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Art And Art Essay
Art has been around since the start of time. It is a way of expressing oneself and making a personal connection to the world. Art is much more than a
brush stroking against a canvas–it is a part of our imagination come to life in the form a film, drawing, music, and literature. Because of how much art
can impact society, we must have a social responsibility as a community to enforce the learning and practice of the arts. Art can be used as a way of
reaching out to preach about racial prejudices. "Excuse Me, Can I see Your ID?" is an art exhibit created by Lonnie Lee. Lee is an Asian–American
woman who designed this museum as means of showing the harsh truth Asian–Americans face on the daily. ""Excuse Me, Can I See Your ID? is not
intended for the white gaze." (Frank). This exhibit shows what the white–dominated art world does not. Each piece of work tells the story of different
individuals and their struggles of what it is like conforming in America where Asians are viewed as "perpetual foreigners". From one medium to
another, the Black Arts Movement, which lasted from 1965 to 1975, was a great impact on society. Following the assassination ofMalcolm X, black
people came together to protest their liberty. While it had the most effect in theatre and poetry, African Americans spoke their minds through literature,
visual arts, and music. Not only reaching cultural recognition and economic success, the Black Arts Movement brought about modern–day hip hop and
spoken word.
The arts have a way of bringing a community together by having people discuss a certain topic or controversy currently going on in the world. The arts
open minds and hearts to something previously overlooked or bashed on–it breaks barriers. "When we sit in that darkened theatre or walk through a
well–lit gallery, it opens us to experiences different from our own–pasts and futures we'll never experience in our lifetimes. It opens us to compassion.
It opens us to dialogue, new ideas, and new understanding." (Robinson). In cities filled with crime, violence, and poverty, artists Dre Urhahn and
Jeroen Koolhaas were able to bring a community of people together. These two men traveled all the way to favelas–slums in Brazil–to transform
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Art Synthesis Essay
First art was created thousands of years ago and I believe since then till early 19th century art was possessed of such functions as moral function and
didactic function. In the early 19th century appeared slogan – "Art for Art's Sake". Artists started creating Art just for Art's Sake. Because of this they
started to get a lot of criticism from writers, memoirists and critics. From critics point of view if art was not carrying utilitarian function it was
meaningful and some of the writers also implied that this kind of art was for uneducated audience – easy accessible art. In class we discussed a
painting named Nocturne in Black and Gold – The Falling Rocket by James Abbott McNeill Whistler and how it was critiqued by George Ruskin:
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What Are Fine Art? Essay
1.Fine art is a rather wide–spanning assortment of creative works able to be observed through our senses, such as buildings, sculptures, pottery,
songs, and paintings, created primarily or solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content. Works are meant to recall a memory or
invoke a certain opinion or view of a situation or subject. They often capture imagery found in nature or human regions such as farms and cities.
The topics depicted by fine art are nearly limitless, covering political, religious, comical, romantic, and satirical genres, as well as many others. We
as 21st century people are exposed to much more art in everyday life than most people realize. "Everywhere you go art is evident,"; the office
buildings we work in, the paintings hanging on our fridges made by our children, and the music we hear on the radio, at recitals, and yes, even
coming from the shower, are all expressions of art; it is by no means confined to museums (Montenagler). Every human is made in the Image of
our Creator, and because of this we are inherently creative beings (Genesis 1:26). Therefore, we can all be considered artists in one way or another.
2.As I will discuss later in the meeting, a piece must have meaning to be classified as art. The tricky part (and arguably the best part) is uncovering
the meaning in said art. As we can see in Jackson Pollock's drip paintings, "it 's like trying to crack a walnut... your job as an observer of the painting is
to crack the
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Art and Aesthetics Essay
Art and Aesthetics Art is usually referred to as the visual arts, where a piece of work is judged through the aesthetics in which it creates. However,
art refers to all human endeavors, including the product of oneГ‚'s creative impulse. In other words, art does not have to be innovative to be good. I
believe art is the communication of an idea, be it visual, musical, communicative or other. Art is the interplay between the conscious and unconscious
part of our being, between what is real and what is an illusion; it is the voice of our soul through color and form in a constant search for connection
with something beyond. I think of art as the bridge between our souls and the physical world. I see art as both an interaction between more
Everybody, one time or the other, will fell as though they have been let down and disappointed by others, including the ones they love. Those
feelings would include loneliness, and the yearn for support and guidance. At many times, we get the support we need, but once in a while; we
would be left alone in the world, having to fend off our miseries by ourselves. That is exactly what I had in mind when I was creating my piece of
art. I wanted the girl to depict a helpless teenager, who is yearning for support because the world has shunned her away completely. This in fact,
removes all the color and vibrancy in her life, leaving her world looking black and white. The reason why the girl in my drawing is looking down
is due to disbelief. She is utterly shocked by how the people that she thought that she could count on have left her to fend for herself. She saw the
dark side of things; the side she thought and wished never existed. I feel that conveying this message is important is because, it would be unhealthy
to bottle up your feelings and emotions inside of you; and since it is difficult to express it in words, it could be best displayed in the form of art. I
tried to make my artwork convey all of these messages, making sure that the morbidity of the piece is highlighted. To achieve this gruesome effect, I
solely used the color black, which emphasized the dark mood and ambiance that comes with this drawing. The color black is usually associated with
darkness and
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Art Is An Important Art Essay
English essay 4 topic
Yes. Art is an important class. Everywhere you look you see artworks. Arts are everywhere today in our life it became the important part of our daily
life. Arts education helps students develop creativity, visual learning, self–confident, decision making, improved academic performance, and
self–motivation, all of which are necessary to be successful in life. Art education is important for future students. Art allows students to learn about
themselves, their culture, their community and the world around them. The creativity and imagination of students will be pushed through the
development of art. Art uses science, math, creativity, and ideas. Art uses math because math involves shapes and angles and etc. and when people
make an art project with geometric shapes they use math to find what is this angle worth? Science needs art because art helps people to understand
what they are learning in science classes. Scientists always use and draw models which includes art.
Body(200–250 )
Creativity, visual learning, Improved academic performance
Arts improve our creative skills. Whether it is thinking, painting, cooking or dancing, we do art as if it's our own. Creativity in art class helps allow
students to show themselves better than English or math class. (example from newspaper) If children have practice thinking creatively, it will come
naturally to them now and in their future career.
