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5 Basic questions to be answered in
every case
 1) Cyanotic or Acyanotic?
 2) Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow /
Decreased PBF ?
 3) Origin of the lesion is in the Right /Left
 4) Which is the dominant ventricle?
 5) Presence/ absence of Pulmonary
 As in the evaluation of any other system,
history taking is a basic step in cardiac
evaluation. Maternal history during pregnancy
is often helpful in the diagnosis of congenital
heart disease (CHD) because certain prenatal
events are known to be teratogenic.
 Age of Presentation-
• PDA before 6 wks,
• VSD after 6 wks,
• ASD 1year
H/o infections, disease & drugs in the mother.
-- Infections :
• Maternal Rubella during the first trimester causes PDA/
• Coxsackie-B during later trimesters may cause Neonatal
-- Maternal Disease :
• Diabetes Mellitus - TGA/Cardiomyopathy.
• SLE/mixed connective tissue disease - Complete Heart Block
-- Drugs/Medications:
• Lithium – Ebstein’s anomaly.
• Valproic Acid - VSD, AS, Pulmonary Atresia with intact
ventricular septum & COA.
• Phenytoin – PS, AS, COA & PDA
• Other medications suspected of causing CHD include
progesterone and estrogen (VSD, TOF, TGA)
• Excessive alcohol intake during pregnancy has been
associated with VSD, PDA, ASD, & TOF (fetal alcohol
• Birth Weight:
• If infant is SGA, this may indicate Intra-uterine infections or use of
chemicals or drugs ( e.g Rubella syndrome & fetal alcohol
• If infant is LGA – often seen in Diabetic Mother - TGA
• H/o poor weight gain / Failure to thrive in infants with CCF or
severe cyanosis ( weight more affected than height).
• H/o Poor feeding (i.e. suck-rest-suck cycle) due to fatigue
and dyspnoea.
• H/o Cyanosis, “Cyanotic spells,” & Squatting
• H/o tachypnoea, dyspnoea & puffy eyelids are signs of CHF.
heart failure produces tachypnea with or without dyspnea.
Tachypnea becomes worse with feeding and eventually
results in
poor feeding and poor weight gain.
 H/o frequent respiratory tract infections (due to Left to Right
shunt with increased PBF predispose to LRTI). Frequent
upper respiratory tract infections are not related to CHD.
 H/o decreased exercise tolerance (seen with Left to right
shunts, cyanotic lesions, valvular stenosis or regurgitation
and arrhythmias) -- Ask in terms of inability to climb
stairs/walk short distances/play outdoor games as compared
to other children of the same age.
H/o Murmur :
• Time of detection – In neonatal age(with in few hours of
birth): AS/PS/Small VSD/PDA. In Early infancy:
VSD/PDA(after 6 - 8 weeks i.e. regression of the
• If incidentally found during fever/pre-school evaluation
– innocent murmur.
• Most common conditions which may present as
H/o Cyanosis :
o Presenting in the first week of life – (all ‘T’):
-Truncus Arteriosus
-Total AV-Canal Defect
-Total Pulmonary Atresia
-Tricuspid Atresia
-Tricuspid Regurgitation with Ebstein’s anomaly of the
-Tricuspid Valve.
o After first week of life –
- Tetralogy of Fallot’s,
- Total Anomalous
- Pulmonary Venous Circulation.
H/o Cardiac Failure:
o First week of life – CoA,
Critical Aortic Stenosis
Truncus Arteriosus
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
o 1 – 4 weeks – PDA
VSD with coarctation
Severe coarctation
Transposition with large VSD or PDA
o 1 – 2 months – VSD, PDA, TAPVC
o 2 – 6 months – VSD, PDA, ALCAPA,
Endocardial cushion defcts
H/o Palpitations:
Some parents and children report sinus tachycardia as
Most common with – MVP
- Hyperthyroidism.
H/o Cyanotic Spells:
o Classical: TOF with infundibular spasm.
o Ask about –
--Time of occurrence – common in early morning/ on
awakening / post feeds.
--Duration and Frequency of the spells – for prognosis and
early intervention.
--H/o squatting episodes /knee-chest positions by self.
o Breathing rapidly/ no breathing during the spell – to
differentiate from Breath holding spells.
H/o Cerebral events viz
Convulsions/Transient Ischemic Attacks/Strokes:
-Emboli may occur with right to left shunts,
-Polycythemia may lead to cerebral thrombosis and
H/o Hereditary Disease –
- PS secondary to a dysplastic pulmonary valve is common in
Noonan's syndrome.
- Lentiginous skin lesion (l entigines, e lectrocardiogram
ocular hypertelorism, p ulmonary stenosis, a bnormal
r etardation of growth, and d eafness [LEOPARD]
syndrome) is
often associated with PS and cardiomyopathy.
 H/o Congenital Heart Disease in parents/siblings
(risk of recurrence) –
- When one child is affected, the risk of recurrence in siblings
is about 3%.
- Lesions with a higher prevalence (e.g., VSD) tend to have a
risk of recurrence, & lesionsn with a lower prevalence
(e.g. tricuspid atresia, persistent truncus arteriosus) have
lower risk of recurrence.
 As with the examination of any child, the order and
extent of
the physical examination of infants and children with
cardiac problems should be individualized.
 Supine is the preferred position for examining patients in
any age
Growth pattern
- Growth impairment is frequently observed in infants
congenital heart diseases (CHDs).
- Different patterns of growth impairment are seen in
types of CHD.
a) Cyanotic patients have disturbances in both height
and weight.
b) Acyanotic patients, particularly those with a large
left-to-right shunt, tend to have more problems
with weight gain than with linear growth.
CVS Vital Signs
 Temperature
 Respiration
 Pulse
 Blood pressure
o Fever, chills and rigors
 IE
 RF
 Pericarditis, myocarditis
o Hypothermia is seen in cardiogenic failure or shock
o Rate, rhythm, Type
o Breathing: dyspnea + wheezing (asthma, COPD,
o Breathing: Chyne-Stokes breathing (stroke, CHF,
o Rate
o Rhythm
o Character
o Volume
o Radio – radial delay
o Radio femoral delay
o Palpable Peripheral pulse
o Jugular venous pressure
 The normal pulse rate varies with the
patient's age and status. The younger the
patient, the faster the pulse rate.
Normal Heart Rate for Different Ages
Age Rate Average
Newborn 100 – 180 140
1 – 11 months 80 – 160 120
2 – 3 years 80 – 130 110
4 – 5 years 80 – 120 100
6 – 8 years 75 – 115 95
> 8 years 70 – 110 90
 Every patient should have palpable pedal pulses, either
dorsalis pedis, tibialis posterior, or both. It is often easier
to feel pedal pulses than femoral pulses.
