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Software Reuse: Metrics and Models
Virginia Tech
INCODE Corporation

            As organizations implement systematic software reuse programs to improve
            productivity and quality, they must be able to measure their progress and identify
            the most effective reuse strategies. This is done with reuse metrics and models. In
            this article we survey metrics and models of software reuse and reusability, and
            provide a classification structure that will help users select them. Six types of
            metrics and models are reviewed: cost-benefit models, maturity assessment models,
            amount of reuse metrics, failure modes models, reusability assessment models, and
            reuse library metrics.

            Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics;
            D.2.m [Software Engineering]: Miscellaneous—reusable software; K.6.0
            [Management of Computing and Information Systems]: General—economics;
            K.6.4 [Management of Computing and Information Systems]: System
            Management—quality assurance
            General Terms: Economics, Measurement, Performance
            Additional Key Words and Phrases: Cost-benefit analysis, maturity assessment,
            reuse level, object-oriented, software reuse failure modes model, reusability
            assessment, reuse library metrics, software, reuse, reusability, models, economics,
            quality, productivity, definitions

1. INTRODUCTION                                        Isoda 1994]. Organizations implement-
                                                       ing systematic software reuse programs
Software reuse, the use of existing soft-              must be able to measure their progress
ware artifacts or knowledge to create                  and identify the most effective reuse
new software, is a key method for signif-              strategies.
icantly improving software quality and                    In this article we survey metrics and
productivity. Reusability is the degree                models of software reuse and reusabil-
to which a thing can be reused. To                     ity. A metric is a quantitative indicator
achieve significant payoffs a reuse pro-               of an attribute of a thing. A model spec-
gram must be systematic [Frakes and                    ifies relationships among metrics. In

Authors’ addresses: W. Frakes, Virginia Tech, Computer Science Department, 2990 Telestar Court,
Falls Church, VA 20165; email: ͗͘; C. Terry, INCODE Corp., 1100 S. Main St.,
Blacksburg VA 24060; email: ͗͘.
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© 1996 ACM 0360-0300/96/0600–0415 $03.50

                                                           ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
416       •       W. Frakes and C. Terry

 CONTENTS                                               well as quality and productivity payoff.
                                                        Maturity assessment models categorize
                                                        reuse programs by how advanced they
                                                        are in implementing systematic reuse.
 1. INTRODUCTION                                        Amount of reuse metrics are used to as-
    1.1 Types of Reuse                                  sess and monitor a reuse improvement
    2.1 Cost/Productivity Models
                                                        effort by tracking percentages of reuse for
    2.2 Quality of Investment                           life cycle objects. Failure modes analysis
    2.3 Business Reuse Metrics                          is used to identify and order the impedi-
    2.4 Relation of Reuse to Quality and Productivity   ments to reuse in a given organization.
    3.1 Koltun and Hudson Reuse Maturity Model          Reusability metrics indicate the likeli-
    3.2 SPC Reuse Capability Model                      hood that an artifact is reusable. Reuse
 4. AMOUNT OF REUSE                                     library metrics are used to manage and
    4.1 Reuse Level
    4.2 Reuse Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems
                                                        track usage of a reuse repository. Organi-
    4.3 Reuse Predictions for Life Cycle Objects        zations often encounter the need for
 5. SOFTWARE REUSE FAILURE MODES MODEL                  these metrics and models in the order
 6. REUSABILITY ASSESSMENT                              presented.
                                                           Software reuse can apply to any life
 APPENDIX 1: DEFINITIONS OF TYPES OF REUSE              cycle product, not only to fragments of
 REFERENCES                                             source code. This means that developers
                                                        can pursue reuse of requirements docu-
                                                        ments, system specifications, design
                                                        structures, and any other development
Figure 1, reuse models and metrics are                  artifact [Barnes and Bollinger 1991].
categorized into types: (1) reuse cost-                 Jones [1993] identifies ten potentially
benefits models, (2) maturity assess-                   reusable aspects of software projects as
ment, (3) amount of reuse, (4) failure                  shown in Table 1.
modes, (5) reusability, and (6) reuse li-                  In addition to these life cycle prod-
brary metrics. Reuse cost-benefits models               ucts, processes (such as the waterfall
include economic cost/benefit analysis as               model of software development and the

                         Figure 1.   Categorization of reuse metrics and models.

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                       Table 1.   Reusable Aspects of Software Projects

SEI capability maturity model), and              2. COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS
knowledge are also potentially reusable.
                                                 As organizations contemplate system-
                                                 atic software reuse, the first question
1.1 Types of Reuse                               that will arise will probably concern
Clear definitions of types of reuse are          costs and benefits. Organizations will
necessary prerequisites to measure-              need to justify the cost and time in-
ment. Table 2 provides a faceted classi-         volved in systematic reuse by estimat-
fication of reuse definitions gathered           ing these costs and potential payoffs.
from the literature. Each column speci-          Cost benefit analysis models include
fies a facet, with the facet name in bold.       economic cost-benefit models and qual-
Below each facet are its corresponding           ity and productivity payoff analyses.
terms. (See Appendix 1 for detailed def-           Several reuse cost-benefit models
initions of the terms in the table.)             have been reported. None of these mod-
Terms in parentheses are synonyms.               els are derived from data, nor have they
Development scope refers to whether the          been validated with data. Instead, the
reusable components are from a source            models allow a user to simulate the
external or internal to a project. Modifi-       tradeoffs between important economic
cation refers to how much a reusable             parameters such as cost and productiv-
asset is changed. Approach refers to dif-        ity. These are estimated by setting arbi-
ferent technical methods for implement-          trary values for cost and productivity
ing reuse. Domain scope refers to                measures of systems without reuse, and
whether reuse occurs within a family of          then estimating these parameters for
systems or between families of systems.          systems with reuse. There is consider-
Management refers to the degree to               able commonality among the models, as
which reuse is done systematically. Re-          described in the following.
used entity refers to the type of the
reused object.                                   2.1 Cost/Productivity Models
   Reuse in an organization can be de-
fined by selecting appropriate facet-            Gaffney and Durek [1989] propose two
term pairs from this table. For example,         cost and productivity models for soft-
an organization might choose to do both          ware reuse. The simple model shows the
internal and external code reuse, allow-         cost of reusing software components. The
ing only black box modification as part          cost-of-development model builds upon
of a compositional approach. They                the simple model by representing the cost
might choose to focus on reuse within            of developing reusable components.
their domain (vertical) and to pursue a             The simple model works as follows.
systematic management approach.                  Let C be the cost of software develop-
   The following sections discuss in detail      ment for a given product relative to all
each of the six types of reuse metrics and       new code (for which C ϭ 1). R is the
models.                                          proportion of reused code in the product

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                                   Table 2.    Types of Software Reuse

(R Յ 1). (Note that R is a type of reuse                 The cost of development model in-
level; this topic is discussed in detail in            cludes the cost of reusing software and
Section 4.) b is the cost relative to that             the cost of developing reusable compo-
for all new code, of incorporating the                 nents as follows. Let E represent the
reused code into the new product ( b ϭ 1               cost of developing a reusable component
for all new code). The relative cost for               relative to the cost of producing a com-
software development is:                               ponent that is not reusable. E is ex-
                                                       pected to be Ͼ1 because creating a com-
[(relative cost of all new code)                       ponent for reuse generally requires
                                                       extra effort. Let n be the number of uses
                 ‫ ͑ ء‬proportion of new code ͒ ]        over which the code development cost
                                                       will be amortized. The new value for C
   ϩ ͓͑ relative cost of reused software)              (cost) incorporates these measures:
       ‫ ͑ ء‬proportion of reused software͒ ].                  C ϭ ͑ b ϩ ͑ E/n ͒ Ϫ 1 ͒ R ϩ 1 .
The equation for this is:
                                                       Other models help a user estimate the
          C ϭ ͑ 1 ͒͑ 1 Ϫ R ͒ ϩ ͑ b ͒͑ R ͒              effect of reuse on software quality (num-
                                                       ber of errors) and on software develop-
              ϭ ͓͑ b Ϫ 1 ͒ R ͔ ϩ 1 ,                   ment schedules. Using reusable software
                                                       generally results in higher overall devel-
and    the     corresponding                relative   opment productivity; however, the costs
productivity is,                                       of building reusable components must be
       P ϭ 1/C ϭ 1/ ͑͑ b Ϫ 1 ͒ R ϩ 1 ͒ .               recovered through many reuses. Some
                                                       empirical estimates of the relative cost of
b must be Ͻ 1 for reuse to be cost                     producing reusable components and for
effective. The size of b depends on the                cost recovery via multiple reuses are dis-
life cycle phase of the reusable compo-                cussed in the next section.
nent. If only the source code is reused,                  Applications of Cost/Productivity
then one must go through the require-                  Models. Margono and Rhoads [1993]
ments, design, and testing to complete                 applied the cost of development model
development of the reusable component.                 to assess the economic benefits of a re-
In this case, Gaffney and Durek esti-                  use effort on a large-scale Ada project
mate b ϭ 0.85. If requirements, design,                (the United States Federal Aviation Ad-
and code are reused as well, then only                 ministration’s Advanced Automation
the testing phase must be done and b is                System (FAA/AAS)). They applied the
estimated to be 0.08.                                  model to various types of software cate-

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                 Table 3.   Barnes’ and Bollinger’s economic investment model

gorized by the source (local, commercial,        listed in order of increasing complexity.
or public) and mode of reuse (reused             (The quoted definitions are from Booch
with or without change). The equation for        [1987].)
C in the reuse economics model was mod-
ified to reflect acquisition, development,       Monolithic:
and integration costs. Results show that           “Denotes that the structure is always
the cost of developing for reuse is often          treated as a single unit and that its
twice the cost of developing an equivalent         individual parts cannot be manipu-
nonreusable component.                             lated. Monolithic components do not
   Favaro [1991] utilized the model from           permit structural sharing; stack,
Barnes et al. [1988] to analyze the eco-           string, queue, deque, ring, map, set,
nomics of reuse. (Note: the Barnes et al.          and bag components are monolithic.”
[1988] model is the same as that of              Polylithic:
Gaffney and Durek [1989].) The rele-               “Denotes that the structure is not
vant variables and formulas are shown              atomic and that its individual parts can
in Table 3.                                        be manipulated. Polylithic components
   Favaro’s research team estimated the            permit structural sharing; lists, trees,
quantities R and b for an Ada-based                and graph components are polylithic.”
development project. They found it diffi-        Graph:
cult to estimate R because it was un-              “A collection of nodes and arcs (which
clear whether to measure source code or            are ordered pairs of nodes).”
relative size of the load modules. The           Menu, mask:
parameter b was even more difficult                End-products of the project. They were
to estimate because it was unclear                 developed as generalized, reusable com-
whether cost should be measured as the             ponents and so were included in the
amount of real-time necessary to install           study.
the component in the application and
whether the cost of learning should be             Table 4 shows values reported by Fa-
included.                                        varo for E, the relative cost of creating a
   Favaro classified the Booch compo-            reusable component, b, the integration
nents according to their relative com-           cost of a reusable component, and N0,
plexity. The following categories are            the payoff threshold value.

