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Example Of An Art Analysis
This was an art analysis paper that I composed for my AP World History class in my 11th grade
year. For this assignment, we were asked to review an artistic, three dimensional piece that we
would ultimately develop an analysis paper for. We were given the whole day at the art museum
to pick our piece(s) as well as write all of the information we could about it. In this case, I chose to
do my analysis paper on a set of Buddhist ornaments used to decorate the famed Buddha in ancient
religion. Our goal for the paper was simple: complete a one page concise paper using the
information we collected, as well as our background knowledge, about the motives and expressions
behind the artwork. From doing this paper, and this exercise in its entirety,
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Art Analysis Form
Art Analysis Structured Draft
Over the years different forms of art have been made and stored as treasures thereby forming an
aspect that has been carried on for centuries. Art may be done in the form of paintings, sculpture,
playwright, or poetry to provide the audience with the producer's expression. Some forms of art
have been made to express political, religious, societal, or filial messages. This paper tries to focus
its attention on paintings as one form of art and specifically on the 1380 Virgin and Child done by
Antonio Veneziano and the 1504Madonna Del Granduca by Raphael Sanzio. Both paintings are
from different eras of art work, which as Gothic and Renaissance respectively and focus on the
human form with religion being depicted as the theme. Both exhibit numerous variations of possible
meaning, color, shading, and styles from lines. The two paintings show a commonality and
transformation of the art techniques from perspective to humanism and try to capture the moment,
which is beautiful from the look of their eyes.
Virgin and Child
Virgin and Child was panted by Antonio Veneziano using oil on canvas with a gilt frame in 1380
CE, a period famous for Gothic type of art. The painting measures 34 by 25 centimeters and depicts
a more content...
The two paintings are warm and emphasize the golden color, which gives the paintings a religious
theme, whereby they are seen to depict Virgin Mary and baby Jesus. The two also give a connection
of the mother and child as a show of femininity. All the figures emphasize the theme of religion
using the halos on their heads. Light is also emphasized on both paintings as the artists allowed it to
shine on the figures from the foreground. Moreover, the artists utilize texture and form in the
paintings to add contrast and dynamism. The four figures are all smooth and focused on each
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Ann Hamilton's Art Analysis
Ann Hamilton is a unique artist with aberrant set of skills. Most artist present surprise in their art
work, but Hamilton has taken it a step further and presents surprise in her choice of medium. I
liked how she finds the normal in abnormal. The way she takes picture with her mouth to make the
picture appear more natural is simply fascinating. It is interesting to see how differently she sees
everything around her, including something as simple as written words. See looks at the world
through the lens of an artist. Her artwork displaying the dark period of the American history is a
masterpiece. Her use of fuchsia powder to spell out the text in braille while playing speech of
Lincoln through the wall creates a very strange atmosphere, a atmosphere
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Contemporary Art Analysis
Contemporary art is showcased through the lenses of traditional gallery settings, as well as
festival–like venues. For the audience, this means that art can be discovered and engaged with.
What is contemporary art? According to Melissa Ho, assistant curator at the Hirshhorn Museum in
Washington, D.C., "technically," modern art is "the cultural expression of the historical moment of
modernity." "With modern art, there is this new emphasis put on the value of being original and
doing something innovative," says Ho (, 2011). The unique creations for
contemporary artists such as Michael Landy and Amalia Pica, both international artists from the
U.K, are currently on view at The Power Plant, a small gallery space that displays their innovative
art. Both exhibits reflect current issues that face modern society, Michael Landy's,
DEMONSTRATION, (2017) and Amalia Pica's In Praise of Listening, (2016). Landy's
DEMONSTRATION exhibit at the The Power Plant's Fleck Clerestory is a collaborative work
between himself and the Canadian public in building a hand–lettered, text–based, red–and–white oil
paint style wall work known as protest art. Essentially, the protest art reflects the attitudes, thoughts
and feelings on what matters most to Canadians on various current social and political issues (de
Leon, Formal Analysis Part A). His goal for this project is to open up the channel of communication
among Canadians. Landy's simple and direct approach engages the
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Art Analysis: Compare And Contrast In Art
The artist uses color to depict contrast . Firstly , the differences used for the colors of the art in
this painting are firmly obvious , the only area was colored is the central women . The women that
surrounding with the central women is both dark , as well as the background of the art . Thus , the
contrast to with the dark sides and the colorful side , which reveals the importance of the colorful
side that the central women . The artist uses lines to show the emphasis . From the whole painting ,
the two main lines are formed by the two women that around the central women . Although the lines
are not the real lines that drew with a string , it shows the shape of the trigon , and the colorful
women are stayed at the center . As we know , more content...
Specifically , the women's costume is painted by little child . Thus , it shows the importance of
the mother . what is more , the painting also shows the society of that period , there is three
women stays in the main position of the painting . I think period of that society that allowed a
male can find several females to be his wife , but it only has one wife is the most important , it is
much easier to concluding from / with the contrast to the colors used by this painting . Only
colored in this painting is the most important wife and she was the legal wife (as contrasted with
concubines ) . On the other hand , we can analysis of the lines and the description to conclude the
most dominant is the central women , because the central women are surrounded by the two
uncolored women . Actually , if you look at this painting in your first time for / of a sudden , you
will feel that the painting is little sexy , but after you look at the art for longer , you will understand
the author using the contrast to with the uncolored and the colored women and different designs for
the colored women to show the legal women's nobleness and admire to the legal women
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Art Analysis
Art is how you express yourself, and everyone does it in their own way, in their own style. I chose
to write about the two following art works because I believe they have so many similarities but
are done in completely different ways. For this comparison and contrast assignment the two
works of art I chose to write about are called; End "Mixed Media" by: Terry Peterson,shown in the
art building at Shasta College, and Forlakeph "Mixed Media in a Glass Jar" by: Gioia Fonda, also
shown in the art building at Shasta College. In the First work of art, End by: Terry Peterson; It is
a tall sculpture with a frame of wood standing at 103"x 108"x 60" in the middle of the sculpture is
a wrapped mummified fish as the centerpiece. I would describe it as Ritualistic because of the
symbolism of the fish. Being mummified like other cultures, like the Egyptians, who mummified
their dead. The elements I see containing in this work would be; shape, how the circle goes around
the fish to highlight it. Line, the different wood pieces and how it frames the fish. In my opinion, this more content...