Arts help you learn visually. Visual Learning helps kids to
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Descriptive Essay About Art
The more I learn about art in art class the more I pay attention to everything I see. I try to understand the meaning of each art I see, and what the
artist is trying to inform me or to the world. In the study of art you have to pay attention to every detail in an art work and what color or shapes he or
she used. Of all the art works that I saw in the Museum of Fine Arts, there were three art works which I preferred out of hundreds of arts works in the
museum. The very first art work that I saw at the museum is one of my favorite ones. The artist that created the art work his name is Frederic
Remington. His art work is an American made in 1861–1909. The painting was made with oil paint on canvas to make it look shinny. The painting is
representational because the three horse raiders resemble real things from the real world. In this painting Frederic Remington creates tension by
suspending the action at its climax. As the raiders and horses rush headlong into the viewer's space, the fate of the fallen raider is unclear. While the
facial expressions of the raiders appear calm, the rearing heads and flared nostrils of the horses convey the horror of the scene. His painting catches
your eye right away because of the light colors he uses to distinguish between the sky and the terrain. The color of the sky looks very realistic because
of the combination of colors blue and white. Yet he didn't use white for the clouds, but you can tell that it is sunny because of the shadow that
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The History of Art Essay
The History of Art
Art was the first written language and to study the history of art is to study the history of civilizations and humankind. The Paleolithic cave paintings
in France, when viewed in the modern western perspective can only be speculated at as to the intent and/or purpose of the original artisans. Perhaps the
paintings of animals were the focal point of a religious ceremony or ritual, surveyed before the hunt, to bring success or perhaps part of a celebration or
documentation after the successful hunt. It appears that art from the earliest history into the Renaissance focuses around religious ceremonies of some
Plato believed art to be a form of communication on a metaphysical level. The modern western more content...
Without the scientific knowledge of later generations, it is assumed that these figures were representations to invoke fertility.
Mesopotamia art was centered in what are now Iran and Iraq. The developing cultures (Assyrians, Sumerians, Babylonians, etc) in the area, between
the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which is sometimes called the "Cradle of Civilization" or the "Fertile Crescent", are credited with the invention of
cuneiform writing which is shown to us in the Stele (law code) of Hamarabi. Within these cultures, rulers often conferred with the religious leaders and
religion was an important part of their society.
The unique character of Sumerian art is exemplified by a group of votive statues from the Abu Temple, at Tell Asmar. The identities of these statues are
unclear. However, it is an educated theory that they served Abu, God of vegetation, and they represent priests, and worshipers. There is no indication
that these figures were intended to represent a naturalistic scheme. It is important to note that the symbolization is that of the human form and
representative of some form of authoritarian hierarchy. Tracking the human form and its relationship to art, history, and culture as the human figure
evolves through the centuries as artists perfect their
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Art Review Essay
I recently visited your gallery, and the collection you have installed shows that you have a clear interest in contemporary art. I respect your collection,
but believe it would benefit greatly from some new and diverse subject matter. It is for this reason that I highly recommend you consider making the
works of Titus Kaphar the next addition to your gallery.
Titus Kaphar is a black contemporary artist who is still working each day to create and push for art that breaks boundaries and addresses political
turbulence and the challenges that people of color are currently facing. He was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and currently works between New York
and New Haven after earning his Master of Fine Arts degree at Yale University. His work more content...
People who have never shared the experience of worrying about being perceived as more criminal or dangerous due to the color of their skin
insinuated that some of these victims could not have possibly been shot had they simply put their hands up and peacefully surrendered. The resulting
dialogue lead to the mantra of "Hands up, don't shoot" becoming a major part of protests as participants were unarmed and non–violent, as a symbol of
their right to protest peacefully without worry of injury or death by law enforcement. This aspect of the painting heavily implies the moment that is
being captured at this particular event, as it has likely been noticed by bystanders, possibly authorities, and they must do all they can to show that they
are harmless. To add to this, the men in the front of the crowd have their heads tilted slightly upward, with a hooded gaze looking over the path ahead;
a path that may be blocked by those who wish to silence them. To highlight this point, half the painting is awash with harsh, scratchy strokes of white,
distorting the crowd and covering the majority of the primary figures, most notably their mouths. This is a very literal homage to the idea of
whitewashing and silencing those protesting against issues that white people do not face, as well as erasing their identities as black Americans.
Additionally, the dark night background is washed with red, bleeding into the implications of streetlights and cell phone cameras
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Art Definition Essay
Art is something that has been important to our society for hundreds of years and still is valued today. Art can be defined as "something that is created
with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings (Merriam–Webster)", but not each and every person
completely agrees with this definition. When discussing art, everyone has their own opinion of what they think it is. I find it intriguing that art is
such a broad topic that can be thought of many different ways. I feel as if art surrounds us each day, but we have become so accustomed to our
surroundings that we only notice the sunset on the way home from work or the view from the mountains. Art is completely surrounding us, even right
at this moment. Some would say that art is only oil on a canvas, but I think that it is much more than that. I would even consider nature to be a part of
art. A butterfly flying in the wind or a tornado in mid–summer is still something that is created with more content...
