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    NBS Group Supply
    (Medical Device Division)
                                        Manufacturers     & Consultants for the Medical Products Industry

                                        Industry News

                         Can Surgery Be Made Safer?

                         By: Charles E Meisch
                         Endoscopic consultant
                         NBS Group Supply (Medical Device Division).
                         257 Livingston Avenue
                         New Brunswick, NJ 08901

                         Surgery is the branch of medicine dealing with manual operative procedures for the correction of
                         deformities, defects, injuries, and the diagnosis of certain diseases. Traditionally, these procedures
                         required open surgery known as a laparotomy. Within the last few years Minimally Invasive Surgery,
                         specifically Laparoscopy which deals with the abdomen, has become a replacement for many open

                         Studies have shown major benefits to the patient in terms of reduced post operative pain, increased post
                         operative comfort, reduced hospital stay, quicker return to normal physical activities and ultimately a
                         quicker return to work. Improved comes is and reduced wound complications associated with large scars
                         are also major advantages associated with this technique.

                         Many of the general procedures are performed using a rigid scope that is placed into the abdominal
                         cavity with the use of small trocars. A mini scope can be inserted allowing direct visual observation. This
                         allows the placement of additional trocars that enable the insertion of micro instruments for the repair,
                         removal, or diagnosis of problems without the need for large surgical cutting of the abdomen.

                         What is taparoscopy?

                         Laparoscopy is abdominal exploration using a type of Endoscope called a Laparoscope. Laparoscopy is
                         a technique which permits the examination and surgical treatment of viscera and organs within the
                         peritoneal cavity. It is becoming popular, rapidly replacing many procedures that traditionally required
                         open laparotomy.

                         To improve visualization of the peritoneal cavity and facilitate instrument manipulation during
                         laparoscopy, the abdominal cavity must first be filled with an insufflating gas producing a
                         pneumoperitoneum. Laproscopic insufflators are specialized pressure-limiting gas flow regulators that
                         make it easy to establish and maintain a pneumoperitoneum. To establish the pneumoperitoneum, one
                         end of a piece of low pressure tube ranging in length from approximately 8 to 10 feet is connected to the
                         insufflator outlet port. The other end of the tube is connected to an Insufflation needle know as a Veress
                         needle. A Laproscopic procedure usually begins with the insertion of the Veress needle into the inferior
                         portion of the umbilicus, since this region of the abdominal wall is usually devoid of major blood vessels
                         and nerves. Furthermore, inter-abdominal structures usually do not adhere to the region of the
                         abdominal wall except in patients who have previously undergone surgery.

                         Three liters of gas is usually sufficient to produce a space in the peritoneum cavity to allow for adequate
                         visibility. The exact amount of gas used to establish a pneumoperitoneum depends on the size of the
                         abdominal cavity, development of abdominal musculature elasticity of the abdominal wall, as well as the
                         degree of gas leakage and rate of reabsorbing.

                         Once the pneumoperitoneum is established, the veress needle is removed from the peritoneal cavity.
                         Then a trocar in a sleeve is used to enlarge the needle puncture. After completely penetrating the
                         abdominal wall, the trocar is removed, followed by insertion of the Laparoscope. This is done through
                         the trocar sleeve. Additional trocar punctures are often needed to allow a number of instruments to be

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                         used in the peritoneum cavity without removing the Laparoscope. Upon completion of the procedure,
                         most of the Insuffiation gas is expelled manually depressing the abdominal wall through an existing
                         trocar sleeve. The body innocuously absorbs any gas remaining in the abdomen.

                         Blind insertion of Insufflation with a Veress needle can cause serious complications. If the Veress needle
                         was accidentally inserted into a blood vessel, Insufflation could cause the formation of a gas embolism.
                         The introduction of gas through a Veress needle that has not completely penetrated the abdominal wall
                         could also produce a subcutaneous or subfascial emphysea. Moreover, the insertion of any sharp object
                         into the abdomen can perforate the section of the bowel that is adhered to the peritoneum possibly
                         causing peritonitis.