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          Table 4.   Costs and payoff threshold values for reusable components [Favaro 1991]

   The overall costs of reusable compo-             producer activities and consumer activi-
nents relative to nonreusable compo-                ties. Producer activities are reuse invest-
nents is E ϩ b. b is expected to be less            ments, or costs incurred while making
than 1.0, since it should be cheaper to             one or more work products easier to reuse
integrate a reusable component than to              by others. Consumer activities are reuse
create the component from scratch. E is             benefits, or measures in dollars of how
greater than or equal to 1.0, showing               much the earlier reuse investment helped
costs of developing reusable components             or hurt the effectiveness of an activity.
are higher than costs of developing non-            The total reuse benefit can then be found
reusable components. Favaro found that              by estimating the reuse benefit for all
the cost of reusability increased with              subsequent activities that profit from the
the complexity of the component. Mono-              reuse investment.
lithic components were so simple there                 The quality of investment (Q) is the
was no extra cost to develop them as                ratio of reuse benefits (B) to reuse invest-
reusable components. In contrast, the               ments (R): Q ϭ B/R. If Q is less than one
cost of the mask component more than                for a reuse effort, then that effort resulted
doubled as it was generalized. The inte-            in a net financial loss. If Q is greater than
gration cost b was also high in complex             one, then the investment provided a good
applications. The values for N0 show                return. Three major strategies are identi-
that the monolithic and polylithic com-             fied for increasing Q: increase the level of
ponent costs are amortized after only               reuse, reduce the average cost of reuse,
two reuses. However, the graph compo-               and reduce the investment needed to
nent must be used approximately five                achieve a given reuse benefit.
times before its costs are recovered, and
the most complex form of the mask will              2.3 Business Reuse Metrics
require thirteen reuses for amortiza-
tion. In summary, costs rise quickly                Poulin et al. [1993] present a set of met-
with component size and complexity.                 rics used by IBM to estimate the effort
                                                    saved by reuse. The study weighs poten-
2.2 Quality of Investment                           tial benefits against the expenditures of
                                                    time and resources required to identify
Barnes and Bollinger [1991] examined                and integrate reusable software into a
the cost and risk features of software              product. Although the measures used are
reuse and suggested an analytical ap-               similar to the Cost/Productivity Models
proach for making good reuse invest-                [Gaffney and Durek 1989] already dis-
ments. Reuse activities are divided into            cussed, metrics are named from a busi-

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                        Table 5.   Observable Data [Poulin et al. 1993]

ness perspective, and they provide a finer          avoidance is calculated as the sum of
breakdown for some calculations. For ex-            cost avoidance in the development
ample, cost is broken down into develop-            and maintenance activities.
ment costs and maintenance costs.
  The metrics are derived from a set of             Development cost avoidance
data elements defined in Table 5.
                                                             ϭ RSI ϫ 0.8 ϫ ͑ new code cost͒
  Given the preceding data, the follow-
ing metrics are defined:
                                                    Service cost avoidance
—Reuse percent: reflects how much of
 the product can be attributed to re-                           ϭ RSI ϫ ͑ error rate͒
 use. (This is equivalent to R in the                               ϫ ͑ new code cost͒
 Gaffney and Durek model.) Poulin et
 al. distinguish the reuse percent of a             Reuse cost avoidance
 product, the reuse percent of a prod-
 uct release, and the reuse percent for                ϭ Development cost avoidance
 the entire organization.
                                                           ϩ Service cost avoidance .
  Product Reuse percent                          —Reuse value added: a productivity in-
                                                  dex that differs from the previous def-
     ϭ RSI/(RSI ϩ SSI) ϫ 100 percent .            initions of relative productivity by in-
—Reuse cost avoidance: measures re-               cluding in the definition of reused
 duced total product costs as a result of         code source code that is reused within
 reuse. (This is equivalent to 1 Ϫ RC in          the product and source code that is
 the Gaffney and Durek model.) Poulin             reused by others. (This is quite simi-
 et al. estimate that the financial ben-          lar to internal and external reuse,
 efit attributable to reuse during the            discussed in Section 4.1.)
 development phase is 80 percent of
 the cost of developing new code, de-               Reuse value added
 rived from studies showing that the                          ϭ ͑ SSI ϩ RSI ϩ SIRBO͒ /SSI .
 cost of integrating an existing soft-
 ware element is 20 percent of the cost          —Additional development cost: in-
 of new development (b in the Gaffney             creased product costs as a result of
 and Durek model). This study also                developing reusable software (same
 acknowledges savings that are real-              as E in the Barnes and Bollinger mod-
 ized in the maintenance phase as re-             el). This study estimates the cost of
 used software generally contains                 additional effort at 50 percent of the
 fewer errors; the total reuse cost               cost of new development.

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                 Table 6.   Characteristics of SEL subsystems [Agresti and Evanco 1992]

  Additional Development Cost                        slight modification, Յ 25% of lines
                                                     changed) were between 26% and 28%.
    ϭ ͑ relative cost of reuse Ϫ 1 ͒                 Defect densities were between 3.0 and
                                                     5.5 total defects per KSLOC. Table 6
       ϫ code written for reuse by others            shows four sample rows summarizing
       ϫ new code cost .                             the project characteristics of the sub-
                                                     systems showing that a high level of
Relative cost of writing for reuse is the            reuse correlates with a low defect den-
cost of writing reusable code relative to            sity (size is in KSLOC units).
the cost of writing code for 1-time use                 The Reusability-Oriented Parallel pro-
(estimated at 1.5). Code written for re-             gramming Environment (ROPE) [Browne
use by others is the kloc of code written            et al. 1990] is a software component
for reuse by the initiating project.                 reuse system that helps a designer find
                                                     and understand components. ROPE is
2.4 Relation of Reuse to Quality and                 integrated with a development environ-
    Productivity                                     ment called CODE (Computation-Orient-
Because systematic software reuse is                 ed Display Environment), which supports
uncommon, empirical evidence relating                construction of parallel programs using a
software reuse to quality and productiv-             declarative and hierarchical graph model
ity is limited. However, several re-                 of computation. ROPE supports reuse of
searchers have accumulated and pub-                  both design and code components, focus-
lished statistics that support the notion            ing on the key issues of reusability: find-
that software reuse improves quality                 ing components, then understanding,
and productivity.                                    modifying, and combining them. An ex-
   Agresti and Evanco [1992] conducted               periment was conducted to investigate
a study to predict defect density, a soft-           user productivity and software quality for
ware quality measurement, based on                   the CODE programming environment,
characteristics of Ada designs. They                 with and without ROPE.
used 16 subsystems from the Software                    The experimental design included
Engineering Laboratory (SEL) of NASA                 metrics such as fraction of code in a
Goddard Space Flight Center. The SEL                 program consisting of reused compo-
project database provided data on the                nents, development time, and error
extent of reuse and subsystem identifi-              rates. Reuse rates were reported as “ex-
cation for each compilation unit, and                tremely high” for the 43 programs writ-
reported defects and nondefect modifi-               ten using ROPE, with a mean reuse
cations. Collectively, approximately 149             rate for a total program (code and de-
KSLOC (kilo-source lines of code) were               sign) of 79%. The researchers used total
analyzed. The project database showed                development time to measure the effect
that the reuse ratios (fraction of compi-            of reusability on productivity. Table 7
lation units reused verbatim or with                 shows the development time in hours

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   Table 7.   Mean Development Time and [95% Confidence Intervals in Hours] [Browne et al. 1990]

        Table 8.   Mean Number of Errors and 95% Confidence Intervals [Browne et al. 1990]

for subjects programming in the CODE               tween the measures of reuse rate, devel-
environment and those programming in               opment time, and decreases in number
CODE and ROPE. The data reveal that                of errors.
ROPE had a significant effect on devel-               Card et al. [1986] conducted an em-
opment time for all the experimental               pirical study of software design prac-
programs.                                          tices in a FORTRAN-based scientific
  Error rates were used to measure                 computing environment. The goals of
quality. Compile errors, execution er-             the analysis were to identify the types
rors, and logic errors were all counted.           of software that are reused and to quan-
The results are shown in Table 8. The              tify the benefits of software reuse. The
use of ROPE reduced error rates, but               results were as follows.
the data are less clear than those for
productivity. The researchers attribute            —The modules that were reused with-
this to the difficulty of collecting the            out modification tended to be small
data and to the lack of distinction be-             and simple, exhibiting a relatively
tween design and code errors.                       low decision rate.
  In summary, the CODE/ROPE exper-                 —Extensively modified modules tended
iment showed a high correlation be-                 to be the largest of all reused software

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 (rated from extensively modified to un-           productivity. Gaffney and Durek be-
 changed) in terms of the number of                lieve that the costs of building reus-
 executable statements.                            able parts must be shared across many
—98 percent of the modules reused                  users to achieve higher payoffs from
 without modification were fault free              software reuse.
 and 82 percent of them were in the
 lowest cost per executable statement
                                                   3. MATURITY ASSESSMENT
—These results were consistent with a              Reuse maturity models support an as-
 previous Software Engineering Labo-               sessment of how advanced reuse pro-
 ratory study [Card et al. 1982] which             grams are in implementing systematic
 showed that reusing a line of code                reuse, using an ordinal scale of reuse
 amounts to only 20 percent of the cost            phases. They are similar to the Capabil-
 of developing it new.                             ity Maturity Model developed at the
                                                   Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at
   Matsumura [Frakes 1991] described               Carnegie Mellon University [Humphrey
an implementation of a reuse program               1989]. A maturity model is at the core of
at Toshiba. Results of the reuse pro-              planned reuse, helping organizations
gram showed a 60 percent ratio of re-              understand their past, current, and fu-
used components and a decrease in er-              ture goals for reuse activities. Several
rors by 20 to 30 percent. Managers felt            reuse maturity models have been devel-
that the reuse program would be profit-            oped and used, though they have not
able if a component were reused at least           been validated.
three times.
   A study of reuse in the object-oriented
environment was conducted by Chen                  3.1 Koltun and Hudson Reuse Maturity
and Lee [1993]. They developed an envi-                Model
ronment, based on an object-oriented
approach, to design, manufacture, and              Koltun and Hudson [1991] developed
use reusable Cϩϩ components. A con-                the reuse maturity model shown in Table
trolled experiment was conducted to                9. Columns indicate phases of reuse ma-
substantiate the reuse approach in                 turity, assumed to improve along an ordi-
terms of software productivity and qual-           nal scale from 1 (Initial/Chaotic) to 5
ity. Results showed improvements in                (Ingrained). Rows correspond to dimen-
software productivity of 30 to 90 percent          sions of reuse maturity such as Motiva-
measured in lines of code developed per            tion/Culture and Planning for Reuse. For
hour (LOC/hr).                                     each of the ten dimensions of reuse, the
   The Cost/Productivity Model by                  amount of organizational involvement
Gaffney and Durek [1989] specified the             and commitment increases as an organi-
effect of reuse on software quality (num-          zation progresses from initial/chaotic re-
ber of errors) and on software develop-            use to ingrained reuse. Ingrained reuse
ment schedules. Results suggested that             incorporates fully automated support
tradeoffs can occur between the propor-            tools and accurate reuse measurement to
tion of reuse and the costs of developing          track progress.
and using reusable components. In a                   To use this model, an organization
study of the latent error content of a             will assess its reuse maturity before
software product, the relative error con-          beginning a reuse improvement pro-
tent decreased for each additional use of          gram by identifying its placement on
the software but leveled off between               each dimension. (In our experience,
three and four uses. The models show               most organizations are between Initial/
that the number of uses of the reus-               Chaotic and Monitored at the start of
able software components directly cor-             the program.) The organization will
relates to the development product                 then use the model to guide activities

