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(defn f [x]
(* 2 x))
(defn vmap [f xs]
( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs]
(if (empty? g2)
(recursividad g
(rest g2)
(conj zs ( g (first g2))))
)] (recursividad f xs [] )))
(defn total-en [ xs]
(letfn [ (recursividad [ys ac]
(if (empty? ys )
(recursividad (rest ys) (+ ac (first ys )))))]
(recursividad xs 0)))
(defn mmap [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g g2 zs]
(if (empty? g2)
(recursividad g
(rest g2)
(conj zs
[((first g2)0)
(g ( (first g2)1))]))))]
(recursividad f xs {})))
(defn filter [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(rest ys)
(if (g (first ys))
(conj zs (first ys)),zs))))]
(recursividad f xs [])))
(defn tiene-dos-elementos? [xs]
(== (count xs)2))
(defn tiene-dos-elementosV? [xs]
(and (vector? xs) (== (count xs)2)))
(defn rango [xs]
(or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50)))
(defn mfilter [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(rest ys)
(if (g (first ys)1)
(conj zs (first ys))
(recursividad f xs {})))
(defn vreduce [f vi xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g vf ys]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(g vf (first ys))
(rest ys))))]
(recursividad f vi xs)))
(defn vmap [f xs]
( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs]
(if (empty? g2)
(recursividad g
(rest g2)
(conj zs ( g (first g2))))
)] (recursividad f xs [] )))
(vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x)) [ 2 3 4])
[4 6 8]
(defn mmap [f zs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g g2 zs]
(if (empty? g2)
(recursividad g
(rest g2)
(conj zs
[((first g2)0)
(g ( (first g2)1))])))]
=> (filter tiene-dos-elementos? [[10 20] [30] [40 50]])
[[10 20] [40 50]]
(defn filter [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(rest ys)
(if (g (first ys))
(conj zs (first ys)),zs))))]
(recursividad f xs [])))
(defn tiene-dos-elementos? [xs]
(== (count xs)2))
=> (filter tiene-dos-elementos? ["ho" "l" "a!"])
["ho" "a!"]
(defn tiene-dos-elementosV? [xs]
(and (vector? xs) (== (count xs)2)))
(filter tiene-dos-elementosV? [[10 20] 30 [40 50]])
[[10 20] [40 50]]
(recursividad f xs {} )))
(defn rango [xs]
(or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50)))
(filter rango [10 15 25 40 30 27 42])
[25 40 30 27 42]
=> (filter (fn [xs]
(or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50)))
)[10 15 25 40 30 27 42])
[25 40 30 27 42]
=> (vreduce (fn [x y]
(+ x y))
0 [4 5 3])
=> (vreduce (fn [x y]
(* x y))
1 [4 5 3])
=> (vreduce (fn [x y]
(conj x [(count x)y]))
{} [10 20 30])
{0 10, 1 20, 2 30}
(ns plf23072016.core
(:require [plf23072016.fos :as fos] :reload ))
(defn duplicados [xs]
(fos/vmap (fn [x] ( * 2 x)) xs))
(clojure.string /trim "hola"
(defn duplicados [xs]
(fos/vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x))xs))
(ns proyecto03.core
(:require [proyecto03.fos :as fos] :reload) )
(defn duplicados [xs]
(fos/vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x))xs))
(duplicados [2 3 4])
[4 6 8]
(defn composicion-de [f g]
(fn [x]
(g (f x))))
=> (fos/composicion-de (fn [x] (* 2 x)) (fn [x] (* 3 x)))
=> ((fn [x y]
(letfn [(g [a v]
(if (empty? v)
(g (+ a (first v)) (rest v))))]
(g x y))) 0 [10 20 30])
=> ((fn [x y]
(letfn [(g [a v]
(if (empty? v)
(g (* a (first v)) (rest v))))]
(g x y))) 1 [10 10 10])
=> (letfn [(g [zs ys]
(if (empty? zs)
(g (rest zs) (if (>= (count (first zs)) (count ys)) (first zs) ys ))))]
(g [[]] []))
=> (letfn [ (f [x] (* 2 x))
(g [x] (* 3 x))])
=> (letfn [ (f [x] (* 2 x))
(g [x] (+ (f x) (f x)))]
(g 5))
=> (letfn [(total-en [xs]
(letfn [(g [ys a]
(if (empty? ys)
(g (rest ys) (+ a (first ys)))))]
(g xs 0)))]
(total-en [10 20]))
=> (letfn [(total-en [xs]
(letfn [(g [ys a]
(if (empty? ys)
(g (rest ys) (+ a (first ys)))))]
(g xs 0)))
(f [xs]
(letfn [ (g [zs ys]
(if (empty? zs)
(g (rest zs) (if (> (total-en ys) (total-en (first zs)))ys (first zs)))))]
(g xs [])))]
(f [ [21 13] [20] [10]]))
[21 13]
=> (conj [10 20] 30)
[10 20 30]
=> (conj [10 20 30 40 50] 30 )
[10 20 30 40 50 30]
=> (conj [10 20 30 40 50] [30] )
[10 20 30 40 50 [30]]
=> (let [xs [10 20]
ys (conj xs 30)]
[xs ys])
[[10 20] [10 20 30]]
=> (letfn [(g [xs ys]
(if (empty? xs)
(g (rest xs) (conj ys (* 2 (first xs))))))]
(g [2 3 4 ] []))
[4 6 8]
=> (letfn [(g [xs ys]
(if (empty? xs)
(g (rest xs) (conj ys (count(first xs))))))]
(g [[ 2 3 ] [ 4 5 6]] []))
[2 3]d
=> '("" "" "" "")
("" "" "" "")
=> '("" "" "" "")
("" "" "" "")
=> ["hola" true true 4.9 3/2]
["hola" true true 4.9 3/2]
=> [a e i "o" "u"]
[a e i "o" "u"]
=> {10 20 20 20 30 20 40 20}
{10 20, 20 20, 30 20, 40 20}
=> (true false false true
ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
proyecto03.core/eval8026 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1)
=> (true false false true)
ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
proyecto03.core/eval8028 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1)
=> { true false false true}
{true false, false true}
=> #{true false}
#{true false}
=> # {true false true}
RuntimeException Map literal must contain an even number of forms
clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException (
=> (count ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (empty? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (list? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (vector? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (set? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (map? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (vector? [10 20 30])
=> ([10 20 30] 0)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}1)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}0)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}3)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}4)
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 10 )
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 20 )
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 30 )
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 40 )
** por asociacion de un elmento al conjunto
=> (first '(10 20 30 40 50))
=> (rest '(10 20 30 40 50))
(20 30 40 50)
=> (rest '(20 30))
=> (rest [10 20 30])
(20 30)
=> (rest '(20 30))
=> (rest [10 20 30])
(20 30)
=> (first {10 20 30 40})
[10 20]
=> (rest {10 20 30 40})
([30 40])
=> (rest {10 20 30 40 50 60})
([30 40] [50 60])
=> (rest {50 60})
=> (first {})
=> (first #{10 20 30})
=> (rest #{10 20 30})
(30 10)
=> (first #{ 30 10})
=> ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) [10 20 30 40])
=> ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) {:a 10 :b 20 :c 30})
=> (((fn [x] (fn [y] (+ (first x) (first y))) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60])
=> (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(first x) (first y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60])
