecule of Life
Module 6.1 DNA is a polymer of nucleotides.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
The molecule of heredity is .
Which of the following is used to construct a molecule of DNA?
Double helix
3. Complete the following diagram of a DNA molecule by
filling in the complementary bases.
4. Match the following terms with their appropriate
descriptions: double helix, nucleic acid, nucleotide, backbone.
Molecules that contain information to make proteins
Consists of a base, five-carbon sugar, and a phosphate
Structure of a double-stranded molecule of DNA
Identical among all DNA molecules
5. Complete the following diagram that illustrates the
structure of a nucleotide.
6. Overall, a molecule of DNA has a negative charge. Which
component of DNA gives it this charge?
A gene is a specific section of DNA that contains the
instructions to make a protein. If all molecules of DNA contain
a phosphate group, a deoxyribose, and a base, propose an
explanation for how the information to make a protein is coded
within the DNA molecule.
8. If thymine makes up 20% of the bases in a DNA double
helix, what percentage of the bases is guanine?
Module 6.2 During DNA replication, a cell duplicates its
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
If one polynucleotide strand of DNA has ACTTGACTAGCTA
as its sequence of bases, what would be the sequence of bases
on the opposing strand?
True or false: DNA must be precisely copied prior to being
passed on to the next generation. If false, make it a true
3. The process by which a molecule of DNA is copied is
known as .
4. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates the
nature of DNA replication.
The following diagram uses colors to illustrate the replication
of a chromosome. Use your knowledge of DNA replication to
determine whether or not the illustration is accurate. If it is not
accurate, brief
explain how to make it correct.
Place the following steps of DNA replication in the proper
order: DNA fragments are fused together; double helix is pulled
apart; new strands of DNA are synthesized.
A drug that inhibits DNA ligase but not DNA polymerase is
added to a cell. Explain how DNA replication would be affected
as a result of this drug.
Module 6.3 DNA directs the production of proteins via RNA.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
True or false: Nucleic acids store the information to make
carbohydrates. If false, make it a true
Two types of nucleic acids that are found in all cells are
and .
Which of the following is found in all nucleotides?
Phosphate group
4. Is the following diagram a nucleotide of DNA, RNA, or
could it be either one? Briefly explain your
Complete the following Venn diagram, which compares and
contrasts DNA and RNA.
6. Certain viruses, like HIV, actually contain RNA. When a
virus of this type takes over a host cell, it makes DNA from its
RNA. The viral DNA is then used to make an RNA copy, which
is used to make viral proteins. In all cells, the flow of genetic
information is from DNA ( RNA ( proteins. Explain how this
differs from viruses (which are not considered cells) like HIV.
You are a biochemist and have been given a test tube containing
a small amount of nucleic acid. You have been asked to
determine whether it is DNA or RNA. Which of the following
would be a characteristic that indicates RNA? Hint: There may
be more than one correct answer.
Presence of uracil, but no thymine
Presence of guanine, but no cytosine
Presence of phosphate, but no nitrogen
Presence of ribose, but no deoxyribose
Module 6.4 Genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
True or false: DNA is directly responsible for producing your
characteristics. If false, make it a true statement.
Correct the following: RNA ( protein ( DNA
Complete the following diagram, which represents the flow of
genetic information in a cell.
4. Translation converts the information stored in ____ into
RNA; a protein
protein; DNA
protein; RNA
5. Briefly explain why you think “mRNA” is a good name for
the RNA copy made from DNA.
6. Complete the following table, which compares transcription
and translation.
7. If a strand of DNA has the sequence AAGCTC,
transcription will result in which of the following?
A) Single RNA strand with the sequence TTCGAG
B) DNA strand with the sequence TTCGAG
C) Single RNA strand with the sequence UUCGAG
D) DNA strand with the sequence AAGCTC
8. A series of three nucleotides that specifies an amino acid is
a(n) .
A student is given a sequence of DNA as follows:
AACTAGCTAGCT, and is asked to provide the mRNA copy
that would be made from that sequence during transcription.
The student provides the following sequence:
TTGATCGATCGA. Is this the correct sequence? If not, explain
why it is incorrect and fix it.
Module 6.5 Transcription creates a molecule of RNA from a
molecule of DNA.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
is the process by which information stored in DNA
is copied into mRNA.
List the following steps of transcription in order: RNA
polymerase makes RNA; mRNA leaves the nucleus; RNA
polymerase binds the promoter; RNA splicing.
Complete the following diagram, which illustrates the process
of transcription.
4. The template strand is the DNA strand directly used
by the RNA polymerase to make the RNA copy. You are given
the following mRNA sequence: AUGCUGAUU. Are you able to
determine the sequence of bases on the DNA strand that was not
transcribed? Briefly explain your answer either way.
A gene has a sequence of DNA in front of it that directs the
RNA polymerase where to begin transcription. This sequence
of DNA is the ______________________.
RNA splicing
You are a graduate student at the University of Iowa and
working as a teaching assistant for a freshman introductory
biology course. Two of your students have come to you with a
question about the sequence of an mRNA transcribed from a
gene. The original DNA sequence from which the mRNA was
transcribed reads: TGACGATCGTA. The students were asked to
provide the sequence of bases in the mRNA and came up with
the following mRNA sequence: ACTGCTAGCAT. They are
confused because their answer does not match the answer in the
book. Briefly explain the very common mistake they made and
what the correct sequence would be.
