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Authentic Leadership
“Creating Greater Individual & Organizational Synergy”
Elfego Gomez III
Adjunct Faculty
Duke Corporate Education
Authentic Leadership
During the decade of the 1990s, a total of 230 companies
(46%) disappeared from the Fortune 500.
From the Fortune 100 Global Firms in 1980, only 16 remain
on that list today.
In 2006, 40 CEOs of the top 200 companies of the Fortune
500 were removed (fired) or asked to resign; 20% of the
most powerful business leaders in the world.
Obviously neither size nor past success guarantees
continued success.
2007 Study by Stewart Black Ph.D.
University of Michigan
Even on the top of Mt. Everest, I was looking at the other
mountains and thinking how to climb them.
Sir Edmund Hillary
The higher
you climb,
the more
your butt
Dennis Nally - Chairman,
Leadership is what moves
the human spirit forward.
We dull our lives if we don’t
the challenge of leadership
against a grand backdrop--
a larger destiny.
David Oldfied
Director of the Center for Creative
Examine the journey that has shaped our
Authentic Leadership Style & personal brand
 Share who we are as a person so we can be
known as a Leader
Assess our Behavior Style and how it impacts
our interactions and productivity
Provide and get feedback on our Leadership
Through Leadership Challenges, provide a
practice field for our leadership Effectiveness
8:00-9:00ish Introductions, logistics and setting the stage
9:00-9:45ish Telling your story
9:45-10:00ish BREAK
10:00-11:15ish Feedback Setup & Leadership Challenge I
11:00-12:00 Behavior Styles
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00- 2:15ish Behavior Styles continued
2:15-2:30ish BREAK
2:30-3:45ish Leadership Challenge II
3:45-5:00ish Personal Branding
In times of drastic change,
it is the learners
who will inherit the future.
The learned find themselves
equipped to live in a world
that no longer exists.
Eric Hoffer
The Authentic Leader
What does one do in a dynamic
ever changing world, faced with
unexpected and seemingly
insurmountable challenges?
The Learner Mindset - Only Learners Will Prevail
The basic rationale for learning organizations is that in
situations of rapid change only those that are flexible,
adaptive and productive will excel. ~ Peter Senge ~
Organizations that are
continually expanding their
capacity to create their
future require a
fundamental shift of mind
among their members.
The Learner Mindset - Only Learners Will Prevail
Leaders need to:
• Engage curiosity
• Awaken passion
• Harness commitment
Toward completing the Mission
Leadership is autobiographical.
If I don’t know your life story,
I don’t know a thing about you as a
Noel Tichy
University of Michigan
Research shows that stories have more impact on
whether business people will believe information.
A story enhances belief and buy-in more than simple
straight data.
Likewise, storytelling is the oldest way to convey
values and ideals…they are intended to “teach.”
Explain Organizational Change
Write Your Business Case as a Story
If you’ve been charged with developing the case for a new project at
your company, imagine you’re telling a story. The narrative starts, as
all good ones do, with a problem. This is the business need you’re
trying to solve. Then, identify the characters: the stakeholders who
have the authority to approve or reject your business case; the
beneficiaries who stand to gain from your proposal; and the subject-
matter experts who will clarify how to solve the problem. Next you’ll
consider alternatives for meeting the business need—different ways
your story might play out. After making the best choice, you’ll create a
very high-level project plan. This is the plot. Then estimate the costs
and benefits to determine the return on investment (ROI), which is the
satisfying end. Remember this isn’t a mystery novel—your story needs
to be clear and easy to understand.
The Management Tip of the Day: Harvard Business Review August 28, 2013
Adapted from the HBR Guide to Building Your Business Case
Telling Your Story
Getting to Know You Through
the Five Senses
–A favorite childhood smell memory
–A sight that brings tears to your eyes
–A favorite non-musical sound
–To touch or feel something you have never
experienced before
–A taste you dislike above all others
Leadership Recipes
Circles of Life
Setting Up Peer Feedback
Research from the Center for Creative Leadership
on “Encouraging the Heart”
4:1 Feedback Principle
Kepner - Tregoe
Keys to Successful Feedback
Behavior Versus Judgment
Actions that we
can see, hear, and
“Our interpretation of the
behavior, or what we think
we know based on the
behaviors or traits we see”
Behavior Judgment
Which Statement is a
Judgment or Behavioral?
John, I notice that you have arrived late to the last 3
staff meetings
John, I don’t like it that you don’t respect our staff
meeting times.
When I mention things that I’d like you to improve on,
you withdraw and change the subject.
When I mention things that I’d like you to improve on,
you have an unpleasant attitude.
I heard that you were disrespectful to a customer
today. Is that true?
I heard that you hung up on a customer today. Is that
The SBI Method of Giving Feedback
2. Describe what you saw (the BEHAVIOR) and/or what
you heard
3. This was the IMPACT on me; what I felt or thought
and/or my perception of the impact on others or the
1. Give the SITUATION, when, where, what were we/you
doing at the time
Examples of SBI
Situation Behavior Impact Reflection
Anchor time or
Observable action What I felt and/or
My perception
of the impact
on others, the
task, the work
Why did I pay
attention to
this? What
does it tell me
about me?
. #1
morning small
You facilitated the
group by getting
responses from
everyone and not
from just the vocal
I felt appreciated that
I was allowed to talk
Appreciated the
structure and
How frustrated I
get when
meetings are
not planned
well or run well.
Chaos is very
difficult for me.