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                    Table 9.   Hudson and Koltun Reuse Maturity Model

that must be performed to achieve             set of categorized critical success factors
higher levels of reuse maturity. Once an      (stated as goals) that an organization
organization achieves Ingrained reuse,        can use to assess the present state of its
reuse becomes part of the business rou-       reuse practice. The factors are orga-
tine and will no longer be recognized as      nized into four primary groups: man-
a distinct discipline.                        agement, application development, as-
                                              set development, and process and
3.2 SPC Reuse Capability Model                technology factors. For example, in the
The reuse capability model developed by       group “Application Development Fac-
the Software Productivity Consortium          tors/Asset Awareness and Accessibility”
[Davis 1993] has two components: an as-       is the goal “Developers are aware of and
sessment model and an implementation          reuse assets that are specifically ac-
model.                                        quired/developed for their application.”
  The assessment model consists of a             The implementation model helps pri-

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oritize goals and build successive stages                  reuse level metrics that include factors
of implementation. The SPC identifies                      such as abstraction level of the life cycle
four stages in the risk-reduction growth                   objects and formal definitions of inter-
implementation model:                                      nal and external reuse. Work is also
                                                           underway [Bieman and Karunanithi
(1) Opportunistic: The reuse strategy                      1993; Chidamber and Kemerer 1994] to
    is developed on the project level.                     define metrics specifically for object-ori-
    Specialized reuse tools are used and                   ented systems. The following sections
    reusable assets are identified.                        discuss this work in detail. To date,
(2) Integrated: A      standard      reuse                 little work has been done on amount of
    strategy is defined and integrated                     reuse metrics for generative reuse, al-
    into the corporation’s software de-                    though Biggerstaff [1992] implicitly de-
    velopment process. The reuse pro-                      fines such a metric by reporting a ratio
    gram is fully supported by manage-                     of generated source lines to specification
    ment and staff. Reuse assets are                       effort for the Genesis system—40
    categorized.                                           KSLOC for 30 minutes specification
(3) Leveraged: The reuse strategy ex-                      effort.
    pands over the entire life cycle and is
    specialized for each product line.
    Reuse performance is measured and                      4.1 Reuse Level
    weaknesses of the program identified.
                                                           The basic dependent variable in soft-
(4) Anticipating: New business ven-                        ware reuse improvement efforts is the
    tures take advantage of the reuse                      level of reuse [Frakes 1993]. Reuse level
    capabilities and reusable assets.                      measurement assumes that a system is
    High payoff assets are identified.                     composed of parts at different levels of
    The reuse technology is driven by                      abstraction. The levels of abstraction
    customers’ needs.                                      must be defined to measure reuse. For
The SPC continues to evolve the model.                     example, a C-based system is composed
It has been used in pilot applications by                  of modules (.c files) that contain func-
several organizations, but no formal                       tions, and functions that contain lines of
validation has been done.                                  code. The reuse level of a C-based system,
                                                           then, can be expressed in terms of mod-
4. AMOUNT OF REUSE                                         ules, functions, or lines of code. A soft-
                                                           ware component (lower level item) may
Amount of reuse metrics are used to                        be internal or external. An internal lower
assess and monitor a reuse improve-                        level component is one developed for the
ment effort by tracking percentages of                     higher level component. An external
reuse of life cycle objects over time. In                  lower level component is used by the
general, the metric is:                                    higher level component, but was created
                                                           for a different item or for general use.
   amount of life cycle object reused                         The following quantities can be calcu-
                                                   .       lated given a higher level item com-
       total size of life cycle object
                                                           posed of lower level items:
A common form of this metric is based
on lines of code as follows:                               L ϭ the total number of lower level
                                                               items in the higher level item.
lines of reused code in system or module                   E ϭ the number of lower level items
 total lines of code in system or module                       from an external repository in
                                                               the higher level item.
Frakes [1990], Terry [1993], and Frakes                    I ϭ the number of lower level items
and Terry [1994] extend the basic                              in the higher level item that are
“amount of reuse” metric by defining                           not from an external repository.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
Software Reuse: Metrics and Models                  •       427

M ϭ the number of items not from an               T ϭ total number of lower level
    external repository that are used                 items in the higher level item,
    more than once.                                   both internal and external.

These counts are of unique items               Internal Reuse Level:         IU/T
(types), not tokens (references).              External Reuse Level:         EU/T
   Given these quantities, the following
reuse level metrics are defined [Frakes        Total Reuse Level:            (IU ϩ EU)/T.
                                               The reuse frequency metric is based on
External Reuse Level:      E/L                 references (tokens) to reused components
                                               rather than counting components only
Internal Reuse Level:      M/L
                                               once as was done for reuse level. The
Total Reuse Level:                             variables and reuse frequency metrics
              External Reuse Level             IUF ϭ number of references in the
                 ϩ Internal Reuse Level.             higher level item to reused
                                                     internal lower level items.
Internal, external, and total reuse lev-       EUF ϭ number of references in the
els will assume values between 0 and 1.              higher level item to reused
More reuse occurs as the reuse level                 external lower level items.
value approaches 1. A reuse level of 0          TF ϭ total number of references to
indicates no reuse.                                  lower level items in the higher
  The user must provide information to               level item, both internal and
calculate these reuse measures. The user             external.
must define the abstraction hierarchy, a
definition of external repositories, and a     Internal Reuse Frequency:           IUF/TF
definition of the “uses” relationship. For     External Reuse Frquency:            EUF/TF
each part in the parts-based approach, we
must know the name of the part, source         Total Reuse Frequency:
of the part (internal or external), level of
abstraction, and amount of usage.                                          (IUF ϩ EUF)/TF.
  Terry [1993] extended this formal               Program size is often used as a mea-
model by adding a variable reuse               sure of complexity. The complexity
threshold level that had been arbitrarily      weighting for internal reuse is the sum
set to one in the original model. The          of the sizes of all reused internal lower
variables and reuse level metrics are:         level items divided by the sum of the
                                               sizes of all internal lower level items
ITL ϭ internal threshold level, the            within the higher level item. An exam-
      maximum number of times an               ple size weighting for internal reuse in
      internal item can be used                a C system is the ratio of the size (cal-
      before it is reused.                     culated in number of lines of noncom-
ETL ϭ external threshold level, the            mentary source code) of reused internal
      maximum number of times an               functions to the size of all internal func-
      external item can be used                tions in the system.
      before it is reused.                        The software tool rl calculates reuse
 IU ϭ number of internal lower level           level and frequency for C code. Given a
      items that are used more than            set of C files, rl reports the following
      ITL.                                     information:
 EU ϭ number of external lower level
      items that are used more than            (1) internal reuse level;
      ETL.                                     (2) external reuse level;

                                                  ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
428       •       W. Frakes and C. Terry

(3)   total reuse level;                                 aged, with similar definitions to the
(4)   internal reuse frequency;                          server perspective.
(5)   external reuse frequency;                            Measurable system reuse attributes
(6)   total reuse frequency;
(7)   complexity (size) weighting                  for   —% of new system source text imported
      internal functions.                                 from the library;
The user may specify an internal and                     —% of new system classes imported ver-
external threshold level. The software                    batim from the library;
allows multiple definitions of higher                    —% of new system classes derived
level and lower level abstractions. The                   from library classes and the average
allowed higher level abstractions are                     % of the leveraged classes that are
system, file, or function. The lower                      imported;
level abstractions are function and                      —average number of verbatim and
NCSL (Non-Commentary Source Lines                         leveraged clients for servers, and
of code).                                                 servers for clients;
                                                         —average number of verbatim and le-
                                                          veraged indirect clients for servers,
4.2 Reuse Metrics for Object-Oriented                     and indirect servers for clients;
    Systems                                              —average length and number of paths
Bieman [1992] and Bieman and Karu-                        between indirect servers and clients
nanithi [1993] have proposed reuse met-                   for verbatim and leveraged reuse.
rics for object-oriented systems. Bieman                   Bieman and Karunanithi [1993] de-
[1992] identifies three perspectives from                scribe a prototype tool that is under
which to view reuse: server, client, and                 development to collect the proposed
system. The server perspective is the                    measures from Ada programs. This
perspective of the library or a particular               work recognizes the differences between
library component. The analysis focuses                  object-oriented systems and procedural
on how the entity is reused by the cli-                  systems, and exploits those differences
ents. From the client perspective, the                   through unique measurements.
goal is knowing how a particular pro-                      Chidamber and Kemerer [1994] pro-
gram entity reuses other program enti-                   pose a metrics suite for object-oriented
ties. The system perspective is a view of                design. The paper defines the following
reuse in the overall system, including                   metrics based on measurement theory:
servers and clients.
   The server reuse profile of a class                   (1) Weighted methods per class;
characterizes how the class is reused by                 (2) Depth of inheritance tree;
the client classes. The verbatim server                  (3) Number of children;
reuse in an object-oriented system is                    (4) Coupling between object classes;
basically the same as in procedural sys-                     and
tems, using object-oriented terminology.
                                                         (5) Responses for a class.
Leveraged server reuse is supported
through inheritance. A client can reuse                  Among these, the most significant to re-
the server either by extension, adding                   use is the metric depth of inheritance tree.
methods to the server, or by overload,                   This metric calculates the length of inher-
redefining methods. (Note that McGre-                    itance hierarchies. Shallow hierarchies
gor and Sykes [1992] offer good defini-                  forsake reusability for the simplicity of
tions of the object-oriented terminology                 understanding, thus reducing the extent
used in this section.)                                   of method reuse within an application.
   The client reuse profile characterizes                Chidamber and Kemerer assert that this
how a new class reuses existing library                  metrics suite can help manage reuse op-
classes. It too can be verbatim or lever-                portunities by measuring inheritance.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
Software Reuse: Metrics and Models                  •       429