Inside a old weathered fence and is surrounded by a bunch of trash. The function of this artwork
would be social commentary because of the realisticness of the society that we could all be in.The
elements I see in this art work are; color, all the colors above the fence from the circles, and the
different colored trash making it look more messy. shape, because of the circles above the fence
and it is enclosed in a circular jar, line because of the fence, and form because the artwork is inside
the jar. A principle of art for this work of art may be focal point because of its one theme is
enclosed in a jar. Another function might be scale because even though it is a smaller piece of
artwork the impact of it could be big. In my opinion; this work reminds me of a realistic, dark and
broken society. Somewhat of
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What is Art? Essay
What is Art1
Art can mean many different things to many different people and was one of the earliest ways in
which man has expressed him or herself to others, whether it was through cave drawings or
hieroglyphics. It does not begin or end with just drawing or painting, items typically considered art,
or the many other recognized facets of art including architecture, drama, literature, sculpting, and
music. The writing of Beowulf, one of the earliest known written prose, or the Greek plays which
have influenced drama since their inception, are considered some of the greatest forms of art in
history. Art can allow us pleasure just simply through the process of creating. Art can allow us to
express ourselves to give us better more content...
Dancing as a fine art can incorporate numerous other artistic outlets as well, ranging from the writing
of the story, the music and the musicians, the designing of sets to the creation of simple or lavish
costumes. This bringing together of artistic expressions from numerous other sources can be
witnessed in other forms, such as plays and festivals, which allow a diverse collective to share
thoughts and styles, these being the most public of art forms.
Poetry is another art form that offers an environment to the creative or expressive need. Writing
poetry can be used as an aid to help think through the conflicting emotions that accompany life. It
is an art much as gardening is. An inspiration for a poem can be a seed. The seed is planted on
paper and usually, though not always, after tending to it the seed begins to take shape until it
suddenly blooms. Poems such as Byron's "She Walks in Beauty", Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and
Shakespeare's "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" all began as seeds and have long since
been considered works of art.
Painting and drawing–probably one of the highest acknowledged forms of art–incorporates all
aspects of the need to create. The artwork can be produced simply for the desire to create, whether it
is just the study of the human body or the recreation of nature through the various colors, textures
and the styles available to the artist. Nature, commonly reflected in paintings, serves as a great
source of
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Distortion In Art Analysis
Art is experienced best on an emotional level rather than just the beauty, pleasure or understanding
of it. Artists will use their form of artwork to pass along their views and feelings. Teresa LГіpez's
and Wendy Ewald's "The Phantom" is a piece of art that invokes many emotions. It simulates both
the possibility of comfort or fear of the unknown and the anxious waiting of the known through its
immaculate composition. This is done through its use of dense distortion and contrasting colors.
Through distortion the artists get us to focus on the phantom that is the only source of light and the
contrasting colors make us realize how contrasting our perceptions can be. By employing the use of
distortion in the painting, the authors are able to
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Art Analysis: Harriet Tubman By Aaron Douglas
ART 111 Museum Paper
One artwork that I have chosen to write about is Harriet Tubman by Aaron Douglas. I have
selected this artwork because I am drawn to its color. In addition, I have a strong admiration for the
subject matter. Looking at this artwork relaxed me and made me feel at peace as I was emotionally
hypnotized by the color green. Even after looking at this artwork for a prolonged period of time, my
admiration for it did not change. This artwork seems to represent freedom and being at peace.
As a formal analysis, this artwork has a figure in the center of the page, which can be assumed to be
the focal point due to its positioning in the center of the picture plane. Also, this artwork is
monochromatic, and the only color used is the hue green. Towards the top left–hand corner, there are
darker shades of green, which make this part seem to be in front of the rest of the picture by using
overlapping to convey depth. Also, towards the right side of the picture, the people seem lighter and
appear farther away than the dark shaded buildings Additionally, since the figure in the center of the
work is larger and more detailed than the other figures, it appears that the center figure is closer to
the viewer.
Further, more content...
On the contrast, Antinous made me feel uncomfortable, upset, and angered because its content
contained several naked disproportional women bowing down to a man. Also, I was upset that the
artist used so many different elements and techniques to draw attention to the naked women and
away from the clothed women in the back of the artwork. Although both of these artworks contain
women, one perceives women as subjective, strong powerful heroines who can break free of
bondage and lead others to freedom. Meanwhile the other artwork, Antinous, perceives women as
sexual objects used for nothing other than bringing pleasure to
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Art Analysis : The Statue Of Liberty
Liberty has a strong meaning to many and has been represented in beautiful artworks throughout
history. A beautiful canvas piece titled Liberty Leading the People by EugГЁne Delacroix
depicts "Liberty" as a strong female leader during the French Revolution. In a different sense is
the Statue of Liberty designed by FrГ©dГ©ric Auguste Bartholdi, represents "Liberty" as a
leading and welcoming beacon of light for immigrants in the United States. For artists it is often
difficult to represent a strong symbol without copying works of the past. In this case both pieces
of art being discussed represent a woman associated with liberty, which is the most obvious
similarity. However, there are differences as well; because each piece has its own unique factors.
The ability to compare and contrast famous works of art lets the audience discover new beauties
behind each piece. Art acts as an outlet for creators. It lets them vent their emotions through their
craft, much like in Delacroix's case. Liberty Leading the People was created in 1830. It is a
two–dimensional oil on canvas art piece representing the final victories of the July Revolution of
1830 in France. Delacroix felt strongly about the politics of the Revolution, and it showed in his
artwork. This piece represents the start of the Romantic era as art moved out of the Enlightenment
style. In his piece, there is a strong focal point on the fierce female character in the middle of the
piece, or Liberty, as the title calls her. She
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Art Analysis: Boat On Water
Although both images show boats on water, the visual elements show different situations. The first
image shows an ocean of great volume that could swallow the sailors whole; this contrasts the
second image that shows water that is calm and appears relatively shallow. This effect is the product
of effective visual elements which help the artist describe the objects shown. The second image
shows its elements more clearly because it focuses on the overall structure and color of the objects to
explain the situation. Whereas the first image requires a deeper analyses of the figures in the painting
. Although both images show happiness the first image shows a happiness that come from relief. The
is achieved because the arts contrasts object in the
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Example Of A Piece Of Art Analysis
Purpose is to confront people looking at Branksome girls or maybe even private school kids in
general that there is more to us than just private school mannerisms and interests. We're individuals
not just a collective group of conforming students, stuck in the old outdated values of the school.