[30 50]
=> (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(rest x) (rest y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60])
[(20 10) (60)]
=> ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y))
[10 20 30 40 50]
[60 70 80 90]
[10 20 30 40 50]
=> ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y))
[10 20 30 40 50]
[60 70 80 90 10 110]
[60 70 80 90 10 110]
=> ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) "hola")
["hola" "hola" "hola" "hola" "hola"]
=> ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) [10 20 30])
[[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]]
(defn f [x]
(* 2 x))
(defn vmap [f xs]
( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs]
(if (empty? g2)
(recursividad g
(rest g2)
(conj zs ( g (first g2))))
)] (recursividad f xs [] )))
(defn total-en [ xs]
(letfn [ (recursividad [ys ac]
(if (empty? ys )
(recursividad (rest ys) (+ ac (first ys )))))]
(recursividad xs 0)))
(defn mmap [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g g2 zs]
(if (empty? g2)
(recursividad g
(rest g2)
(conj zs
[((first g2)0)
(g ( (first g2)1))]))))]
(recursividad f xs {})))
(defn filter [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(rest ys)
(if (g (first ys))
(conj zs (first ys)),zs))))]
(recursividad f xs [])))
(defn tiene-dos-elementos? [xs]
(== (count xs)2))
(defn tiene-dos-elementosV? [xs]
(and (vector? xs) (== (count xs)2)))
(defn rango [xs]
(or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50)))
(defn mfilter [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(rest ys)
(if (g (first ys)1)
(conj zs (first ys))
(recursividad f xs {})))
(defn vreduce [f vi xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g vf ys]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(g vf (first ys))
(rest ys))))]
(recursividad f vi xs)))
(defn vmap [f xs]
( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs]
(if (empty? g2)
(recursividad g
(rest g2)
(conj zs ( g (first g2))))
)] (recursividad f xs [] )))
(vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x)) [ 2 3 4])
[4 6 8]
(defn mmap [f zs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g g2 zs]
(if (empty? g2)
(recursividad g
(rest g2)
(conj zs
[((first g2)0)
(g ( (first g2)1))])))]
=> (filter tiene-dos-elementos? [[10 20] [30] [40 50]])
[[10 20] [40 50]]
(defn filter [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(rest ys)
(if (g (first ys))
(conj zs (first ys)),zs))))]
(recursividad f xs [])))
(defn tiene-dos-elementos? [xs]
(== (count xs)2))
=> (filter tiene-dos-elementos? ["ho" "l" "a!"])
["ho" "a!"]
(defn tiene-dos-elementosV? [xs]
(and (vector? xs) (== (count xs)2)))
(filter tiene-dos-elementosV? [[10 20] 30 [40 50]])
[[10 20] [40 50]]
(recursividad f xs {} )))
(defn rango [xs]
(or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50)))
(filter rango [10 15 25 40 30 27 42])
[25 40 30 27 42]
=> (filter (fn [xs]
(or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50)))
)[10 15 25 40 30 27 42])
[25 40 30 27 42]
=> (vreduce (fn [x y]
(+ x y))
0 [4 5 3])
=> (vreduce (fn [x y]
(* x y))
1 [4 5 3])
=> (vreduce (fn [x y]
(conj x [(count x)y]))
{} [10 20 30])
{0 10, 1 20, 2 30}
21 07 2016
(mmap (fn [x] (count x)) {:a [10 20] :b [30]})
{:a 2, :b 1}
=> (vmap (fn [x]
(mmap (fn [x] (* 3 x))x)) [ {:a 10 } {:a 10 :b 20} {}])
[{:a 30} {:a 30, :b 60} {}]
(defn cmap [f xs]
( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs]
(if (empty? g2)
(recursividad g
(rest g2)
(conj zs ( g (first g2))))
)] (recursividad f xs #{} )))
=> (cmap (fn [x] (* 2 x)) #{40 10 30})
#{20 60 80}
=> (vmap (fn [x]
(filter (fn [x] (and (even? x ) (>= x 0)))x))
[[2 3 4] [-2 -4 6] [10 -3 -5 12 -9 6]])
[[2 4] [6] [10 12 6]]
=> (mmap (fn [x] (if (>= x 0) x (* -1 x))) {:a -3 :b 5 :c -9})
{:a 3, :b 5, :c 9}
(defn cfilter [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(rest ys)
(if (g (first ys))
(conj zs (first ys)),zs))))]
(recursividad f xs #{})))
=> (cfilter (fn [x] (pos? x))#{10 -20 30})
#{30 10}
(defn smap [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(rest ys)
(str zs (g (first ys)))
(recursividad f xs "")))
(defn en-mayuscula [c] ({a A e E i I o O u U} c))
(defn en-mayusculas [c]
(let [mayusculas {a A e E i I o O u U} ]
(if (nil? (mayusculas c))
(mayusculas c))))
(smap en-mayuscula "aaaeee iiiooouuu")
=> (smap en-mayusculas "aa ee")
(ns plf23072016.core
(:require [plf23072016.fos :as fos] :reload ))
(defn duplicados [xs]
(fos/vmap (fn [x] ( * 2 x)) xs))
(clojure.string /trim "hola"
(defn duplicados [xs]
(fos/vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x))xs))
(ns proyecto03.core
(:require [proyecto03.fos :as fos] :reload) )
(defn duplicados [xs]
(fos/vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x))xs))
(duplicados [2 3 4])
[4 6 8]
(defn composicion-de [f g]
(fn [x]
(g (f x))))
=> (fos/composicion-de (fn [x] (* 2 x)) (fn [x] (* 3 x)))
(defn sfilter [f xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(rest ys)
(if (g (first ys))
(str zs (first ys))
zs ))))]
(recursividad f xs "" )))
(sfilter (fn [x] (= x a)) "hola")
(f "hola") ---> "Hola"
(f "hOLA")----> "Hola"
(f "hola mundo")---> "Hola Mundo"
(defn vreduce [f vi xs]
(letfn [(recursividad [g vf ys]
(if (empty? ys)
(recursividad g
(g vf (first ys))
(rest ys))))]
(recursividad f vi xs)))
(vreduce(fn [x y] :conj x [:count x) y])) {:a 10} {"hola" "mundo"])
__ (vreduce (fn [ x y ]
[2 -5 7-9 3 7])
---(let (mapa {:a 10 :b 10}]
(conj mapa { :a (+ 3 (mapa :a))]))
----{:a 13, :b 10}
(fn [x y]
(if (>= y 0)
(conj x [:positivos (inc (x :positivos))])
(conj x [:negativos (inc (x :negativos))]))) { :positivos 0 :negativos 0} -8)
=> (vreduce (fn [x y]
(if (>= y 0)
(conj x [:positivos (inc (x :positivos))])
(conj x [:negativos (inc (x :negativos))])))
{ :positivos 0 :negativos 0}
[2 -3 4 -5 6 7])
{:positivos 4, :negativos 2}
(sreduce (fn [x y]
(conj x y))
(str 4567))
=> (let [x 10 y 20]
(+ x y))
=> (let [ a 10 b 20 c 30]
(* (+ a a) (+ b b) (+ c c))
=> (let [x [ 10 20 30]
y [ 40 50 60]]
(+ (first x) (first y))
=> (let [x [10 20]
y [ 30 40]]
{:x x :y y})
{:x [10 20], :y [30 40]}
=> (let [x [50 60 70]
y (first x)] x)
[50 60 70]
=> (let [x [50 60 70]
y (first x)] y)
=> (let [x [ 50 60 70]
y [10 20 30]]
{:x x :y y :first-x (first x) :first-y (first y)})
{:x [50 60 70],
:y [10 20 30],
:first-x 50,
:first-y 10}
=> (let [a (+ 2 3)
b (* 2 3)
c (+ a b)]
{:a a :b b :c c})
{:a 5, :b 6, :c 11}
=> (let [x [ 50 60 70]
y [10 20 30]]
{:x x :y y :first-x (first x) :first-y (first y)})
{:x [50 60 70],
:y [10 20 30],
:first-x 50,
:first-y 10}
=> (let [a true b true c true]
(and a b c))
=> ((fn [x]
(let [a 10 b 20 x 30]
(+ a b x)))24)
=> ((fn [x]
(let [a 10 b 20 c 30]
(+ a b x)))24)
=> (if false
(let [x 10]
(* 2 x))
(let [x 20]
(* 5 x)))
((fn [x]
(if (>= x 0)
(let [ y 1]
(* y x))
(let [y -1]
(* y x))))
=> (let [x -4]
(if (>= x 10)
(let [y (* x x)]