True or false: The terminator is the sequence of DNA in front of
the gene that tells the RNA polymerase where to begin
transcription. If false, make it a correct statement.
8. List three ways in which mRNA is modified after
Are introns and exons found in DNA or RNA?
Module 6.6 Translation involves the coordination of three kinds
of RNA.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
True or false: The process of translation occurs within the
cytoplasm on a cellular structure known as the mitochondrion.
If false, make it a true statement.
Which of the following RNA molecules is a component of
All of the above
3. A set of three nucleotides that specifies an amino acid is
called a(n) .
4. Which of the following RNA molecules is involved in the
process of translation?
All of the above
5. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates a
6. Complete the following table, which compares the different
kinds of RNA.
Briefly explain why a molecule of tRNA makes a good
translator during the process of translation.
According to the table of the genetic code shown here,
changing the second base of the codon
always changes the amino acid that is encoded.
never changes the amino acid that is encoded.
sometimes changes the amino acid that is encoded.
changes all of the above as noted.
9. What codon does every mRNA molecule have in common?
What amino acid begins every polypeptide?
10. Match the description to the molecule(s). Each choice
should be used only once.
More than one of the above.
None of the above.
A molecule of this will always have an equal percentage of A
and G, and an equal percentage of C and T
Has an anticodon and carries an amino acid
Serves as a messenger for taking genetic information from the
nucleus to the cytoplasm
Is involved in the process of translation
Is a component of ribosomes
How many codons are in the following mRNA sequence?
Use the information from question 11 to determine how many
amino acids would be in the polypeptide produced from that
Module 6.7 Translation creates a molecule of protein via the
genetic code.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
True or false: Ribosomes are part of the cytoplasm. If false,
make it a true statement.
Place the following steps of translation in order: elongation,
termination, and initiation.
Translation takes place in the ______ on a _________.
nucleus; ribosome
cytoplasm; ribosome
nucleus; mitochondria
cytoplasm; lysosome
4. A drug that changes the AUG codon to UAC would most
likely have what effect on translation? Be brief but specific in
your answer.
5. If three DNA bases of the template strand are AGT, what is
the anticodon of the tRNA that brings the amino acid?
Complete the following table, which compares the different
stages of translation.
Name ________________________ Sec. _________
Chapter 2: The Chemistry of Life
Guided Reading Activity
Module 2.6 pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
1. A solution where water is the solvent is called a(n)
2. Label the diagram with the following terms: hydroxide ion
and hydrogen ion.
3. What are two negative effects of too much acid in nature?
4. Complete the pH scale with the following terms/phrases:
greater H+, lower H+, H+ = OH−.
5. As the pH increases the [ H+ ] ____, and as the pH decreases
the [ H+ ] ____.
A) decreases; increases
B) increases; decreases
C) increases; stays the same
D) decreases; stays the same
6. Complete the following table regarding acids and bases.
Acids Bases
Effect on H+ when dissolved in H2O
pH range
7. The pH in your cells is dropping. You have buffers to
minimize this change in pH. Briefly explain what
the buffer would do in this situation with respect to the H+
concentration in your cells.
Guided Reading Activity
Module 2.7 All life on Earth is based on carbon.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
1. The element is essential to an organic compound.
2. What is meant by the term carbon skeleton, and how can
carbon skeletons vary?
3. Is the following molecule an organic compound?
4. The oxygen atom in ethyl alcohol forms a polar covalent
bond with the carbon atom. Does ethyl alcohol
readily interact with water? Hint: Revisit module 2.5 if
5. Identify any functional groups from the following molecule.
6. help to determine the overall properties of
7. Complete the table that describes the four classes of large
biological molecules.
Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Nucleic acids
Function of
Guided Reading Activity
Module 2.8 Most biological macromolecules are polymers.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
1. Much of your mass consists of large biological molecules
called .
2. _________________ is the process by which polymers are
broken into monomers.
A) Metabolism
B) Dehydration synthesis
C) Macromolecules
D) Hydrolysis
3. A common polymer is starch. We break starch down for use
as an energy source. Is starch digestion hy-
drolysis or dehydration synthesis?
4. Complete the following diagram using the following terms:
dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis.
5. Which of the following best describes the following process:
A) Polarity
B) Hydrolysis
C) Metabolism
D) Dehydration synthesis
6. Complete the following diagram illustrating dehydration
synthesis and hydrolysis.
7. is the total of all reactions that take place in
your cells.
8. How are dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis opposites of
each other?
Guided Reading Activity
Module 2.9 Carbohydrates are composed of monosaccharides.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of
A) Energy source for animals
B) Inclusion of monosaccharides
C) Use as a structure in plants
D) All of the above
2. The monomers of carbohydrates are .
3. Glucose is a monosaccharide. Is glucose also a
carbohydrate? Briefly explain your answer.
4. Glucose and fructose both have the molecular formula
C6H12O6, yet they are different molecules. Glu-
cose and fructose are .
5. Two monosaccharides joined by a dehydration synthesis
would form a(n) . List two exam-
ples of a disaccharide.
6. Complete the following illustration regarding
monosaccharides and polysaccharides. Glucose is used to
construct which polysaccharides?