The attention to the 'graffiti' is drawn through the use of an artistic technique called the rule of
thirds. This rule of thirds is a balancing technique to unify a composition. In the image, this technique
is visibly implemented through the two columns and the horizontal line above the girl with the last
line being mentally placed to balance the composition out. In order to balance a piece, the subject of
the piece has to be placed in one of the thirds. Therefore placing the subject between two thirds
disrupts this balance and draws attention to the subject.
The girl dressed in the Branksome uniform, whose uniform has been altered to look like it has
camouflage printed onto it represents what other people see, which is conformity. The idea that
private school turns all the students into the evil corporate giants of the future. This puts all private
school kids under an umbrella which consists of not being anything more than our parents money
and this idea of students who think that they more content...
This piece of graffiti is put on the wall of the school's port cochere. This piece of the building is
not as useful now that we don't get drawn around in carriages lead by horses. This piece of
architecture represents the old values that private school is affiliated with. This links back to people
assuming things about private school students. The focus is drawn to the background of the port
cochere through the use of line created both by perspective and shadow. The shadow was
intentionally placed in the photograph to lead the viewers eye to the port cochere emphasizing that
the context was important to the
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Art: Painting Analysis
There are lots of lines in this painting. There are vertical and horizontal lines on the white
buildings in the background. There are lines going upward toward the sky that look like brown
poles. There is a white line going down the middle of the street. There are lines in the fence in the
back. There are lines on the people's hats that they are wearing. There are lines on people's clothes.
There are lines everywhere in this painting that your eyes go everywhere. The vanishing point is the
middle of the top of the building in the background. This picture has two dimensional space. There
is nothing in this picture that you can see all the way around it so that makes it two–dimensional.
The person in the air in the pink–orange clothes. That person body more content...
The person's arm is bigger than the rest of his body. The guy laying on the ground is the focal point.
He is the focal point because he is the brightest color in the picture. There is shape to all of the
people. The people are mass because they are taking up space. There is texture in the sky it looks
soft and mellow. There is a texture to the people's hats they look like they are soft and warm to
ware. There are different textures to the peoples face no one person looks like another. This painting
is figurative–ground because he used the negative and positive space equally. There is light coming
from behind the guy in the sky implying that he is a special piece to the picture. There are a lot of
different colors in this picture. This picture is an open palette because he used multiply colors not
just a selective few. He uses a mixture between primary and secondary color in this
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Essay on Art Formal Analysis
Art Formal Analysis Examining the formal qualities of Homer Watson's painting Horse and Rider
In A Landscape was quite interesting. I chose to analyze this piece as apposed to the others
because it was the piece I liked the least, therefore making me analyze it more closely and discover
other aspects of the work, besides aesthetics.
The texture of the canvas works very well with the subject matter portrayed in the painting. The
grassy hill side and the leaves of the trees are especially complimented by the canvas. It makes the
leaves feel like they are slightly moving, this combined with the lack of detail itself the leaves. This
is contrasted nicely with the very detailed renderings of the trunks and branches of the trees, the more content...
Perspective lines occur also in the background of the painting in the upper right in the trees getting
smaller as they descend into the painting. This painting is an example of linear perspective. All lines
converge at a vanishing point.
At first sight the house in the middle ground appears to be the destination of the rider, but the use of
linear perspective suggests that something else is important beyond the house and the green hill.
This painting appears to take place either at either dusk or dawn, when the sun is at the horizon.
Likely it is dusk, as the setting appears to be in the Northern Hemisphere and the snow in the
picture residing on the left hand side of fence would suggest it has yet to melt, so the sun would be
setting in the west, or on the right. So the viewer, as well as the subject, is facing south. This affects
the painting in several ways. The lighting is very dramatic, the middle ground being very much
more lighted than the foreground and background, therefore the colors are more saturated than the
foreground and background. Greens, browns and greys are used a lot in this piece and makes it very
muddy. The house really does stand out against the painting because of the contrast of lighting.
The piece is pretty balanced, it is more or less partitioned into four parts by the strong horizontal line
in the middle and the road meeting with the edge of the forest vertically, the lighter areas in the top
right and bottom left,
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Asian Art And Art Analysis
Asian art, as seen throughout this class, has been influenced by a variety of cultural and historical
changes. Art is continually growing and incorporating new ideas, themes and context, however there
have been many reoccurring components. For instance, A primary influence in Asian art culture
relates to religion. Within earlier periods of both China and India, there have been major religious
contributions, some of which included, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Jainsim, etc. While walking
through the Nelson Atkins, these religions importance can greatly be noticed. The religious
atmosphere draws in the eye of the beholder, evoking wonder. This can be felt when witnessing the
particular art piece, "Dancing Ganesha". This art piece, upon first recognition, has direct ties to the
religion Hinduism. It comes from the Malwa Parmara Dynasty in the 9th century (800–1305 C.E).
This pieces composition and elements are made out of light gray sandstone, titled, "Dancing
Ganesha". It is from Central India, Madhya Pradesh. Its dimensions are around 39 x 20 1/4 x 8 1/4
inches (99.06 x 51.44 x 20.96 cm).
As seen, this carving is of adequate size and proportions in order for one to properly notice the
elements with in it. To begin understanding this piece, one must first notice the visual components.