                         Filling the abdomen with gas after visually confirming safe interperitoneal placement Significantly
                         reduces the number of complications associated with the Veress needle. Rather than use a Veress
                         needle to insufflate the peritoneal cavity, some surgeons prefer to puncture the abdominal wall with a
                         trocar for creation of the pneumoperitoneum. Once the trocar has penetrated the abdominal wall, the
                         Laparoscope can be immediately inserted through the trocar sleeve to insure proper interperitoneal
                         placement. As a result this procedure enables the surgeon to reduce the number of blind insertions
                         using a Veress needle and trocar to one trocar only.

                         Twenty years ago the concept of this procedure would never even have been considered. Almost
                         anything we use or rely on has changed, most have evolved. The same thing has happened in the
                         medical device industry. Some medical procedures performed today were not thought possible then.

                         The introduction of Endoscopic surgery also involved the use of scopes to help doctors see areas they
                         didn't have access to in the past. Endoscopic surgery started in the Gynecological area and moved
                         quickly into the Urological area. The use of rigid telescopes to see areas that normally would require
                         open surgery reduced costs and lowered infection rates. After several years, general surgeons started to
                         become interested in these newer techniques using rigid endoscopes. In the early 1980s, general
                         surgeons started to use endoscopes for purposes other than diagnosis. They called upon the
                         manufacturers to develop more sophisticated equipment that could reach further into areas than anyone
                         could realize. These new smaller Endoscopes were necessary. Everything was being downsized or
                         being made smaller so that they could reach areas that were harder to reach without open surgery.

                         Surgeons then began to realize that these instruments were not only useful for diagnosis but could also
                         be used immediately to resolve certain problems. After the late 1980's, Endoscopes and Endoscopic
                         procedures became the norm rather than the exception. Companies evolved to try to solve and
                         supplement the lack of supply.

                         The difference between the United States and Europe was the accessories. The US wanted as many
                         disposable accessories as possible while Europe did not see the need to dispose of the accessories due
                         to costs. In the US, the market for insuffiators and accessories continued to increase.

                         For instance, colecystectomy procedures are estimated to be 800,000 per year; Myomectomy 125,000
                         procedures per year; appendectomy 115,000 per year; Nissen Fundoldoplication 100,000 per year.

                         Other procedures are now being preformed such as, bowel resection, hysterectomy, bladder
                         suspension, endometriosis, splenectomy, and adrenaletomy along with gastric bypasses and many
                         more. These procedures can now be done endoscopically.

                         The primary concern for all manufacturers was the creation of smoke generated by electronic knives or
                         lasers in the pneumoperitoneum (see figure 1).

                         As laproscopic procedures evolve and become more complicated,
                         the original insuffiators could only produce 9.9 liters per minute. All
                         used C02 gas which is relatively inert is easily absorbed into the
                         body. Newer units were made to increase the flow, but not the

                         Original insufflators used silicone tubing (generally one-quarter
                         inch 1.0.) that flowed from the insufflator, through the tube and into
                         the patient. Recently, within the last 10 years, it became obvious
                         that putting a foreign gas into the body should be filtered and any
                         bodily fluid that could accidentally be pushed up through the tube

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                         should be stopped prior to going into the insufflator. Once into the F,0g re 1
                         insufflator, it becomes very difficult to cfean and recondition these      I U
                         very expensive units. Most Endoscopic companies who sell insufflators now offer them with disposable
                         tubing containing filters. The filters are usually rated at .1 micron but can be anywhere from .1 to .3
                         microns and they are all suppose to be hydrophobic.

                         The 9.9 liters per minute insufflators were sufficient when using an ordinary gas filter, and inserting it into
                         the line allowing it to filter the gas and also stop any backflow of fluid from getting into the insufflator. As
                         procedures increase in complexity, insufflators were made capable of delivering increased liters per min
                         of gas. This was necessary due to longer procedures, and the use of multiple trocars.

                         The most common problem is finding a filter that can perform to flow rates upward of 40 liters per

                        This is a very high flow from the original 9.9 units. Insufflators work differently. They do not just allow gas
                        to flow from a machine to a patient. They are critical in nature. They allow the gas to cycle approximately
                        every 1.8 to 2 seconds at relatively high pressure against the filter and there are mechanisms in the
                        insufflators that sense the backpressure of the abdomen. Once set, the backpressure will stop the
                        insufflation process until it senses the need to re-inflate.

