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Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society

                     TWITTER: POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE
                       INFLUENCE ON THE SOCIETY?


      Positive impact
      Negative impact

                   n this modern day, twitter seems like               Web.
                   a good friend to all people in this
                                                                               Most of the people use twitter in
                   world. Twitter is a micro blogging
                                                                       their daily life but they do not know the
           tools that was designed as a social network
                                                                       history of this most popular social
           to keep friends and colleagues share their
                                                                       networking. The fact is twitter was
           life or interest with everybody that they
                                                                       launched in 2006. However, it became
           want. This system lets a person send brief
                                                                       widely used for commercial and political
           text messages up to 140 characters in
                                                                       purposes to keep customers, voters and
           length to a list of followers. It can
                                                                       fans up to date as well as to encourage
           alsoallow a user, A, to “follow” updates
                                                                       feedback. Ex-GooglerEvan Williams had a
           from other members who are added as
                                                                       start-up called Odeo. It was going to be a
           friend. An individual who is not a friend of
                                                                       podcasting platform. Evan asked his
           user A but follows her updates is known as
                                                                       friend, another ex-Googler named Biz
           a follower. Thus friendships can either be
                                                                       Stone, to join him. When Apple launched
           reciprocated or one-way.What is the
                                                                       iTunes podcasting, and made Odeo's
           meaning of micro blogging? Micro
                                                                       podcasting platform irrelevant, Evan and
           blogging is a new form of communication
                                                                       Biz and also another Odeo employee,
           in which users can describe their current
                                                                       named Jack Dorsey decided to create
           status in short posts distributed by instant
                                                                       something called Twitter instead. So we
           messages, mobile phones, email or the

           Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society

can conclude that Jack Dorsey was a                  After that, individuals
founder of Twitter and he is one of the                       can import their e-mail addresses as well
most successful businessmen in this world.                    as use the Twitter search to locate and
Twitter starts to be popular among people                     invite people. Twitter messages can be
in this world in 2007 and the popularity                      made public and sent to anyone requesting
increases day by day. The chart shows a                       the feed, or they can be sent only to
percentage of twitter users by country. US                    approve followers. That is how twitter
contribute the highest percentage of twitter                  works.
users compared with Indonesia which was
the least percentage of users.
                                                                       In this fast moving world,
                                                              everyone has an internet connection in
              Percentage of                                   their offices as well as in their homes.
             Twitter Users by                                 People have become more aware about
                 Country                                      new and advanced technologies. One of
                                                              them is Internet Phone Service Messages,
             US          Japan          UK
             Canada      Australia      China                 with this application, an individual can
             Singapore   India          Malaysia              sign in their twitter account everywhere
             Africa      Indonesia                            that they want and without any limitation
                                                              time by just using
                    4% 2% 1%
                                      23%                                 TWITTER ACCESS
         9%                                                     70%
         10%                                                    60%
                       18%                                      50%



                                                                10%                                   ACESS

        First of all before we go too far, let
we refresh on how to create an account
twitter? The very first step is an individual
needs to sign up a Twitter account at

Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society

their mobile phone. On the other hand, all                  problem. One of the positive impact of
the things in twitter like updates or                       twitter is we can connect with our friends
newscan be sent and received via cell                       as easy as that. Why do I say this? It is
phone text messaging (SMS), the Twitter                     because, we can tweet people or our
Web site or a third-party Twitter                           friends by just type any words in the box
application. As we can observe from the                     and click tweet. This action will be
bar chart, twitter users is more likely to                  automatically connecting us with our
access twitter by third party application                   friends that no longer live near us. Unlike
with a percentage of 65%. While another                     the previous year where we have to write a
25 % people use to access twitter by using                  letter and we have to pay for it just to
a short messages services (SMS) text on                     make sure that the letter is safely arrive to
mobile phone. Perhaps we can see that                       our friend. Not more than that, the receiver
people are not really                                                           which is our friend also
preferred to sign in their                                                      needs to wait for a few
twitter account using the                                                       days just to receive our
twitter website.                                                                letter. Nowadays, with
                                                                                this micro blogging
                                                                                called twitter, we can
        As we look to
                                                                                overcome our problem
ourselves, friendships are
                                                                                easily. We can tweet our
important part of our life,
                                                                                friends everyday free of
but many of us find it
                                                                                charge and it saves us a
difficult to find friends, make friends or
                                                            lot of time going to the post office and
keep friends. Life events, such as moving
                                                            buying paper , envelopes and stamps. The
to another neighbourhood, starting a job or
                                                            convenience is wonderful. Owing to that,
having a baby, can isolate us from our
                                                            many people decide to use twitter as their
former support group and make forging
                                                            alternative way to connect with their
new friendships more important than ever.
                                                            friends. Furthermore, twitter can also
Not more than that, if we have a poor
                                                            connect us with everyone around the world
social skills, it can also prevent us from
                                                            which can also allow us to make a new
taking the first step in forming a
                                                            friend. People who are interested in what
friendship, but in this modern world,
                                                            we have to say may follow us and they
twitter can helps us a lot to solve this
                                                            will see all the Tweets that we share with

Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society

them. This will automatically connect us                    and with cross-posting over other social
with our new friends.                                       networks switched on, that update reaches
                                                            everyone you want it to reach and
        Next, twitter can also give a great
                                                            probably more besides in an instant. For
advantage on business. It is because
                                                            example, artist can tweet abouttheir
obviously, twitter is a marketing platform
                                                            activities such as updates from the studio
where the main activity is sharing
                                                            when recording, updates on the
information. When we do a search related
                                                            manufacturing process and he or she can
to our business or industry, Twitter will
                                                            announce when artwork is finished, when
give us many links to websites or blogs.
                                                            the master has been approved, when
In fact, this is one of the benefits of twitter
                                                            finished copies are delivered and any other
which can urge us to learn about current
                                                            thing that they want to update instantly to
trends in our industry. We can research
                                                            their fans, reminders about release dates,
local and global trends on twitter and reach
                                                            shows and other news, updates from the
up-to-date information very conveniently.
                                                            road when he or she on tour, and they can
Also, we can search to find out about our
                                                            also update about day to day work news.
competitors’ current activities and
                                                            Conversely as a fan, an individual can
strategies and follow if their activities and
                                                            know all the recent activities of their
strategies are successful or not. We can use
                                                            favourite artist. A part from that,President
this opportunity to repeat their successful
                                                            Obama is one of the many politicians who
strategies and also watch for the chance to
                                                            use twitter to get his message out around
collaborate with them.
                                                            the world. He addresses the public about
        The other positive side of twitter is               his new campaigns, ideas and even some
its speed up our communication. Mostly,                     personal information. President Obama
we have lack of time according to work                      also has link on twitter called “Ask
and family commitments and sometimes                        Obama”, where anyone can post questions
we do not have time to make a phone call                    regarding his presidency and his staff can
or even we do not have time to write a                      choose to respond back to the questions.
short message service (SMS) to our friends                  So most probably this twitter application
but social networking sites, especially                     can help us to communicate faster than
twitter offer a chance to communicate in a                  what we expect because we can spread our
speedy and efficient manner. Writing an                     news or activity as fast as we can by just
update for Twitter takes all of 20 seconds                  using this micro blogging twitter. In

Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society

addition, with this advantage of fast                       connected 24 hours, and we have
communication, an individual can also use                   immersed ourselves in an extension of
twitter to create a connection between                      society in which privacy is not treated with
teachers and students. Students can use                     the high regard it is offline.Perhaps, twitter
twitter to ask about what is happening in                   users can happily give up personal
their school or university and they can also                information without think first what is the
ask about their assignment or homework.                     side effect if we disclose our information
A part from that, teacher or lecturer can                   detail to public. Most of us list our
also use twitter to tweet about test date or                fullname and birthday, reveal who our
dateline for an assignment to keep their                    family members are, share our work
students up to date about what is                           history, our hobbies and interests, and
happening around them. Lecturer can also                    even what we like and dislike. And we are
make use of twitter to comment or make a                    doing so without any kind of prodding or
discussion about thelessons that have been                  pushing. Actually, this kind of attitude can
taken in class to update students. In this                  lead us to danger. All the information
way, students can share their opinions, ask                 given can be used for a different purpose
a question and discuss a different answer                   that will then affect our life.Most people
with their lecturer. This may increase                      would rightly refuse to walk around with a
student’s knowledge and gives advantage                     billboard attached to their front revealing
for passive students to participate in this                 all information about their life. Yet we just
discussion as they do not participate to be                 do that on social networking sites and
engaged in a class discussion. So, we can                   people can get our information as easy as
see that, twitter can gives advantages for
both students and lecturer.