 If a good pedal pulse is felt, coarctation of the aorta
(COA) is effectively ruled out, especially if the blood
pressure in the arm is normal.
o Normally femorals felt just before radial
o Radio – radial – pre subclavian COA
 If the right brachial pulse > left brachial pulse,
occurring near the origin of the left subclavian
or supravalvular aortic stenosis (AS)
o Radio femoral – post subclavian COA
 A weaker right brachial pulse than the left
suggests and aberrant right subclavian artery
 Bounding pulses are found in aortic run-off
lesions such as PDA, aortic regurgitation
(AR), large systemic arteriovenous fistula,
or persistent truncus arteriosus (rarely).
Pulses are bounding in premature infants
because of the lack of subcutaneous
tissue and because many have PDA.
Blood Pressure
o Blood pressure should be measured in the legs as
well as in the arms.
o In older children, a mercury sphygmomanometer
with a cuff that covers approximately two-thirds of
the upper part of the arm or leg.
o A cuff that is too small results in falsely high
readings, whereas a cuff that is too large records
slightly decreased pressure.
o The pressure recorded in the legs with the cuff
technique is approximately 10 mm Hg higher than
that in the arms
o Blood pressure varies with the age of the child and
is closely related to height and weight.
o Exercise, excitement, coughing, crying, and
struggling may raise the systolic pressure of infants
and children as much as 40-50 mm Hg greater than
their usual levels
CVS – Systemic Examination
 Inspection
 Palpation
 Percussion
 Auscultation
 Obese child
 Pericardial effusion
 Severe cardio
 Thin patient,
 Volume over load,
 Lt to Rt shunt ( PDA,
Silent Precordium
Hyper dynamic
Precordium :
A precordial bulge to the left of the sternum with increased
precordial activity suggests cardiac enlargement; such bulges can
often best be appreciated by having the child lay supine with the
examiner looking up from the child’s feet
Parasternal Lift – Severe
 Harrison's groove, a line of depression in the bottom of
the rib cage along the attachment of the diaphragm,
indicates poor lung compliance of long duration, such as
that seen in large left-to-right shunt lesions.
o Lowest and outer most point of
cardiac pulsation
o The apical impulse is normally
at the 5th ICS in the MCL after age 7.
o Before this age, the apical impulse
is in the 4th ICS just to the lateral to the MCL.
o Shifting :
o Lateral & inferior – LVH
o Only lateral – RVH
 Confirm the position of apex beat
 Preschool – 4th ICS just lateral to MCL
 Older child – 5th ICS
 Character of apex beat
 Tapping - MS
 Heaving – force full, well sustained - LVH, pressure
over load - AS
 Hyper dynamic – ill sustained - Volume over load -
 Para sternal heave
 Right ventricular enlargement – ASD, VSD
 Left atrial enlargement – MS, MR
 Thrills
Thrills are the palpable equivalent of murmurs and correlate
the area of maximal auscultatory intensity of the murmur.
1. Thrills in the upper left sternal border originate from the
pulmonary valve or pulmonary artery (PA) and therefore
present in PS, PA stenosis, or PDA (rarely).
2. Thrills in the upper right sternal border are usually of aortic
and are seen in AS.
3. Thrills in the lower left sternal border are characteristic of a
 Thrills
5. The presence of a thrill over the carotid artery or arteries
accompanied by a thrill in the suprasternal notch suggests
diseases of the aorta or aortic valve (e.g., COA, AS). An
isolated thrill in one of the Carotid arteries without a thrill in
the suprasternal notch may be a carotid bruit.
6. Thrills in the intercostal spaces are found in older children
with severe COA and extensive intercostal collaterals.
 Outline cardiac borders
 Useful in
 Pericardial effusion – Dullness beyond apex
 Dextrocardia
 Dilated cardiomyopathy
 Use the diaphragm for high pitched sounds and
 Use the bell for low pitched sounds and murmurs.
 The entire precordium, as well as the sides and back of
chest, should be explored with the stethoscope.
attention should be given to the following aspects:
a) Heart rate and regularity
b) Heart sounds
c) Systolic and diastolic sounds
Heart sounds
 Intensity and quality of the heart sounds, especially the second
heart sound (S2), should be evaluated.
 Abnormalities of the first heart sound (S1) and the third heart sound
(S3) and the presence of a gallop rhythm or the fourth sound (S4)
should be noted. Muffled heart sounds should also be noted.
 1st Heart sound(S1) – closure of mitral & tricuspid valve. Best heard
at the apex or lower left sternal border.
 2nd Heart sound (S2) - The S2 in the upper left sternal border (i.e.,
pulmonary valve area) is of critical importance in pediatric
Heart sounds
 The S2 must be evaluated in terms of the degree of splitting
and the intensity of the pulmonary closure component of the
second heart sound (P2) in relation to the intensity of the
aortic closure component of the 2nd heart sound (A2).
 Physiological split –
Normal splitting between
A2 & P2 which varies with
inspiration and expiration
Abnormal heart sounds – S1
 Intensity
 Loud S1-
 MS
 TS
 Sinus Tachycardia
 High output states
 Muffled S1 –
 Pericardial effusion
 Obesity
 Calcified valve
Abnormal heart sounds – S2
A2 P2
Calc.AV, Aortic Atresia
Spliting of Second Heart Sound
Expiration InspirationSpliting
Wide & Variable
Wide & Fixed
Single Second Sound
Abnormal heart sounds –
o 3rd heart sound – due to maximal ventricular
 S3 Gallop – Myocarditis, CCF
o 4th heart sound – due to rapid emptying of
 Occurs in constrictive pericarditis, hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Additional Sounds
o Click – arise due to semi lunar valves
o Ejection systolic clicks(EC) – AS, PS
o Opening snap(OS) – due to abnormal mitral & tricuspid
leaflets -- Occurs in ASD, VSD, RHD – MS / TS
o Mid systolic Click(MC) – MVPS
o Multiple Clicks – Ebstein’s Anomaly
o Caused by normal flow through a abnormal
valve or abnormal flow through a normal
o Each heart murmur must be analyzed in
terms of
 intensity (grade 1 to 6)
 timing (systolic or diastolic)
 location
 transmission
MURMURS- Intensity
 Intensity of the murmur is customarily graded from 1 to 6.
 Grade 1 Barely audible
 Grade 2 Soft, but easily audible
 Grade 3 Moderately loud, but not accompanied by a thrill
 Grade 4 Louder and associated with a thrill
 Grade 5 Audible with the stethoscope barely on the
 Grade 6 Audible with the stethoscope off the chest
o Based on the timing of the heart murmur in relation to
the S1 and S2, the heart murmur is classified as a
systolic, diastolic, or continuous murmur
Systolic Murmurs
 Midsystolic (or Ejection Systolic) Murmurs.
 Holosystolic Murmurs.
 Early Systolic Murmurs.