They live, breath, and sleep art. In my eyes, these people are very special and have an amazing talent that they get to share with the rest of the
world. Artists are allowed to be creative and "think outside the box" not just every once in a while, but daily. I feel as if most artists have the
mentality "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," which I agree with. I might see something that is beautiful in my mind, but someone else might think
that the same piece of art is terribly dreadful to look at. Art also has a different meaning and worth to each person. For example, something may mean
more to me if a piece has been in my family for many
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Art And Art
Art is a way for not only everyday people but also artists to show their feelings and their passions. People can be affected in many, and different
ways, through art. Even though art can be interpreted in different ways it can still have valuable meanings to almost everyone in their own special
ways. Throughout time art has followed the people closely. It has fed on, and even publicized the state in which society was in. This is not saying that
art can't differ from the theme of society, but more times than not it usually relates to society in at least some small way. Society and Art can differ
over the era in time. Art helps people to build their ideas and reshape their imaginations. Art can contribute to pass on the way thing were over different
time periods. Drawings, painting, and sculpture, has been known not right from the earliest starting point as confirm by the relics of the past. Be that as
it may, positively, innovation has made it workable for new types of gear to be exploited and for new mediums to be utilized. There is additionally the
alternative of computerized craftsmanship that will permit individuals to work with hues and pictures even without the most severe preparing to make
the best magnum opuses. Numerous innovative changes happened amid the Modernist time frame. These included photography, the development of
the shading range, and so on. In the postmodern period, changes included PC–controlled photography, advanced media, and so on. Things like
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The Art Of Art
Throughout history, art has changed and transformed dramatically as empires have fallen and new civilizations have formed. There have been many
different forms of art and extremely different tastes of art based on which civilization you decide to focus on. According to this opinion, out of all the
different types of art, "the highest form of art is realism." The writer then claims how many civilizations have undergone intellectual and creative
declines when creating unrealistic art. This, of course, is simply an opinion, but the the thoughts and ideas of this writers bring up many intriguing
questions about art and how society perceives art. First, I will analyze the writer's opinions by bringing up examples that are in agreement with his or
her opinion. In a way, I do agree with the writer's opinion in the aesthetics of realism compared to other forms of art. For example, the early Greek
marble statue of Kouros is not as appealing to me because of its rigid form and geometric body type create this unrealistic expression of the human body
. In addition, the large eyes and archaic smile on the face of sculpture add to the lack of realism to the whole piece. This sculpture seems ancient and
outdated because of its lack of realism to the human world. his work can be compared to the spear bearer, or Doryphoros, that depicts the human form
with more realism. Although not perfectly realistic, this realism can be seen in improved posture of sculpture with its praxitelean curve
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Art : The World Of Art
The world of art is a bridge, a bubble that connects and interacts with many aspects of the world and the lives of others very effectively. Arts reach
into the eyes, the heart, and the soul of a human and bring out a multitude of thoughts, emotions, ideas, analysis, desires, and this list of what art is
capable of doing goes on. It is important to recognize that art cannot be null and void from the aspects of anyone's life, and exclusion of art is simply
not an option, it would be one of the most difficult ideas to put into practice. Behind every person, be they great or be they mediocre, there is a path of
art to be followed that has inspired them, and led them to where they find themselves in the present. Life must occur with art in it somewhere, and
throughout life, art will spring forth from the minds of those who have been touched by that which came before them. The arts and creation are set in
such a way, and have seemingly always been set in such a way that they cannot exist without emotion. Emotion is in turn fueled in new ways by art, by
that interpretation of another's emotions. Art undoubtedly stimulates emotion and expression in the human. Here is a comical idea, "every man is a
poet at heart and that the last poet will not perish till the last man does" (Freud 437). This sounds rather idealistic, but there is more to it than that. Is
every man a poet? Certainly not, at least not in the sense of putting pen to paper and creating astounding works of writing, but
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The Importance of Art Essay
Art is a form of human expression. Art can be seen as the artist sleight of hand on his mood. Art is in various media from posters to public wall of
which we call "graffiti". Art is elusive as the use of colors shapes and the surface used adds a new dimension. Art portrays various ideas, feelings such
as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom in loss to mention a few. Art is beauty and creativity. During man's evolution art has progressed over
in its most primitive state up to its most modernized versions today.
History shows that art has been used as a major tool for communication. Cavemen did art on their walls using unsophisticated and blunt tools. The
indigenous people of our country, the aborigines such as Albert more content...
Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans created many meticulous pieces of art. Some of the meticulous pieces of art are masks, pyramids,
jewelry, wall paintings, tombs, sarcophagi. The primal Romans and Greeks showed their appreciation of life through art. India used art to show their
dance and their religions. The African art is symbolic of their tribal cuffs as seen of their totem poles.
Today, Art has gone through many changes. Abstract art dominates art today shows ambiguous life a man lives, in contrast to the unambiguous art of
the past. Modern does not have spirituality and cultural values and beliefs in the past and is now a reflection of a materialistic life of today. Bill
Henson, a portrait artist used his 12 year old Olympia as a nude model for his portrait drawing. This brought much controversy that he was exploiting
the body of an under – age girl as his own gains. This shows that art is used for popularity and financial gain. The message behind art is to show ideas
and ideas that are relevant to society. Art is meant to enliven life and things, thoughmodern art shows more if life's negativeness. Galleries, parks and
museums view to the public with meaningfulness and with the appreciation for art. Art is still effective as hand written material was seen in the walls
of Ancient Egypt. Modern art stimulates the thought and fosters greater
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Art Analysis Essay
Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, our first impression of their significance comes through our initial
visual interpretation. When we first view a painting or a statue or other piece of art, we notice first the visual details – its size, its medium, its color,
and its condition, for example – before we begin to ponder its greater significance. Indeed, these visual clues are just as important as any other
interpretation or meaning of a work, for they allow us to understand just what that deeper meaning is. The expression on a statue's face tells us the
emotion and message that the artist is trying to convey. Its color, too, can provide clues: darker or lighter colors can play a role in how more
The Stele depicts a simple scene: a seated man and standing woman behind him stare blankly straight ahead. A woman standing on the left looks
down upon them. All of them are ordinary humans. They are not gods or goddesses. They are private people. Their clothing is plain, consisting of
simple robes. It is representational of a regular family mourning the loss of one of its members, a scene that most people, even today, are able to relate
to hundreds or even thousands of years later.
The stele conveys a solemn forlornness that can be seen in the figures' faces. Their mouths are tightly shut; their eyes gaze blankly ahead. The woman
on the left stares ahead with little emotion on her face. The stele does not depict any motion. All of the figures are standing (or sitting) still, in quiet
memorial. This solemnity adds to the emotion of a grave where the stele once stood. There is no real clear answer as to who is being mourned. Are the
seated man and the woman mourning the loss of their daughter, on the left? Or is the woman on the left mourning the loss of a father? The sculpture's
ambiguity also adds to the emotion that it evokes. It might even be appropriate for its purpose. Its function was to mark a gravesite – the site of the
body of someone who has died. Death is one of the most complex parts of life. It is the most ambiguous, for nobody knows for sure what happens in
death. The ambiguity of the stele highlights
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What is Art? Essay
What is Art1
Art can mean many different things to many different people and was one of the earliest ways in which man has expressed him or herself to others,
whether it was through cave drawings or hieroglyphics. It does not begin or end with just drawing or painting, items typically considered art, or the
many other recognized facets of art including architecture, drama, literature, sculpting, and music. The writing of Beowulf, one of the earliest known
written prose, or the Greek plays which have influenced drama since their inception, are considered some of the greatest forms of art in history. Art can
allow us pleasure just simply through the process of creating. Art can allow us to express ourselves to give us better more content...
Dancing as a fine art can incorporate numerous other artistic outlets as well, ranging from the writing of the story, the music and the musicians, the
designing of sets to the creation of simple or lavish costumes. This bringing together of artistic expressions from numerous other sources can be
witnessed in other forms, such as plays and festivals, which allow a diverse collective to share thoughts and styles, these being the most public of art
Poetry is another art form that offers an environment to the creative or expressive need. Writing poetry can be used as an aid to help think through
the conflicting emotions that accompany life. It is an art much as gardening is. An inspiration for a poem can be a seed. The seed is planted on
paper and usually, though not always, after tending to it the seed begins to take shape until it suddenly blooms. Poems such as Byron's "She Walks
in Beauty", Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and Shakespeare's "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" all began as seeds and have long since been
considered works of art.