This carving, in the middle, displays Ganesha otherwise known as "Ganesh". His body is seen
contorted in a manner in which makes him look like he is dancing. His belly is round or potbellied
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Art Analysis Essay
Upon glancing at various beautiful paintings there is to offer at the Museum of Fine Arts, only one
astonishing artwork caught my immediate attention. The artwork is named "The Windmill on the
Onbekende Gracht, Amsterdam" and it was painted by Claude Monet of the impressionist period in
1879. The medium is oil which is used for the oil painting on a canvas. Besides the subject matter,
the content of the overall painting represents a serene and beautiful setting in which one can take
ease and enjoy. It is a breathtaking view that captures a fleeting moment of a town setting by the
riverside. Furthermore, the title also signifies the importance of the central object, which is the
Monet successfully manipulates the emphasis of the windmill to create the design principle of
variety. As a result of the dominant emphasis of the extremely tall windmill, the town around the
windmill seems to become blurry. Within the painting, the artist also uses implied motion of the
windmill slowly turning, meanwhile the town setting is at a stand still. The artist then depicted his
mastery of the visual elements by using organic shapes to form house windows, doors,
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For example, some of the houses have orange rooftops and the colors of the house are a darker
blue. Since these colors are on the opposite of the color wheel, the house looks quite enchanting
with the perfect colors. Due to the closeness of the houses to the grayish windmill, great contrast
is present. The sky is also a beautiful mix of the neutral colors blue, and white that gives the sky a
light blue hue. In addition to this, neutral black is also added to create a vast amount of gray
clouds which add to the sky. As a result, the majorly cloudy sky still bestows the setting of the town
with a gentle, and easygoing feeling since the colors are very
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Art Analysis Essay
"The Madonna and Child with Saint Anne and an Angel" is an art piece with many different art
principles and elements that are conveyed in such a manor that alludes complexity and great
importance. The picture consists of four individuals– an angel, a baby, a Madonna or mother, and
Saint Anne. The baby, cradled and asleep, is being overlooked by an angel, as the angel seems to be
covering the child with a white blanket and much great care. Contrary to modern pictures, the angel
has black wings wearing normal clothes similar to that of the mother and Saint. An important
characteristic of the baby is that he has bright blonde and orange hair, a trait that resembles Jesus
Christ. The mother and Saint Anne seem to be having a very important face–to–face discussion. All
characters in the painting, including the child, are wearing late 15th century early 16th century
clothing (rags and clothe looking material dresses) and recognizable colors. Though the child and the
Madonna type of paintings are indeed of Jesus and his mother, the photo is able to explain that being
untold more content...
Off the back the painting is informal or asymmetrical which generally makes it more visually
attractive because of the lack of consistency in objects and the fluid movements of objects. Through
the expressed elements presented previously, the artist was able to show movement in many aspects
of the painting making it almost a freeze frame moment of an actual event. The artist uses the
elements to show the movement of the angel and the child as the angel lifts the clothe over the
child, and also the hand gestures of the Madonna and Saint as they discuss the importance of the
child's birth. There is also great harmony in the piece because of the different aspects of color and
value that added to the greatness of
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Art Analysis Essay
Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, our first
impression of their significance comes through our initial visual interpretation. When we first view a
painting or a statue or other piece of art, we notice first the visual details – its size, its medium, its
color, and its condition, for example – before we begin to ponder its greater significance. Indeed,
these visual clues are just as important as any other interpretation or meaning of a work, for they
allow us to understand just what that deeper meaning is. The expression on a statue's face tells us
the emotion and message that the artist is trying to convey. Its color, too, can provide clues: darker
or lighter colors can play a role in how more content...
The Stele depicts a simple scene: a seated man and standing woman behind him stare blankly
straight ahead. A woman standing on the left looks down upon them. All of them are ordinary
humans. They are not gods or goddesses. They are private people. Their clothing is plain,
consisting of simple robes. It is representational of a regular family mourning the loss of one of its
members, a scene that most people, even today, are able to relate to hundreds or even thousands of
years later.
The stele conveys a solemn forlornness that can be seen in the figures' faces. Their mouths are
tightly shut; their eyes gaze blankly ahead. The woman on the left stares ahead with little emotion
on her face. The stele does not depict any motion. All of the figures are standing (or sitting) still, in
quiet memorial. This solemnity adds to the emotion of a grave where the stele once stood. There is
no real clear answer as to who is being mourned. Are the seated man and the woman mourning the
loss of their daughter, on the left? Or is the woman on the left mourning the loss of a father? The
sculpture's ambiguity also adds to the emotion that it evokes. It might even be appropriate for its
purpose. Its function was to mark a gravesite – the site of the body of someone who has died. Death
is one of the most complex parts of life. It is the most ambiguous, for nobody knows for sure what
happens in death. The ambiguity of the stele highlights
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Art Analysis: The Statue
Statue I draws from Greek and Roman influences to create a piece that elucidates the impossible
conflicts–between age and youth, wisdom and athleticism–that are formed by the discordance of the
piece as a unit. The youthful body of the Statue forms the majority of the sculpture and therefore
carries tremendous significance in its execution of symmetry, motion, and style. This piece indulges
the contrapposto scheme in the symmetrical planes of the limbs and joints to convey a heroic and
realistic motion while it remains in a locked pose. Across the vertical axis, the limbs create a
complex pattern of contrasting pairs across the line. The figure's right hip bears his weight, displayed
by its tension, and is thus lifted higher than his left.
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Assignment: Art Analysis
1. It was hard to get the feet to look realistic. The detailing part was hard to. Like you had to get all
the contrast, structure, movement, and realism. It was hard especilly because in my painting my
feet were small. Another hard part was getting the right shade. Like ppaint the feet a color and then
make it a little darker for the areas that neede shading and dimension to give a realistic/ contrast to
distinguish the difference. It was hard to get a shade that wasnt dramatically drker that the feets color.
2. If i started all over again theres a lot of things id change. Id start painting the ballerinas first. Then
the stars, then id paint the whole background, and finally the letters. When i was painting i started
off by doing the more content...
Id give myself an A or a B. The theme of this assignment was feet with letters. My painting was
like a poster to a ballerina dance academy. I painted many feet, ballerinas, letters, detail, highlight,
and gave contrast. I think my painting showed im capable of painting with ability. Even though the
theme was feet and letters and i went all out, if i was a teacher id give that student an A or even
extra credit. Why? Because thats creativity thats what arts about. Id be happy that my student got
inspired behind the concept of the new project and decided to go all out and put in more time, effort,
creativity, and detail.
4. I would grade myself with an A or B. Because I was able to sketch the whole thing in a day. The
painting process took about a week, thats seems quick to me. Especially for the amount of detail,
intricate designs, and patience. I think my painting looks great for the short amount of time it took
to complete. And im happy with it.