4.3 Reuse Predictions for Life Cycle                No Attempt to Reuse
    Objects                                         Part Does Not Exist
Frakes and Fox [1995] present models                Part Is Not Available
that allow the prediction of reuse levels           Part Is Not Found
for one life cycle object based on reuse            Part Is Not Understood
levels for other life cycle objects. Such
                                                    Part Is Not Valid
models can be used to estimate reuse
levels of later life cycle objects such as          Part Can Not Be Integrated
code from earlier ones such as require-            Each failure mode has failure causes
ments. The authors define both temporal         associated with it. “No Attempt to Re-
and nontemporal models, and discuss             use,” has among its failure causes, for
methods for tailoring the models for a          example, resource constraints, no incen-
specific organization. The models are           tive to reuse, and lack of education. To
based on reuse data collected from 113          use the model, an organization gathers
respondents from 29 organizations, pri-         data on reuse failure modes and causes,
marily in the US. The study found that          and then uses this information to prior-
there were significant correlations be-         itize its reuse improvement activities.
tween the reuse levels of life cycle objects,
and that prediction models improved as
data from more life cycle objects were
                                                6. REUSABILITY ASSESSMENT
added to the models.
                                                Another important reuse measurement
                                                area concerns the estimation of reus-
5. SOFTWARE REUSE FAILURE MODES                 ability for a component. Such metrics
   MODEL                                        are potentially useful in two key areas
Implementing systematic reuse is diffi-         of reuse: reuse design and reengineer-
cult, involving both technical and non-         ing for reuse. The essential question is,
technical factors. Failure modes analysis       are there measurable attributes of a
provides an approach to measuring and           component that indicate its potential
improving a reuse process based on a            reusability? If so, then these attributes
model of the ways a reuse process can           will be goals for reuse design and re-
fail. The reuse failure modes model re-         engineering. One of the difficulties in
ported by Frakes and Fox [1996] can be          this area is that attributes of reusabil-
used to evaluate the quality of a system-       ity are often specific to given types of
atic reuse program, to determine reuse          reusable components, and to the lan-
impediments in an organization and to           guages in which they are implemented.
devise an improvement strategy for a sys-       In this section we review work in this
tematic reuse program.                          area.
   Given the many factors that may af-            In a study of NASA software, Selby
fect reuse success, how does an organi-         [1989] identified several module at-
zation decide which ones to address in          tributes that distinguished black-box
its reuse improvement program? This             reuse modules from others in his sam-
question can be answered by finding out         ple. The attributes included:
why reuse is not taking place in the
organization. This can be done by con-          —Fewer module calls per source line;
sidering reuse failure modes—that is,           —Fewer I/O parameters per source line;
the ways that reuse can fail.                   —Fewer read/write statements per line;
   The reuse failure modes model has
seven failure modes corresponding to            —Higher comment to code ratios;
the steps a software engineer will need         —More utility function calls per source
to complete in order to reuse a compo-           line;
nent. The failure modes are:                    —Fewer source lines.

                                                   ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
430       •       W. Frakes and C. Terry

                                    Figure 2.      Reuse library system.

This data suggest that modules possess-                  ponents. Potentially reusable software
ing these attributes will be more reus-                  is identified, and a method to measure
able.                                                    distances from that ideal is defined. By
  Basili et al. [1990] reported on two                   measuring the amount of change neces-
reuse studies of systems written in Ada.                 sary to convert an existing program into
The first study defined measures of data                 one composed of maximally reusable
bindings to characterize and identify re-                components, an indication of the reus-
usable components. Data binding is the                   ability of the program can be obtained.
sharing of global data between program
elements [Hutchins and Basili 1985].                     7. REUSE LIBRARY METRICS
Basili et al. [1990] proposed a method to
identify data bindings within a pro-                     As can be seen in Figure 2, a reuse
gram. After identification of the bind-                  library is a repository for storing reus-
ings, a cluster analysis computes and                    able assets, plus an interface for search-
weights coupling strengths. A coupling                   ing the repository. Library assets can be
is based on references to variables and                  obtained from existing systems through
parameters (data bindings). Aliasing, or                 reengineering, designed and built from
referencing, is not taken into account;                  scratch, or purchased. Components then
only one level of data bindings is consid-               are usually certified, a process for as-
ered. The cluster analysis identifies                    suring that they have desired attributes
which modules are strongly coupled and                   such as testing of a certain type.
may not be good candidates for reuse,                    The components are then classified so
and which modules are found to be inde-                  that users can effectively search for
pendent of others and are potentially                    them. The most common classification
reusable. A similar use of module cou-                   schemes are enumerated, faceted, and
pling information to identify potential                  free text indexing [Frakes and Gandel
objects in C code has been reported by                   1990]. The evaluation criteria for index-
Dunn and Knight [1991].                                  ing schemes of reuse libraries are: costs,
  The second study defines an abstract                   searching effectiveness, support for un-
measurement of reusability of Ada com-                   derstanding, and efficiency.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
Software Reuse: Metrics and Models                 •       431

   Indexing costs include the cost of cre-   can be measured by the number of bytes
ating a classification scheme, maintain-     needed to store the collection. Indexing
ing the classification scheme, and up-       overhead ratios can be calculated by
dating the database for the scheme.          dividing the sum of the size of the raw
These concerns are negligible for a          data, and indexing files by the size of
small collection, but become more im-        the indexing files. Retrieval speed is
portant as the collection grows. Each of     usually calculated by measuring the time
these costs can be measured in terms of      it takes the system to execute a search of
dollars or effort. These costs can be nor-   a given query on a given database.
malized by dividing total costs by the          Quality of assets is another important
number of components handled by the          aspect of a reuse library. There is con-
library.                                     siderable anecdotal evidence that this is
   Searching effectiveness addresses         the most important factor in determin-
how well the classification methods help     ing successful use of a reuse library.
users locate reusable components, and        Frakes and Nejmeh [1987] proposed the
is usually measured with recall and pre-     following metrics as indicators of the
cision. Recall is the number of relevant     quality of assets in a reuse library.
items retrieved divided by the number
of relevant items in the database. The       —Time in Use: the module should have
denominator is generally not known and        been used in one or more systems that
must be estimated using sampling              have been released to the field for a
methods. Precision is the number of rel-      period of three months.
evant items retrieved divided by the         —Reuse Statistics: the extent to which
total of items retrieved. Another effec-      the module has been successfully re-
tiveness measure is overlap, which re-        used by others is perhaps the best
ports the percentage of relevant docu-        indicator of module quality.
ments retrieved jointly by two methods.
Frakes and Pole [1994], in a study of        —Reuse Reviews: favorable reviews
representation methods for reusable           from those that have used the module
software, reported no statistically sig-      are a good indication that the module
nificant difference in terms of recall and    is of higher quality.
precision between enumerated, faceted,       —Complexity: overly complex modules
free text keyword, and attribute value        may not be easy to modify or main-
classification schemes. They reported         tain.
high overlap measures ranging from .72       —Inspection: the module should have
to .85 for all pairs of the classification    been inspected.
methods.                                     —Testing: the modules should have
   To reuse a component, a software en-       been thoroughly tested at the unit
gineer must not only find it, but also        level with statement coverage of 100
understand it. Understanding metrics          percent and branch coverage of at
measure how well a classification             least 80 percent.
method helps users understand reus-
able components. Frakes and Pole             Another class of reuse library metrics is
[1994] used a 7-point ordinal scale (7 ϭ     used to measure usage of a reuse library
best) to measure support for under-          system. The following list was supplied
standing. They reported no significant       by the ASSET system, an on-line com-
difference between the classification        mercial reuse library system.
methods using this metric.
   In order to be useful, a reuse library    —Time on-line (system availability):
must also be efficient. Library efficiency    this is a measure of the number of
deals with nonfunctional requirements         hours the system is available for use.
such as memory usage, indexing file          —Account demographics: assigns users
size, and retrieval speed. Memory usage       to the following categories: Govern-

                                                ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
432       •       W. Frakes and C. Terry

                       Table 10.   Summary of Software Reuse Metrics and Models

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
Software Reuse: Metrics and Models                     •       433

Table A1.   Definitions of Reuse Types

                         ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
434       •       W. Frakes and C. Terry

 ment/contractor, commercial, aca-                 overlap in meaning. For example, the ta-
 demia, NonUS;                                     ble terms public and external both de-
—Type of library function performed:               scribe the part of a product that was
 searches, browses, extracts;                      constructed externally; private and inter-
—Asset distribution: whether electronic            nal describe the part of a product that
 or via a human librarian;                         was not constructed externally but was
                                                   developed and reused within a single
—Number of subscriber accounts;
                                                   product. The terms verbatim and black-
—Available assets by type: interopera-             box both describe reuse without modifica-
 tion, supplier listings, local compo-             tion; leveraged and white-box describe re-
 nents;                                            use with modification. The final four
—Number of extractions by collection:              terms in the table describe levels of reuse
 number of assets extracted by collec-             that can occur in the object-oriented par-
 tion, number of assets extracted by               adigm. (References in descriptions in Ta-
 evaluation level;                                 ble A1 are provided for further informa-
—Listing of assets by domain;                      tion. They do not necessarily indicate first
—Request for services by: Telnet Log-              use of the term.)
 ins, modem Logins, FTP, World Wide
  These metrics can provide good man-
agement information for a library sys-             AGRESTI, W. AND EVANCO, W. 1992. Projecting
tem. They can be used to demonstrate                   software defects in analyzing Ada designs.
                                                       IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 18, 11, 988 –997.
the value of the library to management
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as well as to provide information for                  nomic foundation for software reuse. In IEEE
continuous quality improvement.                        Tutorial: Software Reuse—Emerging Technol-
                                                       ogy, W. Tracz, Ed. IEEE Computer Society
8. SUMMARY                                             Press, Washiington, D.C.
                                                   BARNES, B. AND BOLLINGER, T. 1991. Making
A reuse program must be planned, delib-                software reuse cost effective. IEEE Softw. 1,
erate, and systematic if it is to give large           13–24.
payoffs. As organizations implement sys-           BASILI, V. R., ROMBACH, H. D., BAILEY, J., AND
tematic software reuse programs in an                  DELIS, A. 1990. Ada reusability and mea-
                                                       surement. Computer Science Tech. Rep. Se-
effort to improve productivity and qual-               ries, University of Maryland, May.
ity, they must be able to measure their            BIEMAN, J. 1992. Deriving measures of soft-
progress and identify the most effective               ware reuse in object-oriented systems. In
reuse strategies. In this article we sur-              BCS-FACS Workshop on Formal Aspects of
veyed metrics and models of software re-               Measurement, Springer-Verlag.
use. A metric is a quantitative indicator          BIEMAN, J. AND KARUNANITHI, S. 1993. Candi
                                                       date reuse metrics for object-oriented and Ada
of an attribute. A model specifies relation-           software. In Proceedings of IEEE-CS First
ships between metrics.                                 International Software Metrics Symposium.
   Table 10 presents a summary of the              BIGGERSTAFF, T. 1992. An assessment and anal-
reuse metrics and models discussed. As                 ysis of software reuse. In Advances in Com-
is typical in an emerging discipline such              puters, Marshall Yovits, Ed. Academic Press,
as systematic software reuse, many of                  New York.
these metrics and models still lack for-           BOOCH, G. 1987. Software Componenets with
                                                       Ada. Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA.
mal validation. Despite this, they are
                                                   BROWNE, J., LEE, T., AND WERTH, J. 1990. Ex-
being used and are being found useful                  perimental evaluation of a reusability-ori-
in industrial practice.                                ented parallel programming environment.
                                                       IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 16, 2, 111–120.
Appendix 1: Definitions of Types of Reuse          CARD, D., MCGARRY, F., PAGE, G., ET AL. 1982.
                                                       The software engineering laboratory. NASA/
The terms in Table A1 describe various                 GSFC, 2.
reuse issues. Some terms in the table              CARD, D., CHURCH, V., AND AGRESTI, W. 1986.