 Late Systolic Murmurs.
Midsystolic (or Ejection Systolic) Murmurs
 Begins after S1 and ends before S2
 Midsystolic murmurs coincide with turbulent flow through
semilunar valves and occur in the following settings:
(1) flow of blood through stenotic or deformed semilunar
valves (such as AS or PS).
(2) accelerated systolic flow through normal semilunar
such as seen during pregnancy, fever, anemia, or
(3) innocent (normal) midsystolic murmurs.
o The intensity of the murmur increases toward the middle and
then decreases during systole (crescendo-decrescendo or
diamond shaped in contour).
o The murmur may be short or long and is audible at the
second left or second right intercostal space.
Holosystolic Murmurs
o Holosystolic murmurs begin with S1 and occupy all of
systole up to the S2. No gap exists between the S1and
the onset of the murmur.
o Holosystolic murmurs are caused by the flow of blood
from a chamber that is at a higher pressure throughout
systole than the receiving chamber, and they usually
occur while the semilunar valves are still closed
o These murmurs are associated with only the following three
conditions: VSD, MR, and tricuspid regurgitation (TR).
o None of these ordinarily occurs at the base (i.e., second left
or right intercostal space).
Early Systolic Murmurs
o Early systolic murmurs (or short regurgitant murmurs) begin
with the S1, diminish in decrescendo, and end well before the
S2, generally at or before midsystole.
o VSD, MR, and TR
Late Systolic Murmurs
o The term “late systolic” applies when a murmur begins in
middle to late systole and proceeds up to the S2
o The late systolic murmur of mitral valve prolapse is
The following four locations are important:
(1) upper left sternal border (pulmonary valve area)
(2) upper right sternal border (aortic valve area)
(3) lower left sternal border
(4) the apex.
 Differential Diagnosis of Systolic Murmurs at the Upper Left
Sternal Border (Pulmonary Area) – mainly a mid systolic
o Pulmonary Valve stenosis
o AS
o Pulmonary flow murmur of newborn
 Differential Diagnosis of Systolic Murmurs at Upper Right
Sternal Border (Aortic Area) – mostly midsystolic murmur
o Aortic Stenosis
o Subvalvular AS
 Differential Diagnosis of Systolic Murmurs at the Lower
Left Sternal Border – may be holosystolic, early, or
midsystolic type.
o Vibratory innocent murmur
o TR
 Differential Diagnosis of Systolic Murmurs at the Apex –
holosystolic, midsystolic, or late systolic murmurs.
o MR ( holosystolic )
o MVP (late systolic usually preceeded by a midsystolic click )
o HOCM ( midsystolic )
For example,
o A holosystolic murmur heard maximally at the lower left sternal
border is characteristic of a VSD.
o A midsystolic murmur maximally audible at the second left
pace is usually pulmonary in origin. The location of the
murmur often helps differentiate between a midsystolic
and a holosystolic murmur.
For example,
o A long PS murmur may sound like the holosystolic murmur of a
VSD; however, because the maximal intensity is at the
upper left
o The transmission of systolic murmurs from the site of
maximal intensity may help determine the murmur's
o For example, an apical systolic murmur that transmits
well to the left axilla and lower back is characteristic of
o whereas one that radiates to the upper right sternal
border and the neck is more likely to originate in the
aortic valve.
o A systolic ejection murmur at the base that transmits well
to the neck is more likely to be aortic in origin.
o The quality of a murmur may help diagnose heart
o Systolic murmurs of MR or of a VSD have a uniform,
high-pitched quality, often described as blowing.
o Midsystolic murmurs of AS or PS have a rough, grating
o A common innocent murmur in children, which is best
audible between the lower left sternal border and apex,
has a characteristic “vibratory” or humming quality
When to call a Murmur as Innocent or
 Blood Pressure normal
 No Cardiomegaly
 No cyanosis
 Second sound is normal
 X Ray chest is normal
 ECG is normal
Acyanotic Patients with continuous
 Coronary arteriovenous fistula
 Systemic arteriovenous fistula
 Coarctation of the Aorta
 Peripheral Pulmonic stenosis
 Anomalous Left Coronary Artery From Pulmonary Artery
Continuous Murmur in cyanotic Patient
 Bronchial collaterals in Anomalies of Fallots Physiology
 Patent Ductus arteriosus in patients with Fallot’s
 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
 Pulmonary arterovenous fistula
 Surgically created shunts
Approach to Congenital Heart
Acyanotic Heart
Increased PBF Normal PBF
•AS or AR
Cyanotic Defects
Increased PBF
Decreased PBF
with PS
y atresia
c RV
y (
Conditions with Pulmonary
Hypertension :
 PDA with Eisenmenger’s Complex (reversal of
shunt from Right to Left) ,
 Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome,
 TAPVC with increased Pulmonary Vascular
Approach to Congenital Heart
 When to suspected heart disease in children ?
 Symptoms of heart disease in children
 How to decide whether congenital or acquired ?
 Age of onset of symptoms and time of diagnosis
 Markers of congenital heart disease
 History of acquired heart disease
Once Congenital Heart Disease is
Apply NADA’s Criteria
NADA’S Criteria
 Systolic murmur
with thrill
 Any diastolic
 Cyanosis
 Congestive cardiac
 Systolic murmur
without thrill
 Abnormal P2
 Abnormal BP
 Abnormal CXR
 Abnormal ECG
1 Major or 2 Minor criteria indicates Presence of
Congenital Heart Disease
Approach to Heart disease
Cyanotic CHDAcyanotic CHD
Patient Apply NADAS’
Heart Disease
Heart Disease
after Six months
-L to R shunt
Acyanotic Heart Disease
Left to Right
–Frequent Resp
–Precordial buldge
–Tendency for
sweating & CCF
–Shunt & Flow Murmur
–Plethric lung fields on
X Ray
–e.g ASD, VSD, PDA,
AP Window
-Forcible heaving
-Systolic thrill
-No cardiomegaly
-Delayed corresponding
component 2nd hearat
-Ejection systolic
-Ventricular hypertrophy
on ECG
uncommon &
e.g MR, AR, TR,
Acyanotic CHD : L → R
Left parasternal
Wide, fixed split S2
Pulmonary ejection
systolic murmur
Tricuspid diastolic flow
rsR‘ in V1 in ECG
Atrial Septal
Left ventricular type
apial impulse
Systolic thrill
Pansystolic murmur
Mitral diastolic flow
LV dominance in ECG
Ventricular Septal
Wide pulse
LV type impulse
Systolic or
continuous thrill
Mitral diastolic
flow murmur
Patent Ductus
•White arrow, right atrial
•Purple arrow, right ventricular
•red arrow, aortic notch;
•yellow arrow, pulmonary
•blue arrow, left atrial border;
•green arrow, left ventricular
Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
LV Dilatation
Acyanotic heart disease- Obstructive
Right sided Left sided
Left parasternal
Systolic thrill
Ejection systolic
murmur in upper left
sternal border
Wide split second
sound, delayed, well
heard P2
Narrow pulse
Systolic thrill
Ejection systolic
murmur radiating
to neck
Delayed A2
Absent or weak, delayed
femorals compared to
Arm blood pressure
Prominent carotids,
palpable aorta in
suprasternal notch
Palpable collaterals
Ejection murmur in
inter-scapular region
Stenosis Coarcation of
Pulmonary Stenosis
Aortic Stenosis
Coarcatation of Aorta
Cyanotic Congenital Heart
Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
With PS Without PS
No VSD With VSD Increased
PA pressure
Normal PA
Increased Pulm
blood flow
Decreased Pulm
blood flow
Pulm Venous
Cyanosis, Clubbing, Polycythemia
Cyanotic Congenital Heart
Cyanosis, Clubbing, Polycythemia
Pulmonary stenosis with right to left shunts at atrial level
Eg. Critical PS, Ebstein’s anomaly
Pulmonary stenosis with VSD – Fallot’s Physiology
Eg. TOF, Single ventricle, ECD, Hypoplastic RV
Increased blood flow with PAH – TGA Physiology
Eg. TGA, TAPVC, Tricuspid Atersia
Decreased pulmonary blood flow with PAH
Eg. Hypoplastic LV, Eisenmenger syndrome
Normal Pulmonary Artery pressure
Eg. TAPVC, Single Atrium, Pulmonary AV fistula.