5. Um I wouldnt say their the best. But i think they look good. Im happy with the way they turned
out. In total i painted 7 feet. Some are just feet, common stances ballerinas do, ballerinas performing
a trick with their feet in a certain position, or designs that involved the ballerina with her feet. I
provided an outline, dents, crevices, structure, realism, and contrast. They look great and all but
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Art Analysis Essay

  • 1. Example Of An Art Analysis This was an art analysis paper that I composed for my AP World History class in my 11th grade year. For this assignment, we were asked to review an artistic, three dimensional piece that we would ultimately develop an analysis paper for. We were given the whole day at the art museum to pick our piece(s) as well as write all of the information we could about it. In this case, I chose to do my analysis paper on a set of Buddhist ornaments used to decorate the famed Buddha in ancient religion. Our goal for the paper was simple: complete a one page concise paper using the information we collected, as well as our background knowledge, about the motives and expressions behind the artwork. From doing this paper, and this exercise in its entirety, Get more content on
  • 2. Art Analysis Form Art Analysis Structured Draft Introduction Over the years different forms of art have been made and stored as treasures thereby forming an aspect that has been carried on for centuries. Art may be done in the form of paintings, sculpture, playwright, or poetry to provide the audience with the producer's expression. Some forms of art have been made to express political, religious, societal, or filial messages. This paper tries to focus its attention on paintings as one form of art and specifically on the 1380 Virgin and Child done by Antonio Veneziano and the 1504Madonna Del Granduca by Raphael Sanzio. Both paintings are from different eras of art work, which as Gothic and Renaissance respectively and focus on the human form with religion being depicted as the theme. Both exhibit numerous variations of possible meaning, color, shading, and styles from lines. The two paintings show a commonality and transformation of the art techniques from perspective to humanism and try to capture the moment, which is beautiful from the look of their eyes. Virgin and Child Virgin and Child was panted by Antonio Veneziano using oil on canvas with a gilt frame in 1380 CE, a period famous for Gothic type of art. The painting measures 34 by 25 centimeters and depicts a more content... The two paintings are warm and emphasize the golden color, which gives the paintings a religious theme, whereby they are seen to depict Virgin Mary and baby Jesus. The two also give a connection of the mother and child as a show of femininity. All the figures emphasize the theme of religion using the halos on their heads. Light is also emphasized on both paintings as the artists allowed it to shine on the figures from the foreground. Moreover, the artists utilize texture and form in the paintings to add contrast and dynamism. The four figures are all smooth and focused on each Get more content on
  • 3. Ann Hamilton's Art Analysis Ann Hamilton is a unique artist with aberrant set of skills. Most artist present surprise in their art work, but Hamilton has taken it a step further and presents surprise in her choice of medium. I liked how she finds the normal in abnormal. The way she takes picture with her mouth to make the picture appear more natural is simply fascinating. It is interesting to see how differently she sees everything around her, including something as simple as written words. See looks at the world through the lens of an artist. Her artwork displaying the dark period of the American history is a masterpiece. Her use of fuchsia powder to spell out the text in braille while playing speech of Lincoln through the wall creates a very strange atmosphere, a atmosphere Get more content on
  • 4. Contemporary Art Analysis Contemporary art is showcased through the lenses of traditional gallery settings, as well as festival–like venues. For the audience, this means that art can be discovered and engaged with. What is contemporary art? According to Melissa Ho, assistant curator at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, D.C., "technically," modern art is "the cultural expression of the historical moment of modernity." "With modern art, there is this new emphasis put on the value of being original and doing something innovative," says Ho (, 2011). The unique creations for contemporary artists such as Michael Landy and Amalia Pica, both international artists from the U.K, are currently on view at The Power Plant, a small gallery space that displays their innovative art. Both exhibits reflect current issues that face modern society, Michael Landy's, DEMONSTRATION, (2017) and Amalia Pica's In Praise of Listening, (2016). Landy's DEMONSTRATION exhibit at the The Power Plant's Fleck Clerestory is a collaborative work between himself and the Canadian public in building a hand–lettered, text–based, red–and–white oil paint style wall work known as protest art. Essentially, the protest art reflects the attitudes, thoughts and feelings on what matters most to Canadians on various current social and political issues (de Leon, Formal Analysis Part A). His goal for this project is to open up the channel of communication among Canadians. Landy's simple and direct approach engages the Get more content on
  • 5. Art Analysis: Compare And Contrast In Art The artist uses color to depict contrast . Firstly , the differences used for the colors of the art in this painting are firmly obvious , the only area was colored is the central women . The women that surrounding with the central women is both dark , as well as the background of the art . Thus , the contrast to with the dark sides and the colorful side , which reveals the importance of the colorful side that the central women . The artist uses lines to show the emphasis . From the whole painting , the two main lines are formed by the two women that around the central women . Although the lines are not the real lines that drew with a string , it shows the shape of the trigon , and the colorful women are stayed at the center . As we know , more content... Specifically , the women's costume is painted by little child . Thus , it shows the importance of the mother . what is more , the painting also shows the society of that period , there is three women stays in the main position of the painting . I think period of that society that allowed a male can find several females to be his wife , but it only has one wife is the most important , it is much easier to concluding from / with the contrast to the colors used by this painting . Only colored in this painting is the most important wife and she was the legal wife (as contrasted with concubines ) . On the other hand , we can analysis of the lines and the description to conclude the most dominant is the central women , because the central women are surrounded by the two uncolored women . Actually , if you look at this painting in your first time for / of a sudden , you will feel that the painting is little sexy , but after you look at the art for longer , you will understand the author using the contrast to with the uncolored and the colored women and different designs for the colored women to show the legal women's nobleness and admire to the legal women Get more content on