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    IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 12, 2, 264 –270.               study of representation methods for reusable
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FENTON, N. 1991. Software Metrics, A Rigorous              Research, Inc.
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FRAKES, W. 1993. Software reuse as industrial              turity model. In Fourth Annual Workshop on
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Received April 1994; revised October 1995; accepted November 1995

                                                           ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996

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  • 1. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models WILLIAM FRAKES Virginia Tech and CAROL TERRY INCODE Corporation As organizations implement systematic software reuse programs to improve productivity and quality, they must be able to measure their progress and identify the most effective reuse strategies. This is done with reuse metrics and models. In this article we survey metrics and models of software reuse and reusability, and provide a classification structure that will help users select them. Six types of metrics and models are reviewed: cost-benefit models, maturity assessment models, amount of reuse metrics, failure modes models, reusability assessment models, and reuse library metrics. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics; D.2.m [Software Engineering]: Miscellaneous—reusable software; K.6.0 [Management of Computing and Information Systems]: General—economics; K.6.4 [Management of Computing and Information Systems]: System Management—quality assurance General Terms: Economics, Measurement, Performance Additional Key Words and Phrases: Cost-benefit analysis, maturity assessment, reuse level, object-oriented, software reuse failure modes model, reusability assessment, reuse library metrics, software, reuse, reusability, models, economics, quality, productivity, definitions 1. INTRODUCTION Isoda 1994]. Organizations implement- ing systematic software reuse programs Software reuse, the use of existing soft- must be able to measure their progress ware artifacts or knowledge to create and identify the most effective reuse new software, is a key method for signif- strategies. icantly improving software quality and In this article we survey metrics and productivity. Reusability is the degree models of software reuse and reusabil- to which a thing can be reused. To ity. A metric is a quantitative indicator achieve significant payoffs a reuse pro- of an attribute of a thing. A model spec- gram must be systematic [Frakes and ifies relationships among metrics. In Authors’ addresses: W. Frakes, Virginia Tech, Computer Science Department, 2990 Telestar Court, Falls Church, VA 20165; email: ͗͘; C. Terry, INCODE Corp., 1100 S. Main St., Blacksburg VA 24060; email: ͗͘. Permission to make digital / hard copy of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copyright notice, the title of the publication, and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and / or a fee. © 1996 ACM 0360-0300/96/0600–0415 $03.50 ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 2. 416 • W. Frakes and C. Terry CONTENTS well as quality and productivity payoff. Maturity assessment models categorize reuse programs by how advanced they are in implementing systematic reuse. 1. INTRODUCTION Amount of reuse metrics are used to as- 1.1 Types of Reuse sess and monitor a reuse improvement 2. COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS 2.1 Cost/Productivity Models effort by tracking percentages of reuse for 2.2 Quality of Investment life cycle objects. Failure modes analysis 2.3 Business Reuse Metrics is used to identify and order the impedi- 2.4 Relation of Reuse to Quality and Productivity ments to reuse in a given organization. 3. MATURITY ASSESSMENT 3.1 Koltun and Hudson Reuse Maturity Model Reusability metrics indicate the likeli- 3.2 SPC Reuse Capability Model hood that an artifact is reusable. Reuse 4. AMOUNT OF REUSE library metrics are used to manage and 4.1 Reuse Level 4.2 Reuse Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems track usage of a reuse repository. Organi- 4.3 Reuse Predictions for Life Cycle Objects zations often encounter the need for 5. SOFTWARE REUSE FAILURE MODES MODEL these metrics and models in the order 6. REUSABILITY ASSESSMENT presented. 7. REUSE LIBRARY METRICS 8. SUMMARY Software reuse can apply to any life APPENDIX 1: DEFINITIONS OF TYPES OF REUSE cycle product, not only to fragments of REFERENCES source code. This means that developers can pursue reuse of requirements docu- ments, system specifications, design structures, and any other development Figure 1, reuse models and metrics are artifact [Barnes and Bollinger 1991]. categorized into types: (1) reuse cost- Jones [1993] identifies ten potentially benefits models, (2) maturity assess- reusable aspects of software projects as ment, (3) amount of reuse, (4) failure shown in Table 1. modes, (5) reusability, and (6) reuse li- In addition to these life cycle prod- brary metrics. Reuse cost-benefits models ucts, processes (such as the waterfall include economic cost/benefit analysis as model of software development and the Figure 1. Categorization of reuse metrics and models. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 3. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 417 Table 1. Reusable Aspects of Software Projects SEI capability maturity model), and 2. COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS knowledge are also potentially reusable. As organizations contemplate system- atic software reuse, the first question 1.1 Types of Reuse that will arise will probably concern Clear definitions of types of reuse are costs and benefits. Organizations will necessary prerequisites to measure- need to justify the cost and time in- ment. Table 2 provides a faceted classi- volved in systematic reuse by estimat- fication of reuse definitions gathered ing these costs and potential payoffs. from the literature. Each column speci- Cost benefit analysis models include fies a facet, with the facet name in bold. economic cost-benefit models and qual- Below each facet are its corresponding ity and productivity payoff analyses. terms. (See Appendix 1 for detailed def- Several reuse cost-benefit models initions of the terms in the table.) have been reported. None of these mod- Terms in parentheses are synonyms. els are derived from data, nor have they Development scope refers to whether the been validated with data. Instead, the reusable components are from a source models allow a user to simulate the external or internal to a project. Modifi- tradeoffs between important economic cation refers to how much a reusable parameters such as cost and productiv- asset is changed. Approach refers to dif- ity. These are estimated by setting arbi- ferent technical methods for implement- trary values for cost and productivity ing reuse. Domain scope refers to measures of systems without reuse, and whether reuse occurs within a family of then estimating these parameters for systems or between families of systems. systems with reuse. There is consider- Management refers to the degree to able commonality among the models, as which reuse is done systematically. Re- described in the following. used entity refers to the type of the reused object. 2.1 Cost/Productivity Models Reuse in an organization can be de- fined by selecting appropriate facet- Gaffney and Durek [1989] propose two term pairs from this table. For example, cost and productivity models for soft- an organization might choose to do both ware reuse. The simple model shows the internal and external code reuse, allow- cost of reusing software components. The ing only black box modification as part cost-of-development model builds upon of a compositional approach. They the simple model by representing the cost might choose to focus on reuse within of developing reusable components. their domain (vertical) and to pursue a The simple model works as follows. systematic management approach. Let C be the cost of software develop- The following sections discuss in detail ment for a given product relative to all each of the six types of reuse metrics and new code (for which C ϭ 1). R is the models. proportion of reused code in the product ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 4. 418 • W. Frakes and C. Terry Table 2. Types of Software Reuse (R Յ 1). (Note that R is a type of reuse The cost of development model in- level; this topic is discussed in detail in cludes the cost of reusing software and Section 4.) b is the cost relative to that the cost of developing reusable compo- for all new code, of incorporating the nents as follows. Let E represent the reused code into the new product ( b ϭ 1 cost of developing a reusable component for all new code). The relative cost for relative to the cost of producing a com- software development is: ponent that is not reusable. E is ex- pected to be Ͼ1 because creating a com- [(relative cost of all new code) ponent for reuse generally requires extra effort. Let n be the number of uses ‫ ͑ ء‬proportion of new code ͒ ] over which the code development cost will be amortized. The new value for C ϩ ͓͑ relative cost of reused software) (cost) incorporates these measures: ‫ ͑ ء‬proportion of reused software͒ ]. C ϭ ͑ b ϩ ͑ E/n ͒ Ϫ 1 ͒ R ϩ 1 . The equation for this is: Other models help a user estimate the C ϭ ͑ 1 ͒͑ 1 Ϫ R ͒ ϩ ͑ b ͒͑ R ͒ effect of reuse on software quality (num- ber of errors) and on software develop- ϭ ͓͑ b Ϫ 1 ͒ R ͔ ϩ 1 , ment schedules. Using reusable software generally results in higher overall devel- and the corresponding relative opment productivity; however, the costs productivity is, of building reusable components must be P ϭ 1/C ϭ 1/ ͑͑ b Ϫ 1 ͒ R ϩ 1 ͒ . recovered through many reuses. Some empirical estimates of the relative cost of b must be Ͻ 1 for reuse to be cost producing reusable components and for effective. The size of b depends on the cost recovery via multiple reuses are dis- life cycle phase of the reusable compo- cussed in the next section. nent. If only the source code is reused, Applications of Cost/Productivity then one must go through the require- Models. Margono and Rhoads [1993] ments, design, and testing to complete applied the cost of development model development of the reusable component. to assess the economic benefits of a re- In this case, Gaffney and Durek esti- use effort on a large-scale Ada project mate b ϭ 0.85. If requirements, design, (the United States Federal Aviation Ad- and code are reused as well, then only ministration’s Advanced Automation the testing phase must be done and b is System (FAA/AAS)). They applied the estimated to be 0.08. model to various types of software cate- ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 5. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 419 Table 3. Barnes’ and Bollinger’s economic investment model gorized by the source (local, commercial, listed in order of increasing complexity. or public) and mode of reuse (reused (The quoted definitions are from Booch with or without change). The equation for [1987].) C in the reuse economics model was mod- ified to reflect acquisition, development, Monolithic: and integration costs. Results show that “Denotes that the structure is always the cost of developing for reuse is often treated as a single unit and that its twice the cost of developing an equivalent individual parts cannot be manipu- nonreusable component. lated. Monolithic components do not Favaro [1991] utilized the model from permit structural sharing; stack, Barnes et al. [1988] to analyze the eco- string, queue, deque, ring, map, set, nomics of reuse. (Note: the Barnes et al. and bag components are monolithic.” [1988] model is the same as that of Polylithic: Gaffney and Durek [1989].) The rele- “Denotes that the structure is not vant variables and formulas are shown atomic and that its individual parts can in Table 3. be manipulated. Polylithic components Favaro’s research team estimated the permit structural sharing; lists, trees, quantities R and b for an Ada-based and graph components are polylithic.” development project. They found it diffi- Graph: cult to estimate R because it was un- “A collection of nodes and arcs (which clear whether to measure source code or are ordered pairs of nodes).” relative size of the load modules. The Menu, mask: parameter b was even more difficult End-products of the project. They were to estimate because it was unclear developed as generalized, reusable com- whether cost should be measured as the ponents and so were included in the amount of real-time necessary to install study. the component in the application and whether the cost of learning should be Table 4 shows values reported by Fa- included. varo for E, the relative cost of creating a Favaro classified the Booch compo- reusable component, b, the integration nents according to their relative com- cost of a reusable component, and N0, plexity. The following categories are the payoff threshold value. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 6. 