. #2
You shared clearly
your frustration about
how, as an Introvert,
you are often
discounted by
I felt comfortable with
how you disclosed
your frustration
I noticed how
this comment
broke the
silence and the
discussion was
much more
I’m discounted
in many of my
meetings due to
my quiet nature
Examples of SBI
Situation Behavior Impact Reflection
. #3
Group decision
You raised the
volume of your voice
and twice interrupted
I felt anxious and
uncomfortable that I
had to mimic your
behavior if I wanted
to be heard
The group
seemed to
follow your lead
and use volume
to be heard
over each other
. #4
During outdoor
You were noticeably
quiet-said very little
and looked down at
the ground a lot.
I felt disappointed
and sad. I missed
your presence.
You took out your
Blackberry and was
working with it during
the presentation
I felt annoyed and
wished that you
would give the same
undivided attention
and input to the
discussion that I was.
We need to
hear from
everyone on
this topic and I
feel the group
missed your
I don’t like it
when others do
not give the
same effort and
attention that I
do, but does
everyone have
to behave just
like me to get
the job done?
Receiving Feedback
1. Listen: Do not defend or explain
2. Acknowledge: Legitimate view of others
3. Check Understanding: Paraphrase
Leadership Challenge I
Behavior Style Profile
Understand My Style
Better Understand the Styles of Others
Source: Effectiveness Institute
Leadership Challenge II
Personal Branding –
Who is the Authentic Leader in You?
What would
you do if you
were Chilean
“Luis Urzau?”
Insensitivity Coldness, Aloofness
Betraying a Trust Overly Ambitious
Over-Managing Overly Tactical
Unable to Handle Crisis Unable to Adapt to a Boss
Overly Dependent on a Mentor Poor Staff Selection
Morgan McCall, Jr
The Lessons of Experience
Executive Derailment - The Ten Fatal Flaws
38Who Am I . . .
Core Values
Principled, Respectful
Honest, Objective Quality
Define Objectives, Deliver on Commitments
Measure Results, Accept Responsibility Identify
Key Drivers, Eliminate Excuses
Work Hard & Smart Keep It
Simple, Have Fun
Sponsor People Development Optimize
Strengths & Address Weaknesses Recognize
Success, Continuous Improvement
Includes Personal Relationships
Work / Life Balance
Answer the Questions…
Who are you - as an Authentic Leader?
and more importantly…
Why should someone work for you?
Day End Reflections-”BFOs”
What were 1 or 2 insights or takeaways from
today’s classroom sessions, discussions and
So What makes those insights important to
you, your enterprise, ArcelorMittal?
Now What will you do differently going
forward to have greater impact?
The Challenge of Authentic Leadership
“Creating Greater Individual & Organizational Synergy”
Day 3
Elfego Gomez III
Adjunct Faculty
Duke Corporate Education
Authentic Leadership
Examine the ArcelorMittal brand & Barrett
team results
Create a future visions for ArcelorMittal
Develop crucial personal and organizational
skills and experiences with ALP
Practice a coaching methodology
Set the stage for future focussed personal
growth and development
8:00-9:15ish Reflections, Organizational Branding
9:15-9:45ish Motivations & Barrett Results
9:45-10:00ish BREAK
10:00-11:15ish Barrett Results & The Future Vision Café
11:00-12:00 Action Learning Projects
12:00-1:00 WORKING LUNCH – ALP continued
1:00- 2:15ish Coaching for Success
2:15-2:30ish BREAK
2:30-3:45ish Leadership Challenge III
3:45-5:00ish Peer Feedback & Development Plans
From ME
We need to move
“Employee-centered” supervisors,
who focused more on people and
relationships, typically managed
higher-producing units than “job-
centered” supervisors, who ignored
human issues, made decisions
themselves and dictated to
Rensis Likert
University of Michigan
The Authentic Leader
Leadership appears
to be the art of getting
others to want to
do something you are
convinced needs to be
The Pyramid Climbers –
Vance Packard
Organizational Branding –
Who are “You?”
Clarify What Your Company Stands For
For your organization to be successful, you must be crystal clear
about your brand essence – i.e. your brand’s essential, enduring
value. When what you stand for is clearly expressed and delivered
in everything you do, every day, you leave an indelible mark on
people’s hearts and minds. If that’s not clear yet, ask yourself:
• What was the brand’s biggest accomplishment?
• What will it be remembered for?
• What did the brand leave unaccomplished?
• Who would miss the brand if it was gone? Why?
• What lessons can be learned from the brand’s life?
• If the brand disappeared, what would take its place?
Recruiting the Next Generation
To be best in represent the top of the game in what you do:
ex. McKinsey, Nordstrom, Mary Kay, Navy SEALS
To find a “sanctuary“…your organization’s culture honors or represents
something distinctively rare: ex. Work-life balance- REI, Ethical-
Starbucks, Entrepreneurial- Apple, Environmentally Sustainable “Green”-
New Belgium Brewing Company
To change the world...your organization can make a lasting contribution,
to leave the world a better place: ex. EPA, Mayo Clinic, Save the
To grow and learn…your organization offers the best environment for
personal growth and life long learning: ex. Training & Development-
Google (120 hours/year), Vanderbilt University (free tuition to employee
children), Edward Jones (fully paid 1 year sabbaticals )
Why would great performers join your organization?
Where are your Passions –
more importantly – your people’s?
TRADITION: Standards;
Discipline; Protocol; Chain of
Command; Stability; Beliefs;
Routines; Sacrifice
LEADING: Lead; Be #1; The
Best; Energetic; Distinctive;
Excel; Power; Succeed
Harmony; Balance;
Appreciate; Work/Balance;
Time to Reenergize
Understand; Curious; Know;
Deeper; Meaning; Wise;
Intelligent; Analyze
RESULTS: Practical;
Productive; Return on
Investment; Useful; Earn;
Invest; Bottom Line
PEOPLE: Help; Serve;
Contribute; Teach; Coach;
Humanity; Connect; Volunteer
Motivations & Currencies
“I don’t feel I am making a difference.”