(let [ y ( + x x)]
(let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x))
g (fn [x] (* 3 x))]
(f ( g 5)))
//aplicar a f con el resultado de g de 5
=> (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x))
g (fn [x] (* 3 x))
h (f (g 7))]
=> (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x))
g (fn [x] (* 3 x))
h (f (g 7))
i (fn [x] {:resultado-final x})]
(i h) )
{:resultado-final 42}
=> ((fn [x]
(letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ]
(if (> i ef)
(g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))]
(g 0 x 0 0))) 5)
=> ((fn [x y]
(letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ]
(if (> i ef)
(g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))]
(g x y x x))) 0 5)
=> ((fn [n] ((fn [x y]
(letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ]
(if (> i ef)
(g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))]
(g x y x x))) 0 n)) 5)
=> ((fn [x y]
(letfn [ (g [ ei ef c a ]
(if (== ei ef)
(g (inc ei) ef c(+ a c))))]
(g 0 x y 0))) 5 20)
=> (rest [ 10 20 30])
(20 30)
=> (rest (rest [10 20 30]))
=> (first ( rest ( rest [10 20 30])))
=> (+ (firsst [10 20 30])
(first (rest [10 20 30]))
(first (rest (rest [10 20 30]))))
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: firsst in this context,
=> (+ (first [10 20 30])
(first (rest [10 20 30]))
(first (rest (rest [10 20 30]))))
=> (let [x 10 y 20]
(+ x y))
=> (let [ a 10 b 20 c 30]
(* (+ a a) (+ b b) (+ c c))
=> (let [x [ 10 20 30]
y [ 40 50 60]]
(+ (first x) (first y))
=> (let [x [10 20]
y [ 30 40]]
{:x x :y y})
{:x [10 20], :y [30 40]}
=> (let [x [50 60 70]
y (first x)] x)
[50 60 70]
=> (let [x [50 60 70]
y (first x)] y)
=> (let [x [ 50 60 70]
y [10 20 30]]
{:x x :y y :first-x (first x) :first-y (first y)})
{:x [50 60 70],
:y [10 20 30],
:first-x 50,
:first-y 10}
=> (let [a (+ 2 3)
b (* 2 3)
c (+ a b)]
{:a a :b b :c c})
{:a 5, :b 6, :c 11}
=> (let [x [ 50 60 70]
y [10 20 30]]
{:x x :y y :first-x (first x) :first-y (first y)})
{:x [50 60 70],
:y [10 20 30],
:first-x 50,
:first-y 10}
=> (let [a true b true c true]
(and a b c))
=> ((fn [x]
(let [a 10 b 20 x 30]
(+ a b x)))24)
=> ((fn [x]
(let [a 10 b 20 c 30]
(+ a b x)))24)
=> (if false
(let [x 10]
(* 2 x))
(let [x 20]
(* 5 x)))
((fn [x]
(if (>= x 0)
(let [ y 1]
(* y x))
(let [y -1]
(* y x))))
=> (let [x -4]
(if (>= x 10)
(let [y (* x x)]
(let [ y ( + x x)]
(let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x))
g (fn [x] (* 3 x))]
(f ( g 5)))
//aplicar a f con el resultado de g de 5
=> (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x))
g (fn [x] (* 3 x))
h (f (g 7))]
=> (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x))
g (fn [x] (* 3 x))
h (f (g 7))
i (fn [x] {:resultado-final x})]
(i h) )
{:resultado-final 42}
=> ((fn [x]
(letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ]
(if (> i ef)
(g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))]
(g 0 x 0 0))) 5)
=> ((fn [x y]
(letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ]
(if (> i ef)
(g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))]
(g x y x x))) 0 5)
=> ((fn [n] ((fn [x y]
(letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ]
(if (> i ef)
(g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))]
(g x y x x))) 0 n)) 5)
=> ((fn [x y]
(letfn [ (g [ ei ef c a ]
(if (== ei ef)
(g (inc ei) ef c(+ a c))))]
(g 0 x y 0))) 5 20)
=> (rest [ 10 20 30])
(20 30)
=> (rest (rest [10 20 30]))
=> (first ( rest ( rest [10 20 30])))
=> (+ (firsst [10 20 30])
(first (rest [10 20 30]))
(first (rest (rest [10 20 30]))))
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: firsst in this context,
=> (+ (first [10 20 30])
(first (rest [10 20 30]))
(first (rest (rest [10 20 30]))))
(ns plf23072016.core
(:require [plf23072016.fos :as fos] :reload ))
(defn duplicados [xs]
(fos/vmap (fn [x] ( * 2 x)) xs))
(clojure.string /trim "hola"
=> '("" "" "" "")
("" "" "" "")
=> '("" "" "" "")
("" "" "" "")
=> ["hola" true true 4.9 3/2]
["hola" true true 4.9 3/2]
=> [a e i "o" "u"]
[a e i "o" "u"]
=> {10 20 20 20 30 20 40 20}
{10 20, 20 20, 30 20, 40 20}
=> (true false false true
ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
proyecto03.core/eval8026 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1)
=> (true false false true)
ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
proyecto03.core/eval8028 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1)
=> { true false false true}
{true false, false true}
=> #{true false}
#{true false}
=> # {true false true}
RuntimeException Map literal must contain an even number of forms
clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException (
=> (count ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (empty? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (list? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (vector? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (set? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (map? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (vector? [10 20 30])
=> ([10 20 30] 0)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}1)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}0)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}3)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}4)
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 10 )
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 20 )
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 30 )
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 40 )
** por asociacion de un elmento al conjunto
=> (first '(10 20 30 40 50))
=> (rest '(10 20 30 40 50))
(20 30 40 50)
=> (rest '(20 30))
=> (rest [10 20 30])
(20 30)
=> (rest '(20 30))
=> (rest [10 20 30])
(20 30)
=> (first {10 20 30 40})
[10 20]
=> (rest {10 20 30 40})
([30 40])
=> (rest {10 20 30 40 50 60})
([30 40] [50 60])
=> (rest {50 60})
=> (first {})
=> (first #{10 20 30})
=> (rest #{10 20 30})
(30 10)
=> (first #{ 30 10})
=> ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) [10 20 30 40])
=> ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) {:a 10 :b 20 :c 30})
=> (((fn [x] (fn [y] (+ (first x) (first y))) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60])
=> (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(first x) (first y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60])
[30 50]
=> (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(rest x) (rest y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60])
[(20 10) (60)]
=> ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y))
[10 20 30 40 50]
[60 70 80 90]
[10 20 30 40 50]
=> ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y))
[10 20 30 40 50]
[60 70 80 90 10 110]
[60 70 80 90 10 110]
=> ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) "hola")
["hola" "hola" "hola" "hola" "hola"]
=> ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) [10 20 30])