420 • W. Frakes and C. Terry Table 4. Costs and payoff threshold values for reusable components [Favaro 1991] The overall costs of reusable compo- producer activities and consumer activi- nents relative to nonreusable compo- ties. Producer activities are reuse invest- nents is E ϩ b. b is expected to be less ments, or costs incurred while making than 1.0, since it should be cheaper to one or more work products easier to reuse integrate a reusable component than to by others. Consumer activities are reuse create the component from scratch. E is benefits, or measures in dollars of how greater than or equal to 1.0, showing much the earlier reuse investment helped costs of developing reusable components or hurt the effectiveness of an activity. are higher than costs of developing non- The total reuse benefit can then be found reusable components. Favaro found that by estimating the reuse benefit for all the cost of reusability increased with subsequent activities that profit from the the complexity of the component. Mono- reuse investment. lithic components were so simple there The quality of investment (Q) is the was no extra cost to develop them as ratio of reuse benefits (B) to reuse invest- reusable components. In contrast, the ments (R): Q ϭ B/R. If Q is less than one cost of the mask component more than for a reuse effort, then that effort resulted doubled as it was generalized. The inte- in a net financial loss. If Q is greater than gration cost b was also high in complex one, then the investment provided a good applications. The values for N0 show return. Three major strategies are identi- that the monolithic and polylithic com- fied for increasing Q: increase the level of ponent costs are amortized after only reuse, reduce the average cost of reuse, two reuses. However, the graph compo- and reduce the investment needed to nent must be used approximately five achieve a given reuse benefit. times before its costs are recovered, and the most complex form of the mask will 2.3 Business Reuse Metrics require thirteen reuses for amortiza- tion. In summary, costs rise quickly Poulin et al. [1993] present a set of met- with component size and complexity. rics used by IBM to estimate the effort saved by reuse. The study weighs poten- 2.2 Quality of Investment tial benefits against the expenditures of time and resources required to identify Barnes and Bollinger [1991] examined and integrate reusable software into a the cost and risk features of software product. Although the measures used are reuse and suggested an analytical ap- similar to the Cost/Productivity Models proach for making good reuse invest- [Gaffney and Durek 1989] already dis- ments. Reuse activities are divided into cussed, metrics are named from a busi- ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 7. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 421 Table 5. Observable Data [Poulin et al. 1993] ness perspective, and they provide a finer avoidance is calculated as the sum of breakdown for some calculations. For ex- cost avoidance in the development ample, cost is broken down into develop- and maintenance activities. ment costs and maintenance costs. The metrics are derived from a set of Development cost avoidance data elements defined in Table 5. ϭ RSI ϫ 0.8 ϫ ͑ new code cost͒ Given the preceding data, the follow- ing metrics are defined: Service cost avoidance —Reuse percent: reflects how much of the product can be attributed to re- ϭ RSI ϫ ͑ error rate͒ use. (This is equivalent to R in the ϫ ͑ new code cost͒ Gaffney and Durek model.) Poulin et al. distinguish the reuse percent of a Reuse cost avoidance product, the reuse percent of a prod- uct release, and the reuse percent for ϭ Development cost avoidance the entire organization. ϩ Service cost avoidance . Product Reuse percent —Reuse value added: a productivity in- dex that differs from the previous def- ϭ RSI/(RSI ϩ SSI) ϫ 100 percent . initions of relative productivity by in- —Reuse cost avoidance: measures re- cluding in the definition of reused duced total product costs as a result of code source code that is reused within reuse. (This is equivalent to 1 Ϫ RC in the product and source code that is the Gaffney and Durek model.) Poulin reused by others. (This is quite simi- et al. estimate that the financial ben- lar to internal and external reuse, efit attributable to reuse during the discussed in Section 4.1.) development phase is 80 percent of the cost of developing new code, de- Reuse value added rived from studies showing that the ϭ ͑ SSI ϩ RSI ϩ SIRBO͒ /SSI . cost of integrating an existing soft- ware element is 20 percent of the cost —Additional development cost: in- of new development (b in the Gaffney creased product costs as a result of and Durek model). This study also developing reusable software (same acknowledges savings that are real- as E in the Barnes and Bollinger mod- ized in the maintenance phase as re- el). This study estimates the cost of used software generally contains additional effort at 50 percent of the fewer errors; the total reuse cost cost of new development. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 8. 422 • W. Frakes and C. Terry Table 6. Characteristics of SEL subsystems [Agresti and Evanco 1992] Additional Development Cost slight modification, Յ 25% of lines changed) were between 26% and 28%. ϭ ͑ relative cost of reuse Ϫ 1 ͒ Defect densities were between 3.0 and 5.5 total defects per KSLOC. Table 6 ϫ code written for reuse by others shows four sample rows summarizing ϫ new code cost . the project characteristics of the sub- systems showing that a high level of Relative cost of writing for reuse is the reuse correlates with a low defect den- cost of writing reusable code relative to sity (size is in KSLOC units). the cost of writing code for 1-time use The Reusability-Oriented Parallel pro- (estimated at 1.5). Code written for re- gramming Environment (ROPE) [Browne use by others is the kloc of code written et al. 1990] is a software component for reuse by the initiating project. reuse system that helps a designer find and understand components. ROPE is 2.4 Relation of Reuse to Quality and integrated with a development environ- Productivity ment called CODE (Computation-Orient- Because systematic software reuse is ed Display Environment), which supports uncommon, empirical evidence relating construction of parallel programs using a software reuse to quality and productiv- declarative and hierarchical graph model ity is limited. However, several re- of computation. ROPE supports reuse of searchers have accumulated and pub- both design and code components, focus- lished statistics that support the notion ing on the key issues of reusability: find- that software reuse improves quality ing components, then understanding, and productivity. modifying, and combining them. An ex- Agresti and Evanco [1992] conducted periment was conducted to investigate a study to predict defect density, a soft- user productivity and software quality for ware quality measurement, based on the CODE programming environment, characteristics of Ada designs. They with and without ROPE. used 16 subsystems from the Software The experimental design included Engineering Laboratory (SEL) of NASA metrics such as fraction of code in a Goddard Space Flight Center. The SEL program consisting of reused compo- project database provided data on the nents, development time, and error extent of reuse and subsystem identifi- rates. Reuse rates were reported as “ex- cation for each compilation unit, and tremely high” for the 43 programs writ- reported defects and nondefect modifi- ten using ROPE, with a mean reuse cations. Collectively, approximately 149 rate for a total program (code and de- KSLOC (kilo-source lines of code) were sign) of 79%. The researchers used total analyzed. The project database showed development time to measure the effect that the reuse ratios (fraction of compi- of reusability on productivity. Table 7 lation units reused verbatim or with shows the development time in hours ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 9. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 423 Table 7. Mean Development Time and [95% Confidence Intervals in Hours] [Browne et al. 1990] Table 8. Mean Number of Errors and 95% Confidence Intervals [Browne et al. 1990] for subjects programming in the CODE tween the measures of reuse rate, devel- environment and those programming in opment time, and decreases in number CODE and ROPE. The data reveal that of errors. ROPE had a significant effect on devel- Card et al. [1986] conducted an em- opment time for all the experimental pirical study of software design prac- programs. tices in a FORTRAN-based scientific Error rates were used to measure computing environment. The goals of quality. Compile errors, execution er- the analysis were to identify the types rors, and logic errors were all counted. of software that are reused and to quan- The results are shown in Table 8. The tify the benefits of software reuse. The use of ROPE reduced error rates, but results were as follows. the data are less clear than those for productivity. The researchers attribute —The modules that were reused with- this to the difficulty of collecting the out modification tended to be small data and to the lack of distinction be- and simple, exhibiting a relatively tween design and code errors. low decision rate. In summary, the CODE/ROPE exper- —Extensively modified modules tended iment showed a high correlation be- to be the largest of all reused software ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 10. 424 • W. Frakes and C. Terry (rated from extensively modified to un- productivity. Gaffney and Durek be- changed) in terms of the number of lieve that the costs of building reus- executable statements. able parts must be shared across many —98 percent of the modules reused users to achieve higher payoffs from without modification were fault free software reuse. and 82 percent of them were in the lowest cost per executable statement 3. MATURITY ASSESSMENT category. —These results were consistent with a Reuse maturity models support an as- previous Software Engineering Labo- sessment of how advanced reuse pro- ratory study [Card et al. 1982] which grams are in implementing systematic showed that reusing a line of code reuse, using an ordinal scale of reuse amounts to only 20 percent of the cost phases. They are similar to the Capabil- of developing it new. ity Maturity Model developed at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Matsumura [Frakes 1991] described Carnegie Mellon University [Humphrey an implementation of a reuse program 1989]. A maturity model is at the core of at Toshiba. Results of the reuse pro- planned reuse, helping organizations gram showed a 60 percent ratio of re- understand their past, current, and fu- used components and a decrease in er- ture goals for reuse activities. Several rors by 20 to 30 percent. Managers felt reuse maturity models have been devel- that the reuse program would be profit- oped and used, though they have not able if a component were reused at least been validated. three times. A study of reuse in the object-oriented environment was conducted by Chen 3.1 Koltun and Hudson Reuse Maturity and Lee [1993]. They developed an envi- Model ronment, based on an object-oriented approach, to design, manufacture, and Koltun and Hudson [1991] developed use reusable Cϩϩ components. A con- the reuse maturity model shown in Table trolled experiment was conducted to 9. Columns indicate phases of reuse ma- substantiate the reuse approach in turity, assumed to improve along an ordi- terms of software productivity and qual- nal scale from 1 (Initial/Chaotic) to 5 ity. Results showed improvements in (Ingrained). Rows correspond to dimen- software productivity of 30 to 90 percent sions of reuse maturity such as Motiva- measured in lines of code developed per tion/Culture and Planning for Reuse. For hour (LOC/hr). each of the ten dimensions of reuse, the The Cost/Productivity Model by amount of organizational involvement Gaffney and Durek [1989] specified the and commitment increases as an organi- effect of reuse on software quality (num- zation progresses from initial/chaotic re- ber of errors) and on software develop- use to ingrained reuse. Ingrained reuse ment schedules. Results suggested that incorporates fully automated support tradeoffs can occur between the propor- tools and accurate reuse measurement to tion of reuse and the costs of developing track progress. and using reusable components. In a To use this model, an organization study of the latent error content of a will assess its reuse maturity before software product, the relative error con- beginning a reuse improvement pro- tent decreased for each additional use of gram by identifying its placement on the software but leveled off between each dimension. (In our experience, three and four uses. The models show most organizations are between Initial/ that the number of uses of the reus- Chaotic and Monitored at the start of able software components directly cor- the program.) The organization will relates to the development product then use the model to guide activities ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 11. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 425 Table 9. Hudson and Koltun Reuse Maturity Model that must be performed to achieve set of categorized critical success factors higher levels of reuse maturity. Once an (stated as goals) that an organization organization achieves Ingrained reuse, can use to assess the present state of its reuse becomes part of the business rou- reuse practice. The factors are orga- tine and will no longer be recognized as nized into four primary groups: man- a distinct discipline. agement, application development, as- set development, and process and 3.2 SPC Reuse Capability Model technology factors. For example, in the The reuse capability model developed by group “Application Development Fac- the Software Productivity Consortium tors/Asset Awareness and Accessibility” [Davis 1993] has two components: an as- is the goal “Developers are aware of and sessment model and an implementation reuse assets that are specifically ac- model. quired/developed for their application.” The assessment model consists of a The implementation model helps pri- ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 12. 