                        The false reading on an insufflator due to the lack of flow caused by the filter, the blocking of the filter, or
                        other obstacle in the pathway may not allow for an accurate pneumoperitoneum to be achieved, or

                        When using low flow insufflators (by low flow 9.9 UM to 15 UM), most people bought standard off the
                        shelf gas filters.

                        They seemed to work fine, however once you get up into the 20,
                        30 or 40 UM range, specialized filters needed to be develop. Not
                        all companies have pursued this. Some have and developed
                        unique filters (see Figure 2). As the gas cycles, it does not directly
                        hit a flat filter membrane (flat meaning the filter housing itself is flat
                        in nature encompassing the membrane). After careful testing, it
                        was determined that a baffle system was necessary to allow large
                        cycles of gas enough time to get through the filter and not cause
                        excessive back pressure which would prematurely shut off the
                        insufflator. The baffled or bulbous shaped back of the filter allows
                        a reservoir of gas to build up and then migrate through the filter
                        membrane prior to the next cycfe. Without this, the cycles create          Figure 2
                        excessive back pressure. This can cause problems with the
                        operation of the equipment and false shut downs along with overpressure alarms.

                        Membranes themselves have also evolved. Filter companies have been working on gas filters that are
                        hydrophobic both in the respiratory and in the Insufflation area for some time. Filters are available that
                        produce the optimum amount of flow at the least amount of cost. Using a flat filter on a high flow
                        insufflator at 1.8 to 2 cycfes per second can damage and most likely never let the gas pass through the
                        filter or achieve the rated filter micron size?

                        The only way to do this is to allow the gas to enter the buffered area that was developed (See figure 1).
                        Any filter that is used should carry an ULPA or HEPA rating. Any filter manufacturer that will not supply
                        you with the test data to prove this should not be used.

                        Insufflators have also evolved from the 9.9 UM to 30 UM or even higher flow rates.

                        They all function in a similar nature and contain sophisticated
                        electronic feedback devices. Once set, these new high flow units
                        will fill the peritoneum to the appropriate pressure and maintain it
                        as the body absorbs some of the gas. Trocars may also leak
                        some gas (see figure 3). Aside from the geometry of the filter itself
                        testing will cfearly show that trying to push a high flow of gas
                        through a 1/4 inch hole with no reservoir becomes virtually
                        impossible. With any unit purchased, a specification sheet with
                        test criteria proving flow through the filter at the advertised flow                                                                                    6/512009
Industry News                                                                                                                 Page 4 of5
                         rate should be requested of the manufacturer.
                                                                                                  Figure 3

                         Along with the geometry of the filter housing, filter membranes also evolved. Industry discovered that
                         aerosol droplets can bypass filters causing malfunction of insufflators. This also increases maintenance,
                         physically restricts the passage of airflow, and more seriously may lead to bacterial growth in the

                         During the late 1950's, membrane technology began to expand. Osmotic transfer of salts across the
                         membrane began in the area of de-salini-zation and has lead into kidney dialysis. A hypothesis was
                         formed that a membrane could be designed that would pass air but would not pass water and also filter
                         out aerosols and bacteria from the air stream. This membrane would be an analogous to a child's toy for
                         making soap bubbles which uses a water film formed in a hoop. When a child blows into the hoop a
                         pressure differential across the hoop causes the film to bulge out and form a bubble. For more
                         information on thin films refer to 1: Strength of Materials Part 2 by Timoshenko; or 2:Advanced Strength
                         of Materials by Denhartog.

                         Reducing the hoops diameter increases the differential pressure (not force) needed to distort the film,
                         thereby creating a very fine net the size of the original hoop. With the differential pressure increase the
                         total force across the net is higher. Another characteristic that must be considered is the hydrophobicity.
                         Air would be free to move through the net until the net was touched by a liquid which would form a film
                         blocking the movement of air until the differential pressure across the net was too great or the liquid was
                         evaporated. Obviously, the net would have to be some material which would cause liquid to form a film
                         across the intercies. The specific composition of membranes with these properties is generally a trade
                         secret of the membrane manufacturer. However, the most common material is Teflon. The Teflon sheet
                         is either mechanically perforated or is stretched to form tears or holes in the material. Other methods are
                         to coat any netlike substrate with a chemical, generally a silicone compound. The effect of this is to
                         create a hydrophobic membrane that allows free flow of air until the membrane is wetted. At this point
                         air-flow would be stopped as long as pressure differential is below the maximum level. Air-flow through
                         the filter must be maintained by the membrane. The membrane must have sufficient small intercies to
                         stop or entrap aerosol fluids and microbes. The microbes are generally considered to be carried by the
                         aerosol fluids. The membrane must be capable of being secured either mechanically or by heat sealing
                         into the exit area of the filter.