Painting and drawing–probably one of the highest acknowledged forms of art–incorporates all aspects of the need to create. The artwork can be
produced simply for the desire to create, whether it is just the study of the human body or the recreation of nature through the various colors, textures
and the styles available to the artist. Nature, commonly reflected in paintings, serves as a great source of
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The Importance of Art Essay
The Importance of Art
Throughout the ages art has played a crucial role in life. Art is universal and because art is everywhere, we experience it on a daily basis. From the
houses we live in (architecture) to the movies we see (theatre) to the books that we read (literature). Even in ancient culture art has played a crucial
role. In prehistoric times cave dwellers drew on the wall of caves to record history. In biblical times paintings recorded the life and death of Christ.
Throughout time art has recorded history. Most art is created for a specific reason or purpose, it has a way of expressing ideas and beliefs, and it can
record the experiences of all people.
Most art has some sort of reason or purpose behind it. It more content...
Many people thought that African art was too abstract with no attempt to look real. On the other hand, an Italian artist named Bellini painted "Christ
Blessing" which is another example of symbolic art. Some of the symbols Bellini uses are– Christ is wearing a purple robe, which is a symbol of grief.
Scars on his hand indicated this took place after the crucifixion. Various motifs in the distant landscape allude to the resurrection. For instance, the
bird on the barren branches of a tree represents death, a pair of rabbits signify regeneration, there are three robed figures that are Mary Magdalen,
Mary, the mother of James and Mary Salome, who having visited the tomb of Christ hurry to tell the disciples of the empty tomb and the bell tower
denotes that salvation is found through Christ's sacrifice. All of these things are in the painting for a reason, they record in detail about an event in
Many cultures around the world express their ideas and beliefs in various works of art. In Africa the Nigerian Chokwe tribe held great respect for
their dead ancestors. They would pray while carving an ancestral figure. One example of their work is in the figure "Chibinda" (The Hunter). This
figure represents the culture hero Ilunga Katele, royal ancestor of the Chokwe people. Ilunga taught the art of hunting. This figure is wearing elaborate
headgear, which is a sign of royal rank. He holds a
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The Emotional Perception of Art Essay
The Emotional Perception of Art Art has a rare capability of evoking different emotions in different people. Two people can look at the same piece
of art and see two images that are entirely dissimilar. What one perceives while looking at art depends on a person's state of mind. If one is happy,
he or she will find something cheerful and pleasing in the work of art. However, if one is depressed or going through a hard time, it will be as if they
are looking at two paintings or two sculptures that are totally unalike. The artist's purpose in creating his or her masterpiece is to create something that
will make the viewer think and imagine what the piece of art is showing them. Malcolm Gladwell states in Blink: The more content...
The nun is grabbing onto the man with both her hands and she has the man's red scarf clenched between her teeth. The author portrays the man as
a thief, by giving him many objects that he appears to have stolen. They include a rusty metal sword, two hand bags, and a black briefcase.
However, if one were to look at this painting without having read the title, one may get a different perspective of the painting. For instance, when I
first gazed at the painting I envisioned a different situation occurring. I saw a man who is trying to escape from a woman, not because he has
stolen something from her, but because she will not leave him alone and let him live his life. When I stared at his eyes it almost appeared that
they were telling me "Oh no, she found me again!" His facial expression was so distraught and so depressed that I immediately knew how he felt.
The reason I saw this production in such a way, was because at the time I was viewing the image I was feeling very similar to what I thought the
artist was trying to portray. I noticed depression in the man's facial expression, because I was slightly depressed and I acknowledged his pain,
because I was hurting. Another reason why this picture stands out so much is its use of violence. Because the lady is forcefully holding onto the man,
it provides an effect that is described greatly by Kate Robotham in her essay on artistic violence: Unlike many aspects of the art world, artistic
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Art Is An Art Essay
Art is created to make feel you something. Whether it is disgust, rage, devastation or joy, as long as it is the artist's deliberation, you may call it art,
Art is something which is meant to evoke emotion. It is a representation of what the artist sees. It could be realistic or abstract. Art is a diverse range of
human activities and the products of those activities, usually involving imaginative and technical skills. Everything you do is an art in some way,
like the way you perform an activity is an individual art. What you see and understand from it is also an art, looking at things from different
perspective. When you talk, how you talk is also an art. So overall there is no such thing as what cannot be an art as everything is an art
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All can be summed up in a word sincerity. The artist should be impelled by an inner need to express hisfeeling. Now, just as the evolution of
knowledge proceeds by truer and more necessary knowledge displacing previous knowledge, so the evolution of feeling proceeds through art feelings
more kind and needful to humanity replace the older feelings. That is the purpose of art. In every age there exists an understanding of the meaning of life
which represents the highest level which has been
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What Is Art? Essay example
Defining art is dependent on many factors relative to humanity. It is a humanistic mimicry of their surroundings. Labeling something art is subjective,
yet objective as well. An early confrontation of this issue was displayed in the sentiments of the philosophers Aristotle and Plato. Although both
agreed that it was indeed a mimesis, the Greek word for imitation, and a techne, which means skills, Plato felt it to be a deviation from truth and
beauty, kalos k'agathos. To Aristotle it was more than "destructive" aesthetic idealism. Aristotle and Art was defined upon being recognized as more
than a copy and ultimately, varying from person to person, it is labeled so respectively.
Aristotle believed that art was an more content...
Modernists counterclaimed that it was the creator's view of a bird, who recognized it as art, so it was art. This argument won in the court claim that
came of the rejection of the piece and such ideology has remained mainstream.
Art history, yet at the same time a historians bias can effect such identifications, catalogues, and characterizing. Humans from the Old Stone Age would
make simple paintings of nature around them, such as the animals they hunted. It was more spiritually symbolic than pictorially accurate. Historians
might say that due to the lack of recognition that it was art to that society, it cannot be called art.
Cave paintings are proof that creativity is a natural thing. To imitate one's surroundings is a trait that one could note in children. A child could be told
nothing of art and still easily create it. The direction of art is dependent on sociological and psychological environments, as well as the mediums
provided or available. Animals cannot create art. This is recognized in Greek mythology as well in the story of Arachne in which Athena challenges a
mortal, Arachne, to a weaving contest. When Arachne intimidates Athena, the goddess turns her into a spider, causing her to lose the skill of artistry.