“I don’t feel recognized for my contributions.”
“I don’t feel I am learning/growing enough.”
“I don’t feel I am a ‘fit’ with my colleagues.”
“I can make more money elsewhere.”
McKinsey & Company, The War on Talent
Why do talented people leave their jobs?
What Makes a Great Place to Work?
Any company can be a Great Place to Work!
Our approach is based on the major findings of 20 years of
research - that trust between managers and employees is the
primary defining characteristic of the very best workplaces.
At the heart of our definition of a great place to work - a place
where employees "trust the people they work for, have pride in
what they do, and enjoy the people they work with" - is the idea that
a great workplace is measured by the quality of the three,
interconnected relationships that exist there:
The relationship between employees and management.
The relationship between employees and their jobs/company.
The relationship between employees and other employees.
Great Places to Work Institute
Do your people feel
responsibility for the
organization’s performance?
”An OWNERSHIP Culture”
Why or why not…?
How do you create it?
The Barrett Team Assessment
A Practice Field for Leadership
5 Leadership Practices and 10 Behaviors
to support those practices
► Inspire a Shared Vision
-Envision the future
-Enlist others
►Challenge the Process
-Search for Opportunities
-Experiment & Take Risks
► Enable Others to Act
-Foster Collaboration
-Strengthen Others
► Model the Way
-Set Examples
-Plan Small Wins
► Encourage the Heart
-Recognize Individual Contributions
-Celebrate Accomplishments
The Leadership Challenge - Kouzes & Posner
“Whenever you see a successful
business, someone once made a
courageous decision. The good
decisions came from experience and
experience came from bad
Peter Drucker
“Leadership is going beyond the
predictable to making what is
Derek Mathieson
Chief Strategy Officer
Baker Hughes Incorporated
The Creative Café & Gallery Walk
Café Conversations
What does one do to inspire a shared vision taking into
account the results from the Barrett Team Assessment?
How are our competitors challenging the process in ways
we are not ~or~ how are we creating innovate processes in
countries outside South Africa?
In what ways can each of us enable the next generation of
leaders to act?
Where and when are we the leadership of AcerlorMittal
expected to model the way in our personal behaviors?
What are the currencies that encourage the heart of
associates and customers within ArcelorMittal?
Action Learning Projects
The purpose of the Action Learning Projects
(ALP) is to closely link programme learning to
your work environment.
The objectives of the ALP are to:
• Deliver a high impact business-relevant
project for Standard Bank
• Direct application of learning to a problem
or an opportunity that exists within
Standard bank
• Practice team work and collaboration
• Apply knowledge
• Unlock potential to be creative and
Solutions Learning
Critical mass
of Leadership
• At Individual Level
• At Team Level
• At Organisational Level
The Purpose and Objective of the ALPs
Team Composition
Rationale- Team composition
The following criteria were used to allocate delegates to teams, to
allow for variety and optimal performance on the Action Learning
Individual Team Type
Individual Personality Dimensions
Business Area
Current Role
The teams were intentionally structured to complement each
individual style, whilst to also allow room for certain incongruent
dynamics to manifest which is ideal for stretch and learning.
Team 1
Cowhan Govender
Margaret Kubwalo-Chaika
PBB Malawi
Penny Bibby
Private Clients
Business Banking, Africa
Tetiwe Jawuna
Oupa Masilela
Team 2
Warren Moollan
Matthew Claxton
Deirdre Crous
PBB Zambia
Business Banking, SA
Ebrahim Matthews
Team 3
Theunis Duvenhage
Customer Channel
Angela Mhlanga
Nana Benneh
PBB Ghana
Alet Griesel
Risk , SA
Sue White
Nicholas Nkosi
Inclusive Banking, SA
Team 4
Mark Nemakonde
Risk, Africa
Baronice Hans
PBB Namibia
Nico Groenewald
Commercial Banking
Tiri Chitongo
Barbara Lee Bell
Team 5
Business Banking
Rika Gertenbach
Chuma Nwokocha
PBB Mozambique
AndrewVan Der Hoven
Personal Banking
William Thorp
Prepared for Client Name
Your name here
Role of the sponsor
The Role of The Sponsor
Sets the stage for the challenge
 Clarifies the business imperative
 Helps frame and scope the project
 Sets expectations for the work of the team
 Supports the team
 Is inspiring and motivating
 Enables action/opens doors to additional resources if
 Provides feedback, motivates, and encourages creative
 Reviews Output
 Reviews and provides feedback regarding the solution and
the implementation plan
 In short, the role of the sponsor includes assisting the team
in any way possible so that they can successfully achieve
their goals.
Prepared for Client Name
Your name here
 Each of you will present your after action review on your Action Learning Project 16th
of October 2014.
 Submit your presentation two weeks prior to presentation
 Timing for presentations:
 Each team will have a time block of 60 minutes. The 60 minutes will be divided this
 40 minutes to present your proposal to the EXCO. This will include your research
and analysis of the topic area, your solution, how you propose implementation of
the solution, the cost savings or additional revenue streams.
 10 minutes to present how the team accomplished it, how you employed learning
from Summit 1, 2 and 3, obstacles that you anticipated, obstacles that surprised
you, etc. What were the learnings for the team, what the team did well and what
you may have missed and what you would do differently.
 10 minutes for questions and answers from your colleagues and senior
Presenting What You Did and What You Learned
Please answer the following questions briefly and substantively
 What was your Business Challenge Project?
 What were your goals?
 What was your strategy?
 To what degree did you achieve what you set out to achieve? (list
quantitative success measurements and what you achieved)
 What process/methods did you use to analyze and think through the goal,
action steps and potential obstacles?