426 • W. Frakes and C. Terry oritize goals and build successive stages reuse level metrics that include factors of implementation. The SPC identifies such as abstraction level of the life cycle four stages in the risk-reduction growth objects and formal definitions of inter- implementation model: nal and external reuse. Work is also underway [Bieman and Karunanithi (1) Opportunistic: The reuse strategy 1993; Chidamber and Kemerer 1994] to is developed on the project level. define metrics specifically for object-ori- Specialized reuse tools are used and ented systems. The following sections reusable assets are identified. discuss this work in detail. To date, (2) Integrated: A standard reuse little work has been done on amount of strategy is defined and integrated reuse metrics for generative reuse, al- into the corporation’s software de- though Biggerstaff [1992] implicitly de- velopment process. The reuse pro- fines such a metric by reporting a ratio gram is fully supported by manage- of generated source lines to specification ment and staff. Reuse assets are effort for the Genesis system—40 categorized. KSLOC for 30 minutes specification (3) Leveraged: The reuse strategy ex- effort. pands over the entire life cycle and is specialized for each product line. Reuse performance is measured and 4.1 Reuse Level weaknesses of the program identified. The basic dependent variable in soft- (4) Anticipating: New business ven- ware reuse improvement efforts is the tures take advantage of the reuse level of reuse [Frakes 1993]. Reuse level capabilities and reusable assets. measurement assumes that a system is High payoff assets are identified. composed of parts at different levels of The reuse technology is driven by abstraction. The levels of abstraction customers’ needs. must be defined to measure reuse. For The SPC continues to evolve the model. example, a C-based system is composed It has been used in pilot applications by of modules (.c files) that contain func- several organizations, but no formal tions, and functions that contain lines of validation has been done. code. The reuse level of a C-based system, then, can be expressed in terms of mod- 4. AMOUNT OF REUSE ules, functions, or lines of code. A soft- ware component (lower level item) may Amount of reuse metrics are used to be internal or external. An internal lower assess and monitor a reuse improve- level component is one developed for the ment effort by tracking percentages of higher level component. An external reuse of life cycle objects over time. In lower level component is used by the general, the metric is: higher level component, but was created for a different item or for general use. amount of life cycle object reused The following quantities can be calcu- . lated given a higher level item com- total size of life cycle object posed of lower level items: A common form of this metric is based on lines of code as follows: L ϭ the total number of lower level items in the higher level item. lines of reused code in system or module E ϭ the number of lower level items . total lines of code in system or module from an external repository in the higher level item. Frakes [1990], Terry [1993], and Frakes I ϭ the number of lower level items and Terry [1994] extend the basic in the higher level item that are “amount of reuse” metric by defining not from an external repository. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 13. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 427 M ϭ the number of items not from an T ϭ total number of lower level external repository that are used items in the higher level item, more than once. both internal and external. These counts are of unique items Internal Reuse Level: IU/T (types), not tokens (references). External Reuse Level: EU/T Given these quantities, the following reuse level metrics are defined [Frakes Total Reuse Level: (IU ϩ EU)/T. 1990]: The reuse frequency metric is based on External Reuse Level: E/L references (tokens) to reused components rather than counting components only Internal Reuse Level: M/L once as was done for reuse level. The Total Reuse Level: variables and reuse frequency metrics are: External Reuse Level IUF ϭ number of references in the ϩ Internal Reuse Level. higher level item to reused internal lower level items. Internal, external, and total reuse lev- EUF ϭ number of references in the els will assume values between 0 and 1. higher level item to reused More reuse occurs as the reuse level external lower level items. value approaches 1. A reuse level of 0 TF ϭ total number of references to indicates no reuse. lower level items in the higher The user must provide information to level item, both internal and calculate these reuse measures. The user external. must define the abstraction hierarchy, a definition of external repositories, and a Internal Reuse Frequency: IUF/TF definition of the “uses” relationship. For External Reuse Frquency: EUF/TF each part in the parts-based approach, we must know the name of the part, source Total Reuse Frequency: of the part (internal or external), level of abstraction, and amount of usage. (IUF ϩ EUF)/TF. Terry [1993] extended this formal Program size is often used as a mea- model by adding a variable reuse sure of complexity. The complexity threshold level that had been arbitrarily weighting for internal reuse is the sum set to one in the original model. The of the sizes of all reused internal lower variables and reuse level metrics are: level items divided by the sum of the sizes of all internal lower level items ITL ϭ internal threshold level, the within the higher level item. An exam- maximum number of times an ple size weighting for internal reuse in internal item can be used a C system is the ratio of the size (cal- before it is reused. culated in number of lines of noncom- ETL ϭ external threshold level, the mentary source code) of reused internal maximum number of times an functions to the size of all internal func- external item can be used tions in the system. before it is reused. The software tool rl calculates reuse IU ϭ number of internal lower level level and frequency for C code. Given a items that are used more than set of C files, rl reports the following ITL. information: EU ϭ number of external lower level items that are used more than (1) internal reuse level; ETL. (2) external reuse level; ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 14. 428 • W. Frakes and C. Terry (3) total reuse level; aged, with similar definitions to the (4) internal reuse frequency; server perspective. (5) external reuse frequency; Measurable system reuse attributes include: (6) total reuse frequency; (7) complexity (size) weighting for —% of new system source text imported internal functions. from the library; The user may specify an internal and —% of new system classes imported ver- external threshold level. The software batim from the library; allows multiple definitions of higher —% of new system classes derived level and lower level abstractions. The from library classes and the average allowed higher level abstractions are % of the leveraged classes that are system, file, or function. The lower imported; level abstractions are function and —average number of verbatim and NCSL (Non-Commentary Source Lines leveraged clients for servers, and of code). servers for clients; —average number of verbatim and le- veraged indirect clients for servers, 4.2 Reuse Metrics for Object-Oriented and indirect servers for clients; Systems —average length and number of paths Bieman [1992] and Bieman and Karu- between indirect servers and clients nanithi [1993] have proposed reuse met- for verbatim and leveraged reuse. rics for object-oriented systems. Bieman Bieman and Karunanithi [1993] de- [1992] identifies three perspectives from scribe a prototype tool that is under which to view reuse: server, client, and development to collect the proposed system. The server perspective is the measures from Ada programs. This perspective of the library or a particular work recognizes the differences between library component. The analysis focuses object-oriented systems and procedural on how the entity is reused by the cli- systems, and exploits those differences ents. From the client perspective, the through unique measurements. goal is knowing how a particular pro- Chidamber and Kemerer [1994] pro- gram entity reuses other program enti- pose a metrics suite for object-oriented ties. The system perspective is a view of design. The paper defines the following reuse in the overall system, including metrics based on measurement theory: servers and clients. The server reuse profile of a class (1) Weighted methods per class; characterizes how the class is reused by (2) Depth of inheritance tree; the client classes. The verbatim server (3) Number of children; reuse in an object-oriented system is (4) Coupling between object classes; basically the same as in procedural sys- and tems, using object-oriented terminology. (5) Responses for a class. Leveraged server reuse is supported through inheritance. A client can reuse Among these, the most significant to re- the server either by extension, adding use is the metric depth of inheritance tree. methods to the server, or by overload, This metric calculates the length of inher- redefining methods. (Note that McGre- itance hierarchies. Shallow hierarchies gor and Sykes [1992] offer good defini- forsake reusability for the simplicity of tions of the object-oriented terminology understanding, thus reducing the extent used in this section.) of method reuse within an application. The client reuse profile characterizes Chidamber and Kemerer assert that this how a new class reuses existing library metrics suite can help manage reuse op- classes. It too can be verbatim or lever- portunities by measuring inheritance. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 15. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 429 4.3 Reuse Predictions for Life Cycle No Attempt to Reuse Objects Part Does Not Exist Frakes and Fox [1995] present models Part Is Not Available that allow the prediction of reuse levels Part Is Not Found for one life cycle object based on reuse Part Is Not Understood levels for other life cycle objects. Such Part Is Not Valid models can be used to estimate reuse levels of later life cycle objects such as Part Can Not Be Integrated code from earlier ones such as require- Each failure mode has failure causes ments. The authors define both temporal associated with it. “No Attempt to Re- and nontemporal models, and discuss use,” has among its failure causes, for methods for tailoring the models for a example, resource constraints, no incen- specific organization. The models are tive to reuse, and lack of education. To based on reuse data collected from 113 use the model, an organization gathers respondents from 29 organizations, pri- data on reuse failure modes and causes, marily in the US. The study found that and then uses this information to prior- there were significant correlations be- itize its reuse improvement activities. tween the reuse levels of life cycle objects, and that prediction models improved as data from more life cycle objects were 6. REUSABILITY ASSESSMENT added to the models. Another important reuse measurement area concerns the estimation of reus- 5. SOFTWARE REUSE FAILURE MODES ability for a component. Such metrics MODEL are potentially useful in two key areas Implementing systematic reuse is diffi- of reuse: reuse design and reengineer- cult, involving both technical and non- ing for reuse. The essential question is, technical factors. Failure modes analysis are there measurable attributes of a provides an approach to measuring and component that indicate its potential improving a reuse process based on a reusability? If so, then these attributes model of the ways a reuse process can will be goals for reuse design and re- fail. The reuse failure modes model re- engineering. One of the difficulties in ported by Frakes and Fox [1996] can be this area is that attributes of reusabil- used to evaluate the quality of a system- ity are often specific to given types of atic reuse program, to determine reuse reusable components, and to the lan- impediments in an organization and to guages in which they are implemented. devise an improvement strategy for a sys- In this section we review work in this tematic reuse program. area. Given the many factors that may af- In a study of NASA software, Selby fect reuse success, how does an organi- [1989] identified several module at- zation decide which ones to address in tributes that distinguished black-box its reuse improvement program? This reuse modules from others in his sam- question can be answered by finding out ple. The attributes included: why reuse is not taking place in the organization. This can be done by con- —Fewer module calls per source line; sidering reuse failure modes—that is, —Fewer I/O parameters per source line; the ways that reuse can fail. —Fewer read/write statements per line; The reuse failure modes model has seven failure modes corresponding to —Higher comment to code ratios; the steps a software engineer will need —More utility function calls per source to complete in order to reuse a compo- line; nent. The failure modes are: —Fewer source lines. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 16. 430 • W. Frakes and C. Terry Figure 2. Reuse library system. This data suggest that modules possess- ponents. Potentially reusable software ing these attributes will be more reus- is identified, and a method to measure able. distances from that ideal is defined. By Basili et al. [1990] reported on two measuring the amount of change neces- reuse studies of systems written in Ada. sary to convert an existing program into The first study defined measures of data one composed of maximally reusable bindings to characterize and identify re- components, an indication of the reus- usable components. Data binding is the ability of the program can be obtained. sharing of global data between program elements [Hutchins and Basili 1985]. 