                         Test results of new membranes were extremely encouraging. They allowed air-flow at a normal rate until
                         liquid covered one side in which case the filter shut down. This saved the insufflator from being
                         damaged. The bacteriological testing showed that these membranes stopped pathogens and aerosols
                         as well as any commercial microbial filters and met HEPA and ULPA criteria.

                         Surgery was not at a stand still during the development of the new filters and membranes. New surgical
                         tools were introduced that were micro in size along with both laser and electrical knives. Both of these
                         tools minimized bleeding by cauterizing while cutting, however they produced dense smoke in the

                         No one really knew what the smoke consisted of, but most agreed
                         that it was best kept out of the air. The solution was to develop a
                         new type of filter that could be connected to an exit port of a trocar
                         and capture the smoke. Lab tests showed that in the presence of
                         this dense smoke, filters not designed for smoke elimination could
                         shut down in 30 seconds. Analysis of the smoke showed it to
                         contain proteins, peptides, amino acids and other breakdown
                         particles. In other tests, electron microscopic studies showed a
                         layer of these breakdown products had formed over the surface of
                         the membrane blocking airflow. Filter companies have spent a
                         tremendous amount of time and money to develop an inexpensive              G.ourto?sY:.f~~l5:~rpJ.!1t:,,,· _
                         yet disposable smoke evacuator. A filter that combines fluid
                         stoppage along with smoke and bacterial filtration to cleanse the       Figure 4
                         expelled gas is now available (see figure 4). It is obvious that this
                         is needed to control cross contamination and infection and to protect operating personnel from smoke
                         caused by laser and electro surgery. The designs have been rigorously tested and prove reliable.
                         (additional information on the devices shown in this article can be obtained by contacting the
                         manufacturers or the author directly.) In the future, technology will continue to improve. This is just
                         another stepping stone in the final attempt of surgeons to alleviate discomfort, shorten hospital stays,
                         curtail cross contamination, and protect operating room personnel.

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Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernias

Article Can Surgery Be Made Safer

  • 1. Industry News Page 10f5 NBS Group Supply (Medical Device Division) Manufacturers & Consultants for the Medical Products Industry Industry News Can Surgery Be Made Safer? By: Charles E Meisch Endoscopic consultant NBS Group Supply (Medical Device Division). 257 Livingston Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901 1-888-800-8192 Surgery is the branch of medicine dealing with manual operative procedures for the correction of deformities, defects, injuries, and the diagnosis of certain diseases. Traditionally, these procedures required open surgery known as a laparotomy. Within the last few years Minimally Invasive Surgery, specifically Laparoscopy which deals with the abdomen, has become a replacement for many open procedures. Studies have shown major benefits to the patient in terms of reduced post operative pain, increased post operative comfort, reduced hospital stay, quicker return to normal physical activities and ultimately a quicker return to work. Improved comes is and reduced wound complications associated with large scars are also major advantages associated with this technique. Many of the general procedures are performed using a rigid scope that is placed into the abdominal cavity with the use of small trocars. A mini scope can be inserted allowing direct visual observation. This allows the placement of additional trocars that enable the insertion of micro instruments for the repair, removal, or diagnosis of problems without the need for large surgical cutting of the abdomen. What is taparoscopy? Laparoscopy is abdominal exploration using a type of Endoscope called a Laparoscope. Laparoscopy is a technique which permits the examination and surgical treatment of viscera and organs within the peritoneal cavity. It is becoming popular, rapidly replacing many procedures that traditionally required open laparotomy. To improve visualization of the peritoneal cavity and facilitate instrument manipulation during laparoscopy, the abdominal cavity must first be filled with an insufflating gas producing a pneumoperitoneum. Laproscopic insufflators are specialized pressure-limiting gas flow regulators that make it easy to establish and maintain a pneumoperitoneum. To establish the pneumoperitoneum, one end of a piece of low pressure tube ranging in length from approximately 8 to 10 feet is connected to the insufflator outlet port. The other end of the tube is connected to an Insufflation needle know as a Veress needle. A Laproscopic procedure usually begins with the insertion of the Veress needle into the inferior portion of the umbilicus, since this region of the abdominal wall is usually devoid of major blood vessels and nerves. Furthermore, inter-abdominal structures usually do not adhere to the region of the abdominal wall except in patients who have previously undergone surgery. Three liters of gas is usually sufficient to produce a space in the peritoneum cavity to allow for adequate visibility. The exact amount of gas used to establish a pneumoperitoneum depends on the size of the abdominal cavity, development of abdominal musculature elasticity of the abdominal wall, as well as the degree of gas leakage and rate of reabsorbing. Once the pneumoperitoneum is established, the veress needle is removed from the peritoneal cavity. Then a trocar in a sleeve is used to enlarge the needle puncture. After completely penetrating the abdominal wall, the trocar is removed, followed by insertion of the Laparoscope. This is done through the trocar sleeve. Additional trocar punctures are often needed to allow a number of instruments to be http://www.nbsmedical.comlIndustry%20News.htm 6/512009
  • 2. Industry News Page 2 of5 used in the peritoneum cavity without removing the Laparoscope. Upon completion of the procedure, most of the Insuffiation gas is expelled manually depressing the abdominal wall through an existing trocar sleeve. The body innocuously absorbs any gas remaining in the abdomen. Blind insertion of Insufflation with a Veress needle can cause serious complications. If the Veress needle was accidentally inserted into a blood vessel, Insufflation could cause the formation of a gas embolism. The introduction of gas through a Veress needle that has not completely penetrated the abdominal wall could also produce a subcutaneous or subfascial emphysea. Moreover, the insertion of any sharp object into the abdomen can perforate the section of the bowel that is adhered to the peritoneum possibly causing peritonitis. Filling the abdomen with gas after visually confirming safe interperitoneal placement Significantly reduces the number of complications associated with the Veress needle. Rather than use a Veress needle to insufflate the peritoneal cavity, some surgeons prefer to puncture the abdominal wall with a trocar for creation of the pneumoperitoneum. Once the trocar has penetrated the abdominal wall, the Laparoscope can be immediately inserted through the trocar sleeve to insure proper interperitoneal placement. As a result this procedure enables the surgeon to reduce the number of blind insertions using a Veress needle and trocar to one trocar only. Twenty years ago the concept of this procedure would never even have been considered. Almost anything we use or rely on has changed, most have evolved. The same thing has happened in the medical device industry. Some medical procedures performed today were not thought possible then. The introduction of Endoscopic surgery also involved the use of scopes to help doctors see areas they didn't have access to in the past. Endoscopic surgery started in the Gynecological area and moved quickly into the Urological area. The use of rigid telescopes to see areas that normally would require open surgery reduced costs and lowered infection rates. After several years, general surgeons started to become interested in these newer techniques