7. Complete the following table regarding monosaccharides and
Starch Glucose Cellulose Glycogen
Monomer or polymer
Guided Reading Activity
Module 2.10 Lipids are a diverse group of hydrophobic
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
1. The one feature common to all lipids is that they are
2. A tanker is carrying crude oil from Alaska to a port in
California. During the trip, the ship’s hull is rup-
tured and it spills the crude oil into the Pacific Ocean. The oil
sits on top of the water and does not mix
with it. What characteristic must be true about the oil?
3. A cell’s membrane consists, in large part, of a molecule
called a phospholipid. Does a phospholipid
“love” or “fear” water? Briefly explain your answer.
4. Complete the following diagram of a phospholipid.
5. The two layers of phospholipids that make up a cell’s
membrane are arranged so that they are
facing tail to tail. What would be the effect of this interior core
of phospholipid tails? Hint: Keep in
mind what you already know about phospholipid tails.
6. True or false: Cholesterol is used within the cell to help
maintain the structure of the cell’s
7. Which of the following is not a lipid?
A) Triglycerides
B) Cholesterol
C) Anabolic steroids
D) All of the above
8. Are both steroids and triglycerides in your body? If so, give
a function performed by each.
Guided Reading Activity
Module 2.11 Your diet contains several different kinds of fats.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
1. There are two kinds of triglycerides. What are they?
2. Which fatty acid tail from the following diagram is
saturated? Which one is unsaturated? Briefly ex-
plain your answers.
3. Saturated means that an object can hold no more of
something. Briefly explain why the terms saturated
and unsaturated are good descriptors for the molecules they
4. You are a biochemist working for a food manufacturer. You
are working to identify a new fat you have
discovered in a plant from a rainforest of Brazil. During your
investigation, you determine that the fat
tends to be a liquid at room temperature, and a biochemical
analysis reveals too few hydrogen atoms for
the amount of carbon that is present. What kind of fat have you
likely discovered?
5. An unsaturated fat can be turned into a solid or semi-solid
state by __________________________.
A) omega-3 fatty acidification
B) hydrophilic
C) hydrogenation
D) unsaturation
6. Two students are discussing triglycerides. One student tells
the other that all fats are bad for your health.
The second student disagrees with that statement. Which student
is correct? Briefly explain your an-
Guided Reading Activity
Module 2.12 Proteins perform many of life’s functions.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
1. A protein’s determines its function.
2. _____ are the monomers from which large proteins are
A) Polymers
B) Amino acids
C) Polypeptides
D) Peptide bonds
3. Identify the peptide bond in the following illustration.
4. You are a biochemist working for a pharmaceutical
company. You are identifying a new molecule you
have isolated from a species of bat. You determine that the
molecule contains a carboxylic acid group
and a group of atoms that would give the molecule unique
hydrophilic properties. The power goes out
before you can finish your analysis. Based on what you know so
far, what kind of molecule is it? What
else might you have learned from it if the power had not gone
5. True or false: Amino acids are joined together through a
dehydration synthesis reaction forming a pep-
tide bond.
6. Complete the table on protein structure.
Polypeptide Folded chain Multiple chains
7. Proteins serve many functions within your body. List three
functions served by proteins in your body.
Additionally, list a specific protein that performs that function.
8. Protein shape is crucial to its proper function. Students have
difficulty grasping this idea and how
changing shape affects function. Briefly explain how the words
tasty and nasty can serve as a good anal-
ogy for a teacher trying to explain this concept to students.
Guided Reading Activity
Module 2.13 Enzymes speed chemical reactions.
Answer the following questions as you read the module:
1. A protein that speeds up chemical reactions is a(n)
2. True or false: A chemical reaction changes the shape of the
enzyme permanently. If false, make it a true
3. Complete the following diagram regarding enzymes and
4. Briefly explain what would happen if you altered the shape
of an enzyme’s active site. Remember that
an enzyme is a protein.
5. The amount of energy needed to perform a chemical reaction
is the __________________________.
A) activation energy
B) substrate energy
C) active site
D) inhibition site
6. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates activation
7. In pole vaulting, the higher the bar is placed, the more
difficult it is to clear it. Explain why this is a
good analogy to help students understand enzymes and
activation energy.