This shows how like animals, we create similar things, including habitats, but the human aspect of creativity and imagination sets it aside as art.
Architecture exemplifies
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  • 1. Art And Art Essay Art has been around since the start of time. It is a way of expressing oneself and making a personal connection to the world. Art is much more than a brush stroking against a canvas–it is a part of our imagination come to life in the form a film, drawing, music, and literature. Because of how much art can impact society, we must have a social responsibility as a community to enforce the learning and practice of the arts. Art can be used as a way of reaching out to preach about racial prejudices. "Excuse Me, Can I see Your ID?" is an art exhibit created by Lonnie Lee. Lee is an Asian–American woman who designed this museum as means of showing the harsh truth Asian–Americans face on the daily. ""Excuse Me, Can I See Your ID? is not intended for the white gaze." (Frank). This exhibit shows what the white–dominated art world does not. Each piece of work tells the story of different individuals and their struggles of what it is like conforming in America where Asians are viewed as "perpetual foreigners". From one medium to another, the Black Arts Movement, which lasted from 1965 to 1975, was a great impact on society. Following the assassination ofMalcolm X, black people came together to protest their liberty. While it had the most effect in theatre and poetry, African Americans spoke their minds through literature, visual arts, and music. Not only reaching cultural recognition and economic success, the Black Arts Movement brought about modern–day hip hop and spoken word. The arts have a way of bringing a community together by having people discuss a certain topic or controversy currently going on in the world. The arts open minds and hearts to something previously overlooked or bashed on–it breaks barriers. "When we sit in that darkened theatre or walk through a well–lit gallery, it opens us to experiences different from our own–pasts and futures we'll never experience in our lifetimes. It opens us to compassion. It opens us to dialogue, new ideas, and new understanding." (Robinson). In cities filled with crime, violence, and poverty, artists Dre Urhahn and Jeroen Koolhaas were able to bring a community of people together. These two men traveled all the way to favelas–slums in Brazil–to transform previously Get more content on
  • 2. Art Synthesis Essay First art was created thousands of years ago and I believe since then till early 19th century art was possessed of such functions as moral function and didactic function. In the early 19th century appeared slogan – "Art for Art's Sake". Artists started creating Art just for Art's Sake. Because of this they started to get a lot of criticism from writers, memoirists and critics. From critics point of view if art was not carrying utilitarian function it was meaningful and some of the writers also implied that this kind of art was for uneducated audience – easy accessible art. In class we discussed a painting named Nocturne in Black and Gold – The Falling Rocket by James Abbott McNeill Whistler and how it was critiqued by George Ruskin: Get more content on
  • 3. What Are Fine Art? Essay 1.Fine art is a rather wide–spanning assortment of creative works able to be observed through our senses, such as buildings, sculptures, pottery, songs, and paintings, created primarily or solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content. Works are meant to recall a memory or invoke a certain opinion or view of a situation or subject. They often capture imagery found in nature or human regions such as farms and cities. The topics depicted by fine art are nearly limitless, covering political, religious, comical, romantic, and satirical genres, as well as many others. We as 21st century people are exposed to much more art in everyday life than most people realize. "Everywhere you go art is evident,"; the office buildings we work in, the paintings hanging on our fridges made by our children, and the music we hear on the radio, at recitals, and yes, even coming from the shower, are all expressions of art; it is by no means confined to museums (Montenagler). Every human is made in the Image of our Creator, and because of this we are inherently creative beings (Genesis 1:26). Therefore, we can all be considered artists in one way or another. 2.As I will discuss later in the meeting, a piece must have meaning to be classified as art. The tricky part (and arguably the best part) is uncovering the meaning in said art. As we can see in Jackson Pollock's drip paintings, "it 's like trying to crack a walnut... your job as an observer of the painting is to crack the Get more content on
  • 4. Art and Aesthetics Essay Art and Aesthetics Art is usually referred to as the visual arts, where a piece of work is judged through the aesthetics in which it creates. However, art refers to all human endeavors, including the product of oneГ‚'s creative impulse. In other words, art does not have to be innovative to be good. I believe art is the communication of an idea, be it visual, musical, communicative or other. Art is the interplay between the conscious and unconscious part of our being, between what is real and what is an illusion; it is the voice of our soul through color and form in a constant search for connection with something beyond. I think of art as the bridge between our souls and the physical world. I see art as both an interaction between more content... Everybody, one time or the other, will fell as though they have been let down and disappointed by others, including the ones they love. Those feelings would include loneliness, and the yearn for support and guidance. At many times, we get the support we need, but once in a while; we would be left alone in the world, having to fend off our miseries by ourselves. That is exactly what I had in mind when I was creating my piece of art. I wanted the girl to depict a helpless teenager, who is yearning for support because the world has shunned her away completely. This in fact, removes all the color and vibrancy in her life, leaving her world looking black and white. The reason why the girl in my drawing is looking down is due to disbelief. She is utterly shocked by how the people that she thought that she could count on have left her to fend for herself. She saw the dark side of things; the side she thought and wished never existed. I feel that conveying this message is important is because, it would be unhealthy to bottle up your feelings and emotions inside of you; and since it is difficult to express it in words, it could be best displayed in the form of art. I tried to make my artwork convey all of these messages, making sure that the morbidity of the piece is highlighted. To achieve this gruesome effect, I solely used the color black, which emphasized the dark mood and ambiance that comes with this drawing. The color black is usually associated with darkness and Get more content on
  • 5. Art Is An Important Art Essay English essay 4 topic Yes. Art is an important class. Everywhere you look you see artworks. Arts are everywhere today in our life it became the important part of our daily life. Arts education helps students develop creativity, visual learning, self–confident, decision making, improved academic performance, and self–motivation, all of which are necessary to be successful in life. Art education is important for future students. Art allows students to learn about themselves, their culture, their community and the world around them. The creativity and imagination of students will be pushed through the development of art. Art uses science, math, creativity, and ideas. Art uses math because math involves shapes and angles and etc. and when people make an art project with geometric shapes they use math to find what is this angle worth? Science needs art because art helps people to understand what they are learning in science classes. Scientists always use and draw models which includes art. Body(200–250 ) Creativity, visual learning, Improved academic performance Arts improve our creative skills. Whether it is thinking, painting, cooking or dancing, we do art as if it's our own. Creativity in art class helps allow students to show themselves better than English or math class. (example from newspaper) If children have practice thinking creatively, it will come naturally to them now and in their future career. Arts help you learn visually. Visual Learning helps kids to Get more content on