CCHD - Pulmonary stenosis with
right to left shunts at atrial level
Prominent a waves – JVP
Parasternal heave
Cardiomegaly may be present
Systolic thrill ±
Cyanosis may be mild
Inter-costal retractions present
RVH with late transition in ECG
Critical Pulmonary
Quiet precordium
Heart size increased
Multiple sounds ± gallop rhythm
Scratchy systolic and diastolic
Characteristic ECG
Ebstein’s Disease
CCHD - Pulmonary stenosis with
VSD – Fallot’s Physiology
No Cardiomegaly, Mild left parasternal impulse, thrill
uncommon, S2 single, ejection murmur ends before S2,
Ischemic lungs
RAD, RVH: TOF, Single Ventricle
RAD, LVH: Single ventricle, Hypoplastic right ventricle
LAD, RVH: Single ventricle, ECD with PS
LAD, LVH: Tricuspid atersia, Single Ventricle
Tetrology Of Fallot
Differential diagnosis of Fallot’s
 Fallot’s Tetralogy
 Transposition of great arteries
 Tricuspid atresia
 Single ventricle
 Double outlet right ventricle
 Corrected transposition of great arteries
 Atrioventricular canal defect
 Malpositions
Transposition of Great
CCHD - Increased blood flow with
PAH – TGA Physiology
Neonate or infant, Failure to thrive,
Congestive failure
Radioloically – Cardiomegaly with
pulmonary plethora
d-TGA, DORV, Tricuspid Atresia, Single
Ventricle, TAPVC, Misc. Malpositions
CCHD with Increased PBF
 Complete transposition of great vessels
 Double outlet right ventricle without pulmonary
 Tricuspid atresia with large VSD
 Persistent truncus arteriosus
 Single ventricle without pulmonary stenosis
 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
 Malpositions without obstruction to pulmonary
blood flow
Features of Eisenmenger
 History of frequent chest infection in infancy
 Cyanosis present from birth or appears late
 JVP – Prominent ‘a’ waves
 No cardiomegaly or thrill
 No parasternal heave
 Constant ejection click of PHT
 Second sound palpable, pulmonary component is
 Systolic murmur in pulmonary area
 Pulmonary and/or tricuspid regurgitation murmurs may
be present
 Nelson 20th edition
 Myung K. Park’s Pediatric Cardiology 5th
 Character
Normal pulse
 Character
Collapsing pulse (water hammer pulse) jerky pulse with
full expansion followed by sudden collapse (AR, PDA, A-V
fistulas, anemia)
 Character
Alternating pulse pulses alternans
(regular rate, amplitude varies from beat
to beat) seen in LVF
 Character
Pulses bisferiens (two strong systolic
peaks separated by a midsystolic dip)
seen in HCM, AS
Anacrotic pulse slow rising pulse in
A.S. (Parvus et tardus)
 Character
Pulsus paradoxus (amplitude decreases with
inspiration and increases during expiration) seen in
cardiac tamponade, COPD, massive P.E.
 Volume
 Pulse Pressure – Difference between systolic and diastolic
blood pressure
 Normal: 30 – 60 mm Hg
 Bounding pulses are found in PDA, aortic regurgitation (AR),
systemic arteriovenous fistula.
 Low Volume pulse – cardiac failure, shock.
 Delay
 Jugular Venous Pressure
 Although of little use in infants, in cooperative older children,
inspection of the jugular venous pulse wave provides
information about central venous and right atrial pressure.
 The external jugular vein should not be visible above the
clavicles unless central venous pressure is elevated.
 Increased venous pressure transmitted to the internal jugular
vein may appear as venous pulsations without visible
distention; such pulsation is not seen in normal children
reclining at an angle of 45 degrees.
 Because the great veins are in direct communication with the
right atrium, changes in pressure and the volume of this
chamber are also transmitted to the veins. The 1 exception
occurs in superior vena cava obstruction, in which venous
pulsatility is lost
Pulmonary Atresia
Ebstein’s Anomaly

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Approach to child with congenital heart disease

  • 2. 5 Basic questions to be answered in every case  1) Cyanotic or Acyanotic?  2) Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow / Decreased PBF ?  3) Origin of the lesion is in the Right /Left heart?  4) Which is the dominant ventricle?  5) Presence/ absence of Pulmonary Hypertension?
  • 3. HISTORY TAKING:  As in the evaluation of any other system, history taking is a basic step in cardiac evaluation. Maternal history during pregnancy is often helpful in the diagnosis of congenital heart disease (CHD) because certain prenatal events are known to be teratogenic.  Age of Presentation- • PDA before 6 wks, • VSD after 6 wks, • ASD 1year
  • 4. CONT… ANTE-NATAL HISTORY: H/o infections, disease & drugs in the mother. -- Infections : • Maternal Rubella during the first trimester causes PDA/ PS.CMV, HSV and • Coxsackie-B during later trimesters may cause Neonatal Myocarditis. -- Maternal Disease : • Diabetes Mellitus - TGA/Cardiomyopathy. • SLE/mixed connective tissue disease - Complete Heart Block
  • 5. CONT… -- Drugs/Medications: • Lithium – Ebstein’s anomaly. • Valproic Acid - VSD, AS, Pulmonary Atresia with intact ventricular septum & COA. • Phenytoin – PS, AS, COA & PDA • Other medications suspected of causing CHD include progesterone and estrogen (VSD, TOF, TGA) • Excessive alcohol intake during pregnancy has been associated with VSD, PDA, ASD, & TOF (fetal alcohol syndrome).