  • 6. Art Analysis Art is how you express yourself, and everyone does it in their own way, in their own style. I chose to write about the two following art works because I believe they have so many similarities but are done in completely different ways. For this comparison and contrast assignment the two works of art I chose to write about are called; End "Mixed Media" by: Terry Peterson,shown in the art building at Shasta College, and Forlakeph "Mixed Media in a Glass Jar" by: Gioia Fonda, also shown in the art building at Shasta College. In the First work of art, End by: Terry Peterson; It is a tall sculpture with a frame of wood standing at 103"x 108"x 60" in the middle of the sculpture is a wrapped mummified fish as the centerpiece. I would describe it as Ritualistic because of the symbolism of the fish. Being mummified like other cultures, like the Egyptians, who mummified their dead. The elements I see containing in this work would be; shape, how the circle goes around the fish to highlight it. Line, the different wood pieces and how it frames the fish. In my opinion, this more content... Inside a old weathered fence and is surrounded by a bunch of trash. The function of this artwork would be social commentary because of the realisticness of the society that we could all be in.The elements I see in this art work are; color, all the colors above the fence from the circles, and the different colored trash making it look more messy. shape, because of the circles above the fence and it is enclosed in a circular jar, line because of the fence, and form because the artwork is inside the jar. A principle of art for this work of art may be focal point because of its one theme is enclosed in a jar. Another function might be scale because even though it is a smaller piece of artwork the impact of it could be big. In my opinion; this work reminds me of a realistic, dark and broken society. Somewhat of Get more content on
  • 7. What is Art? Essay What is Art1 Art can mean many different things to many different people and was one of the earliest ways in which man has expressed him or herself to others, whether it was through cave drawings or hieroglyphics. It does not begin or end with just drawing or painting, items typically considered art, or the many other recognized facets of art including architecture, drama, literature, sculpting, and music. The writing of Beowulf, one of the earliest known written prose, or the Greek plays which have influenced drama since their inception, are considered some of the greatest forms of art in history. Art can allow us pleasure just simply through the process of creating. Art can allow us to express ourselves to give us better more content... Dancing as a fine art can incorporate numerous other artistic outlets as well, ranging from the writing of the story, the music and the musicians, the designing of sets to the creation of simple or lavish costumes. This bringing together of artistic expressions from numerous other sources can be witnessed in other forms, such as plays and festivals, which allow a diverse collective to share thoughts and styles, these being the most public of art forms. Poetry is another art form that offers an environment to the creative or expressive need. Writing poetry can be used as an aid to help think through the conflicting emotions that accompany life. It is an art much as gardening is. An inspiration for a poem can be a seed. The seed is planted on paper and usually, though not always, after tending to it the seed begins to take shape until it suddenly blooms. Poems such as Byron's "She Walks in Beauty", Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and Shakespeare's "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" all began as seeds and have long since been considered works of art. Painting and drawing–probably one of the highest acknowledged forms of art–incorporates all aspects of the need to create. The artwork can be produced simply for the desire to create, whether it is just the study of the human body or the recreation of nature through the various colors, textures and the styles available to the artist. Nature, commonly reflected in paintings, serves as a great source of Get more content on
  • 8. Distortion In Art Analysis Art is experienced best on an emotional level rather than just the beauty, pleasure or understanding of it. Artists will use their form of artwork to pass along their views and feelings. Teresa LГіpez's and Wendy Ewald's "The Phantom" is a piece of art that invokes many emotions. It simulates both the possibility of comfort or fear of the unknown and the anxious waiting of the known through its immaculate composition. This is done through its use of dense distortion and contrasting colors. Through distortion the artists get us to focus on the phantom that is the only source of light and the contrasting colors make us realize how contrasting our perceptions can be. By employing the use of distortion in the painting, the authors are able to Get more content on
  • 9. Art Analysis: Harriet Tubman By Aaron Douglas ART 111 Museum Paper One artwork that I have chosen to write about is Harriet Tubman by Aaron Douglas. I have selected this artwork because I am drawn to its color. In addition, I have a strong admiration for the subject matter. Looking at this artwork relaxed me and made me feel at peace as I was emotionally hypnotized by the color green. Even after looking at this artwork for a prolonged period of time, my admiration for it did not change. This artwork seems to represent freedom and being at peace. As a formal analysis, this artwork has a figure in the center of the page, which can be assumed to be the focal point due to its positioning in the center of the picture plane. Also, this artwork is monochromatic, and the only color used is the hue green. Towards the top left–hand corner, there are darker shades of green, which make this part seem to be in front of the rest of the picture by using overlapping to convey depth. Also, towards the right side of the picture, the people seem lighter and appear farther away than the dark shaded buildings Additionally, since the figure in the center of the work is larger and more detailed than the other figures, it appears that the center figure is closer to the viewer. Further, more content... On the contrast, Antinous made me feel uncomfortable, upset, and angered because its content contained several naked disproportional women bowing down to a man. Also, I was upset that the artist used so many different elements and techniques to draw attention to the naked women and away from the clothed women in the back of the artwork. Although both of these artworks contain women, one perceives women as subjective, strong powerful heroines who can break free of bondage and lead others to freedom. Meanwhile the other artwork, Antinous, perceives women as sexual objects used for nothing other than bringing pleasure to Get more content on
  • 10. Art Analysis : The Statue Of Liberty Liberty has a strong meaning to many and has been represented in beautiful artworks throughout history. A beautiful canvas piece titled Liberty Leading the People by EugГЁne Delacroix depicts "Liberty" as a strong female leader during the French Revolution. In a different sense is the Statue of Liberty designed by FrГ©dГ©ric Auguste Bartholdi, represents "Liberty" as a leading and welcoming beacon of light for immigrants in the United States. For artists it is often difficult to represent a strong symbol without copying works of the past. In this case both pieces of art being discussed represent a woman associated with liberty, which is the most obvious similarity. However, there are differences as well; because each piece has its own unique factors. The ability to compare and contrast famous works of art lets the audience discover new beauties behind each piece. Art acts as an outlet for creators. It lets them vent their emotions through their craft, much like in Delacroix's case. Liberty Leading the People was created in 1830. It is a two–dimensional oil on canvas art piece representing the final victories of the July Revolution of 1830 in France. Delacroix felt strongly about the politics of the Revolution, and it showed in his artwork. This piece represents the start of the Romantic era as art moved out of the Enlightenment style. In his piece, there is a strong focal point on the fierce female character in the middle of the piece, or Liberty, as the title calls her. She Get more content on
  • 11. Art Analysis: Boat On Water Although both images show boats on water, the visual elements show different situations. The first image shows an ocean of great volume that could swallow the sailors whole; this contrasts the second image that shows water that is calm and appears relatively shallow. This effect is the product of effective visual elements which help the artist describe the objects shown. The second image shows its elements more clearly because it focuses on the overall structure and color of the objects to explain the situation. Whereas the first image requires a deeper analyses of the figures in the painting . Although both images show happiness the first image shows a happiness that come from relief. The is achieved because the arts contrasts object in the Get more content on