[[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]]
((fn [x] {(x 0) (x 1)}) [10 20])
{10 20}
=> (rest { :a 10 :b 20})
([:b 20])
=> ((fn [ x y] { x (* 4 x) y (* 4 y)})10 20)
{10 40, 20 80}
=> ((fn [x] {(first x) x}) [50 20 40])
{50 [50 20 40]}
=> ((fn [x] {:anterior (dec x) :siguiente (inc x)})45)
{:anterior 44, :siguiente 46}
=> ((fn [ x y z] #{x y z})10 20 30)
#{20 30 10}
=> ((fn [x y] [{:x y} {:y x}])40 50)
[{:x 50} {:y 40}]
(fn [nombre apellido-paterno apellido-materno])
=> ((fn [nombre apellido-paterno apellido-materno]
{:nombre nombre :apellido
{ :paterno apellido-paterno :materno apellido-materno}}
) "Joaquin" "Martinez" "Benjamin")
{:nombre "Joaquin",
{:paterno "Martinez",
:materno "Benjamin"}}
=> #{[10 20] [30 40] [20 10]}
#{[20 10] [10 20] [30 40]}
=> '("" "" "" "")
("" "" "" "")
=> '("" "" "" "")
("" "" "" "")
=> ["hola" true true 4.9 3/2]
["hola" true true 4.9 3/2]
=> [a e i "o" "u"]
[a e i "o" "u"]
=> {10 20 20 20 30 20 40 20}
{10 20, 20 20, 30 20, 40 20}
=> (true false false true
ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
proyecto03.core/eval8026 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1)
=> (true false false true)
ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
proyecto03.core/eval8028 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1)
=> { true false false true}
{true false, false true}
=> #{true false}
#{true false}
=> # {true false true}
RuntimeException Map literal must contain an even number of forms
clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException (
=> (count ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (empty? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (list? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (vector? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (set? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (map? ' (10 20 30 40))
=> (vector? [10 20 30])
=> ([10 20 30] 0)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}1)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}0)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}3)
=> ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}4)
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 10 )
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 20 )
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 30 )
=> ( #{ 10 20 30} 40 )
** por asociacion de un elmento al conjunto
=> (first '(10 20 30 40 50))
=> (rest '(10 20 30 40 50))
(20 30 40 50)
=> (rest '(20 30))
=> (rest [10 20 30])
(20 30)
=> (rest '(20 30))
=> (rest [10 20 30])
(20 30)
=> (first {10 20 30 40})
[10 20]
=> (rest {10 20 30 40})
([30 40])
=> (rest {10 20 30 40 50 60})
([30 40] [50 60])
=> (rest {50 60})
=> (first {})
=> (first #{10 20 30})
=> (rest #{10 20 30})
(30 10)
=> (first #{ 30 10})
=> ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) [10 20 30 40])
=> ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) {:a 10 :b 20 :c 30})
=> (((fn [x] (fn [y] (+ (first x) (first y))) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60])
=> (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(first x) (first y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60])
[30 50]
=> (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(rest x) (rest y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60])
[(20 10) (60)]
=> ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y))
[10 20 30 40 50]
[60 70 80 90]
[10 20 30 40 50]
=> ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y))
[10 20 30 40 50]
[60 70 80 90 10 110]
[60 70 80 90 10 110]
=> ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) "hola")
["hola" "hola" "hola" "hola" "hola"]
=> ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) [10 20 30])
[[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]
[10 20 30]]
((fn [x] {(x 0) (x 1)}) [10 20])
{10 20}
=> (rest { :a 10 :b 20})
([:b 20])
=> ((fn [ x y] { x (* 4 x) y (* 4 y)})10 20)
{10 40, 20 80}
=> ((fn [x] {(first x) x}) [50 20 40])
{50 [50 20 40]}
=> ((fn [x] {:anterior (dec x) :siguiente (inc x)})45)
{:anterior 44, :siguiente 46}
=> ((fn [ x y z] #{x y z})10 20 30)
#{20 30 10}
=> ((fn [x y] [{:x y} {:y x}])40 50)
[{:x 50} {:y 40}]
(fn [nombre apellido-paterno apellido-materno])
=> ((fn [nombre apellido-paterno apellido-materno]
{:nombre nombre :apellido
{ :paterno apellido-paterno :materno apellido-materno}}
) "Joaquin" "Martinez" "Benjamin")
{:nombre "Joaquin",
{:paterno "Martinez",
:materno "Benjamin"}}
=> #{[10 20] [30 40] [20 10]}
#{[20 10] [10 20] [30 40]}
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Apuntes clojure

  • 1. (defn f [x] (* 2 x)) (defn vmap [f xs] ( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs] (if (empty? g2) zs (recursividad g (rest g2) (conj zs ( g (first g2)))) ) )] (recursividad f xs [] ))) (defn total-en [ xs] (letfn [ (recursividad [ys ac] (if (empty? ys ) ac (recursividad (rest ys) (+ ac (first ys )))))] (recursividad xs 0))) (defn mmap [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g g2 zs] (if (empty? g2) zs (recursividad g (rest g2) (conj zs [((first g2)0) (g ( (first g2)1))]))))] (recursividad f xs {}))) (defn filter [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs] (if (empty? ys) zs (recursividad g (rest ys) (if (g (first ys)) (conj zs (first ys)),zs))))] (recursividad f xs [])))
  • 2. (defn tiene-dos-elementos? [xs] (== (count xs)2)) (defn tiene-dos-elementosV? [xs] (and (vector? xs) (== (count xs)2))) (defn rango [xs] (or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50))) ) (defn mfilter [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs] (if (empty? ys) zs (recursividad g (rest ys) (if (g (first ys)1) (conj zs (first ys)) zs ))))] (recursividad f xs {}))) (defn vreduce [f vi xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g vf ys] (if (empty? ys) vf (recursividad g (g vf (first ys)) (rest ys))))] (recursividad f vi xs))) (defn vmap [f xs] ( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs] (if (empty? g2) zs (recursividad g (rest g2) (conj zs ( g (first g2)))) ) )] (recursividad f xs [] )))
  • 3. (vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x)) [ 2 3 4]) [4 6 8] (defn mmap [f zs] (letfn [(recursividad [g g2 zs] (if (empty? g2) zs (recursividad g (rest g2) (conj zs [((first g2)0) (g ( (first g2)1))])))] => (filter tiene-dos-elementos? [[10 20] [30] [40 50]]) [[10 20] [40 50]] (defn filter [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs] (if (empty? ys) zs (recursividad g (rest ys) (if (g (first ys)) (conj zs (first ys)),zs))))] (recursividad f xs []))) (defn tiene-dos-elementos? [xs] (== (count xs)2)) => (filter tiene-dos-elementos? ["ho" "l" "a!"]) ["ho" "a!"] (defn tiene-dos-elementosV? [xs] (and (vector? xs) (== (count xs)2))) (filter tiene-dos-elementosV? [[10 20] 30 [40 50]]) [[10 20] [40 50]] tiene-dos-elementosV?