  • 6. Descriptive Essay About Art The more I learn about art in art class the more I pay attention to everything I see. I try to understand the meaning of each art I see, and what the artist is trying to inform me or to the world. In the study of art you have to pay attention to every detail in an art work and what color or shapes he or she used. Of all the art works that I saw in the Museum of Fine Arts, there were three art works which I preferred out of hundreds of arts works in the museum. The very first art work that I saw at the museum is one of my favorite ones. The artist that created the art work his name is Frederic Remington. His art work is an American made in 1861–1909. The painting was made with oil paint on canvas to make it look shinny. The painting is representational because the three horse raiders resemble real things from the real world. In this painting Frederic Remington creates tension by suspending the action at its climax. As the raiders and horses rush headlong into the viewer's space, the fate of the fallen raider is unclear. While the facial expressions of the raiders appear calm, the rearing heads and flared nostrils of the horses convey the horror of the scene. His painting catches your eye right away because of the light colors he uses to distinguish between the sky and the terrain. The color of the sky looks very realistic because of the combination of colors blue and white. Yet he didn't use white for the clouds, but you can tell that it is sunny because of the shadow that Get more content on
  • 7. The History of Art Essay The History of Art Art was the first written language and to study the history of art is to study the history of civilizations and humankind. The Paleolithic cave paintings in France, when viewed in the modern western perspective can only be speculated at as to the intent and/or purpose of the original artisans. Perhaps the paintings of animals were the focal point of a religious ceremony or ritual, surveyed before the hunt, to bring success or perhaps part of a celebration or documentation after the successful hunt. It appears that art from the earliest history into the Renaissance focuses around religious ceremonies of some type. Plato believed art to be a form of communication on a metaphysical level. The modern western more content... Without the scientific knowledge of later generations, it is assumed that these figures were representations to invoke fertility. Mesopotamia art was centered in what are now Iran and Iraq. The developing cultures (Assyrians, Sumerians, Babylonians, etc) in the area, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which is sometimes called the "Cradle of Civilization" or the "Fertile Crescent", are credited with the invention of cuneiform writing which is shown to us in the Stele (law code) of Hamarabi. Within these cultures, rulers often conferred with the religious leaders and religion was an important part of their society. The unique character of Sumerian art is exemplified by a group of votive statues from the Abu Temple, at Tell Asmar. The identities of these statues are unclear. However, it is an educated theory that they served Abu, God of vegetation, and they represent priests, and worshipers. There is no indication that these figures were intended to represent a naturalistic scheme. It is important to note that the symbolization is that of the human form and representative of some form of authoritarian hierarchy. Tracking the human form and its relationship to art, history, and culture as the human figure evolves through the centuries as artists perfect their Get more content on
  • 8. Art Review Essay I recently visited your gallery, and the collection you have installed shows that you have a clear interest in contemporary art. I respect your collection, but believe it would benefit greatly from some new and diverse subject matter. It is for this reason that I highly recommend you consider making the works of Titus Kaphar the next addition to your gallery. Titus Kaphar is a black contemporary artist who is still working each day to create and push for art that breaks boundaries and addresses political turbulence and the challenges that people of color are currently facing. He was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and currently works between New York and New Haven after earning his Master of Fine Arts degree at Yale University. His work more content... People who have never shared the experience of worrying about being perceived as more criminal or dangerous due to the color of their skin insinuated that some of these victims could not have possibly been shot had they simply put their hands up and peacefully surrendered. The resulting dialogue lead to the mantra of "Hands up, don't shoot" becoming a major part of protests as participants were unarmed and non–violent, as a symbol of their right to protest peacefully without worry of injury or death by law enforcement. This aspect of the painting heavily implies the moment that is being captured at this particular event, as it has likely been noticed by bystanders, possibly authorities, and they must do all they can to show that they are harmless. To add to this, the men in the front of the crowd have their heads tilted slightly upward, with a hooded gaze looking over the path ahead; a path that may be blocked by those who wish to silence them. To highlight this point, half the painting is awash with harsh, scratchy strokes of white, distorting the crowd and covering the majority of the primary figures, most notably their mouths. This is a very literal homage to the idea of whitewashing and silencing those protesting against issues that white people do not face, as well as erasing their identities as black Americans. Additionally, the dark night background is washed with red, bleeding into the implications of streetlights and cell phone cameras Get more content on
  • 9. Art Definition Essay Art is something that has been important to our society for hundreds of years and still is valued today. Art can be defined as "something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings (Merriam–Webster)", but not each and every person completely agrees with this definition. When discussing art, everyone has their own opinion of what they think it is. I find it intriguing that art is such a broad topic that can be thought of many different ways. I feel as if art surrounds us each day, but we have become so accustomed to our surroundings that we only notice the sunset on the way home from work or the view from the mountains. Art is completely surrounding us, even right at this moment. Some would say that art is only oil on a canvas, but I think that it is much more than that. I would even consider nature to be a part of art. A butterfly flying in the wind or a tornado in mid–summer is still something that is created with more content... They live, breath, and sleep art. In my eyes, these people are very special and have an amazing talent that they get to share with the rest of the world. Artists are allowed to be creative and "think outside the box" not just every once in a while, but daily. I feel as if most artists have the mentality "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," which I agree with. I might see something that is beautiful in my mind, but someone else might think that the same piece of art is terribly dreadful to look at. Art also has a different meaning and worth to each person. For example, something may mean more to me if a piece has been in my family for many Get more content on
  • 10. Art And Art Art is a way for not only everyday people but also artists to show their feelings and their passions. People can be affected in many, and different ways, through art. Even though art can be interpreted in different ways it can still have valuable meanings to almost everyone in their own special ways. Throughout time art has followed the people closely. It has fed on, and even publicized the state in which society was in. This is not saying that art can't differ from the theme of society, but more times than not it usually relates to society in at least some small way. Society and Art can differ over the era in time. Art helps people to build their ideas and reshape their imaginations. Art can contribute to pass on the way thing were over different time periods. Drawings, painting, and sculpture, has been known not right from the earliest starting point as confirm by the relics of the past. Be that as it may, positively, innovation has made it workable for new types of gear to be exploited and for new mediums to be utilized. There is additionally the alternative of computerized craftsmanship that will permit individuals to work with hues and pictures even without the most severe preparing to make the best magnum opuses. Numerous innovative changes happened amid the Modernist time frame. These included photography, the development of the shading range, and so on. In the postmodern period, changes included PC–controlled photography, advanced media, and so on. Things like Get more content on