        Now let us take a look at the
negative side of twitter. As we know, from
the previous page, twitter may give us a lot
of benefits but at the same time the benefit
can also harm us if we do not use this
social networking wisely. One of them is
we will experience lack of privacy. Those                   that.

of us who are connected to the Internet are

Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society

                                                            school or university will experience us a
                                                            lot of joy. For sure we have a lot to talk
        Next, twitter also can cause a
                                                            about anything that happens in our life,
distraction to the user especially students.
                                                            stories to tell, reminiscence to bond over.
Research shows that majority student
                                                            But we may reconnect from someone that
contribute the highest percentage to twitter
                                                            we have in our life now. Recently, we
users. Like we know, students need to
                                                            always hear the news about marriages that
focus in order to achieve a higher marks or
                                                            have ended as a result of social
a good grade for their exam. Owing to that,
                                                            networking. Thus, we can definitely say
some students need to go for an extra class
                                                            that twitter can make a couple separate or
or tuition and maybe they have to allocate
                                                            even can make husband and wife divorce
some time to revise their subject. Well
                                                            because of misunderstanding. For instance,
nowadays students prefer to spend more
                                                            we can put fake information in our twitter
time on twitter rather than use their time to
                                                            account such as our status or our age. If
make a revision. Make friends with new
                                                            someone is married, they can put that they
friends and contact old friends are one of
                                                            are single. So this is perhaps the biggest
the reasons why students prefer to waste
                                                            impact that we have to face if we use
their time on twitter. This problem will
                                                            twitter or any social network in our life.
affect student studies and they will achieve
a bad result. The main reason for this                              In a nutshell, as we can see from
problem is because social networking sites                  the whole article, actually twitter has both
are some of the worst offenders. Purely                     negative impact and positive impact. As a
because they are a constant stream of news                  human being, we should know how to use
and also view from people who for the
most part, we want to listen to and we
want to always know their updates.

        Some people may feel that twitter
is the best place to find a new friend or
even to find our future husband or wife.
But irrationally, it can be harmful for us,
because twitter can also break up a
relationship. It is undeniable that
reconnecting with our old friend from

Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society

twitter wisely. We can think bad things or                  twitter-among-students-final-version
good things in our life. Twitter is a good
social network for us to stay keep in touch
with our old friends and make friends with
a new people, it can also speed our
communication without we have to pay
any amount and there is no limitation for
it, last but not least it can also benefit us in
term of business where we can find out
about our competitors activities.
Conversely, the negative impact is it can
cause a distraction, breaking up a
relationship and also give us less of
privacy which actually can lead a bad
impact in our daily life. So overall, all of
us must think first what are the
consequences and the benefit of using this
application before we involve in this
twitter phenomena.






Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir

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Application computer assgmnt on twitter