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You must provide a references for entire posting. Please use APA for.docxYou must provide a references for entire posting. Please use APA for.docx
You must provide a references for entire posting. Please use APA for.docx
you must present your findings to the IT supervisor before the s.docx
you must present your findings to the IT supervisor before the s.docxyou must present your findings to the IT supervisor before the s.docx
you must present your findings to the IT supervisor before the s.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a m.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a m.docxYou must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a m.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a m.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minim.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minim.docxYou must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minim.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minim.docx
You must include the resources you used if any.. THese papers are op.docx
You must include the resources you used if any.. THese papers are op.docxYou must include the resources you used if any.. THese papers are op.docx
You must include the resources you used if any.. THese papers are op.docx
You must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docx
You must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docxYou must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docx
You must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docx
You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docx
You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docxYou must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docx
You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docx
You must have the Project Libre to create this! Develop a chart .docx
You must have the Project Libre to create this! Develop a chart .docxYou must have the Project Libre to create this! Develop a chart .docx
You must have the Project Libre to create this! Develop a chart .docx
You must have experience doing PhD proposal , so the topic of th.docx
You must have experience doing PhD proposal , so the topic of th.docxYou must have experience doing PhD proposal , so the topic of th.docx
You must have experience doing PhD proposal , so the topic of th.docx
You must have at least 3 sources. Sources should be cited within you.docx
You must have at least 3 sources. Sources should be cited within you.docxYou must have at least 3 sources. Sources should be cited within you.docx
You must have at least 3 sources. Sources should be cited within you.docx
You must have access to the book needed for the Case Study part. I w.docx
You must have access to the book needed for the Case Study part. I w.docxYou must have access to the book needed for the Case Study part. I w.docx
You must have access to the book needed for the Case Study part. I w.docx
You must give the Source(s) of your answers (textbook - WITH SPECIFI.docx
You must give the Source(s) of your answers (textbook - WITH SPECIFI.docxYou must give the Source(s) of your answers (textbook - WITH SPECIFI.docx
You must give the Source(s) of your answers (textbook - WITH SPECIFI.docx
You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto.docx
You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto.docxYou must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto.docx
You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto.docx
You must conduct an informational interview as part of this course. .docx
You must conduct an informational interview as part of this course. .docxYou must conduct an informational interview as part of this course. .docx
You must conduct an informational interview as part of this course. .docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Culture.docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Culture.docxYou must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Culture.docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Culture.docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Cu.docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Cu.docxYou must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Cu.docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Cu.docx
You must choose from the approved list below1. Angels .docx
You must choose from the approved list below1. Angels .docxYou must choose from the approved list below1. Angels .docx
You must choose from the approved list below1. Angels .docx
You must be proficient in all MS office. I am looking for someon.docx
You must be proficient in all MS office. I am looking for someon.docxYou must be proficient in all MS office. I am looking for someon.docx
You must be proficient in all MS office. I am looking for someon.docx

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you must read two articles which are from the field of Human Resou.docx
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you must read two articles which are from the field of Human Resou.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 5 pages paper. You must use a minimu.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 5 pages paper. You must use a minimu.docxYou must produce a minimum of a 5 pages paper. You must use a minimu.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 5 pages paper. You must use a minimu.docx
You must provide a references for entire posting. Please use APA for.docx
You must provide a references for entire posting. Please use APA for.docxYou must provide a references for entire posting. Please use APA for.docx
You must provide a references for entire posting. Please use APA for.docx
you must present your findings to the IT supervisor before the s.docx
you must present your findings to the IT supervisor before the s.docxyou must present your findings to the IT supervisor before the s.docx
you must present your findings to the IT supervisor before the s.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a m.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a m.docxYou must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a m.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a m.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minim.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minim.docxYou must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minim.docx
You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minim.docx
You must include the resources you used if any.. THese papers are op.docx
You must include the resources you used if any.. THese papers are op.docxYou must include the resources you used if any.. THese papers are op.docx
You must include the resources you used if any.. THese papers are op.docx
You must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docx
You must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docxYou must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docx
You must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docx
You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docx
You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docxYou must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docx
You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docx
You must have the Project Libre to create this! Develop a chart .docx
You must have the Project Libre to create this! Develop a chart .docxYou must have the Project Libre to create this! Develop a chart .docx
You must have the Project Libre to create this! Develop a chart .docx
You must have experience doing PhD proposal , so the topic of th.docx
You must have experience doing PhD proposal , so the topic of th.docxYou must have experience doing PhD proposal , so the topic of th.docx
You must have experience doing PhD proposal , so the topic of th.docx
You must have at least 3 sources. Sources should be cited within you.docx
You must have at least 3 sources. Sources should be cited within you.docxYou must have at least 3 sources. Sources should be cited within you.docx
You must have at least 3 sources. Sources should be cited within you.docx
You must have access to the book needed for the Case Study part. I w.docx
You must have access to the book needed for the Case Study part. I w.docxYou must have access to the book needed for the Case Study part. I w.docx
You must have access to the book needed for the Case Study part. I w.docx
You must give the Source(s) of your answers (textbook - WITH SPECIFI.docx
You must give the Source(s) of your answers (textbook - WITH SPECIFI.docxYou must give the Source(s) of your answers (textbook - WITH SPECIFI.docx
You must give the Source(s) of your answers (textbook - WITH SPECIFI.docx
You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto.docx
You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto.docxYou must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto.docx
You must create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto.docx
You must conduct an informational interview as part of this course. .docx
You must conduct an informational interview as part of this course. .docxYou must conduct an informational interview as part of this course. .docx
You must conduct an informational interview as part of this course. .docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Culture.docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Culture.docxYou must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Culture.docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Culture.docx
You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Cu.docx
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You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Cu.docx
You must choose from the approved list below1. Angels .docx
You must choose from the approved list below1. Angels .docxYou must choose from the approved list below1. Angels .docx
You must choose from the approved list below1. Angels .docx
You must be proficient in all MS office. I am looking for someon.docx
You must be proficient in all MS office. I am looking for someon.docxYou must be proficient in all MS office. I am looking for someon.docx
You must be proficient in all MS office. I am looking for someon.docx

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Asian Art Museum Visit and AssignmentOn the first Sunday of .docx

  • 1. Asian Art Museum Visit and Assignment On the first Sunday of every month, admission to the museum’s permanent collection is free. On other days, your student ID will get you discounted admission. ($10) I’d recommend spending at least two hours there whenever you go, but if you get “museum fatigue,” take a break, have some tea, come back later. The Museum has a wonderful permanent collection of Chinese art. You are only required to go once this semester, but I hope you’ll want to go more than once. Make sure to see the small gilded Buddha, one of their most famous pieces, and the bronze rhinoceros. Their jade collection is also famous. And look at whatever paintings they have out at the moment to see the possible formats: hanging scroll, hand scroll, album paintings. Of course, if you have time, the rest of the museum—the Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian art- - is also wonderful. Your assignment is to find TWO works of art in the China collection that you like. Describe them briefly and specifically, including both their similarities and their differences. For example, they may be in different media (bronze, painting, jade, etc) or from different periods, or about different subjects. Please include photographs, but don’t rely on the pictures in what you write. Instead, create a word picture of each work. Then explain (1) why you chose these particular pieces and (2) what you learned about Chinese civilization from them. One page total, about 300 words. Please scan and upload this and YOUR MUSEUM TICKET to the iLearn link. DUE ANY TIME DURING THE SEMESTER. GRADING IS CR/NC. THIS COUNTS FOR 5% OF YOUR GRADE.