  • 4. (recursividad f xs {} ))) (defn rango [xs] (or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50))) ) (filter rango [10 15 25 40 30 27 42]) [25 40 30 27 42] => (filter (fn [xs] (or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50))) )[10 15 25 40 30 27 42]) [25 40 30 27 42] => (vreduce (fn [x y] (+ x y)) 0 [4 5 3]) 12 => (vreduce (fn [x y] (* x y)) 1 [4 5 3]) 60 => (vreduce (fn [x y] (conj x [(count x)y])) {} [10 20 30]) {0 10, 1 20, 2 30}
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. (ns plf23072016.core (:require [plf23072016.fos :as fos] :reload )) (defn duplicados [xs] (fos/vmap (fn [x] ( * 2 x)) xs)) (clojure.string /trim "hola" (defn duplicados [xs] (fos/vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x))xs)) (ns proyecto03.core (:require [proyecto03.fos :as fos] :reload) ) (defn duplicados [xs] (fos/vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x))xs)) (duplicados [2 3 4]) [4 6 8] // (defn composicion-de [f g] (fn [x] (g (f x)))) => (fos/composicion-de (fn [x] (* 2 x)) (fn [x] (* 3 x)))
  • 8. => ((fn [x y] (letfn [(g [a v] (if (empty? v) a (g (+ a (first v)) (rest v))))] (g x y))) 0 [10 20 30]) 60 => ((fn [x y] (letfn [(g [a v] (if (empty? v) a (g (* a (first v)) (rest v))))] (g x y))) 1 [10 10 10]) 1000 18/07/2016 => (letfn [(g [zs ys] (if (empty? zs) ys (g (rest zs) (if (>= (count (first zs)) (count ys)) (first zs) ys ))))] (g [[]] [])) [] => (letfn [ (f [x] (* 2 x)) (g [x] (* 3 x))]) nil => (letfn [ (f [x] (* 2 x)) (g [x] (+ (f x) (f x)))] (g 5)) 20 => (letfn [(total-en [xs] (letfn [(g [ys a] (if (empty? ys) a (g (rest ys) (+ a (first ys)))))] (g xs 0)))] (total-en [10 20])) 30 => (letfn [(total-en [xs] (letfn [(g [ys a] (if (empty? ys) a (g (rest ys) (+ a (first ys)))))] (g xs 0)))
  • 9. (f [xs] (letfn [ (g [zs ys] (if (empty? zs) ys (g (rest zs) (if (> (total-en ys) (total-en (first zs)))ys (first zs)))))] (g xs [])))] (f [ [21 13] [20] [10]])) [21 13] => (conj [10 20] 30) [10 20 30] => (conj [10 20 30 40 50] 30 ) [10 20 30 40 50 30] => (conj [10 20 30 40 50] [30] ) [10 20 30 40 50 [30]] => (let [xs [10 20] ys (conj xs 30)] [xs ys]) [[10 20] [10 20 30]] => (letfn [(g [xs ys] (if (empty? xs) ys (g (rest xs) (conj ys (* 2 (first xs))))))] (g [2 3 4 ] [])) [4 6 8] => (letfn [(g [xs ys] (if (empty? xs) ys (g (rest xs) (conj ys (count(first xs))))))] (g [[ 2 3 ] [ 4 5 6]] [])) [2 3]d
  • 10. => '("" "" "" "") ("" "" "" "") => '("" "" "" "") ("" "" "" "") => ["hola" true true 4.9 3/2] ["hola" true true 4.9 3/2] => [a e i "o" "u"] [a e i "o" "u"] => {10 20 20 20 30 20 40 20} {10 20, 20 20, 30 20, 40 20} => (true false false true ) ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn proyecto03.core/eval8026 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1) => (true false false true) ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn proyecto03.core/eval8028 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1) => { true false false true} {true false, false true} => #{true false} #{true false} => # {true false true} RuntimeException Map literal must contain an even number of forms clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException ( => (count ' (10 20 30 40)) 4 => (empty? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (list? ' (10 20 30 40)) true => (vector? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (set? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (map? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (vector? [10 20 30]) true => ([10 20 30] 0) 10 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}1) 20 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}0) 10 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}3)
  • 11. 40 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}4) nil => ( #{ 10 20 30} 10 ) 10 => ( #{ 10 20 30} 20 ) 20 => ( #{ 10 20 30} 30 ) 30 => ( #{ 10 20 30} 40 ) nil ** por asociacion de un elmento al conjunto => (first '(10 20 30 40 50)) 10 => (rest '(10 20 30 40 50)) (20 30 40 50) => (rest '(20 30)) (30) => (rest [10 20 30]) (20 30) => (rest '(20 30)) (30) => (rest [10 20 30]) (20 30) => (first {10 20 30 40}) [10 20] => (rest {10 20 30 40}) ([30 40]) => (rest {10 20 30 40 50 60}) ([30 40] [50 60]) => (rest {50 60}) () => (first {}) nil => (first #{10 20 30}) 20 => (rest #{10 20 30}) (30 10) => (first #{ 30 10}) 30
  • 12. => ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) [10 20 30 40]) true => ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) {:a 10 :b 20 :c 30}) false => (((fn [x] (fn [y] (+ (first x) (first y))) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60]) 80 => (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(first x) (first y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60]) [30 50] => (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(rest x) (rest y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60]) [(20 10) (60)] => ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y)) [10 20 30 40 50] [60 70 80 90] ) [10 20 30 40 50] => ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y)) [10 20 30 40 50] [60 70 80 90 10 110] ) [60 70 80 90 10 110] => ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) "hola") ["hola" "hola" "hola" "hola" "hola"] => ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) [10 20 30]) [[10 20 30] [10 20 30] [10 20 30] [10 20 30] [10 20 30]]
  • 13. (defn f [x] (* 2 x)) (defn vmap [f xs] ( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs] (if (empty? g2) zs (recursividad g (rest g2) (conj zs ( g (first g2)))) ) )] (recursividad f xs [] ))) (defn total-en [ xs] (letfn [ (recursividad [ys ac] (if (empty? ys ) ac (recursividad (rest ys) (+ ac (first ys )))))] (recursividad xs 0))) (defn mmap [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g g2 zs] (if (empty? g2) zs (recursividad g (rest g2) (conj zs [((first g2)0) (g ( (first g2)1))]))))] (recursividad f xs {}))) (defn filter [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs] (if (empty? ys) zs (recursividad g (rest ys) (if (g (first ys)) (conj zs (first ys)),zs))))] (recursividad f xs [])))