7. REUSE LIBRARY METRICS Basili et al. [1990] proposed a method to identify data bindings within a pro- As can be seen in Figure 2, a reuse gram. After identification of the bind- library is a repository for storing reus- ings, a cluster analysis computes and able assets, plus an interface for search- weights coupling strengths. A coupling ing the repository. Library assets can be is based on references to variables and obtained from existing systems through parameters (data bindings). Aliasing, or reengineering, designed and built from referencing, is not taken into account; scratch, or purchased. Components then only one level of data bindings is consid- are usually certified, a process for as- ered. The cluster analysis identifies suring that they have desired attributes which modules are strongly coupled and such as testing of a certain type. may not be good candidates for reuse, The components are then classified so and which modules are found to be inde- that users can effectively search for pendent of others and are potentially them. The most common classification reusable. A similar use of module cou- schemes are enumerated, faceted, and pling information to identify potential free text indexing [Frakes and Gandel objects in C code has been reported by 1990]. The evaluation criteria for index- Dunn and Knight [1991]. ing schemes of reuse libraries are: costs, The second study defines an abstract searching effectiveness, support for un- measurement of reusability of Ada com- derstanding, and efficiency. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 17. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 431 Indexing costs include the cost of cre- can be measured by the number of bytes ating a classification scheme, maintain- needed to store the collection. Indexing ing the classification scheme, and up- overhead ratios can be calculated by dating the database for the scheme. dividing the sum of the size of the raw These concerns are negligible for a data, and indexing files by the size of small collection, but become more im- the indexing files. Retrieval speed is portant as the collection grows. Each of usually calculated by measuring the time these costs can be measured in terms of it takes the system to execute a search of dollars or effort. These costs can be nor- a given query on a given database. malized by dividing total costs by the Quality of assets is another important number of components handled by the aspect of a reuse library. There is con- library. siderable anecdotal evidence that this is Searching effectiveness addresses the most important factor in determin- how well the classification methods help ing successful use of a reuse library. users locate reusable components, and Frakes and Nejmeh [1987] proposed the is usually measured with recall and pre- following metrics as indicators of the cision. Recall is the number of relevant quality of assets in a reuse library. items retrieved divided by the number of relevant items in the database. The —Time in Use: the module should have denominator is generally not known and been used in one or more systems that must be estimated using sampling have been released to the field for a methods. Precision is the number of rel- period of three months. evant items retrieved divided by the —Reuse Statistics: the extent to which total of items retrieved. Another effec- the module has been successfully re- tiveness measure is overlap, which re- used by others is perhaps the best ports the percentage of relevant docu- indicator of module quality. ments retrieved jointly by two methods. Frakes and Pole [1994], in a study of —Reuse Reviews: favorable reviews representation methods for reusable from those that have used the module software, reported no statistically sig- are a good indication that the module nificant difference in terms of recall and is of higher quality. precision between enumerated, faceted, —Complexity: overly complex modules free text keyword, and attribute value may not be easy to modify or main- classification schemes. They reported tain. high overlap measures ranging from .72 —Inspection: the module should have to .85 for all pairs of the classification been inspected. methods. —Testing: the modules should have To reuse a component, a software en- been thoroughly tested at the unit gineer must not only find it, but also level with statement coverage of 100 understand it. Understanding metrics percent and branch coverage of at measure how well a classification least 80 percent. method helps users understand reus- able components. Frakes and Pole Another class of reuse library metrics is [1994] used a 7-point ordinal scale (7 ϭ used to measure usage of a reuse library best) to measure support for under- system. The following list was supplied standing. They reported no significant by the ASSET system, an on-line com- difference between the classification mercial reuse library system. methods using this metric. In order to be useful, a reuse library —Time on-line (system availability): must also be efficient. Library efficiency this is a measure of the number of deals with nonfunctional requirements hours the system is available for use. such as memory usage, indexing file —Account demographics: assigns users size, and retrieval speed. Memory usage to the following categories: Govern- ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 18. 432 • W. Frakes and C. Terry Table 10. Summary of Software Reuse Metrics and Models ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 19. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 433 Table A1. Definitions of Reuse Types ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 20. 434 • W. Frakes and C. Terry ment/contractor, commercial, aca- overlap in meaning. For example, the ta- demia, NonUS; ble terms public and external both de- —Type of library function performed: scribe the part of a product that was searches, browses, extracts; constructed externally; private and inter- —Asset distribution: whether electronic nal describe the part of a product that or via a human librarian; was not constructed externally but was developed and reused within a single —Number of subscriber accounts; product. The terms verbatim and black- —Available assets by type: interopera- box both describe reuse without modifica- tion, supplier listings, local compo- tion; leveraged and white-box describe re- nents; use with modification. The final four —Number of extractions by collection: terms in the table describe levels of reuse number of assets extracted by collec- that can occur in the object-oriented par- tion, number of assets extracted by adigm. (References in descriptions in Ta- evaluation level; ble A1 are provided for further informa- —Listing of assets by domain; tion. They do not necessarily indicate first —Request for services by: Telnet Log- use of the term.) ins, modem Logins, FTP, World Wide Web. REFERENCES These metrics can provide good man- agement information for a library sys- AGRESTI, W. AND EVANCO, W. 1992. Projecting tem. They can be used to demonstrate software defects in analyzing Ada designs. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 18, 11, 988 –997. the value of the library to management BARNES, B. ET AL. 1988. A framework and eco- as well as to provide information for nomic foundation for software reuse. In IEEE continuous quality improvement. Tutorial: Software Reuse—Emerging Technol- ogy, W. Tracz, Ed. IEEE Computer Society 8. SUMMARY Press, Washiington, D.C. BARNES, B. AND BOLLINGER, T. 1991. Making A reuse program must be planned, delib- software reuse cost effective. IEEE Softw. 1, erate, and systematic if it is to give large 13–24. payoffs. As organizations implement sys- BASILI, V. R., ROMBACH, H. D., BAILEY, J., AND tematic software reuse programs in an DELIS, A. 1990. Ada reusability and mea- surement. Computer Science Tech. Rep. Se- effort to improve productivity and qual- ries, University of Maryland, May. ity, they must be able to measure their BIEMAN, J. 1992. Deriving measures of soft- progress and identify the most effective ware reuse in object-oriented systems. In reuse strategies. In this article we sur- BCS-FACS Workshop on Formal Aspects of veyed metrics and models of software re- Measurement, Springer-Verlag. use. A metric is a quantitative indicator BIEMAN, J. AND KARUNANITHI, S. 1993. Candi date reuse metrics for object-oriented and Ada of an attribute. A model specifies relation- software. In Proceedings of IEEE-CS First ships between metrics. International Software Metrics Symposium. Table 10 presents a summary of the BIGGERSTAFF, T. 1992. An assessment and anal- reuse metrics and models discussed. As ysis of software reuse. In Advances in Com- is typical in an emerging discipline such puters, Marshall Yovits, Ed. Academic Press, as systematic software reuse, many of New York. these metrics and models still lack for- BOOCH, G. 1987. Software Componenets with Ada. Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA. mal validation. Despite this, they are BROWNE, J., LEE, T., AND WERTH, J. 1990. Ex- being used and are being found useful perimental evaluation of a reusability-ori- in industrial practice. ented parallel programming environment. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 16, 2, 111–120. Appendix 1: Definitions of Types of Reuse CARD, D., MCGARRY, F., PAGE, G., ET AL. 1982. The software engineering laboratory. NASA/ The terms in Table A1 describe various GSFC, 2. reuse issues. Some terms in the table CARD, D., CHURCH, V., AND AGRESTI, W. 1986. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996
  • 21. Software Reuse: Metrics and Models • 435 An empirical study of software design practices. FRAKES, W. AND POLE, T. 1994. An empirical IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 12, 2, 264 –270. study of representation methods for reusable CHEN, D. AND LEE, P. 1993. On the study of software components. IEEE Trans. Softw. software reuse: using reusable C ϩ ϩ compo- Eng. 20, 8, 617– 630. nents. J. Syst. Softw. 20, 1, 19 –36. FRAKES, W. AND TERRY, C. 1994. Reuse level CHIDAMBER, S. AND KEMERER, C. 1994. A met- metrics. In Proceedings of the Third Interna- rics suite for object-oriented design. IEEE tional Conference on Software Reuse (Rio de Trans. Softw. Eng. 20, 6, 476 – 493. Janeiro), W. Frakes, Ed., IEEE Computer Sci- DAVIS, T. 1993. The reuse capability model: a ence Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 139 –148. basis for improving an organization’s reuse GAFFNEY, J. E. AND DUREK, T. A. 1989. Soft- capability. In Proceedings of the Second Inter- ware reuse— key to enhanced productivity: national Workshop on Software Reusability some quantitative models. Inf. Softw. Tech- (Herndon, VA). nol. 31, 5, 258 –267. DUNN, M. F. AND KNIGHT, J. C. 1991. Software HUMPHREY, W. 1989. Managing the Software reuse in an industrial setting: A case study. Process. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE HUTCHINS, D. H. AND BASILI, V. 1985. System Computer Society Press, Austin, TX, 329 – structure analysis: Clustering with data bind- 338. ings. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 11, 8, 749 –757. FAVARO, J. 1991. What price reusability? A case JONES, C. 1993. Software return on investment study. Ada Lett. (Spring), 115–124. preliminary analysis. Software Productivity FENTON, N. 1991. Software Metrics, A Rigorous Research, Inc. Approach. Chapman & Hall, London. KOLTUN, P. AND HUDSON, A. 1991. A reuse ma- FRAKES, W. 1993. Software reuse as industrial turity model. In Fourth Annual Workshop on experiment. Am. Program. (Sept.), 27–33. Software Reuse (Herndon, VA). FRAKES, W. (Moderator). 1991. Software reuse: LILLIE. 1995. Personal communication. is it delivering? In Proceedings of the Thir- MARGONO, T. AND RHOADS, T. 1993. Software teenth International Conference on Software reuse economics: cost-benefit analysis on a Engineering (Los Alamitos, CA). IEEE Com- large-scale Ada project. In International Con- puter Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA. ference on Software Engineering ACM, New FRAKES, W. 1990. An empirical framework for York. software reuse research. In Proceedings of the MCGREGOR, J. AND SYKES, D. 1992. Object-Ori- Third Workshop on Tools and Methods for ented Software Development: Engineering Reuse (Syracuse, NY). Software for Reuse. Van Nostrand Reinhold, FRAKES, W. AND FOX, C. 1995. Modeling reuse New York. across the software lifecycle. J. Syst. Softw. OGUSH, M. 1992. A software reuse lexicon. 30, 3, 295–301. Crosstalk (Dec.). FRAKES, W. AND FOX. C. 1996. Quality improve- POULIN, J. S., CARUSO, J. M., AND HANCOCK, ment using a software reuse failure modes D. R. 1993. The business case for software model. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 24, 4 (April), 274 –279. reuse. IBM Syst. J. 32, 4, 567–594. FRAKES, W. AND GANDEL, P. 1990. Representing PRIETO-DIAZ, R. 1993. Status report: Software reusable software. Inf. Softw. Technol. 32, 10, reusability. IEEE Softw. (May), 61– 66. 653– 664. SELBY, R. W. 1989. Quantitative studies of soft- FRAKES, W. AND ISODA, S. 1994. Success factors ware reuse. In Software Reusability, Volume of systematic reuse. IEEE Softw. 11, 5, 14 –19. II, T. J. Biggerstaff and A. J. Perlis, Eds., FRAKES, W. B. AND NEJMEH, B. A. 1987. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Software reuse through information retrieval. TERRY, C. 1993. Analysis and implementation In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Ha- of software reuse measurement. Virginia waii International Conference on Systems Sci- Polytechnic Institute and State University, ences. Kona, Jan., 530 –535. Master’s Project and Report. Received April 1994; revised October 1995; accepted November 1995 ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28, No. 2, June 1996