  • 6. CONT… NATAL HISTORY: • Birth Weight: • If infant is SGA, this may indicate Intra-uterine infections or use of chemicals or drugs ( e.g Rubella syndrome & fetal alcohol syndrome) • If infant is LGA – often seen in Diabetic Mother - TGA
  • 7. CONT... POST NATAL HISTORY: • H/o poor weight gain / Failure to thrive in infants with CCF or severe cyanosis ( weight more affected than height). • H/o Poor feeding (i.e. suck-rest-suck cycle) due to fatigue and dyspnoea. • H/o Cyanosis, “Cyanotic spells,” & Squatting • H/o tachypnoea, dyspnoea & puffy eyelids are signs of CHF. Left heart failure produces tachypnea with or without dyspnea. Tachypnea becomes worse with feeding and eventually results in poor feeding and poor weight gain.
  • 8. CONT...  H/o frequent respiratory tract infections (due to Left to Right shunt with increased PBF predispose to LRTI). Frequent upper respiratory tract infections are not related to CHD.  H/o decreased exercise tolerance (seen with Left to right shunts, cyanotic lesions, valvular stenosis or regurgitation and arrhythmias) -- Ask in terms of inability to climb stairs/walk short distances/play outdoor games as compared to other children of the same age.
  • 9. HISTORY OF MODES OF PRESENTATION: H/o Murmur : • Time of detection – In neonatal age(with in few hours of birth): AS/PS/Small VSD/PDA. In Early infancy: Large VSD/PDA(after 6 - 8 weeks i.e. regression of the PVR) • If incidentally found during fever/pre-school evaluation – innocent murmur. • Most common conditions which may present as
  • 10. CONT... H/o Cyanosis : o Presenting in the first week of life – (all ‘T’): -TGA -Truncus Arteriosus -Total AV-Canal Defect -Total Pulmonary Atresia -Tricuspid Atresia -Tricuspid Regurgitation with Ebstein’s anomaly of the -Tricuspid Valve. o After first week of life – - Tetralogy of Fallot’s, - Total Anomalous - Pulmonary Venous Circulation.
  • 11. CONT... H/o Cardiac Failure: o First week of life – CoA, Critical Aortic Stenosis Truncus Arteriosus Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. o 1 – 4 weeks – PDA VSD with coarctation Severe coarctation Transposition with large VSD or PDA o 1 – 2 months – VSD, PDA, TAPVC o 2 – 6 months – VSD, PDA, ALCAPA, Endocardial cushion defcts
  • 12. CONT... H/o Palpitations: Some parents and children report sinus tachycardia as palpitation. Most common with – MVP - SVT - Hyperthyroidism.
  • 13. CONT... H/o Cyanotic Spells: o Classical: TOF with infundibular spasm. o Ask about – --Time of occurrence – common in early morning/ on awakening / post feeds. --Duration and Frequency of the spells – for prognosis and early intervention. --H/o squatting episodes /knee-chest positions by self. o Breathing rapidly/ no breathing during the spell – to differentiate from Breath holding spells.
  • 14. CONT... H/o Cerebral events viz Convulsions/Transient Ischemic Attacks/Strokes: -Emboli may occur with right to left shunts, -Polycythemia may lead to cerebral thrombosis and brain abcess.
  • 15. FAMILY HISTORY: H/o Hereditary Disease – - PS secondary to a dysplastic pulmonary valve is common in Noonan's syndrome. - Lentiginous skin lesion (l entigines, e lectrocardiogram abnormalities, ocular hypertelorism, p ulmonary stenosis, a bnormal genitalia, r etardation of growth, and d eafness [LEOPARD] syndrome) is often associated with PS and cardiomyopathy.
  • 16. FAMILY HISTORY:  H/o Congenital Heart Disease in parents/siblings (risk of recurrence) – - When one child is affected, the risk of recurrence in siblings is about 3%. - Lesions with a higher prevalence (e.g., VSD) tend to have a higher risk of recurrence, & lesionsn with a lower prevalence (e.g. tricuspid atresia, persistent truncus arteriosus) have a lower risk of recurrence.
  • 17. EXAMINATION  As with the examination of any child, the order and extent of the physical examination of infants and children with potential cardiac problems should be individualized.  Supine is the preferred position for examining patients in any age
  • 18. CONT… Growth pattern - Growth impairment is frequently observed in infants with congenital heart diseases (CHDs). - Different patterns of growth impairment are seen in different types of CHD. a) Cyanotic patients have disturbances in both height and weight. b) Acyanotic patients, particularly those with a large left-to-right shunt, tend to have more problems with weight gain than with linear growth.
  • 19. CVS Vital Signs  Temperature  Respiration  Pulse  Blood pressure
  • 20. Temperature o Fever, chills and rigors  IE  RF  Pericarditis, myocarditis o Hypothermia is seen in cardiogenic failure or shock
  • 21. Respiration o Rate, rhythm, Type o Breathing: dyspnea + wheezing (asthma, COPD, LV failure). o Breathing: Chyne-Stokes breathing (stroke, CHF, sedation, uremia).
  • 22. Pulse o Rate o Rhythm o Character o Volume o Radio – radial delay o Radio femoral delay o Palpable Peripheral pulse o Jugular venous pressure
  • 23. Pulse  The normal pulse rate varies with the patient's age and status. The younger the patient, the faster the pulse rate.
  • 24. Pulse Normal Heart Rate for Different Ages Age Rate Average Newborn 100 – 180 140 1 – 11 months 80 – 160 120 2 – 3 years 80 – 130 110 4 – 5 years 80 – 120 100 6 – 8 years 75 – 115 95 > 8 years 70 – 110 90
  • 25. CONT…  Every patient should have palpable pedal pulses, either dorsalis pedis, tibialis posterior, or both. It is often easier to feel pedal pulses than femoral pulses.  If a good pedal pulse is felt, coarctation of the aorta (COA) is effectively ruled out, especially if the blood pressure in the arm is normal.
  • 26. CONT… o Normally femorals felt just before radial o Radio – radial – pre subclavian COA  If the right brachial pulse > left brachial pulse, COA occurring near the origin of the left subclavian artery or supravalvular aortic stenosis (AS) o Radio femoral – post subclavian COA  A weaker right brachial pulse than the left suggests and aberrant right subclavian artery
  • 27. CONT…  Bounding pulses are found in aortic run-off lesions such as PDA, aortic regurgitation (AR), large systemic arteriovenous fistula, or persistent truncus arteriosus (rarely). Pulses are bounding in premature infants because of the lack of subcutaneous tissue and because many have PDA.