  • 14. (defn tiene-dos-elementos? [xs] (== (count xs)2)) (defn tiene-dos-elementosV? [xs] (and (vector? xs) (== (count xs)2))) (defn rango [xs] (or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50))) ) (defn mfilter [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs] (if (empty? ys) zs (recursividad g (rest ys) (if (g (first ys)1) (conj zs (first ys)) zs ))))] (recursividad f xs {}))) (defn vreduce [f vi xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g vf ys] (if (empty? ys) vf (recursividad g (g vf (first ys)) (rest ys))))] (recursividad f vi xs))) (defn vmap [f xs] ( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs] (if (empty? g2) zs (recursividad g (rest g2) (conj zs ( g (first g2)))) ) )] (recursividad f xs [] )))
  • 15. (vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x)) [ 2 3 4]) [4 6 8] (defn mmap [f zs] (letfn [(recursividad [g g2 zs] (if (empty? g2) zs (recursividad g (rest g2) (conj zs [((first g2)0) (g ( (first g2)1))])))] => (filter tiene-dos-elementos? [[10 20] [30] [40 50]]) [[10 20] [40 50]] (defn filter [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs] (if (empty? ys) zs (recursividad g (rest ys) (if (g (first ys)) (conj zs (first ys)),zs))))] (recursividad f xs []))) (defn tiene-dos-elementos? [xs] (== (count xs)2)) => (filter tiene-dos-elementos? ["ho" "l" "a!"]) ["ho" "a!"] (defn tiene-dos-elementosV? [xs] (and (vector? xs) (== (count xs)2))) (filter tiene-dos-elementosV? [[10 20] 30 [40 50]]) [[10 20] [40 50]] tiene-dos-elementosV?
  • 16. (recursividad f xs {} ))) (defn rango [xs] (or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50))) ) (filter rango [10 15 25 40 30 27 42]) [25 40 30 27 42] => (filter (fn [xs] (or (and(>= xs 20) (<= xs 30)) (and (>= xs 40) (<= xs 50))) )[10 15 25 40 30 27 42]) [25 40 30 27 42] => (vreduce (fn [x y] (+ x y)) 0 [4 5 3]) 12 => (vreduce (fn [x y] (* x y)) 1 [4 5 3]) 60 => (vreduce (fn [x y] (conj x [(count x)y])) {} [10 20 30]) {0 10, 1 20, 2 30}
  • 17. 21 07 2016 (mmap (fn [x] (count x)) {:a [10 20] :b [30]}) {:a 2, :b 1} => (vmap (fn [x] (mmap (fn [x] (* 3 x))x)) [ {:a 10 } {:a 10 :b 20} {}]) [{:a 30} {:a 30, :b 60} {}] (defn cmap [f xs] ( letfn [ (recursividad [g g2 zs] (if (empty? g2) zs (recursividad g (rest g2) (conj zs ( g (first g2)))) ) )] (recursividad f xs #{} ))) => (cmap (fn [x] (* 2 x)) #{40 10 30}) #{20 60 80} => (vmap (fn [x] (filter (fn [x] (and (even? x ) (>= x 0)))x)) [[2 3 4] [-2 -4 6] [10 -3 -5 12 -9 6]]) [[2 4] [6] [10 12 6]] => (mmap (fn [x] (if (>= x 0) x (* -1 x))) {:a -3 :b 5 :c -9}) {:a 3, :b 5, :c 9} (defn cfilter [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs] (if (empty? ys) zs (recursividad g (rest ys) (if (g (first ys)) (conj zs (first ys)),zs))))]
  • 18. (recursividad f xs #{}))) => (cfilter (fn [x] (pos? x))#{10 -20 30}) #{30 10} (defn smap [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs] (if (empty? ys) zs (recursividad g (rest ys) (str zs (g (first ys))) )))] (recursividad f xs ""))) (defn en-mayuscula [c] ({a A e E i I o O u U} c)) (defn en-mayusculas [c] (let [mayusculas {a A e E i I o O u U} ] (if (nil? (mayusculas c)) c (mayusculas c)))) (smap en-mayuscula "aaaeee iiiooouuu") AAAEEEIIIOOOUUU => (smap en-mayusculas "aa ee") AA EE
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. (ns plf23072016.core (:require [plf23072016.fos :as fos] :reload )) (defn duplicados [xs] (fos/vmap (fn [x] ( * 2 x)) xs)) (clojure.string /trim "hola" (defn duplicados [xs] (fos/vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x))xs)) (ns proyecto03.core (:require [proyecto03.fos :as fos] :reload) ) (defn duplicados [xs] (fos/vmap (fn [x] (* 2 x))xs)) (duplicados [2 3 4]) [4 6 8] // (defn composicion-de [f g] (fn [x] (g (f x)))) => (fos/composicion-de (fn [x] (* 2 x)) (fn [x] (* 3 x)))
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. /////// (defn sfilter [f xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g ys zs] (if (empty? ys) zs (recursividad g (rest ys) (if (g (first ys)) (str zs (first ys)) zs ))))] (recursividad f xs "" )))
  • 26. ////////////// (sfilter (fn [x] (= x a)) "hola") ////// (f "hola") ---> "Hola" (f "hOLA")----> "Hola" (f "hola mundo")---> "Hola Mundo" ///// (defn vreduce [f vi xs] (letfn [(recursividad [g vf ys] (if (empty? ys) vf (recursividad g (g vf (first ys)) (rest ys))))] (recursividad f vi xs))) (vreduce(fn [x y] :conj x [:count x) y])) {:a 10} {"hola" "mundo"]) __ (vreduce (fn [ x y ] x) {} [2 -5 7-9 3 7]) ---(let (mapa {:a 10 :b 10}] (conj mapa { :a (+ 3 (mapa :a))])) ----{:a 13, :b 10} (fn [x y] (if (>= y 0)
  • 27. (conj x [:positivos (inc (x :positivos))]) (conj x [:negativos (inc (x :negativos))]))) { :positivos 0 :negativos 0} -8) => (vreduce (fn [x y] (if (>= y 0) (conj x [:positivos (inc (x :positivos))]) (conj x [:negativos (inc (x :negativos))]))) { :positivos 0 :negativos 0} [2 -3 4 -5 6 7]) {:positivos 4, :negativos 2} (sreduce (fn [x y] (conj x y)) [] (str 4567))
  • 28. => (let [x 10 y 20] (+ x y)) 30 => (let [ a 10 b 20 c 30] (* (+ a a) (+ b b) (+ c c)) ) 48000 => (let [x [ 10 20 30] y [ 40 50 60]] (+ (first x) (first y)) ) 50 => (let [x [10 20] y [ 30 40]] {:x x :y y}) {:x [10 20], :y [30 40]} => (let [x [50 60 70] y (first x)] x) [50 60 70] => (let [x [50 60 70] y (first x)] y) 50 => (let [x [ 50 60 70] y [10 20 30]] {:x x :y y :first-x (first x) :first-y (first y)}) {:x [50 60 70], :y [10 20 30], :first-x 50, :first-y 10} => (let [a (+ 2 3) b (* 2 3) c (+ a b)] {:a a :b b :c c}) {:a 5, :b 6, :c 11} => (let [x [ 50 60 70] y [10 20 30]] {:x x :y y :first-x (first x) :first-y (first y)}) {:x [50 60 70], :y [10 20 30], :first-x 50, :first-y 10}