 What became clearer to you as a result of practicing these steps?
 What methodologies did you use to track milestone achievement and overall
progress on your strategy?
 What training/skill development did you have to acquire along the way?
 What people processes did you bring to bear on your business challenge?
Presenting What You Did
 How did you communicate the strategy to the stakeholders in the outcome?
 How well did you communicate with people involved before, during and after
the implementation?
 What milestones were critical to your strategy?
 How did you celebrate progress/small wins along the way?
 What training/skill development did you have to acquire along the way?
 What people processes did you bring to bear on your business challenge?
 How did you communicate the strategy to the stakeholders in the outcome?
 How well did you communicate with people involved before, during and after
the implementation?
 What milestones were critical to your strategy?
 How did you celebrate progress/small wins along the way?
Presenting What You Did
The Challenge of Leadership
“Creating Greater Individual & Organizational Synergy”
Prepared for Client Name
Your name here
Stafford Beer Model
Where We are Going
Vision, strategy,
renewal and succession
What We Do
Allocation and management
of resources, optimising
Who We Are
Purpose, brand, values,
norms, standards, etc.
If Absent:
Short-termism, unlikely to
achieve full potential, lack
of direction, etc
If Absent:
Great ideas, no action!
Lack of available resources to
implement, disappointed investors
If Absent:
Lack of passion,
displaced energy,
inappropriate behaviors
Source: Dr Peter Dudley 1999;
Copyright Telos Partners Limited 2009
Creating the
the Present
What do you want to get out of your
experience as a member of this
What motivates you to do the best
work you can?
What can I do to support you in
getting what you want out of this
What can I do to help create and
maintain a climate of teamwork and
What can I do to help you sharpen
your talents and strengthen your
skills to become a stronger team
What opportunities can I provide for
you to assume greater responsibility
or achieve greater visibility?
What do you like most about being
part of this project/team?
What do you like least about being
part of this project/team?
What actions would you have to see
and/or what events would you have
to experience for you honestly to say,
“This was the best project/team I was
ever a part of”?
What specific recommendations do
you have about how we can improve
the way we do our work on this
To provide the “Resources,”
Leaders: Ask Questions, Listen, and Take Advice
Action Learning Projects
Team Charter
Nurturing Identity:
• Purpose: What’s our purpose as an Action Learning Team?
• Values: What are my personal values? What are my team’s values?
• Roles: What unique talents do we each bring to the table?
• Norms: What behaviors will support our success?
Creating the Future:
Vision: What’s our picture of success for our Action Learning Team?
Managing the Present:
Resources: What questions do you need to be asking of each other
(and your subordinates in the future)?
Deliverable: Write-up on flipchart
The Johari Window
Advocacy & Inquiry
Johari Window
Known by
Unknown by
by Self
by Self
Johari Window
Known by
Unknown by
by Self
by Self
Source: Copyright design Alan Chapman 2001-4 based on Ingham and Luft's Johari Window concept.
Johari Window
Known by
Unknown by
by Self
by Self
Source: Copyright design Alan Chapman 2001-4 based on Ingham and Luft's Johari Window concept.
Others’ ObservationsShared
Johari Window Activity
Open your journal and draw what you think your Johari
Window looks like from your teams perspective?
–How do the people that are a part of your team see your
–How do you experience their windows?
Pair up with one of your colleagues:
–Check each other’s windows as drawn
Coaching for Success
Coaching or Mentoring?
The ACS Coaching Model
The ACS Coaching Model
ASSESS to get the fullest picture possible of the
current reality and future development opportunities
for the coachee; assess the person, his/her
performance, and the context
CHALLENGE to create disequilibrium, an imbalance
between current skills and demands that call on the
coachee to move out of his/her comfort zone;
challenge to stretch, to overcome obstacles, and
examine options
SUPPORT to provide stability for the coachee’s
development by maintaining motivation, accessing
resources and strategies, celebrating small wins and
managing setbacks, and creating a sustainable
learning agenda
Coaching – Critical Skills
Being Present and Curious
Establishing Trust and Asking for
Permission to Coach
 Practicing Active Listening
 Asking Powerful Open-Ended
Holding the Coachee Accountable to
His/Her Agreements
Powerful Questions
What are all the great questions you use to promote
self discovery and facilitate learning?
Work with the individuals at your table to create
your “top ten” list of questions….
Types of Questions
Coaching and The Art of Listening
Practice Curiosity
Statements That Help Others Talk
Asking powerful questions
The Cave Rescue
Leadership Challenge III
Coaching Activity
Refer to the situation you previously identified where
you were in need of providing some coaching.
Partner A – Explain your challenging situation to
your partner
Partner B – Coach your partner using the ACS
model – Assess, Challenge and Support.
Partner C – Observe and record notes for feedback
Conduct feedback (Coach, Coachee, Observer)
Switch roles – Conduct 3 rounds
Use Powerful Questions and Active Listening Skills
Day End Reflections-”BFOs”
What were 1 or 2 insights or takeaways from
today’s classroom sessions, discussions and
So What makes those insights important to
you, your enterprise, ArcelorMittal?
Now What will you do differently going
forward to have greater impact?