  • 28. Blood Pressure o Blood pressure should be measured in the legs as well as in the arms. o In older children, a mercury sphygmomanometer with a cuff that covers approximately two-thirds of the upper part of the arm or leg. o A cuff that is too small results in falsely high readings, whereas a cuff that is too large records slightly decreased pressure. o The pressure recorded in the legs with the cuff technique is approximately 10 mm Hg higher than that in the arms
  • 29. CONT… o Blood pressure varies with the age of the child and is closely related to height and weight. o Exercise, excitement, coughing, crying, and struggling may raise the systolic pressure of infants and children as much as 40-50 mm Hg greater than their usual levels
  • 30. CVS – Systemic Examination  Inspection  Palpation  Percussion  Auscultation
  • 31. CONT…  Obese child  Pericardial effusion  Severe cardio myopathy  Thin patient,  Volume over load,  Lt to Rt shunt ( PDA, VSD) Silent Precordium Hyper dynamic Precordium : Inspection A precordial bulge to the left of the sternum with increased precordial activity suggests cardiac enlargement; such bulges can often best be appreciated by having the child lay supine with the examiner looking up from the child’s feet Parasternal Lift – Severe MR
  • 32. CONT…  Harrison's groove, a line of depression in the bottom of the rib cage along the attachment of the diaphragm, indicates poor lung compliance of long duration, such as that seen in large left-to-right shunt lesions.
  • 33. CONT… Inspection APICAL IMPULSE o Lowest and outer most point of cardiac pulsation o The apical impulse is normally at the 5th ICS in the MCL after age 7. o Before this age, the apical impulse is in the 4th ICS just to the lateral to the MCL. o Shifting : o Lateral & inferior – LVH o Only lateral – RVH
  • 34. CONT… Palpation  Confirm the position of apex beat  Preschool – 4th ICS just lateral to MCL  Older child – 5th ICS  Character of apex beat  Tapping - MS  Heaving – force full, well sustained - LVH, pressure over load - AS  Hyper dynamic – ill sustained - Volume over load - MR  Para sternal heave  Right ventricular enlargement – ASD, VSD  Left atrial enlargement – MS, MR
  • 35. CONT… Palpation  Thrills Thrills are the palpable equivalent of murmurs and correlate with the area of maximal auscultatory intensity of the murmur. 1. Thrills in the upper left sternal border originate from the pulmonary valve or pulmonary artery (PA) and therefore are present in PS, PA stenosis, or PDA (rarely). 2. Thrills in the upper right sternal border are usually of aortic origin and are seen in AS. 3. Thrills in the lower left sternal border are characteristic of a
  • 36. CONT… Palpation  Thrills 5. The presence of a thrill over the carotid artery or arteries accompanied by a thrill in the suprasternal notch suggests diseases of the aorta or aortic valve (e.g., COA, AS). An isolated thrill in one of the Carotid arteries without a thrill in the suprasternal notch may be a carotid bruit. 6. Thrills in the intercostal spaces are found in older children with severe COA and extensive intercostal collaterals.
  • 37. CONT… Percussion  Outline cardiac borders  Useful in  Pericardial effusion – Dullness beyond apex  Dextrocardia  Dilated cardiomyopathy
  • 38. CONT… Auscultation  Use the diaphragm for high pitched sounds and murmurs  Use the bell for low pitched sounds and murmurs.  The entire precordium, as well as the sides and back of the chest, should be explored with the stethoscope. Systematic attention should be given to the following aspects: a) Heart rate and regularity b) Heart sounds c) Systolic and diastolic sounds
  • 39. CONT… Auscultation Heart sounds  Intensity and quality of the heart sounds, especially the second heart sound (S2), should be evaluated.  Abnormalities of the first heart sound (S1) and the third heart sound (S3) and the presence of a gallop rhythm or the fourth sound (S4) should be noted. Muffled heart sounds should also be noted.  1st Heart sound(S1) – closure of mitral & tricuspid valve. Best heard at the apex or lower left sternal border.  2nd Heart sound (S2) - The S2 in the upper left sternal border (i.e., pulmonary valve area) is of critical importance in pediatric cardiology
  • 41. CONT… Auscultation Heart sounds  The S2 must be evaluated in terms of the degree of splitting and the intensity of the pulmonary closure component of the second heart sound (P2) in relation to the intensity of the aortic closure component of the 2nd heart sound (A2).  Physiological split – Normal splitting between A2 & P2 which varies with inspiration and expiration
  • 42. Abnormal heart sounds – S1  Intensity  Loud S1-  MS  TS  Sinus Tachycardia  High output states  Muffled S1 –  Pericardial effusion  Obesity  Calcified valve
  • 43. Abnormal heart sounds – S2 S2 A2 P2 Accentuated Diminished Delayed Early AR Calc.AV, Aortic Atresia AS, PDA, AR, LVF, LBBB VSD, MR PAH PS, PA PS, ASD, TAPVC, RBBB TR
  • 44. Spliting of Second Heart Sound Expiration InspirationSpliting Normal Wide & Variable Paradoxical Wide & Fixed Single Second Sound MR, VSD, PS ASD, TAPVC, RBBB,MR AS, PDA, AR TOF,TGA,severe AS
  • 45. Abnormal heart sounds – Contd.. o 3rd heart sound – due to maximal ventricular filling  S3 Gallop – Myocarditis, CCF o 4th heart sound – due to rapid emptying of atrium  Occurs in constrictive pericarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
  • 46. Additional Sounds o Click – arise due to semi lunar valves o Ejection systolic clicks(EC) – AS, PS o Opening snap(OS) – due to abnormal mitral & tricuspid leaflets -- Occurs in ASD, VSD, RHD – MS / TS o Mid systolic Click(MC) – MVPS o Multiple Clicks – Ebstein’s Anomaly
  • 47. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS o Caused by normal flow through a abnormal valve or abnormal flow through a normal valve o Each heart murmur must be analyzed in terms of  intensity (grade 1 to 6)  timing (systolic or diastolic)  location  transmission
  • 48. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS- Intensity  Intensity of the murmur is customarily graded from 1 to 6.  Grade 1 Barely audible  Grade 2 Soft, but easily audible  Grade 3 Moderately loud, but not accompanied by a thrill  Grade 4 Louder and associated with a thrill  Grade 5 Audible with the stethoscope barely on the chest  Grade 6 Audible with the stethoscope off the chest
  • 49. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS-Classification o Based on the timing of the heart murmur in relation to the S1 and S2, the heart murmur is classified as a systolic, diastolic, or continuous murmur
  • 50. CONT… Auscultation Systolic Murmurs  Midsystolic (or Ejection Systolic) Murmurs.  Holosystolic Murmurs.  Early Systolic Murmurs.  Late Systolic Murmurs.