  • 11. The Art Of Art Throughout history, art has changed and transformed dramatically as empires have fallen and new civilizations have formed. There have been many different forms of art and extremely different tastes of art based on which civilization you decide to focus on. According to this opinion, out of all the different types of art, "the highest form of art is realism." The writer then claims how many civilizations have undergone intellectual and creative declines when creating unrealistic art. This, of course, is simply an opinion, but the the thoughts and ideas of this writers bring up many intriguing questions about art and how society perceives art. First, I will analyze the writer's opinions by bringing up examples that are in agreement with his or her opinion. In a way, I do agree with the writer's opinion in the aesthetics of realism compared to other forms of art. For example, the early Greek marble statue of Kouros is not as appealing to me because of its rigid form and geometric body type create this unrealistic expression of the human body . In addition, the large eyes and archaic smile on the face of sculpture add to the lack of realism to the whole piece. This sculpture seems ancient and outdated because of its lack of realism to the human world. his work can be compared to the spear bearer, or Doryphoros, that depicts the human form with more realism. Although not perfectly realistic, this realism can be seen in improved posture of sculpture with its praxitelean curve Get more content on
  • 12. Art : The World Of Art The world of art is a bridge, a bubble that connects and interacts with many aspects of the world and the lives of others very effectively. Arts reach into the eyes, the heart, and the soul of a human and bring out a multitude of thoughts, emotions, ideas, analysis, desires, and this list of what art is capable of doing goes on. It is important to recognize that art cannot be null and void from the aspects of anyone's life, and exclusion of art is simply not an option, it would be one of the most difficult ideas to put into practice. Behind every person, be they great or be they mediocre, there is a path of art to be followed that has inspired them, and led them to where they find themselves in the present. Life must occur with art in it somewhere, and throughout life, art will spring forth from the minds of those who have been touched by that which came before them. The arts and creation are set in such a way, and have seemingly always been set in such a way that they cannot exist without emotion. Emotion is in turn fueled in new ways by art, by that interpretation of another's emotions. Art undoubtedly stimulates emotion and expression in the human. Here is a comical idea, "every man is a poet at heart and that the last poet will not perish till the last man does" (Freud 437). This sounds rather idealistic, but there is more to it than that. Is every man a poet? Certainly not, at least not in the sense of putting pen to paper and creating astounding works of writing, but Get more content on
  • 13. The Importance of Art Essay Art is a form of human expression. Art can be seen as the artist sleight of hand on his mood. Art is in various media from posters to public wall of which we call "graffiti". Art is elusive as the use of colors shapes and the surface used adds a new dimension. Art portrays various ideas, feelings such as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom in loss to mention a few. Art is beauty and creativity. During man's evolution art has progressed over in its most primitive state up to its most modernized versions today. History shows that art has been used as a major tool for communication. Cavemen did art on their walls using unsophisticated and blunt tools. The indigenous people of our country, the aborigines such as Albert more content... Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans created many meticulous pieces of art. Some of the meticulous pieces of art are masks, pyramids, jewelry, wall paintings, tombs, sarcophagi. The primal Romans and Greeks showed their appreciation of life through art. India used art to show their dance and their religions. The African art is symbolic of their tribal cuffs as seen of their totem poles. Today, Art has gone through many changes. Abstract art dominates art today shows ambiguous life a man lives, in contrast to the unambiguous art of the past. Modern does not have spirituality and cultural values and beliefs in the past and is now a reflection of a materialistic life of today. Bill Henson, a portrait artist used his 12 year old Olympia as a nude model for his portrait drawing. This brought much controversy that he was exploiting the body of an under – age girl as his own gains. This shows that art is used for popularity and financial gain. The message behind art is to show ideas and ideas that are relevant to society. Art is meant to enliven life and things, thoughmodern art shows more if life's negativeness. Galleries, parks and museums view to the public with meaningfulness and with the appreciation for art. Art is still effective as hand written material was seen in the walls of Ancient Egypt. Modern art stimulates the thought and fosters greater Get more content on
  • 14. Art Analysis Essay Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, our first impression of their significance comes through our initial visual interpretation. When we first view a painting or a statue or other piece of art, we notice first the visual details – its size, its medium, its color, and its condition, for example – before we begin to ponder its greater significance. Indeed, these visual clues are just as important as any other interpretation or meaning of a work, for they allow us to understand just what that deeper meaning is. The expression on a statue's face tells us the emotion and message that the artist is trying to convey. Its color, too, can provide clues: darker or lighter colors can play a role in how more content... The Stele depicts a simple scene: a seated man and standing woman behind him stare blankly straight ahead. A woman standing on the left looks down upon them. All of them are ordinary humans. They are not gods or goddesses. They are private people. Their clothing is plain, consisting of simple robes. It is representational of a regular family mourning the loss of one of its members, a scene that most people, even today, are able to relate to hundreds or even thousands of years later. The stele conveys a solemn forlornness that can be seen in the figures' faces. Their mouths are tightly shut; their eyes gaze blankly ahead. The woman on the left stares ahead with little emotion on her face. The stele does not depict any motion. All of the figures are standing (or sitting) still, in quiet memorial. This solemnity adds to the emotion of a grave where the stele once stood. There is no real clear answer as to who is being mourned. Are the seated man and the woman mourning the loss of their daughter, on the left? Or is the woman on the left mourning the loss of a father? The sculpture's ambiguity also adds to the emotion that it evokes. It might even be appropriate for its purpose. Its function was to mark a gravesite – the site of the body of someone who has died. Death is one of the most complex parts of life. It is the most ambiguous, for nobody knows for sure what happens in death. The ambiguity of the stele highlights Get more content on
  • 15. What is Art? Essay What is Art1 Art can mean many different things to many different people and was one of the earliest ways in which man has expressed him or herself to others, whether it was through cave drawings or hieroglyphics. It does not begin or end with just drawing or painting, items typically considered art, or the many other recognized facets of art including architecture, drama, literature, sculpting, and music. The writing of Beowulf, one of the earliest known written prose, or the Greek plays which have influenced drama since their inception, are considered some of the greatest forms of art in history. Art can allow us pleasure just simply through the process of creating. Art can allow us to express ourselves to give us better more content... Dancing as a fine art can incorporate numerous other artistic outlets as well, ranging from the writing of the story, the music and the musicians, the designing of sets to the creation of simple or lavish costumes. This bringing together of artistic expressions from numerous other sources can be witnessed in other forms, such as plays and festivals, which allow a diverse collective to share thoughts and styles, these being the most public of art forms. Poetry is another art form that offers an environment to the creative or expressive need. Writing poetry can be used as an aid to help think