  • 2. If this assignment is a hardship for you because of money, work or family responsibilities, please consult me and I’ll figure out an alternative for you. Name ________________________ Sec._________ Chapter 5: Chromosomes and Inheritance Module 5.6 Gametes have half as many chromosomes as body cells. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. is the process that results from the union of gametes from two different parents. 2. A skin cell is to a somate as a(n) ________ is to a gamete. A) embryo
  • 3. B) zygote C) brain cell D) egg 3. Determine whether each of the following cells is haploid or diploid. A) An egg B) A cell from your liver C) A zygote D) A sperm E) A cell from your heart 4. A normal human egg or sperm has 23 chromosomes, which is exactly one half what a somate has. Briefly explain what would happen every generation if gametes were actually diploid. 5._________________contain the same genes at the same locations. A) Sex chromosomes B) Autosomes C)
  • 4. Gametes D) Homologous chromosomes 6. Are the two chromosomes shown here homologous? Briefly explain why or why not. 7. Can a karyotype be used to determine the gender of an individual? Briefly explain your answer either way. Hint – Look at the figure at the bottom of page 89 of your textbook. 8. True or false: A situation where a human is missing an autosome is not fatal. If false, make it a true statement. Module 5.7 Meiosis produces gametes. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. is the type of cell division that produces gametes. 2. A similarity that meiosis shares with mitosis is which of the following? A) They both undergo chromosome duplication. B) They both have two rounds of cell division. C) They both occur in somatic cells. D)
  • 5. They both have only one round of cell division. 3. Fill in the following table contrasting mitosis with meiosis. Mitosis Meiosis Chromosomes duplicate prior to division? Chromosomes condense prior to division? How do chromosomes line up prior to division? 4. Is the dividing cell drawn in the following diagram in mitosis or meiosis? Assume the starting cell was diploid and had two pairs of chromosomes. Briefly explain your answer either way. 5. True or false: At the end of meiosis I, the two cells are both diploid. If false, please explain why. 6. At the end of meiosis II, there are ___ cells and they are all _________. A) four; diploid B) two; haploid
  • 6. C) four; haploid D) two; diploid Module 5.8 Mitosis and meiosis have important similarities and differences. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. Mitosis is to a somate as meiosis is to a(n) . 2. List an example of a cell in your body that undergoes mitosis. How many chromosomes does that cell have? 3. Mitosis creates ________________, while meiosis creates _____________________. A) haploid gametes; diploid gametes B) diploid somates; diploid gametes C) haploid somates; haploid gametes D) diploid somates; haploid gametes 4. A cell biologist observes a cell under a microscope and determines that the cell contains nine chromosomes. Is this cell diploid or haploid? Briefly explain your answer.