  • 51. CONT… Auscultation Midsystolic (or Ejection Systolic) Murmurs  Begins after S1 and ends before S2  Midsystolic murmurs coincide with turbulent flow through the semilunar valves and occur in the following settings: (1) flow of blood through stenotic or deformed semilunar valves (such as AS or PS). (2) accelerated systolic flow through normal semilunar valves, such as seen during pregnancy, fever, anemia, or thyrotoxicosis
  • 52. CONT… Auscultation Cont… (3) innocent (normal) midsystolic murmurs. o The intensity of the murmur increases toward the middle and then decreases during systole (crescendo-decrescendo or diamond shaped in contour). o The murmur may be short or long and is audible at the second left or second right intercostal space.
  • 53. CONT… Auscultation Holosystolic Murmurs o Holosystolic murmurs begin with S1 and occupy all of systole up to the S2. No gap exists between the S1and the onset of the murmur. o Holosystolic murmurs are caused by the flow of blood from a chamber that is at a higher pressure throughout systole than the receiving chamber, and they usually occur while the semilunar valves are still closed
  • 54. CONT… Auscultation Cont… o These murmurs are associated with only the following three conditions: VSD, MR, and tricuspid regurgitation (TR). o None of these ordinarily occurs at the base (i.e., second left or right intercostal space).
  • 55. CONT… Auscultation Early Systolic Murmurs o Early systolic murmurs (or short regurgitant murmurs) begin with the S1, diminish in decrescendo, and end well before the S2, generally at or before midsystole. o VSD, MR, and TR
  • 56. CONT… Auscultation Late Systolic Murmurs o The term “late systolic” applies when a murmur begins in middle to late systole and proceeds up to the S2 o The late systolic murmur of mitral valve prolapse is prototypical
  • 57. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS-Location The following four locations are important: (1) upper left sternal border (pulmonary valve area) (2) upper right sternal border (aortic valve area) (3) lower left sternal border (4) the apex.
  • 58. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS-Location  Differential Diagnosis of Systolic Murmurs at the Upper Left Sternal Border (Pulmonary Area) – mainly a mid systolic murmur o Pulmonary Valve stenosis o ASD o AS o Pulmonary flow murmur of newborn o TOF o COA o PDA
  • 59. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS-Location  Differential Diagnosis of Systolic Murmurs at Upper Right Sternal Border (Aortic Area) – mostly midsystolic murmur o Aortic Stenosis o Subvalvular AS  Differential Diagnosis of Systolic Murmurs at the Lower Left Sternal Border – may be holosystolic, early, or midsystolic type. o VSD o ECD o Vibratory innocent murmur o TR
  • 60. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS-Location  Differential Diagnosis of Systolic Murmurs at the Apex – holosystolic, midsystolic, or late systolic murmurs. o MR ( holosystolic ) o MVP (late systolic usually preceeded by a midsystolic click ) o HOCM ( midsystolic )
  • 62. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS-Location For example, o A holosystolic murmur heard maximally at the lower left sternal border is characteristic of a VSD. o A midsystolic murmur maximally audible at the second left intercostal pace is usually pulmonary in origin. The location of the heart murmur often helps differentiate between a midsystolic murmur and a holosystolic murmur. For example, o A long PS murmur may sound like the holosystolic murmur of a VSD; however, because the maximal intensity is at the upper left
  • 63. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS-Transmission o The transmission of systolic murmurs from the site of maximal intensity may help determine the murmur's origin. o For example, an apical systolic murmur that transmits well to the left axilla and lower back is characteristic of MR. o whereas one that radiates to the upper right sternal border and the neck is more likely to originate in the aortic valve. o A systolic ejection murmur at the base that transmits well to the neck is more likely to be aortic in origin.
  • 64. CONT… Auscultation MURMURS-Quality o The quality of a murmur may help diagnose heart disease. o Systolic murmurs of MR or of a VSD have a uniform, high-pitched quality, often described as blowing. o Midsystolic murmurs of AS or PS have a rough, grating quality. o A common innocent murmur in children, which is best audible between the lower left sternal border and apex, has a characteristic “vibratory” or humming quality
  • 65. When to call a Murmur as Innocent or functional  Blood Pressure normal  No Cardiomegaly  No cyanosis  Second sound is normal  X Ray chest is normal  ECG is normal
  • 66. Acyanotic Patients with continuous murmur  PDA  Coronary arteriovenous fistula  Systemic arteriovenous fistula  Coarctation of the Aorta  Peripheral Pulmonic stenosis  Anomalous Left Coronary Artery From Pulmonary Artery ( ALCAPA )
  • 67. Continuous Murmur in cyanotic Patient  Bronchial collaterals in Anomalies of Fallots Physiology  Patent Ductus arteriosus in patients with Fallot’s physiology  Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection  Pulmonary arterovenous fistula  Surgically created shunts
  • 68. Approach to Congenital Heart Disease
  • 69. Acyanotic Heart Increased PBF Normal PBF LVH or BVH RVH •VSD •PDA •ECD •ASD(often RBBB) •PAPVR LVH RVH •AS or AR •COA •Primary myocardial disease •MR •PS •COA( in Infants) •MS
  • 70. Cyanotic Defects Increased PBF LVH or BVH •Persistent truncus Arteriosus •Single ventricle •TGA + VSD RVH •TGA •TAPVR •HLHS Decreased PBF •TGA + PS •Persistent truncus arteriosus with hypoplastic PA •Single ventricle with PS •Tricuspid Atresia •Pulmonar y atresia with hypoplasti c RV RVHLVHBVH •TOF •Ebstei n’s anomal y ( RBBB)
  • 71. Conditions with Pulmonary Hypertension :  ASD  VSD  PDA with Eisenmenger’s Complex (reversal of shunt from Right to Left) ,  Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome,  TAPVC with increased Pulmonary Vascular Resistance.
  • 72. Approach to Congenital Heart Disease  When to suspected heart disease in children ?  Symptoms of heart disease in children  How to decide whether congenital or acquired ?  Age of onset of symptoms and time of diagnosis  Markers of congenital heart disease  History of acquired heart disease
  • 73. Once Congenital Heart Disease is Decided Apply NADA’s Criteria
  • 74. NADA’S Criteria  Systolic murmur with thrill  Any diastolic murmur  Cyanosis  Congestive cardiac failure  Systolic murmur without thrill  Abnormal P2  Abnormal BP  Abnormal CXR  Abnormal ECG MAJOR MINOR 1 Major or 2 Minor criteria indicates Presence of Congenital Heart Disease
  • 75. Approach to Heart disease Cyanotic CHDAcyanotic CHD Patient Apply NADAS’ Criteria Heart Disease Present Heart Disease Absent Re-evaluate after Six months -L to R shunt -Obstructive Lesions -Regurgitant Lesions
  • 76. Acyanotic Heart Disease Classificatio n Left to Right Shunts Obstructive Lesions Regurgitant lesions –Frequent Resp Infections –Precordial buldge –Hyperkinetic precordium –Tendency for sweating & CCF –Shunt & Flow Murmur –Plethric lung fields on X Ray –e.g ASD, VSD, PDA, AP Window -Forcible heaving precordium -Systolic thrill -No cardiomegaly -Delayed corresponding component 2nd hearat sound -Ejection systolic murmur -Ventricular hypertrophy on ECG Generally uncommon & asymptomatic e.g MR, AR, TR, PR
  • 77.