using rigid endoscopes. In the early 1980s, general surgeons started to use endoscopes for purposes other than diagnosis. They called upon the manufacturers to develop more sophisticated equipment that could reach further into areas than anyone could realize. These new smaller Endoscopes were necessary. Everything was being downsized or being made smaller so that they could reach areas that were harder to reach without open surgery. Surgeons then began to realize that these instruments were not only useful for diagnosis but could also be used immediately to resolve certain problems. After the late 1980's, Endoscopes and Endoscopic procedures became the norm rather than the exception. Companies evolved to try to solve and supplement the lack of supply. The difference between the United States and Europe was the accessories. The US wanted as many disposable accessories as possible while Europe did not see the need to dispose of the accessories due to costs. In the US, the market for insuffiators and accessories continued to increase. For instance, colecystectomy procedures are estimated to be 800,000 per year; Myomectomy 125,000 procedures per year; appendectomy 115,000 per year; Nissen Fundoldoplication 100,000 per year. Other procedures are now being preformed such as, bowel resection, hysterectomy, bladder suspension, endometriosis, splenectomy, and adrenaletomy along with gastric bypasses and many more. These procedures can now be done endoscopically. The primary concern for all manufacturers was the creation of smoke generated by electronic knives or lasers in the pneumoperitoneum (see figure 1). As laproscopic procedures evolve and become more complicated, the original insuffiators could only produce 9.9 liters per minute. All used C02 gas which is relatively inert is easily absorbed into the body. Newer units were made to increase the flow, but not the pressure. Original insufflators used silicone tubing (generally one-quarter inch 1.0.) that flowed from the insufflator, through the tube and into the patient. Recently, within the last 10 years, it became obvious that putting a foreign gas into the body should be filtered and any bodily fluid that could accidentally be pushed up through the tube http://www.nbsmedical.comlIndustry%20News.htm 6/512009
  • 3. Industry News Page 3 of5 should be stopped prior to going into the insufflator. Once into the F,0g re 1 insufflator, it becomes very difficult to cfean and recondition these I U very expensive units. Most Endoscopic companies who sell insufflators now offer them with disposable tubing containing filters. The filters are usually rated at .1 micron but can be anywhere from .1 to .3 microns and they are all suppose to be hydrophobic. The 9.9 liters per minute insufflators were sufficient when using an ordinary gas filter, and inserting it into the line allowing it to filter the gas and also stop any backflow of fluid from getting into the insufflator. As procedures increase in complexity, insufflators were made capable of delivering increased liters per min of gas. This was necessary due to longer procedures, and the use of multiple trocars. The most common problem is finding a filter that can perform to flow rates upward of 40 liters per minute. This is a very high flow from the original 9.9 units. Insufflators work differently. They do not just allow gas to flow from a machine to a patient. They are critical in nature. They allow the gas to cycle approximately every 1.8 to 2 seconds at relatively high pressure against the filter and there are mechanisms in the insufflators that sense the backpressure of the abdomen. Once set, the backpressure will stop the insufflation process until it senses the need to re-inflate. The false reading on an insufflator due to the lack of flow caused by the filter, the blocking of the filter, or other obstacle in the pathway may not allow for an accurate pneumoperitoneum to be achieved, or maintained. When using low flow insufflators (by low flow 9.9 UM to 15 UM), most people bought standard off the shelf gas filters. They seemed to work fine, however once you get up into the 20, 30 or 40 UM range, specialized filters needed to be develop. Not all companies have pursued this. Some have and developed unique filters (see Figure 2). As the gas cycles, it does not directly hit a flat filter membrane (flat meaning the filter housing itself is flat in nature encompassing the membrane). After careful testing, it was determined that a baffle system was necessary to allow large cycles of gas enough time to get through the filter and not cause excessive back pressure which would prematurely shut off the insufflator. The baffled or bulbous shaped back of the filter allows a reservoir of gas to build up and then migrate through the filter membrane prior to the next cycfe. Without this, the cycles create Figure 2 excessive back pressure. This can cause problems with the operation of the equipment and false shut downs along with overpressure alarms. Membranes themselves have also evolved. Filter companies have been working on gas filters that are hydrophobic both in the respiratory and in the Insufflation area for some time. Filters are available that produce the optimum amount of flow at the least amount of cost. Using a flat filter on a high flow insufflator at 1.8 to 2 cycfes per second can damage and most likely never let the gas pass through the filter or achieve the rated filter micron size? The only way to do this is to allow the gas to enter the buffered area that was developed (See figure 1). Any filter that is used should carry an ULPA or HEPA rating. Any filter manufacturer that will not supply you with the test data to prove this should not be used. Insufflators have also evolved from the 9.9 UM to 30 UM or even higher flow rates. They all function in a similar nature and contain sophisticated electronic feedback devices. Once set, these new high flow units will fill the peritoneum to the appropriate pressure and maintain it as the body absorbs some of the gas. Trocars may also leak some gas (see figure 3). Aside from the geometry of the filter itself testing will cfearly show that trying to push a high flow of gas through a 1/4 inch hole with no reservoir becomes virtually impossible. With any unit purchased, a specification sheet with test criteria proving flow through the filter at the advertised flow 6/512009