through the conflicting emotions that accompany life. It is an art much as gardening is. An inspiration for a poem can be a seed. The seed is planted on paper and usually, though not always, after tending to it the seed begins to take shape until it suddenly blooms. Poems such as Byron's "She Walks in Beauty", Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and Shakespeare's "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" all began as seeds and have long since been considered works of art. Painting and drawing–probably one of the highest acknowledged forms of art–incorporates all aspects of the need to create. The artwork can be produced simply for the desire to create, whether it is just the study of the human body or the recreation of nature through the various colors, textures and the styles available to the artist. Nature, commonly reflected in paintings, serves as a great source of Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance of Art Essay The Importance of Art Throughout the ages art has played a crucial role in life. Art is universal and because art is everywhere, we experience it on a daily basis. From the houses we live in (architecture) to the movies we see (theatre) to the books that we read (literature). Even in ancient culture art has played a crucial role. In prehistoric times cave dwellers drew on the wall of caves to record history. In biblical times paintings recorded the life and death of Christ. Throughout time art has recorded history. Most art is created for a specific reason or purpose, it has a way of expressing ideas and beliefs, and it can record the experiences of all people. Most art has some sort of reason or purpose behind it. It more content... Many people thought that African art was too abstract with no attempt to look real. On the other hand, an Italian artist named Bellini painted "Christ Blessing" which is another example of symbolic art. Some of the symbols Bellini uses are– Christ is wearing a purple robe, which is a symbol of grief. Scars on his hand indicated this took place after the crucifixion. Various motifs in the distant landscape allude to the resurrection. For instance, the bird on the barren branches of a tree represents death, a pair of rabbits signify regeneration, there are three robed figures that are Mary Magdalen, Mary, the mother of James and Mary Salome, who having visited the tomb of Christ hurry to tell the disciples of the empty tomb and the bell tower denotes that salvation is found through Christ's sacrifice. All of these things are in the painting for a reason, they record in detail about an event in history. Many cultures around the world express their ideas and beliefs in various works of art. In Africa the Nigerian Chokwe tribe held great respect for their dead ancestors. They would pray while carving an ancestral figure. One example of their work is in the figure "Chibinda" (The Hunter). This figure represents the culture hero Ilunga Katele, royal ancestor of the Chokwe people. Ilunga taught the art of hunting. This figure is wearing elaborate headgear, which is a sign of royal rank. He holds a Get more content on
  • 17. The Emotional Perception of Art Essay The Emotional Perception of Art Art has a rare capability of evoking different emotions in different people. Two people can look at the same piece of art and see two images that are entirely dissimilar. What one perceives while looking at art depends on a person's state of mind. If one is happy, he or she will find something cheerful and pleasing in the work of art. However, if one is depressed or going through a hard time, it will be as if they are looking at two paintings or two sculptures that are totally unalike. The artist's purpose in creating his or her masterpiece is to create something that will make the viewer think and imagine what the piece of art is showing them. Malcolm Gladwell states in Blink: The more content... The nun is grabbing onto the man with both her hands and she has the man's red scarf clenched between her teeth. The author portrays the man as a thief, by giving him many objects that he appears to have stolen. They include a rusty metal sword, two hand bags, and a black briefcase. However, if one were to look at this painting without having read the title, one may get a different perspective of the painting. For instance, when I first gazed at the painting I envisioned a different situation occurring. I saw a man who is trying to escape from a woman, not because he has stolen something from her, but because she will not leave him alone and let him live his life. When I stared at his eyes it almost appeared that they were telling me "Oh no, she found me again!" His facial expression was so distraught and so depressed that I immediately knew how he felt. The reason I saw this production in such a way, was because at the time I was viewing the image I was feeling very similar to what I thought the artist was trying to portray. I noticed depression in the man's facial expression, because I was slightly depressed and I acknowledged his pain, because I was hurting. Another reason why this picture stands out so much is its use of violence. Because the lady is forcefully holding onto the man, it provides an effect that is described greatly by Kate Robotham in her essay on artistic violence: Unlike many aspects of the art world, artistic Get more content on
  • 18. Art Is An Art Essay Art is created to make feel you something. Whether it is disgust, rage, devastation or joy, as long as it is the artist's deliberation, you may call it art, Art is something which is meant to evoke emotion. It is a representation of what the artist sees. It could be realistic or abstract. Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities, usually involving imaginative and technical skills. Everything you do is an art in some way, like the way you perform an activity is an individual art. What you see and understand from it is also an art, looking at things from different perspective. When you talk, how you talk is also an art. So overall there is no such thing as what cannot be an art as everything is an art more content... All can be summed up in a word sincerity. The artist should be impelled by an inner need to express hisfeeling. Now, just as the evolution of knowledge proceeds by truer and more necessary knowledge displacing previous knowledge, so the evolution of feeling proceeds through art feelings more kind and needful to humanity replace the older feelings. That is the purpose of art. In every age there exists an understanding of the meaning of life which represents the highest level which has been Get more content on
  • 19. What Is Art? Essay example Defining art is dependent on many factors relative to humanity. It is a humanistic mimicry of their surroundings. Labeling something art is subjective, yet objective as well. An early confrontation of this issue was displayed in the sentiments of the philosophers Aristotle and Plato. Although both agreed that it was indeed a mimesis, the Greek word for imitation, and a techne, which means skills, Plato felt it to be a deviation from truth and beauty, kalos k'agathos. To Aristotle it was more than "destructive" aesthetic idealism. Aristotle and Art was defined upon being recognized as more than a copy and ultimately, varying from person to person, it is labeled so respectively. Aristotle believed that art was an more content... Modernists counterclaimed that it was the creator's view of a bird, who recognized it as art, so it was art. This argument won in the court claim that came of the rejection of the piece and such ideology has remained mainstream. Art history, yet at the same time a historians bias can effect such identifications, catalogues, and characterizing. Humans from the Old Stone Age would make simple paintings of nature around them, such as the animals they hunted. It was more spiritually symbolic than pictorially accurate. Historians might say that due to the lack of recognition that it was art to that society, it cannot be called art. Cave paintings are proof that creativity is a natural thing. To imitate one's surroundings is a trait that one could note in children. A child could be told nothing of art and still easily create it. The direction of art is dependent on sociological and psychological environments, as well as the mediums provided or available. Animals cannot create art. This is recognized in Greek mythology as well in the story of Arachne in which Athena challenges a mortal, Arachne, to a weaving contest. When Arachne intimidates Athena, the goddess turns her into a spider, causing her to lose the skill of artistry. This shows how like animals, we create similar things, including habitats, but the human aspect of creativity and imagination sets it aside as art. Architecture exemplifies Get more content on