  • 7. Module 5.9 Several processes produce genetic variation among sexually reproducing organisms. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. The process of a sperm and an egg uniting is called __________________. A) crossing over B) independent assortment C) fertilization D) mitosis 2. Sexual reproduction produces a tremendous amount of diversity in organisms. List three ways in which this diversity is accomplished. 3. Each homologous pair of chromosomes can line up in one of two orientations. This kind of alignment is known as . 4. A biologist is studying cells from a new organism recently discovered in a rain forest. He determines that the somates contain a total of eight chromosomes. How many possible combinations of chromosomes could this organism produce as a
  • 8. result of independent assortment? Assume the organism reproduces sexually. 5. Briefly explain why the term crossing over is accurate for the process it names. 6. Crossing over produces ___________________________. A) hybrid chromosomes B) independent assortment C) random fertilization D) a zygote 7. Has the homologous pair of chromosomes in the following figure undergone crossing over? Explain your answer either way. Module 5.10 Mistakes during meiosis can produce gametes with abnormal numbers of chromosomes. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. The failure of chromosomes to separate properly is known as . 2. True or false: Nondisjunction always results in a zygote with
  • 9. the incorrect number of chromosomes. If false, please explain why. 3. A human zygote is created from a sperm that contained an extra chromosome 21. How many total chromosomes did the sperm contain? How many chromosomes does the zygote have? 4. Does the individual from the karyotype shown here have a normal number of chromosomes? If not, what syndrome does he or she have? 5. Complete the following table regarding sex chromosome abnormalities. Sex chromosomes Syndrome Sex Klinefelter syndrome XYY Female XO 6. An individual is determined to have Jacob’s syndrome. Is it possible to determine which parent’s
  • 10. gamete had the incorrect number of chromosomes? If so, which one was it? Briefly explain your answer either way. Name ________________________ Sec.________ Chapter 6: DNA: The Molecule of Life Module 6.1 DNA is a polymer of nucleotides. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. The molecule of heredity is . 2. Which of the following is used to construct a molecule of DNA? A) Chromosomes B) Nucleotides C) Double helix D) Carbohydrates 3. Complete the following diagram of a DNA molecule by filling in the complementary bases. A T
  • 11. T G A C 4. Match the following terms with their appropriate descriptions: double helix, nucleic acid, nucleotide, backbone. A) Molecules that contain information to make proteins B) Consists of a base, five-carbon sugar, and a phosphate C) Structure of a double-stranded molecule of DNA D) Identical among all DNA molecules 5. Complete the following diagram that illustrates the structure of a nucleotide. 6. Overall, a molecule of DNA has a negative charge. Which component of DNA gives it this charge? 7. A gene is a specific section of DNA that contains the instructions to make a protein. If all molecules of DNA contain a phosphate group, a deoxyribose, and a base, propose an
  • 12. explanation for how the information to make a protein is coded within the DNA molecule. 8. If thymine makes up 20% of the bases in a DNA double helix, what percentage of the bases is guanine? A) 80% B) 60% C) 30% D) 20% Module 6.2 During DNA replication, a cell duplicates its chromosomes. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. If one polynucleotide strand of DNA has ACTTGACTAGCTA as its sequence of bases, what would be the sequence of bases on the opposing strand? 2. True or false: DNA must be precisely copied prior to being passed on to the next generation. If false, make it a true statement. 3. The process by which a molecule of DNA is copied is known as .
  • 13. 4. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates the nature of DNA replication. 5. The following diagram uses colors to illustrate the replication of a chromosome. Use your knowledge of DNA replication to determine whether or not the illustration is accurate. If it is not accurate, brief explain how to make it correct. 6. Place the following steps of DNA replication in the proper order: DNA fragments are fused together; double helix is pulled apart; new strands of DNA are synthesized. 7. A drug that inhibits DNA ligase but not DNA polymerase is added to a cell. Explain how DNA replication would be affected as a result of this drug. Module 6.3 DNA directs the production of proteins via RNA. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. True or false: Nucleic acids store the information to make carbohydrates. If false, make it a true statement. 2. Two types of nucleic acids that are found in all cells are and . 3. Which of the following is found in all nucleotides? A)
  • 14. Phosphate group B) Ribose C) Deoxyribose D) Uracil 4. Is the following diagram a nucleotide of DNA, RNA, or could it be either one? Briefly explain your answer. 5. Complete the following Venn diagram, which compares and contrasts DNA and RNA. 6. Certain viruses, like HIV, actually contain RNA. When a virus of this type takes over a host cell, it makes DNA from its RNA. The viral DNA is then used to make an RNA copy, which is used to make viral proteins. In all cells, the flow of genetic information is from DNA ( RNA ( proteins. Explain how this differs from viruses (which are not considered cells) like HIV. 7. You are a biochemist and have been given a test tube containing a small amount of nucleic acid. You have been asked to determine whether it is DNA or RNA. Which of the following would be a characteristic that indicates RNA? Hint: There may be more than one correct answer. A) Presence of uracil, but no thymine
  • 15. B) Presence of guanine, but no cytosine C) Presence of phosphate, but no nitrogen D) Presence of ribose, but no deoxyribose Module 6.4 Genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. True or false: DNA is directly responsible for producing your characteristics. If false, make it a true statement. 2. Correct the following: RNA ( protein ( DNA 3. Complete the following diagram, which represents the flow of genetic information in a cell. 4. Translation converts the information stored in ____ into ______. A) DNA; RNA B) RNA; a protein C)
  • 16. protein; DNA D) protein; RNA 5. Briefly explain why you think “mRNA” is a good name for the RNA copy made from DNA. 6. Complete the following table, which compares transcription and translation. Transcription Translation Location Description 7. If a strand of DNA has the sequence AAGCTC, transcription will result in which of the following? A) Single RNA strand with the sequence TTCGAG B) DNA strand with the sequence TTCGAG C) Single RNA strand with the sequence UUCGAG D) DNA strand with the sequence AAGCTC 8. A series of three nucleotides that specifies an amino acid is a(n) . 9. A student is given a sequence of DNA as follows: AACTAGCTAGCT, and is asked to provide the mRNA copy that would be made from that sequence during transcription. The student provides the following sequence: TTGATCGATCGA. Is this the correct sequence? If not, explain
  • 17. why it is incorrect and fix it. Module 6.5 Transcription creates a molecule of RNA from a molecule of DNA. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. is the process by which information stored in DNA is copied into mRNA. 2. List the following steps of transcription in order: RNA polymerase makes RNA; mRNA leaves the nucleus; RNA polymerase binds the promoter; RNA splicing. 3. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates the process of transcription. 4. The template strand is the DNA strand directly used by the RNA polymerase to make the RNA copy. You are given the following mRNA sequence: AUGCUGAUU. Are you able to determine the sequence of bases on the DNA strand that was not transcribed? Briefly explain your answer either way. 5. A gene has a sequence of DNA in front of it that directs the RNA polymerase where to begin transcription. This sequence of DNA is the ______________________. A) transcription B) promoter
  • 18. C) terminator D) RNA splicing 6. You are a graduate student at the University of Iowa and working as a teaching assistant for a freshman introductory biology course. Two of your students have come to you with a question about the sequence of an mRNA transcribed from a gene. The original DNA sequence from which the mRNA was transcribed reads: TGACGATCGTA. The students were asked to provide the sequence of bases in the mRNA and came up with the following mRNA sequence: ACTGCTAGCAT. They are confused because their answer does not match the answer in the book. Briefly explain the very common mistake they made and what the correct sequence would be. 7. True or false: The terminator is the sequence of DNA in front of the gene that tells the RNA polymerase where to begin transcription. If false, make it a correct statement. 8. List three ways in which mRNA is modified after transcription. 9. Are introns and exons found in DNA or RNA? Module 6.6 Translation involves the coordination of three kinds of RNA.