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Arcelor mittal

  • 1. Authentic Leadership “Creating Greater Individual & Organizational Synergy”
  • 2. Elfego Gomez III Adjunct Faculty Duke Corporate Education Authentic Leadership
  • 3. 2 During the decade of the 1990s, a total of 230 companies (46%) disappeared from the Fortune 500. From the Fortune 100 Global Firms in 1980, only 16 remain on that list today. In 2006, 40 CEOs of the top 200 companies of the Fortune 500 were removed (fired) or asked to resign; 20% of the most powerful business leaders in the world. Obviously neither size nor past success guarantees continued success. 2007 Study by Stewart Black Ph.D. University of Michigan
  • 4. 3 Even on the top of Mt. Everest, I was looking at the other mountains and thinking how to climb them. Sir Edmund Hillary
  • 5. 4 The higher you climb, the more your butt shows! Dennis Nally - Chairman, PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • 6. 5 Leadership is what moves the human spirit forward. We dull our lives if we don’t view the challenge of leadership against a grand backdrop-- a larger destiny. David Oldfied Director of the Center for Creative Imagination
  • 7. 6 Our OBJECTIVES Examine the journey that has shaped our Authentic Leadership Style & personal brand  Share who we are as a person so we can be known as a Leader Assess our Behavior Style and how it impacts our interactions and productivity Provide and get feedback on our Leadership effectiveness Through Leadership Challenges, provide a practice field for our leadership Effectiveness
  • 8. 7 Our AGENDA 8:00-9:00ish Introductions, logistics and setting the stage 9:00-9:45ish Telling your story 9:45-10:00ish BREAK 10:00-11:15ish Feedback Setup & Leadership Challenge I 11:00-12:00 Behavior Styles 12:00-1:00 LUNCH 1:00- 2:15ish Behavior Styles continued 2:15-2:30ish BREAK 2:30-3:45ish Leadership Challenge II 3:45-5:00ish Personal Branding
  • 9. 8 In times of drastic change, it is the learners who will inherit the future. The learned find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists. Eric Hoffer The Authentic Leader
  • 10. 9 What does one do in a dynamic ever changing world, faced with unexpected and seemingly insurmountable challenges? THE AUTHENTIC LEADER
  • 11. 10 The Learner Mindset - Only Learners Will Prevail The basic rationale for learning organizations is that in situations of rapid change only those that are flexible, adaptive and productive will excel. ~ Peter Senge ~
  • 12. 11 Organizations that are continually expanding their capacity to create their future require a fundamental shift of mind among their members. The Learner Mindset - Only Learners Will Prevail
  • 14. 13 Leaders need to: • Engage curiosity • Awaken passion • Harness commitment Toward completing the Mission THE AUTHENTIC LEADER
  • 15. Storytelling Leadership is autobiographical. If I don’t know your life story, I don’t know a thing about you as a leader. Noel Tichy University of Michigan THE AUTHENTIC LEADER
  • 16. 15 Research shows that stories have more impact on whether business people will believe information. A story enhances belief and buy-in more than simple straight data. Likewise, storytelling is the oldest way to convey values and ideals…they are intended to “teach.” THE AUTHENTIC LEADER
  • 17. 16 Explain Organizational Change Write Your Business Case as a Story If you’ve been charged with developing the case for a new project at your company, imagine you’re telling a story. The narrative starts, as all good ones do, with a problem. This is the business need you’re trying to solve. Then, identify the characters: the stakeholders who have the authority to approve or reject your business case; the beneficiaries who stand to gain from your proposal; and the subject- matter experts who will clarify how to solve the problem. Next you’ll consider alternatives for meeting the business need—different ways your story might play out. After making the best choice, you’ll create a very high-level project plan. This is the plot. Then estimate the costs and benefits to determine the return on investment (ROI), which is the satisfying end. Remember this isn’t a mystery novel—your story needs to be clear and easy to understand. The Management Tip of the Day: Harvard Business Review August 28, 2013 Adapted from the HBR Guide to Building Your Business Case
  • 18. Telling Your Story Getting to Know You Through the Five Senses –A favorite childhood smell memory –A sight that brings tears to your eyes –A favorite non-musical sound –To touch or feel something you have never experienced before –A taste you dislike above all others
  • 21. 20 Setting Up Peer Feedback GIVING FEEDBACK
  • 22. 21 Research from the Center for Creative Leadership on “Encouraging the Heart” 4:1 Feedback Principle Kepner - Tregoe 21
  • 24. 23 Behavior Versus Judgment Actions that we can see, hear, and describe” “Our interpretation of the behavior, or what we think we know based on the behaviors or traits we see” Behavior Judgment
  • 25. 24 Which Statement is a Judgment or Behavioral? John, I notice that you have arrived late to the last 3 staff meetings John, I don’t like it that you don’t respect our staff meeting times. When I mention things that I’d like you to improve on, you withdraw and change the subject. When I mention things that I’d like you to improve on, you have an unpleasant attitude. I heard that you were disrespectful to a customer today. Is that true? I heard that you hung up on a customer today. Is that true?
  • 26. 25 The SBI Method of Giving Feedback 2. Describe what you saw (the BEHAVIOR) and/or what you heard 3. This was the IMPACT on me; what I felt or thought and/or my perception of the impact on others or the environment 1. Give the SITUATION, when, where, what were we/you doing at the time
  • 27. Examples of SBI Situation Behavior Impact Reflection Anchor time or place Observable action What I felt and/or thought My perception of the impact on others, the task, the work environment Why did I pay attention to this? What does it tell me about me? Obs . #1 Monday morning small group discussion You facilitated the group by getting responses from everyone and not from just the vocal members I felt appreciated that I was allowed to talk uninterrupted. Appreciated the structure and organization How frustrated I get when meetings are not planned well or run well. Chaos is very difficult for me. Obs . #2 MBTI presentation You shared clearly your frustration about how, as an Introvert, you are often discounted by Extroverts I felt comfortable with how you disclosed your frustration I noticed how this comment broke the silence and the classroom discussion was much more lively I’m discounted in many of my meetings due to my quiet nature 26
  • 28. Examples of SBI Situation Behavior Impact Reflection Obs . #3 Group decision making process You raised the volume of your voice and twice interrupted Tim I felt anxious and uncomfortable that I had to mimic your behavior if I wanted to be heard The group seemed to follow your lead and use volume to be heard over each other Obs . #4 During outdoor activities You were noticeably quiet-said very little and looked down at the ground a lot. I felt disappointed and sad. I missed your presence. Obs #5 Organizational Change Discussion You took out your Blackberry and was working with it during the presentation I felt annoyed and wished that you would give the same undivided attention and input to the discussion that I was. We need to hear from everyone on this topic and I feel the group missed your input I don’t like it when others do not give the same effort and attention that I do, but does everyone have to behave just like me to get the job done? 27
  • 29. 28 Receiving Feedback 1. Listen: Do not defend or explain 2. Acknowledge: Legitimate view of others 3. Check Understanding: Paraphrase
  • 31. 30
  • 32. Behavior Style Profile Understand My Style and Better Understand the Styles of Others Source: Effectiveness Institute
  • 34. 33
  • 35. Personal Branding – Who is the Authentic Leader in You?