  • 4. Industry News Page 4 of5 rate should be requested of the manufacturer. Figure 3 Along with the geometry of the filter housing, filter membranes also evolved. Industry discovered that aerosol droplets can bypass filters causing malfunction of insufflators. This also increases maintenance, physically restricts the passage of airflow, and more seriously may lead to bacterial growth in the insufflator. During the late 1950's, membrane technology began to expand. Osmotic transfer of salts across the membrane began in the area of de-salini-zation and has lead into kidney dialysis. A hypothesis was formed that a membrane could be designed that would pass air but would not pass water and also filter out aerosols and bacteria from the air stream. This membrane would be an analogous to a child's toy for making soap bubbles which uses a water film formed in a hoop. When a child blows into the hoop a pressure differential across the hoop causes the film to bulge out and form a bubble. For more information on thin films refer to 1: Strength of Materials Part 2 by Timoshenko; or 2:Advanced Strength of Materials by Denhartog. Reducing the hoops diameter increases the differential pressure (not force) needed to distort the film, thereby creating a very fine net the size of the original hoop. With the differential pressure increase the total force across the net is higher. Another characteristic that must be considered is the hydrophobicity. Air would be free to move through the net until the net was touched by a liquid which would form a film blocking the movement of air until the differential pressure across the net was too great or the liquid was evaporated. Obviously, the net would have to be some material which would cause liquid to form a film across the intercies. The specific composition of membranes with these properties is generally a trade secret of the membrane manufacturer. However, the most common material is Teflon. The Teflon sheet is either mechanically perforated or is stretched to form tears or holes in the material. Other methods are to coat any netlike substrate with a chemical, generally a silicone compound. The effect of this is to create a hydrophobic membrane that allows free flow of air until the membrane is wetted. At this point air-flow would be stopped as long as pressure differential is below the maximum level. Air-flow through the filter must be maintained by the membrane. The membrane must have sufficient small intercies to stop or entrap aerosol fluids and microbes. The microbes are generally considered to be carried by the aerosol fluids. The membrane must be capable of being secured either mechanically or by heat sealing into the exit area of the filter. Test results of new membranes were extremely encouraging. They allowed air-flow at a normal rate until liquid covered one side in which case the filter shut down. This saved the insufflator from being damaged. The bacteriological testing showed that these membranes stopped pathogens and aerosols as well as any commercial microbial filters and met HEPA and ULPA criteria. Surgery was not at a stand still during the development of the new filters and membranes. New surgical tools were introduced that were micro in size along with both laser and electrical knives. Both of these tools minimized bleeding by cauterizing while cutting, however they produced dense smoke in the abdomen. No one really knew what the smoke consisted of, but most agreed that it was best kept out of the air. The solution was to develop a new type of filter that could be connected to an exit port of a trocar and capture the smoke. Lab tests showed that in the presence of this dense smoke, filters not designed for smoke elimination could shut down in 30 seconds. Analysis of the smoke showed it to contain proteins, peptides, amino acids and other breakdown particles. In other tests, electron microscopic studies showed a layer of these breakdown products had formed over the surface of the membrane blocking airflow. Filter companies have spent a tremendous amount of time and money to develop an inexpensive G.ourto?sY:.f~~l5:~rpJ.!1t:,,,· _ yet disposable smoke evacuator. A filter that combines fluid stoppage along with smoke and bacterial filtration to cleanse the Figure 4 expelled gas is now available (see figure 4). It is obvious that this is needed to control cross contamination and infection and to protect operating personnel from smoke caused by laser and electro surgery. The designs have been rigorously tested and prove reliable. (additional information on the devices shown in this article can be obtained by contacting the manufacturers or the author directly.) In the future, technology will continue to improve. This is just another stepping stone in the final attempt of surgeons to alleviate discomfort, shorten hospital stays, curtail cross contamination, and protect operating room personnel. http://www.nbsmedical.comlIndustry%20News.htm 6/512009
  • 5. Industry News Page 5 of5 Pall Corporation 25 Harbor Park Dr., Port Washington, NY 11050. Email for more information Company's other products See similar products Printer friendly format I Home IAbout Us I Industry Trends I Unique Solutions I Search I Contact Us I © 2004 NBS Group Supply (Medical Device Division). All rights reserved Bringing You Tools and Technology for Safer Surgery http://www.nbsrnedical.comlIndustry%20N ews.htrn 6/512009