  • 12. Example Of A Piece Of Art Analysis Purpose is to confront people looking at Branksome girls or maybe even private school kids in general that there is more to us than just private school mannerisms and interests. We're individuals not just a collective group of conforming students, stuck in the old outdated values of the school. The attention to the 'graffiti' is drawn through the use of an artistic technique called the rule of thirds. This rule of thirds is a balancing technique to unify a composition. In the image, this technique is visibly implemented through the two columns and the horizontal line above the girl with the last line being mentally placed to balance the composition out. In order to balance a piece, the subject of the piece has to be placed in one of the thirds. Therefore placing the subject between two thirds disrupts this balance and draws attention to the subject. The girl dressed in the Branksome uniform, whose uniform has been altered to look like it has camouflage printed onto it represents what other people see, which is conformity. The idea that private school turns all the students into the evil corporate giants of the future. This puts all private school kids under an umbrella which consists of not being anything more than our parents money and this idea of students who think that they more content... This piece of graffiti is put on the wall of the school's port cochere. This piece of the building is not as useful now that we don't get drawn around in carriages lead by horses. This piece of architecture represents the old values that private school is affiliated with. This links back to people assuming things about private school students. The focus is drawn to the background of the port cochere through the use of line created both by perspective and shadow. The shadow was intentionally placed in the photograph to lead the viewers eye to the port cochere emphasizing that the context was important to the Get more content on
  • 13. Art: Painting Analysis There are lots of lines in this painting. There are vertical and horizontal lines on the white buildings in the background. There are lines going upward toward the sky that look like brown poles. There is a white line going down the middle of the street. There are lines in the fence in the back. There are lines on the people's hats that they are wearing. There are lines on people's clothes. There are lines everywhere in this painting that your eyes go everywhere. The vanishing point is the middle of the top of the building in the background. This picture has two dimensional space. There is nothing in this picture that you can see all the way around it so that makes it two–dimensional. The person in the air in the pink–orange clothes. That person body more content... The person's arm is bigger than the rest of his body. The guy laying on the ground is the focal point. He is the focal point because he is the brightest color in the picture. There is shape to all of the people. The people are mass because they are taking up space. There is texture in the sky it looks soft and mellow. There is a texture to the people's hats they look like they are soft and warm to ware. There are different textures to the peoples face no one person looks like another. This painting is figurative–ground because he used the negative and positive space equally. There is light coming from behind the guy in the sky implying that he is a special piece to the picture. There are a lot of different colors in this picture. This picture is an open palette because he used multiply colors not just a selective few. He uses a mixture between primary and secondary color in this Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Art Formal Analysis Art Formal Analysis Examining the formal qualities of Homer Watson's painting Horse and Rider In A Landscape was quite interesting. I chose to analyze this piece as apposed to the others because it was the piece I liked the least, therefore making me analyze it more closely and discover other aspects of the work, besides aesthetics. The texture of the canvas works very well with the subject matter portrayed in the painting. The grassy hill side and the leaves of the trees are especially complimented by the canvas. It makes the leaves feel like they are slightly moving, this combined with the lack of detail itself the leaves. This is contrasted nicely with the very detailed renderings of the trunks and branches of the trees, the more content... Perspective lines occur also in the background of the painting in the upper right in the trees getting smaller as they descend into the painting. This painting is an example of linear perspective. All lines converge at a vanishing point. At first sight the house in the middle ground appears to be the destination of the rider, but the use of linear perspective suggests that something else is important beyond the house and the green hill. This painting appears to take place either at either dusk or dawn, when the sun is at the horizon. Likely it is dusk, as the setting appears to be in the Northern Hemisphere and the snow in the picture residing on the left hand side of fence would suggest it has yet to melt, so the sun would be setting in the west, or on the right. So the viewer, as well as the subject, is facing south. This affects the painting in several ways. The lighting is very dramatic, the middle ground being very much more lighted than the foreground and background, therefore the colors are more saturated than the foreground and background. Greens, browns and greys are used a lot in this piece and makes it very muddy. The house really does stand out against the painting because of the contrast of lighting. The piece is pretty balanced, it is more or less partitioned into four parts by the strong horizontal line in the middle and the road meeting with the edge of the forest vertically, the lighter areas in the top right and bottom left, Get more content on
  • 15. Asian Art And Art Analysis Asian art, as seen throughout this class, has been influenced by a variety of cultural and historical changes. Art is continually growing and incorporating new ideas, themes and context, however there have been many reoccurring components. For instance, A primary influence in Asian art culture relates to religion. Within earlier periods of both China and India, there have been major religious contributions, some of which included, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Jainsim, etc. While walking through the Nelson Atkins, these religions importance can greatly be noticed. The religious atmosphere draws in the eye of the beholder, evoking wonder. This can be felt when witnessing the particular art piece, "Dancing Ganesha". This art piece, upon first recognition, has direct ties to the religion Hinduism. It comes from the Malwa Parmara Dynasty in the 9th century (800–1305 C.E). This pieces composition and elements are made out of light gray sandstone, titled, "Dancing Ganesha". It is from Central India, Madhya Pradesh. Its dimensions are around 39 x 20 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches (99.06 x 51.44 x 20.96 cm). As seen, this carving is of adequate size and proportions in order for one to properly notice the elements with in it. To begin understanding this piece, one must first notice the visual components. This carving, in the middle, displays Ganesha otherwise known as "Ganesh". His body is seen contorted in a manner in which makes him look like he is dancing. His belly is round or potbellied and Get more content on