  • 36. 35 What would you do if you were Chilean miner “Luis Urzau?” THE AUTHENTIC LEADER
  • 38. 37 Insensitivity Coldness, Aloofness Betraying a Trust Overly Ambitious Over-Managing Overly Tactical Unable to Handle Crisis Unable to Adapt to a Boss Overly Dependent on a Mentor Poor Staff Selection Morgan McCall, Jr The Lessons of Experience Executive Derailment - The Ten Fatal Flaws THE AUTHENTIC LEADER
  • 39. 38Who Am I . . . Core Values Principled, Respectful Honest, Objective Quality Focused Define Objectives, Deliver on Commitments Measure Results, Accept Responsibility Identify Key Drivers, Eliminate Excuses Work Hard & Smart Keep It Simple, Have Fun Sponsor People Development Optimize Strengths & Address Weaknesses Recognize Success, Continuous Improvement Includes Personal Relationships Work / Life Balance
  • 40. 39 Answer the Questions… Who are you - as an Authentic Leader? and more importantly… Why should someone work for you?
  • 41. 40 Day End Reflections-”BFOs” What were 1 or 2 insights or takeaways from today’s classroom sessions, discussions and activities? So What makes those insights important to you, your enterprise, ArcelorMittal? Now What will you do differently going forward to have greater impact?
  • 42. The Challenge of Authentic Leadership “Creating Greater Individual & Organizational Synergy” Day 3
  • 43. Elfego Gomez III Adjunct Faculty Duke Corporate Education Authentic Leadership
  • 44. 43 Our OBJECTIVES Examine the ArcelorMittal brand & Barrett team results Create a future visions for ArcelorMittal Develop crucial personal and organizational skills and experiences with ALP Practice a coaching methodology Set the stage for future focussed personal growth and development
  • 45. 44 Our AGENDA 8:00-9:15ish Reflections, Organizational Branding 9:15-9:45ish Motivations & Barrett Results 9:45-10:00ish BREAK 10:00-11:15ish Barrett Results & The Future Vision Café 11:00-12:00 Action Learning Projects 12:00-1:00 WORKING LUNCH – ALP continued 1:00- 2:15ish Coaching for Success 2:15-2:30ish BREAK 2:30-3:45ish Leadership Challenge III 3:45-5:00ish Peer Feedback & Development Plans
  • 47. 46 “Employee-centered” supervisors, who focused more on people and relationships, typically managed higher-producing units than “job- centered” supervisors, who ignored human issues, made decisions themselves and dictated to subordinates Rensis Likert University of Michigan
  • 49. 48 Leadership appears to be the art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced needs to be done. The Pyramid Climbers – Vance Packard
  • 51. 50 Clarify What Your Company Stands For For your organization to be successful, you must be crystal clear about your brand essence – i.e. your brand’s essential, enduring value. When what you stand for is clearly expressed and delivered in everything you do, every day, you leave an indelible mark on people’s hearts and minds. If that’s not clear yet, ask yourself: • What was the brand’s biggest accomplishment? • What will it be remembered for? • What did the brand leave unaccomplished? • Who would miss the brand if it was gone? Why? • What lessons can be learned from the brand’s life? • If the brand disappeared, what would take its place?
  • 52. 51 Recruiting the Next Generation To be best in represent the top of the game in what you do: ex. McKinsey, Nordstrom, Mary Kay, Navy SEALS To find a “sanctuary“…your organization’s culture honors or represents something distinctively rare: ex. Work-life balance- REI, Ethical- Starbucks, Entrepreneurial- Apple, Environmentally Sustainable “Green”- New Belgium Brewing Company To change the world...your organization can make a lasting contribution, to leave the world a better place: ex. EPA, Mayo Clinic, Save the Children.... To grow and learn…your organization offers the best environment for personal growth and life long learning: ex. Training & Development- Google (120 hours/year), Vanderbilt University (free tuition to employee children), Edward Jones (fully paid 1 year sabbaticals ) Others… Why would great performers join your organization?
  • 53. 52 Where are your Passions – more importantly – your people’s? TRADITION: Standards; Discipline; Protocol; Chain of Command; Stability; Beliefs; Routines; Sacrifice LEADING: Lead; Be #1; The Best; Energetic; Distinctive; Excel; Power; Succeed CREATIVITY: Create; Harmony; Balance; Appreciate; Work/Balance; Time to Reenergize KNOWLEDGE: Learn; Understand; Curious; Know; Deeper; Meaning; Wise; Intelligent; Analyze RESULTS: Practical; Productive; Return on Investment; Useful; Earn; Invest; Bottom Line PEOPLE: Help; Serve; Contribute; Teach; Coach; Humanity; Connect; Volunteer
  • 55. 54 “I don’t feel I am making a difference.” “I don’t feel recognized for my contributions.” “I don’t feel I am learning/growing enough.” “I don’t feel I am a ‘fit’ with my colleagues.” “I can make more money elsewhere.” McKinsey & Company, The War on Talent Why do talented people leave their jobs?