  • 78. Acyanotic CHD : L → R Shunts Left parasternal impulse Wide, fixed split S2 Pulmonary ejection systolic murmur Tricuspid diastolic flow murmur rsR‘ in V1 in ECG Atrial Septal Defect Left ventricular type apial impulse Systolic thrill Pansystolic murmur Mitral diastolic flow murmur LV dominance in ECG Ventricular Septal Defect Wide pulse pressure LV type impulse Systolic or continuous thrill Continuous murmur Mitral diastolic flow murmur Patent Ductus Arterious
  • 79. CONT… •White arrow, right atrial border; •Purple arrow, right ventricular border; •red arrow, aortic notch; •yellow arrow, pulmonary artery; •blue arrow, left atrial border; •green arrow, left ventricular border.
  • 80. ASD
  • 82. VSD
  • 84. PDA
  • 86. Acyanotic heart disease- Obstructive Lesions Right sided Left sided Left parasternal heave Systolic thrill Ejection systolic murmur in upper left sternal border Wide split second sound, delayed, well heard P2 Pulmonary Stenosis Narrow pulse pressure Systolic thrill Ejection systolic murmur radiating to neck Delayed A2 Absent or weak, delayed femorals compared to radials Arm blood pressure high Prominent carotids, palpable aorta in suprasternal notch Palpable collaterals Ejection murmur in inter-scapular region Aortic Stenosis Coarcation of Aorta
  • 90. COA
  • 92. Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease With PS Without PS No VSD With VSD Increased PA pressure Normal PA pressure Increased Pulm blood flow Decreased Pulm blood flow Pulm Venous Obstruction Cyanosis, Clubbing, Polycythemia
  • 93. Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease Cyanosis, Clubbing, Polycythemia Pulmonary stenosis with right to left shunts at atrial level Eg. Critical PS, Ebstein’s anomaly Pulmonary stenosis with VSD – Fallot’s Physiology Eg. TOF, Single ventricle, ECD, Hypoplastic RV Increased blood flow with PAH – TGA Physiology Eg. TGA, TAPVC, Tricuspid Atersia Decreased pulmonary blood flow with PAH Eg. Hypoplastic LV, Eisenmenger syndrome Normal Pulmonary Artery pressure Eg. TAPVC, Single Atrium, Pulmonary AV fistula.
  • 94. CCHD - Pulmonary stenosis with right to left shunts at atrial level Prominent a waves – JVP Parasternal heave Cardiomegaly may be present Systolic thrill ± Cyanosis may be mild Inter-costal retractions present RVH with late transition in ECG Critical Pulmonary Stenosis Quiet precordium Heart size increased Multiple sounds ± gallop rhythm Scratchy systolic and diastolic murmur Characteristic ECG Ebstein’s Disease
  • 95. CCHD - Pulmonary stenosis with VSD – Fallot’s Physiology No Cardiomegaly, Mild left parasternal impulse, thrill uncommon, S2 single, ejection murmur ends before S2, Ischemic lungs RAD, RVH: TOF, Single Ventricle RAD, LVH: Single ventricle, Hypoplastic right ventricle LAD, RVH: Single ventricle, ECD with PS LAD, LVH: Tricuspid atersia, Single Ventricle ECG
  • 97. Differential diagnosis of Fallot’s Physiology  Fallot’s Tetralogy  Transposition of great arteries  Tricuspid atresia  Single ventricle  Double outlet right ventricle  Corrected transposition of great arteries  Atrioventricular canal defect  Malpositions
  • 99. CCHD - Increased blood flow with PAH – TGA Physiology Neonate or infant, Failure to thrive, Congestive failure Cardiomegaly Radioloically – Cardiomegaly with pulmonary plethora d-TGA, DORV, Tricuspid Atresia, Single Ventricle, TAPVC, Misc. Malpositions
  • 100. CCHD with Increased PBF  Complete transposition of great vessels  Double outlet right ventricle without pulmonary stenosis  Tricuspid atresia with large VSD  Persistent truncus arteriosus  Single ventricle without pulmonary stenosis  Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection  Malpositions without obstruction to pulmonary blood flow
  • 101. Features of Eisenmenger Physiology  History of frequent chest infection in infancy  Cyanosis present from birth or appears late  JVP – Prominent ‘a’ waves  No cardiomegaly or thrill  No parasternal heave  Constant ejection click of PHT  Second sound palpable, pulmonary component is accentuated  Systolic murmur in pulmonary area  Pulmonary and/or tricuspid regurgitation murmurs may be present
  • 102. Bibilography  Nelson 20th edition  Myung K. Park’s Pediatric Cardiology 5th edition
  • 104.
  • 106. CONT…  Character Collapsing pulse (water hammer pulse) jerky pulse with full expansion followed by sudden collapse (AR, PDA, A-V fistulas, anemia)
  • 107. CONT…  Character Alternating pulse pulses alternans (regular rate, amplitude varies from beat to beat) seen in LVF
  • 108. CONT…  Character Pulses bisferiens (two strong systolic peaks separated by a midsystolic dip) seen in HCM, AS Anacrotic pulse slow rising pulse in A.S. (Parvus et tardus)
  • 109. CONT…  Character Pulsus paradoxus (amplitude decreases with inspiration and increases during expiration) seen in cardiac tamponade, COPD, massive P.E.
  • 110. CONT…  Volume  Pulse Pressure – Difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure  Normal: 30 – 60 mm Hg  Bounding pulses are found in PDA, aortic regurgitation (AR), large systemic arteriovenous fistula.  Low Volume pulse – cardiac failure, shock.
  • 112. CONT…  Jugular Venous Pressure  Although of little use in infants, in cooperative older children, inspection of the jugular venous pulse wave provides information about central venous and right atrial pressure.  The external jugular vein should not be visible above the clavicles unless central venous pressure is elevated.  Increased venous pressure transmitted to the internal jugular vein may appear as venous pulsations without visible distention; such pulsation is not seen in normal children reclining at an angle of 45 degrees.  Because the great veins are in direct communication with the right atrium, changes in pressure and the volume of this chamber are also transmitted to the veins. The 1 exception occurs in superior vena cava obstruction, in which venous pulsatility is lost