  • 19. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. True or false: The process of translation occurs within the cytoplasm on a cellular structure known as the mitochondrion. If false, make it a true statement. 2. Which of the following RNA molecules is a component of ribosomes? A) mRNA B) rRNA C) tRNA D) All of the above 3. A set of three nucleotides that specifies an amino acid is called a(n) . 4. Which of the following RNA molecules is involved in the process of translation? A) mRNA B) rRNA
  • 20. C) tRNA D) All of the above 5. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates a ribosome. 6. Complete the following table, which compares the different kinds of RNA. mRNA rRNA tRNA Function 7. Briefly explain why a molecule of tRNA makes a good translator during the process of translation. 8. According to the table of the genetic code shown here, changing the second base of the codon A) always changes the amino acid that is encoded. B) never changes the amino acid that is encoded. C) sometimes changes the amino acid that is encoded.
  • 21. D) changes all of the above as noted. 9. What codon does every mRNA molecule have in common? What amino acid begins every polypeptide? 10. Match the description to the molecule(s). Each choice should be used only once. A. DNA B. mRNA C. tRNA D. More than one of the above. E. None of the above. A molecule of this will always have an equal percentage of A and G, and an equal percentage of C and T Has an anticodon and carries an amino acid Serves as a messenger for taking genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm Is involved in the process of translation Is a component of ribosomes 11. How many codons are in the following mRNA sequence?
  • 22. AUGGGGCAGGUAUGA 12. Use the information from question 11 to determine how many amino acids would be in the polypeptide produced from that mRNA. Module 6.7 Translation creates a molecule of protein via the genetic code. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. True or false: Ribosomes are part of the cytoplasm. If false, make it a true statement. 2. Place the following steps of translation in order: elongation, termination, and initiation. 3.. Translation takes place in the ______ on a _________. A) nucleus; ribosome B) cytoplasm; ribosome C) nucleus; mitochondria D) cytoplasm; lysosome 4. A drug that changes the AUG codon to UAC would most
  • 23. likely have what effect on translation? Be brief but specific in your answer. 5. If three DNA bases of the template strand are AGT, what is the anticodon of the tRNA that brings the amino acid? A) UCA B) TCU C) AGU D) TCA 6. Complete the following table, which compares the different stages of translation. Initiation Elongation Termination Description Name ________________________ Sec. _________
  • 24. Chapter 2: The Chemistry of Life Guided Reading Activity Module 2.6 pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. A solution where water is the solvent is called a(n) solution. 2. Label the diagram with the following terms: hydroxide ion and hydrogen ion. 3. What are two negative effects of too much acid in nature? 4. Complete the pH scale with the following terms/phrases: greater H+, lower H+, H+ = OH−. 5. As the pH increases the [ H+ ] ____, and as the pH decreases the [ H+ ] ____. A) decreases; increases B) increases; decreases C) increases; stays the same
  • 25. D) decreases; stays the same 6. Complete the following table regarding acids and bases. Acids Bases Effect on H+ when dissolved in H2O pH range Example 7. The pH in your cells is dropping. You have buffers to minimize this change in pH. Briefly explain what the buffer would do in this situation with respect to the H+ concentration in your cells. Guided Reading Activity Module 2.7 All life on Earth is based on carbon. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. The element is essential to an organic compound.
  • 26. 2. What is meant by the term carbon skeleton, and how can carbon skeletons vary? 3. Is the following molecule an organic compound? 4. The oxygen atom in ethyl alcohol forms a polar covalent bond with the carbon atom. Does ethyl alcohol readily interact with water? Hint: Revisit module 2.5 if necessary. 5. Identify any functional groups from the following molecule. 6. help to determine the overall properties of molecules. 7. Complete the table that describes the four classes of large biological molecules. Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Nucleic acids Example Function of example
  • 27. Guided Reading Activity Module 2.8 Most biological macromolecules are polymers. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. Much of your mass consists of large biological molecules called . 2. _________________ is the process by which polymers are broken into monomers. A) Metabolism B) Dehydration synthesis C) Macromolecules D) Hydrolysis 3. A common polymer is starch. We break starch down for use as an energy source. Is starch digestion hy- drolysis or dehydration synthesis?