  • 56. 55 What Makes a Great Place to Work? Any company can be a Great Place to Work! Our approach is based on the major findings of 20 years of research - that trust between managers and employees is the primary defining characteristic of the very best workplaces. At the heart of our definition of a great place to work - a place where employees "trust the people they work for, have pride in what they do, and enjoy the people they work with" - is the idea that a great workplace is measured by the quality of the three, interconnected relationships that exist there: The relationship between employees and management. The relationship between employees and their jobs/company. The relationship between employees and other employees. Great Places to Work Institute
  • 57. 56 Do your people feel responsibility for the organization’s performance? ”An OWNERSHIP Culture” Why or why not…? How do you create it?
  • 58. The Barrett Team Assessment
  • 59. A Practice Field for Leadership 5 Leadership Practices and 10 Behaviors to support those practices ► Inspire a Shared Vision -Envision the future -Enlist others ►Challenge the Process -Search for Opportunities -Experiment & Take Risks ► Enable Others to Act -Foster Collaboration -Strengthen Others ► Model the Way -Set Examples -Plan Small Wins ► Encourage the Heart -Recognize Individual Contributions -Celebrate Accomplishments The Leadership Challenge - Kouzes & Posner
  • 60. 59 “Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision. The good decisions came from experience and experience came from bad decisions.” Peter Drucker Author
  • 61. 60 “Leadership is going beyond the predictable to making what is possible Derek Mathieson Chief Strategy Officer Baker Hughes Incorporated
  • 62. The Creative Café & Gallery Walk
  • 63. 62 Café Conversations What does one do to inspire a shared vision taking into account the results from the Barrett Team Assessment? How are our competitors challenging the process in ways we are not ~or~ how are we creating innovate processes in countries outside South Africa? In what ways can each of us enable the next generation of leaders to act? Where and when are we the leadership of AcerlorMittal expected to model the way in our personal behaviors? What are the currencies that encourage the heart of associates and customers within ArcelorMittal?
  • 65. The purpose of the Action Learning Projects (ALP) is to closely link programme learning to your work environment. The objectives of the ALP are to: • Deliver a high impact business-relevant project for Standard Bank • Direct application of learning to a problem or an opportunity that exists within Standard bank • Practice team work and collaboration • Apply knowledge • Unlock potential to be creative and innovate Change Solutions Learning Confidence Critical mass of Leadership Skills • At Individual Level • At Team Level • At Organisational Level The Purpose and Objective of the ALPs
  • 67. 66 Rationale- Team composition The following criteria were used to allocate delegates to teams, to allow for variety and optimal performance on the Action Learning projects: Individual Team Type Individual Personality Dimensions Business Area Current Role Age Gender The teams were intentionally structured to complement each individual style, whilst to also allow room for certain incongruent dynamics to manifest which is ideal for stretch and learning.
  • 68. 67 Teams 67 Team 1 Cowhan Govender Finance Margaret Kubwalo-Chaika PBB Malawi Penny Bibby Private Clients AndrewRobertson, Business Banking, Africa Tetiwe Jawuna SBIS, SA Oupa Masilela GSS Team 2 Warren Moollan SBIS,SA Matthew Claxton PBB Int Deirdre Crous HR MukwandiChibesakunda PBB Zambia SimoneCooper Business Banking, SA Ebrahim Matthews Card Team 3 Theunis Duvenhage Customer Channel Angela Mhlanga SBFC Nana Benneh PBB Ghana Alet Griesel Risk , SA Sue White GSS Nicholas Nkosi Inclusive Banking, SA Team 4 Mark Nemakonde Risk, Africa Baronice Hans PBB Namibia Nico Groenewald Commercial Banking Tiri Chitongo SBIS, SA Barbara Lee Bell Finance Team 5 EthelNyembe Business Banking Rika Gertenbach IT Chuma Nwokocha PBB Mozambique AndrewVan Der Hoven Personal Banking William Thorp PBB Int
  • 69. Prepared for Client Name Your name here Date Role of the sponsor
  • 70. 69 The Role of The Sponsor Sets the stage for the challenge  Clarifies the business imperative  Helps frame and scope the project  Sets expectations for the work of the team  Supports the team  Is inspiring and motivating  Enables action/opens doors to additional resources if needed  Provides feedback, motivates, and encourages creative thinking  Reviews Output  Reviews and provides feedback regarding the solution and the implementation plan  In short, the role of the sponsor includes assisting the team in any way possible so that they can successfully achieve their goals.