  • 29. => (let [a true b true c true] (and a b c)) true => ((fn [x] (let [a 10 b 20 x 30] (+ a b x)))24) 60 => ((fn [x] (let [a 10 b 20 c 30] (+ a b x)))24) 54 => (if false (let [x 10] (* 2 x)) (let [x 20] (* 5 x))) 100 ((fn [x] (if (>= x 0) (let [ y 1] (* y x)) (let [y -1] (* y x)))) -65) 65 => (let [x -4] (if (>= x 10) (let [y (* x x)] y) (let [ y ( + x x)] y))) -8 (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x)) g (fn [x] (* 3 x))] (f ( g 5))) 30 //aplicar a f con el resultado de g de 5
  • 30. => (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x)) g (fn [x] (* 3 x)) h (f (g 7))] h) 42 => (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x)) g (fn [x] (* 3 x)) h (f (g 7)) i (fn [x] {:resultado-final x})] (i h) ) {:resultado-final 42} recursividad--- => ((fn [x] (letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ] (if (> i ef) a (g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))] (g 0 x 0 0))) 5) 15 => ((fn [x y] (letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ] (if (> i ef) a (g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))] (g x y x x))) 0 5) 15 => ((fn [n] ((fn [x y] (letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ] (if (> i ef) a (g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))] (g x y x x))) 0 n)) 5) 15 => ((fn [x y] (letfn [ (g [ ei ef c a ] (if (== ei ef) a (g (inc ei) ef c(+ a c))))] (g 0 x y 0))) 5 20) 100 => (rest [ 10 20 30])
  • 31. (20 30) => (rest (rest [10 20 30])) (30) => (first ( rest ( rest [10 20 30]))) 30 => (+ (firsst [10 20 30]) (first (rest [10 20 30])) (first (rest (rest [10 20 30])))) CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: firsst in this context, compiling:(C:UsersxenosAppDataLocalTempform-init7869937070705144292.clj:1:4) => (+ (first [10 20 30]) (first (rest [10 20 30])) (first (rest (rest [10 20 30])))) 60
  • 32. => (let [x 10 y 20] (+ x y)) 30 => (let [ a 10 b 20 c 30] (* (+ a a) (+ b b) (+ c c)) ) 48000 => (let [x [ 10 20 30] y [ 40 50 60]] (+ (first x) (first y)) ) 50 => (let [x [10 20] y [ 30 40]] {:x x :y y}) {:x [10 20], :y [30 40]} => (let [x [50 60 70] y (first x)] x) [50 60 70] => (let [x [50 60 70] y (first x)] y) 50 => (let [x [ 50 60 70] y [10 20 30]] {:x x :y y :first-x (first x) :first-y (first y)}) {:x [50 60 70], :y [10 20 30], :first-x 50, :first-y 10} => (let [a (+ 2 3) b (* 2 3) c (+ a b)] {:a a :b b :c c}) {:a 5, :b 6, :c 11} => (let [x [ 50 60 70] y [10 20 30]] {:x x :y y :first-x (first x) :first-y (first y)}) {:x [50 60 70], :y [10 20 30], :first-x 50, :first-y 10}
  • 33. => (let [a true b true c true] (and a b c)) true => ((fn [x] (let [a 10 b 20 x 30] (+ a b x)))24) 60 => ((fn [x] (let [a 10 b 20 c 30] (+ a b x)))24) 54 => (if false (let [x 10] (* 2 x)) (let [x 20] (* 5 x))) 100 ((fn [x] (if (>= x 0) (let [ y 1] (* y x)) (let [y -1] (* y x)))) -65) 65 => (let [x -4] (if (>= x 10) (let [y (* x x)] y) (let [ y ( + x x)] y))) -8 (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x)) g (fn [x] (* 3 x))] (f ( g 5))) 30 //aplicar a f con el resultado de g de 5
  • 34. => (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x)) g (fn [x] (* 3 x)) h (f (g 7))] h) 42 => (let [f (fn [x] (* 2 x)) g (fn [x] (* 3 x)) h (f (g 7)) i (fn [x] {:resultado-final x})] (i h) ) {:resultado-final 42} recursividad--- => ((fn [x] (letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ] (if (> i ef) a (g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))] (g 0 x 0 0))) 5) 15 => ((fn [x y] (letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ] (if (> i ef) a (g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))] (g x y x x))) 0 5) 15 => ((fn [n] ((fn [x y] (letfn [ (g [ ei ef i a ] (if (> i ef) a (g ei ef (inc i) (+ a i))))] (g x y x x))) 0 n)) 5) 15 => ((fn [x y] (letfn [ (g [ ei ef c a ] (if (== ei ef) a (g (inc ei) ef c(+ a c))))] (g 0 x y 0))) 5 20) 100 => (rest [ 10 20 30])
  • 35. (20 30) => (rest (rest [10 20 30])) (30) => (first ( rest ( rest [10 20 30]))) 30 => (+ (firsst [10 20 30]) (first (rest [10 20 30])) (first (rest (rest [10 20 30])))) CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: firsst in this context, compiling:(C:UsersxenosAppDataLocalTempform-init7869937070705144292.clj:1:4) => (+ (first [10 20 30]) (first (rest [10 20 30])) (first (rest (rest [10 20 30])))) 60
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. (ns plf23072016.core (:require [plf23072016.fos :as fos] :reload )) (defn duplicados [xs] (fos/vmap (fn [x] ( * 2 x)) xs)) (clojure.string /trim "hola"
  • 39. => '("" "" "" "") ("" "" "" "") => '("" "" "" "") ("" "" "" "") => ["hola" true true 4.9 3/2] ["hola" true true 4.9 3/2] => [a e i "o" "u"] [a e i "o" "u"] => {10 20 20 20 30 20 40 20} {10 20, 20 20, 30 20, 40 20} => (true false false true ) ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn proyecto03.core/eval8026 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1) => (true false false true) ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn proyecto03.core/eval8028 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1) => { true false false true} {true false, false true} => #{true false} #{true false} => # {true false true} RuntimeException Map literal must contain an even number of forms clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException ( => (count ' (10 20 30 40)) 4 => (empty? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (list? ' (10 20 30 40)) true => (vector? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (set? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (map? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (vector? [10 20 30]) true => ([10 20 30] 0) 10 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}1) 20 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}0) 10 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}3)