  • 28. 4. Complete the following diagram using the following terms: dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis. 5. Which of the following best describes the following process: A) Polarity B) Hydrolysis C) Metabolism D) Dehydration synthesis 6. Complete the following diagram illustrating dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis. 7. is the total of all reactions that take place in your cells. 8. How are dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis opposites of each other?
  • 29. Guided Reading Activity Module 2.9 Carbohydrates are composed of monosaccharides. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of carbohydrates? A) Energy source for animals B) Inclusion of monosaccharides C) Use as a structure in plants D) All of the above 2. The monomers of carbohydrates are . 3. Glucose is a monosaccharide. Is glucose also a carbohydrate? Briefly explain your answer. 4. Glucose and fructose both have the molecular formula C6H12O6, yet they are different molecules. Glu- cose and fructose are . 5. Two monosaccharides joined by a dehydration synthesis would form a(n) . List two exam- ples of a disaccharide.
  • 30. 6. Complete the following illustration regarding monosaccharides and polysaccharides. Glucose is used to construct which polysaccharides? 7. Complete the following table regarding monosaccharides and polysaccharides. Starch Glucose Cellulose Glycogen Monomer or polymer Function Guided Reading Activity Module 2.10 Lipids are a diverse group of hydrophobic molecules. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. The one feature common to all lipids is that they are . 2. A tanker is carrying crude oil from Alaska to a port in California. During the trip, the ship’s hull is rup-
  • 31. tured and it spills the crude oil into the Pacific Ocean. The oil sits on top of the water and does not mix with it. What characteristic must be true about the oil? 3. A cell’s membrane consists, in large part, of a molecule called a phospholipid. Does a phospholipid “love” or “fear” water? Briefly explain your answer. 4. Complete the following diagram of a phospholipid. 5. The two layers of phospholipids that make up a cell’s membrane are arranged so that they are facing tail to tail. What would be the effect of this interior core of phospholipid tails? Hint: Keep in mind what you already know about phospholipid tails. 6. True or false: Cholesterol is used within the cell to help maintain the structure of the cell’s membrane.
  • 32. 7. Which of the following is not a lipid? A) Triglycerides B) Cholesterol C) Anabolic steroids D) All of the above 8. Are both steroids and triglycerides in your body? If so, give a function performed by each. Guided Reading Activity Module 2.11 Your diet contains several different kinds of fats. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. There are two kinds of triglycerides. What are they? 2. Which fatty acid tail from the following diagram is saturated? Which one is unsaturated? Briefly ex- plain your answers. 3. Saturated means that an object can hold no more of
  • 33. something. Briefly explain why the terms saturated and unsaturated are good descriptors for the molecules they describe. 4. You are a biochemist working for a food manufacturer. You are working to identify a new fat you have discovered in a plant from a rainforest of Brazil. During your investigation, you determine that the fat tends to be a liquid at room temperature, and a biochemical analysis reveals too few hydrogen atoms for the amount of carbon that is present. What kind of fat have you likely discovered? 5. An unsaturated fat can be turned into a solid or semi-solid state by __________________________. A) omega-3 fatty acidification B) hydrophilic C) hydrogenation D) unsaturation
  • 34. 6. Two students are discussing triglycerides. One student tells the other that all fats are bad for your health. The second student disagrees with that statement. Which student is correct? Briefly explain your an- swer. Guided Reading Activity Module 2.12 Proteins perform many of life’s functions. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. A protein’s determines its function. 2. _____ are the monomers from which large proteins are constructed. A) Polymers B) Amino acids C) Polypeptides D) Peptide bonds 3. Identify the peptide bond in the following illustration.
  • 35. 4. You are a biochemist working for a pharmaceutical company. You are identifying a new molecule you have isolated from a species of bat. You determine that the molecule contains a carboxylic acid group and a group of atoms that would give the molecule unique hydrophilic properties. The power goes out before you can finish your analysis. Based on what you know so far, what kind of molecule is it? What else might you have learned from it if the power had not gone out? 5. True or false: Amino acids are joined together through a dehydration synthesis reaction forming a pep- tide bond. 6. Complete the table on protein structure. Polypeptide Folded chain Multiple chains Description 7. Proteins serve many functions within your body. List three functions served by proteins in your body.
  • 36. Additionally, list a specific protein that performs that function. 8. Protein shape is crucial to its proper function. Students have difficulty grasping this idea and how changing shape affects function. Briefly explain how the words tasty and nasty can serve as a good anal- ogy for a teacher trying to explain this concept to students. Guided Reading Activity Module 2.13 Enzymes speed chemical reactions. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. A protein that speeds up chemical reactions is a(n) . 2. True or false: A chemical reaction changes the shape of the enzyme permanently. If false, make it a true
  • 37. statement. 3. Complete the following diagram regarding enzymes and substrates. 4. Briefly explain what would happen if you altered the shape of an enzyme’s active site. Remember that an enzyme is a protein. 5. The amount of energy needed to perform a chemical reaction is the __________________________. A) activation energy B) substrate energy C) active site D) inhibition site 6. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates activation energy. 7. In pole vaulting, the higher the bar is placed, the more difficult it is to clear it. Explain why this is a
  • 38. good analogy to help students understand enzymes and activation energy.