  • 1. Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society TWITTER: POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE INFLUENCE ON THE SOCIETY? TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction History Positive impact Negative impact Conclusion References I n this modern day, twitter seems like Web. a good friend to all people in this Most of the people use twitter in world. Twitter is a micro blogging their daily life but they do not know the tools that was designed as a social network history of this most popular social to keep friends and colleagues share their networking. The fact is twitter was life or interest with everybody that they launched in 2006. However, it became want. This system lets a person send brief widely used for commercial and political text messages up to 140 characters in purposes to keep customers, voters and length to a list of followers. It can fans up to date as well as to encourage alsoallow a user, A, to “follow” updates feedback. Ex-GooglerEvan Williams had a from other members who are added as start-up called Odeo. It was going to be a friend. An individual who is not a friend of podcasting platform. Evan asked his user A but follows her updates is known as friend, another ex-Googler named Biz a follower. Thus friendships can either be Stone, to join him. When Apple launched reciprocated or one-way.What is the iTunes podcasting, and made Odeo's meaning of micro blogging? Micro podcasting platform irrelevant, Evan and blogging is a new form of communication Biz and also another Odeo employee, in which users can describe their current named Jack Dorsey decided to create status in short posts distributed by instant something called Twitter instead. So we messages, mobile phones, email or the 1 Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
  • 2. Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society can conclude that Jack Dorsey was a After that, individuals founder of Twitter and he is one of the can import their e-mail addresses as well most successful businessmen in this world. as use the Twitter search to locate and Twitter starts to be popular among people invite people. Twitter messages can be in this world in 2007 and the popularity made public and sent to anyone requesting increases day by day. The chart shows a the feed, or they can be sent only to percentage of twitter users by country. US approve followers. That is how twitter contribute the highest percentage of twitter works. users compared with Indonesia which was the least percentage of users. In this fast moving world, everyone has an internet connection in Percentage of their offices as well as in their homes. Twitter Users by People have become more aware about Country new and advanced technologies. One of them is Internet Phone Service Messages, US Japan UK Canada Australia China with this application, an individual can Singapore India Malaysia sign in their twitter account everywhere Africa Indonesia that they want and without any limitation time by just using 1% 4% 2% 1% 4% 6% 23% TWITTER ACCESS 9% 70% 10% 60% 22% 18% 50% 40% 30% 20% TWITTER 10% ACESS 0% First of all before we go too far, let we refresh on how to create an account twitter? The very first step is an individual needs to sign up a Twitter account at 2 Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
  • 3. Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society their mobile phone. On the other hand, all problem. One of the positive impact of the things in twitter like updates or twitter is we can connect with our friends newscan be sent and received via cell as easy as that. Why do I say this? It is phone text messaging (SMS), the Twitter because, we can tweet people or our Web site or a third-party Twitter friends by just type any words in the box application. As we can observe from the and click tweet. This action will be bar chart, twitter users is more likely to automatically connecting us with our access twitter by third party application friends that no longer live near us. Unlike with a percentage of 65%. While another the previous year where we have to write a 25 % people use to access twitter by using letter and we have to pay for it just to a short messages services (SMS) text on make sure that the letter is safely arrive to mobile phone. Perhaps we can see that our friend. Not more than that, the receiver people are not really which is our friend also preferred to sign in their needs to wait for a few twitter account using the days just to receive our twitter website. letter. Nowadays, with this micro blogging called twitter, we can As we look to overcome our problem ourselves, friendships are easily. We can tweet our important part of our life, friends everyday free of but many of us find it charge and it saves us a difficult to find friends, make friends or lot of time going to the post office and keep friends. Life events, such as moving buying paper , envelopes and stamps. The to another neighbourhood, starting a job or convenience is wonderful. Owing to that, having a baby, can isolate us from our many people decide to use twitter as their former support group and make forging alternative way to connect with their new friendships more important than ever. friends. Furthermore, twitter can also Not more than that, if we have a poor connect us with everyone around the world social skills, it can also prevent us from which can also allow us to make a new taking the first step in forming a friend. People who are interested in what friendship, but in this modern world, we have to say may follow us and they twitter can helps us a lot to solve this will see all the Tweets that we share with 3 Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
  • 4. Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society them. This will automatically connect us and with cross-posting over other social with our new friends. networks switched on, that update reaches everyone you want it to reach and Next, twitter can also give a great probably more besides in an instant. For advantage on business. It is because example, artist can tweet abouttheir obviously, twitter is a marketing platform activities such as updates from the studio where the main activity is sharing when recording, updates on the information. When we do a search related manufacturing process and he or she can to our business or industry, Twitter will announce when artwork is finished, when give us many links to websites or blogs. the master has been approved, when In fact, this is one of the benefits of twitter finished copies are delivered and any other which can urge us to learn about current thing that they want to update instantly to trends in our industry. We can research their fans, reminders about release dates, local and global trends on twitter and reach shows and other news, updates from the up-to-date information very conveniently. road when he or she on tour, and they can Also, we can search to find out about our also update about day to day work news. competitors’ current activities and