  • 40. 40 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}4) nil => ( #{ 10 20 30} 10 ) 10 => ( #{ 10 20 30} 20 ) 20 => ( #{ 10 20 30} 30 ) 30 => ( #{ 10 20 30} 40 ) nil ** por asociacion de un elmento al conjunto => (first '(10 20 30 40 50)) 10 => (rest '(10 20 30 40 50)) (20 30 40 50) => (rest '(20 30)) (30) => (rest [10 20 30]) (20 30) => (rest '(20 30)) (30) => (rest [10 20 30]) (20 30) => (first {10 20 30 40}) [10 20] => (rest {10 20 30 40}) ([30 40]) => (rest {10 20 30 40 50 60}) ([30 40] [50 60]) => (rest {50 60}) () => (first {}) nil => (first #{10 20 30}) 20 => (rest #{10 20 30}) (30 10) => (first #{ 30 10}) 30
  • 41. => ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) [10 20 30 40]) true => ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) {:a 10 :b 20 :c 30}) false => (((fn [x] (fn [y] (+ (first x) (first y))) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60]) 80 => (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(first x) (first y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60]) [30 50] => (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(rest x) (rest y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60]) [(20 10) (60)] => ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y)) [10 20 30 40 50] [60 70 80 90] ) [10 20 30 40 50] => ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y)) [10 20 30 40 50] [60 70 80 90 10 110] ) [60 70 80 90 10 110] => ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) "hola") ["hola" "hola" "hola" "hola" "hola"] => ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) [10 20 30]) [[10 20 30] [10 20 30] [10 20 30] [10 20 30] [10 20 30]]
  • 42. ((fn [x] {(x 0) (x 1)}) [10 20]) {10 20} => (rest { :a 10 :b 20}) ([:b 20]) => ((fn [ x y] { x (* 4 x) y (* 4 y)})10 20) {10 40, 20 80} => ((fn [x] {(first x) x}) [50 20 40]) {50 [50 20 40]} => ((fn [x] {:anterior (dec x) :siguiente (inc x)})45) {:anterior 44, :siguiente 46} => ((fn [ x y z] #{x y z})10 20 30) #{20 30 10} => ((fn [x y] [{:x y} {:y x}])40 50) [{:x 50} {:y 40}] (fn [nombre apellido-paterno apellido-materno]) => ((fn [nombre apellido-paterno apellido-materno] {:nombre nombre :apellido { :paterno apellido-paterno :materno apellido-materno}} ) "Joaquin" "Martinez" "Benjamin") {:nombre "Joaquin", :apellido {:paterno "Martinez", :materno "Benjamin"}} => #{[10 20] [30 40] [20 10]} #{[20 10] [10 20] [30 40]}
  • 43. => '("" "" "" "") ("" "" "" "") => '("" "" "" "") ("" "" "" "") => ["hola" true true 4.9 3/2] ["hola" true true 4.9 3/2] => [a e i "o" "u"] [a e i "o" "u"] => {10 20 20 20 30 20 40 20} {10 20, 20 20, 30 20, 40 20} => (true false false true ) ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn proyecto03.core/eval8026 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1) => (true false false true) ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn proyecto03.core/eval8028 (form-init6206876087026402955.clj:1) => { true false false true} {true false, false true} => #{true false} #{true false} => # {true false true} RuntimeException Map literal must contain an even number of forms clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException ( => (count ' (10 20 30 40)) 4 => (empty? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (list? ' (10 20 30 40)) true => (vector? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (set? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (map? ' (10 20 30 40)) false => (vector? [10 20 30]) true => ([10 20 30] 0) 10 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}1) 20 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}0) 10 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}3)
  • 44. 40 => ({0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40}4) nil => ( #{ 10 20 30} 10 ) 10 => ( #{ 10 20 30} 20 ) 20 => ( #{ 10 20 30} 30 ) 30 => ( #{ 10 20 30} 40 ) nil ** por asociacion de un elmento al conjunto => (first '(10 20 30 40 50)) 10 => (rest '(10 20 30 40 50)) (20 30 40 50) => (rest '(20 30)) (30) => (rest [10 20 30]) (20 30) => (rest '(20 30)) (30) => (rest [10 20 30]) (20 30) => (first {10 20 30 40}) [10 20] => (rest {10 20 30 40}) ([30 40]) => (rest {10 20 30 40 50 60}) ([30 40] [50 60]) => (rest {50 60}) () => (first {}) nil => (first #{10 20 30}) 20 => (rest #{10 20 30}) (30 10) => (first #{ 30 10}) 30
  • 45. => ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) [10 20 30 40]) true => ((fn [x] (> (count x)3)) {:a 10 :b 20 :c 30}) false => (((fn [x] (fn [y] (+ (first x) (first y))) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60]) 80 => (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(first x) (first y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60]) [30 50] => (((fn [x] (fn [y] [(rest x) (rest y)]) ) [30 20 10]) [50 60]) [(20 10) (60)] => ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y)) [10 20 30 40 50] [60 70 80 90] ) [10 20 30 40 50] => ((fn [x y] (if (> (count x) (count y))x y)) [10 20 30 40 50] [60 70 80 90 10 110] ) [60 70 80 90 10 110] => ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) "hola") ["hola" "hola" "hola" "hola" "hola"] => ((fn [x] [x x x x x]) [10 20 30]) [[10 20 30] [10 20 30] [10 20 30] [10 20 30] [10 20 30]]
  • 46. ((fn [x] {(x 0) (x 1)}) [10 20]) {10 20} => (rest { :a 10 :b 20}) ([:b 20]) => ((fn [ x y] { x (* 4 x) y (* 4 y)})10 20) {10 40, 20 80} => ((fn [x] {(first x) x}) [50 20 40]) {50 [50 20 40]} => ((fn [x] {:anterior (dec x) :siguiente (inc x)})45) {:anterior 44, :siguiente 46} => ((fn [ x y z] #{x y z})10 20 30) #{20 30 10} => ((fn [x y] [{:x y} {:y x}])40 50) [{:x 50} {:y 40}] (fn [nombre apellido-paterno apellido-materno]) => ((fn [nombre apellido-paterno apellido-materno] {:nombre nombre :apellido { :paterno apellido-paterno :materno apellido-materno}} ) "Joaquin" "Martinez" "Benjamin") {:nombre "Joaquin", :apellido {:paterno "Martinez", :materno "Benjamin"}} => #{[10 20] [30 40] [20 10]} #{[20 10] [10 20] [30 40]}