  • 16. Art Analysis Essay Upon glancing at various beautiful paintings there is to offer at the Museum of Fine Arts, only one astonishing artwork caught my immediate attention. The artwork is named "The Windmill on the Onbekende Gracht, Amsterdam" and it was painted by Claude Monet of the impressionist period in 1879. The medium is oil which is used for the oil painting on a canvas. Besides the subject matter, the content of the overall painting represents a serene and beautiful setting in which one can take ease and enjoy. It is a breathtaking view that captures a fleeting moment of a town setting by the riverside. Furthermore, the title also signifies the importance of the central object, which is the windmill. Monet successfully manipulates the emphasis of the windmill to create the design principle of variety. As a result of the dominant emphasis of the extremely tall windmill, the town around the windmill seems to become blurry. Within the painting, the artist also uses implied motion of the windmill slowly turning, meanwhile the town setting is at a stand still. The artist then depicted his mastery of the visual elements by using organic shapes to form house windows, doors, more content... For example, some of the houses have orange rooftops and the colors of the house are a darker blue. Since these colors are on the opposite of the color wheel, the house looks quite enchanting with the perfect colors. Due to the closeness of the houses to the grayish windmill, great contrast is present. The sky is also a beautiful mix of the neutral colors blue, and white that gives the sky a light blue hue. In addition to this, neutral black is also added to create a vast amount of gray clouds which add to the sky. As a result, the majorly cloudy sky still bestows the setting of the town with a gentle, and easygoing feeling since the colors are very Get more content on
  • 17. Art Analysis Essay "The Madonna and Child with Saint Anne and an Angel" is an art piece with many different art principles and elements that are conveyed in such a manor that alludes complexity and great importance. The picture consists of four individuals– an angel, a baby, a Madonna or mother, and Saint Anne. The baby, cradled and asleep, is being overlooked by an angel, as the angel seems to be covering the child with a white blanket and much great care. Contrary to modern pictures, the angel has black wings wearing normal clothes similar to that of the mother and Saint. An important characteristic of the baby is that he has bright blonde and orange hair, a trait that resembles Jesus Christ. The mother and Saint Anne seem to be having a very important face–to–face discussion. All characters in the painting, including the child, are wearing late 15th century early 16th century clothing (rags and clothe looking material dresses) and recognizable colors. Though the child and the Madonna type of paintings are indeed of Jesus and his mother, the photo is able to explain that being untold more content... Off the back the painting is informal or asymmetrical which generally makes it more visually attractive because of the lack of consistency in objects and the fluid movements of objects. Through the expressed elements presented previously, the artist was able to show movement in many aspects of the painting making it almost a freeze frame moment of an actual event. The artist uses the elements to show the movement of the angel and the child as the angel lifts the clothe over the child, and also the hand gestures of the Madonna and Saint as they discuss the importance of the child's birth. There is also great harmony in the piece because of the different aspects of color and value that added to the greatness of Get more content on
  • 18. Art Analysis Essay Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, our first impression of their significance comes through our initial visual interpretation. When we first view a painting or a statue or other piece of art, we notice first the visual details – its size, its medium, its color, and its condition, for example – before we begin to ponder its greater significance. Indeed, these visual clues are just as important as any other interpretation or meaning of a work, for they allow us to understand just what that deeper meaning is. The expression on a statue's face tells us the emotion and message that the artist is trying to convey. Its color, too, can provide clues: darker or lighter colors can play a role in how more content... The Stele depicts a simple scene: a seated man and standing woman behind him stare blankly straight ahead. A woman standing on the left looks down upon them. All of them are ordinary humans. They are not gods or goddesses. They are private people. Their clothing is plain, consisting of simple robes. It is representational of a regular family mourning the loss of one of its members, a scene that most people, even today, are able to relate to hundreds or even thousands of years later. The stele conveys a solemn forlornness that can be seen in the figures' faces. Their mouths are tightly shut; their eyes gaze blankly ahead. The woman on the left stares ahead with little emotion on her face. The stele does not depict any motion. All of the figures are standing (or sitting) still, in quiet memorial. This solemnity adds to the emotion of a grave where the stele once stood. There is no real clear answer as to who is being mourned. Are the seated man and the woman mourning the loss of their daughter, on the left? Or is the woman on the left mourning the loss of a father? The sculpture's ambiguity also adds to the emotion that it evokes. It might even be appropriate for its purpose. Its function was to mark a gravesite – the site of the body of someone who has died. Death is one of the most complex parts of life. It is the most ambiguous, for nobody knows for sure what happens in death. The ambiguity of the stele highlights Get more content on
  • 19. Art Analysis: The Statue Statue I draws from Greek and Roman influences to create a piece that elucidates the impossible conflicts–between age and youth, wisdom and athleticism–that are formed by the discordance of the piece as a unit. The youthful body of the Statue forms the majority of the sculpture and therefore carries tremendous significance in its execution of symmetry, motion, and style. This piece indulges the contrapposto scheme in the symmetrical planes of the limbs and joints to convey a heroic and realistic motion while it remains in a locked pose. Across the vertical axis, the limbs create a complex pattern of contrasting pairs across the line. The figure's right hip bears his weight, displayed by its tension, and is thus lifted higher than his left. Get more content on
  • 20. Assignment: Art Analysis 1. It was hard to get the feet to look realistic. The detailing part was hard to. Like you had to get all the contrast, structure, movement, and realism. It was hard especilly because in my painting my feet were small. Another hard part was getting the right shade. Like ppaint the feet a color and then make it a little darker for the areas that neede shading and dimension to give a realistic/ contrast to distinguish the difference. It was hard to get a shade that wasnt dramatically drker that the feets color. 2. If i started all over again theres a lot of things id change. Id start painting the ballerinas first. Then the stars, then id paint the whole background, and finally the letters. When i was painting i started off by doing the more content... Id give myself an A or a B. The theme of this assignment was feet with letters. My painting was like a poster to a ballerina dance academy. I painted many feet, ballerinas, letters, detail, highlight, and gave contrast. I think my painting showed im capable of painting with ability. Even though the theme was feet and letters and i went all out, if i was a teacher id give that student an A or even extra credit. Why? Because thats creativity thats what arts about. Id be happy that my student got inspired behind the concept of the new project and decided to go all out and put in more time, effort, creativity, and detail. 4. I would grade myself with an A or B. Because I was able to sketch the whole thing in a day. The painting process took about a week, thats seems quick to me. Especially for the amount of detail, intricate designs, and patience. I think my painting looks great for the short amount of time it took to complete. And im happy with it. 5. Um I wouldnt say their the best. But i think they look good. Im happy with the way they turned out. In total i painted 7 feet. Some are just feet, common stances ballerinas do, ballerinas performing a trick with their feet in a certain position, or designs that involved the ballerina with her feet. I provided an outline, dents, crevices, structure, realism, and contrast. They look great and all but Get more content on