Conversely as a fan, an individual can strategies and follow if their activities and know all the recent activities of their strategies are successful or not. We can use favourite artist. A part from that,President this opportunity to repeat their successful Obama is one of the many politicians who strategies and also watch for the chance to use twitter to get his message out around collaborate with them. the world. He addresses the public about The other positive side of twitter is his new campaigns, ideas and even some its speed up our communication. Mostly, personal information. President Obama we have lack of time according to work also has link on twitter called “Ask and family commitments and sometimes Obama”, where anyone can post questions we do not have time to make a phone call regarding his presidency and his staff can or even we do not have time to write a choose to respond back to the questions. short message service (SMS) to our friends So most probably this twitter application but social networking sites, especially can help us to communicate faster than twitter offer a chance to communicate in a what we expect because we can spread our speedy and efficient manner. Writing an news or activity as fast as we can by just update for Twitter takes all of 20 seconds using this micro blogging twitter. In 4 Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
  • 5. Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society addition, with this advantage of fast connected 24 hours, and we have communication, an individual can also use immersed ourselves in an extension of twitter to create a connection between society in which privacy is not treated with teachers and students. Students can use the high regard it is offline.Perhaps, twitter twitter to ask about what is happening in users can happily give up personal their school or university and they can also information without think first what is the ask about their assignment or homework. side effect if we disclose our information A part from that, teacher or lecturer can detail to public. Most of us list our also use twitter to tweet about test date or fullname and birthday, reveal who our dateline for an assignment to keep their family members are, share our work students up to date about what is history, our hobbies and interests, and happening around them. Lecturer can also even what we like and dislike. And we are make use of twitter to comment or make a doing so without any kind of prodding or discussion about thelessons that have been pushing. Actually, this kind of attitude can taken in class to update students. In this lead us to danger. All the information way, students can share their opinions, ask given can be used for a different purpose a question and discuss a different answer that will then affect our life.Most people with their lecturer. This may increase would rightly refuse to walk around with a student’s knowledge and gives advantage billboard attached to their front revealing for passive students to participate in this all information about their life. Yet we just discussion as they do not participate to be do that on social networking sites and engaged in a class discussion. So, we can people can get our information as easy as see that, twitter can gives advantages for both students and lecturer. Now let us take a look at the negative side of twitter. As we know, from the previous page, twitter may give us a lot of benefits but at the same time the benefit can also harm us if we do not use this social networking wisely. One of them is we will experience lack of privacy. Those that. of us who are connected to the Internet are 5 Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
  • 6. Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society school or university will experience us a lot of joy. For sure we have a lot to talk Next, twitter also can cause a about anything that happens in our life, distraction to the user especially students. stories to tell, reminiscence to bond over. Research shows that majority student But we may reconnect from someone that contribute the highest percentage to twitter we have in our life now. Recently, we users. Like we know, students need to always hear the news about marriages that focus in order to achieve a higher marks or have ended as a result of social a good grade for their exam. Owing to that, networking. Thus, we can definitely say some students need to go for an extra class that twitter can make a couple separate or or tuition and maybe they have to allocate even can make husband and wife divorce some time to revise their subject. Well because of misunderstanding. For instance, nowadays students prefer to spend more we can put fake information in our twitter time on twitter rather than use their time to account such as our status or our age. If make a revision. Make friends with new someone is married, they can put that they friends and contact old friends are one of are single. So this is perhaps the biggest the reasons why students prefer to waste impact that we have to face if we use their time on twitter. This problem will twitter or any social network in our life. affect student studies and they will achieve a bad result. The main reason for this In a nutshell, as we can see from problem is because social networking sites the whole article, actually twitter has both are some of the worst offenders. Purely negative impact and positive impact. As a because they are a constant stream of news human being, we should know how to use and also view from people who for the most part, we want to listen to and we want to always know their updates. Some people may feel that twitter is the best place to find a new friend or even to find our future husband or wife. But irrationally, it can be harmful for us, because twitter can also break up a relationship. It is undeniable that reconnecting with our old friend from 6 Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir
  • 7. Twitter: Positive Or Negative Influence On The Society twitter wisely. We can think bad things or twitter-among-students-final-version good things in our life. Twitter is a good • social network for us to stay keep in touch 2011-04-13/tech/29957143_1_jack- with our old friends and make friends with dorsey-twitter-podcasting a new people, it can also speed our communication without we have to pay any amount and there is no limitation for it, last but not least it can also benefit us in term of business where we can find out about our competitors activities. Conversely, the negative impact is it can cause a distraction, breaking up a relationship and also give us less of privacy which actually can lead a bad impact in our daily life. So overall, all of us must think first what are the consequences and the benefit of using this application before we involve in this twitter phenomena. REFFERENCES: • gative-impact-social-networking-sites- society-opinion/ • sitive-impact-social-networking-sites- society-opinion/ • sicpromotion/ht/twitterformusic.htm • 7 Nurul Balqis Bt Mohd Nasir