  • 71. Prepared for Client Name Your name here DateDeliverables
  • 72. 71 Guidelines:  Each of you will present your after action review on your Action Learning Project 16th of October 2014.  Submit your presentation two weeks prior to presentation  Timing for presentations:  Each team will have a time block of 60 minutes. The 60 minutes will be divided this way:  40 minutes to present your proposal to the EXCO. This will include your research and analysis of the topic area, your solution, how you propose implementation of the solution, the cost savings or additional revenue streams.  10 minutes to present how the team accomplished it, how you employed learning from Summit 1, 2 and 3, obstacles that you anticipated, obstacles that surprised you, etc. What were the learnings for the team, what the team did well and what you may have missed and what you would do differently.  10 minutes for questions and answers from your colleagues and senior leadership. Presenting What You Did and What You Learned
  • 73. 72 Please answer the following questions briefly and substantively  What was your Business Challenge Project?  What were your goals?  What was your strategy?  To what degree did you achieve what you set out to achieve? (list quantitative success measurements and what you achieved)  What process/methods did you use to analyze and think through the goal, action steps and potential obstacles?  What became clearer to you as a result of practicing these steps?  What methodologies did you use to track milestone achievement and overall progress on your strategy?  What training/skill development did you have to acquire along the way?  What people processes did you bring to bear on your business challenge? Presenting What You Did
  • 74. 73  How did you communicate the strategy to the stakeholders in the outcome?  How well did you communicate with people involved before, during and after the implementation?  What milestones were critical to your strategy?  How did you celebrate progress/small wins along the way?  What training/skill development did you have to acquire along the way?  What people processes did you bring to bear on your business challenge?  How did you communicate the strategy to the stakeholders in the outcome?  How well did you communicate with people involved before, during and after the implementation?  What milestones were critical to your strategy?  How did you celebrate progress/small wins along the way? Presenting What You Did
  • 75. The Challenge of Leadership “Creating Greater Individual & Organizational Synergy” Prepared for Client Name Your name here Date
  • 76. 75 Stafford Beer Model Where We are Going Vision, strategy, renewal and succession What We Do Allocation and management of resources, optimising performance Who We Are Purpose, brand, values, norms, standards, etc. If Absent: Short-termism, unlikely to achieve full potential, lack of direction, etc If Absent: Great ideas, no action! Lack of available resources to implement, disappointed investors If Absent: Lack of passion, displaced energy, inappropriate behaviors Source: Dr Peter Dudley 1999; Copyright Telos Partners Limited 2009 Nurturing Identity Creating the Future Managing the Present
  • 77. 76 What do you want to get out of your experience as a member of this project/team? What motivates you to do the best work you can? What can I do to support you in getting what you want out of this experience? What can I do to help create and maintain a climate of teamwork and trust? What can I do to help you sharpen your talents and strengthen your skills to become a stronger team member? What opportunities can I provide for you to assume greater responsibility or achieve greater visibility? What do you like most about being part of this project/team? What do you like least about being part of this project/team? What actions would you have to see and/or what events would you have to experience for you honestly to say, “This was the best project/team I was ever a part of”? What specific recommendations do you have about how we can improve the way we do our work on this project/team? To provide the “Resources,” Leaders: Ask Questions, Listen, and Take Advice
  • 78. 77 Action Learning Projects Team Charter Nurturing Identity: • Purpose: What’s our purpose as an Action Learning Team? • Values: What are my personal values? What are my team’s values? • Roles: What unique talents do we each bring to the table? • Norms: What behaviors will support our success? Creating the Future: Vision: What’s our picture of success for our Action Learning Team? Managing the Present: Resources: What questions do you need to be asking of each other (and your subordinates in the future)? Deliverable: Write-up on flipchart
  • 80. 79 Johari Window Known by Others Unknown by Others Unknown by Self Known by Self Unknown Area Hidden Area Blind Area/Spot Open/Free Area
  • 81. 80 Johari Window Known by Others Unknown by Others Open/Free Area Unknown by Self Known by Self Hidden Area Blind Area/Spot Ask Tell Self-Disclosure/Exposure FeedbackSolicitation Unknown Area Source: Copyright design Alan Chapman 2001-4 based on Ingham and Luft's Johari Window concept.
  • 82. 81 Johari Window Known by Others Unknown by Others Open/Free Area Unknown by Self Known by Self Hidden Area Blind Area/Spot Ask Tell Self-Disclosure/Exposure FeedbackSolicitation Unknown Area Source: Copyright design Alan Chapman 2001-4 based on Ingham and Luft's Johari Window concept. Others’ ObservationsShared Discovery Self-Discovery
  • 83. 82 Johari Window Activity Open your journal and draw what you think your Johari Window looks like from your teams perspective? –How do the people that are a part of your team see your window? –How do you experience their windows? Pair up with one of your colleagues: –Check each other’s windows as drawn
  • 87. 86 86 The ACS Coaching Model ASSESS to get the fullest picture possible of the current reality and future development opportunities for the coachee; assess the person, his/her performance, and the context CHALLENGE to create disequilibrium, an imbalance between current skills and demands that call on the coachee to move out of his/her comfort zone; challenge to stretch, to overcome obstacles, and examine options SUPPORT to provide stability for the coachee’s development by maintaining motivation, accessing resources and strategies, celebrating small wins and managing setbacks, and creating a sustainable learning agenda
  • 88. 87 87 Coaching – Critical Skills Being Present and Curious Establishing Trust and Asking for Permission to Coach  Practicing Active Listening  Asking Powerful Open-Ended Questions Holding the Coachee Accountable to His/Her Agreements
  • 89. 88 88 Powerful Questions What are all the great questions you use to promote self discovery and facilitate learning? Work with the individuals at your table to create your “top ten” list of questions….
  • 91. 90 90 Coaching and The Art of Listening Acceptance Empathy Genuineness Non-judgmental Practice Curiosity
  • 92. 91 91 Statements That Help Others Talk Encouraging Re-stating Reflecting Asking powerful questions Summarizing
  • 93. The Cave Rescue Leadership Challenge III
  • 94. 93 93 Coaching Activity Refer to the situation you previously identified where you were in need of providing some coaching. Partner A – Explain your challenging situation to your partner Partner B – Coach your partner using the ACS model – Assess, Challenge and Support. Partner C – Observe and record notes for feedback session Conduct feedback (Coach, Coachee, Observer) Switch roles – Conduct 3 rounds Use Powerful Questions and Active Listening Skills
  • 95. 94 Day End Reflections-”BFOs” What were 1 or 2 insights or takeaways from today’s classroom sessions, discussions and activities? So What makes those insights important to you, your enterprise, ArcelorMittal? Now What will you do differently going forward to have greater impact?